News Briefs – 09/22/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Mesa County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder Tina M. Peters has submitted a forensic examination report to the Mesa County commissioners showing that a massive amount of election data was deleted and “destroyed” by the office of the Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and Dominion Voting Systems when Dominion performed a supposed system upgrade on the voting equipment. Peters had already imaged everything, thus documenting the destruction of the data.

Pennsylvania has officially begun its own state audit modeled after Maricopa County.

VoterGA’s Garland Favorito says, “Today the court confirmed several things we have said all along – There is prima facie evidence of election fraud in the affidavits from senior poll managers who swear they handled counterfeit ballots in the Fulton Co hand count audit… The Equal Protection and Due Process claims of the petitioners are valid allegations of Constitutional rights violations based on the evidence… An inspection of the ballots must be made to determine if they are counterfeit and whether or not the Constitutional rights of the petitioners have been violated… The Petitioners obviously have the correct standing to pursue their claims… We will be delayed another two months because the attorney representing the Democrats on the Fulton County Election Board provided what we believe is obvious false information to the court. The GBI has never interviewed Suzi Voyles, conducted an investigation into counterfeit ballots or claimed that Suzi Voyles recanted any part of her affidavit.”

Bob Woodward claims an attorney who worked with former President Trump’s legal team tried to convince Mike Pence that he could overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and provided him with a six-step plan to do so.

They have done the same thing to Canadian elections that they did to US elections, where they take five days after election day to count mail in ballots, buying them all sorts of time to rig the election.

Australia is now trying to crack down on protesters with arrests, and doubling down on COVID-oppression measures. For those who missed it, yesterday Valis had an excellent rundown of exactly what is going on in Australia here:

You missed a very important story from Melborne:

The basic rundown is this. Our premier (aussie equivalent of governor) is an egregiously r-selected ratfucker whose been keeping us under virtual house arrest for most of the past 18 months. He recently announced that all tradies* would be required to get the vax within a few days. Now the thing about Australian tradies is that they’re famous for being a drunken, disagreeable bunch. Pretty much all of the stereotypes you’ve heard about aussies apply pretty much solely to tradies and bushies. So they haven’t been too happy about this. So on monday they rocked up to the cfmeu** headquarters demanding answers from John Setka, one of the top bosses of the CFMEU and the guy who generally acts as the head of the union’s muscle. Setka fronted up and told the workers that he’d sort it out. Next thing you know he’s on talkback radio calling them extremists and saying they’re not really in the union. The next thing he does is send a biker gang to go bash the protestors. It’s hard to emphasise what a big deal this is to someone who doesn’t know much about auspol, but basically, this would be kinda like Nancy Pelosi sending the Bloods or the Crips to go beat up BLM protestors. A really bad look. It gets worse when the bikies start getting the shit kicked out of them and eventually they have to get behind the riot squad who started firing tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd. I got in the leg with one of those things myself, stings like hell.

Eventually the protest died out. But of course, all the labour politicians just couldn’t help but put themselves in even deeper shit by accusing the protesters of being nazis. Goddamn morons. Then Daniel Andrews committed what may well haven been one of the greatest blunders in the history of Australian politics. The damned fool initiated a two-week construction lockdown. Because lockdowns are all he knows how to do. In a stroke he: Established beyond any reasonable doubt that lockdowns are a punitive measure, not a health one. Completely annihilated his political support in the construction industry; a key ally for the andrews government. Took millions of furiously angry, high-T men who work with their hands all day and gave them two weeks of no pay and nothing to do. Allowed the whole state to see that the victorian state government is a paper tiger that commands little loyalty among the police. The protesters went in even greater numbers the next day. They even took over the westgate bridge. Cops couldn’t do a damn thing except try to corral them around a bit. People are getting bolder and bolder. At this rate there’s absolutely no way the Andrews government can survive two weeks of this. It looks like vicpol is seeing mass resignations*** as a result of cops being unable to deal with the constant stress and hatred.

Shits tense here. It feels a lot like what I imagine things felt like in Paris in the days before the French Revolution. Daniel Andrews seems to be doubling down and going for broke and unless his party has the sense to get rid of him, it seems like things will end in bloodshed. A strange feeling to be sure. This country has never been very political. Much like the Old South, Australia has always been defined by a culture of leisure. It wasn’t that long ago that one could easily not know who the prime minister even was and have no engagement in politics whatsoever. Now everything’s gone insane. The whole damn state revolves around the whims of an effeminate lunatic who shows every sign of having gone mad with power. People have now begun to reach their breaking point. I hate to sound obsequious, AC, but I really must thank you and others like you for giving me the knowledge to make sense of all this insanity. God only knows what sorry state I’d be in if I’d been left to try and figure these things out on my own. But knowing all that I know I have every confidence that I’ll be able to safely navigate the insanity and, God willing, help restore to restore things to sanity once the crisis is over.

*In american terms that would mean anyone who works on a building site more or less as well as contractors you hire to fix and renovate things

**The biggest union in the country, more or less owns the labour party which currently runs the victorian state government

***In keeping with the cities reputation as an insane commie shithole, I’d say at least 40% of all cops are women who don’t seem to understand that violence is a part of their job description.

An earthquake in Victoria, which was felt as far away as Tasmania and the NSW Central Coast, was 6.0 on the Richter scale, according to seismologists.

Biden was slurring his speech at the UN, to the point some words did not sound like words.

If Joe Biden fails this week, his entire domestic agenda is done for at least 15 months.

Schumer slams door on the Senate passing Reconciliation by the 27th.

White House staff orders news media to leave the White House just as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks.

Joe Biden mumbles incoherently during UN General Assembly speech.

Biden doubles US climate change fund to $11 billion a year and commits $10 billion to feed poor people across the world as he assures China ‘we’re not seeking a new Cold War’ in major speech to the United Nations.

Biden Administration deports 327 illegal border crossers back to Haiti, hands thousands of others papers to stay.

Migrants on a transport bus being driven from Del Rio to the RGV overtook the staff and fled from the bus.

Obama Def. Sec. Leon Panetta admits he was involved with Gen. Milley’s secret CCP calls.

John Kerry’s wife, heiress of Heinz Ketchup, has millions of dollars in Chinese investments, leaving Biden’s climate change envoy facing an ethical dilemma.

House Democrats press forward with effort to curtail presidential powers after Trump. Seems Cabal is still bracing for a loss of the Presidency again.

Two strange 4Chan threads on video of impurities in the blood of the vaxxed here, and here. These particles do look very strange, almost like a nanotechnology, if real. I have said, if there is a higher technology civilization here (and there should be under Fermi’s paradox, and we have reports from military members indicating there is) they will be running intelligence operations to corrupt and control our government, and they may view us as livestock. If all of that is the case, this vax containing a high technology, beyond a level we would expect, would not be at all impossible.

Now a Hospitalist blows the whistle on what she has seen running intake at her hospital as the vaccine was rolled out. She says the vaccine is causing rises in pneumonia, recurrent cancers, blood clots, heart attacks, GI bleeds, GI problems, and more, and everybody at her hospital has noticed it. And the incidents are not being reported to VAERS. Also she claims that the pandemic appeared to be dying off when they began the vaccines, and the vaccines seemingly caused a sudden new surge in cases among those who were vaccinated.

80% of Covid-19 deaths in August were people who had been vaccinated according to Public Health data.

YouTube removes German video with autopsy results of deaths following vaccination.

New documents show that just 18 months before the first Covid-19 cases appeared, researchers had submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China. They expected DARPA to give them $14 million dollars in a grant to create chimeric viruses, which is a technology that would directly advance China’s bioweapons program.

According to new leaked grant proposal documents, scientists in Wuhan were planning to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into Chinese bats to inoculate them against disease that could transfer to humans.

Fauci says he supports a vaccine mandate for children.

Facebook and Instagram have taken down Project Veritas’ video on ‘vaccine side-effects.’

Gas station clerk in Germany killed for asking a customer to wear a mask, by man who felt ‘cornered’ by mask rules, prosecutors say. Again, they have divided us, to the point we are contemplating violence with people we would otherwise get along with, while those who created the situation are not even on anybody’s radar – and would be impossible to get to anyway because of the surveillance. Get rid of the surveillance, and the rest of the machine will suddenly feel very, very vulnerable.

Delta variant is one mutation away from the vaccine actually enhancing the infectivity of the virus. Once it gets that mutation, guess which mutation will quickly predominate.

JPMorgan analysis makes an unexpected discovery the Delta variant is only “half as infectious as assumed.”

A shocking new study that was conducted by researchers at Canada’s University of Ottawa Heart Institute found that one out of every thousand(1/1000) mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations causes heart inflammation(myopericarditis) to develop rapidly in otherwise healthy individuals.

Estranged wife of ‘fact-checker’ Snopes co-founder David Mikkelsen says ‘he raped me every morning’ in damning Facebook post.

Bill to bring back eviction moratorium filed in Congress.

Gas prices in the UK could trigger food shortages within weeks. I am increasingly thinking that all the times in the past I noted K happened simultaneously across multiple venues, it was not some cosmic linkage, or some quirk of the mechanism which linked them, but rather it was some sort of decision by the controllers to trigger K-selection across the spectrum.

Study finds Swedish rape offenders tend to be migrants. Migrants are r-strategists.

Indian port seizes $2.7 billion in Taliban heroin.

UK burns 250 Afghan interpreters left behind by mass emailing everyone with their emails visible, instead of blind-copying them. Then they put it in the news, just in case the Taliban missed it.

‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh who supported 9/11 and met with Bin Laden published anti-America op-ed under new name as ‘former POW’ on the 20th anniversary of the attacks. This fucker is out, walking around, free as a bird.

40 officers, 18 soldiers, 2 civilians arrested over coup attempt in Sudan.

Twitter to pay $809.5 million to settle a lawsuit alleging Jack Dorsey and others misled investors.

Far-left Democrats force funds for Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system out of funding bill. Why are we paying Israel’s bills? Conservatives need to stop publicly supporting this. It runs directly against the nationalist, America-first impulses of the base Trump is trying to assemble. Neocons support this shit. America-first patriots are going to feel Israel should be paying its own way, and moreover it is offensive when they expect and demand us to pay their bills.

Israel considering pulling their Ambassador to the US over the Iron Dome funding cut, per US official.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot pitched a pilot program Monday giving $500 monthly payments to 5,000 low-income households, part of the city’s proposed $16.7 billion spending plan that relies on an infusion of federal relief funds to close budget gaps for several years.

A number of Haitian migrants who had been deported from the United States injured three Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers on the tarmac at Port-au-Prince in violent incidents.

Mysterious shaking rattles north Phoenix neighborhood homes. Increasing in frequency and duration lately.

Gretchen Whitmer down six points in Michigan Governor’s race. Unless they address the rigging she will win regardless of this, and then declare her win is a mandate from the voters to do whatever she wants.

Former President Donald Trump is more popular with registered voters than President Joe Biden, according to a Monday Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released by the Hill.

New poll shows Biden underwater in Iowa with just a 31 percent approval rating.

Analysis indicates Dems could lose 41 House seats.

Eric Greitens, the former Missouri governor now running for U.S. Senate, put out a statement accusing McConnell of “working against President Trump and the MAGA movement,” and said people are “sick of the weak, woke RINOs.”

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

Save America Announces Pre-Program Speakers for Georgia Rally

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will be joined by Herschel Walker, Congressman Jody Hice, and Georgia State Senator Burt Jones at the Save America Rally in Perry, GA on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

This rally is a continuation of President Trump’s many appearances in support of candidates and causes that further the MAGA legacy and accomplishments of President Trump’s Administration.

Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 7:00 PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks


Georgia National Fairgrounds

401 Larry Walker Pkwy

Perry, GA 31069

Special Guest Speakers:

Mr. Herschel Walker, Candidate for United States Senate from Georgia

Congressman Jody Hice, Candidate for Georgia Secretary of State

Georgia State Senator Burt Jones, Candidate for Georgia Lt. Governor

Timeline of Events:

11:00AM – Livestream of Georgia Bulldogs at Vanderbilt

2:00PM – Doors open, LIVE Band following Football Game

5:00PM – Program Begins with Pre-Program Remarks

7:00PM – 45th President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

Immediately following President Trump’s remarks, a spectacular on-site fireworks display will be provided by Southern Sky Fireworks.

