Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Greedflation Continues To Plague Europe
DFT – European Shareholders Contest Executive Pay Reports More Often
DFT – Buford Capital Wins $16 Billion Judgment From Argentina Over Oil Company Seizure
DFT – UK Drivers Shocked At Fuel Prices
DFT – Russian Shipping Data Shows Return To Pre-Ukraine Levels
Polling shows, many Trump voters, who agree the elections are rigged, intend to not vote in the next election because they see no point. Trump has to deal with this. I will vote regardless, but there is not a lot of enthusiasm there, and honestly my only real sense of something which will save this nation is the revolution, when surveillance is revealed. Clearly the enemy is calling all assets here for the big move, and if Trump was swindled last time when he had the Presidency and we were all enthused and expecting victory, I do not see how he wins this time unless it gets rigged in our favor, and if that is what will happen, they don’t need my vote anyway. If he needs us, then he needs something which says to people, it will not be like last time.
Explosive testimony from former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, who investigated election and found crimes which were ignored, at disbarment trial of Trump’s attorney John Eastman, as judge betrays bias and disallows testimony. This is the problem though. After all the exposes, and the two-more weeks, it feels like nothing will happen, because the enemy controlled more of the machine than we did, when Trump was Presdient. That will impact turnout.
A former Secret Service agent who was present at President John F. Kennedy’s assassination has come forward with a new claim that would debunk the ‘magic bullet’ theory and raises questions about whether there was a second shooter. He says the pristine bullet on Connelly’s stretcher, which they said passed through JFK, zig zagged forward through Connelly, hitting bones, landed in his thigh, and fell out on his stretcher without a scratch, did no such thing. He says that bullet was likely undercharged, hit JFK’s back, failed to penetrate, fell out in the Limo on the seat behind JFK, where he found it behind JFK on the seat, and he brought it to the stretcher and placed it there. It explains why it didn’t have a mark. No magic bullet, no single shooter, and now you have a conspiracy. Which is supported by X-rays showing metal shards around Kennedy’s spine, indicating the throat wound was an entry wound from the front, and those x-rays were mysteriously disappeared. My question is, where has this guy been the last half century, through umpteen documentaries which said the bullet fell out of Connelly’s thigh? And why now? It is not a coincidence. I should also point out, we have been living alongside maybe 10 percent of the population, who every time they heard there was likely a massive conspiracy behind the assassination of a President, and it probably took control of our government afterward, subverting our Constitution, and screwing the rest of America, looked like this:

NYC kids being used to rob businesses like modern day ‘Oliver Twist.’ Again, as in Portland, Cabal is organizing crime against certain businesses, and running children as operational assets. I do not even think normally criminal families operationalize kids this prolifically. Did the Mafia do it? I think in the vast majority of cases, the parents need that stepping stone of a command walking them through operationalizing kids for surveillance, giving them the orders to put the kids in play on sanctioned surveillance ops, and then they are just making the smaller move into using it for crime. This is more extreme than the suburban school stuff, but I would bet it is Cabal networks, Cabal/domestic-surveillance operators and the businesses being targeted are not Cabal businesses. Because if they were Cabal businesses, this would have been shut down for them.
No need to visit this one, just archiving for historical purposes – A 4Chan thread about a guy who thinks his local Sheriff is harassing him and who says he is getting zapped in his house, The guy probably is getting harassed, but no telling who it is. However it is noteworthy because about halfway down, World War Weiner Anon makes another entrance, posting a medley of all the pics of his local surveillance following him around town while wearing dubs, trips, quads, and quints license plates on their cars. It is interesting just because again, you see the weird minutia this thing will waste its time on. Just for this anon, they are procuring plates with repeating sequential numbers, and putting them on their cars, upside down in one case, just to screw with a single harmless anon’s head, before swapping plates back to their normal plates. It is not national security work. What is it?
On this next one, if there is no central command issuing orders, how is it David Hogg, and Ted Lieu, both staunchly anti-gun, not only both take a pro-gun position here at the same time, they use almost exactly identical phrasing? A Central command is the only explanation. You wonder who is in that command, telling so many people exactly what to say:
Elon got the memo too – Elon Musk slams New Mexico governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s move to temporarily BAN right to carry firearms in public amid surge in gun violence (‘How soon can this person be removed from office?.’)
The first challenge to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public in and around Albuquerque surfaced Saturday afternoon in a federal lawsuit filed by Albuquerque resident Foster Allen Haines in conjunction with the National Association for Gun Rights, or NAGR, claiming that the order is unconstitutional and seeking damages. In the end it will do more to help us than to hurt us. If I were Governor, I would declare I could suspend the Constitution on a whim, and send it to court too.
New Mexico officials call for governor’s impeachment after firearms restriction.
New Mexico governor paid 150k settlement to staffer for grabbing his penis.
Guy whose penis was grabbed got death threats.
Guy whose penis was grabbed turns up dead at 40, but no foul play. What do you want to bet he was hung from a doorknob with porn playing on a computer nearby?
California passes 11 percent tax on guns and ammunition. So if you do not have the money to pay your governmental masters, do you now also not have other rights in the Bill of Rights?
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio drops bombshell — Names top Biden DOJ attorneys who tried to coerce him to sign false statements and lie on Trump. He’s just a burned spy, and he is here to help us.
Shortly before being ousted at Project Veritas, James O’Keefe complained to board about management stamping his signature on large checks, lack of routine cash flow analysis. The problem James would have is the problem everyone has – there is no way to go in to these things, prepared, knowing what you are doing. There is no instruction manual or course. And much of it is so extreme, you can’t believe it after you see it with your own eyes. You just go in, get buffeted around, have people trying to steer you wrong and control you, things will always be weirder, more extreme, more bad than you think, and all you can do is wait until you are so deceived you cannot help but see the truth. You cannot wait until you are ready and prepared, because there is no way to get ready and prepared other than diving in, and taking your lumps.
America’s small towns are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes. These small departments may be non-Cabal departments.
San Francisco now has pirates hijacking the watercraft in the bays at night and stealing boats.
Nearly a million legal immigrants became American citizens last year, the third-highest number in history, and every single one of those immigrants was required, as a precondition of citizenship, to get a Covid booster. Welcome to American freedom.
Video – 300 mostly West African migrants cross border into Arizona. That is a big move, psychologically. Could you, right now, pick up and move to West Africa? Leave everything? Because you have a lot more assets and resources than they do, and it should be easier. Now suppose you had joined a secret society which gave you everything, from a job to the house you live in and spy on the neighbors from. It tells you to move to Africa and it will give you a $300,000 per year job when you get there. Would it be easier then?
COVID booster warning from Florida surgeon general, who advises people not to get new vaccine.
Los Angeles schools host LGBT ‘Rainbow Club’ for kids as young as 5. That is not ideology. That is orders from command.
Pro-life protesters could face up to 10 years in prison: ‘political witch hunt.’
Undocumented immigrants in Minnesota can apply for driver’s licenses in October.
Klaus Schwab was given a platform at the ASEAN Summit, a meeting of Southeast Asian governments and took the opportunity to promote the merging of state and corporate power. Merged and allied against the citizenry. Once you see the conspiracy, and you look back, you realize it has never been these characters getting assassinated. Find someone assassinated, and it is always the person who rose in stature, and who opposed these people. Makes me think real assassinations are probably not a real thing, as it requires too much initiative, too much interruption of one’s day to day life, and likely too much, to get by the surveillance.
U.S. disrupts multimillion-dollar shipment of Iranian crude and seizes cargo.
Mexico’s next President may be a Jewish woman, Claudia Sheinbaum. Maybe it is me, but I assume Mexico is patriarchal enough they are not electing a Mexican woman, let alone a Jewish woman who looks like she just stepped off the street in New York. Mexi-bros, they’ve got your elections rigged, and probably always have – but now you are seeing it.
Putin ally compares Ukraine’s military to Sparta: ‘Unified through gay sex.’
Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say.
13th bus carrying migrants from Texas arrives in Los Angeles.
For anyone who wonders. I made a post about a TV show I watched. I found it very strange that something filmed way before the time seemed to exactly follow actual events years later.
Viral outbreaks, Mexican border issues. Trans issues. And let’s not forget, the show is about a President that was not elected! He was made President through a terrorist attack on most of the government. Hmmmm…..While all of this could be coincidence, it does seem to be an odd assemblage of events.
It’s predictive programming. Plant the seed of an idea through pop culture so people won’t be shocked when it actually happens.
Re: Polling shows, many Trump voters, who agree the elections are rigged, intend to not vote in the next election because they see no point.
There you have it, how they are going to get away with it. They barely succeeded before when we weren’t properly prepared. This is the only thing that will give them a chance this time and they know it. Voter suppression is the only option they have.
It’s a fig leaf for destroying DJT votes. They didn’t do that last time. Idk why. I think it is a dangerous thing to do. Maybe a true constitutional issue as opposed to a strictly Law Enforcement issue.
DJT is gonna get +80mil votes this time.
The other side is going to see turnout of their actual voters collapse.
People ought to vote for Trump, even people who are not particularly fans of his, just to prove the point that votes don’t matter. That no matter how many votes are actually cast, if the ruling class disagrees with your vote, it will be discarded.
Proving that would be more important than any other outcome of the election.
Excellent point. It is important for the left to understand, that they are being fucked over just like us, and are, like us, just living as slaves as these fuckheads laugh at them too.
“…important for the left to understand, that they are being fucked over just like us…”
And the more votes the more the fraud shows, and the more likely we get real honest, or close to it, voting. I think we can win with real votes. There is some level of cheating that puts them in a real danger of being hung by the neck, and they know it. I say they are very close now, and they know thta too. All the underlings know that if they get caught at some level they will be fed to the wolves while the people at the top do nothing to help them.
Why do people keep using terms like “the ruling class,” “the ones at ‘the top,’ ” “the elites”… ? And keep perceiving the fictional hierarchy as real?
So…serious question here: where do we draw that line? If I DON’T vote, then I’m not complicit in EITHER side’s shenanigans. If I DO vote, but it gets stolen anyway, now they know exactly who I voted for and I’m a target now. ‘course…I post here…so I’m DEFINITELY a target…
but seriously…it’s a conundrum. I may just write in Ron Paul and say to the haters: THERE…I voted.
At this point, Trump is all there is. We are taking one last chance.
If it fails then we push to speed up the reveal of the surveillance, and train up for what is coming, and begin to strategize on how best one would cut the surveillance off at the knees when it begins. Maybe begin to reach out to the Russians to establish relationships with first world intel, and let them check us out so when things start, they aren’t wondering if we are an op double crossing them. Plus it would be our first revolution, so there might be things we would miss the Russians would point us to.
Because I have seen what is coming. In order to keep everyone complacent, the conspiracy steeped them in specific myths, like you should have privacy in your home, you should have the freedom to act volitionally with other individuals, with the two of you determining the outcome of the action without third parties with no interests involved intervening. The government should be elected by the masses, and serve to protect everyone from violations of these norms. Basic stuff the right and the left can agree on.
None of that exists. Everyone, whether they know it or not, is a slave, living in a panopticon, run by a conspiracy of criminals. As bad as anyone could imagine it, nobody could imagine 10 percent of the population viewing the rest of the nation as such a threat, 9/11 was perfectly acceptable. Nobody would see 10 percent of the population growing up so savvy they would recognize wars were just our kind killing our kind to their benefit, and totally necessary for them to stay in power. As bad as anyone could imagine it, even Blacks vs racists, Leftists vs Corporations, whatever, the truth si like ten times worse, and right next door, not at all abstract and removed a degree or two from your world.
The lies they steeped us in offered them an unparalleled degree of protection. If nobody could even believe something could exist, if its existence is so unimaginable that even if you show it to people they would disbelieve their own eyes and go back to sleep, how could they ever mobilize against it?
On the other hand, if those lies are ever revealed, the shock to the amygdala will drive action to an unparalleled degree. When nobody can sit on their couch, without feeling like a neighbor down the street is watching them on a monitor somewhere like some kind of peepshow, and their amygdala never shuts off, it will change them. Either they pop early on and just blow off that steam fast, or they let it sit and cook, and change to the point where they just do not give a fuck, and nothing can unsettle their amygdala, no consequence is registered, and all they do is look at logical outcomes probabilities, and end states they want, regardless of what it will take to get there. Either way, the lies are as much of a disadvantage in exposure as they were an advantage when everything was hidden. And we are heading to exposure of the fact we are basically being ruled by the terrorists of 9/11, and it is even worse than you would think that would be because they have been honing their craft for thousands of years. They are not just empty-headed sand monkeys.
But we need to be fairly quick too. I think there will be a minimum 500,000, to maybe even six or seven million man direct action force embedded in those 50-70 million migrant hordes. I do not think they are bringing up only surveillance, and I think they are planning for this.
All the more reason when we finally purge the King’s intelligence network, we make sure we do not make the same mistake as the founders, and be gentle about it. And we should be sure to get the very head of it.
The trajectories now become clearer every day, between this thing destroying the nation on one side, and everyone waking up to its existence on the other. That is only going to one place. Maybe Trump winning would change that, but I think even if he wins, the exposure will produce pressures which nothing can contain.
“That is only going to one place.”
Yup. {{The Enemy}} will not willingly release what they have worked so hard, over literally centuries, to converge & steal. {{They}} simply will not do it. It will have to be taken from {{them}}, by force. “Who must do the hard things? He who can.”
Voting and having your vote stolen is like feeding more rope to the felons to hang themselves with.
They would do it to you, if the roles were reversed.
I’m not sure. I think this will be the last time Trump voters will vote. I think the Trump supporters will turn out in droves. If the cheating is as blatant as the previous presidential election then they (me included will stop voting)
“Guy whose penis was grabbed turns up dead at 40, but no foul play. What do you want to bet he was hung from a doorknob with porn playing on a computer nearby?”
CIA gym girls. They are deadly.
Sam, thank you for your service protecting the tiny US Gym Girls.
Seems like that New Mexico governor just cant keep her hands off weapons! There’s a joke in there peeps!
“Staten Island migrant shelter suffering a sewage crisis that stinks up the neighborhood as residents complain the building was never suitable to house people”
Surely they have sidewalks they can poop on like San Fransisco.
Re: It is not national security work. What is it?
It would be interesting to see how spiritually significant some of these apparent nobodies are. Or looking at whether or not they are a nexus point in a significant tree even though individually, they are apparently insignificant.
“…there is no way to go in to these things, prepared, knowing what you are doing. There is no instruction manual or course. And much of it is so extreme, you can’t believe it after you see it with your own eyes. You just go in, get buffeted around, have people trying to steer you wrong and control you, things will always be weirder, more extreme, more bad than you think, and all you can do is wait until you are so deceived you cannot help but see the truth. You cannot wait until you are ready and prepared, because there is no way to get ready and prepared other than diving in, and taking your lumps.”
AC, as always, you nailed it.
