Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – China Boosts Russian Crude Imports
DFT – MGM Returns To Normal Operations Following Cyberattack
DFT – FTC Commissioner Nominees Agree On Artificial Intelligence
DFT – Company Healthcare Costs Expected To Rise Significantly
DFT – Authors Sue OpenAI Over Use Of Their Works To Train Chat GPT
The Hill- Democrats keep winning special elections in battleground states, defeating “Trumpism.”
Gov. Kathy Hochul signs bill widely expanding voting by mail.
Republican groups sue New York, governor over absentee voting. Patterson, Gilgo Beach, Tom Bauerle, election rigging – New York will be some kind of hub for Cabal for some reason, probably second only to DC.
The fruits of technocracy: Quantitative analysis shows Google steered 6 million votes to Biden in 2020. There are no swing voters today. I do not buy it. The election was rigged, and a story like this only helps hide that fact.
A “CIA FacilityList” found on the USPS website. The Post Office I have spoken of, which doubles as some kind of command center for domestic surveillance, is not on there, so probably not what we are looking for. But nobody can find out anything else about the list.
Hunter Biden arraignment set for September 26 in Delaware; judge says he must appear in person.
In a surprising development, the Biden administration has appointed James Clapper, John Brennan, and Paul Kolbe, all former intelligence officials, to a DHS “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” responsible for addressing critical national security matters. I am pretty sure that “critical national security matters” means Donald Trump and his supporters.
Rep. Thomas Massie accused Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday of lying during a House Judiciary Committee hearing about his knowledge of federal law enforcement activities during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, particularly the role of and scale of informant involvement. He was not prosecuting people, so if he has no idea if they are informants or not, why wasn’t he prosecuting them?
House Democrats weigh risky strategy: Whether to save McCarthy.
Former President Donald Trump shared a meme to his Truth Social website Wednesday afternoon, which showed an image of six alligators with the words ‘new border security’ and ‘will work for food’ superimposed over it. ‘Problem solved!!’ President Trump said. Why couldn’t we get alligators ourselves, and release them in the Rio Grande? They would not have to be 12 feet, though it would be great if we could get some of those. In Texas they are legal with a permit, so why couldn’t you have some free range pets you let swim in the Rio Grande. You would just have to make sure they ate regularly. Either that, or Piranhas.
CIA agent confesses on deathbed to his family: ‘Billions will die in 2024.’
A missing NFL player appears to be hiding out in Mexico, and posted a strange video accusing the FBI of having killed his mother and FBI and local PD of having kidnapped him. Tough to say. But that scene in Enemy of the State where the glowie is wandering around the scene of the Senator’s murder in his little Park Police costume with a cup of coffee is a normal procedure for surveillance. He could have been grabbed up by them, dressed as cops. I even had a fake cruiser driving in front of my house which got the logo of the department wrong, and there was the guy on youtube followed by an LA Sheriff’s helicopter, where one sharp eye’d commenter pointed out the Sheriff didn’t have that kind of helicopter in their aviation unit, so it had been painted in Sheriff’s colors by somebody else and was flying around over LA. Or this guy could just be crazy, though less and less do I attribute strange stories to craziness.
Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood turned state’s witness in Georgia racketeering case, DA reveals.
Check out how sophisticated this carjacking is in Chicago, and understand why you keep your car in drive, and go at the first sign of containment. Probably a remote kill switch on the car would have been good too. Note, they probably were surveilling the car prior to launch of the operation. Surveillance awareness is key. If you can notice those subtle anomalies in probability with Cabal/Stasi ground surveillance, those carjackers would stick out like a sore thumb.
Biden to create White House office of gun violence prevention.
Sacramento DA sues the city over its homeless crisis and says California’s capital has suffered an ‘utter collapse into chaos’ because not enough was being done to remove people from living on the streets. I am actually having trouble organizing this thing now. Does grooming children go before or after the organized invasion by illegals from the third world? What about the generalized sexual degeneracy of the culture being pushed on us? Where do I put the purposeful destruction of the cities? Corruption of religion? Violent rioting by BLM/Antifa that burns down cities? Organized criminal activity to drive down property prices? The wrecked economy and the denial of energy resources to the nation to destroy it economically? Stoking racial hatred? Attacks on cops combined with no bail laws and Soros prosecutors and judges all working together to let criminals run wild with no punishment? Using modern medicine to kill millions with bad science and poisonous vaccines and medications? Starting massive wildfires, and trying to kill the people escaping? Draining the Treasury to Ukraine goes with foreign news, and specifically Russia, right after the destruction of Europe, and of course I always try to get our rigged elections near the top, though I may put the domestic Stasi spying on us in our homes and building files on us, or just fucking us over in some random way, above that. And any assassination of one of our people by the CIA/Cabal obviously gets first dibs, though an MK Ultra windup toy taking out a bunch of children in a mass shooting or a false flag terrorist attack would have to go higher. Still the persecutions of Donald Trump should go near the top too, and I have to keep the bribery of Biden and the rest of the government by Cabal up there as well, given he appears to be the President and is compromised by something foreign. I am at the point basic corruption doesn’t even make it in. Taking a bribe from a regular American is like Boy Scout tier behavior. Whatever is going on is quite coordinated and well organized, and I try to keep up in presenting it, but it is tough. Are we still greatest country on earth?
San Francisco drug overdose deaths hit record high: ‘It’s like a zombie apocalypse.’
Progressive Seattle activists take over city council meeting with cries of ‘you have blood on your hands’ after public drug use is recriminalized. Anomaly, or does this mean they have bought up all the cheap property, and are ready to restore the quality of life and pump up property values again? Remember Blackrock buying up all the homes as “rentals?” I’ll bet now that rental thing was a cover story, and they change strategies in a couple of years, and sell them all off.
Justice Department probe scrutinizes Elon Musk perks at Tesla going back years.
7,000 migrants cross into one Texas border town in 72 hours.
DHS refuses to release data on illegal immigrants’ cartel ties, citing privacy concerns.
Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at the University of South Carolina has testified before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee saying that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments, and “there is a very real hazard” that these fragments of foreign DNA can insert themselves into a person’s own genome and become a “permanent fixture of the cell.” The don’t make the mRNA, but rather put the gene into bacteria, and let the bacteria make the mRNA. They then take the bacterial soup, break open all the bacteria with chemicals, and begin a step after step process, adding something like ethanol, to cause one contaminate to precipitate out, then they centrifuge, so the contaminate forms a pellet at the bottom of the centrifuge bottle, they pour off the top which no longer has all the contaminate (though some may remain in small quantities), and then they repeat the process. But you can see, it is not a 100 percent perfect process that gets everything. And apparently those little pieces of DNA remain in solution, and travel with the RNA, and precipitate out with the RNA. And the problem in a human gene is, the sequence is “read” three codes at a time, so the body, to get the right thing built, needs to see ATG, CAG, TAC, GCA. Four distinct “words.” But insert one “letter” like an A at the beginning, and now the body will “see” the above as AAT, GCA, GTA, CGC. That is a completely different “message,” with completely different words, which in essence destroys the gene. If it happens in the middle of a sentence, like a protein where the first half of the message makes an active part, and the second makes a part that attenuates and controls the active nature, now that second half is destroyed, and maybe you have a protein that is always at full activity (like a superactive analogue). Also can cause other mischief outside the gene, where regulation happens, by screwing up the code that turns things on and off, and turning things off that need to be on, or turning things on that need to be off. And unlike the spike protein in LNPs, it will probably not degrade as quickly over time, and with poor temperature control. Not as bad as having your own cells produce a giant antigen on their surface, but a little extra bonus game of Russian Roulette that comes with the vax, all the same.
Covid “vaccine” mRNA ends up in mothers’ milk. I am not a specialist in mass production of vaccines, but from what I see, they already produce this mRNA in E. coli cells. If they had let the E. coli cook just a little longer it would have bumped out the spike protein itself, and it could have been purified just like any other recombinant protein, and put into a vaccine, as we had done for decades, which does not put an antigen on your cell surface, in a distance measured in angstroms, or even phospolipid molecules, from your own “self” cell surface receptors. There was absolutely no reason to use mRNA, which is the first thing which should make everyone suspicious something was up. The only question is, do they want to use mRNA for something else and wanted to see if it would turn off after a few months or get burned into the DNA, or were they only trying to kill people.
They suffered myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. years later, some still haven’t recovered.
Biden administration announces $600 million to produce no-cost COVID tests. Another scammed $600 million. And they just said they cannot tell the difference between Covid and allergies anymore.
Paw Patrol children’s cartoon goes woke, introduces “non-binary transgender” character in new episode. I think like journalism, those who aspire to write for Hollywood or any entertainment, find there is no work for them, and though they never figure it out, it is because all the writers are covert conspiracy members who are getting orders on what to write from something like employees of CIA psychological services, who are in the conspiracy themselves, and are told the game-plan.
Soros-backed NGO buys biggest newspaper network in Maine. Do you think if you want to write for them, you just go to journalism school, do all your homework, study hard, get all A’s, maybe get a graduate degree in journalism, and then apply?
Budweiser owner Anheuser-Busch InBev said it has stopped cutting the tails off its famous Clydesdale horses after months of pressure from animal-rights activists who say the practice is cruel. I thought it was the Babylon Bee at first, but no, they were really doing this.
Video platform Rumble rejects to demonetize Russell Brand’s channel after being pressured by UK officials. Always be skeptical what you are seeing is just the actors playing their roles.
At new mental health courts in California, judges will be able to mandate treatment. Wow – complain people are following you around, and off you go to One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, where CIA MK Ultra specialists can go to work on you. Yikes.
Biden administration to put $4.6 billion toward state and local climate plans.
Joe Biden uses executive powers to bypass the House and Constitution, launches the American Climate Corps. “The American Climate Corps will “train young people in clean energy, conservation and climate resilience related skills” and “streamline pathways into civil service,” the White House said in a news release.” In other words, they will get Cabal into it, where it will only bring in Cabal recruits, who will then have a smoothed over path into government regulatory agencies. But the selective admissions will be masked by racism and affirmative action, and a complete rejection of any meritocracy, so everyone denied entry will just think the system, by chance didn’t pick them, and everyone else was just lucky.
Large amounts of sedentary time linked with higher risk of dementia in older adults, study shows.
Aspartame could cause memory and learning deficits in future generations, a new study suggests.
Elon Musk’s Neuralink gets greenlightbto recruit humans for brain-chip trial.
Rabbi Yigal Levenstein, one of the heads of a military preparatory academy in the town of Eli in Samaria, Israel, required police protection after he was attacked and chased in Tel Aviv by hundreds of irate leftwing protesters, for opposing the integration of women in the military and for speaking against homosexuals, calling them “deviants.” Everybody attributes this phenomenon in the West to “the Jews,” but even Israel, home of the Jews, appears to be afflicted with Globomo’s infiltration operation. I am sure they are pushing for “diversity” too, arguing the future of Israel rests on importing enough third world migrants from areas with no functioning government. It feels like we will get close this time around. We cannot get just up to the head of the snake, and fail to get it. We want that head. Of course we need to figure out what exactly it is first.
A new ‘book’ claims that black people built Stonehenge.
‘An investigation by the BBC claims that British Pakistanis account for 30% of all British children with recessive disorders’ So in their home countries, do Pakis outbreed wildly so those recessive genes never come to the fore? Of course it is “Mainstream” media telling you something scientific, so who knows.
Days after Biden approves $6 billion ransom deal, Iran takes another Westerner hostage.
Venezuela said Wednesday it had seized control of a gang-controlled prison, which had installed amenities such as a zoo, a pool and gambling rooms, from the hands of a powerful gang, in a major operation involving 11,000 members of its security forces. “An AFP team saw security officers carrying motorcycles, televisions, air conditioners and microwaves out of the jail.”
Germany has reached ‘a limit’ on migration, President Steinmeier says.
Poland said Wednesday it will no longer arm Ukraine and instead focus on its own defense, as the two allies clashed at a key moment in Kyiv’s fightback against invasion by Russia. Ukraine wants to flood Poland with cheap grain, which will bankrupt Poland’s farmers, so Poland has announced it will not let the grain in, and Ukraine is now taking legal action to force Poland to accept the grain, as it is demanding Poland also pay for its defense.
Polish president on grain dispute: “Ukraine is like a drowning man, it can drag us into the depths.”
General Milley: Ukraine fight can be sustained since ‘The United States, Allied countries are rich.’ Who is this United States that is so rich which you speak of, Kimosabe?
Sarah Ashton-Crillo is suspended as Ukraine war spokeswoman after trans Floridian posted blood-curdling video threatening to ‘hunt down’ Russians. This one will always be a puzzle. I could understand, he is posting pictures online, and you allow it because you need Globohomo’s money. But why make your official spokesperson a man in a wig with big boobs? How did that happen? Probably a sign the Ukrainians are just taking orders from Western Globohomo which is there in the bunkers, organizing everything and controling it all.
Ukrainian MOD announces ‘Sarah’ Ashton-Cirillo has been suspended, placed under investigation. Senator Vance accused this guy of being CIA, and he never denied it. Could be somebody in regular non-Cabal counter-intel for Ukraine demanded a look, and the Cabal people cannot intervene without revealing Cabal, so they have to let it play out.
Putin seeking quick end to Ukraine war, Turkey’s leader hints.
In recent years, there’s been a significant increase in celibacy among young people, particularly young men aged 18 to 30. A measurable shift toward K being done by the environment. Resources are limited, threat is high, there is rancor everywhere, and it kind of feels like war is in the not-to-distant future, even for those who do not see the surveillance. That ominous feeling shifts how the mind works. A rise in Conservative values will not be far behind.
22% of Americans believe First Amendment protects gun rights. In their defense, that was a mistake by the Founding Fathers. It should have been the first.
Dresses returned to Tanzanian designer after they were stolen by Joe Biden’s crazy nuclear disposal expert five years ago. I am not sure I would want to wear those dresses, if I was a woman. Those dresses have likely been on wild ride. I would burn them, with nuclear fire.
Ohio’s congressional maps will remain unchanged for the 2024 cycle as the plaintiffs for a lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of the maps dropped their case. They were afraid if they got an order to redraw the maps, they might have been redrawn even worse for the Democrats.
Donors retreat from DeSantis, advance toward Trump.
Trump leads, DeSantis crashes to 5th place in NH GOP primary.
President Trump Speaks at Dubuque:
Notice no passerby stopped even a little beyond to check or call police; also notice the bus which stayed parked as the driver watched. On top of that, it all happened on camera; but the “police” have no leads; despite the carjackers’ license plates in full view.
People know now if you get involved the system will crush you. Or it will make the victim a criminal.