General Admission Tickets:


Request Media Credentials:


All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Thursday, September 23, 2021, at 7:00PM EDT.

Invite other people to because America First.

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3 years ago

“We will be delayed another two months because the attorney representing the Democrats on the Fulton County Election Board provided what we believe is obvious false information to the court.”

Then it is time to kick over the table.
Following the rules while the other side cheats over and over again is insanity.
The military is the only way.

3 years ago

“40 officers, 18 soldiers, 2 civilians arrested over coup attempt in Sudan”

Whitehats or Blackhats?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“researchers had submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China. ”

Probably the biggest news of the week, maybe the year.

A group of Fauci related scientists were trying to modify the MERS virus (a relative of SARS/Corona) to have and emit the spike proteins. MERS is far more lethal than Covid or SARS as it kills 30% of people infected, compared to Covids <0.1% and SARS <10%. By making MERS as infectious as Corona you have a clear "Apocalypse Virus" that could have easily wiped out 25% of Earth's population, with containment being essentially impossible.

DARPA refused to fund it saying "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk". This shows a clear intent by secret forces to initiate a massive bioattack against the entire world. We would all be doing very different things right now if they had made this thing and it had gotten out.

This is basically a 'smoking gun' of Cabal's intent to depopulate the planet. It is clearly known and supported by part of the Chinese and U.S. governments, with those in the conspiracy trying to eliminate and fight with those who are not in the conspiracy. Internal Civil Wars are currently happening, in every government, corporation and organization, worldwide.

These people are just too dangerous to let live, heroes have to take them out or extract info from them, by any means, regardless of their defenses or security. It has to happen there is no "optional" here someone has to do it or we are all screwed.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I have a bio weapon of my own.

Don’t worry Rex, some of the farts I released last nght were so toxic my dog got up and left the room.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

That’s Chem warfare, but close enough.

And aren’t dogs in Australia called Dingo’s or am I just a dumb Yank?

Hang in there bro, good times will return, then you can dance again.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Hey Rexy baby, wild dogs are called dingos.

Most of the dumbfcks living in the city wouldn’t know what a dingo was.

We used to keep them as pets. Springy as a macaque! They would run across your yard, your car, your fence and steal no kids!

Then of course they became a convenient excuse for child sacrifice.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Dammit Thedawg, I’m starting to warm up to your Aussie brand of humor. I’m willing to bet fart jokes are universal and omnidimensional.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Rex, I love you bra. I can barely read half of what you post, but I am sure that it is all good.

My eternal goal is to read all of your posts in one go and hope that my brain retains my iq over 130.

As to you monkey brain, no matter what….. you dudes are not cute.

I have seen you write stuff that may be worthy of reading but have until today managed to repress my natural aversion to monkey shite.

In time, I may have a tree that you can inhabit, but for now, you are a heathen to us Aussies and therefore uncouth!

Which means that you are doubly uncouth to your own – a not unadmirable position I must say. Though watching your scratch your reddened ass for pleasure really doesn’t float my boat.

3 years ago

What the Religion of the Anti-Christ would look like:

Ann K.
Reply to  info
3 years ago

God bless Fr. Spyridon! His books are excellent, too.
Especially “Orthodoxy and the Kingdom of Satan,” a worthy successor to “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future,” by the brilliant, late Fr. Seraphim Rose in the ‘70s.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“and there should be under Fermi’s paradox, and we have reports from military members indicating there is”

The Fermi paradox actually supports secret hidden groups as likely. Even if they came from somewhere else (another planet) they would have to be some type semi-eternal “sleepers” going from system to system making sure that a civilization doesn’t make it past the “great filter”

Since superluminal (faster than light) travel is likely impossible anyone or anything traveling though the cosmos would have to be a sleeper or automated. Even if superluminal travel is possible it is likely not much faster than light speed making travel just within the Milky Way still take tens of thousands of years or more. If something was traveling at say half the speed of light traversing the Milky Way would take over 150,000 years.

Some early civilization that was overwhelmed by it’s own automata could leave “sleepers” going from system to system, destroying subsequent civilizations, explaining the Great Filter. Combined with the extreme distances not just between but within galaxies, that causes even superluminal (which is unlikely) travel to take a very long-time.

Civilizations that cross the Great Filter could even be at a high risk for becoming AI dominated and any such civs could then emit more “sleepers” plaguing ever more systems. If a hypothetical civilization went through this around 50 million years ago or so (very easily possible), it could have populated the entire Milky Way with sleepers by now. These sleepers could cause the very effects we are currently observing within our own civilization.

Of course that supports the possible notion of even greater intelligences, that know exactly who and what the sleepers are, leading them to ask the question “What are you doing here?” to any sleepers they find on any worlds that they have seeded.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“Are biological evolution and human history directed by a hierarchy of Intelligences, the lowest level of which makes physical contact with mankind? Do invisible guardians of this planet “seed” ideas into the earth’s culture to prepare human beings for huge steps in their development? The author suggests not only that it may be so, but that it may also be possible to recognize these ‘People of the Secret.'”

“People of the Secret”
By Ernest Scott (pseudonym?)
Intro by Colin Wilson
Octagon Press, 1985
(Almost unobtainable)

I read this, back in the day and had a copy, on fact. Now there is no copy showing, even on a pirate ebook site offering 8.5 million different titles.

Otherwise, there are used copies touted at up to hundreds of dollars, but never in stock.

If anyone can find this, I guarantee it will contain material that will connect a few important dots. Or more!

Ever seen it?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago


Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Let us also understand that all of the great faiths of the ancient world, Vedic, Taoist, Buddhist, Classical Greco Roman religions, the Abrahamic traditions, as well as shamanic belief systems, took superhuman intelligences and intelligent life on other worlds, for granted.

They also, all of them, matter of factly stated that these intelligences could be communicated with, and had interfered with human development at various phases.

All of them, without exception, were adamant in stating that humans had also “fallen” from a previously higher, more dynamic level of psychic and even physical development, including much longer lifespans, to our more mundane level of existence that we live with today.

Many researchers, from Charles Fort to John Keel, and many others, after years of intense focus on ancient traditions as well as obscure and forgotten anthropological/archeological finds, came to the conclusion that the human race, as currently configured, are a type of livestock, and that an ancient war in heaven left us abandoned on this remote outpost awaiting further instructions from our owners, and that several human sub groups are aware of this information and have used it to their personal advantage over the centuries.

Reality may be far stranger than we can possibly imagine.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

>Reality may be far stranger than we can possibly imagine.

Yet, Jesus Christ is still The Way, The Truth, and The Life. I can’t fully explain yet how this fits in with this greater metaphysic I am seeing now, but in many of the things I read about multidimensionalism/extraterrestrialism/etc., The Gospel (Basically that every human is a sinner and we are saved if we accept and believe that Jesus Christ died and resurrected for our sins.) is still considered of great import in what I’m reading. Consider the other end of the spectrum: why are the Cabal so blatantly Satanic in their symbolism? In their very symbolism, they acknowledge a solely biblical (NOT Judeo-Christian) reality.

*For new believers, I always recommend the King James Version.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I would say New King James. Same recognizable, Anglo tradition and (IMO) divine inspiration, with the thees and thous cleaned up into modern vernacular.

Also, (((they))) have no choice. (((They))) know the truth and the Truth. When Jesus was casting out Legion, even the demons acknowledged him as the Son of God. That’s why it’s not enough to just say, “I believe Jesus was the son of God.” Big deal, so do demons. You have to go the next step and repent.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Ya gotta love it when a loon like Macaque says “reality may be stranger than we can possibly imagine”.

No shit ya loon!

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

On the outer arm of this galaxy, it would be advantageous if we were either truly the sole sentient presence in general, or of this galaxy, or beyond practical striking range of any other space faring race. On the other hand, we could have close ‘relatives’ out there in similar states of bondage – to AI, to usurious slavers – and ought to regard space colonization as imperative, if only to hedge mankind’s collective bets against acts of God(s). Then in the simulation theory contingency, any singularity tech threatening to take up too many resources in matroyshka doll recursion would be hunted down, stalled, or reboot the civilization entirely; secret societies and transhumanism would aim to gatekeep against this eventuality, skirting the borders of permissible tech. within it as a breakaway society.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

We not make it past the next five years or so. The psychopaths that are running the vax and viral attacks are drunk on power. Psychopaths are good at moving up but they’re not so good at running things. They will drive everything into the ground.

“If” they get rid of most of the average people then they will HAVE to turn on each other. There’s no way they can count on all of them somehow when we are gone to have quenched their lust for power. This means they will go after each other. Even if one remains then they will be nothing but retarded animals who attack any other civilized group.

This I am sure is what happened to the Neanderthals. They were animals and had some area they marked off as their territory and there could be no accommodation. So there was never a civilization. No matter how smart you are if you can’t cooperate then there can be no civilization. If they win humans will be living in huts in 50 years.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Maybe this is why we see no advanced civilizations. The smartest most aggressive species rise to the top then destroy themselves.

The Europeans did this. WWI and WWII. They owned the planet and destroyed each other.

Name (required)
Name (required)
3 years ago

“Analysis indicates Dems could lose 41 House seats.”

No worries, the GOP will carry on their program for them.

3 years ago

“The lesson to be learned from Epstein is that he’s dead and to ‘be careful'”.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“Be careful!” Can also be a threat.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

If someone tells you to be careful just sincerely tell them to be careful too and then read their non-verbals.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Don’t be a pussy.

Tell them , mofo I am being very careful not to kill you right now, but I may change my mofo mind in 60 seconds so fck off.

3 years ago

Australia: “People are getting bolder and bolder. Shits tense here. It feels a lot like what I imagine things felt like in Paris in the days before the French Revolution. People have now begun to reach their breaking point.”

Here in America? Nothing. Yet. The elite should study the French Revolution as a warning of what could possibly happen if they push the “hoi polloi” too far.

“YouTube removes German video with autopsy results of deaths following vaccination.”
“Facebook and Instagram have taken down Project Veritas’ video on ‘vaccine side-effects.’”

“Josef Goebbels was appointed Minister of Propaganda in 1933 and aimed to brainwash people into obeying the Nazis and idolizing Hitler. Any media that conveyed anti-Nazi ideas or even other ways of life, were censored. Censorship of newspapers, radio, cinema and the theatre was enforced.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Vox day has a good point about this:

After reading a book that is one long interview of Lee Kuan Yew, the late founder of Singapore, a realization struck me.

Anyone over the age of 30 who is comfortable is a conservative, regardless of his ideology. And what a conservative is, at heart, is someone who will tolerate any evil that does not threaten to upset the order in which he lives.

The young, on the other hand, do not fear chaos because they are not comfortable, but because they are too callow and stupid to comprehend what discomfort actually is.

Even the most brilliant minds shy away from any chaos that could threaten the comfort of their order, no matter how inevitable it is.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anon70
3 years ago

I wouldn’t say that nothing is happening among our people in the States. It’s as AC says, we’re mostly already locked and loaded from DECADES of things going against us when we SHOULD have won every fight. But because we have that option we’re trying to hold back.

Look at what Kyle Rittenhouse managed. Kid has almost no training and he took out a couple Antifa while he was RETREATING. When our people finally go to war it’s going to be a WAR, not a protest, or a riot. Military against military, brother against brother, nationalist against whatever the hell globohomo is. There is no guaranteed winner in any civil war, but a civil war is absolutely guaranteed to meltdown the country.

So along those lines the only thing we can do right now is pray that God spares us this, and that Q’s Patriots have enough control that they can mobilize to STOP flashpoints which will spoil The Plan.

Reply to  Anon70
3 years ago

Dudes, just on Australia, remember Melbourne is a leftwing city. Almost everyone living there is dickless.

Those union members only got up to protest when their own ability to earn a living was affected. They didn’t do shit before nor care about anyone else losing their ability to earn a living. Plus, that union is hated in the community. So, its everyone for themselves, and there is no organisation.

The govt rightly believes that the protesters are a rabble. And if Vax numbers are real, most people are vaxxed. So who will support them?

If you watched what happened yesterday some unknown chick appointed herself negotiator with the pigs and some imbecile with a tattoo on his head alos appointed himself as a “leader” Both proxies from the govt?

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

“Almost everyone living there is dickless.” Great, another ruined keyboard!

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Not even a black man would rape Mikkelson’s ex wife. Have you SEEN her? If she weren’t such a nefarious character, I would attribute this to standard “fat woman cries rape in attempt to convince others she’s a sexual being” drivel.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Correction: apparently it was his new wife, not the old fat slob. She’s still no catch, though.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Bill Gates has long been the world’s biggest Vax promoter, since well before Covid. And we also see he’s been the largest acquirer of farmland for some time. Now that Richard Langan and others are pointing out the push to create MRNA veggies, it doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to see where this is going….

3 years ago

> John Kerry’s wife, heiress of Heinz Ketchup, has millions of dollars in Chinese investments, leaving Biden’s climate change envoy facing an ethical dilemma.

Balderdash! Liberals don’t have ethical dilemmas. It’s debatable whether they even *recognize* ethical dilemmas.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

All liberals are sociopaths which means they feel pleasure but never feel guilt. Every evil they commit can be justified: rape, murder, pedophilia, theft, etc.

3 years ago

> rises in pneumonia, recurrent cancers, blood clots, heart attacks, GI bleeds, GI problems, and more, and everybody at her hospital has noticed it. And the incidents are not being reported to VAERS.

Hospitals pay a ton for insurance, and they’ve been successfully sued many times by people who picked up secondary infections, proved malpractice, etc. A great deal of modern medical practice is driven by insurance liability instead of patient needs.

If they have rising stats for pneumonia, etc., their liability for that may well exceed the Coronabucks they were getting for misdiagnosing any-damned-thing as Coronavirus.

3 years ago

> Fauci says he supports a vaccine mandate for children.
Next: cats, dogs, and goldfish!

They already ran “pets can be carriers and will have to be exterminated” by at least twice, and retreated after the backlash from that. But I expect they’ll try it again.

Police dogs will likely have some miraculous immunity, like BLM terrorists or politicians, and will therefore be exempt.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Wasn’t there some African country’s health dept. that declared mangoes could carry the ‘rona like a year ago? Seems like it might just all be bullshiz that local busybodies are given license to use as a tool to mess with their local populations.

3 years ago

“They have done the same thing to Canadian elections that they did to US elections, where they take five days after election day to count mail in ballots, buying them all sorts of time to rig the election.”

I am a politics junkie and followed this election, although my working assumption is that all elections are rigged. I still think its important to try to see what is being sold as the narrative with these.

Anyway, as of today, on its face when the results came in it looks like all the parties were within a couple of seats of what they had after the last election two years ago, leading to a lot of discussion in the Canadian media as to why Trudeau called the election, since he could have just continued with the 2019 House of Commons, which is pretty identical to the 2021 House of Commons, for another three years. The reported national popular vote totals for the various parties changed very little as well.

However, Elections Canada only started counting the mail in ballots today. While most of the ridings where the reported counts were really close as of yesterday are ridings where Trudeau’s party is leading, implying that the mail in ballots won’t help his party that much, I am half expecting a lot of surprise results with the mail in ballot count pushing them to a majority.

Otherwise the election was done as some sort of weird cabal messaging, or maybe to test public opinion in a country (along with Germany) which is pretty safely under cabal control, with all major parties and apparently most of the public backing the Great Reset agenda.

You had an unusually high percentage of voters not voting on election day itself (early voting and mail in ballots), a good deal of difficulty due to closed polling stations for voters who tried to vote on election day, the inexplicable rise in the polls for the Liberals in the week before the election (the campaign did not go well for them), and the Liberals winning nearly all the close ridings, so this hits a lot of indicators of being fixed. The only problem with this interpretation is that if you are going to fix things, why not just give the Liberals a majority?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

The reason not to give the liberals a majority is to keep up appearances. Remember the globalhomo playbook is always to allow the people to “throw the rascals out” in every election without actually changing anything. This is why Trump and MAGA have been such a shock to the political system in the US – Trump immediately started changing things.

Why radically change the Canadian government when they don’t have to? The one they have is doing the job it was intended to do. They give the PPC an impressive first election result that still gives them nothing of substance, and the conservative candidate for Prime Minster was for vaaxx passports and gun control so who cares if the liberals or the conservatives have a majority?

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Its more likely that they just rerolled the previous election fraud template.

Once you have won and have a template, nothing need be changed except if people DONT vote or if people TURN OUT like they did for Trump.

3 years ago

Will the German elections in a few days also be rigged? Well they all are but the dynamics are different.

This is another case where all the mainstream parties are supporting COVID lockdowns and the rest of the Great Reset agenda, and in fact the two largest parties are already in government at the federal level and all the states. Plus Merkel is retiring anyway, so there is no reason for the cabal to rig things even as a sort of favor to their figurehead.

Another dynamic is the proportional representation system almostly always used in the European Union (though not France). Unlike with the PPC in Canada, its very difficult to keep the AfD out of parliament, as long as they get above 5% of the popular vote they will get a few deputies. But its very easy to keep them out of the government, as long as all the other parties agree to exclude them. Worse comes to worse, you can always run with a CDU/ SPD government which is what Germany has had for some time anyway.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Well, uh, that’s somethin’. Some of you still wonder why I post videos of prophetic voices, well, this is why. Mark Taylor predicted/prophesied this years ago.

The legality of child sacrifice is the covenant made by the Luciferians with the demonic, and is the single greatest spiritual stumbling block in the United States. Roe V. Wade gets struck down, it clears the way for spiritual warfare so that the US can be healed.

They hear the case in December. Final opinion probably in Spring or Summer, which will be right about when the forensic audits of SEVERAL STATES will be revealing their own election fraud, just in time for the final leg of the elections of 2022.

Cleared of the stain of innocent blood, God can again bless this nation.

U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Oral Arguments Against Roe V. Wade

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Just a reminder, if they stall swearing in Trump POTUS until FEBRUARY 2022 or after, then he can be sworn in and still run in 2024. In 2028 I would bet a lot of money on a Don Jr./RFK Jr. ticket.

It took what, five months to do one county in Arizona? PA is just spooling up to do the entire state, including both Philly and Pittsburgh. What do you think If they get to it by November they will be done sometime around next August? So how many other states are going to be running things on a parallel track?

