News Briefs – 09/24/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Mexico finds mass graves filled with Children and families. Could be cartels, but the costar in Sanford and Sons said that Hollywood kidnaps children south of the border and brings them north for sexual abuse. He described a situation so bad that Mel Gibson’s dad hired mercenaries to go down to a village that was having its children taken to stop it. These days there is no telling what this is.

Joe DiGenova implies Kavanaugh accuser is well known on the PGA Golf tour. One DiGenova fan said she was probably known as the nineteenth hole. In seriousness, don’t think Cabal will not be running its agents through even the PGA, nor should you dismiss the idea it would use honeypots on young guys who just want to play Golf. Tiger Woods was world famous at 22. It would take a normal guy a lifetime to accumulate a fraction of that fame. Tiger was ahead of everyone, and could easily have gone for President, or Senator, or some other powerful position, and since he likes Trump, he could have gone far. Cabal would see that, and send agents through the PGA to make sure it could spot the up and comers, and would be on top of them before they realized the game which was afoot.

China’s Catholic Church pledges loyalty to the Communist Party. You can see that such strong social influence with such a massive group will not be tolerated by a leadership. It could be as it appears, but again we hear years back that Cabal has decided to take over China and use it as the leadership puppet, wielding the strings of the other puppets while Cabal is hidden completely. And here is a nice tight explanation of why China has innocently managed to “take” control over the Church, which by the way is a completely autonomous organization, which until this point has not been controlled by anyone. If correct, this would mean we were going to be defeated by China, and all the will of every American to join together and fight to stave off the defeat would have been thwarted by our own leaders, who sold us and the nation out to Cabal, who would then have used Chinese occupiers to disarm and oppress the real Americans who believed in freedom.

Major powers with the exception of the US are committed to the quixotic effort to keep the Iran deal alive, despite US sanctions. Q said North Korea was a done deal, and Iran was next, which implied Iran had not yet happened.

Grassley agrees to let Kavanaugh accuser testify on Thursday. Sounds ominous, but Q just explicitly posted to trust Grassley.

Might be because Kavanaugh Accuser probably began this journey with some high end legal advice on very arcane matters:

She could self-detonate right on the stand, considering Trump’s side has the NSA archives, has shown they do not play well with others when attacked, and she is part of a conspiracy.

And it will not help her cause that Kavanaugh has calendars with everything he did during the time in question, and though they list parties and movies, they do not list any party as described by Ford.

Also the fourth “witness” she identified has now said the party never happened.

WaPo tried to cover it up when it was just three witnesses saying it never happened. Q has a killbox just for Bezos.

Probably sensing the weaknesses emerging in accuser number one’s story, now accuser #two says she was drunk when Kavanaugh got drunk and shoved his bare penis in her face, in front of other people. Again, no evidence, the woman is a NeverTrumper, her best friend says she never was told about it, the people who were there said they never saw it and Kavanaugh wouldn’t do it, and all there is are three other Yalies, one anonymous, who say they heard about it. This may be part of the Herman Cain plan, to roll out woman after woman, and hope it accumulates, even without evidence. One interesting upside will be that Yale is almost certainly a hotbed of surveillance. I will bet there is a transcript of the room where this supposedly happened going back 50 years, maybe with old tapes in a storage room somewhere. And that ignores that this needed some organization today among the conspirators, and getting around the surveillance net today is nearly impossible. I almost wonder if this entire thing could have been a set up to capture Cabal planning, and subversion of our Republic in action, for the public to see.

Avenatti says he represents a new, third accuser.

Wild information on the Kavanaugh accuser here. From the article: “An intriguing in-depth new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating… being kept from the American people about Dr. Blasey is that she currently oversees the CIA Undergraduate Internship Program Stanford University developed by the notorious CIA-connected Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges—who himself, in 1985, took into his care the homeless woman Lois Lang who assassinated CIA paymaster Nick Deak—and that afterwards saw the CIA’s black operations monies being controlled by Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—who, not so mysteriously, just happens to be the father of Dr. Christine Blasey.” No idea if the intel is legit, but since it is out there being spread, I put it here with the caveat it might be legit, or it might not.

Nellie Ohr is cooperating, per the House Judiciary Chair. Q called this too, weeks ago.

Lisa Page testified that Rosenstein was not joking when he proposed wearing a wire with Trump.

New York City will have to pay out $1.7 Billion over a biased Teaching certification exam.

Want to know where this leads? Look to the New FDNY fire exam which now asks about killer bees and potato chips vs pretzels, because the last test asked about firefighting, and it was judged discriminatory.

NBC poll says Republicans will be blown out by a massive blue wave. Leftists need the prospect of easy wins for no cost, and limited conflict. If they saw massive conflict and a tough slog, they might be tempted to retreat and claim they never wanted to win anyway. Still, every one of us must vote for Trump.

Hoagie sandwich chain Taylor Gourmet is closing because business dropped off after its owner met Donald Trump. Chick Fillet was saved by MSM publicity about it’s situation. But MSM publicity is only doled out at Cabal’s discretion. I have no idea if you can make inferences from that, but I would bet Taylor Gourmet’s owner is one of the good guys.

James Woods banned from twitter, releases a letter:

UN Refugee chief says there is no migrant crisis, and all the migrants are creating progress. The left defines progress as advancing toward r-selection, even though that is progress toward degeneracy and failure of everyone.

Congo rebels attack Ebola infected area, bringing medical aid to the area to a halt. This means it is heading into no-go zones. If this is a variant of the previous outbreak, that learned to lay dormant like a Herpes virus only to re-emerge spontaneously, then it is learning how to overcome human immunity. And if they cannot vaccinate everyone, it will learn to get around that vaccine.

MQ-9 Reaper drone gets first air to air kill in training. One of the things that would be worrisome if we ever encountered an extra-terrestrial civilization – and deflating. One, they would be almost untouchable as all of their military tech would probably be unmanned, and maybe artificially intelligent. And two, you might never actually meet them, as they would have no need to ever take any risk of direct interaction.

Border Patrol Apprehends 2000 illegals in three days, at one crossing. They walk across and turn themselves over immediately, seeking out BP agents. Sounds more like a distraction designed to occupy resources while something else goes down, than a real invasion by invaders.

US will curtail Green Cards for immigrants on public aid. They could even be deported. Watch the r-strategists begin migrating elsewhere, where resources are freer.

Female Blogger accused Army Colonel of sexual assault, gets sued, has to pay $8.4 million for ruining his career.

AP sadly notes that world leaders are meeting at a UN that is under siege from unilateralism. In K, unilateralism is the rule, because everyone is trying to be the ones who survive. Only in r, when survival is not at stake, is advantage gained through conflict avoidance through multilateralism.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing is what it seems

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6 years ago

Re: smart weapons.

‘Jeremiah 50:9 NASB — “For behold, I am going to arouse and bring up against Babylon A horde of great nations from the land of the north, And they will draw up their battle lines against her; From there she will be taken captive. Their arrows will be like an expert warrior Who does not return empty-handed.”‘

For more info, see Chuck Missler

6 years ago
6 years ago

“One of the things that would be worrisome if we ever encountered an extra-terrestrial civilization –”

Depends on their genetic and technological development relative to our own.
If they are beneath us, they cannot reach us (and we not them).
If they are significantly superior to us, there will likewise be no war – at best some kind of hunt, humanity being the prey.
War seems only possible between civilizations that are space-faring and of roughly the same technological level.

If a vastly superior/older civilization were to want us exterminated, humanity would just end, without there being even awareness we are under attack.
No need for Hollywood-like scenarios – earth would just get sprayed with some purpose-made viruses and bacteria or fungi and then humanity would be soon exterminated without any fuss or damage to the planet or infrastructure.

