News Briefs – 09/15/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Russian Business Ombudsman Says Russia’s Eastward Pivot Irreversible

DFT – Iron Ore Hits Highest Level Since April As China Supports Property Sector

DFT – UAW Strike Begins At Ford’s Wayne Plant

DFT – Stocks Open Up Thursday After Stronger Than Expected Retail Sales

DFT – August Retail Sales Strengthen As Gasoline Prices Soar

From the comments, an anon writes:

So I used to work for a transportation planning organization (governmental body). Whats funny is there are extensive studies on driver behavior on roads. Traffic planners spend countless hours developing models for driver behavior (what you are describing is the “inch worm phenomenon”, really just means stupid drivers can’t maintain consistent speeds in large groups) for the traffic volume. Here’s a stupid little example that really doesn’t say much.

In addition to think that modern economic theory I learned in college is nothing but Jewish propaganda to explain their control over the system. Now I think all this urban & traffic planners are wasting their time. Domestic surveillance is the cause of all this crap. Everything we every been told is a lie.

This one made me think, and I realized, the main objective of the traffic may not even be screwing with surveillance targets. I mean what I experienced, that was not their first rodeo. That was an established and practiced technique of creating traffic backdowns.

If you stop and think, a major goal of this whole operation to subvert and control the government is to waste our lives. I saw it in my own life, where they were pretty successful. Guns, porn, women, martial arts, lifting, they threw it all at me as a kid, some sticking more than others. In other places, I was diverted from just doing my own thing. The goal was to put, and keep me somewhere, that I would not notice them, and their schemes, and their corrupt system. A lot of us get that. Tik Tok. Social Media. Pretty much anything on TV. And it is not new – ie, Bread and Circuses. Now look at something as silly as traffic, and the return on investment nationally.

Every year, people have 365 days of life. How many days are spent on taxes, registrations, inspections, forms, and so on. Form a business, and look at everything you have to go through. Every moment they can, they put people on the treadmill because every moment a person is occupied with survival and can’t do anything else is control, and safety for them.

Now imagine every day, they assign maybe 30 cars to spread out, three at a time side by side, and trigger backdowns on a single highway leading into a city, to add, say, just 10 minutes to the average commute. One three-car rolling roadblock-traffic-generator reaches the end of the highway, they double back and repeat the backdown process, all just during commuter hours. And the truth is they probably roll that many roving surveillance on that highway every day anyway. Check this out:

On the 405 Freeway in the Sepulveda Pass, drivers motor along at 16 mph during the evening rush hour, an even slower pace than before the pandemic. On an average day, more than a quarter of a million motorists drive through the Sepulveda Pass, according to data from the California Department of Transportation.

250,000 cars, stuck on the highway doing 16 mph. Nobody at the front ever drives faster than 16 mph and maintains the speed, gets where they are going, and is followed by everyone else. The passing lane is never able to pass. It always ends up an average of 16 mph. You could almost run faster.

250,000 people on one highway. Imagine 30 drivers assigned to that freeway (which they probably already have, as quasi-posted/quasi-roving undercover surveillance), and all they do is add even just ten minutes to the commute in the morning, and ten minutes in the evening, by backing down the highway with a little full stop here, and a full stop there. “Oh, no, anon, I see a blinking road sign, let me hit my brakes and stop everyone.”

That is 20 minutes a day for each commuter, going in, and again going out. 83,000 hours each day for the 250,000 drivers that is not spent learning about the government and what is going on. Five days a week, say 48 weeks per year. That is twenty million hours a year wasted, on one smalllish highway for the cost of 100 cars that just drive on the commuting side in about 33 rolling roadblocks that just hit their brakes here and there and bring everything to a stop. Imagine how they laugh as everyone is hitting their steering wheel, thinking that is naturally happening. And that assumes they only add ten minutes.

From a website, “More than 130 million workers drove to work in 2019.” 130 million workers, 20 minutes a day, five days a week, 48 weeks per year, 10,400,000,000 man-hours not spent, maybe looking at news, or reading politics, or starting a side-hustle, or just catching their breath. That is 1,187,214.6 man-years, 24/7 stolen and gone, every year, if all they take is ten minutes. For a small part of their vehicular fleet that was going to be roving that highway anyway.

From the comments:

I spent more than two hours in a traffic jam on the DC Beltway once. I finally inched up to where there was a car parked by the side of the road. The cars in front – both lanes – would come to a complete halt, gawp for a while, then sloooowwwllly creeeep away down the completely empty freeway ahead of them.

It was just a stalled car. An ordinary car, not the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile, not on fire, not halfway in the right lane obstructing traffic. Just a car by the side of the road, like you might see a couple of times a week on any given stretch of freeway.


I once spent 4 hours in a traffic jam. The cause, a single traffic cone in the road.

Nobody, not even me, pulled over and removed the cone.


I have experienced what I suspect could be coordinated activity. And my participation here makes me question everything. Sometimes on two lane roads, one car will pull up to another and match speed for a while, making it impossible to get past them. I used to think this was some function of the sheep brain where they need somebody to pace with, but it could be coordinated just to piss me off for whatever reason.

Driving to work yesterday, I was in the left lane. The car in front of me was doing about 63, and I had a tractor trailer to the right of me. I was trapped like that for a while until the car in front finally sped up a little bit and I could get in the middle lane in front of the tractor trailer and go around. I have no idea if any of this is coordinated, but it seems like a strong possibility based on our discussions here. I have no idea what purpose it would serve.


I read something in a Libertarian newsletter about a decade ago about how the Beltway in DC would clog every morning and nobody could figure out why. This went on for over 10 years. They eventually figured out that a single FDA (Fraud and Death Administration) bureaucrat merged onto the Beltway, but since he had a 17 mile commute would get in the left lane but maintain the 55mph speed limit the entire way. This caused the entire Beltway to clog. The bureaucrat said 55mph was the law, but since he was on the road for some time he got in the left lane.


It takes, at bare minimum, one car per lane. It’s a common experience in my personal life that there will be X number of cars driving side by side on and X lane highway, making it impossible to go faster than them.

As always, it’s less manpower intensive than first thought.

I will bet it is a bigger program than we think, because that is what they would do to maintain control. It is like Tik Tok for working adults, wasting their time, just without the dopamine, and it is not your own choice to scroll, but rather it is them actively doing it to you. And their attitude is, they are just preventing you from being a problem. You can catch up on the sleep on the weekend. Yeah, anon, you should spend those days off sleeping, because you might do something dangerous to the machine on those days off anyway.

And I am sure the vehiculars find it funny to see everyone on a road, with cars stopped fully, going nowhere, everybody beating their steering wheels, and thinking that is totally the natural state of things. Nobody at the front just drives to where they are going, and gets there, and the next car in line does the same.

Which brings you to how this conspiracy, fascinatingly, seems likely to have begun simply as a grab for power, and yet morphed over time, step by step, into a wholesale war on every aspect, no matter how inconsequential, of every normal citizen’s life. I think this is because their power requires a subversion of the natural system which would arise, were they not there to seize power. That system which needs to be subverted, which exists in diametric opposition to their seizure of power, is simple freedom – people doing what they would normally do, absent external thwarting. And as a result, to seize power most effectively, they need to subvert and thwart every facet of that freedom – every facet of a normal person’s life. Leave even a single moment free, and you will naturally gravitate to a measure of freedom.

I think this is like a natural law, a sort of Newtonian physics of despotism, which in its most derived form, will basically say the sum of the various facets of our living pleasurable, rewarding lives is inversely proportional to their degree of power over the system. And there will probably be another formula which says the likelihood of their mutilated body hanging from a lamp post until the head rots off, is inversely proportional to their degree of power over the system. I will leave you to combine the equations.

And that points to the likely fact, that the more we examine this thing, the more facets of our lives we will find were being fucked up by it – even minor, inconsequential facets we cannot clearly perceive were in any way related to Cabal’s grasp on power. It will likely have been shown to be targeting everything which is rewarding in the lives of normal people, from family, to personal friendships, to simply getting home after a day at the office. Because at the end of the day, rewarding life equals freedom.

I have told you, if it all comes out, there will be people who snap and start taking out anyone remotely involved. And if the surveillance is legitimately taken down and rendered inoperative, those snapped citizens will have free reign. And if the surveillance is not taken down, it will quickly be made obvious by that situation, and that will precipitate a whole other war to get rid of the surveillance. It could be possibly the most interesting time in history fast approaching – and it is within our reach to bring that about, anons. All we have to do is legally expose this more widely to everyone. Please help, wherever you can.

And thank you to the bimbo in the Jeep for pointing all this out to me.

Married FBI lawyer Lisa Page – who had an affair with boss Peter Strzok while investigating Donald Trump’s Russia ties – has DIVORCED her husband. I am surprised, I would have assumed in the conspiracy open relationships were normal. Might she have married a normie, who didn’t know what she had to give them to be trusted at the level she was operating at? Or is she just going to declare bankruptcy to get rid of lawyer fees?

In a brief order issued by Alito, the Supreme Court on Thursday temporarily blocked a lower court ruling that would place restrictions on the Biden administration’s contact with social media companies.

Hunter Biden was indicted by Special Counsel David Weiss on three federal felony counts related to his purchase of a firearm in 2018, two counts being related to his attestation of being drug-free on a purchase form and one count related to his possession of the firearm while using narcotics.

Robert Barnes: Goal here is to tie up Hunter such that he can’t be subpoenaed to testify in any impeachment effort, and can claim the 5th.

David Brock threatens to target the children of GOP members investigating Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden filed a civil lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for Central California on Wednesday against nonprofit Marco Polo’s founder, Garrett Ziegler, for publishing 128,000 indexed emails from his abandoned “Laptop from Hell.”

An investigation by The Washington Post, published Thursday, found DeSantis apparently took at least six undisclosed trips on private jets and accepted lodging and dining from wealthy donors in late 2018, and the DeSantis campaign says it “sounds like more Trump-legacy media collusion.”

A state judge Thursday rejected prosecutors’ request to try all 19 defendants together in the Georgia 2020 election interference case next month.

Trump trial in Georgia election case won’t happen in October, judge rules.

2020 election fallout: Wisconsin chief election official facing imminent ouster.

In July alone, Alex Jones spent $93,180 — excluding legal and professional fees — including $15,184 on payments to his wife Erika Wulff Jones, $7,900 on housekeeping, $6,338 on meals and entertainment, and a separate $3,388 on groceries, an August 29 court filing from lawyers for the families shows. Eight grand every month on housekeeping? How messy is that slob? And $93K per month? You see how silly it is, when his products are free, essentially. No normal person is paying Alex Jones anything, let alone the money to run that massive operation, and this on top of it. You do not get that rich doing this, unless somebody is paying you to not say stuff.

A state judge Thursday rejected prosecutors’ request to try all 19 defendants together in the Georgia 2020 election interference case next month.

Lauren Boebert gave usher the FINGER after being booted from Denver Beetlejuice musical performance – as pregnant woman who sat behind GOP rep shares details of lawmaker’s horrific behavior. Fascinating. Her blackmail videos must be amazing. She is obviously crazy. She was arrested before, when cops were dealing with a bunch of teens, she went up and tried to get all the teens to just run off in different directions, which cops just love to see happen. And there was that “modeling” site thing. And yet, whatever the criteria is they base their decisions upon, you go through that high school intel-surveillance-assessment, and no matter what is up with you, no matter how hard you work, or how much of a fuckup you are, they have decided whether you get planted as a congressperson who can just fuck off all the time in life, or end up a wagie who is stuck in traffic commuting for three hours every day.

Kevin McCarthy melts down and throws a fit amid threats from GOP members to remove him as House Speaker.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy brutally savaged a reporter who questioned if there was any evidence to warrant an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

CNN humiliates itself with ‘fact check’ admitting McCarthy’s Impeachment inquiry evidence is true.

Ken Paxton Impeachment crumbles as witness admits bribe never happened.

CIA Employee who leaked the Vault 7 hacking tools to Wikileaks convicted of having child porn on his computer. He is the only leaker who is still in jail. Bradley Manning, who damaged military intel is out and Snowden, who damaged NSA, was allowed into Russia and is free as a bird.

Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license. If I am denied my right to own a submachine gun, can I get the same deal from the government functionary who denies me the right?

New Mexico governor should face federal charges for gun control power grab: former prosecutor. Can she be sued personally for denying a Constitutional right?

Kanye, who had decided he opposed the Jews so much he was going to run for President, was told by his Jewish “trainer” he needed to knock it off or he would have him committed and drugged up again. Then Kanye disappeared for a while, and now he is back, wandering around aimlessly on a trip through Europe, in ridiculous outfits, with some sort of Cabal bimbo who is wearing a nude-suit, and it appears the Presidential run is off, and Kanye will not talk with the media.

DHS Chief Mayorkas calls for Amnesty as DACA is ruled unconstitutional again.

The Biden administration has skewered New York City for having “no exit strategy” for asylum seekers in shelters — as the feds themselves appear to lack any substantial plan to help US cities with the flood of migrants from the borders.

NASA admits they can’t identify mysterious flying objects, appoints first UFO director.

US school shootings reach new high, doubled in past year.

Suicide ruling upheld for Philly teacher found with 20 stab wounds but judges slam ‘deeply flawed’ investigation. An older case. You have to see the picture of the stab wounds to see how fully any case could be covered up. It has Cabal fingerprints all over it, but I do not have time to delve into it now. Looks like somebody plugged in snapped and killed her, but was one of those who is above the law. You can see how the ties binding the rule of law together have always been tenuous at best.

Dove hit by growing BOYCOTT for hiring BLM activist Zyahna Bryant who ruined white student Morgan Bettinger’s life.

An ex-con out on parole for attempted robbery, with a lengthy rap sheet, was arrested for sucker-punching a Yonkers cop – and released without bail just two days later, sparking outrage among both city officials and the police commissioner.

No cash bail set to start Monday in Illinois. Chicago is already an animal house, and now they are going to no cash bail. How many shootings per weekend will we get now?

Denver homeless camp features pop-up bar with rentable prostitution tents.

5 states’ residents got richer, but 17 states’ got poorer, new Census data shows.

CIA whistleblower: CIA works with pedophiles, retaliates against whistleblowers, and put men in harm’s way for frivolous shopping and baking activities.

BBC is creating re-education videos for UK kids by telling them the original Britons were black.

In Germany, more statuary and artwork will need to be removed – Can you guess why? They are claiming Muslim migrants will be offended by Renaissance-type art of women who are partially clothed, and not in burkas. But it may just be a cover story to remove real art, which they do not want us to see for some reason.

A flotilla of migrant boats from Tunisia overwhelms an Italian island and tests Meloni’s policy.

Video of Meloni coked up out of her mind on twitter. They are not leaders with responsibility. They are just actors occupying space, and acting out the lines they are given.

Police in the United Arab Emirates have seized 13 tonnes of amphetamine pills smuggled in furniture.

Ukraine is running out of cemetery space, so they are trying to sell people on being stuffed in a bag and planted under a fruit tree, so your family can eat apples which have a little bit of you in them:

Sean Penn says Will Smith slap made him want to melt his Oscars down to bullets to ‘shoot at the Russians.’ Mainly interesting in that Penn is thoroughly Cabal, so I view this pointless dig at the Russians as the way Cabalites, who will never openly tell us anything, speak to each other in private about the Russians, probably as a way to socially signal their membership to each other. But why would Cabal members be so reflexively hateful of the Russians? It is like they know some way Russia is helping to take apart their conspiracy, and whatever it is, is so important, they all socially signal to each other by attacking the Russians like this. And whatever it is, they dare not mention it to us. They all seem to know all these secrets about the secret battle going on, but none can mention any of it to us, because it would instantly reveal there is this conspiracy subverting our nation, and poison us against them.

