Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – China Evergrande Chairman Suspected Of Transporting Assets Offshore
DFT – China Looks To Support The Development Of Advanced Driverless Technology
DFT – Oil Continues To Rise As Traders Bet Demand Will Outstrip Supply
DFT – Italy Heading To Demographic Disaster As Births Plunge And Pension Costs Rise
DFT – In Britain, Royal UK Borough Acknowledges Financial Distress
As an experiment, maybe we can get the people here complaining of possible physical degradation due to directed energy attacks to try this and report back – get a couple of large box fans from Walmart or Amazon, like this, and set them up in your main room, or wherever you spend most of your time, to create an impressive amount of air movement. The goal would be, if there is infrasound or ultrasound being transmitted into in your house, maybe in a precise fashion to create nodes where it is highly powerful, you will create enough air turbulence it would essentially disrupt the waves and smooth it out of the air, preventing any resonant effects which might allow them to create “nodes” of constructively interfering waves. It is like you have one of those water pools where they vibrate the water, and at some point the surface assumes a precise formation of steady peaks and troughs that seem to hold still, only with the fan you are smashing your hand into the water and stirring it all around, preventing the formation of those standing waves. I do not think it will necessarily work on the vibrations, but the high pitched ear piercing thing, and the constant hiss may be disrupted by it, and you may see an improvement. I would be interested to see the experiences of those here.
Our very own Machine Trooper has published a Sci-fi Conspiracy Thriller, which will be the first in a series. I will let him tell it:
“Paradox” is a sci-fi conspiracy thriller that follows the hero from pre-adolescence through his physical prime over the course of five full-length novels. The first one is “Escaping Fate.” There’s action and intrigue, trips to exotic locales and infamous moments in history as well as a postapocalyptic future America, a prehistoric world, and confrontation with a Machievellian cabal (similar to what we talk about here, totally by pure coincidence, anon–only with tentacles all through the continuum and alternate realities) but underneath everything, this is really about a quest for/journey to manhood.
Some of those who gather here may not have grown up in a dysfunctional family and broken home. For the rest of us, how much better would life have been/how much could we have accomplished/how many bad decisions could we have avoided if we’d had a father figure actively involved in our lives, with a genuine concern for our well-being that trumped their own ambitions (or just plain old immediate gratification in some cases)? That theme winds through these books.
Look at what Cabal has done to men in our culture. Masculinity has been watered-down, mischaracterized, demonized, seemingly outlawed, and now pretty much lost for the next generation. It is rediscovered by the protagonist and, I hope, by some young male readers who don’t necessarily have to learn everything the hard way like some of us did.
Paperbacks are in the works and will be coming along soon. The publish date for the first e-book is November 11, but it’s available for pre-order already at Amazon, B & N, Kobo…and as it makes its way through the approval process at other stores, you should eventually find it available everywhere.
If you order it now or soon after the publish date, you’ll be able to get it for almost half what the normal price will be. I am also fairly confident that I can have the second e-book ready before Christmas, and those first two paperbacks might be ready by then, too.
Many thanks to everyone who checks it out.
I have said the takeover of America occurred with the big four – JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X. However this link from the comments documents a raft of other nation’s leaders who were all taken out at the same time, in what it is hard to say does not look like a Global Coup d’état which occured all at once. The planning it would take just to coup America would be impressive. This thing may have done most of the world in one shot. Be interesting to see if Russia’s leaders all somehow narrowly avoided something around that time.
Elon’s father: I took my son Elon Musk to a sex party when he was nine: Tesla CEO’s father says his son was in love with Amber Heard and Depp blames him for breakdown of marriage, Grimes is a ‘bit of a nutcase’ and X Æ A-12 is a weird name in exclusive interview. Interestingly, Elon was bullied so badly in school, that after he was hospitalized from being thrown down stairs and pummeled, his father actually moved, just so he would qualify for another school. With these things, you are looking at patterns of behavior which set themselves in the psyche. Elon’s was to not fight back, and accept his vulnerability. Had he developed a pattern of fighting back, and hurting those who threatened him, I would bet he would not be the richest man in the world today. No telling what a guy like that would put his billions toward.
Amber Alert issued for Charlotte Sena, 9, who went missing while riding her bike on a family camping trip in New York as cops fear she may have been abducted: Mom begs ‘I just want my daughter back’ as FBI joins search. I cruised around the park, and most intersections have a vehicular hit them just as the Google car does, so there is likely the same embedded domestic surveillance there as everywhere else. Poles look like they have internet, so I assume there is tech there too. Which means right now, somebody likely knows where she is.
