News Briefs – 10/01/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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DFT – United Airlines Pilots Approve Contract

DFT – California Governor Vetoes Unemployment Checks For Striking Workers

DFT – Bill Ackman And Larry Fink See Treasury Yields Hitting 5%

DFT – Oil Prices Surge Quarter Over Quarter Off Supply Cuts

DFT – Russian Bank Rated Top Among European Banks

Remember the Judge who ruled Trump’s businesses needed to be dissolved? New article on him – Who is Arthur Engoron? Judge weighing future of Donald Trump empire is Ivy League-educated ex-cabbie. When you understand how the domestic Stasi works, you see a whole new world. For the newcomers, cabbies will tend to be domestic surveillance. They are on the road all day, so they can just break off for a bit to do some vehicular surveillance between fares, and nobody thinks surveillance when they see a cab drive by. If I am not mistaken, I believe I have a cabbie on video turning in front of my car at an intersection like eight years ago, holding up some kind of cloth to shield his face from my dashcam and me. Moreover, cabbies will pick up people at the airport who just arrived, or other targets can be guided to them, and once inside the cab, there is no need to place the target in a floating vehicular box to follow them – they are riding inside a surveillance vehicle. The target tells the cabbie where they are going up front, which allows a follow to rush to the destination to get ahead of the target and set up before they arrive, the cabbie can take a longer route to buy the advance team time to get into position, and the cabbie can interrogate the target all along the way. The chatty cabbie is more than a meme. He is a domestic spook gathering intelligence. And here we have the cabbie who ended up a judge, and he just happened to get the most important case in Cabal’s war on Donald Trump. Not a coincidence.

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s death leaves her daughters wrangling over breathtaking $102MILLION property fortune and $62M private jet she used to visit her mansions. That is just her properties and her jet, and not investments, cash, gold, Swiss Bank Accounts, and so on.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s death at 90 creates a vacancy on the powerful Judiciary Committee, and Democrats could need 60 votes to replace her, leaving controversial judicial nominees in limbo until then.

On the brink of a federal shutdown, the House passes a 45-day funding plan and sends it to Senate. What will happen in 45 days they want to distract from?

Democrats Join McCarthy in celebrating budget stopgap—and taunting MAGA wing.

McConnell announces Senate Republicans will defer to House spending bill.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s, D-N.Y., chief of staff confirmed that the congressman pulled a fire alarm in a congressional office building Saturday, and said that Bowman “regrets any confusion” over the incident. Democrats were trying to delay the vote, and he may have been trying to help things get delayed.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) ripped down two signs warning a second floor door in the Cannon House Office Building was for emergency use only before pulling the fire alarm and running out through a different door on a different floor, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

Posobiec – “Interfering with an act of Congress is punishable by 17 years in prison.”

MTG demands DOJ prosecute Democrat Jamal Bowman for pulling fire alarm.

Rand Paul – “When I said I’d do everything I could to stop the US government from being held hostage to Ukraine, I meant it. We cannot continue to put the needs of other countries above our own. We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the U.S. economy. I’m grateful to all Members of Congress who stood with me, but the battle to fund our government isn’t over yet – the forever-war crowd will return.”

Matt Gaetz:

passed today’s Continuing Resolution on suspension.

He violated our conference rules by doing so

“Rule 29—Guidelines on Suspension of House Rules

(a) The Republican Leader shall not schedule, or request to have scheduled, any bill or resolution for consideration under suspension of the Rules which—
(1) fails to include a cost estimate, or for which the cost estimate exceeds $100,000,000, unless fully offset by at least an equal reduction in current spending”

U.S. District Court Judge Steve Jones rejected bids by four defendants in the election subversion case who had wanted to move the proceedings to federal court.

Attorney Gen. Ken Paxton: ‘secretive’ Texas court has blocked me from prosecuting voter fraud.

James Comer subpoenas 20 wires totaling $1.3 million received by James Biden.

Hunter Biden’s legal bills could run more than $1M per month as first son pursues ever-growing array of litigation.

All in The Family — Joe Biden’s granddaughter lived in White House while representing govt interests of Peru. Get good grades, anon, that is where the big bucks are. Oh, you say you know the material backward and forward and can ace any test? That is good, anon, that is a quarter of your grade. Now go do this seven hours of homework tonight for the other three-quarters of your grade, so you can get a B+ and bring in the big bucks some day.

