Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
McConnell says Trump nominee for RBG vacancy will be voted on before election.
Lindsey Graham says they have the votes to confirm RGB replacement.
Chuck Grassley indicates he won’t oppose holding Supreme Court replacement hearings this year.
Rush Limbaugh urged Senate Republicans to skip confirmation hearings for President Trump’s soon-to-be announced Supreme Court nominee and head straight to a floor vote. Democrats gave up any right to hearings after abusing the privilege with Kavenaugh. Why offer democrats the opportunity to torture another nominee like that?
Mob gathers at Lindsey Graham’s home and threatens to break down his front door.
Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer nods along as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says impeachment is “on the table” to prevent the filling of the Supreme Court vacancy.
Volokh says that regardless of what Trump and Mitch do, the Democrats will (1) Eliminate the Filibuster, (2) Grant Statehood to D.C. and maybe P.R., (3) Pack/Expand the Lower Courts, and (4) Pack/Expand the Supreme Court. And this will go on. Sooner or later, all it will take is them winning just once, and there will be an all out coup, unless we purge them from the nation first. The way it will be played out is that the country will either be protected now or inevitably be lost, and it will all depend on removing a decent chunk of it and permanently purging it once and for all. There are only two paths, and not choosing is a choice. If Q really is going to fix things, I don’t see how he does anything else.
GOP set to release controversial report on Biden and Hunter in the Ukraine.
Justice Dept. deems New York City, Portland and Seattle ‘anarchist jurisdictions.’ In preparation to pull federal funding.
NYPD Officer arrested for allegedly spying for China. Interesting is that he was apparently doing this since at least 2014. My guess is had Trump not been elected, he would have been fine. More and more, I see the war not as US vs everyone else, but rather US vs Cabal. And for a while, US was Cabal.
Louisville police chief declares state of emergency ahead of expected Breonna Taylor announcement.
Nearly 40 shot and 6 killed, over the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago. The Democrat election strategy is going well in Chicago.
Aftershocks of summer riots are making Kenosha scared to rebuild.
BLM Protest are invading neighborhoods, and demanding neighbors affirm support for their movement.
Woman who addressed ricin letter to White House sent similar envelopes to law enforcement in Texas. I was imagining where MK Ultra might have headed, and looking at this, it makes me think it possible the newer phases transitioned from administering directly applied specific stimuli to control specific people directly, to administering general indirect stimuli to control general people passively, and then moved on to administering general stimuli to control large groups. I wonder if they are putting things out there, on TV, on the internet, in culture, and have groups of people who have been remotely, indirectly MK Ultra’d to just absorb the fake news narratives, and act like robots. Clearly, whether purposeful or not she was one, to the point she was sending Ricin to the two big enemies of the world today according to the fake news – the President and the Police.
Quebec Police raid the home of the woman who sent the ricin letter to the White House.
Joe Biden botches the Pledge Of Allegiance in Wisconsin. “I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, One nation, indivisible, under God, for real”
The irony is Biden is flubbing lines he is supposed to just read off a teleprompter, which is getting caught in pictures more and more.
Biden leads Trump by 12 points among Catholic voters, according to a new poll.
59% believe Biden should reveal his Supreme Court candidates.
Rush Limbaugh says Stacey Abrams is at the top of Biden’s Supreme Court list. She has very pronounced nasolabial folds, which usually aligns with early onset sexual abuse. There is something unusual about her, that the whole machine keeps holding her up as the next phenom. Whatever is special about her, it is not her good looks, stunning figure, high intellect, or pleasing personality. My gut would say either she came up in Cabal in the abuse program, or she is on video doing horrible things to children. But there is something odd about her.
Omaha bar owner Jake Gardner had been targeted by the left for years over his Trump support. Notice how it is a good, pat answer that stops you from asking more questions. But what if that was just a cover? Bars and restaurants are high priority targets for spooks, because people meet in them specifically to interact and talk about stuff they don’t want to just discuss where they would normally talk and interact. Inns and bars were where a lot of intelligence was gathered by the King’s spy networks in the Revolutionary war because travelers who were up to something would stop off in them, hence that network’s focus on getting the bar owners and Inn keepers into their fold. Go to a restaurant by the UN in New York City, and you probably will be served by an official spook trained to catch what you are talking about. There may even be listening devices installed somewhere, maybe even in nearby buildings, to listen to what you say – and there will be somebody tuning in to check things out. and maybe hanging around to listen in if there isn’t anything more interesting going on. So it would not surprise me to find out that there are other bars in this guy’s town that are specifically owned and operated by Cabal. But the network can’t just launch an operation to take this guy out, or somebody may look and say, “Hey, these bar-owners might have done this to take out a competitor,” and then people will start digging. So what happens if they want to take this guy out? Send a foot operator posing as a tranny in to use the wrong bathroom, and maybe another foot operator to play the part of terrified woman who the bar owner has to rescue. Now the bar owner takes a stand, and builds a third bathroom for trannies, and you can label him trans-phobic and start the protests, as happened here. Then maybe he gets in deeper and does volunteer work for Trump, and now you have your cover, and can do what you want. Understand, if this guy was Cabal, none of this would have happened to him. The only question is, did Cabal merely allow this to happen, or did the local network take him out to funnel his business to their network’s people. In this world, either is probably equally likely.
AOC-backed socialists have a plan to take over New York City.
J.K. Rowling’s books burned or banned around the world over her traditional views of gender.
Drudge Report’s traffic crashes 40% year-over-year.
An international team of scientists said Monday it had joined forces to combat the spread of anti-Semitism online with the help of artificial intelligence. And the countdown begins until /pol has the AI reciting antisemetic memes.
PrEP, used by gays to allow them to engage in promiscuity with minimal chances of catching HIV, is failing against new drug-resistant strains of HIV. There is debate if HIV is the cause of AIDS, but if HIV is getting resistant, so will everything else which might be a potential cause.
CIA tires to lure more innovators from Silicon Valley by offering the opportunity to profit off patents for the tech Agency-innovators come up with. Just don’t let the profit from the patents be worth too much, or you might have a problem. The problem CIA needs to deal with is the fact it appears controlled by shadowy forces looking to exploit people for personal benefit, and its recruitment appears to be more about controlling the environment for those shadowy forces than anything else. If Eric Prince, worth billions, straight out of the SEALs, and ultra-high IQ, can walk in the door and be told he isn’t good enough for any job in the Agency, clearly it is not a civil service recruitment procedure, and recruitment is about something that is not meritocracy. Add in MK Ultra done against American citizens, Communist John Brennan leading the Agency, and an actual coup-op launched against Trump, and it becomes awful tough to find anyone intelligent who will want to get anywhere near the Agency unless they were born into the Cabal’s leadership. Everyone else is going to be just an obstacle or an opportunity.
Facebook and Google partner with a liberal organization for 2020 election strategy.
EU plans international coronavirus tracing network. Just another intel-gathering tracking scheme.
DOJ rejects Nadler request for testimony from senior officials after his treatment of Barr.
Trump has closed the gap with Biden to just two points in ‘must-win’ swing state of Florida, new poll finds. There is a possibility as election days comes up, if it looks like they can’t get enough fraud in to overcome the Trumpslide, these polling places will give up on pushing this narrative, and simply save themselves by trying to accurately predict the degree of the Trumpslide.
New York Times columnist unloads on CNN, says network boss’ passion ‘has never been hard news.’
Ratings poison Jimmy Kimmel drives the Emmys to an all-time ratings low.
Sunday Night Football ratings crash by 17%.
DeSantis proposes law cracking down on looters, ‘violent’ protesters.
Wall Street says the recession is officially over.
Best political sign I have ever seen. Says, “Joe and the Ho – Sniff and Blow Tour.”
“FBI agent who uncovered the Weiner laptop with Hillary’s emails says FBI leadership told him to erase all of his findings.”
And that he would be prosecuted and imprisoned. And fallen, imprisoned FBI agents have a habit of getting murdered by inmates or committing “suicide”. Treehouse had a good pic of Lisa Pages comments about him as well. These women are satanic witches.
“Biden leads Trump by 12 points among Catholic voters, according to a new poll.”
Catholics seem to lack spiritual discernment. I’ve never really met one with superb judgement that I can think of. To be a voluntary and enthusiastic papist in this era is really saying something too. I could give someone an excuse being born into it but, at some point your eyes have got to be open. I would also consider their priesthood to be illegitimate. Intact Christian priesthoods don’t have the types of problems they have and they’ve been having them for centuries-really since the Roman Empire but whatever- people have the freewill to chose whom they will serve.
The Problem begins, straying from Holy Scripture
The Problem is cemented and agreed upon
Hypocrisy takes hold of the Church
The less hypocritical congregations go their own way
Hypocrisy reigns in the Church- initiating the Reformation
Wickedness abounds, rotten fruits of the corrupted tree bear witness
Wow… you got that all from a single poll?
One can always tell the fruits of the devil. Notice how here, and many times previously, Rex 2020 attacks and criticizes the one, true Church, but never puts forth her own personal beliefs. One would think that if she felt that her beliefs were so rock solid, that she would be putting those beliefs forward. But there is none of that. Instead, she simply proceeds with the same defamations enemies of the Church have been slinging since its very inception.
I find it hard to believe that the one true church would ever traffic children and pederasts around while being run by a Communist.
Popes over a thousand years ago kept harems of nuns and prostitutes in the Vatican- do you really think valid priesthood authority stems from that or those times?
And, once again, you fail to refute ANY point that I made- you merely call them the fruits of the devil. What? Because I have an intense dislike for pedophiles and the flying monkeys that are blind to and often defend them?
Do you really think The Church of Jesus Christ would let it’s leadership be captured by child rapists and communists? Do you think our Father in heaven would allow that? No, He would not.
Let go of your priests Bon, for they have a millstone about their neck and are sinking. Let go of them lest you sink as well.
Refute what, exactly? You just made a few general, blanket statements, and then posted a bunch of looks, then doing the same as yelling SEE!
And yet, you still won’t put forth your own personal beliefs. All you do is attack.
You’re Satanic.
Any third party reading this would conclude that you are delusional Bon. Any reasonable observer of the RCC would conclude that is has serious spiritual issues and these go right to the top, and are structurally ingrained and have been for some time. The truth is not an attack. The “Rock of Peter” obviously refers to something other than what the RCC claims it does, as the one who sits on the Roman seat is not a man worthy of occupying it. This state of affairs has gone on for over 1100 years.
“Go behind me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men.” Matthew 16:23
I forgot answer this. I believe in the New Testament. The old is the rantings of a Satanic emissary demon war god of the Jews.
The Cathars believed this so they were of course genocided by the Catholics.
I see someone here gets his (mis)education from Jack Chick comics.
How nice.
Jesus Christ testified of the Old Testament to his Apostles.
“And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.
Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:”
Luke 24:44-46
^– Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
At this point, I’m convinced that Orthodox Christianity is the only real Christianity.
Between the post-Vatican II Catholic church screwing up everything it touches (including kids) and most Protestant churches bending to the will of the outrage mob, the only Churches I see standing steadfast are the Orthodox ones.
as someone who’s been taking a hard look at this of late….
the Orthodox church is building new churches & cathedrals, and taking strong stands in defense of their people and civilization and Christianity itself.
the RC church is turning _their_ churches into coffee shops & bookstores and standing around with their thumbs up their asses while subliterate “immigrant” hajjis – who the RC and their commie antipope enthusiastically supports & defends – gleefully burn their magnificent cathedrals to ash. meanwhile, the Protestants are eating ever-larger shit sandwiches to desperately show the world that they’re super-Nice, and not mean, and not judgemental, and they care about the environment, and women’s feelings, and gay rights, and _God forbid_ they’re not **raciss** in any way shape or form. Heck no!
maybe it’s End Times, maybe it ain’t …. but as far as I can see, there’s only one church out there practicing actual Christianity.
The Orthodox have their problems too.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, masons were teaching theology to Orthodox seminarians in Russia! Their mysticism actually comes from Jewish sources. Much of the clergy are wanna-be monks. They have this idealized idea of monasticism and the whole Orthodox Church seems to be one large monastery—well also because most if not all bishops come out of the monasteries. Have done for centuries so the Orthodox Church has the character of being a Monastery—which leads to most young people not participating in church!
Most people arrive late to the services.
Don’t fool yourselves, Orthodoxy has its problems. It is also very Eastern and many Westerners really don’t fit in. It is counter-cultural to the West. They think very different from Latin Christians.
. Yeah, ‘cause there ain’t no problems there. Just look at the Russian Orthodox and how they are, to this very day, either former KGB or current NKVD. See how well they handled the faith when under political pressure.
That’s just not true. Orthodox Christianity was almost destroyed by Bolshevism and Communism. I would call that survival impressive. And any active NKVD dudes would be in their 80s or 90s by now because it was destroyed/eaten by the KGB back in 1953. I’m pretty sure every NKVD vet is dead by now. I’ll just use that as an example that you 1) Don’t pay attention to details and 2) Don’t know what you are talking about.
What you were probably referring to is the FSB or the GRU, and I would posit that they have a similar relationship to Orthodoxy that a coterie of Irish Catholics has to the FBI or a herd of Jewish Talmudists has to the Mossad.
Maybe you should start paying attention to details, Buttercup.
NKVD/KGB infiltrated the priests/bishops a long time ago. Those priest/bishops then later only installed their communist cohorts. Thus the fruits of the (now gone) NKVD/KGB remain alive and well.
The Russian Orthodox church today (and just about every Orthodox church of the former Soviet satellites) is nothing but a political arm of the state.
There are only two religions: Catholicism and Satanism.
Within the Roman church.
I looked throughout every Bible I could find. Didn’t find the word Catholic anywhere.
Sola Scriptura is itself a heresy (and found nowhere in the Bible).
That sounds like something a Talmudist would say about the Tanakh.
Everyone should read scripture for themselves and come to their own conclusions through diligent prayer, study and worthy living.
And you are casting dispersions. What I’ve been advocating is Prima scriptura, not Sola scriptura.
And yet the very scripture you demand people should read on their own contradicts your very suggestion!
To wit:
The men who “shew” are the bishops and their duly consecrated priests, not just anybody.
You have completely blown the interpretation here. He’s reading Isaiah where it prophesied the coming of Jesus and his death for our sins. The Man in question is Jesus, who revealed the mystery of the Kingdom, not Philip.
Philip did nothing. The Word and the Holy Spirit converted the eunuch. Stop attributing to man what is God’s. The Holy Spirit speaks through whomever It pleases, and gives less than a shit about our Earthly rituals.
Every time they refer to the body of the church, that can be translated as catholic. The problem is that catholic actually refers just to the entire, single body of the church. Even as a Protestant, I believe in the (small c) catholic church, as in the entire body of those who preach Jesus crucified for our sins and risen again on the third day. Acting like the Roman church owns the word catholic is like letting Baptists take the word “baptism.”
A better term is the Roman church, which is what I try to remember to use.
What a Protestant fool you sound like. As the “Bible” you refer to (put together by the Catholic Church, no less) did not exist until hundreds of years after Christ’s resurrection, are you suggesting that the many early Christians (and martyrs!) who had never heard of the “Bible” were not in fact Christians? If not, then how, through your sola scriptura heresy could they ever be Christians?
The first appearance of the word “Catholic” is brought to us by St. Ignatius of Antioch at or around the year 100. In a letter to the Smyreans, he states:
St. Ignatius would later be martyred in Rome, being eaten alive by wild beasts. But what did he know, right? Much better to put your faith in the arch-heretic Luther who didn’t show upon the scene for another 1400 years.
There is a difference between relying on scripture partially and completely ignoring it. Scripture plainly states that a Bishop of the Church is to be a married man. That celibacy is the source of likely over 1500 years of fornication and pederasty should be evident that something went wrong long ago. Common sense.
If you are following a celibate priest you are being Non Scriptura – ie, you are completely ignoring Christian scripture.
Do you want to follow Jesus Christ or the Borjia’s and Medici’s? Is it Life or childless death?
Are your insults and rhetoric educating your brothers in Christ, or are they placing stumbling blocks in front of them?
Says the Protestant whose entire misplaced “faith” is itself a stumbling block toward the beatific vision and the eternal salvation of one’s soul.
Catholic literally means universal. The word bible does not appear anywhere in the Bible either.
Have any of you guys heard of the SSPX? I’m a traditional, pre-Vatican II Catholic. The Catholic Church has been infiltrated, but there are many strong, faithful, nationalistic Catholics in the US and around the world. I doubt they are answering these polls. Furthermore, what makes you think these polls are correct when we all know polls are a sham?
The “flying monkeys” comment is beyond insulting. Many Catholics believe you can’t be Catholic and a Democrat, because you can’t. Satan is real and for a very long time he’s trying to destroy the one true church. It won’t happen though. It’s merely separating the wheat from the chaff. Our Lord Jesus Christ made Saint Peter the head of his church to show that he is merely a man and men are far from perfect. St. Peter was made the head of the church AFTER denying Christ three times. Too many people are cognitively rigid when it comes to their religious beliefs.
I was born, baptized, raised Catholic. I was for over a decade a lapsed Catholic. I was then unlapsed for about a decade and a half. In this lockdown, my attendance at Mass has become periodic once again.
I have always had a hard time reconciling the many broods of vipers present in the clerical hierarchy throughout history and in the present day.
It is almost certain that Pope Francis the Woke is Cabal.
I am more sympathetic to Pope Benedict XVI, but those damnable red shoes.
John Paul II fought against the Communists but let the pederasts slide.
The cliques of homosexuals in high church places almost certainly has an unbroken lineage going back to Constantine.
And yet there are many saints of the church despite (or in spite) of all that.
Padre Pio, for instance. Or St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the Lily of the Mohawks.
I struggle with it.
Yes there are certainly good, even saintly, people who are Catholic or Catholic laity. Still, don’t ever get constrained or limited by church hierarchy. Read the Holy Bible on your own and understand on your own, every day. Never stop studying the Gospel. Get married and have kids, and teach your children. Live a life centered around Jesus Christ and the Bible, not one centered around man and roman traditions.
My initial response would be: Where’s your evidence? Or do you base your opinion on the ramblings of schismatics and Protestants?
Fact is, if you’re looking for a church with impeccable, nay saintly, attributes, you’re gonna die trying. It doesn’t exist. All men suffer from original sin; there is no getting past that. Do not let the follies of men turn you from the one, true Church.
And it’s interesting you mention Constantine. Obi Wan would say: “The Protestant influence is strong with this one.” You say you were born Catholic, but if that occurred after 1965, I can literally guarantee you were never properly catechized. And thus vulnerable to Protestant attacks. I speak from experience.
Read the first few chapters of Revelation. Jesus goes church by church listing their faults, some minor, some major. He didn’t excuse any of them, but He also didn’t exorcise any of them from His church. He called them to repent, to correct their errors. Revelation is literally Jesus instructing His wayward churches directly, even those being taught by the sexually immoral (jezebel).
He didn’t say they weren’t his church. He told them to repent and do better.
Well said
That’s all well and good, but does that mean that adherents are meant to sacrifice their children to the predilections of satanic members of the church in the meantime?
Where did I say that? The Roman church needs to reform, repent, and submit those pedo priests to discipline, preferably involving tall buildings in the semitic way. There are plenty of other churches who preach Christ that aren’t the Roman church.
EVERY Christian denomination has been infiltrated by pedophiles, homosexuals, atheists, and opportunists. Vatican II was the direct result of that. Even Evangelicals are not safe, and they come the closest of any Protestants to true Christian belief. I strongly recommend reading Infiltration by Taylor Marshall and The Great Facade (I think it’s by Ferrara). The former explains how communists infiltrated the Catholic Church to destroy it from without, and how it was the fulfillment of a Masonic plan. The latter explains how Vatican II was forced on the Church, and how in reality, it created no new doctrines or dogmas, only twisted the Church so that the faithful could not easily find Christ in it.
No, Rex, there is one true Church, one that Christ passed to Peter. Everything else is a distraction.
Peter died upside down 1900 years ago. The Bishop of Rome is not Peter.
Both Orthodox and Catholics are delusional. They place faith in God “not of this world” into a structure “of this world”. You will forever be disappointed in structures of this world of Satan, greed, and Mankind’s degradation dressed up as enlightenment.
I don’t have a problem with you being delusional but I do have a problem when you attempt to tell us that you should be taken seriously when you proclaim there’s only “one true church” and other such nonsense. You’re no different from harry trans Men who wear dresses and insist that they have menstrual periods.
So Jesus Christ is a liar? Get behind me Satan!
“And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.” Matthew 16:18-19
That’s strange… guess He misspoke, right? He meant to say ‘churches’ in the plural, right?
Hardly. So who is really the delusional one here?
“And behold, I say to you: You shall go forth, and each and every one of you shall be given his own key to heaven. Each of you will be your own little pope. And there will be thousands upon thousands of different churches, each with their own unique magisterium, all of whom will get to heaven. Now, let’s go get a taco; I’m hungry.” ~Things found nowhere in the Bible.
the Rock may just mean the faithful, as in, there will always be faithful followers of Jesus Christ, regardless of church and regardless of what is happening upon the Earth. They will also receive spiritual gifts to help them.
I find it hard to believe that our Father in Heaven, who is loving and all knowing would not listen to the prayers of Orthodox or Protestant children or to innocents or to the faithful seeking Him in earnest.
I will give you this though, you said the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, in your diatribe. Bonaventure hasn’t mentioned the Savior’s name even once in any of his this past day, but he has mentioned the devils. Make of that what you will concerning spiritual discernment.
I guess your bible doesn’t include the rest of the Gospel of Matthew, where a mere five verses later it says:
Peter’s faith was the rock, not the man, and certainly not the Bishop of Rome.
A belief held by no one for the first 1500 years of the Church, not until the arch-heretic Luther made an appearance.
As for the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, that too was a belief held by everyone for the first 1000 years of the Church. To believe otherwise is an invalid, schismatic belief.
What Pinochet stated above, as well as what he cited with respected to St. Ignatius, and I’ll take it a step further. First, by the words of St. Clement, the successor of Peter as the Bishop of Rome, and Pope, who stated in his letter to the Corinthians:
So here we have the succession of the Apostles through the bishops.
Next, to the primacy of Peter, we can look to the contemporaneous writings contained in the Liber Pontificalis which states:
Clearly, Peter held the primacy of the early Church, and clearly, Peter delegated that primacy to St. Clement. Thus began the succession of the Bishops of Rome, and the successive line of Popes.
In that regard, everlastingphelps, you are clearly in error in stating that “Peter’s faith was the rock, not the man, and certainly not the Bishop of Rome.”
Repent and convert to the one, true Catholic Church, or your everlasting soul is in peril.
Not only was it a common belief throughout the history of the church, it was acknowledged during Peter’s life, including by Peter himself in 1 Peter.
In Acts 11, Peter was rebuked by other Christians for eating unclean things. In Acts 15, Peter is just another Christian arguing how he thinks things should be, not laying down the Law as some kind of proto-Pope. When Paul gets to Rome in Acts 28, Peter (who is supposedly the Bishop of Rome) is no where to be found and Paul essentially takes over.
After the initial Christians, no less than Thomas Aquinas, WEEEEEEEELL before Luther, wrote:
He goes on:
Stop drinking in propaganda and start reading your fucking founders.
I REBUKE THEE. As your brother in Christ, I tell you that your defile yourself with the blasphemy that you spew at your neighbors, that you rive division in your Lord’s body, and you lay unnecessary strokes upon the back of Christ in your pride. You have transgressed against me, against Christ, against the Word, and I demand your repentance.
I pray that when God judges you for this transgression, His judgment is light and you repent immediately before He is forced to judge you harshly.
You have entirely conflated the issues raised above, which there are two. First, for the first 1000 years of the Church, there was no dispute over the primacy of the “Bishop of Rome”, the Pope (“papa”). Such primacy was not in dispute until the Great Schism of 1054, which began the West-East Divide. However, even to this day, the West (Latin Church) considers the Eastern Church, though being schismatics, to still be within the realm of the one, True Church.
The second issue, which is the Protestant issue, was that Luther, for the first time ever, not only reject papal authority but any authority whatsoever, even abolishing the priesthood (among several other sacraments). This is what I believe Bonaventure was alluding to in his providing support for the successive line of Bishops, who not only were given the authority, but were done so by the Apostles themselves. Not even the schismatic Easter Orthodox would be bold enough to throw into disarray the priesthood and sacrament as did the arch-heretic Luther.
Revisiting the primacy of Peter, none of that which you rely upon contradicts that primacy, nor the ability to delegate said primacy to successive generations.
Christ spoke Aramaic and nicknamed Simon “Kepha,” (“Cephas”) which means “Rock.” Most of the New Testament was written in Greek (or translated into Greek, as is possible in the case of Matthew’s Book), and Kepha was translated as “Petros” or “Petra” (depending on stylistic needs of the context), which both mean “Rock.” In our English Bibles, “Petros” and “Petra” get translated into “Peter.” Peter IS “the Rock,” the earthly head of Christ’s Church as Christ Himself states in Matthew 16.
Many Protestants try to get around Matthew 16:15-19 by pointing to 1 Corinthians 10:3-5 “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” No Catholic would disagree with this. Yes, the SPIRITUAL Rock, Christ, the High Priest and Head of the Church, authorized Peter to be the earthly Rock, His Vicar, of the Church — the father of the New Covenant, just as God the Father made Abraham the earthly father of the Old Covenant (Isaiah 51:1-2) while remaining the ultimate, SPIRITUAL Father of that Covenant.
Some try to get around these verses in other imaginative ways, saying that Christ was talking only about Himself or, as everlastingphelps has done here, only about Peter’s faith. Christ re-named Simon “Peter” in response to Simon’s confession of faith in Christ the Rock, the Foundation Stone, so the Protestant assertion that “the rock” was “Peter’s faith” has some merit in a circuitous way (and you will read early Church Fathers–including St. Thomas Aquinas–speaking of the rock of Peter’s confession), and of course, Cephas the rock derives his authority from and must never contradict the Rock Who is Christ; but it simply can’t be ignored that Peter was re-named Kepha (Rock!) and exercised authority among the apostles: he was always named first when the apostles were listed (Matthew 10:1-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:14-16, Acts 1:13) — sometimes it was only “Peter and those who were with him” (Luke 9:32); he was the apostles’ spokesman (Matthew 18:21, Mark 8:29, Luke 12:41, John 6:69, Acts 4:1-13, Acts 2:37-41, Acts 5:15); he exhorted the other bishops (1 Peter 5:1); he was there at the most important moments (Matthew 14:28-32, Matthew 17:24, Mark 10:28); he was the first to proclaim Christ’s divinity (Matthew 16:16); he was the first to preach the Gospel after Pentecost (Acts 2:14-40), thus starting the whole “Church era”; he worked the first healing in the Church age (Acts 3:6-7); he had the revelation that Gentiles were to be baptized and accepted as Christians (Acts 10:46-48); he alone was told by Christ after His resurrection to “Feed My lambs; feed My sheep” (John 21:15-17) and strengthen his brethren (Luke 22:31-32).
