News Briefs – 09/12/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Oil Surges Off Supply Concerns

DFT – Weak Gas Demand In Europe Points To Industrial Malaise

DFT – German Construction Industry On Verge Of Collapse

DFT – German Construction Industry On Verge Of Collapse

DFT – Italian Food Spending Is Falling As Consumers Trade Down

“Fresh evidence submitted in a major 9/11 lawsuit moving forward against the Saudi Arabian government reveals its embassy in Washington may have funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees, further reinforcing the claim that employees and agents of the kingdom directed and aided the 9/11 hijackers and plotters.” MbS seems on the same page as Trump, so what changed things? Where they under some threat which made them comply and it was lifted? Did they just decide to join the team they thought would win and switch sides? Was it a clique in the Kingdom which got unseated by MbS?

Fulton County Grand Jury was totally mentally unhinged, based on questions it was asking, reveals election lawyer. Statistically, given Trump’s popularity, what are the chances the Grand Jury they absolutely needed would end up filled with Cabal assets? Might domestic intelligence have a way to make sure it was 100 percent going to be a Cabal jury?

Americans’ cars now have ‘unmatched power to watch, listen and collect information about what you do and where you go’ – with at least 84% of 25 car brands in bombshell study sharing or selling personal data. I think what is going on is just like when you want to use an app on your phone, it demands access to your contacts, and your text messages, and your camera and your mic, and you can’t get apps which don’t do that, now the cars demand access to your phone stuff to sync your car with your phone, so they start with all that data, and then probably are pulling mic feeds while you talk in the car, doing GPS on everywhere you go, tracking how you drive and the routes you take and where you stop to shop. It is probably like how you cannot get a phone now with a battery that can be removed. If you want that, you are, like me, buying smartphones from like 2005-2007, and you just don’t use them for anything personal, and keep the battery out as much as possible. Amusingly enough, it will be the poor-fags who launch the revolution who they will have no data on, and it will be the rich fags whose data on everything will be out there, probably for sale somewhere, who will be on the run, with intel files available. Probably why we get so much surveillance now.

People who trust their gut are suckers for ‘bulls–t’ conspiracy theories: scientists. Apparently that is the technical name for conspiracies in the sciences. Don’t trust your gut anon, you must trust the narrative crafters and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media.  A measure of how big the lies are getting.

Arizona’s House Democrats used a post to X over the weekend to praise New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s (D) order banning both the concealed and open carry of handguns in cities such as Albuquerque.

The sheriff in New Mexico’s largest metro area has vowed not to enforce an emergency order by the governor to temporarily suspend the right to carry firearms in public in and around the city of Albuquerque.

Donald Trump files motion to DISQUALIFY Judge Tanya Chutkan from federal January 6 case.

The George W. Bush Institute executive who organized a joint statement by 13 presidential libraries pledging to unify to preserve democracy was previously revealed as the person who leaked the infamous Steele dossier to BuzzFeed after the 2016 election. Asshole’s name is David Kramer.

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) wrote Monday that it is “unbelievable” that Senate Democrats continue to block disaster relief for Americans unless it is paired with Ukraine aid.

Biden’s niece talked with Hunter while she was serving as Treasury official during Obama admin about potential China investment.

Hunter Biden’s China-Ukraine axis-did the president’s son hope to make billions by bringing China into Ukraine?

Three separate coin shop owners have found their bank accounts suddenly shut down without any prior notice or explanation from their financial institutions. Fascinating because it sounds like domestic intel decided to shut down their business so they could take over the space. And one call to the bank, and these guys are debanked out of the blue. You will see more of that in the future. People do not realize yet that as this thing has expanded, it has connected things nobody would have thought were connected. Government and businesses and banks, and TV stations. Imagine the mafia controlling every business and bank, and you want to start a successful business which will compete with one of their’s. That is where we are at.

Democrats should be ‘concerned’ ahead of 2024, Brazile says. I do not think many of them know much more than we do, beyond there is a conspiracy, it will reward them for doing what it wants, and it may or may not be in control.

President Biden said Monday that he was at the World Trade Center site in New York City one day after the 9/11 attacks — but his own autobiography placed him in DC.

Never-before-seen footage: James Woods warned the FBI about 9/11 a month before the attacks — They didn’t listen.

A fourth Joe Biden email alias surfaces. I am actually surprised, because as someone running a lot of aliases, it can get tough to keep them all straight. It feels like there was someone running all this for him, as I do not think he was keeping all these aliases straight.

Rep. Matt Gaetz is calling for Kevin McCarthy to be removed as Speaker of the House.

NYT columnist Ross Douthat: ‘Decrepit-seeming’ Joe Biden is so unpopular ‘he could easily lose to Donald Trump.’

Joe Biden allegedly ‘plunged into sadness and frustration’ about potential Hunter indictment.

Freudian slip? Biden says cabinet will work to ‘increase number & intensity of extreme weather events & be wary – We’re going to be – tsing all the resources available to the government to do it.’ Before the 2020 election Biden said they had assembled a voter fraud machine unlike anything ever before seen in history.

Mayor Adams says the world’s greatest city will be destroyed by the migrant crisis… after HE fought to make New York an immigrant sanctuary. Yet all those who warned him were trashed as racists!

NYPD overtime to be cut to help pay for migrant crisis — even as crime remains higher than before COVID.

A fugitive wanted in Mexico for killing nine Americans, including six children, was arrested in Albuquerque.

Elon Musk files lawsuit accusing the state of California of violating free speech rights of X Corp.

Susanna Gibson, a mother-of-two and Virginia Democratic candidate, performed sex acts with her husband online – and asked viewers to pay TIPS. If she didn’t have this in her background, she would not have gotten this far. They would have shut her down before she started. I wonder if they tried to give her a David Patterson sit-down, to explain how they would own her if they gave her the win, she said she didn’t want to work for them, and now she is a feature story on the Daily Mail. Also worth note, she is vehemently anti-Republican and anti-gun.

Seven living CIA directors – Michael Hayden, James Woolsey, Leon Panetta, David Petraeus, Michael Morrell, William Webster & Robert Gates – on the board of the group deputized by DHS to censor your opinions about mail-in ballots during the 2020 election cycle.

Homeland Security Awards $20 million to Police, mental health networks, universities, churches and school districts to help identify Americans as potential ‘extremists.’

We’re bankrupt’: Leaked meeting reveals Project Veritas on verge of collapse after O’Keefe ouster.

California bills headed to Newsom’s desk will launch a transgender inquisition targeting parents. And nobody wants these things. And the politicians do not care, because they don’t need votes in the election to “win” the office.

Konstantine Anthony- the Mayor of Burbank, California, received a spanking from a drag queen in front of children at a Democrat campaign event yesterday.

