News Briefs – 09/03/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

MS-13 turned sparsely populated rural California town into base of operations because of low Law Enforcement Resources, then used it to plan operations all across the country.

MS-13 gangmember breaks into 11 year old girl’s bedroom to rape her. To Cabal, it is just the price of doing business.

Arianna Grande sings at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, gets blatantly ogled by Bill, then the pastor throws his arm around her, and grabs her breast. And that may be the least of what she went through to get there.

Argentinian Bishops join Spain’s and Peru’s in supporting Francis. The Church may be more compromised than our governments.

Acid attack on a 16 year old in Britain. Notice they are renaming it a “Corrosive Attack” with an “unknown substance,” which sounds less amygdala-triggering than an “Acid Attack.” They are arguing it could have been an alkali – as the child’s face is melting off because of all the migrants they imported.

16 year old shot in Britain too. Or as the Brits say, a fast moving small object impact of a boy in Britain. Since guns are banned, who can say what hit him?

And on the NHS front, an 85 year old spent $6,000 of the NHS’s money on having his genitalia cut off so he could live without a penis for a few years.

Afghan migrant stabs two Americans in Amsterdam. Be careful about advertising your nationality these days.

Fusion GPS is still smearing people from behind the scenes – in this case an NRA lawyer.

Iran moves its own missiles into Shia-Militia controlled regions of Iraq. It appears they are preparing to hit Israel, perhaps because there are Storm-related attacks coming soon everyone behind the scenes knows about.

Illegal aliens kill two docile search and rescue dogs. Just killing the dogs regular Americans don’t want to kill.

Google’s origins lie with NSA and CIA research grants on how to track people across the internet.

Trump cuts $300 Million in aid to Pakistan, saying it isn’t fighting terrorism enough. The land that hid Osama for the Cabal.

Net neutrality advocates unintentionally make the case for why internet freedom from control is important, and big tech should be regulated.

Alabama bans Hypnosis, Meditation, and Yoga. Why wouldn’t all schools ban hypnosis?

California wants to tax commercial and industrial properties different than regular properties. Good way to drive away commercial and industrial entities who employ people, but lately it seems Cabal doesn’t care if they bleed the system dry.

California also wans guns labeled as possibly causing cancer?

New York Times Correspondent says the paper has become just a propaganda machine for war. War is big business for Cabal.

103 year old vegetarian says it wasn’t worth it, he wishes he ate meat.

Mexican city of Guadalajara tells Police to ignore public sex.

Cities begin to experiment with Universal Basic Income. Interesting in that the pilot program in Stockton chose participants randomly. But in America almost nothing is what it seems. My guess is those pilot recipients were not randomly chosen, but were providing something of use to Cabal. I predict UBI never gets past the pilot program stage, nor is it ever supposed to. The experiments with it are merely a way to launder payments to specific Cabal assets on the ground, in the areas it is rolled out in.

Draq queen story hour being protested in Conservative towns. The silent majority begins to grow vocal.

DeSantis makes the case that Gillum will turn Florida into Venezuela. Good amygdala hit, because people do not want Venezuela outside their windows.

Oregon Walmart refused to sell gun to 19 year old, was sued, and was found guilty of a civil rights violation for age discrimination.

California forced to scrap ban on gay conversion therapy. If homosexuality is related to amygdala-size, and amygdala size is related to development through use, there is a way to train homosexual brains to become heterosexual. Or you can just have Apocalypse.

Cardinal Wuerle is getting heckled and protested. For an amygdala accustomed to total power, that has to be triggering.

68% of voters think Illegal immigration is a major problem and they want it dealt with more aggressively. Trump has changed everything.

Michael Flynn’s favored and most trusted aide at the White House has popped up next to Jeff Sessions. Former Clandestine Officer in the DIA. Sounds like Sessions wanted to bolster his ability to operate in that world against trained spooks.

