Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
A top prosecutor under John Durham has resigned, and run to the media claiming that Barr is pressuring Durham’s team to release a report before the probe is finished. The story says she is a Never-Trumper.
AG Barr rips national media as a ‘collection of liars’ over riot coverage.
An interview at CNN with the guy who lost his bicep to Saint Kyle of Kenosha. He traveled 40 miles to take part in the protest, and he was streaming video from his phone, which I notice a lot of people, from the reporter who was gangstalking that black guy, to the guy who video’d the killing of Jay Danielson do, I presume so the controllers in the control center miles away can watch live. That meme, where the three comedians say, “Now, try to grab his gun and take it away!” before erupting in laughter at what happens, may actually be what guys like this one heard in their earpieces.
Judge orders testimony from Saudi officials in suit over involvement in 9/11 attacks.
Oregon braces for a “mass fatality incident” as wildfires approach Portland.
A man accused of starting a brush fire on state Route 167 in Puyallup was out of jail less than two hours before he was arrested a second time. I used to feel like a loon six months ago, when I was saying they were changing the bail laws to keep their Antifa and BLM terrorists out on the street, even though it was 100% logical. It was clear that was what they were doing, but it felt so contrary to what we were told was possible in this world growing up, I still felt silly saying it, like I was a paranoid conspiracy nut. But it is exactly what they were doing, months before the protests started. Our programming is strong.
California’s wildfires are adding to blackout risks as they strike solar plants. Insurance scam on a failing business model?
Former Sen. Amy Klobuchar assistant is the judge in the George Floyd case. A Cabal SJW. Likely to be a bad thing most times, although he might just start dropping charges to fire up more riots at some point, if Cabal gets desperate. Notice also, Judge assignments are probably not random. If this thing is as big as they say, you can bet most recruitments/infiltrations will all have purposes, and together they will make for a very capable machine that can do almost anything.
Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill on Friday disqualified Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman and three additional lawyers from his office from participating in the George Floyd case, branding their work “sloppy.” More there than meets the eye here. He may have been told to get Cabal prosecutors, and for some reason the case was initially caught by non-Cabal prosecutors before it blew up.
Left-wing dark money groups to ‘carpet-bomb’ 2020 election, report warns.
Biden campaign is spending “quite substantially” on Fox News ads, Lachlan Murdoch says. Money laundering for the network, pure and simple.
Colorado deals with widespread fraud in unemployment claims. Why is it I get the impression this wouldn’t have happened back when Colorado was an innocent rural area, before the intel agencies moved all their data centers out there and Cabal’s ground intel op followed to keep eyes on them.
Nine of the 2020 Forbes Ten Wealthiest Americans are Democrat-affiliated liberal megadonors. Elon Musk is the one exception.
Texas judge allows Harris County to send all voters applications for mail-in ballots.
Netflix has a history of problems with distributing child pornography.
Knoxville tiger spotted again in Tennessee as search continues.
Venezuela is tearing apart oil pipelines to sell as scrap metal.
“Unprecedented” transmission of a new highly drug-resistant HIV in France.
Never-Trumper Andrew Napolitano sued by a man who says he was forcibly sodomized and sexually assaulted by defendant Napolitano, who was a state court judge in New Jersey presiding over Plaintiff’s criminal case when the assault occurred. There is a New York Post story here.
Veterans fortify the ranks of militias aligned with Trump’s views.
Another record of NICS checks and gun sales for August 2020.
‘Historic’ peace talks with Taliban set to begin.
President Donald J. Trump has brokered a historic deal between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain.
President Donald J. Trump nominated for a second Nobel Peace Prize in a week. Even more amazing, unlike all the other schlubs who win it, he actually deserves it for each nomination.
President Trump’s campaign and the RNC made contact with their 100 millionth voter through door knocking and phone banking. Meanwhile Biden’s campaign won’t do door knocks due to COVID.
Kamala Harris gets a rude welcome in Miami, as Latinos For Trump line the streets.
Cincinnati I-275 Trump car parade over 6,000 strong!
Spread r/K Theory, because Trump parades are the best parades.
The biggest issue with the election will be mail in ballots coming in, in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania after Nov. 3. The Governors in both of those states are Democrats and will keep the systems/board of elections in their states open UNTIL they get the results they want. If they don’t get the results they want (Trump wins both states) then they will hold up the sending of electors to the electoral college to “ensure every vote is heard”.
Of course, it doesn’t make logical sense since so many democrats are voting early (and often) before November is even here but, they have the entire media covering for them. Try it for yourself, go into 270 to win and plug in the 2016 results, see what happens if you remove WI and PA.
It’s like watching a slow motion plane crash. Democrats are going to claim they won regardless of any outcome, regardless of polls, regardless of exit polls (which probably won’t even be done this year) and regardless of Joe’s dementia and problems. There will be permanent civil unrest in this country for the remainder of President Trumps administration. They will keep this up until they get what they want, and what they want is you dispossessed, in a camp and eventually dead. They will never stop until they get what they want.
“…The biggest issue with the election will be mail in ballots coming in…”
Trump should declare that any ballots NOT official absentee ballots that are sent in AFTER the election day will not be counted. They will raise hell but so what. Barr pointed out that we already have a way of mailing in ballots, absentee ballots, so mail in ballots are not needed. We also should consider any ballots not in before the end of the polls closing to be illegal.
Watched Dr. Zhivago (the original 1965 version) the other night. I knew there were scenes of Zhivago returning from being forced to be medic for a Bolshevik army, and finding his house in Moscow requisitioned, with multiple families living there, but the movie went well beyond this in detailing the nightmare that Russia was plunged into. I found it deeply disturbing because of the clear parallels with what we are currently experiencing.
The initial scenes of bolsheviks marching in the cities with their “Brotherhood” and “Liberty” banners, winning sympathy and support from onlookers, were exactly like the Floyd riots/ BLM. Then the “civil” war, the mass starvation used as a weapon against “counter-revolutionaries, arrests of the kulaks, the train ride to the Urals (along with prisoners from the failed Kronstadt naval uprising, who were sarcastically referred to as “brave patriots going to settle in Siberia”), Zhivago kidnapped by a bolshevik partisan cadre in the forests, not able to return to his pregnant wife and daughter, the merciless slaughter of entire villages and livestock by the fanatic bolshevik kommissars, and Zhivago’s doomed return to a devastated, starving Moscow, where Zhivago finds his house looted and ruined, and isn’t allowed to bring scrap lumber to start a fire in the dead of winter, all foretold what lies in store if the current color revolution succeeds.
Plus Julie Christie. One could do worse for a quick history lesson.
Do you think you’re saying anything new? Do you think Trump doesn’t know this? Have a little faith and stop being such a god damn pussy defeatist.
From where I come from, telling people the truth that someone wants to kill them isn’t defeatism, it usually pisses them off to the point where they form local militias to stomp antifa firebugs.
Relying on ANYONE other than yourself to solve problems is the essence of cuck. Anyone includes the government, all branches and parties. Otherwise the cucks would just say “the Portland police and FBI are on the case”. Okay I guess that’s “bigly” thinking- the FBI will handle it.
No. “Bigly” thinking is, “Fuck all this shit, the systems completely broken, I’m calling the Pastor, Bob and my cousin and their friends and we’re doing an armed, mobile, neighborhood watch 24/7. The election is nice, AR-15s and Mossberg pumps are nicer.”
You gotta learn to think that way Chad, or else you’re just a guy, isolated, not watching his back in Portland. How do you prep an average citizen normie to deal with the Portland FBI being antifa commies trying to kill them? You tell them the truth, the system is broken.
Don’t you love it when Cabal accuses us of being themselves?
Can I get the quick rundown?
AC, I got to wondering recently what the current pregnancy rate is in America. Given the China Virus shitshow of the last six months or so you’d expect some notable impact on upcoming births. I’m not sure if the national lock-in would have Americans making more babies or if the lock-in would be denying more procreation. I haven’t seen any articles or data regarding this.
