News Briefs – 09/19/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Dummie Funnies catches how Joe Biden appears to be talking to his interviewer, and answering questions on the fly without a teleprompter, in an interview with Telemundo. Until, just as he is reaching his emotional climax about deportations, he misses a line on his teleprompter, shifts his head down while squinting, breaks character, and says, “Wait, I missed that line.” Which means the interviewer was in on it, and the whole thing was a scripted play with actors playing each part. This is one of those clips that rewrites how you view everything else you see going forward. If Joe was reading from a teleprompter in this interview/play, is it that strange AOC and her “squad” would all have hidden earpieces in their ear canals, in that clip we highlighted, with some guy talking in their ears and making jokes, as they hold a press conference? And if all these politicians really are just walking skin suits for some hidden controller who is putting words in their mouths, who is that hidden controller, what organization are they a cog in, and who is the top honcho running that organization? Do you think we elect them? The levels of deception in this supposedly free, noble republic government, where we elect our leaders to honestly represent us are astounding.

 Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies. Feels like the hand of God as we approach a critical moment, as do many things during these times. And oddly, Q predicted big news this week and next.

Progressive group to spend $10M in ad campaign on trying to delay filling the Supreme Court vacancy until after January 20.

Hillary calls on democrats to employ every obstacle possible to stop a Ginsburg replacement.

Cruz points out you need to fill the seat because the Supreme Court may have to make a decision on the election, and you can’t leave it Four-Four, or you are courting a constitutional crisis.

Leftists rage at Ginsburg, that she did not retire under Obama.

Biden says the next elected president should choose Ginsburg’s replacement. For laughs.

McConnell says Trump’s Supreme Court nominee ‘will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.’

Murkowski will not vote to confirm SCOTUS nomination before inauguration. Trump could recess appoint, though we still have 52 other Senators who will probably vote.

FBI agent who found Hillary Clinton’s emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop calls agency’s handling of case ‘immoral’ and reveals how he fought for weeks to have them investigated.

Two New Jersey Police Officers inside their home with their ten day old baby when bullets riddle the house. Shooter/s in the wind, $20,000 reward for info.

Arizona State Trooper ambushed by a 17 year old with an AK-47. Nobody hurt, shooter in custody, get-away driver sought. These would seem unusual events, that even with publicity should not happen with regularity. Can’t even guess on the mechanism. MK-Ultra windup toys waiting for activation, Cabal drones willing to take one for the team and kill cops, or just masterful psychological manipulation of the nation to trigger the nutjobs – the only thing you know is this is the re-election strategy of one of the two dominant political parties in the nation and these dead cops are acceptable losses to get that party into power. Somebody on 4Chan had a meme, which featured the crazy Tranny from Silence of the Lambs, looking down in the hole he kept girls in, saying, “It votes for the old demented guy, or it gets the riots again!”

Jackie Singh, a senior cyber incident responder and threat analyst in Biden’s campaign, was an affiliate of the hacking organization the Gay N—– Association of America, once headed by white nationalist Andrew Auernheimer.

Since Labor Day President Trump has spoken to over 62,000 people, while Biden has only talked with 64 and hasn’t had an event with over 30 people.

Judges dramatically reduced bail amounts as high as $1 million Thursday that had been set this week for several people accused of crimes during unrest in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, that included protests and vandalism to public buildings. It is like there are two justice systems, one attempting to uphold justice, the other attempting to destroy it.

