News Briefs – 09/17/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – Gold Hits Lowest Price Since April 2020

DFT – Oil Drops For Third Week In A Row On Economic Fears

DFT – China Production Beginning To Recover

DFT – Spiking Lithium Prices Driving EV Costs Up

DFT – Court Rules Texas Law Banning Social Media Censorship Is Constitutional

A commenter, trying to push some fake leftist headline, from some fake leftist rag, based on nothing more than anonymous sources writes when his comment is not approved, “Nice ghosting. Reminds me of Twitter. You are just like twitter.”

It betrays a dangerous misconception, which I think the opposition would be well advised to recognize. That type of rhetoric works when we are all on the same team, or care for one another, or want to be liked. You berate a brother that way, when he cares whether or not you respect him. We have long since left that behind. There is no respect, there is no brotherhood. We are enemies. Twitter is now a ruthless intel operation, run by CIA/Cabal, seeking to destroy anything which is good about the West, and good within Russia for that matter. They want to destroy the good, the beautiful, and the true, everywhere in the world. Seeking to groom children for molestation, destroy the lives of innocent kids, rig our elections for their Globohomo masters, and destroy the greatness of America under waves of third world shit-hole-residents, who will inevitably turn America into a shithole. Want to see them cheer Russia? Russia would have to let them molest all their children, destroy its culture, and leave Moscow looking like some shantytown in Africa, with migrants openly shitting in the streets. Then the EU would welcome Russia.

The illusion of a covenant which kept our side copacetic is now fully broken, at least from the side of the free-thinking right, and the counter-Cabal forces. There is now only decent people on one side (among who I firmly include the Russians, and Judoka Putin), and the mix of satanized Globohomo intelligent agents, surveillance people, and assorted brainwashed NPCs, who have me under surveillance as we speak, whose side supported 9/11 in some way, and who now seek the destruction of all that is good, beautiful, and true in the West. There can be no reconciliation, let alone any respect or concern for fairness or parity. You are purely enemies. And as a result I view such a comment not really with any emotion at all, beyond recognizing this character has no idea the extent to which he is not even human to our side. There may be a lot of people who will be surprised at what awaits in the future.

AP article – “Sensitive voting system passwords posted online. Copies of confidential voting software available for download. Ballot-counting machines inspected by people not supposed to have access. The list of suspected security breaches at local election offices since the 2020 election keeps growing, with investigations underway in at least three states – Colorado, Georgia and Michigan.”

Illinois sends out a flier that is also a permanent vote-by-mail application (on the reverse side), but it also highlights that starting this election, you may vote at ANY polling place in your County – not just the location assigned to you based on your residential address.

Former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, who is running for governor in Arkansas, underwent surgery Friday for thyroid cancer. This is two, that we know of, among Trump’s early tier one staff, with Jared. Was there something radiating in the White House? Was Trump talking about this when he implied he might not see America fully sorted out, but would see it put on the right path? I suspect if we get rid of domestic surveillance, cancer rates in the US will plummet. I am pretty sure based on things I have seen, they have cars driving around beaming something into the houses to the left and right, which somehow lets them see inside.

Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan says woke FBI analysts are going after Americans.

Calls grow among prominent figures to create a new ‘Church Committee’ to probe FBI abuses. This could be interesting. Find out if they ever launched an investigation into who walked into Governor David Patterson’s office and tried to blackmail him using the product of an illegal surveillance op that had been launched on him. And if they didn’t investigate that and ID those people, why would that be?

Hunter Biden begged most wanted ‘armed robber’ to mail crack cocaine to him at luxury Hollywood hotel.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told a crowd in Illinois this week that he is preparing to run for president during the 2024 elections.

I am sorry Canada-bros, but it looks like the infamous shop-teacher tranny is one of your’s:

The working theory on 4Chan is this guy had some George-Costanza-like plan to get fired for this and then sue for millions as a discriminated-against LGBTQPFRNDSE+ minority. So he got this whole act together, complete with 63-quintuple-D latex prosthetic breasts with erect nipples, and went in the first day expecting to be sent home. But in clown-world nobody batted an eye. They even used his pronouns, and now he can’t stop or he will be labeled a transphobe and blacklisted from any future job teaching children. Makes about as much sense as the school letting this lunatic keep teaching there.

Twitter could face billions in fines over not protecting minors from porn: ex-FTC officials.

‘It was an unmitigated disaster’: COVID lockdown and remote learning has set back kids by ‘up to several GRADES’ and cratered social skills in younger students, education expert says.