DeSantis Super PAC cuts back Iowa, New Hampshire TV ads in shift.

Report: Never-Trumpers recruiting Glenn Youngkin for GOP primary as DeSantis sinks. LOL. “It could raise your profile and help your political career, Glenn. Don’t pay any attention to what Trump did to Ron.”

ABC’s former star reporter James Gordon Meek is sentenced to six years in jail for hoarding ‘sadistic’ child porn. He was one of the ones who “debunked” Pizzagate.

Elon Musk says, “I have an arsenal of weapons, most of which I bought in California before they changed the law to make it impossible to do so. I’ve hip-fired a 50 cal while walking. Might have the video somewhere.” Hey look anon, he is just like us! Except the video of the 50cal shows no scope or even irons on the gun, which kind of makes it look like it might have been somebody’s inventory which he was loaned, or he really bought it as a curiosity, and knows nothing about guns. You don’t buy a Barrett to “Hip shoot” it. You scope it and use it for precision shooting at extremely long ranges (sometimes offhanded).It is still unclear what they are doing with him, but they are clearly trying to sell him to the right.

Daily Mail embeds with Africans taking daily flight on the ‘BIDEN EXPRESS’ to US Southern border.

Why the CDC recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months get the updated COVID vaccine.

Former Olympic swimmer, 40,  died suddenly after going to bed on family holiday.

Biden admin issues restrictions on gas furnaces in latest war on appliances.

Meghan Markle ‘in running for Dianne Feinstein’s Senator seat in bid for office.’

U2’s Bono has declared that America is now at a “low ebb” — a possible insult to President Joe Biden, who is facing record-low popularity among voters in the face of runaway inflation, a tsunami of illegal aliens, and endless taxpayer funding for the endless war in Ukraine.

A D.C. landlord who tells the News4 I-Team he hasn’t been paid rent in three years will have to wait at least another four months to get a trial on evicting the tenants. What if the system doesn’t treat everyone the same?

Britain’s Royal Navy tells sailors to introduce themselves with gender pronouns.

Last night, Trudeau announced he now requires YouTubers, livestreamers & podcasters (including those streaming on X/Twitter) to “register” with the government. It’s part of his Internet censorship strategy.

“A 26-year-old taxi driver from the Middle East was reported for raping a 14-year-old girl – then he was found hanged in a nature reserve. Now the girl, her boyfriend and three of his brothers are suspected of the very painful murder, which according to the prosecutor had the character of “an execution.””

From here:

Sweden can’t control Kurdish gangsters. They now have the highest homicide rate in Europe. How is that? The Swedish police can stifle political dissent, big and small, quite effectively. But they claim they don’t have the ability to stop Mexican style cartel bombings and shootouts in city centers, much less firearms trafficking and drugs from pouring in.

What have I said about the migrants? They are Cabal assets, doing the criminal side of Cabal operations. It is why they are under protection.

Sweden’s PM calls in army chief as gang violence surges.

The violence of asylum seekers flowing to Europe is becoming increasingly brutal: as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced today, Tuesday, in the parliament in Budapest, migrants had shot the Hungarian border officials with automatic weapons on the last few nights.

Qatar has called for intensifying international efforts to subject all Israeli nuclear facilities to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards and for Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Senior admin officials told McConnell last weekend that the U.S. could not sustain Ukraine for the next ~45 days without additional funding in a CR, per ppl familiar with convos.

British troops could deploy to Ukraine for first time to train soldiers, says Grant Shapps. RFK said the first step in miring us in the war is deploying trainers. There is talk of the British Navy entering the Black Sea, which would open up the opportunity to do a Gulf of Tonkin incident.

House rejects Ukraine aid in spending bill, despite Pentagon lobbying.

McCarthy reportedly lied again – cut a side deal for Ukraine funding with McConnell and Biden.

Gun Free School Zone case update: Metcalf out of jail.

Trump mimics Biden, 80, getting lost on stage and claims Gavin Newsom is plotting a 2024 run because in speech ripping California.

Donald Trump says looters ‘should expect to be shot’ if he retakes White House in 2024.

Videos: Trump’s plan to address spiking crime: ‘If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be SHOT as you are leaving that store.’

Trump headed to Detroit, Michigan for a speech in the midst of an ongoing United Auto Workers strike against General Motors, Stellantis, and the Ford Motor Company, in which he laid out his case for “patriotic protectionism” – promising a relentless push to reshore jobs from China and combat foreign manipulation.

