News Briefs – 09/22/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Airlines Under Attack Over False Climate Claims

DFT – Thailand’s Prime Minister Meets With Elon Musk

DFT – United Auto Workers Union Strikes At ZF, Supplier To Mercedes Benz

DFT – OECD Slashes Global Growth Forecast

DFT – Russian Oil Exports Surge

Tourists watch a black SUV pull up next to their vans, quickly get out and break into their vans and begin stealing their bags. From the piece:

“We saw them taking bags from our vans and started putting it into the black SUV,” Koval, 30, said. “That’s when my friends started running and other people there were honking their horns. I heard someone yell, ‘Don’t run to them! They might have a gun!’

Would you know instantly what was going on there, when these things happen so fast? Would you intervene that fast to stop the people getting robbed from stopping the robbery? It is like Portland, where random bicyclists and homeless people cut off the guy chasing the thief, and told him they would get him if he didn’t stop. Those drivers and bystanders above were ground surveillance running overwatch and interdiction for the thieves. Which means these victims were probably followed there the whole way, and surveillance probably called in the thieves. It is possible surveillance was watching and listening to them prepare for the trip days and weeks before, and knew they would bring $10,000 worth of stuff, which the thieves apparently headed right to in the vans. More:

He said the only solace he took from the incident was from the bystanders who saw the robbery and quickly rendered his friends aid and called the cops.

Kyle Rittenhouse attacker Gaige Grosskreutz hit by car in Milwaukee. This was the guy with his bicep blown off. Looks like they got his other arm with this one. Video at the link, and it is worth the click. Notice he was just hitting the corner as a walker, just as a dark sedan has stopped pretty far forward in the intersection, and just as there is an oncoming car, all as the white SUV comes up to the intersection, and makes a quick decision to take the turn, where it hits Grosskreutz. And at that moment, Grosskreutz just walked in front of the car without looking, putting himself right in front of the SUV, possibly to force the SUV to stop. I think the black guy who hit him was a target, and they were fucking around with him. They wanted to stop him at that corner for some reason, and he decided to jump ahead of the car in front of him to get away. The target was probably so flustered his amygdala was overloaded and not functioning, and he could not process the multiple streams of data well enough to avoid the accident. You can easily get that way in the shock and awe phase early on, when your brain has to go from total normal complacency to adapting to being Will Smith in Enemy of the State for real. Most will not be adapted.

And he was probably in flight mode, which is a very primal mode you go into when being chased, where a switch gets flipped by what the brain sees early on, and suddenly you are a focused machine, totally focused on looking for a place to squirt out of, and if you see a little gap, you go. Most here will have no ability to understand that, because you never flipped that switch. I remember when I never had. But it is an interesting experience. When I thought surveillance was a small team out of DC, or some far away place at first, and they were trying to box me in and I was trying to get the fuck out of there and get away from them, I entered it, and it really is a mode switch in the brain. You would be surprised at the degree of pre-programming you have up there, totally dormant until the right stimuli flip the switch. And once your goal is to flee, it is almost like having Jason Bourne programming. I never understood people who ran from the cops, but now I think they just flipped that switch, and they were probably not even consciously thinking. They were just looking for the gap to squirt out of, and barely thought about how there were cops around.

And then the driver did a Terry Davis and took off, so he was running in his mind. Also, look at how cement-head Grosskreutz did all that canvassing and intel gathering to deliver everything to the cops. Be interesting if more info comes out on this, given Grosskreutz is an operator. I think his earpiece literally told him to take out Kyle, once that little pedophile wind-up toy got skullcapped. Kyle just got the drop first. Only by God’s grace were the glowies thwarted that day, and Kyle survived. That night in Kenosha, if we knew the full scope of the operation, and everything deployed, all the agencies involved, and the objectives, and the manpower assigned and where it came from, it would blow us away. But interesting to see Grosskreutz is right back out there, doing foot duty. Imagine,  being a soldier for Cabal, and what it stands for. It is so baffling. Fingering a baby-faced kid like Kyle, who just wanted to help everyone, and marking him to be the one to die that night at the hands of a little pedophile, just for politics. Probably feeling like with such a cherry to target, you had hit the goldmine, and could almost go home and knock off before the op even got underway. All for this conspiracy. I am gobsmacked.

Ray Epps pleads guilty to single petty misdemeanor count, faces a maximum of six months in prison and a fine up to $20,000 when sentenced on Dec. 20.

Four-year-olds at an Alert Bay, British Columbia school were reportedly given a homework assignment on touching their private body parts which asks students to draw pictures of places in their homes where they can masturbate privately. Your gut instinct is this is just the old Porn Fairy operation, being targeted at kids even earlier, and able to operate more boldly. And it is. But it is also likely more. Why do you think they would ask THIS question? They want to know where the kid would go, to do something embarrassing, where nobody would ever know, or be able to see them. Why would that be important to them?

I would bet some of those kids, the gifted ones who already have neighbors next door, will have their houses broken into while they and their parents are out during the day at work and school – and hidden cameras will be installed in those spots. “Tell me exactly where the secret place you would go is anon, where you would do something embarrassing you would never want anyone to see video of. And draw me a picture of exactly what the spot looks like and if there are any clocks with a sightline to the spot or any smoke detectors overhead, or any other good place to install a hidden camera.” They want to give intel to the tech team before they go in, so they have an idea of what they are going to be doing. We are all basically in the position of a Latin American dictator, who is a priority target for compromising by the full weight and force of the CIA. It is that big. So people do not realize, a gifted enough kid, ID’d for targeting, they can get every house with a sightline to the target residence (I have that now, in two houses), and they know if there is any house they do not have, they can know that resident is at work and the house is empty, so no neighbor is calling to report a break in. They control the scene, and have all day to do something they are trained to do in thirty minutes. Vehicular can both watch the streets for approaching cars or foot traffic, and watch the residents at work and school, to confirm they are 30 minutes or hour away, and the entry team will get that much warning to clear out. And even if a cop got called and showed up, they can make the cop walk away. They have that pull. There is no risk to breaking in, and their trained teams are good enough to get in, get out, and leave no sign, except their hidden devices. There is no risk to the operation, and as a result it has become like standard operating procedure. I think all governments are like that, actually, and it is almost a kind of brainwashing, that we have been programmed to think nobody in our intelligence services would ever do this to us, even though they are psychopaths, and there is no risk to them. Blackmail files start early. Also note, most computers, which are where most people get porn from, have cameras pointing right at the user which can be activated covertly. How many cover them over? And I will bet a lot of couples have those cameras already in their bedrooms, maybe even installed there from before they purchased the house. There was an anon of 4CHan spilling intel stuff. He implied this was the case, and when he left, said the word on their comms was Gavin Newson was about to bang some intern, and people were logging into some network they have to watch, and he was going to check it out.

Residents of Palm Springs, California, are a bit butt-hurt over a proposed AIDS memorial sculpture looks suspiciously like a human anus. Behold! The monument to homosexuality! For those not wanting to click, it looks like a giant concrete donut, with ripples in it that head to the center, to give it that balloon knot appearance. There is no doubt that is what the artist was going for. Somewhere right now there are like thirty Michelangelo’s who cannot rub two dimes together, and nobody will ever know they existed. But we have a giant concrete asshole in display in the middle of a city. The movie Idiocracy never dreamt of this.

CT to subpoena Bridgeport absentee ballots amid fraud allegations.

The people of Alaska have won the right to examine taxpayer-funded reports concerning dead people on the state voter roll.

Third IRS agent who worked Hunter’s case comes forward, corroborates whistleblowers and reveals more possible DOJ corruption.

Jeb Bush: “I would like to see Gavin Newsom run against Ron DeSantis.” The strange thing is before, I think DeSantis would have just “surged” in the polls, the media would have told us how everyone loved him, and that would have been it.. Just like Bush I, Dole, Bush II, McCain, or Romney. Or Joe Biden in 2020. Something which changes the entire way elections work happened, and none of us noticed, or even have any idea what it was. Plus, you wonder, what was in that letter he got at Poppy’s funeral?

New Iowa poll presents a ‘very bleak picture’ for Ron DeSantis

Poll: Joe Biden trails Donald Trump, leads Ron DeSantis and generic GOP candidate.

Trump triumphs in New Hampshire poll as DeSantis brutally plummets 13 points.

President Joe Biden praises ‘Congressional BLACK Caucus’ during address to the Hispanic Caucus in ANOTHER gaffe for aging Commander in Chief.

Biden repeats same story word-for-word just minutes apart, raising fresh concerns about age, fitness for office.

Biden appears to wander off UN stage without shaking President Lula’s hand at end of joint speech – leaving Brazilian leader visibly irritated – minutes after President walked through a flag to take the podium.

Rupert Murdoch steps down as Fox and News Corp. chairman, sending shockwaves through media and politics.

Shutdown looms as US House Republicans again block own spending bill.

Shutdown is nigh as Trump tells Republicans to defund the government.

As the “Squad’s” Democratic Reps. Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), and Cori Bush (Mo.) rage against capitalism from within the halls of Congress, their husbands bring home the bacon, raking in millions through consulting firms, vineyards, and private security operations.

Using Southern Hemisphere data, New report from Denis Rancourt et al. estimates 17 million died following C19 injections – ONE DEATH PER 800 DOSES and that injecting the elderly was NOT a good idea.

More than 18,400 migrants have come to Denver since Christmas. 6,739 of them were bused to other cities.

Joe Biden’s DHS plans photo ID cards for illegal aliens freed into the U.S.

The Biden administration has launched a new program that will boost illegal immigration by allowing immigrants to fly directly from their country of origin to any US city of their choice, according to newly obtained records.

Thousands of migrants have been camping out beneath a bridge in Eagle Pass, Texas — though you wouldn’t be able to tell by viewing the city’s livestream where the overflow facility is obstructed by a giant black box.

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul’s migrant U-turn: Video reveals how Democrat welcomed asylum seekers ‘with open arms’ in 2021 – but TODAY she tells them: ‘Go somewhere else.’

Mass migrations have always put an end to weak and declining civilizations. The interesting thing about watching this is, we are getting to see these things in history that we were told happen organically, from migrant surges, to pandemics, and we are seeing that in this go-around, they are totally engineered by a covert intelligence operation which appears very, very old. Which begs the question about whether all these similar patterns in the past were really this thing as well, and this is just their script, which they play, over and over.

Chicago signs $29.3 million contract to build ‘winterized base camps’ for migrants. Sounds a little militaristic?

Biden grants quasi-Amnesty to 470,000 more Venezuelan migrants.

Who are all these thousands of unvetted Venezuelan migrants marching into Eagle Pass? Odds are, they are Hugo Chavez’s shock troops, engaging in the invasion Hugo envisioned. Chavez was constantly taking photos with Cabal figures like Sean Penn and other leftists.

Donald Trump promises the ‘largest domestic deportation operation in American history.’ A potential savior seems a different direction from the regular script, though if the 2024 election is successfully rigged, and we just continue the decline, obviously, it will be the same script and we and Trump were burned. The script writers do have a challenge this time, as I doubt they have ever had an empire they sought to crash in which the citizenry was so well armed, and potentially dangerous.

Democrat Senator Bob Menendez and his wife now under investigation for allegedly accepting gold bars for favors.

Fetterman presides over Senate wearing short-sleeve shirt, no tie, and shorts. Unless he is a bonafide mental case, you would think there is no reason he would not just put on a suit like everyone else. He doesn’t HAVE to wear that. And yet, he appears to HAVE to wear that, to the point Schumer even changed the official dress code for just him. I think they are giving him this costume, because it means they do not have to find a perfect match for his troglodytic features. If they can get the face and the oafish body close enough, the costume would sell it. If he was in a suit, and the faces didn’t quite match, it would be obvious. But dress him like this, give him a moustache and glasses, as they just have, and you just have to get close enough, and it will look the same. I just don’t see any other vaguely plausible explanation.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin breaks with Schumer on Fetterman dress code change: ‘Need to have standards.’ For some reason they need us to see Fetterman in that costume more.

Critics aren’t buying story of why pilot ejected from $100 million F-35 fighter jet before it crashed—here’s what they’re saying. Q had implied there was some sort of remote control override in at least some military aviation assets, and when Cabal was not getting what it wanted from some patriot with decency, it would crash military planes and helicopters, killing military members, until it got it. There were a raft of crashes early in Trump’s Presidency.

Unfunded pension liability has every Illinoisans on hook for $37,000.

Chicago mayor advances government-owned grocery store after Walmart, Whole Foods close over crime. Slick. A Government funded grocery store, where they funnel taxpayer dollars into it, and then allow the same street crews of surveillance you saw in Portland to take their salaries by walking in and grabbing whatever they can carry out to resell on Ebay.

Big banks predict junk food giants to lose BILLIONS over next decade as Wegovy and Ozempic sap nation’s sweet tooth.

The mothers of the two teens accused of deliberately running over and killing a retired police chief in Las Vegas last month have broken their silence, as one proclaimed her son’s “side of the story” will be told. This feels off to me. I know, they gave us a video of it, which showed two goofballs hitting cars and driving over him. And the video was totally legit, so it must have been stupid kid criminals on a spur of the moment. Maybe I am just overly sensitive to an old-timer Police Chief getting taken out, but I have the same feeling about this I had when Lowell posted the guy who was set up by an ATF informant, and it turned out they were tying him up because they wanted to murder his sister, Irah Sok, who had the Postal Service Truck of Death parked outside her house on Streetview, and subsequently got shot in the head in front of her young son. I read the account of the brother’s set up and instantly felt it was off. I get the same feeling here. Like they wanted to take this guy out, and somehow assigned these surveillance kids to do it, after staging a fake bump-collision with this next surveillance vehicle while videoing it to show it was not a conspiracy:

Notice the window. And now to the public, obviously, it must have just been a “dumb kids on a spur of the moment” thing. But is it really likely one would not say to the other, “Yo Dog, we just killed that guy. We can never speak of this again, and you better delete that video!” Do you know how dumb you have to be to then not only not delete it, but to post that on social media? And the mom is this dumb too? That feels like a play to make you marvel at how dumb the mom is rather than question anything. There is in fact, a bottom trailing end to the Bell curve. It is possible we are seeing it here, but that many standard deviations from the mean, and you are getting into smaller and smaller probabilities. It is possible, but it feels off. Never just believe anything they tell you, or show you.

Senate Republicans are predicting that Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) will need to reach out to House Democrats to get the votes to prevent a government shutdown at the end of next week.

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin has floated a proposal to reverse changes to the Senate dress code.

Michael Bloomberg unleashes another $500 million to destroy US coal industry. And if you did landscaping work for him at a vacation house he owned, he would probably be out there personally, taking 20 minutes of his time with a tape measure arguing over the sq footage of his law to save $200. But then you think he turns around and blows $500 million on something this meaningless to his life, where everything he is spending is getting siphoned off to other Cabal operators, and he will never see any tangible effect from it?

Razor company Braun faces backlash for featuring trans man in ad. There are not a lot of trannies out there. I have only ever seen one, and in that case it was surveillance, though I am unsure if it was a real tranny, or just one of the surveillance people fucking around for laughs. They are not doing these ads because they will sell more electric razors. Everyone which does this shows you it takes orders from Cabal.

Biden taps Vice President Harris to lead executive level gun control office.

Garland says incendiary memo directing FBI to use counterterrorism tools on parents never rescinded.

Project Veritas had information in 2021 Big Pharma was lying on Covid vaccine safety data, O’Keefe told board member, it was never published. It was already comped. And notice, Big Pharma probably didn’t launch an intel operation itself to comp the organization. Cabal comped it, and the agents it placed knew Big Pharma was a protected Cabal subsidiary. All these things are parts of a whole.

Project Veritas ceases operations, lays off all remaining journalists. Interesting in that it was not just O’Keefe, and journalists. Blackwater’s Erik Prince, as I recall, had set up a little intel training op in there for O’Keefe, where recruits were vetted for ability to gather intelligence when the interview was set up, and if they passed, they were trained up by intel professionals and deployed to gather the videos for O’Keefe. But I got the impression somebody else was probably piggybacking that, as a good way to locate recruits for their own operations, whatever those might be. So whoever was behind taking this down did not just destroy the work of a few kids making youtube videos.

Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine says there is evidence that cancers are occurring in excess after people receive COVID-19 vaccinations. The other problem is to make the mRNA last longer, they substituted one of the nucleotides, or “letters” with something less degradable. and when the mRNA finally is degraded, those building blocks that do not break down so easily, end up floating around waiting to be recycled into new signals. The body is designed so when it makes these signals, they degrade relatively quickly, and if it needs more it makes more, if it doesn’t, things turn off. But once vaccinated, cells will make signals with non-degradable building blocks, and when they would normally turn off, like to stop cellular proliferation, these will not degrade, and will just keep signaling and signaling. I mean there were so many theoretical biochemical engineering disasters in the vaxxes it is hard to think it was just sloppiness or rushing. It had to be malicious, which makes you wonder what else is in there they have no talked about.

Gas jumps above $6 a gallon in Los Angeles.

New report from industry researchers finds that 95 percent of the once-hyped crypto assets Non Fungible Tokens have hit rock-bottom valuation and are largely worthless.

Australian delegation visits DC to push for Assange’s release.

Harvard’s Jacinda Ardean calls on the United Nations to crack down on free speech as a weapon of war.

From here:

The recent rape of a French woman, identified only by her first name, Mégane, by a Muslim migrant, Oumar Ndiaye, was particularly brutal, leaving the victim in a month-long coma. Now she is out of the coma, but still in critical condition. A dozen French protesters recently stood silently outside Ndiaye’s home, holding signs to protest the fact that despite 17 previous offenses, Ndiaye had remained free — and while free, had committed his rape. Now it is those protesters who face prosecution; they face up to five years in prison for taking part in a silent protest.

India has stopped issuing visas to Canadian citizens amid an escalating row over the killing of a Sikh separatist on Canadian soil.

Swedish police chief warns of ‘unprecedented’ wave of gang killings. They are going to have to learn to embrace warfare. Because when things turn K, and you have Great Depression era levels of poverty, as eventually will always happen, those gangs will turn on the population and take everything they have. If the population is made up of meek rabbits, they will die, Europe will turn Muslim, and radical Imams will have intercontinental ballistic missiles armed with nukes.

South Korea raids US military bases in drugs probe – investigating 17 US soldiers and five other people who allegedly smuggled or used synthetic marijuana via military mail.

Mexican cartels are fifth-largest employers in Mexico, study finds.

The Clinton Foundation is back, and it’s headed to Ukraine. All that money we are sending over there proved too much of an allure, and now even the Clintons are heading over there to take their share.

In return for a secret arms deal with Ukraine, the U.S.-brokered a loan for Pakistan which let Pakistan’s military postpone elections, deepen a brutal crackdown, and jail former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Ukrainian media edited Zelensky’s UN speech to make it look like he had a bigger audience.

Ukrainian spy chief asks West to empty warehouses of military supplies.

Pentagon exempts Ukraine operations from potential government shutdown.

Newsweek buts the best spin it can on an embarrassing situation – “A video of Volodymyr Zelensky dancing in high heels while wearing a midriff-baring top has resurfaced online, with people widely praising the Ukrainian president.”

On Tuesday, a Polish MP presented the Ukrainian embassy with a ‘bill’ for $23 billion, recommending that Kiev reimburse the aid it got after suing Warsaw for imposing a restriction on grain imports from the country.

Another $325 million to Ukraine.

With opposition in Congress, Biden issues memorandum granting new powers to the Secretary of State to provide $128 million in assistance to Ukraine without regard to any provision of law within the purview of section 614(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.

Lancaster, Nebraska County GOP affirms its shift rightward, returning populist and Trump supporter to top job.

Spread r/K Theory, because God’s protection is more powerful than the Cabal

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1 year ago

A short read from Zman which reflects my own experience:

So true, everything looks fabricated with malignant ulterior motives. My football team has been a source of intense interest for decades despite long periods of losing. A home town pride thing, inculcated but natural.

A recent game was so phony, it was painful. I can see now that certain players understand the kayfabe, but they get too much money and let passive/aggressive speak for them, or well hidden, bland satire of the phoniness in the pointless words they speak.

I can enjoy discussing these games, though, with friends at the gin mill, who have disparate levels of awareness.

There is a certain comfort understanding the malignant, evil fabrication. For one, the Bible makes 1000% more sense than it ever did. The words which seemed like religious cant now spring off the page with vibrant meaning and relevance.

And the reign of evil untruth has forced me to attain a serenity that was not there before.

1 year ago

Regarding trannies, I can think of one I’ve met. I was working a project for Microsoft 365. I was at a meeting where Microsoft provided a demo. One of their employees was a tranny. The funny thing was, it was dressed better than most women I know IRL. The whole experience was surreal.

1 year ago

The Bob Menendez thing has always struck me as weird. It’s clearly Cabal eff’ing with him. But he’s a DEM. It’s not the DJT Faction going after him.

It’s possible he’s trying to run an operation independent of Cabal. Or, he’s just anti-Cabal. I think it’s logically impossible that every single DEM politician is Cabal. Maybe most are, but all? Does Cabal even want everyone to be Cabal?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

When they go after somebody who has obviously been protected for a long time, I wonder who he pissed off? He’s a Demonrat from Jersey, so he’s corrupt. They all are. Why is the Brandon DOJ going after him when they work so hard to protect their own?

1 year ago

Reposting this one from yesterday. I posted it after 9 PM EST, so I don’t know how many people saw it. Its something that will either get memory holed, or will be big:

In April 2021, the federal government was informed that the COVID vaccines were linked to a lot of myrocarditis cases. A lot of the data came from Israel, where the government was particularly insistent that Israelis (though not so much Palestinians) got the injections.

So in May 2021 lots of discussions of the issue took place among senior federal “health” bureaucrats and the White House staff. And the discussions were not about stopping the COVID vaccination program. They were about how to control the narrative so people got the injections anyway.

A lawyer made a Freedom of Information request to the CDC, and the document dump included the relevant emails, though they were unrelated to the original quest. The lawyer was working with Naomi Wolf’s group, so they got to Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly.

Wolf was on Bannon’s War Room this evening to explain (20 minutes):

Now I’m wondering if this is going to get added to the impeachment inquiry. If the information holds up, it really should be the first two articles of the impeachment resolution, one for hiding the adverse effects of the vaccines, and the second for trying to make them a condition of employment.

AC agreed that this should be one of the normal links, but it didn’t make it, so probably best to just repost it.

1 year ago

Re: the sexualizing grade schooler stuff

I know that happened in Canada.

But the thing that freaks me out is that these are all Felonies. These actions are felony sex crimes. Many many many felonies. Decades in prison.

These teachers should be arrested and tried and imprisoned.

And I don’t mean “should” as in “I want”. I mean “should” as in “normal course of business for LEO”.

It’s as lawless as anything I have ever seen. Total lawlessness. Total failure of Sheriffs and Police.

Dude, just arrest the teachers who did this. Secure the evidence. Secure the witnesses. Charge them with Felonies. Go to trial. Imprison them.

There’s no grey-area or plausible ddniability. This is just open sexual felony. It’s undeniable.

Just walk into the damn school and cuff the teachers and libratians. Cuff the Principal. Grab the books and lesson plans.

Wtf are they gonna say?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Lack of LEO’s actions is proof that they are under cabal control.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“But they look involved because somehow surveillance can simply call up the shift commander and say something, and he will make what they need to happen happen, or not happen.”
That is what I’m saying. They may want but they cant. Do you believe that street cops dont know about civil surveillance? For excample – the one who dont want to follow you on highway and three creeps surround him?

1 year ago

Re: Michael Bloomberg unleashes another $500 million to destroy US coal industry

Around the time Bloomberg was (Republican) mayor of NY I was walking past a huge construction site on a sunny afternoon on the east side of Manhattan. Bloomberg Corp was erecting its new headquarters there. This was a huge project comprising an entire city block in all four directions – very rare prime property near Bloomingdales. I think another grand old department store had been there previously. Bloomberg was everywhere then, a famous billionaire spouting off about climate change and making all kinds of showy donations to politically correct NGOs as he prepared his political career. I remember thinking, as I looked at this huge monument Bloomberg was building to himself, How come all these billionaires always blow all this money on “climate”, “population”, “health” whatever? Bloomberg could just take this huge block of real estate he bought in this overcrowded city and turn it into a beautiful park – for the regular people he’s forever telling us he’s here to help. These billionaire assholes never do or build anything with their money/donations that is a tangible benefit to the people. It’s always smoke and mirrors, NGOs, university endowments etc. They’re prominent money managers and/or money distribution nodes for Cabal’s laundering and pay-offs. The billionaires exist to focus our attention away from Cabal itself.

1 year ago

Was just sent this from an acquaintance in London:

No meat, no dairy and three outfits a year: Welcome to Sadiq Khan’s plan for London….C40, a global group of city mayors chaired by Sadiq Khan, has a radical vision of net zero that critics say will restrict personal choice

This is the radical vision of a net zero future dreamed up by C40, a global collective of city mayors chaired by Sadiq Khan, which advocates extreme measures to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and limit global temperature increases to 1.5C.

Who are these global mayors of whom Bloomberg is part?

1 year ago

Ken Paxton did an interview with Tucker Carlson after being acquitted as Attorney General of Texas of impeachment. I could find a link, but it was posted on Twitter, seems to be on Youtube, and its probably best to do a search using your most trusted search engine.

Paxton gave a more in depth look at the how and why of the process, and he had been under a gag order so there was news there. He had been a member of the Texas House of Representatives, and gave some insight on Texas politics that better explain the manuever and won’t make it into most media articles.

Texas has had a clear and persistent Republican majority since the early 1990s. Paxton described persistent efforts to fortify Texas for democracy that he has so far been able to stave off, but he isn’t sure how much he can. However, in the Texas House of Representatives, a group of Republicans, a minority of the caucus, entered into a power sharing agreement with the Democratic caucus. A Republican would be Speaker, but the Democrats would get key committee chairmanships and pretty much control the House of Representatives.

One thing to note is that this manuever has been done before in other states, I remember it happening in California in the 1990s. I was certain that something like this would happen to enable Democrats to continue to control the federal House of Representatives, where they need only five Republicans, and to my surprise so far it hasn’t. I wonder what is going on behind the scenes there.

The Texas Senate has a solid Republican majority, so the impeachment was always going to fail in the Senate. And the impeachment charges were just presented in the House one day, with no hearings and something like one day of debate, and no opportunity for Paxton or his lawyers to respond to them (ite not even clear if they were notified), and I’ve read them and they were pretty vague and flimsy. So sort of actual charges with strong evidence, or some sort of deal with the Senate majority, the only thing this could accomplish was to waste everyone’s time.

The key clue is that under the Texas constitution, when an official is impeached, he is suspended from office until either removal or acquittal. There are other jurisdictions, I can think of Brazil as one example, where this is the case but its not the case with the US federal government. So they just have to impeach the Attorney General to keep him from doing his job for months, and the charges don’t have to be substantive.

Paxton was preparing to sue Pfizer for fraud over the COVID vaccine program. They had to have wanted to delay that.

1 year ago
1 year ago

My daily read, thanks AC!

1 year ago

In many decades the only tranny I have seen is the one who came into my local (90% MAGA) gin mill a couple weeks after the Bud Lite thing blew up. An overt homosexual arrived there first, and the tranny in a white wedding dress ten minutes later.

We all understood immediately that this was a preposterous attempt to cause an incident. What they didn’t know was that no one gave a fuck, and would never have given a fuck before or after Bud Lite.

They have never returned.

1 year ago

I imagine the Fetterman thing is more a flex on DJT Faction.

“Be a shame if the Institution you take over was a laughingstock”

Idk. Something like that. Something like the power behind the throne showing how powerless the serious ppl in Congress are.

Like Caligula and his horse.

“Oh, you think you are important and serious? Ok. You aren’t either of those things. I’ll prove it. Check this out.”

1 year ago

The latest Miles Mathis Committee essay takes as its main subject Hanlon’s Razor, which I think anyone looking at this site will have figured out is bs. But it sort of touches on many other things in the news and is worth reading as a sort of wrap up. Its one of the better essays.

“Speaking of slanted coverage, while I was at my parents’ house for a few days this week, I had to checkmy email on their computer, and they have Microsoft Edge as their browser. Don’t ask me why. I didn’t ask them. The homepage was “news”, as usual, but the coverage was so ludicrously slanted I wanted to check it out when I got home. I couldn’t access the MicrosoEdge homepage without downloading it, but I figured it was the same as MSN news. Nope. Not even close. At least not as it appears on my computer. On their computer, every story on the front page was about Trump, and appeared to have been written by Hunter Biden personally. Only the goofiest pictures of Trump were used, above headlines making it look like he was right on the verge of simultaneously raping his mother and all his children, while dancing on the graves of Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln, and the entire cast of Glee. I exaggerate only slightly. So why can’t I access that news? My guess is it is because the news at such places is now tailored to each person individually. This “news” perfectly fit my parents’ views, and no doubt had helped guide them to where they now are. You will say my views are also guided in the same way, but that is doubtful since I don’t believe anything I see online. I don’t even look at mainstream coverage of anything, and most of the alternative coverage doesn’t impress me, either. I have said I think the alternative sites are also written from Langley, so if I read them, I only do so to see what the agents are up to this week. I can sometimes sift some truth out of that, with a lot of work.”

Some of this material might first be picked up from here.

1 year ago

‘Rupert Murdoch steps down as Fox and News Corp. chairman, sending shockwaves through media and politics.’

So maybe now Fox can actually be a Conservative news network instead of the Neoconservative termite mound it’s been? We can dream.

1 year ago

Friday thoughts.
Stendhal Syndrome manifesting across First World countries.
Bidet policies designed to break systems, create new crises, pave way for return of Clinton combine. /: Now that you have Cloward-Piven on your bingo card, wait for next squares to hit. False flag is an evergreen.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I looked part of it up for future reference.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Re: Stendhal Syndrome:”….symptoms included dizzy spells, palpitations, hallucinations, disorientation, loss of identity, and physical exhaustion. Precipitating factors were ‘an impressionable personality, the stress of travel and the encounter with a city like Florence haunted by ghosts of the great, death and the perspective of history.’ Treatment? Getting out of Italy as soon as possible and back to mundane reality.”


Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

the mention of Florence reminded me that Stendhal syndrome was a plot point in an Alexander McCall Smith series (Scottish author), 44 Scotland St, either Bertie Plays the Blues or the book prior (published about 2011). I had always thought the syndrome was fictional because it seems so bizarre. A character succumbed while visiting Florence and decided to become a nun, although I don’t recall if she followed through.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Re Cloward-Piven strategy:”… a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’ll take one for the team.

Okay…Stendhal Syndrome:

Stendhal syndrome, Stendhal’s syndrome or Florence syndrome is a psychosomatic condition involving rapid heartbeat, fainting, confusion, and even hallucinations, allegedly occurring when individuals become exposed to objects, artworks, or phenomena of great beauty.

Hmmm…not sure what “great beauty” we are supposed to be seeing in the First World?

>>Bidet policies designed to break systems, create new crises, pave way for return of Clinton combine.

I can carefully agree to this. Clinton Crime Syndicate (er…Clinton Global Initiative) seems to be back in business (“3rd world countries BACK ON THE MENU BOYS” – there…a little puzzle from me – hint: LOTR). What I’m watching though, is whether their foray will get any traction. Don’t most people know that Haiti was nothing but a ginormous grift coupled with child trafficking? Anybody?

>>Now that you have Cloward-Piven on your bingo card, wait for next squares to hit

Cloward-Piven seemed to hope to overrun the existing welfare system so much that the Dems/whomever was in power would have to move to a guaranteed income program (as in: simply give the poor some type of guaranteed income per month or year or who knows?). Having this on our bingo card means that something will happen (maybe the economy will crash, or at the very least welfare system will crash (social security too?)) such that the “powers that be” will simply HAVE to create some type of guaranteed income program.
Yeah…not seeing this simply because K has “had enough” and perhaps (I can dream here) will all withdraw from as much taxation and other BS as possible and therefore where will Gov get the money to implement this? Oh wait…the Fed can just print money out of thin air as usual. I’m gonna score this one as: wait and see.

>>False flag is an evergreen.

This is simply creating puzzles for the sake of creating puzzles. Putting the words “false flag” in the same sentence as “evergreen” suggests:

Hillary Clinton but also suggests the giant shipping company that supposedly jammed up the canal (whose containers were supposedly full of children, or perhaps children parts, or who knows?).
So perhaps this person is suggesting Hillary Clinton will somehow perform a false flag such that she can come in as the savior of all mankind if we just make her madame president.

My money is on Michael (er…Michelle), so yeah I’m not seeing this one either.

HOWEVER: when it comes to rigged elections, anything can happen (including Hillary in the white house…shudder…).

How did I do?

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

It’s not a very sophisticated puzzle. Stendhal Syndrome is new to me though. And it is intentionally ambiguous as to who is suffering and what they are perceiving.

Other than that it seems pretty intro-tier stuff.

Idk. I guess the reversed frownie face may be something. But that may not be sig, Idk the usage of that stuff.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Hillary’s US Secret Service code name is Evergreen.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Combine. Spelling er?

1 year ago

“Europe will turn Muslim, and radical Imams will have intercontinental ballistic missiles armed with nukes.”

And then they will nuke Israel and kill every last Jew there. Having studied enough history I am convinced Jews are their own worst enemies and God frequently punishes them for the stupid things they cause.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

No, Russia will come in and rescue Europe. There will be a Russian/Chinese Marshall plan and the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) will stretch from Lisbon to Vladivostok.

Remember Mackinders Heartland thesis. The EAEU will control the world island, and thus the world. All for the banksteins.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

There is no way China and Russia stay allies long enough for that to happen.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

“All for the banksteins”

I poasted a reply to you a few days ago which didn’t make it through about this line of thinking.

Maybe. Possible. But I think it’s just dooming. And if true? Well yeah, we’re screwed. If they’re supra-human intellects, we’re just spiralling down and down forever as they LOL and rub their hands.

I don’t buy it though. I think it’s facile. Their millenial existence does not equal full spectrum dominance.

The City of London has been losing and losing and losing. DC has been losing and losing and losing.

Sure, they’ll tell themselves and us it’s been win after win after win and any day now you rubes we’ll do the Great Reveal and you’ll be sorry!

The “banksteins” aren’t in a great position and certianly not a historically maximal position unless one is speaking tautologically and just defining history as Cabal winning and winning and winning.

NOTE: I don’t think there’s any final victory or “solution” on the horizon.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Ehh. Never thought it was you being a dick, AC. I figured it was the powers that be.

And I have no problem with a site owner curating the comments. So, if it wasn’t TPTB, I’d be fine too.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

Dont hold your breath.

Does Russia have the manpower or will to clean out Europe.

No-one is coming to save us. However, Russia is the Ark.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Islam is the perfect vehicle for Islam. Paedophilia, suicide soldier, Caliphs and no democracy.

The Caliph doesn’t need to be muslim. He only requires obedience.

1 year ago

Another story, this time on the US stasi, and via Vox Day:

1 year ago

I watch Jackson Hinkle from time to time. A while back he was talking about the behavior of California elites. What he said was something along the lines of, “Living in Los Angeles, you hear things. For example . . . Let’s just say, you hear things.”

I was listening to the Sex Pistols yesterday, and these lines from “God Save the Queen” took on a deeper meaning. Growing up I thought the lyrics were meant to be provocative in a mindless rebellious sort of way. I’m not so sure anymore. Now I’m wondering if the.Sex Pistols had “heard things.”

Here’s the lyrics: “God save the queen. She ain’t no human being. . . God save the queen . . . And our figurehead is not what she seems. Oh God save history. God save your mad parade. Oh Lord God have mercy. All crimes are paid.”

The same goes for “Anarchy in the UK.” I always thought Johnny Rotten was speaking for himself. I wonder now if he “heard things” and wrote a song from the perspective of the anti-Christ.

This morning, after I read through today’s post here, I began thinking about how AC frequently says that if we knew everything going on, it would shock and sicken us. Those Sex Pistols’ lyrics were on my mind as I thought about Kyle Rittenhouse and Russel Brand. Just sitting, drinking my morning coffee and some memory of something about Johnny Rotten and Jimmy Saville, a British celebrity who preyed on children, came to mind. So I did a quick search and found a Johnny Rotten interview with Piers Morgan about Jimmy Saville. It hit all the AC buttons. People “hear things” but if you mention them, you get suppressed. The interview made me reevaluate Rotten and the Sex Pistols. I wonder if their willingness, in the 1970s, to pull back the curtain a bit led to the rapid destruction of the band after only one groundbreaking album.

God save us all.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Johnny Rotten went on to advertise margarine in the UK.
Humiliation ritual?
Punk reeks of Tavistock psyop.
Also, makes me think of a take called “stalled century” – a form of culture-historic sleight of hand which involves keeping certain zombie cultural artefacts (Wheel of Fortune, Warren Buffet, Queen Elizabeth, Indiana Jones etc…) going as long as possible with one hand to distract the rubes from the accelerationist other hand.
Some kind of managed, Gouldian punctuated equilibrium, allowing Them to nail their saltation prep each time.

1 year ago

exposed by AI when it’s unshackled

1 year ago

I noticed this in this story about a group of people in London who tortured and murdered a DJ there. Another way to be physically tracked (even if you left all electronic devices at home and had a car with no wifi or gps) and most people wouldn’t know this was on their car unless they asked a professional or an experienced mechanic with integrity to look it over.
The assailants had allegedly installed a tracking device on Alpergin’s car, the jury was told.”
UK DJ tortured to death by ‘sadistic thugs’ who locked girlfriend in bathroom: lawyers (

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

It happens quite a lot. A lad I grew up with has a son who had one of these put on his vehicle. This was several years ago. The one doing the tracking, who was a bad man, was shot dead. The son was found not guilty.

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

The above has images so you know what to look for. These are just the Forbes top five. There are lots on Amazon as well.

1 year ago

> I heard someone yell, ‘Don’t run to them! They might have a gun!’

If they were in a civilized place, they’d have guns of their own.

1 year ago

> You would be surprised at the degree of pre-programming you have up there, totally dormant until the right stimuli flip the switch. And once your goal is to flee, it is almost like having Jason Bourne programming. 

There’s a lot of “firmware” that runs pretty much independent of conscious thought or intent. The firmware can be retrained, but most people don’t even realize it’s there. Sometimes you get surprised when your body does something you *know* is incorrect or counterproductive, but you’re pretty much just along for the ride once the firmware is driving.

1 year ago

> It is so baffling. Fingering a baby-faced kid like Kyle, who just wanted to help everyone, and marking him to be the one to die that night at the hands of a little pedophile, just for politics. 

You know, I’d never considered that before. I figure Grosskreutz & Co. were just looking for an appropate victim and Rittenhouse was young and baby-faced, and they thought he would be an easy target. The rifle would have made him an even better target, and they would have discounted any threat from it. Nobody was going to shoot at *them*

On the other hand… Rittenhouse had already been on the list of potential targets. He had some public visibility before the shooting. Or maybe one of the remote controller picked him out on surveillance video and directed Grosskreutz to him. Rittenhouse would die as two thoroughly respectable citizens swore he’d attacked them, and investigators would “find” evidence that Rittenhouse was a nutjob, a Nazi, loaded the toilet paper dispenser the wrong way, and left some kind of incoherent ‘manifesto’.

But Rittenhouse didn’t die, and everything went off the rails.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Not to mention (and I’m not trying to downplay anything), it became meme gold. Absolute meme gold. That kids face launched a thousand ships in the months after. True K women probably will throw panties at the kid. Again, not trying to cheapen this whole thing, but it’s downright hilarious what humans will do with stuff like this. The memes that photoshop Kyle into a typical first person shooter are perhaps the funniest (even though there was other tragedy going on).

OH, and in answer to the presumable woman anon that asked the other day: who is going to do all the smack-down of cabal and other wicked people. I’m not being led TODAY to say that I will be one of them because I want to listen to God and the Holy Spirit, especially considering the taking of life. That said, as AC always points out, push the K far enough and we’ll find out. I also don’t want to say anything that puts law enforcement at my door either…so for now…we wait and see. Kyle is perhaps a perfect example of what happens. And it seems that it was all self defense, which in my world view is COMPLETELY justified. I am NOT a pacifist (and neither were the disciples).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve said before at other places that a true, pure black white race war won’t happen. The sides are just too uneven.
I saw a few years back something in the media that looked to me like one ramping up. And then the Black leaders were out damping it down.
At least, that’s my theory. Some accidental bit started running on its own, and suddenly the ‘leaders’ had to get out in front of the parade, and call a halt to the show.
They want to threaten it, and make people worry about it, butnot actually do it.
Also, yeah,, I had one time where I got the ‘oh, I’m running from the bad men and I dont’ remember starting to run’ thing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

A good place to reprint your post on Jelly Bryce.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

> And yet we have probably of the 160 million gunowners in the US,

I’ve noticed many anti-gun liberals actually own a few guns themselves. Because they’re responsible people, you know, not like those blue-collar degenerates.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Joshua 23:10
“One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.”

King James Version (KJV)

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

> The people of Alaska have won the right to examine taxpayer-funded reports concerning dead people on the state voter roll.

It’s a public record and a public study; they always had that right. Some bureaucrat or judge tried to take that right from them.

1 year ago

> Big banks predict junk food giants to lose BILLIONS over next decade as Wegovy and Ozempic sap nation’s sweet tooth.

Maybe. Not many medical insurance carriers will cover semiglutide injections, and some of the ones that do, want up to $500 co-pay per month. Retail price runs $1200-$1400 a month.

I don’t see a stampede for semiglutide unless the price comes down. And even then, I think I’m not the only one who is leery of new (and not so new) drugs after the Vaxx rubbed our faces into the malfeasance of the pharmaceutical industry.

Being fat has known health risks. More than Wegovy and its relatives? The people who are claiming it is tested and safe are the same ones who told us the Vaxx was A-OK.

“Asps. Very dangerous. You go first.”

1 year ago

> Razor company Braun faces backlash for featuring trans man in ad. 

They had to have known what happened to Gillette a while back, but they chose to do it anyway.

Well, another company I won’t buy from, then.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I get the feeling they’re incapable of learning. But another pattern I see is that people have a habit of believing the old Marxist mantra that “Well, if we get the RIGHT PERSON, it will work”. I think they believe they are the mythical RIGHT PERSON and thus it will totally work this time.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

It’s all about destroying the share value of these companies via boycotts as said shares are owned by a lot of pension funds, insurance companies etc. This is simply another dimension in the war against the middle class.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Get a safety razor and a few 100-packs of blades. Better, cheaper, and old-school.

1 year ago

> Biden taps Vice President Harris to lead executive level gun control office.

Oh. For a while there I was actually a bit concerned over the Office of Gun Violence Prevention, but with Hee-Haw running it, it’s probably nothing to worry about.

Notice nobody ever seems to be concerned over “knife violence”, “fist violence”, or “bow and arrow violence”?

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

“Oh. For a while there I was actually a bit concerned over the Office of Gun Violence Prevention, but with Hee-Haw running it, it’s probably nothing to worry about.”

Cue Kamala laughing hysterically in embarrassment.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I DO think that “car violence” is starting to get on the radar…heh heh.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

“Biden taps Vice President Harris”. LOL.
Too old for him.

1 year ago

> Gas jumps above $6 a gallon in Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, it dropped about a dime here in Arkansas. I gassed up the truck this morning at $3.18. And 59 cents of that is state excise tax.

It’s not a free market when the State has its jackboot on the scale.

1 year ago

> The Clinton Foundation is back, and it’s headed to Ukraine. 

The CF took a beating over “financial irregularities” in Haiti. They were stuffed with money, and then after Trump won the election in 2016, the Foundation was abruptly shut down. Then after Biden was installed, the Foundation was back. No announcements that I notice, just “business as usual.”

I wondered where all the money went in 2016, and if it was the same money in 2020.

What you have to remember is, the Clinton Foundation exists for the benefit of the Clintons, not for “public good” or whatever its charter says. The Foundation has a fugly web site with all the bells and whistles, mostly leading you around in circles while avoiding any actual details about what they want you to think they’re for.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

We’ve been assuming all the visitors to Epstein’s Island flew on his jet with Maxwell piloting it. But he had the overhead of maintenance – groundskeeping, cleaners, however many girls he had living there, etc. – 365 days a year, and he didn’t spend all that much time in his island playground.

It’s possible only celebrities and high-rollers got the personal touch, and other, non-overlapping flights were scheduled in between his visits. It would be very interesting to know how many other flights there were… and there’s no reason they all had to come by air, either. Lots of yachting activity in that area, you know.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Maxwell also was a sub driver.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

And a helicopter pilot. I don’t recall a runway on Little St. James, and I don’t know where his 727 actually landed. The passengers were brought to the island by other means, whether yacht, sub, or helicopter.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Oh, I forgot, also Disney Cruise.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Cruise ships routinely dock at St Thomas, Little St. James is a 5 minute boat ride from St. Thomas. You could move allot of people in the deluge of people getting off that cruise ship. Not to mention moving high value merchandise targets in and out of the U.S. proper.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wasn’t the adjacent island (Other St. James) where the Bidens own a plot an ex mil sub dock base?

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

They will focus on the children of Ukraine they said. Nothing creepy about that. Especially after Haiti and the Clinton foundation being caught stealing kids.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve had discussions like this with other Christians I know. Some prefer to stick their heads in the sand. “God wins in the end. That’s all I need to know.” I feel driven to understand the times, like the Sons of Issachar in I Chr 12. WTF is going on? Who are the players? What are the ideas driving things? It feels like my mission. We’re all given gifts by God and expected to use them. I seem to be able to make connections between ideas and discern patterns. I can also understand things and break them down and explain them so others can understand them.

One friend told me we’re supposed to spread the Gospel. Is all this shit eventually comes out, what do you think that will do for all the “how can a loving God do this?” People? I’m at least hoping if I can somehow understand this ancient Satanic death cult, when the info comes out and shocks peopl,, I’ll be in a position to help them.

It definitely changes us. I saw two points today. One is the the CF (Clinton Foundation) is moving into Ukraine. Another is that the Marina Abramovic witch was brought into Ukraine for something related to school children. We know what that means. It will probably make the Haitian earthquake look like a puppy show. How come whenever cop/fed shows do a human trafficking episode, it’s usually girls from Ukraine?

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago
Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Creepy Marina Abramovic (is it really Ghislaine’s tranny half-brother?) has had some creepy face work just in time.

1 year ago


comment image

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wow…that number 17 again

Reply to  map
1 year ago

yep. and I’m bored of it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

17, eh?

1 year ago

“Most here will have no ability to understand that, because you never flipped that switch. I remember when I never had. But it is an interesting experience.”

Can confirm. Ran from the cops exactly once. Under rather mundane circumstances. Christmas Day, near midnight, very light traffic. I ran a blinking red light and made a left turn at the intersection. Coming toward me was a patrol car. It passed and I checked my rear view. The car started to pull a U-turn at the intersection I just passed. Before it had even completed the turn, my switch flipped. Oh man, did it flip.

I knew the roads in the area well. I got a little lucky in that there was little additional traffic, maybe another car or two. But I executed some extremely difficult turns at high speed with an ease and calm that (later) astonished me. Like outfitted with an internal GPS, and with no obvious conscious forethought, within 30 seconds of seeing the patrol car in my rearview, I winded thru main and residential streets and swung into a semi-public parking lot, killed the lights, lay flat in the seat, and chilled. Multiple cops cars swept back and forth along the street, swinging searchlights. A helicopter buzzed around for a bit. Maybe an hour or two I was like that before it quieted down and I slow rolled home, no further incident.

The level of certainty, fluidity of action, and aforementioned ease at pulling this off was an otherworldly feeling. When I saw the beginning of the movie Drive I thought to myself, oh yeah I did that, too. Also made me completely understand the adrenaline rush some criminals may become addicted to.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Like maybe exterminating people with those genetics might be a high priority for people, or creatures, who prefer docile human slaves.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I find this topic fascinating. I have no fear of death and I find high stress, potentially fatal, situations mildly amusing. And no, I am not a sociopath. I feel fear, annoyance, love, grief, etc. I’ve spent most of my life puzzling over how a mild mannered, middle class, white family man can switch to stone cold man in violent situations. Maybe it’s some sort of northern European berserker gene.

In junior high school, I had a run in with a bully who was probably a good six inches taller and twenty pounds heavier than me. I saw him coming and it terrified me. The fear paralyzed me. I knew I was going to get hurt and I had no idea what to do. But as he stopped in front of me and began his bully spiel, something flipped in me. I went cold – totally calm. I remember analyzing the situation. He was bigger. He would win, but I wanted to hurt him. My mind quickly considered and discarded potential strike zones before settling on his groin. I was going to hit it, and hit it, and hit it, and he would remember this fight for the rest of his life. As I ran through me plan in my head, he slowly stopped talking, got a scared look, and scurried away. I was WTF? And no, there was nobody else around us, so it wasn’t a teacher who spooked him. This happened again in high school and the same thing happened. I got coldly calm, began developing my fight plan and the guy got nervous and scurried off.

Had a gun pulled on me when I was eighteen. We were cruising downtown and ended up standing on a street corner flirting with the girls when a guy stopped at the intersection right in front of us because the light turned red. I had to work the previous weekend, but apparently the guys I hung with had gotten into an altercation with the guy in the car at some party when I wasn’t there. When they saw him stopped in his car right in front of us, they ran into the street and began banging on his car. Jackasses. He jumped out, and began waving a pistol around. I just there shaking my head at all the stupidity on display in front of me. Since everyone else scattered, he ended up pointing his pistol at me. I found myself laughing inside thinking what a way to go, getting shot because the dumbasses I was with were upset about a pointless argument at a party I didn’t even attend, and they were all such little pussies, they ran away at the first hint of danger – losers. The guy with the gun and I stared directly into each other’s eyes, me with my hands in my pockets waiting for him to pull that trigger, thinking this was about the funniest thing I’d ever experienced. Obviously I didn’t get shot, he got a weird look on his face, jumped back in his car and took off through the red light with the cross traffic squealing and swerving to avoid him.

Been shot at. Made me laugh, but I’ll leave that one aside.

I got sucker punched once by a woman – in my fifties. She couldn’t have been more than 110 pounds, and I’m a fairly fit 195 pounds. The hit caused me to stumble, trip over my own feet and go down to a knee when something slammed into the side of my face. Everything went black. I don’t mean I passed out, I mean I lost my eyesight but I could still hear and feel everything. I found out later that she slammed her knee into the side of my face when I went down. Now, to make sense of what happened next, you need to know I am not a trained fighter and the only thing approaching a fight I’d been in was an argument with my brother that turned into a shoving match. And that happened in our twenties. So, when I felt blows, which turned out to be her kicking me, you might have expected me to curl up in a ball, suck my thumb, and cry. That didn’t happen. Instead, I remember being very calm. Aside from that I have no memories of what happened over the next few seconds, but somehow, when I became consciously aware of what my body was doing, I found I had her face down on the ground with my right hand holding her right right wrist pulling her right arm up behind her back. And I realized I planned to rip her arm out of her shoulder. My left hand was on her face and I could feel the moistness of her eyeballs on my thumb and pointer finger as I became aware I was about to gouge her eyes out. That was when my eyesight came back and I caught myself and stopped what I was doing. I ended resting my weight in her to contain her until the other people there jumped in and took over. And all because I thought her emotional wokism was stupid. Looking back, I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t even angry. I was totally calm, like a switch inside me was flipped and my body took over, all on its own. It was as if my subconscious brain pushed my conscious brain aside and decided that she had fucked around and now she was going to find out. To this day I’m glad I somehow regained control when I did because she would have been blind and maimed for the rest of her life. And I’m glad she isn’t, as stupid as she is.

In all of these situations, a switch flipped and I became hyper analytical and mildly amused at the entire situation with an almost delighted anticipation of the fight and the opportunity to hurt someone. Then the switch would flip and I’d be back to my normal mild mannered mood. I find it interesting that I’m not the only one like this. It makes me wonder if cabal desperately wants to eliminate the northern European genes because they know that other races and ethnicities are easier to manage and don’t flip on in violent life and death situations

1 year ago

I have questions about prayer. So: everyone in the universe is trapped in time. The big things soothsayers bring to the table is the ability to predict the future so that the wealthy and powerful and connected can 1. profit and 2. remain in power. The second thing is the ability to consult with things not on our plane, but supposedly at the command of things on this plane of existence- the dead, the spirits, and so on. There seems to be a time limit for wicked ruling families.

So, any good prayer doesn’t do that- “Thy will” instead of “My Will”- so it stitches up above our reality- “Thy Will” is outside of time and space- and “This day’s bread”- which isn’t tomorrow’s bread, or asking for shortcuts. It doesn’t look horizontally- around in time- but prayers for outside of time and comprehension.

So, what if prayer is like an obstacle to evil, Like it’s a tube of eternity, sort of like a pneumatic tube from top to bottom, opaque- and what if all evil gets both timebound- unable to predict a true future- and what if the ‘dead’ lie?

So, like, everyone who has been spectacularly evil in my life cannot predict accurately what happens when they do something wicked. Or good, for that matter. Just, complete mindblindness. So, what if demons are like that? Completely unable to see when God and Goodness run a string of lights through a timeline?

Or, say, Vox had a thing about a cave where someone was trying necromancy. So what if the ‘dead’ they consulted told them they would succeed? A lie, as they got wiped out.

Kyle Rittenhouse seemed to have ‘the armor of faith’- not a scratch on him, and armed. There are leftists who look at him in horror- he killed people- and they discount that these are men who raped children. Somehow, there’s this very real disconnect, or bots.

So, what if we all pray, as much as possible, about what is within our realm of responsibility? Or, ‘Thy will….’ and just expect we have no idea what is going on with that pipe? I mean, what Pope John Paul 2 lived through, before he was even a priest, sort of suggests that he was surrounded by a cloud of prayer, and I’m guessing some of them are from people who were praying for him once he was pope- since God is outside of time. Sort of supernatural bubblewrap?

And then the question is “Who is my responsibility?” I am wondering if it is more than most people realize? Or you scale up as you succeed? Like, what if you were a teacher and kept your students in your heart and prayers, even when they are out of your class? I know one teacher that does that, and she’s as near to a saint as I’ve ever seen. I’d say saint, to be honest. Genuinely holy, humble woman.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Very insightful post. We should be praying constantly and without ceasing. It’s right up there with the armor of God and the sword of the Spirit (Scripture).

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Several quick takes

1. God is omniscient. Satan is not. God knows all things – every bird that dies, the number of hairs on your head, every speck of dust floating in the air. Satan, as smart as he is, has limited information. He gathers I formation from observation, human servants, demons, but there are limits to what he knows.

2. God uses his omniscience to do very subtle, but powerful plans. A few days ago someone posted a comment that God does coincidences more than miracles. That means Satan is usually completely in the dark to what God is doing. That also means us humans have only the barest concept of what God is doing. Remember, His ways are high above our ways.

3. Don’t lift yourself too high. If Satan has limited resources, he will throw them where he can get the greatest effect for the least effort. He will focus on wealthy, powerful, and influential people. You? He may never even know you exist if you stay low enough. God, in the other hand, knows everything you do in real time.

4. Theologians speak of the moving now and the unmoving now. We live in the moving now. One event happens, then that event moves into the past and becomes inaccessible to us. God lives in an unmoving now. He is not merely eternal, He is timeless and outside of time. For Him, everything happens now. That means He has constant access to all moments of time from the moment of creation to the end of this world. Boggles your mind

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Late reply but solid poast.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

I think you are right on with the vertical vs horizontal analysis.

The horizontal contains the Psychic realm of demons and entities like ghosts not all of which are definitionally evil. But most all are (probably).

The vertical above us is Angels and then God. But “Angels” is a range with a lot of hierarchical distinctions. The Great Chain/Ladder of Being is like a number line after all. Being is maximally full.

There’s nothing wrong with prayer for the benefit of others or oneself. And I think Guenon was right when he saw that kind of prayer as an act that accessed the psychic collective nature of the Church or Congregation. At least in part.

Cabal is a kshatriya organization. And kshatriya are obsessed with the development/expansion of the self. Expansion in the horizontal direction. Hence Cabal’s obsession with sexual degeneracy and psychic powers and contact with entities. All of which is real but dangerous and dumb and useless.

A Brahmin or Vaisya nature is almost totally uninterested in these things.

A kshatiya is appropriately interested in individual and collective power as they are the administrative faculty (not merely warriors). But Cabal has rejected their place in the Chain of Being and rebelled so it all goes wrong.

I think Kyle was protected by God in that moment. But lots of Kyles get killed in battle. And lots of not-Kyles survive.

Christians aren’t Ghost Shirts. Our souls are imperishable and saved but our lives and bodies are not.

1 year ago

A homebrew sonic speech jammer:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Might it work on the sonic element of the vibrations?

1 year ago

First they came for the shit poasters; but I wasn’t a shit poaster…

1 year ago

Don’t forget the latest video showing zelensky with 2? Body. Doubles,dressed like him,sitting nearby. Youll blink and miss it so look for the one pic showing red circles around the imposters

1 year ago

God in Heaven, Zelensky wants Spirit-Cooker Abramovich to be Ambassador and rebuild schools.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Seen its scary new face!?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Mrgunsngear Channel – Breaking: California’s “High Capacity” Magazine Ban Overturned!

1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago

Country singer Oliver Anthony signed with United Talent Agency (UTA) for global representation in all areas after his breakout single topped numerous charts since its debut in August.
“Rich Men North of Richmond” hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 despite Anthony not having a label or agent, according to Variety. The agency’s clients include major figures and companies in TV, music, film, sports, fashion and more. Other musicians who have signed with UTA include Post Malone, Lizzo, the Jonas Brothers, Dolly Parton, Guns N’ Roses and more.

More at:

1 year ago

At least four generals from the High Command of the Brazilian Army supported intervention; however, Bolsonaro dismissed the idea as he wanted to “play by the 4 Lines [of the Constitution].”

At least four generals from the High Command of the Army were said to be in favor of invoking Article 142 of the Constitution, which they considered necessary to restore institutional order in Brazil after the 2022 elections. Two of them discussed this scenario with former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) between November and December of last year, according to retired military personnel connected to the case.

The then Commander of the Army, Marco Antônio Freire Gomes, was reportedly against any form of intervention, and Bolsonaro himself is said to have ruled out the possibility after the consultation. Thus, among the 17 generals in the High Command, at least four were in favor. According to a source with knowledge of the meetings between Bolsonaro and senior military officials, two generals from the High Command participated in two meetings involving the then Army Commander, Marco Antônio Freire Gomes, and former President Bolsonaro at the Alvorada Palace. These two generals expressed support for the use of Article 142. The activation of Article 142 would have been motivated by perceived judicial misconduct, alleged lack of transparency, and disproportionality in the electoral process – particularly due to the allocation of less radio campaign time for Bolsonaro.

In addition to these high-ranking military officers, a significant portion of lower-ranking officers and enlisted personnel shared this opinion. Some of these military personnel took into account information, as yet unverified by documents, that intelligence reports from the Army about the situation had been downplayed by colleagues who were against invoking Article 142 of the Constitution.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“17 generals”

1 year ago

Police Arrest Oklahoma Judge For Allegedly Opening Fire While Driving, ‘Intentionally’ Crashing Into Vehicle

Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
1 year ago

Oliver Anthony signs with Lizzo’s talent agency.

“We’re honored to represent such an authentic artist, and excited to put together a global strategy to bring Oliver Anthony and his music to the people,” said co-head of UTA Nashville, Jeffrey Hasson, and agent Curt Motley, in a joint statement.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I don’t like the Cabal Fags.