News Briefs – 09/18/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Q pointed out, White House announces declassification on the 17th, which has been a recurring number in Q lore, from pictures of Trump receiving team jerseys with the number 17 to the letter Q, which is the seventeenth letter in the alphabet:

At the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency, the President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications.
In addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.

Back in April, Q had asked if they should give the bombshells a red carpet rollout, and then in another post noted the Emmys were a red carpet event:

Larry Solomon confirms that Ohr and Page are cooperating witnesses, as Q said.

And Q says Democrats are panicking:

D’s offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.
POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…

Q also says Loretta Lynch is talking to save herself, and that is adding to the panic in DC, and Sessions is activating himself with a letter to the Supreme Court requesting approval to unrecuse based on new information (the Russia Probe, which he recused himself on over his own Russian contact, being a bogus investigation which makes his Russian recusal unnecessary):


Q also says the Democrats are making a desperate move:

BLACKMAIL v Senate & House [BRIDGE: FAKE NEWS MEDIA] being used to apply leverage against POTUS and/or force immediate ‘impeachment’ hearings based on ‘mental state – potential release of state secrets – sources & methods….’

Tom Arnold ambushes Mark Burnett for not releasing Trump’s outtakes on The Apprentice, and Burnett’s wife is bruised in the incident. This is exactly where Trump wants them – acting out desperately, and pursuing pointless endeavors. Notice also, how this could be viewed as Tom Arnold signaling Cabal in an effort to gain favor. Be interesting to see what good fortune comes his way, if Cabal lasts that long.

Dali Lama knew about a Buddhist Sex abuse scandal since the 1990’s. And yet he did nothing about it. Either he was owned, or he recognized he was powerless and did the best he could. Cabal went wherever the money and influence was, and its tentacles went deep. The more I see of Cabal, the more I realize the spook who wrote Burn Notice really dialed back the extent of his fictional conspiracy’s penetration, either because nobody would have believed the truth, or because even he never knew the real extent of it. In retrospect however, that was a very subversive show. The first five seasons, if taken seriously, could really open your eyes. Even down to the extra they had perfectly portray the Burn Syndrome, in the opening credits of the first few seasons. He’s standing in the backpack and sunglasses, loitering awkwardly in the background while holding his backpack straps as a sign of stress, before turning and trying to move behind Sam to get cover:

The Board McRaven resigned from is an Eric Schmidt (of google fame) advisory board on Pentagon tech. The real purpose is probably to get Cabal tech experts clearance to see everything the military has, and make sure they don’t get too close to the contractor-only toys Cabal squirreled away inside “research firms,” and has been fielding against political enemies like Tom Bauerle and others. Notice they name it the “Defense Innovation Board,” when its real purpose is probably to be the “Stop Defense Innovation Board.” How many of our Spec Ops guys would still be alive if they were operating in that active camo Bauerle went up against. Instead they burn the tech’s secrecy publicly on Bauerle (and let a clue about how to defeat it get out into the media before it is even fielded) while our guys are getting killed overseas needlessly. The pros in Intel who are committed to the cause have to be livid.

Jerry Moonbeam Brown signs a bill which voids a court order demanding mortgage fraudster settlement money be used to pay victims. Cabal protects its assets, and has people at every level who are on the same page about that. Whether they need an activist judge to make the call, the legislature to override it, a Governor to sign it, media to run cover with the public, or the enforcement arm of government to turn a blind eye, they have it all covered. Now that money can be rerouted where it was going initially.

Police and Fire recruits quizzed about sexual acts. It sounds crazy to the uninitiated, but in most cases, domestic intel already knows all of their history going quite a ways back now. Where it doesn’t, it finds it out quickly once they apply. So these questions are really about who wants to hide what, and thus who is most open to being blackmailed. Like I said, Obama wasn’t joking about “fundamentally transforming” America. I hardly recognize it. When the shit hits the fan, expect local Law Enforcement to be the most outraged, because they are among the most targeted.

Futurist says, killer robots will be for sale at some point. While it will be cheap to slap explosives on a drone programmed to seek out a GPS location and a specific face, it may end up being easier, and more difficult to trace, to just hack a car driving by the target while he is walking, and running the person over. You can see the future if Cabal is not dealt with now. This really was the last chance.

Eric Holder says Trump support is rooted in fear. Deep down, they know about amygdala even if they never read about it. Their goal is to shut off amygdala (ie resistance to their desires) as they drive the nation right into third world status. They best way to create a mindless zombie would be to eliminate the part of the brain that sees threats, flags them, and drives actions to avoid them.

UK Police Officer tells his troops their investigations have to be perfect. But because he used the phrase “Whiter than white” to describe perfection, he was suspended.

70% of felons register as Democrats. Not surprising. Most crime is driven my amygdalae that cannot endure the discomfort of not performing the crime. Likewise, most Democrats vote liberal because they cannot tolerate the discomfort of letting fellow citizens be free.

A German politician openly told James Dellingpole that Civil War was coming to Europe. They all knew what they were doing, and how it would end, and they did it anyway because those were their orders.

Google engineers quit after Google links phone numbers to internet searches on their Chinese platform, so the Chinese government can more easily track its citizens. Cabal needs for google to have that kind of access, so it can infiltrate and run China.

An interesting article on Kavanaugh’s accusation. In 2012, the New Yorker wrote that Romney was probably going to win, and that his first Supreme Court Nominee would likely be Kavanaugh. Suddenly the accuser today just happened to head right into couple’s therapy where she recounted, wholly by chance, how Kavanaugh jumped on her and would have raped her, had she not just happened to be able to get away.

Also the Kavanaugh accuser’s brother works for the law firm that paid Fusion GPS for its work setting up the Trump Tower meeting.

Kavanaugh’s mother was the judge in a foreclosure case against the Kavanaugh accuser’s parents.

Kavanaugh’s accuser has damning ratings by students, with one saying she has something wrong with her. If Herman Cain’s public lynching taught us anything, it is that the Democrat plan is to have one person with a small shred of something they can point to, like one 2AM text message in Cain’s case, and roll them out after five or six accusers make totally unproven accusations. Then they hope that one little piece of evidence will reinforce all the made up stories.

Nunes anticipates releasing Russia investigation docs before the midterms.

First Mike Huckabee was calling for Kerry to be prosecuted under the Logan act for acting against the national interest of the United States by undercutting the President vs Iran, and now the Wall Street Journal is calling for a prosecution.

Fracking has made the US the biggest producer of Crude in the world, topping Saudi Arabia. The stars align for this nation when they need to. And note the campaigns against Fracking, based on all sorts of fake science. Those were all originating with Cabal, as it desperately tried to maintain a lever of power over our nation.

Knife restrictions are rolling back across the country.

The OIG has been auditing everything, in accordance with Trump’s promise that every department will be audited, and they have been turning up all sorts of frauds, like $3.4 million in SNAP fraud at one convenience store. Elect a successful businessman, expect government to be run like a successful business.

Amazon employees are selling confidential data to merchants that help them outcompete rivals. I am always interested in how they sell you on the idea that anyone can start a business and enjoy all the success you see the most successful enjoy. But increasingly I get the feel most of those success stories you hear do not tell you the real mechanism that propelled the people to great success. The stories just keep everyone copacetic, thinking they could do it if they wanted, and even if they failed it just happened to be bad luck. And you have to wonder if this case of yet another corruption exposure would ever have seen light if Hillary had won.

Trump is quietly dismantling Obamacare as he makes it easier for Americans to get higher quality insurance for lower costs.

10,000 New York City Labor employees stop paying Union fees in the wake of the Janus ruling. Money buys votes and fuels Cabal-activities. Less money = less votes and less Cabal shitbaggery. That is a big wind at our backs as we head into these midterms.

Saudi Arabia is taking on its Muslim Clerics. Notice the parallels to Catholicism. They most seek to corrupt those who you trust most. Why do you think the Imams were untouchable until now? How do you think those Imams got to where they were, with all that influence? DId you think it all happened spontaneously, and by chance?

Democrat ads struggle to not mention Trump, for fear of appearing as if they will stop his successes. They want their ideologues to hear, “We will stop Trump,” but for regular America to hear, “We won’t do anything with Trump, because he has made things so much better.” Probably means a Red Wave is a real possibility once Trump seizes the stage as the election approaches, and makes the entire thing a referendum on him and how he has bettered things thus far. His motto should be, How much greater can America get in two years, if this is how far we have come already?”

Spread r/K Theory, because nobody knows what is coming.

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6 years ago

AC, just b/c Burn Notice references, what do you make of the Cabal depiction in ‘Blacklist’ if you’re familiar?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Cabal is there in the background in season 1, by season 2 it is a major part of the plot.

Robert What?
Robert What?
6 years ago

Trump ordered their release but whether they are actually released is another question. The FBI and the DOJ have proven they are not beyond gross insubordination.

Johnny Caustic
Johnny Caustic
6 years ago

John Solomon, not Larry Solomon.

Thanks for these news summaries – always a highlight of my day! Lots of great news today.

6 years ago

One other thing about this “17” business. I think when Trump developed the MAGA tagline (which of course was beyond brilliant) we each recalled with affection the memories of our own past America. Trump however had a particular period of our past in mind. It was when We The People stood at the crossroads (as we do today); where we faced simultaneously our greatest challenge and our finest hour: “17”76. Things were razor thin – there could so easily have been no America at all.

The similarities are both awesome and foreboding:

“The reflection upon my situation and that of this army produces many an uneasy hour when all around me are wrapped in sleep. Few people know the predicament we are in.”

~ General George Washingon

God’s speed, Patriots. Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.

6 years ago

I know everybody loves the Dalai Lama right now for having the audacity to point out that the sky is blue, and the only reason for this story about him covering up sex abuse now is because he said so, but nonetheless Tibetan Buddhism is hardly free from abuse and scandal. The whole religion is structured as a hierarchy in which many of the top lamas have harems of women and live high on the hog off the donations of the peons, who view them as incarnate buddhas, which basically means as gods. The harems are of course not at all for the sexual pleasure of the lama, but strictly for the benefit of the ladies, to “help them achieve enlightenment.” (Where do you think Western guru-abusers learned this trick?) And the lamas are of course not “attached” to either sexual pleasure or material possessions, so they aren’t actually milking the cow as it might appear to mere mortals. There’s an old joke: How do Tibetans make money? They get some robes, and a passport. In the old days, they just did it to their own people, in Asia. Then they figured out that they can do it to stupid, spiritually empty Westerners who have a lot more money. So here they are.

That and the fact that the CIA brought them over here. Dalai Lama only escaped the Chinese invasion because of CIA help. Given the CIA’s interest in mind control, and how conducive the guru worship of Buddhism and Hinduism are to such control, I suspect that there’s a lot more that relationship than meets the eye.

6 years ago

Fascinating article from 2012 on Deak, a top OSS/CIA financier who was publicly burned apparently by then-VP GHWB, which caused a run on his bank by his underworld depositors, leading to him stiffing other organized criminals, and him getting killed by a mind-controlled assassin:

The level of investigation is remarkable, with the name and career of the man who programmed hundreds of schizophrenic assassins using drugs and hypnosis. It appears Deak wasn’t Cabal despite his position, or was expelled for indiscretions or some factional beef. It hints that there was a big shakeup in the Cabal in the ’80s that seems to have changed its nature to the point that it was virtually remade.

6 years ago

A few more things coming out about the Kavanaugh accuser. She may think her online content has been deleted but I’m sure it will all be uncovered soon enough.

1) That ‘rate my professor’ page was for another woman with the name Christine Ford
2) The accuser sent same letter a year ago accusing Gorsuch of the same thing.
3) Imperator Rex exposes her connections with Anna Eshoo, who she first contacted, and Planned Parenthood. Their public enemy number one – Kavanaugh