News Briefs – 09/30/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Somebody noticed, Reddit supposedly has millions of users, but when they check the subreddits, they are ghostowns (click for full size):

I have noticed this for a long time. Free Republic has hundreds of thousands of users, but I find myself always seeing about the same 200 people, to the point I remember their names. It should be like running through a field with at least tens of thousands of posters – you should never recognize anyone. But every site is like that.

I think either we are all digitally silo’d in quarantined micro-communities that are kept isolated from each other, or maybe, on sites like Reddit, every real user is surrounded by the same 200 AI chatbots, maybe even trained on, and even copying select approved material from other users, so they will feel like they are part of a community, and stay in one place. And when they check the catalog, they are not seeing the users in the subreddits, but rather they are seeing the chatbots sitting there waiting to interact with them.

Isolating us from each other, and quashing our ability to say something and be heard, or have it spread, is this thing’s ultimate goal, and time and again, we are seeing it is much more advanced than we would have thought possible.

The debate moderator in upcoming Vance-Walz debate is linked to the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.

According to aides that spoke to CNN, Tim Walz is having a hard time keeping his nerves under control for Tuesday’s debate with JD Vance. Lots of this propaganda all over, about how Walz is afraid JD Vance will destroy him. I think they are lowering the bar, so Walz just has to survive, and it will appear as a massive accomplishment.

Tim Walz flips off Michiganders yelling ‘Trump 2024, Baby’ at him during Michigan-Minnesota game.

Shock claim: Harris campaign sending voter registration emails to foreign nationals. They said they need nine million votes from overseas, even though there are less than three million available to be won.

Kamala appears to be lying about her genealogy to claim she is black, and it turns out she may not. First twenty minutes. Kamala put out a pic of her and her named black “grandmother” in her book, but that “grandmother” died four years before Kamala was born according to the death certificate, so that was not her in the pic. So Kamala is promoting pictures of herself with black people claiming they are relatives, and they were not her relatives. That triggered a deeper dive into birth certificates and marriage certificates, and they are not showing what Kamala claims in the family history. It is sounding like she might be like Obama, some kind of CIA/Cabal/intel construction, and they did not really put much effort into the backstopping, because they figured no media would ever challenge the narrative.

Donald Trump: ‘Joe Biden became mentally impaired, Kamala was born that way.’

Los Angeles Time – Everyone who grasps the risk of nuclear war says Trump shouldn’t be trusted. I wonder what their position is on launching US missiles deep into Russia on behalf of Ukraine.

John Kerry says the quiet part out loud: The “First Amendment stands as a major block” to “govern” because it ill not let you censor information the government deems wrong.

Illegal immigrant accused of ‘disemboweling’ man in Wisconsin parking lot, asked cops to shoot him after police chase.

Texas moving to force Tren de Aragua gang out of state, says Gov. Abbott.

Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization.

Governor Greg Abbott announced that there is a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the identification and arrest of known or suspected members of the dangerous Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) gang who have been or are involved in criminal activity.

NYC Jewish voters ready to rally for Andrew Cuomo for mayor, advocates say: Eric Adams ‘is toast.’ Note Cuomo as AG launched a massive investigation into Gov Paterson, in an effort to boot him from office for the surveillance. He is purely the enemy.

Did you shop at Bass Pro Shop yesterday or purchase a Bible? If so, the federal government may be watching you.

1,000 people reported unaccounted for in North Carolina county hit hardest by Hurricane Helen.

I would disregard this, but then I have seen tech operate for which I cannot even begin to fathom how a user interface might allow such precise control of it, so there is another player in this game, vastly advanced beyond our known state:

The world’s semiconductor industry hinges on a single quartz factory in North Carolina.

US East Coast port strike set to start Tuesday, says union.

Excessive DNA contamination in mRNA “vaccines” presents “substantial risk” of cancer, say 52 scientists and academics. And again, not a problem with peptide vaccines. They are having problems separating the RNA and DNA, since they are so similar. Getting the DNA and RNA separated from proteins is no problem, so they could have produced a pure protein vaccine.

Following a freedom of information request, Wiltshire, UK Police published all the reports they have received mentioning UFOs, UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), aliens and more.

Former CIA Director Leon Panetta calls Israel’s pager explosion operation ‘terrorism.’

Mexico builds new interoceanic railway to compete with Panama Canal.

Haiti is now demanding reparations despite already receiving billions in aid.

Austrian hard right wins earthquake election.

Individuals who post ‘From the River to the Sea’ to be denied German citizenship. Amazing. I do not think that is organic. That is an intel op controlling the German government. The question is, is it something like Mossad, or is it the same intel op which turned everyone on the Jews in WWII? No telling, as the truth is the main intel op did the same thing with trannies in Germany as well, first elevating them and the degeneracy, and then crushing it, only to bring it back today.

MSM demand Zelensky admit he can’t win the war, report on Ukraine’s old and poorly trained soldiers who are dying fast and panicking under fire.

Russian lawmakers have proposed a ban on “propaganda of conscious refusal to bear children.”

First towns in US suspend water fluoridation after Judge’s ruling on fluoride’s IQ risk.

Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), the U.S. Democrat senate nominee, has warned that Vice President Kamala Harris may be “underwater” in her race against former President Donald Trump in Michigan.

Fresh panic at Kamala HQ after just-released poll of Latino voters shows big warning signs.

Trump leading Kamala Harris in five key swing states.

Words of wisdom from Trump:

Send people to, because we are in battle

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