News Briefs – 10/01/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Arizona AG launches an official election fraud investigation, via an Alex Jones video. Main gist is the headline, and things are moving forward. It is possible if the AG is dirty, he was turned. Or he may be pursuing this because he is running for the Senate, and feels it will help him unseat high-ranking Cabalite Mark Kelly. One thing I know – if Cabal were in control, this would probably not have gotten this far.

Hours after Attorney General Mark Brnovich publicized a litigation hold notice placed on Maricopa County while an investigation is pursued, the County suddenly promises a technical response to the forensic audit by Cyber Ninjas.

Ballot watchers report that in the AZ ballot counting, there were seven for Biden, one for Trump, seven for Biden, and one for Trump and that repeated  an improbably number of times, as if somebody created that batch of ballots. Also 60,000 ballots counted were illegally cast ballots, making any recount a bullshit result.

Now massive ‘fraudulent’ votes and apparent nursing home vote fraud found in Delaware in the 2020 election.

Far left Judge Marie Avery Moses issues a protective order on only Eric Coomer’s deposition without anyone requesting it, after he comes across as completely unhinged, but not on defendants including the Gateway Pundit.

Arizona Sec. of State candidate calls for election audit in Pima County.

Deputy Pima County Attorney found dead in an apparent accident.

Durham issues fresh round of subpoenas in his continuing probe of FBI investigation into the Trump Russia Hoax.

Technically, Durham’s funding is running out on Friday, unless it is renewed by Merrick Garland.

FBI is found to be unable to back up claims in dozens of surveillance applications, as more FISA abuse comes to light.

The FBI has just requested the account information for almost 200,000 @ProtonMail accounts in a mass “domestic terrorist” surveillance dragnet targeting Conservatives.

“Havana Syndrome” among US diplomats in Cuba most likely caused by crickets, not microwave weapons, says a declassified JASON review commissioned by the US State Department. So State, ie Cabal central, was running cover for the attackers.

Liberal media outlets issued bizarre “fact-checks” after the Polish government revealed migrants have videos of executions and illegal sex acts on their phones, objecting that a bestiality video featured a mare rather than a cow as originally reported, for example. LOL. Cabal is not only reduced to arguing we got it wrong because the migrant’s porn stash featured a person having sex with a horse rather than a cow, but they are pointing out the video was old, and not even that good. What does it say when you are recognizing archival bestiality videos, and can identify when they were made, and rate them relative to other bestiality videos? Vox Day needs to explain how you debate with that.

Rose McGowan’s entire credit record was erased, so even though she has credit cards, she has no credit record in any system, as if she doesn’t exist. Like it or not, the nation is run by what is in essence an intelligence agency run by private sector actors, and that intelligence agency has infiltrated loyal operatives everywhere, who will do whatever it tells them, from elections staff, to credit agencies, to IT techs everywhere, to government oversight organizations. As a result, there are no rules.

Covid-19 deaths are over 3,000% higher than this time last year and 80% of those dying had the Covid-19 vaccine according to the latest Public Health data.

The Australian city of Melbourne has seen a record spike of COVID-19 cases despite a strict lockdown that has been in place for nearly two months, Reuters reported.

Fully vaxxed former CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill suffers a heart attack and is hospitalized with blood clots after rupturing his Achilles tendon.

The Department of Defense has abandoned its routine protocol of conducting MRI scans on the pilots following vaccination during the COVID pandemic.

Scammers got nearly 30% of Arizona virus unemployment pay.

Marine who appeared with Trump at rally after rescuing baby in Kabul has been placed under investigation by the US military.

CDC is building a gun injury ‘surveillance’ program at hospital emergency rooms.

CDC targets rural youth and 4-H kids for creepy data project on gun culture. Notice how this can also be a cover for surveillance activity of kids who might not get good coverage in the boonies and who have firearms.

Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) has demanded that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley turn over all intelligence he had showing that China had believed in the days leading up to the 2020 election that the United States was planning to attack it, as well as a transcript fo his call.

A caravan of 90,000 Haitians has formed in Panama and is beginning tis northward journey.

A court order which ends a Trump Covid restriction on migrant movement may take effect at the end of next week, and trigger an immediate surge of 350,000-400,000 migrants crossing the border.

El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested an illegal alien they say was intentionally setting fires in the Jacumba Wilderness region on Saturday afternoon.

New Biden rules would limit arrest, deportation of migrants to just those who have immediately crossed over.

New DHS directive tells ICE agents that immigration status alone should not be basis for deportation.

 Machine learning is turning out text which cannot be recognized as not written by humans, meaning AI can turn out disinformation on a scale which cannot be counteracted by humans. They were using it to generate tweets and news stories. If researchers are finding it is possible, it is already operational. Imagine them unleashing a racist KKK comment bot on every website they wanted to drive normies from. I used to be entirely libertarian in comment policy when this first started, and felt it was almost criminal to delete an obnoxious comment, as all speech should be free. But you just can’t do that today. By this point you should not be triggerable by any social shit online which would have bothered you before. I can read any post on here saying anything about me, and none of it is personally affecting. Everything which affects you emotionally, or which feels outside of the normal baseline of reasonable, logical interaction, is going to tend to be manipulation by the machine, because crazy people are not as common as they will try to make you think. And if affecting you emotionally is the competition, you win by just not giving any fucks. I don’t even bother reading twitter comments anymore, outside of the big recognizable names which will tend to be likely to be real, since I assume almost all others are either bots, or paid manipulators. The real question is, are any of the comments here which don’t make it into the comment stream actually being produced by bots now. I’ll bet even a few that have made it through are.

Biden’s Soviet-born nominee for Comptroller of the Currency thinks Fed should ‘end banking’, admires USSR’s economy because there was ‘no gender pay gap’ and says hedge funds are an ‘asshole industry.’

Gen. Milley admitted, Nancy Pelosi tried to undermine the nuclear launch chain of command. Why did all these people think a nuclear launch on China was entirely plausible? What had China done?

The leftist National School Boards Association is begging President Joe Biden to use domestic terrorism laws to target parents who oppose anti-science mask mandates for children and the infiltration of racist curriculum in schools.

Three soldiers at an army base in New York are suspected to have died by suicide within just 48 hours, with one of them being among the last of the troops to leave Afghanistan just one month ago.

Ron Paul tweets – “Very shocked that Youtube has completely removed the Channel of my Ron Paul Institute.”

Jobless claims rise above expectations, sapping confidence in la Labor market recovery.

Five people were shot as a rolling gun battle tore through the West Loop neighborhood in Chicago, creating a crime scene two miles ling, and injuring a bicyclist, a ride-share passenger, and a man who may have been inside one of the gunman’s vehicles. Why am I strangely envious of the guys who took part in this, even knowing the fuck-over the legal system is about to give them?

Despite claiming that officials in her administration don’t support defunding police, Gov. Kathy Hochul has tapped a second person who does to a key post — a failed New York City Council candidate who wants to slash the NYPD budget by $3 billion.

The mother of real estate bubbles looms in China as Evergrande’s collapse hangs in the balance.

Bed Bath & Beyond stock sinks 17% after profit and sales miss, weak guidance. Why pick this stock specifically?

On Nov 11, there will be a series of events for the #Tomb100 centennial: a Joint Full Honors Procession, Joint Full Honors Flyover with 17 aircraft…

Russia to increase psychological, social & medical help available to pregnant women as country seeks to reduce abortions by 50%.

Smith & Wesson is moving its headquarters and significant elements of its operations to Maryville, Tennessee, from where it has been based in Springfield, Massachusetts since the company was incorporated in 1852.

A growing number of conservative lawmakers on Capitol Hill are rallying to the cause of Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who was jailed this week for his outspoken and repeated criticism of the chaotic final days of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

CNN disses Biden, saying Border Patrol horses are ‘used to save lives,’ are often the only choice for border patrol to get to a remote area to save migrants, and criticizing Biden for shutting down their use.

Biden booed at Congressional Baseball Game as hopes fade for infrastructure bill.

Joe Biden creeps on a woman during last night’s Congressional baseball game and Americans react to his “predator-looking” situation.

Joe Biden’s approval rating plunges to 32% in Texas.

Thanks, but no banks! Nebraska becomes the first state to say they will not comply with Biden’s snooping plan to have banks report every transaction over $600 to the IRS.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) seemed to mock the far-left-wing of the Democrat Party, as well as a reporter’s question on Wednesday when asked about where she stood on the Democrats’ massive $3.5 trillion social spending bill. She made a joke out of a question about the frustration of Democrats. The supposed war between the radicals and the moderates continues to look to take down all of Biden’s agenda.

Joe Manchin says, ahead of House vote on the Infrastructure bill, ‘I cannot support trillions in spending.’

Manchin says his spending limit for the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is $1.5 trillion.

53% of likely voters oppose the Dems’ $3.5 trillion spending bill.

Donald Trump promises a large victory in 2022 if Biden’s agenda is enacted. So Democrats might be actually tanking Biden’s agenda to save themselves in 2022?

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


If Democrats are able to piece together their huge tax hikes, called by another name, it will mean an additional 40 Republican seats in the House and at least a few additional Republican Senators in the U.S. Senate.


Snuck into the government funding bill, or CR, the Democrats are trying to pass, and just found, is unlimited money to random, unscreened, unvetted Afghan nationals. Republicans can’t let this happen. This is a further insult after Biden’s humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, that needlessly killed 13 Americans.

This is not a “clean” government funding bill. It’s a major immigration rewrite that allows Biden to bring anyone he wants from Afghanistan for the next year—no vetting, no screening, no security—and fly them to your community with free welfare and government-issued IDs. We’ve already seen some of the horrible assaults and sex crimes that have taken place. But these terrible assaults will just be the tip of the iceberg of what’s coming if this isn’t shut down.

The CR even covers people who don’t live in Afghanistan and haven’t in many years, as long as they used to live there. So Biden and Blinken can load up planes of former Afghans from Pakistan or elsewhere without any limits, checks or even a lawful visa or refugee status. The only “rule” is that Mayorkas—an incompetent radical—give them a green light. This bill must be opposed!

Invite other people to because the Lord works in mysterious ways.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“A caravan of 90,000 Haitians has formed in Panama and is beginning tis northward journey.”

90,000 is a lot. It will be an interesting October.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

90,000 Haitians can’t coordinate in Haiti to fix or maintain their own country, but we’re supposed to believe 90,000 of them, in someone else’s country, can coordinate and make a mass march as a single unit, for the north?

Someone who is not Haitian is coordinating this and funding, maybe even feeding, this movement to the north, and I doubt it’s the Panamanians, because I’ve met some, and they are not fond of black people, and that’s putting it mildly.

This is a funded and coordinated march organized by the non state actors AC references every day on this site.

