Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Russia Benefits From Growing Gold Reserves
DFT – German Housing Is Collapsing
DFT – China Decoupling Not An Option – EU Trade Chief
DFT – US Corporate Bankruptcies About To Hit 13 Year High
DFT – Ukraine’s GDP Jumps Sharply Their GDP is up sharply anon. In the report, the Hooker sector, the Child-organ-supply sector, and the Homosexual Comedian sector are booming, just overflowing with income, as is the Cocaine sector, and the Body-Bag and Funeral Services sector. Of course all of it is being led by the Grift from the West sector. There was a decline in the big-titted male tranny sector however.
Another anon commented on the traffic, but it got transferred to trash in the last couple of days, where I had to pull it out. Reposting just so people understand how prevalent this is in America, and how some of us enjoy real fun on our highway drives, as random Americans we have never seen before turn into Agent Smith all around us, with the sole goal of fucking with us:
I love in a smallish metropolitan area on the east coast, with one major two-lane highway leading in and out of town, which I use to commute to work. I am often subject to what I’ve come to recognize as harassment from my surveillance apparatus, with the intent of amygdala hijack so that I arrive home and am mean to my family. Or, I am crazy, and America is full of rude jerks. Maybe all three.
As I would like to get home as quickly as possible without getting pulled over, I am often forced into the fast lane where, on days where they’re harassing, I end up having to go much faster than I’d like to go, with units driving aggressively behind me, and using a temporary merging lane to pass me on the right and cut me off (using the small reactionary gap in front of me), which sets me off (I suppose anybody paying attention while driving would be set off, seeing that I was keeping the pace in the fast lane, and it is insulting to be passed on the right in that situation). I almost always encounter them later when traffic has thinned out, driving slow in the fast lane, where I either pass them on the right (sometimes they play glownigger games and speed up so that I have to drive ridicously fast to get around them, but not always) or follow.
If, on those days, I decide I’m just gonna go slow and stay in the right lane, traffic will slow to sometimes 20 mph under the speed limit, and I can’t do that, I just can’t, so I get in the fast lane and play the game. It amazed me before I realized what’s happening that people ostensibly commuting home at 5pm are in absolutely no rush to the extent they would drive 10-20 mph slower than the speed limit. I could understand if they were 107 years old or something, but these people are usually middle aged and driving the same Subarus and other crossover SUVs that vehicle surveillance uses (in my experience). I am being herded into the fast lane so I can be screwed with.
I just wanted to chime in on this to aid others in the pattern recognition, so that hopefully others can use logic to put down the animal brain that gets triggered and logically keep oneself in a controlled state of mind, so that they don’t get home and be a bear to their dear family.
Would-be RFK Jr. assassin already out on bond.
From the comments, a link which had been thrown into trash, which I had to pull out – a dump on “Boneface” the neonazi government informant who was at a rally in Florida. Notice, these are all criminals, who the cops cannot touch, who are a genuine menace to everyone. Innocent guys who just happen to be around him end up beaten unconscious for no reason. But he is out there floating around because he is in the network. You look at this guy, and the people this organization was running in Kenosha against Kyle, and you can see, this is a criminal conspiracy of the first order. It is interesting to think, the itinerant amateur porn star who fired his Glock in the air at Kenosha, the crazy Pedo who almost killed Kyle, the skateboarder who caught a 5.56 to the chest, Gaige Grosskreutz who was rolling with his 9mm and nearly got Kyle, Boneface, they would all have a sort of camaraderie, all being in the network. And there are a lot of them out there. Also interesting is this guy was constructing a Memorex connection between Ukraine and Nazis. Ukraine wants that meme out there, to hide something.
The San Francisco government is knowingly and deliberately allowing a major fencing operation to buy and sell stolen goods just one-and-a-half blocks from a police station. A situation like Portland, and the Police have been barred from taking down the criminals. Cabal is tight on funds, and either cannot afford to pay the massively expanding domestic network, or is not willing to take the risk of exposure necessary to move the funding to them. But what Cabal can do is use government authority to prevent local PD from enforcing the law, and allow the ground assets to simply take what they want. So they have told their ground assets that they can pay themselves by just stealing what they want, and Cabal will make sure they get their money, and the Police leave them alone. This is now a Civil War between two factions. The only thing about it is, one side has no idea it is being waged, or that they even have an enemy. We should do something about that.
Not entirely new, but made me think:
These pretty teachers, sleeping with students, has always felt weird. Girls want power, authority, manliness, guys their girlfriends will be jealous of them having. A 12 or 13 year old pimply, skinny kid, for these pretty girls, it feels off. At least in a nation where we are all individuals, finding our own way. But suppose I told you the honeypot is one of the most powerful, and most often employed techniques in intelligence, and there are lots of females raised in intelligence families, for which it is a normal operational technique to bang a target, any target, and they are not bound by taboos? What if I said, US domestic intelligence, has an entire national division, which runs intelligence operations in the schools, has a dedicated unit in each and every school made up of adults who are watching every child, devoted entirely to knowing, building files on, and controlling the development of children. It is deciding who will succeed and who will not, and intervening, even using child spies embedded in the school, who are the children of parents who are civilian informants themselves, to intervene in the development of children? What if I said one established technique we know it uses frequently, is the covert provision of pornography to students it wants to alter the path of, by exposing them to sexual stimuli? What if I said there are many female teachers in these schools, who are domestic intel agents, covert spies, and they will do as command tells them? If all of that is true, on a national level, millions of students, hundreds of thousands of teacher-spies, and intel is in the schools targeting kids, it uses sex to derail them, and it owns female teachers, might the proliferation of these cases, and the intel op reaching some sort of apogee, be related? I do not know exact statistics and cannot judge probabilities, but it seems they might be related.
A Fairfield father says that a federally funded health clinic operating within Lawrence High School provided his minor daughter with a baggy of pills of the prescription anti-depressant Zoloft without his knowledge or consent. Intelligence is operating in the schools to control what kids succeed and can rise in society. And those adult intel operators running those ops, will have their own kids in the school, in competition with the other kids whose futures they are trying to suppress – competition for valedictorian, college admissions, positions on teams and squads. It is a Civil War already. An unknown, shadow Civil War in which only one side is fighting, as the other has no idea it is going on. But it may come into the light in the near future, and I will bet the other side will decide to fight, once it knows.
Fourth IRS agent says D.C. and California prosecutors blocked Hunter Biden charges.