Just in time. Trump sworn in Summer/Fall 2022, new MAGA congress in 2023. Until then we kick, scream, and make a whole lotta noise. We take over the local governments. We push back on the masks and the clot-shots. And then we never stop doing that. MAGA congress? Prove it OR ELSE.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Sorry, that’s supposed to be FEB 2023. My bad.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I’m fine with this theory but most of the time waiting for FEB 2023 must be under military rule and not under the usurpers or there won’t be anything left to save.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Ammo prices

Looking up .45ACP for a future project pistol. I want to go with 185gr because all things being equal, lighter bullet goes faster with same powder charge. Less wear and tear on the pistol, still get a .45 caliber entry wound and impressive expansion and pretty decent energy transfer with JHPs. Plus lighter perceived recoil, not as light as a 9mm because physics, but still lighter.

And guess what everybody still mass produces? The 230gr. The 185gr is .20 cents a round more expensive. Please keep in mind that a 7.6×51 NATO RIFLE ROUND is usually pushing at most a 175gr bullet. A .300 WIN MAGNUM generally tops out at .220gr and is capable of taking elk sized game humanely out to around 900 meters or so. I know of an informal pig hunting club that uses rifles in that powerband out to just over 1000 meters.

But muh 1911 always had 230gr hardball, so has to have 230 gr hardball. It also had a shit extractor and no drop safety, but both of those problems have been FIXED depending on the manufacturer (S&W or SIG).

Sorry, just needed to rant.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Rants like these are highly educational for us newbies and take less than a minute to read.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

9mm master race FTW.

It even has “parabellum” in the name.

Prepare for War.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

.45ACP is absurd. Look at the energy of a .45ACP with only a few rounds and then compare to a five-seven
230 gr (15 g) FMJ, Winchester, 356 ft⋅lbf (483 J)
31 gr. (2.0 g) SS190 AP FMJ, 534 J (394 ft⋅lb)

Completely and utterly pointless to haul around that massive thing. The only thing it has going for it is the Five-seveN pistol is ridiculously overpriced. Of course if you really need one the price wouldn’t bother the exact time you needed it.

I wonder if someone could make a pistol with that round or is it patented so that you can’t?

I think the idea that light fast rounds are more deadly is fairly well established. Look at where Kyle shot that guys arm. Fucked him up. Any light round that will tumble or break up is a nightmare to be hit by.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

There’s a patent on the pistol mechanism that runs out in 2023. AFAIK, anyone can use the cartridge, but the name “Five-seveN” is trademarked. You would just have to call it an FN 5.7×28 pistol instead of a Five-seveN.

The reality is that it doesn’t perform materially better than 9mm. The AP qualities require AP ammo, which you can’t get unless you are LE/MIL, and if you are, you can already get AP 9mm ammo.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Yes, they make a pistol for it.

It’s by the same company that makes that 5.7 carbine.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago
Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I was a .45ACP fanboi for a long time. Now I’m at the point where I’m seriously considering getting rid of my .45s an using the $$ to buy more 9mm and 5.56.

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

I am a .45 fanboi but I am also interested in 10mm and I want to know more about 5.7.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam, this one is for you, I am going to be building one of these for myself with a binary trigger:

Why 5.7? || 5.7x28mm vs 5.56x45mm

Currently the best 5.7 traditional pistol is from Ruger IMHO:

I am still years away from prototyping a Tokarev in 5.7mm, but it’s on the list. Bigest problem is the OAL length of the cartridge – it’s too long to feed in any other magazine. So any TT-33A1 will have to start with a longer slide and magwell.

Anyway, back on topic, I am a red blooded ‘Meri-can, so I needs me a 1911 in .45ACP, but it’s me, so I also have to fix everything that’s wrong with it first. Same reason I can’t own a classic car – I’d have to upgrade it or I’d go nuts.

There will be BOOTSTRAPPY ep to show you what I mean by fixing it.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

You might be interested in this too:

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

As I understand it, that thing is simply beautifully machined and in a powerband of an intermediate rifle cartridge. It’s also WAY out of my paygrade.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

About the Ruger 57, after watching Paul’s review my thought was that both pistols kinda suck but the Ruger sucks for about $500 less, and won’t suck when an aftermarket trigger is introduced. Well:

TANDEMKROSS | “Victory” Trigger for Ruger-57™ | Install Instructions

The first one has arrived. It doesn’t change out any springs, it just replaces the actual trigger with one that is adjustable for slop&creep. Everything I’ve seen says it’s night and day difference for the better. And it’s only an extra $50 on top of the pistol for what should be considered an essential upgrade.

You just have to be comfortable following along with the video up above. Watch it through once or twice to familiarize yourself with the procedure.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Learned something new. I didn’t know people were making pistols and rifles other than FN. I’m not so up on the latest on pistols and rifles. I don’t much look at that stuff any more.

I can understand why people are still into .45 and 9mm. There’s just so much of it but if I only had one pistol I would have the a 5.7×28mm but of course I would have to also have a .22 rim fire and a .22 mag and…hey wait a minute…

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

> But muh 1911 always had 230gr hardball, so has to have 230 gr hardball.

230gr hardball is the standard. It will shoot in any 1911-ish pistol. Quite a few variants, including some expensive boutique guns, get indigestion trying to feed various hollowpoint or large-meplat rounds.

> It also had a shit extractor

I’ve never had a problem with a 1911 extractor. The US Army picked that feature from the array of variants Colt presented to them while angling for the big military contract. The one piece Browning design was one large piece and could be removed and replaced with no tools in the field, unlike hinged extractors which need springs and pins and require tools to service.

> and no drop safety,

The military-contract guns came with a lanyard loop, so that if dropped they wouldn’t be lost. The Cavalry and its requirements drove several 1911 features; they also liked the grip safety on the Borchardt and Luger designs, and specified something similar for the new gun. (the military Beretta also have a lanyard loop)

The 1911 does have its faults. If 1911 owners cared, they’d shoot something else. And despite the proliferation of “better” designs and combat Tupperware, there’s no shortage of people willing to lay out their money for them.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Do you have any idea how many info sources there are about this?

RECOILtv DIY: Extractor Tension on a 1911 Pistol (full episode)

The extractor itself is basically a spring that has to be tuned correctly or the pistol doesn’t eject correctly. Being able to change it out in the field is a crap excuse because those kind of extra parts don’t exist in the field. An armorer would perform that parts change, not the user. JMB apparently came to the same conclusion that this was a problem, considering that he didn’t repeat it on the Hi-Power.