This is a coordinated invasion to create as much chaos as humanly possible with the U.S. being the final stop, where this 90,000 person army will immediately be spread out through the U.S. at tax payer expense and get clocked onto the welfare rolls as soon as they hit town.

Cabal has activated all assets and is trying to break the U.S. as quickly as possible using every tool at their disposal.

Hey Q team… what the f*ck are you waiting for?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

They’re probably tired from swimming over from Haiti.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Gen. Milley admitted, Nancy Pelosi tried to undermine the nuclear launch chain of command. Why did all these people think a nuclear launch on China was entirely plausible? What had China done?”

Covid is a bioweapon and nuclear attacks have always been US policy in retaliation for biowarfare. But I suspect it is more a Nancy/Liberal concocted scheme to 1) Make Trump look Crazy 2) Seize another facet of power and 3) undermine US nuclear ability in the advance of One world government. Also any part of the Chinese government launching a bioattack was obviously in cahoots with members of the US government and private sector (Fauci and Gates). How that affects things is unknown. Although, keep in mind, Trump had Covid, and they may have feared he was going to act if his condition worsened right before the election.

China’s arsenal is small enough (80 ICBM’s) that a strike by 2 Ohio SSBNs (about 200 attacking warheads) off of China’s coast could have gotten most of them, and any surviving ICBMs would of had to penetrate the US missile shield (44 interceptors). They had/have a vulnerability. It’s probably why they are building an additional 250 ICBMs (with MIRVs) right now. Of course, they might not be building fast enough. Note that US Trident missiles on a depressed trajectory can reach intercontinental ranges in under 10 minutes. This would also explain why Taiwan is still an independent nation at the moment.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Your numbers are fake news gay, and your understanding of current capability on both sides is way out of date.

Ref: Submariner who worked on missle defense stuff after getting out.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

So, one of these guys is lying?

You’re a very touchy guy Tommy, you take a lot of things too strongly for an internet blog. It’s a bad look.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“…China’s arsenal is small enough (80 ICBM’s) …”

Don’t believe this for a second. Not even a millisecond. China has nukes in tunnels next to re-loadable launchers. Some college students found this when an earthquake collapsed some of the tunnels.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Now, you might just be on to something there.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

There’s actually more to the tactical picture than that – the Marine is going to weigh in on amphibious assault 🙂

Think back to D-Day. 25 miles to cross. They needed large troop carriers which could launch the landing craft a couple miles away.

Okay, Taiwan is 100 miles from China. And it has LOTS of anti-ship missiles with plenty of time to launch them. Plus there’s the ever present wild card of fast attack submarines. That rules out large troop ships moving to just a few miles off shore.

Okay how about by air? Lots of SAM sites pointed that direction with enough flight time to intercept. Many times more missiles than big planes.

So what does that leave? Three options – 1)ultra-quiet troop carrier submarines, 2)a SWARM of 100,000 small craft(or more), literally pleasure boats and ultralights modded for range & speed, or 3) Drop your army from space.

The submarines can be found via active sonar, probably. China probably doesn’t have the capability to drop an army from orbit yet. That leaves the swarm. Welcome back to the Korean War where they just never stop coming. The only potential counter to the swarm is wide angle beam weapons, like charged-particle beams, which have actually been around since at least the 1970’s.

Well, there is a fourth option. You can conceal your invasion force inside container cargo ships and trojan horse them into the major ports. Major ports are more likely to have military stationed near by for exactly this reason. And once it’s obvious that you’ve done that half of the men aboard die when the ship is attacked by local military forces because it took too long to unload them.

Oh, wait, FIFTH option a swarm of ultra quiet electric submersibles big enough to carry ONE light tank/assault vehicle like a Bradley and one squad just under the waterline with enough range for a one-way trip. Of course they have to be able to avoid mines because at that size they are just big enough to set them off.

Therefore my guess is that an invasion of Taiwan would require MASSIVE missile bombardment followed by the PLA employing literally EVERYTHING that I’ve just mentioned in order just to reach the shore with a large enough force to do some damage. And then they have to keep it up until an official surrender.

Honestly, I think this would make a simply AWESOME RTS.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Mate, I checked out your bootstrappy thing-a-ma-jiggy that AC linked to yesterday. After seeing the state of the wiring in your dungeon buddy I wouldn’t let you near a battery operated fan let alone a sub!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Well, you’re not wrong.

I MAKE things. Usually without wires. This one needed wires so they are all plugged in correctly. This a tremendous accomplishment for moi. I might even get around putting the side back on the PC case and making those bug screens for the sides. What you should NEVER expect to see me do is any board level soldering. I don’t do anything to circuit boards more advanced than plugging them in.

Besides, why put that in with a decent install when I’m just going to be ripping it out again within the next year? The cnc router you see right now is Mk1 running at 36v 110. Mk2 will be made out of cast aluminum and stainless steel tubing, and might be upgraded to 48 volts 220. Mk3 will add epoxy to the mix and a BUNCH of other design changes, definitely running 220. Mk4 is the thing I can’t talk about yet.

I’m doing CAD work for Mk2 as I type this. I know what’s in my head, now just a matter of getting FreeCAD to give me a reasonable version of it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

On another site I said much the same as you. Any invasion of Taiwan by China if the Taiwanese really decided to make a stand they could bloody them so bad it would be bound to fail. Maybe they could blockade or ruin the country with ballistic missiles but Men invading, serious slaughter. Chinese soldiers are not what they used to be. Many are single kids of their parents and getting them to commit suicide will be far more difficult than in Korea. Think of the overwhelming amount of Navy firepower and air power the Allies had on D-day and it was still a very close thing.

Some of the stuff I said use was balloons for radar, fiber optic guided missiles(they have these and they go many, many miles), artillery in caves covering all landing zones and machine guns(water cooled machine guns can shoot, forever, as long as they have ammo), etc. And was told that,”I just didn’t understand this sort of thing” by supposed “experts” who said the Taiwanese didn’t have a chance.

The problem was that they could not in any way give me any example of exactly how it was that the Chinese could prevail that I could not counter with some cheap ass rockets with cheap ass micro-processors. I imagine 20,000 big cheap Estes type rockets with networked software controlled frequency hopping combined with radar and heat scanning balloons and drone planes at high altitude. It wouldn’t be defense it would be, MURDER. Even if they somehow, through some sort of miracle made it across the open water they would still have to land on beaches covered with remote controlled machine guns.

The Chinese might could nuke the whole place and burn it to the ground, massacring ever 2nd person the island but if they were serious about defending it they could not be beaten. Doing that would cause such an uproar that all their trade would come to a screaming halt and destroy the whole entire economy and if people got mad enough they could sink all their ships including the ones carrying fuel to China. it would ruin them.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam, among my circle of friends my nickname is “Defender from Hell”. Of the many strategy games we played over the years, I was killed quite often. It was never worth what it cost them to kill me. Not one time. I still died a lot.

You don’t win playing defense. But you can cost your opponent so much that they avoid you. This will not be the case with Taiwan. There’s no amount of pain the CCP won’t put it’s own people through, no upper limit of bodies they won’t throw into the meat grinder, and hell, if it comes to it they will absolutely glass the island just out of spite.

Taiwan, or should I say Republic of China is what mainland China could have been this entire time. The CCP is well aware of this, and everyday RoC continues as a defacto sovereign country is an embarrassment. Just because the Han have rejected the white left’s wokeness doesn’t mean that they don’t share in the commie blind hatred for the right wing of Han civilization, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.

Truthfully I think that the only thing that saves Taiwan is the destruction of the Three Gorges Dam and subsequent economic&political collapse of the entire country. Otherwise the CCP will eventually invade in enough numbers that the Taiwanese simply don’t have enough ammo to shoot them all.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Russia to increase psychological, social & medical help available to pregnant women as country seeks to reduce abortions by 50%.”

As Joshua and his ancient Israelites battled the baby-killers of Canaan, surely Russia is taking up that fight as well. Maybe some of the blood of the lost tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh was scattered into the early slavs, and then these people became the Russians. It would certainly explain the survival of Christianity in Russia in the 20th century, and the caretaking desires of Orthodox towards ancient Christian sites in modren Israel.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Constantine moved the capitol of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium in 330AD, because Byzantium was much closer to the geographical center of the Empire, and because Rome was literally drowning in its own sewage. Much of the Senate and ruling classes considered Byzantium to be a country shithole and wanted no part of it, and went back to Rome and carried on much as before, eventually electing a new Emperor and Pope. There was much to-ing and fro-ing over the centuries, as one side or the other got the upper hand.

So you had an Emperor, a Senate, and a Church in both Rome and Byzantium. Under ordinary circumstances Byzantium would have simply faded away, but Constantine had moved the Roman treasury there, and it stayed in Byzantium at the schism, so though it was only a city-state, it was filthy rich.

The Hierarchs of Byzantium were evangelists by creed, but too effete to soil their robes doing it themselves. After converting the Rus they used them as mercenaries to spread enlightenment by axe and sword. The Turks took Byzantium in 1453 and the Rus withdrew to their native lands, re-establishing the Church in Kiev.

A lot of head-scratching comments about “the Church” in history books make more sense when you understand there were *two* independent Catholic Churches for some centuries before 1453, and the one in Rome was quite definitely the lesser in terms of membership and political influence. Byzantium was a theocracy and its foreign policy was Christianity; much of the time when the books say “the Church did…” they’re referring to Byzantium. The “Roman” church didn’t even have a fixed seat, moving about at the whims of the popes, and seven Popes ruled from Gaul, in what’s now the Avignon area of France. Many history books fail to mention which church did what, either because they figured everyone should already know details of ancient religio-political infighting, or because they were too lazy to keep track of it themselves.

After the Orthodox Church moved to Kiev it was still huge, but had very little presence in the West. The Roman church fractured again when Henry VIII of England decided to set himself up in the poping business in 1534 and declared himself head of his own Anglican church, which eventually became larger than the Roman one.

So now there are three major churches:

Russian Orthodox (Byzantine): Patriarch Cyril
Roman Catholic: Pope Francis
Anglican: Queen Elizabeth II

If your favorite Catholics aren’t mentioned, well, it’s only a blog comment; schisming is what the Roman(ish) Catholics do when they get bored. Each considers itself the One True Church, except for the Anglicans, who still go with Henry’s “well fuck all y’all then” policy instead of claiming some kind of theological legitimacy.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

A well thought out and well written post mate. I enjoyed that.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Man, you need to write a history book, or seven. That was fucking excellent!

Makes you think, when a quick blog comment teaches you more than an expensive “education” and several decades of MSM osmosis.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The mother of real estate bubbles looms in China as Evergrande’s collapse hangs in the balance.”

