News Briefs – 09/23/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The results from the Arizona Senate’s controversial 2020 election audit are to be released on Friday, Sept. 24th.

Jovan Pulitzer says they’re trying to limit what is made public on Friday regarding the Maricopa Audit.

True the Vote, an election integrity group conducting an investigation into voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, says massive ballot trafficking occurred in multiple states across the country and will soon be exposed. They had bought cell phone GPS data and found phones repeatedly visiting ballot drop-off sites, which they then tracked to homes to get IDs and correlated it all with surveillance video.

Lawsuits filed in Clark, Snohomish and Whatcom counties, Washington, by the Washington Election Integrity Coalition United with an additional 28 individuals — including congressional candidate Joe Kent, Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson and Yacolt Town Council member Michelle Dawson — signing on as plaintiffs claim the auditors in each of those counties “flipped votes,” kept illegal records of voters by political party, defied public records laws and, in some cases, used unverified election equipment during the November 2020 election. .

Sidney Powell revealed that her legal team is going to be able to ask Eric Coomer — the security director at the Colorado-based Dominion Voting Systems — two hours worth of questions in a deposition on September 23rd.

Sidney Powell said, “I think, what we are dealing with here is pervasive and very, very dark. It’s organized, it’s well-funded, it’s pure evil. They are willing to kill people à la Kelly Loeffler’s aide in Georgia, who was suddenly blown up in his car on the way to a rally for her. He happened to be dating Governor Kemp’s daughter. Governor Kemp was considering, I think, at that point a signature audit. And then the Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent, who was investigating that—he was suddenly dead within a week of that. And we don’t hear anything about that?” “We are talking about trillions of dollars of global wealth at issue here,” she said, alleging an international conspiracy.

Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri, caught on secret recording saying the election was most likely rigged through dead people voting, the audits the country did were “bullshit” just designed to cover it up, and his coworkers lacked the balls to uncover it, issues a statement saying the election was fine, Biden won, and he is resigning.

Michelle Obama is mobilizing celebrities ahead of the midterms to push for a federal takeover of elections.

Michael Sussman’s law firm, Perkins Coie, under investigation by Durham for the Russiagate hoax, was also integral to running cover or Obama on the birth certificate issue.

Bob Woodward says of Trump, ‘His actions were not just a problem in the United States — It was a National Security Emergency.’ It feels almost like the election rigging is going to come out, and this is Cabal trying to create a perception it was necessary, and the people rigging the elections were doing it because President Trump was so wild his Generals were afraid of him and everybody saw some massive danger he caused.

As Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial on sex trafficking nears, federal prosecutors have been ordered to reveal the two currently unnamed alleged co-conspirators who will testify at her trial.

Australia is going full on oppressive, where you can’t even be a mother with her child, holding a sign in protest. I view much of this a psychological operations, but it is impossible to know exactly what the eggheads behind it have laid out as what it should do to the populace. To that end it is possible this video is designed to alter the Overton Window of what people think is normal and make lesser intrusions seem more acceptable, or normal by comparison. If the situation were not under any sort of control, you can see the trajectory is not stable. This either goes to full on Stalinist purge and clampdown at some point, or it rebounds to violent revolution to eliminate the Stalinists. I tend to think those in control would not leave the situation able to take either path by chance, so this must be under control, or at least the Cabal is thinking it is, probably due to the surveillance operation closely monitoring anyone who might suddenly take things hotter.

Police in Melbourne, Australia, have reportedly been firing pepper spray and rubber bullets at men, women and children protesting against compulsory coronavirus vaccine passports. Article notes, they are doing it because they care about your health.

Shipping companies in Australia announce they will no longer ship guns or ammo. Note, one of the entities Cabal has focused on penetrating and subverting is package shipping companies. The packages they ship, where they go and where they come from, as well as what is in them, are important intel. And even better, the drivers are on the road all day, driving around in marked vehicles nobody would ever suspect are running surveillance on the populace. So this may not just be an Australia thing. When the time comes and the shooting is about to begin in America, I fully expect to see the exact same thing here.

From the comments, genial Grandpa Bill Gates casually threatens PBS Newshour reporterette Judy Woodruff when she asks him about Jeffrey Epstein. I have said before, in Cabal comms, “Be Careful” is a subtle threat. I got it from a few different angles when my heat first started coming down in real life. It was here in the comments, and I even had even people posting it to me in discussions on other forums I must have been tracked to. I have highlighted where it has popped up elsewhere in a few places, most notably in my mind was outside John Lang’s house, when unidentified men in a heavily tinted sedan warned a friend of Lang to “be careful” as he was filming a piece about the gangstalking-related killing. Gates did not like being asked about Epstein here, and to make her stop, he threw in that “be careful” at the end to let her know it was time to stop. My guess is she knew immediately what he was saying. I find it astonishing this whole secret society has their own language most normies don’t even notice. Also note his guilty mouth position, with down-drawn outer corners and lips folded in on themselves. Whatever was going on with Epstein was something bad, and he feels enormously guilty.

