News Briefs – 09/12/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


The readers on this site are brilliant. One put this article in the comments, about a small Tennessee Police Department which began investigating some mortgages that were funky, and stumbled on a “global” criminal conspiracy with human trafficking, money laundering and political corruption. They began assembling investigatory files, and suddenly in swooped the state investigative agency, which raided the home of the assistant chief, as well as the department, and took all the files. Pray for them, that they not end up getting James-Burked, or Bill Binney’d. If anyone can contact them, please put them on to

And bear in mind the entire postal service may also be a wing of a criminal intelligence operation, which knows every citizen it collects mail from, knows who they will vote for, and whose criminal spying operations could be crushed by one candidate, or enabled by the other candidate (who is actually their operation’s operative, who they are trying to infiltrate into a position of power).

A poster on Telegram noted this is the same firehouse where Biden posed with kids wearing Trump gear, and in front of a box with a giant Q on it:

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Democrats are voicing frustrations at polling that shows more voters see former President Trump as the moderate candidate in the presidential race against Vice President Harris.

Debate moderators bringing up J6 but not Trump assassination attempt tells you everything about media corruption.

New post debate CSPAN POLL currently has Trump WINNING THE DEBATE by almost 35 points.

An official survey for Daily Express US, conducted by the Democracy Institute, found 45% of respondents believed Trump had won, while 34% handed victory to Kamala.

Undecided voters not convinced by Harris after debate with Trump.

ABC News debate causes undecided voters to vote or lean Trump.

Reuters focus group: undecided voters lean Trump 2-to-1 after debate.

White House: Harris ‘was at the center’ of planning of Afghanistan withdrawal.

The National Guard claims it does not know if Tim Walz disclosed his DUI charge and reckless driving guilty plea to the military after the 1995 incident, deepening the mystery that surrounds the Minnesota governor’s National Guard service.

House GOP report: It was a State Department office which funded groups engaged in domestic censorship.

Referencing cat ladies like Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala, this seems familiar, like I once knew something about it in a prior life a long time ago…:

Senator Ron Johnson: Why won’t Wisconsin clear 4 million ineligible names from voter rolls?

From here:

Fulton County has brought in a team of independent monitors to oversee its operations for this year’s general election. The State Election Board had proposed the monitoring in response to issues found in the county’s 2020 recount, which included double-scanning of ballots. The county moved forward with its own monitoring proposal, a move opposed by the board’s Republican members.

Dem Rep. Nadler slammed for appearing to doze off during testimony from families of migrant crime victims.

How the federal government subsidized the migrant madness in suburban Colorado.

NYC Just decided to evict every family living in its shelter system because the shelters are at capacity, and the city claims evictions must happen to make room for new arrivals, who will also be evicted after their shelter stay expires.

Black Chicagoan warns democrats that migrants are replacing African Americans.

Ordinary Americans in Springfield, Ohio, openly describe how elite-directed migration has skewed their economy, destabilized their neighborhoods, and created a two-tier society that favors migrants over Americans.

Haitian woman in Haiti says she hides her cat so no one will steal it and eat it.

On Twitter:

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is now sending State Troopers into Springfield, OH along with millions in funding to address the Haitian migrant crisis there, saying:

“The federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the issue.”

At least some of the stolen pets are not being eaten:

Those 320,000 kids who have gone missing sound like many, many may be getting fed into pedophile networks in the government:

A top aide to embattled New York Police Department Commissioner Edward Caban is associated with shadowy groups that do the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party, The Post has learned.

Top Adams ally, brother probed by feds are known for ‘expensive taste’ as they frequent swanky NYC nightclubs, restaurants. They also apparently take trips to Israel and get courses on Tavors with Meprolight sights:

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Ballot measure would tax firearm & ammo purchases in CO and fund crime victims services.

California democrats want to drop the requirement for illegal aliens to have to use Social Security numbers for taxpayer funded programs.

Philadelphia pledges half a million dollars to Planned Parenthood.

NPR promotes abortion as necessary for women to be efficient workers.

Jefferson County Public Schools in Colorado allowed a “nonbinary” female to supervise boys’ showers and forced a female student to share a bed with a male, violating parental rights over children’s privacy and accommodation decisions on school trips, according to a federal lawsuit filed on behalf of parents.

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Everything you have been taught, all your life, about the police and the courts and the justice system is a lie. A good treatise on the inevitable return of mob justice in Britain, and how the cops will probably face it as well. Of course they had better know about the surveillance.

The United States is sounding the alarm bells for what could be an absolutely catastrophic war between Israel and the Iranian-backed terror army Hezbollah in Lebanon. I find all these things just shockingly fake now. There is a physics which allows incredibly detailed scanning in 3d of an environment, and combines it with an incredibly precise point disruption of matter which can carry a decent amount of force. Meaning there are probably a plethora of technologies out there which make throwing young men into a meat grinder entirely unnecessary. And yet they continue to do it.

UK Islamic leaders call for the ARREST of Tommy Robinson.

Nigel Farage blasts Keir Starmer over two-tier policing as MPs shout ‘shame!’

Sir Keir Starmer is under major fire this afternoon after he refused to rule out clobbering pensioners even more in the forthcoming Budget, withdrawing two further crucial support measures from older people – free bus passes, and the single person council tax discount.

Germany’s anti-nuclear policies resulted in more pollution, more costs, report finds.

German bank cancels Right-wing politician after election victory.

BRICS confirms 159 participants will adopt new global payment system, abandon US dollar.

Ukrainian attacks from Black Sea thwarted — Russian MOD.

Russia appears to have launched initial major counterattack against Ukraine in Kursk.

Both the US and UK to greenlight Ukraine using long range missiles they supplied for attacks deep inside Russia. Situation must be desperate if MI-6 scripted this plausible deniability into the show.

The United States District Court for the Southern District of California (August 23, 2024) and the Supreme Judicial Court for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (August 27, 2024) reached opposite opinions on whether bladed weapons qualify as arms mentioned in the text of the Second Amendment. And the case heads on to Saint Clarence of DC for his just adjudication.

Odds Republicans win back the Senate are up to 76% on Polymarket.

President Trump agrees to FOX News debate — but not with Never-Trumpers Bret Baier or Martha MacCallum.

Kamala Harris and Democrats have to stand awkwardly as people cheer for Trump at 9/11 event.

Send people to, because they are rigging our elections

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5 months ago

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Just Me
Just Me
5 months ago

AC, I just noticed the link for DFT is back on top, unless I’ve been asleep and it never left. Are we back to clicks for dollars, or is it straight advertising? Actually like the content.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

Some of the financial news was useful from a geopolitical perspective.
Don’t go to any extra trouble, but it wouldn’t hurt to maybe post a little of that kind of news there or here if you come across it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

It’s too bad DFT didn’t work out. I tried to click the links daily, then added it to my RSS reader. I guess that didn’t count. Hopefully you can find another way to make up for what DFT was supposed to be.

Just Me
Just Me
5 months ago

“ Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is now sending State Troopers into Springfield, OH along with millions in funding to address the Haitian migrant crisis there”

From AP: “Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Tuesday he doesn’t oppose the Temporary Protected Status program under which some 15,000 Haitians have arrived in the city of about 59,000 people since 2020, but said the federal government must do more to help impacted communities.“

Translation: You can destroy Springfield, you just have to pay for it.

Reply to  Just Me
5 months ago

How about: “I figured out how me and my lodge buddies can profit off the pain of the local residents if we can shake loose some more of you people’s money.”

Reply to  Just Me
5 months ago

I’m going to go live in the Governor’s mansion “Temporarily” for the next 4 years.

5 months ago

Sidebar alert.

5 months ago

Didn’t click on the link about the latest 2nd amendment case, but its the right to bear arms, not guns.

Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

And “arms” meant “fully-armed warships”, like the kind the fledgling US Navy leased from private citizens until the new government could scrape up the money to buy their own.

In the 1700s an armed warship was the equivalent of an ICBM or bomber with nukes. It was the most powerful weapon of war created by man, up to that point.

Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

Surely the founding fathers weren’t talking about the right to wear wife-beaters. Arms are guns.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
5 months ago

All guns are arms, but not all arms are guns.
We have to expand what is covered.
Current SCOTUS thinking limits us to bearable arms, but even that covers lots of goodies beyond guns.

Reply to  teotoon
5 months ago

Bunch of dumbfuckers thinking they’ve got the magical take on a piece of entertainment media branded as “debate.”

If your opinion was swayed watching that, you go in the wood chipper. Everyone else has already drawn battle lines and will be holding to the death; if that’s not obvious already then you probably go in the wood chipper too.

Given the right circumstances we could easily be in a hot civil war in as little as two months. To pretend there’s anything useful to glean from the brain dead debates is nonsense.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

Frankly, the early years of the post-WWII Israeli state weren’t a whole lot different. Sure, they were mostly Jewish, but there were the natives to the area, who viewed the “newcomer” Jews as undesired foreigners who varied from libtertarians to outright Communists expelled from the USSR.

The Knesset must have been highly entertaining back then. Well, if you didn’t have a personal stake in it, anyway.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Can’t resist even if it doesn’t apply to you:
“This ain’t Fargo; and you don’t work the wood chipper.”

5 months ago

You mention the Q Box etc. reminded me: A Q drop which started something like: Israel is last.
I am little bit in doubt because I have not seen this drop be pointed to anywhere.
And: if I follow links to Q drops you link to at rare occupation: I get a blank page.

Reply to  Sauerkraut
5 months ago

Drop 916: We are saving Israel for last.
You can go to and enter your terms
and find what you are looking for.

Reply to  Sauerkraut
5 months ago

Here is the direct link:

Q Alerts for me is the best site to read and link the drops.

Fed Up
Fed Up
5 months ago

Crescendo incoming.
False escalation of Mideast and Ukraine conflicts will drag west further into avoidable destruction.
Will and safety of public ignored.

5 months ago

Possible Cabal family detection. This one just came through on my Quora feed:

The post is too long to cut and paste into a comment, so go to the link above and do a “control-F” for “Cargill” or “Joshua Agronetti”.

The agribusiness Cargil directly controls about a quarter of the world food supply. And it started in 1865 with a single grain silo in Iowa.

Um, OK. A single grain silo in Iowa.

Its still a privately held family company, and the family, the Cargills, make a huge effort to avoid publicity and to keep the company private. Almost nothing is known about them.

This is how a top Cabal family would operate. And the Cargill family itself may be a cut-out.

I’ve scrolled past the other Joshua Agronetti Quora posts, and there is nothing nearly this interesting or insightful, and no clue in his background about why he would be interested in Cargill.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
5 months ago

That picture of the men’s feet with the tranny health secretary is hilarious. It reminds me of having your picture taken at the circus with the bearded lady. The important and serious job he has is completely undermined by the clown show he puts on. There is a mad genius to it though. Rising all the way to the top of the government in a wig and a dress, that takes a lot of balls.

5 months ago

Black Chicagoan warns democrats that migrants are replacing African Americans.

They’re just here to commit the murders our blacks won’t commit.

5 months ago

No one said the transing for migrants would be competent, complete, or voluntary. It’s probably going to be spaying illegal immigrant workers before setting them to work in the fields and factories. No more ambition, no more drive, no more babies, probably not free will.

Catholics only have one guy against slavery. They are okay with mutilation- they made singers out of castrati. Castrati started as slaves, then became something ambitious families did.

Orthodox- growing in popularity, had a thing for castrating second sons to go into the imperial bureaucracy. Consider how Grindr lights up in Washington, DC, and any political convention.

Quakers- made profits off slave ships.

Jews- the NOI articles on Unz cover that pretty sufficiently.

That is a lot of wealthy, stable, prestigious, Americans who would be okay with this. I’d say leftists will provide the language- autonomy, body modification, choice, and so on.

They are all working very hard to recreate the Eurasian stasis.

5 months ago

> Massie … Constitutional Carry Act
He’s been a Congressman for twelve years, and he finally noticed that the Fed is stomping on an enumerated Constitutional right? One that several different lobbyists and PACs have pointed out to him at least once every year?

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

His job is to sound good, do nothing that will make a difference, and supply a sell out vote if they ever need it using some cheap excuse.
If he supports the idea it means it is already going to pass or will never even get a vote on the floor.

5 months ago

> Odds Republicans win back the Senate are up to 76% on Polymarket.


Everytime the Republicans get a majority, they do exactly as the Democrats want anyway.

Why, it’s almost like there’s only one party with two faces…

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
5 months ago

AC, wanted to pass this on if you hadn’t seen it yet: