Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Chinese EV Maker Leapmotor To Hold IPO
DFT – Amercan’s Credit Card Debt Continues To Rise
DFT – Homebuilder Confidence Lowest Since 2014 As Housing Enters Recession
DFT – Adidas Accused Of Massive Non-Payment Of Russian Taxes On Exit From Country
DFT – Americans Overwhemlingly Dissatisfied With The Economic Direction And Biden’s Leadership
The Queen is lowered into the vault at 4:49, on the 19th, just like the watch Q posted was set at. One in, say 30.4167 chance off the day hitting, times 720 minutes per 12 hours, is one in 21,900 that a single event would hit on that minute, on a 19th, not factoring in there is probably more going on at 4PM than 8AM/PM, and new events are constantly coming, with one likely to hit sooner or later if you wait long enough. A bit curious, and if not coincidence would point to deaths either not happening spontaneously or some means of seeing when they will happen spontaneously:
It is still worth noting, even if this is isn’t chance, Q is an abominable ROI, if our country can get fucked like this, and all we get is something insignificant in the wartime picture happens on a day and time on a watch picture he posted three years back. We want dead bodies – and screams of terror, horror, and agony now from Q, not a potential mentalist trick three years from now.
King Charles declares 17 days of mourning for the Queen.
Politico: We might not know midterm results on election day.
Real Presidents don’t get treated like this:
I do not know what this next one is. I found this different photo from this article here, which also shows the line, so the photo is not shopped. I was trying to think why security might fit her with a prosthetic for a hidden tracker around her neck, but they would not make it this obvious. Inflammation from wearing some piece of jewelry which had something inflaming on it would also seem unlikely. If it were latex off a mask, it would be feathered better as well – and with gum glue and makeup, it would have been undetectable if they wanted it to be. I have found older pictures of her without this artifact, like here, but they could always be shopped. I have no idea what this is, or why it cast such a clear shadow:
A Russian asset, supposedly, but he did what Cabal told him to, and was essentially salaried by the FBI for years:
Two courts uphold ATF’s right to rewrite the definition of firearm to include 80% receivers.
33 senators call for Hunter Biden special counsel, cite DOJ ‘politicization.’
Mike Lindell suing FBI, US gov’t over his seized phone.
Poll: Majority of Democrats believe there are ‘tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans.’
Fetterman’s brain was still not working at his latest rally.
Border encounters with illegal immigrants have passed 2 million in a single year for first time.
IRS gave exempt status to Soros backed group that targeted Trump Republicans.
Pilot of Boeing flight from Novokuznetsk to St. Petersburg dies suddenly on board plane.
Woman collapses and dies 15 minutes after Booster shot. The gave the shot in a drugstore, so there was no medical support on hand.
WHO Director, Dr. Tedros claims, he has not been vaccinated because he is protesting that they are not doing enough to get the vaccines into Africa (It is not clear when this was taken, but people now are claiming it is recent):
STD epidemic in US is ‘out of control,’ warn experts, CDC. When you have monkey viruses spreading globally in a matter of days only through gays, and then spreading through children (and nobody is allowed to investigate that), and even dogs, that is the problem.
Biden admin to continue draining oil from strategic reserves through election day.
Illegal aliens who entered since Biden took office costing taxpayers at least $20 billion a year.
GOP radio host Larry Elder weighing White House bid even if Trump runs. There may be a bunch who will run thinking they can get the practice and put their case out for 2028.
Lifetime appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court would end, under a proposal unveiled Monday by conservative, progressive, and libertarian constitutional scholars where Supreme Court justices would serve staggered 18-year terms. Of course Thomas and Roberts and Alito will have to cycle off first, now, so Biden can appoint their replacements. You cannot be a regular citizen and try to get as involved as this group, without getting gangstalked and the David Patterson treatment. All of these will be compromised operations of the conspiracy.
Beyond Meat COO arrested, accused of biting man’s nose after college football game. That company may be more screwed than we know now that their fast food deals petered out.
German nuclear reactor leak poses no safety threat but complicates winter energy plans.
White House announces massive $10 billion aid package for Jordan.
Stinger Anti-Aircraft missiles shipped out of Ukraine now sold online in Germany.
Chuck Schumer lobbying for ‘at least $12 billion’ in Ukraine aid to ‘win the war.’ Curious in that I would think his thing normally would be scrounge everything he can for Israel. But no, he wants billions and billions to go to Ukraine. What is his angle?
A narrow majority of Slovakians would rather see the victory of Russia than Ukraine. The study shows correlation between anti-vaccine and pro-Russian views. Free thinkers vs those who are programmed to repeat what they are told.
I kind of wondered why, when it is such a PR failure, we kept seeing Nazi symbolism among Ukraine’s military, and why on 4Chan there was such a push to claim Putin’s forces were not white, and Ukraine was white:
Swedish youth swing to the right in mock school election.
Latest UT Tyler/DMN poll shows Gov. Abbott’s lead widening over O’Rourke.
Republicans see largest edge ever over democrats in NBC poll on economy, crime, and immigration.
Spread r/K Theory, because terror, horror, and agony is what we need from Q.
Debunked. The images, going by license plates of passing civilian cars, are from a training exercise in Primorsky Krai, a Far East region of Russia, that China participated in.
WarOnFakes Telegram post here, where you can see the video, it didn’t load for me on the ussanews page: (As a native Russian speaker from Ukraine, I’m plugged into Russian language Telegram, makes it easier to verify info with primary sources)
I’ve run into that ussanews site before, and always thought it suspect, as they don’t seem to back up their claims with links or sources.
The dread Sept 24 th anyone?
Thomas licks his chops.
Pray for Justice Thomas. Evil things want him dead.
Ukraine is a Zionist project of some sort.
Money laundering op
It’s more than that or they’d just use Israel.
Believe you’re right. The scuttlebut for years is that Ukraine is the “backup Jerusalem”.
The Khazar theory confirmed
Ukraine is Greater Judea.
The TALLMUD which Jewish children are taught from early childhood through adult life teaches anything thay is good for the Jews is morally acceptable.
> A narrow majority of Slovakians would rather see the victory of Russia than Ukraine. The study shows correlation between anti-vaccine and pro-Russian views. Free thinkers vs those who are programmed to repeat what they are told.
The source ( is the most influential globalists mouthpiece in the country. The only reason why they admitted that (more than) half of the nation is immune from their heavy propaganda is because now they can claim, that “antivax dezinfo” is somehow related to “Kremlin’s propaganda machine”. The reality is quite the opposite.
People in the former East Block have a healthy disrespect for the official narratives and a natural tendency to do quite the opposite of what the media are saying. So in fact, it is the opposition to the globalists propaganda that unifies the antivax and pro-Russian stances, not the Kremlin’s one.
(Btw, there can be virtually no Kremlin’s propaganda here. The biggest antisystem news site was literally blocked by government security apparatus three days into the war and everyone is very careful since. God Bless the US First Amendment! )
So taking into account the enormous propaganda running in this Ukraine-bordering country, 50+% of resisting population is a staggering failure of globohomo.
A good news is that globalist don’t comprehend that failure at all. And since the only thing they know is to try harder, they create even bigger push back. This is what happened with boosters in the country. 3rd dose was acceptable to only about 25% population, if you get 4st one, people ridicule you openly. Even elites got uncomfortable speaking about it anymore.
Camila’s neck line could be a neck lift device – same with the Biden tabs.
Was there something significant happening at 4.49pm? Seems a bit of a stretch
Could be, but then it would be consistently present across multiple occasions. If it’s surgical it’s not easily removed, if it’s a detachable device there’s no reason to wear it once and never again, especially when the facial / neck appearance is not radically different between photos we see.
We’ve seen multiple politicians with these things over recent months. I’d get a hearty chuckle out of someone rushing them during a photo op to try and pull their mask off like a Scooby Doo villain.
“pull their mask off like a Scooby Doo villain.”
Q should do it that way on national tv, at the start of the Superbowl or State of the Union.
Fake Biden: “And I would have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for those meddling Anons.”
just 2 more weeks!