Dangerously mutated COVID variant detected in 47 U.S. states. Supposedly vaccine resistant, though I would assume the vaccines are just weaker than they claimed, and so they are saying there is a new variant, rather than admit they lied about how effective the vaccines are. Obviously these stories are all almost certainly bullshit at this point. But we know they need to revive the pandemic for 2022’s elections, so these stories will give us a window on ways they might telegraph how they are going to do it.

From here, courtesy of Dr Joseph Mercola“The CDC also has two different sets of testing guidelines — one for vaccinated patients and another for the unvaccinated. If you’re unvaccinated, CDC guidance says to use a PCR cycle threshold (CT) of 40, known to result in false positives. If you’re vaccinated, they recommend using a CT of 28 or less, which minimizes the risk of false positives.” I could not find a source for it, but I heard an interview in the background on OAN where the person said, I think, CDC had revised down the PCR Cycle guidelines right after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the election, to make the pandemic go away, and now they were revising it back up, maybe just on the unvaccinated as seen here, to make it begin again for the 2022 midterms. Lots of other interesting ways they are lying about the data at the link. That they are lying so much tells you they have a very big secret to hide. One you reach this point, you really can’t trust anything they say,

70 percent of fully vaccinated prisoners caught COVID-19 in Texas outbreak.

Clark County, NV declares COVID falsehoods a public health crisis.

Todd Starnes tweets, “I got the Moderna vaccine on the advice of my doctor. About a week later my blood pressure suddenly shot up over 200 and was hospitalized with a heart problem that I did not have before I got the vaccine. I did not get the second dose.”

Chinese whistleblower claims first COVID outbreak was INTENTIONAL and happened in October 2019 at Military World Games in Wuhan – two months before China notified the world about virus.

This doctor was trained at the Mayo Clinic and runs the largest independent testing laboratory in Idaho and he says the vax is crushing Killer T-cells, causing other viruses to take off, and causing cancer levels to skyrocket.

Israeli Ministry of Health announces that the “Green Pass” for vaccinated expires when 6 months have passed after the 2nd dose. Keep getting vaxxed, cattle.

New Project Veritas video has an FDA official saying, “blow darting African Americans is where we’re going… just shoot everyone”… as he calls for a ‘Nazi Germany registry’ of unvaccinated Americans, and we should, “think about it like the Jewish star.”

161,848 people have died after having a Covid-19 vaccine during the first 6 months of 2021 in England according to official data. They will argue they died from other causes, but that is 70% of deaths due to all causes.

Government of El Salvador is providing Ivermectin to all its citizens free of charge.

The Delta surge appears to be peaking in the United States, meaning a decline in new infections and deaths may be on the way.

Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn.

Federal agencies purchase surveillance drones from China. If China was behind Cabal, or if Cabal controlled China, this would make a lot more sense.

Wall Street Journal says, “Abolish the FBI.” Christina Bobb did an editorial on her show basically castigating the FBI as a mafia-like criminal organization that was more devoted to protecting the crimes of the powerful than exposing and prosecuting them, and essentially saying it was time for the organization to go. And she was a DHS official under Trump. It seems a lot of the influential on our side are of this mindset. If the audits work out and give us honest elections, I would think the FBI is toast, and the FBI knows it. So expect them to fight an honest system however they can.

Biden is busing Haitian immigrants from the much-watched Del Rio Bridge to other border points, which are not being filmed, and then releasing them to disappear into America. So the stories about them being flown home with eight flights per day were bullshit.

Biden administration lied – officials are setting ‘thousands’ of Haitians free inside the US despite the promises to deport them back to Haiti.

Biden admin is releasing Haitian migrants into the USA despite promise to remove them.

The Centers for Disease Control warned that doctors must prepare for a wave of mumps, measles, leishmaniasis, and worse still, polio as Afghan refugees are released into America.

Democrats’ House-passed Continuing Resolution (gov’t funding bill) includes free welfare & entitlements for an *unlimited* number of random, unvetted Afghan nationals.

A group of migrants reportedly made a bold attempt Monday to escape Border Patrol transport by allegedly attacking the driver.

Mayor Bill de Blasio rebuffed demands by Democratic lawmakers, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for an instant release of all Rikers Island detainees due to increasingly dangerous conditions at the jail, refusing to “just open up the gates.” AOC must be a plant.

A good article here, the summary of which is Krysten Sinema and moderate Dems made a deal with Pelosi, where she guaranteed they would get a vote on their infrastructure bill, and in return they would support the radical leftist’s reconciliation bill. But now it looks like radicals are going to screw them and kill their bill, so they are killing the radical’s infrastructure bill. If it works out right, nobody on the left will get anything they want.

Former President George W. Bush’s first campaign event of the 2022 midterms will be a fundraiser to support Rep. Liz Cheney.

After this CEO raised his company’s minimum wage to $70,000, he said the number of babies born to staff each year grew 10-fold.

President Joe Biden used his one-on-one meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Tuesday to reprise a story about an Amtrak conductor who supposedly congratulated him for traveling 2 million miles on the rail service — despite having died before the story purportedly took place.

Secret Service told Alex Jones “Bidan poops himself a lot.” They also told him Hillary was falling a lot before she was noticed to be having seizures.

House Republicans deliver three Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden.

Biden approval rating among Blacks plummets after vaccine mandate.

Texas forms miles-long border barrier from State Troopers and National Guard vehicles.

New Gallup poll shows a low for Biden, even below Harris.

President Trump was on Glenn Beck, giving an interview. Of Milley, he said, “I learned early on that he was a dope. He made a statement to me — and I guarantee that’s what happened to Biden — because I said, ‘We’re getting out of Afghanistan. We have to do it.’ And I said, ‘I want every nail. I want every screw. I want every bolt. I want every plane. I want every tank. I want it all out, down to the nails, screws, bolts … I want every single thing. And he said, ‘Sir, it’s cheaper to leave it than it is to bring it.’ The airplane might have cost $40 million, $50 million … millions and millions of dollars. So, you think it’s cheaper to leave it than to have 200 pilots fly over and fly all the equipment out? … I said, you’ve got to be nuts. I mean, give me a tank of gas and a pilot and I just picked up a $40 million-dollar airplane. It was amazing. So, I learned early that this guy is a dope. But what he did, is he hurt our country … and he shouldn’t have been allowed to do it. And bad things should happen to him.”

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


The only powerful tool that Republicans have to negotiate with is the Debt Ceiling, and they would be both foolish and unpatriotic not to use it now. The way I look at it, what the Democrats are proposing, on so many different levels, will destroy our Country. Therefore, Republicans have no choice but to do what they have to do, and the Democrats will have no choice but to concede all of the horror they are trying to inflict upon the future of the United States. Unrelated, but likewise, their so-called “Voting Rights Bill” will be the end of our Democracy. Don’t give up or concede, Republicans, this is the ultimate representation of the People!


RINO former President George “Dubya” Bush and his flunky Karl Rove are endorsing warmongering and very low polling, Liz Cheney. Bush is the one who got us into the quicksand of the Middle East and, after spending trillions of dollars and killing nearly a million people, the Middle East was left in worse shape after 21 years than it was when he started his stupidity. It ended with Biden’s most embarrassing in history withdrawal from Afghanistan, a total surrender, leaving $85 Billion dollars of equipment and many young Warriors lives behind.

Bush is the person who did not have the courage to give a pardon to his Vice President’s Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, even though Cheney begged for him to do so. He wouldn’t, they didn’t talk for years.

I didn’t know Scooter, but gave him a full pardon—not at their request, but because he deserved it. He suffered greatly. Former Vice President Cheney called to effusively thank me. Now he is on the side of his daughter who is so bad for Wyoming and the United States that she is polling at record lows.


Why is the Fake News Media continuing on their path of saying, “baseless and disproven lies,” concerning the Presidential Election of 2020, no matter how much evidence they see? These phrases are coordinated propaganda by Lamestream. It is an automatic phrase they use about the 2020 Election Scam when in fact it was just the opposite. The proof is massive and staggering. The Presidential Election of 2020 was Rigged! When the information becomes public, people will see that it wasn’t even close.


I spent virtually no time with Senators Mike Lee of Utah, or Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam or, as it is viewed by many, the “Crime of the Century.” Lindsey and Mike should be ashamed of themselves for not putting up the fight necessary to win. Look at the facts that are coming out in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and other States. If this were Schumer and the Democrats, with the evidence we have of Election Fraud (especially newly revealed evidence), they would have never voted to approve Biden as President, and had they not, all of the mistakes that were made over the last month, which are destroying our Country, would not have happened. Mike Lee, Lindsey Graham, and all of the other Republicans who were unwilling to fight for the Presidency of the United States, which would have included at least an additional four Republican Senators, two in Georgia, one in Michigan, one in Arizona, are letting the Democrats get away with the greatest Election Hoax in history—a total con job!

We are losing our Country! The Democrats are vicious and fight like hell, and the Republicans do nothing about it. RINOs fight harder against Republicans than they do against Democrats. They want to be so politically correct, even if that means losing our Country, which is happening now. The evidence on determinative and wide-ranging Election Fraud is staggering. Your Republican Presidential candidate won in a landslide, but has so little backing from Republican “leadership.” They should be ashamed of themselves. Why don’t they have hearings? Or even if just Republicans had open public sessions, we would all hear the irrefutable facts. Remember, the Fake News Media does not report the truth!

Invite other people to because you need to be careful.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Victor Gao is the Vice President of the Center for China and Globalization and Chair Professor of Soochow University in China. He was also once a translator for the former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.

Claims Australia, armed with nuclear submarines will be a primary target of nuclear war.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Who gives a crap mate. 70% of this joint in uninhabitable desert, and the other 30% of this joint the chinks already own.

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

This shows there is some kind of collusion between globalists in China and the Australian government to scare regular Aussies into hiding in their homes instead of protesting.

Australia is a testing ground for increased globalist control via lockdowns, forced vaxxing and outside threats of war.

If their program is successful in Australia it will then be implemented in the USA and Europe.

3 years ago

Guide to religious exemptions:

comment image

3 years ago

China Locks Down Northeastern City After Discovering First Outbreak Since February

3 years ago

CEO raised his company’s minimum wage to $70,000, he said the number of babies born to staff each year grew 10-fold

Ignore everything else they tell you.
This is why birth rates are dropping and one of many reasons they rob us beyond all sanity.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Minimalism is necessary to survive on one income these days.

3 years ago
3 years ago

“Police in Melbourne, Australia, have reportedly been firing pepper spray and rubber bullets at men, women and children protesting against compulsory coronavirus vaccine passports.”

We keep getting lectured about the “evils” of the Taliban.

“The Taliban abuses women”, they say.
“The Taliban abuses girls”, they say.
The Taliban, the Taliban, the Taliban is all we here.

But the same people crying about the Taliban here in America are in support of the “Taliban” in Australia. The Australian government is a terrorist state. They are using the same exact tactics as the Taliban are being accused of.


Gretchen Whitmer is a terrorist.
Andrew Cuomo is a terrorist.
Bill De Blasio is a terrorist.
Gavin Newsome is a terrorist.
Larry Hogan is a terrorist.
They are all terrorists, and should be treated like the terrorists that they are.

3 years ago

That rare “earthquake” that struck Melbourne right after the start of serious protester mobilization might not have been caused by geology but rather by a HAARP-type weapon, as the Cabal have unknown weapons to use agains us, according to this unsourced but convincing audio clip

Reply to  Snead
3 years ago

High up the chain in Japan, the thinking goes that the Tsunami that ruined the nuclear facilities and smashed production lines was not natural.

What was interesting to me was that Korea pushed into markets the Japanese owned instantly. A lot of those mkts require massive investments in tooling and he number of products that were suddenly produced that mirrored Japanese products or mirrored Japanese products that were about to launch was massive.

There is that Steven Seagal movie where he is on the train rescuing it from terrorists who have control of a satellite that can send an EMP wherever they like and create earthquake like circumstances.

Its worth watching just for the Aikido.

Melb and earthquakes of any kind is extremely rare.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

I think the Segal film is Under Siege 2

Reply to  Snead
3 years ago

You are da man Snead. I think that is what they say in the US.

Here, we just say no shit bra.

3 years ago

Correct link to the “no-quake/all-HAARP” audio clip:

3 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn”

This has actually been around or at least I heard about it a long time ago. 5 years, 10 years??? I don’t know but it it wasn’t recent.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The article linked was from 2001. So this evil corn has been around for at least twenty years. Think about how much corn we consume in a given day, from actual kernels or on the cob to things like corn syrup and derivatives. It’s probably hundreds if not thousands of grams of corn products per person per week.

Now bearing that in mind, look to how sperm counts have been steadily dropping (longer than this spermicide corn has been admitted to exist) for a long time. Who benefits from reducing the number of corn consumers? Who benefits from reducing potential recalcitrant population sizes? To ask the questions is to answer them, I think.

Reply to  diogenes
3 years ago

Seriously, I gave that job to my gf last night and she is still counting this morning.

She is either poor at math or my sperm count is through the roof!

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I just had a very retarded idea. Remember the massive fires all over Australia. Could that have been a method to destroy all the wildlife and places to hide when they force the vax. Australia is really, really big, with a small population and has numerous places to hide if you wished to or used to.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Yes, Australia is very big. And some of it is quite beautiful. But there’s a reason the majority of the population lives in half a dozen huge cities – most of Australia is desert. It’s not *completely* dry, of course, but what reliable water sources exist are mostly already fully used by farmers and ranchers. You can’t just slope off to the Outback without having a specific destination and some planning.

It’s sort of like Russia; Russia is huge, but most of it is uninhabitable by most standards.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Pretty much all the wildfires are in national parks and 90% of the fires are in one state, Victoria. Leftie politicians in cahoots with the Greens (commies) have banned fuel reduction burns so they are tinder boxes. Just very occasionally a lightning strike will start a fire but mostly it’s not very bright arsonists who get their rocks off with the extensive and sensational TV coverage. In the very hot summers the arsonists are closely monitored by cops. I honestly think the Greens are so dumb that they can’t work out that fuel reduction is very effective but the other parties, who, when in power, don’t reverse the legislation. And just occasionally a fire will be started by people camping or kids playing with matches. Lots of wild and unpredictable winds everywhere which can blow sparks up from the campfire. But mostly preventable. Most of our politicians would be unemployable in a real job. And a lot of it resembles your Dems where pollies acquire vast amounts of unexplained money. Can’t be coincidence, it’s a worldwide conspiracy. And please don’t think our Prime Minister is on our side despite leading a conservative party. He hasn’t done a single thing that isn’t a part of the global agenda. Greetings from down under.

Paolo Hyckoff
3 years ago

“I have said before, in Cabal comms, “Be Careful” is a subtle threat.”

We all appreciate this old Project Veritas clip (from 2 years ago, 3.4 million views on YouTube) .

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“Senators Mike Lee of Utah, or Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam or, as it is viewed by many, the “Crime of the Century.” Lindsey and Mike should be ashamed of themselves for not putting up the fight necessary to win.”

I knew something was wrong with Mike when even Breitbart was busting him for supporting pajeet H1b programs. Fake right-winger through and through, and Utah’s R representation only gets worse from there.

If little devils like Romney and Lee get their way there won’t be a single family in Utah that can earn enough to live without being completely reliant upon the Federal government. These guys are not on the same side as Jesus Christ and the worship of mammon, including Chinese mammon, is the surest path to Hell.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Rex regum venient
3 years ago

Rex, with all respect to you and yours, the LDS is another example of all the horrors that arise when any group is held together by secrecy, whether Masons or Mormons. Any religion that performs secret rites is contrary to Jesus’ teachings, at a minimum. In practice, you get Cabal as well.

Not saying individual Mormons are blameworthy. Just hoping to provoke thought.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Any ‘religion’ outside the Church that Jesus Christ himself founded (i.e., the Catholic Church) is contrary to Jesus’ teachings. Period. Full stop.

That being said, Mormonism is probably the most whackiest of cults that try to associate themselves with Christ. Mormonism is pure evil.

Reply to  Bonaventure
3 years ago

Let’s start the religion wars in the comments again.
That’s just what AC wants.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Are you turkeys telling me that ,my god is only worth 3 shekels while yours is worth 5?

Well fck me bra, I got my god on sale and the discount was 4 shekels! So mine is worth more than yours.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

If you can’t see how the “religion wars” are so inextricably tied to Cabal power, well… that’s your problem.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

“Australia is going full on oppressive, where you can’t even be a mother with her child, holding a sign in protest”.

There was a viral video a few days ago at the Melbourne protests appearing to show an old woman being pushed to the ground and pepper sprayed. This was widely circulated as an example of police brutality. However, as the link clearly demonstrates, this was an elaborate false flag

With this and a variety of other examples of egregious brutality in the last few days, it appears certain now that the authorities are actually trying to forment a violent backlash by the citizenry. The only question is why.

This link may have the answer I.e. they are trying to create a civil emergency as a pretext for foreign intervention. Note line 2 of the summary “and members of foreign forces with immunity from criminal or civil liability in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and response”.

It seems far fetched, but if so, you have to wonder why the bill was introduced in the first place. Wild times.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

You yanks have the same deal.

George Webb spoke about it at length a year or so ago.

Raphael Hythloday
Raphael Hythloday
Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

👀 I don’t know about this false flag business. I’m acquainted with that woman. She has attended Catholic retreats I’ve been to. This is the message she communicated the day after that incident:

“Thanks very much to the 50 people who prayed on Zoom on Sunday for Mary [Censored] who was brutally attacked by police. She’s recovering at home after suffering a concussion and bruises and she thanks everyone for our prayers for her. She has asked us to pray for police officers and other law enforcement officers around the world who may not have anyone to pray for them. Mary said that most of them are good people doing difficult work under immense pressure. Furthermore, the officers who aren’t behaving justly are even more in need of our prayers.”

She’s a little old Maltese lady, whom I’d never have imagined was based enough to attend the protests. 😂

Let me say, as I always do on the rare occasion I comment: your service is greatly appreciated AC. Superb work!

3 years ago

“AOC must be a plant.”
Nawh,…plants have been proven to be capable of some form of intelligent action. Can’t say that about her. “AOC must be some form of non-sentient life” might be closer to the truth.

3 years ago

Re: Todd Starnes. In the replies are people trying to call him out for having other prior heart problems, obesity, and such. But no one is asking why, then, did his doctor recommend the vaccine? One of the big propaganda talking points about the vaccine has been to get one to help protect those who can’t, such as children, or people with medical conditions that supposedly prevent them from getting one. However, it has seemed to me that no matter what prior health conditions someone has, that doctors are still recommending the vaccine and that medical exemptions are extremely rare. It’s all very strange. I had the vaccine talk with my PCP a couple months ago and I laid out my various reasons which she dismissed entirely, including a recent illness I’d had; in that conversation, it seemed she was unaware of the vascular component of covid, the potential vaccine side effects, and that of my recent illness. Just kept repeating “safe and effective” at every opportunity. It’s like they’ve been brainwashed with that mantra and i mean that literally.

Reply to  Kelly
3 years ago

Med school isn’t a welcoming environment for free thinkers. And most doctors nowadays are employees or in partnerships; they can lose their job by going against policy.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Along with the mentioned conflicts of interest the average doctor diagnoses by looking up symptoms in the equivalent of WebMD except made by pharma companies and the medical boards that believe chopping your cock off makes you a woman.

Doctors spend 12+ years and half a million on school and indentured servitude specifically to break their ability to think freely and to financially enslave them to the medical industry.

3 years ago

True The Vote. Whoooooo. Peeeeeee.

They can have all the evidence they want. It doesn’t mean shit if there is no direct action toward pursuing criminal prosecution for the perps and election nullification for those elected with fraudulent ballots.

In part because there’s no small number of Republicans in on the grift themselves.

Another big fat nothing burger.

I know it’s important to stay positive here. But if you’re expecting anything more than the same old usual “fake news” shuck and jive from tPTB and the legacy media, then I don’t know what to say.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The fraud being exposed will make a military counter coup that much more palatable to the public.

But the military is the only way and the only value to exposing the fraud is to facilitate military action.

I do not believe this will be resolved by state legislatures or the courts, and it would take too long to do it that way.

The Anonymous poster is partly correct, all of this exposure will not be worth anything without concrete action and the longer it takes to get to concrete action the worse off we will be.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“…the military is the only way…”

I’m not for a military coup under much of any circumstances. Now I am not against them disobeying illegal orders. An example would be they being told to round up all dissidents but that’s not a coup.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

We are in the only circumstances under which I would support it.

Nothing else will do the job cleanly and quickly enough.

The states and courts are just too compromised.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Q Post 2816 comes to mind:

This will be on our timetable.

3 years ago

As a guitar player, Eric Clapton has been one of my heroes since his days with John Mayall and Cream, so his reactions to the vax( AstraZeneca doses) has been of special interest. “He suffered “disastrous” side effects that lasted weeks.”

The “Layla” singer, 76, has admitted that his views regarding COVID-19 have alienated him from many of his famous friends. “I’ve tried to reach out to fellow musicians, I just don’t hear from them anymore. My phone doesn’t ring very often. I don’t get that many texts and emails anymore. It’s quite noticeable … I was ostracized. And I could feel that everywhere.”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Strange, the Bill Gates “be careful” moment is blowing up on TONS of internet media, including esoteric hardcore right wing sites and even typically pablum-feeding sites designed to rot Millenials’ brains with useless trivia and memes.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It does look like a concerted effort.

3 years ago

“Cabal has focused on penetrating and subverting is package shipping companies.”

I worked for two major shippers, the two big national brands in the US. I was subjected to gangstalking operations in both, including so called “street theater” operations and being oddly placed to work in an unusual area where one of my co-workers kept dropping hints relevant to what was going on in my life.

They are fully penetrated by Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Hmm… I also spent 13 years at a major shipping company. The first time anyone used that phrase “be careful” towards me was also there.

It was from this one guy who seemed to have it out for me. This fucker just had to hassle me whenever he could for YEARS and I couldn’t understand why. I figured maybe it was something I had said..Like there was a lot of shit talking back and forth on that job from everyone and it never was a big deal (really funny most of the time) with most guys but maybe he just had a personality that couldnt let it go, whatever it was. It was to the point I noted where all the cameras in the facility were, what items I could grab and where they were, etc..

Now you got me thinking maybe it was possible he may have been ordered to target me for some reason.

3 years ago

> Sidney Powell revealed that her legal team is going to be able to ask Eric Coomer — the security director at the Colorado-based Dominion Voting Systems — two hours worth of questions in a deposition on September 23rd.
Doesn’t take a genius to predict his testimony:

“I don’t know.”
“I don’t remember.”
“I plead the Fifth.”

3 years ago

> The packages they ship, where they go and where they come from, as well as what is in them, are important intel.

United Parcel Service has a policy of opening packages and “voluntarily reporting” their contents to the FBI. Made the national news a while back.

The courts ruled it’s completely OK because a private party opened the package, not the FBI. How they knew which packages might interest the FBI was not addressed.

3 years ago

> Dangerously mutated COVID variant detected in 47 U.S. states. Supposedly vaccine resistant,
In other words, no different from ordinary COVID…

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Im waiting for the Daffy Duck mutation.

I have always wanted to be able to talk like that.

Case report
Case report
3 years ago

Chinky pox case report- day 1

Suspected prior covid infection at the outset of the pandemic. Ten days of serious coughing, turning blue, gasping for breath, thought it was pertussis. It wasn’t. Heart problems three weeks later, high d-dimer. Cough and cardiac trouble resolved after 14 weeks. Was pregnant. Baby is fine.

No vax.

Yesterday, 19 month since initial infection- throat tickle toward the end of the day. This am cough and similar chest constriction as before. Headache, sensitive skin, post nasal drip, chest cough. No fever.

Apple flavored horse paste in apple sauce, on the back of the tongue was not terrible.

Will post updates

Reply to  Case report
3 years ago

May GOD bless and keep you and the child.

Reply to  Case report
3 years ago

Good luck!

The man upstairs is no doubt looking after you and the little dude.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Case report
3 years ago

I hope you get through this ok. Here’s something I really think could be a game changer. There’s evidence that liposomal vit. C can kill off viruses or help the body to do so. There are people that have written testimonies that their loved ones were most likely going to die and with intravenous vit. C and then later liposomal vit. C they survived swine flu.

Guy saved by Vit. C from dying of swine flu.

Here’s a newer recipe for liposomal vit. C that I found that you can make in a blender. An ultrasonic machine added would be better but this works. The pros and cons are in the document.

another link

liposomal vit. C can raise the level of vit. C to the level that you can only get with intravenous infusion but orally without as much diarrhea. As best I know no one has ever died or had complications from high levels of Vit. C or liposomal Vit. C. I would makeit then then ingest maybe a gram or two (a gram or two of the actual vit. C in the mixture)to start and then rapidly raise the level to 10 grams or so. Maybe more. If you do it in a blender it might be that all of it will not be encapsulated so diarrhea could be a problem but diarrhea is better than death so…

I’m been touting LivOn Laboratories- Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, (the sole reason is I know they have a good product that can be verified but I’m not saying any other brand is not good and I have no financial interest in them in any way), but this may be just as good and a whole lot cheaper. That Lypo-Spheric stuff is pricey.

Here’s a site where consultant of the above brand talks about how the store bought product is better. I don’t know whether it’s true or not. Just because he consulted with them doesn’t mean he’s lying. My feeling is I make the stuff but I want some of the store bought if I’m in real, gonna die, trouble to be safe.

Article on curative properties of Vit. C.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Ten out of ten for the community on here on this subject and others.

We are all linked and brothers in arms.

Never blink, never stop supporting each other. We will win united.

Attacking each other is fine, but moments like this show its all for show, united we are. Even if you are yanks and mostly macaque monkeys or corny pops.

3 years ago

An interesting article contemplating how to undermine the regime/cabal.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

He makes good points but he goes too far.
His perspective is temporal not eternal.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

That itself is part of the strategy of prying open the overton window. If some start saying really out there stuff, then “moderate” gets moved to the right also.

3 years ago

> Chinese whistleblower claims first COVID outbreak was INTENTIONAL and happened in October 2019 at Military World Games in Wuhan – two months before China notified the world about virus.

Actually, the COVID outbreak itself puzzles me for some time, because no simple theory can explain what is observed:
0. It is obvious the virus is man made – there are exactly two (known) places on this planet where such research is being conducted and one of them “happens” to be in Wuhan. Case closed.
1. It “escaped” the lab. Yeah and the whole Cabal-controlled world just got crazy and started building back better on its own. Last year I would believe, this year it is clear, no accidents.
2. The CCP let it loose. Right. The best place to release it, is right in front of the Wuhan lab, this way we can deny any responsibility and do our favourite communist cover up with such tremendous success. If the CCP wanted to spread it without traces leading back to them, there is a whole planet accessible for their intelligence services. Yet, it was Wuhan of all places. No way.
3. White Hats wanted to uncover Cabal plans and this is how they destroyed the Cabal’s schedule and narrative about “a natural origin”. If so, why did the Cabal continue with their plans at all? Any reasonable Cabal planner would let this fake whitehat plandemic go away (and it would) and do the job on their terms.
4. Finally, the obvious suspect, the mighty Cabal. If the Cabal let virus loose in Wuhan without a CCP approval (which the CCP would never give, see 2.), it would have been considered as a massive Cabal attack on the CCP! The CCP would have been pissed like hell. And yet we know, the Cabal was still coordinating with the CCP a year later on the election fraud. Actually we can also safely assume, Biden is a CCP puppet. So the CCP must have been fine with Cabal like nothing happened. Makes not much sense either.

However, if the theory gets a little bit more complicated…
For an artificial pathogen there is one place where it is believable it was let loose unintentionally. It’s the Lab, of course. So we’re back in Wuhan again.
This idea also seemingly brings back into life the possibility 2. But… if you are a communist country, where a huge cover up and a massive denial of any failure or even wrongdoing is the SOP, you would never point finger on yourself intentionally. Never ever! The Party and its leaders are infallible, and that is the building stone of the communist regime. You would willfully never do anything to doubt that.
On the other hand, Cabal has no such problem. They are fine with China being blamed. Actually, if they have their own horse in the CCP internal race (and we know they used to have), this massive international FU could even help their favourite.
Now the golden point. The CCP was not informed and the Party was even lead to believe that it was really an unintentional leak from their lab. This way the Cabal would not loose the ally, and moreover – look at the authentic reaction from the CCP. Cover up, denial, silencing everyone, exactly what you would expect. They look so innocent, don’t they? Btw – the headlines above say “two months before China notified the world”. What if China really did not know?

So as I see it now, the CCP was successfully tricked by the Cabal. Or at least for some time, because the CCP seems to find out.
We’ve seen it on this site a few days ago – The Global Terrorist and The Son of Satan was recognized as such in China and recently he was also heard complaining that the business in China was not running all that well. While, at about the same time, China Joe lost some level in protection from the MSM.
And the question is of course, what the CCP does about Cabal next?


Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

China was working on bio weapons with an international clique of Cabalists at the Wuhan lab. The Cabal sabotaged the lab unbeknownst to the Chinese. The Chinese clamped down to reduce the spread and then allowed it spread by international air travel in retaliation for Cabal’s attack.

Cabal is punishing China because China refuses to be the new Cabal base, instead having taken all of the manufacturing gifted to them without returning payment.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“…The CCP let it loose. Right. The best place to release it, is right in front of the Wuhan lab, this way we can deny any responsibility and do our favourite communist cover up with such tremendous success. If the CCP wanted to spread it without traces leading back to them, there is a whole planet accessible for their intelligence services. Yet, it was Wuhan of all places. No way…”

Your absolutely right if you make one change. Change cabal to Jews. Let’s face it what you said shows there’s no way the Chinese would have released corona right on their doorstep. What you didn’t say was the person responsible for setting up the Wuhan lab and I bet, I mean I really bet, also channeled research into certain directions was a Jew from Harvard who was promptly arrested after the corona out break.

I think the Jews were being thwarted in China. The faction tied to the Jews was defeated mostly or at least they were not the top dogs. The nationalist against the the Jew global homo took over and told the Jews either directly or by action that they were not going to be dominated by the Jews like the west is. So typical Jew psychopathic behavior they set the Chinese up by giving them money, (washed USA money to hide the providence), and linking them up with a Jew who sets them up by channeling research on certain directions that the Jews have already done. The Chinese get to the stage where this stuff is active and then the Jews dump it on China and then…whooops the Chinese are screwing up and releasing viral weapons or so the Jew news says.

That immediately after it popped up in China the same thing popped up in Iran killing off some of their leadership. I mean if you can’t put two and two together from that then…I don’t know what to tell you. And to even super boost the evidence pointing at the Jews at close to the same time a viral researcher Jew in Israel chimes up that he will have a vax in 6 weeks because, surprise, surprise, he just “happened” to be working on the exact same thing for chickens. The chicken vax Jew THEN promptly drops off the map and says…no more. I see this as the chicken vax Jew got greedy thinking of all those vax shekels he could draw in from his legal weapons research and put the word out but of course this looks REALLY BAD what he said so they shut him right up.

The Jews did corona in concert with their blackmailed satan worshiping friends.

3 years ago

lots of screen shots from that vaccine video you mentioned yesterday

3 years ago

Might indicate why the ports are so backed up. Because we are now thoroughly searching each ship that’s at dock.

The Washington Times is reporting that FBI counterintelligence agents searched the ZPMC crane delivery vessel Zhen Hua 24 in Baltimore harbour on September 15. The vessel was delivering four new STS cranes to Ports America Chesapeake Bay.

According to the Washington Times, “The agents were said by informed sources to have uncovered intelligence-gathering equipment on the ship during the search on Sept. 15.”

No details of the type of equipment were available, and the state agencies involved declined to comment.

3 years ago

Someone on Gab thinks Australia is using mercenaries to enforce the lockdown.

Reply to  starets
3 years ago

Not true to the best of knowledge of my Serbian merc “security organiser”

3 years ago

Adding them these to today’s comments…sorry for double post…

Kosovo getting hot?

Russian School Shooting:

3 years ago

Anyone seen the movie “The Natural”. There is a scene with Duvall who takes Redford to meet this “10 million dollar a year bookie” (named Gus Sands). Gus bet against Redford’s character in the movie for the last game and lost. He reassures Redford that next time he’ll win back double when Redford isn’t hitting so well. Redford asks him “how will you know to bet on that?”. Gus takes his left index finger puts it right up to his left eye and says, “The magic eye. It sees all.”

Robert Duvall (the reporter) asks Gus to show Redford how it works. He bets him he can tell how much money Redford has in his pocket. Gus proceeds to place his right hand over his right eye just like all of the cabal and wins the bet. Redford says he owes him $100. Gus says, “Aw, forget it. Maybe someday you’ll do me a favor.” Redford replies with a No and then does a little magic trick pulling some coins (silver dollars?) out of Kim Basinger’s hair, showing Gus he has a little magic as well.

They were really rubbing it in our faces.

3 years ago
3 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I ran across where I posted here that the Jews were getting desperate from the rise in non-controlled info and that they would try something like corona. I also gave link to the data on the GMO sterile corn. This was on July 17, 2019.

You guys should listen to me when I tell the Jews are the greatest menace on the planet of earth. They are predictable. It’s simple, they will do whatever it takes to control the planet. That’s it. Whatever.