News Briefs – 09/30/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Three Major Investment Banks Fined Over Alleged Reporting Failures

DFT – German Jobs Market Shows First Sign Of Weakness

DFT – Russia Resumes Gas Flows To China Through The Power Of Siberia, Following Maintenance

DFT – Automakers Decry New Biden Rules Which Will Cost $14 Billion In Fines

DFT – Russian Crude Flows Freely Despite Sanctions

I have a policy of full disclosure because I view myself as kind of like the bomb disposal robot for our crew. I am going in checking things out, and letting you know what is up ahead. Plus, I believe r/K Theory will be a dominant political theory one day, and I think it important those who study history understand what it took to bring that theory to the fore in this time.

To that end, you would not believe how nutty things have gotten over the last week. For the last year or so, there has been a fairly regular low level energy radiation beamed through my house. High pitched ear stuff, and what I think is the vibrations, turned way down, to almost a tingle that comes and goes throughout the day, I assume as a low-level degradation thing. Then they would wait until I had just begun to drift off to sleep to hit the vibrations harder.

But right now, I have what feels basically like a decent sunburn on my left arm, from sleeping on my right side, with the left arm up top. I would say it took bout thirty seconds to get. That is a new one.

The vibrations have recently gotten more aggressive. I assume as one of the last places they haven’t been able to shut down, this is the push in the runup to 2024. I took one anon’s advice to try a dental X-ray apron, on the assumption the other anon, who said he only got relief from the vibrations in his basement under a granite countertop was right, and they were coming from above, and the apron might help. I did not hold out a lot of hope, but thank you to the anon who recommended that. That was awesome.

The vibrations do not pass through the lead apron, and at least in this house they do appear to be coming from above. Maybe they could turn it up higher and push through, but my impression is if they did, you could get another apron. I only bought one on Amazon to try, because they are expensive, but I had my legs buzzing like crazy, and meanwhile my abdomen, chest, and head, which were under it, felt like still water.

It sounds strange, as the apron is not solid metal (and thick foil, which is supposed to stop microwaves and other rf, fails to stop vibrations, even when constructed with two layers of the thickest foil as a full faraday cage.). The only thing I can think is the vibrations are not rf, but are some sort of focused compressive wave, and the mass of the lead particles embedded in the latex, combined with the fact the apron seems to be lead particles, maybe of various sizes, embedded in some kind of latex matrix, is working like iron ball paint with microwaves, only here it is very dense particles and some sort of movement/compressive wave being diffused. But I am not a specialist and could be completely off. At least it works.

You always wonder, just a small bit, if maybe the mild version of the vibrations could be a neurological thing. They can run light enough it is noticeable over the whole body, but not wildly traumatic like the high-power, focused version, (though it is probably still degrading over time). Your whole body feels like it is vibrating, or even just tingling/buzzing as they turn it down, and then for a while it doesn’t. I knew from the moving, focused version, at a perfect 4htz it was artificial, but even I was always wondering whether maybe there was something else I was conflating with it in that mild version, which can run down to almost an imperceptible tingling. But no. They are all artificial, and your body should feel like still water, not buzzing.

So I escaped the vibrations. They seem to have figured it out, and they have moved on to some kind of microwave thing that burns, and which makes it through the lead apron. If it is an airborne platform, from what I see they can put a focused beam of energy within about a six inch target through a wooden ceiling and second floor without the platform being audible. I do not know how powerful the beam would max out at. And it goes pretty deep into the tissue too, so if anyone is dissecting this later, maybe that will help, as I understand the DOD’s microwave crowd control device is limited to the skin’s most outer layer due to the wavelength of the microwaves used hitting that water and burning out. This may be a slightly different wavelength targeting more rare chemical bonds in human tissue for agitation to get the beam to travel deeper. Also, it would need to not be hitting bonds of that size on its way through a wooden house structure, so as to not lose energy on its way to the target. Obviously this would be a directed energy weapon designed to at least injure, and maybe kill, from an undetected aerial platform, through the wooden structure of a house. And it is being deployed with no oversight on US soil against Americans. It sounds nuts, but that would be the objective they would be shooting for.

I’m going to experiment, and see if there is a countermeasure which will prove useful. I do wonder what kind of power source whatever is doing it is running, since it seems pretty high up, and operating at a decent distance.

When they had vibrations all throughout the house during the day, I went outside and glassed the sky over my house with a 5x Burris AR-536 scope, but I did not see anything. I do not know what that means. Does it employ active camo and I missed it? Was it too high? Is it a satellite?  Could it have been behind trees and working through them? I do not know, but I will keep looking.

I would be shocked at this point if this is not the Havana syndrome crew. I do not know if the vibrations were Havana Syndrome, or just something similar, but it is fascinating that those people you see following you around are a part of something which actually took out CIA Officers, albeit Fantasy Campers. Or that they seem to have poked Secret Service in the eye with a White House attack, and Secret Service has not rolled out a tactical army to go all in after them. I mean the ground surveillance is right there in the open, all over, and could easily be grabbed up for interrogation to find out who they report to, and I am sure Secret Service knows.

I expect they will amp this up until 2024, so I will try to use the opportunity to learn more about their tech and how it is deployed. If you are somebody interested in this who wants to give me tech to wire into my internet that will detect various aspects of these events and send them back to you over the internet, contact me in the comments. I am cautious, I will not deal with anyone, but if I can call a consulate on a set day and pick any device up there to verify the origin, I am open to that. I would appreciate a sharing of data in return and recommendations on shielding.

At the end of the day, I am committed to being here to inform my kind, so you know how things really work. I have always held loyalty to real America and my kind – real Americans, and I have no intention of coming this far to turn traitor now.

That said, plan for this place to not open one day, because my assumption is this tech can just kill you, and I have a long standing policy of never making it easy for bullies by just giving them their way. If you have questions for Farce about making the move to TA, ask away. And understand the enemy, and why this cannot be allowed to stand in America. I am convinced this will gain wider exposure, and he known to all soon. When it is, get rid of all of it, down to the roots, no matter the cost.

Update – Things have died back for the last few hours since I wrote this, despite the fact I assume they know nothing is going to change on my end. Not sure if it is fear of exposure, or just regrouping to try something else. Maybe they wanted me to pop and kill the neighbors, and it didn’t work. But you can see where we are, and where we need to go. You cannot have a nation run by psychotic theater kids who are willing to kill millions, just to put on a school play for their ego, and who zap you in your house if they do not like your review of their play. You are going to have to get rid of this, no matter the risks or the cost. And it all begins with exposing the surveillance. Our only advantage will be numbers and weaponry, so you need to get that before going any further. That, and the fact we are willing to die for our cause, and when trying to read us, they seem unable to process that concept. But I have seen enough to say, unless there is some ace up Trump’s sleeve, you are definitely looking at a hot civil war at some point. Either that, or just a horrific dystopian dictatorship spent living in fear of invisible death squads. I doubt America will tolerate the second, if you expose it, starting with the surveillance.

Moving on, remember when an intrepid reporter, Ritt Goldstein, discovered the US was about to recruit one in 24 Americans as citizen spies, to spy on everyone, in the form of Operation TIPS, and even the Washington Post and the Sydney Morning Herald tore apart the program, getting it explicitly outlawed in the US? What do you think Ritt Goldstein is up to now?

My guest today is Ritt Goldstein, investigative political journalist Ritt Goldstein. Welcome to OpEdNews, Ritt. You’ve been in  Sweden since 1997. How did you end up over there?