So I just did some preliminary web searches and came across something interesting in one of the first results. The much-in-the-news lately state of Oregon has a teen (Age 10-17) pregnancy rate of 2.4 (per 1,000) or 0.24% at June 2020 (451 out of a teen population of 187,845). That’s down from 500 (2.6 rate per 1,000 or 0.26%) at December 2019. Definitely a meaningful drop while only four months into the lock-in…Also, would you believe that rate was 19.7 (1.97%) in 1990? 2,986 pregnancies on a Age 10-17 female population of 151,574. In fact, pregnancies in this cohort remained at approximately 3,000 per year throughout the entire 1990s. Then collapsed to 450 today? All this while the overall population grew from 2.9 million in 1990 to 4.2 million in 2019. Something is rotten in the state of Oregon..
Responding to my attack on Q using Nazis to affliate to Antifa violence, SteveRogers42 answered “”Q has to anchor the term “Antifa” with the “Nazis bad” trope to get Joe and Jane Sixpack on board.””
Yes, it’s true that Joe and Jane sixpack respond to the Nazi trope because —- The communist trope was and has never appeared; because like Pavlov’s dogs, we’ve been conditioned that way. Yes, Steve Rogers is right in that Q is forming his message to his audience–but that still causes evil !!!
This is evil because the Nazi’s are connected to Nationalism. What is under attack now? Us, Europeans in the tropes of white priviledge, white supremacy, systemic racism. Which are all Cultural Marxist ideology and weapons. Our National existence is being attacked. WE WANT NATIONALISM.
You have TO connect Antifa with Communism. Q is an Americanist and Americanism is based on Freemasonry which teaches/preaches the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel. Q doesn’t like Nationalism—yet Nationalism must return. It is wrong to use or bring up the Nazis whatsoever.
We must Educate Truth—Historical Truth. We must not go with the flow of the Jewish Narrative—-BUT BREAK IT.
Everyone, AND EVERYONE, associates Nazism with Nationalism. Q is falling into the Jewish Meme.
We must ONLY use Communist historical acts, anti-Communist memes and tropes and RE-EDUCATE into the evils of Communism.
The “socialism” in National Socialism, (i.e. in Fascism, Nazism) is still Jewish. It is Marxism, International Socialism that we are fighting—NOT Nazism.
The Jews are engaged in a Race war against us whites using the Minorities and Cucked Whites as communist sabatuers, and violent radicals.
Using the Nazi memes/tropes is solidifying that cause that Nationalism is evil—thus making the Proud Boys evil and all resistance to Antifa evil!
Plan before and After Civil War—–No Nazi memes/tropes. All learning, dialectic, rhetoric, propaganda centered on Anti-Communism, exposing International Socialism.
I posted awhile back on comments on Jerry Rubin, from a California university campus, back in the late Sixties, about offing 20 to 25 million in order to secure the revolution.
Well, here is a video about the same time, from an undercover police officer in Cincinatti talking about what he overheard:
Can someone please tell me, why these people were allowed to live? Why weren’t these people arrested for sedition and treason? Where’s the outrage?
I don’t care, good, bad, indifferent, these people all need to be deported. Even their rabbis are engaged in this crap. The killing of Aaron Danielson is a sign of this. Outright ambush murder.
Why hasn’t a single Institute of Social Research been closed and their instructors deported or shot?
And why is the Fed Gov against us? —-because all Fed Employees are indoctrinated into Critical Race Theory (CRT)—-Which comes from the Institutes of Social Research across America.
When is this going to stop? Who is outraged? Is not Government instituted to keep the Peace? We are facing death and the genocide of our people—and these instigators and their people are roaming around free instigating our genocide and deaths!
Can you please tell me, AC commented on this, that in the ambush murder of Aaron Danielson, there was an operation with intell and a command structure.
Why hasn’t this been rolled up and EVERY SINGLE person charged with accessory to murder and sedition? Why?
Where is the Law and Order?
