Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – TMSC To Decide Next Week Whether To Invest In Arm Holdings
DFT – Global Regulator Wants Increased Scrutiny Of DeFi
DFT – Apple Stock Plummets After Beijing Ban On Government Use
DFT – Poland’s Economy Is Worst Performing In EU – Eurostat
DFT – BRICS Continues “Difficult” Work Of Creating New Currency
From MIT Technology Review – If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Turns out it’s just chance. “The most successful people are not the most talented, just the luckiest, a new computer model of wealth creation confirms. Taking that into account can maximize return on many kinds of investment.” The rich are seemingly random people, who like Hillary, just by chance will make $100K on some cattle futures. Meaning they do a computer model, find out smart people don’t figure things out and understand how to make money while randos, for unknown reasons, just have it drop on them out of the sky, and they conclude it is all chance, whether you get rich or not. Because there could never be any other factor. These are the lies, they tell you anon. Don’t buy them, identify the enemy, deal with them, and the world will one day make sense to you again. But right now we all have no path forward other than exposing the intel op to the nation and turning everyone against it. Until then, we will all just live as puppets, with others pulling our strings.
Top 10% of richest Americans own about 90% of stocks on US markets. And there is no evidence being smart has anything to do with that, or there is anything other than entirely random luck in it. None of them will have any connections, or influence in any group.
At the behest of Governor Gavin Newsom, California lawmakers have introduced a resolution applying to Congress to call a federal constitutional convention (Con-Con) to propose amendments to the US Constitution, specifically one that would severely neuter the Second Amendment. You see how a Constitutional Convention would be suicide with the level of control Cabal intel has, and especially the fact our side faces a sophisticated, Stasi-like intel operation while steadfastly denying any such thing could exist. Anyone supporting it is either far too ignorant and/or stupid to be anywhere near a position of influence, or they are outright enemy agents. I do not know why among major sites, it is just like Vox Day, Tex, and me, and everyone else just acts like this does not exist, when it is hands down the biggest threat we face, and all any of us should be focused on. And I know anybody real is getting harassed. Even Glenn Beck should be schooling his audience. But all he does is tangentially whine it was scary to him and tried to get his son molested, and then he drops it.
Judge denies Mark Meadows’ bid to move Georgia election interference case to federal court.
Georgia Special Grand Jury recommended charges for Sens. Lindsey Graham, David Perdue, Kelly Loeffler. So a wildly partisan, rigged Grand Jury.
Lindsey Graham reacts after learning Georgia Special Grand Jury wanted to INDICT him for questioning the state about election integrity. Where was he when they indicted Trump? Now that it is him it is a big deal.
Jonathan Turley shreds GA grand jury report for having ‘focus and restraint of a drive by shooting.’
NEW: At least three of the Atlanta grand jurors declined to recommend indictments because they “do not believe that the wording of the statutes applies to the conduct at issue”
NEW: In addition to Sen. Lindsey Graham and other Republicans, Democrat Fani Willis’ “special purpose” grand jury also sought to indict ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
BREAKING: The US Office of Special Counsel learned that all machines in Green Bay were ESS machines and were connected to a secret, hidden Wi-Fi access point at the Grand Hyatt hotel, which was the location used by the City of Green Bay on the day of the 2020 Presidential election. So can Trump draw this out in court? Subpoena evidence?
A little older, but making the rounds again, Dick Cheney reminds us why Trump is our candidate – “In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.” -Former VP Dick Cheney. Think back to the plane which didn’t get hijacked by a Muslim hijack team on 9/11 at JFK, because the ground stop went into effect before it got up, and the flight attendant went back on board quick after deboarding to grab a water, and some sort of glowie cleaner team had boarded the plane covertly through the hatch in the fuselage’s belly, sneaking up into the passenger compartment through the electrical bay to clean the plane of whatever CIA planted on it, cameras, weapons, remote controlled sleep agent canisters, remote control mechanisms, whatever. Cheney probably was ass deep in all of that. Now look at what he is saying, and see if it looks a little different. A little more panicked.
Ron DeSantis picking up steam, gets 62 likes in only one day, and only 61 of them were paid supporters:
What a fag.
Vivek Ramaswamy squirms from MSNBC host Mehdi Hasa after being asked why he accepted a $50K Soros law scholarship when he had made almost $1 million from his hedge fund. Note, Vivek did not make his money by being smart, because they say that making millions like that is all just blind luck. You see why he is an enemy too.
Former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley emerged as the only Republican presidential candidate who can decisively beat Joe Biden in 2024, a new poll shows. You do want to beat Joe Biden, don’t you, anon?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: DNC “rigging” primary for Biden, I may need to “look at other alternatives.”
California Gov. Gavin Newsom won’t run in 2024: Kamala Harris is “naturally” Biden’s successor. If things were working like you would expect, Cabal would boot Biden and install Newsom. Newsom would presumably be a more plausible winner of the rigged election than Biden would, he is surely just as controlled, and we would get a script of the young charismatic leader everyone loved, no matter what we knew the reality was. It is odd. Unless:
Obama INSIDER: Michelle is preparing to enter the 2024 race. First transgender President?
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham says she is suspending open and concealed carry laws in Albuquerque and throughout Bernalillo County for the next 30 days, temporarily prohibiting the carrying of guns on public property by declaring a public health emergency over the shooting of an 11 year old boy. At least the court will clear this up now, before there is a real emergency where guns would actually be needed, like a loss of civil order.
ATF attempt radical change of definitions for “personal collection.”
Elon Musk reveals “extremely powerful” ADL CEO sought to shake him down for donations.
Chicago’s O’Hare Airport used as a migrant shelter as crisis overwhelms city: “Like a scene from Mad Max.” So we elect our leaders, and keep electing the same ones, despite the fact our nation went from first world technological powerhouse, to looking like Mad Max? Does that sound realistic?
Biden admin considers ankle monitors to keep illegal immigrants from leaving Texas.
NY lawmaker wants to bar counties from blocking migrants to ease burden on NYC.
Biden administration breaks self-imposed migrant cap for second consecutive month.
Startling increase in illegal aliens now hits New Hampshire and other northern border states.
Biden to cancel Alaska oil, gas leases issued under Trump.
‘I regurgitated the party line’ – Cardiologist regrets pushing vax after ‘undeniable’ rise in heart conditions. I find these interesting because the line we took here – avoid the virus, wear a mask in crowds, and wash your hands, while others take this and you get to see how it affects them – that was the only intelligent position to take, and by a mile. A real doctor should have been able to figure that out in a second. Which means every doctor who failed to figure that out, supposedly, was either lying, or so stupid they should not be doctors – or they are not doctors, and are just actors pretending to be doctors. The correct answer would be so obvious it actually reveals something interesting in these cases. Something does not fit, and points to a hidden truth.
Teachers are being decimated by aggressive and metastatic cancers after COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Pfizer’s Covid jab “placebo” control group was given Moderna’s “vaccine.”
Biden’s DHS awards millions to LGBT, minority groups for ‘targeted violence and terrorism prevention.’ Really just raiding the treasury.
A Walmart in Atlanta that was shuttered after it was set on fire by suspected arsonists is installing a police “workspace” inside the store — the latest dire measure aimed at curtailing the shoplifting epidemic that has hit big box chains, groceries, pharmacies, and other retailers. If they wanted Law and Order, and there was no conspiracy in control of them, they would support the right politicians with money, and crime would plummet.
M1 Abrams tank upgrades scrapped after Leopard tanks in Ukraine prove of questionable use.
The Mexico City marathon has ended in farcical scenes after an insane number of competitors were disqualified for deciding they didn’t want to run the full 26 miles and cutting the course. People are retards. Why would you volunteer to run that much to begin with? And then you cheat?
Niger has given the US ambassador to the country 48 hours to leave.
Ukraine’s new defense minister, Rustem Umerov, is already under investigation for corruption.
Schoolchildren in Russia will learn to handle rifles, operate UAVs – UK intel.
Twitter suing California over its “content moderation law.”
‘Trump or Death’ banner is unfurled at Yankees Stadium – the second banner of the runaway Republican candidate this week. I am not sure they understand how literal the banner was.
President Donald J. Trump and the Monumental Leaders Rally:
Spread r/K Theory, because it is Trump or Death – But whose death?… That is the question…
“I do not know why among major sites, it is just like Vox Day, Tex, and me, and everyone else just acts like this does not exist, when it is hands down the biggest threat we face, and all any of us should be focused on.”
The John Birch Society and their The New American have been sounding the alarm on the ConCon Con for decades and doing good work fighting it.
But somehow it never enters Normie News, not even the “alternative” outlets.
Who runs JBS these days? I didn’t know they still existed. Back in the day when I was a kid their output was first rate across the board.
“A real doctor should have been able to figure that out in a second. Which means every doctor who failed to figure that out, supposedly, was either lying, or so stupid they should not be doctors – or they are not doctors, and are just actors pretending to be doctors.”
Didn’t you know? You don’t become a doctor by being smart and studying hard, it’s all a matter of luck.
“A Walmart in Atlanta that was shuttered after it was set on fire by suspected arsonists is installing a police “workspace” inside the store — the latest dire measure aimed at curtailing the shoplifting epidemic that has hit big box chains, groceries, pharmacies, and other retailers. If they wanted Law and Order, and there was no conspiracy in control of them, they would support the right politicians with money, and crime would plummet.”
Why should they? they can get personalized police protection while their competitors are driven out of business instead.
Reporting from the shithole Soviet State of Michocaun, (formerly known as Michigan) from the commie pinko-fag city of Battle Creek.
This is the upcoming legislative agenda of Whitmore and her gang of commie pinko-fags:
• House Bill 4939 would remove the prohibition on new environmental regulations without legislation, effectively authorizing the total re-write of environmental regulations to suit the Whitmer administration.
• House Bill 4961 would create an “environmental literacy task force” to lobby for climate cult indoctrination in schools.
• Senate Bill 463 would require students to apply for federal student loans as a condition of graduating high school.
• House Bill 4945 and Senate Bill 471 are unprecedented bills to strip citizens of their gun rights for conviction of a misdemeanor.
• Lots of bills on the Democrats’ most passionate issue: killing babies.
HB 4956 and SB 476 would legalize late-term abortion; HB 4958 and SB 478 would mandate taxpayer funding of abortions; HB 4959 and SB 479 would mandate health insurance cover abortions; House Bill 4949 would codify the “right” to sexual mutilation (including of children) and of course create the right to abortion as passed in Proposal 3.
And we can thank the Repuke leadership class of MI who did NOTHING to expose the 2020 Election steal but covered it up, meaning they were in on the coup! Along with above insanity reported by AC’s News Brief–I live in hell. I grew up a happy kid–now, I’m scared to death and not only for myself but for all the young European children because they are probably not going to survive. As Scott Adams has noticed—they are hunting republicans—our own government wants us dead. And our phucking US military sits as dumb-shits while the Jews run a race-war under their noses. America is complete lunacy and deadly with an evil malevolence of great proportions. —And no one seems able to stop it much less name the Beast!
I suggest you flee to the east of the Mississippi: for the Chinese are going to invade the western portion of the US. Either flee to upper NY or to the mid Atlantic states (not Florida) but away from the coast. Russia will be landing in the east; as per Chuck Youngbrandt’s prophecy
Da, my Russian friends. I will make the trip to meet them at the coast and have Vodka on hand – and the good stuff.
Then we will go hunting together.
Lol- AC, we don’t have any vodka they’d want. The in-country Russian stuff is so much better. Our friends there wouldn’t let us into a liquor store because you had to know the ins and outs of the imprints in the bottoms of the glass bottles to get the real stuff and not what’s intended for export. I can’t manage more than three drinks in the US without feeling terrible and having a hangover- but I once shared a liter with a friend over there and despite having the spins by 3am, I had absolutely no ill effects when I woke up in the morning. It was baffling.
My advice would be to approach with authentic gooey American chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and apple pie. The Russian desserts sucked and I could have stolen husbands if I’d wanted to with my baking alone.
LOL. Very interesting!
With any luck they will be on the west coast instead of China because China collapses.
The Rockies are more defensible than the east.
AC I think Sundance at Consecrate Treehouse and most of its Treepers, as well as — again, most of — Ace of Spade HQ commenters know the deal with Cabal.
And you can be sure Ann Barnhardt does. She’s at Barnhardt dot biz.
Moon of Alabama knows. So does their community.
You and VD aren’t alone. Maybe you and the aforementioned just never talk to each other or read each others’ posts and comments, and seldom even link to or quote each other. Our side isn’t as tiny as it seems, it just has a severe compartmentalization problem where all the blog owners stay in their own silo. Is it competition? Is it pride? Ideological purity issues? Cabal mechanisms keeping you all apart? No idea, but maybe a combination of these. Just an observation from someone who reads everyone that gets it.
(Autocucumber sucks. Resending to add nic.)
AC I think Sundance at Conservative Treehouse and most of its Treepers, as well as — again, most of — Ace of Spade HQ commenters know the deal with Cabal.
And you can be sure Ann Barnhardt does. She’s at Barnhardt dot biz.
Moon of Alabama knows. So does their community.
You and VD aren’t alone. Maybe you and the aforementioned just never talk to each other or read each others’ posts and comments, and seldom even link to or quote each other. Our side isn’t as tiny as it seems, it just has a severe compartmentalization problem where all the blog owners stay in their own silo. Is it competition? Is it pride? Ideological purity issues? Cabal mechanisms keeping you all apart? No idea, but maybe a combination of these. Just an observation from someone who reads everyone that gets it.
A site like this is actually a lot of work and more importantly time, so if you do it honestly, you do not have time for networking, or anything other than content creation. It probably plays a role.
I’m very impressed by the amount of work you’ve put in so far. Anyone can look in the archives and see that there’s been a News Brief every day, relentlessly, without a break, for months and years. That’s dedication. It’s appreciated, AC.
Thank you. I hope if this gets big enough, at some point we will have to be listened to, and it will bring this shitshow into the open. But we need people coming back, so I try to be consistent.
It most certainly is Ideological purity issues. I’d recently seen cross over posts from Vox and Market-Ticker and I’ve been following those two for a long time and they’re JUST now “colliding.” That’s ok though, for everyone to stay in their own corner. We need the interesting angles from all sides and each view point offers a little more piece to the puzzle.
I’d also like to add that the cross post wasn’t what you would call “friendly” either. There was some friction. I think that’s what would happen if everyone got together. There would evidently be fundamental ideological issues and that would delve into “purity spirals” and in-fighting which would distract from that person zeroing in on what they’re good at. Like AC said it looks like it’s all coming to a head soon. Until then we wait.
What if the Green Dragon Tavern had been twenty smaller taverns, all of likeminded Patriots, but everyone had their favorite, and nobody would ever visit any of the other taverns?
That’s where we’re at.
> California violates the 2nd amendment by passing a law to put an 11% tax on guns, ammo and gun manufacturing.
The Fed has been doing that for half a century at least. If it gets to a Federal court, they’ll just kick it back as the status quo.
Every gun you buy, you’ve already paid tax on. The manufacturer paid it, then passed it on to you.
That depends on whether it is successfully argued as being excessive and having punitive intent.
Isn’t a significant portion of the cost for cigs, alcohol (sin taxes) and gasoline similar?
Yes, but those are not BoR rights.
Note that a “poll tax” was held to be an infringement on voting, but a $200 NFA firearm tax was totally not a tax on Second Amendment rights.
Excellent point. It is the Poll Tax on guns.
> Which means every doctor who failed to figure that out, supposedly, was either lying, or so stupid they should not be doctors – or they are not doctors, and are just actors pretending to be doctors.
Very few doctors are independent nowadays; almost all of them are employees, subject to the rules of the companies they work for. Thank Obamacare for that, btw. With a fat lifestyle and lots of student loans to pay back, too many of them chose not to look too closely at what the CDC was pushing, or decided to just obey the rules and keep their job, and to hell with their patients.
Very true. Essential workers vs everyone else.
> Biden White House says it may not give hurricane funding to Florida unless more money for Ukraine is attached.
Hurricanes hit Florida *every year*. They know they’re coming. It’s the duty of the State of Florida to provide any “emergency services” their citizens decide they need.
The Fed wants to give them *my* money, extracted by threat of armed violence, for something they should be taking care of on their own.
Oh, hell no. Florida can deal with its own problems. And Yoo-crane too.
“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.” -Former VP Dick Cheney.
He says that like it’s a bad thing.
Neocon numbskull.
AC, the surveillance page is missing again. Perhaps you could integrate that link in the list at the top (About the blog, the book, the theory, etc.). The other day when it was still there I wanted to read some Google car pieces again, but several links didn’t work anymore (Sri Lanka, etc.).
Yeah, thankfully God made me to just ignore everything and keep going.
I have been swamped, but I am getting to adding back the missing material. I have bought all the software to merge the backup database with all that, I just need to get to it.
Popular Gabber, Raven Constantine, was struck by a car in her neighborhood 3 days ago. She is alive, but her face is likely caved in, with heavy damage to her mouth, eyes and teeth. Likely a cabal targeting of sorts.
Also, recent data from the crime prevention research center shows that FBI statistics on gun owner prevents of mass shootings is wrong. Instead of 4.6% of all events being prevented by a gun owner, the likely number is 35.7%. It is at 5:30 in the video link.
Friendly reminder, the push for a constitutional convention article was posted on Friday, and could be the thing that anon mentioned not mentioning.
Someone else mentioned the anon existing just to have a chilling effect on the topic. I don’t know.
As I posted in yesterday’s comment section; a recent Windows update cut me off from most of the alt-media sites a I visit. In order to undo the constraints, I removed via Restore nine days of Windows security updates for my Windows 7 computer. Malwarebytes has installed on my a blocker which will block access; fortunately I can override it.
Malwarebytes was a good program; I used to use it, before the company got bought out by some spammers. Unfortunately, so have several other security and ad-blocking programs.
No, that’s not a topic normies would feel compelled to discuss, nor is it particularly new or shocking.
Those few who talk about it have been talking about it for many years on a regular basis.
They also have had it well suppressed and have no need to trick people into not talking about it.
Re: doctors and the vaxx. In the UK doctors were threatened with losing their licence if they questioned the ‘situation.’ The sweetener was, they got money for every covid diagnosis they made. Carrot and stick.
Re: rich / successful by chance
There’s a funny L.A. Times column about that, concerning Hollywood, guest starring former ADL chairman Abe Foxman:
Who runs Hollywood? C’mon / By JOEL STEIN / Dec. 19, 2008
I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.
How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.
The person they were yelling at in that ad was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the ad was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emanuel (Jew with Israeli parents) on the Huffington Post, which is owned by Arianna Huffington (not Jewish and has never worked in Hollywood.)
The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.
I called ADL Chairman Abe Foxman, who was in Santiago, Chile, where, he told me to my dismay, he was not hunting Nazis. He dismissed my whole proposition, saying that the number of people who think Jews run Hollywood is still too high. The ADL poll, he pointed out, showed that 59% of Americans think Hollywood execs “do not share the religious and moral values of most Americans,” and 43% think the entertainment industry is waging an organized campaign to “weaken the influence of religious values in this country.”
That’s a sinister canard, Foxman said. “It means they think Jews meet at Canter’s Deli on Friday mornings to decide what’s best for the Jews.” Foxman’s argument made me rethink: I have to eat at Canter’s more often.
“That’s a very dangerous phrase, ‘Jews control Hollywood.’ What is true is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood,” he said. Instead of “control,” Foxman would prefer people say that many executives in the industry “happen to be Jewish,” as in “all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish.”
I appreciate Foxman’s concerns. And maybe my life spent in a New Jersey-New York/Bay Area-L.A. pro-Semitic cocoon has left me naive. But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.
Real Gang Stalking:
Re your link to the Moderna vaccine used as a “placebo” in a Pfizer vaccine trial … Meryl Nass posted about how the new anthrax vaccine Cyfendus ran a trial where the placebo was the old anthrax vaccine.
Picture dumper again.
That is Filthy British who is still going.
Going fast, I must have hit approve on autopilot.
Hey AC have you checked out S2 underground? He appears to be nominally anti-cabal and an intel specialist. Maybe very useful for the future.
Here is a link to his channel and recent work.
“Which means every doctor who failed to figure that out, supposedly, was either lying, or so stupid they should not be doctors – or they are not doctors, and are just actors pretending to be doctors. “
A long, long time ago I heard the advice ‘don’t attribute to malice that which is caused by stupidity or ignorance’. It sounded good at the time, and I held to that advice for many years. But now I think it is just a cabal lie to provide cover for their malice.
Think about it – how do sayings, advice and whatnot get popularized? How does some kind of slang enter the common parlance? In other words, how does anything go viral? Anything at all? Mostly because it is pushed on the culture by Cabal. Some of these doctors might be stupid, bu most of them are evil liars who hate us and want us dead.
We all ultimately come around to the same conclusions. I have seen the exact same sentiment, about that exact same phrase like five or six times in the comments here, from different people who came to that very realization.
Yep; everyone who pays attention eventually determines that “Hanlon’s Razor” is BS. Flipping it fixes the dictum: “Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.” Now we’re talking.
I used to play the game “stupid or evil” when analyzing political characters. Now it’s “evil, or evil AND stupid?”
Whatever happened to the “Freudian slip”? I remember at one time people used to use this trope to ascribe to *hidden malice* that which was on the face of it nothing but a momentary lapse. That’s completely opposite!
How about the idea of people “lying to themselves”. Can that explain what seems like malice even though the perpetrator doesn’t even believe that he harbors any malice within himself?
Could it be that these doctors have been lying to themselves about their motive(s)? They really just want the money the govt. is spreading around to purchase compliance ($XX,000 for intubating a patient, $X,000 for giving them The Jab™). If their patients die, what of it? They might not admit these motives to themselves. But deep down…
Could be. I wonder sometimes, how many people they may push just because they are manipulatable, and repeat what they hear others say because they think authorities know what they are talking about.
Freud family were/are a bunch of perverts. That “liberal” MP Freud is rumoured to have dined with the parents around time when Madeleine McCann disappeared
and while we’re at it, take a look at the Police sketches of 2 they wanted to question about her disappearance

AKA “John and his brother Tony, the Podesta brothers.” who were, it is said by bad people who refuse to believe the official lies, that they were close by at the time.
if you’re not familiar with those things, I highly recommend you google their pics – and then compare them to these police identikits. your eyes will tell you everything you need to know.
It’s true for close family you know you can trust, it’s backwards for anyone else.
Their primary cover is to mask wickedness with well-intentioned failure. We didn’t screw up in Iraq, we got the exact end result that they wanted. And on and on.
I think our failure in Vietnam was based on two simple things: cabal wanted to give the US military establishment a black eye, and they wanted to punish the hell out of the Vietnamese for becoming nationalist and not allowing themselves to be subject to their globalist masters, which is the only reason communist revolutions are held.
Communist revolutions were basically what Color Revolutions are now.
A lot of those doctors are “Amish.” As in, “oy, have I got a doctor for you!”
“I do not know why among major sites, it is just like Vox Day, Tex, and me, and everyone else just acts like this does not exist, when it is hands down the biggest threat we face, and all any of us should be focused on.”
Besides being the best news aggregator site on the dissident right, your website is really the only major source discussing surveillance as such. Vox Day seems to be following your lead a lot (he hasn’t expressed much about the “surveillance” apart from cabal that I have seen) and I wouldn’t call Tex’s current operations “major”, though he’s a great writer and incredibly thought provoking, and has had a major impact on many (yourself included I know).
On the other hand, there are a ton of people on the dissident right talking and thinking about the cabal that effectively runs the GAE. Working back from what we can basically prove, we can see that the intelligence agencies seems to have effectively controlled the US government since at least Kennedy’s time, and likely much longer. It’s also pretty clear they work directly with organized crime, which seems to have evolved into an arm of the cabal. The most powerful organized crime organizations of the last century or so at least seem to have been Jewish controlled, and Jews make up most of the major donors to both political parties. I know you believe that people should be focused on cabal/surveillance vs. cabal/Jews, but that’s definitely a minority position among dissidents. Maybe you’re right and they are wrong, but it’s worth noting where most of the big thinkers on our side have wound up. Maybe it’s both?