Former President Donald Trump is enjoying a massive lead in the Georgia Republican primary race, one month after the release of his now-famous Fulton County mugshot, according to a 20/20 Insight survey.

Trump’s lead surges to 50+ in two post-debate polls.

Spread r/K Theory, because November 2024 can’t come fast enough

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1 year ago

> Democrats need 60 votes to replace Feinstein

Looks like the wrong story linked

And as for the votes… republican turncoats will always come through on a tight vote

1 year ago

Not related to anything, but pretty awesome post from the Reddit conspiracy forum:

The poster noted that there were a lot of world leaders assassinated or overthrown by coups in 1960-64, not just JFK. The poster blames the CIA for just about all of them.

The post is short enough that I will take the liberty of just reprinting it:

“We sometimes think John F. Kennedy’s assassination occurred in a vacuum, but that was not the case. Consider the following:

1.May 30, 1961 – Dominican Republic dictator Rafael Trujillo was assassinated when two carloads of killers fired twenty-seven shots into his body. The operation was supposed to occur during the Bay of Pigs invasion six weeks before and Castro’s supporters would be blamed for his death. The murder was committed with weapons supplied by the CIA, with funds passed from shell companies to the rebel leaders..

2.September 17, 1961 – Turkey: Prime Minister Adnan Menderes was hanged following a coup that occurred the previous year. He had threatened to eliminate the profitable drug trafficking that passed through Turkey. The CIA and their allies in the Turkish Mafia, the army high command, the rogue Turkish Secret Service, and violent far-right mercenaries were behind the coup.

3.August 22, 1962 – France: A failed assassination attempt was perpetrated against Charles de Gaulle by the OAS, the military generals who were against Algerian independence. The CIA had aligned themselves with the OAS and supported the French generals.

4.February 8, 1963 – Iraq: A CIA-backed military coup executed Prime Minister General Abdul Karim Kassem by firing squad. An Iraqi Ba’ath leader stated, “We came to power on a CIA train.” The CIA had furnished the rebels with a list of alleged Communists, which resulted in the arrest of ten thousand Iraqis and the execution of five thousand.

5. March 8, 1963 – Syria: A military coup successfully overthrew the government, inspired by the coup in Iraq the previous month.

6. March 29, 1963 – Guatemala: A military coup replaced President General Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, whom CIA feared might turn Communist. It resulted in the deaths of some 50,000 Guatemalans.

7. April 1963 – Italy: After Christian Democrat Party Prime Minister Aldo Morro named Socialists to cabinet posts, Italian General Giovanni de Lorenzo planned a military coup in cooperation with CIA’s Vernon Walters, Rome’s CIA Station Chief William Harvey, and Colonel Renzo Rocca, the director of Italy’s industrial counterespionage. Rocca recruited a paramilitary force made up of members of the Mafia and neo-fascists, but when a compromise was reached, the coup was called off. An investigation ensued, and just before Rocca was to testify. He was found dead in his office from a gunshot wound to his head; General Carlo Ciglieri was found dead on a dirt road outside Padua; General Giorgio Manis dropped dead on the streets of Rome, and his assistant, Colonel Remo D’Ottario, allegedly shot himself in the heart a month late. In 1978, Prime Minister Morro was kidnapped and then assassinated. CIA and fascist anti-Communists in Italy were believed to be responsible.

8. July 11, 1963 – Ecuador: A CIA-backed military coup took over the government. The new military regime outlawed the Communist Party, suspended civil liberties, and canceled the 1964 elections.

9. September 25, 1963 – Dominican Republic: A military group backed by CIA expelled President Orlando Bosch from the country for trying to introduce social reforms. Bosch had replaced Rafael Trujillo in May 1961, but he too was expendable when he began to lean to the left.

10. October 3, 1963 – Honduras: A military coup took control of the government ten days before the presidential election. The U.S. Ambassador said the coup “was justified due to the Communist infiltration into the [previous] government.” JFK suspended diplomatic relations, but LBJ changed that three weeks after JFK’s assassination.

11. November 2, 1963 – South Vietnam: A CIA-backed military coup took over the government, resulting in the assassination of President Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu.

12. November 22, 1963 – President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by an international conspiracy.

13. February 17, 1964 – Gabon: A military coup ousted the president and took over the government. France intervened militarily and toppled the coup, restoring the president to power. It was rumored the U.S. was involved.