Anthony Fauci was the highest paid government employee ever because he volunteered to oversee our bioweapon’s program development of new bioweapons in Ukraine, despite the risk of committing a death penalty offense under the Geneva Convention. Interesting explanation by RFK Jr. One thing which hits me. the switch to mRNA vaxxes might be related to this massive push into biowarfare. I do not know exactly how, but there would seem to be a few possible ways which jump out at me to use mRNA in biowarfare, just up front. mRNA production of cell surface proteins might have some role in mediating the infectiousness of a virus. If we could transition the globe to mRNA vaccines, it would open a security hole in every nation’s biosecurity. Suppose we wanted to kill Russians with a targeted bioweapon. If they are using mRNA vaccines, we can use traditional intelligence techniques to swap a sequence at the manufacturer, and get them to unwittingly give their people an mRNA vax which causes the production of a specific protein, which will turn into a cell surface protein ligand. Now their people are the only ones in the world with this protein on the surface of a large number of their cells, especially in the liver. Now modify a normal flu vaccine to dock better on cells with that cell surface receptor, and while not every cell will express that protein, enough probably will to give the virus a faster head start in their people, allowing it to get ahead of their immune system, and probably specifically target the liver. And then there are the ways mRNA vaxxes alter immunity, by acclimating the immune system to certain proteins. If you could get an agent in the vax manufacturer, you could swap in the sequence of a cell surface protein on, say, an adenovirus, and now in a few years, Russians will have immune systems which shut down when they see a virus, thinking it is a part of their own body, and a cold virus which does nothing to us, will kill all of them, because their immune system will not fight it. That is just what I see in two minutes of looking at it casually as a non-specialist in immunology. A specialist with years to look at it, and a detailed understanding of the finest points of the molecular biology of immunology, they could see a hundred different ways, probably far more brilliant. I don’t know, but it is interesting Fauci was so tied into our bioweapons programs, and he was so integral to, and dead set on, pushing mRNA vaxxes. They actually took the pandemic all from CDC and put it under him. There is something ominous there.
Joe Biden receives new COVID-19 vaccine and flu shot. I am so relieved, and happy! A little disappointed he did not get the RSV, Diptheria, and HPV at the same time though. Seems a little Vax-phobic.
New-found emails prove Biden White House hid COVID vaccine harms from the public.
NYC man, 76, washing his car pummeled by armed thieves before getting his ride stolen: NYPD.
The East Village has gone south. Residents and retailers in the liberal Manhattan bastion are fed up with its ever-growing population of unhinged vagrants, random street crime — and the city’s laissez-faire attitude toward both. Remember back when politicians acted like they were worried about what the people thought of them, and they were afraid if they didn’t please the people, they would not get re-elected? Now, they do not even pretend they have to worry about an election. The streets are covered in shit, homeless drug addicts are stoned and wandering around everywhere, stores are closing because of the rampant shoplifting, crime is off the hooks and their response is to eliminate bail and get more criminals on the street. They are not even pretending there are elections. The nation was taken over, and we no longer elect leaders.
The New York Police Department (NYPD) is implementing a new security measure at the Times Square subway station. It’s deploying a security robot to patrol the premises, which authorities say is meant to “keep you safe.” I will bet NYPD is not allowed in there under some flag surveillance has put over the area, kicking them out. The robot is the only way they can get any eyes in there. I think local PDs know something weird is out there, but they do not really understand what it is, or how big it is, or how bad. Hard to think NYPD would see almost 71 cops killed on 9/11 and another 241 dying of illnesses from working the pile, let alone Miosotis Familia’s story, and not declare war on the surveillance. Cop story a friend once told me – a cop from one large department patrolled his area of operations, which took him through a smaller village department’s jurisdiction. A Village PD cruiser actually pulled him over for speeding in the village, and ticketed him. He mentioned it to his Lieutenant, and the Lieutenant, knowing there was no gas station in the Village boundaries, knew of one which was close to the border. The next day, he hopped in a marked unit with one of his patrol guys, and cruised out and set up on the road leading from the village to the gas station. They caught a village cruiser traveling to get gas there, pulled it over for an hour and wrote it like 20 tickets while they made the cops sit inside, for just asinine shit. Cops have loyalty, and do not like their people being fucked with. If NYPD knew the truth, I think every surveillance unit would have a target on its back, and making ticket quotas would not be so onerous for patrol, nor would they feel bad about it. But somehow they have kept the cops in the dark, and for now, local PD is helpless to reign in the destruction of the nation.
Daughters of the American Revolution causes revolt by allowing transgender members. You can see, how if this organization is not running with a dedicated counter-intelligence element, it is, no doubt, going to get infiltrated, taken over, and subverted. You live in a nation with the enemy all around you. You have to act like it, and try to keep them out.
But I would also politely say you should arm up. Kyle Rittenhouse is alive because when the evil this thing employs came for him, he could blow smoke, and a lot of it, and do it well. By 2024, there will probably 10-15 million illegals that just came in, and maybe 20-30 million who ere already in. Within that will be a large number of MS-13, Salvadoran Pride, Cartel Sicarios, Haitian gang members, and petty criminals like you saw in Kenosha, drawn from all over the world. I don’t think they were brought here to peacefully protest for liberal values. My guess is if Trump wins, within 24 hours you will see action starting, and it will signal a Civil War beginning, where the other side will be mostly foreign direct action forces that are being imported now for that day.
And at any time before then, it could be revealed to the nation that people all over the country have some sort of foreign intel force targeting them and their kids, even in the schools, and watching them inside their houses, in which case things will kick off early. It will not just be that they do not want to give up the domestic surveillance op – they cannot give up that op. Because if it is revealed, they cannot face what would come after. They will prefer war to preserve it, compared to its removal and exposure, and facing what the nation will demand be inflicted on them, which will basically be the law for treason against America. At the end of the day, Kyle Rittenhouse’s event was an attempt by a foreign direct action force recruited in America to assassinate an innocent American kid, to serve a foreign interest’s desire to overthrows our elections. The people who tried to kill Kyle, were a covert force of direct action foreign agents put together in America to kill Americans in hopes of subverting our elections for a foreign power. An unbiased view, I think, will call that treason. I do not see how anyone attached to that escapes it, because they all knew on Sept 12th, 2001 what they were serving.
Interesting next one – Obama supported Musk, Biden does not. Are Obama and “Biden” on different sides now? I put Biden in quotes because there is anecdotal indications a lot of Bidens we see might not be Biden. And even the one who is Biden, was so compromised, and entirely absent any ethics or morals, there is no telling who he might really be working for.
Bill Clinton, Mobileye co-founder launch $1 billion climate fund to invest in green companies. The Clinton Money Machine is back in business, apparently. Notice, being plugged into Cabal, Clinton can pull strings to get these companies Tesla-type funding from government, so the companies, which will be getting government money, will see their stock prices rise, and they can then even contribute some of the funding to the Clinton Global Initiative for charity purposes.
Disney fired hundreds of employees in China earlier this year, days before CEO Bob Iger was scheduled to meet with Rep. Mike Gallagher (R., Wis.), chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party. Sounds like maybe an American company might get a lucrative partnership with China, and the unspoken arrangement could be giving the CCP intel access to all the data the company has on its American customers, by opening a Chinese office and hiring local Chinese who can then “steal” the customer files. We may all have pretty good files in the CCP archives, depending on what services and apps we have made use of.
Two House Republicans considering siding with Democrats to fund the government. Both from New York, where elections are probably entirely rigged and everyone is an asset of Cabal.
A state of emergency has been declared in Eagle Pass, Texas where thousands of illegal aliens have been crossing the border since the weekend after members of the Biden administration cut up lines of razor wire that had kept the illegals out of the country. They felt it was too hot to leave the migrants on the other side of the razor wire, so they cut it all open to let them into the country.
Unlicensed migrants, unregistered cars turn NYC shelter neighborhood into demolition derby.
Migrants in New York City pocketing $3,000 a month working illegally while the city foots their bills. So an illegal husband and wife to both do this, and start with $55K from the federal government in yearly stipend, they can add add $72K from illegal work from both of them, and they have no housing costs, no food costs, and no medical costs. And if they are off the books on the work, they will probably have no taxes coming out of that, and I will bet the government aid is not taxed either. That is almost 130K per year with no overhead and after taxes. Work hard anon, those grades are what will determine if you are able to make lots of money.
EV battery factory will require so much energy it needs a coal plant to power it.
Visitors forced to squeeze through nude models for new Marina Abramovi? art exhibition. Like I always say, somewhere the Michaelangelos of our time, the DaVincis of our time are working minimum wage, and getting gangstalked.
14-foot alligator caught carrying lifeless human body down Florida canal. How are we not just killing every one of these things over four feet?
Do not purchase a used EV unless you have an expert check in person that it has not had the battery pack swapped out for an old, degraded pack before it got to you. Old EV’s pass through dealers who are swapping batteries around to maximize the value of some of their cars at the expense of others and customers assume a used late model Nissan Leaf has one set of specs, but with an old degraded battery from an older model, it will end up having different specs, like vastly less range, and you may not notice until you have had it a while as seen the battery fully discharge.
Microsoft’s big Windows 11 update drops on September 26 with Copilot AI baked in.
Based Turkish President thinks looking like Globohomo is gay – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was left unimpressed by the bright color pallet used in the design of the UN General Assembly’s meeting hall, suggesting that it looked too similar to the LGBTQ rainbow pride flag.
Violence escalates in Ciudad Juárez, across from El Paso, as migrant flow rises.
Migration could be ‘dissolving force for EU’, says bloc’s top diplomat.
Frontex: Only 8% of EU’s illegal migrants were women last year.
Inside the luxurious prison taken over by the gangs in Venezuela. Nice pool.
German police threaten to arrest anyone distributing migrant brawl video.
Speaker McCarthy backtracks on removing Ukraine funding from Pentagon spending package. So when he said he was taking it out, was he just letting it be known he wanted his share, and somebody promised it to him? He explains in the piece, but don’t think you will understand it any better after you read it.
Trudeau pledges $650 million more in military aid to Ukraine.
I cannot find the RIA Novosti article on this, though given how pozzed Google is, that is not unusual, and Russian MOD has yet to release evidence, which you would assume they would, so this is unconfirmed at this point. However this appears a genuine Sputnik news site, which is probably almost as reliable, reporting the rumor so far:
Scouts of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a Leopard tank transferred to Ukraine with an entirely German crew consisting of military personnel of the German Armed Forces, a commander of a reconnaissance group operating in the Zaporozhye direction told Sputnik.
“The mechanic of the tank was seriously wounded, and the rest were killed. […] When he woke up and saw us, he began shouting ‘nicht schießen’ [no shooting],” the group commander said, adding: “He said several times that he was not a mercenary, but a soldier of the Bundeswehr.”
If it is real, it just broke, so the evidence would probably be a day or two away, as Russia would want to be sure. And even if true, it might not come out, as I think Russia wants to wear NATO down, and deplete its arsenal a bit longer, so triggering a shutdown of all NATO support to Ukraine is not in Russia’s interests at this point. Has anybody seen the crash site of the F35? Do we know it crashed in the US? I mean could they have thrown that pilot out a prop plane with a parachute, and had him land and call 911, claiming he had an “aircraft failure,” but there was no plane to crash, so that is why they created a story where the crash would be nowhere near? It seemed unusual to not lead the plane to a safe place, and point it down to bail. Just leaving it cruising along at 2,000ft, bailing, and not having any idea where it was going sounded strange. Maybe that plane is really down in Donbass, and Russia has spirited it away, and will not say anything just to keep us doing dumb shit like that? We might see a lot of weird military training accidents costing us military equipment in the coming year. They are terrified the election will be a couple of weeks off, and Russia will suddenly take off the gloves, and march into Kiev, making Biden look like an even bigger failure. That fear could provoke some very stupid decisions.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Saturday that the United States and other allies of Ukraine are “directly at war” with Moscow. The danger is Ukraine does something stupid, like a 9/11 scale attack on Moscow, using US weapons.
Al Sharpton said Friday on “Deadline” that he believed a “lack” of gun legislation in the United States was a civil rights issue because society was “arming bigots.” Let this FBI informant have some cheese with that whine.
Donald Trump hits Howard Stern where it hurts, the fact nobody cares what he thinks:
The shock jock’s “influence is gone, and without that, he’s got NOTHING,” Trump vented about the reed-thin funnyman.
“Just a broken weirdo, unattractive both inside and out, trying like hell to be relevant!” he continued.
Donald Trump holds 33-point lead in Iowa for nomination.
WaPo – Trump hits new poll highs with Black, Hispanic voters. What to make of it? You have to show them?
This must be a coincidence, right? Pope says there’s no migrant crisis and I read earlier that the European Court of Justice mandates that all migrants who enter a member state from another EU country must be allowed to stay!
Re: Cabal infiltration of schools
The awful, inevitable logic of AC’s statement above is so obvious now it feels like a very real violation of all decency and trust. Cabal can’t NOT do this. If you believe or just suspect that our politics and big business are controlled by elites that cheat, thieve and exploit, then you cannot seriously expect that they graciously wait until we’re all adults to take advantage of us. For the same reason our children and their schooling is so important to us – their wellbeing, socialization, emotional development, education, life path impact – Cabal, in its satanic logic, must be there to disrupt. And it’s not just the teachers or principals. Sports coaches and school nurses have personal and influential relationships with students. Skepticism/healthy paranoia, particularly of those we’re always taught to trust, is an essential life skill to teach your kids. Q was right.
It is just a slippery slope they got on, because the more political control they took, the more dangerous exposure and loss of that control became, and the more control they had to take. This is a natural progression, which began with the simple fact we live in a Darwinian world.
By the time elections are a mirage, every election is rigged, and they are just shadow dictators, they cannot let the population know, because for them, exposure is military tribunals and death. So they then have to get into civil society, infiltrate social groups, listen in homes, and even target kids, getting files as early as possible.
And you can even see the psychological slide just in the individuals. My neighbors spy here on the site, and I suspect they think I am going to kill them or something from my writings. Even though I understand, on an intellectual level that when this all comes out, the ground operators will have a rough ride, and I can see where if you have a hot civil war they will be targeted, because they will be the most exposed part of this, I never really cared about them, they are just the normal drones.
We never really had a hostile encounter, but they know if someone was doing this to them, they would want to take them out, and so they will read everything from that perspective, gauge everything you do as a measure of your rage at them, and then conclude you are about to kill them. I suspect they even think my laser practice in the back is preparation to assault their house or something, since I don’t see them since i have been practicing. It is emblematic of where this goes. They spy on you, get paranoid because they are spying on you, and spy more, conclude you are going to kill them because they are spying so much, and then really freak out. I mean, don’t read my shit, don’t watch me in the backyard, and when I see you I’ll wave. But no, this thing is going to spiral into paranoia and hostility.
Of course by the time the conspiracy is targeting kids in the schools, they have gotten so bad, exposure is even worse, I mean angry mobs with torches and pitchforks, and people hanging from trees by the neck as the mob beats them with baseball bats bad, so now they have to push and grab every last possible avenue of freedom, get every last piece of intelligence, every piece of blackmail, try to walk husbands into blackmail by sending in super-hot, super-thirsty girls to bed them in motel rooms filled with cameras, even just get video of someone on their computer through their web cam as they are watching porn and pleasuring themselves, and on and on. They need something on everyone. And the ones they cannot get stuff on they have to try to beat down with directed energy weapons.
It really is like society passed the event horizon on a black hole of pure evil, and we are going into the center, because each step toward control, and evil, requires you take two more.
It is sad, because if all Americans would have just held loyalty with each other, I would bet every one of us, surveillance included would be vastly richer, we would all have rewarding relationships with real friends, and we would all be free and have privacy. But the world is just not designed for that. The forces operative in it just drive us toward this, and our side needs to be vigilant and fighting 100 percent, because once we begin the slide, it will only accelerate. And we have been sliding a long, long time.
Evil is always a self destructive slippery slope.
The only hope for those who sold out is repentance, confession, and accepting whatever punishment they are given.
Hell on earth and in the next life awaits those who will not change.
“It is sad, because if all Americans would have just held loyalty with each other, I would bet every one of us, surveillance included would be vastly richer, we would all have rewarding relationships with real friends, and we would all be free and have privacy. But the world is just not designed for that. “
Utopian thinking. The world is NOT built on Utopian thinking—but on the Wisdom of the Lord—Life is War. This “free and have privacy”, thingy—Utopian. The World does not allow Utopianism. The world operates on the Natural Law–and one of those is “Life is War”—yet this country was built on Utopian thinking.
Free Speech was only created to destroy Christendom. When that job become completed–it is time to destroy Free Speech. So the whole of the “Enlightenment” is fake and gay–the Whole of the “Enlightenment” was a psy-op, a misdirection. Life is War means that one has to live in a Tribe for only the Tribe offers protection to the evil in the world. Foolishly, the Europeans both Monarchs and the hoi poi bought into the lie–so are now destroyed. Lies destroy. Lies kill.
Get thee behind me.
The only Utopian thinking is to think we can’t have it without ruthless enforcement.
We can have an American tribe if we enforce the ingroup rules with enough ruthlessness.
I think We can have the American tribe if only we can open the eyes of Americans to the fact there is another group fucking them over. I think Cabal is between and maybe 10 percent of the population. And it would plummet precipitously if we got real elections, and could get Law Enforcement out from under it..
Vox Day, is that you??
They sound very similar lately.
Cabal goes after the administration and particularly the Human Resources of any governmental office. They want people on the government payroll, meaning they want you paying for their foot soldiers. Most government employees learn quickly that if they don’t play along they will face career difficulty. Nearly everyone above lieutenant in the fire service has done cabal errands. It’s the way to progress up the ranks to captain and beyond. Same with school principals and administrators.
ANY local government employee who attempts to be your friend is looking for intel and hoping to move into a position of influence and a source of trusted recommendations. They will patiently do this for years in order to win your trust.
In the Metro area where I live, a fire chief in a pretty well off suburb committed suicide a number of years ago. No apparent problems, no more stories, just found hanging in the fire station. I had a real strong inkling — more of a gut reaction — that he’d been murdered. There was no big stir over this, no follow up story… nothing. This is an area where 3 suburbs over, in a more urban and older area, there were big fires that took out large obsolete structures that occupied very valuable and well-located properties, which were promptly blessed with expensive new replacements: modern, up to date, the whole nine yards. Never heard a public comment or question about either event. In years past, tongues would wag about “Amish lightning.” Surely it would take at least some collision with elected officialdom to push such an agenda. An honest man in the wrong spot might find himself in a precarious position, with his toes unable to touch the ground.
Those teachers didnt have sex with their students; they statutorily raped them.
I’m so sick of the double standard when it comes to sex criminals in the headlines.
Not speaking for everyone, but when I was a lad I welcomed attention from an older hot female.
Not saying it is ok, but it is different. Girls get pregnant / ruined.
I don’t really comment much but your anon is just a bad driver around bad drivers.
If you’re getting passed on the right, you have enough room to be changing to the right lane. By “keeping pace” on the left, you’re merely contributing to creating gridlock in the left.
Even worse, catching up to cars that have passed you. Shows anon will actually speed up a lot more when traffic thins out, only to slow down a lot when he reaches the next cluster of cars and contribute to another clog.
How to solve?
-Drive with cruise control. Never go past your limit to “catch up”. Mind you this might not be the posted speed limit. You’ll be astonished how variable people speed are and how someone tailgating you will panic slowdown once they realize they zoomed past you with a “challenge”
-If you can change to the right lane, always do it and give the guy behind you a chance to pass. You can always move back when they zoom past you.
Fun experiment to do to show speed is subjective (ie people are reacting to you). On a (hopefully quiet two lane highway), if there’s a guy in the left lane who refuses to yield, stay on the right side, a bit behind the blind spot. He’ll probably match your speed if you try to pass. So, let go of the accelerator. No braking, just a subtle slow down. Left lane boy will usually match you slowdown. Feel free to overtake
No, what he describes is trying to get from point A to point B when you have twenty surveillance units around you at any one place on the highway, and they are all doing the mix of physical techniques and headgames they are taught to control a target vehicle. He is catching up to cars which passed him because they are surveillance, and they were passing him on the right to drive him to get in the right lane so they could box him in, then they slow down to stay with him, and eventually somebody gets off behind him to go do something else, and they get told to move to the rear.
Vehicular units probably have a whole advanced school on boxing in targets on the highway, and preventing them from driving freely. Once you encounter it, it is basically designed to crowd cars around you to make sure you can’t just take an exit and bail, or break free and get them caught in traffic behind you, and so on. The only thing which really makes things difficult for them is pulling over and stopping. most other games they are well prepared for.
This was very interesting to me. I think the guy’s estimate of CHN phys gold is fairly accurate. And if so, then global Central Bank holdings of phys gold are at 1965 lvls. And haven’t been this high since then.
Still not nearly at the historic % of total reserves. Which as the author points out would be somewhere near $8,000/oz.
1965 was when the US began to realize fully it was under attack by DeGaulle and the EU on the currency front. We eventually launched a series of regime changes there and then Nixon went off the gold std and instituted the “petro-dollar”.
In some of his other articles the author makes the point that a return to “backed” currency requires that the participating members have a fairly uniform ratio of the backing asset to GDP. And that this has been happening and a loosely guarded secret. Even the West had been participating.
The price of gold has not responded to this phenomenon yet. And he attributes it to the CBs buying covertly to try and accomplish the redistribution at the lowest possible price.
I think he’s generally correct. And it could be there is global co-operation to distribute phys gold to all nations so that the magic GLD/GDP ratios are hit so that a new currency can be created.
I’d be shocked if there were. That would mean the UKR SMO and BRiCS and everything was a cover. And it either isn’t happening or the million deaths are just “worth it”.
Anyway, the BRICS nations are going to gather phys gold in their CBs at a given GLD/GDP ratio to enabke a new currency. And that will moon the price of phys gold eventually. In my opinion.
Mercouris pointed out that the turbo neo-con Economist published a piece arguing for what is essentially the end-stage Vietnam approach for UKR:
Have UKR build itself up industrially to the extent it can carry on the fight itself. The EU of course should foot that bill. And US withdraws with face.
That’s onviously absurd as UKR has already lost 10% of working males (who didn’t flee) to the SMO. And the industrial base is destroyed. And EU is exhausted.
But neo-cons never let reality stop them.
In re Boneface
Looking back, Richard Spencer was also part of the UKR Operation. His weirdly effeminate NAZI larp and *wink* *wink* implied friends in the Deep State and his fanboy-ing CIA fit that perfectly.
C’ville somehow part of it too.
Azov were in Charlottesville..
Yeah. And J6. And prob the militias and WACO
The left lane is not the fast lane. The left lane is the passing lane. Pass then gtfo. If someone is faster than you, they are, it is childish to be insulted and all of a sudden get your head of your ass to speed up so that they can’t pass you. Surveillance state or no people out there are assholes, just regular old assholes. Especially on the highway. In the 90’s, people knew these rules that made driving the highway bearable. Now, everyone things that left lane is their personal “fast lane” as long as they feel like they are going fast, ooh I’m going so faaaast. Nobody should want to go any faster than this.
It sounds good, but if you are a target, the rules change. You will come up on a line of cars in the fast lane doing 57mph. You get in the passing lane, and they all speed up and match you so you cannot get in front of them. If you then let them go ahead and get behind them, they drop to 57 again. Get in the passing land, and you are doing 85 and they are lined up right beside you and you cannot get to the front. Drop back, and you are back to 57. It is maddening, when you have to get somewhere. But the goal is to waste your time, so you cannot talk with other people, or do anything productive. Since what you are doing is enough to get this treatment, it is valuable enough to the nation I say play the game and do what you have to, to get where you are going and be a pain in the ass to this thing.
I mean there are just millions of Americans whose whole life is devoted to stopping the progress of the people targeted so the people giving them their thirty pieces of silver can keep making obscene amounts of money which they only use to fuck things up, and the money will keep flowing to them. If you are a target, you eventually accept the rules are different, and you are at war, and you do what you have to, to resist on principle. Whether you succeed or not, you also take on a sacred role of absorbing the blows which, if you gave in, would be visited on some other poor innocent. I take every headache this thing gives me proudly, because I am taking it for my fellow real American. Even if we never meet, we were a team and I did my part.
Always keep in mind, it is us vs them, and the people under this are your brother and sister. We need each other.
Yes, they do this all the time and it makes me furious but the solution is not to drive like a mother trucking asshole yourself in the passing lane. Come up right on their asses speed past them quickly if you’ve got good pick up and cut right back in front of them. Repeat as necessary. If you don’t have good pickup, you’re screwed. Get a good audible book.
You cant tell anyone what to do is my point. It is like the military, they are the man on the ground. You never question the takes of the man on the ground from the air-conditioned bunker in the rear. If they say they did it, you have to assume that was best under those conditions.
Re: Leopard tank with German crew. This article includes a link to a Russian media report….
“ At least 6 female teachers arrested for sexual misconduct with students over two days across US”
Did I miss something?
Since when did booking photos stop having 1) height reference behind suspect, 2) some sort of identifying number and 3) arresting department?
Obviously, the blond in the orange ASICS shirt is a promo shot.
The blonde in the orange shirt is 26, her “victim” is a 17 yr. old male javelin thrower — hardly the sort of pimply wimp that one thinks of as a “victim; in this case.
On the DFT Ukraine GDP jumps sharply, the article starts with this:
“According to new data released by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine,”
Then you can stop reading. That tells you all you really need to know. Though the next part about the claimed jump being 19.5% is really funny if you are used to handling these types of statistics.
The great Rothbard (well…I thought he was great anyway…) had a fantastic article that told us if we could somehow literally STOP giving ANY statistics to government agencies (and/or somehow make it so the gov agencies can’t generate any statistics themselves either), we could stop gov in its tracks. Think about it: the evil bastards rely on statistics for EVERYTHING. They HAVE to have numbers to prove that their “system” works.
so I am in complete agreement with you…”State Statistics Service of Ukraine”. It’s not just the SS, it’s the SSS.
I think this is the article…
AC, how deep are cabal ranks among black people? It has to be deep. This isn’t an accident.
That is Cabal in Zimbabwe, doing the same thing there it is doing here. Fascinating. All of these things, where we have looked at society, and watched “the left” take over, all of these things where we did not see a purpose, they are highly focused scripts, designed to have some effect, and they are rolled out by this thing, as if pulled off a shelf. I’ll bet next up Zimbabweans will see the elimination of all “hate,” then the demand to take migrants from other African countries, and then they are left disgusted as they watch the homosexual bullshit begin, and if it goes long enough the trannies will start.
I don’t really think there is anywhere Cabal is not infiltrated, and embedded throughout society.
I’m not so sure. The African government of Zimbabwe has been massively back-peddling. They’re starving because they chased out the white farmers. They KNOW that’s why they are starving. Apparently that government is even preparing to pay reparations for lands seized from whites to try and get them to come back and run the farms. It looks like desperation, and South Africa is not far behind.
None should go back.
Not until they are ready to let the whites run things again.
I am beginning to think it is not possible to share the same country.
Europeans should not have more than 5% foreign ethnic/religion.
Was this the 9/23 event; because this would start WWIII?
From Lame Cherry:
Almost zero chance RUS allowed its High Naval Command to gather in the Navy HQ during an SMO within range of UKR missiles.
Think about it.
This was another opportunistic strategic value target with BS PR results.
RUS strikes UKR C&C constantly. They know it can be done.
Okay, so I’m not going to lay out maps and timelines, so this is a thought exercise.
Okay, first off, there’s different “idea spheres.” The Roman one- the one we are familiar with, the one intuitively correct to us: An All- Father, an All-Creator- of human form, and other representations- guy with beard in sky. He has a family. Everyone is ideal, and comprehensible. Which, really, is a big pitch of Catholicism- God is Ideal, and the world is comprehensible by humans.
There’s the ideaspheres at the edges of the expanding Roman Empire. The Anatolian plateau keeps trying to keep our attention. All the “Old Gods Coming Back” stuff in the media? It’s never Old Aztec blood gods, or whatever Russians worshipped, or Egyptian gods, outside of cool movies starring Brendan Fraser, or British horse gods, or excitable cannibal Chinese ancestors, or Indian anything, or Persians. It’s always “Babylonian.” Which is ridiculous. They are gross, disgusting deities.
Anyway, first off- that ‘modern Jesus’? with the nappy hair and blunt nose and swarthy skin? That illustration looks a lot like the bust of Socrates posted by Bronze Age Pervert. So, there’s some jealousy and confusion going on, there.
Second, the Romans were pretty practical, boneheaded kind of people. Nobody ever said they were given to flights of fancy. They were farmers. Greeks were the flighty ones. Italy is rocky. They are more similar to the original, quite boneheaded, northeastern WASP farmers, than Southern plantation owners, and both are different than Midwest placid farmers.
So, they’ve got their deities- the big state ones, and the home ones- lares, penates. And now they are losing a war to creepy, commercial North African baby killers. Ones who kill firstborns- presumably healthy babies- in painful ways. The Romans discard unhealthy babies by sticking them out of the way places. So, it’s more a matter of emphasis. And the good Romans are losing to the creepy Phoenicians.
The Romans solution is to import the worship of Persephone and her mother to “distract” the women? Does that make sense to you? Just, hey, let’s invite a Greek (flighty, imaginative) death cult? Just, you know, not really emphasize the ‘death’ part? It’s about mothers and their daughters! Granted, it’s a big religion. But, would you?
The thing is-these people know their way around drugs and biologically active compounds. The religion is from Minoan times, it has all kinds of psychoactive drugs associated with it, which means- you know, other kinds of drugs, usually.
So, did the female death cult priestesses cook up drugs to feed the atheist, male, slave owning guys? Who made their food? Their pious (Greek) wives and female slaves. I’m thinking female slaves were very pro- religious virtue. I mean, Socrates had a famously unhappy marriage.
And if you were a practical Roman magistrate losing an overt war, wouldn’t you maybe want some covert biological weaponry?
And for my “Why Jesus is the only begotten Son of God” – when Greeks came to see him, they expected a wonderworker. He, very casually and very publicly, threw their secret hymns in their face- Unless a grain of wheat…the crippled walk…. Which is how and why their religion pretty much went Christian the minute they could.
And, really, you can see it today. Television has never not had a show about witches, or occult shenanigans. It’s the same distraction. It’s pitched to women.
The thing is: state sponsored import of a religion to ‘distract’ the women. The Rofschild said that’s why they promote Buddhism, a foreign religion- to distract and pacify the population. Influencers always promoted “mindfulness” and “meditation.” It’s never, an hour of adoration at a Catholic chapel, or making sure you read your Bible in a year, or pray with coffee and your daily prayer book. That’s always on blogs of not media-famous people. Kim Kardashian talks about prayer, and it never, ever shows up in American media. You can’t really get more media exposed than her, but I had to go look for the prayer quote. It’s obscured.
I mean, if the Roman state wanted a female cult, why not one of the less strega types? Semele doesn’t kill anyone. She’s the moon. The Romans did not import Jesus. That was slaves going wild.
And: Phoenicians killing off healthy firstborns? That is traumatic. The Egyptians had a temple built for the pharaoh’s firstborn son who died. It perked along for over 500 years. That’s twice as long as the USA has been a political entity. So, even back then, that was considered really bad. Iphigenia’s dad did something kind of black magic to get the whole Trojan War fleet rolling. He paid for it with his life- the girl’s mother kills him. The myths all sort of roll around trying to not get her killed- transformations, willingness to die, substitutions- the sort of thing we cook up about Jesus- some other guy got killed, he didn’t really die, he wanted it- all of which is met point for point in the Gospels.
I think the Phoenicians were revolting, creepy people who showed up willing to do business, and willing to enslave people and kill children, and who knows what else, to get their way. We don’t really have evidence that they married into the locals. It’s always portrayed as them being superior, but I’m thinking- people were disgusted by them? I mean, you’d be pretty cautious about double crossing a guy willing to roast a cute baby to death.
We are revolted by people in the news who harm children. I think it’s the same set up. It doesn’t matter if you see an actress in a designer dress with fancy jewelry and heavy makeup if you think she’s willing to kill babies to get that shiny stuff. She becomes horrifying. Or, say, Ghislaine Maxwell. Dresses nice, has many cool talents- flies airplanes, pilots submarines- I mean, she’s practically a real life Bond girl- and she is horrifying because she traffics innocent young girls.
The serpent pitched to Eve.
> These pretty teachers, sleeping with students, has always felt weird. Girls want power, authority, manliness, guys their girlfriends will be jealous of them having.
That’s what the kind of girls you’re interested in want. But “progressive” girls want dominance and thrill, and definitely not “toxic masulinity”.
Male or female, they don’t think like we do, nor will they behave like we do.
Yeah, except it seems to me most cases are kind of like all the anti-white girls of color who then end up with exactly the type of white guys they claim they hate. I think leftist girls prefer conservative guys too. Even to the point all their wokery is some kind of weird ritual where they are testing to see which guys simp for them, and show they are unworthy and should me milked of every ounce of simpery as punishment before being discarded, and which guys dismiss them and ignore them, which they then conclude is the guy they just have to “fix,” but who they will eventually conclude is their guy even if he is “wrong.” Of course most just end up single and angry, but we are talking drives.
I do not think these pretty girls lack that sense of competition with other girls for the guys they all settle upon as “hot.” And I do not think for a moment they look at 12 and 13 year olds, and conclude that is the guy all their girlfriends would want. Nor do I think they are clueless that they could hook a guy with cash or power, who would make all their girlfriends jealous.
There are a lot of these people out there. And they are so committed to the conspiracy, they will buy a house next to me and devote their lives to watching every agonizingly boring moment of my life, just because they were told to. And they do have pretty girls, who look like the girl next door, who will bang anyone just because this thing told them to go in and control this guy. I would be shocked if it wasn’t happening with horny 12 year olds with mathematical genius, or science skills, or just strong wills and high IQs. I would bet most of these are cases where a Cabal control op got burned by the target just through circumstances. And I will bet there are ten or fifteen cases where the boy thinks he hit the jackpot and keeps his mouth shut, for every one we hear about.
It is feminism.
Feminism demands women are not judged.
When women face no accountability, there is no limit to how low they fall.
> DFT – Russia Benefits From Growing Gold Reserves
Their mines are still giving up diamonds and their oil fields are still giving up oil. Which they’re selling plenty of, despite the highly-publicized “embargos.”
Meanwhile, the European West has forced them out of the international banking system, made BRICS into reality, and it looks like they’ll have their own version of the euro fairly soon.
Yes, there have been some minor inconveniences, but none of the “sanctions” have hurt Russia appreciably, and each one has left them even stronger.
Putin: “Please, sir, hurt us some more.”
There have been a bunch of news stories about Russia buying artillery shells and other munitions from North Korea and China. “Hurr, hurr, hurr, de Rooskies are on their last leg.”
On the other hand, they’re building a stronger relationship with their nearby allies, and it gives them something to do with all that gold, oil, and diamonds, and it makes that Russia production capacity available for things they don’t necessarily want to share with allies.
Enquiring minds would want to know that those things might be.
> We may all have pretty good files in the CCP archives, depending on what services and apps we have made use of.
The Chinese hacked the Office of Personnel Management at least once, and Equifax (sole-source contractor for FBI background checks!) at least three times.
It’s safe to say the Ministry of State Security has most of what the various American civilian and government agencies have. I’d even bet they’ve already run algorithms across the data to determine your potential worth to the CCCP and assigned you a social credit score.
From ystdy in re “Tumult”
It’s one of those very very old core Indo-European words. The root seems to be considered “swelling” and “fat”. Tumor for example comes from it. And Butter.
It was also the alarm the Romans raised when the Celts invaded. That’s what they called the warning system. All hands on deck.
> Investigators with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry’s Forestry Enforcement Division have determined that many of the large wildfires burning throughout Louisiana in recent weeks are the result of arson.
Uh-oh. A failure of Narrative there; the Biden Administration has already announced the fires were the result of “climate change.”
They’ll either retract their statement, or the entire thing will drop out of the news. Meanwhile, they’ll almost certainly find that speaking out of turn was a career-limiting move.
> 14-foot alligator caught carrying lifeless human body down Florida canal. How are we not just killing every one of these things over four feet?
The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, hallowed be its name, has declared the Florida alligator to be a protected species.
Now their panties are in a wad because the pythons have eaten most of the smaller game, and they’re making headway against the alligators now.
Apparently the pythons’ destruction of the ecosystem was perfectly fine, until the precious alligators were threatened.
> Al Sharpton said Friday on “Deadline” that he believed a “lack” of gun legislation in the United States was a civil rights issue because society was “arming bigots.”
Sharpton, the NAACP, and other “black advocate” entities all seem to have a curious attitude toward gun control, considering it mostly started after the Civil War, when the Yankees didn’t like the sight of black men wandering about with guns. Sounds downright racist to me, but Sharpton and others do want their gun control…
It started pre-Civil war under Justice Taney who didn’t like the idea of free Blacks walking around with guns.
> Donald Trump hits Howard Stern where it hurts, the fact nobody cares what he thinks:
[thinks] This might be the first time I’ve even seen his name go by in… eight or ten years.
> Just leaving it cruising along at 2,000ft, bailing, and not having any idea where it was going sounded strange.
The F-35 is fully fly-by-wire, and has “assistive” modes to fly the plane if the pilot passes out in high-G maneuvers. Besides the autopilot, I would expect that it can be remotely piloted if needed. It has all the hardware already; it would be strange that it wouldn’t be configured to do that.
I’m still not clear on why the pilot ejected when the plane was still flying. And for that matter, his duty was to make sure the plane didn’t kill anyone else when it came down; that’s a responsibility I would expect him to expend his life on if necessary. Though what happens reflects current military thinking, then civilian American lives are worth even less to them than enemy civilian lives.
Even with my attitude toward the competence of the Fed and the current military, the level of dumbassery proffered up as an “explanation” is more than I can handle. It’s starting to smell like one of those “any explanation will do, because we’re never going to say anything” scenarios that seem to crop up every month or two. “We already *explained* that the Palestine derailment was due to climate change, what’s your problem?”
Thanks for AC for addressing my own issue with the comments, which seem to have affected other commentators. I realize this site takes a lot of work, but if does have problems its probably better to point it out.
I saved my two comments to a document on my hard drive. There is a link today to another story about the White House covering up data linking the COVID injection to some bad side effects, and it looks like we will hear more about that, so no need to repost. I will repost the Ken Paxton comment when he is in the news again.
Exactly, I will also fuck up, and I want to know, because I want this site as good as possible. I have no ego here, because I have been open, I am punching way above my weight running the site, given how big it has become, and the fact it opposes the machine. I fully expect to make mistakes, if I didn’t I am not over-extended enough. We are all imperfect, some of us more than others, I accept that, and welcome the criticisms.
“Interesting next one – Obama supported Musk, Biden does not. Are Obama and “Biden” on different sides now?”
I am convinced that “Biden” was Obama’s handler, not the other way around. Also “Biden” is likely the code name for an intel op, not an actual person, so the quotes are appropriate.
“The East Village has gone south”
I’m familiar with the area, which is the part of Manhattan southeast of Union Square. I’ve not been there in years, so I have no idea what it is like now. While I love the New York Post, the newspaper has a consistent history of overstating the crime and squalor in New York, so take the story with a grain of salt.
There is something of a history there. The neighborhood in the 1970s and 1980s was by all accounts a zoo, but some non-conformists who were neither junkies, dealers, or vagrants managed to live there and found it was a place where they were left alone to do their own thing. When Koch was Mayor, a vagrant encampment in Tompkins Square Park was taken down by the police, and in the 1990s the neighborhood was fairly safe but there were still interesting things there. Then in the 00s hypergentrification hit, and going there felt like going to a suburban shopping mall. The Cabal is probably planning another change, but who knows that the newest version of the EV will be like.
We are not allowed to have nice things. You can have an open air drug market in your city, or a Stepford wife shopping mall vibe, but nothing in between. Take your pick.
That picture of Rand Paul is AI generated, it didn’t happen.
Damn. They got me. It sounded like something he would do.
“These pretty teachers”
I’d only call one of those pretty.
Teenaged me would have had zero problem with any of the four pictured.
The one in the lower left looks like a monster from a horror movie.
The upper left is pretty if not stunning.
The other two are 5s.
Teenage hormones would explain the 5s.
“14-foot alligator caught carrying lifeless human body down Florida canal. How are we not just killing every one of these things over four feet?”
Or relocating them to the Rio Grande?
Now that is a plan
Just a thirteen minute update on what I did to my AR the last three months.
BOOTSTRAPPY ARMORY – Sara’s Summer Make-Over
Previously on Bootstrappy Armory:
Jim Carey impersonating Resident Biden.
It seems to have been on a show like SNL.
“A 12 or 13 year old pimply, skinny kid, for these pretty girls, it feels off.”
I’ve noticed that a very high percentage of these female teachers chasing students tend to be lesbians.
Lesbians and MK Ultra victims are both commonly exposed to young age sexual assault. It makes sense.
During the Vietnam War era there were doctors who were referred to as “Yellow Berets”. Fauci was one. Good luck researching yellow berets.
CIA PLOT – Video shows driver of car is the one who shot JFK?
That video has been proven to have been cut and pasted. Essentially it’s an animation. Per the University of Minnesota physics department book and documentary entitled THE ZAPRUDER HOAX.
Video is hoax.
Must love dogs.
Dont know what I am gonna do without my two big dogs that have been keeping me company since becoming a widow. They are the very best companions a girl could have
When you lose a dog, you really need to get a puppy. It diverts you and resets everything, pushing the loss to the back of your mind as you focus on making the new guy happy.
I am sorry for your loss. Understand, I was an absolute mechanist, and the things I have seen, I have zero doubt, it does not end here, and you will see the hubby again. And the dogs too.
Bless you, AC!
20 Cruise Self-Driving Cars Cause Gridlock in Austin
September 23rd, 2023
Self driving comedy gold.
Via: Daily Mail:
This is the moment over a dozen malfunctioning self-driving cars caused gridlock on a major city street – leaving Texas drivers furious.
Shocking footage from Austin showed around 20 Cruise-operated Chevrolet Bolts causing mayhem on Saturday night.
‘Are you telling me they have no way to get out of this?’ a driver was heard shouting in the video.
It’s not known what caused the traffic jam and why the cars became stuck, but a spokesman of Cruise hinted pedestrian traffic as the problem.
‘Foot and vehicle traffic on the street was heavy. Our cars are designed first and foremost to prioritize safety—and that includes using caution around pedestrians,’ the spokesperson said in a statement.
‘We were able to address it and all vehicles departed the area autonomously. We apologize for any inconvenience,’ the spokesman added.
New site glitch, the Recent Comments page loads a blank page.
Same with any blog page but the one I have up.
Main Blog page says this:
You don’t have permission to access /blog/ on this server.
Unbelievable. I changed nothing on this site, so this is not me.
I am on it.
I same happened for me in the UK, won’t be surprised if we lose ACCESS altogether now that online harms bill has gone through, it seems we’ll lose Rumble as well, probably the reason for the Russell Brand psypp!
Why and How Bob Ross was Wrong. Including a health warning.
Wow. If hi genealogy is right, there is another case of how they never let someone outside of their control have a microphone.
MACRON FOLDS: France Withdraws Diplomatic Presence in Niger – Security Agreement Is Also Over, and French Military Troops to Depart in the Next Few Months