Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Mitt Romney says the Hunter Biden probe is a ‘political exercise’ and ‘not the legitimate role of government.’ He is saying that because it was Biden’s kid, Kerry’s kid, Pelosi’s kid, and Romney’s own son all in there in Ukraine, cleaning up for Cabal. If Hunter goes down, so do the Romneys. And it will be tough as fuck to project that Leave It To Beaver image with a full on treason conviction, from a 6’x8′ cell in Guantanamo.
Russia working to help reelect President Trump, FBI chief says. That brings Wray out into the open. Interesting to think Q is fighting this war without the single most powerful domestic intelligence agency, and indeed, he is fighting, apparently successfully, against it. There is a variable we are missing, as FBI , having to face the best of other nations, should be nearly unbeatable, and know how to win, unless there is another level above them, of something else.
Former DNI Dan Coats recommends social media execs help oversee election legitimacy. No mistaking where he stands in this thing.
Ex-RNC Chair Michael Steele blasts Trump supporters, saying, ‘Yeah, I’m with stupid’ is their motto. We are going to need a bigger prison when Q gets done with this. (((They))) are everywhere.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court allows mail-in ballots to be counted after election day without any evidence of a postmark. So the Democrats get three days to see how many votes they need to overcome the margin of Trump’s victory, and then they can flood them into the system days after the election is over, and have them counted. And they are not allowed to perform signature verifications on the ballots, to even verify the signature of the voter matches the signature on file. Un-fucking-believable.
Green Party is not allowed on the Pennsylvania ballot, which will also favor Biden.
Democrat Michigan Secretary of State misprints Trump ticket on ballots for our troops.
Some North Carolina voters mistakenly get 2 absentee ballots.
Barr has said a few times, Durham would yield fruit before the end of summer, and Monday is the last day of summer. Could be, or that could have been a feint. Either way, something is coming.
A grand jury has indicted an accused rioter who allegedly shined a high-powered laser powerful enough to burn paper into a cop’s eyes during a violent Portland antifa protest last month. This guy is 36 years old, so he is an operative, not a young idiot.
FBI says, arsons are up 52% in major cities.
Black Lives Matter co-founder teams up with pro-Chinese Communist Party group. Are they teaming up, or are people just seeing two seemingly distinct parts of the same overal organism?
Rep. Louie Gohmert and his wife were chased by a Black Lives Matter mob.
Another case of “What the fuck is Joe Biden talking about?” At a Veterans roundtable, Joe, out of the blue, tells the story of a guy who ran over a woman and her dog, threw the body in the back of his pickup, took it down by the highway, had sex with it, drove home, and called Police to tell them he had killed someone because he was hearing voices in his head. Then he goes on with statistics on veteran’s issues, like he didn’t just tell that totally unrelated story for no particular reason.
Another Biden teleprompter beauty. These become more impressive when you realize this was probably the best of 30 takes – and he’s not going to have a teleprompter and multiple takes for his late-night debate with President Trump.
CNN caught placing Biden campaign volunteers in a ‘neutral’ audience at his town hall event.
CNN reporter scolds Trump over face mask, then removes hers when she thinks cameras are off.
A meme on how differently Yahoo handled the beautiful Melania wearing TImberland boots vs Kamala Harris wearing Timberland boots. A lot of the media did exactly this , Yahoo was just the most egregious example.
An interesting chart that shows “Foreigner-Americans” out earn”American-Americans.” Some immigrants undoubtedly have good work-ethics, but I can’t help but wonder if you are seeing Cabal’s network of foreign agents, imported into the US enjoying the benefits of being in the network, and skewing these numbers. One of the richest people I knew was an immigrant who I knew from when I was a little kid. He lived down the street and was friends with my parents. His wife babysat for me when I was younger. I was struck when I was a kid by how the story was that he was broke and failing, until he just supposedly asked a guy who contracted his business for more work. Or at least that was the story. I always wondered how so many could do what he did, and make nothing, while he cleaned up. When I first ran into Cabal, I called him up, a politically connected lifelong family friend, and he wouldn’t respond in more than one or two word answers, and sounded terrified. He knew, and the conversation went nowhere, and I was on my own, despite the family relationship. There was much more to his story. I think Cabal burned his house down a couple of times, and before I had any idea there was a Cabal, I wondered if he had run into the mob or something, given all the fencing and security he was installing after the house-burnings, and a curious interest he had in traffic driving by the front of his house. But even as he lived in fear, he enjoyed a life of fabulous wealth. I just wonder if all the rich people skewing these numbers are similar stories – in on the secret, filled with terror, but with nice bank accounts. Sort of the carrot and the stick at the same time. Maybe that is why the foreigners, who come here with nothing, seemingly as a group do better than Americans who have all the advantages. And if you could separate these charts out into Cabal and not-Cabal, you would really see something.
Colleges are not using SATs for entrance admissions, but rather are focusing on essays. Notice, the most subjective aspect of admissions, which can be faked, and which can be totally lied about by the admissions team, to admit whoever they want. It looks an awful lot like the network is rigging things so nobody will expect a meritocratic system, but rather the Cabal can practically appoint whoever they want under the illusion of a meritocracy.
MTV is going to promote voting to its young left-leaning audience, and then pay to mail them ballots so they can vote. Again, you do not own a company and then just blow millions on some random civic thing, and remain the dominant force in your sector. Capitalism is Darwinian, but our present economic system is obviously not Darwinian.
44 percent of wealthy New Yorkers have considered moving.
An NYU online student attended a rooftop party, and was reported to NYU and suspended indefinitely. It could be as it seems. But it is also possible he was throwing the curve in a Major which Cabal members wanted to dominate. Worst-case scenario, the party was created specifically to invite him to, by a Cabal member, they invited him, and then they reported him, and now he won’t be preventing a Cabal member from being placed where Cabal wants them in society. We don’t yet know for sure how big or bad this thing is, but we do know it is big enough and bad enough that this is not impossible by a long shot. So you should be thinking not in terms of truth, for it is nearly impossible to know what truth is when an intel op this big is lying to you. Rather, you must think in terms of possibilities, and for me, this would certainly be one of them.
Christine Todd Whitman says she is ‘terrified’ that in his 2nd term Trump will turn the U.S. into North Korea. Says the traitorous cunt who sent all the first responders into ground zero after telling them, as head of EPA, they had tested the air and it was perfectly healthy.
In San Francisco, a homeless man smokes meth while riding a skateboard and carrying a mattress.
Nearly 20 percent of millennials and Gen Z in NY believe Jews caused the Holocaust. And that is something which I would think for every one who admits it, there are two or three others who would lie about it to a “pollster” who called them on a phone. It feels like this is basically all 4Chan, and people from it, spreading out into the rest of the web and spreading the meme. If so, that is a powerful effect on memetics.
The Air Force has secretly built and flown a new fighter jet using digital modelling technology to bypass the need to build and test all the parts in the real world. Now it can move into production pretty quickly.
Nearly 800 military family members sign an open letter in support of President Trump.
Spread r/K Theory, because once you are Cabal and you’ve lost the WaPo, you’ve lost everything.
>”Mitt Romney says the Hunter Biden probe is a ‘political exercise’ and ‘not the legitimate role of government.’ He is saying that because it was Biden’s kid, Kerry’s kid, Pelosi’s kid, and Romney’s own son all in there in Ukraine, cleaning up for Cabal. If Hunter goes down, so do the Romneys. And it will be tough as fuck to project that Leave It To Beaver image with a full on treason conviction, from a 6’x8′ cell in Guantanamo.”
Oh yeah baby. And Hunter WILL go down, Trump and Rudy have that coke head motherfugger by the balls (Rudy has some great vids on it, with OAN Chanel Rion (Chanel Rion is best waifu btw)).
It’s amazing to watch all the shit going down, Trump is exposing the reasons why military is the only way for all of the world to see (FBI is comped af to the nth degree, for example, and even in the military the swamp runs deep, and now all the gaybal faggots are showing themselves).
Now that I think about it, I have been ultra mega comfy, despite all the shit going on, I think it might be because of a new novel mental exercise I am experimenting with, where I try to trigger my own amygdala as much as possible and work myself into extreme emotional states of rage and anger, and then try to return to baseline as fast as possible.
“If Hunter goes down, so do the Romneys.”
That’s too bad, because Hunter is screwed.
>”Another Biden teleprompter beauty. These become more impressive when you realize this was probably the best of 30 takes – and he’s not going to have a teleprompter and multiple takes for his late-night debate with President Trump.”
Shit man, at this point I think the plan of the pedocratic party must be to have Joe Biden try to shoot Trump during one of these debates. Would be so awesome to see Jew Biden try to fast draw a revolver after stand up only to fumble and fuck it up like the drooling retard he is, only to see God Emperor Trump pull his own Glock and put 2 in the chest and 1 in the head of the retard. Now THAT would be some quality TV.
Trump should carry an American gun, not some faggot plastic Austrian piece of shit.
A .44 Auto Mag would be a good choice, or a Model 1911.
I hear a lot of veterans drooling over the Glocks because of reliability.
Stop being racyss plox, Austrian Guns Matter.
I’ll take a Sig.
Oh watch out everybody, we’ve got double o seben here… : D
>”Facebook accused of canceling advertising for ‘CancelCon’ event starring Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager.”
And nothing of value was lost.

Both are Israel first faggots, and PragerU is a literal Mossad front.
See here:
Fug, I can’t wait to see the day where I will see you and Vox Day and other truly intelligent and Patriotic people like the two of you (like Mike Scheuer) become the mainstream (in the good sense, can’t wait to see all the bullshit censorship destroyed and see the best thinkers come out on top as a result of their analytical skills and pure passion for searching for the truth).
It should be people like you going everywhere to have people listen to you and making money sharing their knowledge, not those Israel first mental midgets. The good news is it’s only a matter of time!
I hear ya.
When I saw that “CancelCon” was featuring 3-1/2 jews (one of whom is “married” to another man), and this was the “conservative” response to, well, something, I wasn’t even going to attempt to waste any time on it.
Controlled opposition to the umpth degree.
>”Nearly 20 percent of millennials and Gen Z in NY believe Jews caused the Holocaust. And that is something which I would think for every one who admits it, there are two or three others who would lie about it to a “pollster” who called them on a phone. It feels like this is basically all 4Chan, and people from it, spreading out into the rest of the web and spreading the meme. If so, that is a powerful effect on memetics.”
And the power of memes comes from the power of TRUTH.
Nobody who looks into Jewish history and culture and the way they approach non-Jews will ever fall for the fake ass narrative that Jews are victims of innocence.
Jews managed to alienate EVERY society/Country that ever took them in.
There is, and there has always been, a problem with Jewish group behavior, and it stems from the fact that Jewish culture/identity is based on Judaism, and Judaism is based on preying on non-Jews.
This is all verifiable.
A small example (for more, see my comment with 6 trillion links answering to Hal):

Also related to the power of memes and the internet:
Several years ago I got his email and wrote to him correcting his statements (I do not remember what it was). The jist of what I got back from a syphophant was that he was always correct. I then realized he, IMHO, lives in a pit of political slime and self aggrandizment, surrounded by his cult members, that can never be anything but what it is a blot of shame on humanity.
Oh shit, you emailed Pinchas? Top kek
BTW, here he is telling people that Muslims and Jews are allies against European Nationalists:
“Russia working to help reelect President Trump, FBI chief says…”
“Wray also says there is no organization-Antifa, it is just an ideology, and white supremacists, anti-government types, and Militia people are the biggest threats to the US today.”
I swear I don’t know how Trump does it. I would go ballistic with these people around me. I would fire every one of them but on retrospect them outing themselves so plainly…it’s hard to cover it up.
“The Air Force has secretly built and flown a new fighter jet using digital modelling technology to bypass the need to build and test all the parts in the real world.”
I said a long time ago we should give 4 or 5 defense contractors a couple billion a piece and a budget of say $70 million a plane and see what they could come up with and buy the top or top two planes and they seem to have done something similar.
The top defense contractors have been getting billions a year for decades, but most of what they come up with will never be released to the public.
Make no mistake, quite a few serious researchers have argued, with a good deal of evidence, that a decent percentage of what we call UFO’s are actually terrestrial vehicles with exotic propulsion systems cooked up by Lockheed and several other contractors.
> UFO’s are actually terrestrial vehicles with exotic propulsion systems cooked up by Lockheed and several other contractors.
I always said this, it’s only logical.
UFOs are secret military tech.
Also, many years ago I was with some other young people in a semi-isolated place and we’re all taking and shit, listening to music and playing didgeridoo and percussion, and we saw numerous UFO’s for some 2 hours. And they interacted with us, we started to tell them to flash a red light, and it did, then we would call other colors and it would comply.
And we didn’t had any drugs nor alcohol, only thing some of us took was caffeine.
One of the UFO flew right over our heads (no idea how big/how high it was because it was impossible to tell, but it was either really fucking huge, or it was flying really low, it was like shaped like a toblerone chocolate, like a huge ship cargo container but instead of a square, it was a triangle, and that one had 3 lights at the front (imagine a triangle with a light near each point)) and the most wtf characteristic about it was that it made no noise.
I can believe that. I’m totally against the idea that aliens are zooming around in ufo’s where we can easily see them because…that’s stupid and if you can go across the galaxy then you sure wouldn’t want everyone to know about it.
They go to bizarre links to hide things. I don’t know if I told this story before but here you go.
I was at Nellis Air Force base in the 80’s and there were A-7aircraft there,(Navy airplanes), but the base Commander said, “There are no A-7 aircraft at Nellis”, but we could see the damn things taxing and taking off. They had what looked like a small missile mounted below the cockpit underside of the plane with a bright red flashing light on front of the missile with radioactive sticker symbols on them. WTF????
I also know that the base inertial navigation repair shop had a A-7 test equipment station brought in an a girl was training to work on the equipment. She told me she had no idea what it was or what it was for only that a guy would bring in parts and she would test and repair them.
Many, many years later I read Ben Rich’s book on the skunk works and he said that they used A-7 nav I.N.S. and computers (and bombing they are tied together) for the F-117. Apparently the A-7 has top notch INS and bombing computers. Immediately I knew what all that was about all those years ago. So they brought in planes and faked all this stuff just so that the equipment and avionics used could be tied to fake “secret” A-7 that were at Nellis but the actual planes using them were at are 51 or where ever.
Joe Biden, flustercuck
“The Air Force has secretly built and flown a new fighter jet using digital modelling technology to bypass the need to build and test all the parts in the real world.”
I think the Jews ripped us off so bad on the F-35 and at the same time sold all the tech to China that the Whites, (adults), got together, classified the whole thing and built an aircraft without the Jews being involved. I bet it’s way better than the F-35 and probably cheaper.
Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race: What Jews OPENLY SAY!
Comedian Chris Rock says Democrats paved the way for the pandemic because of their focus on impeachment.
Democrats created the pandemic, because the impeachment failed.
“An interesting chart that shows “Foreigner-Americans” out earn”American-Americans.” Some immigrants undoubtedly have good work-ethics, but I can’t help but wonder if you are seeing Cabal’s network of foreign agents, imported into the US enjoying the benefits of being in the network, and skewing these numbers.”
Under a particular executive order that came out in the 1980’s, everyone who is not White is classified as a minority disadvantaged business. This means that blacks, hispanics, Indians, Asians, Arabs and Hasidim Jews get free money from the government to start and run businesses. Basically, these entrepreneurial minorities are all being subsidized by White taxpayers.
Not negating Cabal affiliates, but you can see how Cabal could establish and use such an EO to benefit their own people.
And take into account the even if not all immigrants are gaybal faggots, the fact is that the gaybal faggots DO want to fuck over the White people (in the West, they always target the majority, in Japan they attack the Japanese) as much as they can (in order to weaken the Nation, and thus make it easier to take over), so off course they weaponize even the non-gaybal migrants against Whites (the only net positive tax contributor demographic in the US) by creating all those programs that steal tax money (which comes from Whites, according to the data) and give it to the migrant minorities.
Yep, the corner store / gas station was owned by this white man and lady. They sold out to this shit thrower in the late 80’s.
How bad do you have to HATE YOUR OFFSPRING to do this?
I would love to see a detailed chart tracking just how much these wonderful immigrants pay in taxes compared to the amount that heritage Americans pay them in benefits. I bet we as a group are losing big time.
>”Black Lives Matter co-founder teams up with pro-Chinese Communist Party group. Are they teaming up, or are people just seeing two seemingly distinct parts of the same overall organism?”
IMHO, 1 and the same organism.
And it all revolves around Jewish collective power and Israel.
Here’s my reasoning:
BLM is a Jewish commie terror group.
See proof here:
Israel and Jewish collective power is really tight with China.
See proof here:
Marxism was created, financed and spread by Jews.
See proof here: