Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Potentially a massive scandal, of the sort an intelligence-based counter-conspiracy might arrange to become public as part of awakening the public to the corrupt nature of this satanic, Cabal-controlled system:
ABC denies Kamala Harris was given questions before Trump debate. Not sample questions, as alleged. They deny she was given “the” questions, which was not the allegation.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), says forthcoming report on Trump assassination attempt “will absolutely shock the American people.” “I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished & appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on the former President.” They were just failures, anon. They were trying their best…
ABC moderators were lying: EIGHT ‘aborted’ babies were born alive & then left to die in Minnesota.
Trump campaign, RNC suing Nevada over non-citizen voter registrations.
RNC sues North Carolina election officials for allowing digital student IDs to be used as voter ID.
Frustrated David Frum: ‘Probably stupid’ Electoral College gives Trump chance to win.
If Kamala won the debate, why is Trump gaining ground?
Trump: I will not participate in a second debate. The debate holds no advantage for Trump, as if he creams Kamala, Democrats replace her and he might have a real candidate to deal with. And if he plays it soft, they will try to play it like she was super competent. Either way, another debate does nothing for him.
George W. Bush’s AG Alberto Gonzalez endorses Kamala Harris, calls Trump ‘most serious threat to rule of law in a generation.’ Fascinating how even lower level people there are just blindly committed to their little conspiracy. This dude was head of DOJ, and he had to have known the conspiracy, at the very least, allowed 9/11.
In huge blow to Fani Willis, judge drops two counts against President Trump in lawfare RICO case.
New Hampshire residents will need to show proof of citizenship before voting in future elections.
Michigan Secretary of State refuses to tell Congress whether dead people are on voter rolls.
Poll: Kamala Harris trails Donald Trump 17% with working-class voters — Same deficit Joe Biden faced in June. How many percent, anon?
Kamala Harris to sit for interviews after debate debacle.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris’ mass migration: 2-in-13 U.S. residents were born in foreign country. About 15.4%. If these were predominantly Cabal’s ground surveillance operatives in their home countries, brought here for reasons thus far unconfirmed, and the US already was running just, say, 4% of the population as American Stasi ground operators, imagine how big that surveillance network could be in the US now.
Texas city shuts down hotel occupied by Venezuelan gang after 693 Police calls.
First Biden-Harris CBP One Bus delivers migrants from Southern Mexico to U.S.
If you want Haitians eating cats and decapitating ducks in your town, vote for Harris.
Ohio governor shows support for program that brought influx of Haitian immigrants to Springfield (The DeWine family runs a charity in Haiti.). Much better than helping say, wounded American veterans, or American orphans. Could be something funky there, like some kind of Cabal trafficking thing.
Exclusive images obtained by show the inside of another apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado taken over by the vicious Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua where thugs described as the ‘epitome of evil’ are literally marking their territory. Photos are unimpressive, but it is the second apartment taken over, and appears part of a business strategy to move into apartments and prevent anyone else from entering, and then collect the rents as if they were the owner. Imagine if Cabal controlled the gang, and could direct which apartments they should do this to…
Eric Adams taps ex-FBI official Tom Donlon as interim police commissioner after Caban resignation. There is no “Ex-FBI.” Interesting. It kind of looks like a capitulation. FBI launches a massive investigation, and suddenly one of their people is running a law enforcement agency which threatened to out whatever was on Weiner’s laptop, then saw a cop associated with the Eric Garner case continually threatened with a DOJ investigation to drag them through the mud, and had to see Miosotis Familia killed, expressly to reign them in. Now FBI is directly in charge of all of them. Looks like Adams learned the lessons of James Burke.
Interest payments on just federal government debt now exceed the entire Defense Department budget. Obviously it is all coming down now, and past the point of no return. As time goes on, I feel as if I am detaching from the illusion, and seeing the world more clearly, and more directly. I think I am much farther ahead of most of the people here, just because I am pressed up against this thing much more closely, and the total lawlessness all has a distinct feel to it. Just as before I have said crazy shit you probably discounted, only to, maybe years later, be proven right, I think, if everyone here follows the truth, purely, they will end up where I am going. Though now this will sound crazy to you, probably really crazy. But remember my track record as you read it
I now see two worlds, and it is a bit shocking, the divergence between them. There is the old world of illusion, filled with pressure and stress as we all forced ourselves to violate our own morality and nature, for loyalty, or duty, or what we were told was “morality.” In the illusion, we all agreed with each other, on honor, to work together toward a better future, all of us sacrificing our autonomy for the common good of our fellow Americans and the system we agreed to. As such, we were really constrained, in many ways in manners which rebelled against our natures, and which were exceedingly stressful. The government was our product and we respected its dictates, the Police protected the good people from the savages, and you sacrificed however you needed to for the group, which was loyal to you. I am increasingly realizing all of those are lies. In some places, like Britain, much more so than others, but in all places to a massive degree.
In the new reality you are heading to, that is all wrong. The government is compromised, and purely the enemy, there only to facilitate control over you by arguing you agreed to everything it does, when you voted in the elections, so you should stand down and let evil flourish. You have no common group, because if you craved one, the machine identified you, isolated you, surrounded you with its lackeys, and made sure your sacrifice was for its benefit. Your “fellow Americans,” at least the ones you dealt with once you were isolated, were enemies who supported 9/11 and were playing you for a fool, and relentlessly seeking to exploit your better nature for their own benefit, while returning none of your loyalty, and making sure you failed at any great endeavor.
And then, like it or not, Police today serve to protect the criminals and the corrupt system from the real justice it deserves, whether they know it or not. Were there no cops, I would not be getting assaulted in my home by these assholes with the Beam, the traitors in the community would be too afraid to take part in this surveillance bullshit, there would be no migrants eating people’s pets, and our communities would be more pleasant and homogenous. Shoplifters would be dealt with as we all wish they would be, politicians would strive to create the communities their constituents wanted them to create, our elections would be real, and while messy, mob justice would produce an endless flood of exceedingly rewarding “Fuck around and find out” videos, of evil people getting just desserts. In the process, day to day videos of society would look like they did in the fifties, and probably children would once again be able to play freely, bicycling many miles from home on grand adventures like Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn. It would be a different world, with different people.
