News Briefs – 09/17/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Maricopa county election audit results to be released next Friday, Sept. 24th at 1:00 PM, in AZ Senate chambers.

Pennsylvania Republicans moved on Wednesday to seek personal information on every voter in the state as part of a brewing partisan review of the 2020 election results, rubber-stamping more than a dozen subpoenas for driver’s license numbers and partial Social Security numbers. Christina Bobb on OAN sounded dubious about whether this was a real audit, given the subpoenas issued never bothered to look for the actual ballots for a full forensic audit, like Arizona.

A lawyer says on twitter, “Havana syndrome is incorrect term. These incidents started decades ago & IC is well aware of that fact,” as the Pentagon solicits members to report odd symptoms and events. This has to be something which outclasses the USA technologically. Either Cabal has tech beyond the US proper’s capabilities, or there is something else out there which does. Either way, if ti has been around for decades, I would not be surprised to find it was deployed in the sports world to determine who won and lost (for betting), and which people became stars and who did not, as well as elsewhere in the civilian world, to mold outcomes, open positions to place assets, and so on. If it was all gain, and no risk of exposure, it would be used prodigiously. I have only assumed it was not to this date because I assumed it was a new technology.

Body Language ghost looks at Christopher Wray’s testimony – The DOJ inspector general himself believes the actions of the FBI in the Larry Nassar case may have been criminal in nature; and he referred the agents involved for prosecution, but DOJ ran cover, and refused to prosecute. Wray was stressed as fuck.

Trump appears, according to this piece, to say the Milley story is bullshit and never happened. I don’t know if I trust this story, but it is possible it was a distraction from something greater we should be looking at.

Trump special prosecutor Durham, investigating the origins of the Russia probe, charges an ex-attorney with Clinton campaign, Michael E. Sussman.

A good rundown on the DUrham indictment here. This indictment happened only because the statute of limitations was about to pass, and apparently more is coming from Durham later on, which means later events where the statute of limitations has not passed. The election of 2016 and the transition being what is of interest, may mean a lot of his reveals will happen between now and Jan 20th of next year.

Carter Page alleged in a lawsuit filed last week that an FBI counterintelligence agent used an alias during interviews with him in 2017. FBI agent Stephen Somma introduced himself as Steve Holt for the interview. A bit peculiar.

Actor and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger praised California voters for not recalling Gavin Newsom this week, saying California “made the right decision” to stick with Newsom, and characterizing Larry Elder as a “wacky” candidate. I remember back in the nineties seeing some piece on Arnold, which noted he was making $20 million per picture in up-front fees, before percentages and residuals, for the last five or six movies, and was estimated to be worth $50-60 million. I thought the people doing the piece were just probably not good at math.

Biden again flees at end of speech as reporter shouts question about Nicki Minaj.

Former lawyers for illegal alien who killed Kate Steinle lobby Biden for his release.

France cancels DC gala in anger over Biden sub deal with Australia.

New Zealand will BAN Australia’s new nuclear-powered submarines from its waters, says Jacinda Ardern minutes after alliance with US and Britain is announced.

A three-judge panel of Obama and Bush judges halted a Texas judge’s order that blocked President Joe Biden’s so-called “sanctuary country” orders that have forced the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to release criminal illegal aliens back into the United States.

Haitian Prime Minister sacks the justice minister hours after firing the chief prosecutor who tried to charge him over president’s assassination.

Biden administration sends less than half the lifesaving antibody treatment needed to Florida. DeSantis promises, “I will fight like hell to stop Joe Biden.” And says his state can just buy more doses direct from the manufacturer.

More than 6,000 women in the U.S. and 35,000 women in the UK have reported heavier than normal or abnormal menstrual cycles. Experts say most go back to normal, but you have to wonder what damage is done.

The possible link between CCP virus vaccinations and menstrual changes should be investigated to clear up the doubts, a reproductive immunology lecturer from Imperial College London said.

NY health care is upended over the vax mandate as a hospital stops delivering babies, an ER closes, and wait-times explode.

COVID whistleblower claims the VAERS reporting database tracking vaccine complications is wrong and undercounting by a factor of 100.

Army major recorded saying he’ll physically hold down unvaxxed to force the jab on them.

NCAA golfer has a severe adverse heart condition due to the COVID vaccine, and now speaks out against vaccine mandates.

Vermont, with the highest vaccination rate in the country — 88% of adults at least partially vaccinated & 79% fully vaccinated — is about to set a new high in COVID cases.

Covid hospitalizations up 8-fold compared to last year in super-vaxxed UK. And this is still the summer. This winter could get quite hairy, given how vaxxed all these population are, and how the vax seems to produce more hospitalizations. 78% of those dying had the Covid-19 vaccine according to Public Health data. This vax may kill a ton of people just from infections, if they keep going with boosters and denying other treatments.

Israeli researchers have only been able to demonstrate that the COVID-19 booster shot provides a proven 12 days of protection from the virus after being administered to people aged 60 or above.

Broward to give vaccinated county employees $500, while the unvaccinated face a surcharge.

France suspends 3,000 unvaccinated health workers without pay.

Some Covid-19 vaccines may increase HIV risk, scientists warn. The same technology, used in HIV vaccines, was shown to actually enhance the virus’s ability to infect.

Italy becomes the first country to pass mandatory vaccine passport bill for all workers.

ACE2 expression in Kidney and Testis may cause Kidney and Testis infection in COVID-19 patients. Fauci said it was impossible?

A virus with a death rate of up to 75 percent has caused a lockdown in India.

Biden’s ‘budget’ bill contains massive Amnesty.

Leaked slideshow shows the Democrat’s plan to sneak Amnesty for illegals into the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

At least four gangs operate and recruit within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, a new report says. Fascinating. When I was much younger and thought the world was relatively free of enemies, I actually tested for a department, and looked good to go. I got the notice to show up for the physical and to start the background, for a date two weeks in the past. That happened over and over, and I blew it off as some sort of quirk and eventually fate took over and I moved on. And that was before I did anything with politics. Now obviously, I suspect I could not get on at a department even back then, maybe because of some lineage thing, maybe an annotation in my file that I am very strongly libertarian and privacy-minded, and being on a department might have brought me in contact with the domestic surveillance machine. But gang members apparently can get on freely, even as the department is trying to keep them out itself, and presumably knows who they are. There is a very big, and probably very fascinating mystery operation out there, just under the surface.

Labeling the Founding Documents ‘offensive’ is just the beginning of the National Archives’ spiteful plans to rewrite America’s history and ‘recontextualize’ her founding documents.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed three housing-related bills into law Thursday that are likely to make multi-family housing projects easier to build and could open up many single-family zones to development.

A reporter makes the case ISIS-K and the Afghanistan government Special Operations were all CIA operations, as we are working with the Taliban.

World Bank abandons its ‘Doing Business’ report after a probe finds IMF boss cheated to make China’s ranking higher.

Muslim ER doctor charged with female genital mutilation of nine girls, aged just seven years old, ‘was part of a secret network which traveled across US to perform the agonizing procedure,’ Detroit court hears.

The island of La Palma in the Canaries was hit by an “earthquake swarm,” with officials warning magma is building up under the Cumbre Vieja volcanic chain, as the stage is set for a possible eruption in teh coming days which could produce a transatlantic tsunami.

New report says Pence is aiming to raise $18M ahead of possible 2024 run.

Netflix’s animated series, “Big Mouth,” bills itself as TV-MA and is ostensibly intended for adults, but it features 12- and 13-year-old characters engaging in sex acts and includes animated nudity and graphic dialogue, say parents looking to get it investigated for child pornography.

Communist China announces warships could soon be stationed off coast of Hawaii.

GOP Senators push to designate the Taliban as a Terrorist Organization as the White House mulls sending aid. OAN said we have already sent $64 billion in aid, which you know ended up like the Iran deal, with one billion going to the Taliban, and $63 billion siphoned off for Cabal.

A letter signed by nearly 50 former members of Congress (Democrat/Cabal members) is calling for the formation of a new government body to address preparations for modern threats against the U.S. government, claiming none of the three branches of government ae prepared to continue government in event of a threat to it.

Authorities encountered 208,887 people illegally crossing the border in August, four times more than the previous year.

Migrant crowd waiting under Texas border bridge doubles to 8K overnight.

Biden admin bans drones over Del Rio migrant camp after Fox News videos show thousands in outdoor detention camp.

A local Congressman makes this sound like a sudden surge happening all at once for some reason. If a lot of this is Cabal importing its non-US agents into the US for a final stand, it might send word to them to hurry up, if Cabal-intelligence indicates something is coming.

Texas Gov. Abbott closing six points of entry as 8,000 gather at the border.

General Flynn endorses MAGA Navy SEAL Eric Greitens, blasts RINO Eric Schmitt for ties to Chinese Communist Party.

Women are nearly half of new gun buyers, new study finds.

In exclusive interview, Trump calls the Sept. 18 rally a ‘setup,’ and says the GOP Senate should fire ‘disaster’ McConnell.

Donald Trump dominates a hypothetical 2024 GOP primary in a new poll.

Invite other people to because you can’t trust the news.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Maricopa county election audit results to be released next Friday, Sept. 24th at 1:00 PM, in AZ Senate chambers.”

“Another 1 Week” /meme

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“…but DOJ ran cover, and refused to prosecute. Wray was stressed as fuck.”

Wray realized he was the fall guy for the pizzagate crew in the next bi-weekly distraction. So he did what he could do to get out of the media’s rage targeting line- he apologized on behalf of an organization. A corrupt, criminal, democrat, foreigner, organization, but an organization nonetheless.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“FBI agent Stephen Somma introduced himself as Steve Holt for the interview. A bit peculiar.”

What’s wrong with people knowing you’re a Neapolitan Italian? Maybe trying to get in on some of the (((tribes))) ‘fake Anglo’ biz? Don’t want people looking into the Catholic Prep school run by Jesuits?

Funiculi, Funicula.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Steve holt is a reference to a movie. I think it was a jock in high school. The one where Channing Tatum and the fat kid are undercover cops in a high school.

Reply to  TimmyEagan
3 years ago

Nope. Arrested Development, TV show.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Jacinda Ardern minutes after alliance with US and Britain is announced.”

She’s a traitor to her nation, faith and people.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

She is a he. Look up her name and red dress.

Why do you think they are pushing LGBTQ crap? Because its those freaks cabal is using in key positions everywhere.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Army major recorded saying he’ll physically hold down unvaxxed to force the jab on them.”

One of my uncle’s, who is 42, was told by his ex-wife if he didn’t take the vax he would never see his kids again. He took it and had a grand mal seizure 1 month after the 2nd Pfizer shot, the cause was a growing brain clot. He had never had seizures before. Several weeks after this (in July) he suffered another seizure, and was placed in an induced coma. We noticed that his organ donor status had been changed from non-donor to donor and now we expect his eldest daughter (who is 18) to approve taking him off of life support. The doctors mentioned that his liver and kidneys are in excellent health and no effort has been made to correct anything related to his blood clot. My Grandmother is apoplectic and doesn’t know what to do as this has all happened so fast.

Guys, don’t take the vax. Don’t let anyone force you to take the vax. If an Army major tries to hold you down to inject you, shoot him. If a group of people try to force it in you, they are likely giving you a fatal dose and it is better to go down fighting since poison is a cowards weapon and your best chance of survival is fighting- including using prompt lethality. It’s just that simple.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’m sorry for your loss. This crap is beyond evil.

“We noticed that his organ donor status had been changed from non-donor to donor.”

I’m telling you man. My status was changed at some point in the last few years and I had to change it back. I’m keeping an eye on it and I’ll add it to my will when I next update it just in case.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

It’s not your will that will have the desired effect. Create an Advanced Directive spelling out your medical wishes. Probably need it notarized and / or witnessed, and depending on your state, recorded.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Your children are your only wealth. However, “never see” is a long time for a threat to be maintained and your uncle may well have experienced a society-wide 180 turn on this fear porn before too long if he had held out. The vindictive ex-wife has blood on her hands. Sorry for your family’s suffering.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

> organ donor status had been changed from non-donor to donor

Supposedly not possible here, but my wife has my instructions: I’m taking all my organs to Hell with me.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I know you’re joking, but anybody who wants to hang out here and contribute in a constructive way isn’t going to hell.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’m sorry for your loss. This is what we face in these times.

“We noticed that his organ donor status had been changed from non-donor to donor.”

I used to be a doner on my license but as I noticed more and more discrepancies in what we are told and what seems to be real I became convinced that there’s a possibility, not that I know or that it’s 100%, but that there’s a possibility that they would let someone die in an accident to get their organs so I changed it.

I don’t trust people to do the right thing anymore.

3 years ago

“Women are nearly half of new gun buyers, new study finds.”

I do wonder if this is a symptom of the masculinization of women?

Historically in Ancient Societies women didn’t bear arms like in Ancient Rome and Ancient Israel.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

All that go-grrrlll shit only lasts till the first punch is thrown in their direction. Recall how fast Moldylocks went from “I’m a punch a Nazi” to “Boo-hoo”.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

Guns do even the odds. But even then a man who is armed has more options because of his naturally higher athleticism.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

And a man is harder to kill, even with a gun. More muscle mass, stronger bones, more powerful adrenaline response, etc.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Might be a lot of straw purchases as well. Gang bangers normally get GFs to buy their guns (when they don’t steal them.) We aren’t the only ones who know Spicy Time Cometh. Also, guns are a good way to hold wealth when you can’t use banks (drug dealers use car rims the same way.)

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago


Reply to  info
3 years ago

But were they women at birth?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  info
3 years ago

Have you heard of Debra, from the the Book of Judges? To sum up, when women can find no men worth a damn, having exhausted all other options they do it themselves. FYI, this is why so many women have embraced corporate careers and even things like Onlyfans – it’s all the same and boils down to having no faith in men. Have you noticed that it’s really mostly WOMEN charging in waving the MAGA flags? The men have failed.

And honestly, screw it, you march with the army you have.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

@Lowell Houser

I have. But Deborah never led the Army nor fought in Battle. Its Barak who led the Men and Fought.

3 years ago
Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Biden administration sends less than half the lifesaving antibody treatment needed to Florida. DeSantis promises, “I will fight like hell to stop Joe Biden.” And says his state can just buy more doses direct from the manufacturer.”

DeSantis should publicly declare that he is buying millions of horse de-wormer doses from India and watch the apoplectic hysteria commence.

“New report says Pence is aiming to raise $18M ahead of possible 2024 run.”

Waste of cash. No one is voting for that faggot and even if the machine installed him to placate the “conservatives” it’d only be Biden v2.

A puppet set-up to take the heat while the machine continues picking over America’s carcass.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Pence is so far up in his ivory tower he has no clue about how profoundly he is hated. Of course since he started buddying up to the Democrats, maybe he imagines he’s going to get votes from there.

Any money left over from the primary, the candidate usually keeps for his own use, and the party takes on the expenses for the final election. Federal Election Commission rules have very few restrictions on what they can do with the money; so few that it’s astounding when politicians actually manage to run afoul of them. That takes stupidity on the level of trying to carjack a marked police car.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“started buddying up to the democrats”? What is with that sort of commentary? He has and always was part of cabal. You don’t think a young homo is going to be anything but compromised from day one do you?

3 years ago

As to the Milley story, you need to keep in mind the question you need to keep in mind with all of these stories: why are they telling us this, why is it even in the news?

Woodward’s book is not about providing us with a look into the Trump administration. Its entire purpose is to further narratives, beliefs, and assumptions that Cabal has a strategic interest in advocating.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I don’t know their purpose but it was a huge gift to Trump/Q.
The counter-coup and purge will now have 10 times the legitimacy.

3 years ago

“There is a very big, and probably very fascinating mystery operation out there, just under the surface”

Meh. Most cops really are pieces of shit. They really are. I would never trust one, develop a friendship with one, or reveal any information to one. No matter how nice they seem. They’re just a gang. They know all about child molestation, efforts to poison specific kids with drugs, and more. Most cops are utterly despicable.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“Most” huh? Well MOST posters who go by “Anonymous” are weak faggots with bad oral hygiene. Sucks to be you.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Yes, most. And it’s precisely because most are that so many people need to express their thoughts anonymously in this society. Organized crime always flourishes where there is corrupt law enforcement. In fact, it’s a prerequisite.

Behind every raped child in this country is one or more cops covering it up.. or worse.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

No cop is so innocent he doesn’t know what his fellows are doing. And by helping cover it up, he makes himself just as guilty.

That’s the “only driving the getaway car” precedent that lets people be charged with robbery or murder even if they weren’t doing the actual crime; they knew and supported it, so they’re viewed as equally guilty in court.

“One law for you, another for us.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I believe most cops are good but I also believe the same as TRX

TRX says,”No cop is so innocent he doesn’t know what his fellows are doing…”

Not saying they are perfectly in the know most choose to ignore or not pay attention to the bad goings on.

And the statements I just made don’t make cops good or bad just people who aren’t willing to stick their necks out to have them chopped off like most of the rest of us.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I would be interested to learn the demographic makeup of the gangsta cops in LASD. I would bet a lot of depreciating dollars that the vast majority of them are minorities.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

hint: you can type any name you want into the little box. I use variations of “TRX” among several blogs and forums where I might voice political opinions. I use other names elsewhere.

You can post as “anonymous”, but AC and his ISP still have your IP address. His ISP probably sells that data to the Goog and Faceborg; they’re like the pig farmer that uses “everything but the oink”.

I generally lump all “anonymous” postings under the “drive-by poster” category and ignore them. If you’re too lazy to bother with establishing an identity, you wasted your time pecking out your comment.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Which brings me back to the issue I experience with my username, that never displays above my posts, even though I am logged in and nice two lines below are telling me right now this:

mkwinco: You are commenting using your Anonymous Conservative account.

(Btw, notifications on comments do not work either.)

AC, is there anything how I could try to fix it?


Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Thank you AC.

Yes, I am using brave. Is it the culprit?

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

mkw I played around with making an account on this site and my guess is that you’re having this issue because you’re not on a account. I was able to get the username thing to work only after making a account and “linking” it to AC’s site. Hope this helps.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Thanks MM, I am just thinking now, how to “link” the accounts.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Cops lie on the stand as routine.

Cops are always in debt and always looking for moonlighting gigs.

The one cop in my family is always causing conflict and division for how own amusement.

Don’t have any illusions about cops.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

As a lawyer, Phelps, what do you think of the idea of crowdfunding civil RICO cases, with funding set up as loans to trusts set up for each suit or plaintiff, with the legal work done by staff attorneys on contract ($35-$70/hr.) to the overall crowdfunding org. (or subsidiaries).

If a suit is successful, the funders get their money back plus credit card rates, but if it fails, that case’s trust implicitly will default.

There are a lot of variations, e.g. paying off early high-interest loans with lower rate ones as the case makes progress, making the funders’ debt subordinate to the plaintiff’s getting reasonable compensation first, etc., but I think if set up right, it could turn the tables on the pervasive corruption in all our institutions, particularly if combined with a lobbying/ pragmatic political wing to counteract the improper influence on the courts that the bad guys / big interests have.

Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

1) I’m not a lawyer. I’m a consultant in the litigation field.

2) I think that the idea of crowdfunding lawsuits is good, but civil RICO is a bad idea to hang it on.

Civil RICO is terribly hard to prove. When it was introduced as a tort, every plaintiffs lawyer out there threw “RICO” in on pretty much every fraud case, even when it obviously wasn’t. To deal with that, the courts put tons of procedure in to weed out the RICO claims early, because the claims were being used as a pile-on club rather than a legitimate part of the lawsuit.

I think that civil RICO is very powerful when it applies. The essential elements of RICO — what you have to prove — are:

1) A predicate tort
2) A legitimate business or businesses that cover for the criminal enterprise
3) A separate but identifiable criminal enterprise that is not the same as the legitimate business.

I know that, for example, the DNC operates as a criminal enterprise. The problem with applying civil RICO to this is that the criminal enterprise IS the legitimate business. They are one in the same. I think that the only places that you might be able to prove it would be the eco-terror/eco-charity enterprises, and maybe the abortionist/baby-seller/political enterprises. The abortion criminal enterprise would be way more difficult to prove than the eco terror enterprise. (Frankly you would just need one of the matrix charts with the charities/terorrist groups on one axis and the people on the other. When you see all the overlap, that would convince a juror.)

I actually worked on a case where civil RICO was proved. It was an uphill battle the entire time, actual criminals as the defendants. It was still a near thing.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Most cops work the Patrol division. Even in a good-sized city, Patrol is 90% meaningless busywork, chained to the 911 system. Patrol officers go from call to call writing report after report on such earthshaking matters as stolen bicycles, interspersed with “Parenting by 911” calls , and being voluntold to attend “community oriented” PR events. Any proactive investigatory work is frowned upon, because supervisors want you available to answer calls and write more reports.

Keeping your head above that tide of bullshit on a daily basis doesn’t leave much room to acquire knowledge about the issues you mention. For Patrol, it’s a matter of churning out misdemeanor reports that go nowhere and then getting back on the radio within a time frame your Sgt. feels is acceptable so you can be sent to the next call.

I don’t doubt for a moment that there are criminal networks, intelligence networks, and worse out there, swimming beneath the surface. But to suggest that Patrol Officer Schmuckatelli knows anything about them is unrealistic.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

Thirty years ago I moderated a police forum. Even then, a number of cops (mostly east coast, large city) were complaining that their paperwork overhead was so high they could only make about three arrests per shift; they had to stand there and let small crimes slide in order to be available if a larger one happened. And every interaction with a citizen had to be documented with the proper forms, even if it was just telling some kid not to play in the street or answering a question. So they all put on their sunglasses and hid in their cars to avoid contact, which meant more paperwork.

In computers, there’s an old saying that programmers will work to the metric. If the metric is “lines of code” they’ll write huge sprawling programs. For many PDs, the primary metric is paperwork and arrests is secondary. Though it’s almost as bad when arrests are the primary metric, and they turn to arresting six-year-olds with unlicensed lemonade stands to keep their numbers up.

3 years ago

What you think of this? Just an overzealous citizen or part of the network?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


3 years ago

“As to the Milley story, you need to keep in mind the question you need to keep in mind with all of these stories: why are they telling us this, why is it even in the news?”

Excellent comment and I have been thinking a lot about this.

To be concise and not very substantive, and I am still working this out, I think that these stories are coded messages, and they are not meant for us, nor for Bob and Margaret Normal.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

My best guess is that this the battlespace prep for why we don’t nuke China after they EMP Hawaii and the Alaska.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

On the topic of EMP, I watched that old Arnie movie Eraser. Intereresting that EMP is the featured weapon of the film and how long ago was that film made?

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

This 1981 book discussed an EMP strike in detail. Don’t think much has changed.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Eraser was not about an EMP. It was about a rail gun

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Agreed. I’ve been thinking about the coded messaging and prevalence of symbolism that surrounds us – hence my recent interest in:

What occurs to me is how saturated in all this we can be and yet still be totally oblivious to
it. Of course that’s the point but The Great Awakening is a waking up to their symbolism as well as to their lies and crimes. Their symbolism is an entire language of its own, and no doubt has many related languages that may exist in hierarchies, or initiation levels.

Somewhere, sometime, I think the more gifted amongst our patriots with expertise in cryptology, Big Data, and AI began to perceive ghostly traces of intelligence – associations in purportedly random or disconnected events – an Invisible Enemy. Breaking these codes may have finally legitimized the conspiracy theories, identifying culprits who communicate outside simple tech.

Establishing a military intel plan to address this threat to our country and constitution would have been next. A plan that acknowledged the reality of a Fifth Column that had infiltrated and subverted every branch of government, judiciary, and military. And here we are.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Douglas Hill’s Keill Randor books begin with a similar premise. Great children’s books, I reread them recently, only disappointed that like a childhood house or school they weren’t as long as I remembered.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Good comment, though the first link seems much better than the second to me as it is reasoning from a wider pool of data, while the second is treating Q like some kind of holy writ rather than an enemy psy-op which mixed in some real stuff to maintain interest. There really isn’t more than a 1 in 10000 chance at this point that Q wasn’t just calculated doses of hopium that forestalled any real action by most and entrapped patriots that relied upon it, who have since been hung out to dry.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Same thing happened to me, AC. Applied to a federal LE position decades ago, a long process, and got a notice in the mail telling me to show up 8 days ago, and that I would not be given a second opportunity.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I questions your assumption that revealing mass spying and interference will result in a mass uprising.
The Snowden reveal changed absolutely nothing.
People are sheep.

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Snowden was a plant. Even on his fawning Wikipedia page you can’t miss it.

He was a civilian subcontractor who should never have had access to what he supposedly got. After a peculiar zig-zag career path he was working at an NSA facility that should have been running full Rainbow Book security, yet was allowed to access compartmentalized information and waltz out with its. And then the whole “we’ll only release the information to The Guardian, which trickled it out to maximum furor… yet there was almost nothing there that hadn’t already been discussed on the comp.risks newsgroup or other places. Nobody got burned, nobody went down, business as usual for everyone. The trickle of “revelations” petered out, and nobody cared any more.

3 years ago

“At least four gangs operate and recruit within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, a new report says. Fascinating.”

Remember the OJ Simpson trial? Where OJ was caught dead to rights murdering his wife but the black jury was racist and let him off? That one? Well drug gangs were operating within the LAPD during those years too.

By the way, I don’t buy all or even most of the Miles Mathis stuff, but his essay on Simpson and particularly his account of the prosecutors in that case is worth reading.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

The enigma of the Miles Mathis Committee. Truths and proofs sprinkled selectively through layers of diversions and obfuscations.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

“…Truths and proofs sprinkled selectively through layers of diversions and obfuscations….”

Yeeeessss! A great way to put it! As much as I try to downgrade him a lot of what I have learned through the years has been from reading this sort of disinfo, knowing the whole time there was a mass of chaff hiding the wheat.

All of these sources must let through a tiny pieces of good info or they will not get any viewers and their whole purpose is null and void.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

That is why Miles Mathis is valuable to read. If his details are correct, then the case he makes is very good.

There was an interesting program called “You” about an obsessed serial killer who murders the women in his relationship. In the second season, he met a soul mate who read the book that his girlfriend wrote. Reading between the lines of the book, she deduced that he was the killer.

Disinformation is extraordinarily valuable.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

remember the LAPD Rampart scandal? 70 dirty cops that LAPD would admit to? there’s a semi-plausible theory out there that entire scandal was thrown out as a distraction from something much bigger and even more dirty. think ‘Murder Inc.’ only run by LAPD cops.

as for the ‘gangs in LACSD’… old news. this story pops up about every 15 years, and each time, the reported numbers of dirty cops/gangbanger cops get bigger & bigger.

have no illusions about cops, boys. ever.

Reply to  Otake
3 years ago

I’ve seen articles since the 1990’s about LACSD gangs.
The articles always focus on a white gang, the ‘Vikings’. The articles make a big point about them being a terrible, no-good bunch of racist white supremicists.
I wonder if they formed, similar to white gangs in prison, to provide mutual defence against the minorities they are surrounded by.

3 years ago

Re: Durham

I read the whole indictment. Durham has codenamed pretty much everyone else in the indictment, which implies that he could be targetting them as co-conspirators. My best guesses are:

Law Firm-1 = Perkins Coie (obviously)
Tech Executive-1 = Eric Schmidt
Tech Company-1 = Alphabet
Tech Company-2 = Google
Tech Company-3 = Crowdstrike

No clue on who Researcher-1, Researcher-2, University-1, and Originator-1 are.

Only really new info is that TE-1 was all over all of this, that the university was doing all of this under the cover of an official US contract for another purpose, and that R-1 and R-2 were telling them that none of this held any water to any DNS experts (like them) but admitted that it was good enough to fool a normal cybersecurity expert.

3 years ago

New Zealand will BAN Australia’s new nuclear-powered submarines from its waters, says Jacinda Ardern minutes after alliance with US and Britain is announced.

Fine. Tell them that the ANZAC tradition is over, and NZ is on their own militarily.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

American ships with nuclear power or weapons aren’t allowed in New Zealand waters. They’ve refused to allow American Navy vessels in their waters since 1987 unless they consent to being searched to see if anyone has a nuke stashed in a locker somewhere. Though greatly pussified, the Navy generally tells them to pound sand and sails around Zedland.

Meanwhile, various treaties would call for the US to use those nukes for New Zealand’s defense, meaning the Zed government is a bunch of two-faced assholes.

3 years ago

Army major recorded saying he’ll physically hold down unvaxxed to force the jab on them.

Anyone holding down any of my neighbors or family to inject them with anything against their will (outside an obviously deranged individual being sedated) gets ventilated, and anyone providing security for them are accomplices before the fact on this war crime, and get treated accordingly.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Men like you describe founded this country, and every other great civilization worth remembering.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC>>The thing is, once people make that jump they are in for a penny, in for a pound.

That moment when you realize the enemy is, quite literally, on your doorstep and, as Uncle Neil puts it, “The powers that be left me here to do the thinking.” That’s when the Powderfinger takes over.


In case the embed link doesn’t work:

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

A good bifurcation picture of Chuck Grassley.

I want to like Chuck, a small town guy, raised on a farm, from Iowa. Consistently regarded as one of the hardest working politicians.

But…….I can never not ask how they’re hooked into Cabal and what deal they made to get to where they are.

I want to like Tulsi. Intelligent, attractive. Also part of a young world leaders forum led by the monstrous Klaus Schwab.

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Also…..ArtPrize in Grand Rapids has started and runs thru the first weekend in October.

With some actual art, as opposed to woke modern Piss Christ-style shock art. Houses DeVos and Van Andel won’t put up with that level of nonsense in their back yard. (I guess downtown GR is more like their front yard, apart from their actual front yards in Forest Hills Township and the Amway compound in Ada.)

3 years ago

Communist China announces warships could soon be stationed off coast of Hawaii.

Cover for when there are PLA ships off the coast of Hawaii around Sept 25. They have already arrived at the Aleutians.

I think Taiwan is toast. Hope you already have all the cheap electronics you want.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Here is to hoping that Thomas Wictor is correct and out allies in the Pacific are armed and ready with ‘new toys’ via Trump.

White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
3 years ago

“Either way, if it has been around for decades, I would not be surprised to find it was deployed in the sports world to determine who won and lost (for betting), and which people became stars and who did not, as well as elsewhere in the civilian world, to mold outcomes, open positions to place assets, and so on.”

Quick search for recent celebrities with migraine issues:

– Andrew Bogut (the most anti-mandate pro athlete in the world…but also, migraines run in the family)
– Scottie Pippen (still wildly successful, but haunted by migraines his whole career, two infamous moments when his migraines cost the Bulls in the playoffs…by the way, he’s a Freemason)
– Dwyane Wade (promotes transgender agenda via teen son, not an Anointed Superstar until joined by Shaq then Lebron…but had migraines in childhood)
– Serena Williams (too dominant…or would that be the point of occasionally affecting her, cashing in on the odds?)
– Kareem (too outspoken, too much integrity…or too early?)
– Aaron Gordon (mild underachiever)
– Terrell Davis (migraines since childhood)
– Jason Williams (white PG who could’ve defied stereotypes?)
– John Wall (super-talented, but not one of the league’s Anointed Superstars)

– Cindy McCain (what might a traitor’s wife know?)
– Michelle Bachmann (Tucker “Comet Ping Pong VIP” Carlson spread rumors about a pill addiction)
– Janet Jackson (might know about her brother’s pedo friends)
– Hugh Jackman
– Ben Affleck
– Gwyneth Paltrow
– Whoopi Goldberg
– Simon Cowell
– Kanye (Vigilant Citizen would have a lot to say about why)
– Elvis (too early?)

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“A virus with a death rate of up to 75 percent has caused a lockdown in India.”

So it starts. The Jews are not able to control all with corona so now they are stepping up the lethality of the viruses they release. I predicted this.

I wonder when, just when all Jews start being assassinated in any country they do this. It will happen eventually and oh the wailing we will hear even though they brought it on themselves.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Then Samson option

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“GOP Senators push to designate the Taliban as a Terrorist Organization as the White House mulls sending aid. OAN said we have already sent $64 billion in aid”

So $64 billion/number of homeless in the US is estimated at 552,830=$115,768

So for what we sent them we could provide a house for every homeless person in the US. Sigh…

Where did anyone vote for this? It’s a lot of money how was this approved?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Well said.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The trick is they have you value everything in dollar$. The true cost is time.
Two men pay $100,000 for an item is the same in dollars but totally different in time.

One man brings home $1k/week and the other brings home $10k/week. The cost for the first man is 100 weeks, for the second 10 weeks.

Everything I purchase I value in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, etc. DOLLARS MEAN NOTHING TO ME. Ask yourself, how much time did it or will it take for me to buy this? Then you will discover the real value/cost of what you buy.

The valuing and devaluing of dollars is how the Federal Reserve and the International Banksters rip us off. This is an insidious form of slavery.


Since the founding of the Fed it has taken each man more and more time to accomplish the same basics: buy a house, car, raise family, retire, etc.

It’s right in front of your face, but… because they(THE BANKSTERS) control all education i.e. public skools in particular, but… most private skools too, we are kept far away from this fact our entire lives. IT WAS BANKERS WHO FOUNDED THE PUBLIC SKOOLS AND ALL THE MUNICIPAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS.

Now, digest that!


3 years ago

Good point.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Tell you what, AC, it is actually a lot fun because it is a true learning experience about how the Fed and their flunkies in gov’t especially Congress rip us off.

Converting the dollar$ you spend to the minutes you work is a fun mathematical exercise. And a major reason to pull American children out of the ZOG skool(fool) system.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AFTER the purge where we throw out everyone who doesn’t belong here there MUST be a one time wealth redistribution.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I can’t remember where, but somewhere online I saw the claim made that if wages in the US had continued to climb at the rate they had before they went to pot, then the average wage in the US today would be in the region of $90k.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It’s “only” $64 million.

Johannes Q
3 years ago

Unrelated to anything but I’m watching a Mike Tyson knockouts video (via Youtube’s related section) and despite knowing very little about boxing I was struck by how amiable, almost genteel the young Tyson is: once his opponent is down he immediately backs off, and when victory is announced he goes over to hug the loser and check he’s okay. Even his facial expressions are intelligent, sympathetic. He kind of reminds me of a big boisterous dog who just wants to play, then is concerned when he accidentally hurts someone. Back in the 90s I just knew him as a psychopath who bit people’s ears off. I heard the change occurred when he exchanged his trainer Gus d’amato for Don King, but the personality degradation is so pronounced I wonder if it was the result of some kind of Cabal initiation.

Imagine the difference, for young black men, actually for all young testosteronous men, between a Mike Tyson who acts like a Victorian gentleman on the cricket fields of Eton, and a savage ear-biting monster covered with tattoos.

Could just be over-speculation, but it’s odd. Even if Tyson is low-IQ and susceptible, I find it hard to imagine someone changing their personality so drastically – for the worse – just because they get a new coach. I heard Conor McGregor did something similar, though I barely know who he is, the Irish equivalent I gather.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

Boxing damages the brain. Occam’s razor.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

I’d be surprised if Don King wasn’t a cabal asset who once involved would have brought in more assets to influence and fuck with Tyson in many ways. Tyson was a young guy too despite being an absolute beast in the ring, which means he’d have been more inexperienced in a lot of areas of life in general. Add that on top of the world wide fame, fortune, crazy new lifestyle and it’s not hard to how to see how he could have gone off the rails for a while.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

During the D’Amato era, Tyson was an excellent defensive boxer who just didn’t get hit very much. After prison, and with the death of D’Amato, this “impregnable” defense went away.

3 years ago

> the Milley story is bullshit and never happened. I
The back and forth between him and Miller’s been curious; Esper’s gay antics being the source, and Milley merely following orders appears in character anyway.

Odd as “Eric Coomer”

>New Zealand will BAN Australia’s new nuclear-powered submarines from its waters, says Jacinda Ardern minutes after alliance with US and Britain is announced
Odd 5 Eyes bedfellows. Perhaps India & Japan have discrete agreements with a silent 5th member to the Quad in Russia which are problematic.

>UK have reported heavier than normal or abnormal menstrual cycles.
Children of Men wasn’t far off the mark.

>as a hospital stops delivering babies, an ER closes, and wait-times explode.
The real healthcare system overload that’s been waited for

>Vermont new high in cases
Meaningless as long as they persist in refusing to parse serious cases. If there’s anything to the Vitamin D levels and mortality – as Cliff High insists – New England, and especially northern clime blacks will get the worse of ADE

>was shown to actually enhance the virus’s ability to infect.
Early Nipah virus speculation was borne out in recent months; rabies homologies as McCairn’s delimited make it extremely efficient at crawling up the olfactory nerves and into the brain– the promised imune priviliged land for viruses to sally out from, once the host is immune stressed

>India increase
Nagaland bat labs called out China and their joint research there from the outset. Probably distributing ‘booster’ variants there clandestinely in retaliation for the humiliation in the himalayas at the hands of Tibetan foreign legion infantry.

>At least four gangs operate and recruit within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
No-Knock Warrants in a different light. Street level petty crime syndicates won’t measure up when the Cabal backed enforcers infiltrated into the rozzers can show up (or not show up) on a whim. Might be an indicator of unironic 2A abrogation designs, if they captured enough of these to make an example.

>Muslim ER doctor
Bunch of anti-semites over there in Detroit, clearly.

>A reporter makes the case ISIS-K and the Afghanistan government Special Operations were all CIA operations, as we are working with the Taliban.
Has to be non-zero good will with the Cold War assistance against the USSR, big if true.

>PLA Battle of Midway reprise
Isn’t an act of war if it can’t be proven; why aren’t their fishing fleet thieves getting swallowed by rogue waves already

> Where OJ was caught dead to rights
[[[Simpson]]] — Him covering for his deranged son is a non-zero possibility to my mind.

>the less constraint you show the more likely you are to come out the other side, not just alive and able to live life, but more free
Armed society is very polite society. Hatfields & McCoys are the alternative for transgression.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Odd as “Eric Coomer””

comment image%3Fitemid%3D18672503&f=1&nofb=1

3 years ago

AC, can we quit using the word “booster”.

There is no booster, nor approved FDA booster.

There is simply another jab of the same shite. The word is used to trick people into thinking they are getting something different.

A turd tastes like a turd no matter how ypu wrap it.

3 years ago

I found this comment at Citizens Free Press. Thought I would share.

I have posted the following before

I apologize but many may not be aware of the info below

Why is the most vaccinated state experiencing the spike in cases?

Why is Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries with over 80% vaccinated up to Two ot Three boosters and still recording record breaking cases?

First watch this video from the Chair of The CDC Carol Baker

Then please read the following and check each reference link

The Lie that drove the Pandemic was planned – see Rockefeller Foundation 2010 Lock Step

The Election of Trump interrupted Lock Step

In January 2017 Fauci states Trump Will Have surprise outbreak in his first term –

In October 2017 John Hopkins holds a Spars Event seminar how to handle the American public when they realize that they have been lied to about an experimental “vaccine” –

In October 2019 The Gates Foundation holds Event 201 Pandemic Exercise –

Early spring 2020 Fauci undetmines the use of Hydroxychloroquine

April 2020 CDC changes definition of COVID-19 death from “death from COVID-19” to “death with COVID-19”-

The vaccinated are rhe super spreaders – see the Oxford University Study that indicates that the vaccinated have 251 Times More Virus tgan the Unvaccinated –

Ivermectin stopped India’s COVID-19 spike that occurred upon India’s mass “vaccination” campaign-

Still think the CDC, FDA or Federal Government wants America taking the “vaccines” to protect us?

Still think this is about Health?



They are openly mocking you.
The FDA used to be fully taxpayer funded, now almost 45% of their funding comes from “..user fees paid by manufacturers that are being regulated.”

Kinda like the CDC being the largest purchaser of vaccines;
“…The CDC is the largest single buyer and distributor of vaccines in the United States. DoD conducts its own research on vaccines and supports research at academic institutions, focusing primarily on vaccines for military and bioterrorism applications.”
… and NIH being “..responsible for identifying and supporting the development of potential vaccines.”

Feel sick yet?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m going to make a prediction. I expect eventually we will find out or at the least it will be strongly hinted that I’m correct about this.

I say all the mass of corona outbreaks in Israel are a lie and if it is true that there have been a lot of deaths it will only be those that have advocated for peace with the Palestinians and other Arab nations.

They are trying to cover up the fact that the Jews did corona and tried to blame it on China or the US military. I suspect that the outbreak of some new infectious disease in India is also the Jews punishing them for showing that Ivermectin alone can completely control corona.

All of this is just based on watching what the Jews have done the last few thousands of years. It’s just what they do.

3 years ago

Covid-19 Resources: Medical, Legal, Forms, Jobs & Other Critical Information

3 years ago

Whitlock: Nicki Minaj exposes MSNBC’s Joy Reid as a high priestess in Alphabet Mafia cult

3 years ago

General Dynamics Corporation CANCELS Vaccine mandate after roughly 40% of employees decline the jab & threaten to walk

3 years ago

Statement from Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann Maricopa County agrees to settle with Arizona State Senate

“Under threat of losing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue sharing, today Maricopa County settled with the State Senate, in a victory for election integrity and the Arizona taxpayer. The agreement sets up a Special Master paid for by the County, who will get the answers to questions the Senate has had concerning the routers and splunk logs used in the 2020 election. Former Congressman John Shadegg will serve as the Special Master, working with computer technology experts. The Senate will finally get the answers to questions asked for in subpoenas issued to the County months ago.

In addition, the County has agreed to drop its notice of claim of $2.8 million to replace election equipment delivered to the Senate as required in the January subpoena. Experts have told us there is nothing that has been compromised or damaged by the audit, and the Secretary of State failed to follow procedures regarding decertifying the machines. There is no reason taxpayers should be on the hook for purchasing unnecessary new election equipment.

I look forward to getting our final questions answered and wrapping up the review of the election in Maricopa County.”

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I had forgotten about this guy, whoever reminded me thank you. Interesting he is of similar mind about the antedeluvian people and civilization.

Trey Smith – Secrets on Sumerian Stones: Documentary on the Bloodlines following Noah’s Flood

I believe there is a good chance that Earth had no mountains before the Flood, at least not as we would know them. The atmosphere was also of much higher pressure. The text says that Noah planted a vineyard, made wine, and became drunk- it the first reference to drunkenness in the text that I am aware of, and I believe that it’s because that it simply wasn’t possible before the flood. The atmospheric change was that radical that humans went from not being able to crowd out the oxygen in the blood to being lightweights.

Something like 99% of all animal species that ever lived are extinct.

As he points out modern humans are physically inferior to ancient humans in every way possible, including brain size to body size indicating they were SMARTER too.

After the flood it took eight people to repopulate the planet. It would now take forty thousand.

Basically, Earth is running outta gas.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Thanks 🙂

3 years ago

Estonia Supreme Court Rules In-Favor of Reasonable Self Defense

3 years ago

> Gov. Gavin Newsom signed three housing-related bills into law Thursday that are likely to make multi-family housing projects easier to build and could open up many single-family zones to development.

Peasants *want* to live in stack-a-prole apartments, comrade. It is their lot in life. Meanwhile, the nomenklatura will have their dachas, as is only fair, given their eliteness.