News Briefs – 09/20/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

California Gov. Jerry Brown said of Donald Trump, “something’s got to happen to this guy… if we don’t get rid of him, he’s going to undermine America and even the world.” You wonder if there are MK Ultra windup toys programmed to view Brown as some sort of prophet, and take that more literally than regular people.

Schiff, Pelosi, Warner, and Schumer demand DOJ and FBI defy Trump’s order for declassification.

John Brennan says he hopes individuals of conscience will block Trump’s declassification order. Imagine you are a member of Cabal and see that. The message is clear.

Al Gore says Trump’s Presidency should be “Terminated early for ethical reasons.” Notice how close that is to “Terminating President Trump for moral reasons.” You can’t help but wonder if they have a few MK Ultra Windup toys out there programmed to hear the second version when they hear the first.

Leftist in DOJ admits to using intel databases to track political opposition and locate their houses to target them in the latest Veritas video.

Democrats are hoping they can delay Kavanaugh until after the November midterms, then refuse to confirm anyone for two years until the Democrats defeat Trump in 2020. The fantastical aspect of the plan reeks of a group that is utterly panicked by an inevitable horror, to the point their amygdala is forcing them to adhere to a ridiculous outcome, to assuage their own panic.

Bitcoin had a major vulnerability which would have allowed the entire network to be crashed, making the coins worthless. The vulnerability, or as the CIA probably called it the failsafe, was patched.

Scholar says kinky people should be a protected class. I am reaching a point where I cannot tell if this is the natural shift toward r, or if the Cabal is trying to set the stage for Presidential Candidate Kamala “Kinky” Harris.

South Africa’s Blacks and Land First movement says White existence is a crime. Bad things are coming there.

Amazon is telling fans of Vox Day and Jon Del Arroz that since they reviewed works by those authors positively previously, they have been deemed biased, and will not be allowed to review any other books again. It makes me think Q is real. This is panic, and panic of the type that occurs when death is at hand and you pull out all the stops.

Is Amazon going to create its own cryptocurrency?

The Socialist candidate for Governor in Florida is polling 6 points over DeSantis. I find this impossible to believe, but it highlights the need for turnout on our side. The poverty rate in Florida is at the lowest point since the Great Recession, so that is a force quieting amygdalae and driving r.

Nearly 50% of people in top five cities do not speak English at home. The Cabal plan to divide us irreparably is well advanced. They want us weak and divided.

One in 30 in America is an illegal, and one in five in prison are criminal aliens.

Norway brings in Muslim refugee, then fetes her because she complained there aren’t enough non-native Norwegians in the country. They are dividing the people in the most capable countries all over the world, using third-world imbeciles and the leftists who are naturally desirous of treason.

3D gun printer arrested for hooking up with a 17 year old on a sugar daddy website. Who blows $500 on sex? Where is he getting that much money? In this show, if the media gives them coverage, they are either Cabal actors, or Cabal has identified critical weaknesses in them which they will exploit at the appropriate times. Nobody – NOBODY does something media-worthy and gets the coverage honestly. The only exception was Trump, and he was only excepted because one, he had the money to force his way into the dialog over their blacklisting, and two, they thought he was an immoral bumpkin who they could destroy easily later on so as to install Hillary. He was perfect for the one moment in time where Cabal could be taken down.

Coca cola, IBM, Citi, Allstate, all pressure Ireland to recognize gay marriage. Why do these businesses care? How does it improve their bottom line? The more you see of the degredation of traditional mores in the context of the Cabal-paradigm, the more it makes sense. These are Cabal entities pushing for the societal degredation which heralds a societal fall. What might be telling is Cabal is using its businesses for jobs which it would have previously done with activists on the ground and extensive political infrastructure.

5G is coming, and it will affect everything. I have to wonder how it will affect domestic surveillance. Microphones everywhere piping everything said to AIs and dedicated watchers, along with video, plate readers, traffic cams, facial recognition, card readers, thru-wall imagery, conversations in every car, and on and on. Governmental total situational awareness is a terrifying prospect, because the Storm aside, the normal trajectory is not to get more free and respectful of citizen’s freedoms as time goes on – especially as power grows.

Pretty girl goes for a jog in DC, is stabbed to death in blitz attack. Could be innocent, but she was Chief of Staff for a software company whose Board of Directors is a who’s who of Deep State leftists and RINOs, and which uses software and AI to process data into actionable information for government and businesses.

Chaffetz says he saw firsthand how the Deep State was weaponized by Obama and used spying to try and destroy its enemies. I think it is important to talk about it openly, so guys like Brian Mancini will know they aren’t alone, and have the strength to persevere until freer times are upon us. If you are in intel and don’t like it, you have the power to stop the traitors from shitting in the punchbowl – and the power to save guys like Mancini.

Third person Kavanaugh accuser said was at party says it never happened.

Kavanaugh’s accuser also has George Soros ties.

Juanita Broaddrick says, if the FBI is going to investigate the Kavanaugh accuser’s allegations, they should investigate Bill Clinton’s rape of her too.

Lindsey Graham asks, who paid for the Kavanaugh accuser’s lie detector test?

Louie Gohmert says Democrats are fighting declassification to protect the guilty, and Rosenstein has a very strong motive. He knows more than he is saying.

Kudlow says entitlement reform is coming. No job is too big for Trump to tackle it. It is quite impressive.

NY Times admits Trump’s Iran sanctions have worked perfectly, and avoided every possible negative outcome.

Mueller says it is time to sentence Flynn. All along, as the Storm raged, he kept putting it off, now as Q says the pain is about to begin and declassification will kick it off, Mueller signals he is done with Flynn. The timing is suspicious.

Michael Hayden says Trump is approaching a red line where the intel professionals who oppose him will have to quit, rather than follow his orders. The winning never stops.

Pompeo says US will cut refugee admissions to a record low of 30,000 per year.

Great Article on Trump’s awareness and constant thinking, and how he wants to take the gloves off against America’s enemies. From the article : “Trump, shown highlights of successful Predator drone strikes during his first visit to CIA headquarters a day after he was inaugurated, noticed in one video that a group of militants had spread out right before an attack. “Can they hear the bombs coming? We should make the bombs silent so they can’t get away,” he told officials… The forthcoming book says that Trump appeared unenthused when the CIA’s head of drone operations described how the agency had developed special bombs to limit civilian casualties. When he was shown a strike during which the CIA did not fire until the target was away from a compound with other people inside, Trump asked, “Why did you wait?” In addition, Trump appeared puzzled by the CIA’s restraint in use of its drones, which it uses for surveillance flights over Syria. At the time, only the military conducted lethal strikes, as part of an Obama-era policy. Trump told CIA officials he wanted the restrictions gone. “If you can do it in 10 days, get it done,” he said.”

North Korea volunteers to denuclearize under international inspections. It feels like a lot of things which were in a holding pattern are suddenly being triggered to resolve all at once.

Q held a Q&A which contained this gem, which is unsurprising logically, but would be shocking emotionally if confirmed:

It doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve been here, though the Roswell attachment certainly gives the impression. It could still just be a signal we picked up like the WOW signal, or even an opinion of intel agencies, if you want to look at the statement super-skeptically. But if Q is real, it is possible we will see some sort of disclosure on that front. It would aid the Strom, because just government revealing they think, or have evidence that, we are not alone and that they lied for so long, so openly, would be a huge driver of media/government/narrative distrust by the people. Its effect would be the opposite of the “Conspiracy” label they introduced to help them control the narrative and marginalize anyone who thought and advocated for things which they wanted hidden. Also a good amygdala trigger, since it would make it surprising we have not been preyed upon, given the fact we could be a threat, and are still in a weakened position.

RNC poll finds Republicans aren’t worried about the midterms. Two things will motivate Republican K-strategists. Fear of leftist success, and love and loyalty for Donald J. Trump. If we can’t get enough fear, Trump needs to emphasize that we owe him.

Spread r/K Theory, because the day of the rope draws nearer every day

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6 years ago

At a beer symposium at an SF con decades ago, consensus of the participants coalesced around the hypothesis that Islam is an off-world import, implanted by an extraterrestrial race which fears Terran humankind, in order to retard our progress. Make of that what you will.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  robertpinkerton
6 years ago


I read somewhere the Jews made it up to counter Christianity which was so far spread and gaining monopoly on religions. I’ve read a little of the Koran it’s a very slap dash put together thing or the parts I read.

6 years ago

Mark Judge, one of the people allegedly in the room when K is accused of attempted rape, wrote a book about his problems with alcohol starting in high school. I read somewhere that this accusation is based on what he wrote about his recollections of attending booze filled parties where all sorts of things happened. Though his memory may well have been affected by alcoholism because he didn’t state any specific facts. May explain where the idea came from to create the nebulous story that’s been concocted by the accuser and her supporters.

6 years ago

Facing a $2.5M fine, Mark Cuban instead writes a check for $10M to some faceless organization for the purpose of combating domestic violence. Note: the widely reported $2.5M fine has since been scrubbed from all news articles. This is the stink of an in-the-open money transfer.

6 years ago

I think in the case of Brown, he thinks Trump is a threat to whatever freebies he gets from the Cabal, and he doesn’t want more Cabal activities exposed. I don’t think he cares about anything but his own selfish gratification.

Robert What?
Robert What?
6 years ago

“Schiff, Pelosi, Warner, and Schumer demand DOJ and FBI defy Trump’s order for declassification.”

Anyone know what recourse, if any, that Trump has if the FBI and DOJ defy his orders? Can Trump send in the Federal Marshals or does he need to take it to the courts?

6 years ago

>Coca cola, IBM, Citi, Allstate, all pressure Ireland to recognize gay marriage. Why do these businesses care? How does it improve their bottom line? The more you see of the degredation of traditional mores in the context of the Cabal-paradigm, the more it makes sense.

AC bro, watch this:

its all about the (((gay disco))). (((Gay disco))) being the jews, the CEOs and the gays.

Sexual “liberation” is about political control, and gays are foot soldiers of the subversive cabal.

We need to ban gay marriage and ALL gay interest groups in the West, along with islam, judaism, all jewish interest groups and dualcitizenship politicians and judiciary.

6 years ago

WTF!!!! Really! Toooo much today. All your links are explosive material and I can’t fathom all of it. It is like an alternate universe and everything is upside down, twisty-twervy, going bonkers.

Am I in a movie? Because your links today are just mind-blowing! And America is a Superpower? More like a Super Idiocracy! It’s a total Banana Republic. It looks like the script for its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Super Mad World movie. It is just UnF*ck*ng Believable. And this country still is running?

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

If you look at a great deal of the cabal based degeneracy and then follow it too it’s base. The base of support. What keeps it going it’s just two things. The ownership of money creation in the banking and financial sector and the pedophocracy that FORCES them to keep to the cabals position no matter what or be exposed. I was reading this excellent summation of evidence on the pedophocracy. I’ve read these before but anyone who thinks there’s not tremendous evidence for a widespread abuse of children should read it. It’s been going on a long time.

This paper is a speech put together by a psychiatrist D.C. Hammond, originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse,”. He had several patients that seemed to have the same sort of underlying pathology. Split personalities and lots of other problems. Going to conferences he in talking to a lot of others found that they all had patients with the same sort of malady. Putting it together he realized that someone was abusing and hypnotically programming children in a very specific manner all over the country. This paper is a text of his talk on what he had found and ways to over ride the programming to help his patients.

Now this is a recent and extremely interesting video. I know it’s long and two parts but it’s really interesting. This guy was abused by his stepfather in a Satanic cult and he says was spared death because when the step father told him,”let’s go…” he said he pissed his pants in fear but it was in front of another person. They got law enforcement involved and the step father was arrested. The step father fled and it’s not known where he is today. He said were it not for the intervention he believes he would be dead as several of the children he knew while being abused disappeared and he never saw them again. Even worse for him. He was a musician and ran with bohemian crowds. This led him to a party where he found that in the back room of this party where people were having sex children were being ushered into the back room. This, after his horrible experience, freaked him out and he wanted to leave immediately. The people there almost did not let him leave. The same thing happened again. After the second time they figured out his violent opposition and started the harassment, gang stalking,. firing him, stealing his , money, on and on. This is in Portland and he’s trying to gt people to complain and force the issue.

both videos backed up. They’re starting to delete them.

I think it would be not so hard to catch these people They seem very arrogant about the whole thing. It would only take real investigation to lock a substantial proportion of them up for good.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

The 1993 US News & World Report article about the CIA-linked Finders:

“One of the unresolved questions involves allegations that the Finders are somehow linked to the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1987, when Customs agents sought to examine the evidence gathered by Washington, D.C., police, they were told that the Finders investigation “had become a CIA internal matter.” The police report on the case had been classified secret. Even now, Tallahassee police complain about the handling of the Finders investigation by D.C. police. “They dropped this case,” one Tallahassee investigator says, “like a hot rock.”