News Briefs – 09/10/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

AI brains can be radicalized to kill. Given the right inputs, anything is probably possible.

Renown exorcist says the sexual abuse scandal is Demonic, and it will get worse as time goes one, before it gets better. “We are in for a long Storm.” Interesting choice of words.

A shadowy sect in India runs extensive surveillance and uses hypnosis to get its followers to kill members and owners of media outlets who challenge the established politicians. Sounds strangely familiar.

US Senator says Britain is prepping a false flag attack to get war going in Syria. When everyone denies it I just assume it is truth leaking out now.

Hillary Clinton to appear at the “Lesbians Who Tech” event. I get the strange feeling normal democrats running for office don’t want to be seen with her. Soon she will be doing bar mitzvahs and birthday parties.

California is seeking now to move on to bullet control.

Seven injured in Paris, including two Brits, as Afghan or Pakistani goes on a savage stabbing spree.

More than 200 resistance protestors have been arrested during the Kavanaugh hearings.

Detroit food truck owner refuses to serve law enforcement. Says she is well within her rights, but let a Christian refuse to serve a homosexual or transvestite, and they can be sued.

Gender dysphoria clinics are seeing a surge of girls who think they are boys. r-selection reverses sexual traits, making masculine females and feminine males.

Benghazi Hero Chris Paronto banned from Twitter after criticizing Obama.

Trump and others question the integrity and credentials of the anonymous Op-Ed writer. If that Op-Ed writer ever did manage to get by regular US domestic surveillance and Cabal surveillance, and got away clean, but foreign intelligence picked up who he/she was, he/she would be subject to blackmail and extortion. And given he/she is already working against the President, there is no telling what he/she might be willing to do to save themselves. If I were Secret Service, this leaker is a direct threat to the safety of the President.

Sharyl Attkisson digs into Raven 23, the Blackwater outfit that fired on Iraqis after a car bomb while hustling a diplomat out of a hot zone, who have been convicted and then had convictions thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct, and who are still under threat of life imprisonments. The Blackwater vets are under threat of being imprisoned for protecting a US official. Their parents view the entire justice system as corrupt. The only reporter who will report on them is herself an Enemy of the State under surveillance and already framed once. The President himself fights a government headwind everywhere he goes. And who is on the other side?

Woodward’s book on Trump was filled with gems to upend the US-South Korean relationship. Not an accident – either he was fed those gems specifically by Cabal actors who were themselves acting on orders, or he was given orders himself.

Interesting article from earlier this year on the Mexican Cartels recruiting military operators for their training and skills. Interesting, in that the narrative of how all of these organizations are spontaneously formed and operating independently as they pursue their own self interest seems so logical. And yet with time, consolidation would be unavoidable. The ground level troops on all sides of most wars seem unawares that both sides usually report to the same leadership, and it is all consolidated under one leadership.

LGBTQ journalism group has to apologize after its host refers to some attendees as “Things and Its.”

OAN ran a piece by Jack Posobiec definitively proving Q was fake, and including an interview with Microchip, who claimed he had helped form Q at the beginning. As evidence, Posobiec showed chat logs that were supposedly the unalterable proof that Q was a LARP. Except Q points out the chat logs included a chat on September 14th, where Microchip discussed an article at Breitbart that wasn’t published until two days later:

House passes bill making it easier to deport illegals who engage in violence.

Les Moonves to resign over sexual behavior accusations.

Well known catholic clergyman says he will refuse to participate in mass with Cardinal Wuerle.

Trump expected to soon declassify Carter Page and Bruce Ohr documents.

Mother Jones bemoans how Jeff Sessions is executing Trump’s immigration plans with brutal efficiency.

Kim Jong In launches a military parade devoid of the long range missiles which used to be his trademark, as a sign of goodwill to Trump.

Trump thanks Kim Jong In for not displaying his ballistic missiles in his military parade. Q is right, that thing is a done deal.

Young Blood could be an elixir which would stave off diseases of old age. It isn’t that much of a stretch to think torturing and terrifying the child would fill the blood with an invigorating cocktail of chemicals which would be difficult to identify and might stimulate the nervous system.

Spread r/K Theory, because progress is relative

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Lina Inverse
6 years ago

Young Blood could be an elixir which would stave off diseases of old age. It isn’t that much of a stretch to think torturing and terrifying the child would fill the blood with an invigorating cocktail of chemicals which would be difficult to identify and might stimulate the nervous system.

That’s long been a theory, see Heinlein’s Future History for example, but it seems extremely unlikely to give much of a boost, so much degeneration of the of tissues and cells of the elderly couldn’t be affected by it; in short, you need something more clever and pervasive to fight entropy. Which doesn’t mean there aren’t desperate people who believe it to be true, and due to the very powerful placebo affect attest to its effectiveness.

Reply to  Lina Inverse
6 years ago

The Nazis performed every experiment imaginable on their captives. Obviously they performed this one. The fact we have no evidence of them having done so tells us everything se need to know.

6 years ago

One of the Anons spotted the use of the word Lodestar in that Op-Ed was then also used by Pence and Kissinger in their eulogies at John McCain’s funeral service. Not a word anyone usually uses. Anon found out it was the name of a North Korean satellite sent into orbit in April 2016. Speculated that No Name was involved somehow. Suggested that it may have been one of those satellites that ‘accidently’ blew up or crashed in the ocean. Even the possibility that it was an EMP weapon that was put in place to trigger WWIII once HRC was President.

6 years ago

This may be something, may be nothing. The tinfoil hat in me says there’s some testing going on…

6 years ago

Odd how Vox chose to call Microchip ‘a friend’ and has just announced a book deal with Jack Posobiec, just as Neon Revolt seems to prove Microchip is a Cabal asset.

Will the real deal right please stand up?

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  glosoli
6 years ago

The anomaly was so glaring and obvious, that now I’m going to buy Posobiec’s book to see what he has to say for himself. 🙂 Naval Intelligence has made some key contributions to Open Source, such as the SQLite library and Tor browser, and other more esoteric things that you stumble across from time to time.

6 years ago

I’ve heard stories of cannibalistic rituals in Africa where they torture the child because somehow that softens the meat, or something. Sick.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Ima go with good ole fashioned trial and error.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  BrachaBenedicta
6 years ago

Halal Slaughter…Torturing Children..

Whas the difference?

Reply to  BrachaBenedicta
6 years ago

I always thought it was the opposite. Modern, mass slaughtering methods have been shown to toughen meat when animals going to slaughter are panicked. The smaller slaughter houses now try to minimise the fear factor to keep the meat tender.

A human being tortured surely has a fight or flight response (fear) which dumps adrenaline (and probably other hormones etc) into the blood providing a boost of energy to the large muscle groups priming them to fight for their life or run away. Is that the adrenochrome I’ve seen written about?

Maybe it’s the boosted blood They are after. A sort of natural high, but twisted in Their minds to means something else. Have to say it hasn’t worked so well for HRC, let alone Bill and Obama who both look almost cadaverous as does Tony Blair. It’s like their life has been sucked out of them. By what or by whom may be something yet to be revealed.