And by drop safety, I mean the series 80 trigger components that block the firing pin via interference fit from going forward unless the trigger is pulled. Is this a gigantic issue? No. Do I prefer it since it doesn’t case any actual problems? Yes.

I’m going to detail my own spin on the 1911, and you’ll see what I mean, because I will absolutely show it. It will incorporate every single update to the design that I can find in one package, which right now not one single manufacturer offers for sale.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That’s just it, all I have to do is cherry pick from the parts available online. It’s all been done, and with one exception the patents are all run out. It’s just that for some reason NOBODY puts it all together, and it floors me because S&W and SIG could simply take over the $1200 price point with what I have in my head. Springfield Armory and Kimber wouldn’t have a chance.

I only have to machine the frame, and then I won’t even need to use my own 3D model, because they’re already out there floating around(although I will need to tweak it). Both for the 1911 AND the 2011, which is what I will be doing.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I can’t wait.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

In a real conflict, small arms are one of the least scarce supplies, below ammunition brass-drawing machines, primers, covert radios, and even boots and water canteens. How much did handguns count in any conflict ever? Not going to fedpoast, but study history, for instance Abdur Rahman’s autobiography (Afghanistan’s only real ruler in the late 19th c. / cross between Genghis Khan and a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s court). He went from making rifles himself with nothing but hammers and files, to a c.1880-modern domestic arms industry, civil service, intelligence and communications network.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

savant, I hear ya, but understand that I CAN’T currently give you a full technical data package on small shop tools and improvised recipes for smokeless powder, primers, etc, because at the moment I am still learning how to machine a small block of aluminum, and not actually there yet.

I will eventually have one that can produce a 5.56 rifle and ammo, and the machines to make and load the ammo, and those files will go around the world in zip file form for free, but that’s years down the line.

Have to start somewhere, and right now, that’s getting a working handgun from already available parts with one major fully machined part. Hoping by next Christmas I am just getting the benchtop CNC mill heavy enough to cut hardened steel precisely. Then I can really start to advance in that area.

3 years ago

RRV at 5:30 AM posted a comment on the possible depopulation agenda and posted a link which I have made a mental note to examine later.

I have been skeptical that the agenda is depopulation, thinking it was mainly about control. But if this is a smoking gun, I can sort of see how a depopulation attempt would have worked out into what we got starting in November 2019. Note that there has not exactly been much in the way of depopulation since then.

So the killer virus is created and released, but it fizzles. The next move is to use pretend that it is a current virus and to use psychological tricks to get people to believe it, hence the lockdowns and hygiene theater. Then you get everyone to take vaccines to protect themselves from the supposed killer virus, and the vaccines actually do deliver the improved version of the virus.

Playing along, you still have the problem of the people who won’t take the vaccines because they saw through the psyop and/ or for religious reasons. As the cabal, you wind up being left with a smaller population that is less controllable, especially if their suspicions about the vaccines turn out to be well founded. I still can’t get around this problem, so I’m not calling this as a depop program yet.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

If there weren’t other considerations, it would be as simple as crop and livestock destruction with payoffs like during the Depression under FDR; instead, the least ecologically problematic peoples – the West – are singled out as well with replacement by specimens that breed like vermin. There are pure Malthusian justifications for debriding Africa, India, China and the Middle East judging by their absurd growth rates over a mere 120 years (or half that). Whatever comes next in technology, there cannot be a reprise of nuclear proliferation mediated by 5th and 6th columns, or its origins in spreading industrialization after European colonialism: the West’s Atlantean moment was spurned for fratricidal wars gambling on global hegemon status.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

“…So the killer virus is created and released, but it fizzles…”

You know far higher lethality is what we saw in the beginning of corona. Now I’m not saying that I can reliably say this is true but it does very well fit the idea that they wanted to wipe out a lot of people. We also see recently some serious plague of a different sort in India with a supposed high casualty rate. I suspect this was a response to India crushing corona with Ivermectin. If I as the Indians I wouldn’t let a single Jew wander around their country without watching them 24/7 and constantly breaking into whatever luggage they had to see if they were carrying some sort of viral weapon.

There’s also the mental factor. Psychopaths, and they surely are psychopaths, believe they can convince anyone to do anything. They have very poor long term planning if things don’t work out and they are positively blind to large scale risk. It’s one of their big problems. Overconfidence. In their heads they do things and it all just works out.

Look at 9-11 what a shit show that was. I mean what kind of people think they can do something right out in the open and get away with it? Psychopaths that’s who. So attributing common sense or logic to psychopaths is fraught with trouble. They are not logical nor do they have common sense.

Now they have, so far, but it’s not over. If there’s any reckoning with the Deep State 9-11 will be exposed. It already has but no one has done anything about it yet.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

I think vox day has really knocked it out of the park with two of his post.

I think this shows that their original plan was to cause mass deaths and that plan failed. If we get another really big viral outbreak I think it will multiply the odds of this being so. (I want to add I’m still not convinced that the original freshly released virus was not very lethal in comparison to what we see going around now. I urge people to NOT think that this is something just like a mild cold. I know personally someone who got it early and he said he was convinced he was going to die and he was in good health before he got it.)

One thing to think about is what do you do to protect yourself? There must be a way that’s not too onerous because they have to protect themselves. Judging from what they have tried to ban, Ivermection and NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), I would bet both of these would be a good way to go so having some would be at least the best we can do to be proactive.


I think this is one of the best post Vox Day has ever done. It’s common sense but sometimes we overlook the simplest most common things. I think this is very much why there’s not a total slaughter of these deep State operatives. If people got it in their minds to act against them they could be wiped out in a very short amount of time but…well read the article. He’s nailed it. You can’t help but be reminded of Solzhenitsyn.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

I think Solzhenitsyn is being a little hard on the average human by saying they deserved it. They did not. It’s difficult to step out and risk your life to act against something that is not a sure thing. Balancing a “I’m likely to die” risk against a “well I might could live if I do nothing” risk is a hard to do gamble. They are of course counting on this.

3 years ago

AC, is there any value in doing what you can to “burn” your local surveillance personnel?