Piers Morgan does a show on serial killers. Show will probably suck because he is a midwit. But what struck me is this, because it is emblematic of the vast majority of Cabal:

Just being in such proximity to some of these monsters — I do all the interviews face to face with them in maximum-security prisons across America — often makes my skin crawl.

And I’m always thankful for the presence of the guards standing a few feet away, keeping watch over their lethal inmates, knowing that some of them wouldn’t give a damn about adding me to their murder record.

Several times, I’ve had cause to be genuinely concerned for my safety.

During an increasingly confrontational interview with a man dubbed the Kansas City Strangler, Lorenzo Gilyard — who fatally throttled at least 13 women during a 17-year killing spree — I suddenly realized the lone guard had wandered off to the far end of the larger room, and I nervously pondered what would happen if Gilyard jumped up and tried to strangle me, which he looked like he wanted to do.

“How long would you have kept the cameras rolling before pulling him off me?” I asked my producer afterward.

“One second before asphyxiation,” he chuckled ruefully. “Though if I got the timing wrong, it would be great for ratings.”

Think about that. Some dude, long past his prime jumps at Piers and reaches for his neck (probably with locked elbows, from way above on their toes coming down to him), and he himself feels like there would be no hope. Piers is male, and he has made it to like 65, and never had the vaguest intellectual curiosity about how to fight or defend himself. A guy goes to put his hands around his neck, and all he can do is look for who is nearby to save him, and he himself feels if there is nobody there, then he’ll go possum, and that killer will, no-problemo, put him down like you would wring out a washcloth. It is worse than being a pussy. It is being incurious. That is why so many of them took the vaccine. They have no ability to understand, and zero desire to. It is why almost none of them shoot, or understand anything about medicine, or can handle their pool chemistry, or repair their homes or their cars, or can grasp why people would be so horrified by the conspiracy itself. And if you tell them you find something like how people clear rooms with a gun is interesting, or even that you might practice taking corners or engaging people, they will think you weird. It is why if this thing gets revealed, I believe it will not last long. It is a minority of the incurious, propped up by a small handful of intelligence, for the purpose of suppressing the majority of the curious. And I think curiosity has, within it, the seeds of fearlessness.

A boy saw 17 doctors over 3 years for chronic pain. ChatGPT found the diagnosis.

Humanoid robots are coming for warehouse jobs.

Israeli officials make first ever public visit to Saudi Arabia. Biden just snubbed Netanyahu, due to bad blood, the media says over judicial reform, but it feels like that is a symptom of something deeper.

Chinese shopping app TEMU’s software “has the full array of characteristics of the most aggressive forms of malware/spyware” with “hidden functions that allow for extensive data exfiltration unbeknown to users, potentially giving bad actors full access to almost all data on customers’ mobile devices” and “it is evident that great efforts were taken to intentionally hide the malicious intent and intrusiveness of the software.” Next up, a wave of dirt cheap Chinese cars which want to sync with your phone, and are more luxurious and feature filled than America cars. But they need your phone synced to start them up.

US makes deal with Iran to swap five American prisoners for $6billion in frozen funds.

China said that a US citizen jailed for life for espionage lured Chinese officials into bugged hotels and used “honey traps” to blackmail them into spying for Washington. I think most guys spend their lives chasing highly selective women who will barely give them a second look. So to them, the idea women will make sex transactional, or that some command figure can point, and that woman would just bed a guy, and even act enthusiastic is not even comprehendible. And yet, I think in intelligence culture, that is seen in women as a mark of professionalism, and their willingness to do anything to win. It is totally different from regular society, and that makes it unimaginably powerful, and for that reason, quite common. I am still not sure about the story itself though, because I am sure China has a ground game like I see here. In the US you might get away with it, to the extent the ground surveillance is not really concerned with US NatSec, but rather is focused on the transnational conspiracy’s control. They might ignore, or even allow and piggyback such an operation, looking to turn the assets themselves with the treason they capture. But I would assume if I were trying this in China, I would get caught, especially if I was a US citizen. They will be listening to you breathe while you sleep. Makes me wonder if the guy doing this was being fantasy camped, and didn’t know about the surveillance we just take for granted now.

A Dutch court sentencing a former Pakistani cricket star to 12 years in prison for offering a reward for the murder of the leader of the Party of Freedom Geert Wilders over a Prophet Mohammed cartoon contest. Tried in absentia, still in Pakistan, Pakistani government will not extradite.

North Korea’s Kim en route to Russia for talks with Putin.

Weapons from ‘Ukrainian frontline’ reportedly seized by Police from ‘New IRA’ terrorists in Northern Ireland.

What is happening to Ukraine in a photo – “OMG, people, I am so enthused! I mean his foot was completely blown off! I can’t believe I am looking at the stump!”:

The reporter, before and after:

Telegraph – Ukraine’s counter-offensive is stalling. The West must prepare for humiliation.

Ukraine’s counteroffensive only has a month left, predicts U.S. General Mark Milley.

Former Zelensky administration officials speak to National File…Zelensky accused of money laundering, stealing American money, persecuting opponents, cocaine use, selling his weapons, taking Russian money, and more.

Yankees legend David Wells on wokery: “It sucks. That’s why everyone should carry a gun.”

Appeals court: doctors can sue FDA for condemning Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, resulting reputational harm. But it never affects an individual. What do FDA execs care if they have to give $8 billion in taxpayer funds to some lawyers and a few doctors? They still get their plum job at a big biotech when they leave in two years.

President Donald Trump’s lead over his nearest competitor in the Republican primary field, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), has expanded four percent since August and now sits at nearly fifty points, according to a national TIPP insights poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because it fearlessness is how you become able to do anything

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1 year ago

Kamala – party like it’s 9/11!

Honey traps – probably look just as ordinary as ‘surveillance’ – no hotties, no 007’s.

Piers Morgan – not 65, but born in 1965. He’s Gen X! Eek! Very pro-vaxx, too.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Morgan is cabal.

Some years back he published fake pictures of clearly not-real soldiers “abusing” an iraqi POW.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

VD has an article on the history of global tewmpretures.

He is 100% correct that way back in 60’s and 70’s they told us global cooling was going to happen. I remember in my school they had a poster that showed NYC under 1 mile of ice and the reason they gave for global cooling was industry was throwing dust in the air cutting off the Sun and it would trigger an ice age. I remember super clearly because it terrified me. I can understand how children can be misled on global warming because I was just as terrified about global cooling. I remember distinctly thinking,”how will we live on all this ice” and how threatening it all was. That I remember this as a little child so clearly, tells you how shocking this was to me.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Here is the weird thing about this, from my personal experience.

I actually knew personally someone who devoted tons of time toward proving that “global warming”, as it was known then, was a myth and temperatures were actually dropping from year to year. All his friends regarded him as a crank and from what I can see they were right. He often told me about how everyone believed in “global cooling” in the 1970s and it was taught in all the schools.

