Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Deutsche Bank CEO Says Germany’s Recession Inevitable
DFT – European Commission Looks Set To Propose A Gas Price Cap On Russia
DFT – BNSF And CSX Both Are Preparing For A Rail-Strike As Talks Hit An Impasse
DFT – SEC Chair Calls On Crypto-Projects And Businesses To Register With The SEC
DFT – Crude Appears Set To Continue To Slump Due To Uncertainty
Trump has reportedly arrived in DC without anyone knowing why. Supposed video is below, though I have yet to see any MSM coverage of this.
Foreign heads of state and their spouses heading to London for the state funeral for Queen Elizabeth II have been asked to arrive in the U.K. on commercial flights and banned from using helicopters to get around.
No private jets, no helicopters, and a bus to Westminster Abbey: VIP guidance for queen’s funeral…
Documents obtained by POLITICO reveal strict protocol rules for foreign dignitaries.World leaders have also been told they cannot use their own state cars to attend the funeral at Westminster Abbey on September 19 — and will instead be bussed in en masse from a site in west London, according to documents obtained by POLITICO revealing strict protocol rules.
Official documents obtained by POLITICO also confirm that only the heads of state and their spouses or partners from each country have been invited to attend the funeral, which is shaping up to be one of the greatest diplomatic events of the century so far.
According to the same document, King Charles III will host a reception for all the overseas leaders at Buckingham Palace on the evening before the funeral service. Visiting heads of state will be able to attend the lying-in-state of the queen’s body…
… and sign the condolence book at Lancaster House immediately afterward. While at Lancaster House, foreign leaders will be able to deliver a tribute to the late queen lasting up to three minutes, which will be recorded for the media.
After the funeral service, foreign leaders will be escorted on foot to Dean’s Yard, still within the grounds of the abbey, to attend a reception hosted by Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, after which they will return by coach to west London to collect their cars.
I am probably too optimistic, but it has a little of the feel of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman saying he was holding an economic conference, and everybody should go to the auditorium, unarmed, and don’t worry about all the Blackwater contractors standing around all the doors.
Republican Virginia attorney general establishes ‘Election Integrity Unit.’
Clean Elections Commission sides with Kari Lake, rejects Katie Hobbs debate proposal.
DOJ demands Trump pay cost of radical leftist judge and dem donor they want as special master.
The Department of Justice is unlikely to take legal action against Trump now due to the “60 Day Rule”: a long-standing yet unofficial tradition that the DOJ avoids making consequential decisions within 60 days of an election that could affect voters’ decisions. Except for the fact that in this government, there are no rules.
Chris Christie said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that the Department of Justice had “no choice” but to raid former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate to recover classified documents. Between the vaccine, all the Ring Dings and Ho Hos, and the fact he weighs 500 pounds, how has this fat cocksucker not had a heart attack by now? Trump should get him another booster.
John Solomon – SEC chairman’s role in Steele dossier payments adds to questions about Trump Truth Social probe conflicts. Sperry posts about it:
More Sperry:
President Joe Biden marked the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States by taking a swipe at his political opponents. And he knows it was the conspiracy which installed him which had to know the attack was coming, and probably launched it, itself. Just stunning.
A massive UFO disclosure is about to happen as Stanford Professor Gary Nolan claims that the government has been covering up the suspected UFO visits and possession of technology that has been coming from another planet for decades. This is the guy the CIA went to, to analyze people hit with the Havana syndrome, and he noted that their damage was very similar to victims of UFO encounters who the military had him looking at. The question then becomes, is there a splinter cell of humans with UFO technology who have hidden among us, is it the “UFO pilots” themselves, whoever “they” are, doing Havana, or might there be a splinter cell of humans who are allied with the “UFO pilots,” maybe recruited as intelligence assets to infiltrate our society from positions of power for “Them?” We know now the Tic Tacs are here, and whatever is in them is at least 50,000 years ahead of us. If that advanced an adversary launched in intel op against our government, with that level of tech, it probably be impossible they would not quickly get full control of our entire society.
I am skeptical, to put it mildly, of the whole reptilians thing, but there are several strange points which I think have to keep it in your probability matrix, though you might or might not be talking actual technically sophisticated dinosaurs who managed to evolve intelligence back then, hid on the planet, and now today are several hundred million years advanced beyond us, which as I understand it is the theory.
First is respected psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, who in his book Glimpses of the Devil swore that in a few cases, he witnessed the faces of the possessed morph into reptilian form. He made no explanation, and you can take none from the account, though he seemed a sane a respected professional. Then there was Kyle Odom, a Marine and gifted geneticist, who says he ran into what he felt were reptilian-like beings in his manifesto here. The case was interesting as he claimed a local pastor was some sort of pedo-reptilian-leader who would shape shift into reptilian form That is now a third account of shape-shifting, all into reptilians. Kyle said he would prove it by shooting the guy, filling him full of lead with a 45 ACP at point blank range, and the guy would not be killed. He then executed his plan, doing two mag-dumps from a 45 into the pastor, as a Marine, mind you, including a head shot at point blank range that saw the bullet enter the pastor’s skull. A day later the pastor was outside the hospital with a little band-aid on his forehead, and his arm in a sling. I believe he is a Congressman now. That case floated back into my mind as I contemplated this next guy, who has always puzzled me. He appears to me to be domestic surveillance, taking in a mass shooting in a supermarket in Boulder Colorado, as he leaves the building casually:
There is a dead body on the floor right behind this guy that you see when he moves. The shooter is just behind the wall to the left of the frame, letting shots go. The camera man asks this guy where the shooter went, and the guy calmly motions in the store, and says, “he went right in here.” I have always wondered why he was not afraid of being shot, when it dawned on me, as strange as it may sound, might the most logical explanation be, he didn’t need to worry about it? I have no idea, but I would never have beleived the world is as weird as I have seen already.
Just for kicks to round things out, a painting by one of Epstein’s girls, which she says is all entirely based on a real scene, apparently (click for full size):
4 dead, 20 wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago.
Beheaded mom’s killer was an illegal immigrant with an expired visa.
The world is not ready for the next volcanic super-eruption, scientists warn.
Eight out of ten Swedish ‘refugees’ have vacationed in their home country.
Swiss social media abuzz over ‘rat out your neighbor’ energy use posters.
China’s Chengdu extends Covid-19 stay-home order as restrictions test economy.
The US rushed Harpoon anti-ship missiles to Ukraine which officials are announcing were used to sink two Russian warships. Sounds kind of like Cabal is trying to get us in a war with Russia, maybe to prevent something else which is coming.
Pope Francis suggests NATO started the war in Ukraine by provoking Russia.
Rightwing bloc heading to victory in Swedish election, 90% of vote count suggests.
Spread r/K Theory, because the world probably can get even weirder.
AC, technical question. Your choice to post or not.
I’ve been having trouble with the videos you’ve been post lately, like the one at the top of the page today.
Cannot get them to play. Can’t get them to do anything.
Is it a new format?
As ideas how to fix it is appreciated.
Running Brave browser.
Doesn’t work on Safari either.
Thank, and hang tough.
Love your work here.
I am linking to them off site. My host for a bit was talking about booting the site due to bandwidth, so I had to do a bunch of stuff, including no more hosting any video files. to lessen the load on their server. It loads for me on Brave, so I am not sure why you don’t get it, but I will include a link to the video in the future.
This one’s was,
they werk on laptop for me but not fone usually
The webm flies and apple products don’t like each other. My iPad will not play webm’s. To do so just google how to. It’s basically a different video player.
OK. I might be able to find a way to convert to MP4 from now on. Thank you for the info, much apprciated.
That would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for additional work.
It plays on VLC app for iOS but you first need to save the *.webm and click this and that and that and this etc
If you wish to avoid saving locally
Start VLC
Click “open network stream”
Paste URL of webm file
That’s where my problem is, on iPad.
Found out it runs fine on my Linux laptop with Brave, so I’ll check out videos there.
Thanks for the input guys. 👍
Thanks AC.
Didn’t mean to make more work for you.
No, I want to know these things, and appreciate people letting me know. For each person who says something about something, there maybe hundreds who are just writing it off, and who will eventually leave because I didn’t know to optimize the site. I appreciate the input.
“ I am probably too optimistic, but it has a little of the feel of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman saying he was holding an economic conference, and everybody should go to the auditorium, unarmed, and don’t worry about all the Blackwater contractors standing around all the doors.”
Same here. Sounds like a setup for mass arrest or termination.
Sounds like stupid climate change nonsense.
maybe or
Charles doesn’t have the balls. My guess is he’ll do a long royal speech chewing them allllll out for being such climate change meanies, not pure and caring and sacred like HIS Royal Kingly ass, and since they’ll be trapped there, they’ll just have to sit there and take it. “That’s for making fun of me these last 50 fucking years! Calling me Mummy’s Boy! Making me listen to ‘Di fucked the chauffeur’ jokes! How you like it NOW, assholes?!?”
dont hold your breath
i heard the mass arrests are coming in 2 weeks
Something is planned for 24 September…
DoJ and “60 Day Rule”
They don’t follow the law, but they’re going to adhere to tradition??
I have some ocean-front property in Kansas to sell to whoever believes that.
“ The Largest-Ever Survey of American Gun Owners Finds That Defensive Use of Firearms Is Common”
What gun owner would be stupid enough to truthfully participate in a “survey”?
UFOs are demons.
“Veteran journalist to TGP Tells Gateway Pundit reporter: “It is considered an open secret that Angela Merkel was a KGB asset.”
Probably why Obama had her phones tapped.
shit, that’s nothing. Q told us she was Hitler’s daughter!
Is that why she is so ugly? 😉
VP Harris: If Dems win the midterms, they will ditch the filibuster to pass abortion, and voting laws.
This has me depressed to no end. That is the end, my friends. They know that. They want it. They have to steal this election too. With the Hillary candidacy in 2016, they were on the verge of the event horizon–the event horizon being their total takeover, and making their hold on America permanent. Trump was the bump in the road.
As you can tell from the TWO Biden “MAGA is insurrectionist” speeches (yes, he gave two of them), they are going hog-wild. They can NOT give up their hold on the government now. It is now-now-now. They steal this election–they won’t stop at just the filibuster–they are in heaven–they have their dictatorship, they will make sure–like in California–that they have permanent power. California was the model. California was the canary-in-the-goldmine. California was their test-tube. They succeeded in making California a one-party state. As it goes in Cali–so goes America.
They can taste permanent power. They want permanent power. You ain’t stoppin’ them and neither is the US Military. They hold ALL the reigns of power–banking, Finance, Foundations, Think-tanks, Media, Courts, all of the megalopolises, the colleges and universities, the Dem party, the leadership of the Repuke party, the Federal bureaucracy, and huge swaths in the US Military. They can smell it. They are gleeful. They are on the verge of a happy-dance.
There will be no civil war, and no US Military action. If the US Military does anything to correct the 2020 election—ALL the colleges and universities will erupt in protest. The Federal Bureaucracy will shut down. Antifa, that organization that frightened General Milley, will have its sway. America will halt and billions of property and business damage will occur. The US Military will have a total unrest on its hands that it can not handle. Its forces are all race-mixed–half will not do their job. Their loyalities will be divided. The US Military is already short on manpower. And it has NO clue on what to do.
Wargame the situation out yourself. What is the other side going to do? Notice that Biden still has his cabinet in place as compared to Trump’s. All the traitors in Trump’s cabinet–and none in Biden’s! Notice that difference. The conservatives here have no unity. We have NO moral authority, there is not ONE single mainstream church on our side. The RCC is completely converged and a criminal organization. No mainstream Prot church has any moral authority; they are PeeCee. The Mormons and 7th Day Adventists are openly Babelists. Can’t fight a war, a counter-revolution without a religious backing.
VP Harris is openly gloating. They already have plans–they are planning the steal right now. They have flooded this country with non-Americans. We are the minority now. The Steal is on again, I’m afraid.
The US Military will bomb white Christian Americans.
They can smell it, and it smells like sulfur.
We Californians tried to warn you all, but we were dismissed by GOP and Conservatives in the rest of the country who assumes Californians vote 100% Democrat. Even after the steal of 3Nov2020, they fart out more “they voted for it” garbage.
That’s why Conservatives failed to conserve anything. If it doesn’t affect them or anything within a half mile of their corpulent selves, they don’t care. Meanwhile, leftists will travel 1000 miles to protest a cake shop.
Conservative fail to conserve anything because most of them have taken the ticket!
Americans have all been practicing communists since at least the 1950s. Probably since Lincoln’s takeover. The left wing values temporary safety over liberty and the right wing prefers slavery more than freedom. This isn’t new.
Sorry. I meant to type the right wing prefers money to freedom.
welcome to the storm, and ten days of darkness
Yes – much of what you’ve written and No.
I like the term “Babelist: very much.
They are gloating, they are flaunting it all – their satan connections (see that “Monkeypox Czar”) but we are still fighting. We are using the Preconct Strategy and Michael Flynn’s Take America Back strategies and tactics.
I am completely wary about everything and about the midterms – we all must be as they were in VA and during the primaries in AZ – absolute vigilance and staffing of every post and funding campaigns, forensic audits, security, outreach and much more. And prayer and Repentance.
I agree they have plans. I agree something Wicked This Way [continues to] Comes.
What Ominous Event Do They Have Planned for September 24th? – Nwo Report
Mostly true, except you don’t mention the White man’s equivalent of The Sampson Option. That’s what happens when we all suddenly realize that there’s no getting around the fact that it’s time to Move. Move on every last Jew, school teacher, news person, etc. Democrat, politically appointed police chief, etc. We tie all their shoe laces together. Then we dump them into an abandoned mine shaft, sell their asses to Red China, or whatever. No organization needed. Everybody just doing what needs to be done. You do know what needs to be done, don’t you? And never use a firearm to harm another human being because that’s not nice. Use a stapler, or strangle them with a typewriter ribbon!
I had a “shape shift right in front of me” experience some years back, when I was listening to someone speak who did not have the best intentions, but was trying to masquerade as a caring person.
The explanation I gave myself at the time for this bizarre, surprising thing that I saw was that it was my “mind’s eye” giving me a glimpse into her true character. No, this is not an experience I had ever had before, nor since. But I chalked it up to some kind of psychic insight, which is weird enough (rather than a real lizard person morphing).
As she was speaking, what I suddenly “saw” was a snake slithering, with glittering scales and the forked tongue and slitted eyes. It was just an instant, and it felt real, like I was literally seeing it, rather than imagining it or hallucinating.
But, it definitely did feel that I was seeing this through my third eye or mind’s eye — there was something not quite exactly how I would experience seeing through my regular, physical eyes. It was a shocking thing, and I felt simultaneously revolted/horrified AND grateful for the insight, because I suddenly knew she was pretending to be caring/kind, but actually not to be trusted and was a liar through and through (this was later proven to be true).
So, I am on the fence about whether or not reptilian stuff could possibly be true, or even what it might be. But this was a singular experience that took me totally by surprise. I wondered if it was something like what Scott Peck had written about.
I write nothing off these days.
However when multiple people report the same experience, and at least somebody among them appears decent and credible I think you have to accept the experience is real somehow, and there might be an interesting explanation to be considered, given all the stuff we are learning about the world which they have been hiding from us.
Or – as always – this might be an organized operation, to mislead us, divide and ridicule.
We should always be careful, with almost everything like lizards, ufos, “QAnon” thing, or military tribunals and executed Hillary.
Reptilian traits can be seen in Cluster B’s and Narcissists. Also, Reptilians are Nephilim descendants. The Nephilim were fathered by Seraphim Watcher Angels. Seraphim are serpent-like, and dare I say dragon-like. The Reptilians of today are the grandchildren of these angels. Also, the Conservative radio host, ManCow, once talked about being at a big Hollywood party where a beautiful woman led him to a backroom. She then morphed to look like Jessica Alba. Then she morphed into his wife. He said he freaked out and left.
I would write these things off as impossible, except we have something apparently hiding on this planet that can warp space and time, so they are sitting there, in a little warp bubble, looking out at a world that probably appears to be on pause, as we look at them make a right angle turn at 8,000 mph. And they have apparently been here as long as we have, and have somehow gotten our society to the point that even as the Navy admits they have them on camera, on radar, and on visual all at once, everyone acts like high-technology, magic-like stuff is impossible. And accounts like Mancow’s, which should at least be acknowledged as possible, and maybe quite interesting, are almost seen by most as a sign nobody should talk to that guy, because something is wrong with him. And I am not sure that state of affairs arose entirely organically, given how entirely, completely, perfectly advantageous it is to the enemy.
If they launched an op to take over society, infiltrate it, even use their technology to drift right through it undercover, these things could be all around us. The surveillance kids I went to school with struck me as too average to be them, but I could see all of them pledge loyalty to these things, in return for getting ahead of all the other people they could otherwise not compete with. And I could see some advanced “thing” viewing that as a perfect deal. It would make sense of 10% of the population viewing America as such an out-group they are willing to happily serve whatever did 9/11.
And if all that were the case, and it is perfectly plausible with a potential Kardashev Type III society hiding among us (which also would cleanly make sense of the Fermi Paradox), then stories like Mancow’s might actually be, to be expected.
A class 3 civilization is “capable of using the entire energy output of a star” right?
I’m not sold on the whole lizardman thing, but I absolutely believe that people have seen crazy things that their mind rationalizes as “reptilian” in nature just as a method of grounding it in something they can comprehend.
My stance is always “biblical demons are real” and they are stated to be able to take on disguises or forms, and to posses people’s bodies. It could be a demon slipping their disguise and looking like something we’ve never seen before, thus being rationalized into lizard-like after the fact.
It would also explain the alleged immortality AC mentioned, as demons are “immortal” in the human sense of the word.
I don’t believe they’re literally cold-blooded reptiles in human form, but a lot of people look and act normal… until you realize there’s something *wrong* inside their heads. They’re going through the motions of acting like people, but they’re not even operating in the same reality as we are.
Good point. People with personality disorders, and I’m not even talking about the evil ones, are pretty much crazy but can cover and are not crazy enough to be committed or medication. And there are lot of them.
There are also studies that about a third of people won’t think for themselves and will agree with anything suggested to them. These studies have been cited here.
People who are crazy but not diagnosed, and the blanks/ NPCs discussed above, together probably make up a majority of the adult population. Then there are another chunk of adults who have things wrong with them, but its obvious. Probably about a third of adults are mostly functional.
Whether from memory of the Snake in the garden, or evolution (take your pick) mankind is designed to classify dangerous creatures as “reptile.” We call dishonest people “snakes” for example. Killers are called “cold blooded” etc.
Beyond the supernatural theory, it could be a primal intuition, triggered in our brain, to encode and perceive sociopaths in our midst as “reptilian.”
Whatever the source, you get a feeling/look/triggering of lizard man, denounce them in the name of Christ and flee as fast as you can!
Back before I became a Christian I was into a lot of stuff including Carlos Castaneda and Yaqui Indian brujoism in which you called on “allies” who initially appeared human but were really demons who could shape shift.
They could be anybody you would meet along the way and there were tricks to expose them. The big deal was not to aggravate them.
I wonder if reptilians are demons who disguise themselves as human, or perhaps Nephilim.
WW3 is gonna be a spiritual war. Repent and follow Christ. Sides are being chosen.
Whatever the reality, they are probably the same, IMO.
A simple test is to call upon the name of Jesus Christ if you’re ever confronted by a “reptilian.” If as a result it takes flight, it’s a demon.
Sweden was notable recently for having skipped the COVID lockdowns that all the other western countries were required to do, and they did this under a socialist or social democratic government. But this was not because Sweden was not cabal controlled, instead it seems they were so much in the tank for the cabal and US deep state that they were able to bargain an exemption.
So I’m not very interested in their elections, and anyway it is not clear that the Social Democrats are the bad guys here as we would assume. The right wing parties supposed doing the COVID lockdowns like everyone else.
Sweden also uses proportional representation so you are not going to see big swings in seats. For what is worth, I checked the figures, and they have the governing center-left Social Democrats up by 2% since the last election, and the anti-immigration right wing populist Sweden Democrats up by 3%. So at first glance it doesn’t look like there is much to see here.
Four country club conservatives parties are collectively down by 4%, so it looks like country-club conservatives bled some support to the right wing populists. This is in line with what we have been seeing in other countries. There could have been a governing right wing coalition after the last election, but the country club conservatives refused to deal with the Swedish Democrats, so they got the minority Social Democratic government (which, as I noted, turned out to be pretty good). It looks like the same situation this time.
> A massive UFO disclosure is about to happen as Stanford Professor Gary Nolan claims that the government has been covering up the suspected UFO visits and possession of technology that has been coming from another planet for decades. “The question then becomes, is there a splinter cell of humans with UFO technology who have hidden among us… ?”
If you were an unscrupulous or psychopathic group of humans that acquired 1/20th of UFO capabilities around 1947, (see OSS for example), you might be able to create a “Breakaway Civilization” on Earth.
With supernatural surveillance powers including cloaking, “mind control”, remote surveillance, etc., and the benefits of exponential growth since Operation Paperclip, you would probably have access to every human invention since 1970. Every invention including the suppressed ones.
Read The Law of Accelerating Returns:
You could (would?) rule the world from the shadows. Your powers would be indistinguishable from “Cabal’s” powers.
Budgets and other human limitations would be a joke to you and your peeps.
If you were such a group of psychopaths, what would you do with such power? What would you not do with such power?
PEEP THIS: Even without alien tech, within 15 years, due to exponential/accelerating change (see link above), some people will have such tech. Meanwhile, we are focused on blue and red branches of the Uniparty… and other irrelevancies such as skin color.
“Alien invasion” by “UFOs” is primed in most of the population thanks to Hollyweird programming. Of course, most will worship these “aliens” as gods. (Which they are, meaning demons like Moloch, Baal, etc.)
> No private jets, no helicopters, and a bus to Westminster Abbey: VIP guidance for queen’s funeral…
Can you say “target?” I knew you could.
“Abdul! Look!”
“Whassup, Mohammad?”
“Dozens of infidel leaders and their spouses will be traveling to the Queen’s funeral by motorbus. They’re not allowed to use their armored limousines. And they’re not allowed to have their security details with them!!!”
“Truly, Allah has presented us with a great opportunity. Where was it that we stashed those rocket launchers we didn’t get a chance to use at the Olympics?”
It’s like a scene from Game of Thrones
Monarchy with actual power is very much like “Game of Thrones”. Ceremonial Monarchy isn’t much of a threat to actual power. That’s why they survive so long in Japan.
But does Abdul and Mohammed know they are going to blow up the funeral of someone who is a direct genetic descendant of the prophet himself?
Queue up the meme of the sweaty button pusher.
>The largest and most comprehensive survey of American gun owners ever conducted suggests that they use firearms in self-defense about 1.7 million times a year.
1.7 million REPORTED. I was never contacted, and know of no one who was contacted despite having multiple defensive gun uses occur in my circles (mostly just displaying a firearm to scare off sketchy characters, so not MAJOR DGUs i guess). I’d guess this is probably less than 10% of the real number based on that alone.
> Greenpeace blocked the LNG tanker Coral Energy from unloading Russian natural gas at a Finnish state-owned terminal, Gasum, in Nynashamn on Sweden’s east coast.
Funny how, over the years, Greenpeace has committed both terrorism and piracy, and not only wasn’t prosecuted, but often received money from the very governments who were supposed to prosecute their crimes.
They have some very high-level protection.
Speaking of possibility of reptile people: Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, has a weird neck thing going during NBC interview. Almost like he’s been out of his saltwater tank too long:
Yeah! That was messed up.
That could be a public speaking exercise for relaxing one’s throat to keep your voice from squeeking. Basically keep your mouth closed while opening up the back of your jaw and throat. I just did it a few times in front of the mirror and the bulging is simlilar as Bourla. But it’s definitely not as pronounced.
Here’s Bourla:
Here’s a former CIA props director talking about perfect Mission: Impossible type masks:
Maybe it was an actor wearing a Bourla mask with a poorly-fitting electronic voice changer.
I have this sudden urge to watch King Ralph (1991) again…
“A regular guy from America becomes king of England after a royal wipe-out puts him next in line.”
I find the Z blog to be hit or miss, but recently he has been hitting it, and the latest essay is worth reading in full to get a sense of what is going on:
Its as good a filter to view international events, which are otherwise incomprehensible,as any.
I think the comments are very skippable. For some reason I have always found the comments on that particular blog to be meh. It might have something to do with the commenting software.
RE: Burning “ANCIENT” forests.
I’m the grandson of a logger. Trust me, the trees will grow back.
On that note, I stumbled onto this looking for potential projects for BOOTSTRAPPY quite some time ago, figured now would be good to share in case anybody from Europe thinks they can use this.
Plans for “Green Steam Engine”(the designer’s name is Green) which while only a 500kw generator is incredibly interesting as it is a low PSI design that is literally built with hardware store plumbing parts and the like. It could work in place of a petrol/diesel generator where say tree limbs are cheaper than liquid fuel, and would be great to charge battery banks. These plans are US based, so I’m sure that they would have to be adapted for metric.
CORRECTION – not kwz, just 500 WATTS. Not enough to run the PC I am typing this post on when the CPU&GPU are under load. It’s just big enough to slowly charge batteries.
Most pc/laptops use about 50w/hr. 500w would easily power 10 such pcs. Dont knock it. Low power/travel devices are the future.
Metric is the Devil’s system
This man developed a wind mill built from sailcloth and wooden rods. It was horizontal mount, atop a mast. I bought the plans and a small working model once. There were many benefits, opposed to other types of wind mills, though I think there was a limit to practical size. This looks very interesting.
in re Fat Fat FAT Backstabbing Traitorous Cocksucker chris christie … the telling thing is how the GOP loves him and just can’t get enough of his fat traitorous backstabbing. I mean, y’know, if anyone had any lingering doubts…
{{they’re}} not gonna let us vote our way out of this, boys – no more than any other self-respecting Caribbean banana republic would
I noticed the same thing – the MSM is kind of nervous about Trump visiting a golf course in Virginia. Why? He’s not the president any more, correct? What are they afraid of?
Kid has been talking to us on TA.
Please pray for him.
From your lips to GOD’s ears:
2 KingsChapter 10
18 And Jehu gathered all the people together, and said unto them, Ahab served Baal a little; but Jehu shall serve him much.
19 Now therefore call unto me all the prophets of Baal, all his servants, and all his priests; let none be wanting: for I have a great sacrifice to do to Baal; whosoever shall be wanting, he shall not live. But Jehu did it in subtilty, to the intent that he might destroy the worshippers of Baal.
20 And Jehu said, Proclaim a solemn assembly for Baal. And they proclaimed it.
21 And Jehu sent through all Israel: and all the worshippers of Baal came, so that there was not a man left that came not. And they came into the house of Baal; and the house of Baal was full from one end to another.
22 And he said unto him that was over the vestry, Bring forth vestments for all the worshippers of Baal. And he brought them forth vestments.
23 And Jehu went, and Jehonadab the son of Rechab, into the house of Baal, and said unto the worshippers of Baal, Search, and look that there be here with you none of the servants of the LORD, but the worshippers of Baal only.
24 And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, If any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall be for the life of him.
25 And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt offering, that Jehu said to the guard and to the captains, Go in, and slay them; let none come forth. And they smote them with the edge of the sword; and the guard and the captains cast them out, and went to the city of the house of Baal.
26 And they brought forth the images out of the house of Baal, and burned them.
27 And they brake down the image of Baal, and brake down the house of Baal, and made it a draught house unto this day.
28 Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel.
Speaking of UFO’s, I wanted to share my experience. About 35 years ago I was driving to work. I was in a hurry since it was an hour drive from my residence at the time to get to the office so I was traveling through some back roads hoping to save some time. I was coming up to a slight hill in the road when all of a sudden I felt like something was over my car. I initially thought it was an airplane since there had been a recent accident regarding a low flying plane. And I was thinking at the time how could that be since I wasn’t really close to the airport. When I kept feeling the heat above my car, I looked up and was shocked to see this object in the shape of a V form, with all the lights on hovering very close to my car. I thought WTF is this? When I looked up again, it was gone. Could not see anything in the sky.
It was only after I did some research later that I discovered that what I saw was indeed a UFO. At least according to what others have posted on line. What’s startling to me even now is how darn close it was to my car. I still don’t understand why that UFO hovered above my car, and definitely let me know of their presence by showing me the ship w/all the lights one.
I’ve found myself watching a bunch of science fiction short films lately – they’re kind of like Twilight Zone/Outer Limits episodes.
VERY TIMELY. Chinese nationals that lived through the one-child policy will relate.
K-selection in action, quite literally.
This is a chick-flick for computer nerds.
This one is quite insidious.
This one is actually heart breaking.
Please add spoiler warnings if you wish to discuss.
The Outpost
AC – I am curious to your thoughts on this. The following story happened to me back in August 2018. This was before I came across your site and I admit I had forgotten much of it. But I found an old message I had written to a friend to relay this story. Here’s what I wrote back in Aug 2018
I came home from work and nobody was home but mailbox was empty. After I changed my clothes I was going to drive to <<my son>> practice and a white minivan was parked in from of the mailboxes and opening each one. He was an old white guy. He put something in mine and drove off. I figured he was putting in a sales flyer which happens all the time and paid him little mind.
He also raised the flag on the mailbox.
I went to the box and it was a letter addressed so someone in Russia with a Russian address. I opened and read it and it was to a 15 year old girl from a 16 year old boy. Said they were deleting their account from a Russian social media site.
He thanked her for the last 2 years and encouraged her to keep up “the little girl youtube videos “. Then said to write him back because he wanted to keep in touch.
I think it was code for kiddie porn. If you want to write someone a coded message, why not do it online? Guy probably knows he’s being monitored and could only reach out with a physical message. He put it in my box because it was the only one empty and he figured nobody would come open it until tomorrow. So it was likely a drop for someone to pick up overnight.
I called the sheriff and they sent a cop out to get the letter and info
I saved images of what the letter said. I will include it in my replies.
Image 1 of 4
Interesting. Could have been using your mailbox as a dead drop.
There are Ira Smirnovas on VK who could be the right age. Maybe he was getting off on pretending to be a 15 year old boy, and fooling her. It would take a lot more digging to try and get more info.
No return address? Was the postage right to get to Russia?
The envelope is from, a retailer which only sells through consultants, and that kind of looks unlike the gift envelopes they sell, so it might be an in-house thing for employees. The notepad might be too. I don’t know why, but I think somebody buying envelopes would not buy them from that company anyway, but would rather buy them from someplace like walmart. It feels like the guy might have grabbed an envelope his wife had laying around from her part time job as an affiliate/consultant. I wonder if you went to the website and looked up consultants near where you were if you might have been able to find the location where the envelope came from and the guy. The company is in CA, if I am not mistaken, so anywhere else and you might get a hit on a local linked to the company.
The writing also does not look like it was written on a pad, but like the guy peeled sheets off and wrote it on a hard surface like a table, maybe to avoid having a snooping wife find the imprints on the pad, or to avoid leaving evidence to be seized later. As the pages go on, the writing gets smoother, as if subsequent pages were laid on the first because it felt better to write on and he didn’t care about leaving evidence. It goes back to fucked up in the PS making me think he added that after, maybe pulling that sheet out alone to write on it after some thought. You really don’t want to see someone doing counter-forensics in something like this. And I wonder if the thought was it would look strange if something happened to her after this relationship was cut off completely.
I actually might partly worry a smart pedophile might think he could troll VK, get intel out of a Russian girl by pretending to be an American boy, break off the relationship online, head over there, kidnap her, assault her, dispose of the body anywhere, head home, and local cops would never be the wiser what happened. Very small probability, but might be why he would cloak a location by using your box. And even if that was it, the whole thing could have been a fantasy, and he never meant to follow through.
We might actually have GRU on here. Maybe they might want to look into this casually, pulling names off My thirty one and running them against Visas, just as an exercise of skill, and in the event you turned up something interesting. I don’t know if the Ruskies have the ground surveillance assets to follow every American who would enter their country.
Image 2 of 4
Image 3 of 4
Image 4 of 4
(Image 2 and 3 got mixed up…sorry about that)
Worst case scenario. Honestly if we end up needing this information here in the lower 48, I just don’t know what to tell you.
What happens on 10/8?
In regards to Kyle Odom and the ‘reptilian pastor” be it known that I personally have known said pastor for many years, and live a couple of miles away. Have never seen him shape shift and he did not take form when shot. He was shot 8 times not two mag dumps as reported by you, he was not shot in the head, he lived because he was only one mile from a major hospital when shot in the parking lot of his church after services. He is partially paralyzed in one arm and suffers great pain to this day from his wounds, and I guess being a reptile didn’t help when he almost completely bled out on the way to that hospital. This guy does great work with people suffering from drug addiction and has set MANY on the road to recovery. Kyle Odom is a lost soul, violent and crazy. Your take on this makes wonder about the facts in other cases reported on this site.
When I see the extent of the domestic intel operation, and I see someone describe what Odom described, I think it overwhelmingly likely he was gangstalked by domestic surveillance. He describes something which should not exist, but which I know does. Granted, he may have been seeing it through a lens, or not, but he was seeing it.
To cut the bullshit, Tim Remington was also appointed to Congress. I have zero doubt that only happens if he is a member of the conspiracy who they trust to keep his mouth shut. Which would also mean he is either an imbecile, or he knows he gets orders from whoever allowed, and maybe set up 9/11. If not, then he can easily prove it – use his political pull and microphone, to publicly shame Wray and the FBI for allowing New York Governor David Patterson to be Blackmailed by two men who claimed to be high-level law enforcement surveillance who knew things only surveillance could know about his life, without investigating it and ID’ing the two men who entered his office. Were they Russians? How could the FBI know without identifying them? I will not hold my breath. Remington will leave that be, and for a reason. He knows. Also, you say he was not shot in the head, but the WaPo article is headlined, “Idaho pastor shot in the skull after praying with Ted Cruz.” That was reported in several outlets, with one noting a doctor said a bullet “entered his skull.” If I was there, and did an assessment, a shot to the head or not would have stuck with me. Article here:
I have no idea what your story is, but I know enough surveillance people that I can tell you, they are not visibly ogres. They appear normal, even nice. There are a couple I like, though I cannot reconcile how they see 9/11 and still serve that thing. And like it or not, they are all allied against us, and we are outsiders to them. Remington may seem normal, but I will bet he knows shit which would blow a normal person’s mind. If you think not, then you are where I was fifteen years ago, and all I can say is there are things you can see which will completely change your view of the world, the nation, and your fellow citizens. I am a totally different person.
I have no idea about the reptilians, as I said I am skeptical. But after seeing every single neighbor somehow involved in this, and how many people in my community they can move, after having video I can link you to of the neighbor’s 10 year old kid talking to another 10 year old surveillance kid about how they followed me through the stores, and then finding out there is a seeming Type III civilization hiding on the planet, as I said, I don’t think you can rule anything out. If something is so advanced it is doing 8,000 mph right angle turns, and “they” knew a fighter jets assigned CAP station on a military drill, then you have to accept all technology, sufficiently advanced, can appear as magic. If all that is true, and it is, it is obvious wizards are, for practical purposes, now possibly on the planet and magic is entirely possible. That we have so many people claiming it at least means it is a phenomenon of some sort, even if just perceptual.
As for my take on surveillance, my surveillance page is all evidence. Watch the videos, read the news stories, and come to your own conclusions.
And I should add, my family had a family friend I knew since I was a little kid. When I called him asking about the surveillance, he shut me out cold, because it turns out all the massive business success, apparently required membership, and I concluded he was actually sent in to monitor my mom as a family friend. I still am shocked. If they are in the conspiracy, you never knew them.
As a follow up to see f I am on the level about Pastor Tim Remington, I could arrange for you talk with him if you would like.
Tough to describe how sad this post made me. I am guessing by this, you are where I was 15 years ago. I really don’t even know if it does you any good to ever learn this stuff. If you learn about it, and you are decent, you are going to want to fight, and I am not even sure it is a threat to you like it is to some kids.
All I will close with is, that dude may not be who you think, but if you don’t chase it down, he may not fuck you over either. But there is stuff you could learn which would change all of that.
Thanks for the reply, I will keep an open mind on this, but the guy did the drywall in my house working for his dad 30 years ago, and the lady next door dated him in high school. He was appointed to the legislature to serve out a vacancy for a few months, he has not gone back. As far a knowing things that would blow my mind, I could say that I know things that would blow the minds of more than a few normies. Sorry life and experiences have made you jaded and really no one knows shit except God who has the perspective to see it all. Thanks again.
In which Mathis destroys the recent AI “art” propaganda