Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Man arrested on arson allegation in wildfire west of Eugene, OR, deputies say.
Man seen starting fires at Oregon state park, local fire chief says.
A coalition of leftist groups is “secretly” discussing how to mobilize and prepare for what it envisions as a “political apocalypse” full of violence and chaos if Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden fails to win a landslide victory on November 3. This is not a coalition of political groups. If you saw the Jay Danielson murder photos, what would immediately strike any expert was the timing factor. When you are under, you see that all the time. Just as your car arrives at an intersection, another car arrives. Just as you exit the house, a car drives by (because they were somehow monitoring you in the house and timing your exit as you got your jacket, put on your weapon, got your wallet, etc. They develop that timing and coordination skill, to have somebody who can’t see you, begin moving hundreds of yards away, and arrive at exactly the right place at exactly the right moment as you. It is practiced. So when the shooter exits his alcove at exactly the right moment to put him at exactly the desired range from Danielson, that is not a political ideologue, working with a coalition of political groups. That is a covert intelligence asset working with a covert intelligence operation, with which he has trained. I have no doubt, if I had gone to that area and stayed there long enough, the shooter would have been in my sphere at some point or other, passing by me at just the right time. This article means, a full scale stab at a revolution is coming. Don’t forget the 3% meme. It doesn’t take a majority for a successful revolution. The only thing which may work against the conspiracy is that although they may have as much as 8 or 10% of the population in the informant/surveillant network, the vast majority of their people seem atrophied from sitting around watching monitors or driving all day, and there is an awful lot of geriatrics, morbidly obese, and people who are recruited for surveillance work because they do not look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jean Claude Van Damme (who might spark suspicion of being “agents” of some sort), and they seem mostly trained as just informants. If they had only recruited shooters for their informant network and kept their skills honed, this nation could have had a real problem, if the rest of the people weren’t woken up.
In a video, walk-away founder Brandon Straka’s friend says they were just attacked a second time in a week by a “random” mob of BLM protesters. It is just possible Brandon Straka has somebody watching him every now or again. Or more likely a few hundred people, watching him every moment of his life. This is deep shit – the network is coming out of the shadows all by itself. Think for a moment, about what we would be seeing had Hillary won four years ago. Also, figure out how the security guy for Straka got arrested, and the BLM protester with a long rapsheet including assault on a 4 year old child who assaulted the security guy wasn’t arrested. The imbalancer right now is the surveillance. Talk about Jewish collective power, talk about corruption by Biden, talk about whatever you want. The first step needs to be exposing the surveillance widely and getting it taken down. If there is no surveillance, somebody with a silenced and scoped 10/22 can slip into a solid perch and drop protesters who get violent, and slip away unnoticed. And just the threat of that will rein all of this in. But until that surveillance net is down, they will be taking all the shots, and we will not, and the few times when a guy like Kyle scores a few for our side, Cabal will respond with impunity, and be re-emboldened. I really think the surveillance is what every patriot needs to focus on first. So long as it exists, the US is in mortal peril. And, it is probably the lowest hanging fruit of Cabal’s machinery.
In an excerpt, Bob Woodward writes about a discussion between General James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about a plot to overthrow the elected government of the United States. From the excerpt – “Mattis quietly went to Washington National Cathedral to pray about his concern for the nation’s fate under Trump’s command and, according to Woodward, told Coats, “There may come a time when we have to take collective action” since Trump is “dangerous. He’s unfit.” It is impossible to know if Matttis is traitor, or if he was feeling out Coats, who was a traitor, though given how big this thing is, you always assume the worst of everyone.
Fauci responds to Woodward reporting on Trump, saying, ‘I don’t recall that at all.’
Lindsey Graham convinced President Trump to speak to Bob Woodward. Why would Lindsey even care?
Wealthy Americans aren’t just fleeing big cities for rural communities amid the virus pandemic, social unrest, and surge in violent crime; some of these folks are leaving the country until the dust settles. Might they be fleeing until they see how the Storm plays out on Cabal, and them, if they are in it?
74% of California voters reject children’s transgender medical treatments. And yet it will be shoved down their throats.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler viewed negatively by two-thirds of city’s voters. A small minority of political groups does not foist this bullshit on an unwilling public, make the criminals above the law, put the good citizens beneath the law, neuter the Police, and have the media portray it all as wonderful. This is the culmination of decades of hostile intelligence activity infiltrating and corrupting key positions.
NYPD releases pictures of wealthy young protesters who did $100,000 of damage to stores. It was interesting to see the picture of the red-headed girl. In one shot, she is a happy youngster holding a goat, and in the next shot she is filled with anger. It feels like somebody is doing that to these kids, turning them into rabid dogs.
Everett, Washington, man charged federally for possessing firearm stolen from Seattle Police Department vehicle during May 30 riot. They got him based off pictures of him carrying the case which held an M4 with a suppressor, but they have never recovered the rifle.
13-year-old boys arrested in case of 89-year-old woman set on fire in Brooklyn.
Virginia man buys 20 lottery tickets, wins 20 times.
