News Briefs – 09/13/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Reddit bans the Q-board GreatAwakening, and its backup site.

60 Minutes honcho out, supposedly not because of his sexual harassment problems.

Leftist Las Vegas professor protests Donald Trump by shooting himself in the arm.

Fans at high school Football game asked to stop chanting “USA” because it was deemed racist.

Twitter is tagging the phrase illegal alien as hateful.

There was a fifth plane on 9/11 that was almost hijacked. A fifth plane, almost hijacked on 9/11, they reportedly found box cutters and Al Qaida literature in their bags, and there was no manhunt, the news didn’t show photos and provide names and aliases, and it was all swept under the rug. Tell me our media is not controlled, and everything isn’t scripted. My guess is these guys knew too much about how 9/11 was supported, and they are either dead or disappeared in a Cabal blacksite somewhere.

Nancy Pelosi says she will be the next speaker because there are Republicans who will not oppose the Democrats because they want to sabotage Trump and his supporters. That is why every vote will count, and everyone has to turn out.

Activists have crowdfunded $1 million dollars they will give to Susan Collin’s opponent if she votes for Kavanaugh, and which they will not give to an opponent if she votes against him. Seems as if they are about to break a myriad of campaign finance laws.

And now the head of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service is named as a co-conspirator in the operation to subvert the election and destroy Donald Trump so Hillary would become President. He was probably setting up the meetings overseas where Trump operatives were being set up. This was not a coincidence. In that world there are no coincidences. All of these people in all of these key positions did not just happen to be leftist, and just happen to be bold enough to use their office’s power to subvert the national interest. They were placed in these Key positions for this exact purpose. If I asked, “Is the head of the CIA’s clandestine operations wing Cabal?” you should instantly see Cabal would compromise that position because of its usefulness – and it’s threat if it were not owned. They need that position. Just as they will compromise any position of power, from Law Enforcement investigative, to prosecutorial, to tactical, to media, to educational. And to effectively compromise, you need to know who is who so you select reliable assets. Which means you need to control surveillance, so you can be sure who you place in each position is who you think. And the earlier you begin assembling their file, and the more complete it is, the better for your operation. It makes infiltration and subversion of Cabal operations exceedingly difficult.

The Heroes of Benghazi, who risked their lives to save our Ambassador and defend our consulate were immediately fired and had their security clearances stripped so they could no longer work as security contractors after the attacks.

Scalise warns, some on the left are inciting violence.

A 27 year old pregnant Afghan refugee defeats a lifelong Concord, NH resident in a Democratic primary for state house representative. Something feels different about these upset primary victories. It feels like they should have been happening all along. Nobody votes in primaries. A small coterie of radicals, special interests, or in this case foreigners, should be able to flood in and cause upsets regularly. But we never saw it before, as if the votes were rigged for the incumbent. Now it feels like something has changed.

Yates, Rice, Biden, Comey and Obama met in the Oval Office to discuss targeting Mike Flynn. I believe Trump is deeply loyal and principled, which means he will not allow this story to end with Flynn suffering some wrong for his patriotism.

Facebook bans #WalkAway movement leader just as his March on Washington is about to begin:

Man honks at a car that is sitting at a greenlight, the driver waves a gun at him, he tells Police, who arrest a bad hombre. Before the trial, the victim is driving along, sees a car stuck in the mud, stops to help, and it is a hitman hired by the gun-waver who caps him on the spot and drives off in his car. Notice in the article, the only chance he had to notice something was up was if he had noticed the same car stuck in the mud was driving back and forth in front of his house, running surveillance on him in the weeks before the hit.

Ted Cruz has a real fight for his Senate Seat on his hands. Still fighting back from that failure to support Trump enthusiastically at the convention.

And Cruz has that fight despite the fact the left is even trying to eliminate the heroes of the Alamo from the history books.

Cody Wilson, barred from releasing 3D gun plans on the internet is selling them on thumb drives as a protest.

Trump is bringing blacks and Hispanics to the Republican Party, and it is showing in the midterms. Trump won with 8% of the Black Vote. DeSantis is getting 16% in the run for Florida Governor. Trump won with 28% Hispanic, and DeSantis is getting 42%. John Cox, running for California governor against Gavin Newsom, is getting 18% Black with 34% undecided, and 34% Hispanic with 32% undecided. Trump will get even better numbers, because this effect is all bleed over from him. And as the votes change, so will the ideology, as a K-shift pushes it even farther.

Cardinal Wuerle going to Rome to discuss resigning with the Pope.

Congregation of Cardinals and Bishops to meet with Pope and demand an independent investigation into the abuse scandal.

Trump to order sanctions on foreign companies who interfere in our elections. It basically opens the bank accounts of Cabal entities, if they come anywhere near our elections.

Gallup says the public has dismissed the idea that Trump colluded with Russia in any way. The left’s message is too inconsistent to take hold – one minute Trump is so competitive and “America First” he is practically Hitler, and the next minute he wants to sell us out to Russia and wants to lose that competition.

People are talking about giving Donald Trump the Nobel Prize for economics now given what he is doing for the US economy, in addition to the Peace Prize for North Korea. He has given economists an excellent real-world example of economic theory in action, the likes of which the world might never see again.

Spread r/K Theory, because Q says it is happening soon

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Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Being from Texas, I’m pretty sure Cruz is going to win the election. The New York Slimes is not exactly the most reliable source for truth.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Ditto. Texas seems to be much, much less cabal infected than other places.

I’ve been thinking about what makes Texas different, and I’ve come up with two factors.

First, slavery was never much of a thing here. It was banned when Texas was Mexico, the importation from Africa was already banned by the time Texas became a republic, and it was never economical to run plantations in Texas. That means that what slaves there were in Texas was domestics and trademen brought in by immigrants from the south, and the plantations were where the real tragedies of The Peculiar Institution happened. So, Big Slavery never really got a foothold in Texas.

Second, we didn’t have the industrialization of the North, which means that the robber barrons never really got a lot of influence by owning the mills and running railroads everywhere. Texas was just too big to saturate with railroads, and the oil boom was too open to disruption by wildcatters for them to quickly consolidate there. They owned Standard Oil in the north, but it was too difficult to deal with the wildcatters in Texas.

All of this tells me that the place to look for the cabal is in railroads, mill owners, and the large slaveholders. Texas was just too big of a meal full of too many spiny folks to digest. They’re still nipping, and still eyeing that big, fulfilling meal, but I don’t think they are there.

6 years ago

The great awakening sub reddit has already migrated to Voat.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

v/theawakening is cancer. Avoid.

The mods there are made of melanoma. They are censoring left and right and setting off all of voat’s immune system responses. The biggest one is that they are acting exactly like shills. They set the forum so that downvoats are impossible. Well, downvoates are the immune system. So if you set it like that, you don’t get to participate in voat. None of your voats get you CCP (which is how you earn privileges on the site) and everyone there is sitting at 0|0, and more importantly, subs that don’t allow downvoats can never appear on the front page (v/all).

So, they’ve made a forum that shadowbanned itself and are in fact banning anyone from the sub who points this out. The v/theawakening mods frankly couldn’t act any more compromised if they tried.

That’s the place to go. Run by long time voaters, can get posts on the front page (and currently is getting on the front page) and isn’t run by reddit cancer.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

AC, Safari came up with a ‘not secure’ message on your site today. Same happened on the Windows 10 PC in my office. Details say you have an expired certificate.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

That happened to me this morning with every browser I tried. Fixed itself by afternoon.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

After looking into both on Voat, I’ll stick with Q’s direct posts (he doesn’t link to that Voat board you’ve linked to at all) 8Chan and Neon Revolt, thanks. Just because someone gets in first using the term Great Awakening, doesn’t mean anything. In fact, the timing just as the reddit great awakening went down made me suspicious.

Neon has a good explanation about what’s been going on behind the scenes at Reddit and Voat. It is very clear. It is an information war!

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

You need to go and look at the modlogs that were left behind by the people who are going to be modding the 8chan board.

Don’t just look at the obvious ones. Keep scrolling until you get to the “your mods, in their infinite wisdom” one. This is the problem. They were told exactly how they were screwing up, and what was their reaction? Rather than fix it, they just censored the post explaining the problem.

On top of that, they have now had to retreat from their massive banning, because people could see the banned comments in the comment log, and were able to see that for most of the bans, there was no comment that rose to the level of justifying banning.

When you get to 8chan, you won’t have that accounting trail. Other than a log that just tells you that they did something, you will have no way to keep your mods accountable. Q warned you that the reddit mods were compromised.

FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace – controlled]
FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 – controlled]
FEAR [re: FB remove/replace – controlled]
Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.
Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).
They are losing control.

These are the same controlled mods that Q identified that you are following from board to board.

I hate to say it, but Neon Revolt is, at best, a useful idiot, and at worst, an agent provocateur. By endorsing — and not repudiating — the reprehensible censorship of the reddit mods, he has thrown in with them. Their corruption filth is now on him as well.

But, like Q warned, the choice to believe is yours. You will choose not to believe, because the truth will be too inconvenient for you.

Qresearch on 8Chan. Great Awakening on voat. Those are the only safe places (and only safe on voat because you can see the modlogs, and the logs on v/GA are clean. We can watch the watchers.)

v/TA and PatriotsAwoken are controlled by our enemies. Don’t act shocked when Q calls them out again (although, again, you will choose not to believe.)

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

Also, I’m not sure what is “suspicious about the timing” and them just “getting there first.” v/GreatAwaking has been there and active for EIGHT MONTHS. The only suspicious timing is the mods from reddit (which Q warned us were compromised, can’t say that enough) refused to move in with the EIGHT MONTH OLD sub and instead create a containment sub that no one else on voat can see without explicitly going there, and where no one can build up the ability to post more than one thread and ten comments a day.

6 years ago

Is there a reliable voter guide for q followers and MAGA voters?

John Morris
6 years ago

It should be obvious from the time Obama put spies into the Trump campaign that he didn’t just insert them into one. Nobody thought Trump was getting the nomination at that point, certainly didn’t see it as the most likely scenario or inevitable. Which means there were agents inserted into at least Cruz’s campaign and probably Christie and Rubio were penetrated.

If Trump dumping the files on his own spy attack is deemed interference in the BS investigation, let us see them have the guts to go on TV and denounce the release of the docs on the spying on the other Republicans. Then sit back and watch Ted Cruz take to the Senate floor and get medieval on the FBI, Obama, all of em. Fat Boy Christie should also be amusing to watch react because be has a temper.

6 years ago

“People are talking about giving Donald Trump the Nobel Prize for economics now given what he is doing for the US economy”

Too bad there is no Nobel Prize for Economics. (Yes, I am one of those pedants who refuses to call it anything other than the Swedish Central Bank Prize).

6 years ago

Looks like your SSL certificate expired today around 7pm. Just fyi.

6 years ago

The Fake MAGA sleepers have been activated!

Thomas Wictor (Twitter Hacked?)

Be aware Wolves.

6 years ago

FYI: your site cannot be reached through Chrome or DuckDuckGo. One can still get here with MS Edge, but sometimes it throws up the warning about it being a dangerous site.

6 years ago

New board on 8Chan has been set up to filter out all the gore, porn and other stuff the shills and bots have been using to distract and put people off Q and the Anons. Time to cut the crap!

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Filtering out porn and gore on 8chan.