U.S. Department Of Energy UAP documents reveal puzzling aerial incursions near American nuclear sites. Not as interesting as it sounds, as most sound like quadcopters. One silver sphere just below the clouds, and one modified drone which crashed at a power substation which appeared to have been designed to knock out the electrical system. Sounds kind of like somebody intended to do something there, and intelligence was on top of them and made their drone crash, so they would think there was some one-off failure, and not realize their operation was compromised by surveillance/intelligence. When operating, and chance favors the enemy, that is probably not chance.
Desperate DeSantis appears on Bill Maher show to defend Joe Biden from 2020 election questioning. You can tell the people who only got their positions because they agreed to take the machine’s ticket.
One of DeSantis’ political mentors/facilitators “committed suicide” after getting caught trying to extort/intimidate a young woman into sex. He was in a position to embarrass the only chance to unseat Donald Trump, and he was found having “committed suicide” at a Post Office. At a Post Office. Why not at home? I am beginning to think the Domestic Stasi is based out of the Post Office. Don’t agree to go in the basement of any Post Office. You may not come out.
Rep. Matt Gaetz says he will move to oust Kevin McCarthy as speaker this week.
Rep. Matt Gaetz reportedly offering Democrats subpoena power to help oust McCarthy.
Gaetz’s plan to oust McCarthy meets chilly Dem reception (Democrats want to protect McCarthy).
Barack Obama stays silent when asked if wife Michelle is running for president amid rumors – as his Secret Service car is spotted with an enormous dent in the side. If you put on the expression Obama has at the link, he looks very stressed and not happy at all. Almost besieged. Could just be the homo allegations though. That letter getting out had to be humiliating.
Homes “unaffordable” in 99% of nation for average American. You bring in 20-30 million foreigners, which is what the real number probably is, and have cities offer them housing for free, that is a lot of new demand.
Upstate NY county blocks NYC’s bid to move homeless north to ease migrant shelter crisis. The city is offering housing vouchers to anybody in the state who will take them, to pay for their housing just to get them out of the city. One county barred it.
Border Patrol agents assigned to the nine southwest border sectors apprehended more than two million migrants for the second consecutive year. They are bringing them up for 2024. Whatever they used them for every two years in election cycles, where it would set off an outbreak of acute flaccid myelitis every two years, they are bringing up so many for 2024 that it is taking three and a half years to get them all in and situated in position.
CDAN retelling a story of getting inside Hefner’s vault of blackmail/porn of celebrities. Nothing really earthshattering for us. We already knew he was Epstein before Epstein was Epstein.
Rep. Thomas Massie exposes taxpayer-funded “transgenic edible vaccines” which turns edible plants like lettuce and spinach into mRNA vaccine factories to replace mRNA shots. People don’t realize it but the enteric immune system is among the most important things in the body. You need to eat. But to do so, you essentially have to maintain 2-4 lbs of rotting food inside your body, pressed up against a moist epithelial layer, and not have it begin rotting into your flesh and kill you with sepsis. It is a very complex dance, mixing killing off bad microbes, facilitating the growth of good microbes, growing what layers of cells would rot so fast it always has a healthy layer underneath, and not going overboard and swarming the body with inflammation. Disrupt that enteric immune system, like by immunizing yourself against your intestinal epithelium by infecting it with mRNA which makes it express a foreign, immunogenic protein on the cell surface, and you may just be even more fucked than if you immunized yourself against your own pericardium or cardiomyocytes. I do not see how you view them as doing anything other than trying to kill massive numbers of people with plausible deniability, while we already have proven, reliable peptide vaccine technology which has served us well over decades. Do not eat this shit under any circumstances.
COVID vaccine poll finds more than half of adults are likely to say ‘no thanks’ to the vax, while, 70% of Democrats say they’ll get the new vaccine. Puzzling. They are killing their best sheep, the ones who do not question or oppose them.
‘Outrageous’ approval of new Moderna shots for kids could spark school mandates, doctor warns.
Biden uses $83 million COVID relief funds for new McCain library.
Only 3% of San Francisco restaurants have not been vandalized in past month: survey. I wonder who those restaurants belonged to? You can see, how if it is like Seattle, and all of this is organized (and there is a reasonable likelihood it is, and even that it could not evolve to be any way other than that in such an environment), then you cannot compete and have your own business. It would be impossible. Very quickly, we become a world of a shadow monarchy with covert royals, and wholly clueless peasants, both separated only by the degree to which they are willing to betray their own countrymen for personal gain.
NY AG seeks ban on all Trump family NY business starting Monday. Worth billions, a household name, beloved by hundred of millions, and even Trump is not safe.
A controversial zero-bail policy has just gone into effect in Los Angeles County, which will release criminals right back out onto the streets. It is all malicious. I do not see how it ends well for either side. Either things accelerate and our side gets brutalized until our side kills their’s, or their side wins, and the US is basically an eternal source of misery and suffering.
Cannibal released from Connecticut psych ward early for ‘good behavior’ even though he told psychiatrist he wanted to eat her flesh. This man has a future in politics. Do you think the system would treat you like this, anon?