I have taken and continue to take my lumps. I am well on in life and thankfully I now believe God wants me to awaken to my faith in him in this way. One of the biggest challenges I face every day is teaching and preparing my loved ones – especially the young – how to understand this. Getting the balance of wise healthy realism versus demoralization is the issue. In particular, the lumps that Cabal forces on them are even more painful when you know the hidden malice behind them. However, that understanding builds new strength. We are becoming harder men just as these times call for us and retribution will be ours. After that we will create and build.
“When Adam delved and Eve span who was then the gentleman?”
“We are becoming harder men”
I was thinking about this just today. I knew guys when I was younger who were really hard men. Scary, with a cold inside which almost gave them a nonhuman feel. I loved them, but you could feel that cold. I watch videos of Delta guys, SEAL Six shooters, the dude who shot Osama, I don’t doubt their emotions have an off switch, and they are killers, but they look human in society. Imagine if their emotions didn’t have an on switch.
I loved those guys, but I didn’t understand it as a kid. I am getting it now.
Corollary to the above: People beginning to realize that some others will do anything, stop at nothing, to get what they want or what they are directed to want.
That is a scary retrogression, especially for those who have read any history.
Speaking of which – it’s time to let Liberalism run its course:
when you hear others, including relatives, just say “dont go there” or “you better watch yourself”, remember, they surrendered and want you to. and those phrases go way back. we need to make OTHERS the watched, and go there go there go there.
watch yerself, keep yerself in check… yes those seem to come from masonic sources…
old Jap proverb: “Who must do the hard things? He who can.”
I had similar experiences with some grownups in Scouts back in the late 70s. One guy was a state patrol. I admired his cold outlook (but he was still a nice guy and had a good sense of humor). But the stories he could tell. Plus he carried a gun EVERYWHERE. So I loved that.
Ooh…I meant to use Scouts as a good rebuttal to Mason guy always haranguing us about the virtue of the Masons. You handled that excellently by the way.
My point would be this: yeah sure…I’m sure MAAAAYBE at some point in time the Masons were a good thing (although I’m still on the fence with this, what with all the symbolism and what-not). But sure, we’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
With Boy Scouts, they very likely truly did start out good. Yet they got to the point where they didn’t follow their own policies and my son was molested while working at a scout camp (because they stupidly let him be in a tent by himself…and yes, there was a predator at that camp who was also on staff). Besides this event, the most recent escapades of this ridiculously woke organization are now simply over the top as they let in GIRLS TOO (what could POSSIBLY GO WRONG?).
I now despise the Scouts with every fiber of my being and I hope they get sued into oblivion and have to sell every single inch of property they own (and they own a LOT).
So yeah, Mason guy…that’s my take on it. Similar to the Scouts, the Masons are now just as infiltrated, just as manipulative, just as full of satanic imagery as we can plainly see with our eyes. And I will fight both organizations (and many more like them…can you say “Lesbian Scouts” (girl scouts)).
We’re just too far down the road of the end times to trust any of these organizations any longer.
Very interesting that you brought up Boy Scouts. Use of symbolism? Check. Use of rituals? Yes, from the earliest ages. I remember my Arrow of Light ritual. Interesting symbolism there, wouldn’t you say? Clearly Luciferianism. And you know, some scholar from the “church” that runs the mafia and rapes children told me that Lucifer was Satan. And if you can’t trust a priest who runs a church for mafioso, who can you trust?
virtually every anti-Masonic diatribe (rituals, symbolism, initiations, oh my!) could be applied to scouting.
in fact, Freemasonry could be called scouting for grownups focused on the inner terrain of the soul.
or you could just forget dealing with reality completely and convince yourself that the church for Joe Pesci mafia shitheads is really the church of God.
Now, it’s too bad cabal infiltrated Scouting and Masonry. But cabal infiltrated them precisely because they were good.
unlike the Catholic Church which has always been fundamentally wicked to the core and obviously deeply satanic.
Allowed for the scouting thing, and the fact scouting set the stage for Masonry.
Agreed. I filmed myself burning my eagle medal. But then I realized it won’t really help anyone, and the BSA REALLY doesn’t care, so…meh…
(p.s., I knew we would draw him out…heh heh)
Now…the other thing I wonder about: is Mason-guy *also* pro-Catholic guy? Inquiring minds want to know!
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! And that is why I distrust them BOTH! You’ve nailed it, Mason-guy.
The church got infiltrated after Christ started it.
Scouting and Masonry had cabal involved in their creation, though both probably had some good in them at the start and got worse over time.
And there’s the tell. The Church, founded by Jesus Christ, is “wicked to the core”. Maybe to a demon worshipping piece of shit like you, but to those of us who believe in the Resurrected Jesus Christ, YOU are the one who is wicked to the core.
Who says that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ.
It’s always been vicious and corrupt. Selling indulgences? What kind of unspeakable corrupt shit is that?
If Satan was to form a Church on this Earth, it would look no different than the Catholic Church. It would pretend to be good while unleashing all kinds of the worst evil on the planet.
The moment the Church ex communicates all mafia members and refuses to have anything to do with those involved in organized crime, gambling, and prostitution, I’ll believe it might be redeemable.
Until that time, you’re just a demonic and satanic enabler of the worst crimes against innocent people.
Christ founded it long before the Papists split from the Eastern Orthodox, and long before Constantine tried to take control of it.
“It would pretend to be good while unleashing all kinds of the worst evil on the planet.”
True, and that sounds a lot like the Masons.
Dance, monkey, dance
> I’m sure MAAAAYBE at some point in time the Masons were a good thing
The root question would be, “Good for whom?”
Exactly. I was trying to be nice and give Mason-guy a sliver of benefit of the doubt. He doubled down and pulled the Scouts right in with masonry…not a bad point. So at this point I hate them all. It will be interesting to see if “after” (whatever that even means…after society implodes/explodes), if anyone trusts ANY organization after that…
So your solution to cabal undermining our society and corrupting and tearing down our institutions is to assist them in that process.
Clearly the Masons and the Scouts were not infiltrated for the sake of taking them over and making them grow. They’ve only shrunk dramatically.
Cabal’s purpose is to eliminate any organizations that make people resistant to cabal manipulation. So all that remains is cabal.
Once the soup is poisoned you must throw it out and make a new pot.
All organisations are pozzed.
I have a problem with any secret in -group, including Masonry, Jesuits, Judaism, Mormons, and whatever the heck Cabal is. Having a secret in -group which places the general population into an out -group is an arrangement ripe for abuse, regardless of the original intention.
Not being a part of the in -group really seems to put one at a disadvantage, at first. But the strength of a society is the sum of the strength of all its members. When everything is out in the open, and all secrets are exposed, being an outsider will have definite advantages.
That’s my take, appealing to your self interest. For most, it should be apparent that it is what God would want of you. (“Do unto others as you would have them so unto you.”)
Precisely, Mason-guy wants us to play dress up with grown men in a secret room in exchange for “powerful secrets”.
Yep, we choose to not share our secrets with you. Just like we don’t want to share our tools, our wife, our home with you. Sorry. There’s no benefit in that.
For all of you people blabbering and complaining about our “secrets”, why the fuck do you think you deserve free access to our knowledge? We’re not selling anything. We’re not trying to recruit you. We have discovered that the best way to preserve and promote what is valuable to us is to share it with people who have good moral character, believe in a creator, and so forth. We chose not to share it with you. Because it’s too valuable for you. You wouldn’t know what to do with it. It’s like giving a shotgun to a retarded child. No one is made safer.
It is our right to associate with who we want to associate with. It is our natural human right to share what we want to share with who we want to share it with. We are under no obligation to share anything with you. It’s not yours.
A big problem is you’re too stupid and ignorant to understand why we do the things we do. Humans throughout the history of civilization have formed fraternal orders and developed knowledge. They have participated in rituals that were crafted to bring them closer to God and to enhance their memory and their understanding of the universe.
People like you can’t understand that. Because, quite honestly, you’re less than a human. When something has been practiced by the best humans from across centuries and cultures and continents, that is the participation in ritual and ceremonial transmission of knowledge, it requires absolutely no explanation of why we choose to engage in it. It’s like trying to explain the allure of doing an Ironman to someone who has never ran even an 800 meter run.
You’re the freak for finding fulfillment outside of what has been the standard of civilized man for centuries. And the fact that you have no inclination whatsoever to even look for it makes you out to be the one of questionable soul and character.
And that’s precisely why this bizarre belief on this board that private groups are somehow bad is so wrong. Leave us the fuck alone. We aren’t hurting you. Our beliefs don’t call for hurting you. We have something of value that we think would be cheapened if it was shared with the wrong people. Why the fuck any of you care is beyond me.
The problem for me is, it seems clear all of you look at all the guys wearing Freemason regalia, as they explain to the media what happened at a mass shooting, and you know something. It is ominous, and we are not nuts for wondering. I have now asked several apparent Masons, and nobody has been willing to lay it out. One, I know you guys see that. I know you have access to intelligence files of some sort to figure out who those guys are. And I am sure you talk amongst each other (If not, that would be even more scary, as it would mean you were scared to ask). So who are they? Are they real masons? Why the show of regalia? If I were a mason, and people were associating my group with that, I would view it as a smear, and out them.
No prob if you want the esoteric stuff secret. But spill on the shooter-narrative-crafters. Because I know the media doesn’t just talk to any man on the street.
This guy is just deep into Duper’s Delight.
He’s so high on lies that he is exposing himself as the liar and villain he is with this latest post.
We know you plot against us and seek to rob us of our rights and property.
You make that clear with your declaration that we are not human.
I also remember when you claimed not to be a Mason.
Now you just admit to it.
That tells us all we need to know about whether to trust you.
The problem is, having secret in groups are necessary for the advancement of civilization. This has been shown repeatedly. The army doesn’t make Delta Force training known to the public. Or even to general infantry. There’s much about it even special forces don’t know. There’s multiple reasons for this.
Throughout human history, whether it be monasteries or schools of martial arts, there have been organizations that determined there is some knowledge that should not be shared with the general public. They rightly realized that some people aren’t morally or spiritually ready for some knowledge. They’ve rightly realized that you should never cast pearls before swine. They rightly realized that the masses lack the prerequisites to understand higher level knowledge and would just misinterpret it, misunderstand it, bastardize it, and confuse others about it.
For the last one, all one has to do is listen to the number of crack pots who come around here insisting that any symbol is “satanic” or “occult” and that freemasons worship the devil. It’s the biggest bunch of horseshit ever. Such people are categorically unworthy of knowing more about freemasonry, are intellectually incapable of grasping it, and would just spread falsehoods and misunderstanding.
The ancients had it right. Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle ALL KNEW that some knowledge had to be restricted and that people had to pass through trials before it was handed to them. The sheer madness I come across in the comments here proves them correct.
It’s true that some secrets need to be kept.
And that fact is used as a shield by every charlatan and villain out there to defend their illicit secrets.
Weird. There were 0 thumbs-up and 0 thumbs-down on your comment… until I clicked the UP thumb. What then appeared was my up-thumb… AND two down-thumbs. Just wanted to let you know.
That means other people hit the thumb buttons between when you opened the page and when you hit a thumb button.
I have been increasingly feeling like they may have backdoored wordpress to the point people who run sites on it actually have no control at all, except what they allow. And as I have begun to grow accustomed to that thought, like so many others, I have found myself thinking, of course it would be set up like that. This massive software, made to do the most damaging thing of all – let people communicate, and form communities, is entirely free? They could not have it set up any other way. Of course they would backdoor it, and maintain the ability to kill it.
A time will come, when everyone here will not have Vox, or Tex or me. When it does, be the nucleus of your own group, and recreate what is here there.
Why you think that (for excample) stalking people is good in whatever reason?
Up above he admits to seeing us as not human.
We are cattle (or is it Goyim?) to them.
I bought an old Boy Scout manual from the 1960s to refresh and confirm my memory that its contents were one of the best guidelines ever written (and illustrated) for helping boys pursue highest standards of personal excellence in preparation for, as a man, leading and causing prosperity, peace, productivity, justice, self-reliance, healthy trade and minimization of cheating in business, respect for and protection of the weak and vulnerable, ability to defend against and defeat aggression… And other virtues that are rarely part of contemporary (2023) conversation or consciousness.
I happen to know from direct experience that those values are so similar to principles of Freemasonry that I’d bet the Boy Scouts creator/s was/were Freemasons. I think a USAmerican businessman encountered one of the first “boy scouts” while trying to find an address in foggy London. The boy refused to be rewarded because he
swore an oath, on his honor, to do good deeds. The businessman wanted to know more, but never saw the boy again. But he did start The Boy Scouts.
The origin of Freemasonry is … learned men finding, gravitating to, each other over thousands of years for mutual protection from superstition and violence of tyrants’ politics and propaganda, and for exchanging knowledge, and for passing knowledge on to their sons, and for construction of orderly clearings through which common, familiar, all/any-language ritual led to the extraordinary feats that organized, disciplined, spiritually-bonded teams of good men are able to accomplish.
Sometimes it seems like what the evil ilk do to undermine these high-minded disciplines that good men instinctively and naturally form is infiltrate, disrupt, and relentlessly badmouth them to men who don’t have direct experience with an uncorrupted lodge or troop. It takes endless effort to sustain, preserve, develop… any culture, any consciousness, any declaration of rights, any tradition, any zeitgeist…
Individual Freemasons and Freemason lodges differ from each other a lot. That’s because Freemasonry is like an orchestra performing a written score. The orchestra members can be skilled or not. Dedicated or not. On key or not. In harmony and rhythm together or not. True to the score or not. They can create noise from the score. Or music.
Hunting as a child will teach that. Even just plinking small birds with an air gun, which is completely gut wrenching the first time you kill a bird, quickly becomes something you learn to switch off. You take an amount of pride in being able to shoot accurately, and you understand that you just killed a creature, but any feelings about it you learn to just wall off.
Be sure to read “Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?” by David Ray Griffin. And the abundant related material.
>>U.S. disrupts multimillion-dollar shipment of Iranian crude and seizes cargo.
Piracy: we are the new pirates of the Mediterranean.. Isn’t there a song about “from the shores of Tripoli…”
I don’t believe the Spartans were gay. Historians are liberals.
It’s a largely fake story:
Many people confuse all the Greeks with the sacred band of Thebes.
Wouldn’t they have died out in 1 generation?
The Spartans weren’t gay. Gay Spartans were executed. Gay Athenians were ridiculed and barred from official office. The entirety of all the “ancient gay Greek art” is like three vases and one book of poetry.
One of the many reasons why the people running Int’l Trade for nations want a trans-national “unit of account”/currency. Wtf is RUS going to do with billions of Rupees? How does India convince another nation to take Rupees in exchange for commodities?
“Lavrov says India invited Russia to invest rupees that Moscow accumulated
According to Russian Foreign Minister, “”in the current situation, many billions of rupees have accumulated, which have not yet found their application” -TASS
Now multiply this issue by every trade partner a nation has (x100?) and one can understand the colossal pita and wasted brain power. And actual opportunity for graft and influence peddling.
RUS and India are doing this cockamamie dance because as pita as it is, it is easier and more preferable than scratching and scabbling for USDs to complete the trade. And the global economy is choking out badly and approaching the point of down spiral.
Now, historically nations have used a gold-backed currency for trade. This is truee. But it didn’t work well. It just didn’t. Anyone who knows about what Gresham was up to in Amsterdam for Elizabeth I and the booms and busts of the US in the 1800’s and US/UK jiggering circa WWI and WWII knows this.
I suppose “a true gold backed currency has never been tried!”. Ok?
The USD post-1971 (pure fiat) worked much much better than gold backed national currencies for a while. Nations were by and large ok with it. Even Japan which got the absolute short end of the stick. But then the US went nuts. And made it an industrial suicide pact for the globe.
As a matter of logic, a tokenized fiat unit of account issued by a trans-national CB is the most elegant and rational solution to the issues of conducting Int’l Trade. It’s cheaper, more transparent and less liable to counterfeit than any other. By far.
Gold doesn’t work well, it just works better than any other option. (silver being equal)
I just want to use the best tool for the job. And not have to use a dumbed down friction-complexity-added version because “reasons”.
I want nuke plants everywhere despite “terrorists”.
I want the best rifle possible despite “mass shooters”.
I want felons hung despite “innocent people being executed”.
I want paper ballots and ID despite “racism”.
I want an industrial base that is the glory of history despite “high wages and Union graft”.
All my life I’ve been told by you-know-whos and their flunkies that “oh that would be great but it’s childish. That’s not how the world works. This is the only acceptable way because [insert “reason”]. Everything else is so much worse. Time to put away childish things.”
I want to go to space and mine the absolute fuck out of the universe. But we gotta have shit energy supply because “reasons”….
I’m not super excited to go back to a gold-standard currency because “reasons-thieves-corruption-cabal-“inflation”.
Anyway, phys gold is probably the most technoligically valuable substance in the universe and tying it up currency and as an asset is dumb.
Why else Cabal’s obsession with possessing it?
All currency should be based on energy in kiloWatt-hours. It’s a fundamental unit, yet it increases with population, trade and commerce
Much much better than phys gold. But I’m in the minority and think it should be “pure fiat” and based on nothing. It’s increase or decrease should be set by the state for maximal growth in Industry and living standards.
“Trump has to deal with this… If he needs us, then he needs something which says to people, it will not be like last time.”
What AC said.
My neighbor says he will never bother voting again, and I know he’s not the only one. Without some kind of indication that it will be different this time, it’s arguably a fool’s errand. Emotionally investing in the forlorn hope of a political win is setting ourselves up for yet another demoralization.
I watched Tucker’s interview of Trump. Tucker asked him something I consider one of the most important questions that can be asked these days: why is he taking 2024 seriously if nothing is done about the cheating? Trump didn’t answer the question. All this talk about what he’ll do if elected in ’24 is lulling us into complacency AGAIN and distracting us from the elephant in the room which renders the 2024 talk a kind of absurd fantasy
Can you blame Trump Supporters? What has been done to fix the system since the last Steal? Most patriots are probably loading magazines and gearing up because every single means of peaceful recourse has been corrupted or stolen, too.
Some speculate that the storm will happen before the election.
Others think Q team will just out cheat the enemy this time.
Trump must do something, whatever it is.
So I amend my above supposition with the following:
Bah…it’s maddening all of the possibilities here…
“…if Trump is simply another psyop on top of the current psyop…”
This is a very strong possibility. But…I don’t see any other options at this point but to carry through and see, see if Trump is real, see if they can actually steal that many votes without any blowback.
There must be thousands of men in the US qualified to be chief of the executive branch. But the “choice” of candidates isn’t chosen by the voters. It’s decided by controllers of what goes on the ballots. Most people have no idea who that is or how they keep their insider-system so hidden and insular.
Vote. Just to prove that it’s all fake and gay.
I believe all this, “people won’t vote because they think it’s fake” is just another psyop they are running. I bet the turn out will be one of the largest EVER. People want to push back, and it’s one super easy way to do so.
It’s a fig leaf or “likely story” to cover any wholesale vote destruction.
DJT gonna get +80mil votes and DEM turnout going to collapse below their negligible (15% of electorate) natural level.
Re: Where are the artists/sculptors?
A huge chunk of them are likely trying to make ends meet as wage slaves. Those are the ones that are lost, with a strong creative drive that they never tapped into. But many are still out there practicing their craft. They always will be. They can’t help but create and perfect their craft. But they likely live in poverty. No one is buying their art, you have to be compromised to get high-profile exhibitions, and they get zero recognition.
Tragic. What our society could be, without these animals running it.
I come from a family of very talented artists. Each of us could make photorealistic drawings in junior high. It’s in our blood. And each of us were savaged every step of the way by cabal teachers, cabal students, and on and on. They do not want you to be inspired or to find meaning in anything independent of them.
I read the first sentence, and had no idea what the rest of the comment said, but thought to myself, if this person has a familial gift, they were targeted, whether they knew it or not. I am sorry you know, though I am glad you are now aware, and stronger for it.
Imagine the society we will have if we can get this thing exposed and destroyed, and create a meritocracy. The art, the science, the architecture.
Thank you for the post. I am sure to you it seems small, but I have seen this thing, and at the same time I remember what it was like to be unable to believe anything like this could exist, especially in our sainted America. I am sure we have a lot of readers who read this stuff, and find it interesting, but need to see other people say they have seen it too.
| They do not want you to be inspired or to find meaning in anything independent of them.
Ultimately, their greatest sin is idolatry.
A/C, that’s unfair to animals. We need a pejorative that conveys how twisted and unnatural they are. I suggest “mutants”.
That is true.
If outer space aliens are real then the current world situations are just entertainment for them. Alien viewers vote for the next ridiculous situation to be created.
Or the current situation is the Devil’s torturing of Job revisited.
Or both. Or neither. The current situation could be an updated version of selling newspapers. A thousand people could be making all this stuff up and selling it to the public. Anything can be rigged if one has sufficient resources and a disregard for others.
The “Don’t talk about what happens Friday!” meme psy-op was cool and fun. Wrll done ANON! very lulz at this point.
Agreed. But it is time now to put our game faces on,
Gang stalking in Thrift Stores:
I think this is filthy British, but no way I cannot approve this post.
> Polling shows, many Trump voters, who agree the elections are rigged, intend to not vote in the next election because they see no point.
Most real people I know who are voting-hesitant still aggressively want to vote for Trump as the only hope for any legal recourse. It’s the down-ballot votes that have zero enthusiasm; no point in voting for an obvious loser or a shill.
I’m wondering if the headline is real, or if it’s just pollsters extrapolating that no one cares about voting for the obviously rigged low-tier positions, and therefore will not vote for Trump, when the real association is the inverse.
J6 prisoners are fake:
> Los Angeles schools host LGBT ‘Rainbow Club’ for kids as young as 5. That is not ideology. That is orders from command
It is ideology at the higher levels; they don’t do this for no reason, and there’s no rational mortal motivations for this kind of thing. I have no doubts the footmen are just acting out a script, but the script writers absolutely have a supernaturally evil motivation to their actions.
I don’t know if this is the right place? But, you are the people I talk to online, so here it goes. It’s okay if you don’t approve.
Okay, so, there’s this whole ” old gods coming back” thing- the Gaia, Chaos, Eros, Return of the Ancient Gods, going on around on social media and school classes? It’s capturing the attention of media big think rightwing people?
Okay………, they are citing bits and pieces of old religions from the Anatolian Plateau, down into the Near East- the parts we know from the Bible. They keep citing the fun, exciting ones- Ishtar, and so on. Well, that was a religious set that developed over three thousand years or so. It was there before Abraham got ideas. It has a developed theology with a history- including heresies and regional emphasis- and the current group promoting it as scary and relevant—think Cartman going around “whooo–hooo boogity boogity.” They are trying to scare you with cherry picked details that are only fascinating to us, since we already talk about that. We like food, excitement and sex. Fasting, meditation and chastity, not so much.
The basic theology is food. Their deities are Barbecue. Ishtar was a chunk of meat, not even the whole cow. She gets put in a smokehouse, then eaten. The smokehouse has a name – Ereshkigal- her sister. Notice how no one ever namechecks the Barbecue Smoker By Brand? She’s a deified Green Egg, Oklahome Joe, smoker. They’ve got a deity for beer, too. Probably one for beans. The Jews who left with Moses get nostalgic for cucumbers, so there’s your pickles. If you go to a picnic table in the back barbecue joint, you would be having an ancient religion religious experience. I’m not even joking, and I’m not even saying it has to be good barbecue. I’m leaving the jokes about good barbecue being a religious experience out.
Now, who knows? They all seem to think enough attention deifies something. The Cabal seems to have definite opinions on the subject.
Anyway- there is also the resistance. I’d like to point out stuff that, to us, is pretty basic. Jesus and the miracle of the loaves and fishes, which is mostly used to, I don’t know, campaign for social work. It’s a weird little story. And, I don’t know anyone who is really grateful about sardines on crackers as a whole meal before a big speech. Would you be grateful? Tunafish on crackers? Tunafish on whitebread? No one I know is grateful for that with a straight face. Like, the best Christianity can do is vending machine sandwiches, probably a day old, and dry? Think of every depressing British office comedy. There’s that sandwich, dispensed by an automatic machine, and eaten in a breakroom with flickering flourescent light, and then followed by a staff meeting?
Okay, so, back to the side of the lake and the crowd, and everyone remembering this? Okay, so this area has religions (plural). Everyone can see the current successful ones- temples- Roman, Jewish, whatever shrines the Greeks put up- and some of them included Fish Gods, and big storm gods, and Gods of Wheat. Most of these deities were big, and scary, and controlled people with fear, with hunger, with doubt- and with requiring sacrificed infants. And- again- big storms, big gods- big Leviathans- big trading boats stealing people into slavery- Big harvest God rituals involving Big Buildings. All BIG.
And then some guy, on the edge of a lake, no buildings, comes out and asks one guy to find something in his pocket- some fish, and some- probably dry bread- and this guy says some prayer of gratitude to his god that he calls “My Dad….” – about as opposite of scary and big as you can get- and everyone gets tiny little fish, and bread, and it keeps multiplying enough for days. It’s the opposite of everything they’ve ever experienced. He just turned their giant GODS into things you could hold in your hands, and pass on to someone else, and it keeps coming back, right there in your own hands- you, just as you are already- and you share- and it grows. And that’s before he ever even says anything else. The anything else is the most radical set of statements in the world, up to that point, and even, really, today.
But- that’s the old Gods. That’s not our problem. They’ve already been deprecated. They already shrank.
Their obsession with weird fake and numerous gods is simple: they want you distracted from the only real God and his son, Jesus Christ, sent to redeem humanity and offer us salvation through our belief.
This existence is a test of souls, and seeing through the smokescreens of many fake paths the enemy throws in order to find the truth is but one part of it.
Religions come and go. God remains. God always remains.
“I don’t know if this is the right place? But, you are the people I talk to online, so here it goes. It’s okay if you don’t approve.”
You’re welcome at Timeless Authors. It’s a closed and more intimate space and you’ll be better able to keep track of your writing over a span of time if you’d like to maintain your own threads. Hope you don’t mind that I’ve archived some of your posts there for future reference on my own threads I maintain there (including this one). Just wanted to add that you can change the theme of the forum to your liking once you’re registered.
Thank you. I will go look at Timeless Authors. I try to keep a small online footprint. That whole divorce/ bad marriage/ stalker issue. I’m hoping that this site is silo’d enough and all the rest is so far back in time that I can have some freedom online. It would be nice.
Thank you for your hospitality, very much thank you.
Interesting take. Then there’s the idea that none of those old God’s are really alive, nor did they die for you, nor were they ALSO God, nor did they get resurrected. And where does the Holy Spirit fit into the “old gods” (serious question…I’m genuinely curious?).
See…to me…Christianity checks all the boxes (not that God cares if I think all the boxes are checked). But TO ME, they are all checked. Buddha didn’t die for me, nor was he resurrected, nor did he send a “helper”. Buddha also isn’t God.
Then there’s the incredible history of the Jewish people throughout the OT wherein the rules, laws, etc., continued to point them to a future Messiah who indeed came to earth (but not in the way they expected nor wanted). But even THAT makes sense when you look at all the prophecies fulfilled, and how God isn’t going to send a Messiah the way WE want a Messiah.
First off, prayers for your son, after his ordeal.
Second, please remember that a lot of religious history is marooned in colleges. Which, well, would you trust the history of your high school to the kids who weren’t out on Friday nights? Would you trust the people who were home studying on Friday night to be able to write down how the football game went? Or soccer? Or baseball? Would they get the feel of the crowd? The details of how to play the game? The gossip? The clothes? The parties afterwards? I mean, just the basics on something like a baseball game- nobody is watching with complete obsessive rapt attention for three hours straight. They are chilling, eating, talking, casually watching, seriously watching. It varies.
I mean, they can’t get stuff right,even now. The big debates about various presidential candidates making shocking sexual maneuvers in tight spaces? The experienced “trashy” women could look at the photo of whatever venue- rental car, airplane- and work out that those logistics just plain did not work. The studious “good” girls were the ones writing think pieces and getting it all wrong.
Anyway, long way round to: everyone religious was working with drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. A variety of drugs that we don’t really use today, in moderate doses up to big doses, and in combinations that we don’t really try. So, someone would take a drug, and go visit the DMT elves, or see lightning and snakes, or just be peaceful. The wealthiest societies- Crete, for instance- had strong trading networks for olive oil, dye, paints and medicines. See what I did there? What kind of medicines? They weren’t selling aspirin or antibiotics. They were putting poppies in the hands of some of their gods. Specifically: the gods of light, beauty, and the gods at war with snakes. Apollo. We have people who really like light and beauty and are at war with snakes under their skin, and that’s junkies.
Remember: no aspirin, minimal surgery, heavy labor with machines, childbirth, minimal dentistry, no antibiotics. There’s a lot of pain around just living. Wars, childbirth, farming, grain grinding, building, shipwrights, sailors. No keyboards.
The roses in front of monasteries, instead of poppies? Jesus refusing the sour wine? Okay, there’s the boiled vinegar that peps you up at breakfast, if you are a Roman soldier, and then there’s poppy infused wine. He refused it, while it in pain. To us, an insignificant, odd historical detail. To people enslaved to their drug dealers (at the BIG temples) the key to freedom. People were willing to die to be a part of Jesus’ tribe. What’s in it for them. Freedom? Political freedom? Personal freedom? What kind of personal freedom? They thought it was okay to die, to keep this freedom. What freedom is so valuable that you would rather die than go to a temple?
It took two years in the catechumenate. You were drying out- maybe. The church was tough- you could not join if you were still a junkie. The New Testament reads like an AA or NA booklet because it’s the original AA, NA pamphlet.
People weren’t theoretical about Gods. They were tripping balls, to use the Archer reference. They saw the Gods. They saw the temples. They saw the Pharaoh. They went to the festivals. It wasn’t theoretical. They saw the BIG statues. They saw the Roman Emperor- God-King on Earth- and at that time, he was schtupping the God-King Pharaoh in Egypt, and at war with the God-King in Persia. It wasn’t theoretical at all. Every city was founded by a child of a God and a human. They could see the cousins walking around- the mayor, the local potentate, the harbormaster.
And, I’d like to point out- how they experienced everything was more lit up. We eat, and diet. Our baseline isn’t starving or hungry. Have you ever been without for an extended time? Not, skip breakfast. I mean, no food for days on end? I have. That first food- it is unreal how amazingly lit up, best thing ever, intoxicating, dizzying, all the pain and fear and hunger goes away. You think four bites of something will achieve world peace, before the first bite. Does your church service provide that feeling? That’s what their religion offered, at times.
I think that’s why Europe’s older people are kind of convulsing, war-wise. They had cake at Christmas in 194-whatever- and that was the best, most dizzying, most connecting meal they ever had in their life.
I disparage Ishtar as Barbecue, but that was transcendent Barbecue throughout most of history.
So, we didn’t have abundant food in the world until Christians- Christopher Columbus, Norman Borlaug, the Northwestern European farmers- the Roman cabbage farmers- the French farmers- made enough food. That’s within this 100 years. “….life abundantly…” wasn’t just a be nice and then die. It was a very straightforward promise that God fulfills. Abundant food, enough to eat, less stunted growth, less starvation- is literally the hand of God on humanity.
So called “gods” are demigods, demons, fallen angels.
Note that self-styled atheists are only against God, not the gods.
Great great post on “psychopathy” from Bruce Charlton. And he’d understand, having his background. I know ppl have said his site gets flagged by some browsers, idk. He’s been around forever.
“Useless JFK Secret Service Fuckwit, Who Stood There With His Thumb Up His Ass While His President Got Shot And Yet Still Collects His Holy Sacred Pension, Thinks….”
yeah, fuck that guy. he’s changing part of the narrative to protect the Primary Narrative, all so he can keep protecting his beloved Agency. every good bureaucrat **loves** his Agency, his Bureau, his Department. he loves it more than he loves his own children. The SS’s Primary Narrative is “ALL shots came from the TSBD, in the rear.” Landis’ New Adjusted Narrative is the magic bullet fell out of KENNEDY’s backside, **not** Connolly’s. This is of course Just Another SS Lie, because at least 2 shots {that hit JFK, anyway} came from the front.
1) The Altgens Photo shows JFK just after he’s been hit “in the high back, from the TSBD, behind him.” But his hands are bunched together at HIS THROAT. The official lie is, “well his hands are going to the exit wound.” no, that’s bullshit. when a human gets shot, the body goes on autopilot. bullets hurt. so when you’re shot, your hands fly to the point of the wound. “OW!” the ENTRY point, not the exit point. this is all reflexive. JFK’s hands flew to where the first bullet went IN. his throat. ergo, a shot from the front.
2) Oliver Stone did a ’30 years later’ followup movie/documentary on his JFK movie. it was ok, some good, some crapola. (why the fuck would you put together what you want to be A Serious Movie and then get Whoopi Goldberg to be your primary narrator? RUFKM? was the guy who does the Homer Simpson voice unavailable?) But. it featured a big-time Top Dog pathologist, Cyril Wecht, destroying {Arlen Specter’s} magic bullet bullshit. “when a bullet enters a human body, it immediately encapsulates. OK? so it CAN’T just ‘back out the entry wound like putting a car in reverse because the victim is now laying on his back on a stretcher’, because that’s IMPOSSIBLE. OK?” but that’s exactly what the lying old SS asshole is selling.
3) the one and only SS guy who was there that day _and_ also told (a little) truth was Clint Hill. he’s the SS guy who ran onto the trunk of the limo to push Jackie back into the car when it (finally) started moving again. that guy. when asked by the WC what he saw when he looked down at JFK, he replied he saw a big giant gaping exit wound from the killshot IN THE BACK OF HIS HEAD. naturally the WC flushed all that down the toilet. The Primary Narrative Must Be Protected, doncha know.
For me the only real question is why is lying SS asshole Landis picking now to sell his lies? Is something coming down the pike?
IMO, the NM public health emergency gun thing was a test run for 2024. I don’t believe the NM Governor took a measure that drastic on her own without either getting permission from her handlers first or (more likely) being ordered to do it from above.
Excellent assessment. Better than any other “professional” site out there.
Risky Chrisky talking about what have discussed so many times here.
“Spread r/K Theory, because we need a win to boost morale”
It’s beyond that.
We need major victories to cascade just to survive.
This movie stinks.
This movie was written by morons who are too clever by half.
BronzeAgePervert’s ties to Israeli intelligence – JFG Tonight
So…..we have subliminal tranny training? We have people encouraged to binge drink, binge sugar and not clean?
The third world- India, etc- has teenagers building their own subliminal music to glow up, get healthy, get smarter, get more charismatic. They also have public health campaigns for thiamine.
VIDEO THREAD: Gun owners – many visibly armed – rallied in old Town Albuquerque today to openly defy the New Mexico Governor’s Executive Order banning the open and concealed carry of firearms there as a one-month “emergency.”
Police did not intervene or enforce the order.
Is this guy silo’d?
and related article suggests USG doesnt even know where they all are…
A former Secret Service agent who was present at President John F. Kennedy’s assassination…
Do you know which guntuber has a video on the magic bullet theory and it’s the pinned video on his channel? By the way, the title of the video does a link back to another swamp creature (Joe Rogan). Yeah, the one running for congress.
Testing Joe Rogan‘s JFK Bullet Theory
Hat tip to Vox and AC.
“Connected to other manufactured creatures.” CHECK.
California passes 11 percent tax on guns and ammunition.
Coming Soon.
Anon, here is your bill for online shit poasting.
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio drops bombshell……He’s just a burned spy, and he is here to help us.
But does he have an Irish Gun Smuggling Girlfriend?
There can be only one Fiona.
If you a Latter-Day Saint ie Mormon you would do well to remember that the Prophet Joseph Smith was Martyred by a mob, many of which were masons in 1844
EBAY forces you to “authenticate” sneaker purchases. So your sneakers go to an “authenticator” to make sure they aren’t a scam. Anon, rest assured, we totally wouldn’t install anything in your shoes.
Watch the video. The best is the guy sniffing the fucking shoes.
Yeah, I’m impressed.
Micah Mayfield – We Tried To destroy an M&P 2.0
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Used Hidden Microphones to Spy on Americans in Their Own Homes in Search of “Toxic Speech”
Comment from FR:
[quote]I’ve been thinking how did they get so many to fear the common flu and ignore long traditional understanding of informed consent?
In general the concept is to create a sound wave 4Hz to 8Hz oscillations which goes above and below the 7.83Hz Schumann Resonance or Penal gland resonance.
If it’s steady at 7.83Hz then it should be pleasing. If it oscillates it creates a means to learn fear. Human tests was not as constant as animal testing.
couple examples
4 – 8 Hz beats with no other background. Can’t find oscillating sound between 4 – 8 Hz though it should be close.
4 – 8 Hz with background sounds. Notice how common this sound frequency is that we listen to daily.
Pure 7.83 hz steady sound no oscillation. Should be calming I think at very low volume
I believe they could broadcast this sound at a very low volume maybe no one would know they’re hearing it. 5G cell towers does create RF waves though at a higher hz. Does that in turn create a sound wave?
This sound recording studio does pic up a sound from their microphones from across the street from the tower. At first listen this is a higher pitch though there very well could be overlaid with the 4Hz to 8Hz in the background.
Notice his monitor there is clearly an oscillation taking place.
Keyed up to the sound (rest of video is pointless) [/quote]
Very interesting.
I had the low buzzing hum for some time; but a few days ago, a high pitched whine began; I even heard it start at a high pitched frequency; and over a minute or so it lowered its pitch and melded with the old hum.
This is giving me ideas. I don’t care about this thing lasting for decades like they are in this video. I’m thinking about an easy-build comfortable shelter to live in while building the actual main living structure.
Kirsten Dirksen – Prefab gets 3D-Printed in 24h. Made of 100K used bottles (see how)
A Hangprinter running a pellet extruder being feed with continuous shredded PET bottles would deliver this sort of thing in a more disposable form. Alternatively, HDPE prints okay as long as you have an HDPE base to use as a build plate, so you could theoretically use shredded milk jugs.
Say a 10’W x 8’H x 4’D with a wide enough flange to bolt the sections together with either rubber weather strip or regular silicone caulk sealing the seam. Design the walls to accept two or three inch pink foam board in between the inner and outer walls. Four feet deep makes them easier to handle than the eight or ten in the video. So I guess theoretically you could set up four hangprinters and pump out the sections for a pretty good sized building in not a lot of time.
I can’t build a printer that could print out that shell in a day, but a few days would be possible, maybe. The pic is a ten minute sketch in FreeCAD to give you an idea. I’m not an engineer, but it wouldn’t be difficult to design it for moderate snow load.
Also a simple tongue&groove design would allow them to go together like Lego bricks – squirt silicone into the groove and tighten together with bolts and it would be waterproof for years. Wouldn’t a difficult assembly –
1) Place cast concrete blocks down, set sections a foot apart, and attach ratchet straps.
2)silicone the groove. Having two people do this and meet in the middle would go much better.
3)tighten the ratchet straps until silicone squeezes out, then tighten bolts. Wipe away excess silicone.
4) Connect as many as you would like. Attach standard framed wall to open ends. Perhaps a small Solatube type skylight every 20 feet instead of windows. 3/8 bolts every few inches would easily hold the sections together and they would be easy to hide with paneling/flooring. Plumbing/electrical could be run beneath paneling in channels designed into the print model – in fact I am sure they are doing exactly that.
I don’t think a plastic box would be good for your health.
That’s fantastic Lowell. If I could give you a hundred likes for this, I would. I’m constantly thinking about stuff like this. I need to really look into that hangprinter. That really looks like something I need. I wonder what that waste plastic cost a ton and how do they get it to be white? I also wonder how the carbon fiber and glass are mixed and what amount.
I’ve also been thinking about recycling plastic bottles. One thought was to make a 3D printed cup, basin, sort of like a Cuisinart kitchen tool. But use cheap regular utility knife blades, or, if it could be made to work use hand planer blades. These are relatively cheap and carbide tipped to last. One example for $9.50
If I can explain this. Have a squarish basin. On one side of it have just the tip of the planer blade go through a slot. How far it sticks out depends on how big you want your plastic chips. One blade spins horizontal and another spins vertical, so you have a square area it chops off. They would alternate so one cuts then the next. Then below this you have an auger 3D printed so that if the chip is the right size it falls into the auger teeth and is augured out to the catch pan. You push these bottles in just like chopping lettuce in a food processor. You might be able to use regular utility knife blades. They would be super cheap but I’m not so sure they would hold up long. The cost would be so low it might be worth trying them out first.
I saw a woman who used a paper shredder to do this. I would think the blades would not last and it would cost a lot to replace them but…maybe not.
Another tip that I came up with is I saw an open source filament maker that took shredded plastic and augured them through a heater then out a hole to make the filament. I looked at his parts price and they were ridiculous. Especially the auger. Here’s a perfect replacement. Use a SDS drill concrete bit. They have good augurs on them. Grind off the tip and you have a perfect augur. Find one that fits in a copper tube or drill a hole in some aluminum for low cost.
Sam, that’s just brilliant. I don’t always agree with all you say – electric cars are not Good Things, especially when things go wrong {and things will always go wrong. they managed to combine 2 of the biggest breakdowniest things on the planet: autos & computers/software} – but this is just great. You really oughta be posting here more often, amigo.
The only way we’ll get out of This Mess – without resorting to the traditional solutions of “mountains of skulls + rivers of blood” – is through some unconventional, nay seriously out-of-the-box thought. *Like this post.* Again, my compliments.
“…electric cars are not Good Things…”
You people are totally, completely missing the point on electric cars. With tiny linear diesel generators and solar power, you can drive for practically free. You must have missed my perpetually moving solar powered RV van comment idea. Where you avoid high apartment cost by, never stopping. Maybe park at work if you have the space.
And BTW regular autos have a couple of thousand dollars worth of electronics in them and will not even move without them. Electric cars are LESS complicated than IC cars these days. The real problem is you compare new electric cars to old cars with no electronics but you can piece together your own electric car without all the spyware and remote control from used electric car wreck parts. All new IC engine cars have all the same spyware and electronics as the electrics so you’ve gained nothing by buying them.
And also I’ve said, and you will see, battery prices will come way down. Here’s the new Chinese sodium battery. The prices on these can come WAY down. The author expects prices of 10% of present batteries, and I think he’s right. I’m super surprised no one has some serious work on flywheels(they may be right now and refuse to talk). I bet eventually they will be what is used. The cost could be super low. Cost of electric cars will plummet. This also means that there will be lots of cheap parts to convert older cars so that they will also lower cost.
Here is a place to start looking for pellets in the US:
As for how to create custom formulated pellets, frankly it’s the same story as making your own filament – DON’T. The time, trouble, expense are not worth the results. You have materials specialists working this problem for literal decades now, and you aren’t going to catch up to them. But I bet you could ask the company and they could formulate something for you. Infact there’s a good chance that the glass fiber the guy in the vid is speaking about is just nylon6 or nylon 6/6 which would come from shredded automotive body/trim parts. As for the white color I have no idea. Maybe they start with gray and add white dye like titanium dioxide?
I have seen mention of recycled-materials pellets going for as little as $1kg. Once I get MK2 running I am going to be building a plastic shredder myself, but for molding plastic barstock and flatstock. When I get a new shop setup with some extra area I am going to build some of the Precious Plastic machines because I plan to add vacuum forming to the services I am going to offer – ie small runs of vacuumed formed thermoplastic parts.
Thanks! for the link. I ran across a site where they are now building boats with recycled plastic and Fiberglas 3D printed. They are also chopping up old fiberglass boats, mixing with plastic and 3D printing new ones. I have some ideas about boats that are…very odd, but very advanced in safety and utility. I also have a bunch of RV van type ideas but the only way I could actually make these at any sort of reasonable cost would be make a big hangprinter like you showed. Get the plastic and fiberglass cheap enough and you could build anything.
Look what I found. Great site. Site with papers of open source construction of scientific equipment. And here,
“Hangprinter for large scale additive manufacturing using fused particle fabrication with recycled plastic and continuous feeding”
At the bottom of the page shown there’s a link that will show all 3D printer articles. It’s a lot. They are automating and building all sorts of formally expensive scientific equipment with low cost 3D printers.
New Mexico’s Democrat Governor Scolds Far-Left Rep. Ted Lieu, Doubles Down on Her Unconstitutional Gun Grab
Interesting historical information:
And the b*stard Khazarians make him look low IQ stupid as if he was someone you’d find robbing the local Walgreens…with a spray painted water pistol and holding it sideways to look cool.
Can you reference sources?
There is no proof the Letter of Lentulus existed.
what’s your source for that claim, Shlomo? can you share it with us?
HAHHAHAHHAHHAAAAA they made him look like a Neanderthal. I told you the Jews were Neanderthals.