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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – Crypto Goes Volatile As FTX Liquidation Looms
DFT – UK Economic Data Worse Than Expected For July
DFT – China’s Central Bank Vows To Support Demand And Prices
DFT – ECB Likely To Raise Rates 25 Basis Points
DFT – Czech Republic Dramatically Increases Russian Oil
So I had an interesting drive. Brief will be short today, but this is important as even I was impressed by this, and I thought I had seen it all.
I had to take an interstate highway in a populous area, and for a good long stretch, the three lanes were the type of driving where you accelerate to 15 or 20 mph, and then come to a complete stop. I began changing lanes, and noticed as soon as I changed lanes, that lane would stop and the one I had been in would drive by me. It happened reliably enough, I began changing lanes, and then changing back quick to catch the lod lane taking off, before switching back to where I had been. Finally I began to make headway.
As I got farther forward, a few times I could see far enough ahead that it looked like maybe 500-700 yards up, there were no cars in front of the cars there, which were moving like a rolling roadblock, starting and stopping. But I could not see far in front of them far enough to confirm that it was entirely clear endlessly. They arguably could have just been keeping a large distance between them and more cars, but I suspected.
We hit a section where it briefly opened to five or six lanes of traffic, which spread everybody out, so I decided to zip ahead fast to see what I could see. I was in the left lane, all the way on the right was empty, so I zoomed up to a clearing and did a cross-highway slalom, hit that right lane and began to race.
Up way ahead, a surveillance vehicle cut into the lane. You can tell how they drive, it is very distinctive. Like watching the precise leg movement of a grappler taking a mounted position, compared to someone untrained, who just throws their leg over haphazardly. They are not thinking about other things when they drive, and you can feel it once you see it enough. As the driver up there jets into the lane, and does not drive faster than traffic, I can see other cars between us moving over, one after another, to create a line in lane 2. If I raced up on the ass of the one car in lane 1, I would be boxed in by a line next to me of all the other cars, so I slalom across five or six lanes to the other side, and with a little weaving get to an opening in the leftward lane. I get a few seconds passing and then same thing. one surveillance a hundred yards ahead jets into the lane, and I can see others moving to that second lane to box me there. They did not want me getting to the front of the pack.
Unfortunately I didn’t make it to the front before we were back to three lanes, and from there, there were too many of them. I briefly did a wild weaving job, racing but ended up contained.
At that point, I looked at GPS, saw there were no exits for a bit, and then saw a few, and I did what they hate. I pulled over to the side of the highway and stopped cold. I sat for ten minutes. Enough they didn’t know if I would be there five more minutes, or two hours.
Now they have to chose. If, as I suspect, the entire stop and go traffic jam was them, they will need to mobilize another raft of 700-900 cars, and time it perfectly to when I pick up, and maybe many, many more if I just sat there. It was essentially impossible for them to maintain the traffic jam. And since I am running video, they need new cars, as all their others were already filmed.
At about 45 seconds to one minute, the last of the jam passed, and then traffic was sparse, and after another minute or two, it was all doing about 80 mph comfortably as it blew past me. I decided to pick up at about ten minutes, and was off. They tried to surround me again with the few roving highway units they could get around me, so I went to their other favorite – Drive like an asshole. I almost hit one sliding into their lane, cut another off with about four inches between their bumper and my ass end at about 90mph, tailgated a guy who in retrospect may or may not have been one of them, cut a few more off, weaved wildly, and just generally showed I wasn’t afraid to die in a horrific car crash.
At that point they gave up, the units around me disappeared, and I did the rest of the drive at a standard 75 with a couple of accompanying units, though there were so few cars, I could have done 90. I will archive the video, and someday, if I get outed, I’ll put it in the released files. It is fascinating. It was hundreds of cars at least, and I assume to maintain secrecy, at the front of the backdown, it must have been all them for 200-300 yards, so normies wouldn’t realize what was going on. They probably drove slow way ahead of me, and let the non-combatants “escape” out the front of the leading mass, and then coalesced into a solid block of them at the front of the jam, starting and stopping according to radio cammands from somebody watching what lane I got into. Behind that there were no doubt many normies trapped with me, unaware the whole thing was a show, because they made sure normies didn’t get near the front. But it still took a lot of cars. I am reminded of the video of the girl, standing, frozen motionless around a corner, in mid-step for three minutes, until she was given the go ahead to turn the corner as the target came out of some door. They are weird, with way too little to do.
So what was going on? It is possible they were just being dicks, but I think this was a psyop. I think the plan was I never figure it out, and I get trained like Pavlov’s dogs, that taking action to advance my position, no matter how clear, would end in failure.
Had I just played their game, I would have had hours of repetition on that trip, seeing another lane moving, seeing opportunity to advance, triggering the neurons to take action to get in that lane, I do it, it comes to a stop, the lane I was in moves, and I am “taught” not to take action. These complex actions, in the brain, are like capillaries. They all lead back to single neural artery-triggers in the brain, and if you can be taught to hesitate in taking action in one area, if that artery can get clamped off, that artery can send, or not send, neural signals to a lot of places, and affect a wide range of behaviors. The neural “artery” in question is probably even in the amygdala.
It is kind of amusing even. These retard shrinks who didn’t qualify for targeting because they are average and docile, are trying to play head games on people who did qualify. And even all their experience and specialized training can’t make up the deficit. They are still getting tooled.
The alternative, hundreds of cars just assigned to be dicks, is not impossible, but I think too retarded. Whether this event was actually operational, and done to change my brain, or just some Jordan Petersen fag in a lab coat who can organize these things to test stuff, I do not know. I think we targets are all lab rats in the modern version of MK Ultra, so I lean toward the latter. If the latter, I hope when all is revealed I can meet the faggy Petersen guy and his friends face to face one day. He will have seen my file. He will know why.
The point of this is, many, many of you are targets. If you are, do not assume anything you are seeing is real, or any experience you have is representative of how things work, no matter how much it would take in effort or resources to fake it. And never let them affect your gut instincts, or change you. There is a very big machine out there, devoted to fucking us over, especially in the head.
Best of all, we have nothing better to do than fuck it up, so have some fun, do what is totally unexpected, and understand, you are targeted because you are smart and dangerous, and they are targeting you because they were deemed docile, and easy to control. Then burn whatever they do, and use their own actions to make our kind stronger, in preparation for what is coming.
Tim Dillon says RFK Jr. freaked out when power dropped during podcast: ‘He thought someone was trying to kill him.’ Could be. Or maybe psyop to convince us he is one of us. If real he really should have a light on his gun, and NODs in a special jacket pocket. With his money, there is no excuse.
Fulton and Cobb,2 of Georgia’s most populous counties, admit they are missing some or all of their 2020 original ballot images. Does this mean if Trump subpoena’s them, and the government can’t provide them, that the jury must assume they would be exculpatory in deliberations?
Kevin McCarthy launches formal Impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. It will basically have hard evidence of clear bribery, and Democrats will have to ignore it.
Kevin McCarthy encourages Joe Biden to ‘fully cooperate’ with Impeachment inquiry.
Asa Hutchinson: Biden Impeachment inquiry premature, ‘could backfire.’
Chris Christie: GOP ‘cheapening Impeachment’ — ‘I don’t see rvidence’ against Joe Biden.
CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower. I remember the guy who worked at the CIA front EcoHealth Alliance, blowing the whistle, and cheering on twitter how he would expose it all and a month later tweeting how there were people hiding in the bushes outside his house, his car was hacked, and he was being followed and harassed. Apparently China and the CIA work for the same overlord at times. or at least could both agree they did not want Donald Trump as President.
New Mexico AG to Governor on defending her Second Amendment suspension: drop dead. Says, “I do not believe it passes constitutional muster.”
Where the lawsuits attempting to block NM firearm restrictions stand.
By 59-33%, New Yorkers support making it easier for migrants currently in New York to be granted work authorizations regardless of their current immigration status. Does anyone believe the blacks and lawful Hispanic citizens support that?
41% of New Yorkers want US-Mexico border wall to curb illegal immigration: poll.
Migrants return to (Martha’s) Vineyard a year later for heartfelt reunion. Then the rich told them to go back wherever they moved to because they did not want their kind living there.
NASA to release new UFO report on Thursday, Sept. 14.
Elon Musk loathes Trump, new book reveals: ‘Champion of bullshit.’ What did Mr Freedom of speech do with Vox Day’s twitter account again?
TikTokers are teaching people how to steal amid shoplifting epidemic. China will make sure these get promoted.
Family says they saved dad’s life by sneaking him ivermectin during 200-day hospitalization. In America, you have to sneak a relative medicine, to prevent “the government” from killing them maliciously.
Average American household now has $10,170 credit card debt.
France’s junior minister for the digital economy has declared that Apple is required to cease the sale of its iPhone 12 model in the country due to radiation levels surpassing permissible thresholds. If this is true, I will bet it has some surveillance purpose. Might even be able to be turned on to fry certain people without them knowing. And then they just get cancer after a few years using the phone. Tough to say. But I doubt they would need it for regular use if other phones do not, and very little happens accidentally.
Electric vehicle battery causes fire at Sydney Airport, destroys five cars. I was thinking about this too – Whether for military use, or just the way it will be getting groceries in the US in a few years, I think I would prefer a gasoline car to one of these if somebody was shooting at me. Especially if they have AP ammo, or something like a 50 BMG. I’d love to see Garand Thumb show what would happen if you put a single round through the battery of a fully charged up Tesla. Seems like pretty quickly you would have quite a show.
The deadly firestorm in Hawaii and Hurricane Idalia’s watery storm surge helped push the United States to a record for the number of weather disasters that cost $1 billion or more – and there’s still four months to go on what’s looking more like a calendar of calamities. Is that chance? I mean they are turning everything up as high as it will go. Is it coincidence the weather would be like this? Are they just exaggerating storm effects? Lighting fires, and doing a little extra destruction when a storm hits to spruce it up? HAARP? I used to think pandemics hit during strife as part of a K-shift, due to malnutrition, but now we saw one and it was engineered in a lab and much of the danger was fake. Could weather be the same?
China is continuously massing forces at its coastal military bases facing Taiwan, the self-governing island warned Tuesday. I think Vox Day nailed it. China will recruit and subvert the leadership of Taiwan, and walk in there in a political reunification, and we will not be able to bomb TSCM factories, or any of the chip infrastructure, because the takeover will not be hostile when it happens. Now, we will slag everything on our way out the door. China would wait.
The number of RAF combat aircraft is so low they would be wiped out by ‘attrition’ if Britain went to war with Putin as Russia has more than 20 times more aircraft and the British fleet is smaller than European allies. Much of the West’s reputation has been built against goat herders with absolutely nothing, and probably some fake video. We really have no idea what the truth is in the world.
Putin calls Trump legal cases ‘politically motivated persecution.’
Putin: Trump prosecution shows ‘rottenness’ of US politics.
Poll: Nearly 80% of Ukrainians hold Zelensky responsible for corruption.
‘License to fall’: Joe Biden mocked in new James Bond parody movie trailer.
Ron DeSantis trails Donald Trump by 51 points in Texas.
Trump supporters dominate New Hampshire with MASSIVE parade – ‘New Hampshire is TRUMP country.’
Massive Trump vs. Biden polling swing from four years ago to now.
Spread r/K Theory, because some days you just happen to run late
“China will recruit and subvert the leadership of Taiwan, and walk in there in a political reunification, and we will not be able to bomb TSCM factories, or any of the chip infrastructure, because the takeover will not be hostile when it happens.”
China has to avoid collapse long enough for that to happen.
Why would China collapse?
Complete societal corruption and mismanagement by the CCP.
I don’t see that. What the CCP has done is to have established itself as a viable competitor within China to Cabal’s presence there. It is specifically the lack of “democracy” that provides a leader like Xi the tools to fight and root out Cabal’s assets and Triad partners. The corruptible citizen offered enticing benefits by Cabal has to balance the offer with the certainty of disappearance, torture and death when arrested by the CCP. It’s the good king/benign dictator model that Cabal hates. Cabal thrives in democracy – see America and the rest of the West.
The CCP is just as corrupt, and often more incompetent.
Yeah, I can see that but my point is that CCP could either be Cabal Central or a competitor/threat to Cabal. I think in recent (Xi) years it’s looking more likely CCP moved towards the latter.
Why? where to begin?
A) no oil if USA or Japan or even India interdicts the supertankers carrying the 13,000,000 BPD of crude – that’s per DAY – that china IMPORTS in order to stay modern. this would be done waaaay out in the Indian Ocean, long before it ever gets close enough to china that they might be able to do something about it. difficult to forestall collapse if you can’t keep the lights on or the trains running. anyone here think the mighty chinese “People’s Republican Army Navy” (yes, really LOL) can win a for-real fight in blue water against actual navies? with ZERO ground-based air cover against navies that feature **multiple** aircraft carrier Battle Groups? or in India’s case, lots & lots of land-based antiship missile batteries?
B) a blockade/boycott of everything chinese. it’s already going on now, on a grassroots scale: there’s a LOT of people who just won’t buy any more chinese garbage, no matter how cheap it is. I’m one of them, so is pretty much every member of my extended family. Youtube is full of cellphone vids showing once bustling but now eerily empty ports, & empty factory/manufacturing/entertainment districts of multiple chinese cities. no orders at any price point, and no domestic business because chinese regular folks are in crisis savings mode. BA0 on top of that, xi is turning the country into North Korea 2.0. china’s entire economy is predicated on exports. take that all away on a hardcore scale, because of a worldwide boycott, and what do they have left to sell? organs from Falun Gong prisoners? “no exports”, remember? “North Korea 2.0”, remember? no business = no money = no jobs = plentee muchee angree teeming masses. BB) good luck getting them all to go back to the rice paddies… to go back to a lifetime of backbreaking crap work while standing barefoot in literal shit water…. while keeping the country collapse-free.
C) xi has made it crystal-clear that he’s Emperor xi now. all that ‘commie’ shit is just window-dressing and smoke & bullshit. he is the all-powerful god-emperor of china, just like every other Big Man in chinese history…. and the chinese people see, every time they get yet another “thousand-year flood” on top of yet another “thousand-year drought”, etc etc….. that their emperor has lost the Mandate of Heaven. and every good chinese knows when that happens, it’s time for a change. AKA a “collapse of the current system.” all it will take is a spark. like, say, a lot of empty bellies.
D) there are whispers, wee small whispers that grow louder by the day, that china is about 2 inches away from having themselves a jennyoowine hardcore food crisis. they banned all rice exports awhile back… why y’all suppose they did that? so what do they do then? import food? not if there’s a worldwide boycott on doing business with china, they won’t. {even if India didn’t hate them, India wouldn’t sell em any rice anyway. India has banned all rice exports, too. why? because “there are whispers, wee small whispers that grow louder by the day” that that part of the world is looking at inbound famine.} then what? is china gonna depend on the goodwill and charity of their neighbors, EVERY SINGLE ONE of whom hates and despises them for very good historical & modern-day reasons?
E) my assessment is that even if xi takes Taiwan, it’ll only buy him a year or 2. the majority of chinese don’t really give a damn about that. even if they did, that wonderful swell of Glorious Patriotic Pride over their Glorious Victory of Dear Emperor xi won’t last all that long, because they’ll not see any benefit from it. still no orders, still no business, and you can’t eat Patriotic Pride. FA) even if they take the Taiwan banks and clean them out, {which is what the whole thing is really about: it’s a bank robbery is all it is} AND take the chip factories miraculously intact AND somehow manage not to run them into the ground, who they gonna sell those chips to? Russia? Libya? Iran? North Korea? LOL FB) and f course, that mountain of sweet sweet Taiwanese gold and butter will never no NEVER trickle down to Regular Wang. it’ll all be stolen, every last penny, by party hacks. of course it will. “so what was the point, Dear Emperor xi, of sending all our young men to die?”
F) a better question for any student of history is, ‘why **wouldn’t** they collapse?’
If you support Cabal you may hope the above would happen. It’s not looking good for Cabal in Ukraine and Russia has China’s back. Trump will have peace with Putin in 24 hours and Taiwan will do an East Germany with the mainland once the Cabal’s triad partners have been defanged. The bigger question is do we get to Trump’s Cabal-free America with or without a nasty interim.
As if the Virtuous Pagans are not joined at the hip with cabal.
Russia has China’s back only as long as they are useful, because Russia knows China has a knife ready for Russia’s back as soon as the CCP has the senior partner position relative to cabal.
We and Russia need an end to both the cabal and the CCP.
Russia appears to be making a permanent pivot towards China and the East. There are innumerable articles discussing this trajectory and here’s a recent event that focused on this:
However, I agree we need to be skeptical of the CCP. Putin’s strategic discussions with his team must be fascinating.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Find-replace CHN with US makes the poast work even better.
Not really.
I don’t think homogenous nations with heavy state control just ‘collapse’ the way we think as westerners. The Chinese CCP saw the USSR and learned. While a Western country would ‘collapse’ China in the same boat would just get more repressive, likely exiling malcontents and it’s economy would just stop growing. The Chinese system was heavily stress tested during Mao’s great leap forward and we should expect to see a return to that. To solve fertility problems we would likely see Chinese women placed in ‘breederies’ for high ranking/ aged male party members, while rank and file Chinamen are set loose on Africa to create an expendable, docile mixed-race servant class for the late 21st century. This will cause problems later down the road of course, as China after Xi will be the new Babylon, but I would not bet on a Soviet style collapse for the Chinese.
China has a long history of being a homogeneous nation with heavy state control that collapses into warring regions before eventually being reunified through conquest.
We are about to see the cycle repeat.
“while rank and file Chinamen are set loose on Africa to create an expendable, docile mixed-race servant class for the late 21st century.”
Great. The deviousness of the Han mixed with the high testosterone of the Sub-Saharan African. That should be easy to control.
Mark Taylor prophesied that “the CCP will be humbled.” By God. Taylor said that it was likely to involve the Three Gorges Damn. The CCP has been deliberately flooding cities to avoid flooding Beijing, to the point that they are now beginning to move people from the flooded cities to the mostly empty ghost cities. The population is NOT happy.
China Uncensored- Taiwan Made a FATAL Mistake
China may be misled by their experience taking over Hong Kong. The British, Chinese, and HKs spent more than a decade preparing for the transition. Most of the HKs didn’t want to become second-class citizens of China, but there was nothing they could do, so the “handover” was peaceful.
Taiwan doesn’t want to be borged by China. Their government might roll over anyway, but Taiwan is perfect territory for guerrilla warfare – mountainous, industrialized, easy to attack, and hard to defend against insurgents.
The Third Reich managed to invade Norway in WWII… but a handful of pissy citizens with rifles and IEDs made that a hollow victory; the manpower and equipment to hold Norway came at the expense of front-line units fighting elsewhere.
Will the Taiwanese resist? They’ve probably heard more stories than us about HKs who were “vanished” by the CCCP after the Handover. Anyone who ever spoke out against the CCCP, or whose parents, grandparents, or relatives did so, will be facing a labor camp or death.
China is asshole.
The Virtuous Pagans are not agreement capable.
I doubt any countries in today’s world are truly agreement capable.
It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if 1st Special Forces Group already had an ODA or two in Taiwan setting up stay-behind sabotage networks.
“ so I went to their other favorite – Drive like an asshole”
Working in and out and then right back into lanes in a traffic jam… doing cross highway slaloms…. I hate to break it to you YGB, but you were already driving like an asshole. Maybe you should have added ‘more of’ to the above sentence.
There is asshole, and then there is asshole. It is a sliding scale.
It’s a fair point. The scenario you described is called “Monday- Friday between 6am and 8pm” in Atlanta and some other urban areas. There’s always a lane switcher in a hurry that needs up causing traffic to slow further after the inevitable crash. The level of stupid seen in driving these areas is astonishing. Put enough morons on the road at the same time and watch the natural results. It’s definitely an inducement to depart for saner parts.
Plausible denial situation, pretend the front line dudes are teen street racers, getting to a near dead stop so they could do a mark set go on the highway clear in front from their slowdown. I have seen it done, for sure, so any imitation could be done by the overwatch and who would be able to say different? Add in false starts, redo lineups, could screw with traffic for a good distance, and it would work against even one individual too far back to see what is happening, not having your own personal eye in the sky drone etc.
Unlike surveillance, I’ve got places to be and shit to do. I don’t get paid to creep on people while sitting at home with my thumb up my ass. Unlike certain people.
Gary Bennet begins his piece this way:
“We are in the midst of a heinous crime in what is falsely referred to as the ‘American’ State of Hawaii, so vile and evil, that it should sicken all who have any remote possibility of exhibiting mental acquaintance with truth, compassion, or empathy. The State’s attack on the people of Maui was in my studied opinion, premeditated, brutal, murderous beyond explanation, and targeted to achieve a preconceived agenda which was the total destruction of Lahaina by extreme property devastation and mass death of much of the local population.”
The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Maui Revisited! –
Here is a podcast by a Maui paramedic who was also at the Lahaina fire
In the vid, he is bewildered by the trees still standing next to houses burnt to the ground! —and this is interesting, he says he has pics and vids of disturbing images which he says he can’t, won’t release for his own safety but says he saw a dead cat—standing on all of its four legs, dead, with all of its fur intact! What?
This was done by satellites. Who has satellites with weapons on them? You mean to tell me that rich billionaires have access to military systems on satellites??????? Did the US Military allow access to their military weapon satellites??? —Or, I can think of one other military that sends satellites into space that can be controlled by their leading elite billionaires—–Israel!
Direct energy weapons were used. They were satellite based—This is some fucked up shit! This was a land grab–clearing out the people and the buildings for rich developers! Also notice that a brand new housing project–was 90% untouched while the old neighborhoods around it are burned down to the ground. This is some wicked evil shit.
Not necessarily satellites. We don’t know the power requirments of the generators: drones might have sufficed.
Darrell—if so—that is even MORE disturbing because, where is our military?? If it was drones–wouldn’t the US Military be aware of that??? And if they didn’t—that is still phucked up!!!!
Scalar waves do not appear at Wikipedia. Those documents show they have them–I would like to see an explanation.
I watched the YouTube–Wow. Thanks for the info!
Also see
I think an advanced stage of the great awakening that many nonviolent people have now reached is — confronting the evil.
It follows awareness of it. Which follows denial of it.
What we resist persists.
Now we confront and defeat.
I found a tiny bit of help with rebuilding strength after complete upheaval of my naive-peasant’s world view by better comprehending the extent, depth, reality of evil here:
That’s a collection of testimonies of survivors of ritual abuse. They’re stopping evil by making the world aware of it. By speaking out about it.
It is very very very horrifying, upsetting, paimful. It’s also inspiring and a source of great hope.
And here, from comments by a very articulate person (a stranger to me) who is putting into words the struggle to comprehend the evil around us as we move on to confront and defeat it.
What we resist persists.
If they really are engineering traffic jams, it would take a lot of cars to do it. I’ve had times when a car stops in front of me for no good reason as all. I lean on my horn and put my middle finger up in the air and scream something like “Move, you fucking moron!” They would need multiple columns of cars to pull that off and keep people in the dark.
I live not far from an Interstate exit, so we get a lot of traveling traffic. Most of them miss turns, so I have to sit at a left turn arrow waiting for some moron to make a U-turn.
It takes, at bare minimum, one car per lane. It’s a common experience in my personal life that there will be X number of cars driving side by side on and X lane highway, making it impossible to go faster than them.
As always, it’s less manpower intensive than first thought.
Even a single car can create massive jams. Just takes the right perspective. At the same time, a single car can dramatically relieve and break up a jam.
I read something in a Libertarian newsletter about a decade ago about how the Beltway in DC would clog every morning and nobody could figure out why. This went on for over 10 years. They eventually figured out that a single FDA (Fraud and Death Administration) bureaucrat merged onto the Beltway, but since he had a 17 mile commute would get in the left lane but maintain the 55mph speed limit the entire way. This caused the entire Beltway to clog. The bureaucrat said 55mph was the law, but since he was on the road for some time he got in the left lane.
For something like AC described where they were intermittently blocking three lanes, it would take a lot more. If the cars immediately behind the ones stopping weren’t in on it, the drivers would probably be honking their horns.
I have experienced what I suspect could be coordinated activity. And my participation here makes me question everything. Sometimes on two lane roads, one car will pull up to another and match speed for a while, making it impossible to get past them. I used to think this was some function of the sheep brain where they need somebody to pace with, but it could be coordinated just to piss me off for whatever reason.
Driving to work yesterday, I was in the left lane. The car in front of me was doing about 63, and I had a tractor trailer to the right of me. I was trapped like that for a while until the car in front finally sped up a little bit and I could get in the middle lane in front of the tractor trailer and go around. I have no idea if any of this is coordinated, but it seems like a strong possibility based on our discussions here. I have no idea what purpose it would serve.
I spent more than two hours in a traffic jam on the DC Beltway once. I finally inched up to where there was a car parked by the side of the road. The cars in front – both lanes – would come to a complete halt, gawp for a while, then sloooowwwllly creeeep away down the completely empty freeway ahead of them.
It was just a stalled car. An ordinary car, not the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile, not on fire, not halfway in the right lane obstructing traffic. Just a car by the side of the road, like you might see a couple of times a week on any given stretch of freeway.
The stalled car was their’s and so were the Gawkers.
I once spent 4 hours in a traffic jam. The cause, a single traffic cone in the road.
Nobody, not even me, pulled over and removed the cone.
The West has been rigging global university ratings said Sergey Naryshkin, the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.
This is the first time I’ve heard any prominent individual call out the fake college ratings and their social impact. More truths emerging from Russia. Consider the extent to which American families and their kids are the victims of the psyop war waged on them through the fake and rigged US News & World Report College Rankings, etc. Consider the extent to which this funds the careers (including tenure) of Cabal’s massive network of minions in the education sector.
RUS abandoning the Bologna System was epochal. CHN seems on the way with the State mandated homework and test prep caps.
As to driving in traffic feeling blocked, remember that the low-IQ (low spatial-reasoning skill) are impulsive. They’ll also jump curbs and cut lines as if not present. When one of their own has reacted badly in traffic (wreck) they’ll panic and scatter. This IS the reason for the major pile-ups we see (more of) as they’ll also not follow at any sane distance.
Travel in packs is a norm not seen 60, 50, or 40 years ago (rural Interstate). Starts in late 1990s. Now, a “norm” (an awesomely stupid one). Enter the road in a pack as if with ROW, and exit at full speed onto frontage road (both dangerously illegal).
Will race to catch the next pack. (No matter how fast one travels, another will try to catch and pass; usually 2-3).
I’d strongly advise NEVER to be in a pack, to join one, or to allow one to form around you. (Let the retards, “make the light”).
The best scene one has around him is that the pack is out ahead a 1/4-mile or more and the next one is a half-mile back or more. OPTIONS (result of distance) are what matter.
Road speed almost irrelevant. CHOICE of road determined travel time (road design), past time of day volume considerations.
Feeling harried isn’t consistent with calm choice-making. Not“martial art prowess”. In matters of the wheel, it’s not “how fast”, but in not having to slow DUE TO TRAFFIC. (See this).
You’ve described bad driving. (norm of 75-MPH). Being boxed-in means kill-zone ease. THEY and their vehicles are fully disposable.
Be the rock around which the stream flows as it makes for FAR easier lane & direction changes. LOOK to cooperate with others (actual Americans).
More than half the daytime private vehicles are just driving around (their job). Where they go (Routing) may be instruction set. HOW they accomplish foot-by-foot is unconsciously manipulated taking into account low-skill, highly-impulsive traits is my guess as to how the mystery of TIMING is accomplished.
(Space alien layer behind last layer of cabal).
Farcesensitive posted on 9/10 an image of the mongreloid Jesus
I subsequently posted the image on Facebook mocking the Judeo/Zionist “Christians.” To my bemusement a resident “I got a theological degree; and I am a biblical scholar.” response in agreement with the blackwashing/mongreloiding; he did so in total disregard of the three quotes from historical sources listed on the image.
I then on YouTube this fellow who claimed to the logical, factual, and scientific; and he also blackwashed Jesus.
Jesus was/is an Israelite/Judahite; descended from King David who was described as ruddy complexioned (good grief, they’re even blackwashing that characteristic); He was cousin to the king of Parthia of the Arasid dynasty (and also in Armenia); Parthia being formed out of the Scythian peoples; who at no point were mongrelized, blackwashed peoples; but they were descended from the Israelite tribes which were taken by the Assyrians. Again, Jesus was a Galilean; Galilee being where the remnants of the Israelite tribes resettled; Samaria (created by the Assyrians by settling five non-Israelite tribes to replace the carried off Israelites) was between them and Jerusalem.
The Parthian empire was the competitor to the Roman empire and dominated the region; when overthrown by the rebel Persians, they migrated into Armenia(cousins) and then across Europe to knock on Rome’s door within twenty-five years; at that point the Israelites were called Goths; who were not mongreliod/blackwashed masses
What is being claimed here by these frauds is God could not maintain the racial integrity of his own people (hence, there could not be a New Covanent with the House of Israel not the House of Judah) nor of his Davidic/Israelite bloodline; despite the mixing of Judahite, Edomite, Canaanite, and Babylonian bloodlines in Judea. The population of Galilee would be different from that of Samaria and Judea.
This equivalent:
This blackwashing is going to cause many to fall away from the faith.
I give up on this damn coding.
I think it behooves us not to be too obsessed with the Racial Purity of Jesus.
As if this characteristic would somehow undo the Incarnation and destroy God.
It is a sad thing to reject Jesus just because he isn’t of your Ethnic Group.
This is absolutely insane. You should outlaw Solman’s portrait of Christ, which depicts Jesus as looking quite Aryan, and replace it with a picture of that Negro kid who used to shout, “Dyn-O-Mite” in that sitcom back in the day. Seriously, the only good things about Christianity are what it adapted from European ethnics to draw in the pagans and you are rooting to see your “Lord and Savior” as an “Other?” Wait, better still, how about that Japanese-looking buck-toothed guy from the old Chunky candy ads? Or maybe an Australian aboriginal of the most primitive phenotype? Or Harvey Weinstein? Idi Amin? George Floyd!
Yeah so what?
What reason do other Ethnic groups have for accepting a Jesus who isn’t their own Ethnic group?
This degeneracy is driven by meth use.
an excellent point. the rural types get the all hype about meth, but many urban gays use it often.
Re: driving: I’ll do the same. If I see they’re trying to blockade me in – guess what? I don’t play by the rules. That’s why you’re watching me to start with, idiots.
120mph illegal overtake? Sure. Try to speed up to prevent me from changing lanes? I’ll merge right into you, asshole. Go ahead. Try and block me out. I want a new car anyways.
What are your thoughts on mexico releasing evidence of the ayyys?
I actually missed that.
I do not know.
“Much of the West’s reputation has been built against goat herders with absolutely nothing, and probably some fake video. We really have no idea what the truth is in the world.”
It’s the lesson of the Vietnam War. Militaries that are attrition tolerant are going to win. Endless streams of ‘smart enough’ people will get into planes and fight you until you run out of fancy planes and leave. In Vietnam the 3rd worlders were flying Soviet Mig-21s which are pretty awful compared to American F-4s. Now most of the 3rd world has Su-27s and can get a lot more from China if they need to. Soon they will be flying Chinese J-31s in mass and give the F-35 a run for it’s money. They don’t have to achieve 1:1 kill ratios to win they just have to not give a shit about losing 100 or 200 aircraft and pilots. The UK, for example doesn’t even have 200 warplanes and their government would collapse if they lost 200 pilots.
Parameters just published a piece where the authors claim the US loses 100k kia in first two weeks against a peer or near peer. And the High Command cannot be protected from missile strike.
That’s not even mentioning material losses.
All the US theoretically has left is a bio-strike followed by nuclear decap from subs.
I’ve noticed that the symptoms are getting worse. The brain fog, the exhaustion. At the same time, it feels like there are non-stop helicopters flying over my house. At least 3-4 a day. Coincidence?
If you are under, run video when you are out and document it. If you are being followed, yeah they are getting more aggressive about the tech rollouts at homes. Just look at James Burke when he was Police Chief, and James Burke today. I noticed one of the articles says he moved, which I would assume was because he was getting it where he was, and thought he could just move and get away from it.
It is not surprising. We live in a time when the Stalins of today can issue an order, and just watch the only political opposition they have whither away. What do you think would happen?
Oh, I know I’m under surveillance. The radio alone is proof of that. They’ve gotten bold enough to play it if I’m sitting in my office late at night, they don’t even bother waiting for me to go to bed sometimes.
I think we had discussed this or you had mentioned it, but it seems like if you have some super loud background noise it kills the effect. The best night of sleep I’ve ever had was in an Airbnb which had an AC that sounded like a tornado in the living room. Was almost as loud as my motorcycle. Might have to experiment with it. Does the noise somehow cancel it out or overpower it? For the radio, at least, they need some kind of pre-existing hum. My regular AC and the bathroom vent fan both suffice. I’ll turn on the vent and they’ll crank it louder sometimes. Turn it off and it instantly goes away, but comes back quieter and further away.
We talked on here a month or so back about them influencing allergies somehow. Mine have been fairly bad today after being not bad for a while. I also get a lot of helicopters, but I live near some military bases. I use Open ADSB to “planefag” from time to time, so when I hear a helicopter I’ll fire it up. Often, it has no transponder. When it does, it’s usually a Bell. But I know some of them are military. It’s plausible they’re just flying in the local area.
For brain fog, I started taking this Lions Mane Mushroom Extract, which seems to give me a cognitive boost. It’s $60 for a 5 month supply, but I’ll be using it going forward.
That is the weirdest thing. There is no doubt the vibrations are some device. When they turned them up to ten, it was this ball, six to eight inches in diameter, just jarring vibrations, exactly, exactly 4htz on the dot. And then the more recent case with the plane flies over, and it just stops. It is some sort of tech.
And yet, every time it is coming, about one to two minutes prior to it hitting, I can tell it is coming from a sensation of a nasal drip on the back of the throat, which if I didn’t clear my throat would choke me. It is hitting some nerves, which activates the sinuses just like if you took a nose-full of something you were allergic to. When you get hit full force in the head, it does have that distinct feeling you get in the sinuses with the first punch you take in the face of the night, so I assume it is vibrating the sinuses and irritating them somehow.
I recently met a person IRL who also hears the radio, and they get the same brain fog and all the other nasties. Encouraging to know we’re not just schizoposting online.
Automatic (self winding) watches often have their balance wheel oscillate at four Hertz. It’s not a set standard but it’s a popular value. I understand it comes from the usual engineering compromises that have to be made in a design. Just throwing the data point out there.
Interesting. I am all battery, but now I wonder if that does something to people, and they designed self-winding watches to screw somehow with people.
You would be wearing a 4 Hz mechanically vibrating source, in tight contact to your outer wrist, where your arm is thinnest and your circulation and nerves are concentrated. And potentially doing that 24/7. Over years.
Who needs microwaves? 🙂
The vibration is enough that apps exist to measure the rough accuracy of a watch. You set the watch on a table and the phone beside it and either through the microphone or the accelerometer, or whatever, it estimates the watches time keeping.
And I know they experimented with other rates, 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 2 Hz, etc. It changes the expense, mechanism wear, accuracy, energy storage time and such. But they settled on 4 Hz as pretty much standard.
Very interesting.
I have noticed my allergies getting worse too, and there’s nothing for them to be reacting to because I have multiple $300-$600 blueair filters going in my house.
Pray. Ask Jesus to help you. Others I know asked Jesus when they are in trouble and got help.
Pray and Water Fast if necessary also.
I don’t know if it will help or be a disaster, but what does a float tank do to anything they throw at you. They’re crazy expensive but diy options are reasonable. Also, you have to consider the option of accidental death, or the ease of an accidental death explanation. Water is a healing and insulating force anyhow.
The question the other day: is war righteous? Which sort of has the idea that any punishment, any pain, is wrong on the face of it?
God didn’t keep Jesus from dying on the cross. Jesus went through capital punishment. A few heresies say he did not die on the cross. Jesus said to let Caesar run his own business, and God would run his. So, yes, God is okay with Caesar laying down capital punishment. Lying sacks of shit choosing a known murderer over Jesus? That’s the problem in that situation- bearing false witness is a top ten sin.
Socrates drank the hemlock. Willingly. So, your logical atheists, their big guy was willing to die at the hands of the state.
Odin, deader’n’adoornail, for all you excitable pagan types. Willing.
As for laying down the pain: the highway with crucifixes up and down the Via Appia for all the rebellious gladiators? We aren’t there yet.
Justinian came to power after a century of coups. He chopped the heads off all the snakes, left and right, pagan, Christian, slave trader, rioter, all of it. He bought a millennium of peace for normal people. All I’m saying is: we have highways, lampposts and virtually unlimited nylon rope from recycled plastic bottles from the big garbage dump in the Pacific. At some point, someone is going to do something drastic to make like better for ordinary people. We will forget it happened, probably. It takes a lot of effort to remember massacres. I mean, seriously, does anyone keep track of all the weird little massacres in tiny little countries? The thing about Justinian: he did it once, and then got on with making everything better for ordinary people. It’ll be some Trivial Pursuit question that only total derps get right, maybe even twenty years after it happens.
The big problem is- you can accidentally kill the grandparent of a future law-abiding awesome person. It takes a lot of personal oomph to take on a government. America banks on taking that energy and turning it into profitable enterprises. For the most part, we don’t have to kill ‘others’ to get what we want. We just give them the space to do what their inclinations are, and then they do them, and if they suck, they end up terminating their bloodline, and more to the point, their ideas die of embarrassment.
No one really worries about Shakers anymore. If we need their ideas, we quickly can pick one up- we put a Quaker peacenik in charge just long enough to get us out of a pointless war,then we discarded him. A lot of cults were at the cutting edge of using online technology. It’s cheaper using up weirdos than paying research parks to not innovate as much. I mean, rappers? Gangster rappers? They die, or they get married and go shopping. That’s American. Their grandchildren will go to college and become, I don’t know, something respectable.
The reason why Vengeance is Divine appointed to the Magistrate(Romans 13). Is that the State is better able to handle reprisal than any Vigilantes.
Said Reprisals against the State is called “Rebellion”.
Following up from my post regarding gangstalking yesterday, here are a couple of potential mechanisms for the “zapping” of Targeted Individuals:
“Beamforming or spatial filtering is a signal processing technique used in sensor arrays for directional signal transmission or reception.[1] This is achieved by combining elements in an antenna array in such a way that signals at particular angles experience constructive interference while others experience destructive interference. Beamforming can be used at both the transmitting and receiving ends in order to achieve spatial selectivity. The improvement compared with omnidirectional reception/transmission is known as the directivity of the array.
Beamforming can be used for radio or sound waves. It has found numerous applications in radar, sonar, seismology, wireless communications, radio astronomy, acoustics and biomedicine. Adaptive beamforming is used to detect and estimate the signal of interest at the output of a sensor array by means of optimal (e.g. least-squares) spatial filtering and interference rejection.”
“Beam steering is a technique for changing the direction of the main lobe of a radiation pattern.
In radio and radar systems, beam steering may be accomplished by switching the antenna elements or by changing the relative phases of the RF signals driving the elements. In recent days, beam steering is playing a significant role in 5G communication because of quasi-optic nature of 5G frequencies.[1]
In acoustics, beam steering is used to direct the audio from loudspeakers to a specific location in the listening area. This is done by changing the magnitude and phase of two or more loudspeakers installed in a column where the combined sound is added and cancelled at the required position. Commercially, this type of loudspeaker arrangement is known as a line array. This technique has been around for many years but since the emergence of modern digital signal processing (DSP) technology there are now many commercially available products on the market. Beam steering and directivity Control using DSP was pioneered in the early 1990s by Duran Audio who launched a technology called DDC (Digital Directivity Control).”
If beamforming and beam steering are not the source, then “otherworldly” tech may be at play.
Gangstalking is people-powered and works to suppress, discredit, isolate, and overstress the Targeted Individual (TI).
Zapping of TIs is (likely?/possibly?) for mind/body control and/or experimentation prior to large scale rollouts to the rest of our prison planet.
I’m a TI but I have many more questions than answers. Ideas welcome.
I would also add, it is probably experimental also. I think the view is, as long as we are watched, 24/7, even in our homes, probably even with heart rates and respiration rates monitored, and them having access to medical records, and everything from diet to life events, that they figure they might as well see what various things do, from new thru-wall weaponry, to psychological techniques, to probably food additives and drugs.
The cost for such documenting experiments in such fine detail would be prohibitive, but once that is taken care of, as it obviously is with us, I see no way they do not take advantage of it.
Absolutely true.
Only Cowards Don’t See Color
Lee Kuan Yew. Founder of the Multiracial state of Singapore. Saw Color and dealt with it as it is. Which allowed him to work with said reality to bring about Harmony.
But people don’t like his measures if they truly wanted said harmony.
in the end, the truth will always set us free. and in the end, a lie unchallenged will always damage us unto destruction.
Wondering if the nonsensensical news out of Mexico is the psyop to ignore. Totally ignore worthy.
FBI homosexuals gang stalking a man in his home:
Just a good example, of a situation where you absolutely do not want to say anything.
There are absolutely no rules these days, and those guys, even if they were pure gold, the command structure is such that they can absolutely be made to commit crimes, or do anything, and if they get pointed at you, you are fucked.
Mr. In-Between:
Don’t mess with Mr. In-Between.
What utter losers.
Yeah that is some sick stuff. Look at the smarmy look and overall demeanor of the main dude. Disgusting. I wanted to scream at the homeowner “STOP APOLOGIZING”…”STOP THANKING THEM”. Egads people…these folks are THE ENEMY. It’s so so obvious. Notice the main FBI fag actually said there could be monetary compensation. There’s your offer to be an informant right there.
The state of this place (the US).
I read an account where the family of a hospital victim used DMSO to give the patient Ivermectin. The patient recovered in spite of the hospital’s efforts.
Do folks here realize you need to be somewhat careful with DMSO? It goes RIGHT through your skin and into your system. In other words, if you somehow had something poisonous or otherwise deleterious to your internal biome and it came in contact with the DMSO that you were using, it (the deleterious thing) will go right into you.
Now sure, that could be a good thing if you need something to get inside you quickly. I’m just saying to be careful out there folks.
Now ivermectin. Egads I’m practically a horse at this point. Two different paste treatments (for experimental purposes) and currently on a second pill treatment (also for experimental purposes). I took breaks between these experiments. So far I’m not dead, have had ZERO side effects and the current pill treatment SEEMS to be removing the overall internal inflammation of the joints, muscles, etc. (which causes pain when walking, running, whatever). The pain seems to be going away. We shall see.
OOH…totally unrelated funny thing (SQUIRREL!): for TWO nights in a row I have had dreams where I pooped my pants. I am convinced (half-seriously) that “they” are aiming a “brown note” noise generator at me in an attempt to get me to shit the bed. WELL NOT TODAY (nor yesterday) CABAL. We’ll see if tonight (3rd night) I have yet another dream like this. Very weird. A tad unsettling, but I still see the humor and absurdity in everything so there ya go.
In my case, the “shitting pants” dreams seem to happen to tell me I’m losing control in some area of my life. They were real bad about 10 years ago when I was going through a divorce. Haven’t been much of a problem since.
Ah…very good to know I’m not alone.
Wheww…was getting worried.
Fascinating post by Luke Gromen. Obv Wolfers is being impossibly facile and should be disregarded. And Luke’s response is a devastating blow. But the point Luke is making and that graph… Esp the incredible rise recently…
1971 was truly an epochal year. Going off the phys gold std was a truly momentus thing. So much changed. Hell, everything changed. Everything. Politically, For Pol, Econ….
I understand the argument that backing the currency with a fixed asset (gold) was acting as a “brake” on the pathological tendencies of human nature. And that when Nixon removed that “brake” or “engine governor” or “restraint” All Hell broke loose.
Well, it certainly did in food prices. And housing prices. And wage stagnation.
I’m not naive (at least to this). Horrible things happened and are still happening.
Lots to think about.
To ME, having our money literally “float” with no tether to anything real totally explains the last few decades where our economy has simply been on a steady streak UPWARDS into where we are today (and “upwards” isn’t necessarily a good thing…look at a typical gallon of gas).
My final conclusion is if the government can simply print money whenever it wants to (and where the HELL is congress who is supposed to somehow grant permission to this??) and then give it to Ukraine to be grifted all around (10% for the big guy), then WHY can they not simply print all the money they need to “run the government” and STOP TAXING US? We’re in ridiculous clown world at this point. None of it makes sense.
Vox Day had a great article today on WHO exactly is teaching “economics”? It’s the folks that PRODUCE NO GOODS. Again: clown world.
I have hated insurance (mainly auto, but all others too) almost from day one because it never made sense to me. I have hated property tax from day one and it’s even worse than insurance (especially on land out in the middle of nowhere with NOTHING ON IT…(and sheriffs at least 30 minutes away)…what “services” does one get at that point?…but that’s a discussion for another day).
Anyway…until the various “things” that simply “are” (“taxes just “are”, Johnny…you can’t do anything about them”) get rightly destroyed, we will continue to live a lie.
Fwiw, I am on the same page.
The USDs went somewhere outside the system. They could have built us a massive industrial base providing goods and high paying jobs. Which is also the best preparation for War.
Food prices and food quality have been going up since 1971 which is bizarre considering how much more efficient the process has become. The prices for food should have been dropping like tvs with the same quality increase.
It’s all just an extraction machine.
> Shocking videos show Austin park littered with liquor bottles, needles and junk ‘as far as the eye can see’ as illegal homeless encampment grows.
I spent a few days in Austin back in… dang, that was 2005. “The homeless” were a problem even then. Every traffic light had half a dozen of them, walking along the stopped cars, tapping on windows, begging for money.
I made a comment about that, and was told that enough people had complained about the panhandlers that the City Council finally took action – they installed a bunch of benches so the panhandlers had a place to sit while waiting for the next light. I’d thought the benches were some kind of bus stop thing.
The city government *wanted* the panhandlers. In Austin. In 2005.
The rot goes back a long way.
Dean Obeidallah, a long-term Palestinian-American columnist for MSNBC, and radio host on SiriusXM, has argued that former President Donald Trump be given a long enough sentence that he dies in prison in order to “protect democracy.” “Our Democracy.”
His Wiki is curiously weak. Not even year of birth? Any relationships, ever? Gay, straight?
What we do learn about his family is that his father was from Palestine and his mother was from Sicily, but not much beyond that. In the olden days, an enyclopedia only had so much space, but now there’s no excuse for Wikipedia to give us so little information.
Over at Substack, Obeidallah has this to say about his parents:
She was a bigger than life, child of Sicilian immigrants who grew up in Lodi, New Jersey, a blue-collar town in North Jersey about 20 minutes from New York City. […] Countless times when I was younger we would watch “The Godfather” and my mom would say about certain mafia characters in the film, “Your grandfather knew that guy.” When I explained the movie was not based on a true story, she would respond with a look of amusement that I was so naïve.
My immigrant father—like countless immigrants today and then—worked numerous jobs to make ends meet. While primarily a chef—he was working as a cook in the US embassy in Jordan where a diplomat helped him immigrate to New Jersey—he also tried his hand at other fields as well.
There’s lots of Jordanians in Jordan, so why hire a Palestinian?
You know, I’ve read a lot of these weird “mixed” marriages and I’m coming to the conclusion that these are clearly domestic surveillance/cabal set ups. Seriously, how/why does the NJ Italian woman hook up with a Palestinian? Like don’t NJ Italians keep it in the family? She went off the reservation here. She was really attracted to some random Palestinian? Thinking not…
> New Mexico AG to Governor on defending her Second Amendment suspension: drop dead. Says, “I do not believe it passes constitutional muster.”
All the governor has to do is drag things out until her order expires, and then the courts won’t even hear a lawsuit against her. “It’s over and done, nobody can prove any damages, not worth our time.”
> The Federal Reserve has officially reported a loss of $57 billion for the first six months of 2023, anticipates an annual loss of over $100 billion for 2023 and for the losses to continue into 2024.
Well, obviously the solution is to send more money to Ukraine!
> Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the $6 billion in funds the U.S. agreed to unfreeze in exchange for five U.S. prisoners
Last time we paid the Iranians ransom money we wound up regretting it. Now we’re paying them a ransom again.
“But this time it will be fine!”
You are assuming the powers that be that are making these decisions are rational. That they want to do a good job in their deep state governmental position. People wake up & HAVE TO GRASP they do this on purpose. They know EXACTLY a what they are doing.These people are determined to ruin American because they be promised Eden in the new world order.
We know.
It’s a personal fault.
I was ranting once about how if there were Secret Rulers directing things behind the scenes, they were doing a piss poor job of it. The guy I was talking to said, “You’re assuming they would value peace and prosperity.”
That’s the ‘ass’ of ass-u-me. [sigh]
This is part of what I think of as “negotiation by action” or non-verbal negotiation. They have a requirement that they track you. That seems to be a point they cannot give up on. The rest of it seems to be negotiable. If you show them that you can lose them in side streets, and do so when they decided to slow you down, you need to also not try to lose them if they are not fucking with you directly. You’ll establish a tete-a-tete with them that they don’t slow you down, and you don’t try to lose them. At the end of the day, it’s humans that are doing the actual work (even if they aren’t humans behind it.) They want the easier job, not the harder job.
So here, when you showed that you could break the roadblock, but also (likely) indicated that you knew they were still out there but didn’t try to lose them, they made a tacit agreement to just let you drive.
It’s also not necessary. You let the build up be the filter. People who are aggressively trying to get past the rolling road block are let go. That leaves the people who are willing to just take it building up. This could be done with six (comfortably) or even three (skillfully) cars. The rest of them are just people who have shown, by action, that they are willing to just sit back there and take it. It’s like boiling sap. You drive off the water when you boil it (the aggressive drivers) and end up with just syrup. (I love how sap and syrup fit the metaphor.) And you might not have been the sole target, they may do this when they can scoop up 4 or 5 of us into one jam. Six cars at the front, and another car every 200 yards or so (it’s easy to keep track of multiple other cars in a jam) is probably more efficient than 4-6 cars per target.