Drag Queen Valencia Prime was performing at Tabu Lounge and Sports Bar in Philadelphia’s Gayborhood when she collapsed Monday night. Not my team in this war, so maybe the Vax wasn’t all bad.

California paid 45 percent less for COVID tests NY bought from Hochul donor.

How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight. From the article: “Four organizations took on roles often played by governments — but without the accountability of governments.” That is basically how Cabal’s intelligence operation is working. They simply moved all these CIA-functions into the private sector, and though they are interlinked with the government, when it suits them they claim to have immunity from oversight due to the private sector status. Government is censoring you? No, that is Twitter, which is not at all government, despite all the CIA officers all throughout it.

One of the worst meningitis outbreaks in U.S. history is ravaging Florida’s gay men. You surveillance people be safe out there…

Deep inside the legislative language of the falsely titled “inflation reduction act”, aka The Green New Deal legislative vehicle constructed by lobbyists and passed by congress, people are now starting to realize a carbon-trading system was created – the holy grail of the people who run the western financial system and want to create mechanisms to control wealth by using the ‘climate change’ agenda.

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. and Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman last year cast the lone vote in a failed bid to commute the sentence of a man convicted of murdering a woman with a pair of scissors.

PA Senate Candidate John Fetterman took two cognitive tests but he won’t release the result documentation. He likely would have tested as retarded before the stroke.

Ex-Deputy Attorney General of Nevada arrested for 1972 murder of 19-year-old girl in Hawaii. “Anderson was found dead in her Waikiki apartment. She had been stabbed more than 60 times.”

Migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard on the orders of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will be moved Friday to housing on a military base on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Gov. Charlie Baker said. But don’t they want all that enrichment? Martha’s Vineyard voted 84% for Joe Biden.

The ultra-wealthy elites of Martha’s Vineyard launched a GoFundMe fundraiser over the island’s “humanitarian crisis” of (*finger-counts*) 50 migrants sent ashore by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

9 years ago Obama was shipping illegal immigrants to Texas.

Gavin Newsom shipped homeless people out of San Francisco with ‘one-way tickets.’

Oregon to spend $100 million on charging stations in hopes of attracting EV drivers.

Bill Gates’ Colombian mosquito factory breeding 30 million bacteria-infected mosquitos per week. I hate to say it but they were talking about putting vaccines in mosquitos, and releasing them in communities to vaccinate everyone. No telling if you could get them to inject mRNA, or how you would manage a standardization of dosage. Not that they seem to care about that.

Biden climate appointee studied at CCP-controlled university linked to Chinese military.

Janet Yellen ended a 50-year friendship with ex-Fed official who was ‘rabid Trump supporter.’

Biden leases fewer acres for oil and gas grilling than any president since the 1940s.

A vulnerable Maine Democrat spearheaded an effort to make migrants eligible for his state’s welfare program, a policy that may hurt him at the ballot box in November given that it has resulted in a costly overflow of asylum seekers in the city of Portland. Note that that place was a CIA haven, filled with Christian missionary groups working as CIA covers, bringing back all the Agency’s Somali assets after the pullout from Mogadishu.

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH), running against Republican J.D. Vance for Ohio’s open U.S. Senate seat, reportedly has an “ongoing problem” with law enforcement, according to the head of the Buckeye States’ top police union, noting the congressman’s “trend of confrontational police encounters” has been an “ongoing problem,” citing the various situations Ryan has gotten into over the years.

A Canadian Tesla owner claims that after the battery on his $140,000 car died, the automaker told him a replacement would cost $26,000 and locked him out of the vehicle until he pays for a new one.

Insect spy drone flies, spies and injects poison. There was a photo from a protest in DC probably going on 20 years ago now, which was of a dragonfly with spherical tanks/batteries/helium-buoyancy/something coming off both sides of it. But the photo appeared in all other regards like a large dragonfly, with 4 wings. Tech is way beyond what you are allowed to know exists.

Chrissy Teigen reveals the baby she said she miscarried was actually aborted, but she had to do it for medical reasons. You have to wonder, if the elites are some occult sacrifice cult. Notice also how Cabal, by controlling “the media” can make anyone a celebrity, or politician, or an “influencer.” She has to be among the most hideous-looking women around, but she was a “supermodel.”

Software engineers from big tech firms like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta are paying at least $75,000 to get 3 inches taller, using a leg-lengthening procedure where they break the patients’ legs and recovery is long and painful.

The stage is being set for a massive global rice shortage.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi will travel to Armenia this weekend in a show of support for the country, which has been locked in a deadly fight with Azerbaijan, two people familiar with the visit told POLITICO.

Kyrgyzstan reports heavy fighting with Tajikistan, 24 people killed.

Argentina to hike interest rates to 75% as inflation nears 100%.

China has opened up its latest secret “overseas police service centers” in Chinese restaurants and shops throughout the United Kingdom, the Telegraph reported Wednesday.

Two women allegedly assaulted in queue to attend Queen’s lying in state as Adio Adeshine allegedly exposed himself in front of mourners before going into Thames to evade police.

Leaked documents show British police are preparing for “greater civil unrest” this winter. Translation – more diversity benefits are coming to Britain.

Germany fears inevitable bankruptcy amid energy crisis. Oddly enough, not a bad thing when all their money is presently being used to import violent, low-IQ foreigners, and destroy their own nation.

Tensions over Germany’s provision of Leopard tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine — or lack thereof — came to a head this week when Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba publicly asked why Berlin was backtracking on a pledge made to send these weapons to Ukraine. Cracks in the Cabal facade?

Germany seizes control of Russian-owned oil refineries.

Putin tells Modi he wants Ukraine war to end as soon as possible. His solution is simple. He must Nuke all the capitals of Globohomo in one fell swoop, from Brussels to DC. At this point, I would not complain if I were sent up in ash with them.

The Biden administration has just announced yet another new weapons package for Ukraine worth $600 million, which now brings to total US military aid pledged since the start of the conflict to $15.1 billion. And Mississippi has no running water. But on the Bright side, Zelensky has a pile of cocaine eight inches high.

George Soros takes credit for Ukraine war, saying that all the Ukrainian leaders that wanted to join the EU and NATO were in contact with his “civil societies” foundation.

More pro-Russian Ukrainian officials murdered in explosions.

The rumor of an attempt on Putin’s motorcade were bogus.

Security analyst notes of Ukraine’s offensive, Kiev is feeding its troops “as cannon fodder to Russia’s overwhelming superiority in aviation, artillery and rocket systems. They have suffered horrific casualties as a result, whereas the Russian military withdrew from Kharkov in good order and sustained very light casualties.”

Russia has shown a reserved reaction to Kiev’s actions and “terror attacks,” but that may change, President Putin has signaled.

United Nations BEGGING Russia to export fertilizer so Western nations don’t suffer a worsening food collapse.

Putin tells Europe: if you want gas then open Nord Stream 2.

A ban on LGBT propaganda may be discussed at the Russian State Duma hearings in October or November, and a respective bill is practically ready, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said.

David Brooks asks, Why is there still no strategy to defeat Donald Trump?  Uplifting to note, the entire establishment hates Trump, and has been able to absolutely zero about it as Trump candidate after Trump candidate wins again and again. Article is also interesting to read, understanding Brooks knows all about the surveillance and the conspiracy, but he unfalteringly writes from within his cover as just a genuine Republican, even though he is 100% traitor, working for an essentially foreign intel op.

Christian bakers fined for gay ‘wedding’ cake refusal take case back to US Supreme Court.

Teachers and staff members in Ohio can now legally carry firearms on campus.

After the Martha’s Vineyard episode, the New York Times changes perspective and writes, “At a time when Americans are already at odds with one another over what we might call core values — the cultural beliefs that glue our country together — it’s reasonable to worry about whether adding newcomers [migrants] to the mix will complicate the task of forging a common future.”

America First Legal sues another Pennsylvania county over ‘illegal drop box scheme.’

John Fetterman is privately sounding the alarm that things could change if he continues getting outspent on TV.

Tralfagar shows momentum in Pennsylvania is shifting from Fetterman to Oz.

In February, an alliance of MAGA activists, secessionists, vaccine resisters and self-described militia members ousted a longtime board member and won a 3-2 majority on Shasta County’s (California) all-Republican main governing body.

The nonpartisan Cook Political Report shifted the Oregon gubernatorial race toward Republicans on Friday, moving it from “lean Democrat” to “toss up.”

Lindsey Graham said Trump could ‘kill 50 on our side’ and GOP wouldn’t care, book says. He acts like the 50 wouldn’t be traitors like him.

Spread r/K Theory, because you should not console yourself like Chris Christie.

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2 years ago

“Martha’s Vineyard voted 84% for Joe Biden.”
While wholly opposed to the use of atomics, there does seem to be certain scenarios where the use of a low yield tactical nuke seems appropriate.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  highangelhell
2 years ago

How many people live on Martha’s Vineyard? They obviously have an airport, and it’s an island, so just round up all of the Biden voters, load them into the back of a C130, fly them out ten miles away over the Atlantic, and drop them all out of the plane with cinder block ankle weights. Repeat as necessary.

Much cleaner than a nuke, and it’s a nice island, so waste not.

2 years ago

Manager: “You… Big boy. You here 4 hour, you go now!”

2 years ago

I would like to reiterate AC’s comment:

The illusion of a covenant which kept our side copacetic is now fully broken, at least from the side of the free-thinking right, and the counter-Cabal forces. There is now only decent people on one side (among who I firmly include the Russians, and Judoka Putin), and the mix of satanized Globohomo intelligent agents, surveillance people, and assorted brainwashed NPCs, who have me under surveillance as we speak, whose side supported 9/11 in some way, and who now seek the destruction of all that is good, beautiful, and true in the West. There can be no reconciliation, let alone any respect or concern for fairness or parity. You are purely enemies. And as a result I view such a comment not really with any emotion at all, beyond recognizing this character has no idea the extent to which he is not even human to our side. There may be a lot of people who will be surprised at what awaits in the future.

Yes, the “covenant” is the Social Compact. This exact same thing led up to the American’s 1st Civil War. —Remember John Brown—His hatred that he went to Kansas and started killing slave-owners. Instead of Slavery, it is now Race. The Northern Abolitionists had a great hatred towards the South. The war fever was based on a heretical religious belief! Religion is the great motivator.

2nd point: “satanized Globohomo”. This has got me very depressed and disturbed—-when VP Harris said “The border is secure”. Just lying, in public, in our face. She didn’t even bat an eye. A pure lie, in public, to our faces. And then you have Morning Joe, Jonathan Lemire, “Our border is in a crisis–but it is secure”.

—the VP’s statement is a recurring event. From Bill’s “What is the definition of ‘is’ is, to Karl Rove and Obama’s “nation of immigrants” (which is an oxymoron)…They say There is NO race-replacement going on—but there is…They say elections are secure—but they’re not. Lying about everything and anything–not one honest answer.

Socipathy. You’re looking at killers. Killers of Truth become killers of people.

We are the enemy—like the slaveowners of the past, we are to be killed. And where is a single religious leader speaking out?

The covenant is fully broken. Yes, America is a failed state. Now, it is time to return, as Laramie Hirsch said at Forge and Anvil, to Tribes. Nature works on Tribes. Community and Tribes are based on Blood. Yes, I was once an Americanist, read the Federalist papers, imbibed on John Locke and all the rest, but seeing the carnage, knowing history, my classical antiquity research–Protection is in the Tribe. They are gunning for us. It is time to return to the Old Order which was Tribes. I’ve changed my outlook to suit the new realities—the “new realities” that never were really new–but dumped by the Enlightenment thinkers and FFofA, have returned. Life is War. The only protection in a state of war—is the Tribe. Find yourself one now.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

It was weird in the first place to consider the US government as a “ covenant” which not even the founders believed (they believed replacing crappy governments as a moral duty) . Are you Mormon by chance?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

It was not Americanism that ruined us, it was the abandoning of it.
And the Old Order did not protect those who lived under it any better, that is why it no longer exists in most of the world and the only exceptions are backwards hellholes which would be exterminated or assimilated by Globohomo as soon as the need to posture about the moral high ground came to an end.

We most certainly do need to become nationalist but a Republic is the highest form of tribalism and is far superior to the basic kind.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Spot on. We need what we could call a “tribal identity” that is multi-ethnic but unites us in terms of ideology and values.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

This is flat out wrong. Dead wrong.

Tribes are easy to wipe out, as the North American natives discovered.

While cabal is tribalistic, and its upper ranks are two distinct ethnic groups combined with a 3rd enforcement level ethnic group and a 4th cheap labor ethnic group, it actually works as a confederation and they’ll put ANYONE to work on the bottom who they don’t view as a threat to the two top ethnic groups. And basically what all of this gangs talking and surveillance is about is the top ranks of Cabal directing the lower tribal groups to prey upon the potential rivals of the first two ethnic groups. And then Cabal provides protection via the legal system to these front line “soldiers” (that’s mafia terminology, btw.) Cabal keeps their poor people poor and somewhat afraid, but also has them do cabal’s dirty work. These people benefit from cabal protection if anything goes wrong.

Anyhow, if you try forming a visible triple based on obvious ethnic considerations, you can bet that cabal is going to come after you HARD. Through media. Through regulation. Through police harassment. Through legal harassment. Through sabotage of your business. Through attempted corruption of your children.

IF we are to fight cabal it will take an alliance of people from multiple backgrounds.

2 years ago

You cannot vote tyrants out of power.
Tyrants Must Be Overthrown!

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
2 years ago

AC, thank you for all the hard work and time you put in here. It makes me mad that there are people saying ugly things to you in their comments. I’m glad you have the perspective on it that you do. What you’ve built here has value.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I think the “emotional detachment” can be thought of as peace, which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22).

2 years ago

There is a purported Rand study that was commissioned by parts of the federal government, and the Democratic national committee, floating around the internet. Two links to this were floated in yesterday’s comment section, and Jim Stone linked to a Swedish site that had it.

I was too busy yesterday to dig into it, but the document itself seemed off to me. It seemed formatted all wrong for a document the federal government spotted from a think tank. Fortunately, a number of other commentators spotted the same thing and pointed it out. The document is a fake.

The substance of the document is that the United States government is really afraid of Germany and is trying to destroy this. This is complete bull on its face, since we know perfectly well by now that both the federal governments in both countries are controlled by the cabal. There is some other stuff in the paper that also shows the thing to be fake, but its not worth doing a deep look. The issues with the formatting and the central argument should be enough.

Granted, I can’t figure out the Ukraine psyop at all, but its not about crushing Germany to benefit Americans or even American elites. The goal seems to be to make people in developed western countries poorer, but this was already being done perfectly well by the COVID psyop, which had the additional benefit of destroying civil liberties, so why not continue with that?

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

“Destroying Germany” is the Jewish goal. Our government is Jewish. Nixon pointed out during his office that the DOJ was completely Jewish. Jews, and their fellow European globalists/liberals, are in control. Jews fear Germans. Germans are at their heart, law abiders, disciplined and one of the higher races. Jews see the Germans as competitors so they must be destroyed.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

The same is true of Vatican bloodlines. They’ve hated the Germans for 2000 years.

It should be noted that Hitler was a Catholic. And he accomplished exactly what the Vatican wanted: lots of dead Russians and lots of dead Germans.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I posted those links because it’s a fact Germany IS being destroyed. The question is if this is intentional, or just clown world ineptitude.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

It’s never ineptitude. It’s always deliberate.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

China has opened up its latest secret “overseas police service centers” in Chinese restaurants and shops throughout the United Kingdom, the Telegraph reported Wednesday.
I think these services are already here in these States United. I frequented a marvelous Chinese restaurant with a fantastic Chinese-American menu geared to university students and instructors and others primarily of that age group. Twenty plus years after she retired and a few months before the owner passed the owner posted an image of Chairman Mao on Facebook.

2 years ago

You surveillance people be safe out there…” you one funny man AC-san!

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
2 years ago

Re: “There may be a lot of people who will be surprised at what awaits in the future.“
Contrary to the lax judgment, if there is any judgment at all, that they are now used to and constantly seek these days, God‘s judgment is not lax at all and he exposes everything that they seek to hide. Yes, it’s going to be a major surprise when they are in God’s dock.

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
2 years ago

Re:” One of the worst meningitis outbreaks in U.S. history is ravaging Florida’s gay men. You surveillance people be safe out there…”
There are those who purport to have the gift of prophecy and are saying God’s judgment is beginning to cleanse unrighteousness from the land. Any way you look at it I would not want to be living/embracing a fundamentally sinful lifestyle right now.

I stand under the shelter of the blood of Christ and pray his protection on all my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Seek his forgiveness and live or don’t and suffer the consequences.

Last edited 2 years ago by pjwgent
Reply to  Peter Gent
2 years ago

practitioners of sodomy

2 years ago

DFT – Court Rules Texas Law Banning Social Media Censorship Is Constitutional

I need to do one of those “two buttons” memes for twitter, between them having to press either “Elon is Wrong” and “TX law doesn’t apply because we don’t really have 50 million users”

2 years ago

I am sorry Canada-bros, but it looks like the infamous shop-teacher tranny is one of your’s:

2 years ago

But on the Bright side, Zelensky has a pile of cocaine eight inches high.

It will be two inches high in a couple of hours.

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
2 years ago

Biden leases fewer acres for oil and gas grilling than any president since the 1940s.

I’d sure like to get me some of that there government land to set up my gas grill, wouldn’t you?

2 years ago

Re: the Janet Yellen story, ending a friendship with a Trump supporter.

I kind of get it, to be honest. I never thought I would say that because I always prided myself on being able to remain friends with people with whom I disagreed politically. But now that every single domain of life translates to a political opinion, it has affected my own relationships, particularly in the last couple of years.

I still maintain a Facebook account. I have connections to several of my oldest friends. One, I have been friends with for nearly 30 years. She has been trying for a few years to become an influencer within a particular niche. She has become very image-obsessed as a result. All these years we have frequently spoken, many in-depth conversations. She is the sister I never had. She and I are essentially on the same page on every issue of our times, if she is telling me the truth. But she is the type who is also compelled to do things like change her profile pic to a Ukraine flag, post some griefstricken BS about George Floyd, and things like that. She’s very good at reading the social climate for what is popular and allowable to say and making gestures in that direction while she claims to feel entirely differently in real life. And while I cannot entirely write her off permanently, I find that I cannot discuss a lot of things or issues with her because if it in some way helped her image, or advanced her career in some way, I believe she would immediately turn me in for thought crimes and consider herself a good person for doing so, and more importantly, would be publicly praised for doing it. I have watched her, an extremely religious moral person, who wants to be held up as an example of how to live, compromise herself repeatedly on different social issues because they are the popular view and it has changed everything about how I relate to her.

The pandemic isolated me without my consent (sent home to work permanently + family that won’t see me in person because I’m unvaxxed) and it’s possible I need to get out and touch grass myself.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Why keep shitlibs as friends? Life is short and it’s easy to make new friends.

Family is more complicated but again, other than honoring your parents and taking care of the wellbeing of your children until they reach adulthood, you have no moral obligations (according to God) to deal with shitlib uncles, aunties, cousins, siblings etc.

NOBODY including family has a right to preach ungodly satanic views or push dangerous medical experiments on you, for any reason. If this hasn’t been made clear to them, what’s stopping you?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Funny how the only way to be a corporate approved “influencer” is to be a morally bankrupt liar. Almost like they want to use the money they dangle as a tool to get people to deny truth; once that’s done, knowing they’re totally open to mental and spiritual domination by evil.

A trillion dollars won’t buy your soul back at the end of they day.

2 years ago

>“Nice ghosting. Reminds me of Twitter. You are just like twitter.”
>It betrays a dangerous misconception, which I think the opposition would be well advised to recognize. That type of rhetoric works when we are all on the same team, or care for one another, or want to be liked.
Whenever this topic comes up, I like to refer people to an old post I made which sums up the logic and reason for why you can’t give dipshits free reign. For anyone not convinced by AC on this, this post goes into quite a bit of detail.
In short, “muh freedom of speech” is a saul alinsky-esque (Search for “rules for radicals”, dedicated to satan unironically) tactic meant to convince the moderator (in this case AC) to allow dipshits to destroy his comment section with nonsense and annoying bullshit. One of the rules is force your opponent to live up to his own rules or beliefs (in this case universal freedom of speech). Of course, once control is actually gotten by the dipshits, they never cared about that ideal in the first place and they would quickly get rid of it themselves without blinking an eye even though they used it to gain a foothold in the first place. We’ve seen it a hundred times across as many sites. Its pure narcissism/sociopathy dominating their actions. Allowing their comments would alienate real users because it is annoying seeing their crap, and also make it more difficult to find and enjoy the quality comments you actually want to read. Good people stop participating, and the forum was successfully destroyed. That is a win for the bad guys so it can’t be allowed. With a good moderator, like AC, Freedom of speech is not what you want. Its a coffee shop discussion for like-minded people. Not a public forum antifa type trash can be allowed to come in and piss all over the floor.
Thanks for the hard work AC.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

They’re not sending their best… their rapists, murderers; and some, I assume, are good people.

2 years ago

From Pittsburgh Magazine, March, 2013

Braddock Rising

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago
Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Just left a church last week because I called them out and they couldn’t take it. I could tell that one of the main idols there was money, though that’s not what I called leadership out about. Been attending this church for nearly a year. I found out today that they just got cut off from one of their main sources of funding. Just watched this now. Very interesting.

Edit: Ran this by my mom. Won’t share more details, but her QT just yesterday included 1 Corinthians 10:12. Interesting.

Last edited 2 years ago by Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

8 mice.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago
2 years ago

That David Brooks mention got me interested in NYT op-ed columnists in general – who are these people? This isn’t going to be a deep dive, more of a superficial survey, with whatever quotes from Wikipedia I found most interesting. “List of the NYT employees” gives 16 current op-ed columnists.

By my count, 3 white women, 1 straight white man, 1 LGBT white man, 1 Indian man, 1 black woman, 1 straight black man, 1 LGBT black man, and 7 Jews. No Latinos, no East Asian Americans. Also biographies that are very much concentrated in the Chicago-Connecticut-North Carolina triangle, with 2 exceptions, a white woman from Turkey, and a black man from Louisiana.

Charles M. Blow

In response to the Central Park birdwatching incident Blow wrote an op-ed in which he said, “Specifically, I am enraged by white women weaponizing racial anxiety, using their white femininity to activate systems of white terror against black men. This has long been a power white women realized they had and that they exerted.”[14]
In 2021, Blow published The Devil You Know: A Black Manifesto in which he advocates people of color taking direct action by moving to states where they can build a political majority.[15]
In 2014, Blow came out publicly as bisexual.[26][27] He is divorced.[28]
In his autobiography, Fire Shut Up In My Bones, Blow revealed that he was sexually abused as a child by an older cousin.[27]

Jamelle Bouie

Shortly after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, he wrote an article for Slate arguing that there was “no such thing as a good Trump voter”.

David Brooks

Before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Brooks argued forcefully for American military intervention
In 2020, Brooks wrote in The Atlantic, under the headline “The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake” …
Brooks said that his oldest son serves in the Israel Defense Forces.

Frank Bruni

In 2016, the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association gave him its Randy Shilts Award for his career-long contribution to LGBT Americans.
Bruni has also done extensive reporting on religion and is the author, with Elinor Burkett, of A Gospel of Shame: Children, Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church.

Gail Collins

Collins published As Texas Goes: How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda.
She also wrote the introduction for the 50th-anniversary edition of The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan.

Ross Douthat

Maureen Dowd

In a Times video debate, she said of the North Korean government, “you could look at a movie like Mean Girls and figure out the way these North Koreans are reacting; you know it’s like high school girls with nuclear weapons—they just want some attention from us, you know?”[17]

Thomas Friedman

Friedman has publicly expressed his support for the biometrics based Unique Identification program of India.

2 years ago

NYT op-ed columnists, Part 2/end

Michelle Goldberg

From her early teens she was active in the abortion rights cause, escorting a pregnant 13-year-old friend to an abortion clinic when she herself was 13 and participating in protests and abortion-clinic defense as a high-school senior.[5]

Ezra Klein

Paul Krugman

Krugman reports that he is a distant relative of conservative journalist David Frum.[249]

Farhad Manjoo

A cisgender man, Manjoo wrote in the New York Times that they prefer to be referred to with singular they pronouns.[6]
They are the author of the book True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society.[12][13][14]

Tressie McMillan Cottom

She writes from the analytical perspective of intersectionality.[17] Her essays have advocated for reparations to African Americans,[18] argued that racism rather than political correctness is the real threat to university campus life,[19] and suggested that black girls are treated as more adult than white girls.[20]

Pamela Paul

Bret Stephens

From 2002 to 2004, he was editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post. [at the age of only 30?!]
Stephens led The Jerusalem Post during the worst years of the Palestinian campaign of suicide bombings against Israel and pointed the paper in a more neoconservative direction.[19] In 2003, The Jerusalem Post named Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, an architect of the Iraq War, its Man of the Year.[19]
In 2005, the World Economic Forum named Stephens a Young Global Leader.[17]
It was also pointed out that in a 2013 Wall Street Journal article, Stephens had called Palestinians “mosquitoes”.[36]

Zeynep Tufekci

In January 2018, Tufekci wrote a cover story for Wired titled “It’s the (Democracy-Poisoning) Golden Age of Free Speech.”[26]
In 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tufekci wrote numerous articles explaining the importance of flattening the curve,[31] the importance of mask wearing,[32][33] and academic articles covering the evidence for mask wearing.[34][35] Tufekci was critical of the mainstream media for failing to explain the importance of mask wearing, and is often cited as one of the first to take up the importance of mask wearing in the mainstream media.[36][37] This led to Tufekci becoming one of the academics who advised the WHO on adopting a mask recommendation.[38][39]


X in the XXX
X in the XXX
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I miss #TrollingTheGuardian on Twitter with screenshots fron the fake Guardian headline generator. Of course, the humorless twats at the Guardian had the site shut down.

X in the XXX
X in the XXX
2 years ago

Anyone who uses beam technology to harass and damage people in their homes will undergo an occasion of reckoning at some point. Maybe at the time of death. Or maybe before.

The same for people who develop and deploy poison-injecting mosquito drones.

I feel like I’m more knowledgeable than most about dark celebrity secrets, but I came across one dark secret this past week that really threw me for a loop.

If true, it shouldn’t be surprising or shocking, and yet, this one was.

Popular music has held great sway over me in my lifetime. I cane of musical age in the mid 1980s when I got my first clock radio (and then boom box) and I could listen to my own tunes.

And yet, as Joseph Sciambara posted on Facebook yesterday, pop culture is porn.

I compose music as a hobby (and to keep myself sane, but one thing I ask myself is: am I making music, or am I merely making porn? God is the ultimate creator, of course. I am merely a messenger, but of what?

Last edited 2 years ago by X in the XXX
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

that reveal didnt pop up as far as I know. There arent that many soul singers who made it in the 1950s, and hit it big again in the 1960s. and remained high in the public consciousness thru the 1970s and on. A lot of flameouts. James Brown is possible but I dont know if I would call him a success in the 1950s. Then there is Bobby Womack, who also wrote a lot of songs for a long time, but was mostly soul, not crossover. That leaves – Ray Charles.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

Marvin Gaye. I thought I saw CDAN gave the answer as him.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

well ray got busted. the CDAN original talks about success in the 50s. Gaye was a in a group that had success with bo diddley in 1959. i guess i could see that. do you have the link for the reveal? the prevailing story is marvin intervened in a fight between his parents and dad shot him…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

I just can’t see that.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
2 years ago

if yer referring to ray… he went on drug binges all the time. can blind people get violent? sure. and kill hookers? sure. btw stevie wonder isnt very blind… i bet others are like that too…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Regular people are living in a trance, hallucinating the existence of a mythological country, genuine traces of which vanished many decades ago. All that remains of our institutions is fronts, pretending on the surface to operate within the law only for the sake of maintaining an illusion that keeps the normies asleep and locked in their dream. As their taxes are throttled out of them and their children’s future and heritage is destroyed.

Reply to  X in the XXX
2 years ago

As Yoda said, “You will know.. when you are calm, at peace..”

Is the art you are producing genuinely intended to nourish people? Or is it to serve an addiction? Is it bringing them closer to reality? Or is it pulling them deeper into a dream?

Now, of course, the same piece can affect people different. What can be noble and inspiring to one person may just be pleasant escapism for some. And, of course, pleasant escapism can just justified from time to time.
It’s not purely in the creation itself, but partly in who is using it and how and why.

Reply to  X in the XXX
2 years ago


Squidz MacKenzie
Squidz MacKenzie
2 years ago

“The working theory on 4Chan is this guy had some George-Costanza-like
plan to get fired for this and then sue for millions as a
discriminated-against LGBTQPFRNDSE+ minority….”

Ha! That’s straight out of the South Park episode, “Death Camp of Tolerance”, one of the best episode they ever produced.

“In the episode, Mr. Garrison tries to get fired from his new job as the fourth grade teacher at South Park Elementary by being overtly and explicitly homosexual
in front of the students, so he can sue the school and get twenty-five
million dollars in damages and shoves the school’s gerbil Lemmiwinks
into Mr. Slave’s rectum. However, he is unable to as the rest of the
faculty and the children’s parents are desperate to appear tolerant of
his homosexuality.”
That was originally broadcast in 2002 and perfectly encapsulates our situation with all of this woke shit since it kicked into high-gear around 2013/2014 or so.
If you choose to watch that episode, consider following it up with the season 9 premier, “Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina”. That was broadcast in 2005 and does the same for the trans issue, predicting all of the absurdities that would naturally follow, like trans-race and trans-species.

Reply to  Squidz MacKenzie
2 years ago

Trey Parker is a national treasure. South Park has brought me so many laughs.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

“Martha’s Vineyard voted 84% for Joe Biden.”

Scott Adams is a vaxxed moron — but he’s right that pointing out “hypocrisy” is the lamest weakest most-ineffective form of persuasion and rhetoric. Shitlibs are hypocrites and don’t give a shit about it.

If anything this Martha’s Vineyard stunt is only letting the regime flex on the kulaks. They ship out immigrants with the military, you must allow immigrants to rape your children. It’s a flex. They have POWER… you don’t.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Excellent, it’s served it’s purpose. Libs are owned, the dems are still the real racists and total hypocrites, yadda, yadda. So someone tell DeSantis that next time he has two plane loads of illegals, SEND THEM THE HELL BACK WHERE THEY CAME FROM.

Hey Q? You guys know that “legal” immigration means nothing if the illegals get to stay, right? Even if they don’t get amnesty, even if they are disqualified from all government services, they still can’t stay. They have to go back.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

So they use the law to their advantage. Question is, why dont Republicans?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

junior membership in cabal / j freemasonry / J satanism. playing the part of the (menshevik) washington generals to bolshevik/left/D/superior cabalitos’ harlem globetrotters…

2 years ago

This video apparently shows the government poisoning the water supply:
Do you believe this video accurate or is this misinformation?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Do not allow recreational access (e.g., wading, swimming, boating and fishing) to treated areas while rotenone is being applied. Do not allow swimming or wading in treated water for 72 hours after last application. 

(Note: PDF link for you “I ain’t clicking that n-” folks)

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps