News Briefs – 1/03/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


I don’t remember if I ever put this here, but it was an interesting thought which drifted through my mind. I have alleged there is a massive intelligence operation drifting beneath the surface, embedded everywhere in society, ready to run support operations for Cabal plots, and capable of manipulating events impressively. Its footprints are light, and kept to hard ground, usually manifesting in what appear as little more than a mix of fortuitous coincidences. Case in point – the Olympic Park Bombing. Richard Jewell was the security guard assigned to the specific sector where the bomb was found. Had he not been present to find it, the bomb, which had been very well designed, would have killed numerous people. When Richard Jewell showed up to work that day, he was convinced he must have eaten something bad the day before, and had stomach cramps and diarrhea. Normally, he would have had to go to a farther bathroom, and been off his shift for longer periods, but he was able to negotiate use of a special band/singer bathroom at the stage that was supposed to be forbidden to him, but which was right at his area of responsibility. Because he managed to negotiate use of the forbidden bathroom, he was able to find the bomb just in time, right after exiting the bathroom according to the Vanity Fair article above. Had he left for a farther bathroom, he would have been gone from that area at the critical moment, and the bomb probably would have killed numerous people, as it was described as a sophisticated 40 lb shaped charge filled with shrapnel.

Things like that can be chance, but I have to wonder what the chances are that the guy who was responsible to secure an area from a bombing, would get a bad enough stomach bug on that day, that he should have been off shift, at the one critical point where the attack was going to take place, and at the very moment a bomber was going to strike. Of course the refusal to identify Rudoph as the bomber despite the surveillance machine almost certainly knowing it was him (that place would have had pedestrian coverage, probably posing as tourists with cameras and taking pictures everywhere), the insistence on trying to pin it on Jewell, and even make him supply an evidence tape of a phone call threatening to bomb the site under the guise of a training tape, and the fact Rudolph would proceed to evade capture for so long as he bombed abortion clinics and made the right look like the bad guy, only adds to the curiosity. It might have been coincidence. But I can tell you, the machine is there, and I have to think it was created to be used.

A group of Republican senators and senators-elect pledged to object to the congressional certification of Biden’s Electoral College votes unless Congress approves an emergency 10-day audit of the results by an election commission. Obviously Cabal will take the deal, certify the Biden votes with no resistance, and then fuck everyone on the Commission. But it wouldn’t matter. I think no matter what happens, we will see Biden’s Elector’s certified on the 6th, after admission of evidence of the fraud. What that will do is put everyone in Congress on the spot and force them to show their hand, before President Trump goes with the Insurrection Act and new elections. The only date which matters is the 20th, and it will either go to the final minute, or maybe just to some final event necessary, where someone of authority must act to cement Biden’s win officially. That way, everyone who has to take part in the crime has to commit their overt act as part of the conspiracy, and nobody is able to claim later they would never have followed through, and escape justice just because they never got called upon.

Understand how every time you have seen an option which could have put an end to this, it would have spared assets of the conspiracy from having to engage in crimes. If all the way back in 2018, they had gotten rid of Dominion, or just forbidden internet access for the machines, or investigated that year’s fraud aggressively to expose it, all sorts of assets that Cabal is employing would have escaped punishment. When Q has said, “All assets deployed,” I think what he meant was they wanted all assets deployed so they could catch them all in the act, and nail them all cold. It may happen as early as the 7th, or even the night of the sixth just after the vote, as I doubt Q and Trump care about paper pushers and clerks and low level cogs doing cog things, as rote functionaries to bring about the ceremonial events of the 20th. But as I think about it, it might matter if Roberts shows up to do the swearing in, as Roberts is an incredibly big fish, and him taking part in that aspect of the Conspiracy might be worth the wait. So it could go right until the last second. If this was a trap, and there is now hard evidence of treason, (and given the EO it certainly was and there certainly will be), then Trump has already won. The only question is whether he takes the win now, and gathers less indisputable evidence of criminal acts, or does he take the win as late as possible, and gather even more evidence of crimes by even more people. I wonder if Biden might see this in the coming days and concede, to limit the damage, and that is why his parade is canceled (see below). Or maybe behind the scenes it is clear how this is going to go, and it is like the DOD shutting down briefings to Biden’s campaign.

Jon Nisocia is reporting the Joe Biden Inaugural parade has been cancelled. Holy Shit. Source is former breaking news editor at DC Examiner and former managing editor at Mediaite.

A Federal Circuit Court whistleblower has come forward to tell authorities that a certain Supreme Court Justice has been compromised by a foreign nation-state since before he was nominated. This account says it is Roberts. It says it is his adoption which is the blackmail, but that is not how it works. Small compromisations are used to acquire larger compromisations. Sooner or later they ask for a small favor, and document you were compromised, and now you are in deeper. Then they ask for a bigger favor, and document that. Given it is believed Roberts literally ruled against the Constitution to support Obamacare as a Supreme Court Justice, and he may have at least been aware of Scalia’s impending assassination, and it would all have been recorded by various players in the surveillance world, and he did so at the urging of a foreign power, he didn’t just have a small adoption issue hanging over his head. He had a full-blown treason charge, with death penalty, hanging over his head.

Roger Stone says, President Trump has something up his sleeve.

SOROS says, Justice John Roberts may deliver a surprise.

Sharyll Attkisson points out that a legal analysis by Republican lawyers John Yoo and Robert Delahunty from back in October still shows President Trump with pathways to victory on the 6th. I think Trump will order Pence to not use them, for reasons I cite above. Any measure that helps Trump win early will spare Cabal assets from having to implicate themselves.

Pence’s office issues a statement saying he welcomes efforts by lawmakers to object to Electoral College votes on Jan. 6.

AZ has paper ballots but nobody is allowed to see them.

A team of data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden.

Over 400 people from the Intelligence Community (IC), military, law enforcement, and the judiciary have formed a loose network to investigate irregularities in the 2020 election.

Rep. Louie Gohmert says, ‘Go to the streets and be as violent as Antifa and BLM.’  At this point, everyone glows, so nobody would listen to Gohmert. But if Trump says to start getting violent, he will have a good 70 million armed Americans ready to tear it up, and probably another 10 million no-guns willing to overturn cars carrying politicians and judges.

U.S Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) issued a statement on Saturday rebuking the attempts of other U.S. Senators’ efforts to overturn certified votes from the 2020 Presidential Election.  Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Romney says the plan to challenge the election is an ‘egregious ploy’ that ‘dangerously threatens’ the country.

Mitch McConnell’s house is vandalized just like Pelosi’s, except the vandals didn’t mask his bricks before spray painting.

Facebook shuts down page for GOP Senate campaigns just before the Georgia runoffs.

No need to click on it, as this is the enemy, but here is a “center right” transgender male to female youtuber with almost a million subscribers, who is now explaining to his followers all the reasons he is moving to Texas from California. The twitter feed is instance after instance of people freaking out on him over the Chinavirus, kicking him out of elevators, and how California has a 10PM curfew, and how unbearable it all is. And then in this  he talks about why he is moving to Texas. In his practice, Milton Erikson often wrote about how when a patient came to him with a problem in their life, he could not just tell them how to fix it. If he said, ‘You should do this,’ the patient would automatically push back against the suggestion, as a reflex. He said instead, he would tell a story about someone else with an analogous problem, and then explain how they did the solution, and the problem resolved. He actually said it was more effective if he slipped the story in far away from their discussion of the problem, and made it obtuse, and seemingly unrelated to their problem. The more he drew a parallel to their problem, the closer it came to him telling them to change something, and the more resistance he would get. Here you have some random person explaining why they are leaving the misery that is California for the wonderful Texas. All that is left to do is for the politicians to make it genuinely unbearable to live in California. And then what state pops into your mind as a place you should move to? It doesn’t look like it, but they are very clever, their operation is very organized, and their mental kung fu is very well developed.

I have no idea if this is real, it is just an anon on /pol, but some believe this is a very NSFW pic of Jordan Petersen in a homosexual encounter of the sort that has you wanting to barf and scratch your head in confusion at the same time. Be warned, I really wish I never looked at it. It is about as gross as you are going to see, and not entirely clear. So if you want to know 100% if it is him, clicking on it is not overly helpful. It could be. But that said, it would not surprise me if this was the price for a non-Cabal member to get a major book contract and enjoy millions of sales, and five /pol posts dedicated to you per day with a hundred and fifty replies each. This, is how they know, you will not turn on them and begin talking about all the stuff the plebes cannot begin to know about. They need to know you will keep your mouth shut no matter what, once they give you the platform. Vox had mentioned once how neither he nor I are bitter about not getting deals like major influencers, where the wealthy life of ease and success is just handed to you prepackaged. A photo like this does a good job of capturing the gestalt of how we view those deals, and why we could never be bitter or jealous. If somebody else wants them, it is actually a bit confusing.

In the works – 60 day detention camps for New Yorkers merely suspected of exposure to illness, radiation, and toxins.

Pa. Representative Mike Reese dies of an apparent brain aneurysm at 42.

Virginia state senator Ben Chafin Jr. dies at age 60 after contracting Covid-19.

Tesla in South Korea suddenly took off, crashed into a wall, caught fire, and burned the owner to death.

The next Archbishop of Hong Kong will be completely pro-China.

Mystery as Chinese billionaire Jack Ma disappears from his own reality show after criticizing regime.

Iran plans 20% uranium enrichment ‘as soon as possible.’

Nashville bomber’s bizarre writings reveal belief in aliens and lizard people.

An alarming number of health care workers across the country are refusing the vaccine.

Presidential Message on National Stalking Awareness Month, 2021.

Federal Appeals Court blocks Cuomo’s lockdown rules, says it ‘discriminates against religion.’

Federal court rules President Trump can bar uninsured immigrants from entering the United States.

CBP reports significant decrease in border crossings and drugs in sections with new border wall.

America’s hospitals say they will publish previously secret prices on more than 300 medical procedures for first time due to new Trump rule.

President Trump signs bill posthumously honoring oldest Pearl Harbor survivor.

Spread r/K Theory, because some deals are just not for you.

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4 years ago

AC, I wanted to bring a video series to your attention, if you’re not already familiar with it. It’s called “The Fall of the Cabal” (10 parts, approx. 3 hours total) and “The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal” (6 parts to-date, approx. 3 hours total). Created by a Dutch woman, Janet Ossebaard, an academic, who has been able to research, absorb and now feed back a voluminous amount of information and history in an amazingly coherent manner. There are so many junky Cabal and conspiracies videos out there that at first the title to this turned me off and I was skeptical about the series. To be fair to this woman however, she has done an extraordinary job pulling together multiple historical threads and diversions along with Q’s many crumbs to make a clear case for the existence of a hidden cabal, its roots, its protagonists and leadership. An investment of time but well worth it and an excellent red pill introduction for the normies in our lives.

The first series is on YouTube but I understand it has been deleted previously:

The first and sequel series are both on ugetube. The sequel part 6 was released only a week or so ago. Part 7 is in the works:

Reply to  Huck
4 years ago

Janet Ossebaard was highly intrumental in redpilling me. She’s too much for standard normies, but perfect for the lightsleep ones.

Reply to  Huck
4 years ago

You can use these sites to get around Youtube age restriction so you don’t have to sign in:

4 years ago

Btw – you need to update the date title of today’s News Brief to 1/03/2021

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

>Juden B Peterstein homo photo

Well, now we know what the B in his name stands for (it’s Benis : DDD)

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

As an aside, I’ve seen alot of discussion around Lin Wood’s tweets and if he’s lost it or what/who’s purposes they might serve. The question I haven’t seen asked is why Twitter hasn’t banned him yet.

They’re so ban-happy over nobodies posting the mildest push-back to the narrative and yet this guy goes scorched Earth and they give him free reign? Okay.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

what I find most interesting about Wood’s ever-more-undiplomatic tweets are all – and I mean A LOT – all of the ‘brave, proud, fightin’ conservatives’ who are lining up to shit on him and distance themselves from him. very very few “I’m not sure I agree with all this, but then I don’t have all the facts. I still stand with him in the real fight against the treasonous felons who are trying to steal our elections, though.”

it’s why conservatism is doomed, why it was always doomed. It’s not so much that conservatives _won’t_ fight, it’s that they mock and disdain anyone who does. “He’s getting all SWEATY! ick! Oh, this is just horrible! We quit! We give up!” (see: Romney, Mitt et al)

the whole goddamn system delenda est.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  ardwoll
4 years ago

Conservatism was always controlled opposition, it’s the same shit as liberalism but at a slower pace.

That’s why grass roots Christian Nationalist Populist political ideological alignment needs to, and ultimately will (one way or the other) steam roll all that kosher cuckservatism and neocon Trotskyite Israel first treasonous bullshit.

The America First agenda was what conservatism was created to oppose (see link below), and it has succeeded in its mission, until now, now it is dying and it needs to be incenerated ASAP along with the rotten D and GOPe parties.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

If a post storm US was going to be exceptionally dangerous, as cabal would be desperate, then gettting cabal to burn every asset would be the only way to win, because of the weapons they probably have- and the number of desperate people willing to use them. Losing too many leadership on our side after a premature storm would plunge the nation into a leadership vacuum likely making a civil war worse and guaranteeing our defeat by an outside power or coalition of outside powers (think China + Russia + EU + Canada + Mexico + Israel, we would lose that fight if we were already fighting a civil war).

And the weapons cabal has probably aren’t nuclear (although they may have those), but a massive assortment of heart attack guns, weird contact poisons, sacrificial muslim/black gunmen and lethal level EMF attack equipment would make them far more dangerous than a PO’d 10k man militia with ARs. Trump has that calculus to work through and the last minute may be the only way.

One thing is for sure though, if he doesn’t fight back and Biden is inaugurated then the legal battles he and his children will have to fight will destroy his family and end the House of Trump. We are in the most interesting two week period of History, since the end of World War II, maybe longer.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
4 years ago

IMHO if Biden gets in, it’s time for booting up the Founding Father server on minecraft.

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs

Biden’s not getting in. Unless he’s already a robot or something.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

What a blessing for all humanity it would be if Israel just got nuked.

And then all zionists deported to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, along with all the religious Jews and all supporters of any Jewish interest group (including Chabad, which Kushner is a member of).

4 years ago

You have the wrong date on your news post today AC, it’s the 3rd.

But this gives me an opportunity to share a word if I may, that will help many (who heed it) to be protected by God in the tribulations ahead (Isaiah 66):

From one New Moon to another

and from one Sabbath to another,

all mankind will come to worship before Me,”

says Yehovah.

24“As they go forth, they will see the corpses

of the men who have rebelled against Me;

for their worm will never die,

their fire will never be quenched,

and they will be a horror

to all mankind.”

If you ignore the Sabbath and new moon days, God is not with you.
Have a read of this link, if you fear God and want to obey Him:

We are in the last chance saloon now.

4 years ago

> a good 70 million armed Americans ready to tear it up

After the collapse of the USSR, the former Warsaw Pact nations sold off entire warehouses of small arms at scrap prices. Meanwhile, Communist China was dumping guns in the US market at fire sale prices, scrabbling for US dollars to use for foreign exchange. We’re talking about tens of millions of guns, that the American public vacuumed up without even noticeably affecting sales of American-made guns. And the ATF never even bothered to count the “parts kits”, guns that were demilled and imported as scrap. There are still businesses and web forums around from back in the day when almost all of them were rebuilt and made functional again.

I used to joke about it, but now it’s serious: if the Boog hits, some sizeable portion of the guns used to restore the Republic will have been made by Communists, and the spam cans and crumbling cardboard boxes of ammunition will be marked in Cyrillic and Chinese chicken tracks.

Because we’re Americans, and eventually, all your guns are belong to U.S. …

REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
REX 2021 Legio XIII Legatvs
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago


Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Well said.
Ultimately, though, it depends on getting all that lead to socially salubrious destinations.

Which is why gun control is so important.
-if you don’t hit what you’re aiming at, you’ll generally hit something else. 😉
(even if you do, rifles go right through – mind your backstop)

4 years ago

> Facebook shuts down page for GOP Senate campaigns just before the Georgia runoffs.

But Comrade Zuck said Facebook fair and not politically biased! The GOP h8trz are obviously lying and deserved to be banned. Only the most reliable cadres do the fact-checking!

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

heck, that’s not the ironic part. the fun part is when you realize Mitch and his GOPussies all just stood up to gun down 230 repeal. they spread their buttcheeks for Zuck and Jack and this is their reward.

4 years ago

> Over 400 people from the Intelligence Community (IC), military, law enforcement, and the judiciary have formed a loose network to investigate irregularities in the 2020 election.

Perhaps I would be more impressed if they’d done that back in November.

Now it looks like Dopey Joe’s steal is wobbly around the edges, so they’ve decided to notice “irregularities” in the election? I’m sure DJT will reward them… appropriately.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago


One thing many conservatives fail to understand is that leftists have three goals when they gain power – hurting their enemies, promoting their cult and enriching themselves. Progs view government agencies and corporations as weapons to wage war on their ideological opponents with.

The IRS is not a tool for raising revenue. It’s a way to hurt those who disagree with moonbats and reward those who promote their faith.

The FBI is not a law enforcement organization to safeguard the population. To a sh*t-lib, it’s a powerful sword, wielded to intimidate and kill those who won’t do as they’re told.

Big corporations are not institutions which provide services and try to generate profit. As far as a leftists are concerned, they’re propaganda organs and extra-constitutional ways to censor foes.

Anything a prog-Nazi controls, be it private or public, is only understood as a means to punish those who refuse their religious cult, fill personal coffers… or as an outlet to promote leftwing theology.

Making money, providing a service or maintaining some aspect of the social contract is not a concern for sh*t-libs. They don’t give a tinker’s damn about such nonsense. After all – they know full well the conservatives will spend their time, energy and resources maintaining the societal tapestry for them – even as the progs whip, beat, demean, kill and enslave them.

Doubt that? Let us compare and contrast…

Sh*t-libs have a “peaceful protest” – and half a city burns down to the tune of billions in damage.

The cucks have a march, and it’s not only peaceful, lawful and nice, but the city looks cleaner than it did before they showed up.

The commies can always count on the right to step in and use their own personal money, time and sweat to tidy up after their fits, negligence, theft or dereliction of civic duty.

The progs know they can spew gallons of deviant propaganda into your house and you’ll still buy their Netflix and Disney Plus.

The sh*t-libs understand their credit card companies, banks, payment gateways, internet hosts, domain registrars, social media corperations and search engines can censor you and you’ll still use their services.

They believe you won’t do jack-sh*t about them, no matter how badly they squeeze and trample you.

The moonbats are even convinced they can use government organs to steal your right to vote – forever – and you’ll just sit and take it.

They’ve turned everything they run into either a club to beat you into compliance with…

…an offering plate for them to pilfer…

…or a hymnal to sermonize about the glories of their religion.

Their calculation is that you’ll all continue cleaning up after their tantrums while they force you – at rifle-point if need be – to fund the destruction of your own f*cking civilization.

Will you?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

In case everything the whitehats have planned goes wrong, keep this in mind:


Today I was perusing the comments over at a “conservative” website, and several posters were resolute on insisting, “We need to clear out Congress!”

I asked them exactly how they intended to do that, now that voting is off the table. One said that we have to win so big they can’t “fudge it!” The other told me that if we take to the streets and give D.C. the biggest march ever, they’ll be scared and… something… something… #winning.

So I explained their situation to them:

“They [the swamp creatures] won’t leave willingly.”

“They’ve demonstrated that voting can’t work anymore – you cannot out add multiplication and division. Ever.”

“The courts have demonstrated they won’t rescue you – repeatedly and definitively.”

“They [the swamp creatures] laugh at your cute protests – because conservatives leave the place cleaner than before they got there.”

“When you say “we must clean out congress” it will have to be PHYSICAL REMOVAL at bayonet point – or nothing at all. Why? Because they have systematically, methodically and deliberately removed every peaceful avenue for “Cleaning out congress.”

“All elections not voting in swamp creatures will, from this November onward, will be brazenly stolen.”

“How will you know who’s a swamp creature going forward? Well at least that’s easy. Simply by virtue of being elected, you will have proof they’re swamp spawn – as nothing but swamp spawn will be allowed to win.”

“And since we’re carrying this to its logical conclusion, you won’t be able to “remove the bad people at bayonet point” so long as they have a military and cops protecting them… so you’re going to have to remove those obstructions too. And they won’t stand down because you “asked really really nicely and waved a Gadsden Flag around.”

“Soooooooooooooooo… We’re back to two options:”

“1: Sit on your arse and complain about how uncomfortable your chains are.”

“2: Start taking commie scalps, civil disobedience, Irish Democracy, insurgency, vandalism, sabotage, malicious compliance, tax evasion, and revolution.”

“Binary choice.”

“Pick one.”

“And not picking is picking one.”

I didn’t get a reply.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop

Fucking A right. It’s amazing how many continue to think. “We’ll get’em next time!” Morons.

4 years ago

> The next Archbishop of Hong Kong will be completely pro-China.

Pope Dumbass already handed over the Far Eastern branches of the Catholic Church to the Chinese Communist Party, so that’s pretty much a given.

I’m not Catholic, but even I can see the faithful got sold down the river. The madman in the Vatican is doing a pretty good job of destroying the church he’s supposed to be head of. Of course, he didn’t become Pope all on his own, either. Just like the recent US election, the rot goes deep.

4 years ago

> Nashville bomber’s bizarre writings reveal belief in aliens and lizard people.

No return address, not signed. I bet there are no fingerprints or “forensic evidence” either. And it took at least a week for the letters to arrive. Well, given the state of the USPS nowadays I have to give them that.

Did I not say there would be “subsequent revelations”? Why, yes, I did…

Since Hillary! and Nancy have claimed belief in alien landings (and are probably lizard people themselves), it’s interesting they would try using those to smear the poor guy. But leftists seldom care where their shit comes from, as long as some might stick when they throw it.

4 years ago

> Mystery as Chinese billionaire Jack Ma disappears from his own reality show after criticizing regime.

Remember, the Chinese vanished the head of Interpol a couple of years ago, too. It was pretty hard to hide it, so they just refused to answer any questions, and even Interpol gave up. Which also shows you how useless Interpol is.

The next question should be, “how many other people have the CCP vanished, that never became inernational news?” My best guess would be, “a lot.”

Jack Ma may reappear, suitably chastened… or his conglomerate might be broken up and parceled out to the Party apparatchiks, and Jack might announce his retirement to a life of contemplation. Or he might just be unhappened, like the Soviets liked to do with politicians who crossed Stalin. And after a year or two, no Chinese would ever admit to ever having heard of “Jack Ma”, for fear of joining him. If he had ever existed. Which he obviously hadn’t. Where do foreigners get such strange ideas?

4 years ago

> Jordan Peterson

If reasonable supporting evidence appears, he’ll just blame it on his drug addiction, and his followers will make allowances.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Poor Juden Peterstein was just cleaning his room when there was a blackout and he suddenly slipped and got a benis in anus, purely accidentally. Pls have some understanding.

4 years ago

that he should have been off shift, at the one critical point where the attack was going to take place, and at the very moment a bomber was going to strike.

One more step — his absence from his post would have been presented as more evidence of foreknowledge.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

That was my thought too, he could have been the patsy.

We’d have known him by 3 names.

4 years ago

I think Trump will order Pence to not use them, for reasons I cite above.

I think Trump WILL order it, because that is how he whips the crowd up, Marc Antony style.

“On Jan 29, 2016, I ordered X, which I promised to you, and was within my powers as President, and my orders were ignored by James Clapper.

“On March 16, 2016, I ordered Y, which I promised to you, and was within my powers as President, and my orders were ignored by John Brennan.

“On [date], I ordered the full withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan, which is within my powers as Commander in Chief, and I promised to you, and my orders were ignored by the Pentagon.

“On [date], I AGAIN ordered the full withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan, and my orders were ignored by the Pentagon.

“On [date], I ordered ONCE AGAIN the full withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan, and my orders were ignored A THIRD TIME by the Pentagon.”

etc etc etc for four years, until,

“And on December 31, 2020, New Years Eve, I called Mike Pence back to the White House and ordered him, under my powers as President and I as I promised to you, to fight with every legal and constitutional power available to him, and in a few minutes, my order is going to be ignored.”

And then The People enter a civil war that the deep state has been fighting for 4 years.

4 years ago

I clicked before I saw your warning and now I can never unsee it. Maybe post the warning right off.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  ChpLvr
4 years ago

ChoLvr when he clicked the link:–2

4 years ago

AC, your headline for this reads 1/02/2021 instead of 1/03.


4 years ago

Power through the science of plausible deniability.

– from:

“Plausible deniability is the ability for persons (typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command) to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others (usually subordinates in an organizational hierarchy) because of a lack of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved in or at least willfully ignorant of the actions. In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such act in order to insulate themselves and shift blame onto the agents who carried out the acts, confident that their doubters will be unable to prove otherwise. The lack of evidence to the contrary ostensibly makes the denial plausible, that is, credible, although sometimes it merely makes it unactionable. The term typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up the conditions to plausibly avoid responsibility for one’s (future) actions or knowledge. In some organizations, legal doctrines such as command responsibility exist to hold major parties responsible for the actions of subordinates involved in heinous acts and nullify any legal protection that their denial of involvement would carry.

In politics and espionage, deniability refers to the ability of a powerful player or intelligence agency to pass the buck and avoid blowback by secretly arranging for an action to be taken on their behalf by a third party ostensibly unconnected with the major player. In political campaigns, plausible deniability enables candidates to stay clean and denounce third-party advertisements that use unethical approaches or potentially libellous innuendo.

Plausible deniability is also a legal concept. It refers to lack of evidence proving an allegation. Standards of proof vary in civil and criminal cases. In civil cases, the standard of proof is “preponderance of the evidence” whereas in a criminal matter, the standard is “beyond a reasonable doubt.” If an opponent cannot provide evidence for his allegation, one can plausibly deny the allegation even though it may be true.

Although plausible deniability has existed throughout history, that name for it was coined by the CIA in the early 1960s to describe the withholding of information from senior officials in order to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public knowledge. The roots of the name go back to Harry Truman’s national security council paper 10/2 of June 18, 1948, which defined “covert operations” as “…all activities conducted pursuant to this directive which are so planned and executed that any U.S. Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the U.S. Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them.” [NSC 5412 was de-classified in 1977, and is located at the National Archives, RG 273.]”


This is cabal and its works. Having lived all my life as a skilled maker blue collar dirt person, now lived on both sides of the Masan Dixon line, having been subject to and steeped in the brain washing of my young mind up in the great white north of Yankeedom, moving from there to the great white Christian culture of the Appalachian mountains, has provided contrasts I had not suspected, in histories, culture, and my fellow dirt persons perceptions and way of life.
It is quite the body of contrasts, in fact it is a great personal enlightenment, lots of great positive and wonderful things, and one constant, one unbroken continuous line, a thread it seems to originate and this is captivated my attention thus my cognitive digestion of everything I believe I’m seeing since escaping into Freeman’s land, south of the true border which has divided us good folks and our works, something Gary North and Al Benson Jr knowingly or not exposed, a honest to God conspiracy which is the marker for all subsequent undercurrent activities to undermine subvert and destroy my beloved country.

Remember never forget cabal is an institutional order which weaponizes all the things. It must. No institutional order, in particular an elusive non-State entity, which relies foremost in its ability to remain unseen, unknown by most not within its operations its fetid clutches, is capable of amassing the meat space boots on the ground human assets and equip such an immense army, for lack of a better term, of the necessary size required to defeat and subdue the army of civilian citizen soldiers armed exactly for such reasons as to defend itself from such tyranny as cabal. Cabal must therefore rely upon subterfuge, advanced social engineering, vast constant efforts of pitting, ie, divide and conquer strategies, relentlessly, ruthlessly, pitting its chosen subjects against each-other, a strategy no self respecting tyrant fails to employ.
And fear, the weaponization of fear. Specifically the science of socially engineering, literally breeding out the Time Honored Traditions, the hard won long learned codes and precepts of White Christian Men of The West, of their steadfast honorable trait of not taking council from their fears, of the three great warrior virtues which created a race of Men who do not, who never, loose their nerve, thus can not be conquered thru non kinetic warfare, who are not only immune to the enemies strategies and tactics of phycological warfare, aka mind control in our technological era, possess a awesome warrior spirit along with a mindset, the one true weapon, which naturally recognizes these dark foul arts thus fortifying their sense of honor and duty and their great virtues with courage motive power and unlimited audacity. An ever self reinforcing anti-fragile state of being, of self, of the warrior spirit, of indomitable motive energy, Men who bend a knee to no mortal force.
In order to destroy the culture and race of The Men of The West, it’s fruition requiring a conspiracy, an insurgency action of two and half centuries, not be happenstance but by knowledge and intent born out of the understanding that the only feasible avenue of destroying America entailed a top down inside out destruction of it’s unimaginable energy of unfettered economic activity, in concert with the strategy of the long march of subversion and undermining of its institutions, foremost its great centers of learning, it’s great cultural Christian Faith, and creation of a mob rule mentality of majority replacing plurality and creation of faux consent for undermining and replacing the crux of good government, ie, representative governance, which its essential elements of success derives from the hard won long learned Time Honored Traditions of cultural Prudence and turn the other cheek precept of Christian tolerance.

Plausible Deniability, is highly erosive, effective as a strategy of passive aggressive control of perceptions. Like acid it’s corrosive effects weakens the foundations and institutions of republican form of self governance, creates a matrix of doubt, discontent, despair, most crucial is a state of mind of resistance to tyranny as futile amongst the weaker minded, thus creating a special kind of mob mentality, a slave plantation mentality which will do just about anything, like a trained seal for it’s herring of reward, to protect its Danegeld, defend it’s soft shackles of security of submission to tyranny’s gentle persuasions, its great con of Bread & Circus.
Tyranny don’t deviate much from its statist nature, it really can not, but its weaponization of all the things its insidious body of plausible deniability is highly adaptable to technological advances, and this is most characteristic of cabal, its wealth transfer shakedown organized racket is crazy like a fox implemention of Tsung Tsu’s strategic imperative of “Make War Pay For War”, of Mao’s “Dirty All Hands” cabal, actually effecting a kind of communal solidarity, an institutional order in its own right, where cabal no matter what all else it is, is the largest greatest organized crime syndicate the world has seen. One world order, oh yeah, one big fucking Mafia its tentacles into everything.
Is it really so hard to believe this organized crime syndicate permeates ever facet of the sphere of our lives? Whats so hard to accept about what is basically nothing but a huge structured organization of crooks, it exists, and is trying to get rid of the last obstacle in its way to full control of the worlds wealth and its sources of wealth creation?

Back to that unbroken thread of plausible deniability, it is patently obvious, when the Confederation of sovereign free States chose collectively, rightfully, and under the natural laws of God’s guiding precepts of individual and ordered, dignity of liberty, to remove themselves from the cabal syndicate of organized crime.
In 1859 Lincoln and his marxists established the precedence of usurping constitutional governance, and rule of law, with absolute rule of men, using the only power such usurpers possess, the power to hurt, use of violence as coercive instrument, and to keep the beautiful prize of agrarian wealth and its resources, to destroy the inherent threat of its cultural wealth of arts and philosophy, its institutions of intellectualism, that it was unthinkable what was so hated and envied, escaping its clutches, and thus from 1859 onward government by plausible deniability was established, a war which has never ended, since gone “cold”, and again cabal has only its power to hurt, the threat and use of violence to resort to, on the eve of going hot, in its eternal never ending war, not unlike cabal’s never ending war in various key places as in the Levant, its insatiable lust for lucre, its usurpation and use of the blood of generations of Men of The West’s soldiers. They weaponize all the things.

I would say to any and all who will invariably attempt to dispute my insights and simple good folk words, Ye must hark from the great cabal sanctioned state of normie and reside upon it’s great meandering banks of the river denial.

It is not me our these insights you are questioning and doubting, it is yourself you are either trying to keep from looking the truth square in the eyes as a true Christian Man of The West has undeniable duty and honor of, or you are questioning your perceptions, struggling with doubts within, or, you are a sly cunning agent of cabal doing as commanded, employing the weapon of plausible deniability, creating doubt, discontent, confusion, misdirection, subversion, in effect the tactics of undermining Western Christian thought and reason.
This is no different then cabal’s arrempts of physical dis-armament of America, it is in effect dis-armament of the weapon that matters, the great Christian Western weapon between the ears and its ammunition of the spirit.

Don’t question me. I’m indomitable. Nothing anyone nor you can say can effect my spirit or my resolve, weaken my courage, the only effect you can have on me, is to join our honorable resistance, the legion of honor duty and indomitable will, for we are Legion, we are armed to the fucking teeth, exactly because we must as it is our duty, there are no others, we are it, we are all that has, all that ever has and all that will stand in cabals way, all who will destroy cabal and its works.
And if your are ignorant enough to question this, instead of examining yourself and your duty as a Man of The West I would say to you, we are still here, we have not even begun to fight, we are prepared, as we should be, as we can, Because We Can, because in our culture in our civilization fuck you is always a choice, because we must because nobody is coming to save us, but ourselves, we also constitute a unique form of Warr, a generation of warfare long thought to be impossible, a fallacy, something to be so far outside convention as to be absurd, as we are legion, we are not A Legion per say, we are millions of units of leaderless resistance, legions of us exist, we have the great gestalt, the honor of a true Paradigm, a sea change in thinking but more essential, of action, of showing up, where our Zeitgeist is We Leave Our Common Cause To God and Our Rifles.

Join or Die

4 years ago

You said something very germane AC, regarding cabal’s chief Nazgul Roberts. You made me think cabal has need of one, one actor among all its minions within its operations inside our government, one figure who possessed by virtue of utter total corruption of the most foundational precepts of rule of law and unalienable rights, the ability to veto the power of the executive, legislative, and judicial powers that be no matter its polticks and characteristics, wether in conflict or alignment with the illusions of legitimate government.

To think President Trump is not aware of this is and has provided contingencies for Roberts’ treason strikes me as impossible, Roberts betrayal by obamacare attainders of writ leaves myself at least with no doubt the fuckker is skumm coating the surface of the swamp.

I think you are dead nuts right we are looking it right in the eye as it happens. Roberts is that actor. As you said he may be the most powerful cabal figure publicly known, may be more in ways we can not ascertain, for now under present circumstances. Not Chief Justice but chief Nomanklatura. Just how many come under his control, and how close to cabal’s center of power?

Cabal had to have such an asset. It only makes sense. Now you pointed it out it seems so patently obvious, literally rips away whatever Roberts had of illusion of legitimacy.

I guess the question is, what is there that trump’s Roberts singular power of usurpation, that which counters and defeats Roberts power?

For sure, there is no lack of the sycophantic pawing worship and blind prostration to his consteetooshunull princely potentate status he enjoys, regardless of the growing suspicions and doubt as to his high crimes and treasons.

The pawing and submission to his station as the final word which trumps all, or to be concise the illusion of legitimacy so many attribute him. Which is the whole point. His power is only absolute if provided consent, wether manufactured, tacit, or obtained thru sleight of hand and misdirection, it is fragile appearance of consent for something that does not exist, a fig leaf, once ripped away exposes his foul being.

Which in itself points to cabal’s efforts to avoid at all costs becoming bogged down in a shootout with the dirt people. cabal et all would not go to the lengths they are to effect success of its election coup, cabal long ago would have simply gone full fucking retard Police State on we Deplorable’s.

Some of cabal’s plans are too complex, intricate, so much has to go according to predicted expected outcomes. When cabal enjoys a state where only a few are resisting them, when nobody is actively fighting back in any appreciable numbers, those plans face little failure, provides too an appearance of great power and infallibility, where resistance to cabal appears futile.

The timeless saying no battle plan survives contact with the enemy seems to be increasingly more evident in the age of The God-Emperor.

It’s a dangerous game these clown world assholes are playing.

4 years ago

From first sight I liked Richard Jewel, nothing they tried persuaded me otherwise, they really picked the wrong fellow to scapegoat in their false flag operation. I dont know how to explain it other than a gut instinct he was set-up and the whole thing was FUBAR. It stunk. Just like Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City Waco, LeVoy Finnicum. The whole stinking operation the FBI was running up in Burn’s Oregon. Had no idea of cabal, only it was screaming obvious a vast organized crime syndicate dressed up in politikal elite skinsuits, with marxian affectations and airs was behind it.

I exchanged many emails with the “Sherrif” in Burn’s, the fucker was a total lying sack of shit. His whole false flag act was pure plausible deniability.
Turns out he was a shit-ton more than an obvious corrupt liar, the whole town is a cabal owned run and populated town, where they all take turns like musical chairs, from County Sheriff to jurist to judge to BLM ranger to mayor etc.
Its literally a real life running deep state Potemkin Village they built up there. Its central purpose to clear off or genocide family ranchers and their ancestral water and grazing rights, outright bankrupt and or imprison the Patriarchal leaders of families who settled generations ago, do the whole mafia racket of the offer you can’t refuse and or set all up for their lands to be confiscated out right via false incrimination tactics, or forced by way of bankrupting families in kangaroo courts forcing them to sell at pennies on the dollar, extort them to providing cabal exclusive first option on deeds so the clinton crime syndicate and others had exclusive unfettered access of all mineral and other natural resources rights, read Uranium One, or The Bundy Ranch standoff, as perfect example of how utterly corrupt and all invasive cabal is.

4 years ago

Has Trump as CINC issued prewarning orders for stand to for operational crossing of some domestic body of water?


Partial list of observed highlights copy-pasted verbatim, (Seen at a Florida Navy Federal Credit Union, my note in parenthesis not authors, authors observations made on Saturday, 1-2-21, credit union for US .mil only patrons, author known for no BS .mil related postings, doesn’t give a rats ass what anyone thinks about his opinions and experience).

60 cars lined up in the three operational drive thrus.
The line of people waiting to go inside? Around 25, with a line of 10-15 at the one walk-up ATM
.Gov payday is Thursdays
No other banks in the A.O. are/were like this
This was after breakfast, so figger 1130, 1200 +/-
To me, as I recall, the dot mil grapevine is really good, and they get the word spread that the shit is about to hit the fan, and “have cash onhand” is to live and die by.

4 years ago

Democrats: Unfit to Govern Anything

Comments are interesting. Centering around west coasters escaping California, regarding the bringing everything with them they want to escape. Its good to see nationalism on the small Montenesque theory nation state scale becoming great again.
Musk is an amazing guy. The impossible is not, no such thing. He is that Patriot, the immigrant who is more a patriot than the natives. I’d be on one of those Starships if I was 20 years younger, whatever it took, be part of whats going to change humanity as maybe nothing has in ways which have no comparable analog. I have Faith they go and never turn back, I can see it will happen, nothing can stop that audacity and motive power, its really America at its best.
Like Trump, Elon Musk, it is what exposes the farce of cabal, its clown world idiocy, its blind arrogance, its galactic ignorance, the joke of its hubris.

From the linked quoted piece in this blog post:

“…This dialogue was punctuated by a pithy tweet from Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, who describes herself as a progressive Democrat, “F*ck Elon Musk.”

Goes on to describe what these insects forsake. They truly are THEM, The Human Extinction Movement. Everything they touch dies if it doesn’t escape or fight back ruthlessly.
Black Flag Bitchez. Coming to a town near you. ( unless if by some beautiful miracle TGE pulls off the impossible, and by God, he might just do that, the guy has it in him and is a great leader, he made a believer out of me, and glad for it in no uncertain terms )

I watched my home State of NH as it was purposefully with unlimited malice and forethought, invaded by the cabal hive collective and its drones from the kommie republic of Mass, NY and other cabal enclaves. No diff than the election fraud and coup, only on a smaller intensely personal greedy sadistic scale.
Its not pretty. Its genocide. We escaped to WV hoping to find Time Honored Traditions as refuge and a place to make a stand, I’ve done everything I can to not alter the culture in my AO by my presence and actions. I am and always will be an alien and invader here, though many families have adopted us unconditionally, we are blessedly humbled and fortunate by this, and after all these years have become part of the community. We are still imports. It is what it is this is these folks place, it is clannish, their territory their culture their rules. We have made mistakes and feel shame by our trespasses, but it is our friends and tribe who forgive us by their unconditional love and generosity. Its their natural inclination, Time Honored Traditions, family/tribe/clan that endures. We are no longer the Yanks we where when we left NH to find the old ways that pogrom was eliminating. We ain’t the same people. Can not imagine going back. It is an alien place to us now. I have never gone back. My wife only once long time past.
Lot of folks could learn a thing or two from these dirt poor, rich beyond measure folks in these mountains. Our loved ones now, they possess an economy of living has to be seen to be appreciated.
I know myself even though as good folks across America, its very very important to study, be careful, respect and abide by local customs and taboo. Learn the codes. Live by them. Do not bring your shit with you. MYOB.
My best intentions in the beginning where my biggest mistakes. I could not be more presumptuous or an assuming asshole if I deliberately worked at it. Funny how things work out.
You couldn’t get me out of WV with a stick of fucking dynamite.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.

“Many reasons why Israel should be nuked by the US”

Hell no. We got to have somewhere to pack these animals in when we deport them all. All of them. We should protect Israel at all cost. At least until we pile all the Jews up there then they can fend for themselves.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Israel can be safely nuked, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast is a thing and it’s even bigger than Israel.

Launching in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
4 years ago

AC thats a good breakdown essay on the 1-6 electoral vote count. If your going to drain the swamp, you really have to drain it.

Man, imagine our country without these people, be freedoms paradise. The outpouring of release and joy, make the Earth’s spin speed up.
Good Ol’ Sundance is talking about they are seeing numbers, the energy, 2 million plus showing up for Trump on the 6th. Its like 1-20-2020 Richmond; imagine, how many could not show up.

Always figured The God-Emperor out if all the things he has accomplished all the things he intends to accomplish, everything he is about, nothing is as important and valuable as just good folks support and belief in him. Well really, belief in America and our selves, together, I think nothing else to the guy matters near what this does to him.

Destroy cabal and the whole lot of them exterminate them with goodness. I hope it’s eats out their decrepit souls, haunts them night and day, no matter what they try they can’t stop good folks and good things, if anything they makes us stronger.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago


Ron Unz says it wasn’t fear of Italian or Irish immigration that spurred the passage of the 1924 Immigration Act which essentially halted immigration to a trickle until the 1965 Hart-Celler bill reversed it, but justifiable fear of mass jewish immigration after Western elites saw what the jews did in Bolshevik Russia.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
Tracy Coyle
Tracy Coyle
4 years ago

I am sorry to read your opinion on Blair White. I am post-op, of the Right, support her decision to move to Texas for the reasons she gave and she has been attacked by the Left at every turn. I understand your foundational beliefs on how and who gets access to media, even if I don’t agree it is universal. Just noting that there some of us that are not offended at your use of ‘he’, just somewhat disappointed.