Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
It was a good try. But I have gotten hit so much, the ear ringing now is like elevator music, and the rest pales compared to failing God and not seeing my dogs again. The fact you even think I would give up, IMO, does not bode well for the fortitude of your side. I take what comes, and this will go where it will. The only thing which will never happen is me going to the other side some day, knowing I walked away from this with my tail between my legs. You think I might because you probably would. I never will. Whether it is me or something else, I will be shocked if in two years, you are still operational.
This seems like a big change, which someone creative thought long and hard about as a way to grant standing to sue over election fraud:
Kamala’s new policy page openly calls for a pathway to citizenship for all illegals.
Voter roll cleanup shows that the 2020 election was anything but the most secure in history.
Wisconsin election ‘loophole’ could allow 142,000 to vote this fall without an ID.
Venezuelan gang members released on $1K bond after shooting in Aurora.
Experts advise keeping cats indoors, following reports of pet injuries in Ithaca, a Sanctuary City.
Donald, The protector of the animals, is now the new meme:
Springfield, Ohio resident struggling to pay car insurance after rates go up because of surging Haitian-caused accidents. One on four people there are now Haitians, and probably none have car insurance, and all of them are sub-85 IQs.
Schools are giving kids free computers, tablets, and other tech, as well as free internet access, but in return the children are forced to have AI “monitoring software” installed on their devices which is recording key strokes, internet histories and examining the files on their systems, so the school can monitor their activities. The principal could care less what the kids are doing. I am telling you, there is a dedicated intelligence unit, made up of adult intelligence officers, assigned to each school, which builds the basic file for each child which will then follow them into adulthood and throughout their lives. And these intelligence units constantly grow. They probably began as a proposal to have the unit find problematic children who might grow up to be national criminals, then it was expanded to have the children of surveillance operatives gather additional intelligence on them, and then it was grown to build basic files on all the kids, then it began deciding which kids should get lifted up, and which ones needed to be held back, and now it is databasing all of every kid’s internet activity from their earliest days, as it tries to man the government thirty to forty years in advance.
Diondre Overton, national champion wide receiver for Clemson, dead at 26.
Family in Chicago has weapon confiscated [despite being legal] after criminals attempt to climb into their daughters window. Procedure in investigations, apparently. Guy breaks in, you shoot him, they take your firearm for the “investigation.” However, you do wonder whether that is necessary. They don’t remove you from your house for the next eight months, even though the incident happened there. Do they need the gun? Certainly not for more than a day for ballistics testing. Good reason though, to have several guns.
22 shot during weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Chicago.
According to Luis Elizondo, a long-time Defence Department researcher, he has handled “alien” technology and claims that “bodies” have been recovered from several sites. Here is a weird one – “I’ve also held in my hand biological samples, tissue samples, that have been removed from human beings — that when analyzed, do not behave like anything that we are normally used to associating with being a natural part of the human body, and certainly looks to be some sort of technical device.” I think what he is referring to are implants which have been described as covered in some kind of gelatinous tissue, which surrounded what appeared to be some kind of silicon chips, the purpose of which has never been described. Some sounded like they were about an inch long and a half inch in diameter. Of interest is Bill Binney, and especially his wife, Dr Katherine Horton, an Oxford-trained physicist, who worked at CERN, who now offer assistance to Targeted Individuals who have implants in them. Bill himself has a line of implants plainly visible in medical imaging which he is looking to get removed, and he said so far their research indicates all CIA and FBI members have implants, whether they know it or not. They blame a human “gangstalking” conspiracy, Elizondo appears to be saying it is something else seemingly alien to us, and combined, it might point the the Stasi of the West as perhaps ultimately serving something else, non-human. If there are non-human intelligences living here, and the military indicates it is beyond a doubt, they will certainly have set up intelligence operations targeting our government, and it is not that much farther a reach to think those operations might include recruiting agents among our populations, and even having networks formed in our society to monitor it and subvert it.
More evidence the elites have a cloning program –
Rumble is NO LONGER AVAILABLE in Brazil as the wave of censorship sweeps over the globe.
Algerian President Tebboune declares victory with 95% of vote in election ‘farce.’
Biden left Taliban $7B in weapons, fingerprint scanners used to hunt US allies: damning report.
Sweden announces $440 million support package for Ukraine.
Kremlin dismisses Germany’s chatter about Ukraine peace talks.
Austin tells Zelensky: Long-range strikes in Russia won’t be a game changer.
Key figure in Kiev’s military drone program killed in freak car crash.
Shocking number of Brits opting to live in Putin’s Russia – leaving ‘woke West’ behind. A beautiful country, everything makes sense, you don’t get beamed every night. Why would anyone move there?
Putin’s party wins Russian regional elections.
The Blue State race that could give Republicans control of the Senate (Larry Hogan in Maryland).
Conservative activist launches $1bn crusade to ‘crush’ liberal America.
Hawaii forced to honor Second Amendment with bladed weapons on beaches.
August gun sales up almost 6% over 2023 as the election nears.
Morning Joe crew goes glum over Kamala debate prospects.
Rob Reiner says he will set himself on fire when Donald Trump WINS the 2024 election. Listed under good news. Bono has promised to drive off a cliff.
Send people to, because nothing can stop what is coming
“Cuomo aides knew his nursing home mandate would be ‘great debacle,’ helped gov ‘edit’ report that deflated deaths, House COVID panel finds.”
He didn’t come up with this on his own. We know that because the same thing was done in other states. If it was just a screw up with his administration, it would have only happened in New York.
The article says he testifies before Congress today. Will he sing? I’m not holding my breath.
It also happened in the UK. Tens of thousands of elderly were also terminated using a drug called midazolam. Thanks to health secretary Matt Hancock, the murdering cunt, may he burn in hell.
No sidebar.
Thank you!
‘Rob Reiner says he will set himself on fire when Donald Trump WINS the 2024 election.’
I’ll bring the marshmallows.
I won’t hold my breath. They never follow through on their childish temper tantrums.
As I’ve said here before, there is no difference between voodoo and black magic. They are in inseparable. All voodoo ends up in child sacrifice and cannibalism, and anything less isn’t voodoo.
Read Where Black Rules White to learn the truth about Haiti.
Thats gonna burn for a long time.
I’ve set the link and with the GIF (?) a dozen times already.
“An intro page”, meaning signs & symbols and reduced text.
The subtlety of Am-Stasi is impressive, right?
WHAT this is, and HOW it’s arranged, and WHY these are so.
The old picture of the guy on the subway getting caught was great. (Had that yesterday parked next to me leaving a parking space).
WHOM it is I DON’T expect to be my problem (Key)
This isn’t tail-chasing. Its not hard to observe and confirm (emphasis).
As a filter one learns to include everyone ever known. And they get revisited over time. Winners are chosen in advance. Everyone else lines up for a ticket. The honest get left in the dust. AmStasi patrols all
The ones too dumb to know how to read Miles Mathis for benefit aren’t going to see the connections from ground level (here) to mid-manager (their boss; the Masons level) and the major shareholders (aristo/Jew intermarried families), much less that it’s all subsumed under yet more.
No one offers all answers. That assumes an ability at more than superstitions as “guidance”. (Have fun with Ammon Hillman or Mauro Biglino). Truth isn’t a narrative. Those only work in situ. The details of a level (baby food jar & spoon). We are here for far more.
These might be harder to move than the river rock, since they’re so wide the tub might keep them from coming off you while you sleep:
10 pounders are $65 for a pair,
15 pounders are $80,
25 pounders $115.
You might also consider some wood built as a bridge over you to keep these in place.
The rock moving is not a common thing. Every time they have done it, it is like an announcement they are in the room, and usually is a response to me reaching out to someone, or saying something they don’t like. IMO, their future is not the brightest, but God forbid you say anything not glowingly delighting to them, or they will roll out The Beam to teach you.
It is usually the second announcement of their arrival, the first being pulses of water movement. In an attempt to muddy any sensors, I have a lot of shit going in the tank, moving water and making noise, but I keep it at the outer margins, and under where the cover is, so it does not disturb the surface too much where I breathe. Around me, in the center, there will be some water movement. But when they arrive, the first thing you notice are pulses of water which just suddenly pick up and move around you. It is like having a garden hose under the water, and it is pointing at your legs, and suddenly you turn it on from maybe 18 inches away, on the highest pressure, to really push the water, and then turn it off immediately. So you are there, and there are some currents, and suddenly “Whooosh” on your legs. Then “WHoosh” up your back. Then “WHoosh” against your chest. That is them, though I do not know if it is just to fuck with you, or if it is part of a reading of the tank and where you are in it. It will be after that, that like one day out of fifteen to twenty, they slide a rock.
I hope someday we see how all this works revealed. Generating force from as far as I think they are, in water, is pretty impressive.
I will probably go to the Russians at some point and ask to hire a company to give me measurement stuff to either plug into my own router, or to plug into some Russian satellite internet setup, maybe even body-worn monitors, and see if any of the readings they get allow them to work out how all this works. The Russians might do an analysis cheap, just to have an opportunity to look at the tech in action and test hypotheses.
Amazing to me though, I am sure no global “enemy of America” will see this tech, but some rando citizen with a political blog, with a few thousand regular readers, which they can’t dictate the content on, is such a top-level enemy they would roll it out on me. And began doing so even before I ever had a blog, probably just off some psych analysis from the High School Stasi.
They are really quite insane.
I don’t quite know how the plandemic/bioweapon/lab-leak/assault on the freedom of the world’s populations can be squared with a hidden cabal/ command structure also surveiling them and maneuvering behind the scenes for unknown but undoubtedly nefarious purposes …
But I found this <a href=””>write-up by Matt Ridley </a> a very good summary and exposé of how the leak from the Wuhan lab first was and and now is widely known by all those who were and are desperately avoiding to go anywhere near that realization and its implications …
First as a real and very likely possibility, to now almost a certain fact.
A good article regarding the oligarchy we are oppressed by:
Aristotle and Our American Oligarchy
Shocking number of Brits opting to live in Putin’s Russia.
How many of them doing this because they get an order from >handler<?
Not a reason to be happy.
That could be. A multi-decade plan by Cabal to infiltrate, as they did in the US. Hopefully Russian intel will be a tad harsher on such things than we were in America.
Any nation that gleefully accepts foreigners is doomed, even white foreigners, it’s only a matter of time.
Russia for Russians, England for the English, etc. We can be friends and allies, but you have your own land and people to worry about.
Low absolute numbers of immigrants (the amount doesn’t change with larger countries) can be dealt with and may even be beneficial, anything else is self destruction, even if the result ends up being not horrible.
The English are no longer the Anglo-Saxons, let alone the Romano-Britons or the Celts.
Meme magic firing on all cylinders with this Haitian pet thing. I’ve seen a lot of truly great memes on Twitter today. Sometimes stuff just doesn’t land even when the memes are pretty good but you can tell this one is really pissing them off.
I made one!
The “swipe of her pen” video is insane. She is a tyrant. Listen to her talk about jailing moms because she has a badge on her letterhead to threaten them with. She gets off on it; her badged letterhead, used to threaten citizens, vulnerable ones to boot. She is a tyrant and so is Walz. Absolutely drunk on power, the both of them.
Video Of Kamala Harris Threatening Parents With Jail Over Truant Children Sparks Outrage (
One dude was fortunate enough to escape her claws.
Yeah, she makes Hillary look like Mother Theresa.
Sharing this..
Nice handle.
The photo item may have been covered as a topic by anons before. But, as a follow on to the cabal grooming of it’s mid level leadership through schools, academics, military, corporate channels, for 30 or 40 years, they may as well be seeding narratives in fiction commercial media for off the shelf pre planned incidents as part of their control operations decades or more in advance, well before ever needing to pull a bingo card incident out to misdirect or topple system apple carts over. We all read a book or seen an obscure movie, as well as a late night schizo ranting cable t.v. person before in the past so it all just maybe coincidentally related. The actual alien overlords may just be thumbing through human creative fictional art for ideas on how to trip up humanity as a plot line in their tomfoolery as well. These movies and plans do suck, stay frosty anyways.
It was a good try…….
AC, you should play this on a loop when they hit you:
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