It is so much worse than that. I’ve got at least two cars right now sitting around me at least, and maybe more. Anywhere I go regularly, I am pretty sure they have have audio, and maybe more, and somebody is assigned to it. If they judge I am likely to start moving, I’ll probably have ten to twelve minimum come in and begin blocking off potential exits, and setting up to begin follows out the various exit points.
And I am not alone. There is literally a Stasi-like secret Police force in the country, and it isn’t working to catch serial killers, or stop terrorism, or roll up gang members, or eliminate opioids. It is just identifying some Americans, for some reason, and if they cue in on you, you can’t just get the fuck away from them. It is running shit like these Antifa protests, to overthrow the fucking government. It is killing people. It has killed vets and cops, who were completely innocent. And cops know and can’t do anything. Feds know and can’t do anything. And the people doing it know, and must know it is bad shit because they keep this massive, shocking fucking secret too, and that is not a small cohort. It is a lot of fucking people.
The rot here goes deep and wide. And the thing is, it has been operational for at least decades, and maybe hundreds of years. And all that time, it has war-gamed against itself, and calculated almost all the ways anyone would come at it, and gotten control of the places needed by us to take it down. So you can’t go to the local Police precinct and file a report, because your local precinct will deny there is any evidence and refuse to file a report. If you get it filed, the prosecutor will refuse to file charges, saying it isn’t a case you are likely to win. If you get the prosecutor to file the judge will dismiss it. And on and on.
But things are changing. People are beginning to believe there could be a conspiracy. And that is huge, because before the biggest shield against this thing being exposed was that the population would not believe it possible for a conspiracy to be kept secret from the public. But now people know that the media is compromised, the Democrats are compromised, the intelligence agencies were compromised, Epstein was blackmailing people and was murdered, so the jails were compromised, as was everyone who touched his case, and who he interacted with, and there is more to Antifa than we are being openly told. And that is accelerating.
This thing is well on a path to exposure, but the biggest thing we will need first is a public who will be able to see this. Fortunately, every day we are getting closer to that.
Apropos to your comment, AC, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. posted a quote from his uncle JFK’s Secret Societies speech on Instagram today…
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”
There is something you have to realize in this analysis. With this conspiracy in place, it is possible to maintain soft power forever, a barely imperceptible tyranny where everyone thinks the Potemkin Village political system we learned in civics holds sway.
With Antifa, the Flynn judge, the destruction of the media, with all of these assets deployed…something has changed. That soft power that held sway has somehow disappeared and this is the last-ditch effort for the left to maintain power.
How about you document this? It shouldn’t be hard to sew some small cameras into your clothes or something.
Otherwise I am rather skeptical that 20 people are dedicated harassing you.
I’ve got ten to twelve 4-8 TB backup drives filled with video of everything, from car cams to body cams, to house surveillance cams. I’ve got the neighbor’s kid talking to a fellow surveillance kid about following me, and a parade of drivebys that defies all reason I got after reaching out to the Russian Consulate to promote Evopsych to SVR.
But more important than that this happens to me, or even could happen to me, is the fact this machine exists in this scale. You can’t imagine there being an organization that could move twenty cars or a hundred people on the fly, for no reason. My goal is to make you realize this machine is probably on you, right now, this very moment, because you are here.
You can start here, where one citizen who wasn’t even involved in politics like me, shows a video of what we all see every day:
Why not create a button for the link on the top bar fren?
The Netflix cuties scandal. Scott Adams warned about this and never named it. It’s all over Breitbart. Cernovich wondering why this is out and no condemnation from the Left. Personally, after Adams said something, I never looked at it or saw it or read anything on it except a blog post on it, a secondary source. Our famous Lembrador is on the scene and outs a Jew as creating this.
This is the Modus Operandi. Started with Kissing in the movies. Kissing was not allowed—then one film broached it—-now it happens all the time. Skipping around, you had Clint Eastwood shooting a guy in the back—going against the grain—now it happens all the time. You had Blazin’ Saddles have the first fart on TV—-now it happens all the time. Urination, Sitting on the toilet with Lethal Weapon, Homosexuality, homos kissing, so on and so forth. Every female performer dancing in her panties!
The same methodology! Every time. “They” broach a taboo. Second, comes the Outrage. Third, comes the normalcy!
It is the long list of the overturning of the taboos of Christian culture. One, by one. This is how “they” do it. They know the Outrage goes down and then disappears. Outrage, then desensitizing, then normalcy. “They” have to go. Adolf Hitler saw the same thing in the Weimar. Study the Weimar and every perversion in the Weimar—a Jew was behind.
History IS REPEATING itself. Sexual perversions by the buttload, Soviet cities being created (raterrepublics, CHOP zones), Violence, murder, looting. All done before in the Weimar
This is what Free Speech is Protecting! This is the final product of Americanism.
Fun Fact: Who set up the Weimar Republic? Who wrote its constitution?
A Jew!
A Jew who modelled the Weimar Republic on the American pseudo-republic!
A Country full of Germans—and a Jew writes the Constitution for Germans!!!????!!!! WTF? The German people really had no say from President Woodrow Wilson, academic radical, ordering the abdication of all 23 princes, kings and emperor of Germany and Austria to a Jew writing their new constitution. Who manufactured that?
Why does Normalcy come after Outrage? —because ultimately—there are NO consequences. Nothing is going to happen. We will yell and scream. The Jew Laughs and continues on.
18 USC 2071. Every lawyer is an officer of the court.
(a)Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b)Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.
(My emphasis.)
Alternate theory — he’s not cabal, they never considered that what they are doing is so obviously wrong as to warrant being removed from the case, and the cabal is in total lockdown in it’s OODA look (stuck in Orient) and can’t watch all of its angles anymore.
This actually works in our favor, I think. They are mailing out the applications for a mail-in ballot, not the ballot itself. I think that a significant portion of the people who receive them will think that they have in fact voted by sending in the application, and won’t think about it again — especially if they don’t actually receive the ballot. People are terrible at following multi-step instructions, and Democrat voters are even worse than Republicans.
Good Point.
I’ve been thinking about the fireworks.
RIght now, they are using them to set wildfires. I think that this is a slapdash plan put together to make it seem like the cabal is not being forced to move. It feels like we are at the “checkmate in 4” point, where the Cabal sees the loss coming, has no moves left that get them out of it, only have one piece that they can move and only one square to move to, and they are moving that piece hoping against hope that Trump is as stupid as they have deluded themselves he is and is going to just throw away the checkmate with a stupid move. Fireworks are a shitty way to start a wildfire. Fireworks are actually engineered to not easily start fires. I don’t want to help the idiots with their plan, but all of us from the country know how to start fires and know 1000 better ways.
The last fallback was using the fireworks as weapons against buildings. This actually had promise, but their ground troops are too stupid to make a proper IED because they never spent summers in the country blowing up stumps.
The plan before that was to use the fireworks as distractions and encouragements in riots. This actually worked at first, except that the black folks figured out it was all the white terrorists doing it and then leaving them with the blame, so they stopped letting the white into their protests and started turning them into the cops. The blacks want to loot, not start fights with the cops.
But that brings us to the original Cabal intent for the fireworks. They always anticipated that when they started rioting, all of us would grab our ARs and go Roof Korean and stand off against them in big firing lines with our rifles.
And then their agent provocateurs would start setting off tons of fireworks.
Our guys would open fire en masse (probably prompted by a few infiltrators of theirs to prime the pump) and dozens if not hundreds of “protesters” would get mowed down, they would get a propaganda victory, and would get the casus belli to start rounding up the right wing. That plan failed totally and completely. This is why they are so demoralized.
I think that we are seeing the complete breakdown of the cabal OODA loop. Their plans are going into effect after they would have had maximum effect, and are lingering too long after they start getting caught. If they were properly functioning, the wildfires would have started before the Portland Riots got put down, not after. If they were properly functioning, they would have stopped setting fires after the first couple of arsonists got caught (so as to blame it on a couple of nutjobs and oh the rest are all natural.) Instead, we are now on alert and catching them left and right.
This is the Storm, and this is the breakdown of the cabal C3. Trump is inside their loop, but most importantly, we the individual patriots are inside their loop. We’ve been taught how to see them, and now they are running out of shadows to hide in.
“…If they were properly functioning, the wildfires would have started before the Portland Riots got put down, not after. If they were properly functioning, they would have stopped setting fires after the first couple of arsonists got caught (so as to blame it on a couple of nutjobs and oh the rest are all natural.) Instead, we are now on alert and catching them left and right…”
Good point!
I wonder if the NSA is tracking cell phones that belong to rioters. It would be fairly easy to do. A piece of cake. Collect all number at riots then when those move to the countrysides end drones to track them. This would even work for one time use throw away phones. They pop up in the countryside as new numbers and immediately hey could be tracked.
I read, somewhere, that they have a massive huge CCD camera system that can scan a whole city with one picture. It scans every so often and can then track people, cars, whatever. If there’s a crime they can track from the crime to wherever the criminals go. This could work for fires too.
I believe there are probably bad guys in the NSA but I suspect that most are not. Hence the release of information by the CIA plant Edward Snowden to destroy the NSA. A odd fact. Did you know a large amount of personal in the NSA are Marines. I found this out from a guy saying they should be re-tasked elsewhere but I suspect the military put them there on purpose to keep an eye on the spooks. The guy was Carlton Meyer but I don’t think he is cabal he just wanted more efficiency in the military but in this case I don’t think efficiency is what we need.
Actually I underestimated the number of army in the NSA,
“…While Congress struggles to discover what the NSA does, it should scrutinize its manpower. The Army dominated NSA evades questions about its budget and manpower, but public estimates are that it has 35,000 full-time personnel and almost half of those are soldiers, plus 15,000 contract personnel…”
I don’t think we should cut a damn one of those unless they are suspected to be under the control of the Jews.
Cabal and its cohorts has a distinct case of “911’itis.” New York City gained a lot of sympathy nationwide after 911. Even country music stars were writing songs about New York.
Cabal probably expected that watching cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and New York burn would prompt the same 911 reaction, and then lead patriots to come and “defend” this sacred American territory.
Except…no one really cares. All these cities have over-stayed their welcome.
>”Netflix has a history of problems with distributing child pornography.”
Not only is this an effort by the gaybal faggots to normalize pedo shit, it is also a way for them to profile potential pedos they can recruit into the gaybal network and use for harassment operations and/or put on positions of power so they can leverage them. You can bet your ass Netflix has algorithms that tell them who watches what for how long, how many times, etc. It’s a great way to filter for potential operators.
>”Netflix has a history of problems with distributing child pornography.”
From the article:
And what about Big Mouth? It is a Netflix cartoon that depicts and promotes sexual exploitation among pre-teens. Big Mouth is so blatant in its exploitation that dialogue in the first season between “the Hormone Monster” and the child characters actually says the quiet part out loud. As Newsbusters reported in 2017:
Let’s take a look at at this pedo shit show “Big Mouth”:
And did you knew that Nick Kroll’s father (one of the pedo Jews who created that “Big Mouth” filth) is non other than Jule Kroll, which is connected to the players in the Israeli 9/11 attack on the WTC and Building 7?

Video: “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”
>”Never-Trumper Andrew Napolitano sued by a man who says he was forcibly sodomized and sexually assaulted by defendant Napolitano, who was a state court judge in New Jersey presiding over Plaintiff’s criminal case when the assault occurred. There is a New York Post story here.”
Dude was an arsonist.
Looks like he really lit a fire… on Napolitano’s pants.
>Benis : DD
It keeps slowly grinding:
Some group of guests came today. While standing around the front yard for five minutes, they commented “does that normally happen around here? That is the second car that has slowed down and is just staring at us”. A couple weeks ago I had a worker working in the front yard. A family of Pajeet slowed down, stopped in the driveway, and just stood there staring at their phones and talking to each other, taking selfies, fussing over the baby in the carriage, ignoring us standing right there. After a couple minutes my worker commented on it, “that’s wierd, what are they up to”. Attempts to say hello were ignored. Weird neighborhood. Maybe now they know they are outed, they aren’t trying so hard anymore; the mask is slipping.
Yeah, activity outside the house provokes the driveby’s. I don’t know why they don’t just watch from a neighboring house.
It is weird how I feel conflicted you have noticed it. I like you are now stronger than you were when you were unaware, but it really is like Cypher in the Matrix. There is actually an argument for how much more pleasant it is to be ignorant.
Just understand, those who get that treatment are those who have the spark which most people do not.
God Bless and stay safe.
God bless you too, fren. Truth always; the path of Cypher is the wrong one. At a subconscious level you can sense when someone is feeding you dung. Better to know, than to suspect. Most people who wake up, self included, do so when the dream world becomes too painful. Some go back to sleep. Narcissists create their own inner hell.
Very true. I come back to Glen Beck finding out his kid was being approached and groomed by a known pedophile. Better to know and be resistant to that, than to not know, and endure the cost of the hit.
start pissing on their car doors, see if they ignore that. it’s your property, not theirs, right?
To anyone under surveillance, I can recommend a practice that the Jews and Christians have in common: singing the Divine Office. What that means is, singing the Psalms. I’ve noticed that when I do that, surveillance backs off. Something about the Psalms; every group that sings them starts to have their road smoothed. The Puritans then the Anglicans; the Catholic church during its time of ascendancy; the Byzantine church when it was doing well. Luigi Cornaro, an Italian Catholic, sang the Psalms daily and lived to be almost 100. A Jewish woman died recently with 1000 living descendants from between her own feet; she sang the Psalms daily and taught her children to do so also. Every time I make a regular practice of singing the Psalms, it is like the surveillance disappears. The words of the Psalms cause considerable pain to anyone with evil in their heart. Remember, the Psalms were written by King David, who used his musical gift to drive evil spirits away. I recommend this breviary, because it has the complete Psalms.
Most of the modern breviaries of the churches have bowdlerized and cut out some of the most powerful Psalms, thus weakening the spiritual and temporal protection you get by singing them. People into witchcraft and satanism recognize the power of the Psalms, and they pervert it when they can, and avoid them in general.
I too was worried when I learned that the new modern Breviary left out some psalms. I’ve come to learn that those psalms left out were the Revenge psalms, one praying hopefully some other foreign nation (or even the Israelites, will rise up) and “dash your babies on the rocks”.
There are about seven Revenge psalms. We are called by Jesus Christ to not have revenge. Revenge is a very Jewish trait.
After learning that, I don’t want to read those psalms. They are the Word of God, but then, I take them as a learning about Jewish character; they teach. People sing of their character. Well, the revenge psalms are a window into the Jewish soul that I want NO part of.
I think it all means “prevenge”
The apostle Paul said “Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord”. He didn’t say there was anything wrong with crying out to God for vengeance on those who oppress you. Singing the vengeance Psalms isn’t Jewish, it is perfectly appropriate and good. Those Psalms are Godly, and some of the most powerful ones. Notice since the Catholic church went all weak in the knees, it has also stopped asking God to avenge himself on the wicked.
2Corinthians 10:4-6 shows that we are to be ready to revenge all disobedience, to execute God’s judgements. Sticking your head in the sand about this is part of the reason the modern day churches are so weak.
Jesus also said this, Luke 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Jesus spoke of the destruction the wicked and the oppressors; nowhere did he indicate we shouldn’t pray for God to deal with them in the finest blood and guts fashion.
Wonderful suggestion, thank you.
China halts imports of German pork after swine fever case
Christopher Rufo was on Tucker Carlson and reported that West Point is teaching Critical Race Theory to its cadets!
This means that our whole officer corps IS Marxist!
Does not the ACLU, a Jewish organization, scream at the top of its lungs—“Separation of Church and State”? Oh, yea. The Jews love to scream “Separation of Church and State”.
Did not Jesus call his own kinsmen, hypcrites? Semitic peoples, both Hebrews and Arabs have no sense of Objective Truth.
See, God in heaven has a sense of humor, He is showing all and sundry that particularity matters! Where as the FFofA like Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson were fine with religious mixing, one religion as good as another.
In the Jewish Values Series, “When a Jew seeks wisdom; The Sayings of the Fathers”, Seymour Rossel et al, writes, on page 157, “It means striving to make the laws of the land reflect the values of Jewish teachings.” pg 158: “We are required as Jews to involve ourselves in the world. …We must learn, too, to work within the system of laws under which we live in order to change and alter them and bring THEM INO LINE WITH WHAT WE BELIEVE”.
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” – (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).
While we believed the hoax of Separation of Church and State—these people are busy teaching and implementing their religion at all levels of our government, universities and even our churches. Every institution is immersed in Political Correctness which is Judaism! Are whole country is a country of Jews and pseudo-Jews. Critical Race Theory is Judaism. Our military cadets are being infused with the religious values, and thinking like Jews.
Our goose is cooked. Is our pathetic militias of 20 people apiece going to stand up to the Race-mixed army led by Cultural Marxist Officers? Did the Taliban stand a chance? What makes you think we are? The Past is Prelude and we don’t have Rich Saudi princes nor a Mexican cartel funding us do we? If Russia couldn’t save Christian Serbia—what makes you think we have any help?
“Venezuela is tearing apart oil pipelines to sell as scrap metal”
You know this is a big ass scam. First of all this could be nothing but lies. It could very well be that CIA paid operatives are stealing the steel and selling it to destroy the infrastructure. We are conditioned to claim that Venezuela is some commie evil whatever but in reality a bunch of rich fucks bribed all the leaders of the country to make deals that gave away their oil for next to nothing. Now they did the same to the Arabs and Arabs eventually told them to fuck off and confiscated the oil fields from the rich fucks.
Before we condemn the Venezuelans we might out to ask how it is that the US FED has given a reported $39 trillion dollars of low to no interest loans to a bunch of rich fucks who have bought everything possible and now appear to be trying to take over the country and burn it to the ground. Now if you don’t favor us being treated that way why should you have hatred for the Venezuelans who don’t want to be plundered of their only asset?
I’m all for capitalism and people being able to keep the majority of money they make for producing goods and services but that’s not the way it works these days. The rich fucks produce “money” and then snag up all the productive assets and get us to slave away to pay off the debts they incur to snag up these assets.
How might I ask is this different from slavery where they steal the assets you own, your body, then put you to work paying off these assets?
I read about another one of these scams just a few days ago. It seems that hedge funds are buying all the trailer parks in the country with debt then raising the rental prices as high as they possibly can. Well most people who have trailers don’t have the assets move them around constantly so they are screwed.
The Jews and their agents are looting the country and the only thing that we can do is get rid of them. They will never stop. There is no way possible to mediate with them because what they are doing is working for them. They own everything.
American Krogan has a new video up:
Mass Effect was a test, I think there were conservatives and liberals involved who fought for control but in the end it was actually a test.
You were given many choices throughout the game and by default it was set to report all of them to its makers so they could see how many chose each way and in what patterns.
They even taunted you by having Legion tell you that the Geth would infiltrate the internet and use it to study the organic races and by telling you about indoctrination throughout the trilogy, I am sure that “Indoctrination Theory” was actually correct and the ending the conservatives involved wanted canonized but the liberals were able to take control of it and stop that.
I am heartened by the fact that so many chose the destroy ending in spite of the huge push for assimilation and that the second most common choice was to refuse the false options and shoot starbrat, the liberals were so upset that they issued a patch that included making shooting starbrat an epic fail.
>”Mass Effect was a test, I think there were conservatives and liberals involved who fought for control but in the end it was actually a test.
You were given many choices throughout the game and by default it was set to report all of them to its makers so they could see how many chose each way and in what patterns.”
Very perceptive fren.