It sounds weird, but I can begin to feel within that realization that you are at war with everything, liberation, from the most painful constraints of all – the ones you imposed upon yourself out of a sense of duty and honor. The times you knew you could dominate, but did not out of some sense of honor, or loyalty, or duty. The evil you let flourish because you promised to abide by the system, the criminals you watched gloat as your system allowed them to sue good people and walk away with millions, the Derek Chauvins you let rot in prison for entirely bullshit reasons, and who let themselves rot in prison because they agreed to abide by the system which they “elected.”
They say, “Fraud vitiates everything,” and here the entire system you live under is one giant fraud. All that is left is for you to fully process it, and vitiate all loyalty to it, recognize it is all the enemy, and for society as a whole to make the total destruction of the government its goal. Within that will lie an almost spiritual freedom.
One of the allures of the video game is the absence of constraints. You don’t have to pay your taxes, there is not some government agent around every corner waiting to say, “Aha!” on catching you in some violation they can now use to force you to allow them to ruin your life over. There are none of the niggling constraints you impose upon yourself to abide by, which chafe at all of our kind day in and day out, which are all self inflicted, because you tell yourself you agreed to it.
I think we are all heading to a much greater feeling of freedom, if all of this is exposed. I assume it will first manifest just in a pogrom-like Civil War, either against the surveillance, if our exposure is successful, but if not, I suspect even the surveillance will seek to get clear of the blast radius as the system is taken on more directly as a direct enemy. I suspect life will take on a more video game feel, as people shed their self-constraint, and make others who want to constrain them do it directly, face to face.
At the end of the day, everything you know is a fraud, there are enemies you owe nothing to all around you, and I think people are on a path of inevitably realizing it. I think that is why they spent so much to granularize the surveillance and control operations. They needed to, because this is where it would head if they failed, and people saw the truth. And now they are failing, and people are increasingly seeing the truth.
It might even be what Q is – one last effort to salvage a government which everyone is heading to realizing they never agreed to, they owe nothing to, and which they would be infinitely happier and safer without.
I think once people free themselves from self-imposed psychological constraints, the very nature of our human population will change, and for those generations, there will be no going back. In my case, the change occurred rather quickly, after seeing the reality day in and day out for some time. I suspect it will be similar in the broader population, where one day people just wake up freed from any sense of obligation to what was.
It will be weird at the same time, because you will end up in the same place as delusional people who are mentally ill, and assert the government isn’t real. But once your psyche makes the jump, the constraints which bind other moral people will no longer bind you. It will be sort of like a bell curve meme:
And I should add, there is also a spot in the probability matrix, where we all may end up even more removed from normal societal constraints, before this is all over. Our enemy might be even stranger than some shadow-dictatorship-wannabe conspiracy of theater nerds, and the reality we face even more removed from normal societal strictures. We may still have not hit bottom with this thing.
Law firm hired to investigate gang activity in Aurora, CO finds Tren de Aragua intended for the seized property to be a steady source of future revenue from trafficking and prostituting children, running guns, and extorting residents. Again, you have to ask, is the government helping or hurting the cause of justice and community safety, especially in a place like America where the average gun owner may be a better shot than the cops, and more martially minded and adapted to the mindsets of violence. The reason the mob has not dealt with that gang yet is the Police.
And those gang members will have to be dealt with at some point.
Garland denounces ‘dangerous falsehoods’ and conspiracy theories targeting the Justice Department. Like the idea they tried to assassinate Trump, run false flag shootings, and are basically a criminal empire posing as a government agency.
How fentanyl deaths are causing some grieving parents to embrace Trump. Again, a thought experiment – eliminate all Police, all government, would the Fentanyl crisis get worse? Could it get worse? Or might it get better? Imagine, nobody is going to do shit to you for doming that dealer on the corner with a 308 out the back window of your SUV from 150 yards out. No tags, no limits. Would you do it, to clean up your community? Would somebody? It would certainly be a different world, and given the satanic government we have is likely running the dealer, probably through CIA on some level, I cannot imagine it would be worse.
Nancy Pelosi just bought into an LLC that buys commercial office property in San Francisco. Watch them put out the order to all their assets now to stop pooping on the street, and to move all homeless surveillance assets to LA.
Personalized conversations with a trained artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot can reduce belief in conspiracy theories – even in the most obdurate individuals – according to a new study. Imagine when everyone you talk to online is a chatbot. That is what they are dreaming of. Not for us, but for the mushy masses.
NYC Council expected to back task force to study reparations for black residents. The country is saved!
SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission crew completes first all-civilian spacewalk.
Off Duty cop on his way to the store is attacked, and while I do not know what “makes a newt” means in Portuguese, you will want to keep watching for the slo-mo replay. It is a doozy. Would have liked to have seen the aftermath and how long it took to expire from a secondary wound channel right up through the core, but oh, well.
SEAL Team Six training for possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan: report.
Israel troops raided IRGC weapons facility in Syria, took equipment, documents.
Saudi Central Bank caught secretly buying 160 tonnes of gold in Switzerland.
US releases $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt.
President Putin warns that NATO will enter a direct war with Russia if Ukraine uses long-range Western missiles to strike inside Russia. He has warned them. The whole thing is vastly worse than you would think. In the next video, Putin explains that we do not trust the Ukrainians to use the missiles, because they might just decide to hit a civilian shopping mall or orphanage for fun. So only NATO military members can operate the missiles. And the missiles need NATO satellites for intelligence on where to hit, and to guide them to the target, and of course, Ukraine does not have any NATO satellites. So if one of these missiles hits GRU headquarters in Moscow, Russia will know, without a doubt, NATO command had a NATO military member, take control of a NATO missile system, using NATO satellites, to direct a NATO missile to blow up that Russian government facility, without any Ukrainian involved. Which is an act of war.
Trump announces monumental new plan to eliminate all taxes on overtime pay.
US Air Force’s new B-21 reportedly has the radar profile of an insect.
Cook Political Report shifts Montana Senate race to GOP.
Senate’s most vulnerable list still dominated by Democrats.
Post-debate poll: Donald Trump opens up clear lead across battleground states.
Poll: Donald Trump tops Kamala Harris in Michigan after debate.
Send people to, because freedome will be the result
I have thought a lot about what life in America and other western countries if law enforcement just wasn’t a thing anymore. I think there might be a period where those who are used to the illusion of protection would be preyed on by baddies but I think people would see cities and towns (where there are a lot of guns) where things are still functioning mostly normally and a switch would go off and everyone would start packing like it was the Wild West. And I don’t mean that negatively. Remember all the Trump supporters attacked in 2016 and the riots after George Floyd’s death and even going back to the Ferguson riot. Imagine if the police weren’t there to stop normal citizens from putting that shit down. Imagine if we were allowed to stop or punish those who tear down statues or deface art. I think America is perfectly capable of policing itself provided law enforcement and the government don’t get involved and protect the criminals. So really I mostly agree with what AC is saying. I’m not sure if this is something that WILL happen but it’s definitely something I think SHOULD happen. Mob justice can sometimes be terrible but I think the mob gets it right more often than not.
The problem now is there is no justice. Rudy owes Ruby Freeman $140 million. Trump owes E. Jean Carrol $74 million. Why? Our systems are captured by people who want the exact opposite of honest justice. So that is what the whole system now is geared to give, exactly zero justice.
Years ago I had a regional manager of the company I worked for call me a liar in front of multiple employees at a Christmas party. It was over my witness testimony at a contested unemployment benefit hearing. I was shocked and so were my friends in attendance. I spoke with an attorney about defamation and was informed that I would have to prove loss of income or other substantial harm in order to win a judgement. So, no lawsuit was pursued. The point is, how can a couple of volunteer or even paid election workers have a claim to 140 million dollars worth of damage to their so called reputation or income? The Carol case? Same thing, she couldn’t possibly be at a loss of millions based on being called crazy, disturbed, or a liar when she has accused without evidence a business and political person of rape? She should be the one getting a judgement against her for millions due to her false incrimination creating a provable loss of public reputation and business earnings. The left can call the right any name and get away with grand defamation, but not so for the right. Yes, the system stinks, especially if you are a well known conservative.
It is all rigged. And has been for some time.
Let me put it this way:
And those gang members will have to be dealt with at some point.
This “special individual” thinks that he’s going to be able to victimize people because he has an innocent looking face and can just walk in public then spring surprise attacks.
He fails to realize that, if it REALLY gets poppin’ off, there will be a public kill-on-sight mentality for his racial group. That’s just the historical fact. When shit gets bad, entire races get exterminated from geographic regions EVERY TIME there’s major conflict. Hard to run a Venezuelan gang when the real Americans won’t get within rifle range of you solely based on your obvious foreign appearance.
He can only acts this way for now because he knows he has overwatch from daddy cabal vs. people who have far more restraint than appropriate.
“Makes a newt” means to neuter, to create a castrato.
Thank you!
“makes a newt” = neuter?
Could be!
The B-21 has the profile of an insect… good to know. But is it quiet as an insect, too?
This article sounds like a sales pitch.
Just look for the insect traveling 600 mph
Fentanyl hunting: Where do we sign up?
Looks like a certain jumped-up tyrant didn’t get the saline.
New York governor says she has skin cancer and will undergo removal procedure
Come on Big C, you got this!
“It would certainly be a different world, and given the satanic government we have is likely running the dealer, probably through CIA on some level, I cannot imagine it would be worse.”
Well, how you think the crack rock gets into the country? We don’t own any planes. We don’t own no ships. We are not the people who are flyin’ and floatin’ that shit in here.
-Boys n the Hood (1991)
Many years ago a plane that had previously (?) been hired out to a CIA affiliated company crashed in Mexico with 4 tons, yes tons, of cocaine on board. See also Dope inc by Lyndon LaRouche which details how the big banks and Intelligence services are the apex drug dealers.
Nothing is ever what it seems.
You must admit, though, that monetizing dope is pure genius! How can there ever be inflation, when the “substance” is sniffed up almost as quickly as it is issued? (!)
I heard that the FBI and CIA agents were up for days on end making sure it was all accounted for.
One smart doggo:
Just amazing. Such a beautiful person inside that little furry body.
He sure is. GOOD BOY!
Sidebar missing.
Thank you!
Jason Goodman interview. Goes over his experience in NY, Trump assassination, and a few other interesting things.
The Kiffness – Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix)
Martin Armstrong:
Not that you need it, but you have my endorsement for your understanding of how things are. People’s consciousness about the categorical fraudulence has been deepening and broadening, but IMO we are not there yet.
It feels like a race to the event horizon, between people’s consciousness and total destruction.
I keep coming back to the unarguable fact (in my mind) that our side has no leadership, no organization, and no means of safely communicating.
But a galvanizing event can change the significance of all that. A liberating moment where enough people realize that we can do this thing. Everyone simultaneously getting on the same wave length.
When I look back on the complete fraudulence I accepted as reality, and upon what I now understand as inhuman manipulations which personally affected me, I do feel a sense of freedom I never felt before.
True, I was a fool, and was fooled, although I also always had the perception that things were just not right. That kept my mind open.
What I am going to say next is not everybody’s cup of tea, and I wonder how essential it is for others to be the same way to share the same pov. Regardless: nothing could be clearer to me now than the belief that Jesus was the Son of God, that He died for us, and that He was resurrected. That reality is the real reality, I can see that clearly now.
Another carrington event might be the trick. would wipe out all the tech in hours or seconds.
Funny you should say that, I have a set of 1968 Leather bound Encyclopedia Britannica, I checked recently, no.memtion of
A.Spanish Flu
B. Carrington Event
Gotta look up the Holohaux tomorrow.
Well said.