Video shows Columbus cop threaten 11-year-old with child porn charges | The Kansas City Star
We live in hellworld now. If there’s a God out there, he clearly doesn’t care. No loving entity would let this world fall as far as it has to where innocent children are mass victimized. It’s madness with no excuse.
Do not make yourself out to be smarter, wiser, or more virtuous than GOD.
The police have been pushing “don’t get involved, stand back and be a good witness” for a couple of generations now. And since the police and courts have viciously prosecuted so many people who tried to help, I don’t blame anyone for just standing back and watching it. I certainly wouldn’t want to wind up bankrupted by the prosecutor’s office, trying to defend some nimnos who made bad life decisions that resulted them in not being able to defend themselves.
With white replacement in cities, history, adverts & media, almost looks like they want to steal our countries
But it fell into disrepair, the usual thing that happens. Look at Detroit.
People assume this is to indoctrinate our children. …
It’s to indoctrinate them and theirs!
The paw patrol thing is even worse than the article detailed.
For the anons that don’t have kids, or maybe haven’t had kids for 30+ years, it’s not enough to just “not have a TV in your house.” Those TV shows are still going to be on at friends’ houses, daycare, normie family’s houses… even the dentist’s office might have a mainstream kids show on!
Let’s say you somehow get your personal network fully aligned and the kids don’t have ANY exposure to TV that you don’t personally supervise. Well you better not take your kids shopping either. Go down the toy aisle at Shart Mart and you are 100% going to run into paw patrol toys. Or near the books. Or greeting cards. Or the clothes. Even the damn toothbrush aisle is going to be loaded with licensed material. Not to mention the majority of the name brand diapers being covered with licensed characters.
I don’t keep up with fast food promotions either, but I’m sure paw patrol is a staple toy/promotion for at least one chain, minimum once a year.
So maybe Uncle whoever stops by, he only visits once every several years, meets your kid for the first time and wants to bring a gift. Or he mails in a birthday gift. Non-negligible odds he’s a normie too and picks some licensed material because he sees it everywhere and assumes your kids like dogs. It’s such a burden to coordinate with family like this about the things you allow in your house. And good luck intercepting a gift in person, now you’re stuck with a gay dog toy that is going to scar your kid if you take it away.
At a bare minimum the kids are going to be aware of the police dog and the fire dog because they see it damn everywhere they go out. It is by design. Of course they’re going to be interested if they get a chance to watch the show, because they’ve seen the dogs some significant portion of the times they go out of the house.
I actually sold my TV just to help prevent this contagion from affecting my household.
I remember Paw Patrol got “cancelled” in summer 2020 for because even dog police needed defunding, or something. I’m betting this new character was the ransom for the show continuing.
I’m teaching my children like my parents taught me. There’s certain ages to reveal certain things, but you have to be pretty damn blunt. I hate the world forces this, but my children will be able to defend themselves from hellworld as well as I have. At some point, you can watch the shows with them, and they can point out the propaganda and laugh at it. Insulating them won’t work- they need to know the enemy and how to see through the lies.
Fortunately, I have my “posse” of married female friends with whom I can compare notes, not to mention their children are a known quantity of good friends for my children to socialize with. My two eldest are already showing the big extrovert energy I had as a child.
Reposting this to Gab, for what it’s worth. Excellent comment. They’re making parents out to be the bad guys which is fine by me.
Burn it with fire.
I LOVE these two articles back to back:
The Hill- Democrats keep winning special elections in battleground states, defeating “Trumpism.”
Gov. Kathy Hochul signs bill widely expanding voting by mail.
I guess these freaks truly have not given up yet. I’m looking forward to the day when this disease rotting our country has been so beaten down (and hopefully jailed or wiped out in some other way) that it never rises again. It’s like beating cancer. You hope it never returns but the specter of it is always there.
Oh…and it’s always about “reproductive freedom”. What about the freedom of the baby? Anybody? Aneeeeeebody?
You really triggered me today AC with those two articles right out of the gate!
Who is going to do the beating?
Someone posted one of those memes on Gab last month about how the “people who wanted to be left alone” are going to “have enough” and take action. Boo-yah!
Orly? Take action after *only* two generations have been pozzed and corrupted by evil? When fully 20% of children call themselves gender fluid? That’s the red flag they were waiting for? Or will it be 50% of all kids chopping off body parts?
The Founders would slap these people just as hard as the Leftscum traitors. The “rugged individual” was nothing but a psyop to keep people from organizing. The Founders expected people to stay informed and involved and maintain the system for Posterity. People squatting in their own armed bunkers will never work because there’s always someone with a bigger bunker, more guns and lots of followers, and suddenly you’re in Mad Max: Fury Road driving the run between the Bullet Farm and Gas Town just to survive, and your daughters are concubines of General Psychobutt.
Seems like most people in the past 50 years thought Posterity was a new diet fad.
“Medicaid requires that all pregnant women be tested for syphilis in their first trimester, but testing later in pregnancy or at birth is largely left up to states”
So this is all the result of pregnant women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy catching syphilis?
Not sure this fits here exactly, but mass migration brings disease along with it.
Paw Patrol has always been woke. They have Mayor Goodway, the black/Hispanic lady that is friends with the Paw Patrol crew, and then they have Mayor Humdinger, the blond haired, male that is a recurring villian throughout the show. It’s not surprising they are now working the LBGT angle into the show. And this is a show that mostly seems to have an audience around the preschool or kindergarten age.
“Mayor Humdinger, the blond haired, male that is a recurring villian”
Oh, you sweet, naive summer child.
Ryder is the whitest white kid you know, the movie was fantastic and it was good silly fun. Which had to be destroyed.
Oh come on, Ryder is the ambiguously white/hispanic/asian/light-skinned black character that is so popular today. Brown hair, brown eyes, skin about Dora levels of darkness. Except for an East Asian or full black, he could be any race/ethnicity.
In re mRNA vaxxx
I just keep coming back to bacteriological aspects of the COVID episode. Every damn time there is bacteria. Or bacterial infection describes things better.
I really do think that is the vector they found works the best to achieve what they want.
The viral thing just looks like a red-herring.
Embrace the power of both. in “Bitten”, it is told that Willy Burgdofer worked to create a tick that carried 2 bacteria and 1 virus. The point being that you could never find just one cause for the ensuing disease.
side effects felt like a severe poisoning like from food or alcohol or snake bite
After 4 yrs of Trump is a Nazi from media, we’re supposed to believe 6M (hey, there’s that # again!) voters were on the fence?
Like how the story uses trademark symbol after using “Our Democracy” in caption
Re: Rabbi Levenstein
There are still actual Israelites alive, some in Israel even.
The vast majority of “Jews” are the ones called by Jesus, “You are of your father the devil”, and those “…who say they are Jews, but are not, but are of the synagogue of satan.”
See: The Rothschilds, Marx, Trotsky, Soros, etc etc…
The Ashkenazi vs the Sephardic and Misrahim.
Genetically, Palestinians are prob closest to the orig Israelites. Which makes perfect sense on multiple levels.
The khazarian locust crew have no genetic relation to ancient Israel at all.
Trotsky, Soros and Marx are all British inventions.
They created a form of proto communism when thry destroyed the French in 1796, then refined it, realized they could get further by spreading it via Jewish agents. Created a more powerful version of the same trick called “communism”, used it on the Russians whom theyve always hated and then blamed everything they did on their Jewish frontment and useful idiots
Here is the article, it thoroughly explains it. It is well sourced and to date I havent even so much as heard a cogent argument against it. No doubt you too will either
a)pretend you never heard a word i said.
B) rely on your second tactic of spitting hate so you can pretend you dont have to read it
Or some other idiotic variant of the same.
Whatever. Ive spoken the truth, your evil from this moment on is on your own head.
I would be interesting if that shot of King Charles, with the Rothschild so amusingly poking him in the chest was taken at the British Cabal-leadership’s behest to make it look like the Roth was above the British.
Although the Roths look to me like what could be at the top. Among the richest in the world, they appear on no lists. No religiosity to see, outside of some amusing photos referencing lucifer summoning his hordes, alongside occultist Abramovic. It is not really clear what they are up to, though you know they are massaging events.
The only thing off to me is we know who they are. I see the real leaders as just like that, only we have never seen them. Never heard their names. Maybe their names are not even in any official record, and are just used verbally in day to day contacts. Their only official identity would be LLCs, managed by Trusts, overseen by charitable foundations, themselves formed as partnerships, of more corporations, managed by lawyers whose companies belong to more LLCs, all out of the City of London, and on and on, unable to ever be fully tracked down. Maybe millenia old, the original papers long since gone.
Whoever has done this, they are the top of the food chain in a Darwinian world. And I am not sure if we knew the truth, it would not involve them actually meeting something like the Tic Tac crew, or some interdimensional organism, vastly older than us, with tech which would blow our mind, to the point their reality would approximate that of a demon.
Jews, especially Feinstein Jews, or Schumer Jews, or Larry Silverstein Jews, who live as comical caricatures, you know gleefully fucking over other Jews, it just does not fit with me on an emotional level.
“And I am not sure if we knew the truth, it would not involve them actually meeting something like the Tic Tac crew, or some interdimensional organism, vastly older than us, with tech which would blow our mind, to the point their reality would approximate that of a demon.”
It is demons.
And look into the ancestry of the Royals.
“The Hill- Democrats keep winning special elections in battleground states, defeating “Trumpism.””
This article isn’t news, but an opinion piece written by a Democratic lawyer and activist, pushing the Democratic line (it actually contains the phrase “stop Trump”.
Plus the one bit of information isn’t noteworthy. Democrats one two elections for state legislatures. One was in New Hampshire, which has a state legislature of 400 for a state with a population of 1.5 million, and one is in fortified Pennsylvania, where the Donks got 65% in a normally 64% Donk district.
So I don’t think this one was even worth putting up. Even if elections were on the up and up, historically special elections have had no prediction value for the normal elections, so they get over-covered.
The narcissist discussion has got me thinking of BRICS vs Cabal/Globohomo.
Maybe CHN and RUS are dealing with the US in a savvy way to deal with narcissists?
I’d been taking the constant stmnts from CHN and RUS about multi-polarity and non-Bloc formation and everyone free to pursue their own interests and deal eith the US if they want etc etc as just blah blah blah.
But maybe it’s not?
Imagine you are isolated with a group of individuals and forced to deal with them for a long time. As in, shipwreck on a planet. And one of them is a maniacal narcissist. And they’ve been fucking things up for everyone by the usual hijinks.
Assume also that the narcissists physical prowess has decayed sig recently. But he has singled you out for abuse and prob destruction via his henchmen.
Well, maybe you brace the mf’er and his vassal hard. Really hard. And you make it clear that you are done with this lunatic and it is now on for real.
But you don’t seek to form a bloc with others the narcissist has been abusing. Because you think that would play into the narcissists hands. It’s happened before and turned out badly for you.
Instead, you go to others and say “Look, I’m done with that a-hole. Done. Let’s still be bros though. Idc if you deal with him. Go ahead. I’m not critical of that. But let’s work together for our mutual benefit. Ok? I’m not going to mess with your thing and you don’t mess with mine?”
If you got the smarter and independent minded people to agree to that, I think it would absolutely wreck the Narcissist psychically.
BRICS was created by Goldman Sachs. In the film Network, the Ned Beatty character lays out the reality. There are no countries just a giant holding company.
Nah. There was one paper where the guy was like “you know what? These countries could do this. And they could call it BRICS lol. That would be bad (for us).”
But, yeah, it is theoretically possible every single event is fake. Every single trend is fake. I’m fake and AC is fake, you’re fake. Every single move is part of the machine forseen and planned thousands of years ago by Cabal.
Idk. Maybe?
Pinocchio Syndrome.
Sometimes puppets decide they want to be real boys.
In re Sam Brinton
AWFLs and their love of twinks smdh
Am I from another timeline? I seem to recall that if a handsy old drunk groped a woman that the woman would slap him and the whole thing would be over.
Naive, young women often dont know when the line is crossed.
Many people put up with bullying & harassment before they up the ante, and go physical, especially where power (physical/economical) is levered.
Maybe she didn’t realize he was offering her a promotion?
Lol so I guess the Marines tried to fly an F35 near a storm and the electrics got fried in mid-air?
Any news as to what race and sex the pilot was?
$80M a copy and we’re supposed to believe “everybody knows” it can’t fly in the rain?
I don’t know what the truth is, but they grounded the fleet to remind everyone it can’t fly in the rain?
Was “Sarah the Troon” flying it home from Ukraine?
If we never know, we will know.
race undetermined and intersex for sure
Sarah Hoyt’s latest:
“I have found out recently that when my phone got spoofed, and my email hacked, back in April of 2021, it was part of an effort that involved a lot of people on our side getting that happening to them at the same time. The email was then used to send insulting emails to those people they thought were monetary supporters. At the same time, the emails were rifled for “incriminating” messages, used to bring legal charges against these people, or to discredit them with the community at large.”
“It did a number on my mind for various reasons. Note I’m not saying who was behind the hacking because I don’t know. But the fact that legal charges were brought in some cases makes you think… well, you know, the Stasi is real even though it goes under other names.”
Note that her essays are long, but I’ve read several paragraphs down into it, and can tell that it gets more detailed the further you get through it.
OK, finally finished this.
She starts off discussing the surveillance, in this case electronic, one of the few places outside of here I have seen it. Then ten paragraphs in, she goes into crazy and pretty much stays there. And the rest of the essay has nothing to do with the first ten paragraphs.
I will scroll through the comments, but the value you will get from this are the two paragraphs I quoted, and maybe the immediately following ones.
“Everybody attributes this phenomenon in the West to “the Jews,” but even Israel, home of the Jews, appears to be afflicted with Globomo’s infiltration operation. I am sure they are pushing for “diversity” too, arguing the future of Israel rests on importing enough third world migrants from areas with no functioning government. It feels like we will get close this time around. We cannot get just up to the head of the snake, and fail to get it. We want that head. Of course we need to figure out what exactly it is first.”
I notice, frequently (for a long time), that when someone like Musk who has shown zero pozz, except for some censorship so that he can stay in business, which he shows sign of trying to buck every chance he gets, you automatically, categorically, put him in the “cabal” side of the ledger with no evidence of any substance at all, but when Jews are mentioned who are unbelievably, stupendously, over the top, jammed to the gills full of cabal and appearing to be the primary promoters and every damn time you turn around are funding, promoting, hiding the criminals and orchestrating the pozz, then it’s, “well let’s just wait and see. Maybe it’s not all”. Why is that?