I know you’ve said in the past that they can parade a seemingly infinite number of cars past a target, and they could always shift assets around to keep fresh faces everywhere, but there has to be some limit where it’s just not worth the squeeze anymore or the operations are so blatant even other people notice the house down the street has changed hands 8 times in a year, stuff like that.

Something as simple as running the dash cams and shirt button pen cameras you’ve mentioned before, but making a concerted effort to categorize and make note of their faces and other info on repeat offenders, or even low-key trying to identify the neighborhood station locations, map out the pole camera locations, etc.

I’m sure this would draw a ton of attention to someone who does this, but fudge it, you’ve said revealing the surveillance is the only way through the mess. Worth thinking more on how to do this, or are we still too far from general knowledge to have this be worth the effort and risk?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>So I think they are broken up into different classes of people. Locals are probably observation post operators primarily and used sparsely on close physical surveillance, and some of them somehow host travelers, who are itinerants moving around from place to place, who do much more of the close-in personal stuff.

Sounds like Couchsurfing, I wonder if related.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Expanding on what AC said, there is a small benefit to strategically burning your local coverage.

They hate it.

I’ve managed to get sort of a tete a tete with (((whatever it is))) by fucking with them when they fuck with me. If they are slowing me down in traffic, I start with the tradecraft and force them to either lose me or burn themselves. The next time I go out, I drive normal. After the first few times, they stopped slowing me down, and I don’t think I’ve had it happen significantly for a while.

Same thing with overt watching. Overt watch back. Make sure that what you are doing is drawing attention to them as much as you. And when they back off, you back off.

You won’t end the surveillance, but by showing that you can be a target that is easy to watch or hard to watch, they will take easy to watch if you let them. If you just want to live your life, you can get a lot of quality of life back by making it clear that your problems become (((their))) problems. (It’s one of the reasons I think that at least the bottom of the pyramid is human — it’s a very human reaction.)

If you want to take the whole thing down, AC covered that.

3 years ago

Hey AC, I am about half-way through your book on r/K selection. Its pretty good and interesting. A lot of it makes sense, at least with respect to way the average person is more attracted to one set of values or another. However, it seems likely that sense you wrote the book, the idea of the club or cabal has become more prominent in your understanding. How would you say that relates to the r/K theory?

Also, I wanted to let you know that testosterone and and other steroid hormones are lipids and pass through the cell membrane fairly easily, they then interact with promoter proteins in the cytoplasm then get carried directly to the nucleus where genes with specific upstream regions have the protein boost their expression level. I think I previously told you that cholesterol was the precursor of all those and it is used in cell membranes to adjust the melting point of the membrane. This is different from how dopamine works with cell surface proteins. Insulin might be a better example of a hormone since it is a protein hormone and doesn’t enter the cell. If you ever re-release the book you might want to update that part.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

>cholesterol was the precursor of all those and it is used in cell membranes to adjust the melting point of the membrane
r: Slaves and usurious economic systems: grain and grain stores.
K: Freemen, nomads, sailors: meat and dairy.

Closer to paleo-primal/ketogenic diets, the further from glucose fiending coom brains. Dietary mRNA ‘boosters’ in the form of GMO lettuce, like Vox linked the other day will make it imperative, as if the glyphosphate taint weren’t bad enough already.

3 years ago

PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

You look around and wonder,what the hell are they doing. Vaxing, closing down the economy, it appears they are going to limit food,well…

From “There Will BE WAR” Jerry Pournelle vol.8

“…Robert G. Kaiser’s Russia: The People and the Power relates a Russian folk story about a circus tiger named Alma, as told by a young emigre.

“(She) was very intelligent, very well trained. But every time her trainer turned his back to her she wanted to eat him. So the trainer’s wife stood outside the cage, and whenever the trainer did turn his back, his wife would say, ‘All right, Alma, quiet, Alma,’ and the tiger knew she was being watched, so she didn’t jump. But the trainer wanted to find a better solution to the problem. For a long time he thought about how to convince the tiger that she didn’t want to eat him.

“He thought of a brilliant idea. He realized that Alma was very comfortable sitting on her round platform in the cage. So he gave her a new platform that was much smaller—so small that she could only put three feet on it at one time. There wasn’t room for all four paws, so she had to concentrate on keeping her balance. All her thoughts were directed toward staying on the platform. She no longer had time to think about eating the trainer.

“It seems to me that Soviet man is exactly the same. Like the tiger, he has to balance himself on a small platform. He’s always standing in line, always trying to buy something, always worrying about idiotic little problems. He has no time to worry about the big things—about freedom, or happiness, or changing the government. The government doesn’t give you a chance to think—there’s no time to think. If you get a chance to do a little thinking, you have to realize that life isn’t too good.

“But nobody has time to think about eating the trainer.”

Maybe that’s what they are doing.

3 years ago

President of Croatia:
The media spread panic and nonsense. We will not be vaccinated anymore.

3 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

It’s a model at the radar facility was for doing radar profiles. That’s what the weird thing attached to the bottom is. It’s a stealth pylon for attaching it to the radar stealth pole.

They figure out that they needed a stealth pylon in the Have Blue (F-117) project. If the pole isn’t also stealthy, the radar just picks up the pole.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Thanks Phelps!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I read Ben Rich book and he said that when they were testing (F-117) models one of the technicians told him,”hey I think yo’r model fell off the pole”. Meaning the stealth pylon.

When I was [EDITED] they were servicing the inertial navigation(INS) for the F-117 [Edited]. One girl was trained on it and said she had no idea what it was there for, she just repaired it. At the time they had a Navy A-7 that would taxi up and down the runway every now and then with a rocket looking thing under the pilots cockpit. It had radioactive stickers on it and a red flashing light on the front. The base commander said,”we have no A-7’s on the base” but everyone could see the thing. They did all this because the F-117 had a lot of A-7 parts in it. INS, ejection seat and I don’t know what else but the odd taxi with the strange rocket was to cover all this.

When read Ben Riches book I immediately put it together when he said they were using a lot of A-7 parts. Apparently the A-7 had a very capable INS and bombing computer.

3 years ago

Israel considering pulling their Ambassador to the US over the Iron Dome funding cut, per US official.

Lots of countries “pulling their Ambassador” over pretexts that should normally be HANDLED by the ambassador. Shit’s about to pop off.

3 years ago