News Briefs – 10/01/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q’s posts are here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


For those who want them free, Amazon will have Evopsych, as well as the Narcissist book, and The Complete Q-anon free until October 5th. My main goal now is to leave this world knowing I tangibly fucked over the political left, narcissists, and helped take down an abomination in my land like the Cabal. But the only power I have to pitch in, in any of that, is the power to spread the ideas in these works, and I can’t do that myself. So take them free, and if you feel charitable, spread the concepts in them.

James Woods Tweet worth checking out.

There are indications the Government may have all the data on all the phones wiped by Weissmann’s Special Counsel gang. Based on Weissmann, a Cabal stooge, saying it was all backed up (probably corruptly by his Cabal techs, to delete incriminating evidence). He thinks he is out of the woods. This is the way it works. Once you realize you are a target, you realize you were a target going back months, years, decades, and suddenly all the things you did to try and cover your tracks look silly and amateurish, because you realize the massive extent to which someone was looking over your shoulder all along, seeing your moves before you made them, and setting you up to render them useless. It is the power of intelligence operations. One reason Q-Trump-et al. had to wait, and create such an elaborate and drawn out plan is, you get one bite at the apple, because targets rapidly become once-bit-twice-shy. Once you have target on your resume and you see how they were one-up on you, your level of paranoia becomes unrelenting, and your assumption is that someone is always looking over your shoulder and listening in your room. If Q and Trump failed to nail all of these people on this go around, they would instantly become massively more dangerous and operationally capable on their second go around. None of these people would make the mistakes they made a second time. But as it appears now, they still seem to not grasp they were targets from apparently, very long ago.

From twitter :“The smartest thing Trump did at the debate was get Biden to disavow Bernie and AOC. Judging from Twitter, they are now pissed and the so-called left wing unity is now openly exposed as fraudulent.”

Biden tried on President Trump, all the little theatrics like laughing and head shaking which he used to stymie Paul Ryan, But President Trump ignored them and destroyed him instead.

Biden claimed he did not support the Green New Deal, but his own website touts his support for it.

Memory sticks used to program Philly’s voting machines were stolen from the elections warehouse. Sometimes these things can be more complicated than they appear. As in Q’s surveillance set up on the sticks figuring they would be a target, saw them stolen, had an asset in the warehouse accidentally “discover” it, and the people who had a smooth operation planned to reprogram them and replace them are not sure if anybody was set up on them and they are fucked, or if it was just bad luck. Or maybe it was just discovered accidentally. But paranoia will be running high.

1,200 Missouri absentee ballots in just one county were lost in the mail.

NY Governor Cuomo trying to stop NYC Board of Elections from resending 100,000 botched ballots, because he wants a different, unspecified approach.

Wisconsin justices are weighing the removal of 130K from voter rolls.

Kyle Rittenhouse to sue the Biden campaign for libel, after Biden labels him a White Supremacist in a campaign commercial.

GOP Rep. Doug Collins formally calls on FBI Director Christopher Wray resign for being ‘complicit’ in Russia collusion narrative.

Treasury reports rebut Biden’s ‘totally false’ claims about Hunter’s cash haul.

Former Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Marc Racicot said this week that he would vote for Biden. We were always being betrayed.

Chris Wallace mentions ‘white supremacy’ more in connection to riots than Antifa and BLM at the Presidential debate.

Presidential Debate Commission is talking about installing mic cutoffs, to prevent back and forth between candidates. Don’t want Joe Biden being called out on any of his lies.

Another idea they are floating is to give the moderator the ability to declare the President out of line, and penalize him time, which would then be given to Biden to spew lies. Bringing the twitter and facebook model to the Presidential debate.

Calls for Joe Rogan to moderate the next debate intensify after Chris Wallace’s disastrous performance.

Joe Biden arrives to Pittsburgh train station to a handful of supporters. Every time this happens, it will sting, because he will hear Trump ridiculing him over how nobody cares about his campaign, and he will see Trump standing before tens of thousands of adoring throngs who are chanting, “We love you! We love you!” Inside it is killing him.

Trump supporters were blaring Biden gaffes over huge loudspeakers as he arrived.

Joe Biden forgets his line, and a reporter jumps in to help him remember it. All those reporter positions are remarkably important in so many ways. Now, I almost think it funny that if you had asked me as a kid, “Could you grow up to be a reporter if you wanted?” I would have replied, “This is America, I can grow up to be anything if I put in the effort.” And I would have thought that a reporter was half-assing it, and it would have been impossible to fail. In truth, there were a lot of doors which were always closed, because there was a giant secret out there which the conspiracy needed to hide. Utility line worker, data-processor or IT guy, especially in certain banks, hotel/motel owner in areas of importance, taxi drivers, reporters, celebrities of all stripes, scientific researchers in certain fields, lawyers/prosecutors/politicians-at-all-levels, CIA Officers, and a ton of other positions were for club members only, or people the club felt they could control. I will bet if you tried to be a bum loitering on certain street corners, you’d get chased off, and think it was just another bum chasing you off. Or you’d have a job fall in your lap – and think it good luck, instead of the reality that was a vital posted surveillance position, and the bum there needed to be (((Their))) bum. I always thought it bizarre Erik Prince walked into the CIA, fresh out of the Navy SEALs, heir to a billionaire fortune, as comfortable in a high-society soiree at a five star restaurant as he would be hip deep in mud somewhere getting shot at, high IQ and full of piss and vinegar, and CIA told him he didn’t have what it took. The guy who built an entire shadow CIA/Pentagon from scratch all on his own, tearing shit up across the entire globe, maybe with a hand in tearing down the Cabal, didn’t have what it took to be a case officer, or a paramilitary? All throughout the country, people were moving into their final positions in life, doors opening, others closing due to the vagaries of fate (or so they thought), blind to a machine that was all around them, amassing files on them from the time they were children with reports from the other little kids in the school around them, watching them, looking to compromise them, and having failed, expending its effort thwarting them or moving them somewhere else. How many good young kids, filled with ability, effort, and determination, had a dream like being an actor, or a writer, or a reporter, and they ended up expending their entire life on the dream, betting everything on themselves, and died baffled at how they ended up failing while surrounded by untalented rubes who soared? All because they trusted the lie of the Myth which the nation they pledged loyalty to sold them. And they may have been the lucky ones. The ones you really have to pity may end up being the ones who ended up on the red carpet, and getting to where everyone thought the real success was. The things they may have endured, may be unimaginable.

The Huffington Post is allegedly losing millions per year as Verizon scours for a buyer. And it was losing millions each year in the Trump economy, when everybody was flush with cash and buying stuff. And yet when it began, had I heard Arianna Huffington saying, “Dahling, we will have the most famous writers, and everyone will come there, and we will sell advertising, and it will make millions!” I would have believed it, because I had bought all the lies I had subtly been fed about how things worked, and I never mapped it all out myself in my own brain. Enough of those little lies sink in when you are not paying attention, and your whole grasp of reality is fucked and you will believe anything.

Matt Drudge rumored to be seeking investors for Drudge Report. There it is. I bought advertising there, and it was totally worthless. Completely worthless. And yet estimates ranged from him making $8-35 million per year. There is no fucking way that site moves enough sales through advertising to make $100,000 per year. Nobody is clicking those banners, and nobody is buying adspace based off those banners. All money spent on banners was money thrown at him for something else. Not that he is even involved with the site anymore. But you get what I mean. It was all bullshit.

A Democrat advantage in early mail in voting has Republicans worried it may portend a high Democrat turnout, and Democrats worried it is just a normal turnout shifted toward vote by mail, and many of the votes may be done wrong and disqualified. Third possibility – it is a massive fraud operation.

Criminal Justice Professor says, Police defunding triggered skyrocketing U.S. murder and gun violence rates. I am not sure how much of it is that, and how much is actually Cabal having criminal assets taking people out in targeted hits. We saw Jay Danielson’s organized murder, and we assume, “Well, they just rolled that team out there that one time.” But that was not done on a lark. That team was highly trained up on comm gear, procedures, timing, and set-up, they were practiced a lot, and they were well integrated with whole other teams you didn’t see who picked up Danielson, probably from the moment he woke up in his bed (with a car driving by when he first stirred, and then got up), and they tracked him, handing him off team to team all day, right until they handed him off to the hit team at that corner. They actually pulled off the hit fairly effectively. It likely wasn’t their first rodeo, IMO, nor was that the first person they ran surveillance support for when they were murdered. How many other people has that team run support for the murder of? How many more teams are there? It may be four to eight percent of the population, judging by Operation TIPS. Think about that. How many drug dealers are taken out like Danielson because they were competing with the Cabal dealer next door, or Seth Rich gets taken out for being a threat to the machine, or some motel owner gets killed so they can take over his operation for trafficking girls, or a cop gets taken out because they were not cool with the conspiracy, or some dude up for a promotion is killed in a random crime so the promotion goes to one them, or some boyfriend of a girl with good genes that Cabal wants having kids with one of their own is taken out by a car that has an accident and drives over him? I will tell you the machinery is out there for a majority of these crimes to be organized, and culling the population in a specific way Cabal (or even an AI running Cabal strategy) thinks is advantageous to its operations. This thing is bigger than we can imagine, much more technology-driven, and nothing is off the table.

House Democrats’ stimulus bill includes stimulus checks for illegal immigrants, protections from deportations.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio imposes $1000 fines for not wearing masks in public. The city is fucked financially. The rich have fled so no taxes there. The businesses are shut down, so no taxes there. The only hope DeBlasio has for his wifey to continue swiping billions for her mental health program is to bleed dry whoever is left.

Interesting study which says car seat laws, which practically limit people to only having two children in a car, act as contraception and limit family sizes. At least among the responsible with cars, who obey the laws.

Grazing goats help prevent wildfire threats. What they need to do is to get people like me, with psychological quirks that drive them to kill predators, and declare open season on the mountain lions and coyotes, so the deer population will explode. Ever since I was a kid, there was something about people who couldn’t just go their own way, and leave others alone that irked me, to put it mildly. (Ironic I, of all people, end up having surveillance on top of me, but that is another story.) But with predator animals, it was only more, because their whole purpose in life is invading the lives of animals which just wanted to do their own thing. They are like terminator robots. Extinguish that, and you only see hundreds of peaceful animals like you that would have been killed, who will go about their lives in peace. Most people never realize, humans are designed to kill. You get something that irks you, and decide to extinguish it, and there is circuitry in the brain as strong as, or stronger than, almost any other urge. It kicks in as you see the opportunity to wipe out the irritant, manifesting as a warm tingly buzz throughout your body. It grows as you get in position, and align the sights. There is a weird mix of stress and exhilaration, as you get the perfect alignment, and squeeze the trigger, but not too fast, as you race to get a precise shot before you lose the opportunity. And the shot, and the collapse is the big rush. The circuitry is strong enough that even things that don’t irritate, like deer, can trigger it in many people all on its own. But add in the intellectual concept of extinguishing an irritant permanently, and making the world a tangibly more pleasing place by its absence, and you have a force that properly harnessed could eradicate mountain lions and coyotes from California for decades, and produce a deer boom that would eliminate wildfires for the foreseeable future.

Gun sales continue unabated, as people buy up anything that can be used for self defense.

Arizona ammunition maker facing $80-million in back orders.

Elon Musk says he won’t take coronavirus vaccine and calls Bill Gates a ‘knucklehead.’

Brad Parscale to step away from Trump campaign role amid ‘overwhelming stress.’

They caught the manlet who shot the two LA Sheriffs Deputies sitting in their cruiser. There is a picture of him here, apparently he has a long gang history.

30 churches being built in Moscow this year despite pandemic restrictions.

ICE reverses Chinavirus measure, says it will resume arresting non-criminal migrants.

European financial-crime evaluators make on-site visit to Vatican.

Local Police and  Oregon State Police will keep acting as Federal Officers despite Portland Mayor’s request the be de-deputized. It is interesting how Antifa disappears the moment there is the risk of federal charges. Whether it is statue toppling, or this, it is a good indicator those Trump judges and his appointments at DOJ are getting control of the legal apparatus at the federal level. It is also a good indicator of the degree to which the local and state apparatus was turned into a completely corrupt banana republic by Soros’s DA program, as well as Cabal’s infiltration/compromization program. Even more than learning more about this every day, our brains are being emotionally guided to accepting what until now had seemed an impossible truth.

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett disclosed that President Trump had offered her the nomination just days after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. So she was well vetted, and the President had no doubts.

Spread r/K Theory, because Comey looked like a real schmuck in his testimony.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Arizona ammunition maker facing $80-million in back orders.”

The real news is that they are investing millions into their infrastructure to make even MORE ammo. The USA is about to be back to our WWII production rate in only a few short months.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Another idea they are floating is to give the moderator the ability to declare the President out of line, and penalize him time, which would then be given to Biden to spew lies. Bringing the twitter and facebook model to the Presidential debate.”

Imagine if Jeb! or romney was debating Sniffy. Their mics would just get turned off every time they spoke and they would just take it like the bitches they are. Low-T fathers would have to explain to their sons that ‘thats just how it is for us republicans’, while their sons thought to themselves ‘man, why did I get born into the wuss tribe?’

If they do that to President Trump he will just camly walk over and take Biden’s mic, or the moderators, and dare them to stop him. We call that “Executive Privilege”, and it’s the Reaganesque “I paid for this mic, Sir!” of 2020.

4 years ago

> Memory sticks used to program Philly’s voting machines

“State-issued photo ID” is a requirement in my state.

My county used to use paper ballots. They were counted out in public, mostly by senior citizens, sitting out at tables in the middle of the room. They counted every time the stack got a few inches high. You could stand behind them and make your own count. Some people did. Every hour the senior election official called in the count. When the polls closed it only took a few minutes to call the last count in, and then they were loading up and headed out.

The paper ballots were marked with fat laundry markers, so there were no “hanging chads.” The boxes of marked ballots were kept for some time after the election was finalized, just in case. And they were available to anyone for inspection.

That’s about as honest as you can get. Which is probably why the county election commission went to Diebold touchscreen machines a few years ago. There’s no secret ballot any more; your ID is keyed to your ballot. (but you can’t see it to verify it). There’s no paper trail at all. Just bits and bytes. These are the same machines that have been hacked in numerous other jurisdictions, but nobody ever seems to want to do anything about…

4 years ago

> Presidential Debate Commission

And who might they be? “Commission” makes it sound like they have some kind of official existence, but ‘enquiring minds want to know.’

Wikipedia says it’s a private outfit, sponsored by the Democratic and Republican parties, and the successor to the League of Women Voters. Which was a far-left organization.

Ballotpedia says they’re a 501(c)(3) corp, and says, “The CPD’s funding primarily comes from the communities that host the debates and corporate, foundation, and private donors. It does not receive funding from the government or any political party.” Their article puts a bipartisan gloss on things, but it smells like Uniparty to me.

Looks like the Federal Election Commission isn’t real impressed by them:

4 years ago

> he will hear Trump ridiculing him over how nobody cares about his campaign,

Biden is just a placeholder for the Party. The election isn’t Trump vs. Biden. There are no campaign issues as such. It’s just Trump(hell yes!) or Trump(hell no!)

What it looks like to me is, Biden is both useless and expendable, so they stood him up as their blood sacrifice to the God-Emperor. Bernie actually had supporters and policies of his own, which made him a potential problem if he got elected, and the rest of the Clown Posse were hopeless.

4 years ago

> Nobody is clicking those banners, and nobody is buying adspace based off those banners.

Not even a retard is going to click a banner ad more than once or twice. “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

Anyone I’ve ever met hates web ads. Everyone I know in meatspace runs adblockers.

I suspect the clicks are either fake or Chinese click farms, and the “ads” are just ways to launder money. There’s no real oversight or accounting on web ads, and the people who actually pay for them never seem to see any results from them. You’re not the only one to score a big fat zero there.

4 years ago

Sure I’m late to the party
But I really feel compelled to start using a VPN
I assume by definition any “top brand” is a cabal honeypot
I’m not sure I’m up to the task of running my own
Any suggestions from AC or others about who to trust?

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Wellll… if you want absolute anonymity, you’re still visible to the Five Eyes, even with VPN over Tor, if they decide to take an interest in you. The only way to maintain your privacy is to stay offline.

If you just want to keep from *giving* your activities away, with enough security to foil trackers, advertisers, and casual observation from government agencies, look for a VPN based outside the USA, preferably in a country that doesn’t speak English, which will make warrants and demands from authorities more of a hassle for them. Most VPNs advertise that they keep no records of your activity; in practice, so many of them have been caught, it’s silly to assume they’re not lying.

Don’t use your ISP’s DNS or Google DNS. Firefox now has encrypted DNS through a deal with Cloudflare that I’m not completely happy about, but it’s better than nothing. There are other ways to get encrypted DNS; you’ll have to investigate what’s suitable for your OS. At the very least, change your DNS server weekly. There are many-many public DNS servers; no need to give any particular one more than a one-week window.

You need adblockers and tracking prevention. Ublock Origin, Privacy Possum, and HTTP Everywhere or their equivalents for your browser are the absolute minimum. You can be identified with a high degree of reliability just by watching where you go. You need one of the hosts files with lists of tracking and other malware sites. And it’s a really good idea to throw external hardware at it; you can learn the depths of your router, or you can run a Pi Hole.

Run a firewall; turn off everything you don’t need. Use a different machine for online gaming, torrents, or anything that looks skeevy. Every torrent site is a mass of trackers.

If you’re running Firefox, it now has “telemetry” and leaks information like a sieve. There are sites that tell you how to harden it. Chromium, I don’t know about. Google Chrome is spyware; it was *designed* as spyware from the very beginning. Just don’t.

Don’t use Google for web searches. Use DuckDuckGo, Dogpile, or Yandex. Don’t create an account to log in to anyone’s search engine, particularly Google. Not harshing on Google here, spying on you is their business model, though people tend to forget that.

Stay off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other “social media.” Like Google, their business model is to track you and build a database on you. VPN and a browser you use for nothing else, or better, a virtual machine running a browser. (VirtualBox is free)

Don’t run Microsoft Windows. It has dozens of hardcoded URLs and IP addresses it chatters to pretty much continuously. Microsoft won’t say what it’s reporting, and traffic is encrypted. I don’t know about MacOS. Run Linux, or if you’re paranoid, run BSD or OpenIndiana.

Set up a bunch of user names and email addresses. Guard them like a dragon, give them out grudgingly, and use them for different purposes – one for online purchases, one for security sign-ups, one for family mail, whatever. Keep a few spares for emergencies.

Use real SMTP email with mail client. There are a few webmail services like Protonmail, but they’re utterly dependent on the security of the computer you’re logging in from. Do not use Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo mail, ever. Don’t send anything by mail that might come back to haunt you.

Don’t use the internet on your phone. It’s rooted all the way down to the hardware. There is no security on anything that runs Android or iOS. Just don’t.

There is no absolute security online. But most computers freely give all the information trackers want; they’re so used to just scooping up data like whales scoop krill that few of them go to any real effort to track someone who just turns off most of the chatter.

Security isn’t something you can just set up and ignore. It’s not a thing, it’s a process. Even minimal efforts will drop you off most radar. Think of it as a new hobby…

4 years ago

30 churches being built in Moscow this year despite pandemic restrictions.

Headline should read: “Putin Extending Religious Political Arm of the State by Building More Churches.”

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

Which is just fine, as long as it’s in Russia and not the U.S.A.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

You know Bonnie, from my point of view you Catholics and Orthodox are the same. There just aren’t as many Russians in my country screwing it up. There probably aren’t as many pedophile priests in the Orthodox Church as in the Catholic either but, I digress.

The USA is 22% Catholic, and less than half of them are fully practicing. Yet somehow Congress is 36% Catholic and the Supreme Court is 2/3 Catholic. And you know what? They keep finding excuses to let in more Catholics. Face it, Bonnie, Catholics are a ruling class in the USA and have damaged it and led it astray from its Colonial British roots.

This country was so good for so long because our Federal Government was composed of non-Catholic Christian Men with roots from BEFORE the founding. They had a stake in keeping the country functional, but fill it full of shucksters like James Comey and here we are.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

…from my point of view…

And what point of view is that, exactly? Sounds to be Judeo-Protestant. WASP? Funny how you are always attacking Catholics, but you’ll never put forward what you believe.

Face it, Bonnie, Catholics are a ruling class in the USA and have damaged it and led it astray from its Colonial British roots.

LOL! Face it…. this country has ALWAYS been a Protestant country and, as such, has always been open to attack from the (((Left))). BTW, taking what you put forth at face value, if only half of the U.S. Catholics are even practicing, that means that only 11% of the population are truly Catholic. Whereas more than 70% are Protestant. And you have the gall to say that Catholics are a ruling class? LOL!

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

Funny you blame the people of the United States for creating this mess. I blame the politicians, those on the left and many on the right.

Catholics, Jews and Liberals ignoring the will of the people, in addition to ignoring campaign promises and ignoring American law.

The Democrat party would have died out in the 1930’s had it not been for all of the Catholic immigrants. They created rigged political machines like Tammany Hall in NYC, then ran decent people out of Boston, Chicago and Detroit. And after they did that it wasn’t enough for them, so all of those immigrant descendants went to California, Oregon and Seattle where their fruits bear witness to this day. The seeds of the White left are from Catholic immigrants that went through Ellis Island and they have practically killed the United States of America.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Doesn’t concern you Rex, that the foundations of Protestantism has been Jewish influence?

Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements by Louis Israel Newman, Ph.C. Columbia University Press, 1925

That goes from the Renaissance on forward.

Or Rex, have you read this:

Scholem, Gershom (1971 {Eng. Edition}) “Toward an Understanding of Jewish Messianism”. The Messianic Idea in Judaism and other Essays on Jewish Spirituality. PDF from Schoken Books: NY. (pgs 15-16)

***** “This Messianic activism, incidentally, lies on that peculiar double line of mutual influence between Judaism and Christianity which goes hand in hand with inner tendencies of development in both religions. The political and chiliastic Messianism of important religious movements within Christianity often appears as a reflection of what is really Jewish Messianism.”

Gershom Scholem goes on to point out that the Anabaptists, the Puritans, and Taborites were influenced by the Jews.

The Jews are natural Gnostics and the Protestant scholar, Phillip Lee, in his book “Against the Protestant Gnostics” point out that All of American Protestantism is Gnostic.

You are NOT true Christians—But Gnostics! Furthermore, America is a Masonic Construct which itself is a Gnostic movement. Not only is the US seal an emblem of Masonry but the two sayings as well, “E pluribus unum” and “Novus Ordo Secularum”.

Protestantism is a Jewish construct. Is there not Masonic Halls in every US city?

There is no such thing as “non-catholic” Christian men. (and Orthodoxy is part of Catholic Christianity, Universal Christianity.)

I’ve read all those books and more. As there is only One God in Heaven—there is ONLY ONE religion. You can’t point to a single Protestant body that is The Truth. What some 2600 different Protestant sects—which one is the Truth? Another marker of Gnosticism is syncretism, and the multiple Protestant sects makes Protestant syncretistic and therefore Gnostic. Truth is One. Not 2600

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

That’s just plain wrong. Martin Luther was an avowed anti-jewish (or rather anti-pharisee) preacher. He hated everything about them.

And if America is so evil then why don’t you leave? If America is the “Mystery Babylon” with such an evil beginning then why are there so many Catholics calling the shots now? What’s up with the Pope? You sound like BLM.

You just spout more Jesuit garbage. Jesuits are the devils right arm, while Masons are the left. Both part of the same problem. Problem-Reaction-Solution. Created problems, and control both sides to advance the false over the true.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Ohh, wayward cousin. It’s called Repent and Return. England was converted to Catholic Christianity. It was originally a Catholic Country. English Catholics have a duty to call back to the True Faith the wayward.

What is the Fruit of Protestizing England? Now drowning in immigration! The Pope had nothing to do with that, but the Masonic Royalty and Aristocracy and the Dissenters throughout England. Who brought England to Ruin? Not Catholics. And America, is an English colony. The same thing that is crushing England now, is the same thing crushing America.

Did you not know that much of the elite of England are Masons, Rex? That Masonry has the same teachings as Marxism?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Get thee behind me.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

AC, I think you will be amused by the videos of one Frank Hassle on YouTube. Watch him at the BLM rally especially, where he trolls a liberal woman so hard she pulls a knife on him in a mental stupor. In another video he gets a leftist to fire a real warning shot at him on a quiet suburban street. It’s just fascinating to watch him destroy the amygdala of the people he trolls.

To be fair, Frank says extremely socially unacceptable things to get people to dislike him, but it’s hilarious to me how none of his victims has the ability to just ignore him.

4 years ago

None of those Amazon provided books will download or open on Kindle for PC.

It may be a configuration issue with how you’ve got them setup on Amazon, or it could just be Amazon fucking with you, but either way, none of the three will download or open on the latest Kindle for PC running on a brand new Windows 10 machine.

Is it no longer possible to just post FTP links like you’ve done in the past? Nothing like having the all powerful Bezos lording over who can and cannot see these texts that will help to disrupt his power structure.

Don’t go out of your way to get them to me, I’ve already got a hard copy from when you had the FTP links up before, I was just testing the setup to make sure it was functional, and near as I can tell, it ain’t.

Just a heads up as to my experience as of about 9am CDT.

Also wanted to thank you for all the work you’ve put into this stuff. It has greatly expanded my thinking on pretty much all fronts, as the utter ubiquity of surveillance has sunk in for me.

If not for you, I’d still be just another normie toiling away trying to be all I can be and wondering why nothing ever seems to go my way.

Knowing that there is SOMETHING out there that seems to run and corrupt everything so that nothing operates like we were told as children makes a huge difference in how one approaches pretty much everything in life.

It’s not much, but it’s a lot better to know than not, so thank you for that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The second link from the bottom (to the mobi version of Evo Psych) is dead, but the rest all work.

When downloaded from your links, the mobi versions all load into Kindle for PC and open to read just fine, but when bought and sent to Kindle for PC from Amazon itself, they show in the library but will not download or open.

No idea what is causing it, but I’ve got one other fiction book that I got a couple of years ago that does the exact same thing, and has since I tried to DL it originally.

I don’t get any error messages, except for once when trying to download a copy to move to my device manually via USB stick (that’s what Amazon calls it when you just download the file manually), it just doesn’t allow for any of the books I have trouble with to be downloaded like that.

It’s very strange, and a call to Amazon help MIGHT resolve it, but I’ve already got the files directly from you, so I’m not real keen on spending two or three hours in customer service hell just to find out exactly what is going on (though, I will, if you really need that info to fix things and make your work available to everyone).

4 years ago

Your article about car setas as contraception is very interesting, and worth buzzing. Because for bad actors, it might not be an unintended consequence, nor a drawback.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Jordi
4 years ago

I agree. Having a baby seat for children under the age of 2 makes sense, and most parents were happy to do it. But when you have to have a special car seat up to the age of eight, that is aggravation, annoyance, and an expense as well. No more crowding 4 kids into a back seat with 3 seat belts when you have to pick up a few extras on the way back from soccer practice. That kills ride sharing between parents. A back seat with 3 seat belts becomes effectively a two seater.

4 years ago

Presidential Debate Commission is talking about installing mic cutoffs, to prevent back and forth between candidates. Don’t want Joe Biden being called out on any of his lies.

Trump walking over behind Biden and shouting “WROOONG” into Biden’s mic is going to be the part of this election that everyone remembers for centuries.

“Calm down Joe, I was just using a working mic, I wasn’t trying to smell your hair.”

4 years ago

Most people never realize, humans are designed to kill. You get something that irks you, and decide to extinguish it, and there is circuitry in the brain as strong as, or stronger than, almost any other urge. It kicks in as you see the opportunity to wipe out the irritant, manifesting as a warm tingly buzz throughout your body. It grows as you get in position, and align the sights. There is a weird mix of stress and exhilaration, as you get the perfect alignment, and squeeze the trigger, but not too fast, as you race to get a precise shot before you lose the opportunity. And the shot, and the collapse is the big rush.

Can confirm. One year at my grandparents’ property, we found a tangle of cottonmouths. Normally we wouldn’t take them out, but this was literally 50 feet from the house, and a tangle means that they are mating. Can’t have hundreds of baby cottonmouths (whose venom is just as deadly as an adult) suddenly showing up where two elderly folks have their coffee on the porch every morning.

So, I killed about 30 cottonmouths from the banks of the creek that day. It never got old. Also, when it comes to taking out snakes, a Circuit Judge shooting .410 is about the perfect tool. I want to take another go using specialized snake ammo next, like the disk and shot PDX1 combo.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“triggering deep circuits nobody even knows are there”:

as an old geezer, I’ve found 6 of these triggers/things. each time I (blindly)(inadvertently) stumbled upon one, I was **shocked** at how deep & powerful it was.

a- Murder/Blood Rage
b- combat with a possibility of serious injury or death
c- sex
d- finding out she’s pregnant/birth of first kid
e- fear/run away!! (often in conjunction with d)
f- Victory in life-or-death circumstances

darwinism and TENS is a lie. humans are *engineered* beings

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

>”e- fear/run away!! (often in conjunction with d)”

Top kek
Benis : DDDDDD

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

All snakes must die. Literally and Figuratively.

4 years ago

> But add in the intellectual concept of extinguishing an irritant permanently, and making the world a tangibly more pleasing place by its absence, and you have a force that properly harnessed could eradicate mountain lions and coyotes from California for decades, and produce a deer boom that would eliminate wildfires for the foreseeable future.

Probably works on other irritants as well 😉

4 years ago

> NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio imposes $1000 fines for not wearing masks in public.

…yet NYC will let felony arrests walk with no bail, since bail is racist.

It would be interesting to see the demographic makeup of the people the city’s uniformed revenue collectors target now, though.

4 years ago

> It is interesting how Antifa disappears the moment there is the risk of federal charges.

Remove the word “federal” for a better description. Antifa has had no worries about city or state charges for their crimes. Far from that, some of those polities have supported them. Their umbrella of protection has been complete… until the Feds moved in.

The stupid, entitled, vicious gen-whatever twats who have been rioting could possibly claim they didn’t know any better. I want to see the Feds making arrests of their enablers; the mayors, city council members, and governors who had instigated and supported those crimes. Long-established case law makes them just as guilty. (ie, the ‘getaway driver’ rulings)

4 years ago

> Spread r/K Theory, because Comey looked like a real schmuck in his testimony.

“My ass is covered so well, I not only have nothing to fear from the likes of you, I can make out like a clown and rub it in your faces. Neener neener.”

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

Pastor Dana Coverstone has had some interesting dreams, that have gotten a lot of attention. This week he wore a t-shirt that says “Mossad: its never an accident”. Then the next day he said he prays for Israel, and supports the state of Israel.

Scripture does say “I will bless those who bless thee, and curse those who curse thee”. This was referring to Abraham and his seed.

Blessing the nation of Israel is one thing; praying for them is good too. But supporting a foreign government that is hostile to ones own, how can that be right? Is he a Rahab, jumping ship because Israel will take over America as it did to Jericho?

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

Scripture does say “I will bless those who bless thee, and curse those who curse thee”. This was referring to Abraham and his seed.

They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

4 years ago

AC I finally saw the neighborhood field surveillance teams!

Earlier this week I was out with a couple of my junior engineers doing preliminary field reconnaissance for a Corps of Engineers project on the Texas gulf coast. (Miles of seawall)

We were in a neighborhood approximately 1/2 mile from the bay, We all had our safety gear on and one of us had a survey rod, another had a camera and a white board, we are looking around taking pictures of culverts and channels etc. Neighborhood has really big lots, houses are really spread out (figure 1/4 acre) in lower economic class.

We weren’t parked more than 2 minutes than all of the sudden at the intersection east of us (about 50 yds) it turns into a parade. We couldn’t hardly talk to each other because of the amount of road noise, in a residential neighborhood! I would say in a 2 minute span there was 15 cars/motorcycles that traveled by us.

I just started laughing and said to one of my young’ins wow it’s like a parade! The engineer replied maybe it’s the neighborhood watch got word that we were in the neighborhood! Very blue pilled and we all had a laugh but wow you weren’t kidding on spooling up the assets when something ‘strange’ shows up in their area.

But it was your teaching that made me realize what was going on, no a single one of the slowed down and looked at us, even though we were stomping around with equipment and a camera with hi-viz vests. Everywhere else we stopped on that day people would look at us or stop and ask questions about what we were working on.

My guess is they must run things through that area after it comes from the coast and through a wildlife management area…

Fascinating to say the least.

Because I ride a motorcycle I’m always looking at bikes, and I have noticed that quite often I had the same motorcycle pass me twice in less than a 10 minute period in my travels. They must be easier to ‘deploy’.

4 years ago

“Sometimes these things can be more complicated than they appear. As in Q’s surveillance set up on the sticks figuring they would be a target, saw them stolen, had an asset in the warehouse accidentally “discover” it, and the people who had a smooth operation planned to reprogram them and replace them are not sure if anybody was set up on them and they are fucked, or if it was just bad luck. Or maybe it was just discovered accidentally. But paranoia will be running high.”

The white hats may have stolen them because they had already been replaced and purposely not left replacements so it would be noticed that they had been tampered with.

4 years ago

“and you have a force that properly harnessed could eradicate mountain lions and coyotes from California for decades, and produce a deer boom that would eliminate wildfires for the foreseeable future.”

And let the deer go back into the wilderness where they belong and stay off our roads and out of our yards and gardens.

4 years ago

At 5:34, Lou Dobbs said “the U.S. Navy SEALs have joined the woke mob, changing their ethos statement to include gender-neutral language.”

23 minutes later, Trump tweets “I will be overturning this ridiculous order immediately!”

4 years ago

Trump Slashes Cap For Refugee Admissions To ‘Record Low’ 15,000

4 years ago

Who are the Rothschilds?

4 years ago

Official: Mexican prison was controlled by Jalisco cartel

Spotify Song Plays
4 years ago

Thanks for these briefs to you and everyone who contributed. Nicely done