I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
Carl Bernstein says that his sources say William Barr is preparing to deliver ‘evidence’ of a ‘deep state conspiracy.’ Bernstein is trying to couch it as a desperate ploy to “save” President Trump from Impeachment and defeat.
Now Rudy may have tweeted a new Q proof:
Why does this text and date render the hearsay so-called whistleblower useless and not credible? If you get even one reason I might recommend you for Law School. Two and it’s LawReview. Answers later. Watch Laura at 10 pm. pic.twitter.com/fN1kOtclaM
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) September 26, 2019
Remember 4:48 (and 59 seconds) on 7/19/19 would be 24 hours after this photo was presumably taken (assuming the watch is set right), with POTUS in the room no less:
New York Times says the Whistleblower is a CIA Officer detailed to the White House.
Whistleblower filed Trump complaint after going to CIA general counsel.
Former CIA analyst thinks the whistleblower got help from Democrat Congressional staffers. So the CIA was colluding with Democrats, or were Democrats colluding with the CIA?
Whistleblower lawyers work with nonprofit to launch GoFundMe page seeking $100G. Here come the Cabal bucks.
John Solomon drops a court filing by the Ukrainian Prosecutor Biden had fired. Apparently at the same time he was getting the prosecutor fired to protect his son and their corrupt arrangement, Biden was exerting influence to prosecute a Russian-backed Ukrainian Oligarch who would have been competition for Cabal in taking over Ukraine, given his vast media and business holdings.
Judicial Watch sues State Department for records on firing of Biden-Ukraine prosecutor.
Flashback – Google invested $100 million into Crowdstrike. Was it Google’s money, or is “Google” a Cabal enterprise, which on the side acted like a Cabal-money-manager of a portion of the Cabal fortune. Again, the kid in the garage was a great meme, and maybe it happened once or twice, but I would bet the majority of these were fixed situations that had been planned years in advance and staffed with Cabal actors playing the lead roles. And that kid in the garage never stood a chance.
President Trump said he wants to know who provided information to a whistle-blower about his phone call with the president of Ukraine, saying that whoever did so was “close to a spy” and that “in the old days,” spies were dealt with differently. I think he is beginning the acclimatization of the public to the idea spies are normally killed for treason.
NY Times, Washington Post front pages deceptively cut the Ukraine call transcript to implicate Trump. I would have thought the whole call was about Biden if I didn’t read the transcript myself. In reality it was all about how the Democrats and Crowdstrike shipped the DNC server to Ukraine and hid it there for some unusual reason, something which is being hidden by the Fake News, despite it being the most interesting part of the call.
Adam Schiff makes up a fake Trump Ukraine transcript and reads it as if it were real.
Fredo Cuomo admits Biden absolutely engaged in a quid pro quo.
Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged pedo scout flees to Brazil
New York bans calling someone an illegal alien out of “hate.” You also cannot threaten them with a call to immigration authorities. The fine is up to $250,000.
Joe Biden’s brother James Biden ‘promised healthcare firm the former vice-president’s cancer initiative would promote their product.’ It is coming out as part of a lawsuit alleging that Biden’s brother tried to drive them to bankruptcy and steal their business. Notice, some entities can make deals like this with Cabal members, and the money pours in for everyone, while others try to replicate the process, and end up like a Cargo Cult, with a completely different outcome. I remember an Indian tribe with oil on their land they needed government approval to drill for, who tried to buy the Clinton’s, thinking you simply bought the most corrupt politician. They gave all their money, and they stayed shut out of the oil business, even though if they had been given the support they needed, they could have been wealthy, contributing members of the Democrat party. You are either in the club and know, or out and do not. And we are still not sure exactly what determines that.
Pentagon study finds rising suicide rates in military. Does anyone really believe Cops and the Military are committing suicide and leftists are fine? We should be stepping over splatted soyboy bodies on the sidewalk every day right now. But the Military and cops are the ones “breaking?” I don’t buy it.
Be careful when dressing out your deer this season, because if they carry tuberculosis, it can pass to humans during dressing. 3 cases. In other TB news, a High School in Idaho was notified that a student who was only there six months was diagnosed with TB and may have exposed others(migrant?). There was another at San Diego. And there were four more cases in Texas at a school. These don’t get as much press as they can’t blame them on people avoiding vaccines.