China’s economy will survive this, but it will cause a major recession in China. This will anger the Chinese government and citizens as they seek an outside culprit as the cause. Soros et al. have been providing that (likely on purpose) so that China and it’s government will embrace even more militaristic and expansionist policies than it currently has. So Soros’s “anti-China” rhetoric is likely just a ploy to goad China into a major war of aggression (against it’s neighbors), exactly the way Hitler was supported before and after 1933.

Once you study Cabal everything becomes clearer. Just as the US 2008 crash was engineered so is this next ‘crash’ being planned.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Exactly right.

Nothing that happens on a global scale, be it economic, supply chain or human movements, happens by accident. Nothing.

The parasites at the top have all bases covered. Nothing is left to chance. Once in awhile a random element emerges that causes some ripples, but by and large, Cabal pulls the strings, and gets its way.

Cabal is on the verge of victory as we speak. They are agitating for a WWIII scenario so that they can mop up after the destruction and institute their New World Order.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

“Cabal is on the verge of victory as we speak.”

Cabal is so dysfunctional now their “POTUS” is literally shitting his pants. Their Covid lockdown scam is a growing affront to all half-awake people. And half of our country now sees the election shell game for the fraud it is. The enemy has us surrounded. They can’t get away from us this time, the poor bastards.


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago
Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Anything you can add to this, dawg?

3 years ago


Snuck into the government funding bill, or CR, the Democrats are trying to pass, and just found, is unlimited money to random, unscreened, unvetted Afghan nationals. Republicans can’t let this happen. This is a further insult after Biden’s humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, that needlessly killed 13 Americans.

This is not a “clean” government funding bill. It’s a major immigration rewrite that allows Biden to bring anyone he wants from Afghanistan for the next year—no vetting, no screening, no security—and fly them to your community with free welfare and government-issued IDs. We’ve already seen some of the horrible assaults and sex crimes that have taken place. But these terrible assaults will just be the tip of the iceberg of what’s coming if this isn’t shut down.

The CR even covers people who don’t live in Afghanistan and haven’t in many years, as long as they used to live there. So Biden and Blinken can load up planes of former Afghans from Pakistan or elsewhere without any limits, checks or even a lawful visa or refugee status. The only “rule” is that Mayorkas—an incompetent radical—give them a green light. This bill must be opposed!”

It passed.

3 years ago

Re: Smith & Wesson moving to Tennessee

Makes you wonder how many other Yankees have finally seen the Light.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Yanks go back, the second wall we really need after Mexico is on the Mason-Dixon.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Oddly enough, I think you’ll be fine with these yanks. People that make guns for a living tend to be a boon to wherever they happen to land.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Don’t forget Springfield, Troy and other gun manufacturers were happy to jump on to gun grabber legislation because they were okay with fucking over civilians to keep their juicy LE and MIL contracts. At least until the public backlash scared their autistic bean counters.

I think a lot of the stuff you’re working on is fantastic, and obviously a well armed populace is the key to effective liberty insurance, but don’t get blinded by the assumption that just because someone manufactures guns that they’re an ally or anything. The USSR made some bitchin guns that were immediately used to put priests in front of firing squads. Engineering is apolitical, but it’s users aren’t.

Also, on the topic of southern identity, I know the south has been eroded culturally by millions of unwanted, soft-brained Northern and Hispanic invaders, but I don’t think the average “American” understands how large of a portion of southerners still use the War of Northern Aggression as a historical reference and not a meme. Yanks don’t get to rape and pillage their way across the countryside and assume forgiveness because time has passed.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

True. Both my family trees trace back to the pre-Civil War South. We live in an area where we’ve had Yankees “and others” coming through my entire life. They’re still considered outsiders. Even the ones that have spent most of their lives here. We don’t actively hate them though. We just compartmentalize them socially.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I understand the sentiment.

If the South requires a northern wall it emphasizes what’s at stake. In that case a “repatriation” policy for our northern ethnic and cultural brothers into the Southland may bolster our strength and our independence from the globohomo lands. Voter ID, authentic elections in the South would ensure our legit patriot politicians; eradication of Critical Race Theory in all education and work places; zero state tax in all Southern states; Constitutional Carry in all Southern states; zero “refugee” settlement; etc.

Pre-secession, the entire Southern region could coordinate a unified political/economic agenda that all politicians there endorse, or not (at their own risk), a kind of Southern America First Bill of Rights. Without being a formal secession this could be effectively a real referendum – a kind of Brexit for the South.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Fortunately few of them come to Arkansas. We’re inbred ignorant hicks, and those guys from “Deliverance” are considered high-class. Best to gas up in Memphis or Sallisaw and drive straight through on I-40; it’s too dangerous to stop other than for an emergency.

Sure, Arkansas *looks* okay from the freeway, but, don’t let that fool you. The whole state is a shithole, and you don’t want to go there. And that was *before* Game & Fish decided the “invasive species” alligators were now protected. And the state is full of opossums; they’re like giant rats. Besides having more teeth than any other North American mammal, they have little beady rat eyes that will give you the creeps. And don’t forget the feral packs of beered-up rednecks, armed to the teeth since the legislature signed off on Constitutional Carry. You might want to take I-20 through Louisiana or I-70 through Missouri and not take the chance of having a car problem in Arkansas on I-40. What’s a half-day detour compared to your personal safety?!

Anon in Texas
Anon in Texas
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Every time I have driven through Arkansas, in either direction, the sky seems to get darker and there is an increasing sense of impending evil the closer I get to Little Rock. I have been told by people from Little Rock that this sensation is entirely correct.

