News Briefs – 09/19/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Jovan Pulitzer says of the Arizona Audit, “For the very first time you’re really going to see how sick this system is that we call our election and voting system.”

Durham indictment shows Clinton likely worked with top Google exec to fabricate Russia hoax, says Google whistleblower. Right after Sussman testified in 2017, Eric Schmidt resigned his position at Alphabet, and to this date there is no reason given why.

Democrats in Pennsylvania’s state Senate sued Friday evening in a state court to block a Republican-approved subpoena seeking voter information and to put a stop to what Republicans call a “forensic investigation” of last year’s presidential election.

Alabama Secretary of State meets with Mike Lindell to discuss election integrity. Linell praises him and Alabama’s election systems.

Lee Zeldin has Leukemia. The amount of surveillance tech deployed on him has to be ridiculous, and exposing him to all sorts of EM radiation.

Project Veritas posts – REQUEST: We’re prepared to get banned from all of our platforms after we publish our upcoming series of videos inside the Federal Govt, pharmaceutical companies, FDA and more in the coming weeks ahead — showing ADMiSSIONS FROM THEM IN THEIR OWN WORDS, things they want to keep secret from you. The videos get successively more damning with each release. I ask that if we can banned for exposing reality, download the clips on here and upload on your platforms. @project_veritas #distributionbyproxy

Amnesty amendment sneakily attached to mammoth budget reconciliation bill.

General Milley aided BLM during the 2020 riots and stopped Trump from invoking the Insurrection Act. He is an asshole and a traitor, but the source for all of this is suspect and it might be a diversion from more important issues.

Facebook says it has deleted the accounts, pages and groups linked to virus conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers in Germany who are vocal opponents of government restrictions to control the coronavirus pandemic.

Australia’s police arrested 235 people in Melbourne and 32 in Sydney on Saturday at unsanctioned anti-lockdown rallies and several police officers were injured in clashes with protesters.

Upstate New York hospital staffing ‘crisis’ feared as vaccination mandate nears.

Sharyl Attkisson – Research shows the U.S. had reached what some scientists believed to be “herd immunity” status against Covid-19 last May, with more than 80% of the population immune to Covid either through natural infection or vaccination, and the actual number of immune Americans may be higher.

Vaccines in your salad? Scientists growing medicine-filled plants to replace injections. Is this why Bill Gates is buying up farmland? He intends to make it impossible to get food without taking your vaccine in the process? If they could do it now, they’d have filled all the food in the grocery store with mRNA vaccine.

Australia’s brand new COVID detention center pictured.

Pharmacy groups call for immediate end to prescribing and dispensing Ivermectin for COVID-19 outside of clinical trials.

Everybody is laughing t the obviousness of the feds at the Jan 6 rally. There is a weird air to them. Almost as if you can feel they know the whole system is corrupt, and they have a ticket, and everyone else does not.

Top White House aides set up a “wall” to shield President Biden from unscripted events and long interviews amid fears of the president’s testiness and habit of mangling statements.

Washington DC getting zero Afghan refugees in first wave of resettlement, as many states get over 1,000.

Appeals court bizarrely rules federal agents can legally threaten to shoot people over personal disputes. The Court held that federal agents have not just the Qualified Immunity of Police Officers, which protects them while doing their job, but rather feds have “Absolute Immunity,” which makes them above lawsuit, even while on their own time, doing their own things. Not a lawyer, and it sounds insane, but these days it is entirely possible, and from a practical standpoint, probably inarguable. They are trying to take it to the Supreme Court to get a ruling knocking down Absolute Immunity.

Florida police search for boyfriend of missing woman Gabby Petito. He isn’t missing. When everything broke, he was marked as “of interest.” From that point, I would assume there were ears in his house, monitored from his neighborhood observation post, and any motion outside will trigger drive by’s. When he decided to split, the neighborhood observation post would note his car starting and exiting, or even just his front door opening and foot falls heading for the street. His direction of travel would be noted, and he would be tracked, handed off from sector to sector’s normal, roving patrols, with his decisions at each intersection noted, and his assignment from sector to sector handled by some central control. Wherever he landed, they would know, and the local neighborhood OP would handle him from there, watching to see if he jumped again, and if so, the process would repeat. They know where he is, even if local PD feels as if they dropped the ball, or just got unlucky. Of course they will not help PD, just because they have no dog in the fight, and they want to keep that capability secret.

MLB moves bat production company from United States to China.

Pennsylvania rations alcohol due to crippled supply chain.

Amid global chip shortages, China’s biggest chipmaker unable to acquire advanced chipmaking equipment and technology.

French envoy leaves Australia, calls submarine deal mess a ‘huge mistake.’

Panama looks to legalize Bitcoin and Ethereum in line with El Salvador. This seems strange. These places are likely controlled by CIA, which means the elites are, at least for now, pumping up the major competitor to Fiat Currencies. Are they getting out and this is the final pump, or is Bitcoin more trackable than fiat, and we are moving to crypto?

Pentagon poised to unveil, demonstrate classified space weapon.

Drone captures 2nd huge Haitian caravan smashing across the Texas border. Some are saying we are at 14,000 Haitian refugees now. Stop and think – if I was going to travel from Haiti to the Texas border, how much would it cost using the mass-produced mass-travel designed to be as cheap as possible, through established routes? How much more would it cost to travel over the gulf into Mexico via smugglers sneaking me across borders to evade paperwork? And we are relatively wealthy. How do we have 14,000 Haitians, who probably make four figures a year, affording all this travel? Who is paying the bills to move all these people en masse, to the Texas border?

The FAA approves media drone flights over migrant detention facilities after being embarrassed by Texas DPS. Whoever is was at Texas DPS is most likely known to the powers that be, and they are now on a list.

Law enforcement officials with the state of Texas appear to have swarmed the area and taken control of the situation in Del Rio, Texas, after the Biden administration repeatedly failed to stop tens of thousands of migrants from illegally entering the United States.

TX Congressman Tony Gonzales says food shortages are beginning at Del Rio grocery stores and that some local restaurants have been asked to close early and make food for the migrant camp underneath the international bridge, where nearly 15,000 illegal migrants are camped.

Survey reveals more than 3 million 1st-time gun buyers as of mid-2021 Results show ‘continuing demand’ for firearms from American public.

Facebook leaders are reportedly worried their service has gotten too big to control: ‘We created the machine and can’t control the machine.’

Gonzalez exit demoralizes GOP moderates. If the elections were going to be rigged in perpetuity, Trump would not have won here. This guy would have just kept running, and getting installed by the machine. Something drove him out.

College football fans chant u“F*ck Joe Biden!” for a third week in a row.

Invite other people to because Fuck Joe Biden.

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Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Things never change.

Sallust by Quintus Curtius: A Review

“…Before Carthage was destroyed the senate and the Roman people handled the political affairs of the republic peacefully and with discipline; rivalries among citizens for glory or domination did not exist. Fear of the external enemy kept the state focused on useful domestic endeavors. But when this fear lost its hold on the minds of the citizenry, unrestraint and arrogance inevitably grew, as these vices go hand-in-hand with opulence. Thus the leisure they hoped for during their hardships was in fact – after they had gotten it – more bitter and unkind than their original troubles. So the nobles abused their positions to indulge their vices, and the people abused their liberty to indulge their own; every man stole, plundered, and robbed for himself. Thus everything was pulled forcibly to two extremes; and the republic, which was caught in the middle, was torn apart….”

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

@Sam J.

In this way. Dying to self following Christ is far better than the short term glories of Empire.

The expansion of the Nation should be far more organic and based on economic expansion and the defenses of such a thing by a Military than to simply loot the enemy after victory.

Good Governance should facilitate such organic expansion.

When playing the Total War Games. I find it most Advantageous to focus on development of my own country and economic growth over aggressive military expansion.

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Carthago delenda est

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

This is what happened when the USSR collapsed and we didn’t identify China as the new enemy.
This is why I want to dump all of the leftists we expel into Mexico so that we have a hostile land border.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“There is a weird air to them. Almost as if you can feel they know the whole system is corrupt, and they have a ticket, and everyone else does not.”

Well, they have a ticket right now. I wouldn’t trust those handing out the tickets however.

There’s also the question of what a bunch of catholic prep Fedbois do when N. America is in ruins and they can’t go to China or Russia, or even really Latin America.

comment image

All of this reeks of shortsightedness and r-selection.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Pentagon poised to unveil, demonstrate classified space weapon.”

Unless it can take out ICBMs in flight it is probably not that useful.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Not that I’m against defense spending but we can’t even stop invasions on foot and cargo vessels are being attacked in the gulf of Mexico. Someone needs to look at dealing with the basics first.

Pirates have attacked 16 cargo vessels a month this year in Gulf of Mexico

You see this everywhere like the power lines falling, water resources being squandered because they refuse to maintain the canals. I read about the Glen Canyon Dam might possibly fall over and no one is doing a thing about it. They even refuse to look.

They are looting the country for every penny they can find and putting nothing into the future. We have some of the largest richest farm land in the world and they are talking about no food. Negligence.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“TX Congressman Tony Gonzales says food shortages are beginning at Del Rio grocery stores and that some local restaurants have been asked to close early and make food for the migrant camp underneath the international bridge, where nearly 15,000 illegal migrants are camped.”

Enjoy your Haitians, stupid short-sighted beaner. Isn’t this what you voted for amigo?

3 years ago

Two Large Hospital Corporations in Idaho Backtrack on Threat to Fire Unvaccinated Doctors and Nurses

3 years ago

>Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) has leukemia
Merrit – former army doc – has spoken of 40 being the normal annual cases for military circles, and it being up to 400+ after coof & jabs. One of the more intriguing emails in the HRC dump was one to a former assistant to one of the last Republican representatives (turned Dem. since) that died in a helicopter accident (including family members); this was in the JFK Jr. ballpark timeframe. Other emails in the string solicited questions about Podesta Flowers appearing in some movie set in San Francisco from another NYC correspondent – the dates aligning with BHO touring NYC for a Kubrick film showing. If Barry was indeed corresponding there using alts, my money’s on that one.

>stopped Trump from invoking the Insurrection Act.
Him attending that phosphorescent simian boy school with that ‘Ms.’ Levine puts him on Brennan levels of Quisling, far as I’m concerned. “We do not forsee any role for the military in resolving election questions.” Esper being the main DOD node, and Milley as the simpleton left holding the bag (like Mueller) looks plausible anyway.

>they have a ticket, and everyone else does not.
Apart from the DOD reorganization at the last gasp, and peculiarities of procedure regarding occupation of foreign territories in the Uniform Code of Military justice, there’s not a lot going for the Punished Trump meme, or the Guantanamo renovations along those speculative one’n seven lines.

>Absolute Immunity.
“We serve a higher authority!” The Okrana and Cheka weren’t this fake and gay, at least.

>submarine deal mess a ‘huge mistake.’
Big threatening talk from a surrender monkey. Non-zero punishment element with the second largest hydrochloroquine manufacturer in France going up in flames, hmm…

>Panama looks to legalize Bitcoin and Ethereum in line with El Salvador
Glow-central america turf all right; marijuanna legalizations probably only to the same money changing ends.

>How do we have 14,000 Haitians, who probably make four figures a year, affording all this travel?
No lack of communists in Latin countries. Getting volontary chattell to uproot and get paid multiples of their 4 figure annual incomes has to be cheaper than the sex slaves surely.

>Survey reveals more than 3 million 1st-time gun buyers as of mid-2021
Apocryphal Norm MacDonald joke (rip) along the lines of “If someone’s breaking down your door to rape your wife, who do you call? A Democrat, or a Republican?”

3 years ago

> Pennsylvania rations alcohol due to crippled supply chain.

…while Australian police are confiscating alcohol from supply packages going to locked-down apartment buildings.

3 years ago

> Appeals court bizarrely rules federal agents can legally threaten to shoot people over personal disputes.

The courts aren’t even pretending to follow the law (such as it is…) any more.

Note in the free states such a threat by an armed person, Federal or otherwise, would be a credible expectation of harm, and anyone on the receiving end would be fully justified in using deadly force in self defense.

Maybe they’re trying to jack up the tension between the jackbooted thugs and the citizenry.

Meanwhile, while courts used to make do with a single bailiff to keep order, multiple on-duty deputies or municipal PD are often now in the courtroom. And metal detectors, and locked doors. And increasingly, no courtroom at all. Even before COVID, the Hot New Thing was to have “court” over video, where they can operate out of public sight.

3 years ago

> They know where he is,

A few years ago I came across some articles and web sites about people who vanished. Not just children or criminals; quite often just ordinary schmucks who walked out into the yard, or went to the store, or some other common thing, and just dropped off the face of the earth. No cellular signals, no credit card activity, no visible reason to try to run away and hide. (and hiding long-term is *quite* difficult, even before today’s ubiquitous video surveillance) The Lars Mittank incident was mentioned here not long ago; he walked out of the field of view of the CCTV cameras at an airport and apparently beamed up to the mothership.

A *lot* of people vanish that way; far more than I ever expected. Even if half of them are made-for-cickbait bullshit stories, after a while you start to wonder WTF?

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I listened to a radio programme on BBC Radio 4 a couple of years ago where they were discussing everyday disappearances of people in England. I was surprised the BBC even aired this.

They interviewed a couple of relatives of those who had disappeared. It was like they just vanished into thin air. They were quoting some big numbers of people who just disappear every year. Even the interviewer was asking why is this not a bigger issue and reported more.

Maybe just one of those shows where one gets through the editorial barrier.

David S
David S
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“They were quoting some big numbers of people who just disappear every year. Even the interviewer was asking why is this not a bigger issue and reported more.”

It’s interesting, isn’t it? I’m just spitballing numbers here as a for instance but think of something, some entity, cabal, aliens, whatever, that directly touches few lives in relative terms, say 1 in 1000.

But in the US that’s 350,000 or so people.

Now spread it over years and geography. So events (disappearances, contacts, cabal interference, whatever) are so spread out in space and time it’s very difficult to connect them unless you are deliberately looking.

Serial killers, for example, get away with long sprees because of this from what I’ve read.

I’m deliberately being hand waving and non-specific here, but thinking about it does make you realize that something very large is quite capable of hiding in plain sight.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

If there’s a near-omnipotent surveillance state operating behind the scenes, it’s entire plausible they could know when you’re not being watched by anyone else and disappear you. Not saying that’s what happened, but it is possible.

Given the general numbers around kidnappings and the pipeline from kidnapping to sex slavery rings, it’s probably in everyone’s best interest to stay strapped and go out shooting rather than letting anyone take you to a secondary location against your will.

3 years ago

> Who is paying the bills to move all these people en masse, to the Texas border?

They’re moving them to Mexico first. DJT accused the Mexican government of being complicit with the flood of illegals, which is demonstrably true.

Also note that even with post-9/11 “security”, we still have the stream of Chinese entering in the Pacific Northwest, either hitting Vancouver first and then crossing the border to the US, or directly via cargo container. That has been going on since the 1990s, and nobody at the Fed seems to be bothered by it.

3 years ago

> The FAA approves media drone flights over migrant detention facilities after being embarrassed by Texas DPS.

“But muh drones!…”

And was this area off-limits to light aviation as well? Just a decade ago any interested news agency would have just spent the $200 or so and hired a light plane for a loop around the area, with a staff photographer taking pictures. Even if flights were interdicted for miles around, you’d still get some nice shots with a telephoto lens from a few thousand feet up.

3 years ago

> Facebook leaders are reportedly worried their service has gotten too big to control: ‘We created the machine and can’t control the machine.’

The article doesn’t name the “leaders” who might be worried, and it’s full of far-left fantasy about Cambridge Analytica and “the storming of the US Capitol on January 6.”

In other words, a scary headline: (Facebook leaders are reportedly worried their service has gotten too big to control: ‘We created the machine and can’t control the machine’) with no story to back it up.

Business Insider is, of course, slanted left, but that “story” is risible even by my low standards.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I took the Facebook article as a (further) signaling of the Balkanization of social media.

The puzzle pieces are coming together: We now have cryptos passing the early adopter stage (El Salvador and Panama), further cementing decentralized currencies vs. the USD and the global debt machine. We have Torba proving that it’s possible to establish a free speech platform and thrive. We have Eich, seemingly in secret, comfortably creating real-world solutions to Big Tech mass surveillance and the ever-present Advertising Problem.

The Gen-Z kids I’ve been talking to all know about Fake News and are wary of anything “sus”. They’re hungry for real information and, because of Fake News, are platform agnostic, unlike many sheep in older generations (they’ll never say “but all my friends are on FB”). Gen-Z instinctively know they’re fucked and they’ve fully inherited Gen-X’s fondness for watching shit burn to the ground. They’re coming of age and they’re already getting tired of walking the tightrope they were given. If I didn’t make myself clear, this is a great time to mentor Gen-Z, if you have the inclination and capacity. As a Millenial myself, I have more hope for them–the unpozzed ones, I mean–than my peers.

We are poised, even if not for a Great Awakening (I still have hope), at least for a Great Fracturing. (Gen-Z were basically born fractured as a generation) Though this might increase the chances of Civil War, this might not necessarily be a bad result. Less dilution, no more gay Hegelian synthesis, no more Overton Window shifting. With the Not-Vaxx finally bringing to light those creatures too brainwashed and afraid to even maintain blood familial ties, it is possible that the sheep are being primed to openly in-group among their ideological peers and out-group ideological enemies. Coin toss. Let the chips fall where they may. Winner takes all.

3 years ago

>who’s paying for all these haitians?
the usual

3 years ago

“Durham indictment shows Clinton likely worked with top Google exec to fabricate Russia hoax, says Google whistleblower. ”
Don’t forget that both her and Schmidt also worked(ing) with China at that point.

“Australia’s police arrested 235 people in Melbourne and 32 in Sydney on Saturday at unsanctioned anti-lockdown rallies and several police officers were injured in clashes with protesters.”
Until these LEO’s don’t go home at the end of their shifts, this will continue worldwide. You want to end this today? Go Dorner on them…shit will change in a week. When 200 of them have to ‘extract justice’ for the one that goes down, there won’t be ANYONE left to enforce ‘man-dates’.

“Appeals court bizarrely rules federal agents can legally threaten to shoot people over personal disputes.”
Shoot first. Folks need to realize that they’re only alive after an encounter with LEO because the LEO made the decision not to. Period. They suffer no consequences one way or the other. You, at peril to both life and liberty, are at their mercy with each and every encounter. How much longer do you think that will last?

“Panama looks to legalize Bitcoin and Ethereum in line with El Salvador.”
Johm McAfee’s ‘ghost’ just said that fiat currency has less than 6mo to live, and the switch to crypto’s is the smart thing to do. Maybe someone somewhere knows how this works in the end? Of course, he also mentions time travel (which if Q is/will be proven correct, it’s the only complete solution to the whole Q thing coming true)…so some lesser minded folks eventually will need to take that into consideration. If quantum computing (and the entanglement) is all that it’s supposed to be, it just might be able to see, if not predict the future and all courses leading to it. I’d love to be wrong, but I’d also be living the life I imagined if it were true.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  millerized
3 years ago

Ingersoll/Lockwood and a ton of other threads from other researchers have discussed a technology, or collection of advanced technologies, called the LookingGlass, apparently an extremely advanced analytical tool that can process huge amounts of historical data points tied to mathematical and statistical probabilities, that has been used by both Cabal and non Cabal to reliably predict the future. This was leaked several years ago by a number of operators.

To make a very long story short, no matter how many ways Cabal tried to game the system and introduce random elements into the equation, LookingGlass reliably predicted the complete destruction of Cabal and a mass awakening of humanity to the depth of the illusions that billions of us have been living under for several centuries.

Some have reasonably speculated that the strange rush Cabal seems to be going through in regards to Covid tyranny is that they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if humanity passes through several critical junctures without Cabal being in total control, then humanity will be freed and Cabal will be finished.

Cabal is rushing right now because they are panicking to get their control grid into place and fully operational before a large enough portion of humanity wakes up, and it doesn’t even have to be the majority.

While this is good news, it doesn’t mean Cabal can’t do an incredible amount of damage before their time is up, and I believe that is what we are seeing with the Covid release and draconian overreactions. A spiteful, vicious, last ditch attempt to throw sand in the gears and take as many of us out as they can before their whole system is exposed and collapses under the weight of its own contradictions.

3 years ago

“Is this why Bill Gates is buying up farmland? He intends to make it impossible to get food without taking your vaccine in the process? If they could do it now, they’d have filled all the food in the grocery store with mRNA vaccine.”

The Q Team better have counter-measures. Otherwise we are screwed.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

When it’s all over BG should only own a six foot by three foot strip of land.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Everybody is laughing t the obviousness of the feds at the Jan 6 rally.”

That picture looks like a bug chasing party is about to commence. Let’s hope they forgot their PREP.

3 years ago

A few days ago there’s been an article that Putin is going to self-isolate for two weeks after encounter with a positive-tested person and he hopes that Sputnik V will protect him.

In the light of hidden messaging it sounds like the next two weeks might really get interesting…


Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

According to several sources, the Storm is beginning, and Putin going into deep hiding would be a sure signal that something big is coming.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Chip shortage

It’s not my area of expertise, but as I recall even TSMC is actually completely dependent on a foreign made machine, which in this case is only made in one place in Europe. China is blacklisted from acquiring that machine. As as been stated many times, it’s likely a PLA invasion of Taiwan triggers the scuttling of the entire facility, all the data destroyed and all the machines scrapped.

I met a guy at Fry’s a long time ago who had set up thermite ImprovisedIncendiaryDevices(IID) in tuna cans on top every hard drive that he had. They were set up to ignite the thermite which would then burn through the drives using just gravity. Would not be surprised to find something similar in place at TSMC. FYI, the only way you can really trust that data has been destroyed on data storage of any type is it’s physical destruction.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Plus one on the thermite. On my boat we had a brick in our safe to destroy our crypto keys and scuttle the ship in case of boarding.

It’s the legit way to get stuff gone in a hurry.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE Gates buying farmland.

It can be seized.

On a semi-related note, has anyone else contacted Ingersol Lockwood? Because I actually did phone the number listed and it’s real. I got a voice mail because I called in the middle of the night, but also looking at their listed address is on Google maps. They have a phone number and physical location as far as I can tell, and both are DC.

I bring it up because of this:

I’ve payed attention to developments in agriculture as well as I can the passed twenty years. It’s not my field, but for instance, after the tsunami flooded Indonesia with sea water the following year saw massive yield increases indicating that they had depleted soil and that the untreated/unfiltered sea water had deposited both minerals and nutrients.

We have all heard of permaculture I would hope. Of course, it doesn’t work for commercial farming in our current economic system because that system requires high yield cash crops just to pay for the machines and the yearly land taxes. If you have never heard of this word, please view this presentation:

Greening the Desert II

Regreening the desert with John D. Liu | VPRO Documentary | 2012

Likewise, there’s a TED talk floating around about the use of grazing animals to reverse desertification. Targeting grazing of cows has been used and it works. Turns out that grasses and herd animals are an interlocked system that need each other to function.

TED | How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

Ingersol had a GoFundMe goal of $20K just complete. That seems very small in context. For the life of me I cannot tell if this outfit is a massive scam or not. They are also trying to start a PAC, and that’s where they are starting to veer into scam territory.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I’ve been digging around their site for several days, and they drop a lot of interesting and verifiable info, but as you said, asking for donations to start a P.A.C. as well as fund various ventures with mere thousands of dollars is not a good look.

It looks like a front organization, potentially run by Intel, that isn’t trying very hard not to look like a front organization.

I signed up for some emails, and we’ll see what comes of it, so far not much, but better to be safe than sorry when dealing with this kind of set up, as it could literally be a set up.

Sometimes these spooks just can’t help give their own game away.

Again, there is some verifiably legit info on there, but I assume it’s more of a honey pot operation until proven otherwise.

We just can’t be too careful in these times, as all assets have obviously been deployed.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Those links are excellent. It’s amazing what can be done with channeling water and picking crops that complement each other.

I’ve always been interested in this stuff. I have an actual copy of the first, that I know of book, that named it permaculture. I think this was one of founding books that made permaculture a “thing”. Not that the idea hasn’t been around forever but no one really made it a “thing”.

Can’t believe the price on it. I have a bunch of books like this I bought ages ago that are now, supposedly, going for big bucks.

I think micro-controllers are getting very much to the point where they and solar power can be used to do this on a large scale. I’ve been thinking lately what if you had something I call “Ant I” or ant intelligence. So you get a simple robot made of small sticks bound together in a quadrapod,(as opposed to tripod), that can move around and have a solar panel on it’s head and dangling arms that can grasp shovels, picks, hammers, etc. and they are only trained to do very simple things. Like dig a ditch five feet deep, mix up mulch into the soil and cover the hole back up. Level terrain, made blocks of stone quarried from mountains to make walls or stuff like this. You could have one smart computer that watches the dumb diggers, hewers and transporters and could feed them new programs or task.

This is not crazy and the sum total of all these little bots could get a massive amount of work done.You could have bots that only dug wells and then use solar to bring up water.

It’s amazing the stuff that Bees, termites and ants can do with super simple brains. I looked it up and it’s said,”…ant brain has around 250,000 neurons…”, now we can easily get this in a less than $10 micro-controller. Where I read this they said we don’t understand the organization but I believe some people have licked this or at least they have something that works just as good or better. A company called They used to have a bunch of videos on their stuff. Amazing. Their way of doing things was instead of multiplying and dividing to train neural networks they use straight binary, either something triggered good or bad(mind you I have a very slight understanding of AI stuff, very slight but I do know traditional AI uses matrices which require a LOT of multiplying, dividing, etc. that uses copulous computer power but theirs only used comparisons. Great boost). They used to have some open source stuff but Apple bought them out and a bunch of their material vanished off the net. They had some outrageous stuff where they could use cell phones to recognize, cars, people, bicycles, advanced stuff with simple $10 or less price class processors.

The good news is we have all this super fruitful fantastic tech to make our lives better, the bad news is the Jews want to murder us all and use these to do all the work. Notice Musk is making a push to make humanoid robots. I suspect he will be successful. The computing power is there or will be in less than 5 years.

Look at this animated gif. This is a real thing. It will happen. It’s 100% guaranteed. At the most it could be delayed by a few years.

Not saying I know but looking at this animation if they can delay us getting rid of them for ten years then by that time they will be able to build enough robots to off us all. With AI and global communications from Musk satellites there will be no where to hide. All the people on public networks could be identified. Those they have on the inside could be passed by from facial recognition. The rest killed immediately.

This would explain why Trump speared to be a Hitler lite who was going to stop the deep State yet did nothing that would change things in the long run. It would also explain how nothing ever really changes and we are fed continuous “Hopinium” over and over but with no action.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Just a followup:

Homestead Paradise: got barren land, boosted it at a profit

This permaculture farmer has developed a system he calls STUN – Sheer Total Utter Neglect, and it’s the only way he can pay his bills. He had to design the entire ecosystem so that wild animals and controlled grazing provide all of the fertilizer. Cash crops grow between rows of fruit trees providing cashflow while the trees mature, etc. He had to design the water system, the whole place is a manufactured savanna designed around known historical plant species.

He’s literally designed a system where the only expense is labor for harvest. And the taxes on the land.

3 years ago


So I was reading through some of the “decodesymbols” site:

This link is actually worth reading, a short snippet on how the author is applying analysis.

Basically, movies are used as communication medium for operations. The recent Marvel movies like “Black Widow” and “Suicide Squad” and Disney’s “Mandalorian” are detailing the dismantling of MK Ultra rings and the rescue and rehabilitation of their victims.

Good read.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  map
3 years ago

Looking through Decoding Symbols, it becomes clear why so many Hollywood movies suck: Film stopped being a pure art form decades ago and many have become a vehicle for cabal communications.

The entire article that map links to is a better intro than the glossary because it provides overarching context to how big this communication machine actually is. It gives the impression that, beyond those obviously satanic music videos and concerts, the more nuanced communications can actually be decoded as long as we have the correct knowledge of decoding.

No clue whether this guy’s correct, but the insight is hard to deny.

3 years ago

There is another thing to notice.

The CW has shifted two of its super hero series to rural settings. “Superman and Lois” takes place almost entirely in Smallville. “Stargirl” is set in a fictional Nebraska small town.

The series “Riverdale” latest season is set 7 years after the cast graduates from high school. The characters come back to save their town, either by rebuilding their old school, catching a serial killer, purging corruption, or simply teaching. It is a real shift from the satanic storylines they had before.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Again, Dexter is being remade and the main character is living in a small town.

3 years ago

“Basically, movies are used as communication medium for operations. The recent Marvel movies like “Black Widow” and “Suicide Squad” and Disney’s “Mandalorian” are detailing the dismantling of MK Ultra rings and the rescue and rehabilitation of their victims.”

I will check out the site later. I’ve seen both movies, and actually I noticed the same theme.

The MCU is almost classically middlebrow, but they have produced a few interesting movies, and one of them was Captain America 2: Winter Soldier, which has as its central plot point that the world was under the control of a cabal that was plotting to eliminate anyone who was talented. I was amazed at the time that this movie was released. Black Widow is in much the same vein, and it stars the co-star in Winter Soldier. Black Widow is about freeing girls from mind control.

In Suicide Squad, people are controlled by spoors released by a giant starfish, and the US government attempts to cover up its involvement.