News Briefs – 09/20/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q’s Posts are here.

Twitter Brief is here.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says, “The CIA killed my father & uncle – Do not trust the medical or the national security establishment!” Seems newsworthy, but strangely I don’t see it on any of the mainstream sites.

Never Trump “Republicans” at the Lincoln Project demand no Supreme Court nomination go forward under Trump. What is fascinating is, were this a Bush, they would fully support it. It shows how, they are not afraid Trump will appoint a non-conservative to the Court, because clearly Trump’s short-list members are all conservative. They are afraid Trump will appoint a non-Cabal-Network member who the network will not control. Nothing has been liberal vs conservative. It has all been Cabal vs everyone else.

With the ability to lose three Senator votes, and still win, Trump can pretty much nominate who he wants. Second Amendment expansion, back to its intended purpose, here we come.

Susan Collins just announced she’s a ‘No’ on Confirmation of Trumps Supreme Court nominee. Also, a new poll shows Maine Sen. Susan Collins losing to her challenger by five points.

Lindsey Graham says when Harry Reid eliminated the fillibuster for Obama, and then Democrats trashed Kavanaugh for no reason, they set precedents for all-out-war that he will now follow to seat any nominee Trump sends him. In taking the short term gain, without looking at longer term potential consequences, Harry Reid’s choice was sort of predictable from the perspective of r/K Theory

Trump told Harry Reid, he  liked Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit and Barbara Lagoa of the 11th Circuit. Most likely Trump will get not just four years, but probably another four in the form of a successor who rides into office on his coattails, (if we can’t get an Amendment to give Trump a third term). In eight years, Breyer will be 90, and Sotomayor will be 72 (which might as well be multiplied by dog years for somebody who looks as bad as her now). Kagan will be 68, so she might still be alive. So there is a good chance that before the end of Trump’s successor’s first term, the Supreme Court will be 7-1, if Kagan continues to enjoy good health, which is not guaranteed.

Overwhelming majority of US adults favors getting the Supreme Court replacement taken care of immediately, rather than leaving the seat open until next year.

Ted Cruz calls for the nomination this week. From a Political standpoint, the sooner it is over, and a non-issue, the better. Our side will always be enthused, but Biden’s side, not so much, unless they have this.

ActBlue raises nearly $31 million following Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.

WaPo makes the case a replacement might wait until after the election, since it will energize Republicans to vote, but that would be truer of the left, which is presently unenthused about Biden, and might get jazzed to prevent a Republican takeover of the Court. Plus we may need that Supreme Court vote to protect against having Roberts decide the election for us.

Chicago Tribune says it would be much better for the Republicans to wait, too. They just want to help us, anon.

Four democrat Senators lost their seats for opposing Kavanaugh – Heitkamp; Donnelly; McCaskill; Nelson. So doing it pre-election may be highly advantageous.

Eric Holder adds his voice to the chorus of leftists calling for Biden to pack the Supreme Court with extra members if President Trump seats a Ginsburg replacement. Also Nadler pushes for stacking the Court too.

Joy Reid wants the Court packed, and DC and Puerto Rico made states.

Beloved Staten Island tavern loses liquor license days after suing over restaurant ban. The government used to be about the system, which everybody abided by in an effort to produce a fairer union where everyone had a chance, and our goal was to satisfy everyone as much as possible. Now everything is just about raw power, and you will either join the game and play like them or you will lose all freedom for you and your children. If the goal of such a government as our Constitution envisioned is to avert violence then this abandonment of it in the legal realm would be the final phase of devolution before one side or the other is eliminated by force in open conflict. Maybe those Level 4 plates are going to be a thing.

Democrats are protesting outside Mitch McConnell’s home. We care about shit, but how many times are you going to get up on a moment’s notice to go to a politician’s house, to protest for a cause? What else could you be doing, that you will give up, like being with loved ones, watching a movie with friends, doing house repairs, or catching up on chores?How do they get the address? Biden is in a basement somewhere right now. If we suddenly did decide to go show up there, how would you get the address? How would you know it wouldn’t be you alone standing there? These “spontaneous” protests feel non-organic when you think about them, because it is a lot of people doing things people will tend not to do on their own, without the spark of organization. But as theater they apparently have the desired effect for the machine, and nobody really thinks about these things too deeply. They just assume leftists are nuts, and there are people out there who do these things, even if they themselves would never, ever do them.

FBI Child Porn investigator describes how the FBI tried but failed to hide the Hillary emails found on Huma’s servers. I thought it was interesting he described himself as an FBI “Child Porn” investigator, who came across the emails. Would they role out a valuable CP investigator for bonehead Wiener sharing selfies with a couple of girls who were borderline of age?

Trump says his Supreme Court nominee will be a woman that he names next week.

Ninth Circuit rules against the Second Amendment rights of a 37 year old man who was briefly committed for suicidal thoughts when he was 17, but eight Justices write such a powerful dissent about the abuse of authority, it seems likely to end up going to the Supremes, where it will now be 6-3, and Roberts is no longer needed.

In another case of the fake Biden campaign, Joe is filmed getting off a plane, pointing as if singling somebody in a crowd out, and waving more generally, but as he descends from the plane and walks past the panning camera and you see where he was gesturing to, it appears there was nobody there. Fake news, fake campaigns, fake outrages, fake riots, fake forest fires, fake interviews, even the fucking photo-ops, which were always fake, somehow managed to become a little more fake.

Joe Biden is caught wearing his mask backwards, before he gives his Ginsburg comments. Then he proceeds to rub his hands off all over it, both inside and out.

A personality expert says President Trump’s ‘Eagle’ persona could slay Biden’s ‘Dove’ in the election.

Proud Boys used a fake call for a rally they didn’t show up to, in order to bring out Antifa to violently riot, and turn the public against them. Interesting low cost, high gain strategy.

At the Proud Boys fake-rally, Antifa destroy the car of an Antifa protester they mistook for a conservative.

BLM activist from Indiana admits to posing as black person, vows to ‘seek help.’

Raging killer whales are launching terrifying ‘orchestrated’ attacks on boats injuring sailors – and no one knows why. I hate to say it, but this may be a byproduct of the migrant invasion. Lots of migrant boats have probably sunk on their way to Europe, putting dark skinned Africans in the water, who would look very much like the seals Orcas view as a delicacy. It would not surprise me if the Orcas even encountered lifeboats filled with Africans, that could be easily capsized, filling the water with a virtual buffet of human meat. All of that may have led to Orca’s tasting human meat, and realizing we can make a good hearty meal if they get to us. I vividly remember a video of Orcas banging an iceberg exactly like they are doing to the sailboats, as a poor seal tried to hang on for dear life on top of it, to avoid getting knocked into the water. Now they may view us like they viewed that seal.

People with a vitamin D deficiency are 54% more likely to test positive for the new coronavirus.

Top Australian vaccine scientist says Coronavirus is ‘uniquely adapted to infect humans,’ and it could only have come from an animal through a ‘freak of nature.’

Mutant strains of COVID-19 that are more contagious, but less serious, have turned up in France. Covid is evolving toward becoming its own infectious vaccine?

The FBI and Secret Service are investigating a package containing the highly-toxic poison ricin that was mailed to President Trump last week.

U.S. Africa Command says that at least two MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter jets, possibly piloted by shadowy Russian mercenaries, have crashed in Libya, one in June, one more recently.

Interesting article on four CIA guys who got killed sailing a sailboat towards a target in a storm. Lots of guys blame the leader of the division, who they say made a ton of bad decisions on a ton of ops, but was strangely protected by a clique up top. My view of CIA is that it has been completely comped by Cabal, given there is no way such an organization could have been left operational as the entire rest of the country was taken. Which leaves me wondering, if you see some guy in it, who is essentially sabotaging and killing the lower level patriots the organization hires, and who is somehow mysteriously protected from above, is that just an accidental loss of patriots? Especially given Cabal would undoubtedly have files on everyone, and constantly be assessing who would be a risk if they rose to the wrong position.

Supposed “ghost” video shows two transparent humanoid figures running towards a road. I have no idea if the video is legit, or what this would be if it wasn’t. But we have had credible accounts from witnesses who had issues with some intelligence operation running behind the scenes, testimony from the inventor, and a technological explanation, which all credibly point to somebody building an invisibility suit which projects the image behind the wearer on a flexible LED screen worn over the user, and which has such pixel resolution that from five or six feet away it is exceedingly difficult to spot the wearer. And all of that would be easily explainable with just humans involved, without any need for a Fermi-Paradox-related explanation, which is still not out of the realm of possibility. Makes the whole 411 mystery series much more interesting.

Jim Caviezel, best known for playing Jesus in the 2004 film The Passion of the Christ, and currently starring in Infidel, blasted “lukewarm” Christians in a Fox News interview, saying it’s “a bloody shame” one can’t tell the difference “between a priest, a bishop, or a politician.” I don’t know much about him, but I did read he and his wife adopt terminally ill children, and take care of them through their disease. That has got to be an enormously difficult path he feels called to.

Donald Trump campaign in Florida reports incredible enthusiasm on our side.

Amish Trump parade included cows, horses, wagons and carriages.

Spread r/K Theory, because happenings are happening

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Trump told Harry Reid, he liked Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit and Barbara Lagoa of the 11th Circuit. ”

Barrett or Lagoa? Seems Lagoa as nom would go straight at the Democrats and Never-Trumpers jugular vein.

4 years ago

>”With the ability to lose three Senator votes, and still win, Trump can pretty much nominate who he wants. Second Amendment expansion, back to its intended purpose, here we come.”
>Second Amendment expansion, back to its intended purpose, here we come.

N-no, I’m not crying, i-it’s just allergies fren.
God bless the USA, Trump, all his supporters and LONG LIVE THE GOD EMPEROR.

4 years ago

>”Proud Boys used a fake call for a rally they didn’t show up to, in order to bring out Antifa to violently riot, and turn the public against them. Interesting low cost, high gain strategy.”

ForXan did this shit at least once too, kek
Great way to make them wast resources, bait them into committing even more crimes, and reduce their gen pop acceptance.

4 years ago

>”Raging killer whales are launching terrifying ‘orchestrated’ attacks on boats injuring sailors – and no one knows why. I hate to say it, but this may be a byproduct of the migrant invasion. Lots of migrant boats have probably sunk on their way to Europe, putting dark skinned Africans in the water, who would look very much like the seals Orcas view as a delicacy. It would not surprise me if the Orcas even encountered lifeboats filled with Africans, that could be easily capsized, filling the water with a virtual buffet of human meat. All of that may have led to Orca’s tasting human meat, and realizing we can make a good hearty meal if they get to us. I vividly remember a video of Orcas banging an iceberg exactly like they are doing to the sailboats, as a poor seal tried to hang on for dear life on top of it, to avoid getting knocked into the water. Now they may view us like they viewed that seal.”

Based and redpilled Orcas.
In b4 MSM Jews accuse Orcas of being White supremisssss.

4 years ago

>”Interesting article on four CIA guys who got killed sailing a sailboat towards a target in a storm. Lots of guys blame the leader of the division, who they say made a ton of bad decisions on a ton of ops, but was strangely protected by a clique up top. My view of CIA is that it has been completely comped by Cabal, given there is no way such an organization could have been left operational as the entire rest of the country was taken. Which leaves me wondering, if you see some guy in it, who is essentially sabotaging and killing the lower level patriots the organization hires, and who is somehow mysteriously protected from above, is that just an accidental loss of patriots? Especially given Cabal would undoubtedly have files on everyone, and constantly be assessing who would be a risk if they rose to the wrong position.”

Reminds me on when I was playing Crusader Kings 2, when I wanted to get rid of some guy in my court that I could put as a commander, I would give him a commander job then put him on a boat for months in a row until he died of scurvy.

4 years ago

>”Amish Trump parade included cows, horses, wagons and carriages.”

Are Amish based and redpilled?
What is their stance on the 2A?
And Jewish collective power?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

“What is their stance on the 2A”

The Amish used to be against having weapons but a while ago a bunch of Amish kids were killed at their school by some sort of nut. I heard that while they publicly still were against Amish having weapons in reality a bunch of them bought assault rifles. Can’t confirm as it was all rumor.

The Amish are nothing if not practical. Their way of life if they are in a place where they are safe is to my mind very satisfying.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I tell you what, an Amish like society with a strong 2A and warrior mindset who was also internet and tech wise would be peak cozy.

There are things that should never be lost, and knowing how to do things the old way is one of them. And knowing how to live low tech doesn’t mean on has to completely disregard tech advancements, in my own utopic vision of a most optimal society, both low tech knowledge and know-how would be cultivated along with high tech knowledge and know-how. I can tell you this, no Amish is in fear of any Solar Flare frying all the electronics in the world, except for the fact that they would have to defend their lands against the roving masses that would be affected by it directly (and that’s why they should embrace some aspects of hi-tech, mine fields, machine guns and radios for coordinating siege defense are a blessing from God as much as any beautiful garden is).

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

No surprise that Scientology is Cabal.

“Before he was a mega-star, Brad Pitt dabbled in Scientology for three years where he was “twinned” with a 15-year-old girl for up to five hours a day in a hot sauna during “purification” rituals and screamed at by church superiors during “bull baiting” sessions.”

And of course she was the daughter of a Scientology executive director.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

If you read the article you will see that the whole exercise is to make you into a psychopath with no emotions. No wonder they do that because the guy that started Scientology was a first class no doubt psychopath. Read about him you will see. Lying, lying, lying. Stealing things from people, he was the real thing.

4 years ago

Would something like this worn under a bullet vest prevent broken ribs?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

So how to develop DIY something that protects from those higher levels of blunt force trauma? Does anyone knows what makes sparring vests work to protect from BFT, and how to build something that can absorb more of it?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Again, I am not sure $300 for plates wouldn’t be better spent on ammo for training.

$300 in plates might be the difference in your wife obeying when you tell her to stay home while you go out.

FWIW, remember too that your training needs to be different when you are armored. A bladed weaver stance is good for making you less of a target without armor, but when you are wearing armor anything but squared up defeats the whole purpose (even with side plates you are still likely to take a shot through the armpit to the vitals.) If you are going to be wearing armor, it’s imperative that you stay squared up to the threat (so the armor can do its job.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thanks for the extensive reply AC.

So let’s say that one goes with the steel plate route, would putting it inside a Kevlar “pouch” be enough to catch the shrapnel that gets created when the bullets hit the metal? Is there anything in particular on should take into account regarding the issue of shrapnel when using metal based body armor to protect against ballistic weapons?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Depends. I already can’t run. Bad knee. Plus I’m six-one tall. So big target that can’t run. Armor makes more sense for me. Maybe your knee isn’t shot and one run away from a surgery.

Most of the operator types will tell you that mobility makes quite a bit more sense. Plus, non-trained gun fighters don’t usually hit center mass. When they hit they tend to hit arms, legs, and head, so either way have a RATS tourniquet or two handy. Ceramic plates split the difference, but they still weigh you down a bit.

As for cost, I discovered that steel target companies make 3/8in 12×20 AR500 human silhouette targets at two for $120. Couple cans of spray on bed liner material for anti spalling coat is another $60. All I have to do is cut to length with a metal cut-off saw, which I have. And the cut off head can be repurposed as a hanging pistol target. Yes they are flat. Not sure about trauma pad yet.

But hey, If you’re stuck being a turtle, you might as well save some cash.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

AC,”…I don’t know what your ding is from, but I would try digging into all the muscles, tendons, fascias, and ligaments around the knee, up to the hips and ass muscles, and down just below the ankles….”

Believe it or not this is actually a thing. The idea is to rip the facia. covering of the muscles), apart where injuries have bound it together over time and allow each individual muscle to work alone without dragging the whole muscle group. Muscles bound together with facia pull against each other in awkward ways that the muscle is not really set up for. It hurts like a bitch getting it done but it does work.

If you read the site it sounds like some sort of deep massage and it sort of is but…it’s not, it does hurt. Everywhere there is an injury that has tied the facia together they have to rip it apart. After you have it done you can easily and very vividly feel the muscles sliding over each other. As an example of how dramatic the change is the person who did me did the front muscle on the thigh on one side. You could see the difference. One leg, not done yet, the muscles would sort of all lift the leg. The other one roffed the lone muscle on the front would slide around the leg to the front then lift the leg.

I’m glad I did it but I wouldn’t do it again. So as not to scare you off the painful part was where I had injuries and there’s no way to gracefully separate the muscles without some pain. The rest was not so bad and the sessions are short. You take a little pain and then rest. Once they are separated they don’t continue to hurt.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Check out this site for body armor. Their armor is designed for bullet, knife and blunt-force trauma.

You can add a ballistic plate for level IV rifle protection. All under a concealable vest.

They also offer full rifle armor.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

There’s no free lunch in physics. If you are going to dissipate the energy, you either have to move things on the surface area equation (kj/m^2) or you have to add a LOT of mass (e=m*v). Modern plates spread the energy out over as much space as possible, but the only other option would be to add a ton of mass to the armor. I think that if you would wear III soft armor under a IV plate carrier, that would improve the surface area equation, but that’s about it short of an exoskeleton.

The good news is, if your ribs are broken it means you aren’t dead. Most of the stuff that has been tossed around so far (other than St Kyle) has been handguns, and IV and IVA will stop pretty much any of those cold unless someone is shooting illegal AP (tungsten/steel penetrator core) at you.

4 years ago

Another question frens:

Does hard plastic or wood turn into shrapnel when hit by a bullet?
Any alternatives to Kevlar to catch wearable material turned shrapnel if one gets shot at and hit?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I believe wood does throw splinters.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Does hard plastic or wood turn into shrapnel when hit by a bullet?

Depends. Wood shivers sometimes (literally the naval term “shiver me timbers”) and different plastics react differently (ABS vs PET vs nylon etc).

Any alternatives to Kevlar to catch wearable material turned shrapnel if one gets shot at and hit?

A lot of people have found success with roll on truck bed lining. The technical term for what you are describing is “spalling.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

People are using HDPE which is the same type plastic as is in milk bottles to make this stuff. There are YouTube videos on this and you can melt this stuff in the oven with regular steel pans to shape it and the plastic is cheap.

An idea, if you did this but put some fiberglass cloth in it when it was melted I expect it would be much stronger.

The one below has UHMWP is NOT HDPE.

Recycling milk jugs into ballistic plates

I looked at the melting point of this

Melting Point 130.8 °C.

and then the Ignition Temperature of Paper

230 °C

So you could make a cardboard mold and melt this stuff in an oven like casting metal. (theoretically)

4 years ago

(from yesterday’s comments) …Here are the MOST startling revelations you’ll find there:

1) There is an 18Kton U235 tactical nuke placed in a well shielded location in Manhattan, New York
2) There is an 18Kton U235 tactical nuke placed in a well shielded location in Washington, D.C.

This always seemed the most absurd part of PEZ:

“You may say that the GOYIM will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a manoeuvre of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail—the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Dante
4 years ago

I believe this. I think it’s almost a certainty. We should do all we can to find them. If they set them off we should massacre all the Jews.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>”If they set them off we should massacre all the Jews.”

If the zionist lobby uses the Samson Option, I am pretty sure most of the gen pop would instantly start hunting down every Jew they could and lynch them, regardless of it being unfair or unjust. This is one of the reasons why Jews who are still pro-Israel are at the end of the day useful idiots who are signing up to be the human shields of the Rothschild, who are the big managers of the gaybal global organized crime network. They need to get a grip, for their own sake.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Dante
4 years ago

18 kilotons won’t do to extreme damage. People live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki today, afterall, and the damage can be repaired. They will destroy those city centers, and the people there, but American cities are very expansive so most people and infrastructure would survive. 18 kilotons are only useful for targeting specific facilities or bases, and ensuring their complete destruction.

The real deal is more modern Pu239 strategic nukes in the 500 kiloton to 1 Megaton range. Those are thermonuclear weapons. Stolen from Russia, China or North Korea perhaps, two of those airbursted over the targets described would kill 10 million and ruin those cities geographic areas for generations, also leaving many, many times more radioactive fallout than the smaller warheads.

That’s why you should support American nuke catchers, growing the missile shield, non-proliferation efforts and of course maintaining the U.S. active arsenal of 1,550 thermonuclear warheads by keeping it modern, survivable and capable of penetrating a potential adversaries defenses and if the need arises that we need to grow it beyond 1,550 to maintain deterrence then we have to support that too. That’s America First.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

AC talks about the Cabal and here you will see what they are.

Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length Version)

I’ve talked about this before but…

I have over and over said the Jews are the primary Cabal operators but some have doubts. I understand this but it does fit a logical pattern if you think about it and use the evidence we have at our fingertips. People who have looked at the Jews, what they say and their actions over the centuries can readily see that if they are not psychopaths they definitely act just like them. I believe that the Jews attract other psychopaths, not Jews, and they band together to destroy nations and people. This would readily account for all Cabal not being Jews.

Now many people are constantly thinking that everything is so complicated that we can never make any sort of judgement about anything. I don’t think this is true. You will find if you are an expert on most any subject that there are lynch pins and certain facts that have a very outsizes control over any aspect of most subjects. I suspect that Jews, being psychopaths, and psychopaths themselves are one of these factors. We see civilizations rise and fall and all this turmoil but why? Civilizations rise up from hard work and the struggle of the many. Once they get to the top they become more powerful and the ruling of them attracts the the most ruthless. Over time the psychopaths move to the top and then, the whole thing crashes to the ground.

One such case that destroyed a whole civilization is Alcibiades of Athens. Alcibiades was almost certainly a psychopath. Some had an intense hatred for him, some great love. It was Alcibiades that pushed the great idea of attacking Syracuse on the Athenians. The failed Syracuse attack was THE downfall of Athens. The failed attack destroyed them completely. The same Alcibiades went from city to city in the ancient world. In Sparta he was more Spartan than the Spartans. Changing his chameleon skin every time he moved somewhere else and betraying everyone he came in contact with. Alcibiades killed Athens with risky schemes to glorify himself.

What did Plutarch have to say about him.*.html

“…He had, as they say, one power which transcended all others, and proved an implement of his chase for men: that of assimilating and adapting himself to the pursuits and lives of others, thereby assuming more violent changes than the chameleon. That animal, however, as it is said, is utterly unable to assume one colour, namely, white; but Alcibiades could associate with good and bad alike, and found naught that he could not imitate and practice. 5 In Sparta, he was all for bodily training, simplicity of life, and severity of countenance; in Ionia, for p65 luxurious ease and pleasure; in Thrace, for drinking deep; in Thessaly, for riding hard; and when he was thrown with Tissaphernes the satrap, he outdid even Persian magnificence in his pomp and lavishness. It was not that he could so easily pass entirely from one manner of man to another, nor that he actually underwent in every case a change in his real character; but when he saw that his natural manners were likely to be annoying to his associates, he was quick to assume any counterfeit exterior which might in each case be suitable for them…”

One thing not widely known is King Agis of Sparta hated Alcibiades because Alcibiades had a child by the Kings wife.

What does this have to do with Jews or what’s happening now. By understanding those who are against us we can predict more how they will act.

We must first understand what Jews and psychopaths are. I’ve read a good bit about psychopaths and when reading about a Russian experiment I finally realized what they were. They are human animals. They are the remnants of Humans before civilization. All humans used to be mostly psychopathic. Most animals are psychopathic. The rise of “empathy” in humans IS the reason for the rise of civilizations. Just think for a moment of a city full of psychopaths. Have ever been alone with someone and could have killed them and taken their money and knew you could get away with it? Why didn’t you? Empathy. In a city full of psychopaths you can’t have a city because everyone would constantly take advantage of any weaknesses. You can’t have a civilization of psychopaths. There would be so much disorder it make civilization impossible.

There was book written a long time ago called.”The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind”. He was trying to explain the reason that civilization seemed to build so fast when it had not before. He was right that earlier minds were different but wrong on what the difference was.

Supporting evidence for this is studies that show Blacks have less empathy,(see Detroit and other cities they occupy), and a brief look at any place they control. Another good source is the Russian experiment to tame foxes I mentioned. In four generations they took wild foxes and made them tame by not breeding the wild ones. They acquired a lot of attributes of dogs. Quote,”… By 2005-2006, almost all the foxes were playful, friendly and behaving like domestic dogs. The foxes could “read” human cues and respond correctly to gestures or glances. The vocalizations they made were different to wild foxes…”.

I believe that the foxes were breed for empathy even if that’s not what they were aiming for.

It’s possible that this came about by the elites “taming” humans. What they got was less violent people with a side effect of more empathy.

Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.

Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”

How does this relate to Jews. Jews are obviously the Neanderthals or what’s left of them. Sometimes you can tell what the Jews are up to by watching what they try to hide and the Jews positively crushed the study of anthropology and the differences in human populations. They spent a fortune and forest of trees printing that all humans are the same. Why, to hide that they were different. If you look at real Jewy Jews they look exactly like Neanderthals and the Neanderthals were in Europe for 250 thousand years and didn’t do a damn thing worth mentioning. They were animals. This means the Jews are closer to the animal state of Man. Psychopaths.

Now knowing this it means that they will not stop after the elections and will do everything possible to engulf the whole country in warfare. It also accounts for their continuous pushing of violence even after most people can easily see it is not helping the Democrats. Psychopaths can only guess at what people are really thinking because they have no real empathy themselves. The cabal and Jews having no empathy can not really tell what people will do. They also can not determine when the average person has had enough and will fall on them and rip them to pieces. Which may be soon if they keep on.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

You will find if you are an expert on most any subject that there are lynch pins and certain facts that have a very outsizes control over any aspect of most subjects.


This is why Dunning-Kruger found that experts tended to underrate themselves on their ability. Experts are focused on the edge cases and minutiae that can go wrong, and don’t recognize that 99.9% of the time they are bang-on.

Remember — experts underrate themselves, the competent rate themselves well, and the incompetent think they are experts.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Interdasting comment.

>”I’ve read a good bit about psychopaths and when reading about a Russian experiment I finally realized what they were. They are human animals. They are the remnants of Humans before civilization. All humans used to be mostly psychopathic. Most animals are psychopathic. The rise of “empathy” in humans IS the reason for the rise of civilizations. Just think for a moment of a city full of psychopaths. Have ever been alone with someone and could have killed them and taken their money and knew you could get away with it? Why didn’t you? Empathy. In a city full of psychopaths you can’t have a city because everyone would constantly take advantage of any weaknesses. You can’t have a civilization of psychopaths. There would be so much disorder it make civilization impossible.”

Great point.

4 years ago

Toensing says George Soros’ influence and power is pervasive at Fox
Former DOJ lawyer Victoria Toensing raised questions about Fox News following recent comments from Newt Gingrich, who said he was silenced after mentioning left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros. One America’s John Hines has more from Washington.

Victoria and her husband, Joe diGenova were very frequent guests of Hannity, Dobbs… Yet more explanation of why Hannity & Dobbs have to keep interrupting thier guests #Censored #Mockingbird #4am Memo
Need legitimate NEWS Reporting to go mainstream, but there’s no DEMAND by the people who are too conditioned to being ENTERTAINED 24-7.

Backup of video here:

4 years ago

Greetings AC! Haven’t commented in a while. Always value your perspective. What do you think about forcing kids to play sports with masks on? It really bothers me for kids to be forced to wear a mask during sports.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Don’t Hypoxia & Hypocapnia also apply to children?
Don’t Children need to see visual cues as to body language facial expressions … communication like the rest of us?

IT’S A COLD…. the Sniffles!

There are reams of data to support this now!

It may well be lab derived, it’s still only a Coroni virus!
One that appears to be less deadly than our yearly seasonal flu!

Reply to  Mr Twister
4 years ago

Can you point me to resources about masks on kids?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thank you for the input, AC! Wondering – do you think mask usage would be harmful for young kids, especially during sports? Where I live, those idiots are making the kids wear masks during sports and it kills me every time. I’m consumed with worry about it every time.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

So I don’t need to worry about oxygen levels dropping during soccer or something? It’s so stupid..

Reply to  BrachaBenedicta
4 years ago

Kids don’t have to worry about cooroonoo. Until you are 60+, it’s just a cold.

4 years ago

Hear me out, I think that there is something here.

Coming to America…and what to do in the face of it. – Dana Ashlie

This chick is part of the crowd that Mark Taylor describes as being plugged into Satan’s frequency. They are seeing the plans of the enemy because they only ever have their heads in that space. I think that Dana Coverstone might truly be the real deal, though.

I think buying a few months of food would be a really GOOD idea right now.

I have also been troubled by the sudden emergence of a Middle East peace deal involving the entire region. People are declaring Trump the capital “A” Antichrist because of it. He can’t be, he’s not a Jew, and they will not accept anyone in that role who isn’t. But it highlights something that I have been forming a thought on – maybe America gets to go out in a blaze of glory instead of being subjugated and annihilated.

The FEMA camp dreams, the beheadings by ISIS with scimitars, etc, all of that has been cancelled, or at least postponed. All of that was scheduled for Hillary’s reign after the nuclear war with Russia. But now America get’s one last moment to shine. As Mark Taylor keeps saying his sense is that the US will become the hub for sending out the Gospel in one last big push to the whole world. Put it together with the dreams of civil war, race war, Voxday’s prediction(not prophecy) of US balkanization and breakup, it starts to gel. I don’t think America was ever meant to last(Ben Franklin didn’t think it would), or that it ever would, but nothing has to be permanent to be remembered forever, and to burn bright in the collective memory of humanity.

I don’t know. These are ramblings.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

If/when America as we know it goes tits up, the most important lesson learned is:
NEVER let any Jews in. EVER.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

If the things in this video happen, it means that the United States really is Mystery Babylon from Revelation17 and it will be destroyed soon not by Jews, but by a coalition of the rest of the world. You’re not going to have to worry about anybody subverting your country because it won’t exist long enough for you to notice a difference. You primary concern at that point should be to beg Jesus to save you and then confess His name to others. Refuse anything they demand you install in your hand to engage in commerce, even if it means starving to death, because letting them install the thing into your hand of forehead means eternal damnation. If she’s correct in her interpretation, that’s the mile marker we are coming up to in Scripture.

If I’m correct, you might have a few decades before that becomes an issue.

4 years ago

“Proud Boys used a fake call for a rally they didn’t show up to, in order to bring out Antifa to violently riot, and turn the public against them. Interesting low cost, high gain strategy.”

It could be a data point towards that interpretation but it could also be the case that Philly Proud boys sicced the mob on some small time videographers, thereby being a data point for Proud Boys Philly being controlled-op.

In this interpretation the videographers/interviewers get chased off roughly (so likely out of network) and the Antifa supporter’s car damage is collateral damage (likely also out of network or useful idiot).

Reply to  speakn2pabst
4 years ago

High IQ comment.

Hal Gore
Hal Gore
4 years ago

Sam J The total loser said:
We should do all we can to find them. If they set them off we should massacre all the Jews.
Thank you dimwit, for telling us all your true thoughts about what must be done with Christ. I know, I get it you mean the ‘other Jews’.

Reply to  Hal Gore
4 years ago

Religiously, Jesus was not a Jew, He was a Christian.

And if you’re talking in the racial sense, some people say He was a racial Jew, some say He wasn’t.

Regardless of Jesus having been a racial Jew or not, He was so against everything that Judaism stood for (Jewish supremacism, which is what Judaism is based on), that Jews have always hated him, and still do, and had Him killed.

If Christ was a racial Jew, then he was Bobby Fischer tier.

Learn more about the relation between Jews and Christianity here (with lots and lots of Jewish sources): – “JEWS AND CHRISTIANITY”

Here are some people making the case that Jesus was NOT a racial Jew:


This also begs the question: who or what is a real Jew? Well, Jews themselves don’t agree on who or what one is, so it is nothing but a shell game, another trick to confuse the gen pop so they are stupid enough to keep quite and docile while Jewish collective power preys on them and takes advantage of them.

An excellent article on that issue:

I am curious Hal, if you could be so kind as to satisfy my curiosity, what are your thoughts on Israel?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Jesus Christ is the only begotten of our Heavenly Father. He is also of the line of King David. His blood cousins were Cohen Levite Priests. Listen to his words in the New Testament. He completely agreed with legitimate First and Second Temple worship, and came to complete it, not undo it.

As he said “Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.” So, Hebrew religion in the time of Abraham and Moses and legitimately practiced up until the Second Temple is completely aligned with Christianity, in fact Christianity springs from it- they are one in the same.

Jesus Christ IS a Jew, his mother, Mary, had lineage from the tribes of Judah and Levi, like many Jews today. That doesn’t mean he adheres to some average however, as lineages can have many, many different descents and branches, many of which are very different from one of their origins.

So we follow the example of Christ, living righteously and in holiness. Condemning sin, forgiving and accepting earnest repentance. He condemned and chastised the Pharisees (Proto-Talmudists) and told us to beware of their hypocritical “leaven” ie. the Talmud, which is impressive considering that without a doubt Biblical archeology and documents show the New Testament to be older than the Talmud, and thus a warning of it. That the Talmud also contradicts teachings of the Old Testament shows that it is hypocrisy, making the “leaven” foretelling absolutely provable Prophecy.

Jews as a people or adjective are not bad, but Talmudic eliteness and two-facedness are immensely evil, and are perhaps the singular source towards making “Jews” a hiss and a byword in this age.

In short, Jesus Christ and his Apostles, who were all Jews and Israelites, warned us all (modern Jews included) of the evils that would come against all the faithful (Israelite and not) in the last days, from the wicked calling themselves Jews as well as the wicked who are not Jews. Every one of the old Apostles were killed by Pharisees or their agents.

Throughout history different groups of Hebrews, Israelites and Jews have had different religious views, and opposed each other, often violently. Christians with a small quantum of Israelite blood and Talmudists with a slightly larger quantum of Israelite blood are both from the House of Israel, but only the first is living close to the Covenant. There are not 12, 3 or 2 different sets of rules or interpretations regarding Heavenly Law, there is only 1, as there is only One Final Judge.

Reply to  Hal Gore
4 years ago

Hal Gore complains about Sam J’s, “…massacre all Jews”.

What is the Law, Hal Gore? —-Jesus said, “Do unto others as you wish they do unto you”.

The Jew has been engaged in Genocide of Europeans for 400 years! Today, they are engaged in all forms of Soft Genocide against us. Jerry Rubin said in the Sixties, “We need to kill 20 — 25 million to secure the revolution”. Noel Ignatiev wrote a book on Genociding whites! Karl Marx and his flunky looser Engels called for the extermination of all resistors to their program IN 1849.

What goes around—-Comes around!

Who genocided the Christian Royal Family of Russia???? Jews.

And you think God in Heaven is not a God of Justice???

Who went around destroying Christian Russia? The Jews.

The Law is “Do unto others as you wish they do unto you”.

The Jews are master Genociders—What they plan for us—Shall fall upon their heads.

What is the Punishment for destroying nations?

Reply to  Hal Gore
4 years ago

Finally! An ally. Thank you.

Reply to  kirls
4 years ago

Christ was killed by Jews, and Hal just calls haters to people who point out verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, so it seems to me you’re both pretty retarded.

BTW, what is your opinion on Israel, Kirls?

Doesn’t matter, Jewish collective power is going to be terminated in the West one way or the other.

==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

4 years ago

Leftist/cabal twisted interpretation alert. (but possibly useful scientific info)

Racism is ‘hardwired’ into the human brain – and people can be prejudiced without knowing it–people-racists-knowing-it.html

And the findings published in Nature Neuroscience could lead to fresh ways of thinking about unintended race-based attitudes and decisions.

Dr Elizabeth Phelps, of New York University, and colleagues reviewed previous brain scanning studies showing how social categories of race are processed, evaluated and incorporated in decision-making.

They showed a network of brain regions called the the amygdala, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex are important in the unintentional, implicit expression of racial attitudes.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Yep, they think amygdala = racism because they mostly exist in a constant, or near constant high amygdala state.

In truth Love is a much stronger emotion than Hate, and the main characteristic of large amygdalas (which rarely enter into a high amygdala state) is LOYALTY, sometimes interpreted as “in group preference”, whatever the “in group” is. This is often interpreted as “racism” but, it is not.

For example, I’m not Amish, Ge’ez or Old Bedouin but I deeply respect these peoples and their simple lifestyles and religious devotion and wish there were more of them in the world, especially the Amish because I’m closer to them and they live in the U.S.A. So while my in-group preference may be “Christian”, “American” or “White”, that doesn’t mean I hate other groups. But I do have preferences.

4 years ago

sam j has got them to hop out of their holes. they can go make Aaliyah now.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago


Check this out:

==George Soros Bet Big on Liberal Democracy. Now He Fears He Is Losing.==

Notable quote:

One morning in Paris, I had coffee with Alex Soros, who is 32 and the second-youngest of George’s five children…

…When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”

Now take this into account:

Soros was made by the Rothschild (who created Israel with the help of Hitler via the 1933 Haavara Agreement and the British government via the 1917 Balfour Declaration), gets protection from Israel (despite his organizations not operating in Israel), and Soros organizations collaborate with organizations that get their funding from the Israeli government (like ISRAaid) and work together to flood the West with ME and African Muslims.

==DE BORCHGRAVE: Geneva gnome’s global dread==
“Their Geneva counterparts in French-speaking Switzerland were more sophisticated, relaxed in the company of global wheeler-dealers, and weren’t afraid to speak their minds, albeit off the record. Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969.”

==Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel==

==Balfour Declaration==

==Haavara Agreement==

==Israel envoy urges Hungary to halt anti-Soros campaign==

==Soros stopped his investment in FEMEN after finding out they were launching FEMEN Israel==

==For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy==,7340,L-5473381,00.html

==“Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”==

So basically, we have Jewish collective power using zionism (which is nothing but Jewish Nationalism) and diaspora Jewry to try to take over everything in the West.

Also a reminder regarding the Sayanim:

==Sayanim== are Jews living outside Israel as foreign citizens that volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad. This assistance includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering, yet sayanim are only paid for their expenses. No official number is known, but estimates put the number of sayanim in the thousands. The existence of this large body of volunteers is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer case officers than fellow intelligence agencies. – “THE SAYANIM ARMY — THE LARGEST FIFTH COLUMN IN THE WORLD” – “Mossad’s One Million Helpers World-Wide” – article above in image format, with archive link included – “Mossad’s Little Helpers” – article above in image format, with archive link included – Sayanim article on Metapedia – article above in image format, with archive link included – Sayanim article on Wikipedia deleted – Wikipedia article on the Katsa, Mossad operatives, makes reference to the Sayanim – article above in image format, with archive link included – “Legions of American-born Jews and Zionists Betray the U.S.A. as Undercover Agents for the Nation of Israel” – article above in image format, with archive link included – Big graph analysing the deletion of the Sayanim article on Wikipedia
RELATED VIDEO: – “Israel’s Internet Censorship War If Americans Knew” – Small meme for audiences with smaller attention span, about the Sayanim

Video: “Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad’s volunteer agents)”

Video: “Former Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky – History, anti-Zionism, Sayanim”

==Mossad makes full use of all Jewish collective power. That’s one of the reasons why Jewish collective power needs to be terminated in the West (legally and peacefully, off course).==

Diaspora and zionists collaborate with each other all the time to advance both Israeli interests (like getting more money, tech and US boots on the ground to die in useless wars for Israel in the ME), and to advance the power of diaspora Jews outside of Israel (such as more money to programs and benefits that benefit Jews and ONLY Jews, and ==passing of laws that make it ILLEGAL to criticize Jews or Israel== ).

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:

Johnny Caustic
Johnny Caustic
4 years ago

“Mutant strains of COVID-19 that are more contagious, but less serious, have turned up in France.”

I recall a self-described insider on 4chan or 8kun, sometime in the spring, claiming that when COVID was created, a less dangerous version was also created to immunize selected people against the more dangerous version. Anyone remember the details?

4 years ago

“Trump promises to nominate a woman next week”

well, there are women, and there are women. _to hell_ with the DS virtue-signalling baby-shopper ‘you-can-see-she’d-be-a-turncoat-just-like-that asshole Roberts-from-10000-yards’ gal that the media is doing their best to cheer for while pretending not to like her. let’s hope he goes for the amygdala-killshot: Sarah Palin. Sidney Powell. Ann Coulter. like that.

their pointy little heads would literally freakin’ **explode** – and it would be good for the voters to see that

4 years ago

the jews didn’t want him

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Who is him?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I think it was intended as a reply to Hal up above.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago


4 years ago

More proof that Jewish collective power and Israel control the US media:

4 years ago

The “Mohel high club”
They really are disgusting. They literally suck a baby dick & it’s “sacred” & then they make a joke about it & put it on TV.

4 years ago

re: orcas hunting humans

As far as I know, each pod has a different language, and different food source – ie for some it’s marine mammals, some it’s something like salmon. I’ve seen vids of them hunting big sharks. Hunting (specifically how to) is learned behavior. Orcas are also sadistic, they often don’t just kill, but torture like a cat playing with a mouse. It’s just a matter of time before a member of the pods tests the boat for food, and then teaches the others and that then becomes part of that pod’s SOP.

Was looking for your iceberg vid (found it)and found a surprising number of vids involving seals (and one otter) jumping into a boat to escape.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

I read a book about a guy who was sailing in the Pacific with his family and Orcas attacked his boat, holed it and it sank in like 30-40 seconds. They all piled in a raft with some limited supplies they could grab. Oh I found a link on it.

This is why you should never sail in a mono hull. If they get a hole the ballast drives them to the bottom fast. People go on and on about how cats can turn over but I say a floating turned over cat beats a boat on the bottom any day.

If Orcas decide eating humans and attacking sailboats is good thing then we will have to declare war in them and wipe out a lot of them or it won’t be safe to sail at all.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>”we will have to declare war in them and wipe out a lot of them or it won’t be safe to sail at all.”

Only after all the Jewish and Israeli NGOs that traffick the invaders into the West via boat get terminated.

4 years ago

And this is nuts. These guys are feeding tiger sharks by hand without a cage.

Sharks of Tiger Beach

4 years ago

Orcas are smart, too. Captive ones will reuse the fish that’s doled out to them by aquarium staff as bait to catch careless birds that hang around the edge of their habitats.

4 years ago

I thought I would resurrect this old post from 2018.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“… If they set them off we should massacre all the Jews…”

I’ve actually changed my mind about that. I think we should wall them up in Israel. Kill off only the males. Then were should allow or force a rotating cast of humanoids to breed with the Jew females while allowing no males to survive. First generation will be Australian aborigines.

then Congo pygmies

then New Guinea aboriginals

comment image

then cycle back to Australian aborigines only keeping the females each time.

For 10,000 years. Oh what wonderful multiculturalism they will have. They will be our guides to nirvana. Our guiding lights. And they will all be Jews.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Are you trying to make Hal have a stroke?

4 years ago

@ Lembrador (and/or others): Probably posted b4, but can U repost links to stats and numbers for jewish influence? Like “xx% of the population, but xx% of ….”