14. March 1964 – Cuba: An assassination attempt involving the Mafia and CIA against Fidel Castro was thwarted.

15. April 1964 – Brazil: A military coup supported by the CIA toppled the Brazilian government. The American ambassador acknowledged U.S. involvement in “covert support for pro-democracy street rallies…and encouragement [of] democratic and anti-communist sentiment in Congress…” CIA files regarding the coup remain classified.

16. April 1964 – Dominican Republic: A bloody civil war was waged between government forces and leftist rebels. LBJ sent 1,700 U.S. Marines to engaged in combat with the rebel forces.

17. November 3, 1964 – Bolivia: A military coup under the direction of Vice President Rene Barrientos and army commander-in-chief Alfredo Ovando Candia overthrew President Victor Paz Etenssoro. The CIA covertly financed the new right-wing government.

Each incident was perpetrated by right-wing anti-Communists supported by CIA and the U.S. military. In the middle of all this right-wing military display of power, we are supposed to believe that President Kennedy was assassinated by a pro-Castro Communist sympathizer who had previously “defected” to the Soviet Union. It does not make sense.”

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Everything is planned years in advance. Then they warn, then they murder.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Eliminating communists is not a bad thing. So there’s that.

1 year ago

Western ambassadors to Japan, led by Rahm Emanuel, push LGBT for that country.

A dystopian cringe competition video.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Hi AC. I’m launching a new series of books and am hoping you’ll give it a plug at some point.

 Paperbacks are in the works and will be coming along soon. The publish date for the first e-book is November 11, but it’s available for pre-order already at Amazon, B & N, Kobo…and as it makes its way through the approval process at other stores, you should eventually find it available everywhere.

If you order it now or soon after the publish date, you’ll be able to get it for almost half what the normal price will be. I am also fairly confident that I can have the second e-book ready before Christmas, and those first two paperbacks might be ready by then, too.

“Paradox” is a sci-fi conspiracy thriller that follows the hero from pre-adolescence through his physical prime over the course of five full-length novels. The first one is “Escaping Fate.” There’s action and intrigue, trips to exotic locales and infamous moments in history as well as a postapocalyptic future America, a prehistoric world, and confrontation with a Machievellian cabal (similar to what we talk about here, totally by pure coincidence, anon–only with tentacles all through the continuum and alternate realities) but underneath everything, this is really about a quest for/journey to manhood.

Some of those who gather here may not have grown up in a dysfunctional family and broken home. For the rest of us, how much better would life have been/how much could we have accomplished/how many bad decisions could we have avoided if we’d had a father figure actively involved in our lives, with a genuine concern for our well-being that trumped their own ambitions (or just plain old immediate gratification in some cases)? That theme winds through these books.

Look at what Cabal has done to men in our culture. Masculinity has been watered-down, mischaracterized, demonized, seemingly outlawed, and now pretty much lost for the next generation. It is rediscovered by the protagonist and, I hope, by some young male readers who don’t necessarily have to learn everything the hard way like some of us did.

Many thanks, AC. And thanks to everyone who checks it out.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago


Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

I’ve read the chapters MT posted on his site. It’s really fun!

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago


Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Wow i had no idea you wrote these books

1 year ago

Re: Dianne Feinstein’s estate– a couple of days ago, we hear Jagger’s half billion won’t get passed onto his eight children. Ergo, his wealth wasn’t really his. Not that he didn’t do his fair share driving boomer children and their parents apart and otherwise undermining the pillars of Western civilization. DiFi, OTOH, gets to pass hers on. Jewish Privilege? And of course the daughters are “wrangling”, rotten apples not far from the rotten tree.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s true, his kids are already set for life. They don’t need anything more.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Difi otho? I swear you do this ahit just to fuck with me. (Joke jsyk

Reply to  Hiweareinhell
1 year ago

On The Other Hand.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

I’ve literally been hired to jobs before specifically just because I can read a tape measure in Freedom Units. The fact that this guy has so much trouble finding others that can do this just underscores the problem.

Guy goes around Home Depot and Lowe’s parking lots on a weekday looking for people who can read a tape measure in American Standard.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

RE: Donald Trump says looters ‘should expect to be shot’ if he retakes White House in 2024.

I care much less about looters AFTER Trump is elected than I do about BLM/Antifa BEFORE his re-election. BLM/Antifa will burn down cities and really should be the priority. The only piece left to add to my kit is night vision capability. Working on it.

Q you better have the Marines&Guard out that night, because one way or another this stops. It’s better for them to be the ones stopping it, but it will be stopped either way by those upholding their oaths.

1 year ago

This guy sounds like he and his family were in the cabal entity you describe, AC, and he only became aware of it later in life.
The Great Taking (

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Excellent link. Thank you.

“The intuitive mind, when adequately and correctly informed, can be miraculously powerful, knowing immediately what the rational mind cannot yet see. On the other hand, if it is given bad information, and if incorrect assumptions are not surfaced and challenged, it is a dysfunctional disaster. The rational mind can be employed to inform the intuitive with vetted information, and to continuously test what the intuitive mind thinks it knows. With cooperation between these aspects of the mind, one can drill down to examine detail, zoom out to see bigger implications, and vice versa.”

1 year ago

Diane Feinstein’s death reminds me that only Supreme Court justices were supposed to die in office, hence their term being lifelong. What does it mean when pretty much every branch of government has become a lifetime, mostly genetic hereditary, position? Senators and such rule for 50+years until they die, then pass their roles to their children and friends children. The President, as we see with Obama-Bushes-Biden, are just employees for the same group. There hasn’t been a true political rotation in my entire life.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Or the ancient fossils and their families have enough blackmail of their own to force the others to keep them in power and money positions.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This reminds me of The Operative character from the Serenity movie.

One of the best lines from him: There is no place for me here. I am a monster. I dream of a better world.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

We will exterminate all their dynasties, starting with the filthy Windsor family.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Or as i have argued, they dont really die. Even before their original body expires ..they upload their ” soul to the wigit.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

The Brits really love dragging the West into war.

They cannot plausibly asser that the troops they deploy into a hot conflict zone to train one side of that conflict are anything but combatants. In fact, they’re probably unlawful combatants, meaning the Geneva conventions do not apply to their forces.

The entire British militar cannot fill a major football stadium. This will be interesting to see how losing UK troops in Ukraine justifies an allied response.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

The UK is taking point on UKR for NATO. They had the most advisors in country and with their minion Latvia the most by far: I think 90%(?).

The City of London is unsurprisingly thick as thieves with the neo-cons.

They’re just constantly eff’ing with things. For over 500yrs.

Nuland/Blinken/Sullivan have openly said RUS doesn’t respond to crossed red-lines. So, they either don’t care or are trying to get RUS to escalate.

I have no idea why.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

The City of London financed William’s invasion in 1066.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

No. The British have nothing to do with it.

UK has been hijacked by WEF agents.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Might we agree to acknowledge that labels like British, Jewish, Masonic, Jesuit, etc. misguide our thinking. The enemy is a distributed global hegemonising swarm. Lines on maps are mere operational technicalities to them. The lines that matter to them are bloodlines – the genealogies.
(The enemy isn’t even using the big old national/religious/royalist egregores in the way it did in the 20thC. The current migration/idpol strategy seems to be a degregorisation.)
A key point about well-traced bloodlines and high performance intel apparatus: names become redundant. The enemy can walk amongst us with an impeccable legend, and never have recourse to their true identies.
A trivial introductory example would be Anderson Cooper, but it’s quite sobering to think how many of Them there are.
Q said watch the wives. I say mind the bastards.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

All true, except for the Masons.

Many, if not most, Masons may good people, certain in the belief they are doing good.
The problem is their oaths of secrecy & “brotherhood” assistance is service to evil

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The trend for women to “keep their own name” after marriage wasn’t really about “women’s liberation”. It was to make it easier for Them to hide their own connections.

1 year ago

TruthseekerBear, and Tonawanda your accounts have been activated at TA.
EscapedMentalPatient, your old account has been updated as you requested, an email has been sent to you with the details to allow you to log in.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Would you mind explaining what Timeless Authors is? Is it for writers? Is it for readers of specific books, like Twilight Moms was for Twilight fans?

Thank you.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

TimelessAuthors is a forum for discussing news, politics, literature, writing and many other subjects.
It is not specific in subject or in membership.
You can see some of the books that some of our members have written in the Featured Books section which is viewable by the public:

But we talk about other books and just about any other subject.
the advantage of having a closed forum for members only is that posts appear immediately which allows for easier conversations than having to wait for AC to approve comments a few times a day.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

I am there and it is the best online “community” I’ve ever been a part of (I’ve been online since the mid-’90s). As I understand it, it began as an aspiration to be a publishing house, but that fell through as it was just getting started. It continues, though.

I have found TA to be a collection of intelligent, knowledgeable and honest men, mostly Christian, whose worldview is based. They discuss serious topics as well as more lighthearted matters. They are supportive of each other, and of newcomers, and share many of the concerns I have about the future. I haven’t met any of them personally, but consider them friends. I trust the regular contributors there more than I trust most people I know in real life.

BTW, there are some avid followers of AC’s blog there, including me.

Not to claim that they or TA is perfect, because we are human. There are disagreements. But TA quickly became one of my must-check websites after I joined (my other one is AC’s blog). I don’t always have time to comment or contribute at either site, and sometimes I fall way behind. But I always go back to catch up when I have the chance.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Thanks for recommending us.
We think very highly of you as well.

TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Thanks. (:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

AC, another case of the wife’s being honeypots of the intel services to get kompromat of a beta cuck, here in argentina, just 3 weeks before presidential elections.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Homosexuality is usually underlying the fake wife/husband setup.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

No anon, he knows, they are also known prostitutes, even documented and published in the mainstream media. That guy is a very important argie politician, and was published the day before the presidential debate.

His ex wife, according to the mainstream socialist or liberal media, got 5 or 20 million dollars from their divorce, he earns less than 12k/year, the difference is corruption.

the conflict is between the liberal and socialist elites for the control of the country, and they used this as political ammo, as in 3 weeks there are national presidential elections.

His ex wife comes from an extremely poor background, and is quite hot, so she completly took the ticket, was a “playboy girl”, and eventually nailed an important politician as a husband. She is a documented intel honey pot too as per the twitter link.

Thats it, and ¿ goes to the archive of this site ?

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Quoting you:

“Or, maybe the only way for those girls to get a moneyed life is that. Maybe those regular guys they could have a real life with will always be consigned to minimum wage, and they want more than that monetarily.
Still the fake wife is the craziest thing, but it is definitely a thing. If I was even halfway normal mentally, and God did not make me all bent out of shape specifically to put me on this path, I suspect I would have ended up with one, most likely sabotaging me and trying to waste my time at every step.”
THIS better explained in my post below, but THIS

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

AC please tell me why why do they try to sabotage and waste time when it’s their spouse?? What in the world is in it for them if they bring about their spouse’s downfall??

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They don’t care about them as a spouse, they’re just a target. It would be no different than one of us as an undercover cop infiltrating a gang specifically to take them all down for life in prison.

There is a supernaturally evil motivation to their behavior that can’t be explained by mere mortal / material whims.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s a spiritual war.
They believe their side will win and they will receive rewards in the next life.

GOD wins, and they will receive the wages of sin for eternity.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It would be nice to get rid of this thing, then throw off our anonymity and meet up for a beer sometime and compare war stories.

Until then, I’m glad I’m trapped in this particular silo.

1 year ago

Would preparing your roof for water conservation systems buffer some of the directed energy problems?

It’s fashionable in my town for wealthier people to have metal roofs with water pipes leading to rainwater barrels. The barrels sometimes are thousands of gallons.

Some of them also put up solar panels. The solar panels are not on metal roofs. The metal roof houses have what look like thick stone walls.

Some civic buildings have this style of stone walls and metal roofs with rainwater collecting systems with giant metal tanks for the collected water.

Would a roof system of pipes and metal and who knows what else possibly deflect or scatter rays of whatever this is?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It would be nice to know if Binney is still alive.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Looking at Hawaii, it appears blue roofs reflect, unless the pictures they are showing are fake.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Remember the OICW and ever wonder what happened to it? Well, it’s not quite as laughable as the story of the Bradley but it’s still pretty facepalming.

The Fat Electrician- Basically A War Crime – America’s Future Weapon The XM-29

1 year ago

> Trump headed to Detroit, Michigan for a speech in the midst of an ongoing United Auto Workers strike 

The United Auto Workers was founded by the Communist Party of the USA. It has long been a staunch supporter of the Democratic Party. However, if Trump can flip them, they’re a huge voting bloc.

The Dems have kissed UAW butt for decades, but they’ve been inflexible in their pro-illegals policy, which has hurt UAW members directly. Of course, the membership has very little control over what their leaders do, and those are all still Commies. We might see the UAW fracture over this. Which might be a good thing.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

And that’s why Brandon rushed to get there a day before Trump was going.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

DJT is forging a Nixonian tier voting coalition. It’s remarkable. If he can pull it off, he’ll end up forcing a complete re-alignment of US politics.

The DEMs will have to abandon their alleged voting coalition entirely and adopt a nationally appealing platform (unlike what they have now).

1 year ago


So I am reading this from you from above:

 They are on the road all day, so they can just break off for a bit to do some vehicular surveillance between fares, and nobody thinks surveillance when they see a cab drive by. If I am not mistaken, I believe I have a cabbie on video turning in front of my car at an intersection like eight years ago, holding up some kind of cloth to shield his face from my dashcam and me. Moreover, cabbies will pick up people at the airport who just arrived, or other targets can be guided to them, and once inside the cab, there is no need to place the target in a floating vehicular box to follow them – they are riding inside a surveillance vehicle.”

Then it just hit me. For the longest time, I can never understand how Uber, loses so much money. The company runs nothing but an app. It does not pay for gas, or for cars, or for insurance, or any ongoing costs for its rideshare contractors, other than sharing a portion of the fare. It should be, for all intents and purposes, an “asset-light” company.

Uber’s costs make sense when you see it is a new form of cabbie surveillance. That is why it burns through money like crazy for most of its formative years.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

What you say is entirely possible. I know that the stated rationale for Uber at the time of launching was to secure a “first mover” advantage in the driverless car arena.

The “plan” was to create the infrastructure to take advantage of the supposedly approaching “singularity” allowing transition to driverless cars. To have the infrastructure ready to go and Uber ready to exert monopoly status.

Uber was supposed to bleed money until driverless cars came on line. All the while getting things ready.

A mostly forgotten aspect was the de facto attack on licensed cab drivers.

Always seemed to me as another of those “theoretically possible but facially preposterous” things.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

Yep. Also, within a very few years it somehow miraculously bulldozed through every city/state/national taxicab organization in the western world.

1 year ago


Friday we voted on a bill to:

*fund appropriations at 92% for 30 days.

*pass HR-2, the Republican border security bill (sans e-verify)

*establish a debt commission.

I voted for it, but that bill failed because 21 republicans and every democrat voted against it.

The senate began moving a bill to fund the government at 100% for 45 days and send billions to Ukraine.

Some representatives in the House were ready to vote for that bill. In fact, GOP leadership (McConnell) in the Senate endorsed that bill. It was advancing as the likely option

With no other viable options, the Speaker quickly advanced a bill to fund at 100% for 45 days, without Ukraine $, so we could work on the other 8 approps bills.

Brave GOP senators overrode the decision of their leadership and the Senate GOP decided to delay the Senate bill.

The conservative option (8% cut) being defeated the day before (ironically by conservatives) the House passed the 45 day, no cuts, no Ukraine bill on Saturday.

Dems who wanted the senate bill reluctantly voted for house bill, as did 100+ repubs (not I, but I don’t fault them).

This does not warrant a Motion to Vacate.

I’ll try to answer some questions posted here.

*end of thread*

Massie defending McCuckthy.

1 year ago

US quietly strikes deal to send military to Ecuador amid drug cartel explosion

1 year ago

Robert Kennedy Jr Admits His Campaign Has Done Polling on Running Independent and He Takes More General Election Votes from Donald Trump Than Joe Biden

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

To me it is interesting that DJT hasn’t gone after RFKjr.

RFKjr also plays into the narrative that GOP pushes about DJT being liable for the vaxx and anti-vaxxxers hating him for it. And Ron taking that vote.

I’ll prob stay agnostic on the guy until DJT makes his position clear.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

RFK Jr. was much worse on the vax and the lockdowns than anything Trump is accused of.
But the operation behind him has tricked everyone into forgetting and ignoring what he said and did.

I’m sure Trump has a plan for dealing with him, but he is a difficult target for Trump to attack.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

In a way, Tusli is the RFKjr aimed at the MIC and For Pol.

DJT has been hands off wrt her as well.

Both very ambiguous characters.

1 year ago

CONFIRMED: The DEA Struck A Deal With Mexico’s Most Notorious Drug Cartel

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The deal was not to interfere with the CIA’s business.

1 year ago

Some people can’t be shown or told.
Q needs to stop trying to save the unsavable while there is still something left to save.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive