Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
If I had to guess, with what I have seen of Trump, I’d assume he wanted to get the best medicines, to show the country that after a couple of days, you can be back on your feet with this virus, to quell all the panic-stirrers. His doctor may have said, if we are going to give you Regeneron’s antibodies, and Remdesivir together, (which probably hasn’t been seen much, though it would seem likely to be safe) he wanted him in a hospital for close monitoring, and Trump said, “Let’s do it.” President Trump may even have wanted to be sure he was in tip top shape for the debate in two weeks, with time to spare, so I would expect in a couple of days, President Trump is heading back home, and a few days after that he tests negative.
President Trump is feeling well, but was flown to Walter Reed as a precautionary measure.
President Trump is asymptomatic and will “absolutely” be ready before the next presidential debate against Joe Biden, his former White House physician, Dr Ronny Jackson told “Fox & Friends” on Friday. Still pray for him daily. There have actually been studies showing prayer affects outcomes, if you do not believe. Though even then, you should probably look into the Apostles, and ask what motivated them for your own well being.
Kellyanne Conway announces she tested positive for COVID-19.
Biden campaign says it is, ‘hard to see’ the next debate happening after President Trump’s Chinavirus diagnosis. Don’t they wish.
Utah Sen. Mike Lee tests positive for Coronavirus.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tests positive for the Chinavirus.
Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien has tested positive for Covid-19. Presuming everyone will recover completely, it is probably better this happen now, than have everyone of importance to the campaign need to be quarantined at a critical moment like the final run-up to the election.
DC legal chatter says a member of the Mueller team has ‘flipped’ for Durham.
Vox Day linked in here, about the fact there may be some sort of organization, which most people don’t know about, deciding who goes where in society to some degree. In the comments, there was one commenter, who in several comments said the following condensed blurb, which I just wanted to address, in the event any here misunderstand my position on the issue:
I’ve read it’s called an “autoconspiracy.” No midnight meetings of cowled individuals in a cave, but a group of like minded people with a lot of spontaneous organization, but also a lot of hive mind activity, like every time we see them turn on a dime and declare we have always been at war with Eastasia, taking cues from each other, nowadays sped up tremendously by technology.
One of the reasons I avoid AC after he developed this 3rd of his idée fixe is that in his worldview we’re already living in a lethal covert version of Nineteen Eighty-Four and there is no hope.
But fighting autoconspiracies? Well, we’ve got our own, and they can get very real very fast when things get serious, as you can see for example in Red state disaster situations…
If you want a hope for success in this world, the Deep State simply can’t be as omniscient, omnipotent, omnicompetent, and omnipresent as AC believes it to be.
To expand on all those points beyond the counterfactuals I previously mentioned having debated with AC, real omniscience, and especially the omnipresence he claims of agents of the Deep State embedded everywhere in everything fails hard to math if simple human means are being used. Omnicompetence and omnipotence, ha! Seeing them flail so hard against Trump for such pathetic results should put such notions to rest, and the only way they can “win” this election is by burning down the very establishment which exercises their limited power, and protects them from our wrath.
And now that you’ve got me thinking along this line and using that sort of description of AC’s perception of our Deep State, it’s by definition very close to being supernatural.
To expand on all those points beyond the counterfactuals I previously mentioned having debated with AC, real omniscience, and especially the omnipresence he claims of agents of the Deep State embedded everywhere in everything fails hard to math if simple human means are being used. Omnicompetence and omnipotence, ha! Seeing them flail so hard against Trump for such pathetic results should put such notions to rest, and the only way they can “win” this election is by burning down the very establishment which exercises their limited power, and protects them from our wrath.
And now that you’ve got me thinking along this line and using that sort of description of AC’s perception of our Deep State, it’s by definition very close to being supernatural…
A lot of this doesn’t require the grand and impossible conspiracy AC believes in (he cannot explain how authors like Peter Schweizer get published by the Big 5, or while I didn’t debate him on this, why publishers like Regnery are still allowed,
I want to be clear, I do not believe what I am looking at is omnipresent, or supernatural in its day to day. I’ve been clear, most people will only get a few days of coverage, maybe only every few years. But I should emphasize, it does strive to know everyone, and it will try to control.
Disputatious comments like this, especially from a guy who chooses an unusual phrase from a Sherlock Holmes story I have watched innumerable times in TV form (and a phrase I researched out of curiosity), would have bothered me when I was promoting r/K Theory, because r/K was a simple logical progression. I would get frustrated when people failed to follow simple logic to where it led. Such a comment here does not bother me though, because I have been just like him, not so long ago, and I know I probably could not have made this jump, let alone developed an “idée fixe,” had I not seen it firsthand. I do my best here to describe what it is like, to literally stop the car for five minutes, and where there would normally be five or six cars moving through the parking lot over the five minutes, you have literally a few hundred different cars, bumper to bumper in both directions, drive past you slowly in two long lines, some trailing landscaping trailers, some pulling motorhomes, even moving vans, going through the grocery store parking lot slowly, before pulling out the other side and returning to their normal duties – just to fuck with your head. Or to have both neighbors moved out in a week, and realize five or six houses around you are suddenly them a year later. Or the messages from IP’s halfway around the globe, telling me to be careful, as if I am under threat (something which if they were competent in the least, from all they have on me, they should have known would have driven an uncontrollable fight reflex.)
What that, and all the other things, from the line work on the poles, to the Congressman calling, to the Police drivebys and staged scenarios, to reporters you see on TV driving next to you, what it shows you, is there is a central command and control that picked you and deployed all those assets.
It is not a random auto-conspiracy in a few, isolated small areas, each operating independently until they cross paths. It is the accretion of intelligence operations, trying to infiltrate and compromise each other, over decades, and probably centuries, which produces a single command and control that holds sway over them all. It is the growth of that command and control to occupy positions of power that are useful, or could pose a threat. It seems counter intuitive that this thing would grow so large and complex, but it is counter-intuitive in the same way that complex, multicellular humans capable of not just understanding, but actually discovering Quantum Mechanics, would gradually emerge out of the set-it-and-forget-it, lifeless mechanism of atoms that is our world is.
Understand, if I am right, and you promote the “autoconspiracy” meme and people buy it over the truth, you will have single-handedly defeated any future attempt by any future group of freedom fighters to stand up to this thing, because you will have blinded them to it.
Now the only thing he said which does bother me is this – “If you want a hope for success in this world, the Deep State simply can’t be as omniscient, omnipotent, omnicompetent, and omnipresent as AC believes it to be.” I have never said they are omnicompetent, or omniscient. Quite the opposite, I have said many people only get in-person for a few days a year, or every few years. And the neighborhood observation post is tuning the tech each night, like radio stations, through the different houses, looking for anything interesting, because I am sure they can’t listen to everyone all the time. And i maintain they need the conspiracy to destroy the meritocracy, because they are not on the same level as the people they are oppressing. They need the secrecy, and for people to not know about the surveillance, because if it were revealed, it is gone, overnight. As we have seen, Strzok et all were astonishingly incompetent. But they have one major advantage – people can’t believe such a thing is possible. Because of that belief, they have been able to assemble an astonishingly massive machine. And yet it appears run by rubes, with a very weak understanding of how tenuous their position is, or how badly they need to avoid exposure.
As a result it can be defeated. But this is vital – we need everyone to know what is out there. And what we believe is out there can’t be based on us wanting to have it easy if we need to fight it off. Nor should you take what I say as a blackpill, saying there is no hope. Rather, I try to spread this so people will be able to adapt tactics and have a chance if and when the final conflict with this thing happens, and maybe even avoid the conflict by exposing it now.
As an example of the weaknesses that compromise this thing, if Cabal has evolved a tech-intensive way of monitoring all movement in an area (as they have in many areas), then you may actually have a better chance of succeeding in an attack simply by blowing the power to the area and running a spark-gap to block comms for the ground surveillance which will close in to fill the gap. They evolved to rely on that tech and that ground operation, and now it is gone. Moreover a large portion of their manpower, dedicated to watching that area, is now sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while you are running around causing havoc. I don’t know if they have a back-up plan for it, but any backup plan has to be vastly inferior and poorly practiced.
And then, you may actually be able to find observation posts based on an analysis of where backup power generation goes online nearby. Now you went from behind the eight ball to in front of it, because they are not ready for what happens if they are compromised. If Aviation is as prominent as I say, you may need a 50 cal if you are going somewhere, and you may want to plan an exfil route based on losing overhead coverage too. Do you want to understand that before you go out, or do you want to have more hope, and think the fight will be easier, and aviation and tech monitoring won’t be a thing because it is too unlikely anyone in a government of $5,000 toilets would expend that much money, outfit all the poles, and create such a machine?
Best of all, if we out the full surveillance architecture now, and get it into the courts and before the public before Hillary begins setting up the camps run by the newly deputized Antifa – if we get it taken down and everyone saddled with enough shame over it that it will be limited severely in its deployment going forward, maybe they won’t set the camps up to start with. Maybe they will pull back and there won’t even be a conflict. Getting the surveillance taken down now via legal and public relations means is probably the most complete victory we could attain, and it is also the easiest and the lowest cost right now, if we could just find a way to do it through the legal system. Know how close we were, know we are not out of the woods yet, and understand what is at stake. We are looking at an exact replay of pre-WWII Germany, and we are not the Nazis in that script, Antifa is.
Finally, I admit I half ass a lot here, as this site eats up pretty much every spare moment now. When he said Schweitzer, I admit I didn’t bother to look too closely into him or debate the point because I assumed he was in the network, and was controlled opposition. That is how it works, and I wasn’t going to chase down every person somebody pointed to as an outlier to prove every case fit, if I could assume it did. And he didn’t raise any flags in my view which said Schweitzer was out of the network (certainly not the big five publishing contract). Now that I look into him, he wrote for National Review, and did a book with Casper Weinberger. Casper was SecDef under Reagan, I believe when Reagan ordered strikes on Iran twice, and then had to sit back and watch as they just never happened (supposedly because Iran was established by Cabal as a rogue state to turn it into a denied area American intelligence would have difficulty penetrating). He apparently never fixed that from his perch at DOD, so either he was a part of it, or he wasn’t going to get in its way. I have zero doubt I could go to Schweitzer, show him my archive of video, explain to him how I would expose the surveillance state, and he would not be of any help, and would get the fuck away from me. The only thing I do not know is if it was because he would fear the machine (and thus was complicit in allowing it to persist), or whether he is a loyal member who would run to a command and report what he heard. Likewise, Regnery was created because if there was no Regnery, Castalia House would have filled the void, and they wouldn’t have controlled Castalia House.
Again, among the pages linked here, you will notice in one case someone in the comments was familiar with the Bulgarian neighborhood I profiled the Streetview tour of, and he looked himself and noted that what I said was unusual, was in fact unusual, based on him walking those streets as a resident. So I, from halfway across the world, could look solely at 50 or 70 google streetview pics of a place I have never been, and tell you – what you see there is not always there because it is ground surveillance, all off a handful of static pictures of maybe fifteen cars and ten pedestrians. I went to Alaska, and could show you the house of an operator, and the fact vehicular disappeared as you were in sight of it, because the house was taking command of the google car. I can now tell you probably with 70% probability, from pictures, whether the surveillance in the pictures I see is Iranian, Russian, American, Finnish, or Sri Lankan, just from how they run it and what it looks like. Iranians like motorbikes. Russians like to park the car, get out, and be walking to or from it as you pass. Americans hit intersections as you do, probably often guided by overhead coverage. Finns are big on dropping pedestrians ahead of you and getting the cars out of sight (is that euro global warming bullshit forcing them to use one car filled with five pedestrians? IDK). How much do you think I have seen in my life, to have been taken from normie level, to that level of perception? How much more do you think I see when I am live in an arena, looking at the world around me? How much do you think I see every day? I have seen shit, because there is shit out there. Now I, as a relatively unimportant person can see this. It appears it is out there. And there are all the other anecdotal stories I cite here, even the fucking Governor of New York holding a press conference in front of all his media, and saying openly, “This shit just came in my office and told me it owned me because it had 30 years of surveillance on me,” and not a single reporter or news organization – NOT A FUCKING ONE – will even hint any of it might even vaguely have a scintilla of truth to it, even after it killed Michael Hastings (and they know). How do you keep a secret that big? You have to control ALL the outlets, and minimize/ostracize any one which mentions this. Just like the amount of control needed to safely kill Epstein, without risking getting caught – you need it all, or so much it is practically it all. In for a penny, in for a pound. And you get that control through a large intelligence operation that is moving the pieces on the game board across the nation. Q said, this thing is bigger than you could believe. That was not hyperbole. It has been growing for decades, if not centuries, if not even longer.
If it wasn’t that big, Brian Mancini would be a bigger name, and we would mourn him as a national martyr to freedom. All the cop shootings where the shooters were created by this thing would be stories, and cops would be pissed. Governor Patterson’s blackmail would have been investigated by someone. And our entire intelligence apparatus wouldn’t have been spying on the President, while he was President, with the purpose of removing him, and thinking they would suffer no consequence. and some reporter somewhere, in one major outlet would do a gangbuster piece asking, “Is it possible some of these people are not crazy, and there really is a big thing like this hidden in the nation?”
But don’t see a blackpill when I write this, because it isn’t. Understand how extreme and risky what they are doing is, and how they are only willing to do it because of this machine. Check out my Q-book, which is still free. Epstein is trafficking and abusing twelve year old triplet girls, ripped from their family, and trafficked to him from France. Ghislane is trolling Jon Benet Ramsey Beauty Pageants, looking for meat. They have pedophiles established openly in the highest positions of power, protected by the AGs. Pelosi and the democrats have some weird rogue biotech research straight out of the Umbrella Corp going on which credible people think may be related to cloning, maybe to extend their own lives by sacrificing clones they grow for organs or blood. They are spying on everyone, in their most private moments, at one time or another. Look at how Biden is ripping the country off, and groping kids. Look at the organized destruction of America and everything we hold dear. Look at the victimization of our children, and the degeneracy foisted on them to fuck them up. Selling our spies out overseas, sacrificing our most sensitive technology and national security secrets, getting cops and military personnel killed just for their own power and comfort. They are a hair away from being in really deep shit.
Now understand these are not courageous and selfless people willing to sacrifice, or even die if need be, to destroy America. Hillary, Schumer, Obama, Soros, Comey, McCabe, Strzok – none of them are going to sacrifice for their cause. These people only have the balls to do all of this because they feel entirely protected, and it is this machine that entirely protects them. Take the machine down now, and maybe you also can stop all this other bullshit, like literal re-education camps we are going to be sent to – and we can stop it before it even begins. But to do that, you have to see the machine, recognize it, and be open telling others about it.
That is what I am trying to do for those who read this. Don’t believe me about this machine. I don’t expect you to. But accept the possibility I might be right, however small you judge that possibility. Then keep your eyes open for what I describe, so if you see this firsthand, and realize it is out there yourself, you can become a part of the inevitable exposure of this, and the freeing of the nation, and the restoration of our national destiny. Because at the end of the day, for most of you, as with me, the only way you will ever make the jump to believing, and developing the “Idee Fixe” you should have, is seeing it firsthand. I understand that. So grasp I am not telling you about this to inform you of it or make you believe. I am writing what I write here to open your eyes, so you can see it yourself one day, and understand firsthand. This is important. Then when you see it, ask why all these other, bigger voices you listen to, who should know, will not even mention anything related to it. Bring it up with them, and see what they say. And when you do, and they clam up, understand what you are learning about the world.
As we approach two years since the investigation into the former archbishop of Washington, D.C. Theodore McCarrick, Catholics are still waiting for the report to be released. Reasonable people should be able to agree, pedophiles need to be locked up and punished. Yet how many times do we see them not only covered up, but allowed into positions of power and protected?
Mexico’s President suggests the new migrant caravan is timed to influence the U.S. Presidential election. Again, central control, linking the US and Central American operations somehow. Not two isolated auto-conspiracies.
Chelsea Clinton slams Ivanka for being ‘complicit’ in her father’s ‘racism, sexism, lies, and corruption.’ It is weird to see somebody who seemed a friend, but who was always playing you. This is what the conspiracy has wrought.
Firearm microstamping bill signed by Gov. Newsom.
NYC’s crime wave reaches new height as this year’s murder tally surpasses all of 2019.
John Hickenlooper praises China as a ‘great nation’ deserving of American support. And somehow, money will flow into his relative’s accounts.
Downtown Portland jewelry store intends to sue city for handling of protests.
A team of University of Arkansas physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing graphene’s thermal motion and converting it into an electrical current. Interesting. Heat to electrical energy, albeit not in immense quantities. But these things have a way of progressing.
Michigan Supreme Court strikes down Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency powers – so no more lockdown.
Former astronauts endorse Martha McSally, and denounce Mark Kelly’s radical agenda.
U.S. created 661,000 jobs in September, as unemployment falls to 7.9%.
A majority of voters think Biden has used his political career to enrich his family and friends.
Rush Limbaugh offers POTUS his show for radio rallies.
IBD/TIPP poll shows a three point shift toward Trump within a week.
I do not understand Why President Trump is being treated with anything experimental, when hydroxychloroquine and other remedies have proven quite successful And those remedies have been around for a very long time and can be trusted. I pray his doctors and his caregivers can be trusted.
Cinderella the deplorable I never said this, I don’t think, but that’s an excellent user name.
Thanks for everything you do here,
I live in the UK. It’s one of the most surveillance saturated places on the planet. I’d love to hear a couple of insights into how UK surveillance operates… (you mentioned differences between Iran, Russia etc.)
Oi, you have a loicense for that comment mate?
On “Autoconspiracies”, it is extremely easy for a more sophisticated organization to link down to a less sophisticated one and take all of it’s intel and info and control it. And structures are built to achieve this. The FBI can know what is going on, to very high precision, in any Law enforcement agency, like your local police department. That means the coup plotters McCabe and Strozk could control all of the Crossfire ops, and follow Trump and his people where ever they went during campaign 2016. We are talking FISA warrants to use NSA pulled data on every person in the Trump campaign and their family and their friends. Know someone who was in the Trump campaign? Well, then you are a FISA subject and your phone has been tapped, automatically, by a NSA computer. Your local PD/Sherrif’s office has probably followed you around a little, especially when Trump was in Town for a rally.
It gets deeper. Live in a Blue state? With a Democrat governor? Democrats have used foreign contractors to follow “Persons of Interest” around. You can easily be a Civilian Trump supporter who owns their own business, donate to the Trump campaign, and have real Chinese intel UP YOUR ASS BIGLY if you live in a state like California, Virginia or Washington. There was an entire scandal around the Israeli unit BLACK CUBE, a few years ago. Dems and Neocucks don’t care, if someone is important and there is risk, they get bribed. If it’s interesting to them they put out a contract on you.
And that doesn’t include all of the normal SHITTY stuff that Liberals do. Ever tried to get a University job as a White man, even being liberal, but maybe not liberal enough? Ever tried to get a job at a tech company run by Yidiots, Bindi’s or Chinks? Ever had to put up with a Liberal af girlfriend? Now, think to yourself, how is it that those assholes always have money, get Federal monies for their orgs? You are no different from Cattle, being fenced in, herded and eventually shipped to the butcher.
What opened my eyes was drug use. In college I saw and knew of rampant drug use by the very liberal students there. Marijuana, Ex, Acid and all types of pills where regularly used. Guys would just “obtain” the stuff. Like candy at a convenience store. No arrests. No police investigations with LEO’s coming around asking Q’s. These where rich kids, jersey kids, Yidiot children etc. etc. I just chalked it up to liberals being liberals and rule breaking dems getting plush jobs in universities, PD’s and local gov’s in these Blue areas. What I also noticed was sophisticated foreign students around too, with electronics blinking in and out as spyware was uploaded and constant hacks were happening. Even of university systems, even ones effecting grades. But smalltime drug users and dealers in innercity or downtrodden areas? Those guys are found, caught and punished almost perfectly. Ask yourself who leaves a bigger trail, who leaves more evidence? LE is more than capable of policing the heck out of Liberal universities but it is never done.
It gets deeper to with College admissions and scandals around that. Then convenient deaths. Then areas always awash in foreigners.
No this is all connected, because the RESULTS are connected. The system doesn’t give one group of people a Full House, another group a Pair and your group Zilch, everytime, until the day you die. Odds don’t work like that. Life for these TI’s (which is every non-cucked, non-foreign right winger) has worse odds than a Casino, with the mechanisms barely, but positively detected. The motive is also clear as well. Nope, this is a giant conspiracy, with ringleaders at the top and their control has grown tremendously over the last 20 years.
That’s why it took a non-cucked, non-foreign, Right wing Man, who became independently wealthy 50+ years ago to expose it. He is not owned, He is a fighter and he loves America. And he saw that it was near impossible for a guy like him to come up or rise in this day, probably because of stuff that happened to his sons. Thankfully for us, that man ran for President and won.
Great comment.
Yidiot is a great word fren, going to steal that.
You disappeared for awhile, Lembrador. Glad you’re back. Wondered if you were taken out. HaHa
Thanks fren, you too!
No blog for me fren, I have no opsec to pull it off, and it would leave me vulnerable to certain plays I don’t want to expose myself to right now.
But I’m compiling a list of verifiable facts about the JQ with links to the archive sites and links to archived pictures so people can get a big redpill resource that enables them to quickly copy and paste the source to verifiable facts regarding the issue, and it will be very organized and neat and ctrl+f searchable, and have big autistic graphs for posting on the chans/kun and some smaller ones to post on twatter/GAB, and have text pasta for use on blogs too.
Basically it’s a resource to enable people to do what I do with the least amount of effort for them, so the JQ redpills can spread even faster as we accelerate towards a fully redpilled on the JQ gen pop. It’s important to archive everything and have the capacity to instantly prove that your claims are factual and verifiable, that’s how we turn the efforts of the enemy against itself (people will see the enemy lying and getting caught doing it over and over again).
Brooke Baldwin at CNN was booted off the air until after election day. Either she turned down giving sexual favors to a Cabal Capo or she is going after someone in the club for sexual harassment. Then she posts a long message that is pro-CNN as an organization, of course not realizing that CNN is part of something much larger and she just ran afoul of it. Liberal or not, it’s not about the organizations you are apart of if those are fronts for Cabal. Cabal is the organization, not CNN. That is where Brooke has screwed up. She thinks it’s all just CNN. She screwed her way in the door and up the ranks not realizing the bigger machine out there- she lived life in a privileged bubble not realizing it. But that bubble is going to pop. Her tenure at CNN is probably permanently over, and her coverage will increase- to drive her “crazy” so that she can be driven to “suicide” if she persists in whatever action she is- or isn’t taking. They at CNN will say Brooke, who they’ve known for over a decade, was troubled and killed herself from election stress. Then they will go about reading the “news” cheerfully, as if she never existed.
AC, here is my question: how do you build a top down, military style intelligence operation out of selfish, weak, r-selected leftists who are all programmed to betray their ingroup? It would be a sand castle washed away by the first tide, not an organization that could sustain itself for centuries.
> Understand, if I am right, and you promote the “autoconspiracy” meme and people buy it over the truth, you will have single-handedly defeated any future attempt by any future group of freedom fighters to stand up to this thing, because you will have blinded them to it.
I am not a Biblical Expert, but AFAIK there is nothing about intelligence operations in the Bible. Why do you think that is?
> Finally, I admit I half ass a lot here, as this site eats up pretty much every spare moment now.
This is because you are wasting too much time reading propaganda. The whole point of the system is to overload your mind with pointless battlefield reports. For example, you did not even question how the fuck 10 different Republicans all tested positive for COVID on the same day after months.
Try harder, Moses literally sends a dozen spies into the land of Canaan. Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca disguise themselves at various points throughout Genesis. Numerous Israelite kings also accuse many of being spies arrayed against them, as if dealing with spies was normal for them. Intel and Psyops are all over the Bible.
So this is interesting, Rex, and now that you mention it I remember being quite disgusted about Abraham and Sarah, or Jacob stealing Esau’s inheritance, and so on. But they don’t seem like all-powerful intelligence networks that must be battled (or used) for the sake of worldly freedom.
Also, I personally mostly ignore the Old Testament. Do Jesus or Paul say anything about this?
I would read the OT message more like “Nobody is perfect”. Jesus Christ (who is perfect) and the Apostles mostly talk about repentance and redemption, so that is a clue too.
We should rely on God to see us through, when we are righteous, meek and humble. When people try to be overly cunning that can lead to wickedness and they rely on worldly things and not the spiritual. Our Father in Heaven will preserve his children, that much is true.
Cabal is just too big right now, and too meddlesome. Any intel you get they will get. So running your own intel op is stupid because it is just Cabal’s intel op. Anything cunning you do and they will outsmart you. But, if you keep your Faith, and listen to the Holy Ghost, you will be nudged in the right direction, without needing intel guys. Because the Right is so bad at networking it is dumb to try to fight Cabal openly, at least right now. Because where do you go, who do you arrest? We’ve got the FBI covering up everything they get a hold of. Rumors of arrests so on and so on. I will tell you this, if Trump isn’t re-elected it means Q lost or if we reach 2025 and there is no storm then Q lost as well. Then it will be duck and cover time because the U.S.A. is coming down, 30 minutes or less style.
Let God and the Holy Spirit be your intel outfit. That will really drive Cabal nuts. It will bear a witness of the Holy Spirit to them and thus condemn them if they reject HIM and don’t repent. I honestly don’t know what could make people so evil, and so pervasive. They are the people of the lie, a doomed kingdom of liars. Leave that kingdom, take no part in it.
We live in Cabal’s fishbowl that they’ve built for us. But Cabal lives in God’s fishbowl. Cabal will taunt us, but, Cabal will die in this generation. Be there to witness it.
see miles mathis updates page about the original spooks, the Phoenicians. either you are slow, or are trying to be too clever by half. / and it seems OGE may just be doing an op himself, and people are just being secreted away for their own safety.
I’ve read Mathis. He thinks pi is equal to four. He does understand that the power structure in the world is not what it seems, but his version is about as accurate as CNN, which is why, if I had to guess, I’d say he’s disinformation.
IMHO all of the people thinking about Cabal inductively are mostly wrong, simply because it’s so difficult to sort out the propaganda. When you start thinking deductively the basic structure falls into place quickly.
“I’ve read Mathis. He thinks pi is equal to four.”
Stopped reading right there.
You are either low intellect or a shill.
Mathis says Pi is equal to 4 IN DYNAMIC SITUATIONS.
Your attempt to make it sound like he is crazy is a failure, try harder.
I’ve read a good deal of Mathis and every single thing I’ve ever read he says something interesting and then as you read it it turns into a big pile of gobbledygook nonsense.
It’s very likely that he’s another one of those limited hang outs like Moldburg (we need Kings! The whole problem is the Cathedral, not the Synagogue) and his whole goal is to deflect the most pressing problem which is and will most likely always be the Jews. Until we get rid of them and deport them.
I mean “Phoenicians”, please can we get any more off track.
“AC, here is my question: how do you build a top down, military style intelligence operation out of selfish, weak, r-selected leftists who are all programmed to betray their ingroup? It would be a sand castle washed away by the first tide, not an organization that could sustain itself for centuries.”
Because those r-selected individuals are the disposable assets of the handlers of that military intelligence. They are not the actual intelligence. These are ruled by fear and greed, through blackmail and bribery. They are easy to control. Better, when they self-destruct within their in-group, they take every other leftist with them.
Right. Lembrador gets it also.
There is a post below about an Aussie whose ‘mind is blown by surveillance’. Alternative explanation: he found the Australian equivalent of the neighborhood watch. And in fact, any reports they make to the police probably filter up (at least in aggregate) to the top of the conspiracy, so on some level he isn’t wrong.
The vast majority of Cabal are unconscious members who think of themselves as Democrats who want to build a Marxist utopia, not agents of a shadowy network that is harvesting the energy of humans everywhere. LGBTQP activist X just free stuff. etc.
> Cabal is well served by using r-strategists who don’t really believe in the Myth of America anyway, and like their creature comforts.
Amy Robach doesn’t wake up in the morning and log on to CabalNet to read her instructions on what she will do to destroy America today. Neither does her handler. She just thinks ‘well, I make a lot of money doing this job, and I have to sleep with the executive once a month, and they are telling me this script is important for our network, so I’ll read it on air, but I’m a little nervous because this isn’t what I usually do’.
Conclusion: the vast majority of Cabal is not a military style intelligence network! Sure, the top 1% of it might be, but that’s probably 0.1% if not 0.01% of the population. This is important because it means that the real enemy is simply IGNORANCE. 19 year old Amy Robach would probably be horrified if she knew the chain of events she would participate in.
A few points. I am familiar with what the Aussie saw, and it watches my key strokes in real time, listens inside my house, and radio’s vehicular staged around my house, telling them to do drivebys if what I write or say goes particularly off-script. I believe I saw an invisible drone, and there are others who have seen much more, even up to invisibility suits. It is not a neighborhood watch, though your response is what everyone has been programmed to assume, and indeed, it would seem most logical if you do not factor in that the world is Darwinian, and the most ruthless, driven, extreme-psychology is what should rise to the top. Factor that in, and this suddenly makes a lot more sense.
Second, according to Q, many like Robach receive a list of talking points at 4AM using a software program Edward Snowden designed for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, called, I think, SecureDrop. Q didn’t mention Robach by name, but it would make sense to assume she is one. As for the media as a whole, I showed you one on here following a black guy as part of the surveillance. And I have zero doubt, at Robach’s level, she was only allowed in that position because they have zero doubt she will never betray the conspiracy. If you showed her what is on this site, I have zero doubt, one she knows all about it. Two, she has probably taken part in it at some point. And three, she knows she has to run cover for it.
You see this differently, once you meet the ground-level people involved and confront them about it. Their response is almost terror that you know about it. It is always shock that you brought it up, and a palpable sense of fear that they are on the spot, and that the words they choose next will be somehow decisive with respect to their future. They are not in some proactive neighborhood watch. They are in something which scares them, and which they know must be kept secret if it is to continue to subvert America.
But you are right, I don’t think the vast majority are spook-tier. The vast majority are typical informants recruited by a spook organization and trained up to operate a radio and drive or walk where they are told around who they are shown a photo of, maybe even some thinking they are serving law enforcement or a patriotic intelligence operation. But that majority is used as a tool by a very sophisticated machine, and that majority does know something is going on, it may be much worse than they have been told by their handlers, and if the rest of the majority caught on, it would be a huge fucking scandal.
But for purposes of resisting it, and describing the organization, you have to operate as if it is one, massive, homogeneous, top-tier spook outfit, because it is.
AC, here is my question: how do you build a top down, military style intelligence operation out of selfish, weak, r-selected leftists who are all programmed to betray their ingroup? It would be a sand castle washed away by the first tide, not an organization that could sustain itself for centuries.
I think cowards are perfect for that purpose, because they are controllable when it comes to doing really bad things. Think Amy Robach, describing the moment when she heard Epstein died. She had to stop talking, as tears filled her eyes and she began to choke back outright crying. When she heard Epstein was killed, she wanted to cry because she is so terrified, and controlled by the conspiracy that all she could think was that could be her, if she says the wrong thing.
When I went through High school, the only people I wouldn’t have fought was a smaller kid, or somebody I liked. Everybody else, no matter how big, I would have scrummed with, even if they’d have kicked my ass, just because I wasn’t giving anyone any control over me easily. You’d have to really earn kicking my ass. I really disliked one kid, after seeing him push around a kid who was retarded with a birth defect in gym class, and I made a note if the opportunity ever arose to escalate it with him. I wanted a piece of him, though the opportunity never happened. But I saw him get in the face of another bully who was just a little smaller than him one day, and was transfixed as the other bully, who played a tough guy with kids smaller than him, literally looked straight down at his shoes, refusing to even make eye contact as this guy berated and humiliated him. He could have made a go at it, and maybe even have taken this guy. but he chose total humiliation and submission in front of everyone, rather than just have a little fistfight.
People can be as different as night and day. And when you find real cowards, they are the people you are going to control entirely. And moreover, controlling them entirely is easy, and very low cost, because they just give you the control, just off a threat. Once they are broken, they might as well be slaves. Add in a bit of a carrot, and there is nothing they won’t do. My guess is Amy Robach has been trafficked around the elites like a prostitute when she was younger, just because I am sure Cabal could have, and it seems whatever they could do they have. Now today, they probably have a fuck ton of blackmail on her, she knows and fears the fact they could kill her at any time, and on top of it they have given her probably a multi-million dollar per year contract, so their control of her is complete. Not all of the lower levels have all that control, but they have enough. None of them want to end up the target with the whole world around them constantly launching head games, or fucking with them. Between that, and the fact it seems like the vast majority, even younger kids, are driving brand new leases all the time, and Cabal is well served by using r-strategists who don’t really believe in the Myth of America anyway, and like their creature comforts.
I like war gaming so I hope folks on the right are ready for a big election day swindle.
I think there’s a possibility of a complete internet shutdown on or immediately after Election day.
This will be done so people can’t coordinate any type of resistance. Swamp television outlets (ABC, NBC, etc) will still be running on antenna of course just like the old days. They’ll report that there’s been a cyber attack but thankfully we still have them to keep us informed. A day or two afterwards they’ll report that although the election was close, the polls were right, Biden won, and his administration will immediately get to the bottom of the cyber attack. They’ll determine the attack was Russian and war will soon follow.
How confident am I about this scenario? Not very, although if you were in their shoes it seems likely they’ll have some sort of desperate action in the works to install their candidate and hope no one rises up to put them down. Their greatest weapon is controlling the flow of information so why not use it.
Will Trump manage to use the Emergency Broadcast System to get his message out? Will he be able to force the Networks to do it? Who knows. They’ve probably been working on a deep-fake concession speech for years.
My point is that people need to decide right now what they’ll do if they see something like this happening. Meat-space is all you’ll have.
You first inclination will be to wait and see if Q is right, the Storm is happening, and arrests are taking place. This would be a big mistake imo. It’s very important to get rolling immediately. The longer an Administration is in place after election night the greater its legitimacy in normie eyes. We should be rolling in before they can announce Biden or right afterwards. If we’re wrong and it was the Storm then great. We get front row seats.
If a Trump loss is announced then Q failed and it’s all on us.
What do we do then? We’ll only be able to coordinate in meat-space for at least a couple of weeks so how do we combat this? I think first steps would be to coordinate now. Even a general understanding of action is better than assuming we’ll always have the internet to rely on.
I personally believe “mostly peaceful’ protests should start immediately in all state capitols as well as DC in particular. Vigorously exercising all of our rights while doing so as well. State and local laws encroaching on those rights as well as their enforcers can gtfo.
We should also be filming whatever we can too so if they crack down hard we can ensure they lose the moral war from the start. Beyond that let’s see where the mood takes us. After the forced humiliations we’ve been forced to endure this year I’d say the forecast is calling for maximum cuteness.
> autoconspiracy
I’ve found this comment to be useful when looking at apparent conspiracies:
“Bureaucrats in a working system don’t need to conspire. They’re like spiders
sitting at points on a community web. If one of them starts doing something
for the good of the web, it’s because conditions seem to call for it – and
those same conditions will also move other bureaucrats, whether they know the
whole story or not. It’s as if the vibrations travel along the strands of the
web, and the rest of them, following their nature, start doing what most be
done – all without any direct spider-to-spider communication whatsoever.”
— Gordon R. Dickson, “The Last Master”
*Are* there true conspiracies? Sure there are. But the trick is identifying the ones that aren’t, so they don’t sap your attention and resources.
When I first read Dickson’s comment I had just finished reading the Warren Commission Report. The Report seemed like a perfect example of independent ass-covering…
This is also known as stochastic communication in social networks. There’s no explicit communication — you see what others are doing, and a certain percentage of the network will begin performing the action as well. No overt coordination is required, because the situation tells you what to do.
Here’s the real point — meme magic works the exact same way.
> Harvey Weinstein is charged with six more counts of sexual assault involving two victims who say he raped them at the Beverly Hills hotel more than a decade ago.
And quite conveniently, the statute of limitations on sexual assault in California is 10 years.
DA publicity stunt? #Metoo wannabees? Weinstein is 68 years old and serving a 23-year sentence in New York. We’re told charges have been filed by the Los Angeles District Attorney. No honest DA or prosecutor would even consider it; it would be an absolute waste of time and money.
> Firearm microstamping bill signed by Gov. Newsom.
One stroke of a fingernail emery board, and so much for the microstamping. Or a replacement firing pin. Or even normal wear.
Or, even better, don’t live in or visit the People’s Democratic Republic of California.
CA needs Tandi (if you know about New California Republic, you’ll get it).
> Michigan Supreme Court strikes down Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency powers
So, what about all those police records generated by the arrests based on her orders, and the money stolen from the populace?
Got a lot of people walking around with a police record for something that turned out not to even have been a crime, and their wallets deflated by the fines. Not to mention the ones that saw actual lockup time over it.
What she did was a crime.
When will she be prosecuted.
Barr, I’m looking at you.
> Rush Limbaugh
He’s still around?!?!
That name hasn’t popped up in any of my news sources for… has to be years, now.
Jon Rappoport has some interesting thoughts:
> If media reports are correct, the president is receiving 2 experimental drugs: the antibody cocktail, Regeneron, and the antiviral, Remdesivir. Aside from their individual adverse effects… THESE DRUGS HAVE NEVER BEEN STUDIED FOR THEIR COMBINED EFFECTS ON A PATIENT. AND NOW THAT PATIENT…THE FIRST PATIENT RECEIVING THEM…IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
I can think of four possibilities here.
#1: Trump was always intended to be a one term President. His covid case will linger and enable Biden’s election (at minimum canceling future debates). He will be blamed for the coming stock market collapse over the next few months as the COVID economic destruction finally hits and Harris will preside over the ‘recovery’. 10%
#2: Trump was always a loose cannon caught in the war between Cabal factions (the Benjamin Fulford theory) and one or the other has decided to eliminate him. As Rappoport describes, it’s as simple as increasing the number of rounds on the PCR test (*everyone* will test positive eventually) and then giving him a bunch of experimental drugs. 15%
#3: Trump is about to launch the storm (regardless of whether this is a faction war within Cabal or not), and needs an excuse to hide in the basement. If he’s going to do it, he really has to do it before the election. 50%
#4: Trump is a member of the Medical faction of Cabal (Rockefeller/Rothschild). The test and treatment are both a sham, and their purpose is to demoralize Republicans who have been resisting the COVID scam. If elected, he will hammer mandatory vaccination (‘I don’t want anyone to have to go through what I did’ and ‘we need a $1 trillion stimulus to pay for these drugs for everyone’) 80%
Numbers add to more than 100% as they are not mutually exclusive.
I am not surprised to see an attack against you and your ideas in that Vox Popoli thread. Vox Day has linked several of your pages recently and, for awhile now, has been sailing alongside lending oblique support to several of your points about Cabal. You are helping us “see” the surveillance. Vox highlights the importance of seeing evil — discernment.
Infiltration of command and control is one key idea underlying his book Corporate Cancer. The fact that, once converged, Capital no longer acts capitalistic has been repeatedly noticed and commented upon. This aligns with your idea that things do not work like we are taught that they work. The techniques and strategies of convergence are similar to what you describe with respect to how Cabal operates — identify/promote supporters and eliminate/neutralize threats through surveillance/doxxing. Vox exposes the coordinated command structures of Antifa. Ditto with the infiltration and take over of the churches. He routinely writes about how Big Tech and Big Publishing and Hollywood act in coordinated ways. Etc.
Vox Popoli and many other websites across the internet provide data points that logically support an explanatory/predictive model that features a vast spy/snitch network. For example, how do we explain the fact that “conservative” politicians have entirely failed to conserve anything for decades now? A large spy/snitch/Kompromat network is a model that would explain the phenomenon. As Vox describes, such a network will prevent the “wrong” sorts from gaining positions of prominence (such as having an opinion column). Kompromat is the other key. Was William F. Buckley compromised by certain behavior that was socially unacceptable in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s? Was he surrounded by spies and snitches who tallied up and photographed his indiscretions? Was he given mostly free run on his leash, but would be called to heel on crucial points advancing the marxist globalist agenda? Known data point: long before the internet and ubiquitous tracking surveillance devices — cellphones — J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI had files on everyone important. The files included lots of Kompromat. Is it too difficult to imagine that whole hotels in Wash, DC are entirely wired for sound and pictures/video?
To widen the question: how do we explain the fact that “American” politicians have been disloyal to American voters for decades now? For example, NAFTA destroyed our manufacturing base and sent millions of American jobs overseas. American politicians should not be voting for such a thing. A large spy/snitch/Kompromat network is a model that would explain the phenomenon. Known data point: Sen. Diane Fienstein (Cal.) had a Chinese spy has her driver for over 20 years. If Cabal = China, then we are moving in the direction of an explanation. Another data point: Epstein’s pedo-island. How many politicians and VIPs — including Hollywood stars and university academics — are on the flight logs? How many got pics and video taken of them engaged in illegal and scandalous acts?
Keep going: A large spy/snitch/Kompromat network is one model that would explain how Gramci March Through the Institutions was accomplished and how/why it seems to have accelerated so much over the last 10-15 years. Networks like this expand geometrically. One person dedicated to the destruction of America recruits/compromises another; two recruit/comprise two more; four recruit/compromise four others; etc. This scales down too. One bad priest recruits another and two recruit two more. Get Kompromat on the Director of HR/hiring and one can easily and quickly compromise an entire corporate or government bureaucracy.
By the way, presenting this sort of argument could be a good way to start red-pilling normies about the spy/snitch network. Most are probably not too resistant to accepting that there is a Kompromat network. It is probably not too difficult to get people to accept that two or three million people might be participating in that sort of spying. Expand from there.
Thanks again, AC, for this website.
OGE says he has never spent the night in DC.
Excellent post. I am at the point I think the true, insane, SJW archetype exists, and often gets in prominent positions, but I think they are elevated for the specific reason they offer cover for these things which happen that are so counter to what you would expect. So a politician fucks over their own country, like kneecapping our manufacturing for Global Warming, allowing China to dominate that sector, and does it to a degree that they should see it cost them when we enter a depression (if they weren’t getting millions into a Swiss bank account). We would wonder, “What is he getting for that?” unless he is an SJW, in which case we think, “God they are so crazy/dumb/naive. Can’t he see Global Warming isn’t real?” or some such explanation.
A lot falls into place under that model.
Remdesivir either barely works, or doesn’t work. And the side effects are awful. I’m more worried about Trump taking Remdesivir than I am about him having COVID.
Whereas the drug that really does work is Ivermectin, but it looks like he might not be getting that one.
Details on the two drugs’ efficacy here:
Here is my experience with Regnery and the suppression of a little book that just wouldn’t stay down.
I would like to invite you and any of your contacts to
We are trying to put together a meeting place for conservative writers, publishers, agents, artists, editors etc.
I’m glad you think well enough of me that it isn’t. 🙂
“They need the secrecy, and for people to not know about the surveillance, because if it were revealed, it is gone, overnight. As we have seen, Strzok et all were astonishingly incompetent. But they have one major advantage – people can’t believe such a thing is possible. Because of that belief, they have been able to assemble an astonishingly massive machine. And yet it appears run by rubes, with a very weak understanding of how tenuous their position is, or how badly they need to avoid exposure.”
Strzok is part of a network. The intelligence comes from the network. He is like a Ford assembly line worker who has no machining or engineering skills but, through his small effort and that of others, manages to put together a very complex machine.
It really is amazing how people fight against the idea of conspiracies. Conspiracies are not startups trying to recruit strangers. Conspiracies are merely vehicles by which like-minded people find each other. The like-minded can always agree on the means, the ends, and the requirement of silence. How hard is this to understand?
Hi AC,
I have been reading your blog since late 2018. I wanted to comment on your post where a Vox Day commenter was trying to down play your observations on cabal and their spying/monitoring network. This last spring, I was reading the blog and you had a post going into some detail about how the cabal monitoring works as far as low level intel gatherers. I had never talked about your site to my wife before but after reading that post I mentioned it to her explaining what you had said. We regularly go for an evening walk on a bike path that parallels the main road into our neighborhood. On that evening as we started walking to the west a small Cessna airplane began flying a pattern. They’d fly toward the road, turn parallel to the road, then fly some distance to the northwest then west and loop back. Every time on the return leg, the plane reached the road at the point adjacent where we were on the bike path. This continued for several miles until we reached the end of the path. Normally we stop there and admire the sun setting behind the mountains. When we stopped this time the plane no longer continued moving to the west but looped so that when it reached the road it was consistently across from where we were standing. Then as we started back home the plane now flew the pattern to the east, again reaching the road at the point where we were walking. Finally, I said let’s stop and see what happens. We stood there for a good 10 minutes and the plane stayed in a pattern to always reach the road where we were standing. When we started walking again, the plane again tracked us until we reached the road to our house at which point it flew away. That experience made me a believer in what you say. I think the reason they did what they did is exactly what you’ve said many times. They do it because they can. Because they get bored and because they like to mess with people. I’m not important to any one in any way so it’s not about that. It’s because, as you’ve said, they can do it so they do it for whatever reason. In this particular instance I think they happened to be monitoring our home, heard what I said, and decided to have some fun. For context we’ve lived here for several years. I have never before or since seen any planes flying patterns around here. I’m outdoors a lot because I enjoy being outside, so I know I would have noticed if flying patterns around here was a regular occurrence.
We both know the truth. Thank you for the case report.
Chances are, I would guess, they will not fuck with you seriously, beyond the occasional head fuck, but that is an assumption based on the fact they can’t fuck a lot of people over, and I could never guarantee it.
You see why this is weird. They let people know openly they are there, with this level of penetration into our worlds. And yet, nobody wants strangers they don’t know, observing them for unknown reasons, in their most private spaces. But they don’t seem to care if you know. It also means, where they operate, life is not real. It is like a World Wrestling Federation wrestling show, where everything may be scripted, from who you meet, to where you succeed and where you fail. Why strive if the outcome is preordained?
And worse, is to see where Nazi Germany was clearly steered onto the exact same path we were on right now, probably by the same thing, with even the same names of organizations, same flags, same mottos – and it led to a world war which killed millions of our kind on beaches half a world away, fighting for only God knows what. And as if that weren’t bad enough, it looks like they may have scripted us as the losers this time.
And as bad as it may be now, it is even possible somebody even worse and more malicious and sadistic could take it over tomorrow in a hidden coup. It is sitting there, just waiting to be unleashed fully on regular America.
I don’t know what is coming, but it feels clear to me, we are heading to some sort of climax. Whether it is Q, or a sudden coup and establishment of a full dictatorship, or something else entirely, all of this is a system that is heading in a specific direction toward something.
I just hope we find out all the details. It is just too curious to be left as a mystery we take to our graves.
>”But they don’t seem to care if you know.”
Oh they will care once the protections they have going for them are taken off the table.
Always keep in mind that these people are the first line of defense for the worst criminal scum animals there are. And today, with all the redpills the people they keep under surveillance throw at them they know that that is a fact. If nazis didn’t get no quarter once they lost the war, these people should be given the same treatment (I say execute them all, the whole 10% (btw, Q talks about 4-6% being lost forever, perhaps that’s how many of them there are embedded in our societies, I hope the lost forever part means they’re going to get executed via military tribunal)).
Mike Scheuer has new new post up:
Interesting, I will give that a read.
Everyone should read all his posts, and watch all the videos of him available.
Here are some sugestions:
“Michael Scheuer Slams CNN Host Over Libya: ‘You’re Just Carrying the Water for Mr. Obama'”
“Michael Scheuer: Fareed Zakaria Knows As Much About The Middle East As My Chair”
“Michael Scheuer calls congress on their “BULLSH*T!””
There are more videos, search them up if you like.
The K. Conway link doesn’t work.
Got it. Thanks.
“Presuming everyone will recover completely, it is probably better this happen now, than have everyone of importance to the campaign need to be quarantined at a critical moment like the final run-up to the election.”
Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the path of the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.
Interesting video update from President Trump tonight. Ostensibly he’s at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in DC, right? Take a close look at the upper portion of the frame, especially towards the top of the blue flag with the eagle. It’s quite clearly moving up and down. The President may have recorded this video on a plane or ship, or perhaps even a sub.
Forgot the link to the President’s video:
Citizens Free Press has this video:
Huck is right. The horizon line on the blue flag is moving.
I’ve read AC’s stuff on surveillance including showing it through Google Streetview. But I live in suburban Melbourne Australia and have never seen it here (I do a lot of cycling, especially at the moment with the way our Dictator Daniel Andrews has us in lockdown). I like simple hypotheses to test so this morning I decided to try and prove AC wrong in my allotted 2 hours of exercise.
One of the great things about cycling is that you’re in touch with the environment around you in a way that is difficult in a car – you don’t have the background noise of an engine when moving, you’re not travelling as fast, you can sit up and look around easily. All of your senses can work unhindered. It’s one of the things I’ve always liked about cycling but also lends itself to this sort of observation. Cars going as slowly as a bicycle will stand out easily and there’s all sorts of tricks you can use to justify going slowly or stopping, forcing cars to overtake you etc.
The method I used was to try and stick to back streets as much as possible (to avoid the normal traffic that is always there on main roads) and at every intersection or decision point where I could choose from multiple directions I’d record if there was someone in a position to observe that decision. In particular I was looking for people walking/jogging close to the intersection and cars. Note that I ignored streets that were dead-ends when counting the intersections – a lot of the housing estates I rode through had heaps of short courts that didn’t seem necessary to monitor since they didn’t lead anywhere. I took a pretty cruisy pace – usually only 15km/h so I could focus on my surroundings.
I rode a total of 38km and counted 208 decision points. Of those 208, I was able to detect there was someone who could observe my choice at 144 of them (69%). It was a Sunday morning so a lot of people are out walking/mowing the lawn etc and on its own this number doesn’t prove/disprove anything. I also probably made a few mistakes as I was keeping track in my head.
The thing that got me (and I noticed VERY quickly) was how few people I observed walking were on the long stretches between intersections – it appeared that almost everyone was walking within a short distance of intersections that were a decision point. I began to focus more on riding along streets that weren’t feeder streets to observe what was happening and it became quite clear that the location of people walking was strongly biased to within a short distance of intersections that were decision points.
I also observed a lot of cars exiting their driveways as I came along. Nothing out of the ordinary here… but possibly because that’s what I’ve always seen and it appears normal, even if statistically abnormal! One time I tried a mini experiment when I noticed a path running between two streets. I went down the path but stopped at a point where there was only one house that could observe my location and then sat there for about 2 minutes. No cars went down either street during that time. I then took a bet with myself what was the chance that there would be a car pulling out of a driveway/starting up as I came onto the street. Sure enough, someone backed out of their driveway as I pulled onto that street. Proves nothing on its own, but adds to my suspicions!
Another time I had a car coming behind me as I approached a T intersection. I pulled over so they would have to go first. They turned right and I slowly followed them, but stopped on the side of the road. They came to a halt in the middle of the road about 150-200m down the road and sat there for about half a minute. It was getting weird as they hadn’t even pulled to the side – just stopped in the middle of the road with no plausible reason. Eventually a car in the house they were stopped in front of started backing out and as it came in site, they left. Over the next little while I felt like this scene from The Truman Show with cars coming from everywhere. I’m only talking about 5 cars or so, but it seemed way out of proportion! In addition, a couple of ladies came along delivering junk mail and stood at the corner across the road from me for a minute or so discussion where to go next. They had came along the street I’d just come from and I didn’t notice them. I wish I had a video camera to go back and see if I had passed them earlier!
In the 5 minutes or so I sat at that spot, I saw about 4 cars pull into or out of houses in one short section (where that first car stopped in the middle of the road). It really makes we wonder if there’s something special about that location!
It would be really interesting to do a statistical analysis of where people are walking. When you regularly go along back streets that are 500-800m long and don’t see anyone walking along the sections away from the end intersections (or only rarely) and then consistently find people within 20-50m of the intersection, you have to wonder what the odds of it are as I’m pretty sure it’s way outside what you’d expect to see!
I’m probably doomed to always notice this now – thanks AC!
Sorry about that! Excellent execution of counter-surveillance detection though. It is even more impressive, because when there are so many operatives, you can’t rely on seeing the same faces or cars. You have to be able to feel the statistical probability, and recognize when what you see violates the expected pattern. Understand some professional spies can face a small team repeating around them and miss it. You aren’t even professionally trained, and you made your coverage when ti had enough operators to never have to repeat.
But you see what I mean. It is weird. I do not think that area is special. I think any populous area is like that. Which is where it gets really weird. It means this thing was watching things like 9/11, or mass shootings, or other horrors, and hopefully they were just letting them happen. Becasue as bad as that would be, there is a real possibility those events were planned, and this was running support, and not coverage.
And yes, I watch scenes from the Truman Show on TV, and it is very disturbing. There is something weird going on.
Thank you for the case report.
The biggest barrier to identifying it is it appears normal precisely because it _is_ normal – that’s exactly what I’m used to seeing all the time. It’s only because I focused on counting and noticing people at the intersections that I started noticing their absence in the same numbers elsewhere.
Even now, in spite of being red-pilled and a long-time reader of this blog, my brain is struggling to accept the reality of what I’ve seen! The sheer magnitude of what is required to pull this off is extraordinary and beggars belief.
Now I want to refine the experiment so I can get someone else to do it for themselves and to begin to recognise what’s going on. I’ll definitely report back any success. If anyone else has any success/ideas I’d love to hear about it!
When I first saw it, it was so disorienting one of the possibilities I threw in the possibility Matrix was this whole planet being some sort of alien experiment. I can’t say and subsequent evidence pointed to that, so it is still an extremely low possibility. But the whole thing does make me wonder if the economic system is a meme of some sort, with normies chasing after dollars, thinking they represent value, and some elites just printing them off whenever they want to buy something.
Also, understand, everyone is under it, so whatever you are bothered by, the difference between you and everyone else is you saw it. Don’t get freaked about the idea of any particular intrusion that is occurring to you, because it is occurring to us all.
Of course the other interesting thing is, you think FBI Counter-Intel is the elite of domestic intel, chasing spies and preventing espionage. But the reality is there can be no spying with this – anywhere – especially since this can focus on things that are interesting, like spies/officers and agents/assets, making what you saw anemic by comparison. Whether it is the US, or Australia, or China, or Britain, this is there. So spying is a meme. Whatever this is, it lets it happen when it wants it to, like the CIA spy ring in China they rolled up under Obama, and shuts it down when it does not, like Pollard, or any other case they prevent. So there is a super-organization out there moving the pieces on a global scale, and the elites of the elites at FBI don’t even seem to know about it.
The whole thing is a mystery wrapped in an enigma.
Here is an interesting traffic analysis exercise maybe someone wants to try.
Deliver flyers to mailboxes to people’s homes on foot around a neighborhood on a weekday…at midnight.
What does the traffic look like then?
Yes. I first noticed that when I would take garbage out late at night, just as I approached the street, I’d hear a car bottom out and rev its engine as it raced down a steep incline, hit the main road, and rushed to catch me. I went so late at night there should never have been any cars, but every time, there it was.
You want a real good one, strap on a tool belt loaded with wire snips, pliers, and screw drivers, and take a 3/4 lb hand sledge hammer and a ladder, go out to the pole with the most shit on it in your neighborhood, put the ladder up against it, climb up, and begin beating on the wooden pole just below the lower level of wires, as if you are breaking something. It is vaguely possible somebody might come out for a look.
Love the idea of some (very) late night exercise. Now that our curfew has been dropped that’s a great idea!
>”Also, understand, everyone is under it, so whatever you are bothered by, the difference between you and everyone else is you saw it. Don’t get freaked about the idea of any particular intrusion that is occurring to you, because it is occurring to us all.”
Yep. What bothers me about all of this shit it’s the fact that it’s being used to protect the elite pedos and child traffickers, and that gets me angry if I allow it (I use it in as a trigger in my self-mastery exercises to trigger extreme anger and rage states).
NJ Hypnotist Charged With Sex Assault for Allegedly Subjecting Patients to Prostate Exams
Are there any non-cabal hypnotherapists?
I was thinking about Scientology, and the hatred they have for psychologist and psychiatrists. I never understood it ten years ago. But now, they were right.
Trump Bans Chinese Communist Party Members from Immigrating to America
Farcesensitive. Image has been removed. It has a “Zoinks” page, whatever that is.
Imgur is acting strange lately.
You have to copy the url and put it in your browser manually so it doesn’t drop the .png
Bery anti-Semitic meymey there.
Calling the ADL rite nao.
(PS: due to what I say here and how I am saying it, you might not decide publish this comment. However, I think it really needs to be said and I would like for you to read this post to the end, at the very least. Consider this a self-demonstrating experiment in your own theories about r/K.)
But good Lord you don’t get it AC. Idee fixe indeed. The commenter is correct and the descriptor of “autoconspiracy” (which is very similar in nature to what’s been called for years a “stand-alone complex”) is for the most part right, especially as pertains to the lower levels of Cabal which is what you are dealing with in your day-to-day life.
Objectively speaking, the Cabal are not really that well-organized or structured. They are a loose network of various clubs and little social structures bound by behavioral similarities and certain beliefs about life and people(most notably, that normal people are just non-entities, cannon fodder or cattle to be scorned and exploited for personal gain), with a handful of big players like the alphabet soups thrown in there who constantly try and boss each other other (or more exactly, their funders).
Look at Trump. The moment he gives them the slightest amount of actual resistance, they crumble, even with more or less infinite financial and material resources at their disposal. They only appear otherwise because you are stupider than they are while they are more willful and proactive than you are, and they gleefully exploit that fact for all it’s worth.
At its core, Cabal is essentially deeply retarded (ie: immature, stunted, narcissistic) people who have a schoolyard bully mentality, but who have been given free reign and protected by the rest of society for way too long… entire generations, in fact. It’s institutionalized narcissism, not James Bond super-villains. Would you call a gang of high school bullies running wild and hitting other kids while the teachers are at home doing drugs and molesting kids a “conspiracy”? These people are stupid, AC, for real.
But consider, on the other hand, your own reaction to the Kung Flu: despite knowing everything you do about Cabal and your knowledge of behavior, you literally and more or less on command swallowed their entire narrative hook, line and sinker, and started promoting compliance with their idiotic plans on the simple basis that you were afraid of nebulous, ill-defined and mostly manufactured “risks”.
Ignore history. Wear a mask. Be “safe” (read here: obey), it’s for your own good, anon. Don’t tell the enemy to go fuck themselves. Don’t build your own information networks, don’t evaluate the circumstances on your own terms, just straight up believe your enemies’ statistics. They wouldn’t lie to you, right? Hell, go even further than Cabal itself and suggest to your followers to wear full body suits to not “take any chance”!
Don’t resist, they must be telling the truth, this one single time, for no reason at all, despite you knowing full well what they are and how they act. Right?
What a goddamned moron you are.
You are, sadly, a perfect example of r-selection, of the willing cowards and idiots they employ to advance their goals unchallenged. And this relatively small but wicked group of sick fucks know it. These people are simply exploiting these behaviors and apathy of yours and laughing in your face all the way to the bank. For them, it’s just a game, and you are their pawns.
These little girls and boys you’re talking about, getting trafficked left and right? Most of them were sold by their own parents. The vast majority of the rest who were vulnerable enough to get snatched on the streets were the results of broken homes and families. Look up “Desmond is amazing”, for example. They don’t even bother to hide their rape, it’s happening right in your face, and not only do you do nothing, you try and keep the people who would solve these problems for you from acting.
Want to know why everything progresses so slowly? Why Trump or Q or the like have to go so slowly? Because Cabal has convinced society that “all violence is wrong” and that defending yourself would be “lowering yourself to their levels”, which is entirely to their advantage. And to be frank, it didn’t really took much convincing either.
No one put a gun to your people’s faces telling them to destroy themselves through betrayal, incest, infanticide and divorce (to cite a few examples among many). No one forced you to be accept “equality” and “pacifism” as fact when life and reality are anything but these things. No one is keeping you right know from getting off your ass and opposing these predators directly. Those who follow suit are simply looking for an excuse, which “Cabal” sold to them, thus becoming part of it. They sold you self-justification for your self-destructive tendencies. Irresponsibility. The path of least resistance.
So, not to put too fine a point on it: you are a credulous idiot, and you really should make an effort to stop being so. So is much of society. That’s your mystery. Perhaps you should develop your knowledge to develop techniques of “self-K-selection”?
Want proof? If you want to see directly Cabal’s extreme weakness (or your own) for yourself, the next time you see your handlers, don’t go and talk to them. Don’t be friendly. Don’t be casual. Don’t play their game. The next time you see them you do what should be done with the little schoolyard bullies they are and you punch them in the face. Bash their teeth in and make them regret abusing you.
You see them parked in your driveway for the n-th time? Grab a hammer, and go and break their windows. Reinforcements come in? You do the same with them until they run out. And believe me, they will sooner than you think. There are not that many of them. If need be, get some friends, get together, grab your guns, and starting using them as the founding fathers meant for you to do. Then, maybe, you’ll understand. Treat the fuckers like the zombies they are, water the tree of liberty, and enjoy the results.
In other words: make the tyrants fear you, and you’ll see just how quick they run away from you and their whole elaborate operations go to pieces. And I think we can agree that this would certainly be the K-selected way to deal with it, no?
But you and I both know that you most probably won’t do that, which is exactly why Cabal look so powerful when they are not so, and why it is so “mysterious” and confusing to you. You’ll cower at home and write about it on the Internet, desperately looking not to act in any way, shape or form. Because you’re not afraid so much of Cabal, but of each other, of ordinary people, your friends, your family, and your own responsibility, your own, perhaps small but still present part in all of that.
You and I also know full well that if you did what I just suggested, chances are your co-citizens, not Cabal but those who are supposedly “on your side”, would swiftly and happily turn around and call the cops on you, and they would do it for free. And instead of commending you for doing your patriotic duty and protecting them, these same supposedly “well-meaning” retards would arrest you on the spot and try and put you in a little cage, while “proper”, “caring”, “defend-cops-and-authority-at-all-costs” cuckservatives cheer and clap at your demise.
And then, they would simply try and convince themselves that they did “the right thing” not to hurt their own broken ego, their little self-image.
The common modern man is simply evil, stupid and irresponsible, but would very much like to convince themselves that are good and caring people, all while letting countless atrocities happen under their nose without lifting a single finger, content with letting people like Soros, Biden or even Trump run their lives and their own societies in their place. Slave people, who create and encourage victim culture are not looking to be free. They simply mean to have “good” masters who will validate them and give them permission not to look at themselves in the mirror.
And, well, chances are at some point of your life you would have done the same, if only statistically speaking.
Perhaps that will change now, hopefully, at long last, but I’ve waited my whole life for it and have yet to see it.
What you call “Cabal”, what you see ordinarily is simply these lost, worthless losers and those who have made a business out of giving them a purpose in life like so. Street gangs for “adults”. No super-spy organization is required for that in particular, independent of the existence of intelligence operations and their own psy-ops. The Gestapo, the Stasi and their informants in particular were not particularly bright people and when you look at the leaked emails from the Clintons, the FBI, CIA or what have you, neither are they. Just a bunch of co-dependant losers and sadistic narcissists who discovered that if they just gave to trash people the illusion of working for “their own good”, they could do whatever they wanted without opposition.
So in the end, no, Cabal is not particularly sophisticated or well-organized. Once again: they simply appear so because you’re even stupider and more cowardly than they are. You just do the work for them and they reap the benefits of it. Which is why they call it “harvesting”.
But if enough people truly wanted to, instead of looking for excuses or expecting others to do it for them, tomorrow we could completely annihilate them, and they know it. Without your consent, which is realized through your inaction, irresponsibility, and desire to justify your own defective behavior instead of changing it (in other words, you being r instead of K), they are impotent.
It is an interesting comment, and thought-provoking. The only things I would argue with are three points. One, Cabal’s surveillance is not an agglomeration of small auto-conspiracies. One, I have been followed across the country, with new teams in each area picking me up from the last teams, and when I ducked onto a small side road for an hour, during a much longer trip, an hour later on the other side, there they were, waiting to pick me up. As you see from a commenter here, it is in Australia just as it is here, and I have no doubt if I touch down there, I would be picked up at the airport, and things would continue just as they are now. That requires some sort of command spread over multiple nations. I am pretty sure I caught the glint of a cloaked drone one once, hovering over a parking lot watching. Tom Bauerle says they have full suits which render the wearer invisible, and they can project holograms of people into places where there is nobody. And of course somputer monitoring is a given. The tech deployed is more than a mere auto-conspiracy. But I am also sure they infiltrate and hijack a lot of autoconspiracies that they let form as well, so that is not completely off. Just for purposes of resistance, it is important to make sure people don’t underestimate it.
On taking them on violently, I don’t really get your point. The reason nobody does, is because they exploit that nobody could possibly believe they are out there. Reveal this thing fully, and the violent response would be immediate, if government did not act instantly. No population would be able to not be violent if they felt every waking moment was monitored by a mysterious conspiracy for unknown reasons which were almost certainly nefarious.
Finally, on the Chinavirus, I was pretty clear I had no idea if it was real or not, and I laid out the full range of options and risks, although I did say it was probably worth the low cost to be prepared and take protective measures, which I still think it is, given what info we have access to (I still think a mask is low/no cost, and there is a virus out there that hits some people hard). I’d feel bad about being wrong about how bad it would be, but I remember Putin also went with the full body suit and full face respirator when he visited a Chinavirus ward, so even with one of the top intelligence operations at his full disposal, he wasn’t entirely sure himself of the risk. And in retrospect, given Cabal was heading to full exposure, and a lot of people had seen the surveillance, it would not have been outside the realm of possibility they would release a real weaponized virus that would kill back or disable a large percentage of the population, so they could respawn and start building their machine again from scratch. Disabling the nation to destroy the economy and get rid of President Trump in the election would also have been a real possibility.
But you make good points about how they work and what they exploit, and how my own psychology may enable them, which are worth meditating on. I just don’t immediately see the utility of pondering what everyone should do, when at present, they will never do it, mostly because they have been programmed to not even be able to think what is out there could be out there. I still think fighting the programming is the first step, and to that end, this isn’t a bad laboratory to begin experimenting on that.
Just ut pf curiosity, what would you propose as a first step to destroy this thing?
>”Just ut pf curiosity, what would you propose as a first step to destroy this thing?”
I think it’s pretty obvious that the step 0 in destroying the gaybal surveillance operations is to expose them to the gen pop. You can’t get the support of the gen pop if the operations remain invisible to them. And once they know about them, then they will 100% approve of getting rid of them by any means necessary (a neo-Inquisition would be very sweet, but the most optimal and least disruptive way to handle it would be with military tribunals, but for that to happen, governments have to ditch the gaybal and start working for the People, which might not happen everywhere, which means that in a lot of places the gaybal networks might only ever get terminated once the gen pop knows about what is happening, and gets mad at the impotence from their own governments to deal with the issue, and seeing such impotence procalim their government illegitimate, and take them down so they can take down the gaybal operations by their own means (neo-Inquisition is what I call it jokingly)).
Agree. Exposure is step one, Mass Exposure is step two.
I think this ‘100% idiots’ view of Cabal is just as incorrect as ‘top down military organization’. At the top there are definitely some extremely competent people who are totally dedicated to the survival of their bloodline.
> Just out of curiosity, what would you propose as a first step to destroy this thing?
Why don’t you try sneaking out at 3 AM and planting some wireless cameras? If they are destroyed, then you already have some information, especially if you place them in such a way as to capture whoever destroys them. If not, you should be able to put together some much more convincing footage, say of the same people following you to the gas station, or forcing your neighbor to walk in and out of your house, etc. It looks like you can get a decent one for $50, so while it wouldn’t be a free experiment it wouldn’t be *too* expensive.
How about a video of my neighbor’s kid, ~11 years old, walking with another surveillance kid, talking about following me that day? I’ve recorded every outing for the last seven or eight years with everything from 4K in all directions on my car, to video sunglasses that record eight hours straight on a card, with an external battery. I’ve got strangers walking by my car giving me the finger, parades, people using hidden cameras in their jacket pockets, four guys at the gas station all talking into their chest mics, wrist-talkers, I’ve got like a 30 second long sign-language display from one to another, with a guy who is like a baseball player swiping his chin, pulling his ear, doing all sorts of weird shit like three feet from the camera, And I’ve archived everything of interest around my house. I will bet my investments to do this are $20,000 or more. It began, thinking if I got iced in the beginning, at least I might leave a chance of leaving something behind for some cop to track. Now it is just a historical archive I assume will be of interest decades from now, to show people it can happen in America.
I have a lot of stuff. Check the surveillance page if you want to see what it looks like with other people, or the google car.
Get the Q book, if you want to see it in the news, or read the accounts of others under it. There is plenty of evidence already out there from tons of people, if the subject interests you. And it should. But all of that is immaterial.
You can see this shit in your own life with your own eyes by learning surveillance detection, right here on this site. That is the “Top Line Message.” Second line message is, you can do it in any country, because it appears to be some sort of global intel op that has taken over all our governments, and is running them as fronts to keep us thinking we have to fight with other countries, and there are no top-level dictators who are in control of it all.
Check the comments recently. People are seeing it themselves, and realizing it is out there. And once they do, notice the guy who said, “Thanks, now I will never unsee this!” Walk the path, and you will see what he means.
I think r/K gives me the ability to claim a position of prominence in the realm of political theory, alongside, if not above figures like Marx, Rousseau, even on the level of our Founding Fathers. Some day, the people who teach them will look back on me with curiosity, if they don’t mandate the teaching of the material here to all students of politics and government. And at that point those who are of our kind will get the full education, if they want to take it.
>”Check the comments recently. People are seeing it themselves, and realizing it is out there. And once they do, notice the guy who said, “Thanks, now I will never unsee this!” Walk the path, and you will see what he means.”
The truth can’t be unseen.
That’s why the Enemies of Humanity (aka: gaybal faggots) NEED censorship in all means of communication, as soon as people are free to communicate among themselves freely, people wake up, and once they do they can never go back to sleep ever (even if they want too, that’s why some people who still haven’t learned how to self-manage fall into blackpilled states).
This is also why nothing can stop what is coming like Q says, from the numerical advantage point of view, we start as a minority (of people aware of all the issues need to become aware off (JQ, surveillance, nationalism vs CONservatism, etc)), but our advantage is that we seek the truth and seek to spread it, and as such when we can get someone to see it, our side never loses that person ever. Which means over time we have lots of people flipping into our side and very few leaving our side, which in a long enough time line means that we’re going to become the big majority of people, going against a system that relies on secrecy and compliance and refusal to use force against it to keep itself alive (while being engaged in things that want anyone that knows about it to engage in forceful action against them).
>”I think r/K gives me the ability to claim a position of prominence in the realm of political theory, alongside, if not above figures like Marx, Rousseau, even on the level of our Founding Fathers. Some day, the people who teach them will look back on me with curiosity, if they don’t mandate the teaching of the material here to all students of politics and government. And at that point those who are of our kind will get the full education, if they want to take it.”
I want you or Vox Day as POTUS someday. Make sure you hire Mike Scheuer and Tucker Carlson when you get there!
All of a sudden we have a bunch of trolls trying to tell us that the cabal isn’t real.
Right when I see troll activity pick up on other sites as well.
Take any good you can find from this guy’s comment but don’t let him manipulate you.
>”For them, it’s just a game, and you are their pawns.”
>”and you are”
Sharp eye.
Do you think it’s possible this a genuine Bogdanov, and I am about to get the call?
Or might it just be Hillary, thinking she has now become one?
Hi AC. All your books are good. My previous name was Koanic, under which I was an early promoter of r/K theory. Thanks for explaining Qanon to us. I’m writing a review of your book now.
Few points to make, as a journalist, I suppose.
1. I doubt you were targeted for writing the r/K book. Rather, you offended someone for blogging about applications of r/K theory, during which you presumably insulted various powerful leftists. Sound plausible?
2. I don’t understand this line:
> Or to have both neighbors moved out in a week, and realize five or six houses around you are suddenly them a year later.
They moved out, and a year later they are living in 5 houses around you? What?
3. I agree you are guilty of idees fixe syndrome. Overextension of an idea is the psychological tradeoff for extreme focus on the idea. It takes many models to explain the world. For example, CSR vs r/K.
4. A dissident harassment operation has multiple success conditions. It can deter a coward. It can punish and isolate. It can cause mental illness and paranoia. It appears you’ve fallen victim to the last. I think you’ve overestimated the Cabal intelligence ground game by orders of magnitude. I don’t doubt you were targeted, though. Why not start uploading choice bits of surveillance footage to Bitchute? It could burn a lot of their guys. Impose some costs on THEM.
5. The surveillance incidents you related can individually be explained away as coincidence or paranoia, except the infrasound attack. Therefore I would like you to describe it with all possible details, more than in the book, since this appears to be a classified weapon.
The way I suppose it works is, the frequency is slightly lower than the one known to resonate an eyeball. It resonates with an organ-size object instead. So it rattles your brain, sinuses and organs. Infrasound penetrates walls but diffuses quickly, so it’s ineffective as a weapon, except as a way to seriously disturb dissidents.
Hey, long time no see. I remember you well. Tell me what you are up to and I will plug it if you like.
1. I doubt you were targeted for writing the r/K book. Rather, you offended someone for blogging about applications of r/K theory, during which you presumably insulted various powerful leftists. Sound plausible?
It is possible. I shoudl be clear, there is the wathcing, which I think I have always had, and then there was the shock and awe intimidation, which came when I began r/K. I really don’t know why they were told to give me the push. It could be they didn’t want r/K more widely known as being related to politics. I had emailed with EO Wilson, who was a biologist who was central to r/K in animals, and his emails were weird – very inquisitive and eager in the first emails, and wanted to see everything I had, and he was so worked up, when he thought he didn’t get a reply in twenty minutes, he emailed me back asking me to send it again, then he emailed me a few minutes later saying he was rushing to check and had hit the wrong buttons, and he had it afterall. I asumed he would send me something back, to either argue or discuss it. But then he said nothing more. I got the impression he had seen it decades ago, and been sitting on it all these decades, and now somebody was promtoing it, and he needed to know what was being pushed. Whether he had been told to keep that aspect quiet, or whether he was reporting up to someone who he reported to in Cabal, that r/K was now realized as being related to politics I do not know. But I have always thought it weird something so obvious had not occured to any biologist over all these decades. I now would not doubt hat it was seen, but was kept suppressed, because it could be useful.
On the targeting I am 98% sure my mom was a target when she was a little kid, based on stories she told of people talking loudly around her on public transportation about things personal to her. And that was a long time ago. If she was a target, and it was maintianed, then I may have been a target because of her coverage, and it just passed to me becasue I had always been watched. It would fit. I saw things when I was a kid, like drivebys and people in stores who seemed strangely stressed as I looked at them. While what I saw was recognized as weird enough I would remember it decades later, I didn’t know why it was weird back then. Part of my antisocialty came from my history in school, where a lot of the kids around me growing up were weird. I am quite certain there were more kids than normal who were them in my school, based on a whole range of strange scenarios that kept happening. Whether that was because I was a target, or whether that school was some sort of Cabal-school the Secret Society sent their kids to, if whether it is like that in most suburban schools, I do not know. I ended up just thinking I was weird and was one of those people who prefered animals to people, but now I look back and realize what I was keying into that was off, was the vibe they have when they are observing you, and setting up scenarios, and probing for info, and trying to seem like they aren’t interested. I later would see some of them as an adult, in places I went, and think it had to be coincidence, but now I realize it was not.
2. I don’t understand this line:
> Or to have both neighbors moved out in a week, and realize five or six houses around you are suddenly them a year later.
They moved out, and a year later they are living in 5 houses around you? What?
Yeah. The neighbors on each side changed out in a week, and one knew something said inside my house, so they were listening, and the other was the one with the kid talking about following me. Then after a year, I had caught one behind me cutting branches on my property to open a sightline to my driveway, another behind me tried to slip out of his driveway with his lights off in the pitch black as I was walking my dog near it at night, but his brakes squeeled. Another house in front of me looked abandoned, but the moron in it let off gunshots early one morning when we were in that phase, and they hit a nearby house, bringing out a ton of cops, so obviously the house wasn’t abandoned. I have no idea when those other houses became occupied by them becasue I never knew those neighbros anyway. From what I see even more houses in the neighborhood are them as you move out on a radius, but those are all the houses immediately next to me. I am not overestimating what is out there, or the extent to which it will go. Like Q said, this thing is bigger than anyone would believe. I think it not impossible we have grown up as two Americas, possibly one supported by foreign powers, which views itself as a foreign country within the US and in control of it, and what they view as plebes, who are the rubes who still think the US government is a thing, there are other countries we compete with, we elect our leaders, the Consitution is operative in any way, we have privacy, and rights, and laws, and anybody can be anything. I do not know exactly where we are on the freedom/tyranny spectrum, but my range of possibilies is skewed heavily toward tyranny, and goes much farther in that direction than I would have ever thought possible twenty years ago, when I beleived in the myth.
3. I agree you are guilty of idees fixe syndrome. Overextension of an idea is the psychological tradeoff for extreme focus on the idea. It takes many models to explain the world. For example, CSR vs r/K.
I agree. But it has advantages in doing analysis, and the world needs geeks. I found his use of a phrase not many would know, but which I was quite familiar with interesting.
4. A dissident harassment operation has multiple success conditions. It can deter a coward. It can punish and isolate. It can cause mental illness and paranoia. It appears you’ve fallen victim to the last. I think you’ve overestimated the Cabal intelligence ground game by orders of magnitude. I don’t doubt you were targeted, though. Why not start uploading choice bits of surveillance footage to Bitchute? It could burn a lot of their guys. Impose some costs on THEM.
We’ll see. The truth is, I have always had an ambivalent view of the world, even when I thought we had privacy. Now, knowing what I know, I am not going to be living with this peacefully for the rest of my life. It just isn’t worth it. So something will have to give at some point. I am quite confident, if this thing could be desroyed by a single person, my Idee Fixe condition is what will be required.
5. The surveillance incidents you related can individually be explained away as coincidence or paranoia, except the infrasound attack. Therefore I would like you to describe it with all possible details, more than in the book, since this appears to be a classified weapon.
Alright. I never had it while I was moving, so I think it needs teh target stationary, probably because it is exploiting some sort of resonance effect. Most times it would happen just as you were in the twilight period, about to enter deeper sleep, though I have been woken from deeper sleep by it. As you are laying there, one thing which seemed related, though I have no idea why, is I would get a sort of nasal drip, or sensation of having to clear my throat about sixty seconds before it would hit. It was related enough, I would feel a nasal drip and sudden need to clear my throat, and think, “here it comes.” It would begin like a vague vibration, usually in the abdomen, as if invisible fingers were to slip through the abdominal wall, grab just your viscera, and begin pushing and pulling it fast, about four times per second. When I was in the house away from where the neighbor’s kid lived, it was a more diffuse, all over effect. When I was in the house near the neighbor whose kid talked about following me, it felt like a sphere that would vibrate, probably 8-10 inches in diamter, and it could move over the body. So it could begin in the abdomen, and move slowly up to the head. WHen it hit thhe head, it would give that sensation in the sinuses you get the first time you get punched in the nose fighting. If you have trained, you will understand how that first puch is different from all the later ones. This would do that, but rather than a sudden strong sensation, it was like a blurred out slow application of the sensation. It would also leave you blurry mentally, for lack of a better explanation. It hit my abdomen, moved up to my heart, and then hit my thyroid one night, and I think it mixed heart damage of some sort to trigger inflammation/irritation, with abdominal damage to trigger inflammation, and then hit the thyroid, which maybe set off a sort of inflammatory thyroid storm and my heartrate went through the roof, up to like 140 bpm. I have no idea if that is how they try to trigger heart attacks with it, or if they did that purposely, but it is definitely a dangerous technology.
I found at first it seemed moving around could buy me a night of peace, like it took them a night of scanning or something to fugure out how to get it focused to a specific spot, and then the next night I would get it. I also found that obstructions could impede it, but it seemed they could over time work around it. A faraday cage was of no use in stopping it. What did seem to obstruct it was dense stone, like a fireplace, but I got the impression they would redeploy it from another house if I used that spot too long.
One night it felt like it was coming from an unusual direction, I went outside, and heard a helicopter hoving in that direction, though I have no idea if they were deploying it from the air.
When I fell asleep in front of the TV and it hit, I woke quickly without moving, looked at the TV, which had a clock from the surveillance, and I began counting vibrations over exactly one minute, with 1, 2, 3… ten, 1, 2, 3… twenty, 1, 2, 3… Thirty, and so on. I counted perfectly like my life depended on it, and in exactly one minute, I got exactly 240 pulses on the change of a second, so it was exactly 4 Hertz, on the dot. If my body were just spasming or something neurologically, I doubt the spasms would have produced a number perfectly divisible by an arbirary time measurement chosen by humans, like 60 seconds. Had I gotten 137, or 253, maybe it was me. But I think it being 240 exactly affects the probabilities.
Finally, they seemed to keep doing it, but it lost its efficacy as time went on. Just before I had gotten hit in the beginning, I had a case of Pepsi which tasted funny, lke there was vastly less sugar in it. I assumed stupidly it was piss poor quality control, and drank it for the caffiene but I have wondered if there was something they had gotten in that which diffused through my tissues and was what the tech vibrated. As time went on, maybe my system washed it out, and the vibrations got weaker and weaker, until they more or less stopped. It has been a while now without them, and I am much more prone to just throw out anything which tastes even just a little off, and I tried to tighten up my grip on my food security. It is a pain in the ass, becasue it adds still more cost to having live with this bullshit.
Then again, I instituted a policy where vibrations would produce surveillance detection pieces, and I could clearly have done a lot of surveillance detection pieces, and was willing to take any level of damage they could provide to continue resisting. So it is also possible they toned them down gradually to try and find a level of vibration where they could do damage and degrade me, but not be noticable enough to trigger a surveillace detection piece, and eventually they gave up as the whole thing seemed counter-productive to their operational objectives.
Those people need to hang.
And hang they will, one way or the other.
Thanks for the reply. I wrote a long answer and don’t have an Emacs converter for WordPress comment markdown, so I made it a blog post instead:
Very interesting stuff about the Sonic Dementor!
I haven’t got any comment reply notifications by email, so I think that’s broken.
On the vibrations, I did move sometimes, and it would abate as you moved, though you would have a sort of after-effect that would take minutes to abate. Part of the problem was they would wait until you were just about to hit that deep sleep, where you don’t want to get up, and even though it would wake you. That is why I think the other cases I cite who had it would find it so tiring. Do you get up and move, destroying your sleep entirely yourself, and then probably get hit again just as you are finally entering deep sleep, or do you just give up, take it and try to get some sleep, and endure the damage. You are getting screwed either way.
It also may make you angrier, maybe the same way traumatic brain injury makes people angrier, so you are not as clear headed. I suspect that is why among the ones they did it to were Aaron Alexis, the Navy Yard shooter, and the guy who killed Deputy Natalie Corona.
It wasn’t painful in the stomach, but it felt like it could have been damaging something the way your hand might swell up after using an orbital sander, even though that isn’t painful per se. It literally felt like someone was shaking your insides, and you would feel physically amped after it, I assume because of some sort of nerve inflammation of irritation. The amped was an unhealthy-feeling amped, and it would make it difficult to fall back asleep, even if you were very tired. Hitting the head was unpleasant, I would liken it to 4 very small, almost imperceptible concussions per second, any one of which would be meaningless, but after a couple of minutes, you would be measurably dulled mentally, your eyes would ache a little, so it was doing something inside.
I would rate the whole thing as more irritation than pain, and maybe a bit of a time waster by making my sleep time less productive. I took it as a fuck you, though I am not certain what the long term effects of it will be. If I get cancer in a year, then maybe it had a different purpose.
I did have one really weird night where it was as if my entire bedroom was buzzing from all walls and the ceiling and floor. Imagine the way you’d hear a buzz if you had some car-motor running just outside your house, only a little more of a buzz than a rumble, louder than a car outside would be, and seemingly coming from every plane. I opened a sliding glass door and stuck my head outside, and it was total, eerie silence. Close the door, and the room is buzzing. I have no idea what that was.
A lot of their tech seems based off wave interference, and resonance. So I assume even as they listen from multiple triangulating geophones, they are also mapping your house, and the travel times of waves from the geophones to specific spots in your house. They probably also can introduce waves from emitters, and use the triangulating mics to map out how those externally applied waves are interfering in your house to produce nodes and dead zones. It is a powerful tech, even though the physics may be quite basic.
I actually got some cop street theater once when I posted a warning about Trump probably being eavesdropped on using the tech in Trump Tower, so I assume it is the same operation.
Sounds like a sophisticated infrasonic dementor protocol. I was always skeptical of the Cabal’s ability to induce lone wolf attacks, but this tech fits. It’s blunt and unreliable, but improves the odds of a disturbed man snapping, particularly one on SSRIs.
> I did have one really weird night where it was as if my entire bedroom was buzzing from all walls and the ceiling and floor. Imagine the way you’d hear a buzz if you had some car-motor running just outside your house, only a little more of a buzz than a rumble, louder than a car outside would be, and seemingly coming from every plane. I opened a sliding glass door and stuck my head outside, and it was total, eerie silence. Close the door, and the room is buzzing. I have no idea what that was.
Reminds me of the story of the guy who found his fencing foil vibrating in a vice due to a fan producing infrasonic noise. Guess they found the wavelength to resonate your bedroom. Individually the incident could’ve been coincidental ambient infrasonic noise, but given the other incidents, clearly they were trying to spook you.
> As you are laying there, one thing which seemed related, though I have no idea why, is I would get a sort of nasal drip, or sensation of having to clear my throat about sixty seconds before it would hit. It was related enough, I would feel a nasal drip and sudden need to clear my throat, and think, “here it comes.” It would begin like a vague vibration, usually in the abdomen, as if invisible fingers were to slip through the abdominal wall, grab just your viscera, and begin pushing and pulling it fast, about four times per second.
Sounds like an infrasound warmup, with the vibration promoting mucosal flow. But the Db and resonance were not yet high enough to perceive consciously, beyond the mucosal effect.
They target your body’s center mass, lock that in, then walk it up to the head?
> Just before I had gotten hit in the beginning, I had a case of Pepsi which tasted funny, lke there was vastly less sugar in it. I assumed stupidly it was piss poor quality control, and drank it for the caffiene but I have wondered if there was something they had gotten in that which diffused through my tissues and was what the tech vibrated.
Perhaps they have some kind of imaging that can detect when the resonance sphere in on target. Thus it’s easier to lock onto center mass first, rather than targeting the head first, which is smaller, and therefore gives less feedback about misalignment.
If the Pepsi was indeed spiked, then perhaps it was to provide imaging feedback to dial in the infrasound resonance properly, like a barium swallow. That would explain why the Pepsi was less sweet — it was diluted. That would also explain why they target you when you’re sleeping. They need a still body to get imaging feedback.
Of course, just blasting someone with diffuse infrasound is also disturbing. Imaging feedback is only necessary to achieve the resonance sphere effect. Apparently you found that much more disturbing than the diffuse version.
After the initial calibration with imaging, subsequent adjustments would be easier, since the acoustic properties of the house would be partly known — like artillery spotting.
They target your body’s center mass, lock that in, then walk it up to the head?
That was how it began, but as time went on, it could come in from the legs, or start in the head, and it would often walk around, in an intelligent way in which you could almost see the operator guiding it around. I got the impression the tech may have started as a sort of mapping tech where they could move the sphere through a house, and create a 3D map of what it was like in it, maybe based on sonic measurements of how the vibration nodes affect wherever they are. Maybe if it hits air, it doesn’t create any vibration, but if it hits water, it creates some sort of measurable disturbance at that point, and the computer monitoring and triangulating the geophones and microphones detects it, and it if hits wood, it creates another type of measurable disturbance, and stone, another. After a while, you have a map of what is where in the house. I could see at some point these idiots hitting each other as a joke, and seeing the effect, and suddenly it is a weapon.
Automotive Industry Institute
> A change in the body position that results in a change in the body contact with the vibrating surface, such as the seat backrest, may also have an impact on the vibration effects [3]. The sitting man’s vulnerability to vibration with a frequency of 5 Hz is 10 times as high as that observed at 100 Hz [4]
> Table 1. Examples of natural frequencies of organs and parts of the adult human body, determined experimentally [9]
Nasty symptom list. The table shows that 4 Hz is the sweet spot to maximize discomfort to head and torso!
That’s a smoking gun.
Finished my report on the Infrasonic Insomniator
I added another 500 words to the report. Interesting topic. At least I think so. Nobody else has picked up on it yet.
There’s a rejected Chinese patent application for a directional infrasound beam.
The sphere couldn’t work on a standing target because it needs to transmit through solids, such as a seat or bed. Sonic attacks are efficient in water but not air, because they reflect off the human body.
Over what period did the infrasound attacks occur? How many attacks were there? During peak intensity, how frequent were they? Did they interdict sleep all night? Were there any confounding medical factors? Did you try using an instrument such as a vibration meter?
I would think the best way to discourage attacks would be to buy a digital vibration meter, log the results, and post them online.
I noted them on the site here. I’d say they began somewhere between the end of 2018 to the beginning of 2019, and faded out a couple of months back. They were almost every night for a while, if not every night, and they definitely disrupted sleep, and seemed to make you tired the next day, as if by damage, which I assume was their intent.
I wondered at the time if it could have been some sort of medical issue, but if they had been, the severe nature of them, and the effects, was such that it would have been serious and progressive, in the way mad cow neurological symptoms would be progressive, and would not just go away. It was severe enough it should not have gone away on its own. That it just gradually lost the severity and passed into nothing, as if something in me washed out and it had less of it to trigger vibrations, would add to my certainty it was not organic. Plus, the way you could feel the sphere move, as if under intelligent control, even passing out of you, and coming back in in a nearby spot and maintaining its directional vector of travel, as if it passed outside you a bit and had to be guided back in, definitely made it seem like something your brain, or some medical issue, would not conjure randomly.
EMF and tri-field meters around that time were highly variable, sometimes showing massive fields, sometimes not, but that all seemed unrelated to the vibrations, leading me to think they were sonic and not emf. Unless there was a way to zap someone with some form of EMF that would damage their neurological system in such a way it was “seizure-prone” and would later at random times, produce the vibration sensations as if a seizure effect, though I doubt that was it. The EMF may have been fucking with me other ways, IDK. My energy/vitality was fucked around that time, but when your sleep is fucked up, that could have been the root of that. So I don’t know what the EMF was doing or why it was there. There were times I actually think I felt that, almost like an electrical-sensation sunlight, “raining down” on my skin as if by a beam. I’ve wondered if some asshole was given command of my operation for that period and was sure he would bring me to heel with this shit, and all he did was introduce the world to my surveillance detection pieces.
Controlling it and stopping them basically comes around to finding ways to expose the operation more broadly, and having even more extreme ways to expose it so you can always turn up the volume a little louder. My impression is the operation doesn’t really care about much of the shit they do. If you can shift the calculus, to it doing what you want becoming more advantageous to the operation, it will do what you want, within bounds.
For some reason that will not extend to it taking off and leaving you alone. But you can make the vibrations disadvantageous to some degree, or at least it seems that way so far, as I think they gave up on them for the time being.
A Google search:
site: vibration
Yielded the earliest mention:
May 9
Which comment implied that the attacks were ongoing for some time, and that you’d already communicated about them to your blog audience.
> EMF and tri-field meters around that time were highly variable, sometimes showing massive fields, sometimes not, but that all seemed unrelated to the vibrations, leading me to think they were sonic and not emf.
What were the field readings, and were the unusual compared to the period before and since?
How long did the case of under-sweetened Pepsi last, relative to the duration of the vibration attacks?
It sounds like the attacks went on for about 1.5 years. I assume the Pepsi lasted a much shorter time.