Logically, the existence of erroneous scientific claims in one decade has no bearing on whether completely different scientific claims in another decade is correct or not. The only way to make that argument is to claim that all publicized scientific claims are in error and we should always believe the inverse. But then VD recently hinted that he thought the flat earth claims were credible. And if you have to make that argument, the COVID scare is a much better starting point, being both more recent and more clearly incorrect.

However, I was alive and in school in the 1970s, though not the 1960s. And in the 00s I found out that all the schools in the 1970s were preaching about global cooling. But I didn’t know this in the 1970s. Because I have absolutely no memory of this being taught, or discussed in the media. I was an avid consumer of media and went to a school where this would have been taught, it it was being taught.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

It’s hard to know what to believe. It stands to reason all the CO2 we are dumping in the atmosphere could cause problems, like warming, but at the same time there’s no doubt at all that according to patterns over millions of years we are headed into cooling. Maybe even an ice age. That’s the pattern, and the Sun has definitely lowered its sunspots and is less active. So what to do? I don’t think gloabal warming should be totally ignored but the dire “we’re all going to die next decade” is likely to be fake. Personally I believe the whole global warming scare was thought up by the deep State to crush energy usage making us poor peasants.

My understanding, or what I’m told, is that if you look at the ice sheets on the poles you so no widespread of melting over decades. I think that’s about as good an indicator as you can get that massive warming is not happening.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

No, it doesn’t stand to reason that changing .04 % of the atmosphere to .05% means a damn thing. C02 is now not that far above the level at which plants die. It is about 10% of the geological record high.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

>Logically, the existence of erroneous scientific claims in one decade has no bearing on whether completely different scientific claims in another decade is correct or not.

Observably, the same liars and deceivers are running, overseeing, funding, and propagandizing the bogus research today that were back then. There is no reason to trust anything from an alleged “scientific” outlet that publishes unproven, non-replicated bullshit passed off as “science” just because time has passed, and their scheming has more experience to deceive better.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

As I remember, VD didn’t say flat earth claims were credible. He said something like he sees the official narrative of the Earth’s measurements as less credible. They’re always lying about something.

The things they teach change from decade to decade. In the 80’s when I was in school, it was Global Warming, Acid Rain, and Ozone Depletion. Haven’t heard anything about the last two for several decades.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Global cooling in the 50’s through the 60’s was the global average going down because the Soviets opened up a bunch of mobile missile silos in child climates. They regularly contributed climate data. The Soviets went ran out of money and closed down the missile program, no more weather monitoring in cold climates and voila, global warming in the 90’s. There was a bunch of other quackery but if you get into the numbers you remove the Siberian bases from the equation and you’ll be surprised how little you have to go on.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Come to think of it, Jonathan Cook wrote a long essay about this very subject, posted on, that is probably worth reading, though I’m only halfway through it:

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

It blows my mind how normies can’t see the pattern of how no single “climate” prediction was ever accurate. I remember my 6th grade “science” textbook from the mid 80’s said we’d be out of coal and oil by 2000. Wrong. Manhattan wasn’t under 20 ft of water by 2000. The Maldives are still well above water. There is plenty of Arctic ice. Glacier National Park still exists. I wonder if they took down the sign that said it would be gone by 2020? The Great Barrier Reef had it’s best year ever in 2022.

Every single prediction was a complete and total failure.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Stupid and r-selected people have no time preference, only the immediate surroundings. They’re biologically incapable of looking at a large-scale picture to compare against because their brains are tuned to analyze here and now.

They can be deceived so easily because the deceivers know this.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I notice this with sheep and “free” things. Recently, a new 7/11 opened and was offering a free coffee. Sheep kept asking me if I was going to get my “free” coffee. I said “It will cost me more in time and gas to drive there and back than the coffee is worth.” I got a blank look. All they see is free and they go running with not thought to opportunity costs. Short term “what will make me happy this instant” thinking with no thought for the future.

1 year ago

> Susanna Gibson

Wow, look at that pronounced disgust smile

Once you notice it you can’t stop

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Okay, I’ve been reading about this disgust smile and no upper lip thing here and hoping it will become clear what you all are referring to but I’m still at a loss. I see it when it is pointed out but what does it mean?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Misery loves company. It’s like a form of Vampirism.

1 year ago

Asshole’s name is (((David Kramer)))

What a coincidence!

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

you’re an anti-semite for noticing!!

1 year ago

A fourth Joe Biden email alias surfaces. I am actually surprised, because as someone running a lot of aliases, it can get tough to keep them all straight.

It’s the sort of thing we would run a report on in eDiscovery (usually a barchart of monthly traffic by account.) If he was doing it serially rather than concurrent, then it is easier to manage, but more damning (like a guy who not only runs 4 burner phones, but changes them out every month.)

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Interesting. What computer forensics package are you using? Something from OpenText?

Reply to  map
1 year ago

No, just the standard doc review stuff, Xera, Lexis+, DISCO, etc.

1 year ago

MbS seems on the same page as Trump, so what changed things? Where they under some threat which made them comply and it was lifted? Did they just decide to join the team they thought would win and switch sides? Was it a clique in the Kingdom which got unseated by MbS?”

Q: House of SAUD (6+++) – $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) – $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) – $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures – False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.

It appears Trump Team Patriots took down the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal clique in 2017 and Putin Team Patriots are now taking down the Rothschild satanists via Ukraine.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

The Las Vegas mass shooting

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Badlands Media wrote several essays on Substack about that goings on in Saudi Arabia. In 2017, Mohammed Bin Salmam (MBS) was able to bypass his older brother and ascend to the throne. He then had about 40 members of his family, including Alaweed Bin Talal. Saudi Arabia was then neutralized as a source of terror in the Middle East and Cabal was cut off. He also opened Saudi Arabia to outsiders. The kingdom had been closed for a long time.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

British Intelligence created the House of Saud.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

I heard some of this via “the Las Vegas shooting” connection not too long after that tragedy took place. I’m too dense to ever make sense of Q’s clues, but this account (below) by John Cullen is pretty close to what I was told and thought made sense. He does mention The President’s weasel son-in-law’s potential involvement toward the end of the video, so I don’t know if it’s “Patriots” or some other agenda afoot. The video presents interesting details, but it is long.

1 year ago

“A fourth Joe Biden email alias surfaces. I am actually surprised, because as someone running a lot of aliases, it can get tough to keep them all straight. It feels like there was someone running all this for him, as I do not think he was keeping all these aliases straight.“
Could it be that different parties of control (CIA, etc) were designated specific names to indicate who was issuing the specific info?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Some sort of opsec? On the other hand, we’re not dealing with the sharpest sporks in the drawer.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


And why DJT is being charged with it pre-emptively.

1 year ago

I’d like to point out the “Israeli officials make first ever public visit to Saudi Arabia” happened on 9-11. So two of the powers directly responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Americans met up officially for the first time on that day’s anniversary

If you don’t think this was direct messaging, you’re woefully under-equipped for the realities of this world

Reply to  AlyssaUnkempt
1 year ago

I think this could be direct messaging. To be certain would imply over-equipped

1 year ago

I’ve been concerned over the Maui fires and so some podcasts came across my YouTube feed. AC—You need to see these:

Lahaina Fires updates. They said WHAT?? Brush Junkie

At the min 6:01 mark, the Brush Junkie begins to talk about Chief of Police Pelletier. This is the guy that was captain at the Mandalay shooting that killed 58 people. She brings up a story: His secretary, who was with the department for 32 years–died in a car accident while chasing a mugger that stole her purse. She hit a tree and pronounced dead. That is not the end of it. Here is her remarks on a reason he moved to Maui:
who put Pelletier up for this position? but just my opinion on what might have led to that big promotion and his ability to go from Vegas where he was serving on the police force for a long time to Maui becoming the Chief without having to obey the rules that were in place and not being familiar with the police department that he was now in charge of. I think there was observations and things that were observed in him during his time in Vegas when that mass shooting happened and the time after I think there was some information sent to people in high places that he would make a good police chief in Maui and maybe those values those um actions that they saw in Vegas might benefit these people in Maui so it was important to have him there in order for certain things to be carried out during the fires 

There you go AC–and she is MAD as hell. I don’t blame her. And it doesn’t stop there:

48-yr Arborist questions Maui WildFire and Shares insights Blossom Inner Wellness

You’ve got to see the photos and the story of this California arborist. I am also from California and I can vouch what he says about Eucalyptus trees burning like mad. (Eucalyptus trees are an import from Australia). But he notices that in the Maui fire—THEY ARE NOT BURNED!!!! He also has pictures of a fence rail in California—the nails are burned–not the wood. He is suggesting a microwave weapon. The interviewer, Blossom–is mad as hell too and says we are in WWIII and that the government is killing us!

Update on the Maui Wildfires WolvesAndFinance

This one has interesting tidbits—celebrities houses have Blue ceramic roofs. And then he points out a hotel on the beach—no fire damage!

The rumors I believe are true—Hawaii’s governor is Jewish. Notice how the Illinois’s Jewish governor has allowed illegals into police departments. And that Unz’s current post on 9/11 intimates that this was a CIA Mossad false flag. American Pravda: Remembering the 9/11 Truth Movement, by Ron Unz – The Unz Review
We have some really evil shit blossoming and controlling. This is phucking scary. The downing of WTC blg 7 has got to be the biggest evidence of criminal activity–and it was partly for Money! The Maui fires were for money and the WEF agenda! They are implementing their plans!

Last edited 1 year ago by
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

In today’s video podcast by the Brush Junkie, she reports that Police Chief Pelletier is also the coroner!!! How does that happen?

In 9-11, didn’t the Jewish owner of the World Trade Centers take out or redid his insurance policy on them? Why yes. Look at the same pattern in Hawaii, Jewish governor a month before the fires, suspends several laws about land, historical buildings and resources. Is that convenient or what?
Hawaii Gov Takes Dramatic Action To Solve Housing Crisis. But Is He Going Too Far? – Honolulu Civil Beat

That article was written July 17, 2023.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

That video,”photos and the story of this California arborist” ios astounding. I have, now, no doubt, not in slightest that a lot of these fires all around are caused by, likely, microwave, or some sort of beamed weapon. Look at a picture I svaed from the video. A Jeep with the aluminium wheels melted to where the aluminium runs off in a stream YET, the asfault is not burnt. This is 100% impossible. No one can tell me the tempretures got hot enough to melt aluminium and not catch the asphault on fre. Asphault burns like crazy. Asphault is just suprt heavy oil left over in the refining process. It;s pil. IOt would HAVE to burn under thse circumstances. And there’s so many trees thta re not burnt right next to houses thta burnt completely to ashes. Some sectror of our governemnt is dong this. If we could get some people ncharge we could find them. SOmebeody spent a great deal of money to make these weapon system sand there ARE records.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…heat was radiant from the side, and hit the metal directly, as it traveled parallel to the ground, and thus the ground did not get hit? Like sunlight coming in, and paper can be perpendicular to it, or parallel to the light direction, and that will determine how much energy would be delivered to the paper? Maybe the asphalt was in like a radiant shade?…”

Oh come on…I’m not buying that. Aluminum wheels are big ass heavy things, and in this case they melted into little rivers of metal. It’s absurd that this could natural. There’s no way. It’s impossible and still have the pavement there like that. This is not the only one. I saw a video these guys did and a car with over 30 feet of gravel around it and barely anything but scrub grass around that and the aluminum manifold of the engine and the aluminum rims were melted into liquid and ran off. Of course the cops came and ran them off. Told them they couldn’t park anywhere off the road near anything. No, it’s got to be, most likely, large microwave weapons or some sort of beam weapon. I was cautious about the California fires but this guy has lots of excellent pictures and has made sense of the whole thing such that it all ties together. He showed several fences where the nails melted, dropping the fence rails off but the wood did not burn. Only where the nails were. He also shows lots of plastic pools, toys, plastic kids yard toy stuff, everything else is meted to ash but plastic next to it, nothing. Perfectly fine. Well we know this is BS. He says that they come in and drag off all the plastic garbage cans so you won’t notice but he did have pictures of some they missed.

It also could be some sort of particle beam but seeing as how gigawatt microwave tubes are already a thing it’s more likely that’s what it is.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Well I totally screwed that up. Above is my normal typing. My fingers are so bad at typing and first run spelling, so bad, I just bang the stuff out then go back and spell check and correct all my mistakes. I meant to add the picture and hit the post button instead. Here’s the picture.

The above, “Asphalt is just super heavy oil left over in the refining process. It’s oil”

The rest, I guess you can make out. My tying is so bad I’ve given up on making the first draft before correction right. I’m always hitting two keys at once. It’s easier to just bang it out then correct because it’s never right the first time anyway.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

I can not emphasize seeing this great video wlindsaywheeler put up as being important.

48-yr Arborist questions Maui WildFire and Shares insights Blossom Inner Wellness

This is a total smoking gun. It’s the building 7 of all these fires and incontestable proof that they are setting them with some sort of beam, Likely microwave, weapon.

There’s no doubt at all they can make these. There are all sorts of papers on high power microwaves like this. Here’s just one there are other types.

I’ve worked on parts of a radio station before with 250KW power tubes. These things are only a meter high or so, and they run the radio waves through coaxial cables and wave guides much smaller. Maybe less than an inch up to the main antennas. If you used a focused antenna to beam 250KW of microwaves at someone it would cook them fast and the ones they were working on were in the megawatt range.

This reminds me of a magazine article I read a long time ago in, of all things, Soldier of Fortune. One of the Presidential helicopters was flying, a civilian was watching it and it was in distress. He saw it go down. I think this guy, if I remember correctly, was remotely linked to the magazine. He rushed to the crash site and he said that a bunch of the structures of the helicopter were melted. He saw the crew and they looked as if they had been cooked. He said their backs were split open like you would super cook a hot dog very fast and have it bust. Some sort of law enforcement soon arrived and he was removed from the scene. SOF tracked down the site and near where the site was, a military research company was doing work on high power microwave weapons and pointed it out in a map. This always stuck with me. I can’t remember for sure but I think this was in the first Clinton administration. Was someone trying to kill him and got the wrong Presidential chopper?

I think this is the crash.

1 year ago

The Q chaps suggested that the hostile Saudis were a faction, which included Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

Did he also own the Mandalay hotel?

He was then arrested & neutered by MBS. Suggestions were that the National Guard mobilization was the Saudi National Guard, not USNG

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

VLADIVOSTOK, September 12. /TASS/. Russia can’t stop hostilities if it’s repelling an enemy counteroffensive, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the Eastern Economic Forum.

“From many sides, the people we talk to, who are mediating or would like to mediate, say to me, ‘Are you ready to cease hostilities?’ But how can we cease hostilities if the other side is conducting a counteroffensive? What are we supposed to do? They will counterattack, and we will say, ‘And we are standing down.’ We are not Trotskyists: ‘Movement is everything, the final goal is nothing.’ That’s a bad theory,” he said during a question-and-answer session at the EEF.

The president said that in order to start a peace process, the Kiev regime should first lift the legislative ban on negotiations. Kiev officials should also “state that they are ready for it. That’s it! And then we’ll see,” Putin said. -TASS

Probably the ultimate Vlad statement. Despite what I might want, when violence and war are conducted by serious and capable adults, conflict ends at a table somewhere with both sides putting pen to paper. The serious and capable adults know this from day one.

This SMO is going to end at the table with an agreement. Putin knows what he wants to get out of all this violence. And he was confident he could get it. And this was the only way because of who his opponents were.

The whole SMO has been to force UKR and NATO to begin acting like serious capable adults or get serious capable adults to take charge. That’s why Medvedev saying earlier that RUS could always get a Doenitz and Jodl to sign if it came to that.

I’m just a guy, and it kills me to think this situation here in the US will end at a table somewhere with DJT and whoever from Cabal hashing out an agreement. But it will because DJT is like VVP: a serious and capable adult.

The Clintons did it with the Bushes after surviving the Impeachment and everything the Bush Faction GOP threw at them which was an amazing amount. The Clintons of course just wanted a piece. DJT apparently wants something else. Something more like what VVP wants.

The end result of the Cuban Missile Crisis was USSR and US agreeing at some table somewhere that the US would remove Poseidons from Turkey.

And that bit from Putin about Trotskyists is brilliant. He’s not a neocon or you-know-who. Putin has clearly defined goals he wants to achieve and decided the only way he could get them was mass-scale violence. So, he did it. And when the US submits and gives them to him, he’ll stop.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There can be no agreements with the agreement incapable.
Cabal is agreement incapable.
This will end with the complete victory of one side or the other, and I think Ukraine is the same way.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Putin already approved one peace deal with UKR in Turkey during SMO.

Any deal with Cabal is only a new position from which to move forward.

Putin won’t stop moving forward for RUS after any signing. Neither will DJTs faction.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

My bet is that the Ukranian pen will be “put to paper” in this case the same way the Japanese put pen to paper on the foredeck of the USS Missouri.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Yes. Looks that way now. Germany in WWII was the same. And hopefully Cabal in the US too. Both those nations survived though.

I think the various Cabal Factions in the US will survive too: Chicago, Bush, Clinton, California.

But DJTs will have the ultimate position.

1 year ago

Is it my imagination, or was Bill O’Reilly trying to shut down James Woods?

Ann K.
Ann K.
1 year ago

Related to TEMU and Chinese cars: China is set to overtake Japan this year as the world’s top car exporter:

Reply to  Ann K.
1 year ago

What could possibly go wrong…

Reply to  Ann K.
1 year ago

Still ain’t seeing it in the western world. Gotta remember most of these cheap-o shitboxes go to third world nations that can’t afford real cars.

1 year ago

Sae this linked by the tech admin at AOSHQ. Really thought this was cool. Of course, I would because I think coding is dumb and coders are annoying.

Laughed at his statement about the article: “Someone who uses COBOL and can tell you why they are using COBOL will probably make billions”.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

People who trust their gut are suckers for ‘bulls–t’ conspiracy theories: scientists.

It’s not just about going with “the gut”. The article is, more importantly, attacking probabilistic thinking, which happens at the subconscious level. Not only that, real cognitive processing and discernment isn’t “logical” in the sense that Clown World is trying to program people to think. It’s not some human computer that gets some input and outputs some logical conclusion. That’s simply not how it works.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

That might be how it works for them though. I know that is not how my brain works. I’m almost 100% intuitive. To the extent most think how I come up with answers very confusing and frustrating.

Maybe the no-dialogue NPCs experience thinking as mechanical or chess?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They probably don’t think at all. Only react to stimuli.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think the whole issues lies on a spectrum. Many of us don’t really “think” at all in the ways that they like to think they are thinking. Thinking involves drawing accurate and workable conclusions oneself using the data at hand. It’s really difficult work, even for the highly intelligent. The sickly genius trope is, in fact, a real thing. This is why it’s especially important for thinkers to make sure they work on their fitness and dial in diets that work for them. The ancients in both the East and West knew this but we tend to ignore this.

Most are not capable of drawing conclusions from disparate facts aside from less complex matters or the very specific things in which they specialize. In all else they “defer” to authority and emotional triggers, or else they’ll go crazy with information overload.

And it’s not just a matter of raw intellectual firepower, either. The model I propose is fractal, so my above claims apply to everyone, to some degree or another. No matter how intelligent we might be, we must also rely upon others to draw conclusions for us in many topics.

So we have to remember that we all, sheep or no, rely on our “truthsense”, which I have posited is a separate facility altogether rooted in the spiritual realm. Those with more accurate truthsense will tend to choose the right “shepherds” in complex matters or subjects outside their expertise.

It’s just human nature, the real physiological and spiritual economy of cognition and discernment. This isn’t bad if the chosen shepherds are rooted in truth. But the Beast World System understands human nature very well. So they corrupt the shepherds. This is partly what Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 34 are about.

Almost forgot to add the emotional element and the discipline involved in the whole thing. I’ll add that a huge part of Proverbs and the Psalms is to help us develop discernment and truthsense reliably despite learned/ingrained emotional deficiencies.

