News Briefs – 09/18/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – Russia Drops Key Interest Rate As Inflation Slows

DFT – Chinese Chip-Makers Go Out Of Business At Record Pace

DFT – China’s Property Sector Continues To Stumble

DFT – Jeff Bezos’ Moves Into The Real Estate Sector Pay Off

DFT – Starbucks To Upgrade Micro-Stores Inside Retailers To Facilitate Rewards Programs

World renowned forensic document examiner Erich Speckin discovers 10,000+ likely counterfeit ballots from the 2020 election in Alleghany PA.

Former Georgia Judge, Richard Jordan, who attempted to submit a complaint in June election is under investigation for questioning the legality of the use of Dominion Machines in the state.

Whistleblower – Manhattan non-citizen immigrant who has been voting illegally for 13 years is one of thousands. He marked on his form he was not a citizen, and they registered him and had him voting anyway – for democrats.

A Waukesha County judge should declare that a federal voter registration form is illegal in Wisconsin because it omits questions and disclaimers required by state law, according to a lawsuit a conservative group filed Thursday against the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Jeffrey Epstein’s sex abuse victims are ‘frustrated’ that his friend Prince Andrew has been ‘rehabilitated’ in Queen’s death events.

From here: “In 2021 Great Neck North High School directed the student government to give $375 of student funds to a “racial equity” group to speak to the student body about “systemic racism.” I was the student government’s treasurer, and I felt we didn’t know enough about the organization and its mission to disburse the funds. So I refused to sign the check. In response, the teachers who advise the student government berated, bullied and insulted me at our next meeting, which took place over Zoom for my parents to overhear. They began by announcing that my social studies teacher would be present. Together, the three adults told me that the principal himself found my stance “appalling.” I had made them and the school “look bad,” they told me. One teacher said the situation gave her “hives.”” I do not think they are this psycho – or coordinated on their own. I think this is the conspiracy. It could even have been a test to see how controllable this kid was, given she had a desire to get elected to stuff.

Harvard attorney and TikTok influencer says he was offered $400 to make anti-Trump propaganda related to Jan 6 – shows receipts. As a general rule online, people don’t pay you to give them the truth, because the vast majority think the truth is so obvious it might as well be free. People will pay you to tell other people lies though.

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol is eyeing a laundry list of tasks as it seeks to pull together a legislative package to prevent future insurrections.

One Ohio Democrat is taking the idea of running away from the unpopular Joe Biden to a whole new level, accusing the president of corruption and calling his son Hunter Biden a “dope fiend.” Ohio Democrat David Esrati.

Henry “Enrique” Tarrio is one of us, and is trying to make us look mainstream and unite our movement:

Martha’s Vineyard leftists claim there is NO ROOM on island for illegals — but hotels and vacation homes can house thousands! [Spokesperson says, “We don’t have housing for 50 more people.” But Lots of pictures at link prove she is lying.]

Martha’s Vineyard local calls on Obamas to open their $12M home to migrants.

NYC wants to relocate migrants bused in from Texas to Florida.

Another 50 migrants arrive at VP’s residence, three buses head to New York.

Gavin Newsom challenges Ron DeSantis to a debate on CNN. I have no hard data on who DeSantis is, though I would bet he knows about the surveillance, and understands that was at least supportive of the 9/11 attacks. That said, imagine DeSantis was Cabal, and they wanted him to replace Trump, and so they told Newsom to give DeSantis this publicity.

The Biden administration is spending nearly $80 million on a new system to monitor illegal immigrants that prohibits the use of any GPS technology, a decision that experts say will make it impossible to locate their whereabouts after their release into the United States.

US Army’s recruiting crisis worsens as test scores drop, disqualifications rates surge.

Biden Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ignored DOD IG memo for 3 months that alleged wrongdoing with COVID mandates.

Hospitals specifically targeted the unvaxxed for deadly forced Remdesivir and respirator protocols.

NBC deleted this one after getting called out for the underlying premise:

An Antifa group doxed a Portland police officer online and boasted about having vandalized his vehicle while it was parked outside his home earlier this week. Note, surveillance was probably watching him in his house, noted when he went to sleep, gave the vandalizer’s the green light, and watched him asleep in his house as his car was damaged, to make sure he didn’t come out, escalate things, and kill the two operatives assigned to vandalize his car, Rittenhouse-style. These things are not done haphazardly.

At least two people were shot in separate incidents in the Loop as revelers filled Chicago’s downtown area to celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day.

Glenn Beck Withdraws Support for Article V Convention. The big problem with an Article V convention is we are infested with eager agents of the very operation which, at the least, allowed 9/11 to happen, and which may very well have set it up. And they are all larping as real Americans loyal to the nation, as they do whatever the presumably foreign intel operation tells them to. You cannot open the Constitution to editing, while you have a people who are infested as if with cockroaches, like that, working for an operation which would love to eviscerate that document. Especially when you cannot even tell people that operation is all around them, and they could not even believe it if you showed it to them. That operation is infiltrating and taking over, essentially absent any resistance at all. I am surprised beck ever supported this, given he has seemed to have his own problems with this operation.

I take this as a sign Civil War is coming, and people are staying single to be able to rumble freely:

Bill Gates’ ex-wife blames men for Washington’s failures, says we need to elect more women and “non-whites,” if we are to solve the nation’s problems.

Conservationists are seeking Endangered Species Act protection for a tiny snail half the size of a pea that is known to exist only in high-desert springs near a huge lithium mine planned in Nevada along the Oregon state line. I would not be surprised if these environmental groups were funded by foreign powers to cripple our economy. People don’t give money to these things anywhere near the degree to which economic conspiracies and hidden powers do.

A small Dutch town took Twitter to court on Friday to demand the social media giant take down all messages relating to a supposed ring of Satan-worshipping pedophiles that was alleged to have been active in the town in the 1980s, and last year the same court ordered the men to immediately remove all their tweets, threats and other online content relating to the story and to make sure that none of it could ever emerge again.

Australian study treats climate change skepticism as a mental disorder.

An earthquake of magnitude 7.2 hit off the coast of Taiwan. Lots of twitter videos at the link. A decent amount of damage apparently as well as a lot of landslides.

Liz Truss’s chief of staff has been interviewed by FBI agents about an alleged criminal plot to bribe a politician and influence a US election. He allegedly gave $300k to the re-election of the governor of Puerto Rico, on one condition: sack the head of its financial regulator, which was investigating suspicious activity at his bank.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘furious’ that their kids won’t receive HRH titles. I remember reading back when he was dating Markle, some article said that because he was not Charles’ child, and was actually fathered by a polo player, the royal family would not let his children in the royal line of succession, and thus he would be allowed to marry Markle. But had he been Charles’ child, they would have made him marry someone from some old British family which had some specific bloodline.

Bank holdups snowball in Lebanon as depositors demand their own money as currency devalues. 

Germany’s public broadcaster mandates that all employees support Israel’s right to exist.

IMF says, ‘social unrest’ possible if Europe sees a cold winter. And they do not mean Europeans rioting.

Police in the German capital of Berlin are preparing emergency plans in anticipation of a possible collapse of the energy grid over the winter.

Utilities in Germany have had to handle a surge in customer service calls in recent weeks from clients angry or desperate about their sky-rocketing energy bills, Reuters reports.

President Xi Jinping called for China’s central Asian security partners at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to take common steps block external efforts at destabilizing countries through “color revolutions” – a reference to a series of externally backed revolutions which have rocked Middle East and ex-Soviet satellite countries in recent years.

The North Atlantic Alliance began its decades-long creep toward Russia’s borders in the late 1990s after walking out on commitments made to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 and 1991 not to expand “one inch” east following German reunification, a Commander has admitted.

Zelensky to head US Defense Industry Conference. It is like they want us to get repulsed by this little asshole demanding more of our tax dollars.

Ukrainian authorities released nearly 100,000 children from institutional care. Now UNICEF is trying to find 26,000 of them.

Leaked Ukrainian documents expose Ukrainian attempts to destabilize Russia and draw NATO into a full-scale war with Moscow.

Ukraine’s presidential office has altered a set of photos from Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to the town of Izium, as a picture of one of Zelensky’s armed guards wearing an SS-style patch has been quietly removed from all platforms.

France is providing Ukrainian service members with “specialized” training in a clandestine program, Politico reported on Friday.

Biden warns Putin against use of nuclear, chemical weapons – ‘It’ll be consequential.’ Yikes. All I see when I see this are all the Syrian false flag chemical attacks we launched and blamed on Assad, to justify war.

Russia has inflicted serious damage on Ukrainian forces with recently introduced Iranian drones.

Putin says there is a very special military unit in Ukraine called the Storm, doing very important work:

Virginia’s GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin reverses woke school policies of his Dem predecessor: Trans students must use bathroom matching birth certificate and teachers can’t be forced to use alternative pronouns.

‘Floundering’ Fetterman has Democrats fretting in Senate race vs. Dr. Oz.

NRSC Chairman Rick Scott predicts ‘minimum’ two-seat Senate pickup.

California Assault Weapons ban is put on the fast track to a ruling by the judge, who will certainly overturn it.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Storm is important work.

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2 years ago

> I take this as a sign Civil War is coming, and people are staying single to be able to rumble freely:

I blame iy on “no fault divorce”, which is the law in, what, 45 states now? One partner makes 100% of the money, one makes nothing. Either one can file for divorce at will, and divorce is automatic; there’s nothing the other partner can do about it. And then the do-nothing partner gets 50% of all marital assets, PLUS years of “maintenance”, which is the new word for alimony. Depending on the judge, they might get more.

No sane person would sign a contract like that. That’s not ‘marriage’, that’s an indenture waiting to happen.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Documentary on the Divorce-Industrial Complex.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Did anyone form groups to fight against this trend?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

I think some Men did and a few Women but the Men were called Women haters and Women said the only reason they were against no fault divorce was they wanted to beat their wives.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

MGTOW has always been a movement to split us anyway

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

MGTOW is for losers. 50% of men born did not reproduce.
It was never easy. That is why we compete.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

also see mathis. he writes extensively on the CIA “men are pigs” project.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Aside from the comments about Protestantism. This is a worthwhile watch:
Here is her book:
Its tied to Occultism like Theosophy featuring Witchcraft and other contacts with demonic forces.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It’s true that some look to things called ‘ occult ‘ to obtain a perceived advantage over others, which is unfortunate, and invites doom upon themselves. That said, some would call it occultic if you meditate or read the I-ching. NLP, hypnosis, sales, persuasion, marketing, etc. , when abused, is really a type of witchcraft, as is substance abuse. A false sense of power, those type methods, combined with the gangstalking phenomenon, are a current manifestation of what witch doctors with bones in their noses dancing in the jungle used to do, witches casting spells as they stir some cooking pot. AC, I read an article from the early years of this site. It was an in depth exposition or how many of the historic genocides which occurred were fueled with the motivation of shielding from their own amygdala systems, to preserve what they want to think of themselves. I recently looked again at some choice excerpts from ‘ Jung on Evil ‘ and he could have been writing about modern end stage America. While it’s good that this site is now like a daily battle report, perhaps some of the insights as to the r-selected psychodynamics would prove helpful to readers unfamiliar with them. That said, to anyone looking at anything occult, if it’s used as a means to fool or vex someone, it’s black magic, no matter how it’s presented. If it’s something to enhance mind- body-cosmos physical/subtle body, it’s a natural means of self enhancement. I personally dislike the term ‘ occult ‘ as too many peaceful and healthy practices get bracketed with kooky or nasty stuff. What many call ‘ occult ‘ is really satanism pure and simple.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

The r selected just live together and the K selected are starved of resources to the point they are hesitant to make the commitment yet.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Are you part of survellaince TRX????? HA!!! Just described the last 3 yrs of my life to a T!
Lost MORE than 50%! Child support is crazy stupid too…
I don’t recommend any man get a marriage license under any circumstances anymore.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

People need to be careful whom they marry.
Family is still the best model. Unfortunately western women, in general are not marriage material. Even potentially good women are led astray by the “friends” and the media.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Marriage is supposed to be a serious covenant between a man and a woman, with God and people as witnesses.The problem is that these days it’s a three way arrangement, with the state included. I know a guy who had a big wedding in a park, no license.
Later, when things got rocky, he didn’t end up living under a bridge.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

I made this comment elsewhere,

I think White Women have a glitch. It’s not like they don’t have caring Mother qualities but at the same time they have this overwhelming desire not to be dominated. In a general way having several kids, taking care of them and having the Father provide does require a bit of submissiveness on the wives part to make it work successfully. She has to subordinate her wishes to the family. Women don’t want that, so they grow resentful at White Men that are a close common target, while idealizing some “other” race somewhere else and fetishizing their motherly instincts on them. It’s really whacked and likely the only way to get rid of it is to breed it out of them which is what happens every time our civilization collapses. Those Women no longer breed and during the collapse are likely to be treated brutally.

There’s precedent for this idea. You can see it has happened at least two times in history I know of.

In Sparta the Men fought to the very end. They continued their grueling tests and frankly awful lifestyle to the end but…they ran out of Spartans. Their population crashed. The only real job the Women had to do was have some kids and…they didn’t. There were only a few thousand left and they were defeated by the Thebians. That brought about the freedom of most of the Helots so they were screwed. No way to get back on top. Hundreds of years thrown away.

In Rome the exact same type of no fault divorce got passed as we have now. Men started refusing to get married. After all, it’s a raw deal legally for Men to get married under the laws then and now. You can only hope your wife doesn’t divorce you, drag you into Female controlled special “divorce courts” and ruin your life. The only control you really have is to not get married at all. In Rome so few Men got married that they started taxing them for not being married. I suspect that when the Vandals came down to attack Rome the Men with no wives and no real future because of the divorce laws said no way am I going to get my ass killed for the greedy Senators of Rome and took off. Rome fell.

I believe the same thing happened in Persia but I’m not as sure about that.

I think Women forget just how necessary Men are to keeping a civilization going. Especially the average, normal, much criticized beta Man who dutifully does all the things needed to keep things going while he suffers for it.

The comments I got from Women were

“…As per usual, the misogynist rant contains nothing whatsoever in the way of documented fact….”

“…They want to tell women that our childbearing and child-rearing work is indispensable to the continuity of our civilization….”

I agreed.

“…Then, they want to turn around and claim that paid employment is the only kind that confers any right to the respect due to a fully-fledged, functioning grown-up member of society…”

Totally made up to make me look like I approve of things I never said or wanted.

“…You are not entitled to a risk-free life. That you believe some sort of Fatherhood strike is justified by your exaggerated fear of divorce…”

First the things I said about Spartans and the Romans are true or at lest I read the Romans no fault divorce case was true. They didn’t provide any info on why it was not true just called it lie.

Men are already doing all they can. We are being totally defeated by Women voters. No matter how many excuses Women make Men do not have the votes to straighten this mess out. This constant blaming of Men and telling us we need to do something is like asking pigs to fly. We don’t have the political power to change things. We already know what needs to be done but Women votes are stopping us. Women need to stop blaming Men for the shape things are in because we’re not politically in a position to change anything legally. If we do so by violent means…well if Women think things are bad now wait til a civil war breaks out, things will be unfathomably worse.

I pointed out the idea of one spouse being the bread winner and the other being more submissive counts equally for Men and Women, If a Man is totally dependent on his Wife I doubt he would be as aggressive as if he were the sole breadwinner.

As for a “risk-free life” what if we went back to the standard before modern times where in all cases of divorce the children went to those with the greatest resources? That would be “risk free”. I bet doing that would unleash huge cries of hatred.

One of my big complaints is Women say they want to be equals then when any case of equality comes up they want special treatment because they are Women. They absolutely refuse to take any criticism, any criticism is called hatred no matter how it’s phrased or how many facts you reference and blame Men for everything. I’m not buying that.

I said that this continuing system of no fault divorce in special divorce, (actually Woman), courts would bring on a nose dive in marriages. I had no idea it was already so bad when I said this. The present system is so advantageous to Women, and lawyers, that I don’t think it can be stopped and marriage rates will continue to fall.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

A lot of women don’t think past the current kids, grand kids sparks another burst of narrow future time think. Shame really.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Just upvoted you but…

  1. Arguing with an emotional being who is biologically INCAPABLE of placing logic over emotion is a waste of time. It’s about as productive as pig wrestling.
  2. Everything you wrote about white women applies to black women, etc. It’s female nature.
  3. Female nature is universal. That’s not a bad thing. Women are awesome… it’s men’s responsibility to recognize basic female nature.
  4. Not every group of men permit female-controlled societies. In this regard, Islam does not play.
  5. In America, white men underwrote female control of black men then inexplicably (after the destruction of black families) placed white women above white men. Whom the gods would destroy…
  6. Any society controlled by female nature is terminal. The West is not fixable.

Bye bye female controlled USA and Western Europe.

Soon, bye bye female controlled India, Brazil, …

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…biologically INCAPABLE of placing logic over emotion…”

I don’t think they are completely incapable but they lean that way.

However, what they are capable of is shame and fear.

When you lay out the facts and look at the marriage rates. They realize that Men finally have found the cost is just too high, then maybe they will get rid of the scum running the country. Maybe not. Rome fell, Sparta fell and I bet many others for the same reasons.

If you get married there’s a very high chance that you get 4 or 5 years of marriage. 7 if you’re lucky. 2 of those with a lot of strife and then payments for 18 or more years as they are now demanding college payments. That’s an extraordinary high price if you fail and none of it is in your control at all. Your wife may be on her best behavior before you marry and then change.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Feminine control is tantamount to societal suicide.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

that is why you just walk out of the room. always have an exit. avoid arguing early on. / later on… from experience. put it all in yer name if possible. say you arent moving out, period. hack for better terms on anything. any issues with kids? dont forget to point out what mama did wrong or does wrong. keep track of all payments they dont contribute too. watch the state time clock for when abandonment is a legal claim you can make. suggest that if a hostile divorce is contemplated, that you will not take it well.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

So, in summary, make babies

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I was reading a bunch of Metallicman and ran across an absolute prime example of what I’m talking about White Women obsessed with not thinking anyone is dominating them, Scroll down to the heading “Family Culture” and read the story.

Men don’t have any trouble changing tires or taking out the trash or doing things for their wives but her, She embarrassed her husband for no reason other than she was too proud to publically help even though it was the culture all around her. No she just couldn’t.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

they are gullible to all the “we are all the same” bs

2 years ago

> I would not be surprised if these environmental groups were funded by foreign powers to cripple our economy. 

After the fall of the USSR the Russian Federation was desperate for cash, and sold access to KGB records that were no longer considered matters of state security. The CIA, FBI, MI5, and MI6 took advantage of that.

We found out that, yes, the Rosenbergs were KGB agents, and yes, the “student protests” of the 1960s were instigated by them, and yes, they helped the Black Panthers, and yes, they backed half a dozen anti-nuclear groups, and yes, they helped found most American labor unions, and were still in control of them, and yes, they were behind a lot of the “environmentalist” groups.

For some reason this seems largely forgotten now. Groups like Greenpeace, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the AFL-CIO not only haven’t been eradicated, they’re still treated as political players.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Someone’s funding the anti-fracking movement too…

Who would want to deny us hydrocarbons?

It’s a long list, even Putin would have a good reason.

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

I always assumed these movements are hand in glove with the WEF politicians in power

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Sure, the Soviets did what they could to further things like the student protests. But you have to consider that all of those movements were created by Cabal.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

That’s because the institution that should have reacted to those revelations were controlled by fellow travelers.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Look at the activists in the UK House of Lords, eg CNDs Baroness Ashton

2 years ago

>  But had he been Charles’ child, they would have made him marry someone from some old British family which had some specific bloodline

Harry was born in 1984. DNA testing goes back ten years before that, though it was rare and expensive until the late 1990s. Though I doubt that would have been a problem for the royal family.,

Though I should point out that the normal style of testing can be iffy in the case of incest; you need to sequence considerably longer chunks of DNA than usual to get a good level of confidence about the results then.

Normal tests just look at a short piece DNA that *most of the time* will do to establish parenthood. It’s not anywhere near 100% accurate, despite what TV and movies might imply.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Don’t think for a minute that blood samples are taken from the child the minute they are born. Those samples get analyzed by the very best and most effective methods what ever the decade. And I have no doubt that said samples are preserved for future documentation if the need ever arises. Harry’s biological father is probably well known in the elite circles.

2 years ago

> Virginia’s GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin reverses woke school policies of his Dem predecessor: Trans students must use bathroom matching birth certificate and teachers can’t be forced to use alternative pronouns.

Good for him… but we’ve been told over and over, the reason states capitulate on the bathroom issue is that it’s tied to Federal Department of Education Funding, and unless they jump through every Federal hoop, the schools will have to close.

Even before the Department of Education was created, like when I went to elementary school, there was Federal funding, which was why they were so relentless about missing days of school; they got paid per student/day, and every day you missed cost them money.

So either A) Virginia is going to tell the Fed to piss up a rope and pay its own way, or B) Youngkin is just grandstanding, and the citizens of Virginia will bear the cost of the court cases and possible fines from the DOE.

2 years ago

‘I take this as a sign Civil War is coming, and people are staying single to be able to rumble freely[.]’

Either that or Western men are reluctant to forfeit their salaries, homes, children and 401Ks to a selfish, over-tattooed women with BPD.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Definitely a reason, and I lay most of the blame on the current state of affairs on women. That said, as a Gen X teenager some of my friends were Chads and Chad Lites and the way they treated their romantic interests was a reason I’m not friends with them anymore. Totally exploiting them during their marriage, using emotional blackmail, absolutely screaming at a girlfriend for minutes over a minor screw up, running three “monogamous” relationships in parallel without any of the girlfriends knowing, doing the neighbor’s wife while the neighbor was on deployment, etc.

Smart and funny guys, and rarely mean to me, but maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that I’ve only ever been mediocre in the looks department. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, etc. I know that some of that just sounds like “the comedy of life” material, but I also know that some of those women suffered serious emotional trauma because of those men.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

were they being forced to date women like that?

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

A lot of the comments on this topic sound like older men who don’t talk to the average dating age woman at all, let alone enough to form a solid opinion of the situation.

It’s not as fucked as they claim. If you’re basing your statistics on the new average, which is increasingly non-white and non-first-world, of course you’re going to see declines. If you sample only real American stock I’ll bet the numbers are fine.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…older men who don’t talk to the average dating age woman at all…”

You may be right but first hand I’ve seen everyone I know get divorced and it was huge mess. Everyone.

I have a good friend that had a paid for house and land and all the various equipment that goes with several acres and his wife decided she needed to find herself so they get divorced and he has to fire sale everything. All this stuff from over decade. He doesn’t want leave the kids when she goes to California so he follows. Finally, he gets a job in Seattle, Washington. All this time he is paying big time child support AND all the bills. Stays in Seattle for many years and finally when his girls start talking about how Lesbians are just misunderstood he has enough. Finds new job and moves back to middle US. Tells everyone they can come or not and since he is paying all the bills they follow. Talked into buying a house there and former wife, separated but living together, says she that she will help pay for half of with, of course, his child support money. Doesn’t pay. Finally when kids of age he quits. Financially ruined, tells kids if they want money get some of the over half million or so he has paid out to former wife. Wife sues him again and gets a lien on house she has paid next to nothing on so he can’t sell. Drags on eating more lawyer cash into the fire. He settled, but I think it cost him again. Now one kid hates him and the other doesn’t hang around much. Guy was ruined and I see this over and over.

I’m not saying there’s not shitty guys, but I think in most cases Women since they can get paid married or not decide to get divorced. The incentives are all for divorce. The ones that stay married as a general rule make lots of money or they are dominate handsome Men. The rest that stay married, you see them all the time walking behind their wives saying,”yes dear”.

“…older men who don’t talk to the average dating age woman at all…”

One thing you are missing, and it’s a big one is young Women like aggressive Men. Then after 2.5 kids they want a “yes dear” Man that is not so aggressive but the Men are who they are and easy divorce where the Men pay for it all makes it easy for them to get rid of the now “asshole” they married who was always the same but her mental state changed.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

“Finds new job and moves back to middle US. Tells everyone they can come or not and since he is paying all the bills they follow. Talked into buying a house there and former wife, separated but living together”

Your friend is an idiot for letting his ex-wife hang around like that. She fucked him over once. He didn’t think she’d do it again?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

The remedy for this is obvious, BUT not to brainwashed sheeple-goys. It’s also the solution to many other problems. You know how we all love to point out that Rights do not come from government? Well, neither does justice. (!) If govt. does not have the legitimate authority to infringe upon your rights, then it may not it deny you justice, or substitute fake justice in its place, or prohibit you from claiming private justice, if that becomes necessary. The old adage, “Death before dishonor” comes to mind. So does the fact of the one true Right that has been so-infringed that few even know it exists and most will not believe that it really is a Right. That would be the Right of Vengeance. All made possible by the Right of Jury Nullification, which has also been hidden from the masses, and no wonder.

One reason many people do not respect veterans is they claim that they were willing to risk their lives for their “Nation,” but it’s obviously not true, since most are willing to submit to the things you describe, and so much more, RATHER than to risk being found guilty by a jury of their peers — which admittedly is not the type of jury that most will actually receive. But still…

None of this works in current America, true, but it is a definite way back

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…It’s not as fucked as they claim…”

I don’t know.The actual numbers look bad. In fact they may be cooking the books when it comes to illegals so it’s actually worse than they are telling us. Real bad. The marriage figures look awful, and this,

“The number of white people in the U.S. has shrunk for the first time since the first census in 1790. According to yesterday’s release of 2020 Census data, there were around 191.7 million white people in the U.S. last year, down from 196.8 million when the last census was taken in 2010…”

So 5 million less Whites and how many not Whites packed in??? 10 million???

Children born

61.2% down to 49.6% That’s a lot. Over 10% drop. At one time Blacks were only 10% of the population and the rest mostly White now we have dropped more than the former percentage of Blacks in a few years. The numbers are actually far, far, far worse as they are hiding the illegals.

If White Women do not start voting out these traitors with the Men who already are doing all they can, then THEY will be responsible and everyone will know it. All the White Men will know it. It will be unpleasant.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I don’t understand this type of dismissal at all. I’m a Millennial and I’m in the thick of things. I can be quite a social Macaque. I talk to the average dating age men/women and most (if not all) of what these “older men who don’t talk to the average dating age women at all” are writing bear out, though I have not yet seen the long-term fruit of my peers’ relationships.

There’s a reason why it’s wise to listen to one’s elders. They were already “talk[ing] to the average dating age woman” in their time, learned from it, processed this information, and are passing their knowledge to the next generation. If it’s gotten worse, they would be the first to know because they were in the thick of things (like me) a decade or more ago (unlike me). Who else am I going to get additional insight from? Zoomer TikTok influencers?

Societal patterns do exist. They are real. Wisdom continues to flow to the younger generation, but only to those who read, listen, observe, and discern.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Unfortunately, I would estimate about 75% of all women in the Anglosphere are serious trouble, or have slept with so many guys that no decent guy will touch them.

That doesn’t leave a large enough pool of marriageable women to maintain society with.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Eastern women are still marriable and consider western women a catch compared to their own men.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I don’t know which Eastern women you’re talking to. But the ones in the US I’ve dated have been just as mentally/spiritually/emotionally compromised as Western women. Granted, they are far less physically promiscuous because of family culture and frugality: they tend to live with their families for longer than Western women and they tend to live in larger packs if they move out of their parents’ household.

Note, this is just my experience living in areas with high concentrations of 1st through 3rd generation East Asian immigrants. Don’t underestimate the South Korean propaganda machine. It’s the East Asian equivalent to Hollywood programming.

Also, some of the most wholesome, but also most destructive, marriages I’ve seen among my age group have been East Asian. Toxic Eastern women are very good at giving just enough to bleed the man dry for that much longer. The end result is the same: a husk of a man who is less than a fraction of what he used to be.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Eastern women in the US are not “eastern”.
Clue is in the title

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


Anyway, I mostly wanted to warn people that going “Eastern” isn’t some magical solution and that cultural discernment is very important. That’s why I mentioned 1st gen East Asian immigrants and also gave a caveat regarding the programming a huge chunk of Eastern women are getting through the South Korean propaganda machine.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Not a full society, but more then enough to provide a ruling aristocracy.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

The marketplace is brutal. I’ve seen man quality men get restless and lower their standards to settle down, to later gravely regret their decision.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Escorts calm restlessness.
Cast the net over the other side, and dont tell them how much you earn

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Get thee behind me, Satan. I will not not fall into the trap of adultery.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Is using an escort “adultery” if not married?
How is it worse than any sex-before-marriage?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

To be specific it is fornication.
Adultery is worse because it violates the marriage vows.
But it is common to use adultery as the catch all word for sleeping around.
I also suggest that you check on what the Bible has to say about fornication.
HINT: Nothing good

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Good question.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

If there is no alternative, yes

2 years ago

‘Biden warns Putin against use of nuclear, chemical weapons – ‘It’ll be consequential.’’

Oooo, I bet Putin is just quakin’ in his boots about that one.

2 years ago

This really isn’t that important, but it relates to items on the British royal family, like the one we got in the links today and will be getting for another year, so I’m throwing it out. It involves some internet research that I wanted to get done and move on.

Since the Kingdom of Great Britain and the current (with one later amendment) succession law was adopted in the early eighteenth century, no one has yet become monarch without being ranked lower than fifth in the line of succession, at any time during their life. Normally a prince or princess will move up, as older relatives die, though its possible to move down as older siblings have children.

Queen Victoria was born in 1819. When she was born, she was fifth in th line of succession to her grandfather, George III. Her uncles George (later George IV), Frederick, and William (later William IV), plus her father Edward were all ahead of her. She moved up five positions over the next eighteen years. George VI was fourth line at birth, and Prince George, oldest son of Prince William. was fourth, both again at the consequence of being born at the end of long reigns of long lived sovereigns.

Harry was born fourth in the line of succession and is now fifth, and will (hopefully) move down once his nephews and nieces start having children. So he was just close enough to the top job to generate headlines, but its unlikely to be an issue. Going from fourth to the top spot done in two out of ten cases, and Victoria and George VI both started moving up in line before they turned six.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

This all just tend to prove that the current concept of Kingship is a fraud, and has been since Europe was cunningly converted to a certain middle eastern religion that was designed to enslave it. Prior to that sad (fatal) occurrence, Kingship was not inherited, let alone subject to this nonsense!

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

First child myocarditis ad I’ve ever seen
Truly horrific, even murderous:
Hospitals Specifically Targeted the Unvaxxed for Deadly Forced Remdesivir and Respirator Protocols

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Question: given that you are correct, which you are, and given that things are even worse, which is true, WHAT do you intend to to if you develop some pressing medical problem? Just asking for a friend, who suspects that he may have had a small stroke.
Personally, I have steered clear from the medical industry since it agreed to perform abortions and take payment for them — and that was when I still thought abortion was acceptable, because people who are willing and eager, to kill… and who are compensated for killing innocents at the request of others… Well, wouldn’t they agree to kill YOU too, if it was convenient or profitable?

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

I take this as a sign Civil War is coming, and people are staying single to be able to rumble freely….

No, between runaway female hypergamy, being up tatted thots, and riding the carousel until they hit the wall, plus more, women are unmarriageable.

Last edited 2 years ago by teo toon
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

I guess surrendering the media, the bureaucracy, the schools, the universities, the entertainment industry, corpo ‘Murica and pretty much everything else to the homos was a bad idea, huh?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago


And now we have raced over the cliff and are heading for the canyon floor at warp speed.

Q and/or Trump have no answer or permanent solution for that.

The white hats waited waaayyy too long.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

The answers and solutions are easy.
We don’t know whether Q plans to implement them or not so you really can’t say he won’t.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

If Q Plan was a plan, dont think it is any longer

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

instead, behold the starless flags.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

Starless flag… so what?

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Err, not exactly. Creating laws that removed any consequences for

runaway female hypergamy, being up tatted thots, and riding the carousel until they hit the wall

created the current situation. Incentives matter.

Deflecting and gaslighting whenever anyone writes anything that impugns modern American women also helped create the current situation.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Most Western women are unmarriable
There, FIFY

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Stop dating non-Christian, non-heritage-Americans from non-middle-class families, problem solved.

Foreigners will never share core values with you no matter how magic you think the dirt is, so they will make bad partners. Poor people have financial and social incentives to take advantage of you. Rich people are more likely to be latchkey kids with no proper upbringing and a taste for hedonistic gluttony. Above all, morality is best imbued via true belief in a set of moral codes passed down and enforced by God, so stop dating atheists and weird foreigner religions.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Please explain that theory to Tom Brady, Bezos, etc.

Pedestalization of certain wimmenz brought us to where we are.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This gets today’s wrongness prize.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Continuous agitprop to reduce whites from marrying and having families, and the dumbasses out there are eating it up.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

“…Continuous agitprop…”

All these criticisms when talking broadly about the problems with marriage for Men are not going away because you call it agitprop. For decades, young boys have seen their Mothers divorcing their Fathers. They see this stuff. They see the situation. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying “NA,NA,NA,NA,NA” like dumb and dumber is not going to make Men noticing the way things aregpomg. go away.

I just happened to have a thought. Whenever anyone talks about the problems in the US or marriage, I NEVER hear Women saying that they will give up or change anything. They will not give one damn inch to make things better. We can’t even get them to vote for people who will not flood the whole damn country with aliens much less roll them back and depot them. It’s always “Men need to do this” or :”Men need to do that”. What are Women going to do??? So far it looks like they will just complain more about Men and ignore any complaints they have as so-called “hatred”. Never ever answering any of the complaints Men have.

And tragically Marielle Redclaw is on our side or the best we can get and even her when any complaints are made totally sticks to the Women’s side and completely ignores any facts, figures and numerous clear problems any Men bring up as some sort of big plan to damage Women. If she is like this, and this is the standard model for most all Women even very conservative Women, think of the feelings of those not so inclined.

I believe her and other Women on conservative sites are only willing to say,”Men must do more”, while not doing a thing about the hoards of Women voting for our enemies nor even acknowledging that it’s a huge problem.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

>I just happened to have a thought. Whenever anyone talks about the problems in the US or marriage, I NEVER hear Women saying that they will give up or change anything. They will not give one damn inch to make things better.

You can’t force people to change, all you can control is your own behavior and choices. You’re not a woman, so how are you going to change their behavior? Crying online about women being whores then dying angry and alone is the most retarded possible outcome.

>It’s always “Men need to do this” or :”Men need to do that”.

Stop hanging out with retarded women. Stop assuming the presentation given to you by the media of an “average woman” is reality. I’m not being facetious when I say I associate with literally zero women like this. You’re making decisions that lead to you associating with these ghouls instead of finding a better alternative.

>I believe Women on conservative sites…

They’re women with families who instead prefer to be terminally online engaging in largely male spaces. If it’s not obvious those aren’t the pinnacle of feminine aspirations then I don’t know what to tell you. Gotta stop putting sample-size-one characters on a pedestal as if it means anything to reality outside the internet bubble.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

You’re making up things about me that don’t exist. My complaints are perfectly valid and trying to shame me into not making them by positing some “other” of me that doesn’t exist is typical “propping up fake personalities” just so you can knock them down.

I’m not going to waste time picking though his fake redefining of what I said because he has a bunch of things in there I did not say or posit.

People pay attention. These tactics we see all over. I make large general complaints and the “anonymous” person tries to pigeonhole them onto some non-existent line of thought that is narrow and not at all what I’m talking about. They also attempt to foist attributes onto me that don’t exist. Typical “fake media” tactics.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Could it be true — and thus required by all who value the Truth, that men should just begin seizing young virgens who strike their fancy, and bearing then away to be wives? After all, the girls will get used to it in 30 days or so, and will also be totally ruined as women and as human beings in a year or two! I am not suggesting this breach of current “law,” mind you, BUT certainly pointing out the obvious!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

It’s the parents responsibility to introduce quality partner options for their daughters and make sure they are raised in a fashion that makes them equally valuable in return.

Arranged marriages and “bride stealing” as you mention are just an reactionary response to women being whores. They acknowledge the problem of hypergamy and r-selection in women with too much freedom, but rather than taking the moderate route they go extreme and just remove their agency entirely.

Just find women with good fathers who are present in their life and raised them properly and you’ll be fine.

2 years ago

On the item about the Great Neck High school student council, one of the strongest arguments for setting these things up is as a civics lesson. They are supposed to give students some practice in how government works.

In that case, can think of nothing better than intimidating students who get elected to these things to vote and act the right way, and it would be even better if they rigged the elections and let that be known. They could then punish the students who pointed out they were rigging the elections.

2 years ago
teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Conservationists are seeking Endangered Species Act protection for a tiny snail half the size of a pea that is known to exist only in high-desert springs near a huge lithium mine planned in Nevada along the Oregon state line.

My first thought is that the snail is more widespread than these so-called conservationists are telling us: see the spotted owl hoax.
My best thought is that these snails are planted:
A new Walmart was being planned in Forked River, NJ in the early 2ks; the lot had already been purchased; it may have already been prepared. Some bint from the area traveled to North Carolina and obtained a rare snake and planted it on the lot; the local “conservationists” got in an uproar and delayed construction. Investigation led back to this bint and she was sued; however, by that time she had transferred all her assets to her husband or some other relative.
I was living up there, in that town at the time.

Last edited 2 years ago by teo toon
2 years ago

I’ve been reading Steve Sailer more recently, largely because, as Jim Stone has been noting, actual alternative content has slowly but surely been disappearing from the internet (I’m worried about this site). Sailer is at least often entertaining.

Anyway, he had a blog post up about how gay marriage is causing a drop in the straight marriage rate, because straight men don’t want to do something that is gay, or something like that. His commentators blasted that argument out of the water in the first dozen comments, then went on to have an interesting discussion on the depressing state of American straight marriage. This links to the discussion for those interested:

The chart AC featured got posted quite far down in the discussion, and I thought the trend was notable.

If I am reading the chart right, in 1990, when the chart begins, about 1% of the entire USA population (including small children and very old people) got married this year. By 2020, that had dropped to 0.5% each year, so there has been a drop.

Its worth noting that the 1950s marriage rate, which everyone seems to think is the norm, was actually unusually, almost abnormally, high by historical standards. But between 1990 and 2020 the rate dropped, and the way it dropped is interesting.

Between 1990 and 2008 there was a steady and gradual drop, amounting to something like a 3% drop each year. By 2008, the marriage rate had dropped from 1% of the population annually to 0.7%, so about three fifths of the eventual drop happened over those 18 years. After 2008, the rate stabilized or even slightly increased. Then in 2018, the drop resumed at a steeper rate, going from 0.7% to 0.6% annually in 2018 and 2019, and then from 0.6% to 0.5% annually in 2020, the year of the COVID psyop.

The marriage rate was cut in half in the thirty years after 1990, but 60% of the drop happened between 1990 and 2008, then nine years of stabilization, then 40% happened in the three years after 2018 (20% during the COVID psyop year). The few commentators supporting Steve argued that this meant the pace increase after gay marriage was legalized.

My interpretation is that by the 1990s there were a whole slew of changes that made straight marriage make less sense to most people, and though the culture still hasn’t really got caught up, you got this slow decline year after year. This had bottomed out by 2018, at 0.7% of the population getting married each year. Then there was a big drop in the last three years. The drop during the COVID psyop makes a lot of sense. But the two years earlier? Did people sort of sense something was coming, and it wasn’t going to be a good time to try to start a family?

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

What is the evidence of real alternative content disappearing?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Kiwifarms being DDOS’d to death by an organized multinational corporate conspiracy led by a man in a dress that sells tranny drugs to kids for a career.

YouTube actively banning and demonetizing any content that does not align with their preferred political and content narratives, as well as allegedly leading DDOS and legal interference on competing services.

Episodes of TV shows being retroactively memoryholed for wrong think that was totally commonplace at the time or outright humor. Example: It’s Always Sunny removing the blackface episodes despite the obviously humorous intent of it.

Just a few examples. If you don’t see it you’re just not looking TBH

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

open yer eyes. it’s all over. frequent ddos of 8kun is a good place to start

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

In the 90s, British women were already behaving badly like the tiktok/dating app generation. All my friends married in the 90s ended up divorced, and often getting screwed over royally with lies, accusation and weaponisation of femininity, the courts & police.
Difference is, today’s social media tools exposes the behaviour, and much sooner.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It is almost impossible to get all the way through a marriage without seeing the red flags. Most people are just dumb soy-filled complacent cows who would rather go through with a shit marriage to keep up appearances than have to break up with a loony chick. If you’re legitimately shocked at finding out your marriage is trash then you probably caught yourself a cabal infiltrator.

There are plenty of fine women out there. There are also plenty of dumb coward men who would rather give up than have to do the hard work to find these women. The second category is disproportionately represented in blackpilled online commenters.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

There are plenty of fine women out there. There are also plenty of dumb coward men who would rather give up than have to do the hard work to find these women. The second category is disproportionately represented in blackpilled online commenters.”

“‘[P]lenty’ of fine women out there”? Be real. Depends on where you are. Depends on your definition of “plenty”. Depends on a man’s own SMV. Depends on how you define “fine”.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

White Feather Campaign. Haven’t heard of that before, but what a wonderful and useful idea! After all, if those men disagreed with being sent off to kill their fellow White men, who in most cases could have been blood relatives, then they shouldn’t have been skulking around the streets in civilian clothes. Not at all! They should have been taking out the race traitors who supported the war, and the Alien nation wreckers who had set it up, financed it, and profited from it.
“Things are very clear, “Mister White Feather,” if you won’t risk your life for this bogus war, then do your duty and risk the result of a trial by jury.” Maybe tattoo a short blurb about Jury Nullification onto your forehead!

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Before the 1990s, anti-male shaming language used to work on beta males.

The White Feather shaming propaganda campaign drove thousands of anti-war men to suicide or their deaths in World War I.

Calling the prudent “dumb coward men who would rather give up than have to do the hard work to find these women dive onto a grenade” does not work any longer.

Men of all colors have woken up to the extreme dangers of marriage and eventual divorce. Shaming language is now more a sign of desperation than anything else.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Fine, end your genetic lineage angry and alone because you’re too autistic or lazy to understand that you’re responsible for sifting through the trash in life to find the things that are worthwhile. Most of the world is shit, but there plenty of quality to be found everywhere in every facet if you care at all to look.

You get mad about being asked to be selective and work hard about your partner but see no problem in having to be selective and work hard towards fitness, health, a career, friendships, or any other aspect of your ultra trad super smart boy sigma grindset gay lifestyle.

You’ve bought into the narrative specially designed to target over-stressed men into effective suicide by refusal to reproduce. MGTOW shit is indistinguishable from antinatalist suicide cults, other than you openly worship hedonism and materialism where as those lunatics are at least honest about their nihilistic suicidality.

2 years ago

Harvard attorney and TikTok influencer says he was offered $400 to make anti-Trump propaganda related to Jan 6 – shows receipts.

“As a general rule online, people don’t pay you to give them the truth, because the vast majority think the truth is so obvious it might as well be free. People will pay you to tell other people lies though.”

This is a hugely important, and true, observation.

Its to be kept in mind if you think you are going to generate creative and/ or analytical content and get paid for it.

2 years ago

Re: Marriage rates — the last two numbers are 19 and 20. 19 is bad, but 20 could simply be the inability to book a wedding venue anywhere. I knew people who literally were engaged who put it off until 21-22.

2 years ago

BCE points out that Joint Base Cape Cod, nee Otis AFB, is a superfund site, which is why it has all that room to house refugees.

2 years ago

I used to listen to Victor Davis Hanson. He is quite knowledgeable being first a true classicist. But thru the years, I’ve noticed that he is on the Diversity bandwagon. He is very careful to avoid any nationalism whatsoever and even promotes anti-racism from time to time.

He is also a Swede. His parents were Swedish immigrants. There is something wrong with ol’ Viking racial groups—the Danes, the Norwegians, the Swedish because all these once fierce warrior groups have become soy-boys and their states liberal hell-holes. I don’t know what is up with these people but they have some serious mental problems.

And so in a recent talk with John Anderson of the Hoover Institute–VDH said that the 2020 election is history–forget about it and that Trump needs to step down from the 2024 candidacy!

I will NO longer listen to him. He has lost all reputation. He is just another RINO, another back-stabbing sob.

The 2020 election IS NOT History—A Coup is NOT history–it requires Justice. And the people responsible for that Coup–need to be shot as Traitors. Beginning with the military generals that quashed or silenced their own election integrity unit! They know what went down. There were several Military veterans who were Special Forces who spoke at The Moment of Truth Summit–they have friends who have friends. They know what went down. Why this hasn’t been rectified–blows my mind. See how fast the Burmese military shut down a color revolution in their country!–they have balls and are men of action. Our military is full of Masonic traitors and cucked soy-boy cultural Marxists!

The 2020 election is NOT history. We want Justice. We want Justice for President Trump who worked HARD with all of his guts–we OWE HIM. We also owe ourselves because we were disenfranchised by the Democrat Party. phuck them. The Demonrat party is the enemy. They engaged in two coups–neither one was punished! What does that say about America? Two coups–and NOT one was punished!

I want Justice. No Trump—NO vote. And the people responsible for those two coups need to be punished. I want Justice.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Problem with Swedish men, is they were spoilt for beautiful women. Even pathetic limp wristed softies could find a decent women and make babies.
In the UK, there were too many munters. Men needed to compete for attractive women and more aggressive competitive bruisers won out, and made babies

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Sweden vs UK

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

some selective presentation there…
I have lived in both countries…girls working in McDonalds would be 10s in UK.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

he’s a claremont fag

2 years ago

AC, hope you and yours are doing OK.

If you ain’t seen this yet here yah go. Trump jr’s Xananti Gambit in kiving color:

Remember that great little ditty about 10 years ago “Who let the pigs out!” well somebody sure let a hot pitato out. Complete with excellent photgraphs of each oage of the Rand Corp paper on deztruction of Germany’s industrrial plant and capacity in irder to enrich the machine in DC, instigatung/employing conflict in Ukraine as a course of action, in irder to save amerika, their america from economic implosion, and its stated that is unavoidable by other means but this, destroy German Industrial might. And reaping a harvest that will prop ip their globo=peedo ambitions and accomoanying agendas.
Written in plain english implicating specific 2legged rats in DC.

As the Saker blog post author says best get your copies fast cause all hell’s gonna break loose in attempt to memory hole what they are doing to us and how.

Here’s the link to the pdf. The person who photographed the document did an excellent job, its crisp and clearly photos of a paper document.:

Reply to  onearmedblacksmith
2 years ago

I read the first two paragraphs and quickly concluded that it is likely not just a fake… but a poorly done one. I have read past RAND papers. There are lots available online, read some yourself ( ). Then read the horribly structured sentences in the fake paper and see if they seem like they are produced by the same organization. These read like they were produced by someone with no editor at all to pass them back with red scratched comments all over their poorly constructed statements. Not only do I not think RAND wrote it, I don’t even think a competent state-level intel agency forged them.

2 years ago

I’ve got no problem protecting a snail if it keeps Biden from destroying our country more than he has already.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

“Moderna to Offer a 6-in-1 Superjab”

From the article:

“With our new Superjab everyone can equally share in the protection that only myocarditis, aggressive cancers, clots, strokes, blindness, and massive anal bleeding can provide!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Corn Pop
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

We absolutely NEED shooting facilities to put on monthly matches like this in all fifty states. It’s awful, difficult shooting made much more difficult by extreme physical exertion, and that’s what makes it great. This is how the US military SHOULD be training people with live ammo, and if it’s good enough for the military, it should be mandatory for the militia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Torba seems to like Nick Fuentes(not who he’s talking to here). I guess nobodies perfect. But this is the way.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Nick Fuentes is a grifty Hispanic faggot who “ironically” creams his shorts over men in cat ears and dresses. He is not “the way” any more so than Candice Owens, Charlie Kirk, and other foreigners and homosexuals pretending to be conservative to take money out of your wallet are.

If he’s the savior of the white race or western society then let the whole thing burn, fuck it all.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The video doesn’t have Nick Fuentes in it at all. It’s Andrew Torba talking about his new book Christian Nationalism, and how he’s planning to use Gab to help that along in any way that he can. Same reason that I am not only on Gab, but a verified Pro member. BOOTSTRAPPY is homebased on Gab, and it COSTS ME MONEY to do that. That’s how much I agree with Andrew Torba and his vision for Gab.

2 years ago

A symbolic victory.

Last edited 2 years ago by Atavisionary
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

God moves in mysterious ways.

In classical Greece or Rome, this would have been considered a very good omen.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

RE: California Assault Weapons ban is put on the fast track to a ruling by the judge, who will certainly overturn it.

That will goatscrew not only all the state bans such as NY & HA but also any new federal bans. If ruled against they have no choice but to appeal, and then it goes to SCOTUS, that just might rule that such bans are 2A infringements. FYI, this could then be applied to the Hughes Amendment to the FOPA86 which closed new entries to the machine gun registry. But that’s a separate court case for a later time.

Obviously, this doesn’t end until the entire FFL system is dismantled and the tax stamps are an unhappy memory, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Here’s how it all looks from an independent view.

Republicans: “We can’t do anything about the illegals!” 🥺 (Instead starts shipping invaders around the country, the exact thing they were recently criticizing the Biden administration for)

Democrats: “Fcuk this noise!” (Gets national guard to repel invaders from their town) 👑

Republicans: “See? They’re racist and only care about their own!l

Me: “Yeah, we can learn a thing or two from them.”

So all the invaders that Abbot and DeSantis sent around will just get shipped to other neighborhoods with no political clout, and we get more Molly Tibbetts, all so Republicans and conservatives could fap to liberals complaining on Twitter, and some hazy goal of “waking people up.”

It’s nothing more than rich people playing their games, and the rest of us are caught in the middle. A stupid stunt for dopamine hits instead of invoking the 10th amendment and tossing these invaders back over the border. If the feds or a judge complain, tell them to piss off. If they send agents, arrest them. Multiple border states need to declare DC an incompetent, illegitimate government, and go completely rogue. If the feds threaten militarily, well, you all were looking for something to “wake people up.”

We have no fighters in our camp. All we have is closeted faggots with rhetoric and cheap stunts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marielle Redclaw
Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

From a strictly sociopath level, you really gotta respect how quickly Martha’s Vineyard liberals(80% Biden voters) used military forces to run out visitors they saw as unwelcome. Impressive, truly, and also a sign of how quickly they’d murder conservatives – who they truly hate.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Maybe the point is to set the precedent for when we call out the NG and round all the invaders up for deportation.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

We have no fighters in our camp. All we have is closeted faggots with rhetoric and cheap stunts.

Really? Shaming language. “Let’s you and him fight.” “Here, take this white feather… .” See for a breakdown of this phenomenon.

Meanwhile, women make up the majority of voters in the west. Where are the exhortations for female voters to step up and end the rhetoric and cheap stunts?

But when a male commenter (above) calls out “runaway female hypergamy, being up tatted thots, and riding the carousel until they hit the wall“, it’s “how dare you not place white women on a pedestal?”

The White Feather Campaign: A Struggle with Masculinity During World War I

Those men left at home, whether by their choice or by some restriction, were forced to undergo a swift and merciless assault on the most important part of their essence: their masculinity. 

The White Feather Campaign began with the creation of the white feather as a symbol of cowardice and unfulfilled civic duty. With the war effort and the recruitment campaign in full swing, the women of the White Feather would present any healthy young Englishman in civilian dress with this token, in order to symbolize their scorn for him and his failure to be man. Upon receipt of a white feather, these men were being told that they weren’t “real men” and that the women around them looked upon this apparent lack of masculinity with disgust. The campaign was meant to make these men question their gender identity and hopefully drive them to enlist in the military so that they could correct this perceived imbalance.

he Campaign worked fairly well and by shaming Home front men, these women drove many into the army out of dread of receiving a white feather themselves. But an unexpected consequence arose from this attack upon Englishmen’s masculinity, one that these “patriotic” women didn’t foresee. As this campaign became more public and recognized, the community backlash against women who engaged in this practice became increasingly harsh. Englishwomen had been molded into a weapon against the masculine identity through propaganda and promises of patriotism.

Their efforts were successful but the campaign eventually incited a feeling of outrage among the English population for the terrible shame that they brought upon both deserving and undeserving men. 

Feminism takes many forms. When will white men stop white knighting and giving free validation to WW simply because they are white?

Remember, immigrant “invaders” are not demanding:

  • the right to abort millions of white babies;
  • the right to level false accusations against men;
  • the right to retroactively withdraw consent decades later (#metoo);
  • the right to be hired first and fired last (affirmative action);
  • the right to cash and prizes after torpedoing their marriages due to becoming “unhaaaapy”;
  • etc.

In fact, the “invaders” are likely opposed to these common practices fully supported by white American women. Some folks voted for the people who threw the doors wide open for the “invaders” (i.e. people who invited the invaders)… who could that be?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The invaders do demand many of those things or their equivalents.
The invader women do it more than white native women.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

“…Republicans: “We can’t do anything about the illegals!”…”

That’s actually true because we don’t have the votes.

“… 🥺 (Instead starts shipping invaders around the country, the exact thing they were recently criticizing the Biden administration for)…”

No we were complaining about them shipping them into RED States. If they are shipped into Blue States and they have to start housing and paying for them then it may well be that we will have the votes when they see how disruptive it is. This is great tactics and should have been done decades ago.

Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

They still should’ve arranged an accident for Meghan Markle. She’s a mongrel grifter who should never have been allowed 1000 miles of the Royal family.

And I don’t even like or care about the Royal family. I just thought they were supposed to be some bad ass ancient bloodline that didn’t take any crap. Honestly, I was just disappointed.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

The royal family of England are usurpers.

It’s a long story, but Lady Di was supposedly the one with Merovingian ancestry, which is considered the real royal bloodline in Europe.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

the royals are a bunch of jews. and not that high ranking. read mathis.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

This comment is not topical, just something I’ve read before and that we’ve talked about here before. It’s related to how reality can be changed and different time lines. The guy who has written more on this than most anyone in a somewhat convincing way is Metallicman, that I know of. He says he was trained in the Navy to be a interdimensional traveler who had aliens implant things in his head to facilitate this travel. He talks about all sorts of really crazy stuff. True? Who knows but it is interesting if you like to look at this sort of stuff and ponder about it. Lots of stuff here. Here’s a link about people appearing from nowhere and how this relates to Interdimensional shifting. At the bottom of the page are lots of links to all sorts of articles he’s written. I decided to post this in case someone is interested.

An Observed World Line Switch – The Aluminum Foil Lady

2 years ago

It is like they want us to get repulsed by this little asshole demanding more of our tax dollars.

No, they want us to knuckle under and take it like a battered wife.

2 years ago

A friend had that happen to him. His nice bride decided after a few years that she could just take half his assets. He ended up liquidating his property portfolio and starting over as a new bachelor.
Another friend was married to a terminal narcissist. He kept her busy with projects and kept on running his company. He got a nice offer to sell, and she talked to her (divorced, are you surprised?) girlfriends about what she should do with all that money.
Those talks degenerated into ‘take half his shit’ and she ended up wasting over $1,000,000 in legal fees that reduced her settlement. Couldn’t take Yes for an answer. Now he is happier, with a new, saner gal, and she is still bitter and pissing away her assets against the advice of virtually everyone who she bores with stories.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Sounds like two dipshits who walked into gunfire and acted surprised when they got shot.

Blaming marriage for bad personal decisions is like blaming the stove for burning your hand.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
2 years ago
2 years ago

I have finished my paper: (1) A New Modern Christian Heresy: Sola Gospel | Lindsay Wheeler –

It is mostly directed at the Catholic Church. The whole Church is infected with this error and it is a very dangerous, deadly awful heresy. Not only is The Church in a couple of heresies, it is also apostate. It is in quite the mess.

This paper also showcases the Natural Law and how important it is to the Christian Faith. The WHOLE of the Word of God has got to be expounded. All Christians should enjoy this article.

2 years ago

comment image

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Saw this. I am not a comms specialist of any kind. I cannot confirm either way. Yes, if true this is YUGE. 2nd rally in a row with Q stuff happening, and if this is real Q just told them that they are all dead.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Let us pray that for the forces of good prevail.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

How does this flag different from a normal flag, or is the significance in the way it is displayed — unilluminated and behind a partially closed curtain?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

starless. there is a meaning.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

You can’t see the stars.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

There are no white stars on it. The stars are stitched in with blue thread and the star patterns you are seeing are just the shadow caused by the resulting creases.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lowell Houser
2 years ago

On the antifa doxxing the Portland police officer: he either pissed off the cabal handler running the department or is of a wrong bloodline. Or they suspect he might be a moral and decent human being. He clearly not protected as antifa is a controlled front group.

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
2 years ago

Wrong place, sorry

Last edited 2 years ago by pjwgent