News Briefs – 09/13/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

I literally got goosebumps as I read this one – There was an elite Sayeret Matkal veteran, the Israeli equivalent of Delta Force, on board Mohammed Atta’s hijacked plane. He was trained in airplane hijacking scenarios and airport security breaches, spoke conversational Arabic, and was an expert in hand to hand combat and improvised weapons. Of all the passengers, he was possibly the most likely to have been able to have thwarted the first plane’s hijacking. Strangely, there was a terrorist who had perfectly booked the seat behind him in his blind spot, and slit his throat immediately when the hijacking began, while he was probably distracted by Atta and his accomplice, who had booked the seats in front of him. Again, it can be coincidence, but it also makes me wonder if the hijackers had much more detailed intelligence on the passenger manifests and the seating charts, and just who those people on the manifest were and the potential threats they posed to the operation, as they prepared their attack. And you know where they would have gotten that from. Also the Sayeret Matkal soldier was also the genius billionaire founder of internet start up Akamai. Also interesting, the flight attendant who called in the hijacking noted which seat he was in on the phone call, when she appraised ground control that a passenger had his throat slashed. I would imagine she would just say a passenger had his throat slashed and was dead, and that would be it. The exact seat number hardly seems important by comparison, or something an amygdala would focus in on when looking at a dead body in the midst of a hijacking. That they know the seat number almost makes me wonder if somebody on the ground asked her for the seat number, because they were curious of the progression of an exact plan and the status of any threats that had been identified to it.

I watched the movie 411 – The Hunted, based on the 411 book series. It is about the many mysterious disappearances in the wilderness, especially in our national park systems, which carry with them strange elements which could be viewed as almost paranormal. It was very well done, as the narrator, a former Police Officer, detailed a series of experienced hunters who went out to into the wilderness on hunts, and either disappeared completely in places where there the whole area was searched and no trace could be found from firearms to clothes, or they disappeared strangely, only to have their belongings seemingly placed elsewhere years later, as if someone or something in the woods had kept them and placed them there.

It began with an older guy who went a short ways into a small area of woods with friends to sit and hunt deer which were pushed to him by some walkers. He never came out, and no trace was ever found, despite the area bounded by roads was divided into grids and searched twice. The Police concluded he must have gotten a ride out, though it is pretty clear from his family’s reactions he did not. One friend described hearing a strange sound in the woods in front of him (his friend was to his side), as if a metal trap had clamped shut, and he seemed too disturbed to even discuss it at length or describe it in detail. Oddly, the narrator, interviewing the lead investigator on the case, revealed the FBI had sent out two observers who took detailed notes and observed the entire search, even though FBI does not handle simple missing persons cases, and especially missing hunters, in an isolated town. He implied the FBI may know there is some sort of issue, this may have met some criteria they are aware of which brought them out to this case, but not any others, and they are trying to figure out what is going on as well. 40 miles away, a few days later another older man who lived in the woods disappeared similarly from his house while his wife was out at a social function.

Then he details three people who all disappeared with no trace despite detailed searches, near a lookout area, in separate incidents in the Sierras, while a fourth unidentified set of skeletal remains was found in the same area. Then he goes on to a hunter who took some pack animals to a hunting camp in the wilderness, was supposed to hike to a nearby cache of items and hike back, but his last GPS coordinate showed he had inexplicably left the path he should have followed. There was a sudden snowstorm, and they began a search, but saw no tracks. Several miles away, in an area which had already been searched, they found his boots neatly placed together. Months later somebody found his pack over 9 miles from his starting point, within sight of houses, neatly placed against a tree with his bow, and all his food and valuables, as well as a Ruger Redhawk 44 mag, untouched inside the pack. Nearby on a rock was a thermos cup (it was unclear if it was his) and an empty energy drink bottle, which made it look as if someone carried it there, set it down, and then sat and had an energy drink before disappearing. A ways away they found a polished skull at a camp placed under a tree, which turned out to be his, and they found his pelvis buried in another place nearby, though they never found the feet.

Then he took the last 20 minutes or so to relate the story of hunters in California who went to an isolated camp, and were besieged by what appeared to be a group of Bigfoot, and apparently large low-flying lights in the sky which seemed related. He plays the recordings of their sounds, which sound strangely like primitive speech mixed with grunting, whooping, and simian laughter, and then one of the hunters relates the time a two foot long, three inch wide cylinder of light came floating through the camp a few feet off the ground, seemingly under intelligent control, and then drifted off. He finishes that by relating that during the major forest fire which devastated that entire area, the woods around that camp were strangely spared any damage at all as everything else was burned to the ground.

Finally, he relates the story of a woman whose son was at band practice on the football field of their school when a bright light was seen hovering over a small forest in their suburban area. At the same time, his mother was bow hunting in that forest, and from her tree stand saw a Predator-camouflaged-like, transparent, blurry creature moving through the trees above ground in front of her tree stand, like a big invisible orangutan, reaching out to a nearby tree and slowly shifting its weight over to it. She did not panic or try to leave, as she said she would have normally, and actually forgot about the incident after it happened until her son’s story made her remember. She later found she had taken a picture with a cell phone (which she did not remember), but the electronics malfunctioned and the image came out blurred on one side, with what looked like a close-up of hair on the other, over-exposed, and of a strange super-small pixel count that her camera should not have been able to produce. I only post it as Q has said the real truth would send almost everyone to the hospital and leave them unable to cope for the rest of their lives. I have no idea if this is related, but it sounds intriguing.

Here is an old article with a headline that would have made you roll your eyes back then, but which now makes you wonder which is more likely – they wrote a ridiculous headline nobody would believe that just happened to touch on topics which are strangely current today, or they were telling the truth back then, and we were all unaware that every ridiculous claim they made was the truth. Headline is “Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An
MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring? “
It implies Reddit Co-founder Aaron Swartz wasn’t under fire and committed suicide for stealing journal articles MIT didn’t even own, but rather he was killed because that media lab he broke into was hosting child-porn, and he may have stolen it to give it to someone. Now we know, Jeffrey Epstein was a huge contributor to their Media lab, and all around him are allegations of satanic child abuse and videography for purposes of blackmail. And suicide hangings, such as with Swartz seem to be a preferred method of execution by Cabal.

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Thane Eugene Cesar died today in the Philippines. Compelling evidence suggests that Cesar murdered my father. On June 5, 1968, Cesar, an employee in a classified section of Lockheed’s Burbank facility, was moonlighting as a security guard at the Ambassador Hotel. He had landed the job about one week earlier. Cesar waited in the pantry as my father spoke in the ballroom, then grabbed my father by the elbow and guided him toward Sirhan. With 77 people in the pantry, every eyewitness said Sirhan was always in front on my father at a 3-6 feet distance. Sirhan fired two shots toward my father before he was tackled. From under the dog pile, Sirhan emptied his 8 chamber revolver firing 6 more shots in the opposite direction 5 of them striking bystander and one going wild . By his own account, Cesar was directly behind my dad holding his right elbow with his own gun drawn when my dad fell backwards on top of him. Cesar repeatedly changed his story about exactly when he drew his weapon. According to the Coroner, Dr. Thomas Noguchi, all 4 shots that struck my father were “contact” shots fired from behind my dad with the barrel touching or nearly touching his body. Cesar sold his .22 to a co-worker weeks after the assassination warning him that it had been used in a crime. Cesar lied to police claiming that he'd disposed of the gun months before the assassination. Cesar was a bigot who hated the Kennedys for their advocacy of Civil Rights for blacks. I had plans to meet Thane Eugene Cesar in the Philippines last June until he demanded a payment of $25,000 through his agent Dan Moldea. Ironically, Moldea penned a meticulous and compelling indictment of Cesar in a 1995 book and then suddenly exculpated him by fiat in a bizarre and nonsensical final chapter. Police have never seriously investigated Cesar's role in my father’s killing.