Nation’s best high school (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology) to embrace Critical Race Theory, and scrap admissions tests. This has nothing to do with diversity. They tell you that, and then when you see a guy who has a 70 IQ and in full on dementia running for President, you say, well, liberals are doing all sorts of crazy shit innocently because of a misguided ideology, and anybody can get there because liberals have eliminated the meritocracy. What you will not think is, we are living in a dictatorship, where a small Cabal of mental midgets is appointing their troglodyte slaves to rule over us because those half-wit slaves will be loyal to a machine that is their only chance of coming near power or riches. It is amazing how a conglomeration of these little lies, slipped in below your awareness, almost subconsciously, blinded us completely. We would see pedophile rings, and idiots in power, and public graft, and organized riots, and rumors of a vast surveillance state, and the richest people who were all new billionaires that all got their money off a chance clever idea while no multi-generational old-money family starting with billions, ever stole their idea and their fortune before they ever made it, creating multi-generational dynasties with so much wealth they were undefeatable. We even see an eerie exact rerun of pre-WWII Germany. And we saw all of that, pointing to a shadow dictatorship just out of sight which was lying to us, and rerunning a global plan for world war. But what we believed was we lived in the freest country in the world with privacy, and the people in control of the government, and elections, and it could never really be taken from us. And in reality, we never had it to begin with.

Transgender hormones and surgeries offer no mental health benefits.

Michigan judge rules ballots received up to 14 days after the election must be counted, and allows ballot harvesting without any ID or background check.

A lawyer for Julian Assange says her client was indirectly offered a “win-win” pardon deal by President Trump that would see him avoid extradition if he revealed the source of a leak of documents from the Democratic Party before the 2016 election. ie, Seth Rich. Supposedly the intermediary was Dana Rorhbacher.

The organizing groups behind the White House “siege” that is supposed to last until Election Day suffered a set back on the first day as they canceled the first event related to the protest.

As legal claims over protests and police pile up, Seattle faces liability risks.

Just 51% of Americans would get a Coronavirus vaccine right now.

Nigerian state says rapists will face surgical castration, and the death penaltybif the victim is under 14.

Education Secretary Betsy  DeVos to withhold millions in federal funds to Connecticut schools over transgenders on girls teams.

Majority of likely voters want ‘Blue Lives Matter’ laws punishing attacks on police.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has introduced a plan to effectively ban ballot harvesting ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Mitch McConnell rams through six Trump judges in 30 hours after blocking coronavirus aid for months.

A Dallas school district is investigating a high school English teacher who asked students to write about a modern-day hero and listed Saint Kyle of Kenosha, the 17-year-old accused of killing two people during Wisconsin protests, as one possible option.

Gulf powers ‘now view Israel as main regional ally’ as five more nations set to embrace Jewish state. That it happened so quickly, completely, and without any other major factor changing, tells you the previous regional hostility probably didn’t originate the way we were told, and if the conflict was merely a Cabal cover, this would imply Cabal is no longer in power, regardless of what we see here in the US.

Trump to block U.S. downloads of TikTok and WeChat on Sunday.

Michael Moore says the Biden Michigan strategy is ‘actually worse than Hillary.’

AP/NORC poll shows Americans are losing enthusiasm for voting by mail.

NRA raised more in August than any month of 2016, as Biden-Trump showdown nears.

In Rasmussen, Trump’s approval rating surged to 53%, higher than Obama’s at the same point in his Presidency.

Spread r/K Theory, because GOd gives you what you need.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies. Feels like the hand of God as we approach a critical moment, as do many things during these times. And oddly, Q predicted big news this week and next.

Any views on nominees? Vox Day’s blog had some interesting takes.

M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago

Cynthia Diane Stephens. Yet another fucking light-skinned black female jurist hellbent on sticking a rainbow dildo up the ass of Rule of Law.

And then Jackie Singh, a Biden staffer, outed as a GNAA. They had some pretty funny moments.

4 years ago

Ted Cruz is correct. The left is going to do everything they can to gum up the works this time around and that means lawyers galore. A solid 9 vote court will have to put an end to their shenanigans just as they did in 2000. Hesitation is the losing play.

Reply to  RedMoonProject
4 years ago

Also a reminder regarding Ted:

4 years ago

Remember this bizarre piece of shit muzzie? He’s the one that ate a piece of human brain on a CNN news show. Now, he’s an anti-Trump icon threatening to “burn the fucking country down” if Trump tries to replace Ginsburg.

4 years ago

“… lives matter” is leftist, equality garbage.

Lives only matter if the person in question has done something worthwhile.
Blanket statements should be dropped, at the very least by the right.
This whole nonsense about blue lives or red lives works to the advantage of the left, not the right.

4 years ago

> NRA raised more in August than any month of 2016, as Biden-Trump showdown nears.

Wayne will be thankful; he could use a new wardrobe and some fresh totally-not-hookers for his comped apartment.

4 years ago

Re: Ginsburg

The talking point is that, oh, now the left is going to get serious. No, honestly, what more are they going to do that they already aren’t, BURN DOWN FOUR OR FIVE MORE STATES?

We just had thunderstorms pass through Western Oregon. The air is back to it’s normal, no need for a smog check on car level of pollution. The fire danger will be dropping. I have a month and a half to sight in my new 1-6x LPVO on my AR before election night. They show up in my town with molotovs, blinding lasers, guns, etc, well, how to put it. GAME ON!

4 years ago

re: Leftists rage at Ginsburg, that she did not retire under Obama.

Yeah, she was the enemy, but I still feel sympathy. I mean, it’s impossible to know just what medications, child’s blood, and whatever else they were pumping her full of to try to keep her alive for the last four years. And for enduring all of that, this is the thanks she’s getting.

People on our side are also already calling out the end of Roe V. Wade. Ah, no. Not yet.

This will make three of five of the judges that Trump will be appointing, according to Mark Taylor. I just have a feeling that it will only be that final lineup of the Trump court that goes after Roe V Wade. RvW is Washington,DC’s covenant with Ba’al/Molech, whatever the demon likes to call itself. Those babies die, it grants the Deep State certain Earthly power. Striking down RvW severs the covenant, and it must be done with the largest majority possible to send the strongest message of rebuke and rejection.

At some point during Christ’s reign in the Millennial Kingdom, Satan will be freed from captivity to try and tempt away the believers. He will go from person to person and each will marvel that they were ever afraid of it, that they ever allowed it any power over them. Satan is the ultimate gamma, and he face the ultimate pain of one – rejection to his face, and the piercing of the delusion bubble. Then he gets thrown back into Hell. I think that RvW will be along similar lines.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

>”Satan is the ultimate gamma”

He is also the biggest faggot in the Universe. Literally the King of Sodomy, how much of a faggot can it get?

4 years ago

Someone found this relating to the video Lembrador posted:

Where is whistle blower Kay Griggs – Is she dead or alive? Why won’t MSM help find her or tell her story?
Unresolved Disappearance
Kay Griggs gave a famous 4 hour video interview in which she exposed the killings committed by her former husband Colonel George Griggs pictured with Kay at this link: A very credible Kay Griggs who has no mental impairments or substance abuse issues explains in detail how she found her husband’s diary and confronted him about it. The diary and her husband explained many murders or “contracts” he fulfilled on orders from the U.S. government which pledged him immunity from prosecutions. He claimed to have murdered over a dozen people including American citizens and it was to him “his duty” to kill these people. The interviews were finally published online in 2005 and Kay went missing within three months. None of her clothing or valuables were moved from her house for over nine weeks and then all disappeared. Relatives said they have not heard from her and fear that her ex husband may have come back to kidnap and kill her. The U.S. military will not even confirm if Colonel Griggs is still on active duty or retired. WHat can you all help us find about what happened to Kay?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Very interdasting.
On this link:

There is a link to this page:

And it gets even more interdasting. Here is a partial quote:

WeAreChange was a personal friend of FBI Chief Ted Gunderson in the last year of his life trying to help him finish off his last 2011 intelligence report. Much of what would have gone into that report is talked about in the November 2010 lecture. Here are the MOST startling revelations you’ll find there:

1) There is an 18Kton U235 tactical nuke placed in a well shielded location in Manhattan, New York
2) There is an 18Kton U235 tactical nuke placed in a well shielded location in Washington, D.C.
3) These 2 nukes were created in a back door deal between Israel and South Africa in the 80s. 10 were built. 1 was tested several hundred miles off the coast of South Africa. This test detonation was picked up by a US KH9 satellite, and created a huge stir in the world intelligence agencies. Everyone wanted to know who did that. It later came out that it was Israeli technology with South African uranium. Israel wanted a uranium based nuke since they have a plutonium based nuclear bomb plant called Dimona. And, Israel (a fiefdom of the Rothschilds) wanted a nuke that was not based on plutonium, as the signature of such a device would lead directly back to Israel. A uranium based one would give Israel “Plausible Denyability”. The US and UK wanted Israel to turn them in for destruction. The US got 6 and destroyed them. The remaining 3 went to the UK during the Thatcher administration. Only 1 made it to the UK. 2 were intercepted by Israeli arms merchants. Experts who have well documented this are Jeff Gates of ( and Phil Tourney, a USS Liberty survivor. Everyone high up in the intelligence communities knows of these nukes. There is a massive amount of classified information on this. And, Dr. Pieczenik should be able to verify this. Plus, he could contact Jeff Gates or Phil Tourney. These nukes are used to black mail the United States as was done in the Banker Bailouts of 2008. To make it clear, this is not the fault of the people of Israel. It is those who control the Israeli government. It is like what Obama is now doing to destabilize our nation and the world. It’s not the fault of the American people, It is being done by those who control America. And, this nuclear black mail over the United States is what must be exposed.
4) The United States is run as a corporation. Their are 12 men appointed by a higher group of elite to administrate this corporation. Ted Gunderson knew 2 very high level intelligence officers that knew the 12 names. They were going into hiding, then they would give the names to Ted Gunderson. Since only a handful of people know who these real power brokers over America are, those that knew were reluctant to give the intel until they had themselves and their families into hiding. Sadly, they finished poisoning Ted at a routine hospital visit (arsenic poisoning).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Have you heard of the Sampson Option?

Israel has nukes. If it is threatened—it promises to launch Nukes at EVERY EUROPEAN CAPITOL and then some. They will take out the world.

The Sampson Option is Nuclear Blackmail.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Yes fren, I am quite familiar with the Samson Option.
And I am 100% sure that if Jewish collective power ever uses it, the gen pop will exterminate all Jews from the face of the Earth in retaliation, so that’s not going to help Jewish collective power in the long run.

4 years ago

With the left calling for adding SCOTUS justices Trump needs to nominate 3 or 4 more until they scream for an amendment to limit the court to 9 and then we can give it to them.

4 years ago

“Just 51% of Americans would get a Coronavirus vaccine right now”

It’s not that many.

4 years ago

“Nigerian state says rapists will face surgical castration, and the death penalty if the victim is under 14”

How about we just go for death as long as the guilt is not in doubt?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Niger is on the right path regarding that thou.

4 years ago

Lawmakers Back Off a Deal to Avoid a Shutdown in October

4 years ago

Razorfist gives us advice on the current supreme court situation:

Reply to  info
4 years ago

He makes a lot of sense.

4 years ago

In the short term supreme court should be stacked with our guys. But to prevent our enemies from pulling a fast one on us through the same mechanism. It needs to be neutered.

So that we win in the long term.

4 years ago

Massive explosion at griffith obsevatory

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Probably fake news, disregard.

4 years ago

“Glenn Beck: Fox Told Me No Talk About God, Israel, or Soros”

It’s worth to watch the video that the article is quoting.

Original video here:

Backup here:

4 years ago

The Russians….


TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
4 years ago

“Two New Jersey Police Officers inside their home with their ten day old baby when bullets riddle the house. Shooter/s in the wind, $20,000 reward for info.”

I’m really curious about this one, but it links to the TX teacher/St. Kyle story. I could search for the article to find out if the family survived, but thought I’d let you know it’s not correctly linked. Thank you for all that you do everyday for our kind.

4 years ago

Top kek

“CIA to QAnon: Agent who hunted bin Laden now fans far-right hate

A former CIA official once in charge of the search for bin Laden is now promoting QAnon on his blog and podcast”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

He also has one of the best blog on all of the internet (it’s a hit piece on our beloved Mike Scheuer).

MSM yids shitting themselves.