As for the lane pulsing, it’s easy to cause. Let thee cars through in one land. That lane surges forward, everyone starts moving. Cut car 4 off and reestablish the road block. Now that guy has to slam his breaks, but more importantly, there is less and less time going back on the brake slamming. That’s how you end up stopped dead in the left lane — no one at the front stopped, it was just one guy having to hit the brakes. It accordions up behind them until the people at the back are stopping dead.
Sap and syrup is perfect.
I have been in those a few times, and it has been so exaggerated it was bizarre. I have always wondered, how you end up accelerating up to 30 mph, and then come to a complete, sudden, brake slamming stop that pauses for like five to ten seconds, and then repeats. Because I think it natural once there is one brake-slamming stop, you leave space between you and the next guy, and you accelerate slower, and over distance those spaces and slower accelerations will tend to act like a buffer, and smooth out the sudden complete stops. plus, somewhere up at the front, the traffic has to give way, and those lead people would begin driving, and everyone behind them would then just go too. It always felt like there had to be someone fairly close doing the start and stop.
I need a tethered balloon with a camera on it I can float out the sunroof to get up to 500 feet, to see exactly what is up there ahead.
So I used to work for a transportation planning organization (governmental body). Whats funny is there are extensive studies on driver behavior on roads. Traffic planners spend countless hours developing models for driver behavior (what you are describing is the “inch worm phenomenon”, really just means stupid drivers can’t maintain consistent speeds in large groups) for the traffic volume. Here’s a stupid little example that really doesn’t say much.
In addition to think that modern economic theory I learned in college is nothing but Jewish propaganda to explain their control over the system. Now I think all this urban & traffic planners are wasting their time. Domestic surveillance is the cause of all this crap. Everything we every been told is a lie.
My reply to this will be at the top of tomorrow’s brief.
Yes. Humans have a preternatural ability to move in packs at speed. Luke schools of fish or flocks of birds. It’s amazing to me. We should all be dead in car accidents. Seriously. It’s like we were designed for it.
The model I was taught was that traffic moves as does a semi-viscous fuid through pipes.
Messing with traffic light cycles can cause absolute havoc. Or the opposite. LA famously spent (allegedly) milions and millions jiggering with the light sequences over a vast area and ended up saving drivers +35min in commute time. Which probably saved billions of USD and improved QoL hugely.
If you are carrying NOD, skip the light and go with an IR laser.
Usually. If there is a statutory requirement to keep them OR if you can show intent in destroying them OR if they were “lost” after litigation was filed, absolutely.
Most stupid legal strategies rely on your opponents being incompetent and stupid. This seems to be her entire case.
Or, it could be a McDonalds coffee situation. Everyone knows that keeping coffee that hot (or the xmitter that hot) is dangerous, but they do it anyway because customers perceive it to be better.
>Fulton and Cobb,2 of Georgia’s most populous counties, admit they are missing some or all of their 2020 original ballot images. Does this mean if Trump subpoena’s them, and the government can’t provide them, that the jury must assume they would be exculpatory in deliberations?
Everyone goes on and on about jury nullification. Don’t forget the flip side exists, where the jury fully has the power to find guilty any person they want, of any crime. If cabal can get their 12 in there then the rule of law is entirely meaningless.
“he really should have a light on his gun, and NODs in a special jacket pocket. ”
Night vision.
With his money, he should be at least taking measures to meet the threats he can, to force them to winnow their efforts down to the threats he can maybe avoid if he is lucky and picks up on the right thing. Because once you are prepared for something, you can bet they will know, and now that is very likely off the table, and they are coming at you some other way. The last thing they want is a Kyle Rittenhouse situation. If they had known such an innocent looking, young kid would pull the trigger so readily, and gayly, blowing off arms and doming pedophiles, and then just turn and walk off calmly, they would never have gone hear him.
Having only a few things you have to look for indices of, makes it more likely you may notice them. But none of these guys seem to do that. They just adopt a state of complete helplessness, and if shit starts to go down, either go Possum, or hope someone is there to help them. It is very strange.
“… do not assume anything you are seeing is real, or any experience you have is representative of how things work …”
So let’s talk about a common technique: the “one ahead and one behind” group travel surveillance technique.
On the roads, it takes the form of the “one ahead” being slightly ahead of you in the turn lane across traffic, as in the left turn lane in right side driving countries such as the US, with this flipped for left side driving countries such as the UK.
The “one behind” may take up a position directly behind you if they have reason to believe you’re headed to a specific destination, but generally they keep one or more vehicles between just so they’re harder to spot.
Any time you see this pattern and they react directly in unison to speed changes you initiate against the flow of traffic, chances are very, very good you are being followed.
It may not even be the surveillance, it may be a group of well-organised car thieves who have a burning desire for the ride of your dreams (or nightmares, such as they may be).
But there’s a bigger thing to talk about here …
Most people need to up their game in the situational awareness realm, but most people also believe that they “have a good bead on things”, as Agent K put it in “Men in Black”, despite doing nothing whatsoever to develop such a state and to maintain it.
So when things go sideways, most people are asking themselves why, which of course is the most useless thing to be doing at that time, and so they’re often incapable of dealing with the very real matters of how and what that are right in front of them.
But why is actually a very simple matter: people predate on others, on the flightless birds they put in soup or the large lumbering calm beasts they make feasts out of, and so what would make any of you think that people aren’t capable of predating on other people?
Why is easy, focus on how and what instead.
Back in the 1950s and 1960s Scotland Yard’s “Special Branch” required four cars to do a proper job of following, with six or eight being better.
With the advent of better radios and cellular phones, they may not have needed nearly as much manpower. And nowadays, with most British public spaces under Big Brother’s squinty electronic eye, they might just have Officer Plod sitting at his desk somewhere with a computer hooked into the surveillance network.
That is so fascinating to me because those Special Branch guys were supposed to be the elite of the elite. I mean if you wanted to be the certifiable bad ass at the top of the food chain with the best training and toys, one place you tried to go would be Special Branch. And I am sure Special Branch felt like they were the top of the food chain. And you saw the same thing with CIA, making a video on the three-car follow.
And yet everywhere they went would be this thing, surrounding them with decrepit geriatrics and obese soccer moms, and teeny bopper girls. As they struggled to eavesdrop on some meeting of bad guys somewhere, there was probably a Cabal ground surveillance person in the apartment next door watching everything like a TV show, like the Truman Show. And as they would bust their ass to follow some IRA terrorist about to kill fifty people, and they would shit their pants when they lost them, and everyone was in danger, and in the shadows, this thing would be documenting it all. When Special Branch guys were walking into an ambush and were about to be killed, this thing would watch dispassionately, knowing what was coming, and documenting it like some researcher on the Savannah watching a lion devour an antelope. And how does Special Branch be assigned to know everything, and not find out about Cabal surveillance and take it over? Or at least know this thing exists, and their work is all Fantasy Camp, because if the real “government” had wanted IRA dealt with, this thing would have done it in like a second. But instead it just sets the stage, surrounds everybody, and lets the show begin.
It is just so very strange.
> And how does Special Branch be assigned to know everything, and not find out about Cabal surveillance and take it over? Or at least know this thing exists
One of my hobbies is Cold War espionage. The Special Branch were policemen… but they were forced to do scutwork for both MI-5 and MI-6. And they were used to being watched themselves; by people higher up in the Branch and by British and foreign intelligence agencies.
Special Branch was supposed to be an elite police unit, but for a long time their resources were strained as Branch men were used for low-level work like following people around. Since the manpower wasn’t coming out of their own budgets, MI-5 and MI-6 were lavish in their surveillance.
Some posters here wrote of ex-wife destroying their lives.
Over at VoxDay, he suggests the solution is to demand 100% custody. If she disagrees, state that you want 0 custody.
They are rarely prepared for having the children 24/7.
I thought this was a brilliant strategy & a must read for any guy contemplating divorce.
small point that in 80% of cases, it is women contemplating divorce, men just deal with it.
Or when the wife is triggering divorce.
Lights in the sky in Morocco prior to the earthquake
As you write that, I go back to them saying all sorts of stuff, like there are crystals in the earth, and the ground compressing creates a piezo-electric effect, which generates charges, and that ionizes air and creates ball lightening, and so on. And if you ask the specific mechanism, or how it works, they shrug. As I think back to that, it is funny how all those things have a feel you come to recognize, where your intuition instantly rebels against it, and says that is ridiculous, they are making it up, and you kind of would have furrowed your brown, and scrunched your nose with rejection, but then you kind of think, what else could it be, and you let it go. But it never set right. Because it looks like something you would see with a technology.
Of course that have required something like the type of civilization which could warp space time to travel around making right angle turns at 8,000 mph.
“… like there are crystals in the earth, and the ground compressing creates a piezo-electric effect …”
There are highly complex crystals called tourmalines that are piezoelectric and often pyroelectric, used centuries ago for such things as filtering hot ashes and polarising light.
But they are not so common that their effects would scale in any significant way that would ionise air and create ball lightning, because if these crystals were common and their effects were also common, that would have made them useless in some ways and more useful in others.
Any crystal or geometric arrangement of multiple crystals that would have had this type of observable effect probably would have been observed having it, and so although a lack of evidence does not necessarily lead to a lack of existence, potential or actual, it does necessarily lead to a lack of specific correlation supported by the lack of relevant use.
And so I propose a materials engineering analogue to the Googolplex Kid: when someone talks about mass piezoelectric/pyroelectric effects without providing specific examples, that person is producing an informational artefact just as useless as the googol number itself.
We should call this person the Lightning Crystal Kid.
BTW, speaking of the Googolplex Kid, you do realise that page of yours has gone missing?
Maybe the Googolplex Kid showed up, it’s been gone for a while, and the last saved copy I can find is from shortly before the 4th of July 2023.
Lightning Crystal Kid, meet the Googolplex Kid, the Cantor’s Diagonalisation Theorem Kid, and the Inductive Proof of Everything Kid, you four have a lot to talk about. 🙂
A lot of pages disappeared. I have an old backup and the software to put them back, and will get to it soon. Just been absolutely tapped out lately.
I last imaged the site in January of 2021; I didn’t realize I’d gotten so far behind. I got your permission before pointing httrack at the site, and turned the bit rate down to a trickle so it wouldn’t look like a denial-of-service attack. It took several days to finish at that rate, but I wasn’t in any hurry.
If there’s a problem with your backup, at least the viewable static web pages are saved, if that’s any help to you. WordPress generates them on the fly from a database, I think.
That is awesome, thank you. I think my DB backups are good. The problem is in merging them old with the new, but I just got software which is supposed to make that point and click, we will see.
But if I run into trouble, I will definitely reach out.
I’ll update my static copy of the site if you let me know when you’re done.
Will do. It will be a while.
Those types of flying machines have been HERE A LONG TIME.
“Investigating Babylon -ancient flying machines”
Targeted truck driver here. They move in grids. I do a lot of night driving because it’s harder to mess with me at night. During the day, I’ll often take an offramp and stop for 10 to 15 minutes if the traffic is clumping around me.
That’s not normal, the average operating system for a normie is to get One Car Up. They drive past and speed away. Cars that just cannot get away from me is surveillance.
The grid like pattern is annoying. If I want gas, I’ll pull into a gas station between midnight and 0500. The place should not be full of trucks, but oftentimes it is. Usually one spot is open but not always. By the time I’m done fueling, almost no one is there. If there are trucks still there. They are pulling out just as I’m ready to go. I’ll screw them up by waiting another 3-5 minutes as it takes them a long time to exit the truck stop. If the truck stop has too many trucks, I’ll drive right out and hit a truck stop 20 minutes away, almost no one will be there. Not weird, not obvious, not is be intentional!
I mean you sound crazy, because why would all these people care enough to do this? But when you see it first hand, there is no denying, they can move hundreds of people just to slow you down and create these little heel-nipping irritations.
It was interesting to me they had no bench though. It took all they had to do it once, and once that was blown, there was no B-team they could get all together to produce Act II.
Thank you for the account. As I say, I know I sound crazy, and people here read these things, and think either I am making it up to jazz up the site, or there is some schizo aspect to me, and I imagined it. It helps when someone else who sounds clearly sane, says they have seen it too, and it is being done out there.
I think we need to stop thinking we are crazy. It’s clear that there is an army of evil or possessed people that are assigned these jobs and they take their job seriously. But the more we discuss & understand, the more people will wake up to it. My husband kind of thinks I’m crazy & then he’ll see something and understand. Plus he’s learned I’m pretty much right so most of the time he just goes with me.
What makes it so strange, and difficult to convince people is how none of us would ever do any of this. I have a drive to leave peaceful people alone which is beyond any instinct to survive even. The idea I would join some big group, dedicated to interjecting themselves into some random person’s life, even just to alter it without their consent, let alone to derail it for malicious purposes, is beyond imagination. The idea I would do it for people at the top who are no doubt, an amazing amalgam of evil, cowardly, craven, malicious, and sociopathic, belies words. And on top of it, to do it, many of these people sacrifice their own lives. They cannot do amazing things themselves, or even just enjoy time with their dogs while they are wasting their lives following me through a grocery store trying to see what ice cream I buy. Their daughters lose their ability to pair bond if the honeypotting is temporary, and end up living a marriage which is a lie if they marry for life. I mean, who would believe that. But it is out there.
To anyone sane, it makes no sense on any sane level. And that sadly makes it almost unimaginable. The main thing we have going for us is it is so obvious, we have so much evidence, and we have the Stasi, which shows that there are such weird people in the world.
And you are right, the more we talk about it, the more people wake up.
Think of people who actually voted proudly for Biden. These are the dumb wits who do this stuff. They think they are righteous or something. While we blame the “cabal” there are many people who walk among us who are evil, stupid, power hungry etc. I think that’s the hardest part to grasp for sane people.
100% of my wife’s relatives, most of whom appear to be reasonably sane… except for being rabid Hillary! and Biden fans. They know Biden is anointed by God, and Trump is Satan’s scumbag. They can’t explain how they know this, other than parroting whatever the week’s media talking points are, but it’s a fact of their life like sunrise.
The cabal is the world’s biggest HOA board.
You can instantly see understanding dawning when you put it like that.
After all, who else would sneak onto my property to write me a nasty letter because my trash can wasn’t removed within 6 hours of the garbage truck picking it up?
“As I say, I know I sound crazy, and people here read these things, and think either I am making it up to jazz up the site, or there is some schizo aspect to me, and I imagined it. It helps when someone else who sounds clearly sane, says they have seen it too, and it is being done out there.”
I’ve seen it too, ever since I started driving decades ago at age 16. On a 2-lane (each way) divided highway, I come up on a slower group of vehicles in the right lane, and everyone in the left lane ahead of me is passing.
As I get close, one of the slow vehicles will get into the left lane just in front of me, to “pass”. Only, they don’t speed up. They are moving one or two mph faster than the right lane, and their pass takes 3 minutes, 5 minutes or longer. Or worse, they will just maintain a moving road block, or even slow down(!) until the right lane is passing them. Seen this hundreds of times over the years.
My aunt has seen it too. She told me she took a trip with a friend of hers, the friend was driving, and got into the left lane to pass. Then slowed down! At the time, I thought her friend was an idiot. Now I think my aunt’s friend is cabal assigned to my aunt.
Update on the Plan.
This is my take on the whole Q thing. I think everything is going according to plan and that there’s been no major hiccups. To explain this, let’s concentrate on what would need to be done to take cabal down.
1) You’d need to make the public aware of cabal.
2) You’d need to erode cabal’s core strengths. You’d need to erode the power of the media and you’d need to reduce their abilities to collect blackmail.
3) You’d need to fix the elections.
4) You’d need to take the organization apart. An excellent model would be how gangstalking takes down an individual. You slowly eliminate the targeted individual’s trust in everyone, and everyone’s trust in them. We’ve all heard the german word for this which is akin to “decomposition.”
Trump had to lose in 2020 or else the elections would never be improved. Which would forever keep decent people out of the running.
During the last 6 years we’ve seen an erosion in public trust of the media none of us could have imagined 6 years ago.
The news of the NM governor recently was very odd. She came out with what would have to have been, in her mind, a cabal approved plan. But it was utterly stupid and only created backlash.
And even famous long-time anti-gun activists rebuked her, using phrases that clearly indicate that they were given a memo on what to say.
So what’s going on here? I presume that this is indication that cabal has been infiltrated. And people are receiving orders that they think are from cabal but are actually from white hats.
If this continues, these people are not going to know who to trust. They will be brought down by a targeted gaslighting. As a targeted individual I can assure you that this works very effectively.
Cabal is clearly being rolled back. One drip at a time. It’s perhaps the only way to do it.
The failure in Ukraine is immense to them. I have to believe that there is significant back channel chatter between the military and Russia. Have you noticed how the Pentagon is rather passive resistant in everything? “Yes, we will train Ukraine pilots. We are set to go in 2024.” Read between the lines and the support for Ukraine from the military is lukewarm at best.
The 2020 election will result in more Trump supporters getting to the polls to work as observers. Cheating will be hard. It will be followed up by new legislation on voting to eliminate cheating.
The media will be completely collapsed by then.
And now, what will we expect when Trump wins and is inaugurated? Massive protests. Violence. Sabotage. Have you noticed the “climate protesters” out blocking roads? That’s a warm up act.
So how do you prepare for the protests and riots that will greet Trump after victory?
It’s already been done. Remember the inauguration of 2021? They put a fence around the entire capitol and brought in thousands of troops. Now we all obviously know that wasn’t for fighting off armed MAGA disruptors. And we know that even they all knew that was overkill.
But at the inauguration in 2025, we will be able to take the same security measures and no one will be able to say anything about it.
We also don’t have to worry about mass protests shaking down the Capitol, either. Because the media has assured as for 3 years that’s insurrection and an assault on our democracy and simply intolerable.
Sure, we all know that hypocrisy doesn’t bother these people. But the protests will end FAST if people attacking the Capitol get 20 years in prison.
I’m quite convinced that the Jan 6 insurrection may have been more White Hat sponsored than we realize. I suspect the prison sentences were fake. Even many of the imprisonments. They are scaring people out of being too bold in 2025 when Trump is inaugurated.
Trust the plan. These people know what they are doing. They know the enemy better than we do and they know their own resources better than we do.
When Q said, “Trust the plan” he didn’t mean “do nothing.” That’s disinformation. It meant “don’t worry about details we can’t share. Wake people up and vote.”
In 2025 the media will be nearly dead. Attempts at protests will be put down harshly and with public approval. Chaos will be averted.
Interesting take.
check out the doc is called “the greatest show on earth” as Q said. we’re watching a movie
also look up derek johson on rumble. he details how we’re under a military COG. trump is CIC. he proves it through military laws and orders and trumps EOs that Bidenbot keeps extending.
The only thing I wonder is, “What else are we going to have to endure in order for the awakening to be complete?” We had to let them steal an election, use federal law enfocement like a secret police force, lie about everything for 7 years, use up our weaponry as China only gets stronger, flood the borders, lock down, mask and vaccinate people, slaughter entire towns with futuristic weapons…we’re bleeding from a tbousand cuts and what have we gotten so far? Most people still think it’s a far right conspiracy theory. We need perp walks, we need people in gibbets and we need it soon or the country is going to fucking explode.
Or just crumble into dust.
Babying the sheep and trying to make sure they all understand and agree could cost us everything.
A more direct approach might lose some sheep who are stupid enough to fight for the powers that be, but those sheep will be the seeds of future corruption and decay even if they are saved.
If you’re thinking that this is all about slowly waking people up and then at the right time having mass arrests and massive shock and then we all live happily ever after, you’re going to be disappointed.
Cabal is being slowly strangled. Just arresting the top people won’t do. They will fight back.
The pieces must be moved into place first.
I don’t expect it to happen overnight.
That’s why the delay before the kickoff is even more intolerable.
I think a lot of people will be NPCs no matter what. Those with Greater Agency constitutes an actual kind of Aristocracy that isn’t necessarily Blue blooded.
And this plan seems to be in denial of that.
She shifted the Overton Window a tiny amount. If she avoids being impeached, it’ll shift even more. And then a few years from now someone else will try it too.
I was thinking along these lines today. There is a kinda “war of attrition” going on btwn DJT faction and Cabal. I think. Like UKR.
We see a lot of the “attrition” DJT faction is suffering. It’s shoved in our faces. And also the attacks and “ground gained” in their offensives. Like UKR a lot is BS and a lot are pyhrric.
I guess one could put UKR in Cabal getting “attrited” ans BRICS there too. And Pelosi and Biden and Romney not running.
But maybe there is more Cabal attrition taking place than we see.
And like RUS, DJT’s “industrial base” is growing steadily from an already far superior position.
Prob pure copium but that is how I have been thinking/feeling.
Some days I think exactly this. And other days, I think we are all just doing to die. 🤪
Nasolabio lines:
Damn this paleness of skin makes him look very Vampiric.
could be the meth
mental illness has visible symptoms
“RFK Jr. freaked when the power went out; he thought They were making Their move to whack him’
RFKJ is no fool. He knows that when they **do** come for him, ‘killing the power’ is a standard pre-op move. Recall that when his uncle got killed in 1963, the power went down in the TSBD – nobody ever talks about this for some reason, but consider: everybody in the bldg that day says variations of ‘I ran down the stairs to see what was going on.’ They took the stairs because the elevator {of course there was an elevator, it was a 7-story bldg!} the elevator was dead due to no power – AND, at exactly that same time, all the phones back in D.C. went down for 30 minutes too. But yeah, I’m sure it was just LHO lonewolfing the shit outta that stuff.
This hasn’t been “America” since 1947, but RFKJ, ballsy as he is, won’t talk about that. Also he has enthusiastically endorsed Hillary for whatever office she ever ran for, so that’s who he really is. So fuck him.
Fascinating. I did not know that about the power. Makes me wonder if they killed the power just as a message.
Ashamed to say I passed the threescore ten without the ability to say that men are smarter than women, and better than women at creating a happy life. Now I say it, and say it fully understanding the variabilities and exceptions.
Women have enthusiastically embraced their centuries long dumbing down based on the premise they are as smart as men, a premise based on their almost categorical (and astonishingly absurd) susceptibility to flattery.
VD as usual has wise words, located here:
We were lied to, all of us. For reasons I once thought were purely political, but I now see had a much much darker purpose.
We were lied to, all of us. For reasons I once thought were purely political, but I now see had a much much darker purpose.
Attention stenographers follow these instructions to continue receiving your daily pre-written stories…
The sidebar is gone again.
Thank you.
Yep. None of my posts are showing up.
I was running late today, but approve everything I see from you. Although I have cases where posts pop up for some reason days after they are posted.
I’m tired and kind of stuck sitting still today. So: Mason/ enlightenment slapping.
Alrighty, the big excitement for everyone Enlightenment is the chance to cite Plato’s Cave Allegory. It’s all splendid, isn’t it? People sitting in a cave, watching flickering images on the wall, instead of getting up and going outside into the sunshine.
So, Mr. Texas Arcane keeps pointing out that there are caves all over Europe. There are underground cities in the Anatolian Plateau. There is Lascaux, and other caves similar to Lascaux. The people who lived and painted in these caves were there from before all the exciting chariot drivers came splundering across the Eurasian plains.
Now, have you ever gotten more than a little thumbnail of one photo of a cave painting? So……it’s a big cave, with thousands of years of history. It has grottos, and caves, and carved out passages, and places to live and sleep, protected from the elements. It has natural air conditioning, and rain protection. The water has minerals in it, the sort of minerals we are careful to eat in our vitamins and minerals. If you swim in it, it absorbs into your skin. If there are salt caverns, breathing the air cleans your lungs. Your cave might have one thing, while another cave, run by another tribe, would have a different thing. So you could travel to the healing crystal caves, or the healing springs.
Or you could see the animals that roam the land, as a lantern show. Or as memory, as the animals were hunted to extinction. You were part of the earth, and born of your cave and your tribe and your mother, as much as anything else in creation.
The citified Greeks built mines, which bought their first prosperity. Then they sent slaves down into the mines to labor and die. And then the trustafarian larva of this slave empire made a metaphor about icky cave brain stupid slaves, and the lovely up-top people who would follow him into Enlightenment. Remember, he’s the original all encompassing theoretician state authoritarian, hierarchical fascist.
I doubt the caves were lived in except as temp refuge. They seem like places of initiation. Many reports by workers in the caves that they begin to be effected by the paintings. And the paintings are incredible.
The records we have of archaic initiations all talk about the descent into the depths as a key part.
Dante is obviously super-human intellectually, but he’s ambiguous. The Divine Comedy is very like an archaic initiation process and the Templar symbolism is everywhere. Not surprising as Dante was Fideli d’Amore.
It seems pretty clear that humanity was at some point forced into caves to survive. Either by the earth passing through to tail/corona of a comet or gas belts breaking through to the surafce and causing various risings/lowerings and water flow. Idk.
The Romans could not conquer the people who retreated into the caves to live. There are Iranian cave cities. There are ?Balkan? Cave cities? There are salt mines from at least the Neolithic. It all sounds very anecdotal and disconnected. Except: we know people travelled. And we know stuff travelled. And Mr. Texas Arcane writes about extensive cave networks all over Europe and around the Mediteranean.
I’m not sure it’s “forced into” caves as “forced out of” caves. I mean, there are regional religious practices around Europe that involve going to the caves- for comfort, for healing, for fellowship.
One of the signature insults for Jews is that while Jews were civilized, Europeans were living in caves or trees or painted blue. Which is supposed to sound like an insult, but is more of a tautology, if you are from a cave. Why would you invent weird miracle stunts and rituals if you are part of your deity? Or can climb a tree and feel connected to your deity? Or blue paint sanctifies you? It sounds more like mind-blindness, than an insult.
One of the signature moves every time a communist party took over a region is blocking up the caves that saints lived in. If you look at the archaeology and documentation, the caves did have Christian saints living in them. These caves were also living spaces and healing spaces before Christianity. I’m not slagging Christianity- every main religion pretty much recognized Jesus as a big deal, pretty much right when they heard of him. As the communists were thrown from power, the caves were unblocked, and re-sanctified into shrines.
Only one religion that we know of went into a cave, performed black magic, and came out quite against Christianity, and provided a spectacular number of communists. I mean, Plato sees a cave, and thinks its for slaves, and these guys see a cave, and think it’s a good place for necromancy. Ewww.
Late reply. This just showed up for me.
Plato’s Cave (and most if not all the Dialogues) are obfuscated discussions of the archaic Initiation tradition.
One of the stages of Initiation is the “ascent” from the “underworld” or sometimes “this world” (depending on if Lesser of Greater Mystery) into the “light” of “true seeing”.
And of course, Plato’s story of the spherical hermaphroditic original humans is pure Initiation doctrine (even if the sphere shape was added).
Caves into the surface are terrible places to live. As are dug out cities. I doubt people had to be forced out of them or went into them willingly.
Celts and Picts and the pre-Celts and pre-Picts didn’t live in caves as far as I know. The opposite as they all moved steadily westward.
And the you know whos lie all the damn time.
I take no posiition on much much deeper depths holding livable spaces. I think it is quite possible.
But, I really do think caves were temporary refuge and places of initiation.
Interesting way to deport all your immigrants.
China Insights- Super flood: CCP Covers Up Big Mistakes with Bigger Ones/Millions are forced to move to Ghost City
One way to fill them up.
I’ve posted this company before, but saw this review and thought I would mention it again. My idea of a 9mm doublestack 1911 is:
1) a 4in barrel,
2)optic cut for a Holosun,
3)threaded barrel, NOT SHINY STAINLESS but instead it’s nitrided black
4)in fact all the shiny stainless is nitrided black BECAUSE I FOUND THE OPTION AND CHECKED IT OFF
5)The configuration tool for this thing is like buying a pizza online – slide through menus clicking on the options and colors you want, hit add to cart with FFL shipping info, and wait two months for delivery.
6)two tone Ceracoat
7) About $1700 for both my builds – more expensive than either gun in the review vid.
8) uses Glock 17 mags, even aftermarket Glock 17 mags, so better in every way than a Staccato expensive hard to find proprietary mag.
Honest Outlaw- Stealth Arms Platypus 1000 Round Review: The Glock 1911 Feat. Twista the Rapper
Just found this on another site and felt I had to share:
| the silent weapon is a type of BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy,
— Silent Weapons for Quite Wars, Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1
This needs to be fleshed out: provide a link or further text on the”silent weapon.”
Ask and ye shall receive:
Dutchsinse, the Youtuber who predicts earthquakes, is being censored on Youtube. He suspects something big is going down soon. IMO, Dutch is one of the few authentic voices out there. He has remained consistent in calling out USGS lies, and has gone through so BS because of it (censorship, account bans, stalkers reportedly showing up at his residence, etc.).
“I’ve been blocked from commenting on youtube fully (greyed out not allowed to comment or reply to anyone), on all accounts and sub accounts. Browser and computer don’t matter, even blocked on the youtube app too.
This is very serious.
So it would appear something big is going down (about to go down).
Just letting you know. It doesn’t show signs of stopping, and I brought some corn for popping……”
China’s Claim of Foreign Territories in New Map Linked to Troubles Within CCP, Say Experts
People are getting more into Real Politick:
It behooves us and bears repeating. In regards to understanding how Power actually works. And how to best leverage it. As he says:
“There’s no grand vision for all times. Sometimes it’s better to use aristocratic/republican mechanisms to confront a bad monarch (MagnaCarta), sometimes it’s better for an individual to seize power against the backdrop of a totalitarian bureaucracy. I’m a political situationalist”
He’s right, but there are superior long term structures once evil is defeated and order restored.
Jesus will implement that. Not us.
We can and must implement the best inferior version we can.
It is our duty.