A post shared by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (@robertfkennedyjr) on

Roberts initially was going to allow the citizenship question, but something changed in between deliberations and writing the opinion. He ended up ruling the Commerce Secretary had the right to add the question, but he didn’t feel he had done it honestly, so it was removed. I was thinking, Roberts had a pretty nasty seizure under Bush II, falling off a boathouse, IIRC. If he had a predisposition to that, I wonder if he could be hit with Directed Energy weapons to activate the amygdala and trigger a seizure, and somebody is holding that over his head – on top of the gay thing and the trafficked kids adoption.

Rare external investigation finds wrongdoing in the CIA’s watchdog office.

An account of visiting Tommy Robinson, as he is being held in the British equivalent of Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility.

Moscow asks U.S. to confirm location of ex-official named as possible spy. They also would like to know the addresses of any tea houses he frequents, strangely enough. Just joking, we love our Russian allies.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed on Thursday morning that his own internal polls indicate that he will not win the September 17 election. Netanyahu has faced serious headwinds ever since he decided to not send all those African immigrants to Europe.

One of Elizabeth Warren’s ancestors killed Seminoles in Florida.

BBC Video Tells Children: There Are More Than 100 ‘Gender Identities.’ Being deceived can engender a rage, distrust, and irreparable separation when the deception is finally uncovered. Part of it is you are as angry at yourself for being so foolish as to trust and allow yourself to be deceived as anything. Don’t expect these kids to have anything but hatred for liberals when they grow up and realize how the left took advantage of their innocence and naivete.

The drag queen who was shown in multiple disturbing photos to have frolicked on the floor with young children crawling over him at a Drag Queen Story Hour blames those children for the backlash he experienced.

CEOs of 145 companies urge Senate to pass gun control laws. The signers of the letter include the CEOs of well-known companies Uber, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Levi Strauss, Gap, Lyft, Airbnb, Door dash, Reddit, and Beyond Meat. Letter is with signers is here. Now that I buy Wrangler jeans I patronize none of them.

Iran has established a new military base in Syria and has plans to house thousands of troops at the location, according to multiple Western intelligence sources.

Wall Street report says real US Debt may be $400 Trillion?

This was on /pol, and as long as we are documenting the decline, I feel future generations should know what awaits them if they do not act when that first timid voice says, “Why can’t we all just get along?” I blacked out the most disgusting parts, because they were too graphic even for a site like this, which has no problem with Best Gore videos of Cartel interrogations:

If you have the privilege of being in a K-society one day, when you first hear the words tolerance and diversity, go Duke-Nukem and don’t look back, or one day it might be your kids rolling around a library floor with that freak show.

And you will also get this, from Kahn’s lovely London:

[Ed Note] : Biden saying nobody should go to jail for a non-violent crime feels like the kind of thing a guilty person says as they are talking to themselves in their head about why their situation is unfair and it is everyone else’s fault and not their’s. It makes me think that statement may have originated in his mind with him telling himself over and over again that jail is not a fair punishment for corruption, because nobody got hurt. I wonder if it came from him contemplating what is coming in his n life, and thinking about how unfair it all is to him. He just never thought about Bernie, because Bernie is not him.

Donald Trump’s glamorous New York hotel is named the best in the WORLD by well-heeled travelers.

Likely Israeli spying efforts were uncovered during the Trump Presidency, several former top U.S. officials said. Somebody planted Stingrays around the White House, ostensibly to spy on President Trump. Israel is being blamed, but why would they risk alienating Trump when Trump is already so pro-Israel? Plus, there appears another intelligence operation which would be desperate to get ears on the President’s phone calls, and maybe what goes on in the White House via anyone else’s cell phone, and maybe other means, as those Stingrays have a whole suite of classified technologies on board.

DOJ will release the name of a Saudi who aided the 9/11 hijackers in response to a lawsuit. If it was Jeb or Hillary who won in 2016, the name never would have been allowed out, and those suing would have never stood a chance of having an honest hearing on it. Things are changing.