Gucci heir alleges decades of sexual abuse by stepfather,and a family cover-up.
NSA chief who oversaw sweeping domestic phone surveillance joins Amazon board as a director.
Trump Nevada rallies cancelled due to Democrat Governor’s Coronavirus restrictions.
Severity of coronavirus infection may be determined by face mask use, study suggests. Whether Corona is as bad as people say, it should be obvious to all but the most retarded that dose-exposure is reduced by mask usage, and dose-exposure is a factor in case severity. Far better than waiting for a vaccine is simply wearing masks and opening up society. You can make it to herd immunity and not damage your society or economy. And you don’t need the vaccine.
After 1000 high school football games, there were no big COVID outbreaks.
Barr announces the Chicago murder rate was cut in half since the start of “Operation Legend.” They have done over 500 arrests.
Nationwide ammo shortage as Americans stock up amid civil unrest. Are we sure this is all the civilian market buying everything up?
CNN caught using Soviet-style airbrushing to erase a Redskins logo from a ’70s Biden photo for a propaganda piece. Some are now saying it was a photo the Biden camp gave CNN, but it is still propaganda for the socialist candidate aired by the socialist network.
Biden claims more than 6,000 members of the US military died from Coronavirus, but the actual number was seven.
Joe Biden forgets when 9/11 happened in a live interview.
Joe Biden announces an Instagram “Ask Me Anything,” shows up, and forgets to answer any questions.
President Trump releases 20 new potential SCOTUS picks.
2,200 American troops leaving Iraq this month, US general says.
Trump appears to be caught off guard at a rally as the crowd chants “We Love You!”
Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize following Israel-UAE accord.
“This is not a coalition of political groups. If you saw the Jay Danielson murder photos…”
On Michael Forest Reinoehl, he might not be dead, or the “shooter” might not really be him. Everything just worked out too well. Someone found Reinoehl’s identity really fast, and he was the perfect race/ethnicity to kill. The Feds found him perfectly, and his “body” was “filmed”. The whole thing stunk, I saw the vid, the black guy videoing it said he heard “a dozen” shots. The official news said 40-50 rounds. What? He was mag dumping out of his black powder gun? How did Reinoehl get another obviously different gun? Why did Reinoehl give an interview? The guy is tactical but dumb enough to do that? Are his accomplices getting the same treatment? Are dozens of US Marshals going to go get them? They are obviously accessories after all. Even the guy videoing the Reinoehl shootout, just in the right place at the right time- cops not covering it up, we know alot of black dudes are informants of some type (they’re cheap).
A guy shooting at Federal officers is a big deal, especially the most elite, USMS. Who moved Reinoehl and who gave him a gun? Why was Danielson targeted? We deserve answers or at least a perp walk, and I’m talking about a dozen or so accomplices to a planned and premeditated murder. And why no names for the others only Reinoehls ID so fast? Come on weaponized autists, either Reinoehl was found organically or he was a pawn sacrifice.
When I see 4Chan IDs, I tend to think it is a glowie operation.
I will believe 4Chan works like it says when it now puts up the Danielson murder photos, and doxes every single person who was a part of that operation, and tries to track back where they linked into Cabal’s hierarchy, and where they are now. They have a genuine conspiracy of murderers trying to hide, which killed on of our own, sitting right in front of them, and the site isn’t touching it. Because that would be something Cabal would not like.
“why no names on the others, just reinhole?” is actually a damn fine, subversive, question. yeah, the ‘team leader’ was masked, sorta, but the fat chicks – especially the fat chick he was walking with – were/are readily findable on the vids. especially the one wearing the striped mumuu.
my guess would be she’s more identifiable than reinhole was. yet no one seems interested, not even the autists. why not??
“In Quebec City, Canada, the state has the ability to force people who test positive for the coronavirus into isolation at a secret location if they are deemed “uncooperative.” ”
Yikes. That was probably Cabal that started the rumor that Gov. Dewine was going to do that in Ohio- probably to break the ice a little. Sucks to live in progressive land. Cabal controls the testing companies (so anyone can be positive even if it’s a false positive), then you can be forcibly relocated “for your own safety” especially if you are “uncooperative”. Then at the secret location the “doctors” can treat you however they like, including putting you on any meds or poisons they like, and tubating you, while slowly reducing your O2 while you are unconscious until all of your organs fail and your brain dies, then they pull the plug and incinerate your body- and you’re just another “Covid” death. Funny thing is, you probably never had it to begin with, you were just a right winger or some other type of free thinking troublemaker. So progressive isn’t it?
If they come to take you, don’t let them.
If you’re such a problem to them that they are willing to off you at some blacksite location, resist getting taken and denfend yourself.
Remember Solzhenitsyn:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
There are the times where learning all you can about force multiplication can pay off.
That being said, always follow the law, etc.
Never let a criminal remove you from the primary crime scene.
I was one of those people for whom the publication of the TGA was a watershed event … years later. That book created a political fault line in the academy which wiped out dissent, faith, libertarianism and conservatism.
As I watched, humanities/social-science profs were forced to stand on one side or the other of that fault line. As late as the 1990s, when working on my terminal degree, the vitriol toward Solz had not abated.