Most scientists ‘can’t replicate studies by their peers.’ If that Rothschild was telling the truth, at least some of this, in critical areas, could be by design. There is a lot of what we are told, which we attribute to benign causes, when the origins of it may not be so benign. I can remember people talking about how in the Stock Market crash of 1929, traders were jumping out of windows as the market plunged, because they found it so traumatic. But looking back, it would seem that was a period of transition. Before it, Cabal manipulated our government from the shadows of the private sector and behind the scenes while using private sector funding, (such as running its intelligence operations in the private sector through the Pinkertons and Railroad Police, and probably other organizations we don’t know about. That was done as Cabal government officials, on finding official government intelligence operations done for the good of the nation, would close them down while proclaiming, “Gentlemen do not read other gentlemen’s mail!“. After the transition, post WWII, Cabal moved into the government more openly, taking over the FBI and forming and manning the CIA, as it openly used government agencies to infiltrate and take over the private sector news media, and consolidated its businesses under single, often multinational corporations. So if that is the case, right as Cabal was moving to more openly take things over, a plethora of people in a critical area of operations (the Stock Market) all suddenly decided to jump out windows, even as other people, even more affected by the crash, simply resigned themselves to their new lower positions, and moved on. It is possible. However as we enter another period of transition, and the suicides pile up, I find myself wondering if that 1929 wave of suicides was just as it was portrayed.
Florida’s Red Flag laws are used five times a day to confiscate firearms, report says.
Democrats have tried to impeach every Republican President except Ford (who wasn’t elected and had been neutered by Watergate) since Eisenhower. Never was it this bad, as most of those other Presidents were either Cabal, or under Cabal’s control, but they do make the noises regularly.
‘Historic’ snowstorm may bring blizzard conditions to Montana, several feet of snow to mountains. We are hearing anecdotal reports of snow melting later, and now falling earlier. Were mini Ice Ages entirely characterized by whole-planet cooling, or could they have been regional weather changes to some degree which triggered glaciation over land?
Amazon says it will soon start selling wireless earbuds, finger rings and prescription eyeglasses with the Alexa voice assistant built in. They want to get Alexa outside the home and wherever customers are.
Reddit is trying to kill its The_Donald forum.
BREAKING: Mitt Romney’s national security advisor from his 2012 campaign sits on the board of the Ukrainian gas company that paid Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden $50,000 a month
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) September 26, 2019
It's open season everyone.
Students at @pbcsd Middle School in Palm Beach. FL, had this question in a multiple choice test:
$5th Pres; 2017; Republican; real Estate businessman; Idiot;
– Donald Trump
– Ronald Reagan
– Richard Nixon
– Jimmy Carterhttps://t.co/QPdz89iltS— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) September 26, 2019
Wait a minute. Check this out: Schiff tweeted this exact same Trump-Ukraine "collusion" narrative a month ago. Hmm … Exactly how long have Schiffty-Schiff and Dems been working with this "whistleblower"? Smelling more and more like prefabrication https://t.co/cRXi222Zwi
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 27, 2019
Rumors swirling the anti-Trump whistleblower was one of Brennan's old CIA humps detailed over to — planted inside — the White House to spy on Trump and help thwart the investigation of #Spygate which also involves Obama DOS/FBI/CIA skullduggery in Ukraine
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 26, 2019
Adam Schiff tweeted this 16 days after the so-called whistleblower's letter to Schiff dated August 12, and 12 days before the IC IG's letter notifying Schiff of the complaint. pic.twitter.com/QMOMVY6pw8
— Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) September 26, 2019
The below are good questions because there is evidence that Schiff had a copy of the complaint earlier than he lets on. https://t.co/EqkZBpbAZ8
— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) September 26, 2019
So Soros ruled Ukraine in 2014? Funny thing #Brennan made a secret trip there in 2014, apparently with a fake passport, to order opposition against pro-Russian forces. The Obama admin flat out lied about it. #CuiBono from #RussiaGate ? #UKRAINE ? pic.twitter.com/JgZkOoi0KZ
— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) April 6, 2018
Oh so no big deal then just the CIA trying to set up an impeachment of a sitting US president https://t.co/C0eeKR7aqp
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) September 26, 2019
This next link features an interesting gif movie of those two overlapping blobs separating into two separate masses as each year goes by. It is the coming civil war in a gif.
Visualizing America's Widening Political Divide https://t.co/iuqKTDxELS
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 27, 2019
You’ve got to be kidding me!!! ? pic.twitter.com/zPa6R8JmUY
— David J Harris Jr (@DavidJHarrisJr) September 26, 2019
Trump raises $13M after Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry.
There is a ‘2nd Amendment Rally’ planned Nov. 2 in Washington, D.C.
WaPo reporter stops at a truck stop and is amazed everybody supports Donald Trump and they think Impeachment is a phony scandal. I have wondered if it is possible that leftism does not really exist in any significant quantity outside of a few thousand paid Cabal actors, who show up to protests, report on those protests for the news media, and who LARP as leftist celebrities on controlled Cabal media channels. The only leftists/democrats I have known in real life could easily turn out to be Cabal civilian informants, and I would not be the least bit surprised.
Ex-lawmaker Jason Chaffetz demands IRS audit of liberal ‘charities,’ including Planned Parenthood.
Federal health care fraud takedown in northeastern U.S. produces charges against 48 individuals. It involved more than $800 million in loss and the distribution of over 3.25 million pills of opioids in “pill mill” clinics.
China’s factory activity seen contracting for the fifth straight month.
Former Mexican state attorney general sentenced in international narcotics case.
Now Israel is right:
/pol is also starting a campaign to use “the” as a signal among White Supremacists. Basically if a white supremacist is writing (or talking) he is supposed to put the word “the” in his writing, as an acronym for “Thank Hitler Everyday.” So if you see “the” written in any writing, or if someone says it out loud, that person is using it as a dogwhistle to other white supremacists. Before you laugh, these are the guys who rendered tattooed skinheads, white hoods, and burning crosses obsolete, replacing them with Pepe the Frog, the OK hand symbol, and the face below as the symbols of white supremacy in America:
Nothing is impossible with /pol’s meme magic.
The OK hand sign, Jim Carrey’s haircut from Dumb and Dumber, and the Smiling Moonman are all hate symbols now. This is literally how crazy Trump is driving them.
BREAKING: Trump administration slashes U.S. refugee program for 2020, allowing the lowest number of refugees in the modern program's history, and says state and local governments must approve refugee resettlement – Reuters
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 26, 2019
VIDEO: Trump jokes about a third term as U.S. president in closed-door remarks.
"We're looking good for another four years, and then if we want to another four." pic.twitter.com/BdXDgDIA7V
— News Breaking LIVE (@NewsBreaking) September 27, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2019
Thank you Jim! https://t.co/9ldr6iSdpl
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
Liddle’ Adam Schiff, who has worked unsuccessfully for 3 years to hurt the Republican Party and President, has just said that the Whistleblower, even though he or she only had second hand information, “is credible.” How can that be with zero info and a known bias. Democrat Scam!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
Are you saying the Democrats started an all out move towards impeachment without even seeing the transcript? https://t.co/djT3T4NPeL
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 25, 2019
Dems are basing their impeachment dreams on a “whistleblower” who:
-Did not have direct knowledge of the Ukraine call
-Had “‘political bias’ in favor of ‘a rival candidate’ of the President”https://t.co/JS0xLE6Sox— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) September 25, 2019
Yikes!!! https://t.co/uxIeBmTtRl
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 25, 2019
Watching the media circle the wagons and desperately try to defend the Biden family for things they try to kill my family for is pretty amazing. https://t.co/whvIQp9jQd
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 25, 2019
KASSAM: Trump Transcript Shows Him Trying To Stop Corruption, Nothing Else https://t.co/nEgLq8pITV via @dailycaller
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 25, 2019
“Democrats wrote to the Ukrainian government in May 2018 urging it to continue investigations into President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign — collusion later found NOT TO EXIST.” https://t.co/wYdRmpfddk
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2019
The ironic thing is that the only time it did happen that we know about is when former Vice President Joe Biden threatened over a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine in exchange for a specific act. In this case, the President has been completely vindicated.” – VP Pence on @LouDobbs
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) September 25, 2019
…and even though she knew the transcript was going to be released today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi initiates an impeachment inquiry into this Presidency and I think the American people have had enough.” – VP Pence on @LouDobbs
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) September 25, 2019
??? We should impeach them all. That's how this works, right? Given their rules its a no brainer since there's an actual ask, unlike anything they're coming up with.
Their rules not ours! https://t.co/tHVArf1sq0
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 25, 2019
…They can’t run against this President’s record…a record of accomplishment…so they decided to look for one more way to try to overturn the election and it’s not going to work. The American people see through it!” – VP Pence on @LouDobbs
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP) September 25, 2019
"Pelosi’s Bad Impeachment Call" by anti-Trumper in @NYT. "A Q-PAC poll found 57% of Americans oppose impeachment; 37% support it…significant bloc of voters who otherwise disapprove of Trump nonetheless oppose impeaching him." Pelosi risks swing voters. https://t.co/IY422L7k1i
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) September 25, 2019
Rand Paul on the Fake Witch Hunts: BASTA! https://t.co/WNEsrU5XUM
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 25, 2019
Yikes! I guess the Dems no longer want to do anything about election interference. https://t.co/X52fMO3CRj
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 25, 2019
For 2.5 years we were told there was collusion, then obstruction, then it was a cover-up… rinse and repeat.
Seems the media and their bosses at the DNC are just desperate to push something other than the results @realDonaldTrump is getting for America. https://t.co/rqljc02kSw
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 25, 2019
A whistleblower with second hand information? Another Fake News Story! See what was said on the very nice, no pressure, call. Another Witch Hunt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
Adam Schiff has zero credibility. Another fantasy to hurt the Republican Party!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
If they actually did this the markets would crash. Do you think it was luck that got us to the best Stock Market and Economy in our history. It wasn’t! https://t.co/V0WGVWEWTN
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
“Is there a case for impeachment? Absolutely not! There is no high crime or misdemeanor, no crime, no extortion, no treason.” Robert Ray @FoxNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
That, and many other reasons, is why Republicans will win North Carolina! https://t.co/m4GNvbp7oK
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
Congratulations to my friend @SenShelby, our powerful Appropriations Chairman, for his hard work on many strong bills that continue to rebuild our military, invest in border security, and many other priorities. Good work and keep fighting, you are winning!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
No one has done more behind the scenes for STRONG BORDER SECURITY than @SenCapito. Her bill passed Committee today with $5B for the BORDER WALL. West Virginia is a great State and Shelley gets it done. Keep it up!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
Speaker Pelosi: Focused on taking down @realDonaldTrump at any cost.@POTUS: Focused on securing better trade deals for hardworking Americans.
The contrast couldn't be any more clear.https://t.co/vuoxiXoa4r
— Chuck Fleischmann (@RepChuck) September 25, 2019
The downright “giddy” media hoping for @realDonaldTrump impeachment should take 3 minutes and watch this before they count those chickens. https://t.co/BSm4REKoSf
— Eric Bolling?? (@ericbolling) September 26, 2019
“The Democrats have been talking about Impeaching Donald Trump since before he was inaugurated.” @SteveDoocy @foxandfriends And for no reason other than the great success we are having with the Economy, the Military, Vets, Tax and Regulation Cuts, HealthCare, and so much more!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2019
So cute! Her father is under siege, for no reason, since his first day in office! https://t.co/8wtB3H4fth
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019
So many lies by Sleepy Joe and the Do Nothing Democrats! https://t.co/MY1zkMvFQW
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019
So bad for our Country! https://t.co/BzICeKn8hY
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
cc: Everybody not the Ukranian President who has been characterizing what happened in the call with the Ukrainian President and how the Ukrainian President felt about that call, or should feel about that call. https://t.co/1AwdEbFRuB
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) September 25, 2019
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says he doesn't want to be involved in US elections and he didn't feel "pushed" during his phone call with President Trump https://t.co/H9n7JKbYS7 pic.twitter.com/KU7wfHByML
— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 25, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2019
VP @mike_pence: Democrats don't have an agenda, that's why they want to impeach @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/El9qOb6bkq
— Team Trump (@TeamTrump) September 26, 2019
Stop what you’re doing…
WATCH us expose the #FakeNews Media LIES about @realDonaldTrump!
