News Briefs – 09/18/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Under threat of losing hundreds of millions in funding, Maricopa Board of Supervisors, and the AZ State Senate reach a settlement on the disputed election audit subpoenas. A special master was hired to provide answers to the Senate.

Wendy Rogers’ telegram:

Summary: We won. They dropped their $2.8 meaningless claim for the machine replacement. We get the routers and spunk logs. Cyber Ninjas has full access. Maricopa caved.

President Trump told us to get the routers. We are getting them. Appropriate:==

Karen Fann:

HUGE win for the Az Senate today! Maricopa settlement gives us all the data needed to complete the review of the routers & splunk log to the most comprehensive election audit in history. We got everything we need and more. Maricopa County goes home with its tail between its legs

Code Monkey makes the case here, here, and here that the above accounts were snap judgements, and the guy appointed as special master will be compromised, and this is not as big a win. Of course the big deal will be the discrepancy between the ballots and the final vote tally, so I am not sure how important this is.

Next week will be explosive with indications mounting that both Arizona and Georgia 2020 valid election results could move these states to Trump next week.

Donald Trump sends a letter to GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger requesting the decertification of the 2020 election.

North Carolina judges strike down state’s voter ID law.

John Durham’s indictment shows that he is going after more people than Michael Sussmann.

Nicki Minaj exposes the media mafia, posting private messages from reporters threatening her family members.

Clown World’s rejection of fact, beginning to recede, in a tweet?:

NY Times gets caught as claims of 70% increase in “deworming drug” Ivermectin poisonings was actually just a 2% increase.

Facebook vows ‘extreme censorship’ of anti-lockdown movement.

By withholding Regeneron, Biden will be sentencing Black people to death.

Post-menopausal mother, 57, who hasn’t had a period in 20 years claims she was left bleeding from her vagina after getting first dose of AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine.

NYC’s demand that diplomats follow vaccine mandate creates an uproar at the UN.

Outrage as maskless San Francisco Mayor London Breed defies her own laws and parties with BLM co-founder.

NIH now includes Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc as recommended in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.

‘Fully vaccinated’ account for 82% of Illinois public high school’s COVID cases.

General Dynamics Corp. has canceled their vaccine mandate after roughly 40% of their employees declined the jab & threatened to quit.

Now 10,000 Haitians gather under Texas bridge.

Fears grow of a riot or stampede at the border detention camp in Del Rio, Texas.

Joe Biden praises the ‘brave’ illegal migrants.

Another Afghan who had been deported from the U.S. after an aggravated felony conviction was found on an evacuation flight back to the U.S. this month.

AOCortez and her boyfriend’s $35,000 tickets to the Met Gala were given to her for free by the museum.

Blinken deletes Tweet saying the US would ‘stand with the people of Hong Kong.’

The Democrats’ amnesty bill quietly invites three million chain-migration arrivals into the U.S. workforce, likely forcing Americans to pay higher rents.

Gov. Newsom abolishes most single-family zoning in California.

Inflation rate in the United States has hit a 30-year high.

Federal Reserve officials, including Powell, owned securities that the central bank has bought.

Apple threatened to remove Facebook from the App Store in 2019 over human traffickers in Middle East using the site and Instagram as sex ‘slave markets’, report claims.

The anti-Trump Republican group that spent more than $80 million in 2020 hPresident Trump is now turning its fire on Gov. Greg Abbott, attacking him over the COVID death toll.

France recalls its ambassadors to the US and Australia over new national security partnership.

10 PLA aircrafts including Chinese fighter jets enter Taiwan air defense identification zone according to the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense.

Chinese paper tags Australia as ‘target for a nuclear strike.’

China sends a flotilla armed with cannons to Japan’s Senkaku Islands, in an ‘extremely serious’ incursion. 

Somali ‘refugee’ charged with murder in fatal shooting of young mother in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau spoke to reporters in Windsor, Ontario, on Friday promising gun control held the key to “Canada moving forward.”

Colorado’s Jared Polis, who became the first openly gay man in the United States to be elected governor in 2018, has married his longtime partner and first gentleman Marlon Reis.

NY Gov. Hochul orders immediate release of 191 inmates from Rikers Island. Those are not random inmates. They are getting the network out on the street, perhaps due to something planned. It is like the rush of bail reform in the run up to the BLM and Antifa riots last year.

Abortionist brags about killing 67 babies in abortions in 17 hours, saying, it was “tremendous teamwork.”

Sad but true:

Police were catching flak on here in the comments, but Texas law enforcement gave Fox News a helicopter ride to continue reporting over Del Rio about the immigrant invasion after the FAA banned their drone using temporary flight restrictions.

For those that are interested in such things, Palmetto has a $700 bullpup semi-auto 12 Ga shotgun with top rail for $350, and according to the page, it can take 3.5″ shells. I am totally unfamiliar with the gun, or its reputation/reliability, nor do I get anything for this link. I just get emails from Palmetto, and periodically highlight interesting things I see, partly for collectors here interested in such things, partly for eye candy. Review of it, with a 20 rnd drum is here.

Judge denies admission of evidence allegedly connecting Kyle Rittenhouse to the Proud Boys.

During a lengthy evidentiary hearing in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, the defense scored victory after victory while the government was increasingly frustrated at the judge’s rulings in favor of the defendant.

New York superintendent and CRT advocate ousted by school board, parents.

The Biden administration is planning to send thousands of migrants who have gathered under a bridge near a Texas border crossing back to their home nation of Haiti beginning Sunday.

Donald Trump blasted Joe Biden’s track record as US president, claiming the country would cease to exist “in three years.”

GOP Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio announced on Thursday that he will not seek reelection, becoming the first of the 10 House Republicans who had voted in January to impeach then-President Donald Trump to decide to retire. If elections were still rigged, and Cabal was still in control, you would think he would stay.

Trump spikes the football on the Gonzalez retirement “Good riddance to Anthony,” former President Donald Trump said.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Milley never told me about calls being made to China. From what I understand, he didn’t tell too many other people either. He put our Country in a very dangerous position but President Xi knows better, and would’ve called me. The way Milley and the Biden Administration handled the Afghanistan withdrawal, perhaps the most embarrassing moment in our Country’s history, would not exactly instill fear in China. Milley is a complete nutjob! The only reason Biden will not fire or court-martial Milley is because he doesn’t want him spilling the dirty secrets on Biden’s deadly disaster in Afghanistan.


Interesting that everyone is quitting at Homeland Security. They know what a mess our Border is, and they will never be able to fix it. All they had to do is “go to the beach” and leave it alone—it was so good—the best in history!


Congratulations to General Don Bolduc on his incredible presentation regarding Mark Milley, the Taliban and China’s all-time favorite General!

Watch the interview here.


Our hearts and minds are with the people being persecuted so unfairly relating to the January 6th protest concerning the Rigged Presidential Election. In addition to everything else, it has proven conclusively that we are a two-tiered system of justice. In the end, however, JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!


Super Lawyer Matthew DePerno is running for Attorney General in the Great State of Michigan. He has defended the Constitution for 20 years, and has been on the front lines pursuing fair and accurate elections, as he relentlessly fights to reveal the truth about the Nov. 3rd Presidential Election Scam.

Dana Nessel, the Radical Left, and the RINOs are targeting Matt because he gets results and has exposed so much Voter Fraud in Antrim County, and many more places, in the 2020 Election. He will never give up, and that’s why they absolutely cannot stand him!

Matt will properly enforce the laws for everyone—unlike what the out-of-control Radical Left Prosecutors are doing now. He will always defend our under siege Second Amendment, loves our Military and our Vets, and will restore Law and Order in the face of rampant and record-setting crime in Michigan. Matt DePerno has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will never let you down!


RINO Congressman Anthony Gonzalez, who has poorly represented his district in the Great State of Ohio, has decided to quit after enduring a tremendous loss of popularity, of which he had little, since his ill-informed and otherwise very stupid impeachment vote against the sitting President of the United States, me. This is no loss for Ohio or our Country and, most importantly, we have a great candidate who was substantially leading Gonzalez in the polls, Max Miller, who I have given my Complete and Total Endorsement. Max is a tremendous person who will represent Ohio well. Good riddance to Anthony, he can now get himself a job at ratings-dead CNN or MSDNC!


1 down, 9 to go!



How disgraceful that so many people have been killed because of our incompetent Generals. The Biden Administration wanted to show that they were tough guys after they surrendered to the Taliban, which left many soldiers injured or dead, and left Americans and the best Military equipment in the World behind. Our Country has never been so embarrassed or humiliated.

Invite other people to because we don’t need the compromised to win.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Now 10,000 Haitians gather under Texas bridge.”

“Somali ‘refugee’ charged with murder in fatal shooting of young mother in Grand Forks, North Dakota.”

In Clown World, every black person from anywhere is a refugee, doctor/engineer/rocket scientist who will contribute to the tax base and can live in North America permanently, where it snows and days are short for part of the year. The Haitians and Somalis were also apparently impacted by America’s history with slavery, which no black people caused- ever.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Chinese paper tags Australia as ‘target for a nuclear strike.’”

Sorry Dawg, you gotta play Mad Max while America plays Fallout.

Slider Gibson
Slider Gibson
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

something is seriously amiss here. exactly like USA democrats are doing, china is pushing waaaay too hard waaay too fast on their long-planned expansion of powers & territories. sure, china and chinee mansses are asshoe, and always have been & always will be, but …

you just don’t run around casually dropping threats to nuke. you just don’t DO it. maybe shithead little dictatorships like NK do, but real countries, big countries, serious countries don’t DO that. even highly-aggressive bad guys from recent historical past never spoke like that (in peacetime). Imperial Japan talked up the “greater east asia co-prosperity sphere” , not ‘We gon nuke U fuckers.’ Hitler & the boys spoke of “lebensraum”, not ‘nightmare endless total war.’ “comfort women” not “sex slaves.” right?

and china, even a china run by psychopathic little kleptomaniacs, bug people with spider hearts, who should rightly be viewed with nothing but contempt by all decent humans … even **those guys** know that. they’re evil, sure, and they’re stupid, sure … but they, like all sociopaths, are shrewd in the ways of human nature. they don’t make those kind of mistakes.

yet still: “WEE NUKEE YU!!!”

I think they (and the democrats, and the Rotthschilds, and the bankers, and the generals & admirals, and the Dr. Evil guy who wants us to “own nothing”) I think they know something is coming. something huge, something really **really** bad, and they’re trying to steal all they can while there’s still some stealing time left.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Hey Rex.

Mate, we have a degree of homogeneity that you guys lack and it is strong link. I wondered how strong it was until the last couple of weeks.

Things are close to kicking off down here among us blue collar scumbags. The cops have lost all the respect they may once have had. People are acting like this country is ours again. But I say that from [Edit} where all the rednecks are.

Its gold to see Melbourne people taking it on. Those in Sydney need to step up. They and Melb are the progressive areas of the country.

So yeah, Madmax is a possibility. But unlike the movie there isn’t just one guy. There are fckn thousands of us. We are not like you yanks. We are an uncouth lot who don’t give a fck what others think. Thte spirit of the Eureka rebellion of 1854 where a good number of those who rose up were yanks is back upon us.

I fckn love it.

As to the chinks, those fckers are nowhere to be seen anywhere near where I live. I had to drop a buddy because he took one in to satisfy his dick and not his heart. But he was a pom anyway. And those pieces of shit can get farked.

So yank, you are welcome to join us if you can get that a$$ of cottage cheese out of your sofa and stand long enough to fight with us.

Viva le Australi!

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Police were catching flak on here in the comments, but Texas law enforcement gave Fox News a helicopter ride to continue reporting over Del Rio about the immigrant invasion after the FAA banned their drone using temporary flight restrictions.”

That’s because the Texans know if they lose this fight the cartels and MS13 will eat them alive, LEO’s first. And it’s not like all the Somalis, Haitians, Arabs, and now Afghans make it any better.

3 years ago

“France recalls its ambassadors to the US and Australia over new national security partnership”

France has a tantrum when it finds out “Nations have no friends, only interests.” goes both ways.


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

To the extent it’s even France anymore.

Macron and company really needed those billions in tax receipts to give away to Africans and Muslims.

If anything this kick in the pants is exactly what France needs. And what France needs is an apocalyptic economic depression.

3 years ago

Myanmar sets October 1 for Aung San Suu Kyi corruption trial

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
3 years ago

This cave in by the Maricopa County Supervisors is a preview of what will begin happening once the Arizona audit reveals the extent of the fraud. The sups know that had they waited to hand over the routers until after the audit they would be reviled and be forced to release it anyway so better look like you were for it all along. The AZ audit will make it 10 times harder for other states to avoid doing their own. Better yet, everyone will understand that doing half assed audits doesn’t work and whatever minor criticisms of this audit surface, they will be corrected immediately and perfected in any future audits going forward. The tide has turned.

3 years ago

The best rundown on covid, the immune system, and how the cdc, nih, and the fda have been misleading on this from the get-go, quite dangerously so, that I’ve ever read.

3 years ago

Benjamin Fulford is wise to live in Tokyo. If he had said “We’re going to have to start shooting people” here in the States, the jackboots would have arrested him.

3 years ago

> For those that are interested in such things, Palmetto has a $700 bullpup semi-auto 12 Ga shotgun with top rail for $350,

I would have one on the way, except it’s right-handed, I’ve tried shooting a friend’s High Standard Model B right-handed, since it would ordinarily eject into my left armpit, but I’m left-eyed like most people are right-handed. I can hold it and point it fine, but the rights are useless with my right eye.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

One of the first things I thought when I saw the images. Wondered “Do they have a left hand ejection port model” but couldn’t find one in my desultory poking around.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I emailed PSA about a left-hand gun, but I suspect that price is only for the right-hand model. Mrs. TRX will shake her head sadly if they have a left available, though.

3 years ago

> Outrage as maskless San Francisco Mayor London Breed defies her own laws and parties with BLM co-founder.

“One set of rules for you, another for us.”

Lori Geerhardt
Lori Geerhardt
3 years ago

AC, when your blog is not the first place I go online in the morning, it is the second. Thank you for your work.

Reply to  Lori Geerhardt
3 years ago


For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow, and so say all of us!

3 years ago

Posted late yesterday, buried under many even later comments (93 total, =”will” in comms):

As a lawyer, Phelps, what do you think of the idea of crowdfunding civil RICO cases, with funding set up as loans to trusts set up for each suit or plaintiff, with the legal work done by staff attorneys on contract ($35-$70/hr.) to the overall crowdfunding org. (or subsidiaries).

If a suit is successful, the funders get their money back plus credit card rates, but if it fails, that case’s trust implicitly will default.

There are a lot of variations, e.g. paying off early high-interest loans with lower rate ones as the case makes progress, making the funders’ debt subordinate to the plaintiff’s getting reasonable compensation first, etc., but I think if set up right, it could turn the tables on the pervasive corruption in all our institutions, particularly if combined with a lobbying/ pragmatic political wing to counteract the improper influence on the courts that the bad guys / big interests have.

Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

That is an excellent thought Savan.

I might use that avenue myself over here in the land of Oz when I begin suing the fckers that be next year.

3 years ago

For those who might not know:
Getting the routers is useless because onboard logging is likely limited. (E.g. Last 30 days) so I never understood the urgent need for that.

However, she said “spunk logs”
Now Splunk is a popular enterprise grade log aggregator. Basically everyone sends all their logs to Splunk, and the Splunk server lets you make fancy reports and stuff.

So if the county had Splunk, AND everything was configured to send their logs to Splunk. You would have a treasure trove.

You’d potentially have everything.

This could be big, and also something that could be overlooked in a coverup.

Johannes Q
3 years ago

Amusing thread about some obvious undercover cops at the Capitol Hill protest. They really stand out.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

The clowns have further be-clowned themselves with this one.

I guess it’s good to have something to laugh about in such dark times.

3 years ago

It’s good to see that Trump is now speaking out on behalf of those arrested on Jan 6.

3 years ago

Huge win for Arizona Senate as Maricopa County backs down and Cyber Ninjas will get access to equipment and passwords

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I’m not gonna tell you. It would spoil it.

Fisherman’s sonar spots mysterious object in Carolinas lake. Here’s what divers found

3 years ago
TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
3 years ago

Apparently more than 30 OTC drugs are also developed or tested using fetal cell lines, according to this article. The only thing I know of this website is of a pedo that wrote for them and got busted. The comments though are what gets me. I scrolled quite a ways down and couldn’t find any like minds. Just a bunch of paid demons. I wish I knew how valid that hospital’s claims are.

Reply to  TruthSeeker Bear
3 years ago

It’s a bunch of lies.
Most or all of the medicines they cite existed before fetal cell tech.

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
Reply to  TruthSeeker Bear
3 years ago

That list is bullshit just trying to coerce people, who is dumb enough to think Aspirin contains fetal cells, “tested on” fetal cells? Fuck off. (not you, them)

3 years ago

“AOCortez and her boyfriend’s $35,000 tickets to the Met Gala were given to her for free by the museum.”

Notice AOC’s ‘boyfriend’ on the video of this twitter post. Especially how he talks at the 1:00 mark. No way I would believe this guy is attracted to women by the way he talks. Makes it all seem that AOC’s whole life story is completely made up. So what is he, a handler? He’s literally acting like a celebrity manager or something.