Re: comparison of our cabal with the East German Stasi, I recently saw a documentary on the Stasi, and their own records apparently showed “91,105 regular 174,000 informal” agents. In a country with a population of 17 million, that’s about 0.5% agents and 1% informal agents. Those are very large but not necessarily mind blowing percentages (though I recognize they might have many other “informants”) and even the rank and file agents probably did not know anywhere close to the full scope of what was going on–picture the FBI diversity hires who actually believe they are protecting the US from extremists, rather than effectively working for a small group of anti-democratic elites, determined to further enrich themselves and suppress any dissent as things go further and further downhill. That’s what I suspect is happening in the US now. I could easily believe that people of interest, including yourself, could be under heavy surveillance, including if they found something very strange about you as a child. That said, I haven’t heard much about the mass targeting of young children for surveillance, except on your site.
Also, I would note that, when East Germany reunited with the West, it doesn’t look like there was much of a reckoning for the Stasi. The Stasi destroyed all the records they could. Some were still discovered and preserved, but I don’t see evidence of mass civil unrest as a result. So I’m personally not sure if a big “reveal” is the key to getting rid of cabal control–most Americans seem not to have cared when it was publicly revealed that the intelligence agencies knowingly hid and lied about evidence of the Bidens’ treason. It appears that no “reveals” would work without regaining control of the media that can suppress even the most heinous of crimes. Seems more likely to me that changing the government to one that exposes and gets rid of the intelligence/mafia agents and breaks elite media control would be the best hope, rather than mass civil unrest. Maybe we are due for a collapse of the old order, just as East Germany was, especially as the real economy continues to crumble and the GAE is decisively defeated by the more nationalist BRICS.
I use Stasi because it is convenient, but the truth is, I think when you get outside of Cabal-controlled territory, what is there, including in Stasi-era East Germany, and Russia today, is a fraction of what Cabal created in the west. My guess is the Stasi would be shocked at what is in the West now, and I am not even sure the Russians really comprehend just how far it has gone.
And I think they are downplaying Stasi numbers as it is, as part of the psyop to convince us nothing like what is here could ever exist. Here is wikipedia, which I use instead of infogalactic only because it is CIA:
That means people on their books, available for informant duty, if it was as high as 2 million, would have been almost a third of the population, at 28 percent.
That is a high end estimate, and I am sure within those were a lot of cases where they just had somebody inform on someone else using coercion, just so they could “get their hands dirty” and they could not complain about being spied on themselves later. I think in retrospect they tried that with me early on, before I knew the surveillance was there, by making the neighbors with the kid who is itself a spy look like they were dealing drugs, so I would rat them out, and then I am an informant too. I never ratted them for drug activity, and then they had a local cop park there in the woods in front of them for traffic duty, and made it look like the local biker gang was rolling over there, so it looked like the cop could end up in danger and not know it one day. I still weaseled a way out of informing there, while getting the cop to not park there, just as a way of not getting in other’s business, and partly because I was libertarian at the time. But I think that is a game that they play. Had I ratted them out, I am sure they would have asked me to help Police, by installing listening devices pointing there, to get these drug dealers out of my neighborhood, and now I am one too.
But then in the US, you have this TIPS program below, which was the official informant program they proposed, which I think was them trying to get the informant network on the books, so they could claim they were just following orders to protect America, and were motivated by hoping to stop a new 9/11, and they were definitely not out on the hairy edge running a criminal spying operation targeting American citizens for decades to subvert the government and enslave everyone:
That more than 4 percent number was their pilot program, which they said they had gotten into law and had begun recruiting for, which I think was a fraction of their network. I think the plan was, propose something small enough to not be too scary, get it started, enlarge it and bring everyone in later, and then get everything under that umbrella, so it would be legal, and look like NatSec if it was ever exposed. So clearly I think we can assume 4 percent is a basement estimate of what they actually had then, and it is bigger now.
Where I am, it is tough to say, but when I was in the shock and awe phase, I was driving through the neighborhood one day early on, and they wanted to fuck with my head. So as I drove through the streets, they had their people back their cars out of their driveways into the road just as I drove up so I would have to stop, one, after another, after another. It was like one in four to six houses. Granted, denser as you got closer to my house, but still pretty dense farther away. So maybe other neighborhoods are different. Maybe I have the misfortune of living in a hive. But it was a lot of neighbors, and it definitely added to that temporary disorientation, that so many would be cool with this, and want to help it.
The TIPS program thing, though, makes me think they are operating fully in the realm of criminality, and at least at that point could not even make a pretense of being an official government program with an official purpose. That they needed that speaks volumes to me, and I think that it was publicly commented on, and rejected, leaves them in an even more precarious position if we can get this out.
As for Civil unrest, it will depend on how much comes out. I saw a few kids, who in retrospect were absolute gazelles, and this thing definitely took their legs out from under them, using the network’s kids to steer those kids wrong. If that comes out, I don’s see it being safe for the people in it to remain here. Every parent dreads their kid being misled by peers, and if adults in intelligence = are actually scripting that, no parent will blame any other parent for going postal and smoking the people involved. And it will get worse than that.
The thing with this is, it is very black and white. This is not a small force from what I see which took a little slice of the pie for itself. Even the Stasi is like a government agency. This is a giant secret society which takes all of the pie, all of the time, and is even willing, as adults, to take out kids to keep full control, just so everyone can keep fucking other citizens and the country.
I do not think you get a gray way of dealing with it, it will be black or white. If you leave any of it, you might as well leave all of it and resign yourself to being a slave in a slave state. So it all has to go, or don’t bother. But the thing is, the people in it are it. You have the conundrum of the King’s network. If you leave it, as in the people in it, you consign the US to being re-infiltrated and re-subverted. These people love it. They give their entire lives to it, give their daughters to it. It is their lives.
It is kind of like the violence I expect a full reveal would produce. If the surveillance is taken down, operating will be possible, for some of us conditioned to figure out ways to confront this and work around it, easy once this is gone. And people will operate to take revenge, especially if they get names and addresses. You will get serial killers, who just get off on taking surveillance people, fire bugs who like lighting up their houses in the middle of the night, guys who poke a propane hose from a portable tank in a basement window at night right after thermal shows their heating burner just shut off, and they will leave the valve open as they split. And the only way to stop them would be to reinstitute the surveillance. Because there will just be too many targets to protect, and hitting them, with a background of years being constrained by surveillance, will be too easy.
So again, you can have a peaceful solution, but you have to keep the surveillance. Or you can get rid of surveillance, but you will have a decent amount of chaos and anarchy targeted at surveillance. Obviously I think most Americans will go for the second option, under the rubric they fucked around, and them finding out doesn’t concern regular Americans. If names and addresses come out, and I think the Russians have them, you know NSA has them, and Trump made it illegal to classify criminal activity. I suspect it all will out somewhere, I do not think surveillance stays in COVUS.
I just see America as a much more violent, armed, retributive, and justice-driven place than beaten down East Germany. And I have seen, this domestic intel op probably did 9/11, among a metric shit-ton of other things, from big national news stories, to personal tragedies only a few people endured. Mass shootings, to Brian Mancini, to the aunt who died of cancer from their microwave emitter they rolled out just to get brownie points with command. That is a lot different from passive spying for a government.
But I think one way or another, we will see. I just look forward to taking a dog out the back door, and nobody having any idea what I am doing.
I’m getting “the shock and awe phase” currently whereby pedestrians walking along my street just happen to pause in front of my home as they innocently pass by. It’s also a conditioning program, just like the nicely timed drive-bys when I exit my front door.
They seemed to be doing something when they did that with me early on. I thought they were maybe broadcasting a sound wave from their phones and tuning triangulating microphones, or something like that. But they did it for a few years, and finally gave up.
Oddly enough Karen Melton Stewart, in intel whistleblower like Binney, who lives a many many hour drive from me, across many states, posted a picture of a heavy Italian guy who was one of her walkers in front of her house, and I had the same guy walking in front of my place, so at least some of them were being brought in from a long ways away, many states away.
Buy video camera sunglasses, and get larger cards and battery packs. Gogloo makes the best ones for the best price. I think they have a wide, like 145 degree angle which is not as good, but the regular angle is awesome. The video is awesome. Once you are rolling video, and archiving it when you come home on a backup drive and a backup to the backup drive, they will try much more to hide, which means less shock and awe, and less irritation. I am about ten years in, and they have given up on maybe 95-99 percent of the shock and awe walkers and bikers. I get a few every now and again, but not every day, or even every week. I get the impression it is somebody down the street assigned to me, or in town for me, who just wants to go biking, and uses the opportunity.
The driveby’s on exit are pretty consistent though, (as is the shopping follows through the stores), but they may be getting triggered by automation. I had one in response to a large animal while I was not home, under conditions where I would think a human would have recognized what it was and not deployed the driveby.
I am sorry you are getting it, but it was always there. At this point, I feel like God has given us this, because he wanted it destroyed, and we will be the ones to do it. I feel kind of like it is better than life would have been just sitting on a beach waiting to die. If we can expose and destroy this, we will be epically historic. We might go in the history books right alongside the Founding Fathers.
“…I was driving through the neighborhood one day early on, and they wanted to fuck with my head. So as I drove through the streets, they had their people back their cars out of their driveways into the road just as I drove up so I would have to stop, one, after another, after another. It was like one in four to six houses….”
Think of the cost. It must be astounding. There is by some accounts many trillions missing from the Defense budget. Maybe that’s where it went. It should be cut off.
That is what fucked with my head. Early on, I wondered if the earth was like some small colony, compared to some vast alien civilization, for whom the cost would be more manageable. But I think when we are trillions in debt, and you combine it with the fact they pass the money around to each other (ie they pay one person a hundred dollars, that person buys groceries from their store, giving the hundred to another asset, and so on, times millions of dollars, it is like giving one million a hundred times over, recycling it) I think smaller amounts of money become like larger amounts, and larger amounts become unimaginable. It might be like John Wick paying for everything in coins, to keep the wealth in house.
It is possible though they knew who was home and who was not, and pulled in some driveways as I was about to go out, just to back out as I came up, and they didn’t own the homes. But I still think they would have had to own the homes around it to be sure some other neighbor wasn’t going to tell Herb he had a strange car in his driveway.
It was a good headfuck to start out with.
There appear to be four levels to this problem.
The first is Conspiracy. Conspiracies are vehicles by which like-minded people find each other. Being like-minded, they can agree on the means, they can agree on the ends, and they can agree to keep things quiet. This “like-mindedness” probably stems from the conspirators being related, either through blood or marriage. This dovetails nicely with Miles Mathis’ genealogical analysis and it explains AC’s question as to how so many people are wedded to it.
The second is Infiltration. Conspirators seek to spread throughout society and to occupy every possible chokepoint.
The third is Surveillance. This is to monitor the progress of the infiltration and to observe and manipulate the normies within it.
The last is Subversion. This is when saturation from all three of the above levels allows the destruction of a society from within.
OK, let’s assume that the secret society is like 10% of the US population and they are all in on it. Somehow they all never spill the beans. Absent something supernatural or extraterrestrial I just don’t see how they could all keep quiet, but let’s assume they do. The people they are bothering should at least be speaking up. Let’s imagine 10,000 people are hit with shock and awe campaigns. Shouldn’t at least 10% be online speaking up and looking for answers (I’d think it would be more like 50%+ actually)? Since this is the number one website on this issue, shouldn’t we have hundreds of people here sharing personal stories and vouching for this? Instead it’s like a handful. And even if it were 10,000 people being hit with this stuff, a staff of like 50,000 people could pull it off. Very small by population standards.
I do believe you guys have experienced what you did, but it sounds more like mobsters harassing a limited number of targets, rather than something as huge as has been described here. That’s just my honest opinion, based on what I’ve seen (including number of people claiming personal experience with this). But yeah, the missing billions from federal budgets would line up well with what would effectively be a few million secret agents/organized crime members doing cabal stuff like election rigging and most having no idea about the whole cabal structure (and thus not spilling the beans about it–while some do spill crumbs about individual stuff like ballot fraud).
Not everyone gets shock and awe. It is like a last resort. Had I not done this site or the book, I would still be clueless, and entirely buried and under full control. This was unimaginable to me.
Shock and awe is rare, and just for those who know, and will not succumb to other forms of control. But the intel gathering and covert control of outcomes is common.
That said you raise a valid point. I do think shock and awe happens frequently enough we should have more accounts. Although on the flip side, if I experienced it, would I post my account to a random website? I happened upon online. I don’t know. High paranoia may be a trait which underlies getting shock and awe. Then again, I have my doubts everyone can get on this site and see the same thing we see.
For the record I post all accounts I get of surveillance so if anyone here put an account in comments, and it didn’t get posted, I apologize, but that was not me. By now, you know how it works, probably, so it is what it is. Put your head down like me, and just keep pushing where you can.
If they play their roles properly, (which is pretty easy, if you think about it), then the experience becomes difficult to distinguish from paranoid schizophrenia. If you know that you would appear to be schizophrenic to your family, friends, or strangers (including potential employers, clients, law enforcement, healthcare…), would you want to tell them about your experiences?
What’s tragic is that many people who are actually suffering from real schizophrenia had been victims of gang stalking, who had been pushed over the edge.
They all keep quiet because they agree to keep it quiet. Just like people can agree upon the ends and means, they can agree to a code of silence.
Conspiracies are not startups that require lots of transparency to get off the ground.
Besides, people who believe in gangstalking are considered by normal society to be schizophrenics.
The sidebar is gone again.
Thank you. I actually do not load the front end of the site most fo the time, unless I am checking the context of a comment, so I could miss it for a day or two.
If it is them, (and it didn’t happen for a few days, we talked about it, and it happened again), it seems stupid, as it only draws attention to it. The only thing I can think is the local watchers of local targets do it when specific people stop by here, so they won’t finish what they are doing or looking for and browse around before leaving.
Eventually the shoplifting will close enough stores and cause enough awareness in the public.
Until that day expect to see applications for CCW spike along with gun sales.
sales yes. applications may dead end in some places (talking bout you, lujan!).
In the 28 Constitution-obeying states you no longer need a CCW.
There weren’t general stores you could wander around in Indian Territory, were there? Real question. No idea.
They had barricaded trading posts. The proprietors had guns.
Seems relevant, somehow.
Canadian Forces, search and rescue, whistleblower – ran into cabal, impacted one of their main revenue streams.
“or they are not doctors, and are just actors pretending to be doctors. The correct answer would be so obvious it actually reveals something interesting in these cases. Something does not fit, and points to a hidden truth.”
I hate to tell you this. But its bc most doctors are just people, and people can be terrorized into throwing away their reason. Add to that the bribery and ego, and absolutely no one wants to admit that they fucked up.
Ive spoken to these assholes again and again. Some from my own family. They are just assholes. Vox’ take on this is the right one. Partially. Irs also bc they are arrogant in general. And none of these pricks wanted to rock the boat
Im sure cabal has infiltrated them from top to bottom. And probably the ones at the top are all cabal. But the average doctor is just an asshole.
And a moron.
Those that are allowed into such positions who are not cabal are almost always morons.
Exceptions exist, but they are exceptional and usually had to fight their way in to industries like that.
> Pfizer’s Covid jab “placebo” control group was given Moderna’s “vaccine.”
I think this is a bit too tersely worded and could cause people to think the entire placebo group was given the Moderna vaccine instead of saline. But it was just one person that died in the placebo group that was invalidly given the Moderna vaccine against protocol (page 9).
However, the odd thing, as the report points out, is that this was a protocol violation and this person should not have been reported as a death in the placebo group. Which means it was really 21 deaths in the vaccine group versus 16 (not 17) deaths in the placebo group, so all-cause mortality is even worse for the vaccine.
But would this have become known if he or she had not died? Not arguing—just curious.
I agree, I think it’s good they reported it, but it shouldn’t count towards the placebo group deaths.
The other weird thing that another report pointed out is that the death rate in the entire trial was way too low. It didn’t match the baseline death rate. So it seems they didn’t really randomly pick people but picked relatively healthier people. There were also hundreds of people unaccounted for, so maybe they died but just weren’t reported on. It’s fishy all-around.
There’s one piece of the puzzle that I have not figured out about 9-11. How all the concrete in the floors was pulverized. I think I have found an answer.
Project METC Summary Report
“…The chief difference in METC unit (Multiple Explosives Transitional Container) design over traditional explosive devices moves away from a densely packed explosive core towards a large volume of highly explosive but low-density mass in the form of a gaseous cloud. In the normal bomb all explosive energy comes from a tightly packed core and must drive outward against air pressure and objects it encounters. It rapidly bleeds off energy at the square of the distance as it accumulates a wall of pressure resistance and a mass of heavy debris, which it must continually regather and push along.
The new design starts as a small device but transforms itself through simple means from a dense-core technology to a much larger gaseous-cloud state. Igniting the explosive cloud at any peripheral or central point creates a chain-reaction-like and progressively growing explosive force. As the force of the explosion moves outward, it continues to ignite fresh explosive materials as encountered and gains momentum rather than loosing it. Further, because the gaseous cloud is efficiently mixed explosive materials combined with abundant free-air oxygen, ignition is far more complete and productive – leaving little or no chemical residue or traditional flash evidence (other than a burn signature, which any investigator would presume to be from ordinary fire)on immediately encountered objects. The net result is as if a significantly larger central core device had been detonated, with the complete and even combustion making difficult any aftermath analysis as to the true nature of the explosives used. Finally, the shape of the cloud and the ignition point within the cloud, if properly controlled, provides an extremely easy means to create shaped charge effects despite a relatively free-form original cloud shape….”
This would readily explain things. Place these around the core to spread the blast through the overhead drop in ceiling. Drop in ceiling normally have plenums that are large spaces for AC vents, wires, etc. perfect for this.
Quality question. I never even thought about that, but you are right, everything was dust.
Same with the “wild” “fires” in Hawaii.
The memo has been sent out … the New Mexico Governor overreached, this could destroy us in 2024, end this quickly.
This is panic backtracking.
I wish we could get profiles and bios on who is putting out those memos. And how exactly Hogg was approached and told, “You will get these, and say what they tell you…”
It is so weird to do this and believe in it, and want to help people, and do it for nothing, and then see these androgynous pods, who show up just to rehash what they are told, like a cubicle job, and they do it. And then you get told, they have 4 million followers, when you know their shit is boring as fuck.
The old thing was an email group called Journolist.
Dutchsinse talks about surveillance: (timestamped)
quick question for the peanut gallery – anyone else noticing **a lot** more Teslas on the roads lately? like about twice as many as there used to be over the last 3-6 months? God knows there’s no shortage of dumbshits nowdays. but what there IS a shortage of is people who are both dumb/gullible enough to fall for the electric car hustle AND still have enough money/credit to qualify for a car that retails for a low of $40K, and much more typically along the lines of $60K. plus tax and extraneous bullshit, so now you’re approaching $70K. that kind of $$ is usually out of the reach of the dumbshits battalions.
I would have thought Tesla had hit peak penetration of the Gullible Tech Nerds & Fanboiz market 5 years ago (it ain’t a vast market), but….all of a sudden, they’re everywhere. is it just here?
You think somebody is subsidizing them as mobile surveillance platforms for the vehicular crews? That could be. Those cameras pointing out every direction are usedul.
yes, actually, I do. and I’m the guy who argued with you about ‘not all landscapers are cabal.’
**sigh** it’s all very complicated
I hate to say it, but if you are sophisticated enough you are looking at Teslas and thinking there might be a conspiracy, you are definitely a high value target to your locals, and it is not a coincidence you have landscapers who are so eager to see you highly satisfied. You have not escaped notice.
Not the end of the world, and when the action starts on your shock and awe, don’t be freaked out. A lot of us go through it, and you will not be alone.
I see an increase in the number of Teslas in my area. I can’t quantify it, but they used to be unique and I now see them everywhere.
Tesla has dropped the prices and is offering a $7,500 (I think) tax credit until the end of the year, enough incentive for a lot of people.
To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never seen a Tesla on the road.
Five or six years ago, Toyota Priuses were extremely common, and I’d occasionally see one of the Honda things. But I haven’t seen either in a couple of years now. I mentioned it to my wife, and she couldn’t remember seeing one either. Maybe they all got traded in and shuffled off to California or Mexico.
Teslas, if you can charge at home, offer a large savings in cost over the lifetime of the car compared to IC cars. If you can only use charging stations I’ve seen estimates that are not as favorable but I believe, still positive. You still save money.
I think some people who buy these, probably most, are very much the same sort of people who keep buying the latest iphones. New shiny thing. There’s a LOT of engineer types who buy these after doing the numbers and really liking all the excellent features they have, like massive torque, self-driving(mostly), etc.
And before you people start blathering about remote computer control, ALL cars have this, so for that aspect it makes no difference.
Here’s my disruptive idea. I personally like hybrids with a large battery bank, so mostly electric. Lots of people are moving into vans in the city centers because they are making living there so expensive. They are passing laws to keep out RV’s by limiting the length, for parking overnight, to 22″ long or so. The length of normal work ad delivery vans. They can’t ban those because it would disrupt business too much.
Here’s how to crush the monopolist liberals by refusing to fund them. Some numbers.
Tesla Model 3 uses about .22 kWh per mile or 220 watt-hours per mile
A Tesla uses around 34 kWh of electricity to travel 100 miles. If electricity costs roughly $0.12 per kWh, that means that it costs $4.08 to drive 100 miles
The Model 3 uses between 85 and 90 watts of electricity while on the road.
The Model S uses between 160 and 300 watts while on the road.
Tesla Model Y is estimated to be between 270 and 320 watts.
The Model X uses between 375 and 420 watts while on the road.
So how much power can we get from the roof of a full sized van with solar. 8″x20″ or roughly 2.66 x 6.66 meters or 17.77 square meters
You can get 20% power from solar panels and at 1,000 Watts per meter solar power from the Sun, that is 17,777.77 watts x .2 = 3,555 watts
The figures for power of Teslas above are at 50 to 70 MPH. It would be way less if you are going 25-30 no more than 45 mph but let’s use the larger figure, and you are still only using 10% of the power needed. So what will we have, assuming 12 hours day and 12 hours night.
3,555 watts x 12 hours = 42,666Wh power stored from Sun. Let’s say you average only 30mph. I’ll use a middle figure of 300W, you are only using 3,600W over 12 hours.
Even better. If you charge a RV van during the day, it can drive all night while you sleep for free with self-driving. In fact if you only got 8 hours of sunlight, total power storage of 28,440 Wh then you could drive at lower speeds 24 hours a day and still have 21,240 Wh left over. All the leftist cities are trying to destroy people and rape them with high living cost. If you lived in a solar van you could, if the Sun worked out, live for almost free. Even if you had to burn a little fuel in a diesel generator to charge the van it would be not be so much. Diesel has 138,700 BTU per gallon and 3412 BTU’s = 1,000W, so at 35% efficiency you could make 138,700 BTU per gallon x 1,000W/3412 BTU(.35 efficiency) = 14,227 Watts per gallon. So even with 100% diesel, you could drive 24 hours a day for 1.976 days on one gallon of diesel fuel.
The guy in the picture is from a video. He says a one bedroom in I think San Francisco or that area is $4,000-$5,000 a month. He makes good money as a programmer but he says he doesn’t want to spend 10% of his income on housing, so he rents the pod I showed. Three people to a room with a small cabinet space and room in a fridge marked off. He pays $1,200 for the pod. So with a self-driving hybrid van, he could save a fortune.
Romania’s Leading Opposition Party Under Attack By State Authorities
This, coups, AfD getting banned, Does sound like a lot of fear from those in power. Like it isn’t as certain as it normally would be.
They are not messing about any more. They have deadlines 2025 & 2030.
Their Genocide plans cannot risk democratic oppositon
And like they don’t control the opposition as well as they used to.
Yes. A definite dysfunction in their machine is happening.