They selectively deleted 500+ words from a transcript, but we show you the TRUTH.@kayleighmcenany gives the facts: pic.twitter.com/NqSVsQwoav
— Team Trump (@TeamTrump) September 26, 2019
When @realDonaldTrump became president, his sons stopped doing international business deals; when Joe Biden became VP, his son started doing international business deals #TheFive pic.twitter.com/jQHAZcfVB1
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) September 25, 2019
President @realDonaldTrump has taken a sledgehammer to the ruiling class and the ruling class is fighting back hard and they are never going to stop. #TheFive pic.twitter.com/rcptMdD6dW
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) September 25, 2019
The President of Ukraine said that he was NOT pressured by me to do anything wrong. Can’t have better testimony than that! As V.P., Biden had his son, on the other hand, take out millions of dollars by strong arming the Ukrainian President. Also looted millions from China. Bad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019
— Dan Scavino Jr.?? (@Scavino45) September 26, 2019
“You are either in the club and know, or out and do not. And we are still not sure exactly what determines that.”
I can’t believe that nobody “knows for sure what determines that”.
I do! Be Democraphile, a lover of democracy; an extreme egalitarian, an SJW, an Internationalist, a liberal. That’s the Club! Maybe even Atheist is necessary.
That is How YOU become Cabal! It is in the Colleges and Universities. In Local Governments. In Media. In Business!
The first organized conspiracy was the Masonic movement. Half of the FFofA were Masons. All the generals under Washington were Masons. The Masons operate like a club. they are secretive. While they call themselves egalitarian, their lodges are selective. You’re chosen to become a Mason—YOU DON”T ask to be a Mason (in the Old days). It was an elitist club that propagandized their “For the plain guy”. I was in the military and several Marines were becoming Masons. (a) for protection (b) for advancement. You scratch their backs—They scratch yours.
Masons worked mightily in the French Revolution as well! Mazzini in the Italian Risorgemento was a Mason and his forces were Masonic. What he promoted was Masonic. Jewish Messianism, “The Brotherhood of Man” is one of the central dogmas of Freemasonry. It’s a Club of secret handshakes. The Jews transferred their methodology of “dealing only with one’s own” to the Masons. That is how Masons work as well.
International Socialism, Communists, work the same way. Liberals which is the basis of both Freemasonry and International Socialism work the same way. All three work in unison because Man is a Herd animal. Like to Like is the Natural Law. It is BY INTINCT. We are foundationally animals. Animals with a Divine Soul. They know their own. Conservative smell. The Smell of Conservatives is that they uphold Law and Order, Obey Tradition and Custom, are Believers. That turns off automatically the Liberal. The liberal hangs with the Liberal. Religion grates on the Atheist nerves. It is all instinctual.
I was denied three times to get a Philosophy degree at Berea College a supposedly Christian college in Kentucky. The whole academia there was shifting to Northern Yankee Liberals and they hated, hated conservatives, they hated the South; they hated the people they lived amongst. I watched a guy write a paper that was so incomprehensible and got a A, while I got a C. That student aped the professor. I was the ONLY (at first) person to Publicly counter-protest against the homosexuals at campus at their protest. I was a Marked man. Follow their program—get advanced.
They all think IN Unison about the same subjects—Duhh. Be an Internationalist, pro-race-mixing—you’re in!!!!! Have at it.
It doesn’t work that way, you can check every box and lick every boot and if you don’t have the right connections you will be spurned or even destroyed.
Or the correct bloodline…..
This is so utterly wrong as to be safely labeled as deliberate misinformation. Cabal is rife with priests and churchgoers, from multiple denominations. Cabal exists on the right as well as the left.
An interesting thread:
More info on Greta Thunberg:
Canada’s Conservative leader pledges judicial inquiry into Trudeau ethics breach
‘Karate Kid’ actor Robert Garrison dies at 59
Erdogan’s AK Party membership seen sliding further as dissent grows
Russia detains two N.Korean vessels after one opens fire
Also interesting to note that the date on the watch says “19”…
Can’t say that I solved Giuliani’s riddle, though. I guess it’s no law school recommendation for me, then… : P
My best guess is entrapment.
Volker was head of No Name’s institute and he just resigned as special envoy to Ukraine.
FYI: https://wattsupwiththat.com/?s=ice+age
“That was done as Cabal government officials, on finding official government intelligence operations done for the good of the nation, would close them down while proclaiming, “Gentlemen do not read other gentlemen’s mail!“”
Looking back on things, there has to be a reason why the NSA was so aggressively protecting its secrecy for so long. Look to the people who did the first scoops on NSA and those who published these scoops and you’re sure to find cabal.