I faced harassment too, and one day was arrested when two people unknown to me came to my door and attacked me. I called the police, but I was arrested, though the case was eventually dropped…

I was attacked sometimes over twenty times a day with pepper spray, my home and office were trashed with it, the steering unscrewed on my car, and since I had already received an anonymous explicit death threat and been shot at, it seemed I had a real problem.

Unfortunately, rights groups, the US Justice Department, and almost everyone I could think of that should have helped didn’t. Some did, but it wasn’t enough, and I had a choice – flee or die.

On July 4th, 1997, I landed at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm.

I knew I had to flee the US, as I was attacked in assorted states.

He finally got asylum in Sweden. But he was an American reporter, writing for the Sydney Morning Herald who is living in exile under a claim of asylum in Sweden. And you see how these things happen to people in America, and to these people, even as their life is unimaginable to normies, to them it is just normal. The man is a hero, he stood his ground, and took his lumps to protect a freedom he will never know for people he will never meet. It is a shame. So many of us were made to throw our undying loyalty to a noble government and our fellow Americans. It still astonishes me that just cannot arise spontaneously in this world, and things just default to criminals willing to kill to keep their little crime sprees going. I know, satan rules the world. But it is still taking great effort to take that concept from an accepted abstraction, to the practical reality it obviously is, filled with the supposed Christians, who would work for this thing.

And where is Q? Didn’t he say patriots were in control, and people were safe to dig wherever they wanted? This guy, Binney, me, how is it everywhere I turn, that statement looks so false?

Feinstein dies. Lowell says, ” I have a feeling she died on the 27th.”

Q had said something about being a couple of days off at some point.

Feinstein “accidentally released information in the Richard Ramirez serial killer case, the fact investigators were working to track down a unique shoeprint, which destroyed the ability of investigators to identify him. Feinstein was probably surveillance when younger. And you know surveillance was probably on Ramirez from the start, but let him continue to operate. So what was up with this? Would you have dropped that little piece of info in a public news conference? Could Ramirez have been a wind up toy, or an experiment?

Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election case. Says he will testify for the prosecution.

Frank Biden called Joe Biden the big guy,’ sixth reference to alias. Significant in that the Big Guy was getting a percentage of the take.

McCarthy says Senate budget bill DOA, House will keep working, but a shutdown is moving in.

Republicans’ bill “would eliminate 12,000 FBI agents, almost 1,000 ATF agents.” I am all for less government, but you might want to look into the black projects developing directed energy weapons and deploying them on the population, and start there.

A former consultant with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been charged with disclosing former President Trump’s tax returns to the New York Times while he was in office, federal prosecutors said Friday. Odd he is not under protection.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. planning to announce independent run. It would seem he would hold more potential to fuck things up than me. You wonder why he is not getting the vibrations and the microwaves, if he is such a danger?

Arizona Gov candidate Katie Hobbs’ child-therapist husband had 10-year-old trans patient, lawsuit says.

FBI issues warning about newly discovered pedophilic, satanist extortion cult targeting children online.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley on Friday retired with an impassioned speech that took a swipe at former President Trump, proclaiming that the U.S. military does not swear an oath to a “wannabe dictator.” That is a bit peculiar. I would think if you win, and your opponent is ruined, you ignore your enemies and try to sound magnanimous. That feels like he got fucked somehow and is sniping at Trump out of frustration on his way out the door.

California appears to have used cell phone tracking data to identify religious organizations which were still hosting worshipers so they could target them.

Chandler Jones was arrested in Las Vegas on Friday morning for violating a protective order, a day after the Raiders star’s bizarre social media allegations about being kidnapped, committed, and injected with unknown drugs in some kind of mental hospital. I say he was crazy, but clearly they did something with Kanye.

Elon tweets video of himself “hip-firing my Barrett 50 cal.” No optic, or even irons on the gun.

Hochul to NYers objecting to migrants: We believe in the Statue of Liberty and NYC is full, so ‘other areas’ must ‘embrace.’ Remember when we elected leaders, and the leaders were hyper paranoid about the public’s opinion of them, and would do anything for approval? What do you think has changed?

Two Democrats join House Republicans to pass bipartisan Homeland Security funding plan that cuts Alejandro Mayorkas’s salary to $1.

Philly looting suspects quickly return to streets under Soros-backed DA’s cashless bail system.

Mask requirement in hospitals, nursing facilities returns to Marin County in November.

Delta pilot incapacitated, flight diverted to alternate airport for emergency landing.

The Navy will begin randomly testing its special operations forces for steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs beginning in November, taking a groundbreaking step that military leaders have long resisted. In other news, they will bar them from all vaccines and medical treatments for injuries, dropping them off in a cave if they get shot with a promise to come back in two weeks to see if they survived. Why is one medical treatment which alters how the body would naturally recover from an injury different from another? If they can control their nutrition, and take antibiotics if they get a cold, why can’t they take a hormone to help them recover each day when they have 20 hours of training each and every day to get through?

Earth can regulate its own temperature over millennia, new study finds Scientists have confirmed that a “stabilizing feedback” on 100,000-year timescales keeps global temperatures in check.

Brazil court rejects former President Bolsonaro’s appeal against election ban. The Brazil script and the American script are very similar, even down to the shaman, so some are saying to expect Trump to be banned from running in America.

Brazil police carry out raids as part of Jan. 8 riots probe.

Debanking comes to Germany: AfD co-chair says account cancelled for political views.

The United States called on Serbia to pull its forces back from the border with Kosovo on Friday (Sep 29) after detecting what it called an unprecedented Serbian military build-up.

Sweden to deport foreigners involved in gangs.

Pakistan will begin evicting 1.1M Afghan refugees.

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned on Thursday that the “next step of Ukraine War escalation” is stationing United States military advisers on the ground.

Rep. Matt Gaetz touts anti-Ukraine funding victory for Republicans.

House passes more Ukraine aid with help from these Republicans.

Rand Paul questions why Zelensky is president for life: “Does anyone remember the American Civil War? Where 600,000 people died and yet we didn’t miss an election?”

Federal judge issues partial injunction ahead of Maryland’s new carry restrictions taking effect.

Poll indicates that among some groups of voters, Biden’s “the past, and they’re unhappy with their current condition.”

Post debate poll: 8-point swing to Donald Trump away from Ron DeSantis.

Spread r/K Theory, because the word resistance implies it will not be easy

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1 year ago

‘The United States called on Serbia to pull its forces back from the border with Kosovo on Friday (Sep 29) after detecting what it called an unprecedented Serbian military build-up.’

Rather ironic that we should be advising other nations about their borders.

1 year ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. planning to announce independent run. It would seem he would hold more potential to fuck things up than me. You wonder why he is not getting the vibrations and the microwaves, if he is such a danger?”

He’s working for them.
Their goal is to take moderate votes from Trump and allow the fraud to shift votes away from Trump that don’t go directly to Biden. (or Newsom)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

This is exactly correct.

The problem with Robert Kennedy is that…he’s a Kennedy. What better example of a ticket-taking family is there?

Despite the “Kennedy curse” nonsense that we keep hearing from the media, the whole Kennedy clan and its money have stayed remarkably intact. It makes no sense that Robert and John would be eliminated, but somehow the family business, their wealth, and their connections would all remain intact. One would expect that they would be ground down until everyone had to work a day job just to get by.

Robert’s iconoclastic positions would never fly in a professional setting. He would not be able to play a lawyer and run around with, say, even suggestively anti-vaxxer positions. He certainly wouldn’t be given a Hollywood actress to play with. Yet, he is somehow holding all of these positions while maintaining relationships and professions. Very suspicious.

He’s a perfect example of a controlled opposition.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

RFK Jr.’s son’s wife is CIA.
JFK, RFK assassinations were faked.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Quite plausible that these were faked.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Yep. Vote *Magick* is always engineered.

1 year ago

FYI: Sam J and others into AI. A french unmodified AI that runs on a reasonable graphics cars. Mistral

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I don’t have the equipment to run these, yet. I found this,

And look on ebay. They are selling Tesla K20 AI cards for $16 for two with $16 dollars shipping or pick up in California. They are surplus from data centers. The K40’s are around $30 used. You need a massive power supply to run these. They use about 300 watts and you need to add a fan. You can find surplus 1,000 supplies for $30. I bought 2 and have no idea if I will ever get them working but…for that price I’ll use them as fancy paperweights. The power of these things blows me away. The Tesla K20 can do 3.524 TFLOPS. That’s trillion floating point operations per second. It’s hard to believe that, and this is old tech. Think back to Apple II days where it ran a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor running at 1.023 MHz at 0.430 MIPS. That was not that long ago.

To put it in an old motherboard I have, I would have to hack out the back of the tower to put it in, it’s so long.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
1 year ago

Same thing. 2 plus shipping for $32, ebay. Used. You need a fan, server centers have large fans with cool air flowing through them and a power supply. Look for 1,00 or 800W used supplies on eBay. $30.

I don’t know exactly how server centers us them but the math they preform is much like AI math, or that’s what I’ve been told.

I’ll likely do nothing with mine but maybe…some hacker will do some coding to make it where you can easily use them and I bought them on that off chance. Some people are using them now for digital currency mining and I think there’s some preliminary AI software for them, but nothing easy to set up.

I have found certain stuff when they dump a bunch on the market you can get real cheap, but later the supplies dry up and they become super expensive. I have a LOT of radiation detectors and stuff like that, I got for next to nothing. Likely never need it, but it was really cheap and…you never know. No substitute if you do need it. A lot of Army surplus stuff is like that.

1 year ago

“I have always held loyalty to real America and my kind”

Our side.

Coincidentally, spoke to two guys (separately) who ought to be on our side, but are (at best) witless collaborators. Neither were well informed or logical, but they were committed to their stupidity.

One guy pointed to the slightly unusual pattern of rain and sunshine we have had this year, and said “anybody who does not believe in climate change is not paying attention.” I kid you not. This guy was a big Biden supporter, but told me he was now seriously considering voting for Trump because of the looting. IOW, confused and brainwashed thinking, but a true asset for the other side.

Another guy, in my 90% MAGA ginmill, was thrilled that Trump lost his businesses because of “fraud,” and tried to show me the “evidence” on his cell phone. I did get angry at this one. I said Trump was being persecuted, and that he (my interlocutor) was actively supporting political persecution in this country, and that he should be ashamed. (Lame, but the best I could do under the circumstances).

The guy acted “shocked” by this statement, and asked if I was a veteran. At that, I turned my back and dismissed him.

My ginmill has many vets. A few months ago I recounted how a totally phony VA “representative” (female) came in and got personal information from some at the bar in the form of a questionnaire. The level of consciousness is so low, they regarded her as legitimate (or thought they might get laid).

The ginmill is not exactly the Green Dragon (extended political discussion is rare) but it could be. I wonder how many gathering of veterans, formal and informal, are under active scrutiny for wrongthink.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think the potential of the GATE kids and the youth finding this site is far greater than anything you could see grow from a bunch of vets at a bar.

Reply to  HighAngleHeck
1 year ago

Perhaps. You know about bunches of vets at bars?

Reply to  HighAngleHeck
1 year ago

I was not talking about people finding this site. Whatsoever.

Have you been in a bar with 90% MAGA vets?

1 year ago

> The Navy will begin randomly testing its special operations forces for steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs beginning in November

…but even otherwise fit and healthy young men have to go on testosterone replacement therapy nowadays. The food supply is full of phytoestrogens.

So, if they bar them from their legitimately-prescribed drugs, they’ll probably wind up dropping out of the special forces program when their testosterone/estrogen level drops back to “Pajama Boy.”

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

@Lowell Houser and anyone else with back issues:

You might find this podcast interesting:

From the blurb:
“Brian Carroll is no stranger to injury and rehab. After being assessed by Dr. Stuart McGill, he was told that he has one of the worst backs Dr. McGill has ever seen. The story doesn’t end there however – and with the good doctor’s help Brian was able to come back healthier than ever. 
Brian is also known for writing 10/20/Life as well as co-authoring The Gift of Injury with Dr. McGill. He is one of the top powerlifters of his generation and has loads of wisdom and knowledge to share with our listeners.”

They also have a few podcasts with Dr. Stuart McGill:

Chris Duffin (founder of Kabuki Strength) is one of the few guys in the fitness industry that I actually like. Not surprising he gets so few views.

1 year ago

Yesterday Infowars posted this article saying the Senate changed the rules so Feinstein can stay in office despite her death. It sounds like satire, but in Clown World there’s no way to know. I don’t follow Infowars closely, but they generally don’t do satire.

Vox Day said she’ll probably still run and win in 2024.

I think this supports my theory that with the Epstein/Maxwell and Playboy Mansion blackmail operations shut down, they just can’t replace these Cabal stooges. They’re going to have to find a way to make their corpses vote.

1 year ago

Sundance: “Last point. Remember when I warned about “Q” back in 2018 ,and people got very, very mad at me for my position? Do you think it is accidental the Kennedy narrative stemmed from the “Q”-Anon origin?”

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

I don’t keep up with this narrative line. Has DJT gone after RFKjr? Has DJT treated him as a threat?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Afaik, DJT hasn’t said much about RFKjr. I posted this link bc at the end of it Sundance went on kind of a mini-rant about Q, which he called Qanon. I thought that was weird.

First, why apend that to this RFKJr essay? No one really brings up Q at his place and there hadn’t been chatter in the comments about it that I had seen, so it was kind of out of the blue.

Second, Sundance normally appears to make the effort to write with precision. Qanon is what the media called the Q scene. The Q posts referenced the Kennedy that died in the plane crash, not JFKJr.

So that’s two errors or misstatements. Did Sundance do that out of ignorance, or on purpose?

Third, Sundance has made little side comments before about anon’s and memes in the past. Someone links to Sundance’s stuff on /pol and on Q’s board sometimes within minutes of a new post going up at CTH. I honestly thought it was Sundance himself.

The whole thing just struck me as really weird so I posted it here to add to the general pool of knowledge.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

Sorry. Right. I agree. I just jumped ahead to something else. It was good poast.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

Sundance doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

Sundance hates on Q and never acknowledges Cabal. His commenters are sycophant boomer dimwits. Don’t waste time there.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

You should listen/read to Probably Alexandra ( and look at her take on Q as the “light” side illusion that pretends to be the opponent of the Cabal’s “Dark” but they are two sides of the same coin. Neither is in the service of God the Father or His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. While that is obvious with the Cabal, it is not so obvious to most with Q and its servants, such as General Flynn and others. Like it or not, truth is truth and the only Savior coming is Jesus Christ. All others are false. That said, Maranatha Lord Christ.
If you want to know what is about to happen, go to and look at Tim Cohen’s stuff. The gray is going away and the choice will become clear. Either you are on the side of the Way, the Truth, and the Life, or you are not. No other option. As for me and my house, we plead the blood of Jesus and Christ and Him crucified. Amen.

1 year ago

RE Vibrations

I have also noticed an uptick recently. It seems to be happening more during the day. Another commentator a few weeks back noted that the sensation of a “radio” playing quietly in the distance kept them from a nap during the day. Can confirm. I am also getting more of the low level vibration and random high pitched ear buzzing, occurs with more frequency in the day. Health has declined the past year in small ways.

Here’s the thing. I live in the top floor of a duplex. When I look out my front windows, there’s not a lot of residential buildings that rise to my level. So who’s beaming this in? Now, when I moved in, all the neighbors had been living here for years. But within six months after I got here, there was a young couple that moved into the duplex below. My “Cabal Radar” went off around them, for various reasons. Skipping to the heart of it: for the past three months these downstairs neighbors have inexplicably vanished. But they still pay rent. Their car is still in their designated parking space. But their absence coincides with the uptick in vibrations. Now I’m wondering if they’ve set something up below us that beams up from the floor. Fuckers.

Thank you, AC, for the report and inspiration.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

For some reason, I always feel like it’s special when a Bluejay or Cardinal is on my property. I don’t think I’ve noticed many birds lately. When I used to smoke, I enjoyed listening to them when I stepped outside to light up.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Bluejays are just so spiffy.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Some say something is going to happen with the FEMA broadcast on Oct. 4th. I don’t know, but I am taking off and preparing just in case.

Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Apparently a bunch of clickbait bullshit artists are whipping their discernment challenged followers into a frenzy over this. FEMA is required by law to test it every three years. Not that our laws mean anything anymore.

Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Supposedly going to be running a 30 minute 5 g test that they will be cranking up up. Better safe than sorry going to the shore for this one. Better safe than sick with radiation poisoning

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I have also noticed a huge decrease in the amount of insects. I had been commenting to my ex-g/f how I hadn’t seen any fireflies or even many mosquitoes since, like, 2015, whereas before that they were everywhere at night (we live in a pretty rural area). Ever since I moved into my new apartment the harassment has seemed to have dissipated substantially and – guess what? Saw fireflies all over the place this summer. Go figure 🤷‍♂️.

Reply to  MentalAnon
1 year ago

I’m one of those that gets the radio. I can hear it “click” on, and it sounds like it’s coming from a pink noise fan I have on my end table. I’ve heard it coming from other spots in my room though. At first I thought maybe one of my children was listening to a radio and it was coming through the vent, but it happens when nobody else is home.

I’m starting to wonder if there’s more to my tinnitus than the surface. The intensity of the ringing is always higher after a nap, when they let me get one. They left me alone yesterday for some reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The radio station was back today. Why they would take an operational pause is interesting.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If I think a person genuinely wants to inquire a little more deeply into my preferred shelter design, I’ll tell them the truth.
I tell everybody else it is to guard against EMP and so forth because it is the quickest way to answer them. It’s true but there are other reasons.
It has always been to create a safe housing against direct energy weapons. Both the steel shells and the ceiling above of crushed iron granite in pea gravel is to try to keep from getting Maui-ed. I was thinking of this possibility back in 2004.
If the shelter is grounded it can withstand very powerful microwaves externally and the people inside will survive. Nearly every other kind of shelter i.e. solid concrete will not block these sorts of weapons.
In Australia this has seen a major change on military command housings for future wars being modeled after mobile Faraday cages to shield against energy weapons.
Lately I’ve been thinking that instead of envisioning the house and shelter as separate concerns, I should build it all as one piece so at night I can sleep soundly and securely without having to worry somebody across the street is microwaving my brain like a tater tot so I wake up with headaches and embolisms.
I currently don’t think I am getting hit with anything but in Oz I am certain I was. I tried sleeping in the steel bathtub at one point just so I would not hear that needle whine at 3 am each night. I think it worked. It wasn’t comfortable but the headaches stopped. SO I think it is possible to shield from just not convenient. No matter how awkward it is still better than having your brain fried like an omelet in your sleep.
No matter how mad it sounds, I think it is worth it to shield the room you sleep in as heavily as proves necessary if you are hearing those funny wheals after midnight.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I wouldn’t say this to anybody else because it sounds nuts but I believe you. I slept in the steel bathtub every night until I moved out of this one place and I felt better every morning when I woke up. I don’t even care what that sounds like because as uncomfortable as it was with a sleeping bag in the bathtub I was not waking up with a splitting headache and the feeling I had a stroke in my sleep. AC if you are even feeling this in the middle of the day, I would shield as much of the house as I could and when I worked at the computer I’d sit in a Faraday Cage. Maybe there are ways to circumvent them but I swear that they seem to work. Even a steel bathtub is probably too thick to get that signal through despite it passing easily through plaster, plywood and brick facade. Another reason I am planning to sleep underground … wouldn’t be surprised if I look ten years younger after sleeping a year belowground in a secure place.
I don’t know if it is ultrasound or microwave. The FOIA documents I have seen all seem to be mainly about research into ultrasound for civilian targets. Either way a thick metal shell will stop that stuff.

Last edited 1 year ago by Texas Arcane
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

“The $50 & Up Underground House Book”

I have shelves of books on alternate house building, and this is the best underground house book possible. It’s well worth every penny and it’s easy and cheap to build.

If you hunt you can find free copies but buy the book, it’s excellent.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I can;t help but pump this underground house guy Mile Mike Oehler

. What he did is so outstanding. The guy’s an American treasure. The sort of pioneer spirit we used to have. Here are some videos. He started with a small underground house he built for $50. Then he expanded it for the huge sum of $500 and added carpet after five years. Then he bought solar and installed it. We’re talking he lived for 30 years in this for $2,000. It’s so cool.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

“…If the shelter is grounded it can withstand very powerful microwaves externally and the people inside will survive…”

Build underground and place a battery powered sprinkler system on top. Easily explained as a way to water the grass on top but turned on, it would protect against DEW.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

We need to get this stuff available:
2020 Drexel U. research by Kanit Hantanasirisakul on titanium carbonitride annealed at 350 C for 6 hrs. shows 116dB absorption of 8-12 GHz at 40 micron coating thickness. (orders of magnitude better than anything else, including copper foil, which is ten thousand times / 41dB less effective for 10 micron foil)

“Ti3CNTx … synthesized by chemical etching of the Al atoms from … Ti3AlCN” “free-standing films of different thicknesses were fabricated by vacuum-assisted filtration of their aqueous suspensions, followed by annealing for 6 hours at different temperatures (150°C, 250°C, and 350°C) under an argon atmosphere.”

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

FBI issues warning about newly discovered pedophilic, satanist extortion cult targeting children online.

Disclosure. This likely has been going on for a decade at least. Never forget Elsagate.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Russell Brand has about 20 people for his Rumble show, officially. This isn’t just a DIY setup of one guy in his personal studio. That’s a lot of salaries that have to be paid.

Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Blue on blue action. If they read this site they’d know all those O9A gay Nazi satanist pedo groups are run by the CIA.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

Glad to hear the lead apron worked. Re: the burns – that sounds like just straight up radiation. In theory, the lead apron should stop it too but if it’s not a certified medical grade one it might not be enough, or they could just crank it up even higher. I’d assume that should be easy enough to detect the traces of though.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

California appears to have used cell phone tracking data to identify religious organizations which were still hosting worshipers so they could target them.

Calvary Chapel was founded by Chuck Smith, who was a tremendous bible scholar and a peer of Chuck Missler. If I recall, he was famous for training and hiring former drug addicts as pastors, such as Greg Laurie of the famous Harvest Crusade. They’ve obviously been infiltrating Calvary Chapel for decades but there might be enough bible knowledge and backbone in Smith’s successors to necessitate this type of action.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

I had a lot of early influence from Missler. I’ve also listened all the way through Chuck Smith’s “Through The Bible” series. I don’t follow CC closely any more, but their pastors used to have a lot of really good and free teaching.

1 year ago

Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election case. Says he will testify for the prosecution.

I can’t find anywhere that he has any connection to trump. He’s allegedly worked for Sydney Powell but that’s it. Guy is a bail bondsman.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

He seems like a deep state plant, to put pressure on the legitimate defendants and generate favorable news coverage by showing that one “defendant” flipped.

I had this thought because I also clicked on the article and didn’t see any apparent connection to Trump or anyone associated with him, and obviously this is the first time I’ve heard of this guy in my life.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Yup. Bail bondsmen aren’t all scumbags, but it’s usually a safe bet.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Max Cherry was a standup guy.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Max was a thief and a murderer.

Lord of the Hundreds
Lord of the Hundreds
1 year ago

This will sound crazy, but on your site such niceties sometimes don’t apply.
As for the aerial platform mounting the vibration equipment, see if you can detect signs of a cloaked UAO in your area. That could be the aerial platform, a thousand feet up. It would not make sense for long-term availability to put it into a plane, and a satellite does not have that continuous coverage, either. A UAO would be perfect, and drawing on a seemingly limitless energy supply.
We know they have them and are even using them as delivery vehicles, per the 2013 Indonesian sighting by that Marine squad, as reported in the Daily Mail a few weeks back.
Why not stick this tech on it and go after identified targets who recognize this thoroughly immoral and illegal covert program? Unfortunately, that’s you.
Perhaps you can as they say “kill two birds with one stone”–publicly exposing that tech platform would be catastrophic to their plans and program.

Reply to  Lord of the Hundreds
1 year ago

This past week has been truly weird. Straight up cannot sleep except small 1-1.5 hr bursts. I have noticed surveillance for awhile and sometimes even go to strange areas to mess with them. I recently engaged with AC in public on twitter about traffic scams. Then all of a sudden no sleep, if I do lay down I overheat within 10-15 mins and have to change rooms. I have been getting sleep in the weirdest places. We have to understand being on the wrong side of this thing is real. It’s also the correct decision. Keep the faith! We have not even begun to fight!!!

I have been reading these pages and studying r/K for 10 abt 10 yrs now. I think your doing God’s work here AC…. Thank you!!!

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They got me last night too. Woke up every 30-60 minutes. They don’t realize that all it does is piss me off and make me work double time.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Lord of the Hundreds
1 year ago

Texas Arcane had an article about fighting against killer robots using magnets to take them out. Reading your comment about this being delivered by drone has got me thinking: Get or build a radar or sonar detector to monitor your airspace. Take out the drone with artillery (slingshot, potato launcher, shotgun, rocket launcher, howitzer, etc…) . This shit can’t be 100% invisible and undetectable. Could you rig up an rf transmitter and direct it at the sky to disrupt or degrade the drone? Or rig up a drone controller to overtake theirs? I’m just spitballing ideas here. Or maybe even better, skip all the bullshit and build your own dew and use it on your tormentors.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

If you have questions for Farce about making the move to TA, ask away.”

What is TA?

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

It’s up in the options on this page.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Timeless Authors. Don’t feel bad I think I figure out maybe 5% of the abbreviations thes commentators use here. Saves time typing I get that but the ‘Ayyyyye’ guy that kept talking about aliens but typing Ayeeeeeee, which AC explained meant Aliens on 4 Chan or something…well that all just seemed a waste of my and others time. I swear some of these comments are experimental bots. Like cutting edge. Because the crew here are so hard to fool.

Reply to  HighAngleHeck
1 year ago

That was prob me. Sorry. I can’t help it. It makes me laugh to myself.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Ooops. Accidentally posted as anon. I will refrain from amusing myself with ayyyyyyy-lmao

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

NP. It just makes me imagine some Italian guy in an over waxed car pulling up to some women. “Ayyyeeee”

Reply to  HighAngleHeck
1 year ago

This is a good comment. I used one upthread, and I apologize.
AFAIK is “as far as I know”. I’m just one commenter but I’ll make the effort to type things out from now on.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

I got one for you. IMT (individual movement techniques)

Reply to  HighAngleHeck
1 year ago


Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago Link is on the top bar, too. Farcesensitive runs it. I’ve been active there for over a year.

It’s a closed online community of free thinkers that doesn’t propagate posts to any search engine or archive. Because you can start threads, it’s more conducive to in depth discussion or for long-term archiving/writing projects or discussions. I maintain a few threads there myself. I consider it our little bastion of freedom. It’s also where I go to unwind, shoot the breeze, write about music, etc.

There is an application process, but anyone here is welcome. I think a lot of people here would like it there. Also, you can change the appearance of the site once you’re in. I like pycode myself.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Malware doesn’t like it: something about insecure login.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Interesting. I will pass it on, thank you.

Could you share what’s flagging it and what the error message is? I haven’t gotten this issue myself and we have people way more tech savvy than me on the site come in without issues.

Last edited 1 year ago by Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Asked a mod and got this response: “It’s secure but it is not going to try to be if the url address is http instead of https. Sometimes it has to be changed to https in the address bar to be correct. Then bookmarked to keep it. Some browsers change it to http from https without your wanting it to when you enter it into the address bar. So you have to go manually add the “s”.

Hope this helps.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

What Macaque said.
Some search engines or browsers will not use the https version and will default to the http version.
Just change to the https version in the address bar.
I actually have to do this when I log in.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Inre shielding. So you got the sunburn-like injury UNDER the lead apron, right?

You might have to shield your shielding, by sleeping under a table that has a solid metal table top. And I wonder if they are hitting you with particles, maybe neutrons or protons. That would be the same principle as a neutron bomb, which is designed to kill people but cause less structural damage than a regular nuke.

Not joking here – if you get the table with a solid steel top, put a kid’s pool on top of that, and fill it with water. That slows down neutrons. Now that I think of it, you could try the kiddie pool on a table you already have, and sleep under that, to see if the water helps.

Spiritually, avoid mortal sin like the plague and repent daily of any sins you have committed. Ask a priest if he will hear a general confession from you and give you absolution. Do everything you can to be in a state of grace, because it sounds like they are actively killing you. You have my utmost sympathy and, going forward, my prayers too. I know there are anti-Catholics on here who will crap all over this advice, but it is the true church and Christ gave us the sacraments for our salvation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I will be praying daily for protection over you & your household. This harrassment is plain evil. Read Psalm 91 daily. Also this is hard advice to swallow but spiritually you can’t be holding unforgiveness against anyone as it makes you vulnerable to demonic oppression. So somehow you must find a way to forgive the ppl targeting your family – but this doesn’t condone or stop you from investigating & documenting it. It keeps you spiritually intact & strong, for as the saying goes – stare too long into the abyss & the abyss stares back.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I think maybe starting in the early 2000s it might have been automated. I know it sounds crazy but perhaps a drone or even a satellite has a schedule as it passes over …
* “Ten minute burst at this address on these GPS coordinates, surveillance indicates that is the master bedroom”
“Two blocks over, low level sound here to rattle this guy’s teeth for four minutes until out of range …”
“One mile east hit this house for thirty second burst with everything we have got, this guy is really a threat, he’s got his own website, content creator, frequently posts on this key issue.”
I know it sounds crazy but it is a way to explain how they hit 100,000 dissidents a night. If it is now ubiquitous enough to make real estate grabs like Maui, it is not too far out to wonder if they have a master zapper that scans the United States at night with all targets marked for focusing beams on. I am embarrassed to even suggest something like this because it sounds so lunatic and yet it would explain a lot.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The massive breakthrough in maser technology about 20 years ago that vanished off the headlines was made by an amateur and it was a profound discovery that microwaves could be used to modulate an energy weapon so it did NOT diffuse at a distance like a flashlight beam. This not only enabled concentrating a laser light beam at huge distances but many different kind of energies including microwaves to boil an egg on top of a mountain from a nearby city. This discovery was so huge that it birthed the modern military focus on energy weapons shortly thereafter. Nowadays if you do a search for this research you’ll find it very sparse indeed. Shortly a couple years thereafter began this modern mythology of dissidents of all flavors complaining they were being targeted with energy at night in their homes. It became a global phenomenon. What used to be rare cranks with tin foil hats on has become millions complaining they are surveilled or targeted. I see this almost as proof that there has been some automation involved especially recently. They no longer need to have a guy in a floral van park across the street with a direct energy cannon hidden inside pointed at your living room. They just type in your GPS coordinates and hit you on regular passes. If you wonder why they are so cocky, maybe they secretly know that with tech like this there will never be anyone who can challenge them anywhere, ever.
P.S. Look at Maui and consider how arrogant and confident you would have to be to start using this tech to get real estate deals for friends. You’d have to feel there could never be any repercussions to be so bold and just incinerate people like insects. The blue roofs make you think of some nerdy kid in a control room looking through VR glasses and laughing while he tries to get a high score by hitting all roofs not painted blue. It’s a joke at that point.
P.P.S. Maybe the boots on the ground are not there to point the weapon at you. It’s to watch you and confirm damage like we have forward observers in the artillery. “Came out of his house this morning and looked like his eyes were crossed his brain was so toasted. Tell those guys whatever they are doing it is working.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Texas Arcane
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

“…The massive breakthrough in maser technology about 20 years ago that vanished off the headlines was made by an amateur and it was a profound discovery that microwaves could be used to modulate an energy weapon so it did NOT diffuse at a distance like a flashlight beam….”

I would appreciate links, papers, anything on this.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Higher orbits will give much longer “hang times” of visibility to the target (you).

If you can keep a log of the length of a bombardment incident, you can use orbital dynamics to back out the required orbital altitude of a hypothetical bombardment spacecraft. From that, public records of each Earth-orbiting satellite can be matched against the times and calculated altitude. That in turn could track back to the specific inclination of the orbit and give you the spacecraft.

It may even be possible to back out the specific satellite present during the bombardment event with something as simple as Sky Guide. Just point your phone up during an event and have the “display satellite names” option enabled.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I can’t say whether there are unpublished satellites. “Number of debris objects regularly tracked by Space Surveillance Networks and maintained in their catalogue: About 34810” according to

NORAD tracks objects above a certain size, I would guess 10 cm, that size probably being driven by radar wavelength.

It may be possible to back out a set of possible orbits for such a hypothetical spacecraft if it exists but is not registered. And anything sizeable can be observed naked eye or with binoculars if you know where to look. Think of the endless train of Starlink satellites contaminating the night sky.

But start with SkyGuide. You may see a correlation. And if not, the projection platform may or may not be a satellite.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You are welcome. Another thing that might help would be to figure out the wavelengths that are bombarding you. If they are RF (e.g. microwave), tracking the frequency spread of incoming energy could also reveal orbital data: as the hypothetical satellite comes from the horizon to closer to overhead, its relative velocity to you would show up as a shortening of wavelengths / increase in frequencies, and a corresponding lengthening / decrease as it retreats toward the other horizon. There should also be a power peak of some sort at the point of closes approach if it is continuously transmitting a fixed power level.

I’m not an RF expert and can’t recommend a setup that can do this, but I suspect there are some people lurking on this site who can.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

That does sound crazy. So crazy it just might work, lol.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

AC if they are coming for you, nobody would blame you for taking a back seat.

I remember how quickly they killed Tory Smith and dont want to see you go the same way

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Pray to a statue of Our Lady, the “true” church.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The “true” church is the Bride of Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No name under heaven by which any receive salvation but the name Jesus Christ.
Thou shalt not pray to any graven image.
God keeping it simple for everyone.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Pretty sure this is just dissing “Catholics”. Maybe don’t feed the trolls.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Catholics don’t pray to statues. Word of advice: You should really not pontificate on topics you don’t understand, because you make yourself look stupid.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

So is it spiritual warfare. How do these things relate and how come staying in a state of grace, which I believe one should be in always, stop these types of attacks? I’m just curious on how you made the correlation becauseI think is that to.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The advice of staying in a state of grace comes from a catholic gentleman. Catholics believe if you die when you’ve committed a mortal sin & fail to confess it & receive absolution before death, then you prob. go to hell. As a protestant believer, I will not comment on another church’s theology here but just state living in a sinful way, out of touch with God , will open you to demonic attacks & some behaviors especially attract it. Porn, drugs, abortion, suicidal ideation & other addictive behaviors are obvious ones as well as dabbling in the occultic. Sometimes this oppression is attached to family lines too. There is the need to be aware of it – as a christian going about his/her daily life but there’s also the important need not to obsess about everything as being connected to the demonic. That is unhealthy & unbalanced. But it’s a mistake to pretend the supernatural realm doesn’t exist or doesn’t try to influence ppl.

About 7 years ago I underwent deliverance as a last resort to avoid going to a psychiatrist. I was being tormented w/ obsessive grotesque thoughts to do with selfharm & torture. Nightmarish images flooded my mind whenever I wasn’t mentally occupied & I couldn’t stop them. When relaxing, when waiting at traffic lights, when trying to go to sleep etc. I knew a psychiatrist would just medicate so after about a year of these images (which became more grotesque & cruel over time), I found someone with a deliverance ministery & underwent deliverance. How i dound this person & the peculiar events that happened to try & stop me keeping the appointment are another story but i went tho I was skeptical & felt it wiuld be a waste of time. When it was over i felt tired & went home & slept. But the next day I noticed how quiet my mind was. All the negative, scornful accusatory thoughts I had been used to living with for many years were gone & i felt very calm and at peace. The nasty images had also gone. I couldn’t even try to remember them. My brain refused to recall them & it wouldn’t hold the image still – it just disappeared. It was eye-opening how different i felt & thought & how I viewed the world & other ppl – seeing them in a completely loving, nonjudgemental way which lasted about 2 weeks before wearing off. Even today I still feel calm & so thank God I was freed from all that oppression.

I hope this story helps give insight into how we can be influenced without being aware – & how what we take for granted – constant negative thoughts for eg – may not even be our own thoughts but an attempt to wear us down & take us out. I consider demonic entities to be like parasites, sucking life out of us. But I can’t say my experience means everyone is suffering too – I have no authority to say that. Only take note of what’s happening in your life & reject anything trying to weaken you – including persistent critical thoughts. The best counter attack is to walk out your faith devoutly (whatever denomination) & make the effort to seek & abide in God.

Earlier this year I was driving & was praying out loud for my ex & rebuking whatever demonic oppression he is facing (troubled soul for a long time & why he is the ex). Speaking out loud meant the demonic realm could hear. Literally 5 mins after I finished a truck ran into the back of my car. The young woman had gotten distracted by accidentally knocking the wipers on & instead of the usual left-right pattern, a wiper was crossing the other one -& getting snagged. She’d never seen that before & neither had I. Could be coincidence? Or perhaps not (shrugs). I do not go around seeing the demonic in everything. But I have become more aware of possibilities thanks to my experiences.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thanks a lot for sharing this.

Only take note of what’s happening in your life & reject anything trying to weaken you – including persistent critical thoughts. The best counter attack is to walk out your faith devoutly (whatever denomination) & make the effort to seek & abide in God.”

Good advice.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thank you for this comment.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Catholics believe at “Judgement Day”, Jesus will judge the living and the dead.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

So is it spiritual warfare. How do these things relate and how come staying in a state of grace, which I believe one should be in always, stop these types of attacks?”

Clearly my post addressed two different topics! First, shielding. Second, spiritual matters. That’s obviously why I stated the topics specifically in the text, to differentiate between them.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Non-Catholics can’t take the sacraments. The Eucharist isn’t some magical totem that anyone can employ when they’re in trouble.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Those of us who believe on Jesus Christ are in a state of grace; we don’t need to pray to the Queen of Heaven, have a little shrine to Mary in front of our hose, sprinkle holy water on ourselves, go to confession so the confessor can record it and keep it in the archives or send it on to the pope.
We just need to pray the power of Jesus’ name and the power of His blood to bind and render mute the spirits of the air which ride upon teh energy, frequency, and the vibrations which flow through the house and the wiring. It works just fine. Christians can take the Sacraments at the church to which they belong; or they can take them privately using the formula provided by St. Paul.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

i can’t recall the verse where it says ‘do this in remembrance of me… but only some of you… the ones following the correct clergy… if you aren’t following the right clergy then I don’t want you to do this’.

TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

In his defense, he simply said, “SEE if a priest will hear your confession and give you absolution” he did not say anything about the Holy Eucharist.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Anyone who is born again of water and the Spirit can take the Sacraments since they are not the province of only one place in Christendom. They are the gift of God to all who believe.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Anyone who is born again of water and the Spirit can take the Sacraments”

That’s not what St Paul taught.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Vatican II is heretical.

Face it, we do our best but none have all the answers.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Non-Catholics can’t take the sacraments. The Eucharist isn’t some magical totem that anyone can employ when they’re in trouble.”

Straw man argument. I didn’t advise him to take the Eucharist. In fact, I didn’t mention it at all. You should work on your reading comprehension.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Multiple types of shielding layered is the best thing I can think of.
Digging a hobbit hole in the backyard might be a good way to add dirt shielding and let AC put whatever else he can on top of it.
While I may not be Catholic I agree that AC should do his utmost to seek GOD’s protection.
Whatever AC believes is what matters, if he is Catholic or Orthodox or Protestant then GOD will honor his efforts to obey his laws and seek his help in that tradition.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I plead the blood of Jesus on you and where you are. May God’s healing graces repair any damage the enemy has done to you that you may defy all assaults of the evil one and his minions. We are in a spiritual battle underneath everything else and God our Father has the wherewithal to bring you through this to His honor and glory and to the confusion of the enemy. I pray He brings all of their machinations to nothing and empowers you to continue to be his watchman on the wall. Amen.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago
It’s said that St.Patrick had to travel through a dangerous area and his enemies saw some deer walking by instead of seeing his party, allowing them to pass through in safety. Also called the Breastplate of St. Patrick. BTW, I don’t know who that commenter thinks he is, God’s gift to this earth or something, but anyone can become Catholic and receive the Sacraments. If one is properly Baptized maybe the world failed to catechize him and get him to the Sacraments but he is obliged to learn the faith and receive the Sacraments just like any other Catholic. Also he should demand a Pope because right now a bunch of communist fags are aping the Church and they call themselves the New Order, that’s no good.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I am not a Catholic and the the sacramental system (and the Papacy itself) is completely un-Biblical. However I am not here to argue about this. I will simply second the advice as to avoiding habitual/willful sin like the plague and truly repenting whenever you do screw up. I have avoided overt sin for a couple years now and the harassment has dissipated tremendously over this period. I do not know if this points to a demonic component; a realization that there is no blackmail material; both; or what. Simply reporting my experience.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

the sacramental system (and the Papacy itself) is completely un-Biblical.”

Confession, baptism, the Eucharist, ordination, marriage, Peter the rock, Holy unction, these are ALL biblical. Have you not read the New Testament? And, Holy Tradition is biblical too, so I can appeal to Church tradition for the sacrament of confirmation.

BTW, it was at Catholic Church councils where the canon of scripture was decided, hundreds of years after Jesus’ earthly ministry. So how did the Church survive its first 4 centuries without having a Bible? How could they know what was “Biblical” without a Bible?

1 year ago


Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Atomic Blue.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

and from a list i was sent on TG, here are more suggestive flavors – atomic blue (YES!), atomic orange, baja punch, dark berry, distortion, electric apple, flamin’ hot, frost bite, mango heat, revolution, riddler’s brew, , snap’d, southern shock, supernova, throwback… among others…

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Jeffrey Prather was recently on Mike Adam’s Natural News podcast and he talked about a black sky event, meaning a totall loss of all power etc in the US, UK and Israel.

I think it is inevitable. There is also a documentary called either black sky or dark sky from 2020 dealing with the same subject.

It’s coming. Be prepared. If it does happen it could also be used as cover for death squad activity.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago


Directed Energy Weapon?

1 year ago


Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

and from a list i was sent on TG, here are more suggestive flavors – atomic blue, atomic orange, baja punch, dark berry, distortion, electric apple, flamin’ hot, frost bite, mango heat, revolution, riddler’s brew, , snap’d, southern shock, supernova, throwback… among others…

1 year ago

> The Navy will begin randomly testing its special operations forces for steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs beginning in November, taking a groundbreaking step that military leaders have long resisted. In other news, they will bar them from all vaccines and medical treatments for injuries, dropping them off in a cave if they get shot with a promise to come back in two weeks to see if they survived. Why is one medical treatment which alters how the body would naturally recover from an injury different from another? If they can control their nutrition, and take antibiotics if they get a cold, why can’t they take a hormone to help them recover each day when they have 20 hours of training each and every day to get through?

It’s even simpler than that: why WOULDN’T you want the guys responsible for going and killing as many enemies of your army as possible to be ‘roided up freaks of nature with superhuman strength and stamina? It’s another point, along side “rules of war” that point to it being all fake and gay.

If you feel it appropriate to kill thousands and thousands of people to achieve your goal, why does it matter at all how it’s done? You’d want it to be overwhelming, total, and as hard to resist as possible. Voluntarily limiting your killing power isn’t something two real enemies would do if the fight to the death was real.

To reframe the context, pretend that you know you are going to have a fist fight to the death with a stranger in six months time. Are you going to be fair and honorable and just train hard in hopes of winning, or are you going to be juicing like a madman and thinking of how you can cheat to get even a minor advantage?

1 year ago

Random thoughts about vibrations from above

I assume you have an asphalt roof. I wonder if there would be a way to test with a metal roof. Not that they can’t get the waves through it, but it would mess up their angle of incidence, maybe.

The waves could be coming from a fixed position above. Or maybe they are reflected off the atmosphere somehow, like ham shortwave is supposed to work. When you move and it follows you, is the following instantaneous? Does it lag behind you a second, several seconds? I could imagine the following lag could differ if it is from overhead or a neighboring house.

Love the water table idea from Kentucky Gent.

I can’t find a quick answer if it is possible to purchase lead based paint anywhere. That would be worth experimenting. Or maybe there is a straightforward way to make your own. I bet the MMC would know how to acquire lead paint.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Please AC,f you are not already doing so pray to be covered by the complete armour of God and the Holy Blood of Jesus every day and night. This is a spiritual battle and we are Victorious. I’ve been praying the prayer to Saint Michael for years. A few years ago I began seeing 11’s everywhere and it really caught my attention. For a long time whenever I see 11 I pray the St. Michael Prayer and I see 11’s hundreds of times a day.We are in the 11th hour and so few Christians know to call on our mighty Heavenly army of Angels to help protect us in this battle. God’s Speed!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

i don’t know what kind of table or foundation you have but remember how heavy water is

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

remember how heavy water is”

Yes. That’s why I recommended a kiddie pool, which does not even need to be filled to the rim. Since I don’t know exactly what they are hitting AC with, the water table should be approached as an experiment and not a panacea. See if just 1 inch of water will help. If not, try more.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

White lead powder to mix with paint is available in small quantities from artist supply outlets, and larger quantities are apparently available from Alibaba and maybe elsewhere . I just did a quick search.
I don’t know if you can legally import it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Make your own.
Lead and vinegar. The Romans did it, so can you.
The white powder corrosion on a car battery post is lead sulfate (because the battery contains sulfuric acid).

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You can buy lead sheeting at certain building supply places for use as flashing. Would be a lot easier to install/remove, and thicker than paint for sure.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think even a corrugated metal roof will change the entry angle of waves coming into the building. I saw it listed once in unit testing as a possible distortion to be avoided when conducting tests with louvered beams.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There’s always copper paint from boat bottoms.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“…lead based paint…”

You can get lead shot for reloading easily. I see 25 Lb Lead Shot for $25.99. Put in a plastic bag, add latex, stir around then suck out the air. Another dampener might be the various low viscosity pourable urethanes. Art supply and effects houses sell these.

1 year ago

I would bet AC is top100 surveillance targets in the world.

1 year ago

It’s never BFWM, it’s always WFBM.

Christian Mingle is an online dating service that caters to Christian singles. The service is one of a number of demographically focused online match-making websites operated by Spark Networks.[1]
The company was founded by Joe Y. Shapira in 1997 under the name MatchNet plc.[14]
Joe (Yoav) Shapira is a digital media entrepreneur who resides in Tel Aviv, Israel, and Los Angeles, California.

You will find the Cabal mate of your dreams, ChristianAnon. Trust the algorithm.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

*grinding teeth*


Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Kosher Topsy Cups must hate black women with a passion. They have been wiped out of all media in all forms and it is forbidden to show a black man and a black woman with one another. The white woman is regarded as the prize and all black men should not attempt to breed each according to it’s own kind as Genesis says. The black woman is to be treated as though she is anathema and has no value as a person at all. Why so racist, black men? What’s wrong with black women? Ever wonder why you are encouraged to not even think of them as wives or mothers?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Putting the Judeo in Christian Dating Website since 1997.

1 year ago

Virtuous Pagan pot calls Globohomo kettle black


I’m not crazy, but you may think I am
I’m not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

If God can use Assyria and Babylon and even Rome to his purposes, he can use China and Russia.


And destroy them just like the others.
Russia doesn’t seem so close to destruction, but China does.

1 year ago

Saw this linked on Twitter about Hef and his video collection. Which I think is strong evidence the preferred method is voluntary blackmail. Pretty stunning stuff.

1 year ago

In re Sen Menendez

Looks like the actual reason for the corruption charges was the F16s to Turkey in exchange for Sweden getting into NATO.

Menendez was blocking that via his Committee Chairmanship.

Erdogan gets F16s and US gets Sweden in NATO.

I had figured it was eff’ing Egypt for BRICS etc but if so that looks like a secondary benefit.

But again, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine and Russia Russia Russia..

Another thing re UKR. Zelensky has vowed the return of 3 cities. 2 are Bakhmut and Soledar. Strange choices. But, both of them have incredibly extensive underground systems. And, I think the tunnels are old. Mariopul has them two and RUS went hard to get it and Azov Nazis defended very very hard.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Yep, there is some major hellish significance to those underground tunnel systems in Ukraine.

1 year ago

British troops could deploy to Ukraine for first time to train soldiers, says Grant Shapps

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

It has been denied.

However, this is how they test the water or move the Overton window

1 year ago

EXC: Not Michelle, But ‘Probably’ Gavin – Trump Mulls Democrat Alternatives to Biden.

1 year ago

The size of cabal/surveillance?

comment image

I’m not crazy, but you may think I am
I’m not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Jesus Christ and him alone for there salvation by non other.

1 year ago

Here’s the problem with roided out soldiers:

1) steroids aren’t good for you. Very bad side effects, including emotional.

2) the should be professionally administered and monitored to be most effective with the least side effects. But what liability comes with that? See above.

3) they’re illegal. Which means that soldiers are necessarily doing business with people our soldiers should not be associated with. This leads to them being easy recruiting targets for some pretty bad actors.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

+ rapid development of caracts
+ weakening the bones

1 year ago

Re: Earth regulating it’s own climate with negative feedback: YES.
Willis Eschenbach at has posted a number of times with details on one of the main ones. Short version:
Tropical thunderclouds are white and fluffy and reflect a lot more sunlight / heat that the nark blue ocean. The warmer the water, the earlier in the day the thunderclouds rise and start reflecting the heat. If it were to heat up a lot, they’d also start forming further from the equator every day. They act as a giant real-time thermal regulation system. For example, he was writing this ten years ago:
Basically, most of our long range climate models are total crap and manually “tuned” fudge-factors that force-fit the model to past data.

Today, he’s writing things like this:

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Rn
1 year ago

What’s been known by Geologists and Geophysicists, for a long time know, is that earth’s climate is cyclical. And it was cyclical long before fossil fuels were introduced into wide usage. It has always been cyclical.

What nobody in the mainstream narrative ever talks about, is “what specific end state are you trying to achieve by fighting supposed AGW/CC”? Are you trying to keep the climate exactly as it has been the past 50 years? Ain’t gonna happen. The climate WILL change, no matter what. The only question is, which direction temperatures will go.

So if the Leftist Death Cult is fighting warming, this implies they want global cooling. Which leads to ice ages. Which leads to billions of people dying, mile-thick ice sheets down to the Mason-Dixon Line, and an end to civilization in its current form.

1 year ago

Open Warfare at Hungarian Border: Migrants Shoot Their Way Through With Automatic Weapons – 168 Already Injured

1 year ago

One day I’m going Faraday cage my house too:

I’ve had multiple nights when I am in a semi-awake state and feel as though my whole body is resonating but can’t determine if it was a physical or sensory experience. Blocking the signal can’t hurt!

1 year ago

I’ve been checking your blog every now and then, hoping you would report on your own investigations into what this world is, or rather, was. I like hearing an individual’s thoughts on the matter, but I’ve learnt not to start the conversation. In my experience people can’t see until they are ready to see. Also, I’m interested in original thoughts, unaffected by whatever idea-input I was responsible for.
But reading your blog post today, I think it’s time for some idea-input.
P.S. Try electrically grounding your body while sleeping. Or just sleep on the ground (not the floor, the actual ground).

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Very wooly thinking by Jon ((((Levi)))) imo.
A hypothesis presented here without evidence just as a counterpoint: Tartaria is a Chinese psyop. Think about it…

Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Our very own Machine Trooper has published a Sci-fi Conspiracy Thriller, which will be the first in a series.

Thanks very much, AC.