Profs who supported Solz lost tenure promotions, book publications, jobs, etc. Every one of them was replaced by a person anti-Solz. Compliant, that is.
So, TGA was not just a litmus test, but a cleansing agent. Becuase of it, conservatives, libertarians, Christians, and patriots were washed out of the high academy.
In a way, what happened dovetails with AC’s emphasis on surveillance. For Solz exposed them. He exposed what they were doing and how they did it. He exposed their character. Their ur-beliefs, cruelty and faithlessness. Mostly, he exposed what they had done to ordinary Russian citizens, how they turned citizen on citizen, and sent innocent people to a certain death in Siberia.
Though it was no secret that most Ivy professors sympathised with the Soviet Union, expecting it to be reconstituted in the near future, those profs didn’t want this to be known. As I look back, I’m not sure why. Nothing would have changed in their lives. They were tenured. Overpaid. Underworked. Fat and happy. Secure.
But for some reason, exposure really bugged them.They responded — Soviet style! — by purging the academy.
Lesson: If we shine a light on these cockroaches, they’ll surely scatter. Exposure unnerves them. But, perhaps, we shouldn’t turn on the light until we’re strong enough to keep them from purging us subsequently.
The Soviets used to do that. Agitating against the State was a sign of mental illness, and they were just trying to make people sane and healthy again; only the paranoid could see any malice in that. And it was free socialized medicine, too!
Just like when the USSR spent billions of rubles to help underprivileged and oppressed countries in South America and Africa, and all the assistance they gave Eastern Europe, literally beggaring their own economy in their desire to do good out in the world. And met only with lies and propaganda from the West, which finally broke the country’s back and crashed the Soviet.
[unspool as much as you need, wipe, flush…]
Which leads me to an aside; the media are wittering that Ted Cruz may be on the list for Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s Supreme Court seat. Cruz pretends to be “pro 2A”, but he voted for one of the NRA-backed “sanity card” bills. That’s Wayne LaPierre’s Sandy Hook-era scheme for a Federal Sanity Card, which you would have to have to buy or own a firearm. (same guy who presented Trump with the “bump stock” ban, which the NRA pulled out their ass and assured him all gun owners were totally behind) Any Federal agency tasked with that would be far left from its creation, and it would be certain that their Sanity Card would be required for more than guns eventually…
Interestingly, Cruz worked for the NRA as a lawyer, back in the day. Like the NRA, he talks the talk, but that bill was pure poison. Not someone I want to see on the Supremes.
“Virginia man buys 20 lottery tickets, wins 20 times.”
South Boston, Va. That’s coming the backway into Virginia, off from I-85. 501 up from Durham, NC. The guy is either a trafficker (drugs or other) of some kind or watches the roads going into VA cabal territory. Lottery money so could be a state sanctioned payoff of some sort (the lottery is State managed in Virginia). The county (Halifax) is very red, but the town of S. Boston is a dying one- maybe Cabal paying the guy to relocate? It’s not like Cabal isn’t dynamic in it’s borders, regions and ops.
Great news frens:
RE: Oregon fires
A couple of the guys that work with live in affected areas around Eugene. The locals have started semi-organized armed patrols. If they catch anyone the headline in the Red Guard will not read “Local Militia Apprehends Arson Suspect”, it will read “Gunshot Victim Found in River. Police Investigating.”
The difference between the urban and rural populations in Oregon really is that pronounced.
>”Talk about Jewish collective power, talk about corruption by Biden, talk about whatever you want. The first step needs to be exposing the surveillance widely and getting it taken down.”
Well, it’s way easier to redpill the gen pop on the JQ and any other matter than the gaybal surveillance thing, because until you see it first hand, it’s pretty hard to believe, and it’s hard to come by verifiable undeniable data on the issue. But it’s a nice challenge.
So, if we’re going to mainstream that (now that the JQ in nicely being mainstreamed after some 4 or 5 years, it’s easy to keep the momentum going, so it can be done in parallel with the surveillance thing), the first thing that needs to be done is to get all the info available to the public on the issue. All of it, archive it, and then go thru it and select what the best pieces are to introduce the issue to different types of audience. I can’t start a website without getting it shut down instantly, so I suggest that you create a kind of “gaybal surveillance operations” data warehouse and make it available on a link here, or on pastebin or somewhere else, so we can search for everything you have on the subject (you being the most learned on the issue person that I know off), and start looking at it from the perspective of mainstreaming it.
This “gaybal surveillance operations” data warehouse (with another name, off course, the idea here is to not use the term “surveillance” as to distinguish what we are trying to educate the gen pop on from what the gen pop thinks of as “surveillance”, most people think of google or facebook and the NSA taking their photos and posts and archiving them, that’s not what we are talking about here, we are talking about an illegal/para-legal surveillance network of general population informants embedded in the general public that run surveilance and harassment operations that seek to protect high level organized crime that includes drug and human trafficking, domestic terrorism and assassination, etc) is where it all starts, and I think you’re the person who has more on the subject than everyone I can think off, so if you create it, things can start moving in the right direction (which is the mainstreaming of the issue of a global scale illegal/para-legal surveillance network of general population informants embedded in the general public that run surveilance and harassment operations that seek to protect high level organized crime that includes drug and human trafficking, domestic terrorism and assassination).
I love you Lembro, and spreading all truth has value and is worthwhile, but I need to make this point on strategy. Right now, the Jewish Collectives are not Audie Murphy. They are not the types of people who jump out of the foxhole, and charge across the no man’s land, come what may. The non-Jewish collectives are the same thing. These Antifa, are the same thing. BLM too. A lot on our side are willing to burn in for the cause. But their’s will flee in a heartbeat if just a few on our side started to get fed up and they began dropping bodies here and there.
It sounds crazy to have a nation where you leave people vulnerable to getting their tickets punched if they engage in too much shitbaggery, but you can see the alternative – we have pedophile networks in power selling us out to the highest bidder, people listening in our houses for dirt and embarrassing shit to use against us, our fucking kids are targets in the public schools we have to pay for, and the one honest guy we got in office against all odds had the most powerful intelligence apparatus in the world turned specifically on him to take him out. Fuck a guy whose whole thing was he loved america and supported cops got murdered on the street by a fucking Jason-Bourne like mental case supported by a CIA-like surveillance/intelligence operation, just to send a message.
And if you look at the system, much of the stifling of our side’s message, to inform people, comes from those cowards, who would never get involved in overthrowing our government if there was the slightest risk to themselves.
The Keystone, which holds up the entire structure – which allows and actually supports the protests, which hogties our local cops so they cannot enforce the law, which occupies the DA positions, so even if the cops make arrests, the criminals are not prosecuted, which keeps their corrupt traitors in office, which spots victims for the trafficking networks, which tries to constrain guys like us, so we cannot inform others – The one keystone holding up the entire structure is the surveillance.
If you pop the surveillance, the whole thing comes down. Every one of their members will suddenly be exposed, scurry for the shadows, and stop the shitbaggery necessary to keep this corrupt fucking cancer alive.
And for whatever reason, people don’t see the Jews, maybe because they are too far away, maybe because their actions are too many degrees of separation from the average citizen’s day to day, and that is all everyone thinks of. But the surveillance – listening in their houses, watching through their windows, filing reports on them, periodically following them around, and watching everything they do and recording it for their record so it can be used against them – people they see, sometimes know, operating against them to keep them under thumb – that is something every citizen can relate to. Educate people on how to see the surveillance around them, and they will suddenly see it everywhere, because this fucking thing has expanded that big, that it is around them all the time. FUck, I would bet of the quadrillions of individual positional photo arrays on Google street view, a full 90% of them in the US that are not under a traffic camera will feature a surveillance car or foot coverage in the fucking shot. And if you educate people, it becomes recognizable. I’ve done it here, and seen people post that they never saw surveillance before, but after reading my work, they see what I am saying. How many people here could see the Danielson assassination team better because of what they have seen here.
And that ignores all the news articles where Cabal ops have made it into the news. The Finders, the vibrations of mass shooters, the gangstalking of cop-killers that could have protected the cops, but instead set them up. The famous people who talk about the coverage. The video of a fucking reporter in the midst of doing it. Videos by people on youtube who are under. The evidence is out there.
I like all ideas thrown out, and believe everyone should make their case. So don’t think I am saying you should stop your attacks from your position – your stuff is fascinating.
But my own case is the one Achilles heel of this whole thing which is vulnerable to exposure, and which has a virality factor about it that would amplify its effects, is the surveillance. I really think if we could focus our efforts on exposing that, it would change everything, Cabal would retreat 90% or more, and Trump could get much more traction taking down the network.
In truth, if we could expose the surveillance ourselves 100%, I think we could win this all on our own.
I agree.
Let’s do it then.
Centralize everything you have on the subject under a single link so everyone can easily access everything (I’m doing that with my JQ stuff, I got inspired by Professor.Kafir from 4chan, he did it with the subject of Islam, and it was his work that was the break thru that provided the easily accessible data ammo that the anons needed to beat down the fake narratives that tried to defend the Islamification of the West).
I know it sucks and it’s boring af to curate all the info, but it is key to spread the info faster. When you have a central database with everything pertaining to the issue, not only the people who are interested in reading it all get to do it without having to waste time searching for more info (and speed of info propagation is key in achieving vitality and dominating the informational/memetic battlefield), that unlocks the capacity of any user to start organizing the info into categories of “ressoance” with each specific demographic in the gen pop (example: when talking with Trump supporters I used to show them how JCP was the main force against the 2A and how JCP controls the MSM (because Trump always rails on the fake news, and thus Trump supporters would be open to that approach)), when talking with leftards I would show them how JCP oppresses Palestinians and how the zionist lobby (which is part of JCP) commits crimes against Americans in American soil for supporting BSD, when trying to bring the issue to the Black audience I would show them the connections between JCP and slavery, etc
You get the idea. Basically, what I’m asking you is that you centralize everything you have on the issue, and get it into one place where me and others can just go over the totality of it so we can start figuring out how to “package” it for mass consumption (via being selective about what to tell the audience first, and what to tell them based on their demographics (if possible, if not possible to take into account the demographics, then a general idea of where to start and how to progress deeper into the subject is also useful in getting a 100% bluepilled normie to a fully redpilled individual who can argue his case using verifiable facts (thus spreading the date thru the gen pop))).
You don’t even need to do it all in one go, you could create a new page/segment with a link up there in your main bar, and start putting everything related to it in there (you could start by going back one or various days at a time into your archives per day).
This might sound like a lot of useless work, but it is where all the magic begins, because for years and years and years, I would listen to big name influencers with significant semi-normie reach like St. Efan say shit like: “I don’t get the anti-Semites, they always say that Jews this and that, but there is no proof, they don’t have proof”, when I knew quite well that there was endless proof out there that Jewish collective power is the most subversive force operating in the West right now (specially on /pol/), so I came to the conclusion that the problem was that the people who had/have a lot of time to burn and managed to find said verifiable proof were only reading it and verifying it for themselves, they were not archiving it and organizing it and trying to “package” it in a effective and efficient way that would allow anyone with little time and a limited attention span to verify that their claims were in fact truthful. So thus the effort to mainstream the JQ began, and it all starts with trying to get all the info in one place so that one or more “super spreaders” can constantly use verifiable info on the subject and pass it on to the gen pop.
Basically, then all one has to do is to repeat himself over and over and over and over again, and see what are the reactions from the shills who don’t want the gen pop to see or believe the info, then take those reactions, dissect them, and come up with effective and efficient counters to those. At that point, shills trying to counter the info only help the info spread faster (when one counters their efforts in the right manner), because the gen pop will see that there are dishonest shills trying to suppress the info, and that will only lead the audience to get more curious about the issue.
It took some 4 or 5 years for the JQ to become mainstream enough to the point it is today, if we take what was learned from that process and apply it to the INQ (Informant Networks Question?), I’m sure we can do it in one year or less.
disagree. my old man spent (literally) his entire life trying to get me to despise jews like he did. he never let up. day in, day out, it was “the goddamn jews this”, “the goddamn jews that.”
followed by traceable, researchable, provable stories of jews and their various scumbaggeries. year after year, decade after decade.
none of it worked. see, I didn’t like my old man, and even though he was the single smartest person I’ve ever known, I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of even pretending to give some thought to his bullshit. besides, TV and school told me that was all bullshit; that being mean to a jew made God cry; and besides, the holocaust.
but then he died, and within a year, I was pretty much anti-jew. how’d that happen? because various folks on the internet that I respect made anti-jew rants, just like dear ol’ dad, but _they_ used actual *salesmanship* and *respect for their readers* to make their case.
at least in my own instance, low-key memes and what schlomo & esther would call Hate Questions were **much** more effective at opening my eyes than hours of speechifying and reams of info ever were. simple, mild questions about… oh… ‘why were jews kicked out of pretty much everywhere they went, even before Christianity?’ and ‘why does 95%+ of the anti-American media people seem to be jews?’ and ‘why were the early 20th century pornographers and commie agitators, etc., 99% jews?’ and ‘why a holocaust week in our schools, but no mention of the armenian genocide or the holodomor or the great leap forward?’ and ‘incinerator capacity/capabilities & the laws of physics versus claimed auschwitz death tolls?’ and ‘let’s talk about the USS Liberty’ are, IMHO, the way to go. also, the (probably fake) Voltaire (?) quote about ‘merely observe who you are not allowed to criticize.’
“why would the jews exaggerate how many jews were killed in WW2?” was, for me, the single most blinding eye-opener. if those assholes would lie about THAT…..
it’s a big internet. facts & figures are all over the place, and half of them are lies. people KNOW this. don’t pound your target audience over the head – just get em looking around and asking questions for themselves.
my two cents
>”I didn’t like my old man”
That’s why you didn’t care about any of what he had to say. That’s why many people say that they don’t even try to redpill their family or close frens IRL, it’s much easier to redpill strangers than people you know.
>”don’t pound your target audience over the head – just get em looking around and asking questions for themselves.”
It’s the sledgehammer and the scalpel. There is a time and place for both. And sometimes, both at the same time. Some people (perhaps some 10%, or less, of the gen pop) respond well to a barrage of sourced info, and the rest respond better to that more trickle feed approach.
At the end of the day, when you have both being used on the same platform at the same time is when the most people get redpilled IMHO, some people who don’t respond to the barrage of info approach might look into it and save the links to digest in the coming months at their own pace after they get curious about some question coming from a trickle feed approach.
There may be an amygdala component to that too. You see family all the time, so they feel predictable and your amygdala is turned off around them. Strangers are unique and unpredictable when you meet them, so your amygdala flips on and you pay attention more and consider what they say, since you may not see them again and instinctually you will tend to subconsciously want to learn all you can.
BTW, this is really helpful, if anyone has anymore “soft redpilling questions” regarding anything related to the gaybal (JQ, MQ, INQ, the MSM, etc), please post them.