“…a bit of a stretch” kek — was that pun intended?
A neck-tightening tape is a plausible explanation. Amazon sells (sold?) just such a product, in the form of an adhesive-tape roll you snip to size in order to tighten down droopy neck skin; here’s the blurb:
Nexsey Neck Tape
3.4 out of 5 stars 207 ratings | 12 answered questions
Nexsey is a medical grade neck tape in a roll for cutting to the size you need. Nexsey allows you to hide the appearance of wrinkles on your neck by gently and discreetly tightening the skin to create a more youthful appearance…it is the beauty of illusion!
Please Note!!! Important: Humidity during summers months makes it even more important to start with a very dry neck. Using alcohol may help clean and dry the neck to create a solid stick.This product can be tricky to use at first, so email us with questions! We’re happy to help!
Pun not intended – but noted.
Sometimes the universe talks to you. Sometimes the jokes/script writes itself
POLL: Last words before the kulak boards the cattle car?
A) “Commies are da real racists”
B) “Communists are da real hypocrites”
C) “Trust the plan.”
Two down votes = 2 votes for C lol
“ kept seeing Nazi symbolism among Ukraine’s military”
Because the writers of this movie are Jewish and it’s shoah business
If the CIA really thought that National Socialism, which is one small step to the right of International Socialism, was ‘right wing’…. That sadly suggests we have a lot of International Socialists in the CIA.
National Socialism: we only steal from and economically enslave our own people to line the pockets of the ruling class, never the dirty foreigners!
At least a hypothetical NatSoc state would have strong borders, which would solve many of our social woes. Might be worth the trade tbh
The point of NS is usually to steal from foreigners in order to share the plunder and lessen the harm of the domestic theft and redistribution.
Intent vs reality is often different. Socialists just like having the institutionalized power to victimize people, target be damned at the end of the day.
Perhaps but not always.
But the target will certainly shift to groups at home when outside targets are used up.
Well, during WWII, their predecessor, the OSS, did take in a bunch of commies because they were anti-fascist. Of course. But after Vietnam–the CIA has gone completely Marxist. Everybody in America is Marxist including the Catholic Church!
‘STD epidemic in US is ‘out of control,’ warn experts, CDC.’
Promiscuity and faggotry rarely produce anything good.
diversity is perversity
They actually invert diversity. Think of how their “diversity” is cookie cutter actual homogenization.
>Two courts uphold ATF’s right to rewrite the definition of firearm to include 80% receivers.
So, basically, that means a “receiver” (which is legally the “gun” bit) is… whatever the ATF says it is. An unfinished casting. A chunk of bar stock. A Big Mac. A cat turd. They’re all guns now, if the ATF says so.
That’s an unfortunate amount of power to give to an agency that has already proven, multiple times, that is it mendacious and untrustworthy.
Good thing the Supreme Court already ruled on their inability to legislate from their position in the executive branch.
Now we’re just waiting on the dozens of years of feet-dragging and obstruction by lawyers and judges to actually interpret the damn law as written.
> Illegal aliens who entered since Biden took office costing taxpayers at least $20 billion a year.
Unfortunately, my first though was “that’s peanuts compared to the Ukraine boondoggle.”
But even one penny to support either is too much.
> WHO Director, Dr. Tedros claims, he has not been vaccinated because he is protesting that they are not doing enough to get the vaccines into Africa
He’s WHO Director, but he can’t fly on an airplane, cross a national border, or even go to a restaurant in most countries without his vaxxpass? And he is the guy who spearheaded the WHO’s COVID-19 vaxx program.
Somehow, I have this teeny-tiny, itty-bitty smidge of doubt about that. I think he’s bullshitting. He has a vaxxpass. Though I’d bet he got the saline instead of the clotshot.
Why is that even a legitimate response? What does him not getting the shot have anything to do with Africans not getting the shot?
I’ve heard jokes since before the clot shot was released of white people refusing to take the lifesaving miracle cure away from strong independent black people who deserve to get priority access to cutting edge healthcare innovation like the clot shot.
Sounds like the horseshoe theory of parody where reality becomes the joke; something along the lines of I refuse to take my dose until every single disadvantage African gets their 12 boosters etc.
President Biden on Friday signed a bill that will eliminate the statute of limitations for people who were sexually abused as minors to file civil claims.
Now, why would he sign a bill which would put himself, Hunter, Hollywood, and the elites in serious jeopardy unless there is expectation they and those in good graces with the Cabal will be protected.
On the surface it seems like a good bill; anything that gives children protection or revenge against evil is (theoretically) good.
However we have to wonder why the evil powers passed it, and my best guess is they plan to use it the exact same way they use womens’ false accusations of rape. It will just serve as another tool to slander and lie about opponents of cabal, except with much more serious allegations of kiddy diddling.
Anyone who talks up too much is accused by 30 random no name kids of being a diddler 20 years after the fact, and they just repeat the “BeLIEve all Whamens” line over and over except with kids this time. The right wing will probably eat it up hook, line and sinker too because of the 100% correct intuition to hate pedophiles.
Evil always inverts good.
In which case for all those serious allegations. Unless proven beyond reasonable doubt we must be very careful.
Lying through their teeth. What they actually believe is demonstrated by their actions.
> White House announces massive $10 billion aid package for Jordan.
And yet, Jordan is relatively wealthy – World Bank rates them as an “upper-middle income” country – and one of the most ‘advanced’ Arab states, and sent some of its troops along with US troops when we went into Syria, and with the Saudis when they went into Yemen.
It doesn’t sound like Jordan has a pressing need for *my* money, no matter how free the Feral Gummit feels to take and disburse it to strangers.
israel needs our money far less than jordan does
> Latest UT Tyler/DMN poll shows Gov. Abbott’s lead widening over O’Rourke.
These polls are fake. The only way O’Rourke could even rate is if their poll pool consisted entirely of college professors in the city of Austin.
Austin was targeted long ago; even when I was last there 15 years ago, it was fully Woke. I called it “West Boston” then. I’m sure it’s even Wokerer now.
> in the event of a blackout, they found 400 deaths could be expected within 96 hours,
Lots of elderly or ill people out there who depend on oxygen concentrators, CPAP machines, dialysis, and other equipment. Sure, they can theoretically be driven and put up somewhere where there’s electricity, but that’s not going to happen to all of them.
Also expect a lot of traffic deaths as the stoplights stop working.
Even if fuel, food, and other supplies are trucked in, distributing them is a problem. One thing that they always seem to forget is that many modern warehouses and stores have no provision for “natural light”; they might as well be caves, so you can only store stuff where there’s enough light to see, or outside in the weather. And when their “green” electric forklifts stop working, breaking down pallets and unloading trucks by hand is more work than most people would expect.
This one is counter-intuitive, but traffic accidents actually go down when the lights are out. People slow down and look rather than simply zooming through a green. Lots of small towns drastically improved their accident rates by removing the lights altogether and narrowing the lanes.
Also on those fuel supplies trucked in, remember that there is absolutely no provision at 99% of gas stations for pumping gas with no grid electricity. Very very few have a generator to run the pumps, and the pumps are all electric.
(A fuel-solvent rated pump is a hell of a good investment for a long-term blackout, but you need a heavy duty one to pull the gas up the 5-20 feet down it is. That’s a lot of suction needed. I know some places that suggest putting together a support group, and dividing the cost up.)
>Also expect a lot of traffic deaths as the stoplights stop working.
For a few days, until the gas stops showing up. Hope you invested in a few pairs of good walking shoes / boots and some backpacks, shit’s going to get medieval pretty quick if the general structure of society collapses.
>One thing that they always seem to forget is that many modern warehouses and stores have no provision for “natural light”; they might as well be caves, so you can only store stuff where there’s enough light to see, or outside in the weather.
A lot of these warehouses are essentially just modern day steel engineered pole barns with steel paneling for the walls. It wouldn’t be terribly difficult to retrofit skylights, or just remove a band just under the eaves to let natural light in to the small-medium size ones without compromising weatherproofing too dramatically. The amazon giga-dungeons are probably another story, but again I think large-scale truck shipping is going to disappear at about the same time as the power if that’s where everything goes.
> Beyond Meat COO arrested, accused of biting man’s nose after college football game.
They were a ‘made’ company, made to test the market for fake food. They were appointed to their positions; they didn’t actually create a company.
They aren’t the kind of people who could leverage a startup into success, not without extensive direction from elsewhere.
They seem to be having more success with the “nudging” psyop to force normies to eat bugs
Enforced veganism?
…” I do not know what this next one is. I found this different photo from this article here, ”…
Link to the different photo has this address
If you strip it back to the page is a blank white screen with one word in the upper right-hand corner — kubrick
I swear they do all this just to occupy your neurons on the weird stuff and waste the brain power.
The writers of this movie love the J.J. Abrams “mystery box” method:
Just noticed something about this picture.
If you enlarge it and look below the broach, you will notice a lace pattern.
The bottom of the “mask” is actually the top of the lace portion.
AC, check this out. Small-time university in Raleigh NC is teaching students how to perform surveillance. I’d say unbelievable, but we know it’s not.
Interesting. To outsiders, that could arguably be something innocent, with future cops doing it. And even some of the kids might not know. But the guys running it know it is the border of something much bigger.
Surveillance is now the foundation of the entire society, and not the society we think is our society. And the people performing it never mention it to anyone. But what will really blow people’s minds is when they find out, I believe it will be FBI, actually rents out an entire hotel and fills it constantly running a sleep away camp on the subject, and the kids who go never mention it to anyone outside of the conspiracy.
The best way how to learn to spot surveillance is to be trained in it first. So I wonder how long till it’s cancelled for some reason. Unless it is not for just anybody, of course….
Now I am wondering if they teach real surveillance. It is one thing to learn small team following techniques. But that can actually be disadvantageous when you face this domestic thing, because the only things which make small unit surveillance stand out is that the team only has 12 or 24 people, so they keep their distance and look strange, you may see the same face twice, you can track license plates, etc. That changes when you have 400 or 500 people with their own cars to use on a target for a single grocery run. And a new 400-500 the next day. The only way to spot that is probability analysis of the same events with different people.
I wonder if they teach these kids bad surveillance, presupposing they will move into Policing, and it will prevent them from seeing the real surveillance.
What keeps screwing with my head was Dick Marcinko’s guy from Red Cell trying to go into bank robbery. That guy went from Navy SEAL to SEAL Team Six, to getting hand picked out to a DOD unit of like 20-30 people, which was the only Pentagon unit outside of an official branch command reporting right to the Sec Def for secrecy. There was no more elite unit anyone knows of, without going outright private contractor. The unit’s primary mission was being the top experts in terrorist attacks and how they would overcome surveillance, so whatever was out there, he fucking should have known about it. Nobody was closer to the very end-most tip of the spear. And yet there were kids in my high school who knew this whole domestic thing was out there rolling every fucking minute and he would never stand a chance as a bank robber, but Marcinko’s guy had no idea. If you told Marcinko’s guy to hit a US Mil base and Cabal wanted to stop it he would have stood no chance. In fact I would bet he would never have believed what we write about on here could exist.
It really is kind of like the whole NatSec scene, on both sides, US Mil, and terrorist attackers, and US Intel, and even Police with criminals and street gangs, are all kind of fantasy camps they send problem children to, where they all spend entire careers fighting each other, under the close supervision of the real machine that runs things. Even politics is kind of like that. Everybody is play acting in fantasy camps for what they want to do, thinking it is real, when all of it is one giant elaborate distraction. And I suppose Cabal feels it pays to have them all around and trained, as a sort of failsafe, because any one of them, terrorist, Mil-unit, cop, or criminal, can be deployed for real if somewhere somebody gets outside Cabal’s control and something actually possible needs to be stopped in real life.
I mean why did Marcinko’s unit even exist? To stop Al Qaida (probably under some measure of Cabal command/control/influence through everything from being run by royal family types like bin Ladin to being rife with infiltrators), from launching attacks in countries (run by Cabal governments) where the moment the terrorists landed, the surveillance would see them as curious and get on top of them for Cabal from that angle, as they competed against Marcinko’s guys, who themselves were probably all under unimaginably close surveillance with no idea, and FBI, which is practically a Cabal franchise.
And on top of it, I will bet Cabal was influencing the terrorist attacks, and then watching as the other side tried to thwart them, and intervening to make sure everything Cabal wanted to occur would occur, like a script, while all the guys on the ground thought they had good luck or bad.
I really think it is all much more controlled than we thought, and them infusing everyone with the idea there is no way any of it could be controlled, and this type of talk is paranoid, is all part of the plan, so we are all like Marcinko’s guy, and no matter how trained we get, we are all totally helpless.
“…Illegal aliens who entered since Biden took office costing taxpayers at least $20 billion a year.…”
I like to do a little calculating to show you just what could be paid for if we didn’t have maniacs running things. We forget that money spent on one thing means we can’t spend it on other things, and the largest of these numbers sometimes doesn’t really make clear what can be had instead of what they are spending it on.
I got a number of homeless in the US from wikipedia and wikipedia says,”…553,000 homeless people in the United States on a given night…”. So divide this into $20 billion and we get $36,166 for every homeless. At $200 a square foot building cost you get 180.83 square feet of living space. People live in this all the time. Here’s a video of a guy happily living in a Toyota RV. 21 feet long and just under 7 feet wide depending on the model. Not perfect but better than living on the sidewalk. I bet mass produced two years, or three years at the most, of alien funding could build one of these for every homeless person in the US.
The Toyotas are mostly 7 x 18 or 7 x 20 so even smaller space but good enough to live in. I wish I had one.
Now phelps will say these people are irredeemable and will destroy everything that we give them. It’s a perfectly fair criticism. I’m not saying they won’t. He right, BUT if we are going to spend money I say let’s spend it on our own first, even if they destroy it. I believe that in fact a large number of them will not. I believe that if people can have a roof over their heads vs. living on the sidewalk, over time, even if they screw it up at first, they will begin to act a little more appropriate in order to not live on the sidewalk. Even if they don’t, it’s better to have them somewhere parked we can watch them than have them wandering all over the place.
The vast amount of average Americans are certainly not going to get any benefit to giving this cash to aliens. If we are going to throw money around, let’s give it to our people first.
Spending tax dollars on Americans? How utterly contemptible. TPTB don’t give a damn about Americans.
Sounds like it would be just A Few Dollars More.
I don’t know why I decided to try, but I think I found the actual model (VERY NSFW):
I thought that maybe it would have to be some kind of custom job, but nope, it’s a full line.
Wow. Can you imagine spending that much money to do that? And I still fail to see what this guy would get out of doing that. The level of brain dysfunction is so massive you cannot try to imagine being him and model what is going on inside his head as you look out through his eyes. Your brain cannot simulate it.
And in society you cannot even begin to intimate that might be something dysfunctional.
In a just world, a Canadian tax examiner would be looking very closely for a $700 medical deduction on a shop teacher’s taxes which should be disallowed…with prejudice.
Fantastic video by Gonzalo Lira covering the intel industry: he has on two former intel people. Gonzalo is being unpersoned and he is on a hit list which comes out of Langly. It is long but it is a must watch.
saw it yesterday. cabal picks midwits, ie, wales…
Please explain “unpersoned.”
Really? We’ve had over a century of the Bolsheviks unpersoning opposition members leading to being shot or butchered in cellars, and you need to ask. Good grief!
I don’t follow this guy in particular, but the general concept is that the corporate/government chimera decides you no longer get basic access to things normal people do.
If you host a website, every single tier of the service will suddenly decide to cancel your account / contracts, making it impossible to run a website without literally building your own entire infrastructure system. Banks will cancel your accounts you’ve held for years. Your finances might be audited by the IRS every year “randomly.” If you’re a J6 prisoner (still not convinced they’re real, but it serves as an example point) then you’ll be arrested on a massive bail for a non-crime and held for years without trial.
Basically they make it impossible to access things that a “normal” person would have no problem accessing as revenge for whatever dissident thought you said in public.
Hey Anonymous Conservative, just a question. I end up attracted to women with mental issues a bit too often. Usually find out later on but I asked Edward Dutton question why men would and he said short life (r types) which I agree. How do I become more attractive to a K woman and become more K? My political and religious tend towards K. I am 37 and not married, white and my best relationships have been with Asian woman usally very K and feminine but though I am attracted I fear mix race children. Most white woman that are K tend to be married, too young, vax or overseas.
You can adjust what you think is too young.
Marrying a girl young enough to be your daughter is not a problem.
Marrying one young enough to be your granddaughter is a problem.
K girls marry young.
Just run the creep equation: half your age plus seven is the bottom limit.
So for a 37 year old, the lowest you can dip is 24-25 before the age gap starts being a bit socially uncomfortable for people around you.
A thought –
You may need “a team” approach:
An older couple you trust, or a few close friends who can assist in actively “recruiting” on your behalf.
The parents/older couple concept is an experienced, successful married couple who knows not only you and what you need, but what “works” in a relationship…and they are actively looking for someone that should pair well with you.
If you’re striking out on your own, maybe it’s time to hire a specialist?
Good luck- I wish you nothing but the best on this.
For thousands of years families “arranged” marriages for their kids with children of other families who were known to be good people. Modernity and hypergamy are responsible for the “I have to date 10000 people with no parental input to find the perfect one” mentality.
Embrace tradition and ask your trusted relatives to recommend matches.
That’s a little hard when you are surrounded with cabal or otherwise untrustworthy relatives and friends.
I hate to admit how little I can actually say with authority. There are so many variables. What is the area around you like? What is the culture? Most importantly, are you a target? And what are you like, who are you inside?
If you want to meet K-women, you’ll have to either meet K-guys and look to get hitched into their families, or you need to find somewhere you’ll meet K-girls, like Church, or cooking classes, or something like that. If you want to attract them, be filthy rich, lift, martial arts, and just generally working out your fears, so you give no fucks wherever you are. But as you get older, it will be tougher. Most good marriages are kids who meet and never know anything else. And those get hitched up early, so as time goes on, the pool dwindles.
But if you are a target, and if you are here you might be, it can be much, much more complicated. You can be 13 or 14 years old and have teams of adults trying to seize control of your life, derail you in some ways, shift you to other paths. And I get the impression if they want you breeding in some way, they will take control of it and try to put you with whoever accomplishes what they want. If you are a threat, they might pair you with a half-wit to make your kids retarded. If they want your kids in their conspiracy they might send in one of their own. You’ll know if it is too easy, or the stars align too well. Whatever they are up to, if they aren’t proposing it to you, chances are they know you would not want it, and they are trying to force it behind your back. They are trying to fuck you somehow.
As for attraction, I have no idea why you would gravitate to crazy girls. Sometimes you have to hit rock-bottom, and learn everything about it by really getting to know it. Personally, understanding crazy, there is nothing which repulses me more. Learn enough about it and what is really in there, and you will see it through the prettiest face and just be horrified.
I am female. A very K female. I’ll take a shot at this.
1) Pray, pray, and then pray some more. If/when God wants something, he makes it happen, Cabal be damned. Pray to God for a good quality K wife.
2) Church is your best bet to find what you’re looking for
3) Matt has a great suggestion about making it a “team effort”
4) Sorry Farcesensitive, but I believe you are wrong. If a lady is semi-intelligent, and at least semi-attractive, she will NOT marry a man old enough to be her father unless she has father issues.
Since this gentleman is attempting to avoid the crazies, avoid ladies with father issues. Father issues => Crazy times
For practical advice on this aspect, I’ll be brutally honest. I’m sorry JohnC911, but you are on the older side for still being single if you’re looking for a solid K marriage. Again, if a woman is semi-intelligent, she will understand the value of peer review. You are 37 and no other woman has grabbed you off the market yet (unless I misunderstand and you’re divorced, which is a whole other matter…). I don’t want to be a downer, and this is no reason to give up, but your age will give many women pause.
My advice, look for a good K woman at church, but look on the “older” side. If you want children (which I assume you do) look at 27-28 as your lower boundary cut-off. This age for a wife may limit your number of possible children, but any younger than this and you’ll most likely be running into father issues.
Your pool will be small, but through prayer and God on your side, plus you doing your part by looking in the best possible hunting ground, I am very optimistic for you.
As for why you are attracted to crazy, look at your early family life. Ask God to help you with your attraction to drama. A “boring” steady life is a true blessing.
Best of luck!
1 Yes, this can negate all other barriers, with GOD all things are possible
2 Yes, other good places are right wing political groups and K type hobbies.
3 Yes, if possible but watch out for cabal friends or even family steering you wrong
4 Agree to disagree, many women have historically preferred older men without having father issues and aside from fertility issues a girl who is getting on in years is more likely to have issues that kept other men from marrying her or that broke up previous marriages.
Men should keep their eye out for issues with girls of any age and be open to a wide age range of girls.
Much knowledge on the old Chateau Heartiste archives:
The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon « Chateau Heartiste
Crazy chix explained:
Hot Crazy Matrix: Man’s Guide To Women – Bing video
Some of the larger Youtubers geared towards kids have interesting names…….
Mr. Beast.
Russia Opens Military Recruitment Center For Foreigners
The Chinese cities of Qingdao and Suzhou both reversed local policies that were intended to support the ailing real estate sector within 24 hours of policy announcements, South China Morning Post reported Sept. 20….
Keep in mind, YGB, you are likely not the target audience of that Q message. It may have greater meaning to the intended recipient.
Mike Lindell says vendors are bailing on his MyStore platform because they don’t want to be associated with an FBI investigation
I actually applied at his site as a vendor to offer my books, figuring it would be another outlet, and he would take a cut. Like eight months later I got back a generic rejection email saying they were refusing to sell the books due to it not meeting their standards or them agreeing with the philosophy, or some such thing, with an explanation they could refuse to deal with anyone they wanted to, like I was going to complain or something. I mean Amazon will sell them, but not him.
So he might just be saying shit to get publicity and more sales.
I am still wondering where he has all that dead-bang information with computer logs, and it cannot accomplish anything anywhere? And if they were hacking the computers, how did they get that to match the paper ballots, which it apparently does, roughly? I hope he is legit, but why he hasn’t made all those disk images public, so independent people can go through them is vexing. As is the lack of a coherent explanation of exactly how everything was done, to hack the computers, and make the hacked numbers match the paper ballots, which if they just did a simple paper-ballot fraud operation (which they would have to do either way to make the paper match the count, and which we know they did), would take care of it all without any need to hack the computers.
It’s possible his organization is infiltrated and that is why they wouldn’t sell your book.
Or he may be a Judas Goat.
Time will tell.
“…I am still wondering where he has all that dead-bang information with computer logs, and it cannot accomplish anything anywhere?…”
Control the opposition by becoming it.
The Kiwifarms debacle continues to be informative of the reality of operating an online business in an enemy-controlled environment.
The second the sharks smell a drop of blood they will all act in an obviously coordinated effort to dogpile and overwhelm resistance.
I would bet many of these businesses joined the platform with the explicit intent to eventually pull out at the exact moment that it would cause the most damage to the business in an attempt to kill it.
If the pattern continues as I expect, there will be upstream problems with hosting the business such as DNS registrars seizing domains and being unable to find ANY host, DDOS prevention, etc. that he can do business with due to the FBI investigation hoaxing.
‘I’m not bluffing on nuclear weapons’, says Putin as 300,000 reservists called up to army
Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned the West he is ‘not bluffing’ over nuclear weapons as he announced a partial military mobilisation.
Reservists in Russia will be conscripted into the country’s armed forces, as it seeks to bolster its ailing military campaign in Ukraine. Mr Putin said the decision is meant to “protect our Motherland and our territorial integrity.”
German Domestic Intelligence Is Running 100s Of Fake Right-Wing Extremist Social Media Accounts; Report
I wonder if the US does this?
You would have to prove to me that any western government didn’t do it.
Pakistan court quashes terrorism charges against former PM Imran Khan