In Democrat debate, Julian Castro implies Biden is senile and he cannot remember what he says minute to minute. Calls him out over buying in to healthcare, by saying he just said something different two minutes ago.

New proposed legislation, titled the “Nationwide Injunction Abuse Prevention Act,” would prevent individual district court judges from issuing nationwide halts to new policies.

Trump campaign flying anti-socialism banner above Democratic debate.

Justice Department nears prosecution of ex-FBI official McCabe according to sources. US Attorney urges he be charged.

Justice Department rejects Andrew McCabe’s appeal to avoid prosecution.

Trump plans 450 to 500 miles of new border wall by 2020.

Trump administration takes key step to open Alaskan wildlife refuge to drilling by end of year.

Spread r/K Theory, because Declas is closer every day.

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5 years ago

Tommy Robinson has been released today. One point in the DM article caught my eye. He says he didn’t see any other prisoners during the 9 weeks he was in prison. Which is contrary to claims that he talked with Julian Assange who is also being held in Belmarsh.

5 years ago

“I only post it as Q has said the real truth would send almost everyone to the hospital and leave them unable to cope for the rest of their lives.”

Imagine being a child and being told you have a vivid imagination. After all, the crazy thoughts going through your head couldn’t possibly be happening -why would they be?- so it must be that you’re making up stories. -Such as how there’s something in the shadows you call ‘The Presence’ or ‘The Unknowns’ that become a recurring theme in your artwork represented by glowing eyes and twisted figures in the background. Sometimes you throw questions out at your friends, to test them, to see if someone else sees it, yet they stare at you blankly. You do a drawing of figures that represent you, and they sit by a light source looking resigned while the eyes and twisted figures surround them in the shadows, unseen because near a light source, it’s easier to see in than out. It’s as if they are saying, “This is a core part of who we are…that no matter where we go, these things are following us..”

I thought of that old childhood delusion the other day when I clicked on a random LJ entry from like 2005 and saw where I had written something like, “I know you are all out there watching me. Why don’t you stop being cowards and introduce yourselves?” It’s a weird thing to write when one just started online blogging. A couple of times, I joked I must have one hell of a Schizotypal Personality Disorder, and that I’m suffering from “Ideas of Reference” where I want to think everyone thinks I’m special in some way. Although THAT kind of special isn’t exactly ideal.

Then this whole surveillance? supernatural? watchers conspiracy reminds me of something that happened to my cousin, and it gave me a thought. One time my aunt, uncle and three cousins were on a family vacation. On the drive home, the youngest one -who also came across as the most normal- started ducking his head down and acting scared. They asked what was going on. He replied that people with guns were following them around, and he was afraid they would shoot at him. He had to be about middle school aged. Next thing you know, he gets diagnosed with OCD like the the other two. What’s the chances that three people in the same family get diagnosed with OCD? -And they had to know the OCD symptoms were probably more related to the unknown genetic thing we have going on than actual OCD. It makes me think that a ton of people sense that something weird is going on in the world, yet nobody talks about it because they don’t want to be ‘that crazy person’.

5 years ago

A message from Miles Mathis:

ANNOUNCEMENT, 8/21/19. My home internet has apparently been permanently disabled. No ISPs will work with me. See the tack-on to my paper on Sherlock below for a fuller list of my recent travails. I have had to upload recent papers using a flashdrive and a friend’s computer. Personally I am fine, and I thank all those who have emailed asking about me. The upside is that you have many new papers to read, both here and on my science site. I didn’t stop writing during July and August. Also, my email at Paypal has changed from to Any future book orders or donations should go to the latter address. Yahoo simply closed the former address without warning.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I think you are more correct than him in many ways but they double hate him for his science work in addition to his conspiracy research.

5 years ago

>”Israel is being blamed, but why would they risk alienating Trump when Trump is already so pro-Israel?”

Trump being pro-Israel in the true sense of caring about the PEOPLE of Israel, is bad news for the organized crime cabalites that use it has a haven and one of their main HQs. It’s all about total control, (((they))) don’t have a Country, and they use everything they can (from Judaism and Jewish people, to Islam and Muslim people, to Christianity and Christian people, etc) to keep that control (still, Islam and Judaism have no place in the West IMHO, for reasons of incompatibility, they should have their own places and leave us alone so we can get along separated). It is obvious Israel has been used to attack the West, and was created by some very bad people, but that doesn’t make the Israeli PEOPLE bad per-se (although there are many useful idiots there, for sure, the brainwashing they suffer is as bad if not worst than ours in the West).

The way I think about it is like the US was used, via the OSS and CIA and the American Committee on United Europe, to create the European Union. It’s funny because the same zionists (remember that the first World Zionist Congress ocured in 1897, one eight nine seven) that helped finance and spread communism were the same pushing the top dogs on the OSS and CIA to create the EU in order to “fight communism”. This is what they do, they create a problem, so they can go and create the “solution” to the problem they created, and the “solution” always gives them more control over whatever aspect of a society or a region it targets specifically (example: cabal wants to disarm the US people via gun control laws, so they create the problem (shootings and media frenzy) and then try to get people to decide to take up their offered solution (pass the anti-2A laws)).

The thing about cabal is that it seeks total control, for reasons unknown (might be ideological fervor, or something else I won’t speculate about), and it designs and implements systems of control. For example: the modern banking and finance system, the sowing of divisiveness among the people in a certain region/society, getting all the intel they can so they can exploit it, gang stalking harassment networks, the use of dirty cops to protect the criminals which prove useful to said cabal (until they become loose ends that need to be tightened up, like the MS-13 dudes who murdered Seth Rich, and then got murdered themselves to guarantee their silence), etc.

Like I have been saying for a long ass time: the cabal has no country, but one of their most powerful tools is Israel and zionism. I don’t mind Israel existing per-se, as long as all the subversive shit that is done in their name stops (this includes the foreign aid, the perpetuation of the fraud of the official version of the holocaust (which is used to rob and censor people, and a major tool for sowing divisiveness, and fake bullshit drama), the global Israeli lobby, their support of ISIS, their online and IRL shilling and censorship activities).

The shadow governments of the Western Countries need to be taken out, and taking out blind support for Israel, despite a lot of subversion and crime happening in the name of Israel, is a key part of that. And it is indeed sad to see that many Israelis don’t give a shit about Israel being a pimp whoring out the Western world, many feel proud and smart, but that shit has no future, and the way it is happening is that people are waking up to the reality that Israel has ALWAYS been acting has an enemy of the West. Israel is not the only problem, but it’s an important problem, and a fixable problem too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yes, that makes perfect sense. Judaism and Jewish culture/identity at its core is about preying on non-Jews for the benefit of Jews (just like Islam at its core is about taking over the whole world), so I can see that as a reason why Jews would be over-represented on cabal leadership.

NOTE: once again, the facts about Judaism and Islam being supremacist ideologies which are incompatible with the West do not mean that there are no good people who self-identify as Jews or Muslims, it just means that those ideologies have no place in a peaceful West (which means that if they try to stay here, there will be conflict, and at the end of that conflict, only one set of values will survive, either the values of Judaism, the values of Islam, or the Western Christian values).

NOTE 2: for the cultural and religious Jews (I don’t think of racial Jews as being racially deficient ( although I do think that all Countries racial majority should be 80%+; in the West, that meaning Whites)) who don’t want to leave the West to go to Israel because they don’t care about Israel, they can always GTFO to the JAO (Jewish Autonomous Oblast) in Russia, it’s even bigger than Israel:

I wonder if the phrase that Q said: “Learn Russian.” was a reference for the need for Jews to GTFO of the West even if they are anti-Israel (because they can always GTFO to the JAO, in which Russian is the official language).