It’s worth it to compile those too, it can be used to create a redpilling “salesman manual” of sorts, if that makes any sense to you frens.
You will find that a lot of that work has already been done.
“This site is an educational primer about Judaism and its effect on history, culture, and current events. The information has been carefully compiled, mostly from Judaic sources: the rabbis, their “holy” books, and Judaic, especially Israeli, media.”
Oh yes, that’s a good one.
People probably latch on to the Jew thing as part of a desire to take out the head of the beast. That’s noble, we all know there is a transnational, ancient, evil, threatening group of people with a desire to change, transform and control humanity- while bringing about permanent ease and comfort for “them”. We know they did something to ancient Israel, and Rome, participated in the rise of Islam, and of Communism, and that they are present in the Catholic Church leadership. But we aren’t going to get all of them, or necessarily even a majority. But many can be got, their “goal” of ease and comfort can be foiled, and safe havens can be made unsafe. They can also be exposed for what they are and free people can decide for themselves who to follow.
But regardless of what happens to the leadership the ground level operators MUST be taken out. You can’t take out Hitler, Himmler or Tojo without going through a few Panzer armies or Battlegroups first. Lucky for us Cabal ground ops is nowhere near as tough as “da nazis”. The point is to degrade the Cabal system, before, during or after exposure. If a few nazis escape to Argentina, ok so be it, they lost most of their system and are now revealed, with the truth to be shouted from rooftops. Don’t let your thinking be clouded that this will be easy or “surgical”. There is nothing surgical about fighting, removing or imprisoning 8% of a country (any country’s) population. It’s going to be tough, so get tough about it.
People see the importance of exposing Jewish and Israeli crime because it is verifiably the most powerful tool in the cabal tool box (aka: Jewish collective power is verifiably Cabal’s middle management, and you can’t destroy the top management (which might or might not be run by Jewish collective power or not) without taking out the middle management).
Jewish collective power and Muslim collective power are the 2 big tools in the cabal tool box (because those 2 connect to everything subversive you can see deployed in the field, from Communism, to Cultural Marxism (aka: Communism 2.0), to pedo normalization, to MSM and entertainment brainwashing programs, to social media and online general censorship, etc, etc).
Nobody just wakes up one day and goes: “You know what? Fuck the Jews. Yeah, that’s right, fuck this particular reason just because.”
Pic related:

>”There is nothing surgical about fighting, removing or imprisoning 8% of a country (any country’s) population. It’s going to be tough, so get tough about it.”
I was talking only about getting the information to the gen pop. Which is step 0 in removing the threat. If the gen pop doesn’t realize and admit to themselves the threat is there, and doesn’t know what the implications of it being there are, they won’t do shit to help deal with it, and they won’t allow political leaders to do shit about it (no political capital).
And btw, even if a process is not easy nor surgical, it doesn’t mean you can’t use a strategical approach and you can’t see results in a relative short time-frame. Nobody ever said it would be easy nor surgical too, btw.
If AC wants he can have a blog section at Libertyauthors where he can post his surveillance archive in addition to wherever else he may put it.
I don’t know what to make of this, but seems important:
It does.
>”Joe Biden announces an Instagram “Ask Me Anything,” shows up, and forgets to answer any questions.”
Oh man, Biden is such a lulzcow. I’ll miss his advanced malarkey once he gets the rope, it makes me laugh a lot.
Hacker 4chang infiltrates antifa:
@Lembrador — IMO the best population to redpill on the internal spying/snitch network are the PizzaGate folks. They are primed with the right mindset — bad stuff is happening and it’s coordinated and it’s hooked into/protected by the government. Plus, a spy network helps explain how the bad guys can get away with the child trafficking and raping. Getting them to understand that the spy network has millions and millions of participants will make a lot of pieces fit. Plus, the pizzagate folks are good at research, they will look closely at the evidence and take it further, they are veterans in the censorship wars and they have their own contact networks
Damn, that’s a genius idea, I hadn’t thought of that.
AND there is also the fact that most of them know for a fact (verifiable) that A LOT of “anti-child-abuse” and “anti-child-trafficking” organizations are themselves engaged in running cover for child trafficking and abuse, so they know how deep the rot can go, and that the gaybal has no issues with using any type of tactic to keep their business going.
So far, this is what we have, in terms of demographics to target with the INQ (Informant Network Question, using this name for now, if anyone has any other idea for what we should call this, pls share):
Trump supporters
(narrative: “if the DS can spy on Trump with such shamelessness because they felt protected by the corrupt MSM and Judiciary, is it that hard to believe the DS would feel invulnerable enough to spy and harass any regular citizen with impunity, especially when they have so many criminal activities going on that they want to protect?”);
BDS supporters (it’s a mostly left leaning group, with lots of Muslims in it, but they can be weaponized against the internal spying/snitch network, and it gives us a big in with the lefty leaning part of the gen pop);
(narrative: if the zionist lobby and the Chabad Israeli supremacist group are openly and verifiably spying on American citizens, is it that hard to believe that global organized crime networks would put in place massive spying/snitch networks embedded in the gen pop in order to protect their criminal activities?)
(narrative: still haven’t fleshed it out completely, but basically in the 90’s lots of Blacks organized against the ADL because they were spying on Black communities, inclusively in partnership with the FBI, so that is a big in that can be exploited to broach the subject).
For 2) Trump supporters, in order to prime them for the INQ content we want them to pay attention to (I call this a “wedge”, it’s like a foot in the door persuasion wise, it primes the audience to more easily process whatever thing you want them to pay attention to and think about, and I use it when broaching subjects that I know the audience will have a hard time thinking about for whatever reason) we’ll need to get those videos of Kamala talking about a secret police, and that video of Mad Maxine talking about the Obama secret database (I don’t have these on hand, so if someone can share them I would be grateful).
For 3) BDS supporters, we’ll need to get the “The Lobby: USA” documentary which shows proof that the Israeli lobby is spying on and harassing Americans on American soil for the political benefit of Israel, as well as the Chabad video where they brag about having a global network of spies and informers bigger than the CIA.
“The Lobby: USA” documentary:
Chabad video:
This is good. I would add to it Q-followers. The Q book, because it deals with Cabal, will take a look at Cabal’s intel operations, and the rumors of it going back to Tilly and the Air Loom.
I’m also consolidating a single page with surveillance detection and videos like a youtube of it in action, and the Texas news story about the gang-stalked girls going to work, someone entering their houses and drugging their food in their fridge while they were out, and then coming back in the middle of the night after they had passed out, and raping them, and the Police not being able to help them.
>I’m also consolidating a single page with surveillance detection and videos
Noice, you’re muh nibba.
Found it:
Just remembered something else:
The Bible talks about the Watchers, that could be our in with the Christian demographic.
“Betsy DeVos makes federal grant money for colleges contingent upon compliance with the First Amendment.”
Gee, that didn’t take TOO long. /sarcasm
Internet Historian has a new vydia out:
Interesting data point
Antifa Stats
Sep 9
Antifa stat update: reported drug use among arrested #antifa members has actually declined since summer of 2019. Only 78% now report being under the influence of an illegal substance as opposed to 81% last summer. Cocaine and heroin are still the top drugs of choice.
>Only 78%
If you dig into Antifa (there are a lot of 4plebs breads if you want to burn time with that), you will realize that drug use and trafficking and antifa are 2 inseparable things.
Years ago, when I was still very green at this reshurch thing, I came across a free book some dude had written and put online for free on his website, and it was the story on how he became homeless as a teen, and got recruited by antifa, and how he had to run away from them, and the moment he saw they were not what he thought they were was when he proposed that they start to beat up local drug leaders, because drugs were destroying their community, etc, and everyone was like “nah mate, you can’t say that, they’re with us, they are against the nazis too, and lots of us do drugs and even sell them”.
I wish I had archived it, it got nuked some months after it got found and started to be spread around on antifa threads on 4benis.
true AC but jews/israelis and their offshoots, masons/Satanists/imports comprise and run the humint and sigint surveillance networks. id say keep using the first (yahoodi and their frenz) to draw people in so they can then wake up and see the enormity of the second (surveillance and other ops). in any event, great page, with great comments. I think yer both top notch and I post yall daily at fuckbook.
> Nationwide ammo shortage
Note that Canada, Russia, Israel, South Korea, and the Philippines sell ammo in the US, and all could use some American dollars to balance their trade, but imports have not increased.
It could be that all the manufactuers in all five countries have their heads up their asses, or it could be that *every single shipment* of ammunition imported to the US must have paperwork, approval, and permits from the ATF, ITAR, DHS, and several State Department outfits, any of which can arbitarily slowball or fail to approved the process.
Meanwhile, after almost twenty years, the US ammo industry blames ammo shortages on their need to fill their military contracts, claiming they’re running flat-out to meet demand. But none have expanded production noticeably. Note that in WWII, US manufacture of small arms ammunition – by many of those same companies, stopped in 1943. We fought the rest of WWII, the Korean War, and most of Vietnam on 1943 ammunition, and the Navy was using 1943 powder for its big guns as late as Desert Storm. That was two years’ production, from a standing start.
Any explanation that isn’t “things are very complicated, and you just don’t understand” are, of course, paranoid conspiracy-wanking and will be disregarded.
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”
it has a caveat,
Always attribute to malice that which is continuously, unflinchingly stupid
I prefer “never attribute to stupidity that which is better explained by malice” when dealing with politics.
> Defense Distributed
The entire case was grandstanding and intimidation; the Fed has no leg to stand on.
I have the blueprints for the Model 1911 pistol, Model 1903 rifle, Model 1917 rifle, and M16 rifle, which came from… the US Army. The plans for the 1903 Springfield have been sold in book form, complete with heat treat, speeds, feeds, and how to make the required tooling, under the title “US Rifles and Machine Guns” by Colvin and Viall, for over a *hundred years*. The similar plans for the Mauser Model 1895 rifle were printed in American Machinist magazine before that; scans of the issues are on The Goog. Along with the full plans and machinery to build the Lewis machine gun.
If you go to you’ll find even more goodies, including papers on the design and construction of nuclear weapons. Even though foreigners can freely access the site, it’s a felony for you to send them to anyone outside the US.
And as far as “software as a weapon”, the Fed went after programmer Phil Zimmerman for “Pretty Good Privacy”, the encryption protocol, back in 1993. It was a pretty big deal back then, and the Feds finally backed off, likely because the Streisand Effect was inciting people to download and use it who would never have thought about it otherwise…
>Everett, Washington, man charged federally for possessing firearm stolen from Seattle Police Department vehicle during May 30 riot.
Meanwhile, not a word about the cop who was responsible for leaving a machine gun unsecured for rioters to take. With a suppressor, too. And left his patrol car to be vandalized. Hey, it’s only city property he signed out and was responsible for, the police union will square it up for him. I guess we should feel lucky he didn’t leave the keys in the ignition for their convenience.
Note the car would have its police radio, computer uplink, and other toys, giving the rioters information not available over standard police band scanners. I wonder what happened to that equipment?
holding cops accountable and expecting them to think 6 inches past the ends of their noses is, evidently, a stepping-stone to communism. or satanic, or something.
just ask em – they’ll tell you
Top kek:
Haim Saban to Hold $500,000-per-Person Fundraiser for Joe Biden
Haim Saban, the media billionaire who is a fixture in Democratic Party fundraising, is organizing a $500,000-per-person fundraiser for Joe Biden next Monday.
Saban has long said he is “a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel.” In a statement supporting Biden, Saban said the former vice president will “ensure that the strong, bipartisan alliance between the U.S. and Israel remains unshakeable.”
“This alliance is vital to our American interests, something Joe articulated best when he said: ‘If there were not an Israel, we would have to invent one to make sure our interests were preserved,’” Saban said. “I am confident that Joe is the right leader to make real progress for Americans and our international partners, and urge our party to unite in his support.”
Like all fundraisers in the COVID era, the event will be held virtually. It will be hosted by Saban and his wife, Cheryl. Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, will be among the participants, according to a person familiar with the event.
Saban stayed out of the Democratic primary, making his first donation to Biden’s campaign in May, after Biden had sewn up the nomination. He told The Hollywood Reporter in 2019 that he had a “profound dislike” for Sen. Bernie Sanders, calling him a “communist” who believes that “every billionaire is a crook.”
Saban hosted a high-dollar fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee at his Beverly Hills home last November. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries attended the event.
“I am pleased to see so many Democrats coming together in support of Vice President Joe Biden, and I am proud to endorse him for President,” Saban said in the statement. “Joe is a proven leader who has the experience, vision and heart to unify our country in this hyper-partisan time.”
Saban heads the Saban Capital Group, and announced last year that he was investing $500 million to launch a record label, Saban Music Group.
drudge has a link to a story about our brave warriors in the DIA being all super-patriotic and shit. since they’re a federal agency, the very worst thing in the *universe* is having to work real hard, so DIA has all sorts of fun little lectures to break up their bleak wretched lives and those onerous 6-hour workdays. “Ordinarily, the Defense Intelligence Agency’s semi-regular “MasterMinds” lectures are an unremarkable affair: a simple professional development opportunity for the employees of the Defense Department’s agency specializing in military intelligence.”
except this time, they invited the ‘head of global activism strategy at ben & jerry’s’, a ‘self-described rabble-rouser’ to speak. to the DI-fuckin-A.
they eventually canceled the guy when word got out, but….
I’m seriously thinking Trump doesn’t have control.
gonna be a *very* interesting post-Nov-4 world, boys
Ex-GOP Lawyer Doing Left’s Bidding Against Trump’s Mail-In Ballot Claims Works for A Firm Which Represents Huawei, TikTok, and Employs CCP Officials
Massive Hotel Explosion in Zuhai, China
Large explosion in Zarqa, Jordan
US Drone technology.
How the CIA took down Guatemala….
“It was interesting to see the picture of the red-headed girl. In one shot, she is a happy youngster holding a goat, and in the next shot she is filled with anger. It feels like somebody is doing that to these kids, turning them into rabid dogs.”
You might find some interesting answers to that line of inquiry in this presentation, where Patrick talks about Jose Delgado and his bull experiments, brain experiments on monkeys and humans, and the use of semiotics in lieu of direct electronic stimulation of the brain. It’s part of a two-season series; you can find both seasons in the playlists for that channel. I highly recommend it.
I’ll check it out, thank you.
Judge orders testimony from Saudi officials in suit over involvement in 9/11 attacks
World’s first Anal birth to a Sodomite couple:
Top kek

It almost got me, I was like this for a second:
But then I noticed it’s a joke site.
The guys they got lighting fires are so stupid they can’t light a fire without being caught. I mean how difficult is it to light a fire??? These people are total idiots. Unless they are being monitored????
FEDs involved [US rights [c]_surveillance]
From Q drop 4644
British Jew or Jewish Brit ?
Jewish Brit.
Jewish first, always.