Ahh, but where is the word “pope” in the Bible? Well, where is the word “father,”because that’s what “Pope” means (“pope” means “papa”) . But you won’t find the English word “pope” there any more than you’d find the word “Trinity.” The reality, though, is there, in Peter, from the very beginning. The ecclesiastical offices of Bishops (episkopos), elders (presbyteros, from which is derived the word “priest”), and deacons (diakonos) were already in place in the New Testament (Acts 20:28, Philippians 1:1, Acts 1:20, 20:28, Philippians 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:1-2, Titus 1:7, 1 Peter 2:25, Acts 15:2-6, 21:18, Hebrews 11:2, 1 Peter 5:1, 1 Timothy 5:17). The Pope, as Bishop of Rome, is simply the successor of Peter, who was the first Bishop of Rome and head of the earthly Church.
<blockquote<I tell you that your defile yourself with the blasphemy that you spew at your neighbors, that you rive division in your Lord’s body, and you lay unnecessary strokes upon the back of Christ in your pride. Congratulations. You’ve succinctly summed up Protestantism, and to a lesser extent Eastern Orthodoxy, quite well.
that’s a load of crap, Sam J. Quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve read in quite awhile, once again confirming that atheists are fucking morons.
The Faith is defined by The Truth—not by the heretics and scoundrels within it!
St. Vincent of Lerins created a saying that defines The Faith, “What has been preached everywhere, at all times, from the beginning”.
And for you Protestants out there, the Witness of the Orthodox Church, the Armenian Church, the Coptic Church and the Ethiopian Church, all point to the Right Faith in the Catholic Church.
Consistency is the criterion of Truth; St. Vincent of Lerins statement is centered on consistency. Throughout the ages, the Same Faith is preached, taught, and lived.
“NYPD Officer arrested for allegedly spying for China. Interesting is that he was apparently doing this since at least 2014.”
Wowza, never heard of those sources and methods before. A new thing? Very local. Very Cabal. Proves AC’s cabal theory- puts us way above 5% of the pop. being informant networks too, probably closer to 10%.
“Justice Dept. deems New York City, Portland and Seattle ‘anarchist jurisdictions.’ In preparation to pull federal funding.”
Just wait until these dudes are back stateside again.
These guys are tough and well trained, but there are hundreds of thousands of them in the states already, and they haven’t lifted a finger to stop any of this in a concerted way, so I’m not holding my breath.
I see a bunch of SpecOps guys on YouTube with huge followings, and all they talk about is physical training and very superficial stuff, day in, day out.
That’s all well and good, and I don’t blame anyone for sticking to the grind and making a living, I do the same every day, but this invisible army of well trained guys never seems to materialize… even when the country is burning and anarchists are running the streets.
At least bikers can, and do, organize huge outdoor rallies around their interests. Why don’t we see huge patriot rallies of former military ready for action?
And by huge, I don’t mean a hundred stragglers. I mean Sturgis huge. If bikers can do it, why not former military?
Lack of interest? Lack of organization? lack of will?
Probably ease, comfort and rule following. But that’s all changed in 2020, especially if elections are messed up.
@LembradorDos6Trilliões – a few days ago you said you are experimenting with triggering your amygdala then try to return to normal. I’m curious about how you do that and how well it was going.
A few months ago I experienced an amygdala hijack for the first time. As someone who was bullied (mildly) as a kid I learnt to control my response and emotions really well so it was pretty astounding to experience the hijack and I still look back with some surprise at how it rendered me non-functional for the better part of an hour. Since reading your comment I’ve been thinking about it as something so I can learn to recover quickly.
Some of it is purely mechanical. One of the problems is that it burns tons of glucose when something in your brain goes into hyperdrive. Replace that glucose. Candy, fruit juice, even beer, just something that will cause a quick glucose or ethanol (which your body can — and in fact must — burn immediately instead of glucose) infusion. It’s the same protocol as a seizure, which also burns tons of glucose. (Terrifying fact — what kills most grand mal seizure victims isn’t the seizure, but the hypoglycemia that follows.)
Wow, I never knew that! I’ll have to stock up again. 🙂 Thanks.
It is excellent advise on the fuel, I never thought of purposely replenishing the sugar but he is absolutely right. The other thing is to not get into a spot where you feel it coming on and are triggered by the sensation itself. You have to understand that feeling that sensation is like exercising. The sensation means you are going to get stronger after it, and be more capable. Feeling it is a good thing for your future.
It can be tough, but when you feel it coming on, program yourself with the logic of it to feel good about it and embrace it as an opportunity to exercise the amygdala, so instead of thinking, “Oh no, here it is again!,” you think, “OK, this may be irritating, like a muscle burn at the end of a set, but I am going to be so much more capable and stronger after this exercise. And I can’t make this happen, so I need to take advantage of this now and develop the ability to stay calm, control myself as best I can, meet it head on, and function while under it. It is lucky I get to practice. Let’s do this.”
Great advice AC! I like the idea of it being an exercise training program.
I basically work myself into a rage by thinking about all the shit that they gaybal faggots have been doing and all the children they have destroyed, and all the innocent lives they have taken, all the potential they have stolen from Humanity, etc, etc, and I try to “visualize” the physical sensations of being enraged (you know how you can picture something visual with your imagination? You can also imagine kinesthetic sensations (example: try to imagine someone patting you in the back, or touching your upper arm)), so I try to kinesthetically “visualize” the sensations of anger, and amplify them (in NLP terms I think they call this the sub-modalities if I remember correctly).
So, when I get really worked up and pissed, I try to “tickle the amygdala” (which is also a kinesthetic “visualization” type of technique), which you can learn about here:
And I also tell myself that “Everything will work out in the end”; “God wins”; “God is with us”; “I love God, and God loves me”; “Let it go”; “We’ll win”; etc
I do this when I go take a nap, or when I go to bed basically, but when I am going thru my day, I try to remember about Stoic quotes and imagine Marcos Aurelius watching from the after-life and cheering for us all (I know it’s silly, it makes me chuckle, and that’s a good thing), and try to be grateful for all the small and big things I’ve got going for me, and I try to keep my mind disciplined as to prevent “spiraling” type useless self-talk (I have a big tendency to get pissed when being exposed to injustice, so this is very crucial for me, and I learned in my first 2 years of redpilling myself that if I don’t learn to control my mind and emotions, I’d be fucked (rendered ineffective by by own emotional state) given how much the world is a fallen place (which Christ also told us)).
It also helps to remind myself that all the victims of the gaybal are in a better place now, and I also remind myself to never slacken, never tire, never lose courage and never despair in the face of evil.
That’s exactly what I was after – I really appreciate you sharing this. I think that’s all quite doable.
Try praying too. Doesn’t matter about what, just pray on your own a little bit each day.
I also do that, for longer than I do this, I assumed the person asking does too.
Yeah, me and God have been at arms length for a while, but fixing that now.
you’re an interesting guy, Lembro, but looking to Marcus Aurelius for answers….. oh HELL nah. that fuckin guy is the beneficiary of the biggest swindle of all time.
leaving aside the fact that his ‘Meditations’ are simplistic horseshit suitable for (at best) 3rd graders, he’s the guy who – more than any other Roman – is responsible for the fall of the empire. the system had been working brilliantly for more than 80 years: “to avoid any more Neros or Little Boots or Years of the 4 Emperors, the Emperor must *adopt* his best/most able army commander, show him the ropes in ever-expanding OJT, and *pound it into him that he’s to do the same* when _he’s_ Top Dog and the empire will be well-run and secure and will thrive. put a seasoned, capable, worldy military man *with a long track record of success* in charge of our military dictatorship, NOT your idiot son or your grotesquely narcissistic psychopath nephew.”
worked incredibly well until Marcus Dipshitticus said, “Nah. I’mma go wit my boy Commodus, because ALL us stoic geniuses know it’s supes smart to stop doing what’s proven to work.”
that idiot was the Adlai Stevenson/Alan Ginsberg of the ancient world: a wildly overrated moron.
so naturally, the academics and the cathloics all tell us what a whiz he is.
>”leaving aside the fact that his ‘Meditations’ are simplistic horseshit suitable for (at best) 3rd graders,”
Me right now:

I liked it. But thanks for the perspective, very interdasting.
Thanks for that analysis, it is spot on.
LOL, the only wildly overrated moron here is you, pal. The reason you think one of the great classics of Western Civilization is “simplistic horseshit” is either because you’ve never actually read it, OR (and this is my bet) you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.
Man does not make peace with nature, he makes peace with God, and subdues nature.
Making peace with nature is the type of thinking that leads to a Crisis of the 3rd century.
eat a bag of dicks, macho man. your childish little ‘hide in the corner and occasionally run out to fling poo at the grownups’ routine is tiresome, and oddly…. feminine.
one wonders what a psychiatrist would make of that
sorry Stngy, say stupid shit and you get called on it. and what you said was really, really, really stupid.
” Inns and bars were where a lot of intelligence was gathered by the King’s spy networks in the Revolutionary war because travelers who were up to something would stop off in them, hence that network’s focus on getting the bar owners and Inn keepers into their fold.’
Not really. inns and bars were where the Revolutionists met to carry ON the Revolution! Inns and bars were quasi-educational centers where people read a common newspaper and discussed contents! Inns and bars is where politics happened! Some New England state ordered by law that every town was to have a bar so people could congregate there and share news and engage in politics.
It was the same in the French Revolution. It was “Salons” where the Revolution was preached and pushed. Salons were where Intellectual discussions were held.
The same being in the Weimar. It was in a beer garden, that Hitler jumped up on a chair and shouted “Let the Revolution begin”. Beer gardens of Germany is where revolution and counter revolution happened.
Here in the Marxist/Commie town of the shit-hole Battle Creek, in the Soviet Republic of Michigan, town leaders and the commie organizations of Battle Creek would meet in a downtown coffee shop; they held meetings galore there to plot their destruction of WASP America.
Salons, inns, bars, coffee shops, people like to congregate where there is liquid and food and then sit around and discuss things. As old as Moses’ toes.
depends whose bar and where
“CIA tires to lure more innovators ”
Unless the CIA are using actual tires, pretty sure that should be ‘tries’. 🙂
Maybe they tried so much they are just tired.
Regarding group mind control… A normally mild mannered family member prone to drunken phone calls is repeatedly ranting that our prez should be shot. These rants come out of the blue, we are not talking politics or anything, which I avoid with him. He’s a smart man when sober, but obviously compromised by drink his whole life and is now early 60s. Telling him he’s speaking dangerously has no effect. I believe he’s been programmed by the TV or some other mass comm method.
Our next-door neighbor, same age, said the same type of thing after a few drinks. Out of the blue.
Looks like the ChiComs left something in orbit?
sure would hate to think that’s an EMP. am willing to bet if an EMP ‘accidentally’ fries a wide stretch of US infrastructure, that the 3GD would suffer an almost instantaneous, hugely devastating, highly mysterious RfG strike.
surely they *know* that, right?
Mike Scheuer has a new post up:
Jewish collective power continues their campaign of censorship (which will only lead to more anti-Semitism):
I’ve had it! Breitbart is reporting that former republican, the former Mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg, Jew, has raised 16.9 million dollars to pay the restitution costs of some 32,000 black and hispanic felons so they can vote!
That is vile and disgusting. I’m a military veteran and I’ve been a positive to my society—and this Jackass is spending money on reprobates who’ve been drags on society—giving these morons—the power to vote!
I am sick and tired of these people and they wonder why the Holocaust happened. This man needs to be shipped back to Israel—and all of his assets seized.
When will the stupid European learn—that the Jew hates his guts? When?
I can’t take it anymore. I’m filled with anger and rage. These people have to go NOW.
>”why the Holocaust happened”
Fren, I…
You can verify that the official version of the Holocaust is a fraud here: – archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg
Article 19 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg – “The Tribunal shall NOT be bound by technical rules of evidence.”
Article 21 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg – “The Tribunal shall NOT require PROOF OF FACTS of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.” – “One Third of the Holocaust” – documentary – “The First Holocaust The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure” – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website – “The “Holocaust” testimonies you DIDN’T hear!” – “Florida principal who told parent he ‘can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event’ is fired”
-History schoolteacher says: “There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them” – “Spinning Squirrel, How Pysch Warfare Propaganda Became the Historical Narrative”
“…Volokh says that regardless of what Trump and Mitch do, the Democrats will (1) Eliminate the Filibuster, (2) Grant Statehood to D.C. and maybe P.R., (3) Pack/Expand the Lower Courts, and (4) Pack/Expand the Supreme Court. And…”
They’re really pushing the situation where there will be no alternative but to either give in completely, which means if you are White you will be persecuted, or to fight back violently which I really don’t want to happen.
“Louisville police chief declares state of emergency ahead of expected Breonna Taylor announcement.”
We should NOT be supporting the police in their stupid no knock assaults on peoples houses where they kill people who have no idea it’s the police. People get killed all the time on these raids they should be stopped unless the person wanted is wanted for some sort of mass murder or other super heinous crime. For a no knock raid to happen there should be a high bar to get over and other not kick in the door options should always be considered first. It’s not like drug dealers never leave the house or that they couldn’t raid them while everyone is awake and people are buying drugs at the door.
We need to ask ourselves this question, are we in favor of the police murdering people who may have been dealing drugs? This is exactly what this amounts too. There have been babies blown to pieces by stun grenades in these type raids. Yes blown apart. And even if you are for this they do the same shit for all kinds of other non violent offenses. They do SWAT team raids on natural health food stores for selling supplements they find controversial, they have done the same SWAT team raids on people who have imported cars they don’t think have the right pollution equipment and all other sort of petty civil type penalties that have no business being dealt with by SWAT teams.
People who are for police State type actions are going to be damn surprised some day when they find that they are now the targets of the police and they get their door kicked in, their animals shot and possibly themselves killed.
I’m totally against all this police State raid type actions. The police spend all their time in this sort of shit where they can play rambo instead of stopping crime that most people want. Most people don’t give a shit about drug crimes unless they are in their neighborhood causing problems. What they car about is car jackings, robbery, theft, home invasions, that’s the shit that terrifies people and what the police should be hot on. They should be constantly setting up thugs to rob or attack police stings. The same people who cause all these other crimes I just listed are the same sort that they will get in these stings and will vastly reduce the crime rate if they catch these people.
I get what you are saying, but don’t lose sight of the fact that cops were trying to do those things based on some internal principles, and that they had a sense of right and wrong which made them such a threat to Cabal that Cabal needed to get rid of them to take things to the next level and get us in the camps. I’m still thinking it may be a five percent chance this thing is going to involve shooting, given everyone in Cabal is facing the death penalty, and I can’t see them just letting Q win.
I am still blown away that in the US, everything we saw was real – the FEMA rules, the pictures of the cattle cars retrofitted with human restraints, the huge ammo and firearms purchases that they tried to break up and hide under weird agencies. I even said on this site, they were letting us see the surveillance because they thought that in short order it wasn’t going to matter. It was the only thing that made sense. And now we are so far along on the plan, they are beginning the “Abolish the Police and replace it with the Brownshirts” phase. The next phase was make the Brownshirts an official agency, and then it was the Camps phase.
I thought the Second Amendment meant we couldn’t be that close, even though it looked that way, but apparently not.
The Soros DAs also need the rope, legally, off course.
The way they circumvent the 2A issue is they release and don’t charge the gaybal faggot criminals, and they do the people who defend themselves.
“…don’t lose sight of the fact that cops were trying to do those things based on some internal principles, and that they had a sense of right and wrong…”
I love you AC but you’re wrong. They did this for cash. They wanted the drug dealers cash stash so they kicked the door in. They could have got him elsewhere but they wouldn’t have got the cash.
They endangered a lot of people to profit for themselves and their department.
Clearly you’re not Catholic, which leaves no doubt to which of the two you belong.
Your concern is noted. Pick up your little boy on the way out.
“Nearly 40 shot and 6 killed, over the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago. The Democrat election strategy is going well in Chicago.”
Hey, the fewer people left alive, the fewer there are to vote against you. That’s like, math, or something.
“And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it…”
Uhhh….I got some rocks. I suspect my rocks are just as good as any other.
“…once again confirming that atheists are fucking morons…”
I’m not an atheist.