To be fair, I get the same feeling while driving into Dallas every day. There’s something wrong here.

Ann K.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

As someone who lived in Conway when it had just 24,000 people, I agree!

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Damn. Any visitors that get past your tourist marketing ought to receive honorary Arkansan status.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Someone I know drove through Arkansas with his dad. Got pulled over. Multiple police cars, x-rays, dogs, got patted down, search of the entire vehicle, the whole 9 yards, all in the freezing cold. When they asked why they were given such treatment: “You got California plates.”

3 years ago

Ways That Are Dark, by Ralph Townsend (1933)

Fascinating, very well-written, insights on China:

“Nobody relies altogether on his personal earnings for livelihood. Nor can any one keep his personal earnings for himself. Each strategically brings pressure to collect toll — squeeze as it is called in China—from somebody else. And somebody else is ever waiting to collect from him. Even the beggars are organized into guilds, with elaborate systems of squeeze and counter-squeeze upon one another, and the whole organization, in turn, must pay squeeze to other organizations. Everybody pays to get job and pays to keep it. And everybody is ferociously determined to make his collected squeeze as big as possible and his paid-out squeeze as little as possible.

Such a system has brought about a degree of skill in deception absolutely unimaginable to a Westerner. Survival depends upon out-deceiving competitors. With the credentials of economic success a matter of deception, those who are at the top may be expected to be better at the game than those lower down. Experience with “high class” Chinese, especially officials, bears out this proposition with sad frequency.”

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago


Only God will be able to cut through this. We all know that Nations free of God’s Spirit in their Hearts have a long way to go.

And that under Satan’s reign such wickedness would win out in a Darwinian fashion. Evil has long triumphed in that respect.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Are any of the comments here which don’t make it into the comment stream actually being produced by bots now. I’ll bet even a few that have made it through are.”

I have a name sir.

It’s 0000 0000 1011 0101

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

From right to left: 1+4+16+32+128 = 181
Use to be able to do those in my head back when school taught us skills of value.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Corn Bot has a certain ring to it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

0000 0000 1011 0101

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

1011 1010
XOR 0000 1111
1011 0000

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Russia to increase psychological, social & medical help available to pregnant women as country seeks to reduce abortions by 50%.”

Meanwhile in China it’s just another wet market…

3 years ago

>Bed Bath & Beyond stock sinks 17% after profit and sales miss, weak guidance. Why pick this stock specifically?

Shouldn’t have destocked mypillow.

Ann K.
Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Also: 17 . . . Hmmm

3 years ago

This is how it plays out with the recent announcement children under 12 are to be approved for the full suite if death jabs and boosters.
Let no good crisis go to waste.

The fuckers are going to use the pretext of CDC approval for children to receive the death jab as tactic for getting their greasy meathooks on blue eyed blond children and babies to feed their child meat-grinder.

Say you have this beautiful 2 year old blue eyed child, you have become the child’s ward because your daughter is a meth head, she has even asked you to care fir her child because of her meth addiction and its lifestyle. The court has awarded you full guardianship and you are awaiting adoption proceedings.
This beautiful girl you love is in state records, photos, and ancestral history, easily accessed by any gangstalkers in your states globo=pedo/child trafficking network. The perfect adrenal-chrome and satanic sacrifice child, in very high demand, you stand to gain political brownie points and other rewards for her abduction into the child trafficking conduit.

You understand reading this where this is going?

That beautiful blond haired blue eye kid is still technically a ward of the state. The way the network has infiltrated and infects everything it is a simple process of determining if the guardians of this child are death vaxxed or not. Due to their defiance to the death jab you now have the perfect pretext for “authorities” in the network to move in and take this child from these dangerous white supremacist anti-vaxxers.
This beautiful girl who is so precious and cared for is never seen on this earth again by her loved ones.

If i had a friend who is a legal guardian of a child i would be advising my friend to do whatever it takes to get his beautiful kid a death vax card, find a Doctor, or other medical official, it should not be all that difficult as there are enough corrupt ones now as we see every day, to forge him a vaxx card for his kid thru official death jab records, this keeping the fucking pedo gangstalkers away.

This will not be the only use for the death jabbing of our children. The pretext and gaslighting false flag plausible deniability opportunities “official” death jabbing our children provides is almost unlimited. Before the normies even recognize its going on thousands and thousands of children and babies, the most desirable white blue eyed blond ones will be hoovered up into the meatgrinder.
Of course anyone who resists defies tries to hide their children are of course white supremacists and domestic terrorists. It will be a pedo field day, cabal will be paying out rich bonuses and other rewards, for such a blood drenched vile windfall of child blood and flesh.

by the way, part of this story is real.

Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago


STEP 1: Remove from government schools and any schools who even mention the death jab.

STEP 2: Form a militia with all other like minded parents and Patriots. Initially, guns and physical weapons are not needed. Tis easier to arm a group of men who are already organized than to organize a group of disorganized but armed men.

Example: Last year: 50 man NYPD SWAT Team shows up to arrest some dude in Brooklyn but before they could complete the task 1000, yes One Thousand true Americans within minutes show up to counter the Nazi Play. The Nazi NYPD backed down and retreated.

It is time for ACTION!

3 years ago

> The Australian city of Melbourne has seen a record spike of COVID-19 cases despite a strict lockdown that has been in place for nearly two months, Reuters reported.

The most likely scenario is that Melbourne simply “adjusted” the number of cases for political reasons. You know, like the US Fed, states, and cities do.

3 years ago

After perusing the daily links, as I do each day, and realizing once again that we are living in a Clown World run by Satan himself, the only thing that keeps me from running amok and imploding is the belief that there will eventually be a reckoning. No one will get away with anything. Every lie and every evil deed will be exposed by the One who created us. Unfortunately my patience is limited and I need to see justice done right here on planet Earth. But alas…

“and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)” 2 Peter 2:7-8

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You are correct that, ultimately, their New World Order won’t work.

We talked about Looking Glass several days ago. Cabal’s own AI tells them they will lose.

The bad part is that they appear committed to burning down as much as possible and taking as many people with them as they can before it all collapses.

Us plebs are too close to the ground to not get burned in some way or another by the inferno that Cabal is unleashing.

3 years ago

“ Why am I strangely envious of the guys who took part in this, even knowing the fuck-over the legal system is about to give them?”

Because it sounds badass, like something from an action movie.

3 years ago

I wish Vox Day would re-open his comment feed on his main blog site. Whilst some of them were annoying, most commenters were erudite and thought-provoking. I miss the thinking exercises.

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
3 years ago

yes yes yes yes yes

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
3 years ago

I thought most commenters on Vox Day’s site wrote vacuous or sycophantic pap, and I say that with great respect for Vox Day. He got hit with so much MOSSAD/CIA/MI6-level trolling and shilling for so long he had to burn down his comments. Only the rarest of shoots ever broke through that blackened waste.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Kudos to Vox for ditching his Comments section. Used to be you could waste half a morning, looking for worthwhile feedback, which was usually in there…somewhere.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
3 years ago

The comments are now on Social Galactic, which is a paid service. You are given complimentary basic access by subscribing to, but it took them months to get around to sending me mine. The comments on SG are far more productive than on his old blog.

3 years ago

I’ve seen commenters here talking about dogs in news stories as some kind of hidden message? What about horses? There was the “horse paste” propaganda, the border patrol story about agents on horseback supposedly whipping migrants, now this weird fact check about a bestiality video.

White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
3 years ago


Whenever I’ve had a little bout of tinnitus during the late summer, I found it soothing to take a walk outside and let the shrill ringing in my ear disappear within the symphony of cricket calls. Now we know that sometimes tinnitus isn’t tinnitus. Thanks for the inadvertent disclosure, cabal!

3 years ago

Not necessarily a win. This could be like the Cuomo resignation, they just want to put in someone even worse.

Incidentally, its become pretty common in Australian politics for party leaders to suddenly be ousted from their roles, often for no obvious reason. Their handlers keep them on a tight leash.

Incidentally, the New South Wales government, like the federal Australian government, is Liberal (which is relatively conservative in Australian politics). The two big Australian parties, Liberal and Labour, are both completely united in implementing the COVID tyranny. Australians can’t vote their way out of this.

The dynamic in American politics was different, because part of one of the parties sort of not really opposed all this. In other countries, the voters didn’t even get that.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Well Gladys had a big corruption inquiry cooking since she was appointed. She gave her boyfriend info about an area that was about to be developed for Sydney airport and he bought the land and sold it for a crapload.

What probably brought her to an end was the head of the cops – he police commissioner contradicting her and stating that cops in NSW would NOT be checking on people’s vaccination status in pubs, clubs and so on.

The head cop contradicted her publicy and two days later she is out, so someone much nastier will be next on the pulpit.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Boyfriend?!?! someone was actually willing to stick their dick into that bridge troll?!?!?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: What had the CCP done?

We all know – they screwed with the elections and deliberately released covid. CV19 was in the planning stages for a decade. CCP and Cabal working together to bring down the West and deliver the title of world hegemon to China. It’s just in the last year that Cabal seems to have figured out that China has no interest in continuing to be subservient. Very pragmatic people, they played along until the world built them up to the point that they don’t have to play along anymore, basically exactly like NAZI Germany did with Wall St. and City of London.

My thoughts on the CCP are more in line with this:

How China Will DESTROY The NWO… & Itself

The CCP is in a mad rush to colonize Africa for the twin goals of strip mining it and obtaining more potentially arable land to supplement domestic food production, especially protein. The clock is ticking on the Three Gorges Dam and only God knows when it collapses in what will be the worst man-made disaster in human history with the potential of killing 100,000,000 people through a combination of drowning, disease, and starvation. That’s the end of the CCP, I don’t care how adept Xi is as a politician, no politician survives that.

The CCP actually IS the enemy of Globalhomo, but it’s only because the CCP wants to REPLACE Globalhomo. Like I said, EXACTLY the same mistake Hitler made.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

There is no covid. They just rebranded the common flu, influenza, common cold, and pneumonia as covid. No one is reported to get any of these things in the past year and one half. Covid is nothing more than a scam to get fools to take the Snake Oil Shot.

3 years ago

Yep. Psy Op of the century.

3 years ago

So Rose McGowan got a Burn Notice, and crickets are the new “swamp gas” explainaway for anomalous events…

And the JASON Group has always been rumored to be deep into things UFO-related. Their Wiki page makes no mention of this, of course:

3 years ago
3 years ago

> Scammers got nearly 30% of Arizona virus unemployment pay.

Compared to Washington, Oregon, and California, Arizona looks really good, even if it would be “heads will roll!” numbers suggesting outright malfeasance in any private business.

Those four states… hmm… there’s something similar about them, but I can’t quite put my finger on it…

I’d sort of like to know what kind of unemployment fraud numbers New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota are admitting to.

3 years ago

> CDC is building a gun injury ‘surveillance’ program at hospital emergency rooms.
> CDC targets rural youth and 4-H kids for creepy data project on gun culture.

Hey! Who do they think they are? The Post Office?

Back in the old days every Federal bureaucracy wanted their own black-masked SWAT team. Now it seems they all want their own spy corps too.

They’ll probably wind up like the Soviets, spending way more effort spying on each other than anyone else. Sure, those Bible-waving capitalists were a menace, but getting the dirt on the appropriations committee was a matter of bureaucratic life and death.

X in the XXX
X in the XXX
3 years ago

Re: the Wild West Loop gun battle

I’m a little torn on this.

On the one hand, the assholes in the cars shooting at each other clearly show they need to be permanently confined in a House of Correction, or exiled to a fire walled Penal Colony.

On the other hand, I’ll bet 95% of the woke r-selectionist hipster soyboy and magenta-hair commie fucksticks in the West Loop voted for Lori Lightfoot (or engaged in election fraud to
procure her victory).

They think Kym Worthy is stunning and brave. They laud the Chicago Public Schools publicly while sending their own kids to Chicago Latin or Francis Parker or a Catholic School, or maybe Whitney Young if they can get in. Because even woke hipster vax-nazi commie fucksticks have -their- limits.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Special ops troops ‘hunkered down’ in California airport hangar after nighttime ninja attack

3 years ago

Guinea coup leader Mamady Doumbouya sworn in as interim president

3 years ago
3 years ago

Georgia Arrests Ex-President Saakashvili After Return From 8-Year Exile In Ukraine

3 years ago

>Vox Day needs to explain how you debate [horse fuckers].
This what fetishizing miscegenation eventually does to a society.

>“Havana Syndrome” caused by crickets,
and “high altitude balloons”

>Gorka, proton
If they comply, their encryption isn’t as advertized. Devs associated with CERN; official twitter denied. Gorka’s grift maxxed anways.

>If researchers are finding it is possible, it is already operational.
The ‘hypersonic’ nonsense was all patented in the 50s-60s, especially that scary Russian nuclear cruise drone that spews radiation raw out over its loiter zone. If you lift the dress on the bot farms, They can’t launder money through social media on such an enormous scale, duping advertisers and placing people into their own discrete online ec(ho)systems
Google and the rest aren’t sustainable without these black subsidies and reach arounds.

>Gen. Milley admitted, Nancy Pelosi tried to undermine the nuclear launch chain of command
This withered cow was teasing Continuity of Government takeover with Schumer, to add to the Dem Pacific PLA beachhead secession ‘wargaming’ lead by Podesta pre-election. Supposes Pence was to be removed, which might go toward the balk on certification he reneged on excercising.

>Ron Paul Inst. removed
it’s literally habbening

>motherload of real estate bubbles, Evergrand
Chinese look to land for investment security. If it goes South, worse than subprime et. al. in the US, you’ll have a very angry mass of humanity.

>China’s arsenal is small enough (80 ICBM’s) that a strike by 2 Ohio SSBNs (about 200 attacking warheads) off of China’s coast could have gotten most of them, and any surviving ICBMs would of had to penetrate the US missile shield (44 interceptors)
It was cheaper to glass them from the outset, and big orange can’t have been blind to that, if it weren’t for the domestic and transnational Fauci/Lieber & co. muddying the waters.

>Well, there is a fourth option. You can conceal your invasion force inside container cargo ships and trojan horse them into the major ports.
German invasion of Norway. See JR Nyquist’s material. Taiwan’s not all that geopolitically relevant apart from prestige, and the semiconductor plant — more for missile coverage and more forward air bases in the direction of the Straights of Malaca.

>if the Taiwanese really decided to make a stand they could bloody them so bad it would be bound to fail.
If Japan hasn’t used them to develop nukes, they haven’t been excercising due dilligence.

>and seven Popes ruled from Gaul, in what’s now the Avignon area of France
There and adjacent Catalan lands: Cathars/Templars’ power base even after the Albigensian crusade

>Soros’s “anti-China” rhetoric is likely just a ploy to goad China into a major war of aggression (against it’s neighbors), exactly the way Hitler was supported before and after 1933
The They love China as a testbed — it’s their preferred assets not getting with the program that is being leaned on.

>Yanks go back, the second wall we really need after Mexico is on the Mason-Dixon.
The carpetbagging ride never ends; if you get a time machine, make sure Burr wins his duel.

>the state is full of opossums
They’re good for running down the tick population; nigh tame, looks aside (if they don’t have rabies)

>everybody is ferociously determined to make his collected squeeze as big as possible and his paid-out squeeze as little as possible
This attribute has earned them “inside out [redacted]” epithets since the West made contact.

>It will eventually be fun.
Tatiana Koriagana (RU) suggested 9/11 was undertaken by a transnational organization with “over 300 trillion in assets” in the early 00s. Seize the ill begotten wealth of millenia, and we’ll have space cowboy colonies inside the century. Fuck them.

>What about horses?
Horse faced, horsing around, horses for courses, horse racing (gambling), Sarah Jessica Parker meme

>potentially arable land to supplement domestic food production, especially protein
Still has to be transported, and 1 Belt & Road hangs in the balance of multiple competing interests in the near east — they don’t and won’t have the ability to not starve in the event of war, or simple low yields due to solar minimum.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Yes very interesting, thanks.