We call the sheep the sheep for a reason. Those of us with higher intelligence and strong truthsense can draw accurate conclusions and choose the right people to learn from with relatively little investment of energy compared to the sheeple. We have to understand that it’s orders of magnitude easier for a 4SD IQ individual to do this that someone at 1SD. A single SD is an order of magnitude. It’s like comparing someone in an excavator to someone wielding a pick and shovel. Those at 5SD or beyond are working in those giant mega-excavators. I’ve noticed that there is a HUGE qualitative difference between 4SD and 5SD+. 5SD+ is the realm of true consistent genius.

This is why it’s so important for us not to blindly hold the sheep in contempt. We need to understand their plight. Just because MPAI does not mean we need to hate them for it. Like I tried to illustrate, it’s all fractal. The false shepherds, however, are a different story altogether. And we must learn from these false shepherds too, because we here were given a rare and powerful gift, so have responsibilities of our own, however futile the fight might seem. We will be held accountable for what we do or not do with the gifts we were given.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

>Kamala Harris at the 9/11 memorial

GD what an idiot. That is painful to see. It is physically painful to me to be reminded there are people this stupid. Everything about that creature is a psyop by the cabaloids.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Allegations (with data and photos that used to be easy to find via any search engine) that “Kamala Harris” was born Kamal Jumma Aroush in Libya are pretty credible. But I’m not finding intelligent discussion of the possibility online anymore.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Bufala
1 year ago

Then she is neither native born or natural born. Poor Ahnold, he missed his window of opportunity.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Isn’t one of the signs of a pathological narcissist a completely inappropriate response to stimuli?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

I think it’s more that they react to info as it relates exclusively to themselves rather than the broader social scope or in taking other people into account.

Example: they might smile at a funeral of someone they hate, because the person dying is good for them.

Same here: this ghoul is happy at a 9/11 memorial because it’s a public gravedance celebration for their gay little club’s accomplishments. It’s happy because it knows it’s scheming and winning currently, rather than being sad at the loss of American life.

1 year ago

On September 3, you commented on an article about journalism degrees….

Study shows journalism is ‘most regretted’ college major as trust in corporate media sinks. What is going on is, these are people who were told, you work hard, get good grades, and the world is your apple. So they work hard, get all A’s in journalism classes, and then show up to a Cabal media operation, and after being told they are not hiring, see Anderson Cooper strut by them with an English degree to his $3 million per year job, because he was a Vanderbilt descendant who spent a summer as a CIA intern. The degree is useless because that is not how journalists get jobs.

I recently ran across a short video that demonstrates this perfectly. The first two minutes reveals her “qualifications”….
A Jewish journalist for Rolling Stone is upset that right-wingers are saying no to seed oils, an industrial by product.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Have had to temper my expectations about the eventual reveals. I expect that there is such heavy compartmentalization that one result will be small controlled burns. Would like to see wider reach.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Canola was originally a trademark name of the Royal Canadian Rapeseed Association of Canada, and the name was a condensation of “Can” from Canada and “OLA” meaning “Oil, but is now a generic term for edible varieties of rapeseed oil in North America and Australasia.

Always the filthy British.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

Global Climate Change Rhetoric is pseudoscience.
= Chicken Little Science

1 year ago

“Piers is male, and he has made it to like 65, and never had the vaguest intellectual curiosity about how to fight or defend himself. A guy goes to put his hands around his neck, and all he can do is look for who is nearby to save him, and he himself feels if there is nobody there, then he’ll go possum, and that killer will, no-problemo, put him down like you would wring out a washcloth. It is worse than being a pussy. It is being incurious. That is why so many of them took the vaccine. They have no ability to understand, and zero desire to. It is why almost none of them shoot, or understand anything about medicine, or can handle their pool chemistry, or repair their homes or their cars, or can grasp why people would be so horrified by the conspiracy itself.”

THIS! Perfectly stated…”incurious” like the goofus he is. Cringe.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I love all the little flavor commenters we get here. Filthy british guy, mason guy, now everything is cringe guy. Are you actors playing a role or is it just your little monomania calling everything cringe?

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

Re: the coin shops being debanked. I think it was Alaska Prepper who said this last week. This is a war on real money (gold and silver). If people can’t get gold/silver then they are trapped in the fiat system. This will be excruciating when the hyperinflation kicks in.

As to Piers the rat Morgan, I would actually pay money to see that treasonous cunt choked out. God rot him.

1 year ago

More incredible stuff from VVP:

12 SEP, 09:05
Only future generations can judge decisions made by authorities — Putin
The Russian leader stressed that the interests of the State come first for the authorities and they are not ashamed of this
VLADIVOSTOK, September 12. /TASS/. Only future generations will be able to assess the actions of the authorities, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), speaking about the new history textbook that has arrived in Russian schools.

“Only future generations will be able to appraise what we did. You know, remembering what Prince Potemkin once wrote to [Empress of Russia] Catherine the Great when it came to the annexation of Crimea… He wrote the following: time will pass, and future generations will blame us for the fact that you could have annexed Crimea but did not, and you will be ashamed. The interests of the State come first. We are guided by these considerations. We prioritize this, and we are not ashamed of it,” the president said. -TASS

He’s exactly right. This is how a serious and capable politician goes about things. He works for the future of the nation and leaves judgment to the future. It’s a very very hard road. He was obv talking about SMO.

It’d be nice if we had people like this leading us. It’d be even nicer if my leaders hadn’t created the conditions for someone like this to come to power in a rival peer civilization. A civilization wholly unconcerned with my material well-being.

“Cometh the time, cometh the man” I guess…

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Inessa S” is the channel for VVPs speeches faithfully translated over the last two decades.
The only world leader that acts like one.

1 year ago

Ya know, I think a lot of these cabal operatives might just be blackmailed. Looking at that video from yesterday, some of those people swarming look extremely uncomfortable. I know this guy who was derailed at every step of his life. I don’t even like the guy but I can recognize that he was absolutely cut down at every turn and he is a guy who is fierce. I know nothing about where he is now but unless he is like one of those literal zombies in Philly, totally possible, he will be dangerous to this day. One extremely obvious derailer who was sent, in the most ridiculously contrived manner possible, was an old and used up dirty woman who was well known by local law enforcement to hang out a swinger’s club, which makes me suspect that she’d been a career compromiser. Maybe that creepy older woman from that thrift store video was convinced once to engage in behavior that would mortify her or maybe her daughter or granddaughter was or her son or husband. Could be that she was motivated by a new pool, a new roof, paid off mortgage, vital medical treatment for a loved one, but to have so many of these people, cabal very well may have completely unlimited funds but if they do not, I have to imagine that many of them are being blackmailed. This has been going on for many many many decades. If that is the case, then many of cabal’s assets might not be religiously loyal to their cause and they could end up being the ones to make the French Revolution look like a tea party. They could be people who already know what cabal is willing to inflict on them and their loved ones and have already been released from the bounds of normal human decency and morality…and they might harbor some real bad feelings about their cabal overlords. Just a thought.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Do not kneecap yourself with this kind of thinking. This could have been written by Herschel, with his barn full of zombies.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

I agree, sir. I made it sound like I was advocating treating these vermin like Gollum but that wasn’t really what I was getting at. What I meant to point out was that these people are not aliens, demons or little gods on earth. They are feckless and pusillanimous, either incapable of supporting themselves honestly or incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions. And they probably hate each other. They are weak and they are afraid; that makes them dangerous but it also makes them inferior. It’s just something we should keep in mind.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Sounds reasonable to me and provides a motive for being so shitty and not dropping out of such nonsensical behavior.

1 year ago

Almost 100% confident that Biden had all this stuff blessed by the highest level (and only that level) of the Nat Sec State.

These 4 aliases were an official part of counter-intel and US For Pol.

It’s all facially preposterous and absurd and pathetic but that’s what I think he and Hillary have been doing.

“Doing well by doing good”.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

All Biden’s corruption was carried out to benefit the Crown, and handled by filthy British Intelligence agent, James Gilliar.

comment image

1 year ago

>Appeals court: doctors can sue FDA for condemning Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, resulting reputational harm. But it never affects an individual. What do FDA execs care if they have to give $8 billion in taxpayer funds to some lawyers and a few doctors? They still get their plum job at a big biotech when they leave in two years.

It’s also more plausible deniability for funneling money from public funds into private pockets, specifically the private pockets of the class of doctors most compliant to doing whatever the FDA tells them to do (read: cabal doctors).

So tired of every minor win just being engineered as another route to rape us harder.

1 year ago

A commentator yesterday dropped a link to a really long Richard Poe substack essay, mainly about the 1917 Russian revolution:

The article is really long, and reads sort of like a Miles Mathis committee historical essay, but its not as funny and the genealogy is absent. I am relinking anyway, since its impressively researched and contains a wealth of detail.

The problem with the argument isn’t the details, but as a commentator on the substack points out about six comments in, the entire argument doesn’t add up. Because the argument is that the British empire conducted this really elaborate and frankly overly complicated intel operation in Russia which, if everything went right for them operationally, could only help the British empire. Poe says they did it to get additional oilfields in Iran.

I have heard Poe interviewed by Tom Luongo, and he came across then and comes across in the essay as a version of the “Filthy British” commentator on this site. Maybe he is the “Filthy British” commentator on this site. His whole approach is to say there isn’t a vast Jewish conspiracy controlling the world (he discloses that he is Jewish at the start of the essay), because instead there is a vast British conspiracy controlling the world.

Again the essay is relinked to for the details, and I do find plausible that there is a lot of intel activity behind these events that we are not being told about.

1 year ago

Just listened to DJT’s short speech on the 9/11 attacks. He did not say at all who was actually responsible. Hopefully that comes soon.

1 year ago

‘3 Coin Dealers Shut Down/Debanked With No Explanation Given’

Back on 21 Jan 2021, I told pretty much anyone who would listen that this ain’t America anymore. Everyone heard me out politely, and then laughed & scoffed away such a crazy notion. “That’s silly, Anon.” “The courts would never allow such a thing!” “Biden just got more votes, that’s all. But nothing has changed and nothing will change. This is America!”

No, you fucking rubes, it is NOT America. Not anymore. {technically, it hasn’t been ‘America’ since 1947} They’re shutting down coin dealers now, because those dealers aren’t singing the company tune. What do you suppose they’ll do next? Hint: troublemakers are going to be brought up on criminal charges. Like back in the USSR. So best to keep quiet, comrades! If you escape this fate, you don’t know how lucky you are, baby.

1 year ago

People who trust their gut are suckers for ‘bulls–t’ conspiracy theories: scientists.

That article was the one today that stood out the most. They want so much for people to just trust the appointed experts and ignore their God-given intuition.

I’m sure ‘they’ know this, but intuition/gut feelings aren’t based on nothing anyway. I do think there’s an element of the supernatural in some cases/situations, but more often than not, it’s the result of all the experiences one has had in their life, all the knowledge gained from those experiences, and, when dealing with people (i.e. is this person trustworthy), things like facial expressions, tone, knowledge of this person and what they’ve done/are doing, body language. Even if you can’t sit down and explain exactly what you’ve observed that makes your gut instinct scream at you that this person is a liar, there was something, probably a bunch of different little things you observed almost unconsciously that led you to that conclusion. Being that I was raised on being non-judgmental, don’t judge a book by its cover, and other BS, I had to learn the hard way TO trust my gut instinct and it’s so interesting to see them once again try to gaslight us into not doing that.

But even more to the point of the article and that infographic they added which includes vaccines – anyone with an internet connection should have been a least a TINY bit skeptical of the covid shots and I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone here why. I could go on and on and on about the absolute untrustworthiness of the US healthcare conglomerate, Pfizer, the US government….Vox Day has posted (more than once and before the pandemic, IIRC) about the problem of reproducibility in scientific studies. There were so many reasons to be skeptical and to, at the very least, wait and see.

1 year ago

> But they need your phone synced to start them up.

I’ve been increasingly encountering devices that insist on a gPhone or iPhone before they will work. I have a “smartwatch” that won’t even display the time unless it can use Bluetooth to a phone app to relay to the mothership in China. Since I no longer have a smartphone, it’s in one of the junk drawers.

I have a window AC unit that has all kinds of features… but only through a smartphone app. Same with the crock pot I bought last year. All you get are the most basic functions on a “dark patterns” designed control panel of limited unility; they really, really want to you install that app.

And I’ve seen many other things that now require a smartphone and app before you can use all their features. Pretty soon they’ll all be like that smartwatch: no approved networked tracking device, no workee.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

My cast iron skillets don’t use bluetooth.

1 year ago

> We’re bankrupt’: Leaked meeting reveals Project Veritas on verge of collapse after O’Keefe ouster.

Translation: they’ve used up all the money, and after all their conservative supporters dropped them like a hot rock, they found their liberal masters are stingy with their support.

1 year ago

12 seconds of pure bliss for the gun nuts here.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That’s a keeper.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

holy shit

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

But, but, but what does she identify as; and what are its pronouns?
Asking for an American edjumakater.

1 year ago

Check out the face change in Nuland:comment image

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

yeesh! The disgust expression on this one

1 year ago

Normally I would ignore this kind of 4chan thread, but…
dem digits

1 year ago

Thank you AC for all the great articles you post daily. Another source of good information has been this comments section. This 40 min video is one of the most comprehensive presentations of jewish knowledge of 9/11. This contains actual new reports from the time that have since been memory holed. I’m sure there are some unit 8200 members here that will attack the presenter etc. The news clips are real. The dancing Israelis are real.The fact that Lucky Larry and his family stayed home is real.

1 year ago

Regarding yesterday’s video on gangstalking, gangstalking is a version the Stasi’s zersetzung (decomposition) updated for the 21st century:

According to deep state Wikipedia:
Zersetzung (pronounced [t͡sɛɐ̯ˈzɛt͡sʊŋ]German for “decomposition” and “disruption”) was a psychological warfare technique used by the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) to repress political opponents in East Germany during the 1970s and 1980s. Zersetzung served to combat alleged and actual dissidents through covert means, using secret methods of abusive control and psychological manipulation to prevent anti-government activities. People were commonly targeted on a pre-emptive and preventative basis, to limit or stop politically incorrect activities that they may have gone on to perform, and not on the basis of crimes they had actually committed. Zersetzung methods were designed to break down, undermine, and paralyze people behind “a facade of social normality”[3] in a form of “silent repression”.[3]

As applied by the Stasi, Zersetzung is a technique to subvert and undermine an opponent. The aim was to disrupt the target’s private or family life so they are unable to continue their “hostile-negative” activities towards the state. Typically, the Stasi would use collaborators to garner details from a victim’s private life. They would then devise a strategy to “disintegrate” the target’s personal circumstances—their career, their relationship with their spouse, their reputation in the community. They would even seek to alienate them from their children. […] The security service’s goal was to use Zersetzung to “switch off” regime opponents. After months and even years of Zersetzung a victim’s domestic problems grew so large, so debilitating, and so psychologically burdensome that they would lose the will to struggle against the East German state. Best of all, the Stasi’s role in the victim’s personal misfortunes remained tantalisingly hidden. The Stasi operations were carried out in complete operational secrecy. The service acted like an unseen and malevolent god, manipulating the destinies of its victims.”

It is difficult to determine how many people were targeted, since the sources have been deliberately and considerably redacted; it is known, however, that tactics varied in scope, and that a number of different departments implemented them. Overall there was a ratio of four or five authorised Zersetzung operators for each targeted group, and three for each individual.[29] Some sources indicate that around 5,000 people were “persistently victimised” by Zersetzung.”
Now, imagine the effect of expanding the number of “operators” per person, and sharing/rotating those operators among other targets. While zapping the Target 24/7 with who-knows-what.

Gangstalking is primarily aimed at the suppression of potential change makers (so-called Targeted Individuals).

Gangstalking is people-powered and mostly prevalent in Five Eyes countries. The zapping is pervasive and otherworldly.

Gangstalking means that we don’t have a country. Please vote harder than 2020.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I just talked to someone who may have gotten some relief by moving from the 5 Eye country he was in to Vietnam.
He says he is sleeping better.

But it is not just 5 eye countries, people don’t get relief in China.
It would be easier to make a list of places it is absent or reduced.
Russia is on that list and Vietnam may be on it too.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I don’t remember where I heard this but someone was talking about the importance of good rest and exercise. His point ended up being you can get by with little rest if you work out exceptionally hard. Anecdotally I find this to hold true. When I’m not getting rest I feel much better after working to exhaustion, even if I’m still not getting much sleep, or little “good”sleep. I work physically hard every day and play ice hockey twice a week. I’m 43 and just got moved from my 18+team to the 30+squad. I immediately joined another 18+ in the same league because, fuck the guys who think I’m getting too old for 18+. Good luck to them when we play each other, they’re going to need it. Stay active, stay hungry, get angry, and get after it boys! It’s crunch time and we’re too strong to fold under pressure.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Its energy intensive. Wonder how their logistics work and how expensive their operations are.
They should be deprived of resources to do this.

1 year ago

“Makes me wonder if the guy doing this was being fantasy camped, and didn’t know about the surveillance we just take for granted now.”

He could be a perfectly innocent guy the CCP decided to scapegoat for propaganda purposes.
The people he supposedly honeypotted could also be innocent targets of a faction war in the party.

There are many other possibilities and permutations.

1 year ago

Kari Lake roots for RFK Jr. to run as third-party candidate so election cheating is ‘harder’

She always was a little sus.
A 3rd party candidate makes it easier to cheat.

1 year ago

I see all those examples of tr00ning. Like I see Lions shorn of their Gloriously Long Manes.
The Glory of Masculinity destroyed. The Image of God as God made us.

1 year ago

5 hours ago
I am now blocked from REPLYING to any comment on youtube (community page and videos alike!!!).

It is greyed out now, and I can’t even reply to my own comments, let alone anyone elses!

WOW, ffs this is getting out of hand… the shutdowns and censorship, limiting of interaction, power outages, and internet outages…. on top of the main stream media piling on …..

Its all a bit much.

Now I can’t reply to people when they comment on my own videos and community posts.

Trolls dissing me below the post, I can’t reply?! WTHHHHHH??????

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Used to be called free energy; just like they had before the Great Reset of the late 19 century; now it is covered up in gobbledygook as though it in new.
Now we know TPTB have always kept this knowledge and power to themselves all this time.

Last edited 1 year ago by teo toon
1 year ago

Zelensky Issues Veiled Threat To Destabilize Europe If Weapons Flow Curtailed

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

This is in a eff’d up way an appropriate response from UKR. They’ve done the dying for EUR. And EUR isn’t willing or able to fight RUS themselves. From the UKR perspective, they’ve shown themselves to be the hegemon of Europe. At this point, they (I think rightfully) think they could invade Europe and take over.

McCain and Graham and Nuland probably told them that after UKR took out RUS, UKR would be given the premiere position in the new European order.

The absolute hatred for Euro leaders must be off the charts in UKR.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They are incompetent ingrates who would already be under full Russian occupation if the donors had not given them as much as they have.
They have wasted 4 armies worth of equipment and even more men, while Russia has fought with one hand tied behind its back.
NATO is weak, but NATO would squash them like a bug.

They might have posed a threat to Europe if Russia had sponsored them as a proxy to attack Europe.

This is nothing but pure parasite chutzpah and an example of the scorpion and the frog.

The Ukrainian regime is pathetic and contemptible, with nothing to be said for it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Norway’s conservative opposition wins local elections with nearly 26% of the votes

1 year ago

Twitter Throttles Account Exposing The Obscene Books Libraries Give Kids

1 year ago

Regarding Twatter and account reinstatements, I think they’re deliberately blocking “Q” people. On Jan 8 2021, they permanently suspended President Trump and 150,000 other people at the same time. It took a while. I got my suspension notice about an hour before an anon friend of mine got his.

They started reinstating some accounts last year and earlier this year. Some people successfully appealed their suspensions. I figured I’d try too. Nope. I got a reply that my account is permanently suspended and will never be reinstated.

I had an avatar of Pepe praying in a church, and had an alias related to Q and anons. I also followed MAGA and Q accounts. I think this is the reason why they’ll never let me back on. I was mostly lurking on Twatter after 2015 and rarely posted anything from that point on.