Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
California Gov. survives the recall election that posed the biggest threat yet to his leadership. Insider and Decision Desk HQ are projecting that Gov. Gavin Newsom will survive the California gubernatorial recall. If the system was rigged, there was never any doubt how it would turn out. The only question was, would it still be rigged.
Some Californians have received five Recall ballots.
The reputed boss of the Colombo crime family and nine other alleged members and associates of the Mafia were arrested Tuesday morning on fraud and racketeering charges, according to an indictment unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn. A Boss is almost certainly a Cabal asset, installed through selective major prosecution of his competitors for the position coming up the ranks as he is protected, probably giving him intelligence support direct from the domestic network.
CNN and WaPo write devastating articles outlining General Mark Milley as leader of a military coup against President Trump, with him calling China and promising them he would warn them of any attack by Trump. Left wing media is aghast a General tried to undercut President Trump’s authority? Either Milley was caught working for Trump and Q, or Trump and Q have taken over the media.
Jack Posobiec (CIA narrative) – At least one of Milley’s calls to China was intercepted by a partner nation targeting PRC leadership and resulted in a FVEY rocket of “WTF” to Meade and Bolling, per IC official.
Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is pouring cold water on new reporting from Bob Woodward, detailed in the Washington Post Tuesday, that General Mark Milley vowed to give China a heads up if President Donald Trump ordered an attack. Milley is being attacked by a Cabal reporter, and a Trump/Q intel guy defends him. Also, Alexander Vindman, who lied about Trump’s perfect phone call, turned on Milley as well. It is a curious inversion of motivations on both sides.
Trump launches a blistering attack against Milley. So maybe it is true, or taking Milley out is just another plot twist.
Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement after introducing a resolution to create a pilot program to require the leadership of the House of Representatives to wear body cameras and share the recorded footage with the public. If it is good enough for the cops…
Federal judge blocks New York State health care worker vaccination mandate.
Fully vaxxed are 27 times more likely to get COVID compared to people with natural immunity.
Vaccine-leader Israel’s Health Ministry chief says coronavirus spread reaching record heights.
Father whose son died from vaccine-induced heart inflammation censored by Facebook.
Fauci tells Nikki Minaj her cousin’s friend’s swollen testicles and impotence claim is bogus, and there is no ‘mechanistic reason’ that it would happen. These are the types of things which make me think guys like Fauci might just be actors, and moreover, actors of astonishingly low IQ and total scientific ignorance. Here is a study which says, ” …ACE2 is highly expressed in human testes…” The spike protein is an ACE-2 ligand, or binding protein. So if you flood the system with spike protein, it can bind out to those receptors in the testes, among other places, and bring in inflammation. Moreover, it will alter Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-activity, which is associated with erectile dysfunction. Even just exposure to the Spike Protein in natural COVID infection produces impotence. So her assertions are at least plausible. But it is not even that he is wrong. It is that he claims to be knowledgeable in the biological sciences, and makes such a broad, all encompassing statement, when even an expert in the field of Spike Protein binding, or COVID immunology, would know such broad statements are foolish in the biological sciences, without extensive and specific examination for long periods of time. It is kind of like a guy proclaiming he is an expert in the lottery telling you the next number the lottery will pick will definitely be a 43, when you know, even setting aside the randomness of the numbers, the lottery only has numbers between 1 and 30. It is not even that he isn’t an expert in the lottery – he is actually so ignorant that even a layperson is left wondering how anyone could be so ignorant and stupid as this guy, let alone one holding himself out as the pinnacle of education in the subject. If you are dealing with something like the CIA, maybe even actually the CIA, which fakes educational histories for assets who just take orders and issue statements command gives them, Fausi being just an actor is entirely plausible.
Three members of the first CIA teams to enter Afghanistan after 9/11 say they have been warned of disciplinary proceedings for their refusal to get COVID-19 vaccinations. CIA may have an entire diversionary directorate, where they stick real patriots, and gaslight them to keep them busy on patriot stuff so they can’t get a real picture of what is going on, or make any effort to stop it.
The Obamas, Bushes and Clintons are joining a new effort to help Afghan refugees resettle in the United States. Those Afghan refugees, who made it through the lines which Terps, SIVs, and even American citizens couldn’t make it through, were Cabal assets. And now they want you to pay to resettle them in your community so they can begin spying on you for the Cabal.
Biden admin blocks interviews of Afghan refugees. Keeping them covert-capable.
UN demands $600 million in taxpayer money to help the Taliban take full control of Afghanistan.
Afghan population in U.S. explodes, majority live on welfare.
Biden hires international migration group to help bring expelled illegal aliens back to U.S.
Google bans abortion pill reversal treatment ads. Not much logical reasoning behind that.
New records show Obama admin purchased aborted babies’ heads for $515 each.
Derek Chauvin, and three ex-Minneapolis cops to be arraigned on federal charges.
Several senior executives of Chinese banks were put under investigation or arrested over recent weeks. China is claiming it is purging corruption, but it is more likely some sort of power-shifting.
Data just released indicates China’s economy has a hard landing incoming.
AOC slapped with ethics complaint for accepting free $30,000 Met Gala tickets.
B2 stealth bomber worth $2 billion crash lands on runway at Missouri air base. Q had said several times a B2 stealth bomber was incoming, so it could be comms. Although sometimes, bombers can just crash on landing.
Global debt hits a record $300 trillion, up $36 trillion just since COVID.
Writing book kids were told by the high school to not take home sparks controversy among parents in Hudson after it is found to tell children to write sex scenes they would not want their moms to see, then write sex scenes they would not mind their mom seeing, then describes parts of bodies they like using only verbs. Remember, I had a writing teacher who had us write a journal where he asked questions about politics and other topics, and we were supposed to write long answers, which he turned into a written dialog over weeks, even though given all his students, and how much he wrote each one, it would seem to have been time-prohibitive for one teacher to have been doing all of that. We never kept the books, he did. There may be a lot of teachers who are actually intelligence agents helping to fill every kid’s file out with whatever intelligence they can gather on them. This thing is more extreme than we are designed to imagine, given they programmed us to not think anyone would act in a Darwinian fashion, and conspiracies are never real. Protect your kids, and have them hide their power level.
DeSantis eliminates Common Core in Florida.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
They did this strike quickly, in order to show they are tough. Instead, they killed a USAID worker and many children. This is what happens when you have grossly incompetent people at the helm. The Afghanistan tragedy will further mark what should have been an honorable and dignified September 11th. The Administration’s surrender will go down in infamy.
Has anybody noticed that the Biden Administration, working in close conjunction with the Fake News Media, has promoted mandates very hard in order to get people to stop talking about the most incompetent withdrawal from a war site in history? They will talk about anything, other than the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election results, in order to get people’s minds off of the horror show that has just taken place in Afghanistan!
Our Country is far more susceptible to attack by outside terrorist groups than ever before. Our enemies all over the World are inspired by what just happened in Afghanistan—the removal of the Military first, and our “gift” of $85 billion in Military equipment. We are no longer respected after the pathetic and incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan. It will be a long time before we gain our reputation back. Just nine months ago, the United States was viewed as being strong, and now we are being viewed as weak and stupid. The Taliban has totally retaken Afghanistan—a far more potent position than they had 20 years ago, after we spent trillions of dollars, with hundreds of thousands of lives lost (on both sides). This loss emboldens not only foreign terrorists, but also Antifa and BLM. It’s sad that this is not what you hear from the Fake News Media who are only interested in talking about “terrorism” from the right and protecting an illegitimate president. Our reputation is gone, our Borders are broken, inflation is raging, and COVID continues, even with the vaccines (developed under “Trump”), to ravage our Nation.
So interesting to watch former President Bush, who is responsible for getting us into the quicksand of the Middle East (and then not winning!), as he lectures us that terrorists on the “right” are a bigger problem than those from foreign countries that hate America, and that are pouring into our Country right now. If that is so, why was he willing to spend trillions of dollars and be responsible for the death of perhaps millions of people? He shouldn’t be lecturing us about anything. The World Trade Center came down during his watch. Bush led a failed and uninspiring presidency. He shouldn’t be lecturing anybody!
Does anybody really believe the California Recall Election isn’t rigged? Millions and millions of Mail-In Ballots will make this just another giant Election Scam, no different, but less blatant, than the 2020 Presidential Election Scam!
It is my great honor to endorse a true warrior, Representative Mark Finchem, of the Great State of Arizona, for the position of Secretary of State. He is a patriot who has fought for our Country right from his earliest moments in government. Mark was willing to say what few others had the courage to say. In addition to his incredibly powerful stance on the massive Voter Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, he is strong on Crime, Borders, our currently under siege Second Amendment, and loves our Military and our Vets. Mark will also be fighting hard for further Tax and Regulation Cuts. Mark Finchem has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will never let the people of Arizona down!
“The Big Lie” is the Presidential Election of 2020. When the Fake News Media uses that term, always remember that this was the Election that is destroying our Country, both inside and out!
The inept Afghan government, led by corrupt President Ghani, released 5,000 prisoners—not the Trump Administration. Secretary of State Blinken is doing everything in his power to make the most inept withdrawal in history look, at least, acceptable. It never will. Now it is understood, on top of everything else, that billions of dollars will be paid to Afghanistan to help them along the way. The so-called leaders of our Country have gone crazy!
Anna Paulina Luna is a great fighter who is running for Congress in Florida. She is an Air Force veteran who puts America First, unlike her RINO opponents. Anna is committed to strong borders, serving our Veterans, and ensuring Florida’s beautiful coastlines are protected. This is an important race because it is “key” to taking back the House. Anna is a warrior, she is a winner, and it’s time for all America First Republicans to unite behind her strong campaign. Anna has my complete and total endorsement.
People don’t realize that, despite the Rigged voting in California (I call it the “Swarming Ballots”), I got 1.5 Million more votes in 2020 than I did in 2016. The place is so Rigged, however, that a guy who can’t even bring water into their State, which I got federal approval to do (that is the hard part), will probably win. Billions of gallons of water coming to California from the North is being sent out to sea, rather than being spread throughout the State. This is to protect the tiny delta smelt, which is doing far worse now without the water. In any event, it all doesn’t matter because the California Election is totally Rigged. Many people are already complaining that when they go to vote they are told, “I’m sorry, you already voted” (Just like 2020, among many other things). They then leave angry, but fortunately, even the Fake News Media has been reporting it.
So now it’s determined in a major Wall Street Journal article that Facebook is secretly protecting its so-called “Elite,” making them exempt from rules. Facebook and Big Tech are so corrupt (“unlocked boxes,” etc.), this should help my lawsuit against Big Tech, and those people who hate America.
If we didn’t have RINOs, the Republican Party would totally dominate politics. The good news is there are far less than there were four years ago—it is a dying breed—but nevertheless, and unfortunately, they still exist!
If the story of “Dumbass” General Mark Milley, the same failed leader who engineered the worst withdrawal from a country, Afghanistan, in U.S. history, leaving behind many dead and wounded soldiers, many American citizens, and $85 Billion worth of the newest and most sophisticated Military equipment in the world, and our Country’s reputation, is true, then I assume he would be tried for TREASON in that he would have been dealing with his Chinese counterpart behind the President’s back and telling China that he would be giving them notification “of an attack.” Can’t do that!
The good news is that the story is Fake News concocted by a weak and ineffective General together with two authors who I refused to give an interview to because they write fiction, not fact. Actions should be taken immediately against Milley, and better generals in our Military, of which we have many, should get involved so that another Afghanistan disaster never happens again. Remember, I was the one who took out 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. Milley said it couldn’t be done!
For the record, I never even thought of attacking China—and China knows that. The people that fabricated the story are sick and demented, and the people who print it are just as bad. In fact, I’m the only President in decades who didn’t get the U.S. into a war—a well known fact that is seldom reported.
Invite other people to because you should always hide your power level.
The biggest news yesterday was the Milley thing. People may not realize just how serious a breach of protocol this was. If anything it should underscore to our allies, in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle, namely South Korea and Japan that the U.S. is entirely unwilling to defend them, including defend them with nuclear weapons. This is called the “nuclear umbrella” and is supposed to include the U.S.A.’s non-nuclear armed allies in the deterrence posture. So if our allies are attacked, including with nukes that we will protect them. It should be clear going forward that that is not the case and even if the U.S. has the weapons in the future to defend that we do not have the political will.
This is critical. Hopefully the governments of South Korea and Japan are taking note, as they will have to develop their own independent nuclear arsenals, as rapidly as possible, to ensure their nuclear deterrence. Japan probably needs over 250 nuclear intercontinental ranged cruise missiles and South Korea needs around 150 to 200 nuclear artillery. These arsenals would be what is necessary, in conjunction with missile defenses, to deter China and North Korea. These 400+ nuclear warheads would replace the 400 U.S. Minuteman ICBMs that the Japanese and S. Koreans plan on relying upon. It should be clear by now that the U.S. is not a reliable ally and American resolve is not strong enough for even small tasks, let alone large ones such as nuclear deterrence.
This is not a back channel communication to the governments of Japan and South Korea, it is in the clear, and if they value their independence then they should begin nuclear work immediately. Saudi Arabia should also inquire with Pakistan about a NATO style nuclear sharing program and Australia should inquire with India about sharing as well. And when these nations announce that they are nuclear it will be easier if they do it together.
Basically, because America’s 400 of these

won’t show up, Japan and South Korea need 400 of these, of their own,

Not a “breach of protocol”
It is outright treason.
Yes, but I was referring to a “system” failure. The American nuclear command and control system doesn’t work- not for any technical fault or failing, but because the humans in the loop, Milley and Pelosi, inserted themselves into the process and gummed up the works by making it political.
Warfare is hard enough. Some systems may not work as intended. Some targets might move or be have secret defenses. Intel is imperfect. Even if all of that is solved an American leader may short circuit the process and weaken deterrence in a crisis.
America cannot be relied upon for any kind of useful defense. That means Japan and South Korea will eventually have to build nuclear arsenals or else they will become Chinese puppet states.
Pakistan is China’s close friend.
Well then the Saudis are F’d in the A.
For those who don’t know. There are many extinct volcanos and tunnel systems in Japan where all sorts of stuff goes on that the outside world has no idea about.
I used to work in one. One way in. One way out.
> even if the U.S. has the weapons in the future to defend that we do not have the political will
Some things are not at the discretion of ‘transients’ – as the glow-in-the-darks call presidents – Podesta & co. wargaming secession had less teeth than Pelosi/Schumer posturing about invoking COG: compromise of this would be the holy grail of 5th columns. SR71 Blackbird, computer & mouse displays were operational in 1970 — first rate powers should have exotic strategic weapons by now.
“Trump launches a blistering attack against Milley. So maybe it is true, or taking Milley out is just another plot twist.”
Regardless, US nuclear weapons cannot be relied upon in any crisis, even if Seoul and Tokyo are smoking green craters. The interference of Milley and Pelosi in the process is the thing. This is a clear end to American resolve and power backing up the so called “international order” Milley talked about. It’s over. Realize that. It. Is. Over.
The process that is used is the 25th Amendment, not some Generals PMS, or Nancy’s bribe was big enough that week.
Everyone talked about the Rubicon being crossed. The Rubicon was crossed, and it was crossed against Trump, by Milley. If I was Korean or Japanese I would be praying that my government develops nuclear weapons as quickly as possible.
>If I was Korean or Japanese I would be praying that my government develops nuclear weapons as quickly as possible.
Former Axis powers remain hostile states under the UN Enemy State Clause; with the World Wars as examples, it would be astonishing if Taiwan wasn’t used for clandestine nuclear development the same way South Africa was for Germany/Israel, or the USSR for panzer development before. Either Taiwan has nukes – with Japanese assistance – or neither does.
For what it’s worth, and it’s not much but it is interesting, BDanon claims Taiwan has about 20 nukes they developed with the help of Israel over the years ready to use against China. A last spasm in case they are over run by China. The Three Gorges Dam, Beijing, other critical targets, all dialled in and ready to go.
“Milley is being attacked by a Cabal reporter, and a Trump/Q intel guy defends him.”
That’s definitely not what I took away from it. It was more like heralding Milley as a hero by every Cabal talking head. AC, you have to remember, these people think the bad thing is good- it’s all feeling and emotion with them, no logic. I’ve observed them, and seen their behaviors, as aggravating as they are. They don’t even think like us.
As for Vindman, he may be trying to save himself as Cabal has abandoned him. Vindman is not a good guy but him being turned (threatened basically) is much more likely than Trump and Q taking control of the entire media, which definitely hasn’t been accomplished.
Also, crooks like Vindman frequently turn on other crooks if they are threatened. There is also the likely avenue that Vindman may be trying to get into Israel without being too much a hot-potato for the Israelis.
“California Gov. survives the recall election that posed the biggest threat yet to his leadership. Insider and Decision Desk HQ are projecting that Gov. Gavin Newsom will survive the California gubernatorial recall. If the system was rigged, there was never any doubt how it would turn out. The only question was, would it still be rigged.”
There is no doubt it was rigged.
Yes. So where are your pop guns?
When are you going to do something?
Trump acts like this was a surprise. Its pathetic. 4 years in and not a single preparation for the 2020 election. They have to rely on Pullitzer and Codemonkeyz and others. There has been no coordinated intelligence gathering on what occurred other than what True the vote and these other single entities have taken on themselves.
With all his dough Trump cant organise jackshit with the best guys around to change this stuff? How much has he spent to fix one damn thing? FCK ALL is the answer. But Jared managed to unload 666 Fifth Avenue for a price that was a mere 100% above the mkt valuation?
Trump wants you rubes to keep giving money to GOP candidates he deems reasonable, who just like him will make promises they intend never to keep. the GOP finances being run by Romney’s kid, the GOP being run by Chink- O- Connell. The very same GOP that has said and done nothing about the wall, illegal immigrants, fake vaccines, curtailment of civil liberties, government debt and so on.
Trump is just one leg of a factional war going on in Cabal. The GOP is the cabal. He wants you to fund his choices of his faction’s operatives. Its that simple.
About a 14 months ago CTH ran a story with a headline that included the words ” white hot anger”. ohhhhhhhhh better not mess with us patriots. We have “white hot anger”. Zillions made comments affirming their white hot anger. So where did that bollocks go?
Too many people talking crap. Trump isn’t doing shit. If there is anyone INSIDE the system doing the right thing, no one knows who they are. They are clearly miniscule in number because every single institution has rolled over. So they wont save you.
Who will if you wont?
I think people need to drop all this we will rise up stuff because clearly that isn’t going to happen. You are all going down. Focus on the things that you can do personally to preserve yourself because no one else is going to do squat.
They say “until you see the whites of their eyes” for a reason. Things have to percolate some until everyone knows we are all on the same page. Anybody who pops off now will only hand more power to Cabal to crack down on the rest of society, and try to diminish the number of pop guns out there. Believe me, America is firmly on a trajectory to conflict, if something doesn’t happen. For the time being there is enough going on, like revelations of election fraud, that everyone is still in a holding pattern.
But that is mostly because it offers a peaceful chance to resolve our issues, and everyone knows if the alternative path became necessary, it would be quite horrific. I’m not sure foreign countries understand exactly how many weapons are in this country, to what degree proficiency in their use is cultural in many areas, or how lethal those weapons are. Many of our citizens have weaponry that is as good, and in some cases superior to what is fielded by elite military here. We literally have country boys tooling around with Thermal scopes on assault rifles, practicing killing on hogs just for fun. And not just a couple. We have multiple brands of thermals out there.
Other side of the coin(telpro): there’s the incentive to outright genocide the most K stock in the technologically advanced world right there, and it jives with PLA bioweapon Lebensraum aims. ‘F-15s and nukes’ isn’t far from Their hearts’ desire
Let me try to explain, this is ONE school. It cycles thousands of people through per year. There are dozens of schools like this that are in this tier.
Thunder Ranch
Further, there are several well known instructors that travel. Americans aren’t just armed, we are trained. In most cases it’s not military or police taking that training, as they often wrongly believe themselves proficient.
All of the guns in this video are legal to own in the majority of states, and capable of being built with mail order parts that require no paperwork, just an address and credit card. Same with the ammo.
Now on the one hand, I will tell you that it absolutely does have an unintended effect of making us a bit lazy. We use guns, the enemy uses bureaucrats, so as long as there are rules they are going to win because they haven’t crossed the line that allows us to shoot them, and we don;t know how to play their game. It’s when the enemy oversteps and abandons the rules that they are moving the battle to our turf. You’re watching that happen right now.
Pride cometh before the fall.
>There are dozens of schools like this that are in this tier.
Thunder Ranch
He sounds like Alex Jones lul
Yeah, he does.
That tells you more about Alex Jones than him.
Ohhh AC, I think you must be a very nice person.
Is there no horror in being ruled by another country? in having your rights taken away, in the constitution being ignored?
At what point is their foothold so strong that they cant be removed?
A case of the lesser “horror” doesn’t even seem considered by most. I do not know how you guys are going to get out of this, but hours in the lotus position praying for someone else to intervene is what the jews did in Germany for how many years?
Spreading blackpills will not do anything to relieve your distress over what is happening in OZ.
Find something constructive to do.
People still think they have something to lose. They can’t bear to admit that they were totally fooled. They still think that there is still some power or authority on Earth that isn’t a corrupt show. Courts, elected officials, government agencies, hospitals, churches, military, schools, charities, corporations, media online and off, public opinion, people are corrupted, complicit, and conned to the core.
“Fauci tells Nikki Minaj her cousin’s friend’s swollen testicles and impotence claim is bogus, and there is no ‘mechanistic reason’ that it would happen.”
Swollen, non-functional testes and ovaries are minor compared to likely Cruetzfeld-Jacob prion disease associated with the jab. Guaranteed 5 year death sentence.
“Russian President Vladimir Putin said he is going into self-isolation after “several” people in his inner circle contracted the coronavirus, and that he hopes Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine will protect him.”
Everyone was going to catch corona eventually anyways. Everyone already has been since time immormial, it’s called the common cold. And hopefully Putin doesn’t take any weird mRNA stuff or it will be a really bad look for Russians as he spends the last years of his life twitching like Muhammed Ali or Michael J. Fox.
“Guaranteed 5 year death sentence.”
Nothing guaranteed about it. At best, we have no idea and vague assumptions that may prove right. Thats enough for me to not get the jab.
“New records show Obama admin purchased aborted babies’ heads for $515 each.”
Invert the numbers and add them. 515 plus 151 equals ?
Inversion and numerology are their calling cards.
Good catch
I’ve never understood this numerology stuff. What’s the point? Seems like you can just massage any number to mean anything by doing enough nonsense math on it.
Does it have any predictive functionality? Is it revealing anything other than “bad man use 666,” even though plenty of “friendly” comms can be massaged the same way?
I just don’t understand the value of pointing out something that appears to just be made up or stretched beyond reasonable assumptions to fit a framework. Same criticism of the Glock 17 story; why does a random gun manufacturer naming their first gun 17 decades ago matter in any sense whatsoever?
It is interesting if there is a secret society, and they are signaling each other for some reason.
I don’t know if it is the case or not, but if a member of the secret society is deciding what gun to procure for some agency, and he sees all those 17’s, he may deduce the creator is a member of the secret society he is a part of. He may then conclude that picking that gun is a way to honor some oath to always favor his brothers in the secret society over other people.
It is possible Gaston Glock is a part of some society like the Freemasons, and without all those 17’s, Glock would have been seen as an ugly plastic gun in the 80’s, and not have enjoyed the wide adoption it ultimately did which made it the success it is today.
I’m not knocking Glock, I love them. But I also am curious to what degree what we see is really determined by forces that those of us not in the secret society are completely unaware of.
Injecting intention into the physical medium using steganography lends weight to those designs coming about, like the sigil on a clay golem.
“Does anybody really believe the California Recall Election isn’t rigged? Millions and millions of Mail-In Ballots will make this just another giant Election Scam, no different, but less blatant, than the 2020 Presidential Election Scam!”
I wouldn’t say it was any less blatant.
The Milley story is just yet another distraction.
They can create distractions until doomsday.
Just make our move and force a reckoning already.
I saw another statement from Wendy Rogers making excuses and promises about the AZ audit.

She seems to be telling us we will not get results until we get the routers now.
We were supposed to get results without the routers and then more with the routers.
If the routers are so important then why has the AZ Senate and the AG not sent state Troopers to just take them?
Why are they threatening to cut off state money to Maricopa county instead of just arresting and charging the county commissioners?
Why did they give them 30 days to comply after they didn’t comply already?
It seems like they are purposely letting the enemy drag things out as long as possible.
If things continue at this pace the usurpers will finish a full term.
I’m sick of our side playing softball while the enemy plays tackle football.
MAKE IT PERSONAL, I want to see enemy lives being destroyed so the rest get scared and fear us more than the cabal. (or at least as much)
This is another example:
“Hudson, Ohio mayor Craig Shubert demands all school board members resign or face possible criminal charges over high school course material that he said a judge called “child pornography.””
Charge them ALL.
Do it NOW!
Any data on those routers is long gone.
Logging is most likely minimal to none. Any ARP tables or anything else of use is long gone.
Pinning one’s hopes on a poorly configured piece of gear that isn’t even supposed to be doing that type of logging is ignorant at best, misleading at most.
Notice how it is always our side waiting for the shoe to drop? We wait for trump, wait for audits, wait for people to find out the vax truth. Always waiting, never acting. Meanwhile they rub our faces in their shameless flouting of the rules.
Trump lost me with the vaxx, there are not enough mental gymnastics in the world to square that circle for me.
Notice that the weaponized autists stopped discovering cool shit? Back in the Q days fun stuff was being unearthed daily it seemed. Now we just sit around and wait, while our enemy gains strength.
The routers are a spoliation trap. The point isn’t to get the data that was there. The point is to show who erased it.
Q waits any longer people are going to start the purge with or without them. There are people still left in this world who are not going to sit by and let this bullshit continue.
> Hillary Clinton calls for a new ‘War on Terror,’ targeting Trump supporters because ‘they are threatening our democracy.’
And there’s that “our democracy” thing again.
“If you want your democracy, you can keep your democracy.” Somewhere else.
Meanwhile, I want the Republic we were guaranteed by our Constitution.
Fauci is a paid cabal saboteur. Nothing more.
No doubt. I just find it fascinating they can’t find somebody more scientifically knowledgeable to play the role, or write the lines, or craft the script. That they seem to have picked a guy with zero ability to sound even remotely knowledgeable is fascinating.
I can see why they need those memes, of how there are so many innocent ways incompetents end up rising while everyone else does not. Because if there wasn’t White privilege, or simple corruption, or something like that, you might think there was some entity in control.
> Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement after introducing a resolution to create a pilot program to require the leadership of the House of Representatives to wear body cameras and share the recorded footage with the public.
100% agree. They’re our employees, we get to watch them. Congress and the Supremes settled that decades ago… though I doubt they expected to come under the lens themselves.
Further, since they also allow employers to drug test employees, they should be subject to the same. Every damned day.
AC has a good point. Nakes you wonder about a lot of things. Makes you wonder how many diversionary directorates there are across the agency and administrative entities? There would have to be lots of them, and makes sense from another angle, how many agencies are themselves diversionary in the first place?
Never where anything else, what we are lead to believe from their creation. That most agencies are originally plausible deniability covers for nefarious conspiracy business, not agencies co-opted after their honest establushment. After all the USC outside the bill of rights, just an instrument of administrative and regulatory centralism, soft creeping administrative tyranny. A “Conspiracy in Philedelphia.”
Makes you wonder about a lot of things. Like how much of the government is diversionary, as in not turned by the conspiracy into the conspiracy, but the conspiracy creating constituent parts of itself into diversionary directorates to disguise originating purposes?
Like why not just create whole agencies, then skinsuit them with Patriots and non gangstalker/glowies. That way you dont have to deal with entire agencies where you can never be sure of the employees that pre-existed if you where to turn that agency.
And maybe that is the cia or others assigned job, to set up and get them running, diversionary directorate personal and their missions too.
Sure makes a lot of sense now we know a lot more how the machine works.
If IRS is a federal reserve directorate, which is itself niether, then creating all those new agent positions would be the perfect diversionary excuse to increase the number of glowies who can more easily surviel all the people, particularly put a unique tyoe of coverage on them, and they can never tell its on tgem, so the machine can watch what people are doing in their private lives by watching their petty cash activities. Aside from the added increase in wealth strip mining from people who have under tge table extra untaxed incime involved in System D.
The machine must see it as a potential untapped gold mine in a new source if lucre, which can no longer be permitted, as thats liberty rught there, unfettered economic activity. Esential to freedom and liberty. Lots easier to make slaves ir inhibit resistance when you make people have to live hand to mouth, too busy simply having tonfeed and shelter themselves. Cant afford ammo, weapons and gear, support other Patriots, much more difficult to have preps and protect ones family and property, etc. And if you can keep your other enemies from providing support to Patriots from outside, as in assistance to insurgency, your making it more difficult for resistance to your tyranny.
More i see of the machine more i see its prime objectives involved in supressing good folks rising up, and it looks like that mission faces the problem of not having enough men to fight insurgency toe to toe, it never has had enough men for that, and the 100 million armed to the fucking teeth American’s threat is pretty much an impossible to disarm priblem, so other ways and particularly end runs are required. Never mind you want to warch and see everyine buying guns ammo, stock piling gear and meds, all the things Patriots are doing or will to prepare to resist your tyranny. Making people poorer by catchung them making some extra green under the table is a highly viable tactic. Most good folks have more than $600 bucks in their balance at least once a month, so that essentialy puts everyone under coverage, or rather the fuckers have swift unempeded access in real or anytime to your most private affairs and actuvities which involve financial transactions not of the cash on the barrelhead kind.
Top that off, they need more glowies and federalized gangstalkers, thats a fact, to many Patriots out hee in flyover nation, who among us good folks can know where all those hires go or what their real jobs are?
If IRS is nothing but a leg breaker shake down arm of the 12 family bankster cartel that long ago involved in taking over America, whose central purpose has been to reach into every paycheck and extract Unto Ceaser they certainly need a lot more glowies to get tgeir meathooks on all that cash, as cash, real wealth created by people who make and do tangibles things, hard cold cash, is the one thing they can’t create, they got to steal it in some way. And cash is so critical now and getting more so as cabal and all have inhibited liquididity that it can’t escape, and its only cash that loosens up their fiat ponsey scheme.
I think this is one of cabal and its machine weaknesses, its soft underbelly, it creates nothing tangible yet its hoovering up trillions by the year and now months, its exceeded the productive good folks of the earth ability to out produce cabal insatiable lust for lucre. On the same token it can’t permit unfettered economic activity as that is absolutely essential to individual Liberty, never mind wealth and ordered liberty of nations.
The conspiracy seems like it has two conundrums which it has to work around if its to shut the door at last on freedom. Guns and Money, from individual wealth creation, out of its control, in the hands of good folks and Patriots.
Can’t help think are the fuckers willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater to obtain its agenda? Its a serious question it seems if the death jab is in effect genocide for reducing America’s population to what it determines is a mahageble number.
If so its adding a third conundrum, as those who are’t taking and never will take the death jab are primarily the strongest and fittest K selected strategists. And cabal will have provided the groundwork for 100 Million extremely pissed off people with a bone in their teeth every justification and legitimacy imaginable to hunt these fuckers down and cleanse our world of this plauge of 2 legged parasites.
100 million good folks armed to the fucking teeth and their friends can accomplish this.
From the ‘War World’, Sci-Fi series of stories about a barely inhabitable moon of a gas jiant in a remote system, that the stories cabal has used as a gulag planet for undesirables it exiles by the hundreds of thousands to, but then this moon is found to possess riches beyond any in it’s bowels, and the cabal wants to take these K Strategist exiles, these future Deplorable’s world from them for itself. They have sent in their glowies and gangstslkers to create a false flag to provide cabal with a plausibly deniable excuse to bring in military forces to take over the planet thus control of its natural riches.
A small group of people who have created the beginnings of a free unfetrred governtmentless compact and are begiining to become self sufficient and sustainable argraian civilization, have chosen to fight back, in their midsts is a glowie sent in to organize the gangstalkers and run the false flag op, he see’s hese folks and their audacity and motive power to renain freemen, and goes native to help them fight:
We must kill them all you know, Van Damn said.
Makhno turned to give him a long look. I’d be interested in hearing your reasons, Owen.
This planet has no prison, Van Damn explained carefully. No police, not even any courts. That is why you have this problem in the first place. You have no protection from thugs and crooks, and that is why you must kill them.
How does that follow? Jane asked.
It follows that you cannot punish the thugs with prison, nor force them to pay just compensation, nor even exile them, Van Damn went on. If you drive them out into the wilds, they will band together and raid farms for subsistence. If you leave them alive in town, they will try to invade again, sooner or later. You have to kill them, the ones that take part in the raid, who know the way here and see what valuables you have.
it is certainly allegory in no uncertain terms to our present.
> Like why not just create whole agencies, then skinsuit them with Patriots and non gangstalker/glowies.
Anything that got questioned could be deflected by “above your pay grade” or “you aren’t cleared for this,” besides being able to position any not-of-the-body personnel where they’d be unlikely to uncover anything by accident.
“I’ve suspected for years that the CIA is a CIA front.”
— Celia Hayes, July 15, 2020 at
I probably should document my reason for saying that these agencies have gaslighting divisions to keep patriots occupied, as long as we are on the topic.
I crossed paths with somebody online, of like mind to us, who was just realizing there was something else hidden up there. He was puzzled because he ended up in intelligence, and was astounded by his good luck at getting assignment after assignment, each of which he thought was a once in a lifetime assignment, and exactly what he would have wanted. He was clearly beginning to think there was somebody somewhere who knew who he was, and was shuttling him around, and keeping him doing things that felt critical and rewarding to him. I never said anything, but he didn’t seem to grasp he may have been getting distracted from the real problem. He was just puzzled anybody knew who he was, and was guiding his career without ever saying anything to him, or making contact.
I filed away he might have been identified when he was younger as a potential problem, and whoever caught his file found a way to keep him out of the way, and probably even available for service to Cabal purposes, through some sort of quasi false-flagging.
There’s always room for an anodyne spaniel, by-the-book Agent Smith types — Eldritch abominations offend their egos, so even if they look too far down the rabbit holes, they will recoil in horror like the shrinking violets they are, or be easily intimidated and muzzled, like the dogs they are.
It is necessary to take the position that an illegal immigrant is an undesirable alien. Proper response to these is:
1. Humane capture.
2. Entry of the illegal alien’s biometric data on a roster of permanently-prohibited immigrants.
3. Prompt expulsion.
You left out #4.
It is necessary to take the position that they are invaders. Proper response to them is:
1. Shot on site when crossing the border
2. Leave them to die when they are shot or found in dire straits
3. Execute any that are found in the country and toss their bodies over the border as a warning
4. Not just the men but the women and children too
(You can spend a year announcing this policy at home and abroad before implementing it to give them fair warning)
Yesterday, commenter “Mark” linked to blogger Decoding Symbols at:
Lots of fascinating insights and analyses there. Very reminiscent of SerialBrain2’s work which ended before the election:
Aborted baby heads for $500+ each? Are these hors d’oeuvres at cabal parties? Not even joking.
I am thinking at the least, Cabal believes the baby-sacrifices are somehow necessary to their power as some sort of religious sacrifice, and things like this are some sort of payoff from Fauci’s crew to those providing the abortions. Again, we have been brainwashed from birth by our entire society. At this point, the influence of the Demonic may be much, much more than the isolated cases which it seemed was the reality before.
In general, I don’t think such “exotic” explanations are really necessary. Simple eugenics will suffice.
Cabal really doesn’t like black people. Black people are far too energetic and far too artistically talented. Think of where black music would be if jazz, the blues, an Motown had truly been allowed to flourish. Do you think the Cabal bloodlines could really compete for attention with that? Just one reason that black culture had to be demolished, jazz bands defunded in black schools, and incredibly anti-social hiphop and gangsta rap substituted. Take a look at all the money behind gangsta rap and that entire industry was all funded by the outside.
Seriously, go turn on Herbie Hancock’s “Maiden Voyage” and sit back and listen closely. And imagine what jazz would be like if it was carefully nurtured in school music programs and African American students were taught to admire the great masters of their music traditions for the last half century. Because if we had enlightened, cultured leaders in this country who were actually dedicated to the arts, nurturing talent, and awareness of black history WE WOULD HAVE THAT. Jazz would truly be this nation’s classical music and the black community would be far better off, and certainly more cultural developed than these drooler cabal kids.
Cabal wants to destroy talent it cannot control.
Other than that, they don’t want white people around either.
I really think it’s that simple.
And of course with all of the deaths by “medical accidents” we are also aborting all sorts of adults who are “troublesome.” And by that, of course, I mean creative, talented, independent, etc.
It is both.
We are all victims in this divided, “victimhood” society – just not in the way any of us thought. It’s an enslavement hierarchy. Whites have a semblance of freedom and more material goods but they’re just house slaves on the Cabal’s plantation, and in some ways the psychological fuckery is worse as the whites believe in the system and provide the Cabal a willing workforce of useful idiots. Blacks got debased and debilitated from the get go and it hasn’t stopped. They’ve been kept as almost feral field-hands to provide Cabal a permanent force of potential social terrorists for threatening and beating on the whites that get uppity.
As for Milley, if he’s not Q-controlled or if the media isn’t Q-controlled, it could be a ploy to normalize the idea that cooperating with the CCP was necessary, because of how much of a national security threat Trump was. In advance of a Devolution disclosure, i.e., if even generals were willing to commit treason by helping China because Trump was such a threat to cause a nuclear holocaust, then it’d make lesser officials working with the CCP to rig the election look reasonable. That’d be their hope, anyway.
I think your point makes sense.
If you sit back and really reflect on how this society, and the West in general, has spiraled into decadence and weakness, and I’m 50 and have a very clear memory of a VERY different country outside of a few major cities, then one begins to see an insidious but incessant drive by Cabal to use media/entertainment and public education to normalize every abhorrent behavior imaginable over the past 2 generations.
Normalization through media saturation of particular viewpoints is a potent weapon in Cabal’s quiver.
No doubt. Cabal’s overwhelming control of media and education was absolutely instrumental in its war on patriots. Psychological warfare was a shocking, awful success. Not a shot was fired…
This is part of the puzzle on Afghanistan. Our FE “allies” knew at that point that the US military could NOT be trusted with anything vital, so you saw the British getting people out on their own without coordination.
Part of why there was no coordination with our “allies” in AFG was because they no longer consider us their ally.
From yesterday:
“Great post by Vox Day that provides the transcript of a 2020 interview with Vladimir Kvachkov, a Colonel of the GRU with a PhD in Military Science. He was a leading researcher for the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces:”
Thanks for that, Huck. It’s surreal that it’s more likely we can trust the Russians with the truth rather than our own bought-and-paid-for politicians and media.
When I first heard the John Titor time-traveler story several years ago I thought it was interesting he said the Russians would be the saviors of American patriots. Then Hillary and Obama started bad-mouthing Russia and Putin. Then Putin said the West is controlled by Satanists. Then Trump was all bro-like with Putin and they exchanged that soccer ball.
As the only traditional, non-globalist, Christian, straight white male running a large, majority white Christian country, Putin certainly strikes me as one of our guys and may well be a savior.
David Graeber, who was one of those people who would have effectively opposed the COVID psyop but suddenly died either right before or just as as it was getting underway, wrote essays (look up “bullshit jobs”) about how many jobs and entire organizations were just endless busywork. And yes, given what we are finding out about the Cabal, they probably used these positions as places where they could dump and neutralize talented people.
My guess is that the western cabal originated in the late eighteenth century, as a secret organization formed by aristocrats to fight the French revolution, and a key goal was to essentially stop meritocracy. It basically opposed filling key positions by merit instead of bloodlines. The notion of filling key positions by merit was the key innovation of the French revolution, and after they defeated Napoleon, the older monarchies actually adopted meritocracy themselves since the couldn’t defeat Napoleon without doing it. So the cabal turned against the older monarchies as well.
Just spent an hour at the DMV this afternoon. Talk about bullshit jobs. It’s easy to mock the fools who work in these places and even easier to hate the Cabal that creates and perpetuates the system. What is a tragedy is that God’s children are wasted in all this. The good, the beautiful and the true in all these souls just ruined by this Beast.
Interesting theory on the western cabal. My own view is the aristocracy had their knightly orders that would become Cabal many centuries before the French Revolution.
I was too busy yesterday to comment, but had been planning to comment on the California recall, the gist would have been that it was obviously being rigged. Quite a few ordinary Republican voters were trying to vote early (why is “early voting allowed”?) and finding out that they couldn’t since they had been recorded as already having voted. The election officials were saying that this is an honest mistake, but it was pretty obvious before the results came in that absentee ballots had already been recorded as having been sent in by these voters and being anti-recall.
I actually saw a conservatism inc. type tweet yesterday telling people to stop complaining about the steal and to get out and vote. Essentially saying “vote harder”!
It also occurred to me that not only would the recall effort lose, but they would fix it to lose by a supermajority, like 63% against, just to make things clear to everyone, and that is in fact what happened.
This time I’m calling that the Canadian election will be fixed too. It puzzled me why it was called, since it was not scheduled. I think they will just stop having even rigged elections at some point. I had thought, since every party with seats in Parliament was completely supportive of the COVID psyop measures, that they were just holding it to gauge public opinion, knowing that even a Conservative government would go along with the agenda. But there is now a notable, completely inexplicable rise for the incumbent Liberal Party in the polls that is an indication that this one is going to be fixed. This happened in 2015 too. At least this time some commentators have caught on to what is happening. I think you still play in these, but mostly to document how the fix is going down and to make it really obvious.
At some point there will be a limit reached with the use of psychological warfare, and the head of the cabal will just have to go on TV, announce that they have been and will continue to be running things, and that if you have a problem with that, they have people in your neighborhood that will take care of that.
But I think they want the deplorables to try an armed revolt before this happens so they can crush it, and that is why they have been getting pretty blatant recently.
They definitely want an attempted armed revolt. In fact, they are itching for it, planning for it and that is one of the reasons they have been openly castigating and demonizing Middle America since Trump was elected.
They want to make a big show of crushing Middle Americans on TV/social media, and will use that as an opportunity to further entrench open totalitarianism.
I think they’re getting pretty blatant because (1) The Great Reset is their grand plan and they believe these steps are required for its fruition; and (2) Trump/Q/Patriots are fucking with them and forcing their hand.
The Fed got its ass handed to them by the Koreans, the Vietnamese, and the Taliban. If they want to start a war with the American people, they’re creating an enemy that’s not only armed to the teeth, but looks just like them, and is threaded invisibly through their logistics, combat, and command systems.
On the other hand, there have been few signs of intelligence near the District of Columbia, so it’s entirely possible they’re like the Imperial Japanese, who thought a couple of bitch slaps would make Americans kneel and bow their heads.
You want a re-do of Bosnia and Kosovo? “Hold my beer…”
I know what you are, the same as Vox.
You will be hunted down and killed like dogs.
I thought God frowned on violence, Gary.
And thou shalt not lie.
The commandment is “Thou shalt not murder” murder being an unjustified killing. I don’t know when the translation got changed to “shalt not kill” but not murder makes far more logical sense as a banned activity than killing, which can be and is often both necessary and honorable.
But that is not what Gary preached.
He preached that all violence was evil and that we should all give up our guns and surrender.
Well, that’s us told.
It was to me, because I didn’t pass through a comment attacking Vox Day as a paid shill and Russia as some horrible tyranny. I just found it interesting the same guy, with the same IP who was preaching pacifism in the religious wars, and telling everyone they would go to hell for not being Godly, is promising me I will be hunted down and killed under another name and personae.
It is more interesting as he was not the only “religious warrior” who showed up all at once to stir up shit in the comments and make this place uninhabitable. I don’t really give a fuck about him attacking Vox. Anybody with eyes can see that Vox, in furthering the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, is doing God’s work, and is not one of the enemy.
But I do care his organization wants this place uninhabitable. Everyone here should know, they have power. To the point a global organization that opposes the Good, the Beautiful, and the True will send out agents with orders to post bullshit comments on a website, to prevent them finding each other, and amassing together.
Just by finding each other and forming bonds, our kind is threatening the hegemony of evil on this planet.
Hmmm interesting. What else did drew say?
He just posts stuff attacking Vox (I assume because Vox is popular here, and it will degrade the reader experience), attacks on Russia for some reason, maybe to make any Russians who look at this site someday see it as an enemy site, and then attacks on me when I don’t let the comments through.
I don’t take it seriously, because one minute he is religious, then he is doing that, then he is attacking me. My guess is he is getting some sort of paycheck for it all. This is the same guy who is posting about dogs on here when I am watching dog videos on youtube, to try and look clairvoyant.
Just wanted to give a heads up to AC and any interested parties reading this… the Mcaffee Afterlife TeleGram page has been a fascinating read for the past couple of months.
Today, the narrator said we are nearly at show time, and this weekend will be a huge data drop, Q style, of relevant video/files of Cabal’s evil.
A lot of interesting, but very cryptic, stuff.
Who ever is posting over there said the data will only be forwarded to folks who have signed up for access, once a special code is sent.
While I am interested to see what comes of it, and it could be absolute BS, I warn everyone reading that this could be a massive honeypot operation to get large numbers of patriots to sign up and get sent videos of truly nasty stuff, and you can use your imagination here, that would then be used by Intel/Law Enforcement to claim any given individual who downloaded/watched the data is complicit in criminal activity/predatory sexual behavior, after all, there would be evidence on your own computer.
I will not be signing up and strongly caution everyone to keep their distance. If it really is Storm related, we will know in real time in the real world, not by signing up to suspect TeleGram channels.
No talk about the fraud.
Watch over 350,000 “YES” votes on “should Gruesome Newsom be recalled” vanish in real time on CNN.
Familiar to anyone? The Exact same thing happened in 2020 with the Presidential election !!— 404_Not_Found (@4_04_Not_Found) September 15, 2021
I was watching the spacex Inspiration4 mission launch live steam and right when the stage 2 was shutting down the subtitles said,”Chinese pizza open house”. What??? I have no idea. Bad translation??? I don’t know. It struck me as odd, real odd so I thought I would comment on it. Probably bad translation or error. I did get a screen shot. Here it is,
I admit when it flashed by the first time I thought it said “Cheese pizza open house”. Surely my imagination.
I hope VD is paying attention:
China imposes local lockdowns as COVID-19 cases surge
Concerning the spacex launch I went back and listened and they did not say Chinese pizza open house but it was displayed as a subtitle.
Here is a Dr. on Twitter (from Aug 25) talking about immune system changes post vaxx and that he is seeing increases in cancers in young people.
Some more video clips from the same twitter account about the vaxx:
Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry fired chief prosecutor Bed-Ford Claude after he sought to bring charges against Henry regarding the July 7 assassination of President Jovenel Moise, NPR reported Sept. 14….