News Briefs – 09/13/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Michael Flynn lets out there will be a hearing in Arizona on the 21st over whether to decertify the 2020 election results. Supposedly this week the results will be made public. I hear Q saying, “This is not just another four year election.” This may be the election which will reveal that we were not really electing our leaders.

Senator Wendy Rogers warns a massive audit distraction is coming.

Voters across the state of California are reporting that they’ve been trying to cast their ballots only to find out they supposedly voted already. The big thing to consider is, they know who votes for which candidate, before the votes are cast. And they control everything from the post office, to the elections officers, to the people who count the ballots. Don’t think anything which happens is random, or that it is not specifically targeted to those who would support the non-Cabal candidate.

Biden plans to attack the filibuster in a last-ditch effort to pass the massive Democrat national vote fraud bill.

Edward Snowden’s mother, ” had left the NSA and was working as a clerk for the federal courts in Baltimore,” and, “Pop had retired from the Coast Guard and was now a senior official in the FBI, serving as one of the heads of its aviation section.”

Justice Breyer says Trump’s 2020 election case did not meet ‘normal criteria’ for a Supreme Court hearing. He was actually quite non-committal and vague, saying, “I guess,” and, “… in all liklihood… ,” as if he had no knowledge of it. He was clearly acting like he had no idea what happened and wasn’t associated with it, he just thought you would have to assume it didn’t meet the criteria since they didn’t hear it. I mean, the most important case in our nation’s history, a case on which the very foundation of our freedom lay, and nobody at the Court knows what happened or why it wasn’t heard? It didn’t interest him?

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer gives a retirement hint, saying he doesn’t intend to die on the Court, amid progressives calling for him to step down so Biden can appoint his replacement.

White House requests language change to allow Afghan refugees to collect welfare. Article notes – “Last week, a letter to President Biden signed by 26 GOP senators estimated that more than 57,000 Afghans were evacuated who are not US citizens, green card holders or eligible for the Special Immigrant Visas.” How do you think those people got to bypass all the laws, rules, and regulations? Who do you think brought them through, with no red tape? And now they are altering the law to give them all government stipends.

In the UK, armed police arrest an Afghan evacuee suspected of being a spy for the Taliban.

Biden administration plans tougher action against the major meat packers to rein in meat prices. They are going to funnel government money to smaller meat packers.

House Democrats plan 26.5 percent corporate rate as part of multitrillion tax hike.

This next image is part of a Getty image, of Biden’s ear. Some say it is a photoshop, but it looks like a photoshop would have to work hard to create the sharp-edged, 3-dimensional effect. The hair looks kind of strange in the photo too, like it could be a mask.

Previously OSHA stated that any employer who required vaccinations must report adverse reactions as workplace injuries, however, OSHA is now saying they will not “enforce” that record-keeping requirement until May of 2022.

Wrestler Triple-H had a cardiac event, and some are pointing out he was vaccinated. I met a guy who said he was vaccinated, and it caused him to suddenly lose fat. He was slightly overweight, so I was thinking, the vaccine dumps RNA into the cells it encounters, causing them to produce and present antigen on their surface, next to their own cell-surface markers, which could then get mistaken as foreign due to the proximity to the antigen. If you injected the vax into a massive deltoid muscle with no fat, like Triple-H would have, it would be reasonable to think his muscle cells would begin producing antigen, and presenting in on the surface of the muscle cell, right along side cell surface receptors common to muscle cells. It would also be reasonable to think his immune system would begin to see muscle cells as potentially threatening, and inflame them, like his heart muscle. Likewise, if you injected the Vax into a slab of adipose tissue, it would be reasonable to expect the immune system to begin viewing fat cells as threats, and attacking them. It might be why young males with large amounts of muscle tissue are at such a risk of cardiac effects. It would be interesting to know if muscle mass correlated with cardiac effects too.

President Joe Biden will announce more COVID-19 measures before the United Nations General Assembly meets this week, said U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. No word in the article what they will be.

Australian activist Romeo Georges claims he has been told in Australia, they are prescribing Ivermectin to COVID patients if they have been vaccinated, to drive down mortality among the vaccinated, and affect the statistics.

A growing number of US states are refusing to go along with Biden’s covid vaccine fascism.

90% of San Diego Police officers oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

President Trump reveals that Dr. Fauci never told him that he was funding a virology lab in Wuhan.

Raiders ticket prices tank after mandatory vaccine passport rollout in Las Vegas.

A top Pfizer executive has called Israel a “sort of laboratory” for the COVID vaccine in comments that were seized on by local anti-vaxxers, rejected by Israeli health officials, and later clarified by the pharmaceutical company.

$80,000 per year college imposes an Australia-style lockdown on its students.

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio threatens to withhold Police paychecks for non-compliance with Vaxx mandate.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Friday he is suing six school districts for defying Governor Abbott’s executive order banning mask mandates.

Pfizer vaccine could be authorized for kids ages 5 to 11 in October. This is an extension of what I have been saying about there being no rules everywhere else. There is no need for this vaccine. It may very well make future infections worse through antibody dependent enhancement. It will cause unnecessary cardiac events, and kill a few of these kids. There are adults who are specialists, in offices which should protect these kids. But the whole machine is compromised, and nothing works the way it should. And ironically, this is not even the worst we are allowing to happen to children, when you look at the push to transgenderize children.

Professor Alan Dershowitz says the courts will rule against Biden on vaccine mandate penalties. 

Two active-duty staff sergeants of US Armed Forces—one Army, one Marine—filed a class-action lawsuit on August 17 against the leaders of the DoD, HHS, and the FDA for being forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccine despite having had and recovered from COVID and acquiring natural immunity.

California lawmakers send Newsom bill that could ban gas generators.

Republican Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that President George W. Bush’s comments comparing the January 6 Capitol protesters to the Islamic terrorists were “words of wisdom.” Just for cataloging enemies.

Chris Christie calls on GOP to stop ‘pretending we won’ in 2020. He is stupid, but not that stupid.

Washington University student senator, named Fadel Alkilani, is caught throwing 2,977 American flags commemorating victims of 9/11 into trash bags, in ‘protest against American imperialism and the 900,000 lives lost as a result of post 9/11 war.’ 

One in 9 nursing home residents are being diagnosed with schizophrenia so understaffed facilities can better handle patients by giving them sedatives like Haldol. No rules anymore.

Still no arrest in the Hasidic hitman case, but they say the victim had $10,000 in his pocket which the hit man failed to get, was in the middle of a drug case, and there was a lookout. One thing about surveillance is, when they take over an area they will put it under a flag which will bar uniformed patrol from going near it. In a regular criminal case, if things were working the way you would think they should, that would prevent uniformed patrol from stumbling on an operation and disrupting it. But in cases like this, it is just a power play to take full control of the environment, and that can remove the last chance of the victim to survive. And I suspect it is the pretext which was used to put street gangs like MS-13 under protection from local law enforcement. Local LE can’t curtail what they can’t patrol.

Philippines Defense Secy declares non-recognition of China’s new maritime law.

A good PDF giving a basic rundown of the Tavistock institute, which was a sort of umbrella for using psychological manipulations for societal control. Probably at the root of the GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) programs which identified kids who needed to be roped in, as well as a sibling to MK Ultra, and somehow behind the 4AM talking points we see the media deliver every day.

Democrat support for $3.5 trillion Infrastructure Bill falters,  as Mark Warner of the Senate Budget Committee turns on it.

Thread shows multiple college football crowds (and more) chanting ‘FUCK JOE BIDEN!’

“Fuck Joe Biden!,” chant erupts from the the boxing crow at Holyfield Belfort fight that Trump was hosting on 9/11.

“We love Trump,” fans cheer, while Donald Trump and Don Jr. commentate boxing match.

Trump urges Americans to pray, and return to God.

Invite other people to because things do not work the way we were taught.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

” “This is not just another four year election.” This may be the election which will reveal that we were not really electing our leaders.”

The criminals in Cabal will be extra desperate to create a distraction this week, expect a false-flag psyop or two.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Chris Christie calls on GOP to stop ‘pretending we won’ in 2020. He is stupid, but not that stupid.”

Fatass wops are especially prone to heart attacks, and he wants to live. Cabal also likely has some younger GOP pol in NJ waiting in the wings and Christie is stealing his thunder, so that means Christie has to go.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“All I know is he can’t be part of our social club no more.”

3 years ago

“Senator Wendy Rogers warns a massive audit distraction is coming.”

Then release everything early and launch the counter coup before they can pull it off.

“Always telegraph your moves and fall behind schedule while never preempting the enemy moves you see coming” -Sun Tzupid

I can even believe that the tactic is to lull the enemy into a false sense of security but the time is long past to ambush the enemy with things he isn’t expecting.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

200 proof sarcasm.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
3 years ago

Anybody notice the box, top left, with the magic letter?

Reply to  Shy Ted
3 years ago

Very interesting! Good catch!

Reply to  Shy Ted
3 years ago

Joe Biden only notices the kids.

3 years ago

> One in 9 nursing home residents … sedatives like Haldol.

That’s been going on a *long* time. As well as giving them all the narcotics they want, to keep them tractable.

A couple of decades ago it came out that Arkansas’ prison system was giving narcotics to “unruly” inmates to keep them quiet. Such a deal! Three squares a day *and* Demerol or Oxy! As is often the case, I found no mention of this at the usual search engines. Not even Yandex has a peep about it. But it was big news, then…

3 years ago

> A good PDF giving a basic rundown of the Tavistock institute,

Interesting. I know there was something roughly similar in the US in the 1960s; they were using “standardized testing” to select children and offer their parents a “scholarship” to a high-achiever boarding school. It was presented as a Federal program, but who knows…

A quick web search shows nothing about that either, but it seems there are a bunch of “free” boarding schools that accept selected high schoolers, supposedly for advanced academics. They’re supposedly privately-funded.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Good morning Mark. Now where the hell is my coffee! I told that coon to fetch it hours ago. Also, what’s the status on my vaccine mandate? Are we getting close to 70% yet?”

“It doesn’t appear to be working Mr. President. In fact, at every college football game this weekend they were all yelling “Fuck Joe Biden”.”

A torrent of steaming black ichor shot from his nostrils as this news sent him into a fresh rage.

“Get that fat fuck Milley on the line and tell him I want our nukes and F-15s in the air, stat! I want to see smoking craters at every university field by the end of the day.”

“I’m speaking to you Mr. President. Of course, the planes will be in the air within minutes. Ah, I see they’re here do you butt wiping. I’ll leave you to it.”

“You’re going nowhere buster! Now you shut your trap and lock eyes with me until they’re done!………….that’s it, keep staring pony-boy. Uncomfortable yet?”

3 years ago

Imagine yelling “Fuck Joe Biden” at a SPORTING EVENT that you paid to get into.

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

And your point is?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

How fucking retarded are you?

The people chanting fuck Joe Biden are the same fucking morons paying to get into the ball game, supporting the traitorous cunts who kneeled, same team owners and leagues requiring vaccinations, etc.

Fuck Joe Biden and fuck all the cunts who are supporting athletics which is thoroughly compromised.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Great insight, AC.

I agree with Bman’s sentiment – fuck these fake sports cunts. And yet, who else is there, in those stadiums to wake up the normie sheeple, but our fuck Joe Biden fucking morons?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

Agreed. I had to sit through lunch yesterday listening to two fellow white men droning on and on about college football. I could do nothing but look at them in disgust.

Clell Adams
Clell Adams
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The entire idea of “state secrets” is fundmentally in opposition to all the basic principles of the Founding Fathers.

Our democratic process is based on the idea that there is a thing called truth and that people can ascertain truth and make reasonable decisions. In order to have secrets it necessarily means that the public has to believe falsehoods. The secret is the truth and what the public believes is a fiction required to obscure the truth. And it very quickly becomes “rule by false flag and staged events.”

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Very astute.

Truth. It seems so simple.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

>In order to have secrets it necessarily means that the public has to believe falsehoods. The secret is the truth and what the public believes is a fiction required to obscure the truth.

Technically this is not strictly true. An example would be a trade/method secret. If you don’t know the secret you don’t necessarily have to believe lies.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The book mentioned in that video, “The Rulers of Evil”, is excellent and worth reading.

3 years ago

Farcesensitive, I think a lot of what we are seeing with this telegraphed stuff are coded negotiations between the cabal or main cabal and the Q faction.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

What makes you think that?

3 years ago

To follow up on my earlier comment, my guess has been that the surveillance will wind up being revealed by the Cabal itself. At some point, the Cabal leadership will have to reveal themselves and their secret army to get continued cooperation from the normies, they will hit a limit as to what they can do with psychological warfare.

3 years ago

I’ve not linked the the conspiracy subreddit on reddit and don’t plan to in the future, but this discussion is both on an important topic, has a higher wheat to chaff ratio than these things normally have, and I have not seen this addressed elsewhere. Here is the link:

If the link doesn’t work, go to r conspiracy and search for Tik-Tok videos.

Unfortunately I don’t have time to comment on or summarize the discussion, but the commentators go some distance in clearing up one of the biggest mysteries of 2020, which are the Tik Tok videos of nurses dancing in empty hospitals. It turns out to have been planned psychological warfare.

3 years ago

That PDF was mind blowing.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Agreed. Not surprised that most of the social sciences are rooted in evil. But whenever I read something like this it blows my mind just how deliberately evil and degenerate these fuckers are.

3 years ago

Over at the countdown timer has been winding down and aims to hit this Friday.

Maybe it coincides with the Arizona reveal or maybe something else. Anyhow just a reminder.

3 years ago

Why Trump signs are mushrooming across the US a year after 2020 election

3 years ago

This letter pertaining to forced vaccinations by companies is being posted on GAB and is available on Google Docs

3 years ago

Star Trek Picard Season 2 Will See Q Turn America Fascist In Not-So-Subtle Attempt At Political Commentary

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

China’s President Xi has some commentary on that,

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

God I used to love Star Trek, Picard season 1 was an abomination.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Losing fat” or “losing muscle” depending n where injected makes good sense to me AC. I think you have something there.

3 years ago

Michigan Health Care System Says Workers With Natural Immunity Don’t Need Vaccine

3 years ago

Voter: “About 70% of votes at this locations have been already shown as cast but they are not?”

Election official: “Right. Right.”

3 years ago

US Trucker Just Issued Warning About These Vaccine Mandates and Possible Food Shortages

3 years ago

Downing Street has insisted that vaccine passports are still a “first-line defence” against a winter wave of Covid-19 after the health secretary said plans to introduce them had been scrapped.

— The Times (@thetimes) September 13, 2021

3 years ago

>Republican Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that President George W. Bush’s comments comparing the January 6 Capitol protesters to the Islamic terrorists were “words of wisdom.” Just for cataloging enemies.

Think about it, there’s an upside to everything. Since 95%+ of “Islamic terrorism” is either false flag or Cabal, you could argue that Islamic terrorists haven’t done anything. Just like the Jan 6th “rioters” haven’t done anything. Thus making the comparison hilariously accurate.

3 years ago

>Biden’s ear
Mission Impossible style. Could be heavy makeup over a bandaid tbf

>. If you injected the vax into a massive deltoid muscle with no fat, like Triple-H would have, it would be reasonable to think his muscle cells would begin producing antigen
Premature retrieval of the needle in the process of injection – leaving material between the muscle and fat/skin – has been cited as increasing the severity of fluish symptoms and pain of the arm/injection site. If it was lipophillic, perhaps it’s the visceral fat in the obese shedding into the thorax that’s more difficult to purge, as it surrouds and attacks the organs with the spike protein shedding.

>De Blasio threatens to withhold Police paychecks for non-compliance with Vaxx mandate.
inb4 Pinkertons and strike breakers for ‘essential workers’ laying down tools.

>Local LE can’t curtail what they can’t patrol.
Bronze Age Pervert’s Red Light District and Underworld angle on undercutting illicit ground floor of the Them dark money is complimentary to the Fitts Joe Normal local institutions reconvergence — they can’t overcome mass and require an indifferent populace unwilling to participate in overseeing budgets, ect.

>Philippines Defense Secy declares non-recognition of China’s new maritime law.
Based as Dueterte seems, he was left-aligned on his way up. The population may be ferociously Catholic, but I put no faith in their reliability as strategic allies.

>I can even believe that the tactic is to lull the enemy into a false sense of security but the time is long past to ambush the enemy with things he isn’t expecting.
“If you kill your enemies, they win.” –Sun Tzustein

>biden chant, fellerball
Interwar Germany and Japan structured informal training around gynmastics and sporting associations. Can’t have that now, can we.

>something like Akkadian Military Intelligence, which has evolved as it survived, through the Roman Empire, lateraling into the Vatican
Marian Reforms launch Rome to empire, just as the plague of Mithraic warrior cults is at its apex, with Persians menacing from the east. Partial to claims of Mizrahi uppercrust controlling famililies having some putative bona fides going back to Neo-Assyrian Babylon and Persia.
Babylon’s Banksters, Joseph Farrell