Washington cops go to trial in fatal arrest of unarmed Manny Ellis, a case reminiscent of George Floyd death. LEO anons will need to watch out. They will be looking for any case they can find to fuel the riots of 2024, and they will happily Derek Chauvin you. I cannot imagine a worse summer than 2020, but I am confident if nothing changes between now and then, 2024 will be 2020 times ten. Or more.
Police chief behind Kansas newspaper raids that ’caused 98-year-old owner to drop dead’ is suspended. Seemed like a local political spat. Newspaper was probing allegations about the Police Chief, and had pissed off some bigwig.
Megan Markle wants to run for Diane Feinstein’s Senate seat.
The US military is laying the groundwork to reinstitute the draft. You want your head fucked with? Ask yourself if the hippies were right about the draft for the war in Vietnam.
Canada’s unprecedented fire season burns into fall.
Elon Musk calls Justin Trudeau ‘shameful’ for ‘Trying to crush free speech.’
Too many refugees seek to enter Germany, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in interview German media group RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland ( RND ). Now that his party is getting destroyed.
Do you agree that she is just big-boned, anon, or would you like to lose the ability to buy food and pay your rent?
UK PM Sunak says there are no plans for now to send British troops to Ukraine. Backing down.
Rishi Sunak handed major polling jump as Labour lead slashed by incredible amount.
British intelligence agencies ban white hires to internships. My suspicion is this sets an expectation among most white Brits that they will never get an intelligence internship. But whites will get hired on, just they will be from the secret society. But when everyone else white is denied, nobody will think it ominous.
Former Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico’s populist SMER-SSD party has won Slovakia’s election, results showed on Sunday. Pro-Russian and opposed to more Ukraine funding. Interesting in that CIA would have tried to rig the election, but must have failed. Was SVR just better at the intel game, or is Cabal’s intel op fading?
A piece on what a disaster Ukraine is. Highlights it well. If we stop sending cash, Russia rolls in overnight, the nation is in a demographic apocalypse, entirely bankrupt, no economy, no ability to pay for anything, and I am not even sure Vladimir Putin could prop the country up enough to keep it alive. I could see us pulling the cash, and Putin withdrawing, rather than taking on the disaster of trying to prop up such an utterly wrecked nation.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Sunday he expects Ukraine aid will not be separated from border funding as Congress tried to figure out a path forward after a shutdown bill left Ukraine out. If you want to fix the border, you have to give money to Graham’s buddies.
Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4:
The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
Trump weighs in on Taylor Swift relationship with NFL star Travis Kelce, predicts if relationship will last – “I wish the best for both of them. I hope they enjoy their life, maybe together, maybe not — most likely not.”
Spread r/K Theory, because if the rod and the ring were to strike, would that be Q?
RFK Jr. as an Independent would propel Trump to deliver crushing blow – RFK Jr. could announce on October 9.
Robert Kennedy Jr Admits His Campaign Has Done Polling on Running Independent and He Takes More General Election Votes from Donald Trump Than Joe Biden
Kennedy takes more from Trump and gives the fraud a place to shift votes away from Trump that is less suspicious than just giving them to Biden.
He also provides a cover story for why Trump supposedly lost when it is over.
This was in the comments.
I haven’t finished it but it is very good so far and I want to repost it.
The Great Taking
I agree!
Thanks. Just finished the Prologue and will continue. I am just an artist and this is beyond my experience; but having an inkling of the economic reality is better than nothing.
Agreed. Very insightful.
Okay. I read it. But this guy voted, I think actually helped out in Obama’s campaign. And John Kerry too. I wish I was more knowledgeable in the field but I don’t trust anyone who’d vote for Obama. Stop voting, okay, vote for Obama? That’s problematic. Kind of looking at it as enemy propaganda, honestly. What is he trying to accomplish with this? Is he telegraphing what they plan to do. I don’t know why they do that but they do sometimes. Love to hear the thoughts of anyone in Finance/economics….
Yeah, it’s always good to keep that kind of thing in mind.
>The US military is laying the groundwork to reinstitute the draft. You want your head fucked with? Ask yourself if the hippies were right about the draft for the war in Vietnam.
Of course they were right. Any time an opponent is so unbearably obnoxious as to make you viscerally react and ally with the opposite of their platform, you have to question if they may have something there the enemy wants you recoiling from.
The hippie actors were installed around the same time as the world-wide assassination wave happened, because it was the first test run for the forever-war gang to trial mass public hypnosis to support an obviously wasteful war.
Mindblowing to look at with clear eyes.
Top comment of the week
A war that could have been easily won much quicker and that there was an argument for winning.
They purposely tied our hands to create a forever war.
They won either way, we either chose a forever war or communists subversion.
True. Well said.
But the hippie mvmnt was older than the hippie actors. The hippie actors were Feds. The hippies were intensely paranoid about Feds.
I don’t really have a position on genuine hippies. They seem to have been goofy af.
But the Feds and the you-know-whos infiltrated them fairly early on.
And this is why The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, etc, their social programming and trance music, were promoted endlessly by Cabal’s MSM. To this day you can’t get away from this boomer-era, brainwashing reinforcement soundtrack in every supermarket and mall in America.
Look at the face on this one
Disgust around the nose and a slight snarl
Don’t worry though anon, he’s an episcopal priest that speaks for Christians
Yeah AC, she’s definitely “big boned” just like the rest of them.
She is a black hole for junk food.
This could explain where the #17 comes from:
It appears in part 17 has to do with the cut from various illicit activities certain 4 star generals, and others, receive, say from every jab US soldiers are given, from human trafficking, various war related schemes, etc.
I just seriously question female influencers.
by what law, even by what constitution, is this possible; this is just an edict by political whim.
like covid
A piece on what a disaster Ukraine is. Highlights it well. has a bad link.
It was here. THank you!
Thank you, Mike Pompeo, very cool.
I have no such obligation. My only obligation is to Jesus Christ, His church, my family, and my neighbors. That’s what Jesus says. Anyone who says differently is a liar and a servant of Satan.
Nowhere in the Bible is any mention of this obligation. We are not God. God will fulfill His own promises in His own way.
Well, it amuses me that this could be taken in an entirely different way. Yes, Mike Pompeo, Israel IS the rightful homeland of the Jewish people. So let’s send them ALL to where they belong. (Your terms are acceptable.)
But then AC would lose his trusted dentist, so there is a downside.
I will bet, if you get Cabal’s roster, and say every member of Cabal is out and stripped of citizenship, 99 perecnt of the Jewish shitbaggery is out with it.
This thing will be in every group. It was in my marital arts club growing up. Gun clubs, NRA leadership, book clubs, catholic churches, Protestant churches, everywhere. They are on this site, and probably a name or two you would recognize. Maybe if the tech is good enough each of us is only talking to a few real people, and the rest of the group here everyone knows changes from person to person as each of you gets a unique site served to you.
We can point out there are a ton of Jewish shitbags, and there are. And Jews who stand with the shitbags because of religion, rather than against them are a problem too. But I want to expel every Cabal member first, and lets see what happens. I will bet we are surprised.
THe truth is, if we expel Cabal, I would not be surprised, everyone we see with power or talking about power is gone. Like if I snapped my fingers and they all disappeared, you turn on the TV, and the studios are empty. JMPMorgan’s top floor is deserted. Congress empty, except maybe Rand Paul. White House with maybe a few Secret Service standing there wondering what happened. Church leaderships gone. Every politician, every reporter, every talking head, every internet “influencer” and site owner save for a few you have not heard of, and a few you met here, and on and on. Even most of your criminals, drug dealers, gang members, and so on. I think most of the people you see, and most decisions you hear about, and most of the actions which make the news, are all them.
What you neglect to mention is all these “others” you say are cabal, whatever that is, were mostly put IN PLACE by the Jews. And I notice you never did answer my question about why anyone, anyone at all, that does not do whatever it is you deem the “right thing”. Musk, good example, is some evil cabal agent, yet you always give Jews the benefit of a doubt. Seems it should be the other way round if you are keeping score of who is actually doing what. You find,”every single time” that Jews are right in the thick of…everything. Everything. I can’t remember a single big horrible social trend or other terrible push of one sort or another in the country that did not have Jews promoting, funding or running it. Not one.
It also defies common sense. Whites appear to have very little banding together to protect themselves, like other races. This is a fact and if you argue against it…then I will not take you seriously. And all these other races that, somehow, have banded together into some cabal, whatever that is, what holds them together? But WE KNOW the Jews band together and have for thousands of years. They are the focal point. Not that there are no bad people in every race but they have way less power, except that which the Jews have gathered for them and put them in place to torment the rest of us. Does anyone think all these mindwarped savages would be allowed to rein as they have had not Jews given them, social, political, press propaganda, cash and legal services? No way. They would just be another group of poor brain addled misfits like exist all over in any population. Artist, philosophers, drug addicts, etc.
A fine example. Look at this train wreck, Biden and his brain addled son. NO WAY they would be in any sort of power without Jews. They would be running a tire store somewhere, if that.
I do not think there is any such thing as a “cabal”, it’s just a bunch of Jews who have elevated the worst of us to rule over us. Without them, these incompetent savages would slowly be dragged back down into the dregs where they belong.
All this talk about the Catholics, the Masons, the Payseurs, the this, the that, the other, it’s all just a bunch of misdirection to other groups the Jews have either blackmailed or elevated way beyond their station to pretend it’s NOT the Jews. I’m telling you, it’s the Jews.
A fine example is slavery. They brought almost every single slave to America, then what do they do, blame Whites. I say we should make the Jews pay reparations to the Backs. All of them. And let’s not forget that at the beginning of the US civil war some small percentage of Whites owned slaves but 40% of Jews did. Let them pay.
Yeah, but remember the last picture Kanye Tweeted of Musk. It was Ari Emanuel, who it is a safe bet is a Cabal Jewish agent, hosing him off on his yacht. Implying Musk is being run by one of the Jews who is in a leadership position, and maybe MEGA or Mossad. I would assume Ari answers to the same group who ran Epstein, and there is no doubt Musk would be under him in the hierarchy. IMO, Mossad, which I assume was what ran Epstein, is probably even with, or slightly above CIA in the hierarchy, but I suspect all the Western agencies are subsidiaries of something bigger.
I am not looking to defend Jews. I am looking to form a clear picture of who the enemy is. There are leadership Jews who no doubt, are full a problem. But take them away, you still have CIA officers hip deep with the Cartels, Fed Agents I assume running MS13 assets and other gangs, the civilian informant network. The leadership Jews get the shiny spots in media and finance, and academia. But I think there is a lot of this in lot of places, and focusing on Jews is going to leave much of the network in place, as it opens up a battle with a shitload of people who are not the real problem, and who will be forced to join with Cabal to survive.
I think Cabal hangs “The Jews” out there for a reason. Somehow it is advantageous to them. But we will see. Either way, the first move, IMO, is show everyone the surveillance is listening in their homes, and targeting their children in the schools.
And I forgot to add one of the most damning pieces of data on why, it’s the Jews. Every single country that booted the Jews completely out of their country almost immediately became a far better place. The evidence for this is lengthy and voluminous. If the cabal were in charge everywhere, then why do they seem to wither when you get rid of the Jews? In Germany after WWI you had some of the most cabalish things ever, but Hitler gets in charge and removes Jew influence, and immediately people start living better, far, far, better lives. While farmers were hanging themselves in their barns in the US depression, Germans were going on company paid vacations and everyone had work.(and don’t try to pretend this was all due to armaments manufacture because there is lots of data on this and that notion is false.) If cabal is not concentrated and if they are everywhere and in everything then, how to explain?
Sam, my apartment complex is a hotbed of cabal. And they have people from nearly every race. East Asians, Blacks, Whites. The city I am living in is redneck country, not a lot of Jews, and it is just infested with cabal everywhere. They are in every Catholic Church in the whole city.
I don’t doubt your information, but cabal seems to be an equal-opportunity employer in my experience.
Who worked for decades to bring about the cancelation of immigration laws in 1965. You know who.
If they are a problem, who is it that owns the media that refuses to talk about the problem. You know who. As I said, without them, they would never have been here in the first place and there would be much more coverage of what they are doing. So once again you see the central control nexus that they own.
I feel like Atavisionary. I’ve said about all I need to on this and most other things. Most will stand well, I believe, “except” for my post on solar powered vans. I screwed that up but haven’t got around to correcting it yet. I will. The major point that you could live in a van and have it self drive at night is still correct, but the power usage is WAY OFF. You would have to park it during the day or add some fuel “but” it would still be a huge massive lower cost than renting in a big city.
I think the biggest problem for self-driving is they are not using enough frequencies. They should use (receive), visual, Infrared, thermal, ultraviolet and microwave. Did you know living things put out ultraviolet and microwaves!!! Add in thermal and then you would never run over anyone. Buildings and dead things would not put out living waves, so it would help you to stay on the road and not hit things.
“If”, and I do not believe it’s impossible, you could get 75-80% efficiency solar cells my original idea where you could constantly drive would hold. Maybe a small amount of fuel would be needed but it would be minimal.
I see this as an autonomy feature and a back-up to tumultuous times we live in. Just never stop.
Knocking out any major fraction of cabal will have a temporary effect.
“This thing will be in every group. It was in my marital arts club growing up. Gun clubs, NRA leadership, book clubs, catholic churches, …”
Yep. For a while, cabal was harrassing me during nearly every mass. But I discovered a way to really get under their skin, and they have dialed it down a lot since.
Oh man, I have to use an /s next time.
Half of Americans Don’t Understand British Sarcasm and Insults
‘Italy Heading To Demographic Disaster As Births Plunge And Pension Costs Rise’
It’s not just there; it’s just about everywhere in the industrialized world. People are reading the signs of the times. Articles like those in which citizens are described as pawns and cogs aren’t going to inspire people to have children.
OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: The Most Destructive and Naked Act of Treason in U.S. History….
> Linsey “Ladybug: Graham: Ousting McCarthy Would Be a ‘DISASTER for the Future of the Republican Party.’
So, that’s a good thing. Next: “retire” the rest of the GOP gerontocracy.
> Russia has an anti-sniper robot which detects the lenses of optics and fires a blinding laser at them.
The US military claimed they had something like that deployed in Afghanistan about 20 years ago.
I suspect the Russians have had their own version for almost as long, and they’re just now making it public. They’re not the USSR any more, but Russians never do anything for free; they likely expect to spook potential Urainian snipers at the very least.
The system was originally designed to blind IR guided missiles. A fast scanning laser acts similar to a flashlight waving back and forth at night. It catches the reflection of the missile’s optics. Another, more focused laser then beams into the optics, blinding the missile and making it go off course. These laser systems have been around for decades, mostly on aircraft, but also on vehicles, and important buildings. For buildings, they are good for blinding laser designated bombs.
It didn’t take much before some bright boy in some development section got the idea to use this system to blind enemy troops. The U.S. developed that exact system but it was almost immediately banned because people were horrified at the idea of the immediate, mass blinding of hundreds of not thousands of soldiers.
Sounds like it’s made it’s comeback. The best way to defeat it is laser proof eye protection. I expect we’ll see that flooding the battlefield soon enough.
Your Ukraine disaster link leads to the Barack/Michelle running story
A piece on what a disaster Ukraine is. Highlights it well
Got it, thank you!
Abrome, a twitter account for a private school, had a post where they used zip ties to connect four floor fans into a box. They ziptied air filters on the outside of the four fans. The school used this as an extra air filter during COVID to keep the children safe.
I’d think it would be good as an extra allergen filter.
Screencap of the rod and ring “prophecy”(?) posted on 4ch 6/14/16.
So fascinating. Like a Rorschach. I saw Easter Island, and Rome and The English Crown and England glowing from radiation and the Vatican.
I should have included this with the rod and ring screencap just now, sorry.
The original thread where rod and ring was first posted was deleted by jannies. Here’s a link to an alternate archived thread about it:
Errol Musk has all the signs of a psychopath. Look at that fake smile on him. And no, I don’t think Elon is one.
I submit that civilization over time allows psychopaths to reproduce in vastly higher quantities. This creates ever rising dysfunction. A handful of psychopaths can screw up a lot of things. When civilization falls, people kill them off. I read, somewhere, when an anthropologist asked Eskimos what they did about psychopaths, they described their behavior, the Eskimos said they pushed them off the ice and did not let them back on.
People say empires fall because of the eventual laxity of the population. I agree with this, but I believe a very large part of the fall is based on psychopaths rising to power. They are very good at this but have no interest in running things properly or are incapable of doing so and the whole thing falls apart. I also say the Jews have a much, much, much, higher level of psychopaths than other populations.
There’s one idea that describes the Jews perfectly. It describes their parasitism, their, lying, their chameleon like behavior, their sense of superiority and belief that they are different from everyone else. There’s a simple explanation for why the Jews are hated so much that also explains their behavior and success. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Not all, maybe not even the majority, but a large number. All of the Jews ancient writings are nothing more than a manual for psychopaths to live by. The Talmud is nothing but one psychopathic thought after another. The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they’re Jews and their lives don’t matter. A psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.
They’ve been thrown out of every single country that they’ve been to in any numbers. Psychopaths having no empathy themselves can only go by the feedback they get from the people they are exploiting. So they push and push to see what they can get away with. The normal people build up resentment towards them. Thinking “surely they will reform or repent” like a normal person who does wrong. Of course the Jews do not. They don’t have the mental process for reform. Then in a huge mass outpouring of hate for the Jews, fed up with the refusal to reform their behavior, they attack and/or deport them. In this stage of the cycle the Big/Rich Jews escape and the little Jews are attacked.
Start over.
Even if it’s wrong if you assume the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you will never be surprised and Jew’s behavior will make sense.
Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.
Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”
Sam J’s theory of civilization, “Without empathy there can be no civilization”.
Here we go: the coming UKR collapse will be a fighting purge as they retreat
2 OCT, 09:36
Ukraine shells Kherson to shift blame to Russian forces — governor
Vladimir Saldo said another city neighborhood came under a similar type of shelling in the morning
GENICHESK, October 2. /TASS/. Ukrainian forces shell residential neighborhoods of Kherson, a city they seized earlier, in order to shift the blame to the Russian military, Kherson Region Governor Vladimir Saldo said.
“Our people from Kherson report that Ukrainian militants deliberately shell the city’s residential neighborhoods in order to shift the blame to the Russian army. In particular, they write that last night the formations of the Kiev regime shelled the bus station area. A shot could be heard being fired nearby, then a shell or mine whistled over, and an explosion followed in short order. That means the shot didn’t come from too far,” he said on Telegram.
The governor said another city neighborhood came under a similar type of shelling in the morning
According to Saldo, the Russian military confirmed that Ukrainian troops shell Kherson.
“According to their data, after destroying the enemy’s artillery positions in Pridneprovsky Park on September 24, the enemy deliberately destroyed the park cafe called Golden Key on September 29 by shelling (or blowing it up on the spot) and captured the destruction with photos and on video. Then a propaganda campaign was started to hype up the destruction of a civilian structure. In fact, our men did not shoot in that direction that day, as the enemy retreated from its positions there after the defeat on September 24,” the governor said.
On September 21, Saldo said that German and Spanish television crews had arrived in Kherson to prepare a media provocation.
Wells Fargo head of Financial Controls jumped out of his office building from the 14th floor.
Rumors no execs went to his funeral.
Funny, that is a modern building; I don’t think there are any windows; unless he used a glass cutter.
Maybe he was actually defenestrated.
I have read here, that everything is down to the Vatican, or British Royals Family, or City of London, or the Brits. Then we have WEF, Rothschilds, etc.
The hydra has many heads, but I suggest the key is the WhiteHouse. The head of UK GCHQ even resigned when Trump won and it all really kicked off with Biden.
Believe it or not, Rene Guenon wrote about the Chinese Triads and Tongs in his books. At least two places.
He said that the Triads and Tongs were (I forget the exact word now) but “appendages” or “entities” that the Taoist elite sent out as “vehicles” to perform certain tasks in the world.
Some were quite long-lived and some were incredibly short duration. Some famous/notorious and some incredibly humble and pedestrian.
Guenon said that the Taoists or Taoism was the esoteric religion on China and that Confucianism was the exoteric face.
I can’t remember what he said about the Yellow Turbans who apparently lost…
And oh yes, Taoism itaelf is just one of many “vehicles” sent out by the Supreme Center which is a real and actual place where the Truth is known by real and actual elite men.
At this point, I read Guenon as someone tasked with recruiting a very special type of person for a faction of Cabal. I know he presented himself as an opponent of what he called the Counter-Tradition, which fits whatever our Regime is…. but still. Christ is King and saying he is some emmisary of Agartha is nutty and absurd.
It’s heretical and blasphemous.
“Heresy” is an over-defined term and category. I don’t use it in my mind or speech.
“Blasphemous” is correct and true. I think Guenon committed Blasphemy against the Spirit. Though, of course, he would argue otherwise.
I did not, and do not, cite Guenon for Truth. I did cite him as evidence of how an initiate of an esoteric organization might view his goal.
But here I have fallen into what I suspect is your trap and read ungenerous things into what I also suspect is your intentionally gnomic response.
If that is so, I apologize.
I just now prayed for you and your soul.
“British intelligence agencies ban white hires to internships.”
The hated ULEZ camera enforcement is done by immigrants. They are hiring the immigrants to the enforcers.
British soldiers will not oppress the British people. 3 rd world immigrants, fed lies of victimhood & oppression would be enthusiastic.
Over the the past few months I’ve learned that running the ceiling fan in my room definitely helps. Have to see if adding another fan will help even more.
Definitely report back if it does. I think I see an improvement, though it is tough to say because they turn it on and turn it off too.
I’ve found a procedure that seems to work. When I tried to get a nap Saturday, I got hit with vibrations right as I drifted off. It seems like they’re upping the intensity for some reason. I normally put on whatever show I’m currently watching on whatever streaming service for a few minutes while I get ready to nap. I paused the show, rolled over, drifted off, and got hit with vibrations. I unpaused the show for a minute, paused it, rolled the other way, and added an extra fan.
Tried a variation this afternoon after I got home from work. Vibrations hit as I was drifting off and then the radio station started. I turned my pink noise fan on and rolled over, and actually got about 20 minutes.
I’m not sure why the bastards don’t want me taking a nap. I find my evenings are more productive if I can get about 20 minutes of laying down and closing my eyes. Otherwise I get hit with drowsiness around 1800. But after the first interruption, so far, there isn’t a second.
I tend to vary the time. Sometimes 1400, sometimes 1500, sometimes 1600 depending on whether I’m working, and then whether I’m working at home or in the building.
What is interesting is how they time it for that moment just as you are deep enough you don’t want to come out of it. They must be listening to your breathing, and it must change as you enter that phase. I cannot imagine how else they would know just as you drift off. It makes me think the vibration thing is tied into their eavesdropping thing, like a reverse of it, where instead of triangulating the arrival times of wave forms, they are delivering waveforms at the right time to have them all converge in one spot and “pop” it.
Try the fan, right against your head, on high. Wear a hooded sweatshirt, and pull the hood up if you have to. I think it helps.
I repeated the procedure again today. I didn’t get the vibrations, but the radio station came on. I added the pink noise fan to the mix and rolled the other way.
I bet the easiest thing for them would be to monitor my watch. So much for that tech company’s commitment to user privacy. I get that we have little choice but to live with this for now, but I wish I understood the point. Are they just torturing us, or does it serve some kind of purpose. No doubt, they want us tired and drowsy and unable to focus on anything productive. If we’re well rested, we can start making connections as we study what we can understand about them.
Markle for Senator. Of course, can’t wait for the speechifying and occasional hectoring.
Will the little redhead be along for the ride?
Grace, your TA account has been activated.
Ricarda Lang is fat by any definition of the term, but I guess one could say pointing that out is cruel and now unusual punishment and deserves the same. The great inversion continues apace.
In re Political Assasination list
I’d add Enrico Mattei. Italian Industrialist focused on reconstructing Italy’s enerfy system post WWII. Brilliant man. Big into nuclear power. He had Italy ready to boom economically. Also tried to sell oil to North Africa.
Willing to ally with Socialists.
Died in a suspect plane crash. P2 almost certainly did it. Evola types with CIA backing.
27 October 1962 (only 56yrs old)
Learned about him via Enghdal.
When you read AC’s blog long enough:
I’ve seen ones with a concealed entryway so it just looks like an empty grassy field. Probably the only thing to change about the plan!
“LEO anons will need to watch out. They will be looking for any case they can find to fuel the riots of 2024, and they will happily Derek Chauvin you. I cannot imagine a worse summer than 2020, but I am confident if nothing changes between now and then, 2024 will be 2020 times ten. Or more.”
Yup–very dangerous time to be an honest cop (not saying Chauvin was, BTW–not sure what to believe about that whole deal. But he was railroaded for sure).
Also consider this old military axiom: “Generals spend their careers planning to fight the previous war.” I am as guilty of this as anyone. And hey, Cabal may force Lockdown 2.0 and Riots Part 2, because these are not exactly original thinkers. But we should be ready for just about anything. They might surprise us with something out of their bag of tricks that we haven’t seen for a while (historically speaking).
I didn’t see the Wu-Flu coming, for instance (though some did).
“You want your head fucked with? Ask yourself if the hippies were right about the draft for the war in Vietnam.”
That whole anti-war zeitgeist was right, but for the wrong reasons. Were I alive back then, and knew no more than they did, I would have supported our involvement and most likely have volunteered to go myself. My patriotic duty, rah rah rah. But knowing what I know now, I would have burned my draft card, too.
Hell, with what I know now, I regret that I volunteered when my turn came along. All that sacrifice just to prop up a corrupt, evil system that hates me and is destroying everything I love.
DeSantis Influencers Say They’ll Write-In Pro-Abortion, Anti-Gun RFK If Trump Wins Primary.
The U.N. Security Council approved a resolution authorizing the one-year deployment of a multinational force to Haiti to help the country combat gang violence, The New York Times reported on Oct. 2….
More refugees…
Biden has a huge bruise on his face, how do you think he got it?
Could be a smudge from over handling the mask.
The nose is bruised as well.
“However this link from the comments documents a raft of other nation’s leaders who were all taken out at the same time…”
Fascinating read.
Add to that list the attempted assassination in April 1960 and later successful assassination in September 1966 of South African president HF Verwoerd.
London has reached its limit in arms supplies to Ukraine
The UK can no longer supply Ukraine with military equipment – other countries must replace it and increase supplies, a senior military official said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph. According to him, the £2.3 billion demanded by former defense secretary Ben Wallace should not be a burden on the British budget.
“We gave just as much as we could afford,” the military man emphasized. He added that London is not going to provide Kiev with even more tanks: “Every tank given means that we ourselves have one less tank.” The newspaper’s interlocutor also noted that the Ukrainian army now needs air defense systems and artillery shells, which are running out in the UK, so it calls on other countries to provide Kiev with money and weapons.
Readers from Florida might be interested in the decades long experimental release of GM modified mosquitoes that produce pesticide resistant mosquitoes!
Colour me surprised that they’ve produced the opposite of what they “intended”
“Be interesting to see if Russia’s leaders all somehow narrowly avoided something around that time.”
So I looked up Khrushchev on wikipedia. Found this: “Beginning in March 1964, Supreme Soviet presidium chairman and thus nominal head of state Leonid Brezhnevbegan plotting Khrushchev’s removal with his colleagues.”
JFK was assassinated late November 1963. So, about 3 & 1/2 months later it is known they were plotting against the Soviet head of state. The actual plotting could have started sooner.
“We will bury you!” – Kruschev to US (Cabal?)
Wow. Cabal rolled across the world until it hit Russian intelligence where it slammed into a brick wall. No wonder they are the enemy of the West today.
That video to JFK to 911, a Rich Man’s Game, suggests they still want revenge for the Romanov murders.
I reckon they want Russia’s resources. And world domination