>>I was a fool, and was fooled, although I also always had the perception that things were just not right. That kept my mind open.<<
Me exactly. Not always comfortable when the people around me thought I was weird because of having such thoughts.
>>Regardless: nothing could be clearer to me now than the belief that Jesus was the Son of God, that He died for us, and that He was resurrected. That reality is the real reality, I can see that clearly now.<<
To me, after a lifetime avoiding it, coming to that conclusion finally seemed inevitable…and has brought me peace.
And if God is for us, who can be against us?
> I keep coming back to the unarguable fact (in my mind) that our side has no leadership, no organization, and no means of safely communicating.
If I wanted a leader and an organization, I’d join the Democrats.
The enemy has everything from radio to internet to US Mail pwned. The only safe communication is person-to-person… if you can persuade them to give up their spyphones for the duration of the conversation.
That is, in a way, our strength. Because nobody can predict what a few million armed citizens are going to do, all on their own, without “leadership.” And there’s no way to turn them off once they start moving; they’ll keep on until it’s over.
For a good idea of what several million highly-armed inhabitants can do — especially if they are skilled in using their gear, see “Enemies Foreign and Domestic” by Matt Bracken and also “Unintended Consequences” by another great American author. Matthew Bracken has at least three other “novels” as well.
I’ve read “Enemies Foreign and Domestic”. It’s a really good book. I have a few more of Bracken’s books but haven’t read the yet.
For some reason, one of my friends started nagging me to read “The Turner Diaries”. It’s very interesting as another scenario where patriots organize and start going after the system. It takes place in 1991, but other than them not using cell phones it’s not that different than today. Granted, the system considers it “racist”, because of course it does. But it’s an interesting read so far.
“Turner Diaries, by William L. Pierce, yes. One big problem was that it promoted extra-judicial killing that the original “nazis” would have executed someone for, and for good reason. Thus, Dr. Pierce rather held back the “OK to be White” movement ⅘for 20 years. He was, you might say, not exactly “another Hitler.” He was another Goebbles, though, and a very good one!
It’s an interesting book so far, even though I wouldn’t want to do similar things. But yes, lots of killings. I just finished the part where they shelled the Capitol building from 81mm mortars, then the main character had to go through a loyalty assessment and got read into “The Order”, which is apparently the religious part of the organization. But people who fail the loyalty assessment never wake up from their drug cocktails. The story is getting a lot darker.
Sometimes it is necessary to do similar things. If you don’t, the Haitians will, I suppose
William Pierce had another, less famous book attributed to his name, though now it is thought that he edited it for the real author, who may have been an Indian Nationalist. “Serpent’s Walk,” by Randolph Calverhall. This can be found at archive dot org. Exciting plot and story, with some well developed characters. Bound to drive left-types around the bend!
This is something I’ve been thinking about since the 1980s. Back then there was a slate of people killing abortion doctors. This came up at church in Bible study. I supported the killing of people who butcher children. The pastor rebuked me as a supporter of murder. I replied that killing in defense of another” is not a crime and can’t be called murder The pastor responded that the fetus is not a human, therefore people who kill abortion doctors can’t be defending children. I pointed out conception is the event which creates humans according to God – “you were sinful from your conception,” Jesus was who He was from the instant of his.conception, etc. The pastor’s rebuttal? The Supreme Court disagrees and they make the laws we live under so people who kill abortion doctors are murderers, not heroes protecting helpless children from being being chopped up by evil, Satanic freaks. Actually he didn’t say say the part after “not,” but that’s what I heard in my head.
I always wondered about that pastor. It seemed like he put the Supreme Court over God. He did. Your rant today about repressing what we know is right because we value system stability over doing the right thing made me understand that pastor’s motivation. He loved the system, and if a couple million children need to be butchered, it’s a small price to be paid. Except, I don’t think God agrees. I suspect God has been slowly cutting down our culture and American society because He hates it. I also suspect He is wondering what it will take for Christians to begin acting like Christians? When will Christians begin to defend their neighbors? When will Christians begin to defend the helpless.
James 2:14-22 is clear. If you say you are a Christian and stand aside watching a man store get gutted by a mob and don’t defend your neighbor’s livelihood, do you really think you are going to go to heaven? James is saying, “Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.” You SAY you are a Christian and you let your neighbor be robbed, raped or killed, then maybe you’re not a Christian. A Christian loves his neighbor in actions.
I find Luther’s understanding of the commandments to be persuasive. A Christian has both a negative and positive duty under each commandments. You are not merely to not murder, but you are also to defend your neighbor who is being attacked. You are not merely to not steal, but you are also to defend your neighbor who is being robbed.
I think it’s about time Christians’ allegiances move away from the system, and back to God. Maybe if we do that, He will turn to us again, remove the curses He has placed on us, and give us blessings again.
I hear you. Personally, one of my most memorable and happy mornings was awakening slowly to my clock radio broadcasting the joyous news of Dr. Bernard Slepian being sniped one morning as he stood, barefooted, upon the marble kitchen floor of his “mansion” — as the announcer called it — sipping a glass of chilled o.j.
As for Christians returning to God, as you mention, it is the “God” that they mistakenly give value to that is the Problem in the first place.
Chasing after a foreign God is never a wise idea, let alone kow-towing and bending one’s knee to the morally-depraved goblin-deity of a tribe of middle eastern goat rustlers and child molesters. As the evidence shows, that is just about all it takes to cause large numbers of high-IQ, high-trust and often selfless-acting European Aryans (Teutonics) to take complete leave of their senses and begin parroting harmful non-sense, such as “diversity is a strength,” “kill yourself because there are too many people,” and “your unborn child is neither human nor alive.”
When one sleeps with curs, one may awaken with fleas. Repent! Dump the Semitic volcano demon!
“…Chasing after a foreign God is never a wise idea…”
Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”
– John 8:42-47 ”
– then answered the Jews — ” (which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.)
Only people as depraved as the Jews would believe a demon called Yahweh when he told them to have no other Gods before him, kill off every Man, Women and child of other tribes and in return he would give them mastery over all others, make them their slaves and they would own everything.
Black Insurrectionist: “Hey Clown World! You’ve got ’til the end of the week to kill me and make it look like an accident or suicide!”
“Breaking: Former top Clinton adviser Mark Penn calls on ABC to launch internal probe into whether debate was rigged.”
“You need to investigate yourself, then tell the world if you did something naughty.”
Sounds legit.
Haiti…just so you know:
Maybe 12 years ago, there was an online forum for Haitian immigrants in Florida. The most interesting post was made by some dude who asked, “How long must we keep pretending to be Catholic?”
As long as the Khazarian Ashkenazim and the Edomites all posing as Jews, i.e., Israel have.
Overtime pay.
All income tax is bullshit. That said, having worked in blue collar work, the general feeling people have is that to some extent overtime work feels way less rewarding because of the taxes.
The way those assholes do it, I guess the IRS makes the company do it, is they pretend at the moment you receive every paycheck that is the paycheck you will receive every week of the year. Before and after. So no taking into account what you have actually earned so far that year. A lot of times, 10-15 overtime hours will put you into a higher tax bracket and your check gets absolutely raped and you don’t really earn all the much more. Not what you want and expect from the many extra hours. You might have had a slow couple of months and really be in a much lower bracket, but you are getting taxed like you are 1 or 2 brackets higher that week or month where you are getting all the overtime.
In theory, you should get all that money back at tax time matching whatever bracket you are actually in. But 1) that is a no interest loan to the government which is bullshit and 2) people can’t use that money for months and months and they might need it and 3) it is actually psychologically fucking with these guys. Demoralizing. At least that was my impression talking with them.
Now, I have a dubious view of overtime in general. Lots of blue collar jobs feel they can demand overtime work whenever they want. Which is most of the time. And legally I guess they can. But its still bullshit. I think employees should have a right to refuse all overtime work and be legally protected from retaliation. It should not be the employees responsibility to cover up the employers staffing issues caused by their shitty HR departments and their stupid auto-reject software. With that, they would be able to negotiate much better rates for those stupid 70-100 hour weeks or HR would get their shit together.
That said, most blue collar workers are pretty dumb and get themselves into lots of unneeded debts so rarely do they refuse. Makes it a lot harder for people who don’t need to work more than 40 hours to be comfortable.
No taxes on overtime is a good first step, the next step should be that the first $100,000 each year is not counted for taxation purposes.
Income tax started as just for the very rich and then got extended downwards, we have to get rid of it by reversing that.
Property tax should also vanish, else how can you even think you own it. Many self-styled home owners pay more in property tax than the place ought to cost as a rental. The Homestead exemption is a good start, but one nearby state has barely increased it since 1970, when being excused from paying tax on the first $25k of your home’s assessed value — which was already low — was a fairly good deal.
Providing subversive and marxist shitbags with jobs, salaries, and pensions, though, is not just unfair and counter-productive, it is outright treason.
Exactly. It’s MY property, not the state’s. My fixed rate mortgage has gone up $160 over the last 3 years due to increases in property tax and insurance. Although my property taxes are still less than half what I paid when I lived in the People’s Republic of New Jersey over 10 years ago. I don’t even want to know what my taxes would be if I hadn’t gotten out of that Communist shithole.
Come to California, we’ll show you some real pain. I’m lucky to live on family property from 70 years ago. Some improvements but I’ve been able to keep the tax down somewhat. More than half the total bill is crap that has been voted on for various projects. It’s still a pisser that I live on less than half an acre and pay the same as a neighbor that has 10 acres. But those are the breaks.
Here, ~90% of property tax goes to fund the public daycare system. Everything else the county does – sheriff’s department, roads, etc. – comes out of what’s left.
Why my property is taxed to pay for someone else’s children’s daycare (well, they call it “school”, but they don’t even bother to pretend nowadays) is something that has never been clear to me, other than that people with children will gladly vote for any tax that means they don’t have to pay for their own children’s care during the day.
I haven’t seen it in a while, but when I lived in New Jersey school teams and other organizations would beg for money outside the grocery stores. Sometimes they sold cookies. “Would you like to buy a cookie to help fund our school sports team?” I usually said “No thanks”, but I wanted to scream “I already pay thousands of dollars a year in property taxes to fund the fucking schools. If you can’t manage that money it isn’t my problem!” My property taxes in NJ on a 4 bedroom house on .18 acres was over $5000 a year. I found out later it was actually over $10k, but the state subsidized half of it. Still ridiculous.
I had a distant relative that lived in NJ and had to sell their house because the taxes were higher than the mortgage, and they could not live there on their income without losing the house.
I ended up having to short sell my Jersey house during a divorce. I was over leveraged when 2008 hit. Somehow I managed to survive despite my house value dropping far below what I owed, but by the divorce I was thankfully working in a better state and had no need for the house. She didn’t want it, and I would have had to include the mortgage in the alimony, so it was for the best. I felt so much lighter after the closing at my lawyer’s office.
Houses here were recently reassessed adding about 1/3 to the assessed value of most. Meanwhile, an acquaintance with ten acres of unimproved rural property has been receiving ever-higher offers, via mail. Just last week, this acreage, which would normally sell for 20K dollars had an offer of 48K. There is a very overgrown driveway or access lane on it, maybe 200 ft. If the property taxes on that plot increases, she will probably need to sell it.
That’s part of the plan. Blackrock and Vanguard are buying up a bunch of real estate; part of the “you will own nothing and you will be happy” bullshit. Then they’ll price people out of a home.
I’ve had random people text me with offers on my house, but I’m not going anywhere.
Only unused land over a certain acreage should be taxed.
The Fed would be the one owning most of that.
Just for kicks, almost half of the land – 47% – within the official borders of California is Federal, and not part of California. Agreements with the Fed give California police some judisdiction there, and they “cooperate” with some of the wildlife/environment agencies. California is actually barely a mid-size state if you consider only the part that’s actually under control of the state government.
53% of Oregon is Federal land.
61% of Alaska is Federal land.
66% of Utah is Federal land.
A full 80% of Nevada belongs to the Fed. If you’ve looked at population maps and seen how much of both states are unoccupied, Federal land is why.
The relative sizes of the states are much different when you subtract the Federal lands from them. It changes significantly again if you include “subsurface rights” or “tribal lands”, which are Federal, except they’re not, as everyone on both sides of that want to have their cake and eat it too.
I’m sure the Feds are looking at a way to sneak that in on top of what the state extracts from us.
come on now tell the truth, you love the feeling of working hard so that some faceless bureaucrat can decide what useless program or human reject gets income without any justification. Aren’t you happy? Working our way down to owning nothing.
AC, what do you know about DEW usage in the USA?
I see it firsthand, and I am not that important as far as I know, so I assume it is commonplace.
And most people probably do not know. Even though I knew the vibrations were being done to me, I remained clueless to other forms of it. As an example, I would get really tired doing this blog. I assumed it was that I wasn’t getting a ton of sleep and was getting beamed. I would get so tired by brain would get little, almost like spasms. They were very uncomfortable, but I was very tired, and I told myself it was an exhausted brain, experiencing some kind of minor malfunction.
Fast forward, and I have a means of blocking some of their toys, and I do not have it on. I begin getting tired and get the shocks, and realize those shocks feel kind of like hits from something. I put on the blanket, and I can hear the impacts hitting it, the tiredness abates, and the shocks stop. I was being hit by something in the head, it was making my brain feel tired, and I began actually feeling the hits, as I assumed they turned it up. But at the time, normalcy bias has you thinking it must be something else.
Also, I do not think the hits are actually particles, but rather are some kind of pulsed field thing creating the illusion of particles. And I am suspecting when they set it up in a neighborhood, the monitoring post may actually have many houses which they have some kind of 3D representation of, with the people in them, like an MRI, and they can select from numerous people in numerous houses to hit that way, maybe even many simultaneously.
We are going to find a lot of people had nonspecific health issues, regular exhaustion, confusion, and other problems, and it was actually the neighborhood monitor fucking with them, to make sure they never tried to really take off and have a lot of success.
Do you unplug your wifi router at night? does that help? I’ve been thinking about doing that.
No real difference. I killed power to the house too, on the off chance something was sing power in it.
White login box this morning. Just managed to get to the blog.
All you need to do is go away for a few minutes (I play a couple of games of Free Cell) and then come back to the site; usually it the white box is gone.
> The Secret Service leader in charge of Presidential protective units, Michael Plati, announced his retirement yesterday, with full honors and benefits, despite Prescient Trump almost being killed on his watch.
That’s a standard tactic of bureaucrats caught in malfeasance. Take a sudden retirement, and then they’re clear, because the investigations *never* target them after they’ve “left government service.”
Of course, that’s another example of two-tiered justice. If you commit fraud or malfeasance as an officer in a public corporation, you’re on the hook until the statute of limitations runs out, whether you’re still employed by them or not.
> Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), says forthcoming report on Trump assassination attempt “will absolutely shock the American people.”
No problem, Dickie. We’re shocked at how the set-up and cover-up were handled already. Well, more like pissed off than shocked, but “close enoughf for government work.”
> ABC denies Kamala Harris was given questions before Trump debate.
Democrats always get the questions beforehand. At least, in every Presidential debate since 2000. And sympathetic moderators. But that’s “fair” as Democrats see it.
> Trump campaign, RNC suing Nevada over non-citizen voter registrations.
They waited *way* too long for that. The election will be over before it comes to trial.
Almost like they planned it that way.
> New Hampshire residents will need to show proof of citizenship before voting in future elections.—That would be, according to .gov:
A properly certified US birth certificateConsular Report of Birth Abroad
Certificate of Naturalization
Certificate of Citizenship
The last is (from the web) “A Certificate of Citizenship is a document issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that serves as proof of an individual’s citizenship in the United States. It is typically granted to individuals who have acquired or derived their U.S. citizenship through birth, naturalization, or other means.”
There are documents that require proof of citizenship to get: A valid US passport more than 10 years old, driver’s licenses or state IDs in some states, or RealID card, but NH might not accept those.
My parents had to show the DMV the certified copy of my birth certificate when I got my Arkansas driver’s license at age 13. (they’ve raised it since then) I never had a copy of that, and the document apparently got thrown out after she died. I had to write to the hospital where I was born – fortunately I had been told once and remembered it – and get a copy. That took almost a month.
> Michigan Secretary of State refuses to tell Congress whether dead people are on voter rolls.
“2-in-13 U.S. residents were born in foreign country”
How many giraffes is that?
If there are at least 400 million so called residents – though I have read 500 million – there are 15,384,615.38 giraffes.
The question really is: “how many ‘citizens’ are dual citizens?”
> Texas city shuts down hotel occupied by Venezuelan gang after 693 Police calls.
The link is to a site that requires registration to read the article, but from the few visible lines, the city is punishing the hotel by shutting it down, as opposed to, you know, arresting the trespassers. Because “going home safe is their first priority” like Knoxville PD?
So now we know; the city is facilitating the Trendies. No rousts, no arrests, no confrontation.
> Interest payments on just federal government debt now exceed the entire Defense Department budget.
“Modern Monetary Theory” suggests government debt is actually a good thing.
All the highest-degreed economists and academics agree; it must be true!
The odd thing about MMT is that when all the highly-magnified WOGgle Bugs support it and when the voters are ignorant enough to elect, as Mencken put it, “a complete moron, MMT works!
> NYC Council expected to back task force to study reparations for black residents.
Suddenly the economic crises from all those illegals sucking up NYC resources has passed?
Last I noticed, NYC was demanding state and Federal money to bail themselves out of their self-made problem.
> The man whose teen son is accused of killing four people at a Georgia high school asked a judge on Wednesday for protection from fellow inmates due to the “incalculable number of threats” he faces behind bars.
[pokes around random places looking for Sympathy]
Nope, no sympathy here. He’s responsible for what his kid does, just like you’re responsible if your dog savages someone.
> government’s investigations of UFOs who has struck a book deal for a memoir with HarperCollins – “The process of disclosure is complex, but it has begun.”
Five quatloos says when/if the book comes out, there’ll be nothing new in it.
The Fed could facilitate the “process of disclosure” by simply dumping all their data to a read-only web server and letting the public read it for themselves. *If* there’s any disclosure – which I doubt – it will be carefully managed to support whatever Narrative is current at the time.
> Nancy Pelosi just bought into an LLC that buys commercial office property in San Francisco. Watch them put out the order to all their assets now to stop pooping on the street, and to move all homeless surveillance assets to LA.
During the Democrat-sponsored BLM riots a few years ago, downtown property values tumbled in the worst-hit cities. The distressed real estate was snapped up by developers at a very good discount.
San Franciscos steet shitters and freaks have done much the same to commercial downtown real estate values as many companies have moved elsewhere.
Funny, that…
> SEAL Team Six training for possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan: report.
Uh… they should have laid out basic mission profiles five to ten years ago, and run through them regularly, along with other likely missions.
> Israel troops raided IRGC weapons facility in Syria, took equipment, documents.
According to the Fed, IRGC is a chemical weapons development and manufacturing facility, making Sarin gas among other things.
So what. What is good for the Great Satan is good for the little devil worshipers. You know, the scales of justice must balance. And what’s in Israel; or is D.C. providing Israel its stokes of poison gasses.
> Saudi Central Bank caught secretly buying 160 tonnes of gold in Switzerland.
The linked article tries to make it look devious, but it doesn’t actually say that selling the gold is unlawful or prohibited. The Saudis have been buying it in quantity for two years.
Good on ’em. They’re tied to the petrodollar, which is going to crash like Weimar marks. They’re shifting assets to gold, which is money anywhere in the world.
Obviously they have no real understanding of Modern Monetary Theory and a childish belief that gold has intrinsic value, but what can you expect from a bunch of semi-primitives?
> A new report released this week found the Britain’s National Health Service is in dire condition and providing substandard care in many areas.
“1990 called and wants its headline back.”
“The NHS Is the envy of the world”
So say UK Gov/Ememedia…
If that’s so, why have none of the other 195 the world copied the model?
They’ve had over 75 years!
Gaslighting of the highest order.
I’ve deregistered from my NHS doctor, if I break a bone I’ll risk A&E other than that I’ll seek alternative treatments.
The NHS was a good idea and not only a good value for the money, it probably saved HM Government more money in its early years than they were allocating for it.
Most of Parliament was old enough to remember when the troops came home from the Great War, bringing the Great Influenza with them. That didn’t help the post-war economic crash one bit. Preventing a recurrence of the Flu would save millions of pounds. And the general population had been living on rations for years, and not on the best diet; things weren’t *bad*, but the public health in general could be much better.
What you have to remember is, when the NIH went into effect in 1948, healthcare was *cheap*. You had X-rays, sulfa drugs, that new ‘penicillin’ stuff, dentistry, crude prosthetics, and iron lungs for the multitiude of polio victims. You either got better with penicillin or you died.
Since then, the medical industry has come up with new diagnostics and new medicines, most of which are definitely not cheap. And the NHS bureaucracy began to grow, until it was taking more than half of their budget, at the expense of servicing their patients.
The UK could provide 1948-level healthcare out of pocket change, but nobody wants that any more. Trimming the bureaucracy isn’t politically expedient, and there really aren’t any other places where big cost savings could be made. Meanwhile, the medical industry is lobbying for “privatization” of bits of the NHS, trying to slice off parts they could turn into profit centers… which would only make the problem worse for the general public.
No socialized-medicine country seems to have completely managed the service problem. But that, and Obamacare, have definitely shown ways that *don’t* work very well.
> US releases $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt.
But… but… Ukraine *needs* that money! And so does Palestine! O, woe!
Of course, this is the same Fed that gave Egypt a bunch of your money to “protect LGBT rights” just a few years ago.
> President Putin warns that NATO will enter a direct war with Russia if Ukraine uses long-range Western missiles to strike inside Russia.
The Deep State thinks that nuclear war with Russia will be survivable.
I’m sure they’ve arranged for retreats where they will personally be only slightly inconvenienced, but it’s going to suck for the rest of the world.
I wonder if they’ve realized that the entire surviving population of the planet is going to be howling for their blood afterward.
I’m pretty sure when they decommissioned the Congressional nuclear bunker at the Greenbriar, they already had a newer and better bunker available. We know many of the elites have bunkers in New Zealand. Didn’t one of the Screwgle founders already flee to his NZ location?
Again, most major powers, including Russia, have the ability to map underground structures, such as bunkers. I can’t help but wonder if Russia has complete targeteering on them. No way for any of us to know, but it’s something I wonder about
Conveniently, destroying such a bunker can be done using a conventional ground-penetrating weapon (of which there are many) rather than comparatively expensive, and limited, city-busting nuclear weapons.
I’m fairly sure there’s a massive bunker in the new airport in Denver. You know where they have the horse of death out front and all the weird murals of death and destruction inside.

They did a LOT of construction there. Starting with one contractor and I heard covered up a bunch of work they did and then hired another, so no one would have the full picture. WAY over budget. I’ve also seen pictures people took of large vents out there that go into the ground there. I also heard the CIA moved a great deal of its operations there, likely so they are near bunkers, and then of course pozzed the political landscape so they could do evil.
To the best of my knowledge, you’re right. I’ve seen several documentaries on that airport, and many of them show the never ending construction, mostly underground. Even “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura” had an episode on DIA. (I’m convinced by recent comments that Ventura is a cabal Shitbag, but the three seasons of his show had some interesting information.)
For all the “Nazis are bad” people, if you look at an overhead image of DIA’s runways, they form a swastika.
Lat us so hope.
> Trump announces monumental new plan to eliminate all taxes on overtime pay.
>headdesk< Don… [sigh]
The President can’t do that. Only Congress can, though acts amending the tax code. And Congress can only eliminate *Federal* taxes; the states (and in some cases, cities and counties) will still collect whatever taxes they want. At gunpoint, if necessary.
What if they got rid of the amendment allowing income tax?
This is the attack. Then go after the Fed and withholding. Clean house.
Don’t just repeal the 16th, prohibit states from taxing that way too.
The Fed is never going to willingly give up the income tax. It’s the only thing that’s propping up the mad spending they not only continue to do, but accelerate.
If a counter conspiracy wanted to strike a blow against it, and could get the requisite positions infiltrated and occupied by controlled assets, anything is possible. I have wondered if Cabal has grown so large now, that a sudden resource restriction might precipitate a collapse, as all the assets turned on each other trying to scrounge whatever they could. I think you have a lot of people now who have taken the deal, who do not do anything but spy on neighbors and facilitate control for the machine. If they machine stops paying them, or if it loses the money to pay them, you will have a lot of desperate people. Maybe some begin turning on the machine then, to make a buck, since they feel it is no longer of use to them.
Crabs in a bucket, or is it scorpions, goblins, or…?
This might be why a ton of NPCs and leftists and communists are obsessed with high taxation.
You might have a point. They’ve always operated in secret, so they’ve never been directly opposed. They have no experience dealing with opposition, so at least some of them go unhinged.
Yeah, the RNC caucus picked Trump instead of Cruz. If you’re talking about a multi-generational conspiracy, that’s just a speed bump in their long term plan. But instead they completely lost their rag.
You’re looking at nth-generation descendants of the ones who started this. Maybe they’re not the men that g-g-g-g-great granddad was. Spoiled rich kids, their entire lives managed by their predecessors, for generations. Everything *always* went their way. Until it didn’t.
r selection, it’s baked into the whole idea of cabal.
They will pay 1000 lawyers to argue otherwise. Remember the Obamacare penalties?
“Hey, the healthcare mandate penalty is paid with money, so it’s technically a tax of sorts! It’s not a mandate at all!”
He can push legislation through Congress, and lobby for Red states to copy it.
> US Air Force’s new B-21 reportedly has the radar profile of an insect.
The B-21 is a modernized B-2. It’s an incremental upgrade.
And, even if it was totally invisible to radar, it’s a subsonic aircraft that’s still visible to the naked eye, infrared-tracking missiles, or backscatter occlusion from the ground.
Also, it’s supposed to go into service in… 2040. Even if it actually comes in on schedule (snort!) a lot can happen in 18 years.
> radar profile of an insect
If you’re aware of the old German/Canadian science fiction TV series, “Lexx”, an insect about the size of the Lexx?
I think it’s English, slang for “makes a neuter”
The tax implications on that are interesting, in that if you have one job, and you work full time, your taxes should work out to the penny. If you know exactly how much taxable income you are going to have, and you know how many deductibles you have, unless you itemize your taxes should fit on a postcard.
Of course, this also means no refunds, because no one is overpaying.
At the high frequencies that targeting radars generally use. It’s got a much higher response to lower frequencies.
I am sure Russian electronic warfare will not develop some workaround within like ten minutes of encountering it. We should really let it fly a few hundred sorties for Ukraine, trying to take back a few gas stations, toy shops, and convenience stores from the Russians now.
It is weird though. All the money they spent on this, and it is like they blew away billions of dollars and simply created a parallel system, vastly inferior to what I am sure is the top-level tech, which they will probably not even roll out against anyone for real, except for a few random targets living in their basements and shitposting on 4Chan.
The whole world has developed this weird, Truman Show feel, where nothing is actually real.
When the banksteins want a country to lose a war they ensure that country has sub standard military capabilities relative to the opposition. This is why the US built the F35, why the UK built 2 aircraft carriers instead of arsenal ships, and why the West has no hypersonic missiles.
The West has already lost WW3.
BEST case – Taylor is a closest lesbian and openly Karen. WORST case? She’s a Monarch mind control victim, and this is the more likely scenario.
Megyn Kelly: Taylor Swift’s Extremist Transgender Ideology, Debate Reaction, & Cable News Collapse
Tucker Carlson
There are pictures which show her and either anton lavey or his wife side by side and they do look very much alike. Probably the wife.
Clone or Daughter of the Zeena Lavey.
Taylor Swift is also a m2f tranny, if you look carefully and take in all the structural markers. I must thank my Mother for chiding me not to stare at a woman’s breast’s. After all, soft tissues do not linger long, but bones will be here in 4,000 years, and then some.
I remember somewhere between 2017-2019, a bunch of anons were running down the thread that Swift is a male. I find it plausible. I don’t pay any attention to him/her/it in any case.
I think Vox Say commented about it, though I may be wrong. Check out the bone structure, though.
I retract my comment from yesterday. Within minutes of posting a message to Tommy Kratman on Twitter — which I don’t even expect him to see, which basically just said “Blow the metonymic Caliphate bridge, I’ll apologize later to any kids who suffer/die, in some other dimension or whatever. LAUNCH THE WAR. KILL ALL THE TRAITORS.” — my account seems to have been nuked there. I absolutely 100% mean this: LAUNCH THE WAR. KILL ALL THE TRAITORS. You rightoids have a total, unrestricted green light to get as evil as you want with them. I will not be retracting that. I’ve seen enough from these fucking cunts. I’ve tried hard enough. Time’s up. Time for a civil war.
Fed trying to get the site taken down.
I found the first 45ish minutes of this Joe Rogan podcast informative. His guest, Robert Epstein, talks about a number of topics on this blog: digital surveillance, suspect familial deaths as a threat, siloed internet, and even at one point he mentions his mother hearing voices.
“They were just failures, anon. They were trying their best…”
That line gave me a real life chuckle.
“The New York Times encouraged a reader last week to “help” a 97-year-old woman with advanced memory loss — who is “becoming nearly impossible to communicate with” — to complete her ballot.”
To be fair, somebody lacking that much brain function most likely would vote for Harris.