News Briefs – 09/20/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Trump Assassin’s wife owns a house on federal land that cost $0? I am not sure what this means, but remember when Sandy Hook happened, people looking at property records found a bunch of the families all had houses which the municipality had assessed at $0 for property tax purposes. I assumed it was a way to exempt local gangstalking surveillance from property taxes, and the families were all theater-kid families.

4Chan anon has a theory. Not likely, but interesting:

Basically humans are hyper advanced, but not our society.
We are a shroud, a cloak. We exist on a nature reserve, essentially a living museum.

While humans are hyper advanced, there’s even more advanced and aggressive species out there. They would destroy us, or at the very least wage a very costly war if they knew humans true technological progress.
We, live here on the surface like literal cavemen, with short lives, and virtually no technology, simply to serve as camouflage. When our planet gets scouted, we appear to be dementiated and harmless blobs. It’s not even worth their time to exterminate us because we can’t even maintain an accurate record of our own history for more than 20 years. We appear to be short lived, dementiated, and not a threat in any capacity.
Most people will never be exposed to the true achievements of humanity. Occasionally, someone on the surface will stand out, possibly be offered a job, but most won’t even be able to comprehend or tolerate the shock. After the truth is revealed to a potential candidate, they’ll never be allowed to return to this society, they’d rather kill that person than risk fucking up their camouflage.

The advanced civilization doesn’t have to be human really, just some species which popped up a few million years before us and made it to technological advancement. This might explain why a world of decent, intelligent people unstoppably devolves into a complete fucking shitshow, and it seems like it is some very powerful, hidden force organizing that. If aliens stopped by now, one look and they would conclude we are the most fucked up, retarded species out there, and we will never get our act together, and they would be out of here.

Of course it would mean we are just worthless slaves to be tortured by whatever it is up there as it protects itself, so it is just an enemy civilization, and every human among us which was complicit with them an absolute traitor. It would also mean our best bet at freedom would be to sell out that hidden civilization somehow, to another powerful civilization, with which we would seek to ally. I would class it a ridiculously low probability. I think we just have some hidden clique of our own who have been hoarding tech, and something else which only pays us passing attention when we detonate nukes or some such action. But interesting enough to get a very small cubbyhole in the probability matrix.

I still think Trump’s clique has allied with something so advanced, the people beaming me are not even sure how this other thing is thwarting them at every turn when they attack him.

Secret Service whistleblower drops bombshell on Trump assassination attempt: ‘gunman knew vulnerabilities.’

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily that there are currently five known assassination teams in the United States here to kill Donald Trump, three of which are foreign. Obviously there are plenty of surveillance assets to have these teams entirely bottled up and completely unable to do anything, if surveillance wanted to enforce the law instead of break it. Unfortunately, I suspect the surveillance is running overwatch for the hit teams, and helping guide them through holes to their targets. This is the most fascinating thing though – so many of these “elite” hit teams, even Delta and DevGru appear to just be hitman fantasy camps, where guys go to pretend to be hitmen, in a controlled, massively surveilled environment. I have wondered if the elites task the surveillance sometimes with pulling back, and just videotaping everything, like a sort of reality TV, watching elite athlete-hitmen do what elite athlete-hitmen would do, if the entire world weren’t some super-boring, ultra-surveilled and controlled dystopia.

Good Day New York video of the plane hitting the South Tower features a completely intact nose cone exiting the building. I do not know what is up with that. Maybe it is just how it worked, but it does seem like what you would see if some graphics guy had moved the plane through the building, and then erased it where the building was and added some flames and explosions. Makes me wonder if the theater department had made up backup videos of the event beforehand, just in case the real videos were not high enough quality to really shock and traumatize the population. Or if the planes were special planes with hardened penetrator noses to make sure the plane went deep enough in. Seemed strange at first glance.

Florida Governor says FBI blocked state investigators from Trump assassination crime scene.

The U.S. Secret Service agent who walked up on Routh from the fence line and saw the barrel of the SKS rifle fired his weapon from within 10 feet of Ryan Routh.

Secret Service Agents from Butler rally hire lawyers . . . Including a notorious anti-Trumper. Investigation?

CCP-loving, potential agent Walz’s former National Guard colleague alleges classified nuclear manual went missing in Nebraska during his tenure. Once you realize the conspiracy is trans national, you realize something like this shows it that it can trust a guy like Walz to not get patriotic and betray it.

Lady Gaga’s father, Joe Germanotta, endorses Donald Trump, slams Kamala Harris for ‘invasion’ of illegal immigrants.

MAGA extremist Mark Robinson may drop out of governor race due to trans porn allegations. Does not look like a trans-porn guy. From another article – The report connects Robinson to several online accounts where Robinson discussed a variety of topics, ranging from enjoying transgender porn, peeping on girls as a teenager without their knowledge and calling Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. a “f—— commie bastard.” Interesting so many of these characters either have no idea there is somebody next door watching their every move, or they do, and they do these things to get into office. His email was also associated with an Ashley Madison account. He denies everything, intends to stay in the race.

Record 2.75 million unauthorized entries into U.S. this fiscal year, CBP reports.

Smugglers are advertising illegal Canada-U.S. border crossings on TikTok.

Illegal immigrants charged with kidnapping and ransoming other illegals.

Jerome Powell: Migration is raising Americans’ unemployment rate.

Chicago: Teachers saying admins instructed them to give migrant students passing grade in every subject no matter what.

First Somali refugee to run public housing admits to stealing millions.

One in three Minneapolis Public Housing residents are Somalis.

Springfield, Ohio, mother tells Vivek Ramaswamy that an immigrant with a machete chased her daughter, and the police didn’t respond to her call.

Notice in the video how all the pigeons are watching. They are very smart, have a real personality and awareness, and are even funny. I still laugh when I think about a couple who showed up to eat with the birds I feed. When the mating season began, the male became super-chivalrous, chasing all the other pigeons away from his mate as she ate, creating a big buffer around her and often neglecting to eat himself. You could hear him saying, “Give her space, give her space! This is her area, get away from her! Get back! Get away from her, she’s eating. What is wrong with you? She’s pregnant she needs this food, not you! You! Get back away from her, this is her food.” Even more amusingly, she seemed to want the company of the other pigeons, and would move toward them, only to have him move the boundaries of her buffer zone, as if to show her how good a husband he was. Those other pigeons know what is going on to their friend and are shocked.

Loving the diversity out there, especially in judicial mentality. Can’t wait until we import enough foreigners to bring this to the US:

Retired San Diego Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke said he was instructed by the Biden administration to not publicize arrests of illegal border crossers identified as “Significant Interest Aliens” with ties to terrorism.

Dems move to loosen oversight of ‘sponsors’ that take, and often lose—migrant children.

Diddy ‘as bad as Epstein,’ says officer who saw his sex rooms, hidden cameras during Miami mansion raid.

P. Diddy is facing the same slew of charges which put R. Kelly and Keith Raniere away, and some think he may die in prison.

Diddy is placed on suicide watch as video shows porn star inmate claim he was rapper’s sex slave.

Diddy may lose everything to asset forfeiture even before the Epstein-like lawsuits from victims.

New Mexico’s governor blasts Texas for placing razor wire on border between their states. Next up, rumor is more razor wire around Austin, and then another batch at the border with Oklahoma.

ActBlue, the Democratic fundraising platform that has collected millions of dollars for Kamala Harris, is facing potential criminal charges in five states over allegations that it fraudulently exploited unwitting donors to get around campaign finance laws.

Oklahoma officials just announced that they have removed 450,000 ineligible names from the voter rolls, including 100,000 dead people.

99 percent of challenged signatures for Arizona’s ranked-choice voting ballot initiative are duplicates.

Battleground state Pennsylvania will allow noncitizens to vote via loophole which registers everyone who gets a driver’s license, and asks those ineligible to opt out. UPDATE: Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter system, endorsed by Barack Obama, will be audited for illegal non-citizen voters.

Florida’s top election official is accusing the Biden administration of not being cooperative enough as states attempt to remove noncitizens from their voter rolls ahead of the 2024 election.

Trump announces immediate plans for 10 percent credit card rate limit.

Judge agrees to delay Hunter Biden’s gun charges sentencing until December.

Gavin Newsom threatens Elon Musk with legal action for sharing Kamala Harris AI meme.

Republican FTC Commissioner Melissa Holyoak published a statement on Thursday expressing concern with Big Tech facilitating content harmful to children, but also warning that the Biden-Harris FTC could take over-aggressive actions that result in the censorship of Americans’ online speech.

Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s COVID Czar caught on video talking about wild sex and drug parties he and his wife hosted while he locked down businesses and shamed the non-vaccinated.

Cuomo personally altered report that lowballed COVID nursing-home deaths, emails show – contradicting his claim to Congress.

Luxury yacht stocked with ammunition, fireworks explodes at SoCal marina.

A Kentucky sheriff has turned himself in for allegedly shooting a judge dead inside his chambers on Thursday after asking staff if he could speak with him. Reportedly, the judge raped the Sheriff’s underaged daughter.

Elon Musk says Warren Buffett is positioning for a Kamala Harris win with his $277B cash pile as pro-Trumper John Paulson warns of equity market exit.

New docs shed light on Air Force’s ‘goal’ to reduce ‘white male population’ joining officer ranks. They don’t care about race, really. This is a way of eliminating the meritocracy, because if things are meritocratic, you would wonder why some idiot who can’t do anything right effortlessly cruises up the ranks, and eventually is telling you what to do, despite being a complete idiot. This is hiding the corruption of Cabal and its infiltration of its agents into all positions of power and authority. But it is a great cover.

45,000 dockworkers threaten strike over automation and wages, could shut down U.S. ports.

Disney stars boast about the company’s newest miniseries: ‘It will be a gay explosion…’

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says anyone can go to Mars with SpaceX but journey would be like a ‘long sea voyage in centuries past.’

Forget crowd sizes — a new study confirms that conservatives boast slightly larger amygdalas, the part of the brain that plays a key role in identifying and reacting to potential threats, compared with liberals. No concept of it being an adaptation to the K-selective environment, or why it would also entail differences in the conceptualization of rearing or mating behavior, or mate-pairing.

State Fair of Texas gun policy goes before judge on Thursday.

The Church is much more “alive” outside of the Western world, and pastors need to become less “Eurocentric” in their vision of Christianity, Pope Francis said Wednesday.

Short term investment opportunity?:

Britain’s top diplomat has claimed that climate change represents a greater threat than terrorism or Russia to the national security of the United Kingdom.

‘Mohamed Al Fayed tried to rape me but I kicked and kicked. Afterwards he said: ‘You’re going to tell your grandchildren what a monster I am.’ Victims tell what happened to them – and how the ex-Harrods owner was worse than Jeffrey Epstein. I do not think the conspiracy could allow the existence of a regular, organic billionaire. Every single one was probably just a money-managing asset, or a cover for some pedosex blackmail operation.

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution Wednesday that effectively bars Israel from self-defense in any of the territory it captured in a defensive war in 1967, including in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

Unbeknownst to Hezbollah, Israel had been secretly manufacturing the pagers that Hezbollah was buying for years.

Iran & Hezbollah send Israelis sick texts to say ‘goodbye to loved ones’ as Tehran vows ‘crushing response’ over blasts.

Rumble scores discovery win in defamation suit against founders of left-wing censorship org.

Trump’s momentum and the Dems’ struggles are paving the way for a red wave in NY.

Stunning new survey suggests Kamala Harris favorability is 25 points underwater with independents.

Post-debate poll shows Trump winning White House even without North Carolina.

Former President Trump’s favorability rating has risen by 5 percentage points in the past month, according to a survey released Wednesday.

Send people to, because things cannot go on like this

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5 months ago

> 99 percent of challenged signatures for Arizona’s ranked-choice voting ballot initiative are duplicates.—“Vote early, vote often.”
Also noted that ‘ranked choice’ means “it doesn’t matter who you voted for; we can give your vote to the guy you voted against.”

Last edited 5 months ago by TRX
5 months ago

Forgive me for being cynical these days but I have a hard time believing no one in Hezbollah knew those were Israeli beepers. Of all the beepers made they just so happened to be using the ones rigged to explode? Sounds like either the leadership is totally compromised or someone with influence pushed them in the direction of those beepers. That doesn’t just happen by happy accident.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ultra
5 months ago

I don’t think it was explosives implanted during manufacturing process but some sort of signal that caused a sudden energy surge within the devices. I think the manufacturing angle is misinformation as they don’t want normies ditching devices that can be used to kill them.

Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

I could definitely see that being the case

Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

Everyone is shilling this shit and NO ONE is giving a plausible explanation for what can be persuaded to explode other than a dedicated explosive charge. If the argument is that explosions can be spontaneously generated in circuitry then okay, fine, totally bullshit but at least it’s a theory.

>muh battery
You think no one has already explored this option? Batteries will melt down, sure. Watch the fucking video of dudes getting obliterated, it’s a far larger charge than a standard beeper battery can delivery.

Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

It was explosives. It has been admitted to. 3g of PETN.

Reply to  Ultra
5 months ago

Guys in Middle East like to talk big. But do nothing.

5 months ago

> Florida’s top election official is accusing the Biden administration of not being cooperative enough as states attempt to remove noncitizens from their voter rolls ahead of the 2024 election.

Boulsheit. How the State of Florida manages its elections is a state matter. Florida can tell the Feds to stuff it and run their elections as they see fit.

The guy is working for the Democratic Party, not the State of Florida.

5 months ago

> Trump announces immediate plans for 10 percent credit card rate limit.

Arkansas had a state limit of 10% for credit cards until Clinton got in as governor. He ran a campaign on “bring the money home!”, but never explained how that was supposed to work. The legislature duly rubber-stamped it, as they did almost everything he proposed, and interest rates for almost everyone went up from 10% to 33.3%. Apparently that was the limit in Oklahoma at the time, and coincidentally that was the office address for almost every credit card issuer doing business in Arkansas.
Over the years interest rates dropped to the usual 15-20%, but since I pay our single card off every month, I’ve been a “scab” using the VISA system for free.

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Amen, use their system like a real player. Any chance you can game it a bit in your favor, do it. It is a digital commerce card for transactions on their built, controlled, and manipulated finance systems. Limit how much vig, fees, interest, and avoid penalty shenanigans that they clip from you on all these things and you are good.

5 months ago

> Oklahoma officials just announced that they have removed 450,000 ineligible names from the voter rolls, including 100,000 dead people.

Population of Oklahoma: 4.02 million in 2022.
Nine percent of their voter rolls were bogus.

The average voter turnout is 66%. That makes their bogus voters an even bigger hammer for fixing an election.

This sort of thing doesn’t happen by accident. Every official policy comes from paperwork; Oklahoma could easily tell who the perpetrators were. But they won’t. They never do. Like the “thin blue line” or “silent white coats”, politicians cover for each other.

5 months ago

> Gavin Newsom threatens Elon Musk with legal action for sharing Kamala Harris AI meme.

He’s already gone after Tesla a couple of times, that’s why Musk moved it to East San Francisco. (Austin, for those with old maps)

Twatter is a network service, and he’s already moved data centers around; unlike moving all the machinery at Tesla, he could move Twatter with relatively trivial effort.

Whether he *would*… many of his decisions seem random to me, but a big “F U” and yanking Twatter out of the People’s Democratic Republic of Kalifornia would be worth it just for the advertising. Especially after bending over for the Brazilians.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

East San Francisco … oh!

New Beijing on the Lower Colorado, for those of you who have newer maps. 🙂

Reply to  General's Addition
5 months ago

You’re correct TRX. If someone is looking for tech career opportunities there, they might run into a language barrier in the “job requirements”.

5 months ago

> Luxury yacht stocked with ammunition, fireworks explodes at SoCal marina.

I types “static electricity ships” into the goog, and got a bunch of hits on the problems with static electrical discharges on marine vessels.

Most fireworks are black powder. There are a bunch of web sites claiming black powder can’t be set off with static electricity, but the US Bureau of Mines, which regulates the use of black powder for mining and quarrying, says otherwise, even at energy levels as low as “carpet sparks.”

Fires or explosions on small vessels is fairly common despire extensive regulations on venting fuel vapor and hydrogen emission from lead-acid batteries. So it might not have been the black powder that started the kaboom, though it might have fed it once it started.

As far as “ammunition”, smokeless powder doesn’t kaboom. Worse case, you get popcorn noises as the igniting powder pops the brass and bullets apart. You can pour a handful of Hercules 2400 in your hand and flick your lighter, and all you’ll get is a big “whoof!” and a bit of ash in your hand.

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Static electricity on ships is an issue. When we handled ordinance in the Navy, we had to set a condition called HERO (Hazards of Electro-magnetic Radiation to Ordinance). Some forms of ammo are susceptible to EM so certain RADARs and communication systems have to be shut down while loading some guns and missiles.

Ships have to be degaussed periodically as well. Fortunately, I never had to do it, but I understand it’s a huge pain.

5 months ago

> Disney stars boast about the company’s newest miniseries: ‘It will be a gay explosion…’

Despite being burned many times now as viewers rejected Disney’s gay agenda, Disney’s management keeps circling back to it again, like a moth to a flame.

If I was one of those nutball conspiracy theorists, I would suspect that their real business wasn’t children’s entertainment at all.

5 months ago

> 45,000 dockworkers threaten strike over automation and wages, could shut down U.S. ports.—Wait for it… “supply chain issues” in 10… 9… 8… 7…

Last edited 5 months ago by TRX
5 months ago

> SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says anyone can go to Mars with SpaceX but journey would be like a ‘long sea voyage in centuries past.’

Yeah, except SpaceX hasn’t made it to Mars yet, and their “Starship” rocket that’s supposed to be able to do that has only flown four times, and only one of them was successful.

Musk launched his old Tesla Roadster to Mars on a Falcon rocket, and missed the planet completely. Right now it’s 252 million miles away in solar orbit in the constellation of Scorpius, moving outbound at a bit under 17,000 miles per hour.

“Anyone can go to Mars” [when Starship eventually becomes man-rated, and if they have lots of money, and SpaceX/Musk approve of them]

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

“…Musk launched his old Tesla Roadster to Mars on a Falcon rocket, and missed the planet completely…”

This is not true. Quite frequently, you say things that are not true and are detrimental disinformation. These are things that within no more than 50 seconds to a couple of minutes you, or anyone, could see that what you are saying is not true. I suspect this is deliberate.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

Funny, I think the same when you talk of wearing masks.

Just Me
Just Me
5 months ago

AC, this showed up at the top of the blog home page @9AM:

Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /hermes/bosnacweb08/bosnacweb08bd/b219/ipg.anonymousconservativ/blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/ in /hermes/bosnacweb08/bosnacweb08bd/b219/ipg.anonymousconservativ/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php on line 209

Just Me
Just Me
5 months ago

Oh, and the sidebar is gone,

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Maybe he is referring to the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Until Frankie, “Is the Pope Catholic” was a rhetorical question. Now, most of us are more Catholic than the Pope and we aren’t Catholic.

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Might be. The Eastern church is doing quite well in Russia, and making serious inroads in the US and Europe as previously-faithful Catholics reject the heresy of the modern Church and move to something closer to their idea of what the Catholic Church is supposed to be.

BTW, when you read European history, the Catholic Church is threaded all through it. What I didn’t realize until I read some of the history of Byzantium is that they mostly conflate the Roman Catholic Church and its predecessors (Avignon, etc) with the Byzantine (or Greek) Orthodox Church. They were entirely different churches and polities.

5 months ago

CCP-loving, potential agent Walz’s former National Guard colleague alleges classified nuclear manual went missing in Nebraska during his tenure.”

I was going to comment that this sounds like BS, since a National Guard unit wouldn’t have a classified nuclear manual, but then the entire idea of nuclear artillery sounds like something completely fake and made up, and apparently the army had it at some point.

I still don’t see giving nuclear weapons to reserve and national guard units, and the story dates from 1995, so it remains implausible.

Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

The military is a high trust society. So, yes, weird stuff that a civilian cannot get their hands on is just kind of there. You might have to know the filing system, but there’s so much stuff for anyone in the military to just kind of have around.
They censor themselves around civilians, so even smart non-military can have a lot of information, but it’s not correct, and they come to the wrong conclusions because the starting premises are wrong.
I mean, there’s reasons lefties fight so hard to have depraved weirdos in the military, and in charge of training. They want their hands on a lot of information, and they want to change the decision processes.

Reply to  wooderson
5 months ago

Huh. Good point. Same so many other institution, organization and/or interest group that’s been screwed-up, ruined and/or dismantled over the years.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Ed
5 months ago
5 months ago

Diddy may lose everything to asset forfeiture even before the Epstein-like lawsuits from victims.
So the govt wants to confiscate his assets before the victims have a chance to sue

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  DT
5 months ago

Well the government has to, that’s where the seed money for Diddy’s success came from. The profits have to be distributed amongst the contributors. Puff has served his purpose.

5 months ago

My 9-11 theory is that planes hit the twin towers, but not commercial aircraft, but remote piloted planes built specially for that purpose (the passengers were fake, but not the planes). The video AC posted in the links actually supports that theory, since it really does look like some hardened nose cone, instead of a special effects glitch that would have been edited out anyway.

Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

Yes. With these guys kind assistance for a certainty in outcome. Helluva op to hold water this long with normies.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

There’s also footage of underneath one of the planes that looks like a large pod of some sort, possibly a homing device and the signal was being beamed out of the tower.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

If that actually was a cabal operation, then real people were killed and their bodies placed on the planes so that identifiable DNA could be found later. It does seem like the event was allowed to happen though. But much like the Marxist’s believe, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Collateral damage and sacrifice to evil.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

The counterpoint is that the death penalty has gotten drastically less common.

The countercounterpoint is that the numbers required are much higher than the death penalty gives.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

The Greada treaty

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

“…My 9-11 theory is that planes hit the twin towers, but not commercial aircraft, but remote piloted planes built specially for that purpose…”

I think you are right about this. The planes have features that are not the same as commercial, but, it is still possible they were commercial and were remotely controlled as the hijack remote control system built into the planes was built by a Jewish controlled company. Who knows what they have in those boxes?

There is a plain, super simple explanation for the nose cone coming out the other end looking intact. The WTC is mostly empty. It had an outer skin and a small core. The plane hit the outside, was shredded vertically by the wide spaced columns. Like you would slice a bunch of bread into slices. The slices then went through a mostly empty WTC floor and flew out the other end. You’re seeing them from the side. It is only an illusion that it is intact. In fact, those are slices flying out the other end. At the speeds it was going, these slices could appear from far away to be almost perfectly intact, but with sections actually wholly missing where the beams were.

Maybe you have seen this before, tornados have driven pine needles straight into wood beams. The needles were going so fast, they stayed intact. Things moving superfast act oddly. There is a finite amount of time substances can react (I think this has to do with these spin waves given off by highly accelerating objects that I talked about in the earlier comment link) and materials can move through things intact because of the speed. The “supposed scientific”” explanation for this is shock waves through the material can only go so fast and have to spread through the material before the force is felt.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

Sam, do you have a take on the “dustification” and ‘strangely burned cars outside’?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Reanderthal
5 months ago

It is odd and has no good, easy, explanation. I wonder was all the aluminum melted out like in Hawaii? That would be a giveaway for directed energy.

So questioning myself, I went and looked at some more of these burnt car pictures and you know it could very well be that the termite in the WTC 1 and 2 when they fell blew out burning thermite. It doesn’t look the same as the directed energy in Hawaii. In some cases only one side of the car is burnt. And a little of this thermite hitting tires and sticking to it would start a roaring fire. This stuff is really hot and keeps burning. Maybe it would even light the paint up because it’s so hot.

If I had to make one decision and no other, I would say thermite already lite, dispersed by the fall and dust started the fires in the cars. Anywhere the dust reached, a long ways, could have bits of thermite in it. Verified by actual non burnt thermite found in the dust.

Of course, I’m just guessing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Reanderthal
5 months ago

I missed the “dustification”. A good explanation for that is they sprayed nao-thremite, it’s actually probably nano-thermate, one the bottom of the floors above the drop ceilings. It would not be difficult. Move an over head tile, spray, close the tile. This stuff is like explosives and in the confined space would blast the floor.

The whole building could have been wired very fast. Make up thermate packages with magnets on them and radio detonators. Carry in on a cart. Use a ladder to lift the ceiling tile, scrape off a little fireproofing on the steel columns, and then stick the charge on the column. I think they only blew ever three floors. This is for the outside. For the interior columns, they put that in the elevators and had plenty of time.

And thermate on the floors might not have been necessary. If they put charges on the ends of the floors in the elevators I think a shock wave could ripple through the concrete floors shattering the concrete all across the floor.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

Hmm. Thermite vs DEW seems to be a matter of taste.
If you watch the classic dustifying clip, it seems to be the exostructure that just disintegrates.

Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

a special effects glitch that would have been edited out

That video was from the “LIVE” broadcast. 10-second delay.

a a
a a
Reply to  Mononomous
5 months ago

Dude in TV edit room: OOPS, 10.1 second, and the tip shows, now. My finger slipped and the overlay film got over the background edge of the building, my bad.

Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

Maybe this is a construction phase photo, or a rare reveal. Just because a building has a hundred floors or stories does not mean they are used, rented, sold etc. There may be 10, 20, etc flooors empty shells and not used. Rich and corporate on top floors, low rent crowd and upstart businesses on low floors. Middle ones closed off for theatre kids usage. That could be the theatrics and execution location stage for whatever operation they pulled off. Stay frosty

Reply to  Frosty
5 months ago

Art project

Reply to  Reanderthal
5 months ago

The Dark Arts.

5 months ago

“Once you realize the conspiracy is trans national, you realize something like this shows it that it can trust a guy like Walz to not get patriotic and betray it.” The Church is also transnational and in 1958 the conspiracy prevented the valid election of a Pope and installed an anti Christian puppet regime, right in the Vatican. The conspiracy will win because now it rolls completely unopposed, it will reveal the antichrist and that will be the end, when the adversary loses because he has already been defeated by Christ on the Cross. It’s frustrating to me as a Christian that we are allowing it to happen on our watch, but it is what it is I guess. Instead of returning to Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, people are making up nonsensical paradigms involving aliens from outer space or computer matrices. Dieu Le Roi.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Who is this “we are allowing it to happen on our watch?”

Reply to  teotoon
5 months ago

Where is the stoic swiss guard, or even a ballsy cardinal when an adjudication is needed, not my neighborhood but can’t these things get tuned up internally or are they eunochs nuetered upon joining that posse, um, er, religion? Asking for many friends.

Reply to  Frosty
5 months ago

Bella Dodd revealed that >1000 communists were placed in the Church and that she worked directly with 4 Cardinals. Once the deviants control who gets in and who doesn’t appear to have a calling, they eventually get almost complete control, this is just natural entropy. But God created the world so He knew to account for entropy with the office of the Papacy. Freemasons got a fellow Freemason elected once who actually converted to Catholicism. Terribly sinful Popes consistently upheld Church doctrine even if they lived totally debauched lives personally. They knew electing one of their’s would not overcome the protection of the office by the Holy Ghost because it had been tried over and over. In 1958 they had to have either disappeared the validly elected Pope so that he was unable to go out on that loggia or prevented an election from occurring at all and just presented their Freemason, Roncalli, as an unelected imposter who opened Vatican II and started a new religion, the New Order. A few Bishops recognized some Jewry had occurred and that is why we have sedevacantist chapels like Mel Gibson’s, CMRI and traditional orders like SSPX, but the Church still doesn’t have a Pope and I assume it couldn’t be done without a military and I also assume that there was a nuclear threat that has not been rescinded.

5 months ago

Sidebar gone.

5 months ago

>Unbeknownst to Hezbollah, Israel had been secretly manufacturing the pagers that Hezbollah was buying for years.

Friendly reminder to the “they’re going to blow up my toaster with the beam” people that were spamming the comments recently: the enemy may be advanced, but you’re also overestimating the capabilities of a bunch of drama nerds.

It is significantly easier to convince 70iq mud people to use a pager with a bomb in it than it is to simultaneously beam and detonate thousands of devices across a vast geographic space. The middle east is FAMOUS for cell-phone detonated IEDs, why would a smaller pocket IED with the same exact trigger mechanism be so surprising?

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

It never crossed my mind that someone would plant explosives in 5000 pagers.

Just underlines the satanic Jewish mind.

But how do you answer the reports of car batteries and solar panels being fried. Maybe ‘we manufactured the pagers to explode’ is a cover story to hide that the real technology of a beam was being used. These days it is hard to know what reality is. Do you really trust the Jews and the NYT to tell you the truth???? Like how we trust them to make pagers?

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 months ago

I would call it prudent planning. They stored them until they were needed. Simple pre war planning. You don’t think the US Army doesn’t have something up their collective sleeves in a back room somewhere?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Because the explosives would have to be placed into literally thousands of devices, which would entail a massive logistical challenge. Also, it wasn’t just pagers, but walkie talkies, smart phones, iPhones, solar panels. I say it was a beam. I could be wrong but that is what I’m going with.

Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

An auto-targeting weapon like a compromised pager batch is more realistic than 5000 deployed, manned, and synchronised beam guns in hostile territory.
We have to reconsider what “massive logistical challenge” means when (they) own everything in ((shells)).
Let’s just recall the idea that made Odysseus a legend.
Enemies are always devious and pragmatic.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

A challenge but not an impossible task, especially if the manufacturing was being conducted by a controlled subsidiary. A masterpiece work of intelligence. Devious? Certainly. Effective? Absolutely.

5 months ago

Theory about Trump, based on the first AC comment.

Trump is one celebrity that someone figured out how to shield him and his family from The Beam, meaning he is not cabal controlled and can be used as a sort of battering ram on their American operations.

By extension, the Russian government has also figured out how to counter the Beam to some extent. So they especially hate Trump and all of Russia. That is explanatory.

I happen to lean towards the idea that there is a sort of counter-cabal, though “QAnon” itself was a Cabal poison the well operation. But we can only speculate.

5 months ago

Poll for readers here: of all Kamala political signs posted in peoples’ yards, how many of them are located a corner lots / lots abutting an intersection?

There are three in my local area. All three are houses I would hand-pick if I were looking to maximize surveillance capabilities of my AO. Either on the corner lot overlooking a busy intersection, or at an entrance to the neighborhood that would allow oversight on who comes and goes.

I have seen zero signs in houses that are not prime surveillance locations, and wonder if that’s a trend in other areas.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

“Who would support her”

People for whom being a Democrat is their religion.
And I’m not being funny…

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Yep. Confirmed in my liberal suburb of a major city. Approx 75% of all Kamala signs are on corner lots, corner adjacent lots, corner sightline lots, or T intersections. It’s so pronounced that it practically outs the local surveillance assets. To be clear, this clustering is vivid on any regular block where almost no Kamala signs will be mid block or anywhere outside those repetitive clusters. It’s a striking exposure underlining their command’s desperation and that this election is truly existential for them.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

There’s a big one on the corner lot by my house. I joked to my wife that I should make a sign that says “a moron lives here” and put it on their lawn late at night. Maybe I should change that to Cabal stooge instead of moron.

5 months ago

Andrew Angelin about some Indian guy talking about secret sex orgies taking place under New York banks during the lockdowns:

Self explanatory why this would be interesting.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
5 months ago

The Diddy blackmail operation, like Epstein’s, most likely involved human trafficking. The extent is probably extensive since Diddy has been a known celebrity for decades. I mean I see stories like the one below and my imagination kicks in.

Justin Bieber so ‘disturbed’ by Diddy’s harrowing allegations he has ‘shut off’ from world

Why would a known victim of Diddy’s be so traumatized by these developments? I mean if his sex tapes are released he’ll just be seen as a victim right? What if his taking the ticket wasn’t just to be a plaything for Diddy and his pedo bosses. What if he also had to participate in the trafficking operation. How many victims have been shuttled through his estates over the years? Maybe he’s worried about his own charges being filed?

People think selling their souls and serving Satan means it’s a simple two-way tit-for-tat transaction but what if to truly reach the heights of fame you have to be so depraved it boggles the mind.

How else to explain how no talent ass-clowns like John Legend’s evil wife Chrissy Tiegen still get brought up in the press all the time despite having done nothing of note for years. She has a story about her in there today in fact.

In May 2021, television personality Courtney Stodden said that in 2011, during her marriage as a minor to actor Doug Hutchison, Teigen tweeted and privately messaged her urging her to kill herself.

What kind of piece of shit wishes death on a child victim? The kind that regularly has a blurb written about her in the Daily Mail for some reason.

Kelly Clarkson said she turned down millions to do something she didn’t want to do. Maybe Bieber and Teigen didn’t say no and those acts were taped? I’d shut down too.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

Kevin Hart
But since when is a finger over the lips a Freemason sign?
If that’s true, everyone I know is a Freemason

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

There are a huge number of celebrities with the shh photograph, Rihanna etc. I agree it’s a cabal staple like the one eyed bullshit. See the vigilant citizen website for his symbolic pics of the month section.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

To be silent is a magical decree.

Reply to  Just Me
5 months ago

Not necessarily. Most people are just copying things they say. “The third degree” is Masonic AF, but when most people are intensely questioned they’ll unthinkingly say “He gave me the third degree!” With no clue where it came from.

Reply to  Just Me
5 months ago

Could have started with them and then spread when others picked it up.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 months ago

This is long and may be two comments as it gets a little involved to tie together. The TLDR version. I believe I know what is being beamed at AC and I think I know a way to thwart it or at least minimize it.

I’m fairly sure I know what the “beam” is. It’s a atomic “spin” wave. It finally gelled when I heard a Tucker Carlson interview with former Blackwater Eric Prince say that he knew what the beam was, and it came from Russian research at 1:02:09 in the interview.

(Erik Prince_ NATO vs. Russia, the Secrets of Drone Warfare, and CIA Corruption)

“…When you have the leadership of the CIA, this Havanna syndrome is a real thing… It’s effectivly a microwave weapon that’s been used to, effectively blast the brains

of Americans working out of embassies…”

Now what I’m considering here is NOT the microwave weapon. I do believe that is one of them but not the weird one effecting AC(though I expect they have also used microwave weapons), but what clued me was the Russian research connection.

I had read a bit about strange Russian research. They call it Torsion physics. Other names are spin fields, axion fields, stress fields, spinal fields, long-range spinors and (I’ll get to this later “inertia fields”.

Here’s a link to a bunch of papers on this by the great Bill Beaty,

I’ve read a bunch of these and I’m not saying I understand all of it, but I read enough to get a general idea of what they are talking about. A quote by Alexander A. Shpilman in a paper REALLY drew a lot of things together.

“…Everyone knows that elementary particles can have the following properties : electric charge, magnetic dipole moment, and the moment of quantity of motion, i.e. spin, and these properties are connected with each other. The electric charge manifests as electric field in the space surrounding this particle, the magnetic moment manifests as magnetic field, and the manifestation of spin can be seen as the hypothetical ‘spin-field’.

What is spin?

The spins of electrons and protons are considered to be connected with their moments of quantity of motion….”

Ding, ding, ding. A bunch of stuff that has been bothering me. Odd forces that seem to influence different sorts of objects when manipulated in certain ways. And there are many of them. I concluded a while ago that these were what I called “inertia fields” and in another Russian paper, I can’t remember which one, they also called it inertia fields. Here’s one of the comments I made here where I pointed out some of these abnormalities. The reason I was so adamant about pointing this out is I believe that it’s nothing but propaganda and gas-lighting that there are aliens or that we “have” to have aliens to get what appear to be anti-gravity type craft that use “inertia” drives. In fact, we can easily see plenty of devices that show these effects and there’s even Russian research on this sort of thing. This could not have been missed by the powers that be. They even have a patent by the US Navy to make one version of this.

In this paper linked below it says,

“…How is it possible to produce the spin-field and how can it manifest? Since the spins of elementary particles can be the source for the spin-field, we can consider that the spin-field can be produced as a result of spin polarization, i.e. the selective orientation of spins in space. The simplest way to achieve the selective spin orientation is through the mechanical rotation of objects. Thus, the spins will be oriented along the axis of rotation…”

Which is much the same as I point out in this long comment where I noticed many of these oddities, one of which is gyroscopes that are rotated as they are spinning, and speculated that they were emitting “inertia fields”.

How to defeat these spin fields launched at us? An overarching idea, big picture, behind this is that we think in terms of electromagnetic fields, magnetic fields, etc. These, while not exactly like the others spin fields, I believe, have some similarities and possibly interact.

From the paper

“Ferrite-magnetic the Reflector Axion (Spin) of Radiation”

Describing the problem. Quotes from paper linked below.

“…The ways are known of change of a direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves with the help of mirrors constructed on effect of reflection from border of the unit of environments of a type dielectric-dielectric and a dielectric-conductor at the expense of a difference of parameters of refraction, interference and diffraction on a regular structure of a crystal lattice for x-ray, gamma, beta and other kinds of radiation. But they can not be applied for reflection axion of radiation (spin waves), since it is direct with a crystal lattice (known materials) practically does not cooperate…”

So he’s saying we are trying to reflect these waves in the manner that light is reflected from mirrors but with reflectors suitable for “spin waves”.

Here he’s describing how metal shields perpendicular to the field’s directions are ineffective,

“…If of elements of a material are already guided perpendicularly to direction axion of a field, there is absorption of energy axion of radiation and re-emission take place in a direction of orientation…”

Meaning if you put up a metal shield it reradiates the field out the other side of it.

How to build such a thing as a reflector of spin waves. Go down to,

“…The device (Reflector) shown on figure generates unidirectional axion radiation (See also patent of Republic of Kazakhstan N5365 G01N23/00, bull. N4, 15.10.97)…”

Now at this point it gets complicated. I do not understand some of the reasons for the way he built this, but I do have some ideas. They may be wrong, but I see a lot of stuff that I have talked about before. In the diagram, you see at the top a hollow ferromagnetic shield. A really important comment, I think, is,

“…In which, hollow the cylinder 2 is made from a ferromagnetic material with built-in constants by magnets…”

At first the idea that the box “cylinder 2” was hollow confused me but, then I thought about another comment that I made on magnetic amplifiers here,

Scroll down my comment to,

“…Related to AC’s magnetic attack…”

and a bit lower I show a magnetic amplifier. The ring is a ferromagnetic material. So what he has above, a box, is just a fully completed continious ring from all sides. He uses magnets but the electric coils in the diagram are just the same.

I know I’m skipping around, but I’m trying to tie together a lot of things into one idea. We know there is a thing called “spin” as a property of materials. In magnets, the spins are aligned, making it magnetic. We know some ferromagnetic materials, like iron, iron oxide, etc. have high permeability (means it flows through them easy) and magnetic fields flow easily through them. This means “possibly” that they have high levels of spin alignment or interactions with spin or can be effected by spin.

That this is a thing is proven by the magnetic amplifier. A low level DC current blocks AC power through ferromagnetic materials. Which is very odd. This blocking force also seems to build up to some level based on the “permeability” properties of the material. The oddness of this is displayed in the striking video. If you’re at all interested, you should watch this short video. A guy run a current through the middle of two large blocks of metal and…they stick together with great force. I suggest, but don’t know for sure, this is created by spin waves locking them together.

Now you may think I’m blathering on for no reason, but what I’m trying to point out is that magnetic amplifiers seem to block spin and that spin can be created that creates very strong forces.

So “if” you use magnets or magnetic fields to block or pre-align the spin of a ferromagnetic material, then it could be that the spin waves fired at you can NOT react and send the beam out the other side of the material. The spin beams effects are “choked”. The material can’t react because it’s already full of spin waves that have filled up all its magnetic sites.

So looking at the diagram here,

comment image

from this page

The box with magnets in it is keeping the spin fields from going through it (just like the magnetic amplifier chokes off the field) and, I think, the angled side panels act like a mirror to reflect the spin waves the same as a mirror reflects light.

I think the front box acts like a beam break, with the angled sides reflecting off the wave break. An analogy would be supersonic torpedoes. They have a blunt object in front or a jet of gas. This blast the water out of the way around the torpedo. The idea is much the same as this picture of a magnetic amplifier with the coils choking down the amount of current, and maybe spin waves, that can be conducted through the steel.

comment image

A further refinement over steel alone would be to paint the steel with ferrites. I think, you could dig up some dirt, run a magnet through it and whatever metal oxides stick to it, paint them onto the steel.

His version, the picture above, shows a flat box with a magnetic field in it. I’m not sure why it is flat. It would seem to me angling it away from the beam would be best. The same as if you were focusing electromagnetic waves. So I drew, don’t complain, I did this with a trackball, a drawing of a construction that would be fairly easy to build and linked it to the comment. A fast way to build would be to get sheet metal and use metal studs that they substitute for 2 by 4’s these days. Get pan head self tapping screws and screw the sheet metal to the studs. Should use a lot of them. You want a complete magnetic circuit of the sheet metal. In the picture, you see some loops of wire. I’m not sure if it should loop around the front piece of sheet metal or the back. I show the front with the pointed end of the sheet metal pointed towards the beam. After I drew it I thought, maybe the coils would be better on the back but???? I also do not know why he says use silver to line the metal??? Possibly to short out electromagnetic effects that the beam causes??? You might be able to substitute aluminum foil. The conductance is close to the same. “If” the beam is what I think it is, and I’m fairly sure it is, I think there’s a good likelihood of some sort of magnetic field choking effect on metal to reflect it off an area.
I’m working oin another comment that could relate some other dodd things to this “spin field” idea but it might take a while.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

I think you need the dc current passing thru the metal shield so it acts as one whole. Do you have an old school 12 volt battery charger that will output power continuously. Maybe test using a small 1 foot by 2 foot plate of sheet sheet?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anon2023
5 months ago

“…Do you have an old school 12 volt battery charger that will output power continuously…”

I’m not sure if that’s correct. Not saying I know for sure, but doesn’t the old, old type have a relay that shuts on and off? One thing I have heard is older types overcharge a lead acid batteries a little with pulses, which is a good thing to remove sulfur deposits.

I’m thinking, though not positive, that the newer ones have an electronic circuit that varies by limiting current. So if it shorted it will still deliver, say, 2 amps if that is what it is set for. The only way to know for sure is to hook it up and use a clamp on amp probe and see.

“…I think you need the dc current passing thru the metal shield so it acts as one whole…”

Maybe you are right but I’ve never seen a magnetic amplifier that operates like that. Could be. All I have seen have coils of wire around a permeable magnet or iron continuous metallic ring. The field from the coil permeates the material so that other magnetic fields can not go through them. To me this is an astounding thing.

I think that you would want the coil concentrated in one spot. There’s a guy who has a patent where he drilled holes through a permeable core. He then ran wires through the core. I think the idea was it made the field very close to all parts of the core material. If you think about it, it’s somewhat analogous to FET transistors. They have a small bridge that when charged or uncharged blocks off current, but instead of magnetic it’s voltage field based. These are made by the trillions every year as computer switches and memory cells.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

Excellent as always Sam. See also scalar waves and the work of Tom Bearden, also the book, Psychic Warfare Fact or Fiction edited by John White.

Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

See also ‘Strange Radiation’.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

“Tom Bearden”

I have a book of his I read. Can’t remember which one. You wouldn’t believe how weird my book and magazine collection is.

Frankly I don’t know what to make of it. Scalar waves, standing waves???? I don’t know.

5 months ago

>The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution Wednesday that effectively bars Israel from self-defense in any of the territory it captured in a defensive war in 1967, including in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

As usual the UN talks big, but I don’t think they’re going to find many nations willing to send troops as UN Peacekeepers to attack Israel.

I admire a lot of things about Israel, not the least turning part of the cesspool that is the Middle East into first-world country, but their foreign policy has ranged from “aggessive” to “batshit crazy”; they have a long history of starting wars, espionage, kidnapping, and state-sponsored terrorism, and they have a small but first-rate military all the usual toys, including atomic bombs.

Like dealing with a crazy guy on the subway, they might not respond like the UN plainly hopes they will.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

They turned it into a first world country because they parasited everything from the first world. The jew, the eternal parasite.
“America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry.” Benjamin Netanyahu NOT America’s greatest ally!

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Didn’t Gaddafi build a somewhat first world country?

Until Obama n Hillary destroyed it?

5 months ago

Scientific American isn’t Scientific American. It’s a skinsuit being worn by a cabal of overpromoted head girls and their housebroken soyboys, for whom science is only interesting insofar as it can be used to bolster propaganda imperatives for their side’s political goals – “sustainability”, “equity”, and so on.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
5 months ago

Noticing today that every comment reliably has exactly one downvote, even AC’s comment just saying ‘thank you’ to another commenter. Come on mate, I deserve one too!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Cary Kembla
5 months ago

It’s ok to be an outsider!

a a
a a
Reply to  Cary Kembla
5 months ago

My pleasure, dang I hit the wrong button.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
5 months ago

Yeah, a downvote means someone at least looked at your post!

5 months ago

The Mark Robinson thing strikes me as too mucb coming out all at once. All the stuff is like the lefty fever dresm scenario about a candidate they despise. An intelligent articulate black man who rejects their agenda is their worsr nightmare.
Tell me again how porn site chat logs are sacred and un tamperable, and it would be impossible to fabricate aged looking post or accounts from years ago.
I wonder if anyone has scoured the Internet archive mirrors that scrape that stuff to see if the NSA analyst tasked with this was smart enough to update those too.

English Tom
English Tom
5 months ago

I sincerely hope that Turkish company making those life jackets has a great future.

5 months ago

That woman with Sanpaku eyes yikes.

5 months ago

And once again why it was a mistake to set up a standard other than SOLA CONSTITUTIONA. “Tradition” can mean anything. “Common use” is rather vague.

You know that Tombstone, AZ banned the carrying of all weapons? Hardly unique. I guess that’s tradition, then. Sure it’s a violation of both the text and spirit of the actual constitution, but it’s been done that way so often that it’s normalized and therefore just fine.

The 2A is specifically about weapons and equipment that might be used by a infantry unit and making sure that the general public can acquire such things so that the government doesn’t have to provide it to them in time of need, but now such thing can simply be declared “unusual and dangerous” by a black robed priest and even if it’s actually been used by the infantry in world wars it’s banned.

COMMON USE indeed.

This is How They’ll Just Ignore the Second Amendment

Washington Gun Law

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

This. I worked retail gun biz, and it was, is still mystifying to me that the .gov had a strong front faced appearances of regulatory controls of an entire industry from end to end, and could easily shut things down for civillians despite supposed 2a rights. Like u.k. australia etc they could have incrementally nuetered us to lever guns and revolvers and not much else. The AWB assault weapons ban was only ten years with a sunset provision to the law. The import bans on the flood of chicom guns and ammo (by the conex box and crate loads, as well as euro augs and hk91s etc, was a stop gap to just aid domestic production, and imports of guns ammo mags seem to be flowing in as much but in a controlled soft flow for equilibrium with domestic interests. Despite the retail 4473 government checks and controls, the guns and ammo with accoutrements are selling like hotcakes. Even libs and legacy democrats to a degree are arming up as never before. Those large ammo purchase orders by agencies may not all be for use by them but a chunk is siphoned off, claimed to be expended in training, but quietly stored for handouts. When the appropriate time comes there may be some armories and munitions bunkers left unlocked, by design, for on purpose loot drop pick ups by one side or another. When east bloc countries collapsed, videos of locals walking off with rifles and crates of ammo was frequent. Considering all of those regulations shoved up our bums like light bulbs, low flush toilets, and washers that barely work, for the leviathan to leave this entire guns and ammo topic swinging open in the wind nearlly uncontrolled is indeed a plan of some sort, since the bill of rights and constitution are frequently molested for political agendas anyway all the time. But is it really a white hat plan with noble intents, since cabal and intelligence would certainly wargamed and deep state controlled this topic much more closely than any other shennanigans they are involved in. Interesting, and a bit weird. Thanxs a.c.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

It will happen because Q chose the stupid sneaky way instead of the honest intelligent way.
Had Q acted openly and sooner the official levers of power could have been used against a weak and tiny minority that wouldn’t have had a chance.

5 months ago

Good Day New York video of the plane hitting the South Tower features a completely intact nose cone exiting the building. 

The second plane didn’t hit square. That’s the right (starboard) wing, not the nosecone.

5 months ago

Jerome Powell: Migration is raising Americans’ unemployment rate.

This just in: Economist applies logic and basic arithmetic, discovers shocking result.

Last edited 5 months ago by phelps
5 months ago

New Mexico’s governor blasts Texas for placing razor wire on border between their states. Next up, rumor is more razor wire around Austin, and then another batch at the border with Oklahoma.

Nah, we’re cool with Oklahoma. They vote even redder than we do. Note that the wire in Austin is facing inwards, not out.
Really, the only neighbor that is a pain in the ass is New Mexico. We thought about having to nuke them right at the start of a civil war, but we did the math and figured out that putting them back in the stone age only sets them back about 3 weeks.

5 months ago

State Fair of Texas gun policy goes before judge on Thursday.

Already ruled against. Local Democrat elected judge. Goes to 15th COA now, which has three justices all nominated by Abbott. If for some reason they don’t overrule the Dallas judge, the SCOTX (all elected, all Republican) likely will.

5 months ago

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution Wednesday that effectively bars Israel from self-defense in any of the territory it captured in a defensive war in 1967, including in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

“Defensive.” In the same way that America’s invasion of Mexico in 1846 was “defensive.” We wanted the land, the Mexicans didn’t want to let us take it.

Last edited 5 months ago by phelps