Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Watch Joe Biden pinch the nipple of an 8 year old girl- and more. This is what Cabal wants to turn this nation into.
Critics have noticed former Obama Vice President Joe Biden is having difficulty with his speech, his breathing and shows weakness even in the way he dodders to and from the podium. Now it appears that Joe is suffering from coughing fits, just like Hillary. This sounds crazy, but I will put it here for the record – immediately prior to the vibrations, maybe 30 seconds prior, I will get the urge to cough/clear my throat, due to a sensation in the back of my throat, almost as if a massive nasal drip sensation. I actually would wake up from sleep due to it, almost coughing and having to clear my throat, and think to myself, “Here it comes.” And 10-30 seconds later I could feel the vibrations come on. No idea if that is related, or if this is just coincidental, but it is interesting.
Law enforcement agencies across the West Coast have arrested multiple alleged arsonists accused of ‘intentionally setting fires’ while hundreds of blazes wreak havoc in several states. What is interesting is I would never have believed this ten years ago. It almost makes me wonder if it could be possible some of us were put under obvious surveillance to bring us to this point, where we would see this and make it more widely known. Probably more likely they just figured by now we would have camps set up and be moving more aggressively toward the Nazi Germany model under Hillary so their exposure wouldn’t matter, but it is a possibility.
A series of wildfires in Washington, Oregon, and California are now being considered arson – and sources tell Law Enforcement Today that they may be part of a “coordinated attack.” There is a secret, parallel society which seems to like all powerful authoritarian government, and it wants to establish it here – more openly than it had already established it in the shadows.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler orders Police to stop using tear gas.
Portland passes broadest facial recognition ban in the US.
Antifa militant livestreams his own arrest after allegedly setting fire in Washington State.
Top Democratic staffer arrested by Police during riot in Portland. Works for the Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives.
Vatican coup? George Soros funds Jesuit NGOs with $1.7 million.
Glenn Beck says, “There’s a real chance we could be in CIVIL WAR by January.” If so, unless we shut off the surveillance, or at least make our side aware of it, this country will be lost. There is ironically, at present, no ability to overcome this motley squad of obese land-whales, mental midgets, and physical defectives that is Antifa and BLM unless we grasp what is behind them, and the massive power surveillance confers on their operation.
A federal court has blocked an order from President Donald Trump attempting to keep illegal immigrants’ census numbers from apportioning congressional districts. These are traitors who are doing what they are told by a foreign command. Hopefully after they lose the appeal, they will eventually get the rope in the Storm.
Most NM voters support police, and oppose funding cuts. The reason a minority is wielding such power is it was coordinated in a conspiracy by professionals. The signs were all around us, all of this time.
Oregon voters disapprove of Portland protests, feel police aren’t using enough force, poll finds.
ESPN to televise protesting players and singing of black national anthem. Most people never start or run a business, so they don’t realize, you don’t start it and win effortlessly, and then have the ability to purposely screw up, and still win. Businesses run on money, and the bigger you get, the more money they require. I had a friend enjoy a run of massive success once, and he was more worried then, than I ever saw him, because he couldn’t afford to get big enough, fast enough, to service all of the new clients he had. Business, real business, in a capitalist system, is a relentless compulsion to never make a mistake. But here we have companies doing shit their customers abhor, as rating tank, and then they go and give hundreds of millions of hard earned profit away to utter bullshit causes, where the money is simply flowing into somebody’s pocket. This is the conspiracy, and I continue to harp on it here, so those who read this one day can look around at their own world, and decide if they see anything similar, which had slipped by their notice.
US Open tennis ratings down amid Naomi Osaka political displays.
86.7% of people won’t watch the NFL if players kneel during the National Anthem.
Americans’ views of the sports industry take a nosedive, according to Gallup.
Twitter will censor Trump if he claims ‘early victory’ on election night. So delaying any decision on how the election turned out is part of the plan. What they may try to do is fuck up the election and then elector count and deny anyone won, and then try to disqualify enough electors in the counting that the election is sent to the House to be decided – and that will be the Democrat-controlled House now, and not the possibly, or even likely Republican House from after January 20th, which would pick the next President.
Maryland is set to transition from approximately 1800 polling places to 282 voting centers for November’s election in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID among voters. Total chaos, and leave the House as the only option may be the strategy.
Washington Post writer says the Democrats ‘may not trust the results of the election if Trump wins.’
Biden Spox won’t say whether Biden used a teleprompter during interviews. And the Fake News will not touch it, as they call Trump a liar for no reason, because they are all part of a conspiracy.
Joe Biden admits President Trump’s USMCA “is better than NAFTA.” And that is why they have him on a teleprompter.
Twitter and Facebook are to stop running an ad based on the debunked and inflammatory Jeffrey Goldberg hit piece in The Atlantic last week. Now that the controversy is over.
Deputies with the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office arrested three men on Sunday after they allegedly tried to lure children into their vehicle at Jubilee Park. Three pedophiles working together would seem unusual. However there have been cases like this such as the Finders, which was some sort of CIA-run cult for procuring untraceable children for either molestation or ritual sacrifice.
Senate Democrats block Republican COVID-19 stimulus package from advancing.
Beirut port ablaze, weeks after massive blast.
Taiwan scrambles fighters to intercept Chinese jets entering airspace for second day.
Greek-Turkish rivalry is again near the boiling point.
Tiger on the loose from a sanctuary in Knoxville Tennessee.
US revokes over 1,000 visas of Chinese nationals over military links.
Nebraska to drop almost all state-imposed COVID-19 mandates.
Mexican border towns struggle with the thousands of migrants immediately deported under CDC order.
GOP voter registrations surge in key battleground state of Pennsylvania.
Trump’s strength with Military households persists in the wake of the bogus Atlantic report.
Trump approval rating rises despite controversial Atlantic article, poll shows.
Massive crowd chants, “We love you!” to President Trump at a rally, and he responds, “Don’t say that! I’ll start to cry…and that wouldn’t be good for my image.” Wait until he defeats and reveals the Cabal.
Spread r/K Theory, because 9/11 can never be forgotten – or the actual perpetrators behind it.
“Twitter will censor Trump if he claims ‘early victory’ on election night. So delaying any decision on how the election turned out is part of the plan. … election is sent to the House to be decided …. January 20th, which would pick the next President.”
118th Congress begins meeting January 3rd. Rules stipulate, and it comes from the Constitution, if no candidate receives at least 270 electoral college votes by Jan. 20th then the House picks through their process, which also may be a tie or slight Republican lead as it is a plebiscite of House members from each state, with the winner of each state getting 1 vote. Only the 118th Congress can do that, not the 117th Congress.
Now, I can’t guarantee that a few House Republican cucks won’t cuck, but I can guarantee a legit Constitutional crisis if Nancy tries anything before the 20th. It looks like they may be trying to legitimize that process though. So Glenn “Cheetoh” Beck is right, we may be in the beginnings of Civil War 2 in January.
Even if Democrats keep the house, they will likely lose seats, making anything Pelosi tries even harder as hypothetical Presidential selection is limited between the candidates who received electors from the Electoral College- and it is a different process from a basic floor vote.
Now, I wouldn’t put it past Democrats to try something like this, and to get courts to back them up- but they still would have to act in ways not specified by the Constitution. That’s a nice way of saying what they would be doing is illegal.
Anyone who took an oath to the Constitution and let that happen would automatically make themselves a criminal, a domestic enemy and a traitor to the Republic.
“L.A. Health chief was exposed on audio when he was caught saying the schools will reopen ‘after the election.’”
On the one hand, refusing to open the schools is economically crippling for many families- on the other, no school shootings in the lead up to the election if no kids are at school.
Good point.
The assassination of Aaron Danielson, aka Jay Bishop, is not a one off. In the 1960s, 19 ROTC buildings were bombed and there were other bombings.
In the run-up to the Russian Revolution, “In 1908, for example, 1800 officials were killed
and 2083 were wounded in politically motivated attacks.”
I assume many readers here know what “color revolutions” are. But .. a reminder, just in case.. They are designed revolutions — manufactured to destabilize a nation. There is a specific “recipe” as outlined in the VoxDay post. These were designed by Americans (the CIA). There first color revolutions were conducted by Clinton and Hillary used them repeatedly when she was Secy of State.
Color revolutions have been very successful all over the world. Ostensibly, color revolutions are only designed to take down authoritarian regimes and replace them with happy, grass-roots “democracies.” In practice, color revolutions can destroy any type of regime, particularly if you can convince enough sheep that a duly-elected office-holder is really an “autocrat.”
The most recent color revolution attempt took place/is taking place in Belarus.
If we plebs know about color revolutions, then I assume that the Prez and QAnon and folks with some actual power know about color revolutions. Since we — here in the US — invented color revolutions, I assume that the Prez and QAnon and folks with some actual power know the antidote or the counter-moves to a color revolution. We have a very long history with elections, so maybe we have some immunities? Some color revolutions have failed. What lessons can be learned from those failures?
However, let’s get this info out there as much as we can to make sure.
The current “chaos” is designed; we can clearly the see color revolution taking place here; vote-by-mail is designed to cause hysteria surrounding the election allowing the marxists to claim that the election results are not legitimate which “justifies” constant “peaceful protests” and new elections which — conveniently — will only be “legitimate” if the marxist candidate is declared the winner. Both right and left are writing urgent and breathless articles about what happens if the votes aren’t counted on time and what if the election is thrown to the Congress. (“Oh noes, Nance will be Prez!!”). Meanwhile, we are told that Hillary’s John Podesta is “war-gaming” post-election scenarios. The siege of the White House that is supposed to begin soon is intended to put the “peaceful protesters” in place for storming the White House and “removing” the Prez after the election. The armed forces are supposed to be undermined by nonsense like the Atlantic article and the “former members of the military” denouncing the Pres. The police (in blue cities anyway) are being hamstrung. Etc. etc.
Personally, i think doing all that we can to make the color revolution fail should take priority for the next few months. Redpilling about the spy/snitching network is important, but it won’t matter if the Republic falls in the next six months.
I try to attack on all fronts I find important at the same time.
Basically what Q is doing is educating/redpilling people that that’s what the enemies of the Republic in the US are doing, so it’s pretty easy to broach that subject (mostly indirectly) when talking about what is going down in the US (the (Jew) Coup against Trump, the RUSSIA!!!! hysteria, etc)
Basically the 4 most important fronts (IMHO) are:
Color Revolution
NOTE: all of them of equal importance, order means nothing, I just try to fire on all barrels on redpills about them.
Little pasta about the INQ for use with Q-followers:
I think the big secret the cabal must not allow the gen pop to learn about is the fact that everyone is under surveillance, and that there are people in the gen pop who act as informants for this massive, global scale illegal/para-legal surveillance network that works to protect the pedos, the drug/human traffickers, the gangs (aka: cabal’s muscle), etc.
Some 9/11 videos:
==Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, retired Marine officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute says Mossad did 9/11==
==Dr. Sabrosky is an American Patriot of Jewish heritage==
Dr. Sabrosky himself has one Jewish grandparent, although he does not identify particularly strongly with this Jewish ancestry, stating “an outside identity, Jewish or other, has never meant much at all to me. I’m an American”, distinguishing himself from “an awful lot of American Jews [who] do not think of themselves as Americans who happen to be Jewish, but as Jews who happen to be living in America”
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==Fox/ Cameron Segment on “Dancing Israelis” (December 2001)==
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==9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis==
In the days after 9/11, while Ground Zero continued to smoulder, millions heard Dan Rather and various media outlets repeat vague and unconfirmed reports of arrests that took place that day. These rumors held that Middle Eastern men, presumably Arabs, were arrested in explosive-packed vans in various places around the city on September 11th, and that some had even been photographing and celebrating those events. What most do not realize is that those reports were not mere rumors, and we now have thousands of pages of FBI, CIA and DOJ reports documenting those arrests.
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==Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9-11 attacks– and Iraq wars.==
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==Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out | 9/11 Evidence and NIST==
This is the best introductory redpill for normies regarding 9/11, it does NOT mention Jews or Israel at all, but shows that the official version given from the administration was a obvious fraud, using undeniable proof and a very clean and perfect optics presentation. Share it with all the normads you can!
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==Missing Links 9/11 FINAL==
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==9/11 Conspiracy Fully Uncovered, Rebekah Roth, Author of Methodical Illusion & Methodical Deception==
The 9/11 Dancing Israelis FBI FOIA documents:
“Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country”
Yeah Dancing Israelis is definitely one which makes anyone perk up and begin wondering what was up with that.
The first time I read about it on 4chan, I thought it was a silly joke, and that I was being trolled, so I didn’t even looked into it.
But then someone linked some video on it on some bread (I think it was the Corbert Report one), and I was like: “whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?”
Some pics and graphs about 9/11:
“We accidentally wiped phones”.
These type of articles are the best ways to red pill normies. You just need to walk them through the process, because they will just take it at face value.
Example, nuclear missile alert for Hawaii. The gist was that it was “accidentally” sent.
What they are saying is the John and Bob were shooting the shit at the water cooler, and Bob backed up, tripped, and fell into the 12 foot round red button labeled “send text message of nuclear alert to everyone’s phones”. Is that the kind of accident?
Bob accidentally sat down in his chair.
accidentally put his hands on the keyboard
accidentally typed in his login credentials to his PC
accidentally double clicked on web browser or application icon
accidentally logged into the application
accidentally navigated to the message send area of the screen
accidentally clicked the prerecorded message or typed in the message
Bob’s boss accidentally approved the message and the other 20 fucking people it takes to probably send the message…….
You know… ACCIDENT.
Their defenses are lower, because it is non-political. There are a couple I like to use, because the official story is the sign from Airplane:
Good point.
This would be a great stand up joke routine, these “accidents”.
>”Vatican coup? George Soros funds Jesuit NGOs with $1.7 million.”

This November has a Friday the 13th. Almost a validation of the legend.
“What they may try to do is fuck up the election and then elector count and deny anyone won, and then try to disqualify enough electors in the counting that the election is sent to the House to be decided – and that will be the Democrat-controlled House now, and not the possibly, or even likely Republican House from after January 20th, which would pick the next President.”
When the House votes to resolve a presidential election where no candidate got a majority it votes by state delegation with one vote for each state, I believe the Republicans still have the advantage.
Popular QAnon Website Shuts Down After Citigroup Employee And Webmaster Doxxed And Stalked may be gone for good.
Video: “Sheriff deputy said f ANTIFA”