Humans are even inconceivably powerful to themselves over time – imagine waging a war with nations 200 years, or 400 years, 1000, 2000 years back in time – they would have no chance, not even be able to understand what is going on.
We are only seriously busy with science and industrialization more or less for only about 200 years – imagine what a human-like performing species could be like that is 1000, 10k, 10M years older…

Argument for hope:
Any aliens that are space-faring should have a vast energy source, at least fusion;
and if they have that, they can extract all elements they need from the limitless supply of other planets and asteroids, and they could “terra”-form many other planets to fit their exact needs – I just cannot really imagine, knowing somewhat about the vast size of space and number of stars and planets out there – that other civilizations would care for us or our insignificant planet.
If anything, perhaps their “kids” are studying us with observation tech undetectable to us as a science project, much like our kids study ant colonies.

“First contact” seems also unlikely to me. They just would not care, it should be beneath them:
It would be like the President of the United States of America paying a state visit to some 300-people strong stone-age-like bush Indian tribe found in the South American jungle.

I think humanity should mostly care to develop itself. Evidence suggests we are free to develop, without any external pressures. We have the whole planet, the whole solar system, probably much more, for us to use as we see fit. Everything good or bad we experience or become is only down to us; we literally can decide how and what we want to be and become. The rest of the universe, so far, is neutral – we are left with ourselves, to find out who we want to be.

And concerning alien civilizations – there are only two possibilities. Either we are alone in the universe, or not. Both options, I feel, are equally terrifying as fascinating.

6 years ago

Hmm, the old slag that accused the Col of raping her denied knowing the guy had been nominated for promotion to General back in 2013. Something fishy about this. The cabal conspiracy theorist in me wonders if maybe someone put the bitch up to it, to keep a decorated officer from getting too high up in the ranks. Supposedly during the Obongo administration there was a concerted effort to put shitlibs in high ranking positions of the military. Conversely they also wanted to get rid of anyone who might be more concerned with defending the country than they were with virtue signaling.

6 years ago

So is the trafficking whistleblower confirmed to be Demond Wilson? My bet was Danny Glover.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
6 years ago


~400 Senior Military shit canned under Oblimey often for spurious reasons that if they were Killary. ..would have got them promoted.

He’s only got himself to blame.. lmfao.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…extra-terrestrial civilization – and deflating. One, they would be almost untouchable as all of their military tech would probably be unmanned, and maybe artificially intelligent. And two, you might never actually meet them, as they would have no need to ever take any risk of direct interaction…”

This is why I don’t believe any nonsense about crashing aliens. If they had the tech to get here we would never see them. I could see the sending out autonomous probes that would study planets and send back information but it would be highly dangerous for any civilization to tell others where they were. Look at the xenophobia on our planet and imagine how strong the feelings from another biome. The aliens have landed is just another psychopath “plan b” or “plan y” or “plan z” someone thought up and it amuses them to lie to us.

“…Jeremiah 50:9 NASB — “For behold, I am going to arouse and bring up against Babylon A horde of great nations from the land of the north…”

If it’s against the Jews I sure hope so. I’m fed up with them wrecking western civ.

Speaking of different civilizations there’s quite a few people that believe the Jews are descendants of the Neanderthals which got their asses kicked by the Cro-Mags. It’s easy to see that the really Jewy Jews look exactly like Neanderthals. It’s also interesting to note that the Jews made extreme attacks on anyone who talked about morphology, phrenology or the study of the structure of different races. They have gone so far as to demand no one be able to even conceive that people have different looks for different races. Wonder why???? Could it be???? that they are neanderthals and their whole poisoned mental state is a consequence of this?? That their goal is to conquer the Cro-Mags. That maybe they don’t even know this themselves but it’s just like when kids see snakes or spiders they automatically recoil??? Jews seem to have an inborn hatred for anyone not them.