Zelenskyy is expected to visit Washington as Congress is debating $24 billion in aid for Ukraine. Is it possible for $12 billion Putin would kill this guy and just finish the war fast?

A Russian fighter jet tried to shoot down a British spy plane off the coast of Ukraine carrying 30 crew members, firing two missiles after mistakenly thinking he had been given orders to. Sounds like Russia staged an event so dangerous Britain would have to pull back, and probably did it without endangering anyone. My guess is the first missile went off course because it was designed to, and the second did what it was supposed to as well. Brits probably suspect, but cannot take the chance. Well done, Putin. Hats off.

Russia responds to transgender Ukrainian official’s death threats to journalists. Ukraine is an example of the end state of tyranny. Nobody is allowed to voice an alternative viewpoint, even in support of their own country, if they are Russian, or they must die, and will be put on an official list, hosted on CIA servers, of people they say must die, with all the info to find them and kill them. They have even killed a few Russians, just for not supporting Ukraine against their country. Say what you will about Russia, you don’t see that from them.

Russian manufacturers are making up to 7 times as much ammunition as Western arms makers, Estonian defense official says.

Putin warns Britain of ‘serious consequences, as he accuses the UK trying to ‘disrupt Russian nuclear power plants.’ Cyberattacks trying to melt down Russian nuke reactors? Triggering another Chernobyl is grounds for World War III. Nobody will fight for the trannies of Globohomo.

The incredible shrinking offensive: How the definition of Ukrainian ‘success’, once grandiose, keeps getting more and more modest.

A Christian doctor has won a legal victory in the UK and been found not guilty of “serious misconduct” for praying with his patients.

Still reeling from $36M defamation judgment, Oberlin risks new suit from censored coach.

Researchers at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) have developed a novel vaccine that, in laboratory tests, can completely reverse autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and Crohn’s disease. It is untenable we live in a society where you cannot tell if this is a miracle cure, or a killshot. If real, I predict it will stall the progression of certain cancers.

Mitt Romney’s startling but familiar concession: The “demagogues” have won.

South Carolina poll: Trump leads by 28, DeSantis fourth.

Former President Donald Trump now leads His Fraudulency Joe Biden in the RealClearPolitics poll that averages all the most recent national polls.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is looking like everything fucked up, was fucked up purposely

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1 year ago

Re: Lisa Page

The Daily Mail article says they had their 2008 wedding in Naples, Italy. That’s ground zero for organized crime.

Very little ‘early life’ info on Lisa, except that she’s from L.A. and Geneanet’s family trees for the couple don’t have any Italian names. That would have been the only excuse to have a destination wedding in Sicily, if they had relatives there. ‘Normal’ Americans or Brits who do destination weddings in Italy do that in places like Tuscany or Rome. Why go to the most run down, criminal part of the country where you can’t let your guard down, if there’s so many nicer and more picturesque alternatives? This is just suspect.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

But which side? Pro or anti Mullahs?

Wtf is the Chicago Faction relation to Iran?

The Supermob is you know who but Barry’s regime seems conciliatory to Iran at least on the surface.

House of Mirrors stuff.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Just a friendly reminder that there are alternatives to the Cabal Narrative Reinforcement sites like Wikipedia. Try Infogalactic. Not saying they have more info on Lisa Page (don’t know). But there are no commie thought cops intentionally hiding info from you, there. And as volunteers go through the articles, they are trying to repair what has been twisted and censored by WP before the fork.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Thank you. I just tried Infogalactic, but there’s only an entry for Strzok, not for Lisa Page. Conservapedia offered more (LP is a rabid Russia hater, shocking, right?), but has nothing on her ‘early life’. Everipedia is better on that, yet it seems there’s no exhaustive, definite site for my Lisa Page needs.

1 year ago

Then there Waze ang Google maps etc. I use Waze and people are constantly reporting “car stopped” ahead and you get this warning 500 m out and it turns out to be nothing or a car parked well off the road. But it causes the traffic to slow down. And I’m sure they reroute you towards toll roads. And one my son and I were driving in separate cars nose-to tail using Waze TO and from the SAME address. Waze told him to stay on the freeway and me to get off. When I was told to re-enter the same freeway, I entered right behind my son 10km and many turns later! This has happened twice with another vehicle. One other time I started on drive only to see my car symbol change to one the pedo symbols the triangular one until I restarted it. It was weird as all the street names disappeared simultaneously.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

CB is still real-time info.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Liars not that hard to tell on-air. As a correlate to other “sources” it’s our own kind, in main. Dangerous job, so stakes are higher. Listening is sharpened. Experience is guide.

CB has its own problems with on-air trolls overpowering local comms from base stations.

But it has no replacement.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

We went on vacation once, Disney. We had to rely on the onboard navigation on the rental car. It made us take two hours going on, and getting off, one four tollroad, until we had paid tolls going each direction. Our destination was, maybe, five miles away on the side of the highway? We just didn’t know how to get there, and the navigation would not show more than half a mile any direction. Four tolls, two hours, of what turned out to be a two day weekend.

We think toll road companies pay the tech companies to recommend toll roads. There aren’t even that many toll roads here. There are parallel public roads. The navigator will send you on a tour out into two lane highways an hour out into the country, if you try to stay on a public road. It has been scary driving out, before. I had a cat that didn’t do well from surgery, from the extended tour of the country on surgery day. I didn’t know where I was going. I found out- and found a twenty minute, in town, public road route, just going left instead of right. Disgusting. The poor cat was in pain for the entire rest of her life, from that day. She went from being sweet and cuddly, to limping, in pain, and hating humans, for the rest of her days. She was a beautiful cat, too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

So am I. I’ve reached the point where I’m almost indifferent about what Cabal does to humans, but I’m sick to think what will happen to the dogs and cats.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

> We just didn’t know how to get there, and the navigation would not show more than half a mile any direction.

That’s why paper maps are better than GPS maps. They give you the big picture.

> We think toll road companies pay the tech companies to recommend toll roads. 

I tried MapQuest, long ago. It would come up with torturous routes that made no sense… until you noticed it was always routing you past chain stores and restaurants. If the town had a McDonalds’ in it, you were going to be routed past it, even if it was miles out of the way.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Your vet may have been them too.
Don’t rule out the involvement of intentional malpractice.
I have to suspect it in the case of one of my dogs.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There were a couple years as a kid where we didn’t live in the worst part of town. We lived in the second worst part of town. The worst was a giant sprawling area of government housing rife with violence, drugs, and theft three blocks south. For a white boy like me, it was a huge no go zone.

This last summer, my wife and I did a road trip to visit family and she planned the route to swing in to my old hometown since she had never been there. Our hotel was southeast of the old house and I planned to hit a major road north from the hotel, then take a left on a road well out of the bad area and end with a short two block drive north to where I had lived. My wife listened to me, then told me she trusted her car navigation more than me, and I sat watching in disbelief as the navigation system took us, an older white couple in a dark blue 2021 Infinity SUV, zig zagging through the black ghetto. I am astounded at how long it took my wife to realize where we were. She was determined to trust her car navigation system to keep her safe. I think it was my saying, “I think your navigation system is trying to get us shot,” to get her to listen to me. I got us out of the area and up to my old home. Funny thing is she didn’t want to get out of the car it was such a rough place . . . but she was okay driving through a worse neighborhood as long as her car navigation told her to do it.

The point is, there is no way any decent navigation system would take us on that route. On the way back to the hotel, we took the route I planned. It was shorter, faster, and safer. The only reason I can think my wife’s in-car navigation system detoured us through the projects was either to get us hurt, or to test just how stupid we are.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

My condolences on your choice of wives and inability to overrule her.
I have to wonder if she is cabal assigned to you.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

no offense, pardner, but I believe you have much much _much_ bigger problems than just a nav system trying to get you killed. you and the Mrs went back to “YOUR hometown”, whereupon she “told you she trusted her car nav system more than {you}.” and then stuck with that position just as if she was In Charge and Running This Marriage, **no matter what** her HUSBAND and her own lying eyes were telling her.

eject eject eject, friendo

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There’s no way I would let my wife drive. When we are in the car, I’m the one behind the wheel.

Reply to  Max Barrage
1 year ago

Same here, with the rare exception that we go out to dinner at a place that serves alcohol. Then, she drives home. Otherwise, I’m driving.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

In many cities, before GPS, everybody used Thomas Guides and road atlases. TG was a very reliable tool. You might not believe me but I swear: we also talked to strangers! And asked for, and gave, directions.

Drivers used to be taught to use left lanes (right in UK and etc) to pass, and to stay out of left lanes unless you’re passing. Now, you find people drive slowly in the passing lane for hundreds of miles on, for one example I-5 in California. Some states have signs that politely remind people to stay in the right lane and to use left lane to pass. So this sensible and safe driving law hasn’t been forgotten there.

This would be a good topic for mainstream car-radio “news” shows. It shouldn’t be very hard to start teaching people this passing law again.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Staying to the right has never worked for me. Too many slow assholes driving below the speed limit there. If I’m going to be on the highway for a while, I get in the left lane doing 70-75 if nobody is in front of me.

If I get into a traffic jam, I move into the middle lane because it seems to flow just a little bit better in my area.

On surface streets, I just stay in the lane I am going to need to be in for my next turn. I don’t trust assholes to let me over. This of course causes me to have no patience with people who don’t plan ahead and want me to let them over at the last minute.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I had to go to traffic school a couple times in my life, to reduce points against my license. In one of the instances, the instructor asked us to share what traffic offenses got us where we were.

One black dude said he got his ticket for blocking the passing lane, going 55 mph in the far left lane. My heart lept with joy! Finally, some justice! The most surprising part, at least to me, is that the traffic cop was right behind him! The cop was trying to pass in the left lane, and this dude just kept at 55 and wouldn’t change lanes to the right. Not a good idea.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

And I would bet that black guy was assigned to slow a cop down and keep him from some call, and he was sent into that class to watch you.”

AC, I had not thought of that angle. For months now, since I realized I am a high priority for Cabal (for whatever reason), I keep remembering different incidents from my life, some from decades ago (like this one in traffic school), and realize: Hey, that was Cabal.

But I missed this one. My jaw dropped when I read your reply.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Cops are something else. When I lived in New Jersey, I’d get in the left lane on my drive to work. I tend to stay there when I’m on the Interstate for a while. Sure enough, some car would get right up on my ass. I’d push my speed up past 80, until I could finally get into the middle lane to let the asshole pass. Every. Single. Time. It was a Jersey state trooper.

I tend to only get over when the driver is aggressively tailgating me. Every time I get over to be nice, I get stuck in the middle lane behind slow fucks and can’t get back over for a while because the left lane is blowing by me. I normally ride at 75.

I had one about two weeks ago. I was crossing a bridge on my way home doing 75. I had a tractor trailer to the right of me. Some asshole gets right up on my ass flashing his lights. Like, where do you want me to go, douchebag? I have nowhere to go. I have a death wall on the shoulder to the my left and a tractor trailer to my right. I have no where to go. When the dick finally got past me, he got in front of me and flashed his brake lights. Idiot. I hate people.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Every single time it’s a trooper? Wondering if it’s a Jersey thing. I have never had a cop in a marked car do that to me, although I’ve had many other drivers do it. And I’ve never lived in NJ.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

In Jersey it was. Elsewhere it’s random, but in Jersey every time a car started tailgating right on my ass and pushing me up past 80, it was a state trooper.

If you’ve never lived in Jersey, you’re blessed. I moved there for a job when I was about 25. I knew nothing about it other than Jewish comedians make fun of it. I guess it’s great if you grew up there, but it’s a very insular culture and if you didn’t go to high school with them, they do not care one bit about you. You’ll never fit in. There are also loads of unwritten rules. Occasionally, I’d make some kind of friend and hang out for a while. Then I’d break one of these stupid rules, and the person would flip out at me and now I was out a friend with no idea why. Stay away from that shithole.

It’s also entirely Communist. It’s a “full service state”, so you can’t pump your own gas. The people will put up with any tyranny and corruption, but at one point when the governor floated the idea of taking away full service gas, they revolted and overloaded the switchboard at the governor’s mansion. Govern me harder, daddy, but don’t you ever think about making me pump my own gas.

There are a lot of places I don’t like, but I absolutely fucking hate New Jersey and most of the people that live there. I’ve told my children they have a birth defect because they were born there.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

In a brief order issued by Alito, the Supreme Court on Thursday temporarily blocked a lower court ruling that would place restrictions on the Biden administration’s contact with social media companies.
Hunter Biden was indicted by Special Counsel David Weiss on three federal felony counts related to his purchase of a firearm in 2018, two counts being related to his attestation of being drug-free on a purchase form and one count related to his possession of the firearm while using narcotics.
Robert Barnes: Goal here is to tie up Hunter such that he can’t be subpoenaed to testify in any impeachment effort, and can claim the 5th.

Robert Barnes just disclosed the equivalent of the highway road block. It looks so innocent to the average watcher; and we know intuitively that Hunter will walk; and that the Biden admin will now have time to implement its social media censorship program while the SCOTUS hers the case, deliberates, and then issues a ruling; but too late to block the Admin’s effort.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

I posted ystdy the NPR AWFL grilling Joe on his graft.

That means that US Intel has decided to visibly indicate to DC that Biden’s protection is gone.

He’s wounded and bleeding in the water and the sharks are coming.

1 year ago

Now watch this fun sitcom about strangers who become fast friends after crashing their cars into each other.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yeah, I’ll just leave this here for the people who don’t get the joke about the movie …

“‘Crash’ is a novel by English author J. G. Ballard, first published in 1973 with cover designed by Bill Botten. It is a story about car-crash sexual fetishism: its protagonists become sexually aroused by staging and participating in real car crashes, inspired by the famous crashes of celebrities.”

Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

I love Cronenberg, but that movie went right over my head.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Right lot of psychos in the cast.

1 year ago

Re: Traffic

AC, I think your thoughts on traffic manipulation by surveillance are astute. This ties in to my own skepticism – expressed here at your site several times in the past – that traffic deaths are frequently hidden (plausibly deniable) homicides. IMO, our Cabal surveillance creeps employ their traffic teams for targeted assassinations. Steve Sailer has regularly discussed the stats for traffic deaths and noted their increases. In the Obama years traffic deaths took off just as homicides did at a very similar rate. He, of course, never speculates on what the correlation could be. Here’s a recent article of his where he notes the incremental deaths post-covid via homicide and traffic. Interestingly, both sets of data are organized by race. Not only are deaths up significantly but we see the disproportionate share of black deaths in both categories. Now I know we’re all taught that this is just because blacks act this way for reasons (depending on how racist you’re accused of being) but I’m beginning to see how Cabal’s minions would target blacks disproportionately to take out the based, non-woke guys who won’t follow the party line. There is no racial group more important to keep on Cabal’s plantation than blacks. When they lose the blacks Cabal has nothing – it’s left standing on quicksand. What we’re seeing in these increased homicides and traffic deaths recently is hidden warfare on all of us troublemakers, and the disproportionately increased black deaths are a smoking gun.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Great great post. Mil body washing kinda thing.

Lol. Fwiw, I was considered a “racist” but not a “RACIST racist” by the blacks I used to hang out or work with. That’s kinda a compliment apparently.

I think DJT is prob viewed as similar.

And of course, Vox’s recent post on colorblindness brought it to mind.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Since cabal are controlled spiritually by the textbook Christian definition of demons and blacks have a spiritual nature to them which can be used for good or evil. Cabal knows and senses this. To bad a large majority of them are mired in the “lower passions” per Thomas Aquinas. They get those under control they’d be a force to be reckoned with.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Increasing smart phone usage underlies increasing traffic accidents, as does the steady increase of illegal aliens.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Ntm “Vaccidents”

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

They are losing them, but by sheer coincidence there are millions of new Cabal stooges/new Democrat voters pouring across the southern border (and being shipped all over the country) to replace them. And us.

