I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
I have never seen an advertisement for breast implants online before, nor can I think of any search related to it I might ever have done. That said, last night I did the news brief while an old rerun of cops played in the background. The Las Vegas cop stopped a couple of girls, and needed to tow the car for no insurance, and the driver kept trying to get out of it by saying, a few times, in a few different ways, that she was getting her boobs done in a few days and needed the car. Today, I have ads for boob implants, telling me how cheap they are now.
In one of his funniest tweets, Trump trolls Romney, just for fun:
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019
Then he posts this one about Greta, after her angry speech saying our planet will be gone in a few years:
She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! https://t.co/1tQG6QcVKO
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019
I don’t recall seeing this as clearly at the time, and I thought it was interesting. At Bush’s funeral, when Hillary got her letter, Carter noticed she had a letter, and immediately looked for his own, found he had none, looked briefly at his wife’s program, looked around to see if he dropped his own letter, and then looked very interested in what the deal was with Clinton’s and tried to see if he could read it over her shoulder. Watch Carter closely:
And a reminder Jeb did not look too happy in this one, which sure makes it look like the Bushes were into as bad a type of stuff as is alleged:
China is linking up with US Gun control groups, and trying to help them push gun control on our citizens on the basis of it being a human rights issue. Holy Shit, this is big. China is looking ahead to a war with America, and they want to be able to invade us. This is a long term strategy indicating that behind the scenes, they see outright war with us, and full scale invasion, as a likely necessary step for their nation, but they know if the populace is armed, they cannot do it. If I was Trump, I would start looking to redo the antiquated and impossibly complex NFA 86, with an eye to getting rid of the SBS/SBR/AOW garbage, legalizing suppressors for hearing safety, and lifting the ban on post-86 machineguns. If China is looking to invade, our citizens should be able to get at least as well armed as the average infantry grunt in an emergency. Compulsory military service, so every citizen has an idea of small unit tactics might also be wise. More disturbing would be if Cabal has moved its surveillance files to China, in which case it will already have an idea who all the problem children are, and where they can be picked up if need be. I also take this as a sign China has come to the conclusion working behind the scenes with the Democrats in our political system is no longer going to be effective. Before Trump, they were probably doing this, only instead of linking up with civilian groups, they just gave orders to Hillary and Obama.
In this youtube video, John Solomon says that he has found out Biden expressly pressured the President of Ukraine to hire on his son’s firm. From the video, John Solomon lays it out: “Let me add a new fact that I just learned tonight. While talking to US diplomats today overseas in Europe I learned that on April 22, 2014 less than three weeks before the Burisma Holdings announced that Hunter Biden was joining their board, Vice President Joe Biden met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine and in that meeting, according to a transcript that I obtained tonight, Joe Biden specifically encouraged the Ukrainians to expand natural gas production with the help of Americans coming to the country. He set up the exact scenario that Hunter Biden just a few weeks later cashed in on… Those were the questions Ukrainians were trying to answer back in 2016 before the prosecutor was fired Sean… I do think that the evidence that the Ukrainians possess and would like to give to the US Department of Justice it is sitting there to be handed over.”
Epstein was paying off women to buy their silence while he was in jail.
Greta flashed anger on her true face when she saw President Trump:
Flash back and forth between the right and left side faces until you can feel an emotional difference between them. Then understand, she does not feel two different emotions. One, on her left side, is her true emotion bleeding through a weaker conscious cover emotion of uncaring, which she puts on for social reasons, the other side is what she wants you to think she is feeling. I have no idea if she is raging at Trump because she has bought into all the Climate BS, or if maybe she knows something more, like Trump representing the upending of her bloodline’s dominance. But the irrational level of anger actually looks quite real.
Warren takes a huge lead in California, Biden in third.
14.3 million illegal immigrants in US costing taxpayers $130 billion.
California has a poop problem in its rivers, and despite homeless encampments exploding around them, it blames regular citizens who visit the public parks for pooping on the ground. What is interesting is how the media aids these coverups, be it the environmental issues produced by leftist policies here, or the disease issues, blaming it on the anti-vaccination campaigns.
In Germany, Jewish funds help keep Mediterranean migrant rescue missions afloat. I would think at some point K-selected Jews would realize, these migrants are going to devastate the lives of the Jewish communities in Europe, and they would turn on the Jewish Groups who are funding it.
UK govt blocks ‘culturally insensitive’ ban on cat and dog meat.
Another seventy miles of border wall, and the media still insists it’s not being built.
26 shot, 5 fatally, in Chicago weekend violence.
6.0 quake strikes off Puerto Rico. Could ring of fire activity precede activity in the Atlantic?
Authorities arrested more than 100 people in a massive child sex trafficking sting in central Ohio, and the Homeland Security special agent in charge of the investigation warned, “We are just scratching the surface… it’s that way across the country.” Is that simply degeneracy, or blackmail?
CNN is pushing the narrative that House Democrats are nearing pulling the trigger on Impeachment.
Hillary is launching a listening tour. If Biden goes down, who might be able to eek out a win between Hillary, Bernie, and Warren?
At the end of this video, Rudy drops that Biden’s Kid’s business was co-owned with John Kerry’s kid, and Whitey Bulger’s Nephew:
This #SleazyBiden story is not going away and it’s going to bring down many more before it’s done! @POTUS thank you @RudyGiuliani pic.twitter.com/P5rNkpu70v
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) September 24, 2019
Facebook’s attempts at undermining Snapchat are detailed in a dossier called ‘Project Voldemort’ which reveals how influencers were ‘threatened with having their blue tick removed’ if they promoted rival social network. Note that before issuing that threat, facebook had to “know” that the person they were making it to would be on their team, and not try to use it to blackmail them. They would not have made it to me. Which means facebook had a good idea of who these big influencers were before they went to them. “Influencers” were most likely generated with fake followers artificially, probably after facebook or Cabal had taken a very close look at them, including in real life, to get an idea who they were, and whether they would cave when faced with intimidation, or whether they would fight.
Why do Democrats so often have flies attracted to them? I remember a house supposedly occupied by the demon Beelzebub which the priest noted was full of flies:
The new Lord of the Flies!!! pic.twitter.com/S6P5h2lVfz
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) September 24, 2019
Interesting – an ostensible white leftist in Hong Kong lectures the locals on how they should bow down to China because they need to value safety first, above freedom. Is this another indicator Cabal moved to China, but maintains its western assets, only there they support the local Cabal government there?:
“You guys value freedom more than safety.”
American woman in Hong Kong begins lecturing protesters in the street.
“Is this ok? Is this respectful?” she asks them. pic.twitter.com/Qe3K4RJMfs
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 24, 2019
#Refugees try to fool migration control but end up arrested
MORE: https://t.co/Hb1wLDosW2 pic.twitter.com/XP3MoZdysu
— RT (@RT_com) September 24, 2019
BREAKING: Facebook reportedly acquires brain-computing start-up CTRL-labs for approximately $1 billion – CNBC
— News Breaking LIVE (@NewsBreaking) September 23, 2019
3 public schools in San Francisco took kids as young as 5 to march and coached by their teachers to chant, “Who do we hate? Donald Trump.” https://t.co/uON9pIypky
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) September 23, 2019
CDR surveillance is no more? pic.twitter.com/NHxVoorw5o
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) September 23, 2019
Stephanie Grisham says press briefings permanently canceled, cites behavior of reporters. It is amazing that there is nothing as effective as President Trump, standing around outside the helicopter, speaking off the cuff.
Trump says meeting with Kim Jong Un ‘could happen soon.’
Chick-fil-A sales have more than doubled since LGBT boycotts of the chain began in 2012.
Axios reporter: voters ‘don’t like Elizabeth Warren’s personality.’
As part of its commitment to US economic growth, Apple today confirmed that its newly redesigned Mac Pro will be manufactured in Austin, Texas. If a world war happens, this is how we win it.
A casual look at the economic data shows, China already lost in the trade war with the U.S. Probably why they are looking now to try and lay the groundwork to disarm us for an invasion later.
Trump is gaining among Hispanics.
Immigrants afraid of Trump’s ‘public charge’ rule are dropping food stamps and MediCal.
BREAKING: Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan says that they will be effectively ending the “catch and release” practice within immigration enforcement next week – The Hill
— News Breaking LIVE (@NewsBreaking) September 23, 2019
This morning, I guest-hosted @SquawkCNBC and talked about what every single one of us can do to take on China: buy American ??.
It’s simple. Whenever possible, we should all buy American products over Chinese products. Watch more ??https://t.co/WL2hZ6CC22
— Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) September 23, 2019
This shot of the crowd from today from the Trump/Modi rally is really something pic.twitter.com/UvfZJmGEhB
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 23, 2019
‘Doug Jones is a racist’: Senator accused by fellow Democrat of wanting black Alabama officials to ‘pick the cotton’ https://t.co/43VOCSvDZn
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 23, 2019
Almost hard to fathom that someone could be so uninformed on a subject, and yet be a decision maker on the issue. Will the media call out these blatant lies? https://t.co/DK3vRvlQSr
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 23, 2019
President Trump on Giuliani’s interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo: “I watched Rudy take apart Fredo … He took Fredo to the cleaners.” pic.twitter.com/p8jbm4BKGC
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 23, 2019
“@FoxNews bombshell information reports that the so-called Whistleblower did not have firsthand knowledge of that phone conversation with Ukraine’s President.” Wow! @HARRISFAULKNER It is all a Democrat/Adam Schiff Scam! Doing this for 3 years now, and found NOTHING!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2019
This is the real corruption that the Fake News Media refuses to even acknowledge! pic.twitter.com/FCvUtWA33j
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2019
….know the correct facts. Is he on our Country’s side. Where does he come from. Is this all about Schiff & the Democrats again after years of being wrong?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2019
Q: “You can authorize to release the transcript. Will you do that?”
President Trump: “I can do it very easily, but I’d rather not do it from the standpoint of all of the other conversations I have. I may do it, ’cause it was a very innocent call.” pic.twitter.com/PxrFbS3uqZ
— CSPAN (@cspan) September 23, 2019
President Trump: “I think I’ll get a Nobel prize for a lot of things,” pic.twitter.com/XPRfWZyYc6
— CSPAN (@cspan) September 23, 2019
True. A wonderful meeting! https://t.co/W9ByXaS8Qf
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 24, 2019
“Today, it is my true honor to be the first President of the United States to host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom,” @realDonaldTrump. #historic #UNGA pic.twitter.com/HCUSGzKmNN
— Hogan Gidley (@hogangidley45) September 23, 2019
President @realDonaldTrump just delivered a critical message on religious freedom and global persecution.
“Our founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society, than the right to follow one’s religious convictions.” #UNGA pic.twitter.com/8ugsnvUSVa
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) September 23, 2019
“With one clear voice, the United States of America calls on the nations of the world to end religious persecution.” #UNGA pic.twitter.com/1hXbbaU74G
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) September 23, 2019
Thank you, working hard! pic.twitter.com/1CpxcJOtha
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2019
94% approval rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2019
.@realDonaldTrump is showing that real strength and statesmanship can coexist with restraint. America is unquestionably the mightiest military power in the world and can win any military conflict. President Trump is wise to evaluate what is and is not in our national interest.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) September 20, 2019
#UNGA pic.twitter.com/iIZugqjEhP
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2019
Spread r/K Theory, because it is nice to be happy and look forward to a great future.
Just checked out the other articles on the Times of Israel link and boy if they’re not eaten up with the poz too. On their front page they have such gems as this:
An alternate explanation: gun control would cause civil war, and make the US much too busy at home to interfere with China abroad. Yes, they expect war, and fighting in the US, but this way they aren’t part of the fighting.
>”In Germany, Jewish funds help keep Mediterranean migrant rescue missions afloat. I would think at some point K-selected Jews would realize, these migrants are going to devastate the lives of the Jewish communities in Europe, and they would turn on the Jewish Groups who are funding it.”
Your link is messed up, here it is a working link to that article:
And here is a big list of articles and videos about that issue:
>”Authorities arrested more than 100 people in a massive child sex trafficking sting in central Ohio, and the Homeland Security special agent in charge of the investigation warned, “We are just scratching the surface… it’s that way across the country.””
This is what makes it so confusing with Trump moves: if it wasn’t for Trump, we would never see this happen, much less allowing LEOs to comment on the extent of the problem, and let the gen pop grasp that the issue is a big time fucking problem which ties in with intel blackmail operations.
This kind of shit is why I don’t buy the “zion don” narrative, and why I have faith he is setting up the ziocunts, despite of how frustrating some of his decisions regarding him increasing the level of zionist occupation in the US government.
Banning ingestion and/or preparation of cat- or dog-meat is one heart-based reason for being a Western cultural chauvinist: We Westerners are, by and large, revulsed at the idea of preying upon Mankind’s two prime symbionts.
>”Interesting – an ostensible white leftist in Hong Kong lectures the locals on how they should bow down to China because they need to value safety first, above freedom. Is this another indicator Cabal moved to China, but maintains its western assets, only there they support the local Cabal government there?”
AC, you need to get your eyes on this:
http://archive.vn/yyMtg – “A Jew in Mao’s China”
I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.
The cabal has been in China for a long ass time. Show me the Jew, and I will show you were cabal is.
>”The concept that Islam is a political system and not a religion, and thus does not deserve religious protections, is gaining ground in mainstream circles.”
Imagine when the same happens regarding Judaism and Jewish identity/culture.
Heard this yesterday and got a little excited in the hope it was some needed Overton manipulation before the Storm.
Could you imagine?
I really am not sure if there is as much leftism, or if it just looks that way because the Democrats are all an act, scripted and played by the media. If Trump executed the Fake News Media, and honest news took over, would we find we were 80-90% of the population all along, and everything we saw was a lie?
Terminate online censorship, and soon enough 90% of the people will become like us.
You wouldn’t even have to do anything about the News, people would stop watching them if there was no censorship online.
>”“@FoxNews bombshell information reports that the so-called Whistleblower did not have firsthand knowledge of that phone conversation with Ukraine’s President.” Wow! @HARRISFAULKNER It is all a Democrat/Adam Schiff Scam! Doing this for 3 years now, and found NOTHING!”
Did you know that the family name Schiff is connected to the financing of Communism, and it’s a big Jew power name like the Rothschild? There was an anon on a thread about Epstein that was dropping some very interesting takes on the whole thing (although much of what he said could not be proven), and he said that Schiff is the top big boss of organized crime in the US. Would not surprise me, since the biggest mobster in the world according to the FBI is a Russian Jew who lives in Moscow.
Basically, governments and intel agencies are fused at the hip with organized crime.
RE: Jews funding migrants. Do not worry it is a self correcting problem. I am sure they (stupid Jews) are all confirming their own transportation to the local gas chambers and then to the ovens; prepaid of course.
If you got to interview one towards this new end you would get responses like “surely no could believe that this was supposed to happen”. If you read interviews from those who survived the last in Germany they were in disbelief throughout the whole time and never believed what they actually were witnessing.
If you interview one now you would find that they are so convinced that they are in the right that anything to the contrary is dismissed. You are then shunned – I know. But the rule holds “If your friends are not doing what you want then you need new friends” so I have left them. I will no longer suffer their presence.
I talk with lots of Jews and Israelis online, most of them shills (which is natural since the IDF has mandatory conscription, and IDF has the Hasbara department working 24/7, and they staff it with IDF soldiers), but the ones that seem open and sincere and not shills are usually like this:
Total lack of self-awareness, blue-pilled, thinks Jews have always been the innocent victims every-time something bad happens, DOES NOT accept proof of Jewish subversion (deflects, mocks you (the first 2 things they call you are ALWAYS a nazi or a muslim, and if they like Trump they call you a Obama loving leftist), then starts raging and calling you a liar over and over again, then blocks you).
Like #1, but ACCEPTS proof of Jewish subversion, and tells you he is going to have a look at the stuff you are linking him. Remains civil during the conversation, with perhaps at the start trying to mock the “nazi”/”muslim” for saying things that they can’t believe are true about their own people (but they don’t do it in a rageful manner, more like relaxed dismissiveness that finds the redpills you are dropping ridiculous). Because I remain civil and calm during the conversation if they aren’t obvious shills or #1, they give you the benefit of the doubt, and if you get feedback from any of them, they tend to be intellectually honest, and capable of starting to understand why people turn against Jews.
Redpilled about Jews, Israeli nationalists. These try to deflect everything bad about Jews into the backs of leftie Jews, and always try to tell you things like “we need to ally against the leftists or else we won’t survive”, but when faced with the fact that Israeli nationalists are enemies of the Western nationalists until they start attacking Jewish collective power outside of Israel (the ADL, AIPAC), and that Israel is a anti-Christian Country, they start raging and enter kvetching behavior like #2.
Like #4, but accepts the fact that Israeli nationalists are acting like enemies of the Western nationalists if they keep supporting the global Israeli lobby and the Jewish interest groups operating in the West.
“Fellow American nationalist” racial Jew (some of them are religious Jews). Many of these are really Israeli nationalists LARPing as Western nationalists, like Pollard, Sheldon Adelson and Roseanne. They would sell out the entire population of the US for the benefit of Israel, and they do.
American nationalist racial Jew (some of the religious Jews). Redpilled about Israel, understand that Israel is an enemy and that the zionist occupation government is a great danger to the US and Jews as a whole (due to backlash). The religious ones might be unable to admit that Judaism is a supremacist ideology incompatible with the West (which is a shame and truly sad).
All of them tend to resist getting redpilled about the fact that the official version of the holocaust is a fraud, but some do admit that many things about the official narrative doesn’t make sense.
At the end of the day, it’s possible to fix things peacefully if the cabal and the out-of-control Jews don’t escalate the situation regarding censorship and harassment of the people, and if the Jewish collective power can be allowed to be terminated peacefully (which is possible with adequate policy).
If it seems like the expansive, expensive surveillance state that was established in the wake of 9/11 never seems to catch pedophiles or human traffickers, it’s because the pedophiles and human traffickers are using it to surveil YOU.
Raw Paw warned us that the Patriot Act would be used against Americans, but I don’t think he could have forecast that an Israeli company staffed with former Unit 8200 employees, chaired by former Israeli PM Ehud Barak, and financed by the late Jeff Epstein would be given free access to every cell phone in America via the emergency response system.
Carbyne911, the company in question, bills itself as being able to detect and prevent crime before it happens through constant surveillance of the mobile phone network. The best part? You don’t even have to have the app installed! If you call 911 or someone else who has the app, operators will gain access to your microphone, camera feed, and any other data that passes through your data link.
In addition to a former Israeli Prime Minister with ties to Epstein and members of Israeli intelligence, Carbyne’s board is also staffed by a member of the Trump transition team, as well as Trump donor Peter Thiel.
What’s going on, big guy? Kind of puts Trump’s calls for pre-crime enforcement in a new light, doesn’t it? Maybe it’s time for Trump to stop letting his daughter’s husband and his Israeli financiers and intelligence assets lead him around by the nose, especially given their ties to organized sex trafficking and blackmail.
Haven’t verified this, but Beto appears to have had some sick, narcissistic thoughts when he was a teen, which he published as fantasy writing.
“No longer could this strong desire in my mind be suppressed. Recognizing this fact, my one and only goal in life became the termination of everything that was free and loving….
“This feeling pervaded everything in my life, yet the first few months after realizing my goal, I had done nothing. Then one day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street. They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles. I knew, however, that this happiness and sense of freedom were much too overwhelming for them. This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams. As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two. I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head….
“It was simply ecstasy. As I drove home, I envisioned myself committing more of these “acts of love”, and after a while, I had no trouble carrying them out.”
That is sick as fuck. When I was a kid, or anytime in life, I would never think of writing something like this. The only time I’ve ever thought of hurting others is when they hurt me. Even as a fantasy. I think most of us are like that.
Wow! Can you post a source link for this?
More creepy stuff can be found with links here:
If the second link doesn’t work try this one:
That has been verified, I don’t have the link right now but I saw multiple articles about it during his Senate run.
Interesting article:
And you can see why this happens. Conventional wisdom tells us that an accommodative central bank, and the ECB’s negative interest rates are the height of accommodation, should support continued manufacturing growth because credit is cheap.
But, it doesn’t if there’s no capacity for the buyers of German goods to take on more debt. Negative interest rates are supposed to increase currency flow because who wants to lose money on their savings, right?
Paging Larry Summers (you incompetent halfwit!) that’s not what they actually signal to the markets. They signal that things suck and the central bank has no confidence in the economy.
It should be no surprise to anyone that the ECB became dovish the minute they got the data that Germany’s economy was shrinking. Because without Germany expanding exports there can be no support for a stable euro, regardless of Brexit.
And as the Remainiacs continue to play games to scuttle Brexit their arguments look weak as it is obvious to all that Europe needs the U.K. more than the other way around.
But, hey, don’t let facts get in the way of some people’s religion.
In fact, every time they try to create a headline to blame things on Brexit uncertainty, it further highlights just how much it is they who are creating it by dragging out the process.
Which reminded me of this one:
http://archive.vn/Ol4ya – “One in ten Germans want a new FUHRER and a third believe their country ‘is dangerously overpopulated by foreigners’, new study finds ”
Notice that is from 2016, you can bet more people now think the same way.
So Germany is going down the toilet economically, their people are tired of the invaders and everything connected to it, and soon Brexit will hit. A storm is brewing.
Pakistan trained al-Qaeda, says Imran Khan
I have noticed that the r-selected are particularly bothered by Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA”.
If you want to trigger them then posting it where appropriate works well.
Similar songs will probably work too but that one seems to be particularly effective.
AC, ya gotta do what ya gotta do so enjoy your change. And, no the second string does not measure up.
Federal prison official had sexual relationship with ex-prison union chief
World postal union rejects Trump’s favored reform plan
Pakistan’s Khan says he is mediating with Iran after Trump asked him to help
EPA blasts California air quality, threatens to withdraw highway funds
Seoul confirms 4th swine fever case, asks Pyongyang for cooperation