Shit, Brave crashed as I was replying to this, I reopened it, and saw a comment of your’s and put the reply there, but I think that was another comment. I’m rushing, and when I do that I make mistakes. My reply is under another comment. Sorry about that.
Musk shows a lot more Pozz than censorship.
A community of intelligent people who number in the low millions and are desperate to survive are easy to recruit from. You “jammed to thr gills” comment is only to your own shame.
The truth is the British aristocracy found an easy solution to making war on the planet snd controlling everything. They found a few miserable typically hated Jews, offered them a fee titles and money and asked in exchange to be their frontmen.
You of course eat it up. Shame on you.
Here is an article explaining how the British created George Soros and use him as their pet Jew to distract you from their evil
Shame on you. Your excuse is you guys took the ticket, that says a lot. Though, I don’t believe it.
AC, this is so sick u may not want it on your site, but there are pics in the.comments indicating that it’s true. Knowing the demonic nature of cabal, it probably is, God help us.
I could not say it is fake, this world is incredibly evil. But one poster raised the interesting question, how do they go to the bathroom, and where? The pics there hopefully are faked or just weird fetish porn. But you never know.
Baby steps. Lets get rid of the surveillance and Cabal intel, get some elections, and then hopefully create a decent intel apparatus which could deal with such a thing.
“this world is incredibly evil.”
¿ Who said this about 2000 years ago? 😉
That the world be ruled by satanists is in accordance to the teachings of jesus.
It’s just an old 4chan creepypasta that’s been floating around for at least a decade now.
“Marines under fire for flying $80M F-35 over SC during thunderstorm when report shows jets CAN’T handle storms: Pilot ejected due to ‘bad weather’ before jet ‘flipped’, flew 100ft above trees in ‘zombie mode’ and crashed in field.”
The question is what was the plane doing that so freaked out a Marine pilot that he ejected? I doubt he said,”oh bad weather, I’ll have to eject”. This plane can’t fly in bad weather…total junk. I have refrained from strong criticism of the F-35 because all of these have problems at first but it can’t fly in bad weather??? I can’t see any use for it. Total waste.
mystery solved

My conspiracy contribution this week was the F-35 was hacked via Chinese balloon and the government does not want anyone to know.
shot down by .50 cal????
This makes more sense than anything else I’ve heard about what I’m calling the F-35 WTF.
The Militia Movement did it? Uhhhhh
Not credible.
‘Cassidy Hutchinson claims Rudy Giuliani, then 76, groped her at ‘Stop the Steal’ rally on Jan. 6: ‘Like a wolf closing in on its prey.’’
Bullshit, just like the allegations against Russell Brand.
Russell Brand is not one of us
> There are no swing voters today. I do not buy it.
Ah, the mythical swing voter!
“I don’t know whether to vote for Hillary! or Trump. I will inform myself of their platforms, and then I will vote based on that.”
“I don’t have any opinion whatsoever regarding the candidates, so I’ll vote for the one with the most annoying ad campaign regardless of who they are.”
As Moses said, “Riiiiiiiight!”
> Legal Loophole: Under current laws, only politicians and their spouses can face charges related to bribery and insider information, allowing their children to engage in business deals and private conversations without legal consequences.
That was entirely an accidental oversight when drafting the legislation.
The amazing thing was, in Ukraine, Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney all had kids doing the same thing as Hunter, with different energy companies which the parents would get billions sent over the the government, it would give it to the energy companies, and the energy companies would then hire their kids and pay them millions for nothing.
The Clinton’s are now in, right?
US sends billions to World Bank/IMF/Wherever and they send the money to Clinton Foundation to rebuild UKR.
“Doing well by doing good.”
That kind of thing is why Q’s insistence on doing everything according to the laws is insane.
You can’t play by the enemy’s rules and expect to win, especially when we have long passed the point where we are playing Calvinball.
You cant have rules in general when an enemy wargames, because they will wargame based on the rules. You have to find something which nobody ever even thought about, which violates rules the enemy thought were entirely sacrosanct, if you want to have a chance.
In Jim Rickard’s first book, he talks about how he was involved in a war game at Ft. Meade. I think he was on a team playing China. He used an economic warfare move nobody saw coming.
I’m still trying to get a grip on 4th and 5th generation warfare. As I understand it, 4th generation warfare uses light infantry units. It also takes into account the moral level of warfare. You can win at the physical level and completely lose the moral level. 5th generation uses all kind of other methods, including cyber, economic, financial, psyops, etc. You can defeat an enemy without even going kinetic using 5th generation warfare.
> Cassidy Hutchinson claims Rudy Giuliani, then 76, groped her at ‘Stop the Steal’ rally on Jan. 6: ‘Like a wolf closing in on its prey.’
So, instead of stabbing him in the eye with a hatpin, screaming for help, or reporting the incident to the police promptly, she waits two and a half years until election season starts ramping up again.
“Seems legit…”
She is young enough to forcibly push him away; and is not some innocent who would be afraid to tell him off.
‘In recent years, there’s been a significant increase in celibacy among young people, particularly young men aged 18 to 30. A measurable shift toward K being done by the environment. Resources are limited, threat is high, there is rancor everywhere, and it kind of feels like war is in the not-to-distant future,’
That, and a lot of Western women are trash.
Because older people expected young kids to resist a relentless psyop executed my media, government, NGOs and hostile foriegn enemies.
Where are the parents of these women? My parents taught me early the truth of the world, and how to resist the temptations of the dark side. What were these parents doing? They neglected their duties as parents, betrayed their own children, and now trash the generations they raised.
It’s definitely that western women are largely trash, at this point.
In a race to the bottom, 95% of western women are unsuitable for marriage.
I used to think that Eve’s role in Genesis was just some old chauvinism, now I see it as bare truth undeterred by slander
Or neurotic AF!
> Former President Donald Trump shared a meme to his Truth Social website Wednesday afternoon, which showed an image of six alligators with the words ‘new border security’ and ‘will work for food’ superimposed over it. ‘Problem solved!!’ President Trump said.
I’ve known Klansmen, and I’ve known Mexicans who jumped through the multidinous hoops to become legal residents of the USA.
The Kluckers got nothin’ on the hatred the legals have for the illegals.
Muh good immuhgrints n sheeeit.
They all have to go back. No exceptions. Fresh start is the only possible course correction that stands a chance.
Seconded, as one who has lived in the SW for decades. The idea that legal immigrants want more of their compatriots walking up here for gibs-me-dat is a myth. They feel cheated that they worked and paid for it, and see the others as lesser. That has been my experience, except for the SJW types, who of course, love the poor and ignorant.
> House Democrats weigh risky strategy: Whether to save McCarthy.
He’s one of their best assets. I never did understand the shuck-and-jive routine that put him in his position. No decent Republican wanted anything to do with him.
And yet, there we are…
There was no excuse for the deal that let him have the Speakership.
They had him locked out and he would have had to give up eventually.
all theater to show just how much they care about us
> I even had a fake cruiser driving in front of my house which got the logo of the department wrong
Here in Hooterville the PD only has a dozen marked cars. Most of them have different markings. From what I gather, that was due to whether city, state, or Federal funds paid for their g-rides.
Seems odd, but it’s “government”, which is often no more than random.
Yeah, except I knew the house the white Durango they used came from, and before they ran that car by, they had put the removable light bar they used on top of a Prius and were driving back and forth with the lights on one night, over and over. And there are rules about the lights here, and they were Police lights, which civvies are not supposed to have.
It was a bogus PD Unit, the screwed up logo on the side, on a magnetic sticker wasn’t big enough because they apparently either printed it themselves, or whoever they got it from didn’t offer whatever the real one was, 30″x24″ or 28″x22″ Theirs was like 8×10. Plus this was a department with like eight vehicles, and only two or three were Durangos and they were all the same.
So animal rights activists think docking the tails of Clydesdale horses is cruel? I guess they think a maggot infestation is a pleasant experience for the horse.
I’m no expert, but I suspect there are better ways to prevent that, like decent grooming.
Would the chances of maggot infestation if their tails were braided?
Russel Brand may be a badun’, maybe, maybe not.
Perhaps Brand is a black hat, and it is a warning to others, perhaps Brand has turned and is genuine.
Either way. what is clear, is the MSM is a weapon.
> Justice Department probe scrutinizes Elon Musk perks at Tesla going back years.
The IRS would have scrutinized that every year. And they’re the ones with jurisdiction over that, not the DOJ.
I’m still not sure what side he’s on, but that’s just poo-slinging without substance.
There are more than two sides, and he’s not on the least bad/best one.
> Soros-backed NGO buys biggest newspaper network in Maine.
So… they can now reach a few thousand senior citizens in Maine. I hope he got a good deal on that.
Maine hosts a fib national academy.
Also a border state.
Brainwashing them to leave it all to Globohomo.
> At new mental health courts in California, judges will be able to mandate treatment.
That’s only a minor change from existing law, where they had to have a doctor, family member, or “responsible person” petition the court first.
The Soviet Union declared all political dissendents to be mentally ill, and sent them to “sanitariums”, where they were gently treated with the most modern Soviet mental health care: electroshock, insulin shock, forced spinal taps, etc. The ones who were eventually released were never quite the same as before. Well, they were “cured” of dissidence, anyway.
Yep. See: Russia’s Political Hospitals by Sidney Bloch and Peter Reddaway. Nasty stuff, but the West was also doing nasty shit with the MK ULTRA experiments.
John Stormer thoroughly documented the communist plan to use mental health as a weapon in his book, None Dare Call It Treason.
I picked up a copy of that book about a year ago. He wrote it in, what, 1964? In tedious detail, he reveals the same exact government backstabbery that they’re still doing to us today, and even some of the same names, though the parents or grandparents of the traitors doing it to us now.
I can make it half a chapter at a time, and then I have to put it aside before I blow an artery from rage. Every now and then I pick it up and go through the cycle again.
Stormer was 100% right on everything he mentioned up to where I am in the book. Note he was ridiculed and called a “conspiracy theorist”, and Wikipedia goes out of its way trying to make him look like some kind of a nut more than half a century later. But they never try to refute his data.
Mandate of treatments by judges is happening all over. Part of the Judicial Dictatorship.
> Elon Musk’s Neuralink gets greenlightbto recruit humans for brain-chip trial.
How long before the technology gets utilized to beam advertising right into your brain?
I am blown away, because the brain is a very delicate place due to the body evolving to keep the immune system out of there as much as possible. The body does not want the immune system getting in there and rearranging neurons, and maybe wiping critical data once a brain reaches adulthood, and a lot of abilities cannot be reacquired due to a lack of plasticity. It evolved to keep everything out at the blood-brain barrier.
I was unsurprised at how badly the monkeys fared. You do not want to insert something in there which is not designed to be in there. That they are moving to humans so fast is shocking to me. I do not see how you avoid at least a few major, major tragedies.
It’s the next vax.
The tragedies are the goal.
Neuralink has labs in India and a few other countries. I’m sure they’ve been doing human testing for years. It’s just now they can *officially* do it, and use that for FDA approval.
Will the FDA approve it? It probably depends on how much money they’re offered. The entire history of the FDA has been riddled with malfeasance. And they’re still claiming the vaxx is “safe and effective.”
There was a TV programme called Max Headroom from the 80’s and the advertisement’s in the show only lasted a few seconds. Known as blipverts, they were heavily symbolic and went straight into the subconscious.
And in a small subset of viewers, caused an unfortunate instantaneous discharge of all electricity in the nervous system, leading to the victim’s entire body exploding.
I missed the show when it was on TV – I didn’t have a TV then – but I found a torrent of it some years ago, downloaded, and watched it. Not the highest production quality to start with, and these were rips from grainy VHS tapes of broadcast TV, but I thoroughly enjoyed the series.
From what I’ve read, it was officially canceled due to poor ratings… same as they claimed for other shows, like Firefly or the original Star Trek. Putting it in a time slot competing with Miami Vice, at the time one of the most popular shows on the air, ensured that only science fiction fans would watch it. The raw viewer numbers were still pretty good, just not “make enough normies click away from Miami Vice” good.
> JD Vance: Five years from now we’re going to find ‘a lot of people have gotten rich’ off Ukraine war.
He hardly needs a crystal ball for that. We know what companies profiteered off of Afghanistan and Vietnam. No government agency has looked into that since Korea, to the best of my knowlege. There were a bunch of hearings after WWII, but a lot of people didn’t like the dirt that floated up out of that, so they stopped asking questions.
The lens- all babies are healthy, only a few babies are congenitally deformed, unfortunately, is pretty much opposite the statistics on the world, and most of history.
There’s geneticists posting about it online who are experts. Anyway, outside of Western, Christian, Europe the habit is to marry within a clan. For some groups, the marriages are closer- first cousins, or child to uncle. There was one saint, I think one of the Thomas saints, who proposed that people marry outside their clan to ‘increase love and peace.’ Countries with McDonald’s restaurants don’t go to war is the modern mantra. The saintly mantra was to marry outside your clan, which drove up social ties and social trust. A very, very, very unexpected side effect was healthy babies. Nobody had ever seen them before.
The Roman patriarch examining babies to see if they could be accepted? It’s because they were spawning infants who were visibly not acceptable. The Spartan habit of exposing babies? Again, visible problems. The tacit acceptance of ‘whatever it takes to get to a healthy baby’ in Sparta?They married to keep land in the family, and then looked away to make sure at least some of the infants were healthy from outbreeding via adultery. There are caves in archaelogy where every skeleton has visible congenital deformities. The Roman ruler habit of adopting healthy young soldiers- again, healthy- not everyone was healthy. Julius Caesar, and his imperial descendants had all sorts of congenital issues. For Med societies, it’s part of what drove the incredibly high tolerance for princesses getting shagged by “gods.” The later sensible atheists pointed out that these girls all lived in port cities with sailors. The polite fiction meant the girl could marry to keep property in the family, yet have a healthy baby.
I mean, look at the Queen of England and her cousins who get immured in homecare. Tut, his family before, his family afterwards. Or look at the gossip on continental royals and aristocrats. World War One kind of burned off their less savory detritus, but that is a lot of deaths. The Spanish nobles, the wedding articles- these guys are so unbelievably inbred. Look at King Charles, and then go look at his sons’ children with definitely not royal women. The current children look healthier and brighter than their inbred forebearers.
It’s kind of what drove harem politics. You’d have one man, with tons of infants, and eventually, very Darwinianly, one would triumph and the others would die. The non-breeders interfering- the scheming eunuchs- were seen as an evil, about like vote stealing now. They were trying to build a life as an IQ test for the next ruler. The mothers, while also scheming, were considered part of the sensible landscape- every ruler needs a wise- and frankly pretty ruthless- counsel backing him up.
One of the more entertaining stories is Roxelana. She was a beautiful, sweet, Christian girl stolen, sold into slavery, and then purchased by the Sultan’s mother as a plaything. The designated future sultana was Darwinian. She would beat the slave toys. Roxelana, however, was sweet, kind, loving and loyal. The sultan fell in love with her, and eventually married her. This is entertaining to Turks, who think this is a love story. They have costume drama soap operas on television about her, about the way the British have all their period dramas about the Tudors.
Idk. At this point I’d bet that the archaic eugenic traditions were Cabal being Cabal.
Elementary to graft off that system and eliminate problematic blood-lines.
I mean, you get that these miraculous healthy baby producing women were in the scrubbiest, poorest section of the former Roman Empire? The saint was after the fall of the Western Roman Empire? This was a really peculiar idea- marry an outsider? These women were taken in slave raids. This was literally generations of outbreeding? As they bred out more, the more healthy the babies were- including the next generation of healthier girls- who became healthier women- who got stolen and turned into the most miraculous incubators of all time?
The thing is, they outbred with other families in the same value matrix? Western, Roman Christianity? So, matching trust levels? Monogamy, more or less? Safe enough marriages?
As they grew healthier and more able to produce healthy children, no matter what, their price went up. There are tables of slave prices. The most expensive slaves in history were healthy, beautiful women. They weren’t priced as human, exactly. They were priced as medical equipment. You could, for a price, nut off, just like you did with all your other sex slaves, but this time- you’d get a baby who almost looked like you, and was both healthier and smarter than you. Blonde hair and blue eyes and pale skin are recessive. You could scribble whatever you wanted on that to get your slightly paler, yet smarter and healthier child, who could take over your empire. And, these women are brainwashed by their religion and culture, to submit to their husbands, be loving, wise and sweet and faithful. They were, literally, the women who were more valuable than rubies, gold and diamonds.
Western Europe was poor and barbaric. The Eastern Mediterranean was the seat of empire, home of cities and fabled wealth. It was also a slave empire, and that’s really more of why the two sides split, than anything -ous- or -ious. Then, it was a Muslim East, again, fabled wealth, power and slavery.
Look at every old school billionaire and captain of industry. It’s a short, ugly guy with a willowy, tall blond. The new tech paradigm of a homely man with a homely woman is unusual.
I mean, it’s why I have questions about Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, and why on earth these Jews had so much unprotected sex with them that their genetics show 4% black to this day. I mean, nobody else in world history has behaved like that. What were they thinking? Was it fashionable, like trying to copy Moses and his black wife? We have ((advertising agencies))) pushing that mix, but it’s still rare in the real world. Why was this one embassy visit so successful?
This zombie apocalypse thing is weird. I was watching something yesterday that demonstrated the economy is much worse than it was during the Great Depression, everything from the cost of housing to food is taking up a much larger percentage of our salary. I wondered when I heard that, if the homeless or those at risk were somehow being made addicts in order to make it appear that the homeless problem was really a drug problem and not anything to do with the economy. Like, if these poor bastards could have stayed clean, they’d be living happy lives in a lovely home but they had to be degenerates. I understand that drug addiction is insidious and it does happen, the level I see just doesn’t seem reasonable to me. But the level of homelessness is what I’d expect to see if we were in economic straits worse than the Great Depression.
“Rabbi Yigal Levenstein … and chased in Tel Aviv by hundreds of irate leftwing protesters, for opposing the integration of women in the military and for speaking against homosexuals, calling them “deviants.””.
God bless you and watch over you for being fair to my people. We have been as infected and infested by this evil just as everyone else, but people only see the traitors and the bastards. Whoever is at the top of it, and I don’t care what genetics they have, they are my enemies and I hate them with everything I have and pray daily for their utter destruction. If you hate me for what I responded previously, I don’t blame you, this is my nature, I speak as I feel from my conscience. If I feel anger at an injustice, it comes out, it is not personal to anyone or any group but I have to say the truth as I see it. All I ask is that you be fair. So thank you.
People do not know how terrible the struggle has been. We came within inches of winning the entire country in the early stages but the socialists made deals with the damned Nazis, who killed all their political opponents with their collusion (“perfidy” by ben hecht, “a fire within” by amos bunim), and then were able to take control of our people and bring us to near ruin, wrecking entire generations. Even then, we almost took it from them (“the first tithe” by israel eldad) but due to weakness of character, we failed.
Now, after much pain and suffering from their hands, we were able to claw our way back to a position of parity. 20% of the children in Israel are now Haredi, I have no idea what percentages are of the other groups, but I suspect very few of that is from the heretics and traitors. And they are in a blind panic because they know we are about to pry off their death grip on the throat of the people, one white knuckled finger at a time.
Even now, you have no idea what a brave thing Yigal did to say that. We are constantly within inches of a civil war breaking out. The only thing that keeps the Left in check is that they know if they are seen to start the violence the other factions in Israel will all immediately unite and stomp them into the ground. So they are constantly provoking and attempting to play one game after another with foreign help, as is well known in Israel.
Don’t think the Mosaad is a monolithic body either. Many are clearly scum. But from what I have been told, many are the exact opposite, altho I admit I am only repeating heresay so take it as you will. I am telling you that the war is played out on all levels. You must keep in mind that in Israel, the army is not an option, it is an absolute necessity to our collective survival. We all know exactly what will happen if we lose.
That is why that Rabbi had the courage to say the truth that everyone in the West knows but just cannot bring themselves to publicly say, because the Left will destroy the lives of anyone who does. He understands that the consequences for not saying the truth would be catastrophic.
And it is without any question at all, an actual war with real casualties. The Left is constantly, relentlessly using every trick to get us all killed. They have such a hate for us, you have no idea. They hide it from the world because they want to make use of our image to get their way and to convince the weak minded and ignorant among us of their “love”, but they are completely evil and are only manipulating and using their image. As they always do with every group, as is well known.
> 22% of Americans believe First Amendment protects gun rights. In their defense, that was a mistake by the Founding Fathers. It should have been the first.
The Amendments are listed in the order they were adopted. The Anti-Federalists pushed for freedom of speech first, since that was the keystone to getting the others in.
> I am not sure I would want to wear those dresses, if I was a woman. Those dresses have likely been on wild ride. I would burn them, with nuclear fire.
Nah, they have a documented history now. They’re worth money to the right buyer.
Just a couple of fleeting thoughts while still in amazement over AC’s analysis of the Gilgo murders:
2) The Red Grant character in From Russia With Love is a powerful serial killer from Ireland, recruited into the KGB to commit assigned assassinations by hand. He is rewarded by granting access to prisoners every month to kill them.
3) Hard to define, but a good trajectory does seem to be there. But so does a coming period of suffering and pain.
>>A “CIA FacilityList” found on the USPS website. The Post Office I have spoken of, which doubles as some kind of command center for domestic surveillance, is not on there, so probably not what we are looking for. But nobody can find out anything else about the list.
Reminds me of this old Seinfeld episode where the USPS kidnaps Kramer:
“There was absolutely no reason to use mRNA, which is the first thing which should make everyone suspicious something was up. The only question is, do they want to use mRNA for something else and wanted to see if it would turn off after a few months or get burned into the DNA, or were they only trying to kill people.”
Felix Rex argues that the goal is to extend the lives of the ruling class of our managerial state.
Normally I do not read Cabal mouthpieces like York, but his column was about why DeS was not doing well (even according to the usual false and corrupt polls – – meaning he is doing worse).
No need to read the link, which hilariously offers many reasons, none even close to the mark. Cabal or Cabal related ideas are not to be found.
“Are we still greatest country on earth?”
That is why we are being attacked with such intensity.
If that’s the criteria for Greatest?
then it’s England!
It is now Russia,
Is someone saying Russia is not the most attacked country?
Related nations.
In April 2021, the federal government was informed that the COVID vaccines were linked to a lot of myrocarditis cases. A lot of the data came from Israel, where the government was particularly insistent that Israelis (though not so much Palestinians) got the injections.
So in May 2021 lots of discussions of the issue took place among senior federal “health” bureaucrats and the White House staff. And the discussions were not about stopping the COVID vaccination program. They were about how to control the narrative so people got the injections anyway.
A lawyer made a Freedom of Information request to the CDC, and the document dump included the relevant emails, though they were unrelated to the original quest. The lawyer was working with Naomi Wolf’s group, so they got to Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly.
Wolf was on Bannon’s War Room this evening to explain (20 minutes):
Now I’m wondering if this is going to get added to the impeachment inquiry. If the information holds up, it really should be the first two articles of the impeachment resolution, one for hiding the adverse effects of the vaccines, and the second for trying to make them a condition of employment.
I will repost this tomorrow morning, but maybe it should be one of the links?
Definitely. Will do tomorrow.
Kyle Rittenhouse Attacker Gaige Grosskreutz Hit By Car In Milwaukee – New Name Revealed
Trump transition member speaks again. This time she directly quotes Q without mentioning Q. She also confirms military involvement in un-rigging 2016 so that Trump could win in a fair fight, and that 2020 & 2022 were sting operations.
By “Get Rid of Obama”, I assume she means that assassination was an option on the table, as was some kind of coup involving martial law.
Dr. Jan Halper Hayes – The Military wanted to Get Rid of Obama until they Asked Trump to Run
Makes you wonder how things would have turned out.
“Best career move”:
American Christian Heritage Month
So looking forward to the lovely blue and white lights that I get to enjoy in my town this Christmas season.
Haiti: Leader of Most Powerful Gang Threatens to Overthrow Prime Minister
Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, leader of the G9 gang (Haiti’s most powerful criminal organization) on Sept. 19 said the gang would launch an armed fight to overthrow Prime Minister Ariel Henry, Reuters reported on Sept. 20….
> it is because all the writers are covert conspiracy members who are getting orders
There are also useful idiots. I knew some friends of a friend that I’m sure were too dumb to be cabal yet repeated all the cabal’s phrases and integrated that into their work.
“…and thick foil, which is supposed to stop microwaves and other rf, fails to stop vibrations, even when constructed with two layers of the thickest foil as a full faraday cage.). The only thing I can think is the vibrations are not rf, but are some sort of focused compressive wave, and the mass of the lead particles embedded in the latex, combined with the fact the apron seems to be lead particles, maybe of various sizes, embedded in some kind of latex matrix, is working like iron ball paint with microwaves, only here it is very dense particles and some sort of movement/compressive wave being diffused…”
Hmm…I got an idea. The foil is what triggered it or rather the ineffectiveness of the foil. [The foil that didn’t bark]. I have been thinking that the problem was electromagnetic but, what if it isn’t, and I remembered that I have said “inertia drives” are a thing and there are several devices that show the effects of “inertia waves”, or that’s what I call them. They are directly analogous to electromagnetic waves. I have covered quite a few of these devices in several posts here’s one,(the page is missing, sigh.)
Luckily, someone backed up the next link on the internet archive. THANKS. Search down for Sam. J. and/or the phrase “there are several devices that show what I call “inertia drive” type actions” to find the comment.
So I got to thinking about this and “if” there is such a thing as controllable “inertia drives” then the force might could be focused. It would seem very much like what you experience. They could rapidly turn it on and off. It would repel you and if done very quickly then you would either recoil back or maybe they can change the polarity. This sort of super fast vibration couldn’t be good for you. I could see it giving you a burn at high levels from friction burns from vibrating the cells. If this is what they are doing they are mindless idiots because the secret of inertia drives has VAST military potential and to be firing it into houses for no reason is the highest form of stupidity.
Possible protection. Foam. Open cell foam. But it would need some mass to work, so take open cell foam. put in a plastic bag and fill the bag with water to saturate the foam. I would think you would want all or as much of the water in the foam and no extra in the bag. So not foam on a bag of water, but saturated foam ion a bag. Add some bleach beforehand so it doesn’t turn to a muck. I would expect you would need another layer of foam over and under this to reduce coupling. It may very well be the lead apron you have, which I think is embedded in latex or some other rubber, the mechanism is the lead balls absorb the vibrations and the latex dampens it. It would act analogous to an inductor in an electrical circuit but it dampens “inertia waves” instead.
While this may seem crazy there is such a thing, the Navy doesn’t believe so, as they got a patent on an “inertia” antigravity device. They didn’t call it an inertia drive, but I bet that’s what it is.
As an afterthought. This would also possibly cause the punching through aluminum foil someone talked about. It may be that there is some sort of electrical interactions. So a normal wall it would go through but aluminum rapidly vibrated would even with the earths magnetic field rapidly build up some high voltages.
Oddly enough in the book Chameleo, the guy they were gangstalking said they had something which would make stuff in his house just fly as if it was thrown. He would be by a shelf, and books and dishes, and cups would just pop off the shelf and fly as if thrown. Of something out a countertop would just launch across the room.
I have wondered if they could be sound, which they are focusing somehow, like a reverse of their listening tech, which figures out if they hear a waveform at these three places, then they can transmit sound back and it will for a little bubble of converging compression waves which they decompress as they all bounce back. I do not know why the apron would stop that, but it seems to be something like a silicon or rubber sheet the lead flakes are embedded in. Maybe it absorbs compression waves.
They have hit me in the head a lot with this stuff, and it does fuck you up. You come out with a dull, weird feel, especially behind the eyes. I am sure anybody else would quit, but it just pisses me off so much I am totally recommitted to their destruction. Even if I only died trying it would be worth it.
Thank you for the info, I will check it out.
I am close to rebuilding the site, thanks to the vibrations, actually. They hit you when you are about to drift off the sleep, and whatever it does, it is like a shot of amphetamines. You cannot sleep for hours after it. So I can be totally sapped, go to lay down, and in twenty minutes I am wide awake and end up importing missing files into the database, and other stuff. I have gotten more done over the last week than I did over the last six months to a year. I am not sleeping, and you can feel it, but at least there is an upside.
Multiple coats of Elastomeric paint (with or without embedded porcelain) on your roof may help.
I think Sam is on to something and I’m just spitballing ideas at this point.
I admit the idea is farfetched but…these are odd things and I have no doubt at all that there is some sort of “inertia” force that can be created. If it can be aimed or effectively used, I don’t know??? And BTW I have never nor will I even try to build one of these as I don’t want to disappear into a ditch.
As I think about it, Malachi Martin reported he was at the top of a flight of stairs, and something pushed him down them. The assumption was it was a demon.
I don’t know how much truth is in it, but his “Hostage To The Devil” was a great read. Five exorcist case studies. I keep meaning to get more of his books, but my reading list probably can’t be achieved within my lifetime. Every time I turn around, there are five more books I need to get to sometime.