1 year ago

“..whatever the criteria is they base their decisions upon, you go through that high school intel-surveillance-assessment, and no matter what is up with you, no matter how hard you work, or how much of a fuckup you are, they have decided whether you get planted as a congressperson who can just fuck off all the time in life, or end up a wagie who is stuck in traffic commuting for three hours every day.”

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

>>BBC is creating re-education videos for UK kids by telling them the original Britons were black.
This goes hand in hand with the blackwashing of Jesus movement.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Ethiopians imagine Jesus as black. I dont see a problem with that.

He may have also bee blond as depicted, I doubt it, but it is possible

1 year ago

Ukraine tries to hid casualty figures and cemeteries are a give away.

Dont doubt Cabal see us all as landfill

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago
1 year ago

Re: traffic blockers

From the very tippy top to the bottom of the shoe, sadism is the fundamental motivation. In sadism, there is something for everyone, from the top guy running the world to the lowest traffic blocker.

Any moron can assume a magisterial power over others by slow-blocking traffic, and they do. And then they can go to the store and scream at someone not wearing a mask, or pointlessly stalk someone. The top guy gives these morons permission and direction.

Want to get pleasure by causing pain? Work for Cabal! That’s what they do!

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Any moron can assume a magisterial power over others by slow-blocking traffic, … or pointlessly stalk someone.”

Sometimes it’s the same guy. I once was stuck behind a guy going 27 in a 35 zone, with zero cars in front of him for about 100 yards. There was a solid double yellow line, so passing was illegal. I passed him anyway.

Of course, he tried to speed up as I passed, but it was too late. So of course, he started tailgating me, obviously going much fast than when I was behind him. Then I started making random turns, and he kept following me. Finally, I got caught on a 4-lane road at a red light. He pulled up next to me, and started screaming at me. It was a short old man I could have easily beaten in a fight. Instead, I just started laughing and pointing at him.

When the light changed, I watched in the rear view mirror as he did a u-turn and went the opposite way. Which proves he was just trying to harrass me when he couldn’t contain his roadblock. Pure sadism indeed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Brake-checking is fun, and easy to do!

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That’s a win for our kind in my book.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Because we let them get away with it”
Fight back against bullies | Mr Inbetween – YouTube
This show is gold!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

XL Bully dog breed was created in 1990s most likely just for their aggressiveness, totally irresponsible.

1 year ago

The Captagon was for UKR. A little for the other US Nat Sec State/ Cabal backed terrorist groups (which are almost all).

UAE making a move against globohomo.

1 year ago

In re Lisa Page

Spousal privilege is generally lost on divorce. And spousal privilege is a obv a widely used tactic by Cabal to facilitate coms.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Ahem. RUSSIAN Trumptards.

1 year ago

Intro is one of the best things I have ever read from you, AC. Excellent.

I think of it as resource denial to the enemy. It’s Full Spectrum Dominance in resource denial for us done by Cabal.

Administrative hoops, bickering with insurance, finding the best rates, using homes as investments and not living spaces, commutes, libraries being shitholes, surveillance, public spaces being needle and condom littered, two working parent households, shuttling kids to sports, drugs destroying families, porn, usury sucking away money….

All of it is just entropic behavior enforced on us.

Cabal assets prob put in 2hrs a day 5 days a week.

I try not to think of all the life-years lost to commuting. I’ve ranted to others and they seem not able to understand and think I am more of a crank than usual.

And jesus all the life-years we force kids to waste in school…..

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Online resources for self-study or for home-schooling provide a lot of what used to be standard education. Watch 24-36 segments on whatever topic and get more out of that than in a conventional classroom. Cycle through many courses, podcasts, books on tape and other free resources. Free up time for electives to pursue topics of interest, while still in school or just because you have that interest.
Doing the above will be interesting, engaging, enlightening and will put a practitioner ahead of 90% of peers. Still doesn’t address the identify-and-track process, but at least a better, more solid formation.

1 year ago

Hahahah. The Bushies are trying to meme that there is a “Trump legacy-media”? God in heaven they are such doofuses.

1 year ago

> An investigation by The Washington Post, published Thursday, found DeSantis apparently took at least six undisclosed trips on private jets and accepted lodging and dining from wealthy donors in late 2018

That was a big problem with “Dollar Billy” Clinton during his term as governor of Arkansas. He managed to quash it for a while, but it looked like it was going to be enough to cost him another term as governor. Then he got tapped as the presidential nominee – consider how close to the bottom of the barrel the Dems were having to go to even consider a nobody pol from a minor state – and he didn’t care if he got re-elected any more.

The interesting thing was, none of the national news, nor the GOP, seemed interested in that, or him using the State Police to ferry hookers around, or his other very public peccadillos. They also didn’t notice his complete media makeover; they added a bunch of weight (padding and prosthetics?) and added gray to his hair, and his careful Yankee school accent was suddenly some kind of cornpone hillbilly mush. The first time I saw him on TV after he announced he was running, I thought they were interviewing his Dad.

Either nobody looked, or they were told not to mention it. A lot of us were standing around going “Eh? WTF?” And then the rest of the country elected him twice. Though now that we know more about how elections are run, maybe the other 49 states weren’t as full of gullible idiots as we thought.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Clinton was the protege of Caroll Quigley and spent time in the City of London system. He was groomed.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I learned the most about him from Phil Hartman on SNL.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

He was the first in a line of selections to humiliate the nation.
They didn’t have to scrape the bottom of the barrel, they wanted to.

1 year ago

RE: Philly teacher stabbing and comment “Looks like somebody plugged in snapped and killed her”

Just read this article of another senseless killing and wondered if it were something similar. I doubt we will ever know…

Ocala man kills two women in Jacksonville before killing himself
According to Parker, on August 9, at around 1:30 a.m., Paige Pringle, 28, was traveling southbound in the 1400 block of Hendricks Avenue in Jacksonville when she stopped her SUV at the railroad crossing due to a passing train.

Another woman, identified as 53-year-old Tara Baker, was next to her bike near the train tracks as she also waited for the train to pass.

According to JSO, Head was driving behind Pringle in a gray Volkswagen Passat, and he parked his vehicle near the railroad crossing. For reasons that are unknown, Head proceeded to exit his vehicle, and he fatally shot Pringle and Baker before fleeing the area.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

What, in particular, did Kyle Odom say? I’m not familiar with it.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“… they live here, can take over some humans like avatars with their technology …”

They’d say they pay the rent.

Peter Watts had a character in one of his books taken over by something, and that’s what that entity said.

I wonder if there’s a deeper meaning to the idea of paying rent.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That is weird. Thanks for the summary.

1 year ago

> Russian manufacturers are making up to 7 times as much ammunition as Western arms makers, Estonian defense official says.

Russian ammunition makers were servicing the largest ammunition market in the world – American civilians. When the Biden administration blocked that, they were probably knee-deep in ammo before they got the machines shut off. Russian guns were banned again as well, including the immensely popular Saiga-12 shotgun.

Small arms and ammo should be the least of Russia’s military worries.

1 year ago

> The incredible shrinking offensive: How the definition of Ukrainian ‘success’, once grandiose, keeps getting more and more modest.

Sort of like the American government’s “successes” in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. “Bug out and call it a victory” seems to be par for the course nowadays.

1 year ago

> Cyberattacks trying to melt down Russian nuke reactors?

Any idiot who hooks any part of critical infrastructure into the intarwebz is a fool who deserves what he gets.

You’d think that The Powers That Be worldwide would have learned from Stuxnet and the Iranian isotope separation plant, but I guess that’s too much to ask.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Had a look at TLS 1.3?

It’s all NIST ciphers, zero support for non-USG cipher suites.

Any Russian manager of critical infrastructure would deserve the firing squad he’d earn after connecting said critical infrastructure to the Internet via TLS 1.3.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

Re: It could be possibly the most interesting time in history fast approaching – and it is within our reach to bring that about.

I believe you are right that it will be the most interesting time in history, but not for the reason you talk about. I believe we are approaching the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. He said we should know the season and everything everywhere points to this being the season, from the pervasive evil across all venues to the growing disappearance of any middle ground or gray area (reminiscent of CS Lewis’s argument in his space trilogy: Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and the Hideous Strength). The side you choose is boiling down to one of two possibilities, and whose side you are on will become obvious. God is orchestrating these events, not us, though we have a participatory context. Not as victors, that will only occur the Second Coming. I will say it again. Check out I think it will be like the first century in Rome for Christians. Not an easy row to hoe. I’ve been the watchman on the wall. Your decision is now your decision, but I pray you remember this blowing of the trumpet as events unfold. May God bless you, God keep you, and his grace always be upon you. Amen.

Last edited 1 year ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am

So you really think it’s the last of days huh? Any other books or resources you can recommend besides the website? Which I’ll check out to.

1 year ago

> It is untenable we live in a society where you cannot tell if this is a miracle cure, or a killshot. If real, I predict it will stall the progression of certain cancers.

They’re already talking about splicing mRNA “vaccine” into food plants. I’m still not sure if that’s actually possible, considering cooking and how highly processed most plant-based foods are. I do worry a bit about them injecting meat animals before or after butchery; I don’t really want to be eating meat contaminated with “vaccines” spike proteins, but I have no practical way to tell.

They could use the “vaccines” they already have to adulterate common injectable drugs like insulin or other injectable drugs.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Most present-day insulin is already produced by GMO.

Sometimes the changes are simple and stupid: there’s one type of GMO insulin that differs from standard insulin by a single gene replacement.

That one change turns it into a longer acting insulin.

But that one gene replacement also changes it from a cheap bog standard product to a highly sought out commodity.

(My memory just kicked in: it’s called “insulin lispro”, aka Humalog, and it’s called that because it’s a single Lys-Pro replacement.)

Oh look at this: “Other serious side effects may include low blood potassium …”

If that sounds familiar to anyone here, consider getting some blood panels done and see how you’re doing with zinc.

Low zinc hides a Ca/K ion transfer dysfunction that produces those symptoms.

Or just supplement zinc within reasonable levels and monitor what happens.

(Such as needing less Humalog.)

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I’ve got to deal with this shite:
I’ve three bad teeth which need to be extracted before I can put in a new dental plate which was made a year ago. I could not have the teeth pulled then because of new rules about having blood pressure at 120 — which is not normal for older adults — so I’ve been working on getting my bp down to near 130 (dentist allows some wiggle room).And now in the past two weeks, I have learned the monsters in control of this world have put graphene, hydrogel, and nanotech in the dental anesthetics.I am going to have to decide to forgo having the teeth pulled and to simply put up with the broken and rotted teeth for the rest of my life or until my prayers are answered and the Russian/Chinese invasion occurs and obliterates the ruling class and the oligarchs who control this country. I am also out the money I put out a year ago for the overage on the insurance.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thanks, AC.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thank you A.C.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Researchers at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) have developed a novel vaccine that, in laboratory tests, can completely reverse autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and Crohn’s disease. It is untenable we live in a society where you cannot tell if this is a miracle cure, or a killshot. If real, I predict it will stall the progression of certain cancers.”
We already know the covid vaxxwes, as AC predicted way early on, cause autoimmunity and probably cancer. Folks on here have also speculated that a “cure” shot may be in the works to keep all the vaxxed doing cabal’s bidding for life. “You better go gang stalk that anon over there, or you won’t get your next anti-cancer booster.”

1 year ago

> Former President Donald Trump now leads His Fraudulency Joe Biden in the RealClearPolitics poll that averages all the most recent national polls.

Yeah, and Trump headed most of the polls in 2020, until the Blue Wave of voters scrambled to the polls at the last minute to cast their votes for Biden.

At least, that’s the story from the Ministry of Truth.

1 year ago

A state judge Thursday rejected prosecutors’ request to try all 19 defendants together in the Georgia 2020 election interference case next month.

Truer words never spoken, from the article:

McAfee wrote in his order that severing Chesebro and Powell was “simply a procedural and logistical inevitability.”

If I ever talk about something that is GOING to happen in a case, rather than talk about likelihoods, normals and probabilities, it’s in this category — procedural and logistical inevitability.
On this one, every defendant has filed a severance motion and I think that almost all of them have either filed to remove to federal court or have explicitly told the court that they will be filing. That is a logistical nightmare for the state court (who normally doesn’t handle ANYTHING like this, they handle drive-by shootings and theft-by-check, not RICO) and it is going to take months for the state court to sort through just that part of the case, so no, there is no way they are going to a trial in October. I doubt they will go to trial by October 2024.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

Re: But why would Cabal members be so reflexively hateful of the Russians?

I believe it is because Russia is and has been trending Christian. While everywhere else is trending pagan or satanic. As such, Russia could only be anti-cabal. I think we will be very surprised at how fast things continue to deteriorate in the west and evil becomes more openly brazen than it already is.

Last edited 1 year ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

Two days ago Stop the C4cuckery poasted this which I thought was excellent:

“The cabal is the world’s biggest HOA board.

You can instantly see understanding dawning when you put it like that.

After all, who else would sneak onto my property to write me a nasty letter because my trash can wasn’t removed within 6 hours of the garbage truck picking it up?”

Good to see someone else think that HOAs are Cabal. When I first encountered one seriously via a 3rd party, the first thing I said was “Holy crap that thing needs to be independently audited out the ass because if I were in the mafia I would have moved on all those things I could. Imagine the skim and the laundering!”.

Let’s just say I think my first impression was correct. I mean, game out what a person could do if they controlled an HOA. Now scale that up to 10. Now scale that up to 100. Now scale it up to regionally.

Imagine the money flow and contracts…..

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

I talked about how there’s no doubt they can make 1 Gigawatt gyrotron microwave beams that could be used to vaporize these houses in these fake fires. While looking for this, I found something interesting.

These guys are planning to use a gyrotron to drill all the way down 12.4 miles deep where it’s super hot and make geothermal power plants. These can be drilled anywhere.

They say it takes 100 days to do one hole and at $0.12 a KWh electrical prices and 1 GW power it would take $288,000 to drill it in electricity. Seeing as how once drilled, the hole will produce power for decades, forever, a long time? I would things you could get some super cheap energy from this. I wonder if will they stop them from doing this?

To contrast “…the Permian Basin where the average drilled well costs between $6.6 MM to $8.1 MM (2014 data) and $5.0MM to $9.3MM (currently)….”. I think these are only productive for 3 or 4 years before they don’t produce much. The same technology can be used for oil wells, so it should cut cost there too.

1 year ago

From Pixy at AOSHQ:

California has passed its new right-to-repair legislation, the most stringent in the nation. (Ars Technica)

The legislation, backed by repair companies like iFixit and, uh, anti-repair companies like Apple, takes effect next July. Products costing more than $50 will be covered for three years, and products costing over $100 will be covered for seven years.

Staring on that date manufacturers are required to make available parts, tools, manuals, and software needed to repair devices sold after July 1 2021 – so it affects devices you’ve already bought as well as new ones.

What’s the catch? Apple supports this, and Apple is the most aggressively anti-repair company in this or any other industry, so what gives?

We won’t see for a few months, but I can hazard a guess. The law requires that replacement parts be made available, but it doesn’t require that those replacement parts be in any way reasonable.

“Oh, your MacBook’s screen has failed and you need to replace a five-cent Hall effect sensor to fix it? Here’s a replacement lower case for $250, a replacement screen for $500, and a replacement motherboard because the other components are keyed to a chip soldered onto the motherboard for $1000.

“Your laptop only cost $1099? Too bad.”

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Check out Louis Rossmann who is one of the leaders of the right-to-repair movement. He thinks something is off with this bill.
Right to Repair passes assembly in California: something is off about this….

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago


Lance Peckerwood
Lance Peckerwood
1 year ago

Re: Alex Jones. This guy has been a fraud, a gatekeeper, a CIA asset or whatever, from way back. Back in the 90s, when shortwave radio was the main hub for Patriots, and William Cooper was the Man, they started astroturfing this goon Alex. And I noticed way back then that Alex could afford premium time on WWCR that Bill could never access even though he’d been hugely popular for a solid decade. So Alex entered the market with a nice fat bankroll.
You might already be aware, but Alex was aggressively hyping the “Y2K” disaster panic as Jan 1, 2000 was approaching. On New Years Eve he went on a 24 hour marathon broadcast (funded by dietary supplements???) and advised all Patriots to dig in and prepare for nuclear war, martial law and patriot uprising. He told his listeners that American cities were burning, all ATMs had crashed, massive blackouts everywhere, and that UN blue helmets were confiscating weapons door to door, and packing Patriots off in FEMA trucks. Worst of all, he claimed “Vladimir the Merciless” Putin had launched a nuclear attack on America.
Context: This was during the Clinton years, when Atty Gen Janet Reno was aggressively prosecuting short wave content creators, such as Bro Stair. And yet, inexplicably certain performers such as Jones could call for Patriots to shoot at cops, over FCC licensed transmitters, and never get investigated. The Justice Dept just ignored them. The lesson I learned then was, if you see a famous man calling for violent revolution and the cops don’t touch him, he’s a cop. Or a narc or whatever you want to call it.

Reply to  Lance Peckerwood
1 year ago

The lawsuit against AJ for hurting the feelings of some people playing the role of Sandy Hook “parents” could be related to the earler lawsuit against James Fetzer for hurting the feelings of someone playing the role of a Sandy Hook father. Neither defendant legitimately owes the plaintiffs anything.

Fetzer is straight up. Jones seems to be another unprincipled opportunist, just making a very good living having fun being a self-proclaimed entertainment celebrity. The health products he hocks are multi-level marketing of Dr.-Wallach-labeled products (not necessarily healthy).

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Lance Peckerwood
1 year ago

Wasn’t Alex Jones some kid who got busted for Too Much Lab Glassware in North Austin back in the 1990s?

Amazing what Cabal did to that kid.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Texas is a weird place, just ask any lawyer to try to explain the Texas legal code to you.

Austin’s the weirdest place in a weird state, just ask any media person to try to explain the Austin variant of “keep it weird” like Portland has.

I’m having trouble finding an article about this (which is hardly surprising given how Swiss Cheesed the Internet is now), but back in the early 1990s, some stupid kid with a name that sounded an awful lot like Alex Jones wandered into a head shop off US 183 (Research Boulevard) and proceeded to attempt to buy “an illegal amount of lab glass ware”.

Texas’s laws include prohibitions on owning over a certain amount of “lab glass ware” or attempting to purchase “lab glass ware” without a licence granted by the State of Texas to laboratories.

The excuse given at the time was that he wanted super durable glass beakers, such as Erlenmeyer flasks, for his drinks, which I actually can buy as an explanation.

I also owned a set of borosilicate glasses, technically the same type of “lab glass ware”, but the difference was that mine were legal and came out of Service Merchandise.

Just having the graduated measurements on the side made them illegal.

Don’t believe me, then try this: go to Amazon and look for a big set of graduated measurement “mini lab glass ware” beakers, such as some 50 ml graduated shot glass beakers.

Amazon will ship them anywhere in the US for you … except to Texas.

But here’s the thing: it wasn’t long after this incident that Alex Jones started his rise.

Any old Austin natives remember “Moon the Klan” out on 183, pretty much in the same area? It was around that time.

It’s almost as if this stupid little escapade was meant to put him in the papers as some anti-authoritarian figure coming up on the Right.

Like I said, amazing what Cabal did to that kid.

Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

Alex Jones is CIA AF. His dad was a dentist who was called in to work on CIA Officers, often without Novocaine do they couldn’t spill secrets. He had an uncle who was in the Army, then settled in a Central American country doing things that appeared to be CIA:

Anons traced Info Wars to a shell company, Free Speech Systems LLC, which appears to be MOS. Also, Corsi was outed as a Mossad asset back in the 90’s.

He does valuable work. His work was partly responsible for my early red pilling. I find the key to Alex is, if he has a pile of documents backing up his claim, it’s probably right. If he just keeps screaming “We have the government documents!” but doesn’t reference a document so you can look it up yourself, he’s in BS territory.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

The largest source of traffic jams is trucks. They have plenty of power on level ground but do not have the power to go up hills. What’s the answer….electric trucks. I would argue for hybrids but even pure electric would be better. You can build large electric engines of 1,500 HP and have plenty of power to keep speed up on the vast majority of hills. This constant slowing of trucks in the right lane, and they get in the left also, causes traffic jams everywhere they go as people have to constantly change lanes to get around them.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I don’t think it’s just trucks. The Interstate I have to drive on has a lot of hills, and idiots in cars don’t understand you can push the gas pedal down to maintain speed on an incline. There are normally no trucks in the left lane, but it slows down going up hills too. That causes a lot of traffic headaches on my commute.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Trucks aren’t the source. It’s clueless, selfish car drivers who believe that FACTS of topography & weather aren’t relevant in adapting to conditions. Traffic volume the other. THE MAJOR ONE.

Adaptation (slowing & spreading out) is the single indicator of driving intelligence.

Anyone finds himself inside a pack of vehicles? That’s stupidity, par excellence.

The large frame picture is the key.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

electric trucks? smh. Yeah because the electric F150 has been a smashing success.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
1 year ago

I know you’re busy, but maybe more luck with this question than the Gogloos: is there a dash-cam setup that you like including power backup,etc?
Hard to know who to trust on these issues and you’re tops on a very short list of people who would know

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If you still have trouble losing microSD cards, try an industrial pSLC card instead.

They’re shock rated and MIL spec, but they’re also not cheap and not available in huge sizes because they group multiple MLC cells into a single pseudo-SLC cell, hence the pSLC name.

1 year ago

The intro at the top was one of the best things AC has written, since I started coming to this site in December 2020. I haven’t caught up to all the comments about the traffic slowdowns yet, but the ones I saw a couple of days ago were all great. I think there should be a separate sticky or link in the header to the long AC comment today, and a selection of the traffic comments from the last two days.

1 year ago

I have noticed the traffic boxes when driving, but I have lived in central cities most of my life, so more of my experience is with walking and foot traffic.

I lived and worked in Manhattan in the 00s. In 2004 I noticed a very specific change in how pedestrians acted, and wound up doing a great deal of internet research to confirm that I wasn’t crazy. Basically the lives of most New Yorkers are so hectic that they are always going to some place they should have been yesterday, and up to the 00s they walked in a very quick and purposeful way. Tourists who sort of ambled stood out. In 2004, foot traffic on the streets of Manhattan just really slowed down to a crawl, and it was very noticeable. On almost every block there always seemed to be someone fiddling with their phone instead of concentrating on walking, and you got these groups of people ambling down the block side by side, slowing everyone down.

On my commute to work, which was by subway, it seemed that there was always this obese black woman slowly working her way down the stairs, keeping me from getting to the train. I wound up changing my commute to a more out of the way route to avoid her.

I now am convinced that once the surveillance network was built up to a certain number of people, it was deployed on the Manhattan sidewalks to slow everyone down. I had speculated that it was to make it easier for the surveillance cameras to catch everyone’s movements, but it could have just been sadism.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They want us all dead.
They can’t get that so they settle for stealing as much of our lives and potential as they can.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Anyone else remember The Security Camera Players?

1 year ago

Video of Meloni coked up out of her mind on twitter.

That and the party girl PM of Finland.

There has to be a senior cabal member in charge of everything in Italy, including the government, the companies, the church, the mafia, and the surveillance network, and then a slightly junior person to oversee just the government, who Meloni reports to. And their identities are closely held secrets. Its been clear to some time that the pols we see on TV are actors hired for the roles.

1 year ago

This video is from a year ago, but all I could think while listening to it was, “Daniel’s first wife was in The Club, and Daniel wasn’t. His own kids were likely in The Club, since one of them eventually murdered him.” It has all the signposts that you talk about.

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

AC that traffic disruption post was incredible. I know you alluded to it but I think you downplayed the importance of the frustration this behaviour causes. If we live in a sea of energy then thousands of people pouring negative emotions into the field has to have an effect.

Thanks for your insights.

1 year ago

I’ll add my traffic anecdote to the pile. In Pittsburgh, there is a single vehicle that parks on a busy road every single rush hour like clockwork. Not only does it cause a traffic jam from traffic being forced to merge into a single lane to avoid it, but the parked car has also caused several accidents. The city refuses to do anything despite numerous complaints over the years. I’ve suspected for years that there was something more to this situation than it being the case of one lone jerk trolling people.

Reply to  Mizuna
1 year ago

Would be interesting to throw some push bars on a truck and just shove the car out of the way. Just to see how the script writers react.

Reply to  Mizuna
1 year ago

I followed the link to the story about the longtime owner of the bar that the parking place is in front of parking there during the hours the sign says it’s legal to.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

But why would Cabal members be so reflexively hateful of the Russians? It is like they know some way Russia is helping to take apart their conspiracy, and whatever it is, is so important, they all socially signal to each other by attacking the Russians like this. 

Is it that, or has Russia gotten out from under the control of the Rothschild Central Bank? That’s the kind of development that would cause orders to go out to all their agents and useful idiots to go Full Retard.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

“… or has Russia gotten out from under the control of the Rothschild Central Bank …”

Embrace the calm, cool, and convincing power of AND! 🙂

Cabaalbanx: “Oh look at the Russians, they’re having to dump foreign currencies, our market manipulation must be working …”

RF Central Bank: “Oh look at the Cabaalbanx, they think their market manipulation is working when all we want to do is to stop trading as much in their currencies …”

Yeah. 🙂

1 year ago

Today there was a crazy amount of traffic and backups in my city. Very unusual. For no discernible reason. And I didn’t just notice because you talked about it today, AC.
So strange.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Now I know a lot of the people here think Musk is a fool, just picked out and his buffonery foisted upon us, but…no he’s not. No one else out of all these “supposed” super genius car company miracle workers did what they have done. They are going to murder the car companies. Here’s a video by Munro live. They take apart cars and do cost accounting, and also tell companies how to design things such that the cost is less and quality higher. Look at where Sandy shows you over just a few years Tesla has totally changed the manufacturing of their cars to be stronger, lighter, faster to put together and cheaper. This one video is a big tell on what they are doing but it’s not the only thing. The whole car is being changed like this all the time. This would never happen without Musk. He is the major designer on this. No he doesn’t do everything but I’m sure he is THE major design architect that makes decisions on what direction they are going.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

For me, he builds stuff so he can’t be whatever is running things right now.

They don’t build stuff. They let stuff decay. They oppose ppl who build stuff.

They won’t even build ammo factories.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

>they don’t build anything.

Observably false. They write, illustrate and print all sorts of child tranny propaganda books as the simplest example. They also manufacture the clot shot, tranny hormones, cock inverter surgery tools, etc.

They don’t make anything GOOD, but they sure as shit make a lot of stuff. And electric cars, in their current form, 100% fall into the “not good” tier of stuff being made, both in terms of quality of product and the behind the scenes “kill all gas and human-driven cars” scenes.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

He’s a moron frontman for people who are warping the market in his favor and against the other companies for any number of cabal reasons.
Tesla has been chosen by his cabal faction and he has nothing to do with any of it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Why don’t some of you prove this? Where do you get data for this. I myself have been watching him and listening to his talks and interviews for a decade???, a long time and he has constantly said what he was going to do, how he was going to do it, why he is able to do it and…he’s done it. I’ve never heard anyone who worked with him or had any close observations of him say anything like you people. So if you are going to say such pejorative things, well belly up and prove it. Shouldn’t be that hard if he is such a fool as you say.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I watch him and his projects and behavior and we come to different conclusions.
I’m satisfied with my ability to judge people.

1 year ago

Some have suggested that the enemy will create an excuse to declare Martial Law and cancel elections.
Would be funny if they declared Martial Law and the military coup against them was the result.

1 year ago

Here’s an economic angle for the traffic jam issue. What if one of the goals for creating traffic jams is to delay trucking, shipments, and deliveries? The end economic goal would be make everything take longer to arrive and cost more (via extra gas spent while in traffic). There might also be special cases where the traffic surveillance team is tasked with delaying a critical shipment on the highway.

Reply to  Mizuna
1 year ago

And make the average man spend that much more on fuel.

General's Addition
General's Addition
1 year ago

“… stolen and gone, every year, if all they take is ten minutes …”

This has a soundtrack: Oliver Nelson’s “Stolen Moments”.

1 year ago

They’re all piggy-backing but I do think UKR is the reward for Bushies allowing the other factions to use Big Pharma and Finance during covid.

Everyone gets rich all the time and it is kinda all working towards something but UKR seems a Bushie op since their base is Oil and Defense.

1 year ago

Brazil: Supreme Court Imprisons January 8 Pro-Bolsonaro Rioters for 17 Years


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“We win again, peons.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

More good news for all the huge mass of super enthusiastic electric car supporters here. 🙂

They have just found in the US, in a volcano, the largest lithium deposit in the world at 120 million tons. WOW! And even better, Tesla has come up with an acid free nonpolluting way to refine lithium, and they are building a plant now.

“…Lithium’s foundations for the 21st century are beginning to shift in what is a China-dominated part of the lithium-ion battery and electric vehicle supply chain. Tesla is the first automotive OEM to enter lithium production – a watershed moment. And it does so without having to mine lithium from the ground. Not only will it allow Tesla to control costs at this supply chain step, it will once again see the spodumene trade flows point towards the USA instead of China…”

So Tesla is building processing in the US instead of having it done in China like everyone else.

1 year ago

China: Defense Minister’s Absence Sparks Rumors of More Turnover

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu has not been seen in public for two weeks, missing defense meetings with Vietnam and Singapore, Hong Kong Free Press reported on Sept. 14….

1 year ago
teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Paul
1 year ago

His right eye does not track with the left one. Shite happens.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

You see the before and after pics of children, before childhood Jabs and after, the amount of afters with one eye skewed…..

Reply to  Paul
1 year ago

Pronounced sneer-smile

1 year ago

Javier Milei’s take on Ukraine

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Argentinian Presidential Candidate hyped as the great right wing hope.

1 year ago

They are definitely wasting our time with traffic. And think of what they can do in that wasted time: most people will consume cabal media on their radio. Or it is also while their parents are commuting that many kids are targeted by cabal ops.

everything they do is to make us sick. Our food, water, education, entertainment, the works. Why not this? James Howard Kunstler has called suburbia the biggest misallocation of resources in the history of the world.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No doubt, our zoning laws suck. In Europe, they have bakeries and small stores within their neighborhoods. They can go out for a few minutes and bring home breakfast. We have to drive to a commercial center for everything. And we typically have to drive even farther for work.

Our public transportation sucks badly as well.

1 year ago

Pharma has no idea what causes autoimmune, no idea what antibodies needed to fix it. But they can create a vaccine to make the immune system generate IGG4 antibodies only, which are used to let the body ignore things like pollen. You won’t get the inflammation that is used to diagnose autoimmune, but the damage will be there.
The vaccine would be like a permanent dose of prednisone, your immune system will not react to anything. The side effects of things like prednisone are: osteoporosis, diabetes, adrenal failure, thyroid problems, etc.
It is, and can only be, a kill shot.