News Briefs – 09/27/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Arizona Audit finds 25-30% of duplicated ballots were received between November 4th-9th, after they knew how many ballots were needed.

Arizona audit final report was watered down: reports from Cyber Ninjas were edited, most damning statements were removed. One removed section was as follows : “In the 2020 presidential election, the margin of victory was only 10,457 votes, a small fraction of the 57,734 ballots with known issues. Again, this is almost 6 times the margin of victory in the Presidential race and is multiples of the margin of victory in other races. Based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.”

Vox Day on the audit report calls it “All Fizzle, No Sizzle.”  They have a bombshell, but have refused to promote it as a bombshell, and the media and the left love that. I hate to say it, but Vox is right again. There is no point in trying to look nonpartisan to appeal to a non-existent middle. We are in a war now, and everything that is not actual shooting is about pushing and warping the Overton Windows of observers, by only emphasizing your strong points, and giving zero coverage to anything which is not favorable to your position. Trump clearly understands this, and he stands almost alone as a stalwart, strong figure in our movement. Everyone who seeks to show they are non-partisan and even handed by offering moderate concessions to the enemy, only comes off as weak, and incapable of fighting the evil we face. At this point, nobody is on the fence. The only thing you need to be signaling is how close we are to the war, and how eagerly you will smite our enemies.

Some of the Australian Police filmed abusing citizens may not in fact be cops, but rather private security hired and dressed as cops. Interesting the Security company has Police vests all made up, with their logo on them, so impersonating cops for the elites/Cabal is normal. I have seen local Cabal put a lightbar on a white SUV model like local PD and put a magnetic logo on the door which was similar, though smaller than the local PD’s, and drive around with the lights on. I assume the magnetic sign maker could only make magnetic symbols of a certain size. This is an interesting development we will probably see in the US at some point.

Australian “maybe-Police” killed a guy with apparent rubber bullet headshots.

In 2017, the CIA was wargaming how to assassinate Julian Assange in the Ecuadoran embassy, within the UK. I would not be surprised if this was an operation done specifically to create a major scandal the media would have blamed on Trump.

Rose McGowan says, “They were flying drones around my window every day – this is three years before the Weinstein news broke… I was trailed, almost driven off the road. They stole my headlights out of my car. They placed trackers in my car. I thought I was manifesting everything in my life, turns out my whole house was bugged.” It is inaccurate and deceiving to say her house was bugged, because it was likely not, and it makes people think it takes a lot to “bug” someone’s whole house. Eavesdropping is now so advanced all a neighbor-observation-post has to do is point something at the house, or just access pre-arranged geophones, and they can tune into any room in the target residence. And I would bet 99.999% of the population has been listened to in their home when they thought they had privacy.

Britney Spear’s father hired an Israeli intel firm to spy on his daughter, including bugging her bedroom.

Bob Woodward reported that Lindsey Graham told President Trump, “You fucked up your Presidency” earlier this year when attempting to advise him to accept that he lost the 2020 presidential election. Woodward stopped even trying to make it believable. You know Graham would never have the balls to say anything remotely like this on any record, let alone to President Trump’s face.

Leftists up in arms over Police and Military joining militias. A good way to separate the wheat from the glowies would be to see who will talk about the surveillance.

Former world No. 25 Tennnis star Jeremy Chardy says he has a “series of problems” after taking the COVID-19 vaccine and his 2021 season, and maybe his entire career, is over. He has said he has violent pain all over his body whenever he tries to practice, and he has heard others are having this problem too.

COVID-19 has killed thousands in Idaho. Funeral homes are struggling to store bodies. Bear in mind, the COVID rates have been high in conservative areas, and the symptoms of COVID, ie lung damage, can be done with ultrasound, by tuning the frequency to resonate off alevolar sizes. We know things are bad, but I suspect they could be much worse than we think.

Pfizer stands to make $26 BILLION from COVID-19 vaccine boosters as the US approves third dose for all adults over 65 as well as those with pre-existing conditions and high-risk jobs.

NYS workers who are fired for not getting vaccinated will not be eligible for unemployment insurance, governor announces.

Dozens of Massachusetts State Troopers resign ahead of deadline for state’s mandatory vaccine mandate.

Doctor says he knows a doctor who is seeing an explosion in cancers among the vaxxed.

Natural immunity emerges as potential legal challenge to federal COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

Group opposing indoor vaccine mandate storms food court on Staten Island.

Hochul considering deployment of National Guard to address health worker shortage.

Leftist filmed harassing white students at Arizona State exposed as Ford Foundation Fellow. All of those awards and grants, and elite assignments were never just open to anybody. They just had to keep the illusion they were, as a way of making them look like an honest meritocracy.

California schools prepare for influx of Afghan refugee students, offering ‘culturally appropriate’ meals, and setting aside rooms for prayer during Muslim holidays.

Boris Johnson is set to U-turn on visas for lorry drivers to allow 5,000 foreign hauliers into the UK after panic-buying gridlocked petrol stations across the country overnight.

Iranian administration has prevented the entry of inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency into one of its nuclear sites.

Philadelphia surpasses 400 homicides after violent weekend.

Disturbing photos show rampant drug use in broad daylight among the homeless around Penn Station as crime spikes 41% and streets are ‘littered with broken crack pipes, trash, urine, and feces’ in DeBlasio’s New York.

Dozens of cargo ships stuck waiting off New York’s coast amid port staff shortages and surging demand for goods.

LA port backup grows to record 62 ships as supply chain crunch worsens. So the goods are right there, they just can’t make it into our supply chain for some reason.

Former Apple engineer says the button on iPhones asking apps not to track you is a ‘dud’ that gives users a ‘false sense of privacy.’

A photo posted to Twitter by user @NiceSheehan allegedly captured the moment former Florida governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush locked his keys in his car and had to call for help using a phone inside a CVS.

Illegal immigrant Mexican teen busted for setting wildfires in California.

Pelosi backs off Monday vote on infrastructure, which may be the death knell of Biden’s agenda.

The sprawling annual defense bill includes several provisions from the GOP that would block the Biden administration from providing Iran with cash and would require the administration to come clean about any economic sanctions relief it provides to the Islamic Republic.

Congressional Democrats can’t quite cobble together the votes to pass a mammoth $3.5 billion-plus social-spending bill, as the few remaining Democrats who at least claim to lean to the center are in a game of legislative chicken with the left wing of the party.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he’ll hire Border Patrol agents who are ‘at risk’ of losing their positions under Biden administration.

Devin Nunes says, “We’ve made 14 criminal referrals to the DOJ. I expect every one of those to be looked in to… We’ve done our job, now we expect Durham to do his job, which I think he is doing…”

Fans chant “Fuck Joe Biden!,” during the Wisconsin/Notre Dame game.

Thousands chant “Fuck Joe Biden!,” at an Aaron Lewis concert.

Invite other people to because what you see may not be real.

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3 years ago

You (probably) don’t need ReCAPTCHA

I don’t know if AC can change to not use ReCAPTCHA for logging in here but it would like it if he can.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Would they accept one of the alternatives in the article?
GOOGLE is the real problem.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Set up a wordpress account and you can use that. Don’t think you need to give them any specific info, but not sure.

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“Vox Day on the audit report calls it “All Fizzle, No Sizzle.” They have a bombshell, but have refused to promote it as a bombshell”

We’re really gonna show you this time! If you push us any further! One of these days! One. Of. These. Days!

(Hey ladies is there any guy more unattractive than a professional waffler?)

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Rex regum venient
3 years ago

According to Lindell, Trump was supposed to have been reinstalled as Prez a month ago… or something.

The only bombshell was the one that went off in the brains of the normies who thought this 5 month shitshow of an audit was going to produce concrete results.

Cabal doesn’t care about audits or evidence. Cabal creates its own reality script out of thin air and pipes it into the brains of tens of millions of sheep with the use MSM and FaceBorg/Twatter.

Playing nice while keeping your cards close to your chest doesn’t work anymore, if it ever did.

The folks doing that audit still think its 1980 and heritage America is still in charge. They don’t get it.

Reply to  Rex regum venient
3 years ago

>(Hey ladies is there any guy more unattractive than a professional waffler?)

Probably most guys. In game they often teach you how to waffle(ramble, stack).

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“Britney Spear’s father hired an Israeli intel firm to spy on his daughter, including bugging her bedroom.”

Imagine being such a big cabal prick that you have to spy on your own adult daughter, who hates you, despite the money being everywhere.

Reply to  Rex regum venient
3 years ago

Imagine being such a perv that you want to listen/watch what goes on in your daughter’s bedroom.

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“symptoms of COVID, ie lung damage, can be done with ultrasound, by tuning the frequency to resonate off alevolar sizes. We know things are bad, but I suspect they could be much worse than we think.”

Imagine living by a 5G beamforming antenna. More powerful than a 1980’s fighter aircraft radar with 3 times the bandwidth needed to data transfer 4k streams to 20,000 smartphones. 5G could cook one part of you like a bag of popcorn from thousands of feet away.

Reply to  Rex regum venient
3 years ago

What does bandwidth and 4k streams have to do with possible cellular damage due to EMF?
Jury is still out on 5G and damage. I expect much of the modern world we are bathed in is terrible for us. However, your bullshit comparison to radar on a 80s fighter jet is just stupid copy pasta you read somewhere.
The damage curve is not the same between two emitters transmitting in different frequency ranges.

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Settle down guy. Mig-31 Zaslon radars regularly cook rabbits by Rusky airbases my Russian friends told me so.

Reply to  Rex regum venient
3 years ago

The best part is that not only is the rabbit tender and juicy but that radars also result in less oil and fat to clean up afterwards.

Reply to  Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“Not just plants, air-loom vegetables!”
(inside joke)

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“A photo posted to Twitter by user @NiceSheehan allegedly captured the moment former Florida governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush locked his keys in his car and had to call for help using a phone inside a CVS.”


(proceeds to fag in NPC)


Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he’ll hire Border Patrol agents who are ‘at risk’ of losing their positions under Biden administration.”

All the feds’ exes live in Texas…

3 years ago

UPDATED List of Lawyers by State Who Fight COVID-19 Mandates
September 19, 2021

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

“Some of the Australian Police filmed abusing citizens may not in fact be cops, but rather private security hired and dressed as cops”

Private security might be the least of our problems. There’s one particular silver haired, middle aged ‘cop’ I’ve seen at least 3 or 4 times. Always in viral videos, always doing something outrageous. He was involved in the choking incident of a woman in Melbourne you may have seen recently. A few days before he starred in another police brutality video, just casually waltzing up and capsicum spraying some innocent member of the public, like you would an aphid in your garden. Last year he was in Bendigo, 100 miles west of Melbourne, arresting a pregnant woman in her pajamas inside her own home in yet another video that managed to go viral. The fact that these videos always manage to go viral indicates there’s an Intelligence Operation at work within the Victorian police, with the agenda of painting the cops in the worst possible light and provoking a violent backlash, probably to justify a major crackdown on the dissident movement here. People wrongly think it’s the rank and file cops, when all along, like J6, it’s just their friendly Intelligence Community at work

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

Morty we’ve got to go to Bendigo to git me cube.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

“…There’s one particular silver haired, middle aged ‘cop’ I’ve seen at least 3 or 4 times. Always in viral videos, always doing something outrageous. He was involved in the choking incident of a woman in Melbourne you may have seen recently…”

Good catch. I think I remember that guy. I never realized it was the same guy.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

I wonder how many of the actors in these virals, in NSW and VIC, can be found in the books of talent agencies. None seem real; isolated from the main action, onlookers recite lines badly or ignore the appalling violence they witness. Always excellent camera angles but real details to identify the actors is avoided. They are spread widely and deter many from attending marches or even leaving the home. Do cops really handcuff someone with minimal or no resistance and then throw him the ground and play “stacks on the mill” with ten of their mates?

3 years ago

FWIW magnetic sign material comes on a roll, 24 inches wide, by 50 or 100 feet long, don’t remember the length. Can be cut with a knife to exacting shapes. Circles and basic shapes are ok, but the trouble is that unusual shapes, like scroll work protruding from the side of a basic shape can catch the wind while on a freeway, and take the whole thing off. Also, very not good on plastic or aluminum body panels.

3 years ago

I assume the magnetic sign maker could only make magnetic symbols of a certain size.

More likely it’s the logistics of hiding the larger decal while not in use. The little one can stick to the inside of the spare tire hide, but the big one would have to be out in the open.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Mike Pompeo has always hated Julian Assange

“Assange is a narcissist who has created nothing of value,” Pompeo said. “He relies on the dirty work of others to make himself famous. He is a fraud — a coward hiding behind a screen.

Pompeo also said Julian Assange is making “common cause with dictators” and would have been “on the wrong side of history” in the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s.
Iconic British auction house Christie’s is set to auction off an NFT digital art piece of a white man being sold as a slave, with the artist describing the piece as a commentary on slavery’s role in “developing capitalism.”

White Male for Sale – a short video of a white man standing on an auction block in New York City – was created by 56-year-old American artist Dead Scott and will be auctioned by Christie’s and the Cristin Tierney Gallery on October 1.

In an Instagram post advertising the auction, Scott boasted that he had “a prime white male of excellent quality” to sell.
Ironically the article calls him ‘Dead Scott’ instead of ‘Dread Scott’ which is what he goes by. Is he a black dude? You bet!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Mark Taylor just said what we in places like this already know – the right wing is about to start killing people, and whoever Q’s Patriots are need to draw blood publicly, SOMETHING to calm our side down. I’ve been there for a while, but for the two thoughts in my head 1)The Plan is to AVOID civil war because civil war destroys the country, strategy over passion, and 2)I’m a loner. With no team I can do little damage and be easily dismissed as a nutcase(I am, but that’s not the point). The MSM would dance on my grave blasting every unflattering photo and every out of context social media post of mine that it could find.

The surveillance is not going to stop this because the controllers of the surveillance WANT civil war. They’re pushing all the right buttons for it, there’s no way they can’t know what they are doing.

Tuesday Smackdown Special – 09/21/2021 With Retired Fireman Mark Taylor

Easiest place to start is with whoever was captured by the security camera wiping the logs in Maricopa. That’s a slam-dunk prosecution that’s gotta be like three felonies just by itself before you add federal charges that could eventually become TREASON. Just a small sign like this, because once the shooting starts the country melts down and there is no stopping it.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago


Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I agree with and echo your sentiment.

AC has eluded to the fact that various “insiders”, whatever that might mean, monitor this site and the comments.

To whoever is watching and listening… it is obvious Cabal wants a right wing overreaction, because they think they will use that to justify another lockdown/martial law, etc.

Cabal thinks it has all the bases covered, and apparently Intel patriots fighting Cabal at the speed of molasses while continually pulling their punches think they have some bases covered too, but let me warn you all… tonight I know people who went to a march with all of the teachers who are about to lose their jobs in NYC, and at the last minute, it was announced that the injunction stopping the mandate from taking effect was “dissolved” by the courts. Tens of thousands of teachers and their families, most of whom have had Covid, and thus natural immunity, as well as nurses, have come to the realization that not only are they going to lose their jobs, but be denied unemployment by the governor and not be able to find work due to vaccine refusal. I heard many, many say “this is war.”

These are people who have never marched for anything in their lives, and had totally bought into the system, and now the system they supported and lived in their whole lives has rejected them and spit in their faces. What I saw and heard is a microcosm of a larger reality happening all over the country and the world. These people now have their back up against the wall for the first time in their lives, simply for not getting a vaccine.

To Cabal, and the supposed patriots inside the belly of the beast… you are perilously close to triggering a violent spasm that I assure you, you will not be able to control and that you will not be able to hide from.

To all the insiders with Intel… if you allow a Civil War to explode because you thought it best to sit on your Intel and wait for that special moment, well, that means you’ve been aiding and abetting the enemy, and your lack of resolve will not be forgotten.

I saw and heard desperate people tonight. Decent, hard working people who have reached the end of the line.

To all the insiders… do the right thing before this goes wildly beyond your control.

Once the genie has been released from the bottle, it’s very hard to get him back in there.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

The loyal enforcers must be in place ready to do this.

Otherwise it ends up a farce. Recognize that “Personnel is Policy” and being “General Secretary” which is control of appointments is what runs organizations.

That and taking out the surveillance. The sting operation must have teeth.

Law is the application of violence to violators. Remember.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

YGB, Watch starting at the 39min mark:

3 years ago

I came across this gem:
For you AC, as someone who understand biochemistry, it is going to be even more valuable, however it is very readable for basically anyone.

I’d add a link to the original PDF, but it was already deep-sixed. (And I am not able to extract it from the archive

Commenters on ZH speculate that the author could be “someone like Luc Montagnier, recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, or someone in his circle. The writer is aware of the French tie-in and a supreme intellectual, no American emotionalism, very logical and careful and complete.”
But my guess that this is not work of a single man. Just to have 17 (!) pages of references is an impressive feat. 🙂


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Junia
3 years ago


One of the reliefs he says is NAC so….that’s why they tried to ban it. Must be good for treatment.

That Guy
That Guy
3 years ago

“With no team I can do little damage”
Yeah…one person can tie up an entire major city if he wanted to. Go all “Dorner” with preplaced resupply points, different clothing, license plates or vehicles…while leaving your phone at home or better yet, in a different car on it’s daily commute to work on the other side of the city. Hats/masks/glasses, nearly indistinguishable from anyone else on the street. Done correctly, one person can literally destroy a city or bring it to it’s knees for a lot longer than you’d expect. Crazed person? All you’re doing is proving it can be done, and continuing to prove it for as long as it takes to complete your tasks. Be a shame to be ‘that’ guy that spurs a nation to action, wouldn’t it.
Transformers? Major substations? Distribution lines feeding major cities? SO MUCH can be done outside a city long before that one person would even need to cross a major highway into a city.
Lone wolves are going to make this next civil war, not break it.
Just relaying what I heard in a wargaming table exercise that included lots of and lots of alcohol.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Chicken and egg what is first. In this situation volume is the answer. One lone wolf is a terrorist. One thousand or more is the revolution. Question – how many cops does it take and how much time to arrest a Lone Wolf (hint lots). What happens if the Lone Wolf activity is geographically separated by just as little as 100 miles and is random or within a short time period say two or three days.

What happens when some begin to surveil back. When we begin to fly a drone over every person we feel is watching us or every location that has a camera. When the lone wolves fly drones over every arrest that can be found. The cops go nuts when someone uses a cell phone to record their activity imagine when you surveil (drone) all of their activities on a random basis. One filming gets arrested one thousand create panic.

Put a drone on your Christmas List and buy it now and have fun using it. Do not violate FAA rules as then they have a hard time finding you and stopping you – apparent innocence.

Remember the Golden Rule: TURNABOUT IS ALWAYS FAIR PLAY – not that we need to play fair. TPTB have already defined the play; we are in a free fire zone.

AC, I am sending you the full Spartacus letter in a pdf attachment on the email I have for you so you can put it out for your readers.

Reply to  That Guy
3 years ago

I see someone has read Wasp by EF Russell. Keep in mind that was science fiction (awesome as it was).

3 years ago

VD needs o take off the jade colored glasses and see the truth.
Xi is moving back towards communism and China only opposes globohomo at home, it is its ally abroad where it seeks to destroy and conquer by piggybacking on globohomo.

It is just as absurd to say that Xi is our friend or good because he opposes the cabal as it would be to say the cabal is our friend or good because it opposes Xi.

Vox is going to end up looking like all the western “elite” who swooned over Mussolini and Hitler before the war or the ones who embraced “Uncle” Joe Stalin because he opposed Hitler.

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Cabal let’s entities hostile to Christianity become K types to an extent so that Cabal has good soldiers to fight and win wars against Christian nations. Even disobedient Christian nations may repent and re-awaken to their Christian roots so the Devil must destroy them before that happens and they repent.

Regarding Vox Day, the reason I could never like the Chinese or China is because of him. They are not my people. He can’t undo what he has now spent years cultivating. There is also good evidence that what China is doing is patriotic theater, whether they truly believe it or not we can’t know. And I doubt all Cabal agents in the CCP have been neutralized, again, more theater.

White Men must not kneel to ‘good pagans’, Chinese, women, anyone. Only Christ.

Reply to  Rex regum venient
3 years ago

I agree, Rex. White men should be kneeling to nobody except Christ. I had an active familiarity with China for several years. They are not my people. It is a low trust, highly deceptive culture. Clans, guanxi networks and triads are the organizing forces in Chinese society and that includes their presence in the CCP and PLA. But this is also why the Cabal faction versus nationalist or communist factions are such a likely reality in China. We don’t have to like Xi, but it’s becoming increasingly plausible that he is our enemy’s enemy. Just as Putin appears to be.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Farce, I regularly ask myself if I left the jade colored glasses on. I’m under no illusion about the evil within China. However, my eyes have been opened to the evil in America and in the West despite the majority of good patriots here. Likewise, I have come to strongly suspect that China is not monolithic and neither is the CCP, and that, in fact, a powerful Cabal faction is at war with patriots there also. Cabal is the ultimate, top of the pyramid, evil in this world. Not to distinguish Cabals cohorts hands the Invisible Enemy the prize.

3 years ago

RE: Ford Foundation Fellow at Arizona State

Oh it gets better. Her father is from Ethiopia, and “fled violence” during the communist takeover in the 70s. (But she tells people he’s a “climate refugee”—huh) Where did the family end up? Why just “one of the best suburban cities” in Washington State, where they presumably fit right as an all American-Ethiopian family. Her mother was a nurse who shilled for the Affordable Care Act in local PSAs. The PhD student herself is a co-leader of BLM in Phoenix. Just ticks all the Cabal boxes.

Much thanks for all the work you do here, AC. You’re molding minds in the best way. This site has turned me into a living example of that Matrix meme where Neo asks, “So you’re telling me I just have to check the ‘early life’ on their Wikipedia page.” And Morpheous responds, “No, I’m telling you that when you’re ready. Neo, you won’t have to.”

3 years ago

Anon here, so take this for what it’s worth:

Went in for a mammogram today. When you check in, the radiology questionnaire asks if you’ve had the vax, and if so, how many shots, which arm and when. (This is important, because all other questions were specifically breast & hormone-related). I haven’t had it, and said so, expecting to be lectured. Instead, the nurse said, “Oh, good!”

Apparently, people are getting weird results on their mammograms after getting vaxxed. So much so that it’s a standard radiology question now. The nurse said she had gotten hers early (as probably almost everyone at that center had), and now is wishing she hadn’t. No bad effects for her so far, but still, the fact that they are seeing strange things now makes her worry.

3 years ago

Zhēn Shàn Měi
True, Good, and Beautiful

Vox has the temerity to notice that while our elite is burning our Western society to the ground, Xi Jinping is resisting Globohomo and bolstering China’s culture, while Putin is restoring Russia’s. Both nationalists have fallen afoul of George Soros and his fellows for refusing the satanists’ leprous advances. Vox thinks Trump lacks the courage to succeed shown by Xi and Putin. I disagree. In my opinion, Trump and Q/American Patriots are enacting a long-laid plan to terminate the Cabal. The sheer size and scale of the American superpower and its Cabal beast within necessitates the gradual but inevitable reveal we are witnessing. This to avoid the global bloodbath that would otherwise ensue. Knowing that Xi, Putin and Trump share the same enemy should encourage us all.

3 years ago
Reply to  anon
3 years ago

No coincidence. An actress playing her part, willingly or not.

3 years ago

It Was A Con – White House Has No Idea When, or Even If, OSHA Will Ever Provide Rules to Support Legally Enforceable Worker Vaccine Mandate

3 years ago

Voxday continues to observe China pushing wholesomeness for their own country: