News Briefs – 09/20/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Arizona recently processed 673,000 voter identities with the Social Security Administration and 58% had no match found. Some say they may be scrubbing their rolls ahead of the audit being released to cover their tracks. From the article: “…Arizona weekly processing has one of the highest Non Match percentages in the country, typically between 50%-65%. In most other States this ratio is from 15%-25%.” Only 15-25% is more than enough to alter outcomes in elections across the country reliably. Where are all these fake identities coming from?

Mike Lindell plans to conduct “tests” on Alabama’s voter rolls after purchasing the list.

Fulton county Georgia ballot inspection hearing Monday at 9 AM.

The election server databases, adjudication files, and a lot of log files CONFIRMED DELETED from the Mesa County CO, election server during the installation of the “Trusted Build” update. However, Tina Peters made a disk image saving the data before the update destroyed it.

The FISA court confirmed the government lied in every spy warrant application against Carter Page.

The rumors about neurological aspects of the Coof may not be getting overblown. Given the damage done by the Chinavirus is done by the spike protein, I would not be surprised to find out the vaccine does the same thing.

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said that the British government should begin vaccinating nursery age children and begin imposing vaccine passports in order to supposedly prevent another lockdown in the winter. The winter will be interesting, given all the vaxxed who now seem more susceptible to infection.

Fauci says officials will decide on COVID-19 vaccine recommendation for children aged 5 to 11 soon.

Dr. Fauci funded 60 projects at the Wuhan institute of virology and all were in conjunction with the Chinese military.

NCAA student golfer has heart disease after getting the COVID shot, say she was offered a bribe to silence his story, and other athletes are having the same problems, and some even are being forced to get surgery.

Official Office for National Statistics data has inadvertently revealed that 30,305 people have died within twenty-one days of having a Covid-19 vaccine in England during the first 6 months of 2021.

New VAERS numbers are out. 701,559 Adverse Events, 60,741 Hospitalizations, 80,393 Urgent Care, 6,637 Heart Attacks, 5,765 Myocarditis, 1,862 Miscarriages, 19,210 Disabled, 14,925 Deaths.

Lockdown-free Sweden discards vaccines as new infections drop to nil.

The U.N. General Assembly will ignore coronavirus vaccine requirements for attendees at next week’s big meeting in New York.

Australian police showing up at people’s houses in response to their “problematic” social media posts:

Some argue Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, in his lawsuit against Biden’s vaccine mandates, may be pursuing a strategy that everyone on the inside know will fail in court and, by so doing, set a legal precedent favoring mandatory vaccines.

Two women arrested for ripping a “Make America Great Again” hat off a child’s head and destroying Trump signs will escape jail time, according to a report. Camryn Amy and Olivia Winslow will serve probation for the Aug. 20 incident.

Designer clothing brand that devised AOC’s ‘Tax the Rich’ Met Gala dress failed to pay state and federal taxes totaling $130,000.

The Hatian migrants massing at the border had been building up in Mexico, which was holding them back, until suddenly releasing them all at once and sending them up to the border all at once, according to some accounts. You never know, because Biden was getting embarrassed by his decision to not remove Hattians earlier which had motivated all of these migrants to pick up and rush the border. This could be true, and Mexico is screwing us, or it might be propaganda to take the heat off Biden and his border policies.

Border agents on horseback round up Haitian migrants after closing Rio Grande crossing where 15,000 have congregated under Texas bridge: First removal flight arrives in Haiti with up to eight scheduled per day to deal with crisis.

A female Cyber-Intel officer’s kidnapping in Somalia has touched of some sort of power struggle between the President and Prime Minister.

Biden administration warns states federal debt crisis might trigger recession.

The volcano on the Spanish Canary Island of La Palma erupted, spewing lava and a large cloud of dust and smoke into the air.

The mysterious death of Michel Trudeau, brother of Canadian Prime Minister, who died when an unlikely avalanche pushed him into water and he drowned.

Flashback – Justin Trudeau’s best friend found guilty of child porn charges, directing world wide child porn ring  

Switzerland buys US rather than French fighter jets, and Macron disinvites Swiss president from planned summit.

Manny Pacquiao says he’s gonna run for President of the Philippines in next year’s election.

Pelosi mobbed during UK visit, as crowds chant ‘Go home! We know Trump won!’

On Joe Biden’s very bad Friday, dead Afghan civilians murdered  by a bad drone strike, FDA’s unapproved booster, and France recalls their ambassador.

More than 50% of Americans think the country is ‘less united’ under Biden, new poll reveals.

Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough on Sunday dealt a significant blow to Democrats’ plan to provide 8 million greencards as part of a sweeping spending package, warning it doesn’t comply with tight rules that determine what can be in the bill. Patriots in control?

As it stands now, the passage of the $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” budget bill, the party’s cherished “For the People Act” voting rights bill, and the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed by the Senate earlier this summer are all going down to defeat, as moderates and radicals in his party gear up ot go to war with each other

FOX news loses 39% of its audience year over year.

Donald Trump issues a statement, saying, “?The largest number of illegal aliens in the history of our Country are pouring in by the millions. They are totally unchecked and unvetted, can do whatever they want, and go wherever they want?… ?Our Country is rapidly becoming a cesspool of humanity. Murderers, drug dealers, and criminals of all shapes and sizes are a big part of this massive migration.” I think of Q saying you can’t tell people, you have to show them.

Trump seeking challenger to McConnell as Senate GOP leader.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


After many years of allowing China to rip off the United States on trade and so much else, I was very tough on China, by far the toughest of any U.S. President in history. During my administration, China paid us hundreds of billions of dollars and finally respected the U.S. again. Before me, they never gave us “ten cents.” For Lightweight General Mark Milley to have called the Chinese to “bring down the temperature” of my negotiations with them, negotiations that were having a major positive impact on large-scale benefits to the United States, is outrageous. We were not going to make any Military moves—never even thought of it, but we were hitting them so hard in all other ways. While every other President caved to China, China was caving to me and the U.S. for the first time ever. “Dumbo” Milley inserted himself right in the middle of my trade negotiation, and if he did what is reported, he would have had a profound negative effect on those negotiations. Milley is an idiot with no common sense or ability to negotiate—that’s why he left $85 Billion of the World’s best Military equipment in the hands of the Taliban for no reason whatsoever. That’s also why 13 young Warriors are not with their families tonight.

Mark Milley hurt our Country very badly, and he should pay a big price, just like the crooked politicians and lawyers on the Hillary Clinton campaign for the years of Fake Russia, Russia, Russia stories that are now being revealed with the arrest yesterday of Attorney Michael Sussmann of the Democrat’s Law Firm Perkins Coie, who was one of the heads of the operation. I have had the same fake “bullshit” going on for years with the Witch Hunt by New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance and Attorney General Letitia James, headed by Never Trumper Mark Pomerantz, who now shockingly works for the DA’s office, but is a partner of the Hillary Clinton and DNC’s Democrat Party Never Trumper Law Firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. This is unprecedented! Over three million pages of documents have been examined by them (a record fishing expedition!), Never Trumper lawyers and law firms are used by the DA and AG to “Get Trump,” in their prosecutorial misconduct Witch Hunt, anti-Trump political campaigns are viciously waged by them to get elected—and they have NOTHING! Murder and all forms of crime are “through the roof” in New York, and their focus is on “Trump,” despite numerous other political investigations that went nowhere. They are spending tens of millions of dollars with a vast army of Trump Haters. This has been going on for years and the people of our Country are not going to take it anymore!


It is incredible that our National Guard is standing at the empty Capitol, not at our Southern Border, where the number of illegals coming into our Country is at a level that has never been seen before!


The largest number of illegal aliens in the history of our Country are pouring in by the millions. They are totally unchecked and unvetted, can do whatever they want, and go wherever they want. Our Country is rapidly becoming a cesspool of humanity. Murderers, drug dealers, and criminals of all shapes and sizes are a big part of this massive migration. Tens of thousands of people are coming from Haiti, and many now from countries in Africa, even more so now than South America. Nothing is done and the corrupt Mainstream Media is giving almost no attention to what will be perhaps the greatest Crisis in the history of our Country. This is not just a Border Crisis, this is a Crisis Crisis. God Bless America!


Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger is doing a fantastic job as the Congresswoman from Tennessee’s 1st Congressional District. She is a tireless advocate for the People of Tennessee, and she fights in Congress for Strong Borders, Secure Elections, the Second Amendment, and our incredible Vets and Military. As she often says, she is an “unapologetic conservative Trump Republican,” and she will always put America First. Diana has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


Congressman Mike Waltz is a relentless fighter for the incredible people of Florida. As a former U.S. Army Green Beret, Mike is working hard in Congress to hold Joe Biden accountable for his colossal failure and deadly disaster in Afghanistan. He will not let the incompetent leader of our Country get away with giving the Taliban $85 Billion in American strategic Military equipment, nor will he let anyone forget about our 13 Great Warriors whose lives were lost because of the Biden Administration’s incompetence. It should have never happened. Mike Waltz is strong on China, the Border, the Second Amendment, and our brave Military and Vets. Mike has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Invite other people to because Joe Biden is having some very bad days.

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3 years ago

“I think of Q saying you can’t tell people, you have to show them.”

The only way showing them will be worth it is if it results in the execution or expulsion of many millions of people who don’t belong here for one reason or another.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The mysterious death of Michel Trudeau, brother of Canadian Prime Minister, who died when an unlikely avalanche pushed him into water and he drowned.”

His DNA could have been tested, and since he isn’t Castro’s son he has a slightly different Y-chromosome. Just a reminder- Justin’s haplotype is typically found in Spanish people.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Switzerland buys US rather than French fighter jets, and Macron disinvites Swiss president from planned summit.”

China has penetrated France big-time. That’s the only explanation I’ve got. The subs for Australia were going to be late, overpriced and vulnerable to the Chinese. So the Aussies and now the Swiss are adjusting.

By the basic rules of nationalism, a country has a right to buy weapons from whomever it pleases. If Aussies want to buy subs from their Anglo brethren the UK and US then it is their right to do so, French and especially Chinese have ZERO say in their decision. Trying to have a say in such a decision is Globaalism and is inherently satanic.

3 years ago

> Where are all these fake identities coming from?

The simplest explanation would be that they came from the Social Security Administration itself. They could simply insert the falsified records and nobody would be any the wiser; they operate basically without oversight.

If I was a lefty I’d target the SSA early; besides those records, a buttload of money goes through there. How many of the people they’re paying benefits to even exist?

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Wasn’t it Bobby Pitton, who was looking through AZ voter rolls a few months ago, and finding hundreds of thousands of fake names?

Lori Gearhardt
Lori Gearhardt
3 years ago

AC, all of a sudden I’m having a dickens of a time getting onto your blog. It first threw up a message on my Kindle that I had been redirected to mobile.anonymousconservative too many times (!?). I didn’t ever have a mobile anything on the Kindle that I was aware of. I went to my toughbook laptop, where I have you also bookmarked, and it immediately threw up WordPress, wanting me to sign up and install the app. I put my email in to start, then it said I already had an account. I went through trying log in, finally banging on it then it went to your blog. I was reading, clicked on a link, and when I went back to your blog, I had the WordPresss nonsense again. Opening a new window gave me the WordPress nonsense. I went into my history and used one from Saturday. Any ideas? I got a replacement Kindle, because of charging port issues, but the last month I noticed that I couldn’t laod your site and 2 others. They are of course, conservative sites.

David S
David S
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Sorry for the inconvenience, AC. Got a new guy starting and instead of doing his job he gets all distracted and ends up reading your posts, checking out the memes, starts asking questions about surveillance and we gotta let him go.

We’ve lost three in the last month that way. Life is just more complicated. It was simpler when the air loom was the hot tech of the day.




Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

One other less nefarious possibility is that the host is doing maintenance and/or backups of your database or the disk cluster it resides on.

I’ve seen this issue too, and I always go straight to (note the “blog” is included). It avoids the “mobile” redirect weirdness on an Ipad.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The Project Veritas video was a pretty big deal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

If you need a new host let us know and maybe we can make some suggestions.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

This is a problem on a smartphone. I get a message that says something like “too many https connections being done” or something. It usually goes away on my desktop.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Sorry cobbers! It was me that surveillance were after.

I bottled a few farts into a six pack and sent it to them. Now all is hunky-dory again! Yay!

Reply to  Lori Gearhardt
3 years ago

Same, yesterday, and today.

3 years ago

It feels like France is being punished by (((them))) with losing these arms deals. I’m wondering why — maybe it’s because (((they))) think France has been letting the protestors get away with too much.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Probably more like France is about to fight a civil war and sellouts are in the bidding process. Defense contracts are part of the bids.

3 years ago

I tried to reply yesterday to Lowell I think it was commenting about Ingersoll-Lockwood and permaculture.
I was going to mention Terra Preta or Biochar is an interesting soil additive discovered in Amazonia that improves soil fertility and sequesters carbon, apparently for thousands of years.
Apparently once established, its soil fertilising effect is self sustaining, due to added charcoal providing habitat for beneficial microbes.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  starets
3 years ago

Thank you for the information.

3 years ago

A group of anonymous medical professionals in British Columbia, Canada have posted an open leader to the Premier, Health Minister and Health Officer of BC.
There is a great deal of info in this, and links to further info. Discusses mortality of covid, mentions that the flu in 2018 killed more people under 19 than covid has, and then asks why there is a push to vaccinate children. Covers quite a few issues about covid and the vax. The stats quoted are relevant to British Columbia, but still enlightening.

3 years ago

>life-altering and sometimes debilitating cognitive deficits.
Once it’s shot up the olfactory bulb into the basal ganglia, it can colonize motor control (labored breathing; car & flight accident rates up) and impulse control (aggression, risk aversion lowered). Low grade, chronic hypoxia in the affected brain regions would induce degradation across a swathe of memory, personality, and autonomic bodily functions

>A female Cyber-Intel officer’s kidnapping in Somalia
Chinamen water dam interests

>Switzerland buys US rather than French fighter jets, and Macron disinvites Swiss president from planned summit
EU is an odd chimera of post-Endsieg German contingencies, and Fabian version of Mordenthau and Kalergi Plans. A vote of US lead in NATO over and above Franco-German hegemony out of Brussels confidence; might think they’d be less friendly after the bank secrecy issue being forced, and as a legacy cabal financial hub (German conceived Bank of International Settlements).

>Our Country is rapidly becoming a cesspool of humanity
Cuba didn’t send their best deliberately. A Tet Offensive with in situ Narcos + hoboglomo and whatever UN Peacekeeping smurfs thereafter is always in the cards.

3 years ago

I tried to post this earlier, but the website went down. Sorry if it is a duplicate post.

This is a molecular biologist talking to what I think is her town council.
She discusses several things about the vax that she is very concerned about.
She also talks about the Nuremberg Code, and the fact that those pushing the vax could be in violation of it.

3 years ago

Tucker Carlson reveals a powerpoint from the U.S. Army justifying vaccine mandates with a slide that says “How many children were sacrificed to Satan for the vaccine?” along with listing the 7 tenets of Satanism

3 years ago

Asia’s Largest Insurer Hammered As Investors Sell First, Don’t Bother To Ask Questions

3 years ago

Homosexuality caused by parasites?
comment image

Apparently according to this anecdote. His gay cousin got given Ivermectin. He shortly pooped out all his parasites. And no longer found Men sexually attractive. And instead found women sexually attractive again.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

So when do you start taking it info?


Just kiddin yank!

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Honestly, I’m seriously considering a course just on the chance that I do have something that has been effecting my thinking.

I’ve long been of the opinion that homo and pedo are both STDs, so that’s not surprising.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

The Chans are a rabbit hole.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Interesting threads, thanks for posting.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  info
3 years ago

What are the chances Ivermectin clears Toxima Plasmosis then AC.

Stuff I’ve seen re T.Gondii always claims upto 30% of human population is infected with it, the same 30% that always votes left?

Would explain the “war on Ivermectin” somewhat eh?

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  info
3 years ago

Wow. Another must read. It’s red pills all the way down…

3 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

It’s pretty standard to have obits ready for major public figures, and if someone is going into surgery, you go ahead and write out the article with placeholders like “Mrs. Clinton has died of CAUSE OF DEATH at TIME OF DEATH in PLACE.”

Occasionally someone fat fingers the publish button and it gets out. Looks like this one is old from when she was having that blood clot surgery.

3 years ago

Spanish, Italian police arrest 106 in mafia sting operation

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

YES on Terra Preta. I almost chimed in on that but I blab too much anyways. Another interesting farm technique is an instant forest.

Another really interesting growing technique is seed balls.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

To harvest your instant forest, how about coppicing?
I believe it only works on deciduous trees, but you get a continuous regenerating harvest of lumber and other wood products from a woodlot.
The trees regenerate after harvest. The process leaves roots intact and doesn’t damage the roots.

Reply to  starets
3 years ago

That last sentence should read:
“The process leaves roots intact and doesn’t damage the SOIL.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Very interesting links. I’ve been interested in parasites for a long time.