From Q, Facebook leadership is turning over behind the scenes. I do not know how civilians at that level who pursue Cabal’s interests are related to Cabal. But I have no doubt those who are out had pledged loyalty to the machine. And now they are gone.

Spread r/K Theory, because worms need food too

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Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
6 years ago

Google’s origins lie with NSA and CIA research grants on how to track people across the internet.

It’s impossible to trust the account that you linked to because the author is totally wrong about the earlier computer technologies he’s talking about. “Supercomputers/ing” in the earlier period he was talking about were floating point number crunchers, and sometimes worked on large data sets and had capable IO for that, but were otherwise unrelated to NSA sorts of computers, which you can learn about by for example reading about the custom computers and data storage systems that IBM provided to the NSA in the 1950s and 1960s, like Harvest.

The ARPANET wasn’t set up to connect supercomputers, but rather ones used for the computer science research ARPA was funding, and these machines, as well as pretty much all non-NSA or non-business machines of that era through the 1970s were very constrained in the amount of storage they had, unless they archived it to the ARPANET’s Datacomputer, a slow process, and it was shut down in the early-mid 1980s. In that period, if you wanted to seriously use a supercomputer, you got a leased line to it and did Remote Job Entry of your FORTRAN punched cards, ideally virtual ones. This was vastly improved by the mentioned NSFNET, which connected a handful of NSF funded number crunching computers, which again weren’t suitable for surveillance, although of course this all grew up into the Internet of today which is supremely suited for that. Although now not hardly as much as the smartphones most of us always keep close to us….

These are all systems I personally used or knew first hand of people that used them, and I try not to fall prey to the Gell-Mann amnesia effect.

6 years ago

You do know that vegetarian article is from a parody site, right?

6 years ago

“The Church may be more compromised than our governments.”

Mark Taylor says that there is a one -two punch coming that will utterly destroy the Vatican and shake Establishment Churchianity to it’s core. Likely the pedo thing is so massive in the Catholic church that it simply cannot be saved. But the other thing is going to be a massive archaeological find somewhere between Jerusalem and Vatican City that changes everything.

6 years ago

Regarding the google and silicon valley…..

They were never entrepreneurs. It was a Bullshit line we were fed. They were elevated to succeed. It always smelled fishy to me. Why hadnt anyone i’ve EVER known been offered a couple hundred million dollar investment to start my company? Because they were Cabal family….that’s why.

6 years ago

“And on the NHS front, an 85 year old spent $6,000 of the NHS’s money on having his genitalia cut off so he could live without a penis for a few years.”

And yet my 72yo neighbour was denied a potentially life-saving heart operation because he was “too old”. That was my NHS red pill moment.

6 years ago

“And on the NHS front, an 85 year old spent $6,000 of the NHS’s money on having his genitalia cut off so he could live without a penis for a few years.”

And yet my 72yo neighbour was denied a potentially life-saving heart operation because he was “too old”. That was my NHS red pill moment.

6 years ago

“Why wouldn’t all schools ban hypnosis?”

Probably because it is a normal and inevitable state of mind that everyone passes through multiple times every day and the only way to “ban” it would be to keep everyone under anesthesia for the entirety of the school day.

Have you ever bothered to look up what hypnosis is and how it works, or did you get your concept of it from movies? Sorry to break it to you, but Hollywood isn’t honest and accurate 100% of the time.

6 years ago

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A first grade teacher is under investigation for allegedly attempting to hypnotize her students.

Two of the students claim that the teacher spoke to the class in the rhythmic, soothing voice hypnotists use to put their subjects in trance. As there is no recording of the incident, authorities are having difficulty determining if the teacher really did speak rhythmically.

“If the allegations are found to be true, the teacher will be dismissed and probably have her teaching license revoked,” the principal said. “The peril to our children of lulling speech patterns cannot be underestimated.”

Alabama schools banned hypnosis in 1993 due to concerns that hypnotized children might cluck like chickens or assassinate public figures.