News Briefs – 09/10/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Pennsylvania Republicans launch election audit, solicit testimony on ‘improprieties.’

Sidney Powell and ‘Kraken’ lawyers asked to pay more than $200,000 to cover the opposition’s lawyer fees in Michigan fraud case.

FNC’s Chris Wallace says of those who think there was election fraud,  ‘I don’t, frankly, want to hear their crap.’

Co-defendants unsealed in SDNY case against Epstein include Beyonce, Kanye West, Disney, Miramax, and Weinstein, among others.

Prince Andrew visits Balmoral, with lawyers chasing after him in an attempt to serve lawsuit papers on him.

Video shows execution-style hit in Queens done by a gunman who was disguised as an Orthodox Jew. Notice in the pic below, during the entire hit, just as the target approached their car (upper center), and the gunman initiated and went for his weapon (lower left), a single vehicle drove past both with at least a passenger side window open. I would put ten grand right now that this car was surveillance. It was doing an up-close drive-by, of the immediate moments prior to the hit, with covert video running. They knew the hit was coming due to previous coverage which had documented every facet of its genesis in minute detail. Also notice the white mini-work-van, upper left, with a big rear window pointed back in the direction of the shooting, as well as the car in front of the victim’s, featuring a large vertical rear window. I will bet there were at least two other mobile camera platforms parked around the shooting recording. And yet the cops are reduced to releasing video and asking the public for help. Nobody will ever see the video except for the people who run the show, and probably enjoy the entertainment. Understand, if you cannot be a single hitter taking out a target the “government” (whatever that means) gives squat-fuck about, without a CIA-level surveillance op all around you, how much more difficult it will be to launch a revolution against that “government” (whatever that means). There will be no possibility of resistance until the surveillance is disbanded, and there will be no freedom until there is the ability to resist.

Professors from the University of Arizona and the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs are arguing that “success and merit” are “barriers” to the equity agenda. It has nothing to do with ideology. They need to get rid of meritocracy, so they can put their people anywhere. Those professors are in the network, carrying out orders to advance this shit.

USPS exempt from Biden vax mandate for 100 million workers. The White House had no response to this, but finally told one reporter they think USPS is covered under OSHA. But it felt like a desperate attempt to deflect attention. I wonder if USPS Inspection Service is actually the center of the US domestic surveillance program. A massive organization, assigned to handle secret messages and deliver them from person to person, which is strangely so powerful it is exempt from undesirable mandates that affect everyone else.

Rose McGowan says Newsom’s wife approached her as an intermediary for David Boies, Weinstin’s lawyer, offering to pay her off to make her go away.

The Senate’s parliamentarian will hold a formal hearing on Friday where Democrats will claim they can insert four gigantic immigration amnesties in the pending $3.5 trillion budget bill.

Vox Day covers Creepy Joe’s sweeping Covid mandates and threats. I hate to cover this, because it is just a big distraction, but it also feels like part of the show, designed to turn the nation on Biden. I personally think they are lying about the vax numbers, and there are far more than 80 million unvaccinated, based on prior behavior. It would not surprise me if 60 or 70% of the population or even 80% has shunned the vax. Clearly they could never admit that.

White House unvaccinated Americans are entirely responsible for Joe Biden’s failure to stop the Chinavirus.

Biden says, “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.” Of course if the vaccine worked, the vaccinated workers would already be protected.

Biden says, “If these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”

Posobiec tweets “Kamala had little to nothing to do with the COVID speech today. Ron Klain and Fauci all had hands in. Jill wanted to ‘go full Australia,’ per WH official.” He also says this has nothing to do with health, but rather was seen as an easy way to distract from his Afghanistan debacle.

Also Posobiec: “USSS, FBI and DHS task forces were set up ahead of Biden remarks to monitor “violent revolt speech” online, per US official.” I would assume they are trolling for patsies, or lower IQs they can manipulate into committing attacks they can use for their political purposes. But they might just be looking to amass pretexts for surveillance, so it won’t appear so illegal if it comes out. Or they might be thinking, if they upgrade the coverage of these people to harassment/diversion, it won’t dawn on them it is a bigger operation targeting everyone.

Republican Governors and elected officials vow to fight the new rules.

Someone on Free Republic proposed using Roe v Wade to fight vaccine mandates. Either they give up on vaccines, or they give up on abortion. A waste of time though, when there are no law or rules, and everyone in the system is taking orders from Cabal. Hopefully there is some plan in operation. But if there is not, the only means of resistance with teeth is exposure of the surveillance. All these twitter celebrities who would fight you online if you proposed using Roe would go eerily silent if you brought up evidence of the surveillance. It is the weak link of the intel op which controls everything.

Los Angeles Board of Education approves vaccine mandate for all students aged 12 and older.

Pentagon won’t say whether troops who refuse COVID vaccine could be dishonorably discharged.

Major study finds convalescent plasma doesn’t help seriously ill COVID-19 patients.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko says Google Executives are taking HCQ and Ivermectin.

Fury as Biden tries to let the IRS snoop on your bank accounts, Venmo, PayPal and crypto deals in plan that could ‘violate the Fourth Amendment.’ There was a comment on here, back after the election, written as a demoralized Trump supporter, asking why I wouldn’t just give up and accept Biden won. I thought the question was crazy. I said because I had seen the surveillance, and could see the trajectory. There comes a point when things have gone too far, and can’t go back. Years ago it was obvious to me things had gone too far to ever go back to the way they were, or at least the way they looked. I thought Cabal had fucked up, and just taken the surveillance and recruitment of civilians into the domestic network too far. Then there was the voter fraud of the election, which again, appeared as a blunder which was now inevitably going to come out. But as events unfold now, it is looking more and more like none of any of it was an accident, but rather it was all sabotage from within, designed to expose the intolerable, and remove it from the nation. I still don’t see how all of this ends with a peaceful seizure of power from Cabal, but we will see.

The Australian government has warned unvaccinated citizens that they will remain in a state of lockdown forever, while their vaccinated counterparts will get to enjoy some of their freedoms returning.

Australia’s new Police powers allow them to control social media accounts and delete data.

WH staffers play ‘Harry Potter’ as Americans are trapped in Afghanistan.

Biden admin sues Texas over heartbeat abortion ban.

The mass arrival of Afghan invaders, many in need of medical care, wreaked havoc on Northern Virginia’s hospital system — prompting a regional emergency response group to assume oversight after one hospital became overwhelmed with patients and federal officials lost track of where some Afghans were hospitalized. Fortunately healthcare doesn’t cost anything.

Afghan refugees leaving U.S. bases without being fully vetted.

Biden admin disconnects the State Department help line for Americans or SIV holders stranded in Afghanistan seeking to escape the terrorist regime.

George W. Bush Center demands we, “Learn how to support the resettlement efforts for the people of Afghanistan.”

Google has launched an “antiracism” initiative that presents speakers and materials claiming that America is a “system of white supremacy” and that all Americans are “raised to be racist.”

People practicing Santeria may be dumping hundreds of headless goats in the Chattahoochee river in Georgia.

FBI files show a bodybuilder Fed Ex’d an offer to Kobe Bryant to kill his rape accuser for $3 million. Bryant’s lawyer turned it over to Police, who stung the would-be killer.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is reportedly launching a comeback tour — and insists Donald Trump will have no impact on his decision as he continues to weigh a 2024 presidential bid.

Winston Churchill charity erases his first name from its website over controversy about ‘aspects of his life’ and his views on race that are ‘widely seen as unacceptable.’

Delta Airlines is giving the personal information of its passengers flying in and out of China to the country’s communist government, according to the airliner’s privacy policy.

China orders gaming giants to cut ‘effeminate’ gender imagery.

First US Navy carrier strike group to deploy with F-35C stealth fighters sails into the South China Sea.

Late Neanderthals used complex tool-making techniques.

Rand Paul calls for Fauci to be jailed for lying to Congress.

Majority of Americans support Manchin’s ‘strategic pause’ on massive spending package.

Biden withdraws controversial ATF nominee David Chipman after bipartisan concern. Q said our guns were safe.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Congratulations to Greg Gutfeld on having the number one Late Night Show on television, including the exhausted, low talent, and highly overrated Network shows. I would give an even bigger congratulations if he had tougher competition because beating haters who do comedy should not be a very difficult task. Like so many others, they will continue to fall!


I strongly endorse Republican House of Representatives Candidate Harriet Hageman from Wyoming who is running against warmonger and disloyal Republican, Liz Cheney. Harriet is a fourth-generation daughter of Wyoming, a very successful attorney, and has the support and respect of a truly great U.S. Senator, Wyoming’s own Cynthia Lummis. Harriet Hageman adores the Great State of Wyoming, is strong on Crime and Borders, powerfully supports the Second Amendment, loves our Military and our Vets, and will fight for Election Integrity and Energy Independence (which Biden has already given up). Unlike RINO Liz Cheney, Harriet is all in for America First. Harriet has my Complete and Total Endorsement in replacing the Democrats number one provider of sound bites, Liz Cheney. Make America Great Again!

Invite other people to because if government makes something free nobody has to pay for it.

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3 years ago

The relevant Supreme Court decision on the Biden “vaccine” mandates is actually Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company v. Sawyer. In the decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the President couldn’t just seize private property without any action by Congress, using a national emergency as a justification.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“FBI files show a bodybuilder Fed Ex’d an offer to Kobe Bryant to kill his rape accuser for $3 million. Bryant’s lawyer turned it over to Police, who stung the would-be killer.”

FBI knew it, and did nothing. Secret Society. Kobe was a part of it, and he must have wanted to leave, so the bureau played with his helo. Irish/Italian/Jewish/etc. mafia.

Kobe Bryant “musecage” with a talking snake. Sound familiar?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Biden says, “If these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”

Cool, Secession when? Look at all that Red. That Red is where all the food, oil, guns, tanks and nukes are.

comment image

3 years ago

Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association opposes Biden Covid vaccine mandate

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

” I said because I had seen the surveillance, and could see the trajectory. ”

True. They can’t go back. They are in a hole and they only know how to dig. They will eventually end up in Hell.

This is clearly law breaking. It’s against everything the Founders of America stood for and everyone who does it is not an American. It just proves that even relatively high-IQ Irish, Italians, Jews and even Germans do not have the culture, brains or genes equipped to handle Anglo-Saxon/Celtic ideals and Freedom. And if they can’t truly understand Freedom then any non-White, with the possible exception of Northern Native Americans, will not understand either.

The American “Experiment” since 1865, is over and the results are in.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That’s true. It’s hard to think of Why a society develops the way it does. Between Freemasonry, Catholicism and feudalism it seems if these concepts can be purged from a European then they can begin to understand Freedom. A foundation should be based on Truth and Personal Responsibility.

Many, including those here, will probably use “Germanic” far-rightism (the Nazis) as an ideal, a state-heavy force of social control. The Nazi’s weren’t good enough. Their uniforms were nice, but their society was a cop-out, replacing the lack of morals of the Wiemar era with a nanny-state after they took power. It lacked the personal choice and personal responsibility of Freedom. At no point did the common German say “I want freedom to choose and I want to choose the right”. The Italians and Irish have done even worse and we are now seeing their nations go through immigration and identity spasms again.

All of these nations, and their histories, are the representation of the people who live there. That even includes modern Israel, which is literally the gayest, most degenerate nation on the planet, with over 20% of it’s population being homosexual or bisexual.

Correct actions mean nothing if the behavior is coerced or forced, this was the whole point that Jesus Christ made. He never forced anyone to follow Him and his Apostles all did so willingly.

Of course we have opposition in goals for Freedom. We know the types who oppose freedom and why. And of course we have opposition in choosing correctly, we know the types who oppose the Right and why.

Even here, after all this time, I’ve read of people who want “help” or “gibs” and are angry if some majority group might not provide it in an area they may migrate to, mostly to run to because things are too tough for them wherever they currently are.

Truly, there are those who choose both freedom and the right in every group, but they are most common in native Brits and especially (old-stock) Americans. Policy should reflect that reality, but of course, policy is not one size fits all- so you should really only accept as fellows those who understand both of these important concepts.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“That even includes modern Israel, which is literally the gayest, most degenerate nation on the planet, with over 20% of it’s population being homosexual or bisexual.”

Jewish circumcision. Greatly altered from its original practice:

Is extremely psychologically traumatic and causes substantial sexual dysfunction:

This feeds into degenerate sexuality that is highly prevalent among them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Election fraud was not a thing for me until November 3, 2020. Now I know it’s been a reality for many, many years. Kind of alters your entire outlook.

Thomas Crown
Thomas Crown
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

“Dewey Beats Truman!” – Chicago Tribune, election night 1948

Reply to  Thomas Crown
3 years ago

Yeah, makes our past experience of this temporal world seem a lot more ethereal. What we grew up to believe was true is false. Now we are awakening and it feels good to see clearly.

3 years ago

How to resist COVID jab mandates in Canada — a comprehensive guide

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

That’s great, thanks for posting it.

3 years ago

German Finance Ministry Raided Over Failing To Report & Investigate Money Laundering

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“First US Navy carrier strike group to deploy with F-35C stealth fighters sails into the South China Sea.”

Whew. Good thing we have boats full of groids, hambeasts, twinks, coconuts and beaners to stop the Chinese and we got rid of all of our long-range supersonic strike weapons. Vid related.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Regarding “….US Navy carrier strike group to deploy with F35C stealth fighters….”
Be vewy vewy quiet. We’re hunting Chinese wabbits. They won’t know we’re here because we have stealth fighters. The planes are being hauled on a steel vessel nearly 1100 feet long. They’ll never see us coming or know we are here, we’re so stealthy.
Do the 6000 humanoids serving on this vessel realize how vulnerable they are? Do they understand the term sitting duck? Have they ever seen any of those WWII films of carriers from both sides with burning, exploding aircraft on their decks and loose bombs rolling through puddles of burning fuel?

Reply to  Donnie
3 years ago

> realize how vulnerable they are?

No, they probably don’t.

Every few years the Navy runs war games simulating combat operations. Even by the 1960s sailors were going, “wait, what?” as the Annapolis crowd rigged the games so the carriers were immune to attack. A couple of generations later, it is Navy dogma, not to be questioned.

Ironically, the nuclear carriers do have a sort of “invisible shield” – sinking one would likely result in a radioactive mess, so the old realtor’s “location, location, location” comes into play there.

3 years ago

As always, AC, thanks for the work you do.

Btw, any details on what date is the deadline for when 100m private employees must be double-jabbed? I have not heard anything about the timing for the national double-jab mandate. Somewhere I saw “by T-giving”.

I keep expecting the virus house of cards to collapse from its own internal contradictions and lies, but it just keeps getting worse.

I think the Newsom recall is a coal-mine-canary event. The result will tell us much.

Persevere, Pedes !!

3 years ago

oh, and any guess as to what the Queens man was doing that caused him to get assassinated? Did he have information that might lead to the arrest and conviction of Hillary Clinton? LOL

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Rose McGowan says Newsom’s wife approached her as an intermediary for David Boies, Weinstin’s lawyer, offering to pay her off to make her go away”

I’m surprised she’s still talking so freely. After her Me Too buddy Asia Argento called out the Hollywood power brokers at the 2018 Cannes her boyfriend Bourdain “suicided” himself just a few weeks later. She hasn’t said shit or even acted since then I think.

Rose may be legit but I’m wary.

3 years ago

> vaccine mandates

Well now, IF the God Emperor starts to be very vocal against the mandates, his act on recommending !vaxx will be finally making sense.
Because you know, he is not against “vaccines”, he is just against “mandates”! And in general, people like you if you are against any coercion. So the GE is about to score many points with normies, especially if he is really successful (very likely).

(Which also means I’ll be very disappointed if he don’t start.)


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Thank you AC. I am humbled. 🙂

However, we both know, that the real big brains are the ones that were able to see and Plan it all before it happens.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

speaking of which, should update your blogroll to his new site:

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago


3 years ago

> Sidney Powell and ‘Kraken’ lawyers asked to pay more than $200,000 to cover the opposition’s lawyer fees in Michigan fraud case.

[reads article] That’s interesting. The state, which has its own salaried attorneys, has hired private attorneys, and wants Powell and her group to pay for them… before the case even comes to trial.

I must admit that’s an… innovative… twist.

“One court for you, an different one for us.”

3 years ago

> Prince Andrew visits Balmoral, with lawyers chasing after him in an attempt to serve lawsuit papers on him.

From the article, it’s the suit from Guiffre, presumably the same one she filed in new York. As I understand it, those papers are meaningless in England. He could wipe his ass with them if he wanted. So far, I haven’t seen a word about Guiffre filing in England… which she could, but would probably be thrown out before trial due to lack of jurisdiction.

Even if he was served, the papers are valid only in New York, and he could stand in New Jersey and thumb his nose at them.

3 years ago

> There will be no possibility of resistance until the surveillance is disbanded

We crossed the tipping point on that. Surveillance is almost trivially cheap, and a useful hammer to use against your opponnents. Electronic surveillance is never going away. It’s being integrated right into our lives, whether we want it or not. Not that many people care.

Live-watcher stuff like you track, yeah, that still has some cost overhead. I expect it will still continue as a power/obedience thing long after its usefulness has passed.

3 years ago

> Biden says, “If these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”

Gropey Joe either doesn’t understand the limits of Presidential power, or is grandstanding with the hope nobody will notice the office of the President doesn’t have the power he’s claiming.

He wants to “get them out of the way”? States’ rights is far from a dead issue, and as more states chafe under the Federal jackboot, it’s not just ancient history any more.

3 years ago

> The Australian government has warned unvaccinated citizens that they will remain in a state of lockdown forever, while their vaccinated counterparts will get to enjoy some of their freedoms returning.

If they can take it away from you, it’s a privilege, not a freedom.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Years ago I read a book by called The Great Depression by David A Shannon. It details eye witness accounts of how people in the US handled the adversity caused by the collapse.

Heartbreaking in that they were a proud people and in many cases they refused to accept handouts and instead chose to isolate themselves wherever they could and simply starve until they died.

Nowadays we have folks submitting to this humiliation simply so they can travel, have a gift card, or not be inconvenienced. Either that or they’re so afraid of dying that they’d rather become slaves than face what’s going to eventually happen to them anyway.

Be proud and strike back when the time comes. If you’re not in a position to do so overtly then do it in any form you can. Just never give in to this evil.

Even starvation is preferable to helping this emergent Beast system. At the very least you may inspire others to fight harder.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Re: Starvation.

There is freedom in cheap food prep for those with physical prerequisites for conviction-based courage. For approximately $25-30 you can get 50lb bags of milled rice or hard red winter wheat. 20 bags is $500-$600 for 514 days of 3000 calories/day ($291-$350/year/person) or 536 days of 3000 calories/day ($279-$355/year/person), respectively.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Lentils are a cheap protein source.
The red ones cook much more quickly.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Don’t forget you will still die or be crippled by malnutrition eating nothing but thousands of calories of dried grain for years on end. You need to stock a variety of canned/preserved food to get the full array of vitamins and other components needed as well as leveraging local foraging and hunting and stocking seeds for growing.

That year of storage should be the base of keeping you alive while you build up something sustainable long-term.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I pay $85 for 10kg of koshihikari rice from Japan and in fact I don’t care what it costs. 8 months ago it was 40bucks. That aussie and yank grown crap is exactly that.

Anyone else on here old enough to remember when our local produce tasted great? I did some consulting for a private supermarket consortium and the old dudes who headed up the group reckoned the cause is all the GMO modifications to make stuff grow quicker, bigger and last longer on the shelves.

So, get the best natural shit you can buy while its cheap, not the crap until you must!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

“…Anyone else on here old enough to remember when our local produce tasted great?…”

I can barely eat chicken now. I used to love fried chicken or broiled or whatever but now, it just taste bad. Sometimes it makes me gag.

I also notice, and commented on it earlier, that food now rots very fast. It’s like they are inoculating it with mold so that it’s only good for a week at the most. Bread sprouts mold in days.

Most bread taste terrible now. You have to shop around to get something edible.

There’s a guy who equated some of our health problems to new varies of wheat. Old time wheat from the past would suffer from “lodging” or falling over from wind because they are hitting it with so much fertilizer the stems grow really fast. They have now bred almost all commercial wheat with these dwarf wheats to prevent this but the dwarf wheats have more plant poisons in them(all plants have chemical poisons as they are not like cattle with horns and can’t run away from their predators so they make poison).

3 years ago

AC, this upcoming rally for the jan 6th political prisoners, I’ve heard a couple good people, x22, and somebody else I can’t think of now, warning this will be a false flag, don’t attend.

I can see it, as you say, rile up the low iq, infiltrate again, and boom. They have a distraction from the vote fraud, Afghanistan, etc.

What are your thoughts? I’ve seen a couple posts about it, but don’t recall commentary.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Thanks AC. Exposing this surveillance thing, that is a must. You’re correct, people need to see this, can’t tell em. I’m from mn, so there are many, many low iq sheep here. Sometimes all I can do is smack my forehead, hearing/reading on fakebook how damn stupid they are.

Although 170m followers would be awesome, you are correct, they’d come after you more so than now. I’m sure I’m not your only follower that shares, and comments your stories onto social media, or discuss with Co-workers, so perhaps you may not have the followers in numbers, but your info is getting out there. In a safe way.

God bless AC, keep up the great work.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Looks like r/K really has taken off in China. Give them a generation and….

3 years ago

USPS exempt from Biden vax mandate for 100m employees? Where did you come up with that number? Nearly 1/3rd of the American population works for the USPS. According to the article, it only effects 600,000 or so individuals.

3 years ago

Co-defendants unsealed in SDNY case against Epstein include Beyonce, Kanye West, Disney, Miramax, and Weinstein, among others.

Jay-Z and Lil Wayne on the list, too, under their government names.

glowing one
glowing one
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

This court case was dismissed in 2020. And if you look into it, you see the same lady tried to do a civil suit on Epstein and Trump in Florida. In this case the court dismissed, and the last time the court tried to contact her, in March, the mail was returned to sender.

Looks like a crazy person to me.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: PERMA lockdowns for the unvaxxed

How stupid do you have to be? That’s not a threat, that’s a DARE. You’ve just removed all hope from these people without removing their RESOLVE, so in effect you’ve just specifically told them that they have NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE in standing up to you in whatever means that they can.

Do you know that you can usually make black powder with ingredients from one trip to a well stocked grocery store? You need firewood or hardwood BBQ charcoal, a bottle of potassium salt substitute, couple other things. Oh but they can’t go to the store, right? How many of them have family that took the shot but regret it and may even want revenge because it caused health problems? You think the truckees breaking down the supply chain is going to cause problems?

Wait until you have an insurgency with nothing left to lose.

Independent Baptist
Independent Baptist
3 years ago

“It would not surprise me if 60 or 70% of the population or even 80% has shunned the vax. “

They might be over-inflating the numbers but I’d still wager that over 50% of eligible people have received the vax. Just going by my unscientific sample size of people I know.

My “immediate family” for me and my wife.
Parents: 4 of 4 received the vax
Siblings: 4 of 5 received the vax
Sibling in-laws: 1 of 3 received the vax
That alone is 9 of 11…and this is a fairly right leaning family politically. If you include me and my wife (who haven’t taken it), then it’s 9 of 13.

Of my immediate group of co-workers. There are 7 of us and I’m the lone holdout. So that’s 6 of 7 that have received the vax. The other holdout that was going along with me succumbed to the pressure a few weeks ago and took the J&J.

I wish I could share the optimism that a majority of people have shunned the vax but I’m just not seeing it.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Independent Baptist
3 years ago

Similar story in my family. It’s ALL of my remaining grandparents who are Silent Generation, Excepting my mother, ALL THE baby boomers including my father and ALL of my aunts and uncles. Curiously, NONE of my Oregon cousins, and I believe none of my California cousins – all GenX. My Millennial brother is yes, my millennial half-sister is probably no, but her husband is a firefighter so he might be a yes even though they are both right wingers. I don’t know, we’re not close.

It’s not along party lines. My brother is a moderate republican, my father is a bit more radical but still gets all of his info from TV, it was Fox, now it’s Newsmax. My Grandfather is a Birch Society type, while my California Grandmother has all but disowned me. My California cousins are all moderate lefties and righties who still think politics is about arguing over tax rates – they’re all raising kids, they have better things to do. My Oregon cousins range from moderate anti-politicals while the millennial cousins with homeschooled young kids are actively looking to move to another state in the event of a vaccine mandate, in addition to just looking for work.

I would share one cousin’s Youtube channel because she is doing something similar to what I am doing, but I don’t want her to be attacked just because she’s related to me. We are BOTH within Antifa’s reach.

But in my family it’s at least half who have taken the vaxx, and so far no reported health problems.

Reply to  Independent Baptist
3 years ago


Parents: 3 of 4 vaccinated
siblings: 0 of 3 vaccinated
Sibling inlaws: 0 of 4 vaccinated +(1 unknown)


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Afghan refugees

See, it’s things like this that make even the stalwart hang their heads. Q said WAR, not a sure thing, Q said NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT”S COMING, Q did not say what that was specifically or what they can STOP or not stop. Fact is that without martial law empowering ICE to use the National Guard to go door to door finding ILLEGALS, those people are now just part of the United States because they won’t be found or deported. It’s also obvious that the Afghanistan withdrawal was NOT part of The Plan. They can use it to make Biden look bad to at least get some use of it, but this was a colossal goat screw.

As I’ve made clear, once they go full Australia the shooting starts. Personally, I don’t care about The Plan at that point. I’ve got thousands of rounds for my AR and I can use them to get even more from the government people trying to harm me.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

There MUST be a great purge when we have won, and not just of the illegals and “refugees”.
Q is going too far in my estimation to try to wake up and save as many as possible but when it is over there will certainly be no excuse for anyone who didn’t wake up and take our side.
Anyone who doesn’t take our side must be expelled or executed as the traitors they are.
I do not care if that is 100 million or more.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“See, it’s things like this that make even the stalwart hang their heads. Q said WAR, not a sure thing, Q said NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT”S COMING, Q did not say what that was specifically or what they can STOP or not stop.”

Its key fact that majority of people do not understand about Q, he said there was a plan, but he did tell what the plan was. What Q and Trump did was show the world that their are darker forces in play and their comeuppance is coming.

In regards of thee Afghanistan debacle, the issue that Cabal has with Joe is the incompetence of his handlers and admin is too much for liability for the them to keep power. In reality, Joe is the epitome of Cabal society and power to the Us and it really easy to hate the guy.

” is that without martial law empowering ICE to use the National Guard to go door to door finding ILLEGALS, those people are now just part of the United States because they won’t be found or deported.”

There is lovely surveillance network that know where they are. In order to round the illegals up, you use the very system made to spy on the American people for the deportation is good revel.

3 years ago

Reviewing some of the fallout from the speech last night on other blogs.

Where the line was crossed was ordering OSHA to order private businesses to force their employees to take gene therapy (not vaccines) or fire them, under the guise of workplace safety. The Supreme Court just the other week slapped down the CDC for trying to prevent landlords from evicting non-rent paying tenants, and this is more of the same. Not stopping this makes both the judiciary and legislature irrelevant. Of course that could be part of the plan.

Next were the threats against the state governments. I really wonder what is going on.

Even mandating this on federal government employees and military has problems in that the FDA “approved” vaccine (and the approval was dodgy) isn’t in production yet, so anything available is authorized under the EUA only. FDA approval of an available equivalent legally renders the EUA null and void anyway. So there are ground to fight even that legally, without getting to religious and medical exemptions.

With the elections, enough elections in American history have been stolen in the past that the thinking probably was another one would do no harm. However, letting this fly makes some of the other power centers irrelevant. It would mean the state governments ignoring a direct threat, the federal legislature allowing the President to legislate on his own, something stopped with Youngstown, and the Supreme Court ignoring a ruling they made just this part month. I wonder what the script is here.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

It sounds like a civil war inside Cabal due to the failure in getting China and Russia into the fold.

3 years ago

I think today is a great day for everyone to remember and celebrate the huge contributions Israel has made to the world of artistic expression, most notably in the field of dance.
Israels contributions to dance have been explosive, from folk dance to ballet to modern dance.

In honour of this, I think that today we should all encourage everyone we know to search the internet for information on “Dancing Israelis”.

3 years ago

>using Roe v Wade to fight vaccine mandates
In the Jordan Maxwell/Admiralty law end of woo speculation, the gender thing is a legal positivist mechanism to have humans nominally designated as animals/incompetent (male/female vs man/woman): same for abortion, and the right to terminate.

>Pentagon won’t say whether troops who refuse COVID vaccine could be dishonorably discharged.
Weimerica here we come

>just give up and accept Biden won
On the other hand, absolute power would be having this circus for the sheer comedic value of the farce, and witnessing the impotence of subjects to address it in any way despite its transparency

>Afghans measles outbreaks
Large pharma interests: to keep up demand for things eradicated in the legacy population half a century ago; to disproportionately harm and attenuate K gene expression of natural elites with a vulnerability to autoimmune disruptions in development, and chronic illness & cancer rates up.

>headless goats
Animal abuse is inherently psychopathic and has to be tried as manslaughter. Cosmetic and elective medical procedures on infants, halal and kapparot could be ended over night.

> “Learn how to support the resettlement efforts for the people of Afghanistan.”
“Now hiring Internment & Resettlememt Specialists” — direct cabal recruitment, or a very large and epicanthically folded 5th/6th column wrangle anticipated?

>Churchill revisionism
Redshield puppet from birth by his NYC banking stetl ingenue mother; integral to Foreign Office chicanery in withholding Wilhelm II’s repeated peace & demobilization overtures from the Russians and French; single handedly starved half of Europe with the illegal blockade sustained nearly a year after Armistice (only ended by Hoover’s campaigning); initiated the deliberate bombing of civilian targets starting with Berlin, despite apologies issued for lost bombers drum ping over London unintentionally. Deserves every bit if calumny, but not for the publicly approved ones.

>Kobe, fluent Italian
Always wondered why he wasn’t cast in a Space Jam sequel earlier; LeBron’s a right cunt and more overtly SS from what I’ve seen

>In that environment, I think even the Founding Fathers, raised in that mental cesspool from children, would have trouble realizing how maniacally you need to assert yourself upon the system to keep it from trampling your freedom.
Less Yamamoto’s grass, more Robert’s Rangers’ old growth forests. Great art takes root in, coheres with the constraints of a tradition, school, form & medium — ‘engineers’ of the social will never appreciate that with their tabula rasa preconceptions. Maybe there are higher stakes that require a conflict generated technical rearmament race at planetary scale before something happens again,or someone – or some thing returns— but I don’t buy it. Luke 14:27

>I see a brother who knows what I know, and feels like I feel, and I am sure would do what I would do to make sure it never happened again.
Catherine Austin Fitts was subjected to this during protracted legal struggles, and turned to a black church — the assumption that they had the skill stack to address it was correct. “What was trialed on blacks is now being turned on everyone.” They’ve more skin in the game than latin interlopers poured in by the tens of millions in just 40 years, whatever one feels about the delimitation of “progeny” in founding documents, or the validity of the 13th’s ratification.

>where winters were brutal and dangerous, where supplies were sparse and you almost had to make everything yourself from scratch, where civilization was sparse, but freedom from government was high. The Founders were that small remnant you will find in any population who chose to make the jump
40 years in the desert was preferable to bondage under Pharaoh — and they trained two generations of soldiers that would go on to ethnically cleansed brass bull baby eaters in the Levant. The frontier of space must be reopened, it is our Manifest Destiny — the alternative is a prison planet, and a breakaway society that astroturfs technological advancement down to a Neolithic level, ruling like unto gods over the Morlocks . . . With enemies like these, who can stand against us?

“Let us face ourselves: we are Hyperborean—we know very well how far off we live. ‘Neither by land nor by sea will you find the way to the Hyperboreans’ — Pindar already knew this about us. Beyond the north, ice, and death—our life, our joy. We have unearthed delight, we know the way, we discovered the exit out from the labyrinth spanning millennia. Whom else has found it? Modern man, I suppose? ‘I have been cut adrift; I am everything that has been disordered and misplaced,’ wheezes modern man. Our affliction was this modernness: idle peace, mean compromise, the entire unhygienic virtuousness of the Yes and No of the day. … Rather be left in the dark out in the cold than amidst contemporary virtue and other southerly winds! We were headstrong enough, sparing neither ourselves nor others; but for a long while we did not know where to turn with that pathfinder’s daring. We became gloomy, we were called doomsayers. Our fatum—superabundance, tension, the curse of strength. We longed for lightning and for striking, we were the most removed from the weakling’s contentment for concessions. At our heights are tempests; the nature we are became occulted—for we saw no way ahead. Formula for our enjoyment: a Yes, a No, straightforward means and ends.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, The AntiChrist

>First US Navy carrier strike group to deploy with F-35C stealth fighters sails into the South China Sea
Japanese Navy’s refitting their carrier decks (heat resistance) so they can take the vertical launch ones; probably could house them anyways as is with conventional take off models (already train with the USN hosting F-22s, ect.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Biden’s vaccine mandate

Reid is correct, it’s very likely that whatever 9/11 false flag is planned for tomorrow will be blamed on anti-vaxxers reacting to Biden’s illegal decree.

They’ve boxed us in. They’re TRYING to push for civil war now, and it cannot be ruled out that they won’t get it. I can’t tell you how many like Mark Taylor that I’ve heard deliberately shout out warnings to Q and whoever Q’s “Patriots” are to hurry it up because the rank and file patriots on the ground WILL GET PUSHED BEYOND THEIR BREAKING POINT OTHERWISE.

The only thing stopping the complete meltdown of the United States is an inability to enforce the decrees. If the cops start beating and arresting people over covid they start getting shot, and it doesn’t matter which state we are talking about, end of story. It didn’t happen before because there was still a perceived way out. The perception has changed.

The surveillance won’t matter. Pleas for calm won’t matter. Likelihood of success won’t matter. Once people perceive that they have nothing left to lose they act like they have nothing left to lose.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

AC what do you think? A thing I noticed is he seems to have Munby’s eyes and perhaps nasolabial lines

Anonymous Conservative
Anonymous Conservative
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

I feel a little different looking at him vs Munby, and I can’t say why because you are right, they have a similar structure around them on how the skin over the eye hangs over that upper lid edge..

But I don’t get that rabbit feel off the eyes I was trying to say I feel looking at Munby. Munby seems to have glassy, unfocused, fearful, passive observer eyes, as if there is nothing behind them in the way of drive or personality, almost like he is lost in thought, and somewhere else. While Henrichs’ are more aggressive, focused on what he is looking at, and piercing. Munby’s Shoulders also seem hunched, which I have found is a very reliable indicator somebody is holding tension from something.

I couldn’t see Munby’s eyes focusing completely on, and killing somebody personally, face to face except as a last desperate attempt to save himself, and I see those eyes as looking surprised if it worked. Henrichs’ eyes clearly would kill somebody just for principle, if it were not going to have any long term legal cost, and he would immediately be looking for the next target after the first one went down.

A lot of face reading ends up idiosyncratic, based on sensations people imbue in you from your own experience. I remember one of the victims of the German pedophile experiment, where the pedophiles took over some research place, and began an experiment to give foster children to pedophiles, to show how being molested was good for them. The victim was entirely focused on the thin, angry upper lip, that was curled under into the the mouth and pressed against the teeth, because all the pedophiles he had seen had that trait. I’ve known people with Munby’s eyes, and they have all been very weak mentally, and unwilling to fight for things. But they have all engaged in an ego defense of casting themselves, in their minds as some sort of intellectual betters, who are averse to violence because they are more evolved, and better than those who would fight. And it feels like of like that sense of themselves is somehow in those eyes. So somehow, whenever I see Munby eyes, I immediately feel that sensation. You will eventually see stuff I do not, if you focus on the people around you, and what you learn about them over time.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Interesting. Yeah to me Henrich has the killer instinct. The people in my life with those facial traits seem in between Henrich and Munby.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

JP seems to have lost his sense of humor. Same here.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Contacting your representative can actually work. Who knew? Conflict is the waters in which we swim, the fight NEVER ends.

3 years ago

Biden’s Treasury Dept. Declares IRS Will Monitor Transactions of ALL U.S. Accounts Over $600

3 years ago
Trump: ‘I do believe they are going to decertify the election’

3 years ago

Iran hails attack on ‘terrorist’ sites in Iraqi Kurdistan

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Well Curtis Yarvin is on Tucker Carlson.

I know people are enthralled with him. I say watch him he’s a typical Jew. Listen to how he talks. I’ve seen about one minute of his interview and it’s just sooooo Jewish.

This next paragraph I added after I had written all the stuff below. I think it might be important to understand my motivation. Now I’m railing at this guy and could it be that that I somehow believe I’m smarter than him, better, could I be jealous because…whatever. No that is not my motivation. He is brilliant. My cognitive ability next to him is like a fart in a hurricane. The real reason I’m writing about this is that me, the barely sputtering bumpkin, sees what he is pushing and like the country guy the city slicker is trying to cheat sees that…this guy is blowing smoke up our ass. One of the primary things he says in his writings is that the only sort of government we can get to fix the mess we are in is a Monarchy but…the reason we are in this mess is they fucked it up. They made mass Democracy of anyone who could scribble their name on a ballot having a say. They used courts to stop the States from making sure people who voted had some minimal qualifications. They are the ones that took away the balanced system we had in place where States had “regional” representation in the State Senates and made it all a big mess where only large cities decided everything. They are the ones that made section 8 spreading dysfunction. They screwed this up and now are telling us the only way to fix it is to put in some sort of dictator. Of course you can bet conveniently that whatever dictator they put in will be under the Jews control. I want people to clearly see that while all his observations of the screwed upness of our institutions he notes is correct but that he clearly hides the fact that the Jews and their agents are responsible for a great deal of this screwed upness in the first place. No I’m not blaming them for everything but but the the shear fecundity of the mess we are in would not happen without their relentless corruption.

Now this guy is supposedly some sort of right winger(not he’s a typical Jew) but what does he do, who does he blame for the problems of today? The Cathedral. Now how typically Jewish is that. Right away he blames the goy instead of the actual almost 95% of the time pusher of global homo the “Synagogue”, the actual culprit.

When everyone was so enthralled with him I read a few of his articles and immediately I saw he was just like Miles Mathis. Hell maybe he actually IS Miles Mathis.

In one article he totally proclaimed that the Jews couldn’t possibly be the problem. They weren’t really in cahoots with each other to destroy the west but earlier in the exact same article he flat out told people that there was no real Jew Communist cabal and then right away said his parents were Commies that wanted to undermine the US. I mean he deliberately told you that he was lying to you then lied to you. I mean it was so blatant that I was flabbergasted that no one seems to be able to see this. That was it for me. I was totally bitter towards all he said and realized it was all another gas-lighting front. I wish, really wish I had saved that article so I could point this out but I was so disgusted I quit reading any more of his lies. I couldn’t find it again after looking at a bunch of his stuff but his writing so annoyed me with it’s total propaganda slant that I had to give up or have a brain aneurysm. A lot of what I read of his was him stating some sort of problem, real, and then adding some sort of misdirection. It’s just the same old smoke and mirrors.

In the interview he says, there’s no race or class causing this dysfunction. No “they”. He’s lying and he’s smart enough to know it. Someone pointed out on Gab that there doesn’t have to be an actual meeting or a plan if a group of people all think alike and have the same wishes. Yes this likely forces the trajectory of things. I agree but I do believe people plan things.

You can not in any way ever forget building 7 and 9-11. That was planned. It did not happen organically and there is no way a building, not hit by a plane, with fire only on 3 or 4 floors falls for around 108 feet with NO support. I mean how is that possible? It’s not. It will never be and it could never be. That building was demoed in some way and the Jews did it. So all he is saying is a huge massive lie and he knows it. He is purposely trying to mislead. A lying Jew. A bunch of his writing is JUST LIKE THIS.

I’m 12:00 into this interview and he’s doing this massive subversive dance. He states the truth about how things are going but already even before he starts naming some of the problems he’s totally disavowed any real “conspiracy”. This is of course nonsense. Did Epstein just decide to somehow spend so much time and effort to get with all these powerful people on a lark? Did he receive billions of dollars to manage by Wexner just for fun? Was Epstein given that huge townhouse or more like mansion in NY by Wexner because he thought he was a good buddy?

If you watch this look at around 14:00 how he’s leaning his head forward and looking intently at Tucker. Know what that is? He watching, getting as close as he can to see…if Tucker is buying his line of bullshit. It’s a very Jewish thing. You see this all the time. It doesn’t mean that they are bullshitting at the time. I think it’s ingrained in them. Like scratching an itch or them rubbing their hands together.

Yarvis comments,

“…What is your theory of why the “Washington Post” and the “New
York Times,” and all every other prestigious–
and “The Guardian,” and every other prestigious voice
in society, and every prestigious university
in society is always on the same page.
It looks as though there were some–
why did Yale and Harvard always agree on everything?
Couldn’t Yale go Libertarian while Harvard is going woke.
Why wouldn’t that happen?…”

Easy because the Jews OWN them. All of them. They control them.

Now I’m not so naive, or ignorant, that I do not know there are people inclined to this that are Whites[he points this out correctly]. r\K. But…without the Jews money, power, connections, loss of jobs, blackmail, threat of murder, they would not control. They could be as woke as they wanted…on the sidewalk.

The Jews are a dysfunction amplifier. They take dysfunctional ideas, people, institutions and give them way, far out-sized power from what their natural function in society would be. I mean how many trannies in the real world would have such influence like they have now without Jewish control?

I really for the life of me can not understand how people can be so impressed with people like him and Miles Mathis. They are gas-lighters.

One thing I’ve found in my life is if people ever lie to you about big things that have large consequences you can never trust anything they say. People might lie to you to be polite or to minimize a screw up. I’m not talking about that I’m talking about them lying about, how can I put this, their state of mind. What they think. Lying about society. These people you can never trust.

People should watch this. Yes it’s long and mind numbing but watch very carefully how he constantly portrays everything, everything as some formless, nebulous thing that just so happens to be in power, ramming vax down our throats, giving our money to Afghans…on and on and on but he never really explains how the people who control all these institutions he goes on about are all owned by the Jews. He doesn’t really talk about that.

And I think Tucker is really eating this stuff up. I wonder, I mean really wonder if Tucker can not see the lies here and the total sidestepping of the Jewish question because to do so would cost him everything. I do not mean Tuckers being calculating. I mean he literally can not bring himself to see it. It’s just too dangerous. Like closing your eyes and not looking at the closet when you are a little kid because, if you don’t look the boogy man can’t get you.

I’m listening to him and have another analogy. A lot of what he says is true but it’s like these Soviet tanks. There’s a tank there. It’s powerful, it has a big gun, but Soviet tanks have these huge smoke generators on them where they puff all this smoke out where you can’t see them. This guy is like a Soviet tank, He tells a lot of truth and is verbally superb(we know the tank is in there somewhere) but he pouring this vast amount of smoke(verbiage) all over (he covers everything in disinformation, but subtly).

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Thanks for the confirmation Sam J. For the life of me I couldn’t understand what the big deal was about the guy. I tried reading some of his articles this past week and I could barely finish. 90% devoid of information, the rest could be summed up in a couple of sentences. Most of the articles I’ve read were navel-gazing, useless self-indulgence, beating a dead horse with a stick, etc. He just takes a concept that sounds vaguely interesting, then spirals it down into his hauty opinions and insignificant points. Typical mid-wit bait/time-trap for those who can’t draw their own conclusions.

Also, I wouldn’t call him verbally superb. What people mistake for literary excellence is, in fact, his tremendous ability as a successful but crappy pulp serial author, except that a single essay contains a number of pointless cliffhangers. Who benefits from reading through his garbage? No literary significance, no references we can learn from, very little to no real content you can’t get from good old common sense. And yes, I’ve tried to slog through his work as Mencius Moldbug and I got nothing of use. Probably can be at most a tenth of the length and not lose any “evangelatory” power.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“…Most of the articles I’ve read were navel-gazing, useless self-indulgence, beating a dead horse with a stick, etc. He just takes a concept that sounds vaguely interesting, then spirals it down into his hauty opinions and insignificant points…”

“… What people mistake for literary excellence is, in fact, his tremendous ability as a successful but crappy pulp serial author…Who benefits from reading through his garbage? No literary significance, no references we can learn from, very little to no real content you can’t get from good old common sense…”

I think I have nailed down why he’s popular with the right intelligentsia. Now the vast amount of name dropping of different books and historical eras that he threads together throughout all he says.

What he is doing is he is referencing all these sources and ideas EXACTLY like a progression of college courses. He takes these “big idea” references and then weaves them in to what he is trying to promote. Watch Tucker as he name drops all this stuff wagging his head in agreement. Tucker and a lot of guys like him think of themselves as intellectuals so this stuff is ear candy to them just as to me ear candy is computers, machinery, survival stuff and guns is.

Now I’m going to really go out on a limb here as this is..a bit whacked(I’m not saying this is a 100% only that I think it is a big factor and it doesn’t work on everyone). There’s this thing called Neural Linguistic Programming(NLP). It’s big with salesmen politicians, psychologist and others who want to influence.

I’ll give you a couple examples. There was a guy who sold I think it was those electronic organs. You know the home type with the built in in drums and that stuff. This salesman would find out when someone he was selling to was in high school and then he, as he was trying to sell them, would play the top hits of exactly the time these people were in high school. The idea here is that like how a smell can bring back a whole cascade of memories so can music. This stuff works and certain phrasing of words can do the same. Al Gore tried to use this stuff during his election with Bush. Unsuccessfully, but it was obvious to me what he was trying to do.

I think Tucker and these other people are being prompted into “states of mind” by all the name dropping and weaving of college course references and they lose their critical thinking skills.

If you look at Moldberg(Yarvis) writings it’s mostly all like this. Tons of references to “blocks” of history and influential books in between he weaves in ideas that are not necessarily conclusions of these books and ideas but…”he makes it seem as if they are” by the structure of his dissembling.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“There’s this thing called Neural Linguistic Programming(NLP). It’s big with salesmen politicians, psychologist and others who want to influence.”
“If you look at Moldberg(Yarvis) writings it’s mostly all like this. Tons of references to “blocks” of history and influential books in between he weaves in ideas that are not necessarily conclusions of these books and ideas but…”he makes it seem as if they are” by the structure of his dissembling.”

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Dennis Miller comes to mind as well. Completely unfunny to me but the hypnotic/NLP and name-dropping combination explains it.

This also made me realize that moderately intelligent people LOVE their references, may it be from books, movies, shows, music, etc. Off the top of my head I can think of a few (positive/negative/neutral) reasons why: citing something obscure as intelligence signaling, easier to reuse an old joke than come up with a new one that might flop, easy vehicle to emotionally connect with others, trigger an emotional anchor, or remember something rewarding.

But those that fancy themselves intellectuals take references to the next level. It’s like crack to them. But it can also be a crutch that keeps them away from gut-level convictions.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“… Dennis Miller comes to mind as well…”

YES! I never really noticed this but you’re exactly right.

The idea in NLP is to promote “states of mind”. We’ve all had these moments. You hear something or a particular small or some trigger brings back a whole package of memories. NLP is an attempt to enhance this based on whatever the “pusher” wants.

This is also a path to lite hypnosis. When we get these floods of memories it’s like being hypnotized or taken out of the state of mind of the present world and transported somewhere else.

NLP is also big on pushing the idea that that people get a feeling of familiarity with you that doesn’t exists. That you are “one of them”, whatever it is you may fell like you are.

This stuff does work, sometimes, if you are good at it and I think some of it you just have to be one of these type people that can do this. I think Jews are genetically inclined to this sort of dissemination. You can see it in their writing. Sometimes I can tell within a sentence if someone is a Jew just by the way the write or talk. Or I feel I can anyways and usually if I read more of their stuff I will find I was right on my first impression. They’ve been bred for it over thousands of years. I think for some people this sort of stuff is just part of their nature and not malicious. They’re just easy to get along with and people see and feel this.

I know when salesmen use this on me I get really annoyed because I know what they are doing and they are just following a script. This is why Jews really rub me the wrong way because damn near every single thing they say is dripping with this sort of “influence” peddling, word twisting, dissimulation. It’s really annoying. I can barely watch TV at all it’s so abrasive.

I think it likely that there’s a large amount of people that feel the same but haven’t really nailed down just exactly what’s so abrasive about the TV news culture. It’s the constant attempt at gas-lighting but they don’t see it in full yet. I think their spell is wearing off. They have this bag of psycho tricks and the less people believe them the more they try to pile on these tricks and it just rubs people the wrong way. A good book on this that covers some of the influence tricks(not necessarily NLP which is a bit different) is Robert Cialdini ‘s “Influence”.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Absolutely. I’ve read a few of the NLP classics so I’m familiar with it. I eventually came to the conclusion that NLP is for the human psyche what “scripted game” is for young men wanting to meet women: it’s an artifically structured tool for those who don’t have solid, working gut-level schema they can use for success. So a crutch, but something would eventually greatly hinder true progress (e.g., “inner game”).

But drawing from some of your writing (and social engineering like sales aside), I think that NLP might be as far as narcissists/sociopaths/crazies/etc. might get to mimicing true human relationships.

One of the niggling things I kept noticing about the narcissist that was in my life was that he always talked like a salesman, trying to sell people on his ideas rather than laying out the fact and leaving them to draw their own conclusions. He was always proud of himself for his powers of persuasion (which I never really saw the evidence of) but his “sales pitches” always bothered me for being more rhetorical rather than dialectical. Later on, I realized that me pointing out or joking that he sounded like a used car salesman curiously led to one of his famous meltdowns.

The moral is that narc-/spath-types cannot go beyond artificial techniques into more natural, healthier gut-level frameworks. And it’s jarring to them if you try to. Now I know to see sales-pitching to be disingenuous social behavior (but a profitable business practice if done well).

Cialdini’s “Influence” is required reading for everyone, especially those here. I’ve read it cover-to-cover at least 2 or 3 times, and skimmed through it more.

“I think it likely that there’s a large amount of people that feel the same but haven’t really nailed down just exactly what’s so abrasive about the TV news culture. It’s the constant attempt at gas-lighting but they don’t see it in full yet. I think their spell is wearing off.”

I wish this were true, but I firmly believe that sheep will be sheep. Some of the most engaging passages in the book of the prophet Jeremiah was God condemning the pastors/shepherds for leading the sheep (Israel) astray, which I take as biblical corroboration, though we see evidence of this everywhere, including in Cialdini’s book.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Thanks for this, Sam J. Great observations that I see as well. You’ve articulated the situation well.

3 years ago

You write very well, Sam.

Tucker is too smart not to know. It appears he’s tasked with generally being a voice of reason in the MSM wilderness of sophistry for the benefit of normies. As long as Cabal retains its subversive propaganda power Tucker and allies may believe that pointing out the elephant in the room would be detrimental to the greater cause. The enemy flak would kill the messenger before the message is fully understood by its intended recipients.

I hope Tucker is a good guy and not high-level controlled opposition but at this point anyone with a prominent stage and a microphone is suspicious to me.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

“…I hope Tucker is a good guy and not high-level controlled opposition…”

I think he is the good sort but, I hate to use this as I don’t agree altogether with this sort of classification but in some cases it’s accurate, he’s a beta. He has kids and a family and if he treads too far they will pin him down like a bug for display in some museum. I’m not even 100% sure that he is critically strategizing this. I mean some places you just do not go and taking about the Jews is one of them.

Getting a Jew to come on and say some of these things, even if he dissembles a lot, is maybe the best he can do. It’s also a little edgy and that makes him “an edgy guy”. The sort of edginess that a intellectual would aspire to. Like being in motorcycle gang would be to a normy.